#uk says fuck trump
weedle-testaburger · 1 month
sorry liberals, there's only 2 genders
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sonicasura · 4 months
You know what's annoying about the whole Gaza Genocide situation? The fucking pandering of the ICJ, ICC and the countries that honestly support Palestine. Entire Zionist occupation has been breaking international law constantly throughout this entire tragedy with no backlash.
USA and UK recently fucking bombed a section of Yemen with the Trump trial as cover. Israel continuously ignored rulings from ICJ to stop their bullshit. Even moreso when Hamas have actually been civil to ceasefire proposals and is willing to go to trial if arrest warrants for them were made.
Israel's government has proven to not be trustworthy with every single throwing a tantrum whenever something doesn't go their way. NO MORE. I say it's time for either UN peacekeepers or another country to go into Palestine and drag their asses OUT.
Netanhyu doesn't want any Israeli hostages to come back alive. From the message of Alexander Trufanov, one such hostage, they want to bring back corpses as it is much cheaper option. Proof further confirmed when a recent report showed an IDF soldier killing another before they could get captured by a Resistance Fighter or the recovered few soldiers in Jabaliya area.
The Israeli Government doesn't care about anyone out in Palestine coming back alive. Joe Biden wants to profit off the genocide, Jill Biden doesn't care either just in case anyone wants to bring up a potential divorce. We don't need bloody pandering with proposals and discussions when it comes to international law anymore.
Palestine alongside everyone else suffering from this genocide deserves direct action to be done. Israel, America and their allies have destroyed more war standards than fucking HITLER. Drag the IDF out of Palestine entirely. Slap on those arrest warrants. Then we can actually get the hostages from both sides back home as the Zionist regime responsible are tried for their crimes.
One massive step for Palestine will be a giant leap for the world. To do this means no one is above international law and the corruption deep in every government can finally begin to be rooted out. Should another genocide occur after this then justice shouldn't be allowed to pander again.
For anyone in the United States, on June 8th, there's a protest to surround the White House for the Rafah Massacre. Netanhyu is visiting Congress so be on guard about more spontaneous law passing. Also please be careful as police brutality is guaranteed and who knows what they will dish out to remove Pro-Palestine protestors off grounds.
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joannechocolat · 2 months
Burn the library, or walk inside. Either way, it's your choice.
Unless you've been living under a rock, you can't have missed the escalating riots all around the country - riots which the media keep referring to as "protests", in spite of the fact that no-one involved seems to agree on just what they are protesting against.
Dragging strangers out of cars, burning down public buildings, throwing stones at ambulancemen, setting fire to hotels in a deliberate attempt to burn the people inside alive - and maybe scoring a new phone or pair of trainers on the way home - has nothing to do with "protest."
It certainly has nothing to do with the brutal murder of three little girls, although that was used as a springboard by online agitators, claiming that the murderer was an immigrant (he wasn't, and even if he were, attacking other immigrants because of what he did makes about as much sense as torching a Wetherspoons in Manchester in protest against Myra Hindley.) Nor does it have anything to do with Asian grooming gangs in Rotherham, although that's the most recent excuse I've heard: those grooming gangs were dreadful, but these criminals do not represent the Asian community any more than do the white leaders of grooming gangs (which by far outnumber them).
So, what the fuck is this about?
Well, it's the illegal immigrants, they say. Coming into our country, taking our jobs, raping our girls, yadda, yadda, yadda. Except that it isn't. Brexit has made it increasingly difficult for foreigners to work here, which is why so many European doctors and nurses have already left the country, putting still yet more pressure onto our dying NHS. And refugees - let's call them that, given they're neither immigrants, nor here illegally - aren't allowed to work while their application is being processed. As for "immigrant crime", a phrase that these people have borrowed from Trump - it represents a tiny proportion of crime in the UK, which by the way has risen sharply as the riots have escalated, because the police just don't have the manpower to fight on two fronts at the same time.
And add to this the fact that the principal agitators - people like Yaxley-Lennon and Farage - don't even live in this country, I think it's pretty clear that whatever motivation these burners of libraries, looters of shops, and goose-stepping Nazi cosplayers claim, it has nothing to do with "British values" or "taking back the country", and everything to do with doing whatever the fuck they want and blaming it on someone else.
Why do I care? Because I was born in one of these communities. I still have family in Rotherham, in Barnsley. I live less than fifteen miles away from the heart of these riots. I've done events in the libraries and universities that have been attacked. And by the way, isn't it weird how thugs always target libraries and places of learning on their way to robbing their local Lush, or Greggs, or Shoezone?
It's almost as if the agitators know that education is the key. That reading brings us together; teaches us to question what we read on the internet; crosses cultural boundaries; reminds us we're all human. And in disaffected communities like Rotherham, with a high degree of poverty, access to these ideas is very dangerous in the eyes of a far-right movement that wants to take power.
Already, 14 years of austerity, cuts and corruption has brought the country to its knees. By cutting education and the arts, Tories have reduced the access of these underprivileged communities to critical thinking and new ideas. Brexit has done further damage, as well as cutting us off from our allies. After the event, it is now clear how much Russian misinformation played its part in that process, just as it's playing a part right now in spreading its racist rhetoric via supporters like Farage and the fake accounts that amplify him. Now they're no longer in power, the far-right is doing its best to do as much further damage as possible to our society, urging people to "take control" by destroying anything else that can help them out of poverty.
Why? Because poor people are easier for the far-right to control. Poverty and crime are linked; just as illiteracy and crime are linked. And both of those things are linked to hate; to racism and mistrust of anyone who seems different.
But here's the thing. There's always a choice. Not everyone who grows up poor becomes a criminal. Not everyone who missed out on a good education becomes a racist. I grew up in a poor neighbourhood. There were some racists there, and some thugs, but most people were decent and honest. Most people were happy to co-exist with people of different cultures. I was one of those people; my family was different. Sometimes people even told us to go back home where we belonged. Most didn't. But of course, were were white. We looked like them. There's an obvious reason why brown and Black people in particular are being dehumanized and blamed for what's wrong with the country now.
And it's ironic, how people react when someone calls them racist? "But we're just ordinary people, with ordinary concerns."
"I'm not racist, I'm just (insert your bullshit reason here)."
And yet, here we are. Racism is ordinary. And if you do racist things, if you blame all brown people for what one brown person did, if you judge people by the way they look, if you make assumptions about whole groups of people, then you're a racist. And if you spout Nazi slogans, do Nazi salutes, walk with Nazis, repeat Nazi propaganda, then you're a fucking Nazi, mate. Live with it, or change. Your choice.
