#uhhh yeah no shit I would be petty and rub it in their face to if I voted out the person that’s been betraying us and trying to make me look
milliesnotes · 5 months
“Tom and Aiden are hypocrites cause they said they voted Ellie out for game strategy when it was actually personal!”
Explain to me how voting off the person on your team that made an alliance outside of your team to overtake the game and cause infighting within teams isn’t strategy
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breadbrioche · 3 years
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➵ Gokudera Hayato x GN! Reader
➵ Word Count: 568
➵ Warnings: mint choco slander, mild swearing
➵ A/N: I’m on a khr writing high and I feel invincible lol I feel like Gokudera seems the type to absolutely loathe mint ice cream so this was created
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“Oh.” Gokudera exclaimed with distaste as he peered at the waffle cone in your hand as you sat down in your seat. “You’re one of those freaks.”
Upon hearing his words, your eyes widened with horror.
“Fucking excuse me?” You said while making direct contact with Gokudera.
“You heard me.” He said coolly. “People who eat mint chocolate chip are freaks of nature.”
You couldn’t explain it, but his comment really rubbed you the wrong way. Perhaps it was the crude nature of his language or the fact how he casually dug into his own dessert without any care - either way, Gokudera offended you. Because of this, you did what any person would do.
Swiftly you kicked his shin harshly which made his leg jerk up, knee crashing into the underside of the table. The boy squawked in pain, dropping the spoonful of his peanut butter ice cream on the table’s metallic surface and demanded your intentions with that move you pulled.
“Mint chocolate chip is just as valid as any other ice cream flavour!” You almost shouted. He shot you an unconvinced look.
“According to who? That shit is almost as gross as my sister’s cooking. They’re both that sickly green colour too, for fucks sake!”
“I’ll have you know that there are many people who like mint chocolate chip!” You deflected.
Gokudera scoffed at your accusation. “Like who?”
“Uhhh…Yamamato does! And so does Ryohei! Yeah see! A lotta people like it.”
“As if they count - they’re weird in their own rights.”
You groaned before stabbing the top scoop of your ice cream cone and ate the green ice cream frustratedly. “Now you aren’t even making a proper excuse for why you don’t like it. I’ve seen you eat mints and chocolate - so why won’t you eat ‘em together?”
He huffed before putting his tub of ice cream down on the table.
“Look. You eat mints to make your breath smell good and you eat chocolate because it’s sweet. When you turn the mint into ice cream then add the chocolate chips, you’re basically just eating fuckin’ toothpaste with weird lumps in it.” He explained aggressively while gesturing with his small spoon at you.
The way your face scrunched at the eloquence of his argument brought great joy to Gokudera. He smirked when you said nothing to further your point and just silently dug into your disgusting dessert, taking it as a sign of his victory.
“Yknow,” Gokudera began with his mouth full. “I dunno why you always try to pick such petty fights with me when I always end up wi-“
“You owe me money now.” You cut him off suddenly.
“What the FUCK? HOW?” He screamed before choking on his food. He hastily covered his mouth with a tissue while his eyes conveyed his anger, confusion and disbelief.
“I don’t agree with how you kept slandering my mint chocolate chip so I want the money that I used to pay for your ice cream back.” You made grabby hands at the air towards him but he lightly slapped it away.
“You can’t do that!” The boy denied.
“Yes I can; I just did too.” Your lips twitched upwards slightly.
“You’re just upset that you couldn’t-“
“I don’t think you're in the place to talk right now.” You stated teasingly as you reached over and grabbed his tub and ate what was left in it.
“Wha- HEY!”
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diazevan · 4 years
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No. 12. I Think I've Broken Something "Broken Trust/Bones”
Morgan is secretly a vigilante, she is angry when Peter tells her parents, what she is getting up to, behind their backs.
AO3 Link
Morgan knew, from a young age, that she wanted to be a superhero.
Like her parents, her brother, and her uncle.
With her wit and puppy dog's eyes, she was able to convince Peter, to let her use his lab to build her own Iron Man suit, without informing her parents. He’d laid down multiple ground rules, that she had to agree with, but it didn’t stop her from ignoring a few.
Using the suit and going out to fight crime, was Peter’s strictest rule.
She was allowed to build a suit, ‘yes.’
Using it, however, was a strong ‘no.’
She couldn’t use it, in his mind, until she told her parents what they’d been doing, behind their backs.
The closer Morgan got to that day, the more scared she became.
Which was why she decided to go behind Peter’s back.
A double imposter, like her Aunt Nat, before her.
Morgan was clever, she could easily cover up her actions, by telling her family she was spending hours at the library, after school, when she was actually fighting crime.
She was only covering petty crime, and she never went out when Spider-Man was on active patrol.
She made sure she avoided populated areas or places covered with extensive security.
So far, a week in, she’d done well.
She was merely a mumble, on the streets, that went unnoticed.
There were new superheroes every other week, and her dad only concentrated on those who could potentially pose a threat, to others or themselves, like Peter, in the beginning.
Morgan had forgotten about injuries. She’d grown up, alongside Peter, who healed from superficial wounds, overnight, and she’d forgotten that she couldn’t do the same.
A black eye wasn’t too bad.
It was coverable and somewhat explainable.
She needed to rush past her parents, without creating a fuss.
Through the porch windows, she could see that her parents were in the kitchen.
She clicked open the front door, keeping her face turned to the walk opposite, “I’m home!"
Pepper sang, “Hey, honey.”
Tony chipped in, “If you haven’t got any homework, we could use some help with this lasagne.”
“Umm, I’m actually quite tired…” She placed her backpack onto the couch, “Can you save me some for later?”
Her mum spoke, “Sure.”
“Are you feeling all right, Morguna?” Her dad asked, worry present, in his voice, “Need some of your grandma’s famous soup?"
“No, no…” Morgan stammered, with a false laugh, “I’m good, just tired, you know?”
She sucked in a deep breath, when she turned the corner, to the stairs.
Peter was sitting, on the bottom step, his elbows rested on his raised knees, he shot her a stern look.
He cleared his throat, “Tell them the truth.”
Morgan widened her eyes, sending out a silent plea: please don’t do this.
Her dad raised his voice, but kept calm, “Tell us what?”
Her mum stepped over, “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Morgan walked forward, closer to the stairs, she glared down at him, “Move.”
Peter shook his head, unfazed, “No.”
“What are you doing here?” She barked, “It’s Tuesday.”
“MJ’s out with her friends, so I asked if I could bunk over tonight.” Peter straightened his back, “Where’ve you been?”
She answered, quick, “At school.”
Peter hung his head, “Looks like it.”
Morgan’s mum laid a hand on her back, “Honey, turn around.”
Morgan hesitated, taking a slow breath.
“Morgan,” Tony breathed, “Please take that hood off and turn around.”
Morgan reached up, pulled her hoodie down and spun, to meet her parents’ gaze, “What now?”
