#uhhhh i guess i'll tag it
frozenyolkai · 1 year
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"hello wxson nation" i shakily whisper as i approach the large void now beneath my feet and carefully drop an offering down into its gaping pit
vvv more vvv
+ 3 alt versions or somethigsnfgndgnjd
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+ dumb extra doodles
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blaiddraws · 1 year
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ITTY BITTY CREATURES for @fourphoenixfeathers 's precure au! drew the original design for the giratina but didn't really like how it turned out so i drew Worm Version As Well. i am not immune to the worm hfkshsjshsksjdjf (ALSO original arceus version doesn't have the dark face patch. idk how that happened here with mine considering i was looking at a ref quite often)
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vorish-wonderland · 1 year
Rook decides to gather all of his targets (including you) in one room and have some fun. He shrinks everyone, and... it's time for the hunt to begin.
Includes: soft/safe vore, unwilling prey, fearplay
★✦A Predatory Medley✦★
Everyone is in one place.
Leona, Ruggie, Azul, Jade, Floyd........... and you, for some reason.
"Ah... what a shame Monsieur Fier-a-Bras could not attend. I would have quite enjoyed having him here... I would have also enjoyed having the Roi du Dragons here, but, ah, c'est la vie." Rook sighed.
"So why'd you bring us all here, Seagull?" Floyd asked, making sure he kept his arms around you. He's been real clingy all day...
"Ah! I simply wish to share with you an interesting potion I've created! It's a shrinking potion which can usually only be crafted underwater, as it turns into a gas the second it makes contact with oxygen, however, I have created it on land! How impressive, non?"
"Uh... yeah. Real impressive, I guess..." Ruggie awkwardly said. "......so can we go now?"
"Ah, not yet... I do have something more to show you."
"No, I'm leaving." Leona said.
"Me too, I don't trust this one bit." Azul added.
"Oh dear! No no! You can't leave yet!" Rook insisted, running to the door. "I still have to do something!"
"And that would be...?" Jade trailed off, hoping Rook would finish his sentence.
Rook let go of the potion, letting it fall to the ground. The glass shattered in every direction as Rook quickly left the room and held the door shut.
"THE HELL?!" Leona screamed, pounding on the door. "THAT BASTARD TRAPPED US IN HERE!"
Your eyes darted to the liquid on the ground. You noticed it start popping and fizzing, almost looking like it was somehow bringing itself to a boil...
"Ah! L-look! The potion, it's-!"
And then, the entire room became filled with a magic gas.
"DON'T BREATHE IN!!" Ruggie yelled, placing a hand over his mouth. "QUICK, FIND A WINDOW!"
"There aren't any in here, genius!" Leona sarcastically said. "Octotwerp! Get your damn goons to help me break the door down!"
"I've said it multiple times, they don't answer to me!" Azul yelled.
"I would help you, however, it seems the potion is already taking it's effects on us..." Jade mentioned.
That's when you and everyone else realized that... the room seemed to be slowly getting bigger.
After everything stopped, Rook entered the room once more.
"Ah! It worked!" Rook excitedly said, grabbing Ruggie first. "And now, for what I've been waiting on so patiently for~"
Rook dropped Ruggie into his mouth, and then...
You were completely horrified.
Floyd suddenly picked you up and started running away... somewhere. It looks like everyone else had a similar idea.
You and Floyd hid behind some stones and artifacts just as you saw Azul get grabbed.
"I think we'll be safe here... I am not letting Seagull eat me." Floyd scowled. "You ok?"
"I'm fine, but... w-why would Rook do this...?" You asked, very nearly on the verge of tears. You've always been a bit of a scaredy cat, but this... this was too much.
"Well... y'know... I'll be sure to, um, keep you safe." Floyd blushed, looking away from you.
"You... you would really do that for me?"
"Of course I would..." He sighed. "But I can't believe he was right! Seabream read my palm earlier and told me somethin' was definitely gonna go wrong today, and I don't think it could go any more 'wrong' than this..."