Because the choices we make today affect what comes tomorrow. And although poverty isn't a choice, being a decent person is. Your choices can help your children break the cycle of despair. Or they can keep your kids stuck in the same rut. To put it another way, you can take your kids to the library and let them learn to think for themselves. Or you can burn the libraries down and take them to watch you and your mates trying to set fire to some terrified refugees in a hotel instead.
Either way, your kids get to live with the choices you make today.
Right now, you're deciding their future.
Your choice.
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
you asked for tommy request here you go pookie!! 🦕
okay so the whole tommy hates american things, he meets reader online and they dont say where theyre from but boom babey theyre american
but but double whammy they have a very strong southern accent and tommy doesnt understand a word they say
bro straight up just like sits there, chin in hand, admiring reader while they go off but he cant understand a damn thing
top comedy right there imo
okay 🦕 I think you might be a southerner... TRUMP 2024 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! 💥💥💥💥 /j
TOMMYINNIT ; southern accent
summary ; you use a voice changer and change your voice with ease, but reveal your accent when you meet him in real life
warnings ; language, American & British stereotypes ig
genre ; fluff
word count ; 856
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Tommy had this whole bit about hating Americans, which you played into, successfully by never revealing where you were actually from. In honesty, you had a pretty obvious southern accent, but were usually able to hide it or use a voice changer, since you wanted to save the reveal for a meetup in real life.
Somehow, you were able to hide this for nearly five years, tricking Tommy. Although you'd let some friends in on it, and the very early wave of fans as well, most of which probably don't even watch you anymore. But, now you were finally meeting him in the UK.
You obviously would've come much sooner, but life had caught up with you and you went on a half-year hiatus and got busy with school duties around 2021-2022. But, finally, in early 2024, you were finally able to work out a solid two weeks to go to the United Kingdom and meet the blonde after all these years.
No one told you how scary airplanes were, though. Yikes on bikes.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Meeting him was a dream come true, out near the water where you met at the pier, your luggage still with you because it was a solid twenty minute walk to your hotel. The salty sea air brushing against your face, his face, his whole presence in general, the vlog camera with him.
You instantly wrap him in a hug when you see him, and he does the same, lifting you off the ground a bit. You yelp as you feel it and he carefully sets you down, a wide smile on his face. You decide to hide the accent for now, covering it up just for now.
He invites you down to a little library not too far away, wanting you to be able to drop your stuff off safely and go eat, considering you both needed food. You agree and begin making the walk towards your hotel using Google Maps, taking in the scenery and new culture you'd been surrounded with.
In no time, you're at the library, sitting in the back with wraps in your hands, talking and relaxing in the empty music corner away from other patrons.
"No, and the lady in front of me starts making a fuss, and the other girl said "Don't make me turn into Danielle Bregoli!", Ma'am, what??"
"What?" He laughs, almost spitting out some of his food as he covers his mouth.
"Like I'll go get a fucking cowboy hat, put it on, and it'll probably scare you away!" You say, purposefully letting your accent slip out through your lips, giggling in the process.
The blonde blinks rapidly, trying to figure out what you said. "Sorry, what?"
You quickly clasp a hand over your mouth and smile, your words muffled as you spoke. "I'm from America, Tommy. I have a natural southern accent" You laugh, "I've been just covering it up and using a voice changer all these years"
"Just when I thought you reached the lowest of lows!" He smiles, playing into the joke, "I have no idea what you're saying"
"You can't understand my redneck ways? You fuckin' democrats... Trump 2024!!"
Tommy takes a moment, still unable to understand your accent, just listening to you talk. He has his chin in his free hand, watching you use your hands to speak while you smile and giggle, playing into the Americans versus British joke.
He genuinely can't understand a word you're saying, but he finds it adorable in a way. This is the way you really spoke, and you were comfortable enough to do it with him, and he honestly found it funny as well. He sets his wrap down on top of the paper bag it came in, running a hand through his hair as he stares at you with loving eyes.
You drifted the conversation from biscuit-eating-Brits and the American economy and lack of human rights back to stories about the airport and airplane trip to him, having a dozen stories to tell. It was a nightmare, really.
"No, I never knew how fucking expensive airport food is! I should've eaten before going, I thought it would've been more convenient to eat there, but no, apparently not. And some guy at the salad bar at the airport kept staring at me all weird for no reason. Like, you're jealous, I know, but doesn't excuse staring, my guy"
Tommy smiles and giggles, barely able to understand you. He uses his internal dictionary to unravel some words, but not all that much. He finds it ironic how you can always decode his British slang but he can't understand a word you're saying in the moment, but he feels a sort of serenity in it.
A wave of dopamine crashes against the shore of his brain, causing him to giggle as you make a little explosion sound and use your hands to imitate the boom. You see him smiling and giggling, assuming he can completely understand you.
Rule one of TommyInnit, teach him southern accent before meeting him, he has zero idea what you're saying.
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kiwiana-writes · 2 months
Six(ish) Sentence Sunday
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I have multiple Fandom Trumps Hates projects underway right now, and I've shared a few snippets from trans!Alex already, so why not give another one a chance to shine? This is from my Southern Philanthropy (aka Liam/Pez) fic for @onthewaytosomewhere, it's a delightful little 5+1, and I'm having a lot of fun writing it.
And then the bell over the door chimes as it swings open, and suddenly, Liam is wide fucking awake.  The man currently approaching the counter is an absolute smoke show. The turquoise of his hair would be bright enough on anybody, but contrasted against the man’s dark skin, it’s practically neon. He has rich, sparkling eyes and a mischievous grin, and he’s clutching something weirdly lumpy and hastily wrapped in brown paper in his well-manicured hands. Liam thinks he should have more questions about the parcel—and he probably will in a minute, given that it’s his literal job to ask them—but right now, he’s pretty focused on remembering how his knees are supposed to work.  It’s not like Liam’s been celibate since the breakup. He wouldn’t go so far as to say he had a weird reverse Love Actually experience when he first arrived in the UK—though his accent has, in fact, done him more favours than he would have expected given the general disdain he’d thought folks held for Americans abroad—but he certainly hasn’t had any trouble finding someone to keep his bed warm, every time he’s been looking for that. 