Her dad flinched, swaying back a couple of steps like his life flashed before his eyes.
Her mum moved, pressing a hand to Morgan's cheek, “What happened?”
Morgan moved away, “Nothing.”
Her dad’s eyes found Peter, “You know, don’t you?”
Peter nodded, “Yeah.”
Morgan, for as long as she could remember, kept secrets for Peter.
Some big and some small.
“Shut up!” She spat, throwing out an arm, “You promised you wouldn’t say anything!”
“I know, I did, but I can’t stick to it,” Peter remained calm, “Not if you’re getting hurt.”
Peter Parker, forever a hypocrite.
Morgan sneered, with a frown, “That’s fucking rich, coming from you.”
Her mum turned, her jaw dropped, “Morgan!”
Morgan ignored her, she kept her eyes locked onto Peter, “You only just got out of a coma!”
Peter’s face burned red, with anger, “I’d rather not see you, in the same situation!”
Morgan’s dad held up his hands, stepping in front of Morgan, “Okay, okay, what is going on here?”
“Morgan is building a suit, in my workshop,” Peter nervously rubbed his palms together, “She’s nowhere near the testing stage though.”
Her dad’s face drained, of all color, “An Iron Man suit?”
Peter lifted his shoulder in a half shrug, “Basically.”
Rage quickened in Morgan, as she mindlessly stepped back, “I hate you."
Her mum twisted to face her, “Morgan H—”
Morgan screamed, “I hate you so much!”
Peter swallowed, with his head lowered to his chest, “You can hate me all you like.”
Morgan shook her head, frantically, with tears in her eyes, “I’ll never forgive you.”
“I promised, not to say anything,” He looked at her, “But you promised never to use it, without telling them first.”
“You ruin everything,” Morgan’s lower lip trembled, as her sorrow and anger collided, “Why is it one thing for you, and then one thing for me?!”
Her dad spoke, with a softened tone, “Morgan—"
Morgan screamed out, without even thinking, “Life would be so much easier if you never came back!”
Tears welled in Peter’s eyes, he turned his face away, towards the wall.
Morgan drew in a long breath, realizing what she'd said.
Her mum rested her hands on her hips, “Morgan—"
“No!” Tony snapped, “No, that’s too far.” He pointed, down at Peter, “Apologise now.”
Morgan shuffled back, “No.”
Her dad’s eyebrows knitted together, “Don’t—"
“Peter was fourteen when he became Spider-Man,” Morgan pointed out, “This is no different!”
“Peter has powers, honey,” Pepper said softly, “And they allow him to heal.”
“Uhhh,” Morgan clenched her fists, “I knew you’d never let me do this!”
Her dad crossed his arms, “The fact you didn’t tell us, shows me that you’re not ready.”
Morgan darted her eyes around, not knowing what to do.
She swiftly spun on her heel and headed for the front door.
Pepper called after her, “Where are you going?”
Morgan pulled her hood up, “Anywhere, but here.”
She fumbled for the handle, pulling it open.
Tony yelled, “It’s raining!”
When Morgan was walking home it was raining, but it had turned torrential.
There was a rumble of thunder, in the distance, and the clouds had covered the afternoon sun.
Morgan leaned out, “I don’t care.”
She rushed onto the porch, down the steps.
“Morgan, Morgan—” Her mum ran out, “Come back inside and talk about this,” She leaned over the banister, “You can’t walk in this.”
“Yes, I can!” Morgan’s temper spiked, “You’re never gonna let me do this.”
“If we talk about it,” Her dad stepped close, “We can work something out.”
Morgan shouted, over the sound of the storm around her, “You’re just saying that!”
“No, sweetheart,” Pepper argued, “We knew you’d want to do something like this, but there’s a right way.”
Tony called over, “We have to take it slow.”
Morgan clenched her jaw, “Did you take it slow, Dad?”
He motioned back to himself, “I’m not a prime example, kiddo.”
Morgan dug her nails, into her palm, “What about Peter?”
Peter was hovering behind her parents, his eyes were on the sky.
Her dad motioned to him, “I had protocols in place, for your brother.”
Morgan stomped her foot, “Why do you have an answer for everything?!”
“Because I’m your dad.”
Peter stepped down, “Morgan...”
She moved back, “I don’t wanna talk to you.”
“No…” He sped down the remaining steps, “Morgan—"
She shouted, “Peter, go away—"
Peter’s eyes were glued to the clouds above, he sprinted over, with an arm held out.
Morgan frowned, “What—”
Peter wrapped an arm around her, momentarily lifting her up, and then pulling her down, to the ground, using himself as a crash mat.
Lightning flashed, striking the pine tree beside them.
Morgan’s eyes widened, “Holy shit—”
Peter brought up his hand, tangling it, in her hair, protecting her head as he scrambled back.
The top half of the tree collapsed, landing with a heavy thump.
Peter leaned his head into the dirt, “Jesus.”
Morgan darted her eyes over to the tree, “How—”
Without Peter, she would have been flattened by it.
She sunk into his hold, curling her head under his chin.
He combed a hand through her hair, “You okay?”
She breathed, “Yeah.”
“Morgan!” Pepper shrieked, “Peter!”
“Fucking hell,” Tony leaned beside them, “You both okay?”
Peter panted a laugh, “We can add lightening to things I can sense.”
Morgan sat up, brushing leaves off her hoodie.
The rains started to calm, and the thunder sounded distant.
Peter sat up, scrunching his eyes, as he flinched, “Ow.”
She turned, her voice small, “Are you okay?”
He held up his left arm, his wrist was swollen, “I think it’s broken.”
Her parents hissed, sympathetically.
Her dad rested a hand on Peter’s back.
Morgan’s stomach leapt into her throat, “It’s my fault.”
Peter shook his head, “No, it’s not.”
“But I was—” She stammered, “I was the one out here.”
Peter smiled, “I’ve had worse.”
Her dad raised his eyebrows, “Yeah, he has.”
It slowly dawned on Morgan, that the entire time she’d known Peter, all he’d ever done, was keep her safe, and that was exactly, what he was doing, when he told her parents, what she’d been getting up to behind their backs.
She pulled him into a hug, laying her head on his shoulder, “I’m sorry,” She whispered, “I didn’t mean it.”
“I know,” He kissed her forehead, “It’s okay, we all have days like this.”
“Peter’s involved a Ferry chopped in half,” Tony joked, “Ha.”
Peter rolled his eyes, “How funny.”
Morgan's dad squeezed their shoulders, he pointed to the sky, “Obviously your Uncle Thor doesn’t like seeing you two fight.”
Morgan’s parents helped the duo, to their feet.
“We better get you to the infirmary, kiddo,” Tony said, studying Peter’s broken wrist, “Another week, in a cast.”
Peter nodded, “I’ve had every color now.”
Morgan chipped in, “Maybe Cho can do a multi-colored one?”
“Oh…” Peter’s eyes sparkled, “Like one with the bi flag?”
