#umbilical cord injection
singlethread · 2 years
As least I saw a one week old kitten today
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super-ion · 18 days
The Voyages of the Padua
Chapter 1
The first thing she was aware of was the alarm.
She hated it.
The shrill piercing cacophony of it cut straight through the glass wall of the tank into her head.
Then came awareness of the cold.
She hated the cold even more then the alarm.
It was a horrible, terrible cold, a deathly cold. No living thing should ever have to experience this sort of cold.
Her very first impressions of the universe were that it was a harsh, discordant, uncomfortable place and she wished that she could just slip back into the oblivion of non-being.
Then came the injections. Sharp needles from the auto injector bit into her spine and began filling her central nervous system with a cocktail of chemicals that burned like wildfire.
She shifted uncomfortably in tight space as the chemicals seared her nerves, waking up her lizard brain and… oh…
The most basic animal instincts inside her came awake.
Survive survive survive!
She was trapped.
She was trapped in a very small enclosed space.
It suddenly became critically important that she not be inside a cryo tank.
She needed to escape. She needed to breathe.
She pounded her fists against the glass and a moment later, some mechanism cracked and hissed. Then she was unceremoniously disgorged, landing painfully on her knees as cryo fluids sluiced through the grated floor.
She scrabbled to remove the breathing mask from her face, nails tearing skin painfully.
She needed to breath! She needed to…
Ah! Finally!
She flung the loosened mask aside and took her first breaths, the cold, sterile air slicing her throat like a knife.
She knelt there, alternately gulping the air and hacking and coughing.
Something… less than a memory, more than an instinct surfaced in her mind.
The most common side effect of extended cryosleep is disorientation. In the event of an emergency, you may find yourself confused in an unfamiliar location. It is vital that you remain calm and follow the direction of posted instructions if attendants are not present.
Remain calm and follow posted instructions. That seemed easy enough.
She rose shakily to her feet, attempted to take a step and tripped over the tangle of tubes and wires that were still attached to various ports on her body.
An image flashed in her mind. A screaming baby, still wet with amniotics, still tethered to its umbilical cord.
Against her will, a laugh bubbled out of her, high and hysterical. That was her, wasn't it? A new baby thrust violently into the universe.
The only difference was that she wasn't the one doing the screaming. The ship seemed perfectly intent on doing plenty of screaming for everyone.
A starship. That was right, she was on a starship en route to… somewhere.
Who... who was she??
Did memory loss qualify as disorientation? She couldn't recall amnesia being on the list of statistically probable side effects of cryosleep. How exactly was she able to recall the statistically probable side effects of cryosleep, but not her own name?
The alarm kept on screaming and screaming and screaming.
It was an evacuation alarm.
That meant something, somewhere on the ship, had gone seriously to shit and she needed to move if she wanted to survive. She needed to get to an assembly area and receive further instructions.
Survive now, existential crisis later.
She tugged at the network of umbilicals, and immediately regretted it as several painfully held fast to her.
Shouldn't someone be here to help her? Weren't there supposed to be attendants for this sort of thing? She was alone when she really shouldn't be.
Also, she had ports cybernetically grafted onto her. Was that normal? Maybe, but it seemed like a lot, more cybernetic ports than a person ought to have.
As she struggled with the umbilicals, she looked up the row of cryo pods. A few were dark. A few were open and empty… they probably had been for a long time judging by the state of them, with no apparent condensation or residual moisture from the fluids.
Did they just leave her behind? Why would they do that? Had she done something to deserve being left behind?
She glanced behind her and froze. One pod, maybe half a dozen away from hers had also recently opened. Except the glass of the tank was cracked and the withered corpse on the floor clearly hadn't died recently.
Well, that wasn't good.
A wave of nausea swept through her at the sight of it and she heaved... only there was nothing in her stomach, just a taste of bile in the back of her throat.
Remain calm. Follow posted instructions. Survive.
Survive survive survive survive survive
At some point, the stims would wear off and she would crash. She would crash hard. She needed to get safe before that happened.
One final umbilical, connecting to her forearm, stubbornly refused to disengage.
She was running out of time.
She brought the tube to her mouth and bit down as hard as she could, cutting through the bitter material and releasing a splash of sickly sweet fluids on her tongue. She coughed and spat once more, but she was finally free.
Posted instructions. Where…?
Her eyes fell on the big red stripe along the wall and the placards with the large arrows and the pictograms for “decontamination” and “lockers”.
No time for decontamination.
She was naked. Of course she was, why wouldn't she be naked in a cryo pod.
And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?
“What the fuck?” she croaked hoarsely.
Who the hell was she that her subconscious was quoting scripture at a time like this?
A moment later, her brain processed the sound of her own voice. Something deep inside her stirred, some deep hurt that had scarred over.
Heart pounding, she looked down, taking inventory of her body.
The good news was that it was, in fact, her body. On the whole, it was familiar on some deep fundamental level that even her addled brain understood.
The bad news was... that it was her body. It was hers, but parts of it were… wrong. They always had been. The wrong DNA instructions directed creation of the wrong configuration, the wrong hormonal balance. Somebody, presumably whoever she had been before she went to sleep, had taken great effort to fix what they could, but there were aspects of it that would never be quite right.
“Okay,” she said, testing out her voice at a slightly higher register, “okay, looks like… uh… so there's a lot to unpack there… but one problem at a time, okay?”
The most pressing concern at the moment (aside from the incessant wailing of the alarms declaring her imminent demise) was clothing. She was already shivering and trembling in the chill air. Getting to safety would be useless if she succumbed to hypothermia.
She staggered in the direction of the lockers. Another mental image, a nature documentary, a baby gazelle only a few moments old tottering to its feet.
“It would be nice if these random ass memories contained useful information,” she muttered.
She reached out a steadying hand to the wall, letting the red stripe guide her to the locker room.
“Cryostasis Bay 3” the signage read in four languages. She was apparently fluent in two and passingly familiar in a third… interesting.
Twenty-some pods in bay 3. Extrapolating, that meant at least sixty crew and/or passengers. Likely more, it seemed wrong somehow that there would be an odd number of cryo bays. So where was everyone?
The locker room itself was sizeable, several rows with a constellation of red and green lights that she assumed indicated their locked or unlocked status.