Tagging @agame-writes @affectionatelyrs @anincompletelist @blueeyedgrlwrites @cactusdragon517
@celeritas2997 @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @dumbpeachjuice
@everwitch-magiks @firenati0n @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @hgejfmw-hgejhsf
@indestructibleheart @inexplicablymine @junebugclaremontdiaz @larkral @leaves-of-laurelin
@lilythesilly @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @myheartalivewrites @ninzied
@nocoastposts @nontoxic-writes @notspecialbabe @orchidscript @piratefalls
@porcelainmortal @read-and-write- @rmd-writes @sherryvalli @ships-to-sail
@sparklepocalypse @stereopticons @thesleepyskipper @thinkof-england
@tintagel-or-cockleshells @welcometololaland @whimsymanaged and, as always, anyone who wants to play! (If you take the open tag please tag me so I can see!!)
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ladymazzy · 3 months
Five years ago I would not have imagined feeling this ambivalent about Labour winning uk elections after so many years of tory hellishness, and yet here we are
Tories getting slapped to oblivion is great, but a huge chunk of the party that did it have proven themselves over and over again to be racist, transphobic, anti-palestinian, islamophobic, anti-immigration and pro dismantling public services
Rather than actively challenging any of the tories crackpot 'culture wars' talking points, Keith haphazardly leaned into them, giving them further legitimacy. Wittering on about 'stopping the boats' as if it's a normal, sensible proposition (that's centrists for you)
And of course the other reason that the tories got slapped to oblivion is because a huge portion of their voters are racist as hell and voted for reform
This one goes out to every lefty who still says 'it's not race, it's class'; Fuck You
Wake up and recognise that, yes the working classes are routinely fucked over by the state. But if you're from another marginalised community *on top of that*, we'll, the state has many creative ways to ensure that your very existence is precarious
This country has been *loudly* shifting to the far right for years. Black and Asian people *have been dying* because of racist polices on immigration, and structural inequalities that lead to worse outcomes for us.
Disabled people *have been dying* because of inhumane, contradictory, ableist policies that claim to be intended to 'give people the dignity of work' whilst stripping them of the means of working and/or attacking those who cannot work.
Trans people keep being reduced to a 'debate' talking point, riddled with wild nonsense from a platform lead by a random woman who happens to be very rich having written some kids' books. The lived realities of trans peoples lives routinely ignored in favour of supposed concerns for women's rights from people who increasingly seem to have nothing to say about the actual issues affecting all of us. Trans people are dying and we're expected to believe that the biggest threat comes from schools accepting kids for who they say they are, and people using a toilet
And the response to the genocide in Gaza - so hot on the heels of Russia's invasion of Ukraine - speaks volumes. Where the UK opened up the means for Ukranian refugees to seek sanctuary (which was, of course completely reliant on the humanity of the public and not an actual government thing because, you know; tories), the leading UK political parties have studiously ignored the mass murder and displacement of Palestinians by Israel, bombed Yemen for trying to support Gaza and provided military assistance for Israel in their genocidal campaign via base's in cyprus. And continued to arm israel
I've never seen so, so many horribly dismembered and maimed children as I have in the past 9 months. Absolutely horrific images of atrocities being meted out relentlessly day after day on a besieged population (who were betrayed by the British in 1948) who have been forced to film their own genocide because the west, by and large, continues to deny their very existence. And, once again, far-right Israelis have been given platforms to disseminate their lies in the same way Farage, Braverman, Meloni, Le Pen, Wilders, Modi Trump and others have been legitimised
No one should ever ask 'how was the Holocaust allowed to happen' because we live those conditions every day
Keith suspended Labour MPs for merely calling for a ceasefire back in November. How the party has treated Faiza Shaheen, Diane Abbott, Kate Osamor and others is beyond disgusting. The fact the Labour would rather tories - IDS himself no less - took the Chingford seat than let Shaheen win as an independent speaks volumes
To say we've got work to do is an understatement
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Sleep Token's "The 100 Songs That Changed Our World" Article.
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(Source - photos courtesy the lovely jawsofeden)
100 - Sleep Token
The Summoning
(Take Me Back To Eden, 2023)
The meteoric rise of Sleep Token caught us all by surprise. At the start of 2023, the mysterious masked band were one of the metal underground's buzziest names. Led by enigmatic vocalist Vessel, they were a band to watch, for sure, but firmly attracted the niche passion of a cult following.
Then came the song that would change everything. On consecutive days in early January, the band released two singles from their third album, Take Me Back To Eden: the burning, crashing Chokehold, followed by The Summoning - and it was the latter track that would turn them into an Earth-conquering, expectation-shattering phenomenon.
Veering between depraved tech metal, soulful vocals and shimmering electronics, an enormous, hymnal chorus gave way to an Earth-shifting breakdown and screams. Intricate and groove heavy, The Surmoning was more like three songs seamlessly crafted into one genre-fluid modern masterpiece. And it still had its trump card to play: a bendy, thirst-trap, funk outro that went viral on TikTok, turning the internet intoalusty Take1 puddle. Suddenly, Sleep Token were the most talked-about band on the planet.
"It took me three listens of [The Sumroning] to realise that when they do that whole psychedelic section at the end, that it's actually the same chorus as it was before, only in a completely different way," Evanescence's Amy Lee told Revolver. "And I love it even more that. I thought they just went a whole new direction and wrote a new part, and then I was like, 'Wait, that's the same...but not at all'."
Sleep Token weren't the most obvious choice for a commercial breakthrough. The success of The Summoning, an unconventional, seven-minute, brutal shapeshifter, bucks just about every music industry trend there is.
"It's going to a lot of different places, and I think there isn't any other band out there right now that's able to do that," Judas Priest frontman Rob Halford said earlier this year.
The Summoning set a chain reaction in motion that was unprecedented in modern metal. In just a few weeks, the band saw their Spotify figures jump from the thousands into the millions. To date, the track has been streamed more than 123 million times on Spotify and 19 million on YouTube. On release, Take Me Back To Eden went straight in at No.3 in the UK and was the most streamed metal album of 2023. When the band announced a show at Wembley Arena, tickets sold out in 10 minutes.
Earlier this year, they left the metal-heavy roster of Spinefarm Records for RCA, the home of mainstream megastars Justin Timberlake and rapper Doja Cat.
"In heavy music, or even in just rock, even in the last decade or 15 years, there's so few stories of bands ever breaking through," says Health bassist and producer, John Famiglietti, who supported the band at Wembley and sees Sleep Token's success as proof metal still can resonate on a massive scale. "This is one of the few times I've seen a band go from a fucking club to an arena in six months. And I don't know the last time that happened."
It's worth pointing out that in the social media era where celebrities and artists are more accessible than ever, Sleep Token have achieved all of this on their own terms. To date, they've barely done any press, while their masked mystique is all part of the allure. Last year, fans reacted with outrage when bassist III's identity and birth certificate were allegedly leaked online, seemingly leading to a decision to wipe the band's Instagram.