Tony grinned, “That’d be cool.”
“Well, let’s get wrapped up and dried first,” Pepper mused, “A broken arm and a black eye, is enough, for today, we don’t need to add hypothermia to the list.”
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softforcal · 5 years
a concept : gang (besides harry) sex w birdie and puppy🥵
I want to first say this would not happen and this peice of writing is for shits and giggles and NOT CANON but if it DID HAPPEN, it would happen before Luke asked Birdie to marry him. so we’re talking like 1 or 2 months after Limerence (Harry/Olivia) (side note this ended up being 1.5k)
it would happen while they’re all drunk as fuck
Cashy is getting to handsy and Michael jokes “group orgy” but then yes?
Dove would be sober and be like nuh uh I am not about to join an orgy, “have fun with your hand Michael and try not to make me up when you get home.” cuz she knows the couples are not about to let Michael join in
she legit gives him PERMISSION to fuck anyone in the orgy he can, because she KNOWS he wont be able to even touch Birdie, let alone Puppy who will have Calum AND Ashton
they get there and Michael goes for Puppy but Calum shoves him away
the couples mainly focus on themselves, so Michael doesn’t know what the fuck to do, he reaches for Birdie and Luke smacks his hand away. Calum gets too close to Birdie and Luke growls. Birdie is low key embarrassed by her bitch boyfriend. 
Puppy finally feels bad for Michael and lets him hold her hand while she’s getting wrecked by cashton. 
Birdie is like “should we invite him?” to Luke because she feels bad and he’s just like 
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Ashton is piss faced drunk, and gets a little tired and is like, “Cal we should let Michael do something” and Cal would not be happy about it, and Ashton would be like “oh so Luke’s more chill than you? seeing as he let you fuck Birdie-” so Calum gives in, and Ashton had seen Luke being super like NO to Michael so Ashton feels bad. 
Michael is a pro with his fingers from gaming, so that and his mouth have Puppy going wild and everyone looks, even Luke and Birdie stop to look cuz wtf. and Puppy has a death grip on the sheets and his hair, and Calum is pissed because he’s supposed to be the king, and suddenly Puppy is making sounds like that. and she’s trying NOT to be loud, and to hold it in for her boys, but JESUS. 
“Michael. hey. Michael. how are you doing that?” Ashton wants DETAILS.
as she cums she screams Michael’s name, and finally Calum goes to pull Michael away because what the fuck, but Ashton is like “no, let him teach us” cuz he is fucking intrigued. 
even Luke is listening to the instructions now, and Michael is just teaching these guys how to finger bang.
Calum kind of turns around to Luke and Birdie and is like fuck Michael, let me join you guys, and Luke is like no fucking way. 
Michael straight up makes Puppy squirt and everyone is like wtf 😦. Ashton is shook and Calum is pissed and Michael is like 😏 Birdie low key looks to Luke as if to ask if Michael can come join them, but Luke gives her a look thats just like no. 
Ashton wants so many lessons, and Cal is pissed so he straight up puts his pants on and goes and sits in a chair but he still watches with his arms over his chest.
Puppy tries to beckon him over again, and Calum is being a big baby and is insisting everythings fine even though its not. 
Michael makes Puppy squirt again and Calum straight up goes outside for a smoke. 
Puppy insists on going out to talk to him, and ends up blowing him on the terrace, and he agrees to come back in for another round but makes her promise NO MICHAEL THIS TIME. 
Birdie is low key kind of salty not to get to try Michael’s magic fingers. 
they all wake up the next day and Cashy gets the fuck out before the others wake up
Luke and Birdie and Michael wake up, and Michael super awkwardly leaves without saying anything.
Birdie calls Olivia in a panic and thats how they find out. 
Harry would be pissed
“honey why are you upset”
“im not Olivia”
“yes you are bub, whats wrong”
“its just… another gang activity they didnt invite me to-”
“fucking their girlfriends is NOT a gang activity Harold.”
Harry calls Luke cuz he’s salty and Luke is like “god harry, it was horrible.” and Harry LOVES that cuz he’s a petty bitch and has the whole phone convo with a grin. 
Luke and Puppy can’t even look at each other after
Puppy doesn’t come in for work which never happens. when she finally comes in she’s covered head to toe in clothing so Luke cant see any skin and Cashton is like, no cleavage, we broke her.
Calum and Birdie didnt really even interact so they’re chill, but Ashton looked at Birdie a few times and even tried to touch her “but you let calum-” “Ashton take your hand away before i cut it off.” Birdie mouthing “im sorry”
no more sexual jokes from Michael. 
Dove is pissed Michael fucked Puppy, because they dont really like each other so she yells at Luke because “why wouldnt you let him fuck Birdie? now he’s fucked Puppy, Luke! bruh i thought i could trust my murder bro.”
Calum and Luke bonding over this shit because uhhh… now cal knows what it feels to have someone eat your girlfriend out better than you. 
Birdie and Puppy talking about it and Puppy is ranting about how amazing Michael is but Birdie’s kind of like “but CALUM, Puppy.”
and Puppy’s like “bitch dont remind me that you’ve had Calum.”
“was he really that much better?” Puppy just stares at her. 
all the guys are super mad at Michael, even Luke, and Michael didn’t even TOUCH Birdie. but Luke KNOWS Birdie is curious about it. 
Dove gets super territorial and turns into such a GIRL because bitch thats HER man and she KNOWS how good he is, and now that Puppy knows too, she is BIG MAD. like all of the sudden Dove is super clingy, fucking Michael in the Luxury while Puppy is working. 
when they exit the bathroom Puppy and Michael make eye contact before Dove drags him away and Calum sees it and gets PISSED. 
so that night Calum has Puppy are at home and Calum calls Michael and makes him give him instructions via phone call on how to make Puppy squirt while he fucks her. and Michael is on speaker phone and oooof. 
he’s still not as good but he’s determined to be better so he starts going over to Dove and Michael’s place to play video games for ‘finger working out’. soon all the guys are there doing it and getting sex lessons from Michael, and they have an entire group chat about what works and what doesnt, with Michael as like the master of it all. 
Luke is hella practicing too but is low key about it and makes Birdie squirt before Calum has made Puppy squirt and Calum is PISSED.
Ashton makes Puppy squirt before Calum does too, and Harry comes in with a joke like :”guess it’s my turn now eh?” and Calum almost DECKS him. 
Harry low key behind the scenes doens’t even try to make Olivia squirt and she’s like “babe i wanna tho” and he’s like “not until Calum makes it happen with Puppy love, after that i’ll do it i promise.” 
