#uncle!hotch x niece!reader
luvhotchner · 7 months
Maybe a text fic where the reader is related to Emily, or Rossi. Either one. And finds out that aaron and the reader are dating so they go all protective. And questioning him about everything the reader likes, And then he answers them, and all shocked because none of the readers passed relationships couldn't answer any of those questions before. Please.
━ Relative
summary: the secret gets out that hotch is dating dave’s niece.
warnings/pairings: hotch x BAU!fem!rossi!reader, established relationship, swearing, slight angst?
hi!! thank you so much for your request and i’m sorry it took so long for me to write! i made it so that reader is related to rossi! i changed it a teensy tiny bit but i still hope you like it! i was thinking of doing one like this but reader is related to emily so stay in touch for that!! anyways praying that you like it ❤️
also, reader calls dave “zio” which i looked up and apparently that’s uncle in italian but i could be wrong 😭
━ ★ ━
tag list for hotch:
@boccacciobunny @guacam011y @hotchhner @samaldonado5 @rousethemouse
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218 notes · View notes
Somewhere to Belong | 1/3 | S.R
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Gif does not depict the child’s appearance
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A/N - this will be a three parter, written for @imagining-in-the-margins Family Challenge.
Part 2 | Part 3
Summary - You and Spencer have only been dating a few months when he drops the bombshell that he wants to start a family and it throws you into turmoil. And that’s only made worse he meets five year old orphan Wren Briar and is determined to do whatever it takes to adopt her. Even if that means destroying your relationship.
Pairing - Spencer Reid x BAU Fem! Reader
Warnings - found family, very brief mention of past addiction and Maeve storyline, post prison arc, age gap between consenting adults (Spencer is late 30s and reader is mid 20s), typical CM case related stuff, child losing her parents, crying child, arguing, swearing.
WC - 8.3k
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Part 1
If Spencer Reid were perfectly honest, he’d never wanted for much his entire life. He’d grown used to just accepting what came his way, never letting his expectations or hubris desire more than he was given. 
Wanting for things only led to great disappointment. For example, wanting a mother who wasn’t sick and a father that didn’t walk out on them. Wanting to not have a drug addiction, or the weight of potentially developing schizophrenia. 
He wanted to not have witnessed his first love being shot to death in front of him before he’d ever had a chance to hold her. 
Maeve allowed Spencer for the first time in his life to want for something tangible. A relationship. A wife. A family. But that was snuffed out along with her life at the hands of Diane Turner’s bullet. 
He’d always liked the idea of having a family, the idea of it almost like a guilty pleasure to the young genius. It seemed so far out of reach, out of the realms of the possible for someone like him to accomplish. 
All he’d ever really wanted was somewhere to belong, something more than his mother could offer him; something deeper than the BAU could provide. Somewhere where he fit like a missing puzzle piece. 
He’d always been an overachiever, never having much trouble reaching the goals he set for himself, but that seemed to be one ideal he would never make a reality. 
He allowed himself the fleeting dream of having a family with Maeve but yet again it had been squandered, the flame of possibility extinguished before it really had a chance to burn. 
He’d spent years watching Hotch with Jack and JJ with Henry and later Michael. He’d witnessed Kate and her niece and then the birth of her own baby. Even Morgan with Hank. And later came Matt with his array of children so large it didn’t seem fair. 
As time drew on Spencer found himself growing more and more resentful towards his friends simply because they had achieved something he was sure he never would. 
And time was ticking on for him, he was much closer to forty now, his thirties slipping away in the rear view mirror, soon to vanish entirely from his vision. 
Perhaps it was his incarceration that put everything into perspective for him; maybe in some twisted way Cat had done him a favour by having him arrested. It was entirely plausible that if he hadn’t gone through that ordeal prior to the case that took place in Woodbridge, Virginia, just fifteen miles outside of Quantico, it may not have ended in the way that it had.   
It was his first day back after thirty days off and admittedly he was grateful to be returning to the BAU. He loved teaching, loved imparting knowledge but it didn’t compare to the rush of fulfilment he got when he worked with his FBI family.
Because that’s what they were, right? Family, at least the closest thing to one Spencer really had. Of course he had his mom, his biological family, but what he had with the team was different. 
In a strange way Emily and Rossi were like the parents, while Matt and Tara were like auntie and uncle and JJ, Garcia and Luke were his twisted siblings. 
Which left you. You who’d joined the team around the same time as Matt not long after his release from prison. You who had slotted into the BAU family as if you’d been there all along. 
You who he couldn’t look at like a sister the way he did JJ and Penelope without it being incredibly bizarre given how attracted to you he was. 
You’d shined a light on Spencer’s dark existence, giving him hope for the first time since Maeve. 
And maybe years ago he never would have even considered crossing that line with a coworker, maybe wouldn’t have even had the confidence to pursue you in the first place. 
But a funny thing happened to Spencer while he was incarcerated. In having his walls completely and utterly torn down, leaving him as little more than a foundation, he was able to rebuild, recraft and manufacture a whole new facade. 
This new appearance was more self assured, the walls he’d erected had locked his old insecurities out in the cold. 
Less was the innocence he’d once possessed but instead replaced by assertiveness. He wouldn’t wait around for what he wanted and hope it would fall in his lap. He would go after it and grab it with both hands.
And that’s exactly what he did with you. 
He’d told you in no uncertain terms that he thought you were beautiful and effervescent and that he wanted to take you for dinner. It wasn’t a question, he didn’t ask if you wanted to go to dinner, he told you that’s what was happening. 
You’d found his confidence to be dizzying and electrifying, and also arousing. You hadn’t even stopped to consider the ramifications of going on a date with your colleague. 
It had been the furthest thing from your mind after dinner, when Spencer kissed you outside of your apartment. You hadn’t given it a second thought when you invited him upstairs where you became privy to the true extent of Spencer’s dominance. 
It had been several months of this and as far as you were aware the rest of the team was none the wiser. 
Spencer lavished you with both expensive dates and also afterwards in the bedroom. He was a gentleman in the streets and a wild animal in the sheets. 
But he wanted more from you than you were able to give, that much became apparent two days ago when you were lying in a post coital bliss and Spencer had mumbled absent mindedly, “I want to have a family.” 
He was on the cusp of forty, it was understandable that he would be thinking of those things. But you were still young, close to fifteen years his junior and a family was the last thing you were thinking about. 
What had ensued had been a painfully awkward conversation which you would have rather had with more clothes on. A resolution hadn’t been reached, the discussion simply ended when Spencer told you he needed time to think and proceeded to leave your apartment. 
And you hadn’t spoken in two days.
With all of it whirring around in your brain you had completely forgotten Spencer was due back today and so when he strolled into the round table room, ten minutes later than everyone else and not apologising for that fact, you tried to hide your surprise by staring at the tablet in front of you.
He took the last remaining seat between you and Luke and flipped open the case file leisurely. 
“Nice of you to join us, Reid.” Emily rolled her eyes as she spoke. 
“Hmm.” He didn’t look up. “What did I miss?” 
“Uh, well, as I was saying,” Garcia shook off his slightly abrupt tone and continued her presentation. “Mister and Mrs Briar are the second couple to be killed in their home Woodbridge, both shot in the head, point blank. A week ago, Mister and Mrs Logan also met the same grizzly fate.” 
“And the police think they are connected? Doesn’t seem like a very specific MO.” Rossi frowned, sitting back in his chair.
“There is one piece of information that ties the two families.” Garcia clicked a button on her remote, casting away the crime scene photos in lieu of two pictures of two little girls. “Both the Logan’s and the Briar’s had a daughter who witnessed the whole sorry thing but were gratefully left alive.” 
Spencer skim read the file in front of him before looking up at the screen and the images of the two kids who had gone through something no child should have to. 
His eyes gravitated to the photograph on the left of a little girl with rosy cheeks and a bright smile. She had curly dark hair and expressive green eyes and Spencer felt as though she was looking right at him, maybe even through him. 
“This is six year old Freya Logan,” Garcia pointed at the blonde girl on the right. “And five year old Wren Briar.” 
Wren, cute, he thought. 
“Woodbridge is nearby, so we’ll work the case from here.” Emily pushed herself to her feet. “Y/N, Tara and I will go to the county police department and speak to the sheriff. Luke, Matt go to the latest crime scene. Garcia I need you to find the kids and get them brought in, they may have seen something that could be of help. The rest of you start digging.” 
Everyone nodded in agreement and started off on their separate ways. Emily mouthed to you and Tara to give her a minute before she left the room. 
Spencer left soon after and without meaning to you found yourself on your feet and following him. 
You trailed him to the kitchen when he grabbed his mug and started up the coffee machine. He had his back to you when you entered behind him but somehow he knew you were there. 
“Why were you late? You’re never late.” Your voice was so unsure, like you weren’t even certain you were allowed to speak to him. 
He turned slowly, leaning his back against the counter as he regarded you with his gaze. 
“I overslept.” He shrugged. 
“You never oversleep.” 
“Yeah because I usually get a decent night's rest. But for two nights I’ve been tossing and turning and when I do actually sleep, it’s fretful at best.” His tone was something akin to frustration, frustration that was clearly directed at you. 
“You can’t just drop a bombshell like that and walk off. I haven’t been sleeping either, Spencer.” You lowered your tone to a whisper in case any prying ears were around. 
“I didn’t realise wanting a family with my girlfriend would be such a bombshell.” He folded his arms across his chest, not being quiet with his words the way you were. At least the coffee percolating helped to mask his voice.
“I didn’t even know I was your girlfriend! We’ve never once talked about what we were, let alone having a family. We’ve been dating for a few months, I’m not sure I understand when this got so serious.” You mirrored him and folded your arms too. 
“Relationships are only ever going to end one of two ways, Y/N. They either eventually run their course or you spend the rest of your life together. I was just letting you know my intentions.” 
“Spencer, I’m still young. Marriage and kids is not something I’m thinking about right now.” 
“Well that's all I think about. And if you don’t want that then there really is no point in us being together. I’m not wasting my time with someone who doesn’t want the same things as me.” 
The coffee machine clicked, its sounds starting to fade out. Spencer turned his back on you and shoved his mug under the machine and hit a button. 
“That’s what this is to you? A waste of time?” You let your arms fall to your sides, feeling the weight of his words crash down on you like a tidal wave.
“You tell me.” He shrugged, not looking back at you. “I’ve made my intentions clear, Y/N. It’s up to you what you want out of this. And if it isn’t a family, then I guess yeah, it was a waste of time.” 
You opened your mouth to speak but closed it again quickly. You repeated this several times as Spencer turned with his mug of coffee in hand. He strolled past you without so much as a glance and you dumbly watched him go. 
You couldn’t even go after him if you tried as soon Emily found you and motioned for you to follow her and Tara towards the elevators. 
“She won’t talk to me,” JJ sighed exhaustedly, running a hand through her hair as she looked between Spencer and Rossi. “She keeps asking for her daddy. I think she’d be more open with a male.” 
The three of them stood in the corridor outside of the small disused office where Wren Briar and a woman from social services were situated. Her eyes stopped their back and forth and landed on Rossi. 
“Don’t look at me.” Rossi scoffed. “I’m old enough to be her grandpa.” 
JJ pulled a face that told him she agreed before turning to Spencer. 
“You are around her dad’s age.” JJ gave him a shrug. “And you’re great with Henry and Michael.” 
“And Jack. And Hank.” Rossi added. 
“Boys,” Spencer shook his head. “They are all boys. I have no idea what to say to a little girl. A little girl whose parents have just been murdered no less.” 
“Spence, you’re great with kids. I think she would really open up to you.” JJ was pleading with him with both her voice and her eyes. Spencer always did have a hard time saying no to her. 
He glanced passed JJ through the window and on the side of the five year old’s face. Since he’d seen her photograph this morning he had felt a strange emotion bubbling in his chest which he couldn’t quite place.
Maybe protectiveness? Did he feel the need to safeguard this little girl from harm? And if so, why?
He’d had dealings with hundreds if not thousands of kids in his years at the BAU and never felt like this before. He wanted to cushion her, wrap her in bubble wrap and take away all of her pain. 
But he didn’t understand why. 
He looked back at JJ and sighed louder than necessary to convey he wasn’t pleased about this. 
“Fine, but you owe me.” He rolled his eyes, stepping further forward and taking a deep breath before entering the room.
Her astute green eyes snapped up as the door opened, little eyebrows knitted together as she took in the man walking towards her. She seemed wiser than her years, the way she seemed to be curiously regarding him, sizing him up and assessing his threat level. 
Spencer offered the social worker a smile before focusing back on Wren. He crouched down when he reached where she was sitting on the couch so he was her height. 
She clutched a stuffed toy to her chest which appeared to be some sort of dog, maybe a cow, maybe even a panda. It was a dirty off white with splodges of black and long tatty ears. It was slightly ragged and threadbare and clearly a favourite with this little girl. 
“Hi,” he spoke softly, calmingly. “My name is Spencer, can you tell me your name?” 
Of course he already knew it but he needed an excuse to get her talking.
“Wren,” she sucked in a breath. “Like the bird.” 
“Wow, that’s such a pretty name.” His smile grew of its own accord. “You wanna know something cool?” 
She rolled her thin bottom lip between her teeth thoughtfully before nodding her head, her nearly black curls bouncing around her face. 
“Y-yes.” She whispered.
“Wren’s eat spiders and insects that they find while hopping along the ground.” He wiggled his long, slender fingers towards her and to his surprise and delight Wren started to giggle.
“Eww!” she shook her head frantically. “I don’t want to eat spiders!” 
“I’m afraid with a name like that, you might have to.” Spencer laughed, her innocent giggle sending shockwaves through his whole body. 
It melted him from the inside out, as if he were made of chocolate and her laugh was a hot flame. He wanted a child more than anything in the entire world and it was killing him not to have one.
“Noooo!” She shook her head so frantically it was a wonder she didn’t make herself dizzy.
“I’ll make you a deal,” Spencer lowered his voice, leaning in a little closer to Wren. “If you can help me find out what happened to your mommy and daddy, I promise no one will ever make you eat a spider.” 
She pouted dramatically, her lip jutting out so severely it looked almost painful. She loosened her grip on the stuffed dog-cow-panda, patting its scruffy head before gripping its ears in her little fingers. 
“This is Rover,” she turned him so Spencer could see his face and confirmed it was in fact a dog. 
“Hi Rover, I’m Spencer. Do you eat spiders?” He cautiously took hold of one of the dogs paws and shook it. 
“Eww!” Wren giggled again, wrapping her arms tightly around the dog again and wrinkling her tiny nose. “Dog’s don’t eat spiders.” 
He wasn’t going to argue with the little girl that given half the chance most dogs probably would eat spiders. Instead he nodded in agreement.
“You’re right, I'm sorry Rover.” He half-smiled at the stuffed dog. “Did Rover see what happened to your mommy and daddy?” 
Wren once again held the dog tighter, nodding sadly as her eyes downturned. 
“The man made us go into the closet. I closed my eyes but Rover saw everything.” A tear trickled from her large green eye and Spencer couldn’t stop himself from reaching out and gently brushing it away.
She didn’t shy away from him, didn’t even flinch. And when he moved his hand away she grabbed one of his fingers in her own petite little hand. 
Her fingers wrapped so tightly around the digit, her fear evident in the small gesture. Her eyes were filled with tears making her already bright irises even more vivid. She looked Spencer in the eyes, keeping a firm grip on his finger. 
“He shot them. He killed them. My mommy and daddy are dead.” And with that a damn broke and her tears cascaded down her rosy cheeks. 
She let go of Spencer’s finger and fell into his arms where he knelt on the ground, nuzzling her little face against his chest, her tears soaking into his shirt. Tentatively he wrapped the girl in his arms, stroking back her raven head of curls and cooing to her that it would be ok. 
His eyes glanced up towards the window in the door where JJ and Rossi were staring right at him. Wren blew her nose on his tie and he shrugged lightly at his coworkers. 
“Damn, he’s good.” Rossi spoke on the other side of the door. 
“You expected anything less?” JJ smiled wistfully. 
When you returned to the BAU later that afternoon with Emily and Tara you were surprised to find the rest of the team, Garcia included, swarmed around Derek Morgan’s old office. 
The three of you approached curiously as the other members gathered around the lone window, clearly staring at something inside. 
“Uh, do we not have a case to be working?” Emily’s voice garnered the attention of the five other agents who spun to face her guiltily. 
You and Tara looked between their faces while they clearly decided who was going to be the one to answer. 
“You need to see this.” Luke spoke with amusement ripe in his voice. 
They parted like the Red Sea to allow the three of you to get to the window. You, Tara and Emily slowly stepped closer until the room beyond was in view. 
On the couch sat Spencer, head forward to his chest and eyes closed tightly. In his lap was a head of dark curls equally as unruly as his own, and a small body curled up next to him, clutching a stuffed toy. Both appeared to be sleeping, Spencer’s limp hand resting on the girl's shoulder. 
“That’s the Briar’s daughter.” JJ filled you all in. “Spence is the only one she would open up to.”
“The social worker got called away and he said he’d stay with her. How long they’ve been like this is anybody's guess.” Rossi added. 
“Isn’t it the most precious thing you’ve ever seen?” Penelope gasped happily. 
She wasn’t wrong. It was utterly adorable. And it warmed your heart and froze it in equal measure. Spencer looked so at home with the little girl, it was only then it occurred to you what an amazing dad he would be. But it wasn’t what you wanted. You weren’t ready for a family, for a child, not like he was. 
You took a few steps back from the window, feeling your heart ripping apart in your chest. You were crazy about Spencer, you weren’t ready for your relationship to come to an end. But if this was how he saw his future, you weren’t sure you could be a part of that.
No one seemed to notice you slip away, too busy watching the man and child sleep peacefully. 
Wren took a shine to Spencer in the way no one ever had before. Sure he was good with kids, but with her he didn’t even seem to need to try. 
Over the next few days he learnt that she was incredibly smart, smarter than any five year old he’d ever met before. He wondered if her parents ever had her IQ checked because he would be willing to bet she was gifted. 