A tremor started beneath her feet, subtle at first, but it rose to a dull distant rumble before subsiding once more.
“Oh… that's not good.”
A ship like this, a ship this size, shouldn't vibrate like that.
What sort of ship was this then? And what was it to her? Was it home? Or was it just a place between here and there?
The questions were piling up faster than she cared for them to.
She hoped that a place that was supposed to be a home would feel more familiar.
The errant thought left a painful ache in her chest.
“You didn't know where home was either, did you?”
The ghost of whoever she had been didn't reply.
She shook her head and stepped toward the location where the red lines converged. The office labeled “reception” in those same four languages was dark, no surprise there, but there was some manner of self service kiosk immediately adjacent.
How would she…?
She glanced at her inner wrist, where a barcode was tattooed on her skin. Okay, that was potentially useful.
Right above the barcode was another tattoo. A cluster of snow drops.
Galanthus. First flower to bloom in the spring.
Somewhat less useful than the barcode. Significantly more opaque in its significance.
And… of course the screen on the kiosk was black. She held her wrist vainly up to the scanner port, then came the pleading, then the smacking of the screen and the side of the kiosk. Nothing.
“Shit,” she said, fighting back a frustrated sob. It was just her luck that the one stupid machine that could potentially provide a clue about her identity was out of service.
Might as well start opening lockers at random and hope for the best.
She wrenched open the nearest greenlit locker.
She shoved back mounting panic and tried the next.
This locker contained a shrink wrapped packet of unisex undergarments, two hanging coveralls, and a pair of halfway decent looking boots.
Now she was getting somewhere.
The coveralls were plain, simply adorned, and well made, the exact kind of thing one would expect on a long haul freighter. No rank insignia, so clearly not military. Civilian? Corporate? This ship didn't seem corporate.
She grabbed one of the coveralls and yanked it out for a closer examination. The space above one breast bore a circular parts patch: a downward curving crescent, probably meant to be the horizon of a planet, a single four pointed star, and the text “Eosphorus”.
Eosphorus. Dawn Bringer. Morning Star.
The name didn't evoke anything within her beyond vague notions of etymology and mythology.
The other breast bore a smaller patch: a simple rectangle with “Cassidy” embroidered on it.
A name? There were no accompanying initials, so probably a surname, but it held even less relevance than Eosphorus had.
A bit of color caught her eye, a tiny splash of green against the sterile backdrop of the rest of the locker room. Posted to the inside of the door was a photograph of a man and a woman posed in front of a majestic vista. Yosemite. Half dome.
She didn't recognize either of their faces. There wasn't even any clear indication which one was Cassidy.
Nor did either of them resemble the bedraggled face that peered out of the tiny mirror just above the photograph.
Gods above and below, she was a mess. Her dark red hair was wet and tangled. Her cheeks were sunken and scratched from her fight with the breathing mask. Dark circles bordered eyes that seemed… tired? Sad?
She shook her head once more and tore open one of the packets. The undergarments fit well enough (though the tank top was a bit tight in a way that made her slightly giddy). The coverall was sized generically and she gave silent thanks to Cassidy, whoever he or she or they or whatever were, for being built similarly to her.
The boots, however, were another matter. Two sizes too small was going to get her nowhere fast and she couldn't very well go barefoot.
It was another ten lockers before she found a pair that actually fit. Along the way, she had managed to collect: seventeen photos (none of them her), four necklaces, a wedding ring (too big), three religious icons (all from unrelated denominations), five pocket sized books (two religious texts, two fantasy novels, one introductory text on the history of mathematics) and a teddy bear.
As she hurried to lace the boots, she stared at the bear, slightly baffled. Everything else was shoved away in one pocket or another on her person.
Why exactly had she collected everything? Wouldn't it have been more practical to leave it all behind? None of these things meant anything to her? Should they have? Who were the people that they belonged to? Were they crewmates or fellow passengers? Friends?
What if she took all these things and their owners came back looking for them? Would they hate her for taking them?
But then why had all these things been left behind in the first place?
What if they never came back at all and the ship exploded and she was haunted forever by the knowledge that she abandoned the only physical evidence that any these people had ever lived at all?
She looked up at the rows and rows of green lights that she hadn't checked yet.
The ship rumbled again, louder this time, and the lights flickered ominously.
Right. Imminent death.
She would save what she could.
She grabbed the teddy bear and shoved it into a generic duffle bag emblazoned with the Eosphorus mission patch along with the second Cassidy coverall and two more packets of the undergarments, and ran towards the far end of the locker room.
Her legs were steadier now, her stride stronger and more purposeful. But her left hand was experiencing the beginnings of a tremor, an early warning for the inevitable chemical crash.
How much time did she have?
The stripe was blue this time, with logograms for the assembly area. She hoped to all the gods and spirits that further instructions in some form or another would be waiting for her there.
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cbk1000 · 5 months
Anyway, remember that one too-long fic I wrote about dumb gay people pissing about in Yorkshire with some cows? Here's another preview for the sequel to it:
The rain had lived up (or rather down) that month to all those expectations which Yorkshiremen have of May, when that blessed country might be either the very embodiment of God’s chosen, or abandoned; and on a day when it was coming down like stair rods, in the local parlance, and like horse piss, in Merlin’s, and a sheep had decided to get into difficulties (not, of course, in barn or shed, but in a sopping field in which he was obliged to kneel with the struggling animal whose progeny were making as much of a cock-up of the birth as the rain was making of his jeans), he decided to broach Arthur’s mood, on the logic that they might as well get all of the nastiness over at once. The three were in accord: weather, birth, temperament, and though he could do nothing for the first, he was sorting out the second, and might as well have a go at the last.
“What’s wrong with you?” he asked, fishing out a leg from that Shiva-limbed confusion.
“What?” Arthur asked. He was huddled into his jacket, looking exactly as pleasant as the sky.
“You’ve been in A Mood ever since we got back from the wedding, so either let me beat up your dad, or tell me what’s bothering you.”
“So, my options are: let you physically assault a man twice your age, or tell you something that’s frankly none of your business.”
“Oh, please, like Uther’s some frail old man. Pretty sure he could take a pounding as well as his son.”
“Never, ever, ever say anything like that to me again.”