Olivia is getting so pissed and sexually frustrated because Calum is taking FOREVER. So Olivia goes to Calum and is like, “bruh, i know for a FACT Puppy likes having her boobs touched so just touch them while you do the other stuff and it will WORK!” like she’s had all the girl talk so she knows exactly what Puppy likes and writes a whole fucking instruction manual for Calum.
he finally makes Puppy squirt after following Olivia’s advice and he calls Olivia after to tell her and they both freak out. she runs to Harry like MY TURN and he makes her squirt in a matter of seconds. He’s the one who taught Michael how to do it back in the day when they were whore bros and Olivia is shook. and he’s like don’t tell anyone it would wreck Cal.
but Olivia tells Birdie who accidentally lets it slip to Luke, who rubs it in Calum’s face after he catches Cal looking at Birdie one day and gets jealous and Cal is MAD. 
all in all, group orgy was not a good idea for Calum
my original answer was gonna be: 
group orgy? Michael just ditches Dove for the night? Michael suddenly likes brunettes? Ashton is suddenly attracted to Birdie? Luke suddenly forgets what happened in ‘the bad idea’ and is chill with not only Calum, but Michael AND Ashton fucking Birdie as well? Luke suddenly doesn’t see Puppy as his sister? Puppy suddenly doesn’t see Luke as her brother and is attracted to him? Dove suddenly is super chill with that and won’t go kill Birdie and Puppy in retaliation (especially Puppy since they don’t really like each other)?
But then i thought this would be hilarious so i wrote it but yeah this is NOT CANON. like. this can’t be canon for reasons that you’ll see in the final chapter. but yeah. this was fun as fuck. thanks for the ask. 
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lovemecharlie · 6 years
Deuces Wild
The response to Bad Girl, Charlie by @itsangeludaku in which Erik had her effed up. Check that out first for the tea.
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“You what!?” Charlie asked in complete surprise.
“Uhhh, sorry?” Angel said with the shrug of her shoulders.
Charlie stared at her in disbelief for a few seconds before bursting with laughter. Angel watched with furrowed eyebrows as Charlie laughed until she cried.
“Angel, I didn’t know you had it in you.” Charlie said, wiping the tears from her eyes.
“You’re not mad?” Angel asked cautiously.
“Nope, I’m a little proud of you actually.” She said, crossing her arms with a smile.
“Well in that case, let’s get back out there, and this time, let’s try singing together. No sister of mine is going to be so afraid of being on stage she pukes.” Angel said pulling Charlie along.
“Angeeeel.” Charlie groaned out as she allowed Angel to pull her up on stage.
“You’ll be aiight.” Angel said.
"You'll be aiight," Angel had said. She ain't get it. She was used to performing and thrived under the spotlight. Charlie, however, was a quivering mess. Was she aiight? Hell no, but she got through it because her name was Charlie fucking Jade. Her clammy hands trembled almost fumbling the mic. Her voice shook as she stuttered awkwardly through lyrics, her voice cracking. Her eye twitched and she felt faint as though she might puke again, but she finished.. and she speedwalked away to an abandoned corner as soon as it was over. She couldn't eradicate her body's physical response, but she could tame it. Inhale through the nose 4 seconds. Hold for 7. Whoosh out through the mouth for 8. It was a breathing technique she'd practiced with a few of her clients that worked wonders. It also helped the flashbacks begin to cease and settle, allowing her to reflect on the cocktail of bullshit that'd just been thrown on her.. starting with her beloved Angel.
Angel admitted to setting up the entire incident as a means to mentally and emotionally trigger her as payback for making Ryley cum.. and oh did she cum. Angel had successfully humiliated Charlie and bribed Erik with pussy to get him involved in her shenanigans. Did Charlie deserve it? She'd made Ryley squirt knowing Angel was obsessive over her, yeah. Playfully and figuratively rubbed it in her face, sure. But it wasn't like Ryley didn't enjoy herself. If anything, Ryley took the strap like a heavyweight champ AND rode it like a soldier. Besides.. Charlie had a personal mission to fuck everyone much like Kimora. So did she deserve the torture? Debatable. Would she seek revenge? Hm. She snickered. She could always fuck Ryley to pieces again and record it, place it on Angel's nightstand wrapped in a pretty bow with a handwritten note saying 'from scorpio to scorpio - thanks for the pussy.' It was a win-win, the pussy and the petty!
But no. Although, it was lowkey fun to see Angel's petty side in action and it made Charlie tingly down below. It was a hidden trait Angel had that was always one of Charlie's favorites. Charlie wasn't mad at it. Still, she didn't bother to rejoin the group since she didn't do karaoke nor did she smoke or drink. Instead, she unbuckled the lilac collar that signified her submission and threw it across the parking lot, leaving early without saying a word.
The following morning, Charlie strolled into Angel's room. Angel and Erik were still curled up in the bed. "Daddy," she whispered in Erik's ear causing him to stir. He smiled at the name, eyes barely opening, "Sup Cha." Shifting slowly from the bed so not to wake his angel, he stood following Charlie from the room. "We need to talk," she said pulling him all the way to her playroom and closing the door. Purple, blue, and pink neon lights surrounded them and she threw him onto the bed, straddling his waist. His hands wrapped around her hips automatically and he bit his lip.
"We need.. to fix and reprogram you, Daka, because as it stands, you are bitch-made," Charlie said bluntly. That caught him off guard. His humored chuckle caused her serious face to crack, but she had to make her point. "No, I'm serious. Pussy controls your logic and it wasn't always so."
"How does it control my logic? Girl, I'm a grown ass man, I make my own decisions."
"So you say," Charlie said dryly, "You're also a self-proclaimed dom, but you're easily swayed and brought into drama that never involved you in the first place.. NO, listen," she said grabbing his chin along with his full attention. "You made a grave error last night and I need to tell you exactly where you fucked up or else you won't know! I trusted you as a submissive and you abused that trust by participating in my embarrassment. I don't take that lightly and if it were you, you wouldn't either."
"Hell nah I wouldn't." Suddenly he understood. "Okay... I see what you're saying, but how do I fix it? You know I'm the last person on this earth to wanna do you wrong and yeah I helped Angel, but I was standing right there the whole time watching you. If anyone had laughed at you, I'd have beat their ass. You know that! No one was laughing, Cha. It was in your head. You did perfectly fine, I could barely tell you were nervous--"
"Erik," Charlie paused him with a soft hand around his thick neck, "I don't care what it looked like on the outside, that was torture and you hurt me."
He looked genuinely apologetic then, his eyes welling with emotion and regret. "What do you want me to do? ..You want me to get Angel back?"
"NO! You need to stay out of grown wives' business. That's the problem. I don't want you to do anything. Let us handle it and don't intervene because it looks like you're taking sides."
"I'm not! I'm not.. it was the pussy, baby, I sw-- Damn. Damn, you right. Shit!" He rubs his face, realization hitting.
"BITCH. MADE. Check your loyalty N'jadaka. If you're a grown-ass man, act like it. You a dom? Say no to messiness. Fix that. Until then, my trust in you and my submission is herewith dissolved until further notice because obviously, niggas didn't deserve it. Thought I'd let you know."