She was inquisitive, curious about the world around her. At her instance he’d told her more facts about her namesake, moving onto other facts about other animals and then just facts in general. 
She hung off of his every word, asking questions if she didn’t understand and probing for more knowledge. 
She was gentle and kind and even despite the trauma Spencer could tell she was a happy kid. He was sure if anyone could bounce back from an ordeal of this magnitude it was her. Wren was resilient. 
And the more time Spencer spent with her, the more time he wanted to spend with her. 
She liked it when he read to her so he went out and brought a ton of her favourite books and would sit in Morgan’s old office and he would read. 
He brought his chess set in, thinking her curious mind would enjoy the challenge. She did. A lot. Even if she struggled to grasp the game, she was only five after all. 
But his heart swelled every single time she cautiously lifted a piece, looked up at him with her electric eyes and whispered, “can I move this thing over here?” 
He adored the little names she gave the pieces and stopped correcting her after a while. He preferred her names for them anyway. The prawn. The horsy. The pointy head. The pretty Queen and the brave King. 
She also loved cartoons so after a quick lesson from Garcia on how to operate a tablet and download Netflix, he would sit with Wren and let her watch her favourites on the device while she rested her head on his shoulder. 
He held her when she got sad and missed her mom and dad. He let her shed her tears against his shirt and blow her nose on as many of his ties as she needed. 
He had learnt long ago not to want for anything in life but he couldn’t help himself. This small child had in the space of a few days completely wormed her way into his heart and he never wanted to see a day where she wasn’t a part of his life. 
One more couple met the same fate as the Logan’s and Briar’s before they caught the guy responsible three days later. 
Wren clung to him as the social worker tried to get her to leave, small arms wrapped around his waist while she sobbed into his side and begged Spencer not to let her take her away. 
“Spencer, don't make me go!” She sobbed and screamed at the top of her little lungs. “I don’t want to leave you!” 
“Hey now,” he whispered, crouching down to her height and wiping her tears with the pads of his thumbs. “It won’t be forever ok? I just need to talk to Miss Carol real quick ok?” 
“I heard her talking on the phone, they want to take me away from you.” Her little lip quivered and it shattered his heart. 
“Wren, I promise you I will not let that happen ok? You just have to be brave for me and go with JJ for a moment. Can you do that?” He tucked her messy hair behind her ears.
Wren looked up with watery eyes at JJ who was smiling at her from behind Spencer. 
“You like books right, Wren?” JJ held out her hand. “I can read to you. Time will fly by.” 
Wren sniffled and looked back at Spencer who was trying to smile encouragingly at her. She suddenly flung her arms around Spencer’s neck and held him tightly as if he were her stuffed dog. He held her too, praying to gods he didn’t believe in that it wouldn’t be the last time. 
When she let go she reluctantly took hold of JJ’s hand so Spencer could be left alone with Carol, Wren’s social worker. 
Once JJ left the room with Wren, Spencer stuffed his hands in his pockets as he looked at Carol. 
“What’s going to happen to her?” He scuffed his toe on the worn carpet. 
“She doesn’t have any living relatives.” Carol shrugged. 
“So she goes into the system?” Spencer felt his heart plummet.
“I’m afraid so.” 
“She’s been through enough.” Spencer swallowed, his eyebrows furrowed deeply.
“Unfortunately that’s kind of a prerequisite for foster kids.” Carol sighed. 
“What, uh…what if I could take her?” His words surprised even himself despite the fact it wasn’t the first time he’d considered it. He’d been thinking about it pretty much non stop since he met Wren, but this was his first time saying it out loud. “I know I can’t just take her now, I did the research.”
“You did?” Carol frowned curiously at him. 
“Last night.” He nodded. “I mean I’m an FBI agent so presumably the background checks and stuff would be easy and I know I would need to buy a bigger place with a second bedroom but I started looking at places near Woodbridge, so Wren could still be near her friends and go to school.
I know there are applications and home studies that would need to be done and I know it’s arduous and expensive but I don’t care. I know it takes time but I can wait. I can wait if it means at the end of it all she’ll get to come home with me. I’d even quit the BAU so I could be home more often. I teach in my spare time at the university, much more stable hours, no travel. I am willing to do whatever it takes.” He was rambling and he knew it but he couldn’t stop. 
Carol listened intently, taking in his every word and looking at him curiously. 
“Doctor Reid,” she sighed a little. “I’m not sure all of that would be necessary simply to foster.”
Spencer suddenly frowned at her, not angry necessarily but frustrated that she misunderstood his intentions. 
He cleared his throat, stepped forward and removed his hands from his pockets. He straightened his back and looked Carol dead in the eyes. He needed her to know how serious he was about what he was about to say. 
“I’m not talking about fostering.” He shook his head. “I want to adopt her. I want to be her father.” 
As it turned out, adopting a child was even more hard work than Spencer ever anticipated. 
That night after his talk with Carol and after promising Wren several hundred times he would see her again really soon, he went home and delved deeper into the ins and outs of this particular venture. 
The easy part was the fact she’d been orphaned and there were no relatives to have to give over parental rights. That was where the simplicity started and ended.
Adopting a child could take anywhere from six to eighteen months. Not to mention the fact it could cost him anywhere up to forty thousand dollars. 
He’d need a bigger home, that much he already knew and a job with more stable hours which was easy enough to achieve. 
He would have to fill out applications, go through home studies and up to thirty hours worth of parental training. He’d need health exams, proof of income, references from several people close to him. 
All relatively achievable. 
But he would also have to undergo a criminal background check. Although he had been cleared of all charges, his time in prison hadn’t been expunged despite Emily’s attempts. He would have to explain that he spent three months in a federal facility for a murder he didn’t commit. 
Also there was the very real possibility that being a single male would hinder his chances of adoption. From what he’d read it shouldn’t be used to discriminate against him, but it certainly wouldn’t be in his favour. 
If the state thought they could place Wren with a family with two parents instead of one, they were more likely to do that than allow a single man in his late thirties to adopt her. 
If there was ever a time for him not to want for something desperately, with his entire heart, it was now. But for the life of him he couldn’t stop himself. 
But the most important thing he needed to do was talk to Wren. 
She might have enjoyed spending time with him, it might have helped take her mind off of watching her parents die, but that wasn’t to say she wanted to live with him. He needed to stop getting ahead of himself. 
He took a personal day from work and drove out to the halfway house she’d been placed in for the time being. If everything went to plan she wouldn’t have to be here too long. 
The second she saw him her entire face lit up, not just her dazzling green eyes. A huge smile plastered on her tiny face and she ran at full pelt towards him. 
Her wild mane of dark curls was tied back into a ponytail and flew behind her with her speed. When she reached him, Wren threw her arms around Spencer’s waist and squeezed him as tightly as her little body would allow.
“Spencer!” She snuggled against him while he in turn enveloped her in a tight embrace. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you too, pumpkin.” It was true, he had and it had only been one night. 
She let go of him before taking him by the hand and marching them both over to a nearby couch. She plopped down on it, he now noticed she had Rover dangling from one hand. 
Spencer sat next to her and she shuffled close to him, as though being near him offered her some kind of protection. 
“I don’t like it here.” She whined a little, choking the stuffed neck of her dog in tiny hands. 
“It'll only be for the short term.” He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “But you do understand that you can’t go home, don’t you Wren?” 
Her bottom lip pouted in that over dramatic way he’d grown used to. Tears sprung to her eyes as she nodded her head. 
“I miss my mommy and daddy.” She sniffled. 
“I know you do, sweetheart.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she rested her head on his rib cage. 
“I don’t want to live here forever.” She whimpered. 
“And you won’t.” He squeezed her gently. “I wanted to talk to you about that.” 
She raised her head so she could look at him, those large, emerald eyes seeing right through to his soul. 
“How would you…do you think you might…” he trailed off, words failing him. “I was thinking, if you’d like to, maybe you could come and live with me.” 
She blinked several times at him, watching, reading him. It was sometimes hard to believe she was only five years old. 
“I can do that?” One of her little eyebrows raised curiously. 
“If you’d like to. Only if you’d like to. But I would love to have you live with me, Wren. Have you heard of adoption?” He tucked another stray strand behind her ear. 
“No.” She shook her head. 
“That’s ok, I can explain it to you.” He smiled softly. “So when a child like you, loses their parents, they need somewhere to go. At the moment you’re in foster care which is temporary. There are foster families you can stay with but it won’t be like your real home. You might get moved around between different families from time to time. 
Adoption is permanent and that’s what I would like. If I were to adopt you I would become your legal guardian…your dad I suppose. You’d live with me at least until you turn eighteen, maybe longer if that’s what you wanted. You’d have a home for as long as you needed one, a family with me. It isn’t an easy process but one I would very much like to go through if that’s what you want.” 
Again the girl blinked him, probably only really understanding half of what he was saying. 
“I had a dad. He died.” She frowned. 
“I know, and I’m not…you don’t have to call me dad. I’m not trying to replace your dad. But I would be responsible for you.” 
“Would I have a new mom too?” Her frown deepened. 
“Uh, no. No mom, just me.” He shrugged. “Look Wren, I think you are a wonderful little girl and I would be absolutely honoured to be your adoptive dad. But I want what’s best for you and if you don’t want that then-”
“Can we play chess if I live with you?” She cut him off. 
“As often as you’d like.” He smiled.
“And will you read me bedtime stories?” 
“Every single night.” His smile grew. 
“Can I have a My Little Pony bedspread?” She started smiling too. 
“I don’t see why not.”
“What about Rover?” She suddenly gasped, clutching the small dog tightly. 
“What about him?” Spencer frowned. 
“Where will he live? I can’t go without him!” She was suddenly beside herself with panic and Spencer couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“It’s a good job I’ve got room for him too then, isn’t it?” 
Her eyes lit up again and sparkled in that innocent way that fed Spencer’s soul. Her lip twitched at the corner. 
“Really?” She bounced a little in the chair.
“Really.” He felt tears gathering behind his eyes. 
“Ok!” Wren nodded. “I think we would like that.” 
Spencer wanted to collapse into tears at those words. If Wren wanted to live with him he would do everything in his power to make that happen.
He knew as he looked at her sparkling eyes and tiny pure smile, he would go to the ends of the earth for this little girl. 
He already loved her with his entire being. And no matter what the adoption process threw at him, he would make it through. He would do it for her. 
When he handed his letter of resignation to Emily a week later and explained his reasons for leaving, she’d quite rightly been shocked. 
But she’d also been incredibly encouraging of his newfound love of an orphaned little girl. 
He glowed when he spoke about her, happier than she’d seen him in such a long time. And although she hated to lose him from the team, she knew it was for the greater good. 
The next step was a new home, a family home, one big enough for him and Wren. Between looking at houses and starting to pack up his own apartment, he hired an attorney to aid him in his adoption battle. 
Although it was the more expensive route, Spencer decided to go down the path of independent adoption. It would mean he would have to do the work an agency would normally do but he always had been a control freak. And he was far more invested in the outcome and would therefore work harder to get Wren home. 
He visited her every day. He took books and his chess set and they spent hours together in the halfway home. He showed her pictures of the houses he’d seen and asked her what she thought. 
One in particular was a cute three bedroom suburban home with a canary yellow picket fence and a green front door. Her little eyes had sparkled when she looked at it and she jabbed her finger at the printout. 
“I want to live here.” She got a little shy as she vocalised it. 
He wondered if it was because she knew. 
The house in question was less than a block from the home she’d witnessed the death of her parents in. She probably walked it past it frequently. 
He wasn’t sure that living so close to a place that held so many bad memories for her would be a good idea, but he also thought it might allow her to feel close to the family she’d lost. 
“Really?” He asked tentatively. “Do you know where it is?”
He nodded defiantly. 
“Near mommy and daddy’s house.” 
“And you want to live near their house? Won’t it make you sad?” 
“I'm always sad.” She confessed, pouting her lip drastically. “Except when you’re here.” 
His heart doubled in size, practically leaped right out of his chest. God he didn’t think it was possible to love her anymore than he already did but she kept proving him wrong. 
“You mean that?” He smiled, tears brimming in his eyes. 
“Yes.” She nodded again. “You make the bad go away.” 
His emotions betrayed him and a few tears fell from his eyes causing Wren to gasp. 
“Oh no! Why are you sad, Spencer?” She grabbed one of his fingers in her hand and squeezed it. 
“I'm not sad.” He smiled. “These are happy tears. I’m just…I’m just so happy I met you. I wish I could make everything better for you, I wish I could bring your mommy and daddy back, I do. But I promise you, as long as I’m alive, you have a family ok?” 
With her free hand she reached for Spencer’s cheek and brushed his tears the same way he did to her. Her little fingers were soft and a little damp. 
“I miss my mommy and daddy all the time.” She whispered as though it was a secret. “But I think they would be happy that you want to be my new family.” 
God she was so smart. Way smarter than her years. He really would need to have her IQ tested. 
“I hope so, pumpkin.”
“Why do you call me pumpkin?” She sat back, looking at him curiously. 
“Because I love Halloween.” And I love you. 
“I love Halloween!” She clapped her hands together. “Can we go trick or treating?” 
Spencer chuckled, yet again tucking her rogue hair behind her ears and off of her little rosy face.
“We can on Halloween. But right now it’s March, we have a few months before October.” 
“But can we go trick or treating on Halloween?” 
“Of course, pumpkin.”
Seven months. He had seven months until Halloween. Seven months to bring her home. 
He hoped he wasn’t making promises he couldn’t keep. The last thing this little girl needed was more disappointment. The last thing he needed was more disappointment. 
After that he spent the next hour watching Wren draw pumpkins and witches and ghosts in crayon while he told her facts about Halloween. 
He left with a picture she’d drawn for him. 
It was of the house with a canary yellow fence and green front door. In front of the house was Wren and Rover who was drawn wildly out of proportion. 
And then there was a tall, slim man with crazy curls holding Wren’s hand. 
In the bottom corner she’d scrawled in her childlike handwriting: my new family. 
That same day Spencer called his realtor and made an offer on the house in Virginia whilst putting his own apartment up for sale. 
He knew buying a house took time but it was time he didn’t have. He’d sent off his adoption applications and the background checks were in full swing but without the house he couldn’t start his home studies which at minimum took three months. 
At least once the background checks were out of the way he would be able to take Wren out of the halfway home for a few hours at a time, supervised by a social worker of course but it was better than nothing. 
He was prepared for the questions about his incarceration and had already discussed as such with his attorney. He had transcripts from his therapist who had cleared him for duty, citing him mentally sound. 
He had Emily write a letter explaining the whole situation, how he was framed and all the gory details surrounding the case and the proof of his innocence. 
He also had letters regarding his character from people who knew him well and could vouch for the fact he would be a great dad. One being from BAU co-founder David Rossi, a name that garnered respect everywhere he went. 
And in the capacity as a mother, Jennifer Jareau who talked at great lengths about how Spencer was the worlds greatest godfather to her boys and how amazing he was with them. 
Emily, Rossi and JJ were three great people to have on his side. 
He’d done everything he could for the time being and for the most part it was now just a painful waiting game. 
His house sale and purchase seemed to be moving smoothly so in his free time when he wasn’t teaching and he wasn’t with Wren, he continued packing up his apartment so he would be ready to get into his new house the second the sale was finalised. 
His apartment was mostly boxes these days, sad, taunting boxes filled with his possessions while he waited for the phone to ring. 
On his last visit to see Wren she’d told him exactly how she would like her new bedroom so some boxes contained flat pack furniture and paint cans. 
She wanted her walls to be orange and when he’d frowned and asked her why she simply replied, “because pumpkins.” 
He couldn’t very well argue with that. 
He managed to talk her down from a bright and garish orange to more of a burnt autumnal colour. She picked out her bed along with a My Little Pony bedspread, and wardrobes from magazines Spencer had shown her and he’d purchased strings of pumpkin shaped fairy lights. 
At her insistence, he’d also brought a dog bed for Rover. 
He may be jumping the gun, wasting his money on such things when he still had a long road ahead of him before he’d be able to take her home. 
And there was also the very real possibility he may never be able to take her home. 
Honestly, Spencer couldn’t let himself think of that. If he let himself consider that outcome he would crumble. 
In such a short space of time Wren had become his entire world and he couldn’t lose her. He wouldn’t lose her. 
He was packing up the last of his books when there was a knock at his apartment door. 
He spun to look at it, boxes piled so high it was like a labyrinth just to get to it. He frowned, mentally trying to ascertain a path but coming up empty. 
“Uh, who is it?” He called, trying to clamber closer.
A stretch of silence met his ears and in the meantime he stumbled over a box and narrowly avoided landing head first in another. 
“It’s Y/N.” You spoke eventually, sounding exhausted. 
He closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose. In all the stress surrounding him, he hadn’t given you a second thought. 
Fuck, I messed up. 
“Uh the door should be unlocked.” He called back and a moment or two later it opened.
You took a step inside, eyes quickly scanning the disarray in the room before finding Spencer’s face, poking out from between two piles of boxes. 
“Marco,” he joked but you didn’t laugh. 
“Were you ever going to tell me you quit the BAU?” You folded your arms over your chest, staying put by the front door. “And moving by the looks of things. Was I going to be the last person to find that out too?” 
“I’m so sorry.” He shrugged meekly, knowing he owed you more than a simple apology. “Everything is happening so fast. I needed to move quickly, the faster I get things sorted the faster she can come home with me.” 
Your frown deepened and he could see the confusion rolling off of you in waves. 
“What are you talking about? Who’s coming home with you?” 
He inhaled sharply, exhaled heavily. Of course Emily, Rossi and JJ knew of his adoption plans but he had asked them not to tell the rest of the team. If it didn’t work out he didn’t want them to be privy to his failure. 
But truthfully he expected them to spill the beans. He knew you’d all have a lot of questions regarding his sudden departure from the team and thought at least one of you would get it out of them. It appeared not. 
“Well, uh, I’m in the process of trying to adopt a little girl.” He shrugged and braced himself for your reaction. 