"There are hints of early Slipknot there," Knot vocalist Corey Taylor told The Allison Hagendorf Show in 2023, thinking back to the early internet days before Slipknot removed their masks. "At first, we were like, 'Nope. You get nothing. This is what you get, you figure it out. We'll let the music speak for ourselves.
Today, Sleep Token are being mentioned in the same breath as potential future Download headliners Ghost, Gojira, and Architects. The only difference? Sleep Token have managed to ascend to the same level as those bands in a fraction of the time. Metal needs new superstars who will push things forward, innovate and keep the scene relevant - and with Sleep Token we have a band we can believe in. DL
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h0mocodes · 1 month
H 0 M O C O D E S 🌙
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I figured I would talk a little about my life experiences beyond the spam posting of gifs ✨There is person with a story to tell 😭
My name is Dhyrek Grigorieva. Most just call me Derek. My partner thinks it's funny to mispronounce my name or call me comrade Zady 🤨 I'm 45 years old and I work as an administrator for CMS/SSA at a local hospital. I enjoy cookery (more specifically paleo/keto based), weightlifting & writing. I actually have four novels I am working on 😊
A lesser Evil which was a novel length witcher fan fic that I have removed all the copywritten stuff from & did a complete re-write.
Halycon is a classic cyberpunk series.
Quillington is a male queer Lovecraftian horror romance. It is written exclusively in Polari which was an English Pidgeon language used by gay men in Victorian/Edwardian period.
The Abysmal Horncall is Dracula but from the perfective of Draculas' wives.
I am also a musician. I make sample based lofi/cloud rap/vaporbient or drone noise music under the name h0mocides.
Music | h0mocides (bandcamp.com)
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I'm creative but can also be very a bit standoffish with most people. I'm in decent shape; Average-height with olive skin, naturally dark auburn hair but the light makes it look darker with blue-gray eyes. I'm Serbian, well, to be specific my mother's side of the family are Bosnian and Balkan Jews who settled in Serbia. My father's family were from Hungary that came to work the molybdenum mines in Serbia. My extended family are Sicilian, Turkish and Hawaiian but I never met them. I grew up in a working-class neighborhood. I was raised by my mother; my father having left when I was young. I had a brother who killed himself about 2 decades ago. I have one stepbrother and two stepsisters; The sisters I have met twice. I feel like that was enough 🙄 My stepbrother is pedophile that made me sexual advances towards me, and I feel to some degree is a reason why I struggle with internalized homophobia. My stepfather...How do I describe him:
Well, insane but there's a bit more there to pick apart...
He believes in the great replacement theory
He believes that Jews are at the center of controlling the world bank (he doesn't see us as Jews because we don't present as he puts it 'New Yorker Jews')
He believes that America should not be a democracy but rather a Libertarian based theocracy
He believes in a strange Venn diagram where non heterosexual sex/gender meets with pedophilia and bestiality.
He supports project 25 and says there is no place in the modern age for faggots, embryo murders or California styled Bolsheviks.
He believes that the president is representative of God's will and no other religion than Jesus has a place in this great country.
So, simply put we don't see eye-to-eye. When my stepbrother was convicted of child sexual assault, he went off the deep end and then Trump appeared. I should note had it not been for a blood clot we later found out from text messages he fully planed on going to the J-6 rally to 'save America.' Won't shock you but he also is fatphobic and racist. The aforementioned was something he used to bully me about a lot which is why I yo-yo in-between BED and AFRID.
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When I was 14 years old, we left Serbia because of the Bosnian War. Lived in Germany and the UK for a year. I loved living in the UK, but our solicitors fucked up and we were shipped to Canada but sadly they were over capacity for immigrants, and we were sent to Anchorage, Alaska while our claim was processed. We got citizenship and lived in Isla Vista, California, Yuma, Arizona and later Aurora, Colorado. That's where the rest of my mother's family is and I will post about it another time, but for obvious reasons I have nothing to do with them. My mother met her husband, and his family was from Tennessee; I lived here from 17-25 and then left for New York after series of bad events; Friends overdosing, physical abuse from my stepfather, etc. So, before the pandemic I was living in Floral Park, NY. I won't lie I was doing sex work, DJing and Mobile Messenger Service (those are the guys on bikes delivering documents to corps in NY). Then my mom got very sick. My lease was up so I decided to move back home briefly to take care of her. The intent was to move back to NY or CA but it didn't pan out that way. I actually almost moved to CA but that too is a post for another time. We found out what she had would later be called Covid related Tapia syndrome and Covid induced AFIB.
Within 5 days of arriving New York was shut down; I was rather lucky. I lived there from DEC 2019-MAR 2023. Sadly, my step and I had been on a long slow burn over issues with me accusing him of stealing money from my savings, creating credit cards in my name, stealing and destroying my personal effects and his issues with my religion (Rodnovery, or Slavic Native Faith), my clothing (apparently it looked 'too gay') and how I was flaunting the faggot shit. I will not make this already long ass entry long but just summarize. He attacked me and tried to kill me. Police were involved and watched until I safely got my stuff. My mother was beyond traumatized but I needed to leave for my safety, and I didn't want the stress to further impact her health. From March until August I was completely homeless without work or money living out of my SUV (mom was paying for it and buying me food secretly) under a bridge. I was talking to my new life partner, and I ran into my ex-boyfriend, Cory, who had me move in with him. Shortly later, Stephen and I went from boyfriends to partners and were in a position to move in together. I will say I love with living with him (despite the differences in our daily routines and our approach existing) but Christ on a stick I 🤬 hate Preakness apartments with unbridled passion lol 😖It has been interesting for two in love gay boys, one autistic with C-PTSD and the other with ADDHD moving in together building a life.
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Sadly, the experiences of seeing murders, rapes, drug culture and gang violence along with my experiences throughout my life had a deeper impact that I realized. It was during that time I lived off of credit cards and recently the creditors have become particularly aggressive with litigation, but I am lucky that most have been charged off and I'm now with CCCS of Chattanooga which is helping me get back on track. I am pending 2 accounts to be added, on Oct. 4th I am going to court to see if one can be forgiven and 1 is with another agency so I am honestly making an attempt to fix my life and now that I am with a brilliant and loving man I feel hopeful but at the same time living in this Trump age is making us both consider our options. Japan, Scotland or Canada is on our short lists and we're going to Japan from Oct. 25th-Nov 15th so it's definitely a possibly. What a strange age to live in. Also, we're going to move out of Antioch in March as I literally hate this city 🖕 We have a few tours set up with nearby complexes at Tusculum, Stewart Ferry, Piccadilly and Heron Pointe.