"Way-way-wait..," he kissed his teeth stroking Charlie's back and her swollen belly, "Don't do that. You know I ain't hurt you on purpose. Daddy sorry." He kissed her wrist. "And I promise.. I will mind my business going forward. You ain't gotta worry, you can still trust me." He gripped her firmly as if he was afraid she'd leave if he let go. Charlie chuckled, humorlessly.
"Oh, I'm not leaving the house, N'jadaka, so don't PANIC, but submissive Charlie is dead. King Jade is very much alive and ready to make you wish I left."
"You could never make me wish th-"
"Oh you will! Because in catering to scorpion number one, you turned your back on your deuce and everyone knows deuces wild." CLICK. The doors all locked suddenly and the hidden drawers of floggers, paddles, canes, dildos, plugs, and vibrators popped out from the wall. She pinned his hands to the bed as smart-restraints popped out gripping his arms into place. He couldn't move them and Charlie lifted walking to the wall to select a large dildo close to the size of his own dick, but not quite. She pecked him gently on the lips, her painted fingernail trailing down the soft keloids of his chest.
"I'm a buss your sweet n sour ass wide open like a twenty at the gas station.. turn you into a nigga with some sense," she said lubing it up. "You're going to learn that you don't play with Charlie Jade. Someone tell you to try me, you back the fuck down! You act like you know who the hell I am. Or something like THIS will happen to you.
@poosypoosy @bastioncarterstevens-udaku @hennessystevens-udaku @itsangeludaku @alyshastevens-udaku @itskimorafireudaku @allhailnjadaka @bidibidibombaclaat @blackpinup22 @destinio1 @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @leahnicole1219 @vikkidc @thehomierobbstark
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b-beeprichie · 6 years
Eddie Is Spider-Man pt 2 ????
Title: Killer Clowns From Outer Space
Paring: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier
A/N: this is a drabble i found in my notes from awhile back, it’s connected to this one. there’s no real rhyme or reason i wrote this, i just really love marvel and the idea of eddie being spider-man??? anyway a couple ppl wanna see it, so here ya go. should i turn this into a series of some sort?? it’s un-beta’d and all that jazz, but at least it’s not hiding in my notes anymore! sorry for all the mistakes!
Warnings: Blood, Evil Toddler Clowns
Since teaming up with the Avengers became a somewhat regular thing, Eddie's discovered that bad guys come in all different shapes and sizes.
There's the usual petty theft criminals that Eddie honestly misses at times like these.
Why can't anyone simply rob a bank these days?
Or commit a mugging?
There are plenty of old ladies with oversized purses just begging to be snatched from unsuspecting liver spotted hands, it’s a real travesty.
Instead now everyone has mutant powers, the technology to blow Eddie through a building, or both. The bad guys are growing more advanced, more dangerous. Including these nasty, drooling, toddler sized clowns.
They wreak havoc throughout downtown, massive heads with extendable jaws, snapping viciously at anything that comes within reach.
Eddie will never look at the circus the same way again. "Guys?" Eddie called out to the nearby Avengers. "I don't know how much longer I can hold these things off, they’re chewing through my web like it's cotton candy and they have no respect for dental hygiene." Eddie bundled another group of clowns together, sticking them to any and every surface. They’re fast, even Captain America is having trouble keeping up with them, snatching one off his back and smacking it into a wall with his shield were it landed with a disgusting splat.
Oh yeah, they exploded into blood red slime, this was literally the stuff from nightmares. "I-I don't know w-where they're coming from." Cap said in frustration, only stuttering when things were going down hill.
From the way one of the clowns was currently trying it’s best to chew its way through Georgie's metal arm, things were going downhill fast.
Who knew they would need all hands on deck for small army of clowns.  
At least Hulk was enjoying himself, stomping viciously on the  redheaded critters, flinging slime every which direction with giant green fist. It never failed to surprise Eddie that the massive green Hulk in front of him, who was having far too much fun literally stomping demonic toddler clowns to death, was Mike Hanson. The same man who sat in a lab with him pouring over different scientific formulas. Eddie's life is so so weird. He's in the middle of rescuing a family trapped inside a car when a boot clad figure dressed in red drops down on the hood.
"Spidey, you didn't tell me Ronald McDonald had kids! You know morally, morally I can't hurt kids." Deadpool jumped off the car, katanas pulled out of their sheaths. "But I think I can make an exception for these squirmy clown fucks."
Things end very quickly after that, child sized body parts go flying as the herd of clowns Eddie had previously contained broke free and swarmed the remaining Avengers. It's a bloody massacre, Eddie's jaw is dropped in both shock and amazement as Richie sliced unnaturally fast through clowns starting burst after burst of exploding clown slime. By the time Richie is finished every clown is dead except for the one Captain America managed to capture.
The entire team is covered in thick blood red gunk. Including the family inside the car, windshield wipers starting up almost comically except for the fact it was smearing clown slime out the way. The kids inside are going to need therapy for the intense phobia of clowns they're most likely to develop after this.
"Fuck yeah, fuck yeah, fuck yeah! Did you SEE the shit." Richie grinns behind his mask and walks over to Eddie.
Eddie is covered in clown slime, he can feel it clinging to his suit, thick and gelatinous. He wants to throw up, oh god he's actually going to throw up. Life's hard when you're both a hypochondriac AND a superhero, this has happened more times than Eddie would like to admit. Some things didn’t go away with the bite, and his fear of germs and questionable substances is one of them. He’s working on it.
Eddie lifts the bottom of his mask, just enough so he's not blowing chunks inside the suit. The thought alone makes him gag even more, choking on the smell. He's taking the world's longest shower after this, and a nice long walk or two through one of Stanley's decontamination chambers. "Oh no, Spaghetti!" There's a gloved hand on his back rubbing gentle circles low on his spine, a little too low. "Are you seriously trying to cop a feel right now!" Eddie yelps, spitting the remaining bile out and swatting away Richies wandering hands. Only it's too late, when Eddie stands up to pull his mask back down the rest of the Avengers are standing around with various expressions of what the fuck. "Come on Spidey you know I can't keep my hands off you, have you seen you." "I'm literally vomiting!!" Captain America coughs loudly, and when Eddie looks over Iron man is standing next to him with his face plate drawn up. "Deadpool." Bill said sternly, which was much nicer that what Stan follows up with. "What is he doing here." Stan said pointedly.
It’s ridiculous how sassy and disappointed a red and gold metal suit can look. "Uhhh..." Eddie started, honestly not sure how to answer that question. What was Richie doing here?
"You didn't tell them about us?! This is no way for me to meet your dads! Look at them!" Richie gestured vaguely in the teams direction.
"Wait, you guys are together?" Hawkeye pointed between the both of them. Eddie wanted to die, he was covered in clown slime and sweat, everything smelled like vomit, he needed to shower, and now the Avengers thought he was dating a wanted criminal. "No!" Eddie shouted both hands up in defense. "I don't even know this guy!" Richie gasped dramatically, and okay that was a lie. "I mean I know him! But not like that, he's been following me! But we're NOT together!" Eddie turned towards Deadpool. "And they're not my dads, we're the same age! Except for Captain, hes old enough to be all our dads, but he's not our dad!" "He's been following you." Black Widow chose to speak up, all of the Avengers taking a defensive stance.
