#uk hindus
rodaportal · 2 months
Troubling Beliefs Among British Muslims
🌟 Dive into thought-provoking insights on troubling beliefs among British Muslims in our latest YouTube video! Explore attitudes, challenges, and the road to fostering inclusivity. Let's tackle extremism together! 🤝 Check out the video here: YouTube Video #BritishMuslims #Extremism #ShariaLaw
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manisha999 · 5 months
कबीर, राज तजना सहज है, सहज त्रिया का नेह। मान बड़ाई ईर्ष्या, दुर्लभ तजना येह ॥
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artcinemas · 5 months
it’s sad how india who once recognised palestine as it’s own nation is now assisting israel in it’s genocide it’s awful it’s sick. as a country who was colonized and invaded for centuries, are ignoring the value and parallel of the palestinian resistance. especially those specialists in history. rot.
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dspd · 9 months
You know what we don't see a lot of in TMA'verse? The exploration of Jon's brownness. It's widely accepted that Jon is some flavor of brown in fanon but we never see him with a bindi or read that he always smells faintly of sandalwood from morning prayer to his parents and grandmother. I'd love to see fanart of a young Jon next to his tiny dadi (paternal grandmother), both wearing traditional white clothes as they pray during Narayan Bali Yagya (Hindu funeral rites for unusual deaths) for his father. Or a background picture on his desk of him and dadi, in a beautiful saffron orange and deep red sari, posing and serious at his high school graduation ceremony, his olive green dhoti peeking from behind his unzipped gown and NEHS stole, cap held carefully in his hands.
What if Martin finds out that he's more successful in getting his workaholic boss to take a meal break if he brings in Kerala food, particularly Idiyappam with Curry.
What is, once Jon has been sufficiently traumatized so like s3, he searches for comfort in childhood memories and Jon pulls out some stuff he remembers his mom and dad wearing around home when he was small, including a rather small mango mala necklace his mother wore and a couple gold bangles that match his father's heirloom ring passed down for 4 generations.
Like, he doesn't have to be Hindu (approx. 1.6% of UK identifies as Indian) but the point is we should fully embrace him being brown.
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Tory MPs of the last 7 years
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Name: David Cameron
Won the general election because: His opponant ate a sandwich kinda funny
Best known for: Fucking a dead pig
Left office because: He only called for a Brexit referendum because he was weirdly confident Remain would win, and had absolutely no plan on what to do if Leave won. Saw the shitstorm on the horizon and did not want to preside over it. Resigned in disgrace.
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Name: Teresa May
Won the (snap) general election because: Labour wasn’t racist enough about Brexit/she simply refused to leave when she lost her majority and instead ghosted the Queen until she’d found a few non-Tory MPs willing to back her in return for bribes. Was PM BEFORE the snap election based on Tory party leadership votes.
Best known for: Almost restarting the Troubles in Ireland and doing the world’s most awkward dance to ABBA.
Left office because: The EU wouldn’t accept any of her Brexit deals, and parliament wouldn’t sign off on her agreeing to the terms the EU set. Resigned in disgrace.
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Name: Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson 
Won the (snap) general election because: Labour wasn’t racist enough about Brexit/WTF knows, the British public are apparently easy for Eaton boys who can’t get a sentence out without two racist remarks and ten weird sounds that aren’t actually words. Was PM BEFORE the snap election based on Tory party leadership votes.
Best known for: Hoh boy. Where to start? Breaking laws he literally introduced to the public during lockdown and then saying he broke them because he “didn’t understand them” is probably the standout. Also looking like a teddy bear possessed by horny racist on purpose.
Left office because: See above. Also nepotism. Resigned in disgrace after clinging on as long as he possibly could.
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Name: Liz Truss
Won the general election because: Not applicable. There was no election. She won the Tory party leadership vote because her main opponent was a brown Hindu.
Best known for: The Queen dying. Somehow being even more incompetent than Boris Johnson.
Left office because: Her own party of corrupt, hard-right capitalists thought her plans to lift caps on banker bonuses and refusal to tax energy companies or place long-term price caps in the middle of a cost of living crisis were extremely bad. Also no one actually liked her in the first place. Resigned in disgrace.
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 5 months
Shpongle - Walking Backwards Through The Cosmic Mirror
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banji-effect · 2 years
...Elizabeth became queen a few years after India gained independence and most Indians today were born a generation after the end of the British Raj. But historians point to the ways in which British rule left indelible scars on the Indian subcontinent, especially the bloody partition of India and Pakistan.
The legacy of colonialism also lingers in elite clubs with Western dress codes, the names on street signs and even in the harsh sedition laws, enacted under the British Raj and still in force, that successive Indian governments have continued to use to clamp down on dissent.
Some Indian news media mulled about the future of the Kohinoor diamond, which sits in the queen’s crown and is said to be taken from India. It will be worn by Camilla, the queen consort.
But under the Hindu nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India has sought to dismantle other vestiges of the colonial era.