"Haha, yeah, I guess you're right!" You said, trying to deal with the situation.
You then notice Floyd's expression change to pure terror as he grabbed you by the shoulders. Before you could ask what was going on, he shoved you to the side, and then...
"Shrimpy, you have to run."
He was grabbed by Rook.
You immediately started running as fast as you possibly could.
You heard the sound of something being swallowed, and it wasn't long before you were grabbed as well.
"Bonjour, (Y/N), mon petit crevette, as Monseuir Malfeasant would call you~" Rook smiled widely.
"P-please, I... I don't..."
"Oh? Whatever is the matter, petit crevette?" Rook asked. "Are you perhaps missing your dearest murène? Ohhh... how sad that is... but don't worry! You and he will be reunited in due time... ah! How beautiful this is! You're willing to be eaten just to be reunited with your dearest murène!"
"W-WHY ME?! WHAT'D I DO?!" You screamed and cried.
My my, what are with these tears? I'm simply trying to reunite you and Monseuir Malfeasant!" Rook said, dragging his finger gently across your face to wipe your tears. Rook placed a hand to his mouth as he let out a small burp. "Ah... excuse-moi... they're being quite rude in there. You can calm them down, I hope."
You couldn't stop yourself from crying.
"I'm sure you see right through me. And I needn't explain myself to you." Rook glared. "Now, en vous allez."
Rook then placed you in his mouth.
Then, he swallowed you whole as if you were nothing at all.
You were hyperventilating and screaming and kicking and hitting, just trying to do anything.
"That's quite rude of you, (Y/N)." You heard Rook say. "If you're smart, you'll knock that off."
That terrified you into stopping.
You ended up falling directly into the arms of someone.
"Huh. Well that's a coincidence." It's... Floyd. He caught you. "You didn't do a great job at running away, didja-?" You immediately grabbed onto him and started sobbing once more. "Wha- Hey! Hey, hey, calm down! Calm down, Shrimpy! We're gonna be fine, ok? The teacher's would definitely notice if a group of students suddenly went missing, then they'd eventually pin the crime on Seagull, so he can't hurt us."
"A-are you sure.....?"
And then, Jade arrived.
"Rook is not planning on letting us go and is going to let us die in here." Jade said as he fell down onto the squishy flesh.
Knowing Jade, he was messing with you, but the stress was too much and you burst out crying yet again.
"Great, now they're crying again." Leona rolled his eyes. "Can this day get any worse?"
"Oh yes. I heard them panicking and thought that would be fun." Jade smiled. "My apologies, (Y/N)."
"Ahh!! How wonderful!" Rook squealed. "Oh if only I had the Roi du Dragons to top this all off, but alas... I suppose this is good enough, for now... I'll have to get him some other time."
Rook contently rubbed his stomach, he adored this feeling.
"Though, how ironic it is that NRC's predators found themselves eaten, swallowed whole by a simple human." Roook laughed to himself. "It seems the hunters have become the hunted, hmhm~"
Rook laughed to himself as he began to clean up the glass on the floor.
You didn't like how noisy it was. You didn't like how the walls were contorting and constricting around you. You didn't like how moist and humid it was.
Floyd made sure to keep you in a tight hug the whole time, calming you down enough to not pass out from fear.
Leona had accepted this for now and somehow fallen asleep despite the situation.
Ruggie was still kicking at the walls, trying to get Rook to spit everyone out, sighing every now and again as if he knew it wouldn't do anything.
Azul and Jade were discussing... something, probably businesss.
You lay back, resting your head on Floyd's chest, letting yourself close your eyes and taking a deep breath.
"Good to see everybody's calmed down." Rook said. "I'll let you all out in due time."