“Different kinds of poundings, obviously. I mean, so far as I know. I was just trying to say the sturdiness is genetic, I’m sure, and there’s no harm in me punching him in the face.”
“Right,” Arthur said, and rolled his eyes, and knelt down to dry each lamb Merlin passed off after he had clipped the umbilical cord and sterilised the naval area. The farmer, seeing all was well in hand, had gone in for tea, and likely was tarrying there to let the youths ride out that grim business in their sturdy young bodies, which, Merlin found, did not feel nearly so young laid out in the mud, with the wind getting in under their collar. He was shivering in his wet knit cap and torn coat, which Arthur had endured quite uncharacteristically admirably, till finally, when Merlin had pulled out the last lamb, and with chattering teeth was completing the business of severing and sterilising the final cord, he said, “For God’s sake” and tossed one of the towels which had been brought out for the lambs over him, and briskly rubbed down his shoulders.
The farmer returned with tea, and the news that one of the ewes who had given birth the day before had completely prolapsed her uterus.
“Well, this one’s at least sorted,” Merlin said tiredly. “Just needed an epidural and a bit of musical legs. Let’s have a look at the other.”
The other was a sweet little lady called Jenni, who was standing with the telltale red mass the size of a tennis ball protruding from her, and bleating uncertainly. They were in a shed at least this time, so he could make a thorough examination in comparable comfort, during which he remarked with relief there were no tears, but merely what looked to him a relatively straightforward prolapse, which could be put back with a bit of patience. He injected a little anaesthetic, then washed the prolapse in warm water which the farmer had brought, and into which he had generously mixed some disinfectant. Then the bladder was emptied, which Merlin explained to Arthur could generally be achieved by simply elevating the prolapsed tissue till the urethra was straightened, and which he saw now to his pleasure was all, indeed, this one would require, instead of puncturing the vaginal wall with a needle, which occasionally such cases necessitated. Next he lubricated the vagina generously, carefully reinserted it, and then stood, with his hand casually in that intimate position, waiting till it was warm to the touch again. The farmer had gone off once more to see to other business, now men of experience were about this one, and so he decided he might as well, whilst dawdling about with the vagina, see why Arthur had been doing his own impression of some wounded genitalia.
“So,” he said, waiting with his hand up the ewe for it to be ready for suturing, “you going to tell me why you’ve been grumpy even for you?”
“I haven’t been.”
“Yes you have. Morgana and I have been complaining about it behind your back all week.”
“It hasn’t been behind my back, you’ve said, to my face, multiple times, ‘Why are you such a sour cunt?’ And that was polite, compared to what Morgana said.”
“Well, why have you? Look, if you’re worried I’ll get into it with your dad after hearing in-depth what an arse he is, don’t worry, I’ll only ring my aunty who’s a witch and ask her to curse him.”
“She’s not a witch.”
“You Englishmen are always shitting on our proud heritage.”
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pony-boy21 · 3 months
baby update
Well, its been one hella of a two days. Wednesday we went to our normal OBGYN appointment and she was checking Corbin's heartbeat and it was two I high 184 bpm, and so she got the ultrasound lady to check and it was registering at a little higher and I have too much fluid in my womb. I'll have to change my eating habits I haven't been doing well. I use to be so healthy and lately its just whatever I have been craving.. So Dr. Laberge wanted me to go stay in the antepartum ward at the hospital for 24 hours to get the heartrate back down or get some answers why it is so high. So I got checked in and they put me on the moniters to monitor baby, myself and my contractions and low and behold I was contracting every 2-3 minutes so they ended up giving me something to stop the contractions and it took up until 3am. I was up all night and couldn't sleep at all. I was up for 24 hrs. They also gave me an injection in my ass of steroids to help develop the baby's lungs just in case he was coming earlier than expected. Thursday I had no more contractions and so they gave me the 2nd dose of steroids to help the baby in the other ash cheek. They had a specialist come in and check the baby on the ultrasound and Corbin is doing wonderful, no health issues, no problems with the umbilical cord, the heart is strong and showed all four chambers pumping. and he also stated my baby is going to be a chunky one and is two weeks ahead of his growth and is already 5 pounds. At the end of the day we got released yesterday at around 3pm and made it home around 4om baby and I are doing good just under bed rest..
on the another note my friend chad and I are taking bets seeing when baby boy will be delivered . He thinks ill make it to my 39 weeks due date august 10th. I don't think I will make it between 34-36 weeks. He was almost ready to come
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mrsterlingeverything · 8 months
Do you want to see the baby?
Ngl, he looks kinda ugly. 10lbs 3oz big fucking thing. Oh and I kid you not I hate America so much not even 30 minutes after he was born they were asking me to sign consent forms to have him circumcised and given a vitamin k injection. Literally disgusting. I was tempted to strangled the nurse with the umbilical cord but it was taken away.
I’m thinking Spencer. That’s a cunty name yeah? Idk.
My partner is looking at me as I type this completely unaware I’m interacting with tumblr gays.
Bring that ugly baby on stage!!
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expensive-rainbows · 3 months
hi im asking you about tetanus since I actually do not know what that is!
hi! do you want the long answer or the short one?
the short answer is that tetanus is a bacteria that enters the body through wounds that break the skin, usually puncture wounds (animal bites, and nails for example) and wounds that have visible dirt and feces in them. it causes painful muscle spasms, and you lose control of your muscles. it is very painful and if left untreated will result in broken bones and death.
the long answer(!):
tetanus is a bacteria that enters the body when the skin gets broken. the most at risk wounds for tetanus infections are animal bites, puncture wounds, and wounds that got dirt or feces in them. tetanus travels to the brain by entering the spinal cord, and it affects motor skills, and causes your muscles to be unable to relax. it is usually known for lockjaw, which is where the jaw gets trapped one way, like if its stuck open, or closed, and sometimes it can make you have a big grin, just like, all the time. tetanus also causes painful spasms, usually induced by some sort of stimuli, for example if there is suddenly a bright light, or if there is a strong wind. there are a few types of tetanus
generalized tetanus: kind of self explanatory, it affects the whole body, not just one area.
neonatal tetanus: this is a form of generalized tetanus that occurs in babies, where the umbilical cord gets infected. babies will usually show symptoms of tetanus within 14 days of birth, and if caught and treated will usually turn out fine!