Anyways, here's a survey to get to know me 💀❤️
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Hobbies - I like Papier-mâché, Candle making and Walking
Have you ever collected anything? What was it? Yes, I collect enamel/button pins, vinyl stickers, vinyl's/cassette's.
How many relationships have you been in? 6-8, I think.
Turn ons - Confidence, Needing Me, Trust, independence
Turn offs - Ego, being the 'bitchy gay'
Favorite food - Riced Cauliflower Onigiri and ika sashimi
Favorite drink - Macha Latte and Water
Are you optimistic or pessimistic? Neither... I ama realist.
What is the most expensive thing you own? PS5, Gucci Shoes and SUV.
What is the cheapest yet most useful thing you own? knock off Plushes from China and maybe...my Tamagotchi lol
Text or call? Text...call if it is an emergency or our first time talking.
What is your definition of success? Being happy. Periodt.
Favorite song? VØJ, Narvent, KoruSe - Euphoria
Favorite artist? Yoshitaka Amano
Favorite flower? Chrysanthemums, Mushrooms & Ghost Flowers
What is the best gift you could receive right now? A kiss from Stephen
Do you like anime? Yes, but only 80s/90s magical girl, horror and cyberpunk. I absolutely hate harem, Isekai and mecha.
What was the name of the last book you read? Vampire Hunter D Volume 29: Noble Front
Do you believe world peace will ever exist? No, conflict and dominance is part of the human condition unfortunately.
Do you have any allergies? Onions, Dairy and gluten.
If you won a trip to Hawaii and you could take 5 people with you, who would those 5 people be? Stephen, Toby, My mom, Stephen's mom and best friend, Bree!
How many countries have you visited? 10 (Japan, South Korea, China, Iceland, Germany, UK, Canada, USA, Russia and Italy)
Do you consider yourself mature? LOL....No.
What is your favorite quote? “Transient guests are we.” ― Hideyuki Kikuchi
If you could live anywhere, where would you live? The place can be in an imaginary, fantasy, or the real world. If mythical I would love to live in Shangri-La, Toussaint from the witcher or maybe Night City from Cyberpunk 2077. IRL - maybe France or Portugal.
What were you like in 2013? A junkie. A Miss. I don't miss her.
If you could change one thing about society, what would it be? Get rid of all this MAGA bullshit.
Are you LGBT? Yes, Gay/Top.
What is the funniest joke you have ever been told? How does Darth Vader like his bagels? On the dark side.
What is your favorite animal? Narwhals, Cats and Goats.
What is one thing that everyone is bad at? Remembering shit.
What time do you normally sleep? How many hours of sleep do you usually get? 9-10. Maybe 6-7.
What is your favorite clothing store? Vapor95 and Incerun.
If you had the power to erase one person from the world so that nobody remembered him or her except you, would you, do it? First, it would be Donald Trump and hell yes, I would.
What do you fear the most? Losing Stephen. He's my heart.
If you could travel back to one year and relive it again, which year would it be? 2009. Would've kept clean and dumped Michael. He ruined so much for me.
What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen? RNC causing Grindr to crash lol.
What is something you will never forget? Grace and Compassion.
Is it harder to love or to hate somebody? I will say this quote ....Doug, you think killing is hard, huh? You wait in the bushes, the animal might outrun you or charge you. It's not easy to get your shot, hm? Try healing something. That is hard. That requires patience. You can break something in two seconds. But it can take forever to fix it. A lifetime, generations. That's why we have to be careful on this earth and gentle.
Coffee or tea? Both. Honestly.
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the-l00ker · 2 months
The sheer audacity of Ava Kris Tyson
The sheer selfishness. Stupidity. Entitled. The Wtf factor.
They're are 2 huge takeaway from this situation that I'll address and be as fair as possible.
1. The underage/pedophile situation
Diabolical. Absolutely diabolical. Underage texting should not be tolerated and the worst thing is that them deleted all tweets that could "be used against them". Is genuinely disturbing, that they were able to get away with this for THAT LONG
And it's clear the the legal system is not going their jobs of oh my goodness it was all public information, and yet it took about 5-10 years of them being around people the same age/younger for people to know.
I was and still am a fan of Mr Beast, because he has done NOTHING WRONG. He was not the one texting minor, engaging with them, so on and so on. Mr. Beast is an INCREDIBLE person and should not be dragged down by the mistake of another even if they're friends/co-worker.
But I can assure you that the trust that he and many other must have had in Ava Kris Tyson is gone.
Obviously theirs a clear difference between liking post and doing the messaging/interacting and they've done both.
It's an upset to the fans, his younger audience, ALL participants, Mr Beast crew, Mr Beast himself and his (now ex) wife as well as their CHILD
This should be yet another testament to the fact that both minors/people of the Internet are not being well protected by the social media platform they're using and it shows. It also shows the lack of actual action from.. Oh ya know... THE FUCKING POLICE, like in the UK (where I'm from) if they know about something, even just a little bit, you're on a list. No questions asked. They'll come to your home, take your information and you may be on a list until they catch the person.
I don't know what the policing is like in America but it doesn't look good.
Overall. Bad situation.
2. Transgender rights.
In the words of many (and accurately) they just set the community back 10 years. They're JK Rowling's wet dream. They're every conservative example A argument when it comes to trans rights. The absolute SELFISHNESS of this individual is jaw-dropping.
They've now set the president of "trans people could be pedophile" in the worst way possible. And what makes it worse is that the media tends to use key identificating factors, such as "black individual" or "British person".
So on every headline about Ava Kris Tyson it will all point finger to transgendered people. Sparking more debates about there rights.
I am fearfully for the Americans because Trumps presidential landslide is going to come due to recent situations and I will not be surprised if you use this as example a b c d e f n g as to why transgender people shouldn't have right. Why LGBTQIA+ people are criminals.
It's horrible. Humiliating.
And to be clear you can be upset about BOTH THINGS
A person being upset about the damage to transgendered rights is not saying that pedophile is good, because that's a whole new sentence. A whole new thing. A whole new post. A whole new argument.
But to conclude. Don't message or ask for nudes online EVER especially if you don't know the person. And do not let the actions of another take you down.
Edit: grammar/spelling (hopefully fixed lol) plus now fuck Mr. Beast, my guy just doomed all the charities he's helped.