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velkyr · 7 months
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things I did today instead of writing
spent way too long figuring out what the different kinds of plagas actually look like in my au
similarly spent way too long think about like. species history and shit
read one too many articles about genetic engineering way above my level of comprehension and now my brain hurts
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kaladinkholins · 4 months
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she is keeping me from writing 😭😭😭 (she's on my laptop if that's not clear from the pic)
if my fic takes a long time to update yall can blame her not me
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captainmvf · 11 months
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(Names Nibbles after my favorite Starlight Express character during my Frontier replay) Oh boy I have accidentally made up some lore-
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master-k0hga · 17 days
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| ..... I remembered this taking me like a full on fcking WEEK to finish this gjgdhffg
Just wanted to draw my dumbass Zeldasona for shipping that fat fcking ass in the Blademaster attire cuz I just felt like it gbgegdh So I'll just make it the excuse that it was Sooga's before he ranked UP fnghdfnfjtjtjfgd....... Idk.....
... Tbh I kinda like this, but it also looks shit as well..... fjhh Oh well... Just another drawing from Twt posted here gjfv
. Art © Me . DON’T RE-POST .
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brown-little-robin · 9 months
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This picrew of me is my favorite thing ever I am howling in delight I am having SO MUCH FUN
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squidthechaotickid · 5 months
everything will be ok :) https://www.tumblr.com/sonic-voices/164562137054/everythingll-be-okay?source=share
I am literally going to cry thank you tails
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cookinguptales · 1 year
oh dang!
for the past few years, I have consistently recommended vitassium to my friends with POTS (or related illnesses) to help with salt intake and I've always been like "hey vitassium, you should sponsor me, I rec you to people all the time! lmao, just kidding. unless......"
anyway guess who vitassium just sent a bag of salt to
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outta my way, losers, I gotta go shill for Big Salt
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juneibyou · 2 years
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just another big noise in a toy world
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lestatlioncunt · 2 years
WIP DAY. (or whatever day it is)
i was tagged by @nuclearstorms and @arklay, thank you beloveds MWAH. i’ll share a little crumb of yea, still on the same work of last sunday, because i literally can’t finish this thing, i keep adding words and it’s hell at this point. anyways have fenix being dumb, my fave concept in the world
i’m tagging @morvaris, @swordcoasts @camelliagwerm @wrymbloods @jillvalcntines @reaperkiller @steelport and anyone else that wants to share a wip for anything at all really, art, writing, whatever <33
Fenix hesitated, still leaning over the counter. Mars knew something else was up. “Spit it out.” He pronounced the words like a prolonged sigh, already fed up with the interruption.
“Listen, can you maybe, ya’ know…take your trophy from the trunk and leave me the car?” Automatically he started tapping his fingers rhythmically on the counter: there was no way in hell Mars would agree straight away to the request but trying doesn’t hurt. Most of the times. “Just for a few hours? I’ll take it back here, cross on my heart.” He quickly added and outlined the symbol with his index and middle finger in the same exact spot he mentioned.
“No.” Mars’s reply was as hard and cold as his usual demeanour and struck quickly like a lightning, he didn’t even ponder the matter for a single moment. Luckily – but for himself only – Fenix was a stubborn man.
“C’mon, it’s just like…what?” he tried to reason, “two or three hours? Just enough time for breakfast and so on.” The tapping was closer to a hammering sound now and was gradually chiming louder and louder into the fixer’s skull like a nail striking inside. How he wished to cut a few more fingers off his hand. Trying to ignore both the sound and the man making it, Mars didn’t budge and kept his eyes fixed on his turning magazine’s pages activity, vital if you ask him.
“Okay listen. See the girl outside?” Fenix shifted his body to the side, weight resting on his elbow now, yet the man kept ignoring his every word, he was only glad his ears where spared from the noise. “Give a look man, for fuck’s sake they beat the shit out of me for that contract of yours.” The exaggerated exasperation in his now too noisy tone made the fixer puff out a tired breath as he raised his gaze; suddenly the idea of just agreeing to the request and let the cowboy go fuck himself was turning to be quite an interesting choice. He leaned to the side once again, this time only slightly since Fenix’s frame wasn’t obstructing the view any longer, and shot a glance at Vesper: she was still leaning against the car, phone in hand as she mindlessly tried to kill time by scrolling down on news and flashing commercials.