localized tetanus: as the name suggests, this form of tetanus only affects the one area, rather than the whole body. the range of how much is affected depends, for example in some people if they get a cut on the hand that is infected with tetanus, their entire arm might be affected, and others only up to the elbow, it depends.
cephalic tetanus: cephalic means related to the head, or directed to the head. cephalic tetanus is harder to diagnose because the symptoms can often look similar to stroke symptoms. usually there will be facial spasms and certain areas can get paralyzed. (compared to stroke symptoms where one side of the body will get droopy, so if the person smiles, only one side would go up, the other side will stay down.)
all of the types of tetanus can progress into generalized tetanus (aside from neonatal) if left untreated for long enough.
there arent any tests to determine officially if someone has tetanus, but usually the doctors would want to rule out a couple other things, depending on what type of tetanus it is, what the symptoms are, and probably other things
the treatment can vary a bit depending on a few factors (location of hospital, location of wound, how far its progressed, any allergies, etc), but for the most part the doctors would give antibiotics (orally or injected), sedatives to calm the spasms, antitoxins, which are similar to fast acting vaccinations, they would also give actual vaccinations to teach the body how to fight the bacteria. odds are they would give other medications as well, to regulate breathing and heartbeat, and they would intubate (put a tube down the throat to the lungs to give oxygen) to preserve the airway, and a feeding tube, which would go up the nose and down into the stomach to provide nutrients. depending on the situation you may be put into a coma, depending on how much the infection has progressed, and how aggressive the treatment is.
ive mentioned that it could result in death a few times but i havent really clarified how. 11% of infections are fatal, and while there is a treatment, there is no known cure, the treatment relies on your body learning how to fight it. with the spasms, the body does not have complete control of the muscles, all of them, including the ones that our brains dont trust us to regulate on our own (breathing, heartbeat, etc), which opens up a lot of muscles for the infection to mess with. sometimes the spasms can last for minutes, which is long enough for them to kill you, for example, if there was a laryngospasm, where the vocal cords contract enough that you cant breathe. you could also have a heart spasm, which is pretty much what it sounds like, where the heart could contract instead of pumping, and it would slow the bloodflow and if it went on long enough, you would die. there are definitely more ways to die from tetanus than these, but im either not remembering them right now, or i didnt read about them. \
as long as you clean your wounds, go to the hospital/urgent care for any major wounds (how to tell), and have the DTaP (diptheria, tetanus, and pertussis) vaccine and the boosters, you shouldnt get tetanus. if there is a cut that you only recently noticed that got infected, make sure to talk to your dr, and if you see red streaks going from the wound go to the hospital, since red streaks are a sign that the infection has reached the bloodstream and is getting close to/has become sepsis (whole different post)
i am going to look into what determines if the infection is localized vs generalized, how many ways it can kill you/how, and there is a clinical trial looking into if you can treat tetanus with small does of botulism that i want to look into. let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything i can clarify!
also thank you for asking this actually made me so happy!!
btw i am a teenager researching this for fun, i am not a medical professional, do not take my words as from an expert. I use this website, and this one! the clinical trial is here (i havent gotten a chance to read about it yet, so give me a minute!)!
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skaruresonic · 16 days
Personally I had always assumed that the way Shadow was going to "cure" Maria's disease was through his blood
Shadow is supposedly immune to all diseases, which, in biological terms, would probably indicate the existence of a nigh invincible immune system in his body. I'm no doctor, but theoretically if you could take some of Shadow's Ultimate White Blood Cells or whatever and inject them into Maria they COULD destroy the disease!
...or they could attack her regular cells, since they'd be dealing with a completely foreign and weaker biology. I like to believe that Gerald was performing some tests with blood samples from both Shadow and Maria before GUN put an end to things
That's... why I cited stem cells, lol. The stem cells harvested from savior siblings come from the blood of the umbilical cord.
Tumblr media
...or they could attack her regular cells, since they'd be dealing with a completely foreign and weaker biology. I like to believe that Gerald was performing some tests with blood samples from both Shadow and Maria before GUN put an end to things
Just my layman's opinion, so take it with the biggest grain of salt, but I would think that if the condition is genetic in nature, chances are it'd need to be treated via genetic manipulation. Tampering with her immune system won't completely "cure" Maria unless the core issue is addressed. It's like how certain forms of anemia resist treatment because of a gene replication error that prevents iron absorption, rendering iron infusions a little like slapping a Band-Aid on the wound.
If the DNA replication error that results in her immune system malfunctioning isn't rewritten, or something along those lines, her immune system will continue to behave as it always has.
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 3 months
can u tell me abt the diff bosses reaslns
okay so 😁
most of the bosses and enemies dont really have reasons for attacking the player these are all just based on implications
majority of the demons i can assume just run off of "killing so he doesnt stop the sabbath/ruin the vessel for the sabbath" or theyre just naturally aggressive . cause theyre demons . some demons that i think would fit these are; the orange lady, amy (possessed), basement (also called flashlight) demon, chalice demon, peekaboo demon, mist demon, spindly lady, umbilical cord demon, and the rest of the demons not in the next sections.
the mirror demon appears in three sections of the game: the secret mirror section of chapter 1, the confession booth in the chapter 2 ending "initiation", and the "garyland/he lives here" section. The mirror demon is a manifestation of john's time in the yale psychiatric institution and his hate towards himself for messing up amy's exorcism. The mirror demon only attacks in mirrors, symbolizing john's self destruction and guilt.
malphas, alu, super miriam, the cult followers and gary/astaroth are directly involved in the profane sabbath, so its definitely to stop john from preventing it. gary (in the first bossfight, normal endings) has an additional motive, making john a vessel for the UNSPEAKABLE. its implied this was a game-long motive, since in the garyland section he injects a drug to "prepare (john) for the UNSPEAKEBLE's arrival".
as i said most of the demons just fall under naturally aggressive towards humans or wanting to keep the sabbath going or just unexplained . theres not really alot of interesting personalities for the demons 😔 the biology of them is interesting though.....
