bradandchris · 1 year
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It was at that moment Chris fell into a blissful state of wonder. What was he thinking? Was he thinking? What was thinking anyway?
Chris would snap out of it once the tide rolled in enough to cover his bulge. It was nature's way of saying 'the show's over folks!'
It was undoubtedly one up from a fat lady singing. That saying never made sense to Chris. Brad explained how it came to be to Chris umpteen times, and even with his boyfriend's use of AI infused flow charts and digital puppetry, the concept was never fully grasped.
Did most operas really end with a fat lady singing? #1 Boring #2 It would be ridiculous if not patronizing. Chris knew there was no way, every series on Netflx would just happen to end with the same character. How then did it happen for opera? It read more than coincidental and was just plain fishy.
The entire notion finally came together for Chris when he read on operasense.com only 3.3% of Americans actually attend opera. His sanity was further underscored when he learned almost four times as many Americans watched Netflix using someone else's password.
All was good with the world.
Brad would pass on OperaSense stock options the following day.
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macmusicguy · 2 years
The various meanings of "What?".... and maybe a passing reference to the word "umpteen".
What? can mean a lot of things….
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skydiamonded · 2 months
This weeks emotional support Brian post - Brian reading!
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chicken-wayng · 21 days
Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso are the Kings of enemies-to-lovers-with-the-WORST-communication and passed it down to their umpteen kids
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dualumina · 7 months
(after just finishing to watch The Beekeeper) Oh Adam Clay is definitely a fun character. Big blorbo material. Just an unkillable guy who not even the secret organization who molded him wants to fuck with him. He just wants to watch over his bees and the nice old lady who dots on him. Has a permanent frown but he says the silliest one liners like he means it. He's just a guy in a hat. Let's go check what fun tumblr dot com has on the guy-
*nothing but pictures of the character josh hutcherson plays*
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frogeyedape · 2 years
I am excited to see the spread!
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knightofleo · 3 months
Congrats on becoming the real Royal Rat Authority, its been a real fun time watching your escapades!!! DLC time perchance?
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edandstede · 5 months
today’s good things #5: picked up my fully grown 20+kg staffy so she could look out of the kitchen window at the rain and hail, and she softly wagged her tail with her paws hooked over my shoulder. she asks for uppies now and again and it always surprises me because i never thought she would! i also dragged her bed to the kitchen so she could snooze there in a sun puddle while i got to work painting our kitchen doors (we’re decorating) and i text a photo to my boyfriend because she was being so cute. now she’s asleep in bed next to me and her little snores are tickling my arms and she’s taking up so much room but i literally don’t care. she’s an angel. ❤️
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I can't believe I'm actually saying something positive about ancient Greek attitudes on gender, but I do admittedly "gotta hand it to them" for inverting the Mother Nature, Father Science dichotomy with Athena and Poseidon
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at school, religion teacher shows us a thirty minute documentary from the eighties claiming they found noah's ark. film uses a lot of vagueries, lots of "theorizes" and "concludes". that combined with how tall a claim that is makes me suspicious, like what are the chances that noah's ark is even still THERE. I imagine very low.
so I google the name of the guy making the claims, and the second paragraph on his Wikipedia is as follows:
Wyatt's claims have been described as "fraudulent",[2] in "the category of trash which one finds in tabloids such as the National Enquirer",[3] and been criticized by scientists, historians, biblical scholars, and some creationists, and are not considered credible by professional archaeologists and biblical scholars.
like. well I guess that answers that question
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valeriefauxnom · 1 year
On the Head Accessories of the Royal Family
There's no grand agenda to this post, more just a few observations I found a bit amusing in the course of research and wanted to share.
So, of the family that does wear head accessories, a pattern seems to emerge: they're mostly metal instead of the incredibly ornate gem-studded crowns IRL royalty liked to flaunt about, kings and princesses alike.
But taking a look at the fam, only Leonidas and Chelle (well, and Zethia, but I dunno how much of that is royal fashion vs Auspex religious-based choices) have any gemstone piece to their circlet/tiara/crown, and Leonidas' isn't even attached to the actual circlet itself. Chelle's also has one, which, for a women who loves to play up being a ditzy party princess to manipulate people into underestimating her, is a bit of a surprise she didn't go full display of riches to me.
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Even King Aurelius' lacks ornamentation:
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Here's where things get a bit more conjecture-y: given Aurelius seems to loathe vanity, seeing as how he hides away his coronation portrait for this reason, and whether he's following or starting a trend, I think he's tried to raise the kids to be 'modest' in presentation. Of course, this still involves looking proper, but I think he might not have taken well to ostentatious shows of wealth or encouraged beliefs that they were inherently superior than lowly peasants.
Regardless if this is part of the reason or not why everyone isn't porting gemstone-packed crowns, it's still funny that even my best friend WillofWinnie picked up on this enough in her incredible gift in the form of sticky-note fic art when designing a new little circlet for Zethia in its ending scene that I am shamelessly showing off again because it made me so happy to receive fic art!
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(it also leads to my next point, being that she also picked up the tendency for the fam to be very attuned to pointy metal accessories!)
Now, I don't have any guess as to why they love plain pointy metal circlets, besides that maybe it's a demonstration of Alberia's militaristic pragmatic might. But it's not the only pointy plain metal head accessory someone in the family wears!
Yep, there's someone in the royal family that wears earrings. Who, Chelle, Zethia, you might wonder? Nope, that goes to Leonidas, who wears plain gold, if pointy metal earrings that disguise with his hair pretty well.
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He has them it in all of his versions including his base one, but I felt this was one of the best ones to highlight the contrast that it's not just a weird parting of hair. You go, Leo!
I dunno what fashion expectations are for the royal court in Dragalia, ie, maybe it's considered a masculine (ex: Look at My Manliness for Having HOLES Gauged in my Ears!) or neutral accessory, but hey, it's not too often you see pierced ears in my experience on boys in video games in a more meta sense. Really, the only things that are suggested about court fashion is that Cassandra's clothes are considered inappropriate and Leif believes Gala Chelle's are, too.
But wait, there's more! In somebody else's Gala form, they too gain this. It's also pretty hidden in art, but as you can clearly see on the model...
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Gala Emile has gained a singular earring on his right ear that's suspiciously similar to Leo's.
I wonder if he wanted to try and emulate Leonidas but chickened out immediately after his first ear was pierced and then pretended it was a deliberate fashion decision instead of him not wanting to be poked again.
So yeah, two of the royal family wears earrings, and it's Leonidas and Emile, of all people.
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androidboy · 1 year
im listening to a podcast ep covering narcissism and my mom checked off 6/7 things and when they were giving tips on how to not set off a narcissist it was literally all the things i had to learn to do to prevent her lashing out at me
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tarmac-rat · 1 year
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Go West Young Man
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hermscat · 2 years
Annnnd this is why I love Tumblr......Rainbow Sun Frank's answering a question that has no doubt puzzled us all....no, I don't know him but yes, he does sometimes answer my comments on his Insta stories, nice guy!
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@this-man-is-my-friend @massharp1971 @carsonsweebabyturtles @salchat @colonelshepparrrrd @logicgunn
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allyouzombies · 2 months
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silverfoxstole · 2 years
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Not been over the moon about most of the sketches I’ve been turning out over the last couple of weeks, but I am very pleased with this one.
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