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gryficowa · 4 months
I'm going crazy, they want to strengthen this wall on the Polish-Belarusian border, they seriously want to kill everyone trapped on the border
I'm fed up with this country, it will destroy itself with its reborn fascism, it's clear that Donald Trump has played too hard on Polish politicians and I hate it
Why has bullying Muslims become so fucking fashionable?
Poland, USA, UK and Israel, and there's probably more and it pisses me off, but I'm powerless because I have ASD and social phobia, which means I can't even rebel like others, I'm not Greta, I'm someone who is terrified of crowds and I would die on the spot if I had to go on strike with other people in the real world
But I can't pretend that nothing bad is happening here, I'm not silent about the border, Poles, Palestine and other important things, just because I can't physically fight doesn't mean I can't show my frustration in another way
Why are all my attempts to publicize what is happening at the border abroad not working? Are these Muslims less important than the Palestinians and Sudanese?
People were deceived by Lukashenko that he would help them, they were imprisoned, the border guards from both countries abuse them, they do not allow help and they destroyed their phones so that they could not communicate, it is terrible, and the worst is that many right-wingers are supports (And the pro-life wanted to shoot these people)
I remember there was a post (or rather a tweet) about a woman with a cat who was trapped at the border, people laughed like today Israelis laugh at children dying from their bombs, it's terrible that we live in these times, although other leftists talked about the returning fascism and people laughed at them and it hurts
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I saw how people attacked them and when they fled from the Taliban they took their children with them because it was irresponsible (Yes, you heard right, people are terrible)
I see the same thing with Israelis (specifically with Zionist views), laughing or attacking families because their child is not at home, or is at home because the Israeli army kidnapped him, people have lost the trait of empathy and it hurts
How many times have I heard that I am under leftist propaganda, or just stupid, because they treat "Bad illegal immigrants" as people + They spread propaganda that these people force you to cry, yes, they are so disgusting
If it turns out that these bastards supporting the border guard suddenly turn out to support Palestine, I will be disgusted by the hypocrisy of these people, I'm sorry, but I hate two-faced people and I say that straight
Yes, I'm fed up with this world, I'm fed up with people in my country using gashlighing to tell me that I'm wrong, that what's happening is wrong and shouldn't be considered normal, my country has been imprisoning people since 2021 borderline and I hate it
If not about Muslims, then about LGBT+ people, because they are not people, but an ideology, so they need to be expelled, I hate it all, this country, which was a victim, has a problem like Israel, and this says something about what is happening, being a leftist in a nationalist country is a challenge because everyone looks at you like you're stupid and laughs at you, although what you say is true, it is the worst in this world, fascism is back and it will be almost impossible to eradicate it, and probably in many decades it will resurface again and find new victims
Poles are like Zionists, they don't listen to anyone because they consider themselves victims, so you have to respect them (And then they go with a billboard saying "Poland for Poles" or other racist shit), it's depressing that a country that survived the holocaust does this the same as the Third Reich, and then he has the nerve to criticize countries for the same shit as himself, it's disgusting and shows how fascism has been reborn, being a fascist has become fashionable and is considered "your own opinion" and the worst thing is that we are powerless because no one listens to us and we are ridiculed for telling the truth, seriously, in such times we live in
The very fact that we are repeating the same history, even though we were supposed not to, shows that we, humans, want extinction, which is terrifying because we should strive for change, but instead we want to go full circle and then it will probably happen again that we should not repeat it X events and repeat them as Y
We are selfish, we play with human life and then pretend that we care about it, we destroy the planet and exterminate endangered species, because after all, "Humans are better than animals", when animals rarely kill for entertainment
Poles and Israelis, you fucking deserve each other
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sortyourlifeoutmate · 2 months
So JD Vance, the lump of gristle that Trump has selected to stand nearby while he makes bad choices after becoming president again, has said (in jest, presumably, or at least semi-jest) that the first ‘truly Islamist’ country to get nuclear weapons is the UK, because Labour won the election.
Obviously we’ve had the merry-go-round of politicians here saying this is wrong but they’re couching it in polite terms because, well, this sack of shit is going to be vice president before too long so they can’t start off on the wrong foot. However, it is worth bearing in mind how ridiculous what he said is, and remembering that he probably meant it, either whole or in part.
There is a class of person who uses the word ‘Islamist’ just as a general, catch-all term for anything vaguely Muslim-y (does your country have Muslims in it? That’s Islamist! Probably) and, naturally, the unspoken implication is that anything Muslim-y is by definition bad and evil. That they don’t really know what the fuck it is they’re talking about is neither here nor there – they say it, and it’s how they view the world.
Similarly, I do love all these high-level (usually right-leaning) ideas about how, oh, Islam is running rampant in Europe and oh, they’re taking over and it’ll be Sharia law from here to breakfast any minute now and it’s all just obvious, obvious, obvious bollocks. It is exhausting to even think about where you’d start on picking apart this tissue of bullshit, because you could start literally anywhere because it is bullshit all the way to the core, which is also bullshit.
They’re just wrong. Let’s be blunt. They’re just wrong. And they’re too dim to have the capacity to even realise why they might be wrong, and too cuntish to ever even care. The world works a certain way, they are sure, and nothing will ever move them. UK is Islamist? Sure, sounds about right, let’s go with that. That’s a fact now, and I will make decisions accordingly. If reality ever bumps against me, well, we can just push it gently to one side. It hardly matters.
I am very tired of human beings. Sapience has brought nothing but despair.
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mothdoesnothing · 2 months
ok so I live in the UK but I do follow US politics and have some experience within activism so I'm just gonna put this here:
trump is MUCH more likely to win after the assassination attempt. it plays directly into exactly the type of persona he wants to cultivate: the political underdog/rebel who people fear. it is more important than ever to vote democrat. I also think it will lead to more political violence throughout the rest of the campaign.
with that being said, politics does not start and end at the poll station it's a consistent fight for the culture, community, and society that we want to live in. if you are in any way against trump, you're going to need to get involved in your local community projects or political groups, volunteer at charities, email your local representatives, find things that you have the chance to control and focus on them. small wins can create a big picture.
it is very likely that aspects of project 2025 will be implemented throughout trump's presidency. if you do not know what project 2025 is, or you want more details on it, here is a great video on it. it is important that you know the ins and outs of what will happen to the US if trump gets in, especially if it could affect you directly.
also if you feel like you're gonna have to move states or even to a different country, you have to start planning right now! the US is in a time of dramatic political change and it is going to become 10x more difficult to move after trump is possibly elected because that's when everyone is going to try to leave. you need to be ahead of the tide when it comes to this or else you could end up on a waiting list or a backlog. Here are some links to start you off:
moving out of state
moving out of the US
Another Tumblr User's experience of moving out of the US
finally I just want to say that your safety and mental wellbeing needs to be your priority, especially in times like these. I hope everyone in the US who is scared of what's to come knows that across the world there are people who also fucking hate trump and project 2025, and will support you even if it's from hundreds of miles away.