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asiya2000 · 1 year
Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) Treatment: Cost, Procedure, & Hospitals in India
The bone marrow is a brown, spongy material, found inside the bones, which is responsible for the production of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Each of these has a specific function, which is vital for our existence. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen-rich blood to different parts of the body, white blood cells produce antibodies that help us to fight infections and platelets help in clotting, thereby helping to prevent unnecessary blood loss. When your bone marrow is not healthy, it is naturally going to impact the production of the blood cells and platelets, disrupting their normal functioning. In such cases, the patient requires a bone marrow transplant.
What is Bone Marrow Transplant?
Bone Marrow Transplant, commonly referred to as BMT, is a therapeutic intervention that works by replacing the damaged or diseased bone marrow of a patient with healthy stem cells, taken either from the patient's own body or from a suitable donor. Healthy stem cells are infused into the patient's body, to promote the growth and development of new cells.
Different Types of Bone Marrow Transplant
Bone marrow transplant is broadly classified into three different types. These are as under:
Autologous bone marrow transplant - The term 'auto' means self. An autologous transplant involves the infusion of the patient's own stem cells into their body. The procedure is recommended for patients who have to undergo a high dose or intensive treatment like chemotherapy that can destroy the healthy bone marrow. The doctors collect healthy bone marrow from the patient's body prior to the treatment and administer it back into the body after the treatment is finished. The procedure is also referred to as stem cell rescue.
Cost - 11 lakhs to 18.5 lakhs
Steps involved - Various steps involved in autologous bone marrow transplant include:
Collection of the stem cells - This may take several days, and is done by administering medications that increase the stem cell count. The stem cells are then collected and stored at a low temperature.
Treatment - Once the bone marrow has been collected, doctors can proceed with your treatment, be it Chemotherapy or Radiation therapy
Transfusion of stem cells - Once the procedure is complete, the stem cells are reduced in the patient's bloodstream
Allogeneic bone marrow transplant - The term 'allo' means other. Allogenic bone marrow transplant involves the use of tenses taken from a donor, whose genes partially match those of the patients. The eligibility of a person to be a donor is determined by performing a series of tests. Usually, the siblings of the patient are a good match. In some cases, the parents and children may also be suitable donors. Allogeneic bone marrow transplant is classified into three different types - complete matched sibling donor bone marrow transplant, haploidentical bone marrow transplant, and unrelated donor bone marrow transplant.
Cost - 19 lakhs - 28 lakhs
Steps involved - Various steps involved in allogeneic bone marrow transplant include:
Identification of donor - In order to perform an allogeneic bone marrow transplant, there is a need for a compatible donor. The compatibility is defined with the help of a series of tests.
Collection of stem cells - After finding a suitable donor, the stem cells will be collected. This is done by injecting medicines to increase the production of the stem cells and then collecting these from the donor's bloodstream.
Treatment - The free transplant treatment is performed and the patient's body is prepared for the introduction of stem cells.
Introducing the donor cells - The donor cells are transplanted into the patient's bloodstream, which may take about an hour.
Umbilical cord blood transplant
Umbilical cord blood transplant is a type of allogeneic transplant, which involves the administration of stem cells taken from the umbilical cord of a newborn baby, into the patient's body. The cells are collected at the time of birth and stored at a very low temperature, to be used later. The best thing about an umbilical cord blood transplant is that the blood cells are not mature enough, thereby negating the need for a perfect match. The recovery rate is comparatively slower however the procedure can come in handy when the patient cannot find a suitable donor.
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hauntmetosleep · 2 years
Medical Heaven
A permanent guest in the house of my angel, My Valhalla is a warehouse hospital
My nurse's face is a craggy blank canvas And she injects parasites into my mattress, Unpeeling my skin like she thinks I won't notice
In my room is a platform where a vicegrip sits And during blood tests when I yearn for home, The nurse's hand lingers near it as a warning
My halo earned is an umbilical cord, Stolen from a human who wasn't to be
Toxic dreams spring from this void of time Deflated by the days, I know I shan't be leaving
A permanent guest in the house of my angel
[Poem from upcoming collection The Gates of Paranoia] Copyright © 2016-2023 S.M. | Samael’s Tuesday
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emiliaclarke466 · 10 days
Exploring Exosome Stem Cell Therapy: What It Means for Edinburgh Patients
In recent years, advancements in medical science have introduced innovative treatments that promise to revolutionize healthcare. Among these, exosome stem cell therapy has emerged as a focal point of interest for its potential applications in regenerative medicine, tissue repair, and anti-aging treatments. This article delves into what exosome stem cell therapy is, how it works, its benefits, and its implications for patients in Edinburgh seeking cutting-edge medical solutions.
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Understanding Exosomes and Stem Cells
Before exploring the therapy itself, it is essential to understand the components involved: exosomes and stem cells.
What Are Exosomes?
Exosomes are tiny extracellular vesicles released by cells into the bloodstream. They serve as communication vehicles that carry proteins, lipids, and genetic information between cells. This communication plays a crucial role in various physiological and pathological processes, including immune responses, inflammation, and tissue repair.
What Are Stem Cells?
Stem cells are unique cells capable of developing into different cell types. They have the ability to self-renew and differentiate into various specialized cells, making them invaluable in regenerative medicine. There are two primary types of stem cells:
Embryonic Stem Cells: Derived from embryos, these cells can develop into any cell type in the body.
Adult Stem Cells: Found in various tissues, these cells are more specialized and can differentiate into a limited range of cell types.
What Is Exosome Stem Cell Therapy?
Exosome stem cell therapy combines the regenerative properties of stem cells with the communicative power of exosomes. This therapy involves isolating exosomes from stem cells and administering them to patients. The exosomes facilitate cellular communication, promoting healing and regeneration in damaged tissues.
How It Works
Isolation of Exosomes: Exosomes are extracted from stem cells, which can be derived from various sources, including umbilical cord tissue and adipose tissue.
Administration: The isolated exosomes are then delivered to the patient, either via injection or intravenously, depending on the condition being treated.
Mechanism of Action: Once in the body, exosomes interact with target cells, providing essential signals that enhance repair processes, reduce inflammation, and promote cell regeneration. They can also influence the behavior of surrounding cells, encouraging tissue healing and regeneration.
Benefits of Exosome Stem Cell Therapy
Exosome stem cell therapy offers numerous advantages for patients, particularly those with chronic conditions or injuries. Some of the most notable benefits include:
1. Enhanced Healing
The regenerative properties of exosomes can significantly accelerate the healing process in various tissues. By promoting cell growth and repair, patients may experience faster recovery from injuries or surgeries.