Your arms fell to your sides and your eyes doubled in size as you glared at him as though he’d told you he was going on a killing spree and not that he was adopting a kid. 
He supposed both would be equally concerning. 
“I’m sure I didn’t hear you right.”
“No, you did.” He tried to step closer to you but he seemed to have boxed himself into a corner quite literally. “You remember the couples that were killed in Virginia? I kinda bonded with one of the kids. Wren. Wren Briar. She’s in a foster facility at the moment but I’m working on adopting her.” 
Somehow the more he explained the less you understood. 
“Are you serious?” You scoffed. 
“Jesus Christ, Spencer.” You shook your head in disbelief. “You bonded with a kid on a case and now you want to bring her home? Play happy families with a child who lost her parents?” 
“Yes, that’s exactly what I want to do.” He tried to shuffle between the piles of boxes but was once again thwarted. 
“Do you realise how insane that sounds?” Your tone was incredulous. 
“Why does that sound insane? She needs a family and I’ve always wanted one.” He frowned at you. 
Of course he understood why you may be concerned but he hadn’t expected this reaction. 
“So you meet someone, you get married. And when the time is right you start a family.” 
“I have tried that! I’ve tried it the “normal” way and that’s never worked out for me. I am thirty nine years old, I don’t know how much longer I can wait.” He was growing angry. 
“So you’re just skipping to the end? Spencer this is not how you dreamed of having a kid!”
“No, you’re right, it’s not!” He suddenly raised his voice, shoving over a pile of boxes in his way so he could get closer to you. “I dreamed of having kids with Maeve and then she was killed in front of me. Then I dared to dream of having a family with you but you shot that idea right down. It’s not ideal, I am aware of that. But goddammit I love that little girl and I will give her a home. I will be her family and she will be mine.” 
“Spencer,” you softened, his eyes wild and scaring you a little. “She’s what, five? She’s already on her way to becoming a fully realised human being. Her personality is already formed, she’s had five years of life where you weren’t a part of it and you just expect her to fall seamlessly into the role of your daughter? Have you ever even considered how hard it’s going to be for her? She lost her parents, they are dead. You really think you can just swoop in and pretend to be her father when she watched her real dad die?” 
“Get out.” He spat harshly. “Get the fuck out of my home.” 
“Spencer I-”
“No, don’t. If you’re not going to be helpful then you can leave.” 
You shook your head in sadness at him, sighing deeply. 
“I might not be ready for a family right at this second but I didn’t once say I wouldn’t want one someday. But you’re so determined to rush this, to skip to the happy ending. We could have had that one day.” 
“That’s not good enough for me.” He finally lowered his voice. “I’m in love with you Y/N, I know I’ve never said that before but I am. And I don’t want to wait to start a family because I love you. But if we don’t want the same things then we have no future. I’m adopting Wren, no matter what it takes and if you can’t be happy for me then walk away.” 
And without another word, that’s exactly what you did. You walked away. 
In another scenario, maybe even in another life you would have told him that you loved him too. 
Instead you simply walked away. 
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Maybe Gideon interacting with a child/teen reader. Maybe one of the other BAU team members kid??
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Jason Gideon X Niece Child Reader
Request: Maybe Gideon interacting with a child/teen reader. Maybe one of the other BAU team members kid??
I need to write more Gideon oneshots.
Third person pov...
The sun was shining, birds were singing, and the slight smell of charcoal and hamburger wafted through the air. It was a beautiful day for a BBQ at Gideon's house. It was a normal Saturday for the team and for once they actually get to enjoy their Saturday
Before the team left for home Gideon invited them and their family round for a BBQ, which surprised the team, but they all agreed.
Currently it was 11am and Gideons niece Y/N was getting ready, the kid was nervous about meeting the team as she hadn't before. The H/C girl was done with her hair and ran downstairs where her uncle was setting up the barbeque.
As she came out she ran over to her uncle. "Uncle I'm ready are they here yet!" She exclaimed making the man jump, he looked behind him and smiles at his energetic niece.
Usually she is on the quiet side but this bargeque is making her excited. "Don't worry Y/N they will ve her every soon, why don't you get some games out ti play with Jack and Henry" he suggests.
Y/Ns smiles grows even wider. "Oh yes I should do that" she said before running to the shed and getting out some games to play.
After that she helped her Uncle bring out the many chairs they need for everyone to sit outside and enjoy the sun.
Each member was bringing something, Derek and Penelope are bringing drinks for both adults and kids, Hotch and his wife Haley were bringing snacks and foodie stuff, Spencer and Emily were bringing games for the kids and anyone else to play.
Finally, JJ and Will were bringing the burgers, hotdogs and other food to be grilled so they wont run out, Henry and Jack are also coming so Y/N has kids her age to play with.
Once the clock hit 11.30am the door bell rang, Y/N jumps over to her Uncle who heard the bell and was walking back inside. "They're here they're here!" Exclaims the young girl.
Gideon laughs as he opens the door, Y/N then goes quiet and hides behind her Uncle. "Hey Gideon!" Exclaimed Derek as he walked in holding drinks for the adults.
Behind him came Penelope woth drinks for the kids "Hello sir" she says politely before running after Derek, next came JJ and Will woth Henry. JJ had the burgers and Will was holding the hot dig buns and other bits. "Thank you for inviting us" Says the Southern man walking after his wife.
After them came Spencer and Emily, "We've got games!" Exclaims the black haired woman making Henry and Penelope cheer, Spencer shook his head and set the game she bought down.
Lastly Hotch and his Wife walk in, Jack runs in and up to Henry the too boys begin talking fast. Hotch was holding snacks for everyone, as was Haley.
Once the food was put down and everyone had a drink and a place to sit, Gideon introduced them to his niece. "Everybody, this is my niece, Y/N” Gideon said, pulling the girl out from behind his legs, She was shy and timid, but the team welcomed her with open arms.
The team members all smiled and welcomed her to the gathering. Y/N seemed a bit shy, but the team was friendly and she eventually came out of her shell.
Y/N was as an only child, so she was delighted to have such a large group of people over to her uncle's house. She watched as the team ate, laughed, and talked. She was amazed by how everyone seemed to get along so well, like a family.
Throughout the day, Y/N hung around the team, listening to their stories and asking them questions.
She was especially interested in how the BAU team solved their cases. Of course her Uncle had told he rmany of them but was happy to hear them from everyone else.
As the team enjoyed their BBQ and getting to know Y/N, Hotch and JJ brought over their sons to meet Y/N, Henry and Jack instantly ran up to Y/N and they all quickly became friends.
The H/C girl lit up when she was playing with Hotch and JJ’s kids, they decided to play football, Y/N was pretty good she was always a quick runner.
The team laughed and talked as they watched the children play. This was more than just a BBQ now; it was a family gathering. Everyone was happy to have a chance to meet Gideon’s niece and relax for the day which no cases.
The sun eventually began to set and it was time for everybody to go home. One by one, the BAU team members said their goodbyes and took their leave. But before leaving, Gideon smiled and told Y/N that they would stay in touch and they would have another gathering soon.
The BAU team left Gideon’s house feeling content and special. They had all enjoyed their BBQ and meeting Y/N.
Before leaving Jack and Henry surprised their parents by hugging Y/N goodbye, each member had taken many pictures throughout the day to remember how much fun they had.
The team left with smiles on their faces. this BBQ was definitely one to remember, after clearing up Y/N was getting ready for bed when her Uncle knocked.
"Come in!" She exclaimed jumping onto her bed, Gideon walked in a smile on his usually neutral face. "Did you have fun today Y/N?" He asks her already knowing the answer.
The little girl grinned up at him. "Yes definitely the best fun I ever had Uncle" she says, Gideon then tucks her into bed.
"I'm glad, good night sparrow" he says kissing her forehead ans turning out the light. "Good night Uncle" Says Y/N before closing her eyes ans falling asleep.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot as usual so sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes!
Request are open!
Wors count: 1042
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rae-is-typing · 3 years
May I request #15 and #18 with hotch x teen reader?? Maybe some exam stress, cause it is ap season right now so maybe something where the reader’s overworking themselves studying for the exams??
Again, this was written a long time ago and has just been sitting in my google docs cause I felt guilty for not posting. Sorry for the wait and thank you for the patience.
Description: You ignore your own needs in favor of test-prep
Characters: You. Uncle!Hotch
Warning: School, ignoring physical and mental needs in favor of studying
Word Count: 700 ish
15: “What are you doing up so late?”
18: “Have you eaten today?”
Color-coded note cards litter the floor like snowflakes in the first snow of winter. The packet you’re using as a reference has been since taken apart by section and placed with the corresponding color of note card. Cramps spread through your fingers to your elbow, but you didn’t dare stop for a break. The big final was in two weeks and you didn;t have time to spare. You were in four honors classes at this new school and you maintained a 4.0 GPA all year. And these classes offered college credit paid for by the school district. You weren’t about to pass up on the opportunity for free college credit. All you had to do was ace each one of the finals, and you were that much further with your education.
However, the added pressure of free college credit came with an overwhelming sense of stress. And because of that stress, you went a little crazy with studying. For the past two days, Jessica had taken Jack. She understood the stress you were under and wanted you to succeed as much as everyone else in your life. In your opinion, the weeks leading up to finals were just as stressful as the actual week. The prep was grueling, hours and hours of non-stop studying, chugging day old cold brew and shitty energy drinks full of flavored syrups and sugars, and having study parties with your more studious friends in the same advanced classes as you. It was a constant feeling of pressure to do as much as you can in the limited time you had. Compiling all of the notes you needed for cramming alone took hours. You had a talent of compartmentalizing. You learned that when you were forced to fend for yourself after your father abandoned you and your mother spent more and more time in religious (cult) retreats. Aaron has tried his hardest to get you help, and some of it has worked, but unfortunately, this defense mechanism to stress was going to stay for a while longer. So why not take advantage of that?
Lately, you have managed to ignore your needs completely and focus solely on the material you had in front of you. This night was no different. You had long since abandoned your sense of linear time passage in favor of staring at the imbroglio of information that made your head hurt. You didn’t even realise that your uncle had left for a job until he came back and tried interacting with you.
You were vaguely aware of the door shutting. However, you assumed it was Jack and Jessica, so you didn’t react to it. Instead, you switch from pre-calc to chemistry. It is at times like these you wish you had Spencer’s mind.
Again, you don’t hear the door to your room opening. You don’t hear Aaron calling your name, you don’t feel him shaking your arm, and you don’t notice his other attempts to get your attention. You do, however, notice him take the packet out of your hands. You do a double take, only realizing that he was there after snatching the packet back.
“Hey, Aaron,” You begin, voice hoarse and throat aching. “How’s life?”
“What are you doing up so late, Y/N?” He asks, tilting his head with his lips pressed together in a thin line. He was absolutely profiling you.
“What do you mean?” “It’s almost midnight, you’re usually asleep or in bed by now.” “Huh.” You sit back in your hair, rubbing an eye with the back of your hand. “I guess I lost track of time.” “What time did you start?” He asks, folding his arms over his chest.
“Uh, earlier today. Around seven or something?” He grows more concerned by the second, brows furrowed and arms falling to his sides. “Have you eaten today?”
“Yeah? I don’t know?” Aaron sighs deeply, running a hand over his face. “All right, put this away. I’ll make you some food.”
You make a noise of protest, but he lifts his hand to stop you. “You are going to eat and then get at least nine hours of sleep.” His tone left no room for discussion. You sighed, hoisting yourself up and resigned yourself to food and bed.
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letarasstuff · 4 years
Too itchy, too loud, too bright
(A/N): This was not requested but I had to get this one off my chest, it started to bug me in my sleep (like Hamilton did to LMM).
Summary: How fast is Spencer able to connect the dots when his daughter complaints about the feeling, loudness and brightness of everything?
Warnings: Descriptions of sensory overload (I described like I feel when I get them and what the internet gave me)
Wordcounts: 1.1k
✨Masterlist✨ ________________________________
When Spencer starts his day, he never expects it to have this outcome. He wakes up his daughter, like every time he does when he is at home and not away on a case. Breakfast, brushing her teeth and doing her hair goes also uneventful. The young doctor likes to get her ready in the bathroom before dressing the girl in order to avoid toothpaste stains. The first mishap happens when the father wants to dress her.
“No Daddy”, (Y/N) screams and throws the shirt he put on her away.
“But Baby”, he tries to console her, “You need to wear a shirt. Or something else. What about the fluffy hoodie with the TARDIS on it?” Spencer hopes she agrees to that, because if not his options are running out.
Luckily for him she nods and lets him change her into the aforementioned clothing article. This is until she begins to whine again. “Daddy, it ITCHY!”
Patiently he asks: “Where does it itch? Is it the sweater or is there something inside that itches.” (Y/N) points to where the label inside the hoodie is. Spender sighs in relief. Finally he is getting somewhere, he thinks while cutting the label off. The father makes a mental note to do the same with all of her shirts.
Because of the whole clothing debacle the small family is running late, which results in them power walking to the train station. “Daddy, loud!” The girl stops and looks up to him. Given their small time window Reid just picks her up and starts walking faster. “Sweetheart, I know the streets are loud, but they are every morning. It will be quieter on the train.”
It seems like anything he does just upsets her further. “NO DADDY! YOU NOT UNDERSTAND” After her outburst, (Y/N) puts her head into her father’s shoulder and her hands over her ears. Only now Spencer connects the dots. The sudden realization makes him mad at himself, he deals with the human psyche on a daily level, but can’t see the symptoms in his own daughter?
“Oh Baby, I think I do now. Let’s get home, where it’s quiet, alright?” While screwing her eyes shut and clamping her little hands over her ears, she nods. As they find their way back with him carrying (Y/N), Reid shoots a quick text to Hotch saying he can’t come in today, because his child isn’t feeling well.
After he shuts the door quietly, he sees an answer from the Unit Chief telling him he hopes that she gets better soon. Spencer nods to himself at that, sure that Hotch thinks something different is wrong than what the case is.
“Ok Sweetheart, what about I shut the blinds on your window and change you out of your hoodie and leggings? Then I’ll wrap you into a little burrito with the soft blanket you got from Auntie Emily and I can read to you while you try to take a nap. You can even wear Daddy’s eye mask, if you want.” Worn down by even the short amount of time she was awake the little girl nods tiredly. “Yes please”, she says in a small voice.
Just like he said, Spencer dims all the light sources in her room, undresses her except for her underwear to reduce any kind of irritating material and swaddles her with the rather heavy blanket in order to make her feel warm and secure.
While reading a cute book named “Rumple Buttercup” by a guy that looks oddly familiar to him (gifted by Garcia for exact that reason), (Y/N) dozes off fairly quickly to Spencer’s relief. He takes a hamper he left next to her closet and takes all of her clothes out laying them in it.
While cutting off all the labels in them as he watches old reruns of Doctor Who on a low volume, a phone ringing startles him. “Dr. Spencer Reid”, the young agent answers it without looking at the caller ID.
“Woah, since when are we this formal? Do you want me to introduce myself with Supervisory Special Agent Derek Morgan or is Derek fine with Mr Three-PhDs?” Though Spencer knows his friend is just joking, it kind of ticks him off.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was you, but next time I’ll make sure to take your call with ‘Yo, what’s up man’.” “Wait, what got your panties in a twist, Reid? I just wanted to check up on you. Hotch said (Y/N) doesn’t feel good and I wanted to know if I can swing by on my lunch break?”
Spencer now feels bad for snapping at him. “Morgan I’m sorry. It’s just- yeah. When you get here, can you get milkshakes? I’ll prepare lunch, if you are fine with dinosaur shaped nuggets and french fries.” With a laugh the older one takes the order and confirms the menu.
Not long after this Reid opens the door, he texted Derek to tell him when he gets there to avoid ringing the bell.
“Uncle DEREK!” An excited toddler greets him by the door, a blanket around her neck like a cape. “Woah, hey there my little hero”, he picks her up while getting into the apartment, “You feeling better?”
With a solemn face she nods. “I felt really overwhelmed, everything suddenly got really itchy and was loud and sunny. But Daddy helped me, he read to me and let me wear his cute eyes mask. I looked like an alpaca. Oh, Daddy said you got a surprise?”
After a sweet lunch with a very energetic (Y/N), who is afterwards sent to play in her room, Morgan sits with Spencer down. “You do know, what happened, do you?”
“I-I do. (Y/N) got a sensory overload and I tried to guide her through to the best of my abilities. I think it was mainly sparked by the reasons that she slept bad for a few nights in a row and my mom is not doing good right now and (Y/N) always kind of feels it when something is off. I also assume that the labels on her clothes ends the whole ordeal off. But I know how to prevent them and what to do when she has one. You don’t need to worry”, the father rambles.
After making sure that both of them are fine, Derek plays for a bit with his favorite (and only as of right now) niece before going back to the BAU. The rest of the day for the Reid family is filled with watching several Disney movies, reading books together and color some in. In other words: A day off in the Reid household.
All works:
Criminal Minds:
@averyhotchner @mggsprettygirl
Spencer Reid:
x child!reader:
664 notes · View notes
reidsmemory · 4 years
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Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: Y/N is a high school teacher and Hotch’s niece. She meets the BAU one morning and feels a connection with one of the agents. A few weeks later she is involved in a kidnapping and has to get her students to safety. 
Genre: Action with some fluff
Quinn Speaks: Okay so I kinda got off track here and it’s more of a bad ass reader fic but I wrote the bulk of this at like 2 am. I hope you all enjoy and let me know if you want a part 2!!
not my gif!
     Your day started at 3 am. That’s right, 3 am. The buzzing noise of your phone woke you out of your slumber as you picked up the device and brought it up to your face, the blinding white light made your eyes adjust immediately. Uncle Aaron was listed as the caller ID and a picture of him, Jack, and yourself was also shown on the screen. 
     “Hello?” you said in your best ‘you totally didn’t wake me’ voice which really ended up being your ‘I’ve been dead for 5 years and been just revived’ voice instead.