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kaylorstree · 1 year
Random Gaylor Things I Think About on A Daily Basis:
In Champagne Problems ‘This dorm was once a madhouse, I made a joke Well it’s made for me now’ makes no fucking sense for Joe or Matty- in the UK we don’t called university housing ‘dorms’- we call them ‘flats’ or ‘room’ or ‘university housing’. The only British place that had a ‘dorm’ would maybe be a boarding school, but that’s cutting it fine. Unless you go to fucking Hogwarts. But you know who did go to University in America? Karlie FUCKING Kloss.
‘What must it be like to grow up that beautiful with your hair falling in your face like dominoes?’ in Gold Rush… When has a lad ever had hair that falls in his face like dominoes??????
‘All the girls you’ve loved before have made you the ONE I’ve fallen for’ Grammatically only makes sense if the ONE is a girl. Otherwise wouldn’t the lyric just be ‘Have made you the BOY I’ve fallen for’????
‘We should off our different scarlet letters, trust me mine is better’ What scarlet letter would Taylor possibly have? Especially in 2014 when New Romantics was released, Taylor was at the top off her career ladder, she was the most perfect and successful pop star in the world. What would she do that is SO scandalous that it would trump everyone else’s shameful secrets?
In Derry Girls, in the episode where Claire is outed (SPOILERS FOR DERRY GIRLS) Orla says ‘Michelle Pfeiffer looks like a cat’ and that really amused me since Karlie is compared to Michelle Pfeiffer. See ‘Closest thing to Michelle Pfeiffer that you’ve ever seen’ in Riptide by Vance Joy.
‘The devil’s in the details but you’ve jot a friend in me’ in Peace.
Ice Spice says ‘Karma is my bestie’ 😭😭😭
As much as we all hate Matty Healy, what is he really well known for? Being a troll on a massive scale. What is the biggest troll? Being in a fake relationship with Taylor to make her seem straight.
(these were theorised before the Matty Healy break-up)
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evilsoup · 6 months
my grandma had a fall last night and another this morning. Eventually an ambulance got to her at about 4.30pm today. She's going to be staying overnight in the ambulance, which is in a queue of ambulances outside the local hospital; this hospital has actually just stepped down from "critical incident" status, the fourth such they have declared since the start of 2024 (it's March 2024 as I write this) -- so this state of affairs is actually below the emergency threshold, this is a "normal" state of operation for a hospital in the UK in 2024.
This is ten years of the tories in power, slicing up the NHS so that what was once genuinely one of the best health services in the world is nowinto a bad joke. Maybe once there was fat to be cut, but they've gone through the muscle and half the bone; the structure is starting to collapse. And this is also the case for all social services. There are homeless people camping in tents around my city, something that hasn't happened since the 1980s but has been picking up in the last few years. There's plenty of money for persecuting asylum seekers or aiding the Israeli genocide in Gaza (where the RAF flies scouting missions for the IDF and the Royal Navy sorties alongside the US Navy to break the Houthi anti-genocide blockade) or contracting big tory donors to carry out work for the public sector at inflated margins or giving unlimited financial support to private train companies to break a strike; and because of this -- in order to facilitate this looting of the state sector, my grandma is staying overnight in a fucking ambulance.
The labour party is no better. They have essentially taken on a tory policy-set and right-wing nationalist ideology. The previous labour leadership were different -- and so were smeared in the press as friends of terrorists and as antisemites. Absurd lies to anyone who was paying attention, but an absurd lie repeated enough can trump the truth; "there's no smoke without fire" say the guys with the smoke machine. And so now we get migrant-bashing genocide-enabling austerity-mongering patriot scum leading the labour party. At least tony blair brought in surestart centres and raised a million children out of poverty.
It used to be the case that we had to argue that socialism was not possible by a reformist path, citing examples like Chile. Now it seems that basic social-democratic reforms are not even possible by a reformist path; "fund the NHS" becomes something approaching a transitional demand, and to most people who don't believe that political change is possible even this sounds like an absurd ultraleft slogan.
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paradoxcase · 13 days
I think the anti-voting people do seem to want a communist revolution, nothing else is good enough for them, there's just the small problem that conditions in 21st century USA are extremely different from conditions in early 20th century Russia
I feel like maybe I should be more open-minded towards their POV, like I appreciate it when conservatives turn away from trump, it's perfectly rational to be able to criticize your own side, and maybe that's largely what people are doing, so I should care more about their criticisms. By voting based on my fear of the other side, am I just as bad as conservatives who think gay rights and public health care will send us to the gulags? Far-right is so crazy scary tho.
I think a lot of these people are very young. And every single young person in the entire history of the world has always hated to be told by their elders that they should sit down, and be patient, and work hard, and maybe some day in the distant future they'll get what they want. They are young and full of righteous anger and are just so sure that there is a secret way that no one else has figured out to get everything they want right now
As for how you know you're not like the people who think gay people are going install Sharia Law, it comes down to where you get your information about the world from. Their problem is they rely exclusively on an echo-chamber of far-right news outlets. And like, if you start to feel like the places you get your news from are starting to become echo-chamber-like, it's good to branch out. There are plenty of reliable sources that rate news sites for bias, and you generally want to avoid sources that always validate the things you think you know already, or which are making emotional appeals or direct calls to action, even if they are sources on the left. Like, advocacy groups are fine and all, but you should get your actual news from somewhere else. And then, after reading news from multiple sources with limited bias, if you still think a Donald Trump presidency is scary as fuck, it probably is.
also MLs believe that revolution is the only way, and democratic socialism is evil, and marx apparently based his analysis on the french revolution, but like france and england and the USA all had their own paths to liberal democracy. French were extremist, USA compromised with slave owners, UK gradually expanded democracy. History says there's not only one way to do things. We don't know what the future holds. Also modern anarchists seem to be allergic to doing things.
French revolutionaries killed their political enemies, bolshevik-style, but their resulting goverment was unstable and france spent like the next 100 years flip-flopping between modes of goverment. The USA made compromises resulting in a more stable government but then people had to battle slavery for most of the following century. The UK as far as I know didn't have an equivalent event but they still made to basically the same liberal democratic endpoint.