2. Reduced Inflammation
Exosomes have anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate chronic inflammation, a common underlying factor in various diseases. This can lead to improved symptoms for conditions such as arthritis or autoimmune disorders.
3. Non-Invasive Approach
Exosome stem cell therapy is typically less invasive than traditional surgical procedures. The administration of exosomes can often be done through simple injections, minimizing recovery time and associated risks.
4. Versatility
This therapy has a wide range of potential applications, including:
Orthopedic Conditions: Helping to heal joint injuries, cartilage damage, and fractures.
Neurological Disorders: Potentially aiding in recovery from conditions like stroke or traumatic brain injury.
Cosmetic Applications: Used in anti-aging treatments to rejuvenate skin and promote hair growth.
5. Safety Profile
Since exosomes are derived from the body’s own cells, the risk of adverse reactions or complications is generally low. This makes exosome therapy a more appealing option for many patients compared to other treatments.
Applications of Exosome Stem Cell Therapy in Edinburgh
As exosome stem cell therapy in edinburgh gains traction, patients in Edinburgh can explore its potential benefits across various medical fields.
1. Orthopedics
Patients suffering from joint pain, cartilage damage, or sports injuries may find relief through exosome therapy. By promoting healing in damaged tissues, this therapy can enhance mobility and reduce pain levels, allowing individuals to return to their daily activities more quickly.
2. Neurology
Emerging research suggests that exosome therapy may aid in the recovery of neurological functions following injuries or degenerative diseases. For patients in Edinburgh dealing with conditions like multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer’s disease, this therapy could offer new hope for symptom management and recovery.
3. Dermatology and Aesthetics
Exosome therapy is increasingly being explored for its anti-aging properties. Patients looking to rejuvenate their skin or address hair loss may benefit from treatments that utilize exosomes to stimulate collagen production and promote healthier skin and hair.
4. Cardiovascular Health
While still in the experimental stages, exosome therapy shows promise in enhancing heart tissue recovery after ischemic events, such as heart attacks. Patients with cardiac issues may find that this therapy aids in improving cardiac function and recovery.
5. Immune Modulation
Exosomes have the potential to modulate immune responses, making them valuable in treating autoimmune disorders. This could lead to improved management of conditions like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
What to Expect During Treatment
Understanding the treatment process can help alleviate concerns for potential patients considering exosome stem cell therapy.
Initial Consultation
The journey begins with a thorough consultation, during which a healthcare professional will evaluate the patient's medical history, discuss symptoms, and determine if exosome therapy is appropriate.
Preparation for Treatment
Once approved for treatment, the patient may undergo preliminary tests to ensure they are suitable candidates. If the therapy involves stem cell extraction (e.g., from adipose tissue), this will be done in a safe, controlled environment.
Administration of Exosomes
The exosomes will be administered based on the treatment plan. This can involve:
Injections: Directly into the area of concern (e.g., joints for orthopedic applications).
Intravenous Infusion: For systemic effects, such as improving overall wellness or addressing neurological conditions.
Post-Treatment Care
After the procedure, patients may receive specific aftercare instructions. While recovery is typically quick, monitoring for any unusual symptoms or side effects is essential.
Potential Risks and Considerations
While exosome stem cell therapy is generally considered safe, it is important for patients to be aware of potential risks and concerns.
1. Limited Research
As a relatively new treatment, research on exosome therapy is still evolving. While preliminary results are promising, long-term effects and efficacy are not yet fully understood.
2. Variability in Quality
The effectiveness of exosome therapy can vary based on the source of the stem cells and the method of exosome extraction. Patients should seek treatment from reputable providers to ensure high-quality products.
3. Individual Response
Not all patients will respond to exosome therapy in the same way. Individual factors, including overall health and the specific condition being treated, can influence outcomes.
4. Regulatory Considerations
As with any emerging therapy, regulatory oversight can vary. Patients should ensure that the clinic they choose adheres to appropriate medical standards and guidelines.
Finding a Provider for Exosome Stem Cell Therapy in Edinburgh
Choosing the right provider is crucial for ensuring a safe and effective treatment experience. Here are some tips for finding a qualified practitioner in Edinburgh:
Research Credentials
Look for practitioners with specialized training in regenerative medicine and a solid understanding of stem cell therapies. Verify their qualifications and experience in administering exosome treatments.
Read Reviews and Testimonials
Online reviews and patient testimonials can provide insights into the practitioner’s reputation and the experiences of others. Look for feedback on treatment effectiveness, patient care, and overall satisfaction.
Schedule a Consultation
A thorough consultation is essential for discussing your specific needs and expectations. Use this opportunity to ask questions about the procedure, potential outcomes, and any concerns you may have.
Evaluate the Facility
Ensure that the treatment facility adheres to safety standards and regulations. A clean, well-equipped environment is crucial for safe procedures.
Exosome stem cell therapy represents a promising advancement in regenerative medicine, offering a range of potential benefits for patients in Edinburgh. From accelerating healing in orthopedic conditions to promoting skin rejuvenation and addressing neurological disorders, the applications of this innovative therapy are diverse and expanding. As research continues to evolve, patients can look forward to a future where exosome therapy may play a pivotal role in enhancing health and well-being.While the therapy shows great promise, it is essential for individuals to make informed decisions by understanding the treatment process, potential risks, and the importance of choosing a qualified provider. With the right approach and care, exosome stem cell therapy could become a transformative option for those seeking to improve their quality of life and regain vitality.
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Revolutionizing Medicine: The Potential of Stem Cell IV Infusion Therapy
Stem cell therapy has long been heralded as a groundbreaking approach to treating a variety of medical conditions. In recent years, the method of delivering these potent cells through intravenous (IV) infusion has gained traction, offering a novel and less invasive alternative to traditional injection methods. This article explores the science behind stem cell IV infusion, its potential benefits, and the current state of research.
Understanding Stem Cell IV Infusion
Stem cell IV infusion involves administering stem cells directly into the bloodstream via an intravenous drip. This method is designed to allow stem cells to circulate thraoughout the body, potentially reaching various tissues and organs more efficiently than localized injections. The hope is that these cells will migrate to areas of injury or disease, aiding in tissue repair and regeneration.