     “Y/N, I’m really sorry, but I need you to come in to BAU. We just caught a case and I can’t a sitter for Jack so he’s here with me and-” the man would have kept rambling about the situation if you hadn’t cut him off.
     “No problem, Uncle Aaron. I’ll be there in 25 minutes.” You threw off your covers and began to walk over to your bathroom. 
     “You’re a lifesaver, thanks Y/N.” You hummed and he promptly hung up the call. You flipped on the light switch and saw that you had indeed looked like you had been dead for 5 years. You sighed and got to work. 
     You usually babysat Jack when Aaron was out of town for a case and your flat had become a second home for Jack. It wasn’t like that hadn’t happened before, him calling you about a case and needing you to watch Jack, no of course not. But he would usually call you a couple hours in advance or it would be during hours of the day when you were actually awake and running around. 
     You finished getting your hair to look quite decent all things considered and your teeth brushed and your face was washed. You decide to just throw a cardigan over your tank top and shorts and you made your way to the front door, grabbing your keys, phone, and some snacks for Jack as well as slipping on your strappy, tan sandals. 
     You locked your door and walked to the elevator on your floor and pressed the parking garage button. The elevator hummed as it went down and you yawned, stretching a bit as well.
     The doors dinged open and you made your way to your car and started to drive off. To keep your eyes awake, you played a classic rock station that was full of guitar solos and drum bangs that would surely keep you up. You pulled into a little drive through and got some coffees for yourself, your uncle, and his team as well as a hot chocolate for Jack.
     “25.96 is your total,” the cashier at the window said as you handed her your card. She was still ringing it up as she turned to you, “so, what’s got you up at 3 am and grabbing a shit load of coffee?”
     You chuckled lightly at her words, “babysitting emergency.” 
     She gave you a grin and handing you your card. “Well, good luck,” she said while handing you the holder for all the drinks as well as the drinks themselves. 
     “Thank you, have a good morning,” you said with a light smile.
     “Ditto.” She closed the windows and smiled as you drove off, you still had about 10 minutes to get to the BAU. Traffic was light which worked in your favor as well as living pretty close to the building. 
     You parked and started to get out with the coffees as you made your way to the entrance. You stepped inside as the security guards scanned you and checked the drinks and you were finally able to make your way up to the designated floor with a visitor pass.
     A woman with black hair came into elevator as well and you both exchanged good mornings and a light smiles. She was no doubt judging the outfit you were wearing, wondering where in the federal government you work that allowed you to come into work wearing your a sleep top and shorts as well as a big cardigan. 
     You both stepped out on the same floor and you made your way through the bullpen and straight to your uncle’s office.
     Emily watched you walk off and she furrowed her eyebrows, she had never seen you at the BAU before and now you were walking into her boss’ office with coffees and in your pj’s. “Do you know who that is?” she asked Spencer as he looked up from some paper work.
     “Who?” he asked as Emily discreetly pointed in your direction. Spencer furrowed his brows as he had never seen you before. He watched you walk up the small amount of stairs to Hotch’s office and noticed that you also had a visitor pass in you hand as well a some coffees. 
     “Spencer?” Emily said as he continued to watch you. “Reid!” she snapped in front of his face as he finally brought his attention back to Emily. He looked at her and quickly stole glances at you when he though she wasn’t watching. 
     She noticed. 
     Emily grinned at the younger man as he turned his attention back to Emily and blushed lightly, deciding to return to the papers in front of him, but not without sneaking another glance at you. 
     Your uncle opened the door and ushered you into his office where Jack was sleeping on the couch. “Thank you for coming,” his voice was quiet and you just smiled as he brought you into a hug. 
     “I got coffees for you and your team; needed one myself and figured you guys would want some too,” you whispered as Hotch smiled lightly and took the carrier from you. “So what happened?”
     “Missing child in Louisiana. He was over at a friends for a sleepover and was nabbed about an hour ago.” You nodded and frowned a bit as did your uncle.
     “Well, good thing they’ve got the best on the job,” you tried to lighten the mood as he held a closed lipped smile. “Don’t worry about us, we’ll be fine.” 
     He nodded his head and grabbed some files from his desk and headed to the door of his office. You smiled at him as he said his goodbyes to Jack, waking him. 
     Hotch closed the door and was met by the stares of his team, “we’ll have to brief on the plane. There’s been a missing child report in Louisiana so wheels up in 10.” The team nodded and started to pack up and get ready. “My niece got us all fresh coffee as well,” he walked down the stairs and put the tray on an empty table. 
     “Y/N’s here?” Morgan asked as Hotch nodded. “She is a lifesaver.”
     “My words exactly,” he said and walked away as the team went to grab the drinks. 
     You put Jack on your hip and started to walk out of the office. You closed the door and turned around as you were greeted by the warm smile of Derek Morgan.
     “Morning, Hotcakes,” he teased as you smiled widely. You walked down the stairs as he pulled you into a side hug seeing as Jack was clinging to your other side. You both pulled away as he started up again, “thanks for the drinks.”
     “Course, I figured you guys would be as tired as me,” you said nonchalantly as he nodded. You saw the other pairs of eyes on you and quickly introduced yourself, “sorry, i’m Y/N. Aaron’s niece.”
     They nodded at your words as Rossi made his way over to you. “Nice to see you again, Kiddo,” he hugged you the same way Morgan had and you smiled at the older man. 
     “Jennifer Jareau, but I go by JJ,” she stuck out her hand as you smiled at her and shook it. 
     “Emily Prentiss.” The raven haired woman did the same as JJ as she shook you hand and smiled.
     “Uh, Spencer Reid,” the taller brunette man told you as you shot him a small smile seeing as he didn’t offer a handshake. “I wasn’t aware that Hotch had a niece,” he said.
     “Oh, yeah. I moved out here a few months ago for Hotch and Jack,” you told them.
     “Where do you work?” JJ asked.
     “I’m a teacher at Philip Moore High School.”
     “Yeah, Miss. Y/N is the best history teacher,” Derek teased a you rolled your eyes with a small smile on your face. 
     “Alright, I better get out of your guys’ hair and get this little one out of here,” you told them as they nodded. “Good luck with the case.” You smiled at them and gave Morgan on last side hug before you were walking through the bullpen and towards the elevator. 
     Spencer watched as you went and felt a clap on his back from Derek. He whipped around and saw the older man smiling. “Somebody got a crush on the teacher?” he singsonged as Spencer’s cheeks flamed pink. 
     “From the minute I pointed her out to him,” Emily recalled as she chuckled a it, “the chatty doctor turns into a gaping teenage boy.” Spencer heard JJ snicker as he felt his cheeks heat up even further. 
     The door of the BAU opened as they all whipped around and saw Hotch standing with his go bag and some files, “lets go.”
     It was a few weeks later and the case had gone great from what your uncle told you. They had found the kid and caught the creep who took him within the 24 hour rule they set up. 
     You stood by a yellow school bus and held a roster of names in your hand. “Alright!” you yelled out as mostly all the kids quieted down. “I’m gonna let everyone sit where they want as long as the volume doesn’t get too loud, yeah?”
     There was a mix of yes’ and okay’s in the crowd of 25 or so sophomores. Today you were taking a trip to the nations capital, a tradition for this school. The kids would go see a historical museum and take a tour of the White House, then you all would eat lunch downtown and then the kids go to vote on whether they wanted to go to another museum or go see a historical show. 
     “Lets get going then.” The kids filed onto the bus as you marked the names to the faces. Your co-worker was standing next to you and handing kids their badges and name tags. 
     Once everyone was on the bus, you turned to the slightly older man. “Ready to go?” he asked you as you nodded. Both of you climbed on the bus and the kids quieted down as Mr. Greene opened his mouth, “Alright you all know the drill, no wondering off, no yelling or running, and stick with your partners!” 
     They all nodded and said a variation of yes.
     “I can take the middle if you want the front,” you told him as he nodded and you headed towards one of the benches you had put your bag on. A mix of girls and boys were around it and you were glad that you were on the younger side so that you could somewhat understand what they were talking about. 
     “Miss. Hotchner!” a boy called as you turned to face him. “Do you have any games for the ride?” This got the attention of the kids around you. 
     “Sure,” you started, trying to think of something to keep the teen engaged and interested. “Whoever can spot a red car with the letter q in the licences plate will get ice cream for them and their seat partner. Same thing goes for blue cars with a y.” The kids nodded and started conversing strategies on how they would do this. 
     You knew it was silly, but you would’ve loved if a teacher did this during your school trips. The bus started moving and you were soon pulling away from the school. 
     JJ walked into Hotch’s office, “We’ve got a case and need to go now.” He put down his pen and and grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair. 
     “Fill me in,” he said to JJ as he motioned for the rest of the team to get up. 
     “A bus full of high schoolers on their way to a field trip in DC. They never checked in to their morning tour or any other events. Parents can’t get a hold of kids and faculty can’t get in touch with the teachers on the trip.”
     “So it’s local. How long ago did the high school contact us?” he asked.
     “Not even 15 minutes ago,” JJ told him as he nodded. 
     “Let’s take the SUVs and set up at the high school,” he told the team as the nodded and grabbed their things and headed for the doors. They sped to the cars and split up; Hotch, Reid, JJ, and Morgan in one while Rossi, Emily, and Penelope were in the other. 
     “Alright,” JJ set up her phone so it was on speaker and connected to the other car. “26 kids and 2 teachers along with a bus driver were heading out for an annual field trip the school does for sophomores. No one on the bus has been able to be contacted and were supposed to be back at the school 45 minutes ago.”
     “What time did they take off?” Morgan asked.
     “7:15 am and their first activity was at 9:50 am which they never checked in for according to the museum,” JJ explained. 
     “Garcia,” Hotch started, “can you pull up the bus GPS?” 
     “On it, Sir!” she replied. They kept driving to the school and were within 7 minutes of the destination seeing as they had sped all the way there. The team talked more as Garcia was pulling stuff up. Hotch pulled into the school and payed no attention to the sign as they did so. 
     They hopped out of the car and were met with the principal who had a grief stricken face. “Thank you so much for coming,” he spoke, “James Randalf, I’ll take you guys to the room we’re set up in.”
     “SSA Aaron Hotchner,” he said as he stuck out his hand. The man shook it but held a weird look on his face. “What is it?” Hotch asked.
     “You said Hotchner?” he asked as Aaron nodded, “Any relation to Y/N Hotchner?”
     “Yes, she’s my niece. This is Philip Moore High School?” The principal nodded as they walked through the hallway. He opened to door for the team swiftly as he stepped in. 
     “She’s one of the teacher’s that was on the bus.” Hotch paled at the man’s words as the rest of the team did a double take. Spencer had been to immersed in the case file and hadn’t seen the name of the high school as they pulled up or he would’ve at least connected the dots a bit faster. 
     “Get started,” Hotch said as he pulled out his phone rung your number up. The phone stayed ringing and no one picked up as Aaron cursed under his breath. “Garcia I need you to get the GPS of this number,” Hotch read your number and thought to himself that you always kept your GPS on and he urged you to do it one day as you took Jack.
     “Just in case anything happens, alright?”
     “Nothing will happen to us, but okay,” you said with as smile as Jack giggled in your arms.
     “Got the location, Sir,” Garcia said as Hotch snapped out of the trance he was in. 
     “Call for a SWAT car. Morgan, Emily, Reid, Rossi lets go,” Hotch ordered as they all nodded and followed the man out of the building, all hoping to find you and the kids.
     “Everyone just stay calm!” the man yelled as he entered the bus with another man behind him. The bus driver reached for his walkie-talkie and the second man shot him right in his forehead. The kids around you were whimpering and crying as you tried to be discreet about your movements.
     You grabbed the pepper spray from you bag and put it down your bra as well as taking your small pocket knife and putting it in your shoe. Students looked to you as you held up a finger to your mouth and nodded at them, gesturing for them to listen and stay quiet.
     “We don’t want to hurt anyone else,” the first man started, “we just want everyone to stay calm and stay quiet. We won’t kill you.”
     “Phones now,” the second said as he came around with a sack as kids put their phones in. You kept your head down and did the same, he didn’t seem to realize you were a teacher. He walked back up the aisle and pointed his gun at Mr. Greene. “Red, up,” he said referring to the color of the man’s shirt. He instructed Greene to move the bus driver out of his seat and onto the side of the road. Once he was finished he stood back up and both men stepped outside and shot him as well as dumping the phones.
     You took this opportunity to turn to the kids next to you. “Only call me by my first name, Y/N,” you told them as they nodded, “pass it on.” They whispered to each other and you were pretty sure that all the students knew what to do now.
     They stepped back on the bus and one of the men got into the driver’s seat while the other stepped to the aisle at the front of the bus. “Everyone is gonna quiet up. You all are a special bunch, parents in high position, rich, and willing to do whatever they can to get back their precious children.” The other man laughed as he started up the bus. “If I see anyone trying to communicate with the outside I will not hesitate to blow your head off. No talking and we wont have a problem.”
     He sat where Mr.Greene did as the other man started to drive off. Some kids kept their heads down and others near you looked to you. You signaled that everything was going to be okay and that you would kept them safe. 
     There had to be a way to warn you uncle where you were going. 
     At the sight, the team found two bodies and all of the cellphones. Hotch cursed silently as did the rest of the team. Spencer walked up and down the road as something had caught his eye. He picked up a folded piece of paper and opened it carefully. 
     “Do you have something, Kid?” Morgan asked as he nodded and walked over to the agents. 
     He unfolded the note and showed them as Hotch spoke up, “that’s Y/N’s handwriting.”
     2 men, White. 5′11 & 5′9. 190 and 170 lb. Aggressive and passive. Friends.
     The note had the team smiling as you had been able to give a clue of what they had to look for. “Definitely a Hotchner,” Rossi joked as Aaron smiled lightly at the man’s words. 
     “Lets get this back to Garcia, see if she can get a match.” The team nodded at their section leader’s words. 
     Spencer held the note in his hand and smiled to himself, he had only met you once, but you were proving to be very resourceful as well smart. This made his small crush grow into a full blown one and now he just had to get you back.
     They had taken you all to an abandoned barn about 3 hour drive at top speed. They tied you all up and made you all sit as they quickly made their way to a van that was parked in the barn. They had taken the boys to another location and left the the girls in the barn.
     As soon as you heard the car pull away you looked around for any cameras and saw that their were none. Girls whispered to each other as you soon gained their attention, “everyone listen up,” their eyes where on you. “We are going to get out of here alright?” They nodded as you quickly assessed the situation. 
     “What are you going to do, Miss. Hotchner?” one of the girls asked.
     “Get out of these.” You took the pocket knife from your shoe and switched it open. “Here,” you said handing it to one of the girls, “cut these open.” She nodded and did as you told her. Soon the zip ties where off your hands and you took the knife back from her and cut the zip ties around your feet. 
     You quickly did the same to the rest of the girl as you were all free now. “We move together. If they come back I’ll hold them off and the rest of you run and get help. Get my uncle, his name is Aaron Hotchner and he works for the FBI. Take this,” you grabbed the pepper spray and handed it to one of the girls, “use it if you have a good shot and pick up anything you can defend yourself with.”
     They nodded and you lead the way out of the barn. The van was no where in sight and you were good to go. You started going a different path than the main road in as to avoid the men. 
     You were able to walk with the girls for a good couple hours as you soon saw a gas station. You walked in with the girls and told the man behind the counter your predicament, he was about to dial the police as the door opened and a man walked in. One of the men who kidnapped you all. 
     He shot the man behind the counter and the girls froze. “Thought you could get away that easy?” he said as you gripped the knife in you hand behind your back. He came closer and pointed the gun at you all. “Lets go!” he yelled as some of the girls flinched. He got closer as you were able to tackle him the the ground. 
     His gun went off and slid to the side as the girl watched you and him fight.  You were able to flip him on his stomach and grab the keys out of his pocket. You threw them at the girls direction and yelled, “go! Like we talked about! Get to a big city and don’t stop!” He manged to flip you over and push you to the ground as you gritted you teeth and saw the girls run out of the shop and to the van. 
     You kneed him in the sweet spot as he crumbled above you and you got up on your feet and went to the gun but were tackled to the ground as your face slammed down. He turned you over and held down your hands as he delivered a punch to your face.
     This went on for a while; you and him struggling and giving each other bruises that would hurt for days. You were finally able to knock him out, by slamming his head against the hard floor. 
     You stood up and took the gun and knife as you were able to make your way out of the store and to the little car sitting outside. You broke the passengers side window and unlocked the car and made your way over to the drivers side to hot wire the car. You fumbled with wires and finally got the car to start as you heard a chime from the store entrance. The man was coming out as you pulled out as he tried to chase you as you stuck the gun out your window and were able to hit him in the leg as he fell to the ground. All those times training with your uncle had finally paid off. 
     You knew it was stupid, but you couldn’t help but go back to the direction of the barn. You hadn’t seen any structures where they could’ve keep the boys and you had to get them to safety. You had promised them. 
     A white van pulled up to the front of the school about 2 hours after the BAU had gotten there. The girls filed out and made their way inside the building as they saw the cars parked out in front and figured their would be someone there. The doors were open and they walked in and were met with shocked faces of the staff. 
     The staff got the agents as they made their way to the front of the school. Aaron watched as the girls look around clearly nervous and distraught. “We need to conduct interviews now.” The team nodded as they each took one of the girls into a classroom. JJ gathered all the parents with daughters and told them the good news. 
     Spencer and Aaron sat with one of the girls. “Start at the beginning.”
     The girl told them about the barn and how you had gotten them out and then the walk to the gas station and how you had fought with the man as you told them to go and get help. “Do any of you know Aaron Hotchner? Miss. Hotchner told us to get him and he would know what to do.”
     “That would be me,” Aaron spoke as she nodded. 
     “She saved us and I feel so bad for just leaving her there, with that man,” she shuddered at the thought. “Do you think he killed her?” she whispered to them as both Spencer and Hotch paled at the thought.