Richie takes a step back, sticking his katanas back into place. "Well this little family meeting has been nice and all but I gotta blow this popsicle stand. I hate clowns you know, very terrifying. This whole ordeal has been very traumatic for me and that’s really saying something, I've been through a lot." A large hand palmed the top of Eddie's head, and for moment his heart stops thinking Richie would pull off his mask. Instead Richie kissed the top of his head, making Eddie flush and shove away from him.
Richie laughs in response, running off into the slowly forming crowd.
"Should I go get him?" Ben questioned, crossbow aimed and ready to fire at what Eddie believes to be Richie’s ass.
Bill held up his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, a sign to both hold off and express frustration.
"No, b-but you." He pointed at Eddie. "We need to have a serious conversation later, you're going to tell us everything."
Eddie whined but nodded.
Fucking Deadpool.
Fucking killer clowns.
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Aaaahhh!! I'm really loving your writing! Could I request a 19 with Shigaraki? Please and thank you so much! (Fem or gender neutral, whatever is easier for you to write!)
//ahhh i love tomura so much! i’m glad you requested him i hope this is okay!// #19 "I could kill you right now!"
He tries his best to tell himself that this is normal. Because deep down, he’s sure that it is. Everyone fights, everyone shouts, everyone will eventually get caught up in the heat of the argument and spit out something that they don’t mean to someone they love.
“You’re crazy, you know that? Pulling a little stunt like that you could’ve ruined the whole operation!”
Tomura isn’t exactly innocent either.
“Would it kill you to fucking help me out at least ONCE? You’re so goddamn selfish, tomura.”
“Watch your fucking mouth”
“Fuck off i did all that shit by myself, this whole alliance would be falling apart without me and you know it!”
“This alliance was working just fine before you got here, you’re not irreplaceable i could kill you right now and it wouldn’t even matter i could find someone else to do the shit you do in a minute”
Tomura was pacing back and forth he’s angry and upset, and yeah, he knows he’s being petty. He knows he probably went too far even for him, He isn’t proud of it, but it is what it is.
He pauses for a moment waiting for a snippy remark from his partner but he doesn’t get one, instead he looks at her and sees the hurt and betrayal in her eyes before she quickly composes herself,
“Fine whatever, i’m done”
She turns her back to him and begins to walk towards the door
“What do you mean you’re done? Get-”
“I mean I’m done with the alliance and i’m done with your shit”
Tomura looks stunned he knows he went too far with his words but he didnt expect this reaction from her.
“Look we- i need yo-”
“But you said that it doesn’t matter if you killed me you can find someone else to replace me, good luck finding someone else to put up with your shit”
He didn’t miss her eyes glassy with tears or how her voice trembled as she spoke those words.
He was at a loss for words he just stood there motionless as she slammed the door behind her.
It’s normal, he supposes for couples to fight…but it doesn’t make him feel any better.
He’s been obsessively sending her texts for the last thirty-five or so minutes.
10 missed calls and 100 unread texts…
she skims the texts - all from tomura obviously, Each one is progressively more concerned and paranoid than the one before it and somehow that actually manages to make her feel angrier.
/This is such fucking bullshit/
/Where the fuck are you gonna go to at 12 in the goddamn morning?/
/Quit being overly dramatic and come the fuck home./
/it really isn’t safe to be out alone this late someone could recognize you./
/You’ve been gone for a while…../
/Where are you???/
/ please answer your phone. Are you okay???/
/ just tell me you’re okay and i’ll leave you alone/
she quickly checks the time on her phone it’s 1:00 am now, which means she’s been gone for almost an hour…she lifts her gaze and drags her eyes over her surroundings late night in the middle of winter, great. she’s walked past countless dark alley ways and corner stores with her mugshot on the windows  by now, and yeah, she knows tomura is probably right that it isn’t safe for her to be out.
She looks back at her phone screen, finger hovering for a moment over tomura’s contact, almost ready to select it and call him back. she moves to press call, but as she’s interrupted from a text.
/I’m in the car, i’m going drive around till I find you/
she sighs in annoyance, not even hesitating this time as she presses his contact to call her shitty boyfriend.
Tomura picks up immediately
“….it’s me.”
“Where the fuck are you?”
she glances around her, looking for something that she can use as a landmark.
“Uhhh im at some raggedy ass neighborhood, there’s like a mcdonalds with tape over the windows and spray paint on the walls”
“Okay i know where that is, stay there i’m picking you up”
“Okay whatever bye”
“Wait stay on the line you don’t have to talk to me jus-”
Before he can finish his sentence she hangs up the phone, she grins a little thinking about how angry that probably made him.
When tomura pulls up, she gets in the car without a word, and tomura drives off as soon as the door is shut. they drive back to the hide out in a bitter silence, and tomura feels absolutely exhausted. she gets out of the car first, not looking back to wait for tomura as she unlocks the front door of the hideout, at this point, tomura is sure that she must feel pretty exhausted too.
When she comes inside, she notes that the place is trashed. It certainly hadn’t been when she stormed out, she follows tomura through the hideout with small, quiet steps towards the bar. tomura settles onto a stool, with a sigh he rubs his hands on his neck and resting his elbows in the bar. she rests her chin on her  hands and makes a point not to look at tomura.
Tomura realizes that she’s crying.
He sees her hands trembling and he hears her quiet sniffles, There’s a few moments of silence that sits like a wall between them, and the longer it stands there, the worse tomura feels. It’s only after a few minutes that tomura speaks up in a soft tone.
“I shouldn’t have said all that shit to you about replacing you.” his face is tense as he ushers out the rest of what he wants to say, “I didn’t mean it… I know shouldn’t have said it.”
she  breathes in a slow inhale, leaning back against the bar.
She’s still avoiding his gaze  
“I don’t think you’re crazy, either.”
“No i am crazy.”
tomura pauses, she finally meets his gaze, her cheeks are red and stained with tears they’re both waiting to see which one of them will say it first.
tomura guesses it’ll have to be him, after all his the one who started the fight he should be the one to end it.
“Im sorry….and i love you so so much.” tomura says genuinly.
 she nods.
“I Love you too…”
//Lmao wtf sorry this is longer than what i originally planned i guess i just got too carried away. //
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demialwrites · 8 years
White Day
Link to AO3 Page
You and D.Va were sitting next to each on the sofa in the rec room. You got together to bond over fattening and delicious snacks. You each ordered the best snacks you could think of online from your respective countries, and then gathered them into a pile on the coffeetable to share.
"Why don't we open that big container of ice cream you bought, too?" Hana asked you.