Hours before the queen’s death was announced, Mr. Modi presided over a ceremony to rename Rajpath, an avenue in the capital that was originally named Kingsway in honor of King George V, Elizabeth’s grandfather. “Kingsway, or Rajpath, the symbol of slavery, has become a matter of history from today and has been erased forever,” Mr Modi said on Thursday evening.
Later on Thursday, after her death, Mr. Modi pointed to fonder memories. In a statement, he reminisced about a meeting with the queen in Britain when she showed him a handkerchief that had been given to her by Mahatma Gandhi at the time of her wedding. He tweeted: “Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will be remembered as a stalwart of our times. She provided inspiring leadership to her nation and people. She personified dignity and decency in public life. Pained by her demise. My thoughts are with her family and people of U.K. in this sad hour.”
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We have created a duality: the 'what should be' and 'what is'.
Wherever there is a division, there is a conflict.
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Tips for Successful Rishta Meetings in the UK
If you are planning an arranged marriage, a rishta meeting is an important part of it. Everything moving forward in this type of marriage depends entirely on this meeting.  
Going to meet a stranger gives everyone goosebumps. The first Rishta meeting is the time that will help you shortlist the one who is right for you. From wherever you find the Rishta, either find rishta in UK, Canada, or Australia, here are some tips you must follow while going for a rishta meeting. 
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Tips for successful rishta meeting in the UK
You must have heard the quote, "First impression is the last impression." So when you are going for an offline or online Rishta meeting, make sure that it goes smoothly because the ultimate goal is to find a potential life partner.
Some of the tips for a successful rishta meeting are either arranged through matchmaking experts or the marriage bureau in UK for Indians are as follows-
1 Choose a calm place
The first tip for a successful rishta meeting is to choose a calm place to discuss everything with the other person without any disturbance. Some places, like coffee shops, restaurants, or theme-based resorts, provide a comfortable environment if you do not prefer your home for the meeting.
2 Wear a proper dress
What is the first thing you will notice before talking with someone? The dress: how they carry themselves!
So wear a proper dress to leave a good impression on your first meeting. Before speaking the first word out of your mouth, your attire speaks for you.
Don't overdress to look formal. Do a look that creates a balance between casual and formal dressing. Dressing usually gives the impression that you don’t take the most crucial matter of your life seriously. 
3 Initiate a conversation as a friend
Remember that it is a rishta meeting, not a business meeting. Wherever the connection builds with the person you are going to meet, either from Hindu Matrimonial UK or the matrimonial website UK, such as Gofordesi, Primerishta, Vivaah, etc, the best way to start a conversation is as a friend. It will be easy for both people to convey their thoughts.
4 Ask questions without any hesitation
Don't be afraid to ask questions because it's all about your whole life. You have the right to clear your every doubt. So, don't be hesitant.
Create a list of questions so you will not forget to ask anything. This will help make the conversation smooth. Questions must include queries regarding career, family, aspirations, hobbies, etc. 
5 Be natural. Don't pretend anything
Faking anything will not help in the long run. Adhere to your natural nature so that after marriage, it will help in prospering the relationship in a positive way. So stay normal and don't show yourself as an artificial person.
6 Share your expectations
In your profiles that are created on the matrimonial sites UK or online matrimonial websites there, you will already mention your expectations, but when you meet personally, make sure that you share all the expectations from married life with the other person. It will help in finding a partner with the same mindset. From this, your partner will understand your interest.
Sum Up
From the above discussion, now you know the tips that will help you conduct the rishta meeting successfully whether you are searching for rishta in UK, canada, USA, India, etc. It will help you in finding the soulmate that will hold your hand for a lifetime. 
Make sure not to create this meeting conversation boring because a good conversation is key to a successful rishta meet.
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lawanphere · 11 days
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UK’s Premier Matrimonial Site for Hindu & Sikh Singles
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easterneyenews · 6 months
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ur-mag · 8 months
Our miracle baby girl was born with 14 fingers and 12 toes – she’s a reincarnation of Hindu goddess, say family | In Trend Today
Our miracle baby girl was born with 14 fingers and 12 toes – she’s a reincarnation of Hindu goddess, say family Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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कलयुग के इतने वर्ष बीतने के बाद शुरू हुआ कबीर जी का 13वां पंथ | Sant Ram...
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bestastrologerinuk · 9 months
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Amidst the seekers and practitioners of this age-old science, one identify stands out as a beacon of understanding and practise - Vishal Krishna Vedic Astrology. With a recognition for offering the first-class vedic astrology in UK services, Vishal Krishna is famend for his correct predictions and compassionate counsel. They are acknowledged as the first-rate vedic astrologer in London who gives the fantastic astro vedic astrology services.
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mesmericphotography · 9 months
Asian Wedding Photographer London | Mesmeric Photography
At Mesmeric Photography, we embrace the diversity and grandeur of Asian weddings in London. As your trusted Asian wedding photographer, we excel in capturing the cultural richness, extravagant celebrations, and genuine emotions that define these occasions. Choose us to document your Asian wedding, and let our images speak volumes about your love and heritage.
Get a free consultation: https://mesmericphotography.co.uk/asian-wedding-photographer/
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