How It Works
Harvesting Stem Cells: Stem cells can be sourced from various tissues, including bone marrow, adipose (fat) tissue, or umbilical cord blood. Once harvested, they are processed and prepared for infusion.
Preparing the Infusion: The stem cells are suspended in a solution and administered through an IV drip. This process is typically performed in a clinical setting and can take several hours, depending on the volume of cells and the patient’s specific needs.
Circulation and Integration: Once in the bloodstream, stem cells travel to different parts of the body. The hope is that they will integrate into damaged tissues and stimulate healing processes.
Potential Benefits
Minimally Invasive: Compared to direct injections or surgical procedures, IV infusion is less invasive and may offer a more comfortable experience for patients.
Systemic Treatment: Infusing stem cells intravenously allows for the treatment of conditions affecting multiple areas of the body or internal organs that might not be accessible through direct injections.
Reduced Risk of Complications: As IV infusion is a well-established method for administering various medications, it may present fewer complications compared to more invasive procedures.
Current Research and Applications
Stem cell IV infusion is being explored for a range of applications, including
Autoimmune Diseases: Researchers are investigating its potential to modulate immune responses and reduce inflammation in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.
Cardiovascular Health: Studies are exploring how stem cell IV infusion might repair damaged heart tissue and improve outcomes for patients with heart disease.
Neurodegenerative Disorders: There is growing interest in its ability to deliver stem cells to the brain and spinal cord for conditions like Parkinson’s disease and spinal cord injuries.
Challenges and Considerations
Despite its promising potential, stem cell IV infusion faces several challenges
Efficacy and Safety: More clinical trials are needed to fully understand the efficacy and safety of this approach. Ensuring that the stem cells migrate to the right locations and perform their intended functions is a complex process.
Regulatory Hurdles: Stem cell treatments are subject to rigorous regulatory oversight, which can impact their availability and adoption.
Cost and Accessibility: Stem cell therapy can be expensive, and not all patients may have access to these treatments.
For more info:-
Stem Cell Therapy in Spinal Disorders
Ozone Lyme Disease
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fkyumerica · 2 months
jen was syd vicious's mom
pantera singer
and he brought her inbred
in his dick
to her
and she had it in her
and was fingering it
with a syringe
to get her off
with that drug too
umbilical cord cut off inject it in the hole of that vein area of it
and drug it
to stay
"why'd you stay"
catch phrase
she went with jo
and built a lot of stupid buildings
anne marie was her stupid sex change daughter/son too
with trent/ryan/don/marcus/willis
0 notes
regenamex01 · 2 months
Discover the Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy in Tijuana: A Comprehensive Guide
The trend of medical tourism is rapidly gaining popularity, with Tijuana rising as a leading destination for advanced healthcare services. This vibrant city on the border is renowned not only for its cultural richness but also for its modern medical centers that draw in patients from all over the world. Stem cell therapy in Tijuana exemplifies this phenomenon, providing state-of-the-art treatments, cost-effective options, and exceptional patient support. This guide will examine the numerous advantages of stem cell therapy, outline the procedures involved, and highlight why Tijuana is a preferred choice for individuals seeking innovative medical care.
Why Choose Tijuana for Stem Cell Therapy?
Stem cell therapy in Mexico has been gaining popularity as a cutting-edge treatment option for a variety of health conditions. Tijuana clinics in Mexico provide some of the highest quality stem cell therapy facilities in Tijuana. Patients can undergo stem cell injections or cell transplants using umbilical cord or adult stem cells to treat their medical conditions. Mexico offers certified stem cell therapy at a fraction of the cost compared to the United States. Giostar Mexico, a leading stem cell clinic, is at the forefront of stem cell research and treatment center in Mexico. With the amount of stem cells being used in treatments, stem cell Mexico provides advanced and effective treatment options for those looking to improve their health through stem cell therapy.
Choosing Tijuana for stem cell therapy offers patients the opportunity to access top-notch medical facilities and experienced doctors who specialize in stem cell treatments. The cost of stem cell therapy in Tijuana is significantly lower than in other countries, making it a more affordable option for those seeking stem cell therapy in Mexico. The medicine clinic based in Tijuana offers a variety of cutting-edge stem cell procedures that utilize the highest quality stem cell therapy. Patients can contact us to learn more about the advantages of undergoing stem cell therapy across the border in Tijuana in 2024.
What is Stem Cell Therapy?
Stem cell therapy utilizes the body’s stem cells to help repair damaged tissues and organs. In Tijuana Mexico, there is one of the leading centers for stem cell therapy Mexico. These unique cells can develop into different types of cells in the body, making them a promising option for treating a variety of medical conditions. By harnessing the regenerative power of stem cells, doctors can offer patients a non-invasive and natural way to promote healing and improve their quality of life. Whether you are seeking treatment for a chronic illness, injury, or degenerative disease, stem cell therapy in Mexico may be the solution you are looking for.
Stem cell therapy is an innovative medical treatment that utilizes the body's natural healing mechanisms to repair and regenerate damaged tissues. Stem cells are unique because they can differentiate into various cell types, making them essential for repairing injured or diseased tissues. This therapy harnesses these regenerative capabilities to treat a wide range of medical conditions, offering a promising alternative to traditional treatments.
Types of Stem Cells Used:
Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs): These versatile stem cells are commonly used in regenerative medicine due to their ability to differentiate into multiple cell types, including bone, cartilage, and muscle cells. MSCs also have potent anti-inflammatory properties, making them effective in treating conditions where inflammation plays a significant role.
Embryonic Stem Cells: Derived from early-stage embryos, these stem cells have the potential to develop into any cell type in the body. While they offer great promise for regenerative medicine, their use is limited by ethical considerations and regulatory restrictions in many countries.
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs): iPSCs are adult cells that have been genetically reprogrammed to an embryonic-like state. These cells provide a versatile and ethically favorable alternative to embryonic stem cells, as they can be derived from the patient's own tissues, reducing the risk of immune rejection and ethical concerns. iPSCs are gaining traction in research and clinical applications for their potential to treat various diseases.