     “I don’t think so,” Spencer spoke honestly, “Miss. Hotchner is very resourceful and you said she had the upper hand, right?” The girl nodded as Spencer smiled. “I’m sure she’s fine and you did just what she told you. You don’t have to feel guilty.” 
     She left the room and was soon reunited with her parents. 
     “We need to get to the gas station,” Hotch said as Spencer nodded. “Half of us will go there and the other half to the barn. We can have Garcia see if the car had GPS and if she can retrace where it’s been.”
     The team regrouped and Garcia was able to get 3 locations in the vicinity. They split up accordingly and headed out to the locations.
     You had scoped out a small building. It had no cars in front of it and was the the closest building to the barn you had been in earlier. You knew you could either go in guns a-blazing, but the man inside would have the kids as leverage and you knew you had to take him out as soon as possible or at least injure him. 
     You held the gun in your hand and quickly made your way to the building as you looked into one of the windows and saw the boys all tied up and the man sitting with as concerned look on his face. You devised your plan and figured it would be easier to lure him out. You walked back to the car and put pressure on the horn as it continued to make noise as the heavy stick pressing against it held.
     The man came out as you hid behind a tree and waited for him to have his back to you. Once this happened you fired your gun and hit him in the back of his leg. He dropped to the ground and his gun went forward. You ran over and picked it up as he cried out and started cussing at you. 
     “You stupid bitch! You’re gonna pay for this!” he screamed.
     “Sure, buddy,” you said in an amused voice. You put the guns down as you turned him on his back and took the branch for the car and hit his jaw with it as he passed out. You put it down and checked his pulse, still alive. You opened up the trunk of the car and held him in an army carry as you put him in the small space as you closed and locked the trunk. You jogged over to the building and opened the door to see around 17 teenage boys looking at you with more fear than you had ever seen. 
     “Miss. Hotchner!” one said as you smiled and got out your knife and began getting the zip-ties off of them. 
     “Is everyone okay? Anyone hurt?” They all said no to your question as nodded and finished getting everyone free.
     “What happened to the girls?” one boy asked. 
     “They are hopefully with my uncle and making sure someone comes for us soon,” you told them as they nodded. “You’ll all get the full story when we get out of here, okay?” 
     You lead them out of the small building and told them to stay there. They did as told as you brought the car over and made sure to keep an eye on the man inside if he did manage to escape. 
     After waiting for a hour or so in the dark, a black SUV pulled up along with a swat car. 
     “Everyone put you hands up, it’s alright,” you told them as you placed down the gun and knife and put you hands above your head. The boys followed in suit and you soon saw your uncle get out of the car.
     “Guns down! It’s just the kids!” he made his way over to you as you hugged him tightly. You groaned lightly as he pulled away. “Are you alright?” You nodded and gestured towards the kids as your uncle understood. 
     Spencer came over to you as smiled lightly at him. Your face was littered with cuts and bruises and even a bit of blood that was dried on your face. “Hey, Spencer,” you said as he smiled lightly. “There’s one of the douche bags in the trunk.” You pointed as he nodded at you words.
     “Can I get some cuffs and a guy over here!” he yelled out as he made his way over to the trunk. A SWAT guy had his gun up as you unlocked the trunk and the man tumbled out. 
     He immediately started yelling, “where is that bitch!” he lunged at you from the ground as the SWAT cuffed him and brought him into custody. You closed the trunk and swiftly sat atop it. You winced slightly as Spencer was quick to come by your side. 
     “You’re hurt,” he said frowning as you nodded at his word. 
     “Got thrown around a bit,” you joked. He quickly went over to the SUV and got back to you as he was now holding a first-aid kit. He set it down on the trunk and quickly got to work on your face. 
     You cuts had stopped bleeding by now, but they were still open and Spencer delicately wiped them down and placed a few bandages on your face. You swore he was blushing, but it was too hard to tell in the dark. 
     He finished cleaning up your face and Hotch quickly thanked him. You got into the stolen car as 3 of the boys got in with you as well as Spencer and he started to drive off to the school.
     Spencer pulled up to the school as you all got out of the car. Parents were waiting outside the car and the boys rushed to them as they all let out cries. You smiled at the sight and had also asked Spencer about the fate of the girls earlier and were grateful for that as well. You made your way over to a paramedic and she checked you out and quickly realized that you had in fact a minor dislocated your shoulder. 
     “Seriously?” you asked as she nodded.
     “It was probably the adrenaline that allowed you body to over look it. That with the other bruises all over your body, your mind probably thought it was just one of those,” she explained. “I’ll have to pop it back in place.” You grimaced and nodded as she made her way over to your side. 
     Hotch was by your side as you stuck out your hand and he took it. Some of the students were watching, worried for you. 
     “Big breath in,” she told you as you followed her instructions and she quickly popped it back into place. You shoulder cracked loudly and you yelped a bit and turned some heads. “Alright, you’ll have to treat it with care and it might swell, but you are good to go Miss. Hotchner.”
     “Thank you,” you told her with a light smile and you hopped of the back of the ambulance. Your uncle rubbed you back as you looked to him. “How’s Jack?” you asked as he smiled at your question. 
     “He’s fine. Will, JJ’s husband, is watching him.” You nodded at his response and made your way to the school as he still had to pack up some stuff. “I’m driving you home and don’t even think about coming into work tomorrow.” You laughed as he smiled at you. 
     “Miss. Hotchner!” Your name was called you looked to your uncle and quickly departed to got talk to the families. 
     “Is everything alright?” you asked the father as he nodded. 
     “We,” he gestured towards all the parents, “wanted to thank you for saving our kids and keeping them safe.” A few mothers and fathers were crying and kids were smiling at you lightly.
     “Of course, i’m just glad that everyone is okay,” you told them truthfully. A girl came up to you and hugged you tightly as more kids came up and eventually the whole class was in a big group hug as some of them cried a bit, you surely teared up. They pulled away when your uncle came out and you bid the adieu and goodnight as you made your way over to Hotch. 
     “Ready?” he asked as you walked to your car. 
     You bit your lip. “One moment.” You made your way over to the young doctor and tapped him on the shoulder as he whipped around.  “Spencer,” you spoke softly as he looked at you and paused on working on your face. “Would you want to get dinner on Friday?”
     Spencer looked at you with wide eyes and couldn’t help but smile widely at your question.         
     “It’s just, I almost died a few time today and I don’t want to do anything that  would regret, which would include not asking you out. I know it’s bad timing and it’s totally fine if you don’t want to and-”
     You would’ve kept rambling, but Spencer cut you off, “I would love to have dinner on Friday with you.” You smiled at the man as he smiled back and now you were sure of the blush on his cheeks. 
     “Cool, um, do you have a pen?” you asked as he nodded and fumbled to get a pen from his bag. You smiled at him and took his palm as you wrote out your phone number and handed it back to him. “See you on Friday.” You smiled brightly as he nodded. You pecked his cheek and turned around quickly and was met with a surprised look on your uncles’ face.
     Spencer blushed brightly and brought a hand up to his face to check if that had actually happened. Derek came up behind him and smiled widely as he clapped him on the back. 
     “Finally got the girl! Good job man!” Derek told him as he smiled widely and was met with happy smiles from the rest of the team.
     “Dinner on Friday!” he gushed as they cheered and clapped a bit. All happy that the man had gotten some good new for once. 
      Dinner on Friday.
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ssa-sugar-tits · 4 years
But I Love Her
Request: private message // @sleep-deprived-athlete
could you do an emily prentiss x reader where the reader is dereks niece and he’s super protective even though the readers like former military or something. maybe he’s not sold on the idea of prentiss dating his niece?
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader
Content warnings: angst, kissing, swearing, arguing, yelling
TW: mentions of gunfire in the military
a/n: fanfiction is for everyone which is why we're saying reader's adopted to avoid giving specific appearances or ethnicities :)
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"So then I was thinking of getting the-- Y/N? Are you listening to me?" Penelope snaps her polished fingers in front of your face, taking your focus back to her story. You blink your eyes quickly, shifting back to the real world.
"Yeah you were getting the..." you trail off and sigh. She's right, you hadn't been listening. Daydreaming in anticipation instead. "Sorry Pen, I'm just excited to see the team."
"Right, you're excited to see the team." Her red lips smirk at you, taunting you. Penelope's the only one who knows your secret. Surprising, right? But she keeps it.
"I am!" you exclaim and you're telling the truth. Sort of. You haven't seen your uncle, Derek Morgan, since your discharge from the army and you've missed him. You've been extremely close since you were a child. But you've also missed your girlfriend who he doesn't exactly know about. Emily Prentiss. From the day you met, her raven curls and bright smile enchanted you.
"Y/N, this is SSA Emily Prentiss." Your uncle introduced you.
"Just Emily, please." Her laugh rang like honey through your ears, her hair bounced on her shoulders. The handshake lingered, you swore it did.
She'd joined the team a few months after your last visit and oh, how you liked the new addition.
The spike in your heart rate could get you high when you see the team enter the room. Hotch starts to walk towards his office but he spots you and stays with the team to greet you. There she is. Emily. She's wearing a black top, the color of her pulled back hair. Her lips are painted a rosy pink, matching her flushed cheeks.
"Y/N, I didn't know you were coming to visit," Derek pulls you into a firm hug, squeezing you tightly.
"Well it was a surprise, smartass." You laugh. JJ yanks you into another hug and gives you a friendly kiss on the cheek.
"JJ! You look great. How's Henry?"
"Thank you! He's great, he loves the gifts you sent him."
"I'm glad to hear that," you smile, still longing to go to Emily.
"Aaron, David," you smile and give them each a hug too, asking about Joy and Jack also. You know Spencer doesn't exactly do hugs so you exchange a kind wave and he tells you eagerly about a new book he's reading. Then you arrive to Emily. If you had your way, you'd lunge at her open lips and dance around her tongue with yours. You'd make sure she knew just how much you've missed her. But all you do is give her a quick hug and tell her it's great to see her. The look you share, it sparkles. It aches. Just like it did the first time you she left you.
"I'll be back soon Y/N, I promise." Emily coaxed.
"That's not what I'm afraid of and you know it Em!" you cried. "This job is dangerous, what if-- what if you don't come back?"
"I always come back darling."
"Oh!" Penelope rips you away from your thoughts once again. "Y/N brought lemon squares, I left them in the fridge." Her heels clack against the floor as she scurries over to retrieve them.
"You brought dessert? Sounds like a great way to welcome us back," Derek beams. "There are plates in the break room, Prentiss, show her where." A grin almost stretches across your face when you glance at her.
"Yeah no problem." She responds and you walk in silence, your breaths speaking for you. Yours is light, sweet. Telling her how you've missed her. Hers is ragged, exhausted. Saying she's needed to see you. In the empty room, you turn to her and Emily wastes no time. The lips you've desperately dreamed of every night, engulf yours and mash against you. Hands are in your hair, screaming for you to come closer to her. Your hot breath wets her smeared lips as you pull back for air.
"I want to tell him." You say, wide-eyed. "I'm a grown woman and so are you, my uncle doesn't control our decisions. You're everything to me Emily. I don't want to hide anymore. He'd be happy for us, I'm sure."
The look on her face, the eyes you've spent so long getting to know so intimately tell you she doesn't want to. She isn't ready.
"I don't know Y/N. I work with him, I can't..." She trails off. Her sad brown eyes meet yours. "Morgan is my friend and you know how protective he is."
"Of course I know that Emily! I can handle myself. You aren't the only one who's been shot at in the field." That last sentence makes her wince. Her voice quivers.
"I just don't know how he'd feel about this. About us." Us. The word gives you butterflies. Us.
It wasn't long until you asked Emily on a date. She took you to a carnival, she was so excited. The gleam in her eyes and shine of her laughter pulled you deeper and deeper into your facination with her. Cotton candy scents and pink treats. Flowing hair in the wind on the Ferris Wheel. Powdered sugar on those soft lips. Adorable huffs when she lost a carnival game. The taste of chocolate syrup and strawberries on her when she kissed you for the first time. Each time is like the first time. Every kiss, every touch.
"Okay, we won't tell him." You assure quietly. Your voice falls almost to a whisper. "But you know we'll have to eventually, don't you?"
She doesn't answer, instead flickering her eyes with shame. You tilt her chin to lift her head and gaze into her.
"It's okay love. Not until you're ready." You plant another light kiss on her lips and you grip her hair as she runs you against the wall.
"Emily," you moan. The way your tongue fits perfectly with hers entrances you. So focused on each other that you don't hear what the others are saying.
"How long does it take to grab some plates?" Derek mutters, half-jokingly. It's confirmed in JJ's mind, what she's suspected about you and Emily, when Penelope stammers to your rescue.
"Maybe there aren't any up there, I can go check on them!"
Derek's eyebrows furrow. If there's anyone he knows like the back of his hand, it's Penelope Garcia.
"Babygirl, do you know something I don't?" He questions, suspiciously.
Uh oh.
"I love you! Why would I lie to you?" She exclaims, earning mental facepalms from the rest of the team. Profiling 101. Don't answer a question with an avoiding question. If everyone didn't know before, they definitely do now. Derek doesn't continue the conversation, marching up to where you and Emily are. Penelope debates following but instead buries her head in her hands before hastily sending you a text.
Your phone buzzes but you ignore it, too concentrated on re-learning every crevice of your girlfriend's mouth. Every--
"What the hell is going on?!"
Shit. You rip apart and turn to see your uncle standing there. Shit.
"Morgan, we can explain," Emily starts. You've never seen her vulnerable around any of her team members. She's unbelievably frightened, you're the one thing she can't lose.
"Explain what Prentiss? That you betrayed my trust? That you're putting my niece in danger? I've worked with you for years and called you a friend, how could you take advantage of her like this?"
Emily opens her mouth to speak again and you cut her off.
"Take advantage? Emily hasn't done anything remotely similar to taking advantage of me. I'm sorry that we lied to you, but I'm an adult! My decisions are just that-- mine. Not yours." Maybe you should have stopped. His face is angry, hurt even. He's only acting for your own good but it's not his choice to make. He leaves the room and you frantically look at Emily, who stares agape trying to figure out what to do. Tears well up in your eyes and you chase after him but he's nowhere to be found.
"W-Where's my uncle?"
"He left, sweetie. I'm so sorry, I should have stopped him," Penelope says sympathetically.
"It isn't your fault Penny, I..." you sigh and take Emily's hand, making a beeline for the glass doors. He's getting into his car and you yell.
"Uncle Derek! Please don't go. At least listen to what I have to say." You watch as he looks down to how you grasp each other, afraid of letting the other go. He closes the car door and stares up at you, allowing you to continue.
"I know you have your doubts. About your job, about Emily and how it can put me in danger. But I love her and I want all of her. Not just the good, not just her beautiful laugh illuminated by the carousel lights a-and the sweet sugar covered kisses," your words are breathy and you run your hands through your hair. You aren't only talking to him. "I want the cold nights, telling her to stay safe on a case. I want the relief of knowing she's alive. I want the fights, the fears, the risk. Because there's no doubt in my mind that it's worth it as long as I get to be with Emily. I'll go to the moon and back for her, I'll do anything to have her with me. I know why you aren't sold on this, on... on us. But I promise, I know what I'm doing. She's the one I'm meant to be with."
At the end of your speech, Emily's tears are welling up with wet drops of love.
"I love you too." She whispers, and it feels surreal to you.
The first 'I love you' wasn't in a grand romantic gesture or in each other's arms. It was outside the Quantico building in Virginia. It was today. During the first test of your love and your strength. Your first real comittment to one another.
You turn back to your uncle, searching for any twinge of approval. You don't need it, that's what you tell yourself, but you can't live with yourself if you destroy Emily and Derek's friendship.
"You take good care of my niece, Prentiss." He finally says, extending a hand as a sign of friendship, a sign that this momentary battle is willing to come to an end for the sake of your happiness.
"I will, Morgan." She promises.
And Emily meant that promise, with every last ounce of her being.
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
pairing - bau team x teen!reader
summary - rossi goes out of his way for your birthday present
warnings - none
word count - ?
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it was no secret that you and rossi loved to cook together.
growing up with an italian father, pasta was the first thing you ever learned to make. from there, you two made lots of meals together after rossi got home from cases or work and even just for fun.
when you were only twelve, rossi had given you the first family recipe. it was fairly simple, just one for homemade pasta, scribbled down on an index card. it was slightly hard to read as the small cursive writing was smudged from being passed down for many generations but you still loved and cherished it.
the past four years, you continued to collect different recipes. the team often pestered you to share at least one as it was no secret you had them but, you always refused. they were family recipes for a reason.
you kept the box full of various notecards on one of the shelves in the kitchen. no one ever questioned it as the box looked purely for decoration.
the recipe box was filling up rather quickly. whenever you created some dish, rossi always handed you a notecard to right down. adding onto the many dinners and experiments, that happened rather often.
with your seventeen birthday coming up, rossi wanted to make sure it was extra special. sure seventeen didn’t have anything super beneficial like being able to drive or drink, but it was still super important.
“happy birthday fliglia,” rossi greeted, kissing your forehead.
your face scrunched up as you playfully pushed your father away. “thanks dad,” you replied with a smile.
“the team will be over later for dinner but i figured we could do some gifts now,” rossi suggested making you groan. it was no secret you didn’t really enjoy all the attention. “all right fine. we can wait for the team. but can we do at least one?”
“that sounds much more reasonable,” you grinned.
“you do know the team is going to all have presents, right?” rossi’s voice echoed as he walked through the house. “i’m just hoping spencer is bringing what i asked him for,” you called back.
your dads head poked out of the doorway. “you asked boy genius for your birthday gift?” the question itself made you chuckle. “no i didn’t. there’s a book series i’ve been wanting to read but we don’t have it. turns out spencer has the whole collection and is more then willing to bring it over,” you replied.