I don't think the US and France are actually super comparable here - the US started out with a philosophy of embracing democracy. A very racist, sexist, classist kind of democracy, yes, but it was some democracy, which opens the door to gradually getting more democracy in a peaceful manner, and what do you know, that's what happened. Whereas, France was going from zero democracy to any democracy, which is much harder, and who knows if the French kings actually would have allowed that without some kind of violence? And also, the creation of the US and its nascent democracy did begin with a revolution. It was just kind of lucky that it happened in a colony where Britain couldn't oppose it as effectively and the revolutionaries didn't feel like they had to murder the king and all of his relatives in order to succeed (and also, they weren't really able to).
Whatever the UK did is probably a much better option than either of those. Although, I don't know a lot of the history of this time period, but I kind of suspect that the transition to democracy in the UK and other countries that kept their royals might have been influenced by observation of what was happening in France. It's kind of hard to imagine a situation where absolute monarchy transitions to democracy on a world-wide scale with no violence at all. But at the same time... the Romans had a partial democracy 2000 years before all of this happened. It wasn't actually ever necessary to go through an absolute monarchy stage, which means it's not necessary to have a revolution. Maybe if Caesar had never declared himself Imperator none of this violence would ever have had to happen.
Also I think if there's any kind of revolution-type activity happening in modernized industrial capitalist countries, it's going to be fascists overthrowing the government. There is almost zero desire for a left-wing revolution. You'd have to do a lot of convincing to get people to give up their comfortable lives and go to war and make sacrifices just to live in a communist country where their boss works them just as hard but maybe things will get better in 100 years.
Yeah, like I said in the last post, once you're in a position where you can change things peacefully through democracy, even slowly, violence becomes a lot less attractive. It's really only attractive to people who feel like they don't have the numbers necessary to get their way through democracy, and right now it's the left wing that feels secure that they have the numbers, and the right wing that doesn't, which you can tell based on which people are the ones attempting voter suppression tactics.
Communist revolutions seem to have happened mostly in poor farming economies, which then industrialize after the revolution. Meanwhile, in countries like the USA, people seem to find fascism to be a much more palatable form of violence. No waiting for the country to slowly transition from state capitalism, people get the immediate reward of killing inferior people.
I really don't think this is based on economic issues, I think it's just very hard to go from no political freedom to some political freedom, and then people look back on those early revolutions and don't understand (or forget) the actual reason they happened, which is no longer an issue in the modern day in most countries.
Also random side note, people like to say "if voting did anything, they wouldn't let us do it" when actually uh yeah the GOP actually does try to restrict voting, yes
The big problem is that no one thinks strategically or tactically about HOW to get from crappy point A to utopian point B. Just people being overly emotional on the website that rewards you with internet points for being overly emotional. Rage gets clicks, reason does not.
I mean, yeah, that's teenagers for you
Anarchists and MLs etc only want change to happen outside of voting. But realistically, the way that workers would realize they have the power to do direct action is through participating in unions. And we have parties that are more and less hostile to unions.
Yeah, definitely
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spacefunclubs · 10 months
Actually makes me so upset looking up YouTube and Twitter in the Doctor Who and David Tennant tags and seeing so many transphobes and bigoted losers complain about the latest specials being "woke" over that small scene of Fourteen asking the Meep its pronouns and the metacrisis resolution between Donna and Rose.
It's actually so disheartening, seeing so many people missing the fucking point of Doctor Who, and these are also the same people who shat on Jodie's entire run bc BWAAAA, WAHMAN NO BE DOCTOR!!1!1! and lord knows what's gonna happen when Ncuti's run finally begins and what he'll have to endure with these bigoted losers with a huge ass victim complex. Doctor Who is a show that has been vocally anti-fascist since the beginning with episodes reflecting the UK recovering from the effects of WWII with the Daleks being a metaphor for Nazis, feminism, or hell, even episodes in the new run of Doctor Who way back when it started in 2005 talking about themes of slavery, government corruption, and even subtle LGBT+ themes with Jack Harkness being an openly flirtatious bisexual, Bill Potts being openly lesbian, and hell, even Martha being the first black companion in Doctor Who history (Bill being the second). Not to mention the Twelfth Doctor, who these "fans" claim they stopped watching the show after he regenerated but completely gloss over this fact, sucker punching a racist who was harassing Bill. Not to mention the Doctor as a whole character growing more love and empathy with every new regeneration and not being afraid to emotionally express themselves with love instead of having to hide it, something these "fans" fail to have or even see and understand. So yeah, your "pwecious wittle show" has always been this way, believe it or not!!
And I am SO tired of seeing posts of these bigots asking how much David Tennant got paid for saying that pronoun line or even seeing dumbass video thumbnails of David Tennant saying stupid shit like "RIP DOCTOR WHO" when these assholes gloss over the fact that not only would his character (or any incarnation of the Doctor in general) would HATE these types of people, but also David in general. This whole year, he has been openly showing his support for the LGBT+ community, ESPECIALLY trans and nonbinary folks, between pride pins, the "Leave Trans Kids Alone" shirt, and even voicing his support at certain conventions. AND not to mention his lips were on Michael Sheen in the last season of Good Omens this summer (and his character being a genderfluid demonic entity similar to the Doctor) AND even WAY before that (Richard II) AND playing a trans woman A WHOLE 3 decades ago WAY BEFORE his Doctor Who fame. So no, he wasn't paid to do this shit, he's been doing this for FREE, which is what it costs y'all to not be an asshole. And, not to boast, but when I met him at New York Comic Con last month, I felt so safe around him even with just those few moments when I met him. He's the most kind, humble, gentle hearted soul on this planet and basically the only celebrity I stan bc of all this, so no, I don't think he would support your ideals bc you're just sad and pathetic chronically online cry babies that never felt a touch of a real person.
So fucking tired of dudebros feeling like they're entitled to their "pwecious wittle show" over being "woke" (which BTW, that word has been so overused to death, I don't even think these people know what it even means anymore and just use it as a meaningless insult) when really, they're just coping and seething over the fact that this show ain't for them and wanna be angry for the sake of being angry. So by all means, fuck off and take your anger elsewhere bc we clearly don't need it and it's making me and every other sane fan uncomfortable with your unprovoked anger. It's a trend that I've seen grow between this fandom, the Star Wars fandom, or any other geek-centric fandom online ever since Trump was in power, and it's really sad to see this type of bigotry grow in fan spaces like this. Y'all are better than this, get some help.
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