Conditions Treated with Stem Cell Therapy in Tijuana
Orthopedic Conditions: Stem cell therapy is highly effective in treating a range of orthopedic conditions, including arthritis, joint pain, and sports injuries. The regenerative properties of stem cells can help repair damaged cartilage, reduce inflammation, and promote the healing of tendons and ligaments. This can lead to significant pain relief and improved joint function, allowing patients to return to their daily activities and athletic pursuits more quickly.
Neurological Disorders: Tijuana's advanced stem cell treatments offer hope for patients with neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injuries. Stem cells have the potential to regenerate damaged neurons, support the repair of neural networks, and reduce inflammation in the nervous system. This can result in improved motor function, reduced symptoms, and a better quality of life for patients with these challenging conditions.
Cardiovascular Diseases: Stem cell therapy is being increasingly used to treat cardiovascular diseases, including heart disease and peripheral artery disease. Stem cells can aid in the regeneration of heart muscle tissue, improve blood flow, and promote the formation of new blood vessels. This can enhance heart function, reduce the symptoms of heart failure, and improve overall cardiovascular health.
Autoimmune Diseases: Patients with autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Crohn’s disease can benefit from stem cell therapy. The immunomodulatory properties of stem cells help regulate the immune system, reduce chronic inflammation, and repair tissue damage caused by autoimmune attacks. This can lead to a reduction in disease activity, improved symptoms, and a better quality of life for individuals suffering from these debilitating conditions.
The Process of Stem Cell Therapy at Regenamex Clinic
Initial Consultation and Evaluation: The journey at Regenamex Clinic begins with a comprehensive assessment to determine the patient's suitability for stem cell therapy. This evaluation includes a detailed medical history review, diagnostic tests, and consultations with our specialized medical team. Based on the findings, a personalized treatment plan is crafted to address the individual needs and health goals of the patient, ensuring the highest chances of success.
Stem Cell Harvesting:
Autologous Stem Cells: For treatments utilizing the patient’s own cells, stem cells are extracted from their body, typically from bone marrow or adipose tissue. This process is minimally invasive and performed under local anesthesia, ensuring patient comfort and safety.
Allogeneic Stem Cells: In cases where donor stem cells are used, our clinic sources high-quality stem cells from screened and healthy donors. This option is particularly beneficial for patients who may not have enough viable stem cells for extraction or require a different stem cell type for optimal treatment.
Cell Processing and Preparation: The extracted stem cells undergo rigorous processing and preparation in our state-of-the-art laboratory. Advanced techniques and strict protocols ensure the purity, viability, and potency of the stem cells. This meticulous preparation is crucial for maximizing the therapeutic potential and safety of the stem cells used in treatment.
Stem Cell Administration: The method of delivery for stem cell therapy at Regenamex Clinic is tailored to the specific condition being treated and the patient’s overall health. Common administration methods include direct injection into the affected area or intravenous (IV) infusion for systemic conditions. This customized approach ensures that the stem cells reach the targeted areas effectively, promoting optimal healing and regeneration.
Post-Treatment Care: Following the stem cell therapy, patients receive comprehensive post-treatment care. This includes regular follow-up appointments to monitor progress, assess the therapy’s effectiveness, and make any necessary adjustments. Additionally, our medical team provides recommendations for lifestyle and medication adjustments to support and enhance the outcomes of the therapy. Patients are guided on nutrition, exercise, and other factors that can aid in their recovery and overall health improvement.
Benefits of Choosing Regenamex Clinic in Tijuana
Regenamex Clinic in Tijuana is a leading regenerative medicine clinic based in Mexico that offers stem cell treatments in Tijuana. Patients looking for specific treatment options using stem cell therapy may benefit from stem cell Mexico offers. Cell therapy in Tijuana 2024 is an innovative therapy that utilizes the body's stem cells for a variety of medical conditions. The stem cell therapy cost at Regenamex Clinic is competitive compared to other medical facilities in Tijuana, making it an attractive option for those seeking cell therapy for a variety of ailments.
At Regenamex Clinic, you benefit from a team of specialists with extensive experience in stem cell therapies. Our medical professionals are highly trained and have a proven track record in administering advanced stem cell treatments for a variety of conditions. We utilize the latest advancements in medical technology and techniques to ensure the most effective outcomes. Our clinic is known for its excellence in applying stem cell therapy, drawing on years of expertise to deliver superior care.
We prioritize quality and safety in every aspect of our treatment process. Regenamex Clinic partners with top-tier laboratories renowned for their high standards in stem cell processing. These collaborations ensure that we use the most effective and reliable stem cells available. Our clinic adheres to rigorous safety protocols to protect patient health and ensure the highest levels of safety throughout the treatment process. From thorough pre-treatment evaluations to post-treatment monitoring, our protocols are designed to provide secure and optimal care.
Regenamex Clinic in Tijuana provides a variety of advantages for individuals interested in advanced medical treatments using stem cell therapy. Tijuana is recognized as a leading hub for medical tourism, offering access to state-of-the-art therapies at a lower price compared to other nations. Regenamex Clinic is known for its expert staff, modern technology, top-notch care, and affordable options. Opting for stem cell therapy in Tijuana allows patients to experience cutting-edge treatments that aim to enhance their well-being and overall quality of life.
Tijuana is rapidly becoming a leading hub for stem cell therapy, thanks to its combination of advanced medical practices and affordability. With Regenamex Clinic at the forefront, you have the opportunity to access world-class stem cell treatments in a setting that prioritizes your well-being and financial considerations. If you're considering stem cell therapy to address your health concerns, Tijuana offers an attractive and practical option.
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phoenix-ultrasound · 2 months
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innonurse · 2 months
Scientists develop the first mouse model with a fully functional human immune system
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- By InnoNurse Staff -
Scientists at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio have developed the first mathematical mouse model, called TruHuX (THX), with a fully functional human immune system and human-like gut microbiome.
Led by Dr. Paolo Casali, this breakthrough aims to enhance immunotherapy development and disease modeling. The project involved injecting immunodeficient mice with human stem cells from umbilical cord blood and using estrogen to support immune cell differentiation and antibody responses.
THX mice successfully mount antibody responses to vaccines and develop conditions like systemic lupus. This model offers new opportunities for human immune system studies, vaccine development, and therapeutic testing, potentially reducing the need for non-human primate research. The findings are published in the August 2024 issue of Nature Immunology.
Read more at UT Health San Antonio
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