“ah you two and your books.”
you grinned at your fathers words as he disappeared once again. you went back to looking down at what you were doing. a few minutes later, rossi appeared back in the kitchen, this time holding a rectangular present.
after you were handed gift, you placed it down on the counter before pushing aside everything in front of you. you could tell that the suspense was killing rossi. finally, after pulling away the main portion of wrapping paper, you let out a gasp.
at first glance, the present looked to be a simple fairly thick book. the cover was white, with a very aesthetic picture of ingredients as the picture. in big bold letters at the top was the title, ‘rossi family recipes.’ you let out a gasp, tracing the letters with your finger.
“open it,” rossi smiled. you glanced up quickly at your dad before looking back down. you opened the cookbook, the spine cracking as you did so. the front page had the same words as the title, adding on a small description. you flipped to the next page, already tearing up as you read the dedication.
“to y/n, happy birthday figlia. you’re easily the best thing that’s happened to me (besides maybe the rest of the bau team). i hope you cherish these recipies as much as i do. love, dad.”
the message was short and sweet but you absolutely loved it. as you flicked through the book, your eyes darted back and forth from the pictures of the meals as well as the detailed recipes. in the front were those passed down from many generations, the same exact words from the note card now transcribed into book form. finally, it ended with your most recent recipe, a picture accompanying it.
you carefully closed the book before setting it down. tears were in the corners of your eyes as you were incredibly touched by the gesture.
“thank you so much dad,” you thanked, hugging your father tightly. “i figured one book would be easier to keep track of then a box of unorganized papers,” rossi spoke.
a sudden realization dawned on you. “wait, didn’t you say that these were secret family recipes?” rossi chuckled at your concern. “i contacted my publishing company and they put this together for me. i doubt they remember the details and if they share, i sue,” rossi stated.
you hugged your father once more. “where are we going to display it?” you asked. rossi took the book from your hands before heading over to the corner of the counter by a stove. there was a wooden book stand, now free of its previous occupier. rossi turned to a random page and placed the book down.
both of you had to admit, it looked really nice displayed. the book was in perfect range to be used when cooking. just like you would be doing in just a short period of time.
the team all arrived at various times a few hours later. hotch was the first one, ringing the doorbell a few minutes before arriving time. rossi had answered due to you cooking on the stove, clad in an apron and using one of the recipes from the newly gifted book.
“uncle aaron!” you exclaimed once you noticed the unit chief walk into the kitchen. “happy birthday y/n,” hotch returned with a smile, raising a gift slightly in the air.
“you didn’t have to,” you started. “ah, none of that. i have to spoil my favorite niece.” you playfully rolled your eyes at that comment.
everyone else arrived soon after that, greeting you with the same ‘happy birthday!’ you had heard almost all day. spencer had, in fact, brought over the book set you asked to borrow.
and as you sat down to eat, a conversation already starting, you smiled, incredibly thankful for the family you had.
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juniorgman187 · 4 years
Bratty (Spencer Reid Imagine)
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Summary: Reid must supervise Camille, who makes Reid’s job anything but easy for him.
Category: Soft angst Couple: OCFem!Reader x Spencer Reid Word Count: 2.6k
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
“You’re being ridiculous.” Camille huffed. 
“No - what I’m being is a good uncle.” Cruz retorted while handing Camille a jacket.
“It’s literally midnight!” 
“Exactly. I’m not leaving you alone this late at night.”
“You’re seriously gonna make me go all the way to Quantico with you right now?” 
“I won’t be able to leave work after I’m there. If you come with me, I can work and take care of you.” He explained.
“I’m an adult! I can take care of myself.”
Cruz completely dismisses this. “I already told JJ that you’re coming. She’s excited to see you again. You can meet the whole team, too.”
“If I go, will you please stop acting like I’m a child?”
“I can’t make any promises.” He shrugs.
Camille groans in mild frustration as she reluctantly readies herself to leave with her uncle for Quantico. 
As soon as Camille enters the BAU, she’s showered with love from JJ. 
“Hey, you! How are you holding up?”
“Well right now, I’m really wishing I didn’t give Uncle Matt a key to my apartment.” Camille quips.
“Yeah, maybe when he’s distracted I’ll grab his keys and remove yours.”
JJ’s joke makes Camille smile. JJ winks at Camille before turning away to talk to Matt. 
“How’s Elena?” Elena is Camille’s mother and Matt’s sister.
“Reception’s shoddy where she is, but when I drove her to the airport, she couldn’t be more excited. She’s always wanted to travel to an underdeveloped country and teach English as a second language. That’s why it wasn’t even a question if I would take care of Camille while she was away.”
“Good for her. I guess it runs in your blood to want to help people, huh?”
“No,no she’s more selfless than me. I can tell you that. She’s so patient with her students. Probably developed that skill when she had Camille. I love her to death, but kid’s feisty. Just like her mom when she was her age.”
JJ grimaces in preparation for a hard question she feels obligated to ask. “You know, it’s none of my business, but what’s Camille - 21, 22?”
“I know you told Elena you’d watch her, but helicopter parenting her like she’s a teenager isn’t the way.”
“Forgive me if I’m not comfortable leaving her alone with a serial killer on the loose.”
This statement alone is enough to shut JJ down. On a lighter note, the team greets Camille. 
“Welcome. I’m SSA Aaron Hotchner.”
“Camille de la Vega. Nice to finally meet you.”
“You’ve met JJ. This is Agents Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, and David Rossi. She’s our technical analyst -  Penelope Garcia. And this is Dr. Spencer Reid.”
Camille goes down the line shaking everyone’s hands, but then she reaches Reid. 
“A doctor in the FBI?”
He corrects her instantaneously. “Not M.D. PHD. Three of them actually.  Chemistry, mathematics, and engineering.”
“Good to know.” She nods.
Camille extends her hand to shake his and everyone notices that he obliges. 
“Hey, Reid what’s with the handshake? I thought it was safer to kiss.” Morgan teases.
Camille shyly laughs. 
“Yeah, why the exception, kid?”
“Don’t listen to them.” Reid timidly tells Camille, making her grin from ear to ear. She’s already taken a particular liking to him. And from the looks of it, he’s done just the same. 
“Although I’d love to catch up with you, Camille, we have to start working immediately. Anderson will show you to your uncle’s office.” Hotch gestures towards Anderson who’s waiting in the doorway to lead Camille out of the round table room. 
. . .
Notably, the clock reads 4:10 a.m. Camille is reading a book at her uncle’s desk, when there’s a knock at the door. It’s Spencer. 
“Oh, hi. Did you need to grab something from his desk? I can move if you need me to.” She politely offers.
“No, no I actually came to bring you food. I thought you might be hungry.” 
Camille thanks him and accepts the paper bag of food. 
Reid notices she’s reading a book. “What are you reading?”
“Little Women.” Camille says, flashing the cover. 
“Have you read it before?”
“Mhm. It’s one of my favorites. Have you?”
“My mom read it to me when I was younger.”
Camille sees an opportunity to mess with him and takes it. “Wasn’t it crazy how Laurie set the March house on fire and all of them died?” 
Spencer furrows his brows in confusion. 
“I, um, I don’t remember that part.”
Camille immediately registers Reid’s discomfort. “I was just messing with you.” 
“Oh.” Spencer nods and forces a laugh. “I should, um, probably get back. Do you want anything before I go? Coffee, water, maybe?”
“I’m okay, thanks.”
“Alright, I’ll be back to check on you.” Reid scrunches his lips into a small smile before closing the door behind him.  
As he makes his way back to the round table, he smiles so widely, that when Morgan passes him, he notices. 
“Stop it right there, Pretty Boy.”
Reid stops in his tracks. 
“Now turn around.”
Reid obeys. 
“Why do you look like a kid in a candy shop right now? What did I miss?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
For someone that studies behavior, he’s not too good at lying. Morgan sees right through Reid. 
“Come on, man. You can tell me.”
Penelope passes by. 
“Tell him what? Whatcha hiding, Boy Wonder?”
“Nothing. I’m not hiding anything.”
Morgan and Garcia look at him with skepticism. 
“Did you hear how his voice did that thing? His voice only gets that high when he’s lying.” Garcia notes.
Reid clears his throat to deliberately speak in a lower pitch. “No it doesn’t.”
Garcia squints her eyes at him. “What do you not want us to know?”
“Guys, seriously. It’s nothing.”
“Is this about Cruz’s niece?” Morgan asks, hitting the nail on the head. 
“Ooh, I knew something was fishy when you shook her hand.”
“It was just a handshake, okay?”
“Well, excuse me, but I’m having a hard time believing you.” Morgan cleverly retorts.  
“I don’t like her. If that’s what you’re implying.”
Morgan smirks. “Oh is that so? Then riddle me this Pretty Boy - where were you just now?”
Reid loosens his tie, feeling like it’s a noose. 
“Oh did you see that? His body language is speaking for itself. And it’s saying A LOT.” Garcia giggles.
“Go get em, tiger.” Morgan leaves Reid to his devices with a pat on his shoulder. 
“Shut up.”
. . . 
No longer reading, Camille is scanning her uncle’s shelves - looking at the pictures and the books, and opening and closing different cabinets or drawers in his desk. A knock on the door startles her. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m just checking in. How are you?”
She frowns. “Incredibly bored. I finished my book like thirty minutes ago.”
Reid checks his watch. 
“How long was I gone?”
A small laugh leaves her lips. “I was basically at the end when you left.”
Reid’s lips shift to one side of his face as he thinks of something to help Camille out. “Um, I - I have newspapers. With, with crosswords on them. I can bring them to you.”
Reid rushes out of the room and comes back awfully quickly with a stack of newspapers. Camille laughs delightfully at the sight of them. 
“These are scans of ones I’ve already solved.”
“You’ve solved all of these? What are you? Some kind of genius?”
“I don’t believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified. But I do have an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory, and can read 20,000 words per minute.”
Camille is in awe. 
“Uh, yes, I’m a genius.”
“So what I’m hearing is, if I get stuck on a word, I could just ask you and you’d remember what the right answer was?”
“Kind of takes the fun out of solving it yourself, don’t you think?”
“Not if it means I get to see you again.”
Reid laughs uncomfortably. “Uh, so how will I know if you need help?”
“I’ll text you.”
“You don’t have my - Oh got it.”
Camille makes a face and hands him her phone to take. He makes a contact for himself and hands her back the phone. 
“Great. See you in an hour, Laurie.”
Reid’s caught off guard. 
“If I’m Laurie, are you Jo or Amy?”
“Well that depends. Am I the best friend or the love interest?” 
Reid raises his eyebrows in surprise. 
“I resonate more with Amy - if that’s what you were asking. I’m young and driven - like her.”
“I always thought Amy to be sort of a brat.”
"She knows what she wants. So do I.”
“Oh yeah? And what do you want?” This is a newfound display of confidence coming from the Doctor. It catches her by surprise. 
Camille doesn’t play into it, just to tease him. “What I want is for you and your team to catch this guy, so I can go home.”
“I should, uh, I should go back now. See you in an hour.”
“Looking forward to it.” She says sarcastically. 
. . .
Reid is working on the geographical profile when he feels his phone buzz. Without even needing to see it, he knows it’s Camille. 
UNKNOWN NUMBER: You’re late for your check in, Doctor. 
Reid looks at his watch. He’s only three minutes late. 
REID: Sorry, I’m busy. And you’re only supposed to text when you have a question. That wasn’t a question. 
UNKNOWN NUMBER: Fine, here's a question - when are you gonna make your hourly check in?
REID: A question pertaining to the crossword. 
UNKNOWN NUMBER: Los Angeles Times. 64 down. Clue is “Dr. Reid is late for his check in. When should he be expected?”
REID: The ‘Amy’ in you is showing. 
UNKNOWN NUMBER: The brat part of her or the love interest part of her?
REID: Former. 
UNKNOWN NUMBER: It’s fine. I can wait. Nowhere else I have to be anyway. 
REID: I’ll be there when I’m done.  
. . . 
Reid is walking through the hall and entering Cruz’s office. Camille works diligently on the crossword.
“Not so fast. You have to stop by the main office and get a tardy slip.” She quips.
“Funny. How’s the crossword?”
“I’ve finished two of them since you’ve been gone.”
Reid glances at his watch. “That doesn’t make any sense. The average time to finish a puzzle is 21 minutes. I’ve been gone for 88.”
"I got distracted.”
“Really? By what?”
Camille fights a smirk. “A little birdie who stopped by.”
Reid shakes his head and exasperates. He needn’t know more to figure out what she meant by this.
"Which one - Garcia or Morgan?”
"Does it matter?”
"What’d they say?”
"Enough to?”
Camille gets up from the chair and walks around to the front of the desk. This places her right in front of Reid. This is the closest they’ve been yet. 
"Enough to let me know whether I’m the best friend or the love interest.”
Camille draws back and grabs her coat from off the chair. She puts it on.
"So who are you? Jo or Amy?”
"Don’t play coy. You know the answer. You are a genius after all.” 
Camille grabs her purse off the desk and begins to leave the office. 
“Where are you going? I thought you were supposed to leave?”
Camille exits the office and begins to walk into the hallway toward the elevator. The worried doctor follows close behind. 
"I’m going for a walk to a cafe. No offense, but I’m not a huge fan of the coffee you’ve got here. Plus, I could use the fresh air.”
"You shouldn’t leave. Especially not alone.”
"Not you, too. Come on. You know I’m not a target. From what I saw in your little conference room, all the victims are blonde. And unless I bleach my hair between here and the time I reach the sidewalk, I think I’ll be okay.”
"Are you at least going to let your Uncle know where you’re going?”
She shoots him a deadpan stare. “What would be the fun in that?”
Camille presses the button near the elevator. 
"Anderson can order coffee for you. He’ll bring it back here so you don’t have to leave.” Reid suggests. 
"Mmm, no thanks. I’m a big girl.”
The elevator door opens. 
“Are you sure about that? Because right now you’re acting like a -”
He hesitates. Camille steps into the elevator and turns on her heels so she can face him before the doors close. 
She provokes him. "Say it.”
"You’re acting like a brat!” 
"Oh I’m sorry - is my ‘Amy’ showing, Dr. Reid? Well, I am your love interest after all - Laurie.”
Camille winks and the doors close. Reid lets out a frustrated sigh and shakes his head and he begins to jog to the stairwell. With speed and caution he only exhibits when trying to apprehend an unsub, he flies down the stairs. His slender figure can’t support this kind of cardio, but nonetheless, he runs. 
When he finds himself in the parking garage, just beside the elevator, he sees Camille several feet away, walking out of the structure completely. He runs as fast as his feet can take him. Eventually he reaches her before she’s on the main sidewalk. 
"Camille, wait!”
He’s breathless and red. Camille walks back over to him with a devilish grin. 
"Did you actually just run all the way here?”
"What gave me away?”
This earns a hearty laugh from Camille. 
"I’m coming with you.” He breathlessly explains.
"Why didn’t you say so earlier? Would’ve saved you the marathon.” 
"Yeah, yeah, be quiet.”
“Swallow your pride. Occasionally, it’s not fattening.”
“Frank Tyger. Touché.”
She’s even more impressed at his knowledge of the quote she recited. This makes her more keen to starting an actual dialogue with him instead of just provoking him. 
“So why’d they leave you behind?” She asks. 
“They didn’t leave me behind. I just choose not to go. I’m notorious for being prone to gunshot wounds, so I choose to stay where I know I’ll be safe. What about you? Why’d Cruz bring you to the office?”
"For the same reason you stayed back. He wants me somewhere I’ll be safe.”
"You’re a little old for a babysitter, don’t you think?”
“You would think, but Uncle Matt has this gift where every time he looks at me, he still sees his helpless 8 year old niece.”
“What happened when you were 8?”
Camille doesn’t even realize what she might’ve accidentally revealed. “Freudian slip. Nothing you need to worry about.”
"You sure?”
“All you need to know is that what happened to me motivated him to work in the field. Ever since then he’s been working to get to the top.”
"So how old are you anyway, little woman?”
"Oh, is that my nickname now? An outright juxtaposition of “big girl” and a reference to the book?”
"Wow, you really are a little woman.” 
"Better than being an old man.”
“Old man? I’m 32.”
"My point exactly.” 
"You’re welcome by the way. For doing this.” He adds.
"Oh please, I didn’t ask you to walk me to the cafe.” 
“But you wanted me to.”
"Oh wow, you know about reverse psychology. Congrats you’re with the other 98% of the population that does too. Don’t act like you’re doing me a favor. You wouldn’t have followed me if you didn’t want to come.”
"What I want is for you to be safe.” 
"Like I said before, I don’t fit the victimology. He has a type and it’s not me. I’m fine going by myself.”
"You know something? You’re really stubborn. Anyone ever tell you that?”
“Aww, I’m so hurt. Boo hoo.” She sarcastically remarks.
“You think you can be just a little bit nicer to me? I am babysitting you after all.” 
Camille halts. 
“I’m gonna ignore the babysitting part, but yes, I can be nice, but right now, I’ve spent 6 hours cooped up in my uncle’s office bored out of my mind.”
"So what? You’re only toying with me because you’re bored and I’m your only entertainment?”
“Oh congrats! You finally figured it out, genius.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
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bexo-tic · 4 years
Breath Play - Spencer Reid X Reader
Spencer Reid X Reader Slow Burn
Season 10 Episode 17
Word Count: 3234
 The sound of heels clicking overwhelms my senses. I can’t believe I’m here, in the BAU office. Sure, I’ve been here plenty of times during my childhood to visit my uncle, but this time I came to work. My heartbeat slows as I take in the familiar smell of coffee brewing. It’s almost nostalgic, reminding me of the times I’d surprise Uncle Aaron with a visit. My heart aches a little as I think of Aunt Haley, but I push the thoughts from my mind. This is my first day and I need everything to be perfect. 
“Y/N,” he smiles warmly as I peek my head into his office. I hadn’t seen Aaron since I left for college, I was too busy working on my degrees. We still called once a week, and that is why it didn’t feel forced or awkward to slide into conversation with him after 8 years.
“Well, everyone is at the table because we have a new case, I can introduce you there.” He leads me out of his office and into a small room filled with only a round table and a screen where the team waits. Their presence makes me nervous. They have all this experience with their job and probably only remember me as Aaron’s little niece if they remember me at all. 