"No, I'm saving that. It took me three weeks to find that kind. It's the only one with chocolate brownie, chocolate chips, Rolo pieces, and cookie dough in it, you know."
"WHAT! That sounds gooood. Why are you saving it?"
"I, uhhh," you paused, blushing furiously, because you hadn't admitted this to anyone yet, "I have this huge crush on Genji, so I'm saving it for when reality comes crashing down."
"...What? Why don't you just tell him," she asked you, looking at you like you were some kind of idiot.
"Are you kidding?!" You flung your arms up in the air dramatically, "He's gonna end up with Dr. Ziegler. Just watch."
"All the better to tell him now," she told you like she was trying to explain an adult concept to a child, "before she gets to him."
"Uhhh, I dunno. I overheard her teasing him about White Day. She's gonna give him chocolates; I know it. Which is today, I guess," you slumped forward, feeling defeated, "I wish I hadn't heard that."
"Me, too. Then I wouldn't have to hear you complain about it," she said, clearly unimpressed with the current topic of conversation.
"Hey! Be more supportive of your friend."
"I shouldn't have to cheer up someone older than me about crushes. It's weird."
"Why are you being such a," you scrunched up your nose at her, "...you know?"
"Because I am a nineteen year old. Hello?"
She punctuated the end of her sentence with a bite into one of the snacks. You sighed and picked one up to eat, as well. The two of you were facing each other, so you didn't see Genji enter the door to the room behind you.
"Hana," he began, and you jumped, startled, "Was it you that had the chocolate ice cream in the freezer?"
His question peaked your interest, and you turned to look at him. He was wearing a pair of grey, baggy sweatpants and a black hoodie. It was unusual. Hana swallowed what she was chewing.
"No. Why?"
"I ate all of it, and I need to find who owned it to apologize."
Your eyes widened in surprised and, also, anger. He was the reason you bought that ice cream in the first place, and he ate it? Your hands flew to your hips, and you glared at him.
"You," you half-yelled, "That was mine! Explain yourself!"
He shrank back, and you felt bad. A little. You missed your ice cream already. You were looking forward to the tiny Rolo pieces, damnit. Your tears were going to make the chocolate into salted chocolate.
"Ahh, today is White Day in Japan, and I used to get lots of chocolates in my youth," he said, sounding wistful, "Now every year I get none. I know it is petty to be sad about. I am sorry. I will replace it for you."
After hearing his reason, you deflated, and your anger dissipated.
"No, it's okay," you told him, trying not to sound too disappointed.
"Wait," Hana said, "You ate that whole thing? I didn't even know you could eat, Genji! Won't you get sick?"
"Yes. I am heading to my room to lie down, and also, to avoid Angela. She will make me do...maintenance once she finds out I ate too much dairy."
"Ohhhh," Hana said, her face scrunching in disgust, "That's gross, isn't?"
He nodded.
"Hey," she exclaimed, brightening, "Why don't you go keep him company while he feels sick." She started pushing at you to get off the sofa.
"No," you protested, "I mean, no one wants company when they have a tummy ache."
"I would not mind, actually."
You were surprised initially, but you got off the sofa and fell into step next to him as he headed to his room.
"I appreciate the company. I could use a distraction from my stomach and the guilt from eating so much."
"No problem."
You both arrived at his room and went inside. He immediately went to his bed, flopping onto it on his back. He rested his hand on his lower stomach. He didn't say anything to you, so you took the opportunity to look over what was in his room. The first thing that stood out to you was the small, waist-height bookcase. A small collection of books lined the shelves. A photo frame rested on top. You bent down to look closer at it.
"That is me and Hanzo when we were younger. Before the, you know, conflict between us," you heard from behind you.
"Ah," you said, deciding that Genji was the one with the green hair, because it matched his green lights today, "Do you miss him?"
"Yes, moreso today. I used to tease him every year about all the chocolates I received. But I must be patient. I am sure he will contact me. I already told him that I forgave him, but I had to leave him to to consider my words. He must come to his own conclusions."
"Another reason I ate the ice cream," he added sheepishly.
"It's alright," you told him, sitting on the bed next to him.
"That is kind of you to say. It was delicious ice cream. I don't know if I would have forgiven me for eating it. Let alone all of it. Ahhh," he groaned in pain. He curled into your side, putting the hood up over his helmet as if attempting to hide his current vulnerability. The antennae poked into the fabric, creating cat-ear shapes. Holy shit, that was cute.
"Look at you. How could I be angry while you're already paying for what you've done?"
He started to laugh and then winced. You looked down at him with sad eyes, worried.
"I should get Dr. Ziegler," you informed him, "You're in too much pain."
You leaned forward to get up. He threw his arm across your legs to stop you.
"No, please. She is going to yell at me. I have medicine for this. It will relieve the pain, and I can go see Angela tomorrow."
You looked him over, considering. His green lights faintly glowed through the hoodie. Why was he so afraid of seeing Dr. Ziegler? She was always nice to you. An idea struck you. You boldly grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently to reassure him. The metal was lukewarm.
"What if I went with you?"
He stared up at you through the green of his visor.
"That is-"
The door suddenly opened.
"Genji! Athena told me you were here! Oh," Speak of the devil, it was Dr. Ziegler herself. She stood in the door in a white coat and small, black heels. She stopped when she saw you were here, too, "I'm sorry. I didn't realize you had company."
"Angela, I can explain-"
"Oh? You can explain, in front of your date, why you are avoiding your yearly full physical?" She asked, arms on her hips, "I haven't been able to give you one since you left Overwatch all those years ago, you know?"
Genji groaned again, and he wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed his visor into your side as if you were going to save him from her scolding. When you recovered from the shock of being called his date, you rolled your eyes at him.
"Don't you want to make sure that you're...fully functional," she asked, smiling and winking at you.
He squeezed you tighter, trying to hide from his embarrassment.
"Genji," Dr. Ziegler said sternly, "Tomorrow."
"Yes, Angela," he replied, sounding defeated.
She gave a friendly wave to you and left, her white coat swishing behind her before the door closed. Genji released his hold on you, much to your disappointment.
"I am sorry you had to see that."
You raised your eyebrows at him.
"Date, huh?"
"Oh," he looked up at you from inside the hoodie, "If you like."
"I would love that," you told him, smiling down at him.
"I hate to be a terrible date, but I still need that medicine. Could you bring it to me? It is on the bathroom counter."
You found it and bring it to him with a glass of water, the cup which you found next to the sink. He sits up and turns away from you to remove his visor and swallows one of the pills. You take the glass back to the bathroom, and then return to sit next to him. He's slumped forward, visor back on, and you rub his back while he waits for the medicine to work.
"You know," you said, "I thought Dr. Ziegler would have been your date today. I thought she was going to give you chocolate today."
"She did," he answered, lying down on the bed next to you, "I gave her courtesy chocolates last month, and she was returning the favour. She wants to be better friends since we did not part on good terms when I left Overwatch. It was my fault. It was kind of her to give me expensive chocolate today. I am not sure I deserved it, so I made her share them with me."