As if she could feel the pair of eyes staring into her direction, her gaze shot up to the shop, efficiently spotting the two men spying on her. “Yeah right, that one.” Fenix comically lifted his hand and waved, enough to make Vesper focus on the screen again with a groan. “Listen,” he began as he leaned over the counter again “I got a date with the girl and don’t let me get started on how fucking hard it was to make her agree to have one, I swear.” That wasn’t a lie, for once. Not only it took twelve failed tries – yes, he kept counting – for Vesper to finally accept the invitation but she still didn’t dump him and thirty minutes already passed. They literally just stopped to drop a corpse on their date, that had to be a deal breaker. “What kind of cheap fuck takes someone on a date with no car? This is my chance, I fail now I get no second tries. Help a man out.” He moved his wrist in short, fast circles now, his fingers following the circular motion in a gesture that Mars didn’t quite understand the meaning of.
He looked straight at Fenix now: his sardonic smile and usual confidence couldn’t hide the almost pathetic pleading. That was one of the most entertaining shows he ever offered to him. “The real favour here would be freeing her from you, actually.” Fair point, Fenix noted, that forked venomous tongue of his never disappoints.
“Yeah well, I asked you to make me a favour. You’ve been young too…” he stopped to scan the old man’s wrinkled face with a frown and then resumed his earnest speech “…one hundred years ago I guess. Y’know how it is.”
Ignoring the jab at his age, the fixer lowered his gaze on his magazine once again and for the last time; the silence following almost felt like a refusal and Fenix was ready to go back and talk his ears off. Thankfully it wasn’t needed. “Fine.” Mars finally yielded, probably only to make the annoying voice of such an insufferable man stop torturing him. “I’ll get the body. You take the car back when you’re done.”
Fenix smirked widely. “Thank you, bello mio.” He teased while slapping the palm of his hand on the counter a few times, Mars already opted for blissful indifference and really hoped – nearly prayed – that now he could finally find some peace again.
You sly bastard, Fenix thought, mentally patting his own back for a job well done. Turning to the exit, he left the fixer’s uncommon den and went straight back to the car, an unusual jauntiness in his steps. Back to his cool front, now. Can’t let the girl know he’s too overjoyed, that would ruin his image.
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sysig · 1 year
It’s that quarterly time of year again where I complain about tumblr’s inability to handle 50+ images in one text post
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violetunversed · 2 years
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fooltofancy · 2 years
aw troia was fun.
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neriyon · 2 months
✦ Nine people I'd like to know better ✦
Last song I listened to: I have a playlist rolling, currently it's playing "Role-playing game" by Soraru, Mafumafu, Urata and Sakata! It's a very fun little song, I recommend giving it a listen~
Favorite color: Lavender purple and turquoise
Currently Watching: Uhhhh I've been watching Spy x Family this week while eating.
Sweet/savoury/spicy: Sweet! I have a huge sweet tooth haha, and am actually eating candy while writing this. Savory stuff is okay too, but I can't handle spice at all :c
Relationship status: Single
Last thing you googled: "ffxiv calamity timeline" (I'm writing lore for Firn)
Current obsession: Not sure uhhhhhhhhh..... ffxiv ofc, that one hasn't gone away for 4 years. But I guess also Welcome to My Home (mobile game I keep checking multiple times a day), Ensemble Stars (Mika event incoming, my fingers and gems are ready) anddd nu:carnival (prison event Quincy single handedly restored my waning intrest lol)
Tagged by: @sunnythanalan Thank you~!
Tagging: Oh no I literally just saw this go around day or two ago and can't remember who already did it D: Uhhh... I'm gonna be a party pooper and not tag anyone this time, sorry (;′⌒`)
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