“Team, we have a new intern, Y/N Y/L/N. She’s my niece on Haley’s side.” He clears his throat after mentioning her and I can tell he isn’t as over it as everyone would assume. “This is Derek Morgan, Kate Calahan, Jennifer Jereau, David Rossi, and Spencer Reid. And our Tech Analyst Penelope Garcia.”
“Save the pleasantries, Aaron. She knows me,” David says as he gets up to hug me. The smell of his cologne fills my lungs, but not in an overbearing way. He cups my face in his hands. “You’re all grown up; it’s hard to believe.”
“I don’t think I believe it yet either,” I laugh as I sit down and he goes back to his seat. 
“I hate to interrupt the joy, but we need to get to Wisconsin, also known as the lovely badger state, home of milk and cheese,” Penelope says. She goes into explaining the case and how the bodies of 3 women had been discovered as late as this morning. I tense my body to keep from shivering at the sight of their photos. 
That might be the part that always gets to me, seeing the photos of the victims happy and smiling. I can’t imagine their faces once they realized what was going to happen to them. I watch as they discuss the case, their energy, and ideas building off each other. It happens so smoothly and effortlessly like they aren’t talking about murders. But to them this is normal, maybe they’re a little desensitized to it. 
“Whether he knows the victims or not, he’s hit his stride and he’s not gonna take time to cool off. Wheels up in 30,” Aaron says, distracting me from my thoughts. I grab the “go bag” I left in my uncle’s office which is better described as a suitcase on the edge of exploding. It was my first trip and I didn’t know how long we’d stay so I panic-packed what was probably too much clothing. As I leave the office I bump into something hard. I look up and see Derek.
“Oh my- I’m so sorry. I didn’t even look and-” He holds up a hand to stop my rambling.
“It’s fine, it takes more than a suitcase to knock me down,” he says with a smile. I let out a relieved sigh and he continued talking.
“Rossi says you’re fresh out of college. What degrees do you have?”
“I have a Ph.D. in Psychology and a Masters in Criminal Justice.”
“And you’re how old?”
“26, I just took a lot of summer classes,” I shrug.
“Sounds a little like Reid,” he laughs. “Real smart guy, been here since he was 24. He graduated high school at 12.” I feel my jaw open and quickly try to close it. 
“That’s um- wow.” 
“Insane, I know. Let me help you get to the jet.”
“Yeah, thanks. I was going to ask my uncle where to go.”
“So is having Hotch as an uncle the same as having him as a boss?”
“Mm, I’d say yeah. He’s pretty reserved, but once you’ve known him long enough you can read him like a book. It’s not that he doesn’t want to talk to you, it’s more like he’s too busy thinking to remember to talk to you.”
“Sounds about right,” he chuckles. “Set your bag here and just through that door is the jet.”
“Oh, thanks again for showing me.”
“No problem, Y/N.” He walked onto the plane. It felt strange hearing him call me by my first name when everyone else was referred to by their last name. But maybe I was reading too much into it. It was my first day and we couldn’t have made a bond as he had with everyone else in the 5-minute walk to the jet. I took a deep breath to calm my thoughts and walked through the door.
Already they were discussing the case again. Hearing them bounce ideas off each other and analyze was almost comforting if you forgot they were talking about a murderer. Their dynamic was so in tune like they all held the same vibration. Part of me didn’t want to speak and mess up the flow of the conversation. 
“Alright Dave and Reid, go to the Medical Examiner with Em. Morgan and Kate go to the newest crime scene. JJ and I will interview friends and family at the station,” Aaron announced. My fingertips began to tingle with anticipation. This is happening! A part of me was excited to be here. I’d always admired my uncle when I was younger for putting away the bad guys and here I was beside him. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and I tried desperately to calm down. It was my first case and I was determined not to mess this up. I didn’t want Aaron thinking I couldn’t handle this and sending me home, so I was determined to keep a calm demeanor. 
<<< >>>
“Cartilage around the windpipe was damaged, but the COD was actually a crushed trachea,” the examiner says as he leads us to the victims’ bodies. 
“I’m surprised Emma didn’t go into cardiac arrest before then,” Spencer says, looking back at me and David. I nod in agreement because I don’t have anything to counter with. I question why Aaron even sent me with them to the M.E. when I don’t have enough experience to be much help here.
“Nobody has sex for 6 straight hours, not even sting,” David says, pulling my attention back to the report. That’s where it should be. “Maybe he’s interacting with them beforehand.”
“Nonetheless, it’s an endurance test. He’d have to be in pretty great physical shape,” Spencer says. I try to form my own ideas as they talk, to just bring something to the table and not feel like I’m useless and watching from the sidelines. 
“Well, do you think strangulation is just the dispatching method, then?” David asks.
“Erotic asphyxiation,” I call from behind them. They both turn to look at me and I feel my heart move up my throat. “I mean, the bruising from repeated strangling and releasing is similar to that.”
“If that’s the case, isn't the pleasure usually all for the recipient?”
“Maybe not for him,” Spencer answers. “Cutting off his victim’s air supply might be how he satisfies his own urges.” 
I sigh, I might have just contributed something. I don't want them to think I can’t do anything to help. My eyes wander to the other victims. She has the same bruising as the other victim except her hair is blonde, Donna Rayburn. She almost looks like me, but her eyes are blue, not the dark brown I got from my dad. Noticing all our similarities makes me itch and I feel exposed. I jump when a hand touches my back.
“Hey, we’re heading back to discuss everything with the team,” David says. “Are you alright?”
I can feel Spencer’s eyes burning into me from behind, he’s not very good at acting like he isn’t listening to our conversation. I can’t help but wonder if he thinks I’m even qualified to be here; his intelligence is a little intimidating. He could probably profile circles around me.
“I’m fine, just nervous. First day jitters,” I smile in what I hope is a convincing way. David leads me to the car and I sit in the back on the way to the station. Looking out the window keeps me distracted and I let my mind wander. I wonder how the people who live here feel about the news. Everyone says “It could never happen here”, but somehow it always does.
“Six hours is a long time, especially late at night, for someone to be held and no one to hear anything,” Aaron says as David, Spencer and I make it to the table. Again they delved into a conversation trying to connect the victims. So far, the only thing they had in common was their interactions with the unsub. After what seemed like hours of discussion, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and got up to find coffee. 
I found my way to a small kitchen with two coffee pots in it. I grabbed a guest mug and poured in the steaming liquid, leaving enough room for the cream and sugar packets on the counter. A voice behind me makes me jump.
“Did you know Hawaii is the only state in the U.S. that grows coffee?” I turn and find Spencer standing there with his thermos in his hands.
“Um no?”
“Yeah, the ideal coffee growing conditions require high altitudes, rich soil, and tropical climates.”
“Do you start every conversation off with facts?” I ask with a laugh.
“Mostly,” he smiles. “Oh, and I wouldn’t drink that coffee if I were you. Hotch just said we’re heading back to the hotel and regrouping in the morning.” 
I checked the time on my phone, 11:33 PM. No wonder I was so tired, with the jet ride and busy day we had. The ride to the hotel felt like it lasted a few minutes, so I must have dozed off in the car. Aaron handed me the key to my room which I shared with JJ. I barely had time to shower before I fell asleep in the white sheets of the bed.
<<< >>>
I couldn’t believe the unsub killed again last night. I knew he would kill again, but it didn’t feel right that I hadn’t noticed. How did we all fall asleep so easily when the murderer we were trying to find had claimed a new victim? And here I was walking around Lynn Boyd’s house as everyone scurried around for evidence. I find my way into her bedroom.
“The bindings, the silk scarf, the rough sex. He’s using ‘Bare Reflections’ to choose his victims,” Rossi says. Finally, another step forward. Last night we concluded the unsub would be a married man, but it didn’t give us much to go off of. A call to Garcia would help us understand more.
‘If this book is mainstream, then his victim pool is large.”
“Garica, did any of the other victims besides Lynn own a copy?” JJ asks.
“Mary Healy had it on her tablet. Donna Rayburn checked it out from the library twice. Emma and Lynn both purchased copies locally.”
Although the book tied our victims together, who even knew how many other married women in the comfort zone owned the book as well. The list of possible targets would be too long to help us tie it back to the unsub.
“And- hey, a lot of the saucy texts are direct quotes from the book,” Garcia says. “Oh! Speaking of texts, I culled them from that he met Mary via message board, Donna at a coffee shop, Emma at the gym, and Lynn, he met Lynn using a fake profile on a discreet dating website for married people.”
“Thanks, Garcia,” Rossi said, ending the call.
“Profile?” JJ asked. He nodded in response. The ride back to the station passed in a blink. Maybe it was the satisfaction I was feeling. My fingertips tingled because we were so close to finally catching this guy.
“Based on area demographics, we believe that we’re looking for a physically fit white male in his mid-30s to early 40s,” Aaron starts.
“He’s a homicidal dominant with an interest in role-play,” Callahan continues. They build off each other so smoothly, and the rest of the team keeps it going.
“We believe his charisma has allowed him to latch onto women who are interested in a popular erotic romance novel called ‘Bare Reflections’.”
“In it, a sheltered female teacher falls for a handsome mogul with a dark past who forces her into a submissive role.”
“Despite her initial worries, Amber Stone finds she can’t live without Carson Bare, warts and all.”
“We believe the unsub and his victims are consensually recreating a scenario from this book.”
“In that scene, Carson introduces Amber to BDSM by binding her to a bed as they have rough sex.”
“The unsub uses this role play to get his victims into a vulnerable position before his fantasy takes hold.”
”This has provided the unsub with a victim pool who have dropped their guard.” 
“His first victims were single, but his last two were married. This escalation indicates that he may be married himself and probably has a family.”
“This unsubs M.O. takes patience and caution, and is firmly rooted in a need-based desire, which means he won’t be stopping anytime soon. Thank you.” Aaron says, ending the profile presentation. I look back at the crime scene photos trying to piece together the puzzle. I notice Reid quickly skimming through the pages of “Bare Reflections”. 
“Are you even reading it?” I ask.
“I can read 20,000 words per minute, so yes.” He doesn't even have to look up when he responds.
“Robot,” I say under my breath as I roll my eyes, but from his smirk, I can tell he heard me.
“There’s not a single mention of erotic asphyxiation anywhere,” he says as Rossi and a detective approach us.
“It’s the unsub’s fetish then.” Rossi’s brows furrow. 
“He’s a charmer that knows that some people lose themselves in the moment and others stop at nothing to please their partners,” my thoughts come out loud as I walk towards them. “Somehow he makes his victims feel safe enough to abandon their hard limit.”
“What’s a hard limit?” the detective asks.
“It’s a common BDSM practice. Hard limits are anything that’s an automatic no-go. It differs by person and taste,” Rossi states.
“And a soft limit is an in which a submissive hesitates or places strict conditions on,” Reid pipes up.
“I had no idea that world had so many regulations. Where does he find somebody like-minded?”
“In “Bare Reflections”, Carson Bare takes Amber to an event called a munch.”
“Which is?”
“According to the book, it’s a social gathering for people interested in BDSM.”
“Where the heck do you find that?”
“We should call Garcia.” Reid nods at Rossi.
“I found one,” he says, showing his simple google search. While Rossi and Callahan go to the munch, the rest of us stay behind to go over the case files.
<<< >>>
“He knew crossing state lines would make it more difficult to link the crimes,” Aaron says about the three prostitute murders Garcia has just brought up. 
“That’s a very different cooling-off period. I wonder what was so special about those dates,” Detective Pierce questions. Reid grabs an expo marker and turns to the nearest board.
“First kills were in 2000, 2007, and then he went dormant until last year. What triggers him?” He writes all the dates on the board.
“Deaths in the family,” Aaron asks.
“He could keep losing jobs?”
“These are sex crimes so what interferes with sex drive? Children,” Callahan offers. “The addition of a child would disrupt even the happiest of couples.”
“More specifically the births,” Reid nods and you can see the gears in his head turning. “What if each of these kills corresponds to the births of the unsub’s own children?”
“Garcia, how many men in the hunting zone had a child in 2000?”
“16 and because I already know what the follow-up question is going to be, 5 had their second child 8 years ago, and two had their third last year.”
“Were either one of them busted for something like peeping or exposure?” I ask.
“Yes and no, there's a Patrick Jon Murphy. He’s a physical therapist, here’s the thing he was never actually arrested. I do have some sealed family court docs, though, that I’m about to unseal and learn … Oh, when he was 12, he witnessed his neighbor strangle his wife to death in a sex game gone bad.”
“Even though he was only a witness, that moment created a single event imprint on his love map and probably started his interest in breath play.”
“Is his wife interested in BDSM?”
“Uh, no, doesn’t look like it. The Murphy’s have been in and out of couple’s therapy for years.”
“The therapy roller coaster may have been due to intermittent periods of frustration then bliss surrounding the murders.”
“And his urges increase during periods of non-intimacy.”
“If the unsub’s trigger was the birth of his kids, why change the victimology and accelerate the kills now?” I ask.
“I think the guilt he’s felt has been alleviated by ‘Bare Reflections’, and the intense female interest in it has justified his impulses,” Reid answers. Our phones beep as Garcia sends us his address and we race out the door. His house isn’t even that far from the station, it’s crazy that he’s been under our noses the whole time. JJ and Reid come out of the house looking defeated.
“He’s at the nanny’s house, we’ve gotta move!” We don't even have time to buckle up before we're barreling down the road. When we arrive at the house I can see a girl standing at the front door. 
"You two take the front of the house, I'm going around back," Morgan declares. I can see him run after the unsub on foot as Callahan grabs the girl inside the house. That must be his daughter. The rest of us storm inside, clearing each room as we make our way through the house. Calls from upstairs lead us into the bedroom where we find a woman tied to her bed. Immediately we untie her as a medic comes in to check her out.
<<<   >>>
“So, how was your first case?” Aaron asks as he sits across from me on the jet.
“Um, intense,” I nod and he laughs. “But I really enjoyed helping solve it.”
“I knew you had it in you.” He squeezes my hand. “Want some coffee?”
“No thanks, I’m gonna try to sleep before we land.” I curl into my chair and try to let the tension release from my body as I fall asleep.
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word-scribbless · 5 years
Rossi’s Niece Part 2
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I’m kind of in love with writing this story and don’t think this will be the last part.
Part 1
x female reader
The team had wrapped the local case that week, then caught a new one in Missouri barely 24 hours later. Meaning Spencer and Y/N had yet to have their first date. There was no shortage of texting and even a few calls between the two, however Spencer couldn’t help but fear he would lose her before he even had her.
Those fears were severely lessened as his phone buzzed on the jet ride home from the Missouri. He smiled as he saw Y/N’s Name light up the screen
Y/N Rossi: Hey there stranger, I hear you’re on your way home :).
Spencer immediately smiled widely. catching himself as to not tip off his team mates as he typed a response
Spencer <3: Are you keeping tabs on me ms Rossi?
Y/N Rossi: I might be! Y/N Rossi: You do owe me a date you know... I have to keep track of my debts. Can’t let you off the hook too easily.
The text caused him to smirk. The first smile may have been ignored by his team but at this point Derek wasn’t taking his eyes off of him and Rossi had a knowing smile on his face as he read his files. He types out an answer quickly.
Spencer <3: Good! I don’t wanna be let off the hook! How about tonight at 7?
Y/N Rossi: I’d love that, but aren’t you tired? You are just getting home!
Spencer <3: We solved the case yesterday afternoon, but the jet wasn’t ready until today. I got a full nights sleep before we boarded! Spencer<3: Plus I don’t like to leave my debts unpaid for too long ;)
Y/N Rossi: Perfect! Tonight it is then, I can’t wait! Safe travels. I’ll see you at 7.
Spencer<3: I cant wait either Y/N.
“Alright pretty boy who’s the girl?” Morgan asked, bursting Spencer’s happy bubble. “What?” He replied “Don’t act dumb 187” Morgan quipped. “I’m not! Just, how do you know it’s a girl?” He asked “Well I know for a fact you’re into girls... and you don’t smile that way unless your smitten so she’s got to be a fine piece-“ “WATCH YOURSELF” Rossi interrupted causing Morgan to look at him confused, and Aaron to join the conversation. 
“Rossi what- OH MY GOD! It’s Y/N!” Morgan yelled. “Seriously a man can have no secrets!” He shrieked                                          “Not around here!” Aaron joked.                                                                     “Why do you wanna keep my niece a secret Reid?” Rossi jabbed, clearly kidding yet still causing Spencer to stutter.
“I- I don’t but we don’t need Morgan asking a million questions when we haven’t even gone on a real date yet. I don’t need this messed up before it starts!” He said looking down shyly.
“Ooooo HES got it bad!” Morgan laughed bumping Rossi’s shoulder. “He’s not alone, if I have to spend another dinner hearing about how ‘handsomely adorable’ he is I might cut my own ears off.” Rossi laughed
“She said that?” Spencer blushed. “Yeah. trust me kid, she won’t let this shmuck scare her away” he pointed to Morgan. “She’s just as smitten with you.”                                                       “The way she was looking at you that day at the school, I can tell you your feelings aren’t one sided.” Hotch added
This caused Reid to smile as he responded. “I still think she deserves to be treated with more respect than bragging about how beautiful she is to someone she barely knows, and her uncle and fake uncle for that matter.” “While I agree she deserves respect, calling her beautiful doesn’t bother me and I’m sure wouldn’t offend her, just don’t talk like this pig.”                                       “I second that” Said Hotch.                                                                              “Hey! I didn’t know she was a Rossi!” Derek feigned being offended.
“I get the whole being respectful thing, but come on kid give us something!” Derek joked. 
“I really like her, we have a date tonight. That’s all I’m giving you!” Spencer conceded. “Way to go pretty boy!” Derek joked “Remember, daisies!” Rossi said looking back down. “I’m against gossiping but not against help! Any suggestions for dinner?” Spencer admitted. Rossi and Hotch’s eye brows peaked up in excitement. “So you’ll use our knowledge but not talk to us?” He joked “Hey I’m just trying to make this date as nice as possible. She deserves it.” Spencer smiled. “I can’t argue there” Rossi agreed as he begins to list things he knows y/n loves.