"She is a kind woman."
"Yes, she is. When you listen to her medical advice."
You laughed at him, and he reached over to give you a playful little push in retaliation.
"You are very kind, too," he slid a hand down your side, pausing on your hips, and continuing down your thigh, "I feel better. Thank you. I should repay you by being a good date, then, shouldn't I?"
There's a dangerous edge to his voice. He grabs you by your hips and places you on top of his to straddle him. You shouldn't have been so surprised at his strength. His hands slid slowly up the inside of your thighs.
"May I thank you like this?"
It was obvious what he wanted, and you wanted it, too.
"Yeah," you replied, grinding against him a bit.
You started to remove your clothes and toss them on the floor. As each item came off, he caressed that part's bare skin. His fingertips were softer than you'd though they would be. Meanwhile you snuck your hands up his sweater to feel all the parts hidden underneath on his stomach. Your fingertips traced the circles of the vents on his stomach. You'd always wanted to know what to know what his body felt like, and here you were. You blushed, because it was arousing you at a surprising rate. His body was every bit as solid as it looked, and you could feel his torso shift beneath your touch as he rolled his lower body with you on it. His movements caused your clit to rub gently against the fabric at the very bottom of his hoodie. Your eyes scrunched a little and your mouth dropped open from how nice it felt.
"I really want you to feel good," he said, squeezing your butt gently, "since you were such a big help to me."
"It feels good right now."
He chuckled a little.
"Yes, but we are not done. Lean forward."
You did. You realized how close you were to his 'face'. He was reaching behind you, pushing his sweats down, and fiddling with something. It didn't take a genius to figure out what he was doing. It unnerved you a little that you couldn't see his eyes behind his visor, so you distracted yourself by experimentally pressing a few quick kisses to the side of his neck, hoping he could feel it. He squeezed you again in response.
You leaned back, feeling his member press against the cleft between your buttcheeks. You were excited for what was to come, but...wait a second. You look down at him, confused.
"You're not going to take your clothes off, too?"
"Would you not prefer something soft?" he asked, tilting his head slightly, "This time? I don't sweat."
You supposed he had a point. His body was not as soft as others'. And it was already unusual that he was wearing clothes in the first place. Would it really be more unusual if he left them on?
He seemed to be ready for you, because he placed his hands underneath your hips and lifted them. You let him lower you onto his waiting cock. He was slow at first before letting you down all the way, so you could especially feel the head enter your wet pussy. It felt even better than when you were grinding on him a minute ago. You bit your lip to keep any sound from escaping your mouth. Since you didn't see how large he was, you sighed inwardly in relief that he had filled you without pain. You shifted around a bit, getting used to the feeling of him inside you.
He lifted his knees and braced his feet against the bed. He slid his hands underneath your butt. He lifted you again and supported your weight, keeping you there. You could feel the head of his member still just inside you, teasing the sensitive entrance.
"Are you ready?"
"Yes, please," you replied. Your voice was already sounding breathy.
He began to thrust up into you. The fabric of the his sweatpants softened the sound of his hips hitting yours. He started out slow, testing your response. Your response was to lean forward to place a hand on his chest to steady yourself and use the other to rub circles on your clit. The combination of the two stimulus felt wonderful. Seeing that you were enjoying yourself, he increased his pace. You felt his chest start to heave underneath your hand. You were sure that you would have no problem cumming from this, but he eventually slowed to a stop. You looked down at him to see him gesturing for you to come closer.
"Lay on me."
You obeyed, pressing your body to his. You rested your hands and arms on his. His hands held your waist. He pressed his head back into the bed and started to thrust up into you, resuming the enthusiastic pace. You couldn't believe how generous he was being, doing all the work. Perhaps it was a perk of being a cyborg, and he didn't tire easily? Whatever the reason, it aroused you further, making you wanted to voice your enjoyment.
"I love having you inside me, Genji," you whispered into the side of his neck.
"Oh? Tell me more," he said, slowing down to turn his head to face yours. He was more focused on you, and his attention spurred you on.
"You're so sexy. When I first saw you, I was surprised that someone could look that good," he moaned in his throat and sped up his thrusts, so you continued, "I love listening to your voice. Sometimes I get a little wet just listening to you."
"More," Genji managed to get out, "Please."
"Speaking of getting wet, when I saw you fight for the first time, I thought to myself, 'I want that man so bad.'"
He sped up even more and pressed his visor into your neck. You could hear heavy breathing behind it.
"Please," he begged again, hugging you closer. You started to grind your clit on his sweater again.
"When you pulled me on top of you, I said to myself, 'Oh, god yes, he's going to fuck me.' Judging by your past, I knew you were going to give me a good time. I really wanted to ride you."
"Yes! Yes," he exclaimed, but it sounded more like moans that words.
You would have said more, but you had started to join him in making your own enthusiastic noises. The both of you chased your own ends against each other, pleasuring mounting steadily.
"You sound so good," he panted in your ear, "I, mmm, I..."
You thought he was close, so you moved your hips faster, trying to catch up. It wasn't difficult after hearing his obvious enjoyment at your words.
His thrusts stilled as his hands came down to hold your hips in place against him. A few more movements and you also reached your peak.
"Oh, god," you whined, arching your back, and pressing your stomach against his.
You continued to lay against him, suddenly feeling particularly cuddly. He wrapped his arms around your waist and squeezed gently.
"You know the best thing about being a cyborg? No mess," he told you after a few minutes, laughing a little, "But you probably need a shower, don't you?"
You were disappointed at the idea of leaving him, but he was right. You were sweaty and needed to get clean. You carefully pulled yourself off his cock, and he tucked it into his pants. You didn't get a good look at it, but that could be saved for another time. You got off the bed and got dressed. Genji watched you, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"I have a great idea," he said, getting up. He pulled the black sweater over his head and then pulled it down over yours, "There. Now you are ready."
You smiled at him. He cupped your cheeks with hands and leaned forward to touch his forehead to yours.
"See you later," he said.
You're walking down the hallway feeling a little giddy about what just happened, and you're planning on messaging Genji later, asking for a real date. So you don't notice someone standing in their doorway until you hear a loud whistle, startling you out of your thoughts. Jesse McCree is smiling devilishly at you, and he puts his cigarillo in his mouth.
You pulled the hood of the sweater down to cover half your red face, so you could still see where you were going. You're wondering how the hell he could get away with smoking inside the watchpoint when you heard something fly by your head and McCree make a surprised noise. You look up at him, and you see the end of his cigarillo missing and a shuriken embedded in the wall next to his door.
You turn around and see Genji leaning against the wall next to his doorway, still in his sweatpants. He flicks the remaining two shurikens back into his hand and waves at you. You wave back, grinning. McCree laughs and disappears back into his room.
Later you find a message on your phone, and it reads:
"I want you to return my sweater only when it thoroughly smells like you."
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