As the team headed back to the BAU from the jet Spencer finalized his plans. He underestimated how lucky he was to have Rossi’s knowledge of y/n to help him plan his and y/n’s date. He had learned that she loved Italian food (obviously) but usually only if it was homemade. There was one place in the city however that she loved. She didn’t believe in perfect Rossi told him, ‘so don’t plan perfect just plan for fun and make her laugh and she’ll be happy.’ Hotch also added that if he took her for ice cream she’d forgive just about anything!
Spencer headed home to get changed so get changed and pick y/n up. He called the restaurant ahead of time and put his name in. He put on nice pants, a button down and his favorite cardigan and headed out the door. It had been a nice day so he thought they could walk to the restaurant, it wasn’t too far from her apartment building. Plus walking is romantic right? He thought to himself.
While Spencer was overthinking his plans, Y/N was overthinking just about everything, she had changed about 5 times before her phone rang and showed her Uncle’s name.
“Hey Zio , what’s up.” She asked “Oh no! I can hear the stress patch through the phone!” Rossi said, referring to the bright red blotch that formed on her forehead when she was stressed. “Great, now I have that to worry about too!” She growled. “Tesoro, you could open your door in pjs and horror movie make up and that boy would still fall at your feet!” He chuckled. “But uncle Dave!” She started “Y/N Spencer can’t hear your name with out blushing! Anything you wear, or say, or do, he’s still going to be crazy about you.”He said, causing the tenseness in Y/N’s chest to dissipate. “Thank you Zio, that was actually really helpful! “He quizzed me and Aaron on Y/N trivia the whole plane ride home to make your date ‘perfect’.” He admired. “Really?” Y/n said blushing. “What did you say?” “First of all to drop the word perfect!” He joked. “That’s all he needed to know.” She laughed. “I gave him a few pointers, he looked like he was in a panic himself.” He said as he heard a knock on her door through the phone. “Alright Tesoro, have a great night! And I know I don’t have to tell you this but, be careful with his heart.” He said before hanging up. She could tell there was a story there, but she was guessing it was one she’d have to learn from Spencer him self in time.
She took one more deep breath and went to open the door. On the other side was Spencer, looking handsome as ever and holding a bouquet of daisies for her. ‘Maybe him being close to my uncles does have its perks’ she thought. “Hi.” He said shyly but smiling. “Hey there, come on in I’ll get my sweater!” She said “Great, these are for you!” He said handing her the flowers. “I may have gotten a few tips from your uncle, but I didn’t want to cheat too much so I also got you these.” He said holding out a box of chocolates from the cafe she loved down the block from.
“Oh man you have been talking to my uncle!” She gasped taking the flowers and box. “I have, but the chocolates were all me! No hints!” He smiled “Really? Well good guess! These are my favorites!” She kissed his cheek and told him she was ready. He double checked if she was okay with walking, she was, so off they went.
For a date that started out, dare I say, perfect it took a turn pretty fast. The conversation and company were perfect but the circumstances, not so much. Walking to the restaurant, Y/N tripped over the sidewalk, she caught herself, with Spencer’s help. However she twisted her ankle a bit. She swore she was fine, so used to being a clutz that she could power through. Once they got to the restaurant, they were told that they lost their reservations.
Y/N could sense that Spencer was feeling awful and assuming that the date was ruined. She put her hand on his arm and assured him everything was okay before telling him that they did take out and her favorite way to eat was a picnic. He smiled widely and placed their take out order. They sat in the waiting area and got to know each other a bit before taking their meals to a near by park y/n suggested. 
As they sat down at a picnic table Spencer took Y/N’s hand. “Hey, I’m really sorry-“ he started “I’m not!” she stopped him. “-but this was supposed to be special and it got all messed up.” Spencer said. “Not the way I see it” she corrected him. “Spencer, I know you know that I don’t like perfect, I like fun.” She continued and he nodded. “Well so far, I’m having a lot of fun! I really like spending time with you, I don’t care where. Plus this is my favorite food in my favorite park with someone who I could easily see becoming one of my favorite people. So overall, I’d say this is pretty close to perfect.” She smiled.
Spencer loved the feeling he got from hearing her say those things about him. He was beginning to see that she was right, the date was amazing, even if it wasn’t perfect. They ate their meals and talked about their lives and families, jobs and dreams. Overall it was a wonderful date. After they finished eating Spencer stood up and took her hand in his, asking if she wanted to go for a walk with him. She smiled and nodded.
Half way through their walk it started pouring rain. Usually this would make Spencer panic again about ruining the date but before he could even think about it he heard Y/N’s laugh. He had to admit it was his new favorite sound. He looked over at her to see her giant beautiful smile and he couldn’t help but laugh as well. Not just any laugh, one of those laughs that’s starts and doesn’t seem like it will ever stop.
“You know what your supposed to do when it rains on a date?” Y/N asked between laughs. Spencer smiled and took her by surprise by saying “You dance in it?” while holding out his hand to her. She took it and he spun her into him “exactly” she smiled up at him.
They danced around the park in the pouring rain until they were both soaking wet. “I should get you home! I’d really love to take you on another date and I don’t want to have to wait because one of us catches a cold.” Spencer said causing Y/N to smile.
“I love dancing in the rain with you, walking in it should be fun too.” She smiled and linked her arm through him.
When they got to Y/N’s apartment building they stood just under the overhang out of the rain. “Well tonight surely didn’t go as planned, but I had a lot of fun with you Y/N.” Spencer said as he took her hand in his. “Me too Spence, and about that second date you mentioned earlier? I’d love to.” She smiled. “Saturday?” He asked hopefully and she nodded. “Perfect, good night Y/N.” Spencer said, kissing her cheek and then started to pull away. “Spence” Y/N Said as she grabbed his wrist and pulled him back into a kiss. At first he was shocked but that didn’t last long. He kissed her back with in seconds. They both pulled away smiling. “Sorry” She said sweetly. “I really didn’t want you to leave with out doing that.” They laughed. “I didn’t either.” He admitted. He kissed her again and then went on his way. He ended up walking to a café down the street and calling a cab. He enjoyed walking in the rain with her, but doing it alone wasn’t as fun.
The next day at work Rossi and Aaron walked up to Spencer’s desk with Morgan in toe. “So, how was the date? Y/N didn’t say much except that she’s happy and there’s a second one.” He said “And while that’s all I need to know I want more info!” “Well it definitely wasn’t perfect!” Spencer said with a gigantic smile. “That’s what I like to hear” Rossi said slapping him on the back. “I’m confused.” Morgan said causing the other men to laugh harder.
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rae-is-typing · 5 years
Masterlist- Criminal Minds
Agent Jareau 
Description: You’re walking home in the rain at night and you’re being followed. Someone notices and helps you out.
Pairings: Jennifer Jareau x Teen!Reader
Warnings: being followed, swearing
Word Count: ~900
Read it on AO3
The Opposite of Baby Fever
Description: You and your daughter visit the bau after a tough case (headcanons)
Pairings: Teen!mom!reader x bau
Warnings: babies ig
Word count: ~600
read it on ao3
Uncle!Hotch (A series)
Description: Your uncle has to pick you up early from school. A case the BAU is working on lands you in a tough situation.
Pairings: BAU team x Teen!Reader, Uncle!Hotch x Niece!Reader
Warnings: non consensual groping, fighting, guns, hostage situation, reader shoots someone for self defense, swearing, canon typical violence
Word Count: 3.6k
Read it on AO3
Abandonment Issues
Description: You come home to your Uncle Aaron passed curfew. 
Pairings: Uncle!hotch x niece!reader
Warnings: therapy is needed for these folks
Word count: ~700
Read it on AO3
Description: you cram for exams
Pairings: uncle!hotch x teen!niece!reader
Warnings: burnout, overworking
Word count: ~700
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rae-is-typing · 4 years
Dialogue Prompt Fics
Hey everyone! 
It’s been a really long time since I’ve put any new content out and I’m in the mood to write. So here's a fun thing I see a lot of my writer-friends doing: dialogue prompt fics! 
I’ll do this for teen!reader paired with any avenger, MCU cast member, or Criminal Minds character (except anyone passed season 10… I haven’t watched that far yet). 
Choose a few lines of dialogue, couple it with an idea of your own, and send me an ask. I can do this for a couple days as I’m not terribly busy. 
I look forward to your ideas. 
Dialogue prompt list will be under the cut, as well as being posted on its own.
“I told you it was going to be cold! Here, take this. Next time, bring a damn sweater.”
 “Why is it hugging me?”
“Was that really necessary?”
“Words. Words are difficult.”
 “Being a part of the group means being a part of group hugs. Now get in here! You can be in the middle.”
“I’m out of ideas. Take it or leave it.”
 “I feel like you enjoy pissing me off.”
 “Oh god, it's crying! What do I do? What do i do?”
 “This isn’t even kind of what I asked for.”
“Leave! No, not you, sweetie. You can stay.”
“Look, kiddo, I’m enjoying this hug, but can you stop?”
 “C’mon! It’s movie night. You can’t skip movie night!”
 “Frowning that much will give you wrinkles.”
 “Do you trust me?”
 “What are you doing up so late?”
 “Do you want to stay the night?”
 “You look like you need a hug.”
 “Have you eaten today?”
 “Why are you up so early?”
 “How long have you been standing there?”
 “You’re adorable!”
 “It’s just a fever, I’ll be fine.”
 “You remembered?”
 “Be nice to the kid, it’s been a rough day.” 
 “Why are you hiding in your closet at four in the morning?”
 “Stop wandering off, kid! I swear to god, i will get a leash.”
 “It’ll be fun! Promise.”
 “Did you just agree with me?”
 “Stop being such a grumpy gus.”
 “Will you walk with me? It’s dark outside.”
 “Stop eating the raw cookie dough.”
 "What? No, that's not even close to what I said! How did you even get to that?"
 “How ‘bout no?”
 “You know what we shoul- oh my god, a puppy!”
 “You know I love you, right?”
 “You can lean on me, sweetheart. It’s okay.”
“I’ll always be here for you.” 
“It’s too dangerous for you!”
“How is this my fault?”
“You don’t get to say anything to me about that!”
“Stay behind me.”
 “Try and stay calm, okay? Help is coming.”
 “I haven’t been completely honest with you.”
 “Please, just go away…”
 “Do you need a place to stay?”
 “Stop blaming me for your poor choices!”
 “I’m not a child anymore.”
 “You can’t control me.”
“I can take care of myself!”
“You're not the boss of me.”
“Don't come any closer!”
“All i'm trying to do is keep you safe.”
“I’m sorry…”
“Stop! Don’t hurt them. I’ll do anything- just don’t hurt them.”
“You told me you were okay! You promised me!”
 “You’re just a waste of space.”
 “Stop lying to me.”
 “Touch them again, and I swear to god, I will rip you limb from limb”
 “You don’t have to be scared anymore.”
 “I’ve got you, it’s okay.”
“This can’t be happening,”
 “Want me to stab them?”
 “Don’t freak out! The blood isn’t mine.”
 “Tell me who did this to you.”
 “Talk to me, honey. What’s going on?”
 “What do you want from me?”
“Go on, little one. Run to them. They won’t care. They never cared.”
“You’re okay. You don’t need to do that anymore, okay? You don’t need to do that anymore...”
“What is wrong with you!?” 
“Shh, shh, don’t cry. You’re okay.”
 “It’s me, you’re safe now. I won’t let them hurt you again.”
 “Oh god, what did they do to you?”
 “I can help you, I want to help you. But you have to let me.”
 “How long have you been feeling like this?”
 “Why do you care?”
 “I’m nothing without this- without you!”
 “Why should I be worried?”
 “You’re safe with me, I’ll always protect you.”
 “I’m sorry that I failed.”
 “I just… can’t do this anymore.”
 “Why are you pretending to care about me?”
 “I’m scared.”
 “Why won’t you listen to me?”
 “I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry,”
 “It was just a dream. I’m not gone, I’m right here.”
 “Please, come home.”
 “Where were you all night?”
 “No, you’re wrong!”
 “No, it’s just… I don’t want to be alone right now. Can I stay?”
 “What happened to your hands? Why are they bleeding?”
 “Stop playing dress up! You’re no hero.”
 “You’re not my kid. You’ll never be my kid.”
 “I’m not going to hurt them. You are.”
 “You’re just a child! A lonely, pathetic, weak child who has done nothing but cause trouble and hurt those around them.”
 “I’m not going to hurt you.”
 “Stop excusing her abuse!”
 “You’re just a kid- my kid! I am responsible for you now.” 
  “You can’t disappear like that! That’s not how this is going to work, you hear?”
“Why aren’t you afraid of me?”
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winterscaptain · 4 years
uncle dave.
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader 
a/n: this is a long time coming, but it was originally a request and i can’t for the life of me remember where it came from! i know @pan-pride-12 is particularly eager for this installment. i hope y’all enjoy it and i can’t wait to see your thoughts! i’m also cleaning my tag list this week!! if your tag doesn’t work or you’ve changed urls, please let me know! 
an ajf fic
words: 900 warnings: none!
summary: uncle dave saves the day. nobody’s surprised, but everyone is sleep deprived. 
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | requests closed!
The girls are awake, but quiet, in their bassinets next to your bed. Aaron’s kicked back in the chair at your side, his hands laced behind his head, his eyes closed. It’s been a long night, to say the least. It’s morning now, but it barely counts. 
“Hey.” You pat the side of your bed, trying to get his attention 
He cracks an eyelid and looks at you sideways. “Hm?”
“How do we tell the team we don’t have a name for one of the girls?”
He shrugs and closes his eyes. 
Some help he is.
And you did all the work. 
There’s a tiny knock on the door, and Dave pops his head in. He keeps his voice low, and you find yourself smiling at him as he speaks. “They said you could have visitors now, but I can make myself scarce. I did, however,” he extends his arm, revealing a full reusable grocery bag, “bring breakfast.”
You wave him over. “C’mon in. Come meet the girls.”
He sets the bag down and makes a beeline for the sink, thoroughly washing his hands after rolling up his sleeves. You roll Sophia’s cradle toward you, leaving your currently-nameless daughter closer to Dave. 
Aaron’s choosing to ignore the proceedings, making a weak attempt at sleep in the deeply uncomfortable recliner. 
Rossi approaches the little one closest to him, picking her up and immediately marking the resemblance between you. “She’s beautiful.”
You smile, your fingers absently playing with Sophia’s blanket. “Thanks.”
“So,” he says, humor in his voice, “aren’t you going to introduce me to my nieces?”
With a smile, you tap Sophia’s little hand with your finger. “This is Sophia Haley.” You pause, rueful. “And little one over there doesn't have a name yet.”
Dave smiles down at your daughter. “That’s okay, caro. You don’t need a name, yet. Your mom and dad will find the perfect one for you when you’re ready to have it.”
Wait a minute. 
“Wait, Dave. That’s it.” You shift, sitting up straighter and reaching into one of your cups for ice chips. You pelt Aaron with them until he furrows his brow and sits up. 
“What?” You may have underestimated his napping abilities - he’s sufficiently bleary-eyed. 
“Hey, Dad. Aaron. Chief Hotchner. Whatever. Dave just named our kid.”
Dave furrows his brow. “I did?”
You grin tipping your head toward Dave. “Tell Aaron what you just called her.”
Aaron rises, peering over Dave’s shoulder at his baby girl. 
“I called her caro. It means ‘darling’ in Ital -“ He cuts himself off. “Who am I kidding? I call you caro all the time.” He looks pointedly at you and you smile. 
Aaron’s eyebrows rise as he listens, his eyes still on the baby in Dave’s arms. “Caro. I like it.” He looks at you. “Caro...l? Caro...lyn?”
You wrinkle your nose. “Caro...line?”
“Caroline.” He looks down at her again and you know even before he says anything that it’s decided. “I think that’s your name, my little love. What do you think?”
The little love in question chuffs a little, as only newborns can, and Dave bounces a little bit, keeping her entertained. 
The scene in front of you is more than adorable. You almost wish you had a camera. 
“Caroline…” He searches, looking back at you. 
You think for a moment. “Emily? Caroline Emily?”
Aaron shrugs and nods. “Think she’d be okay with that?”
You reach for the bedside table, and your phone is in your hand before you can blink. You tap the fifth number on your speed dial, and she picks up on the first ring. 
“Hey, Em. Would you hate us forever if we named our kid after you?”
She’s quiet, and you know she’s more than touched. After Doyle, there’s a chance she can’t have kids of her own. The two of you had talked about it over the years, about legacy, about family, everything. While she wasn’t sure she wanted kids at all, she told you once that she wanted something of her to be here when she’s gone. 
It only seems right. 
“What’s her name?” Emily’s voice is almost a whisper. 
“Well,” you say, a little smile on your face, “we were thinking Caroline Emily.”
You can hear her sniff once, and then silence for a minute. You suspect she’s muted herself in an effort to hide how affected she really is. When she returns, she sounds very collected. “I would be honored.”
“Thanks, Em.”
“Yep.” She hangs up. 
I love my repressed, dark-haired weirdos. 
Between Aaron and Em, you have a veritable flock. 
You look at Aaron and nod. He grins, wide and genuine. Dave passes Caroline to him and finally reaches for Sophia, expertly taking her into his arms.
“Look at this, huh? Uncle Dave comes in and saves the day.” He’s only talking to Sophia, and you and Aaron share an amused glance. “Your sister didn’t have a name and now she does. It’s the Italian magic, bellissima. I’ll have to teach you about it, the Uncle Dave way. Between you and me,” he drops his voice to a stage whisper, “I’m not sure your parents have the chops.”
Aaron sits on the edge of the bed and kisses your forehead. You settle your head against his shoulder, your gaze shifting between baby Caro in Aaron’s arms, and Sophia in Dave’s. 
It takes a village...
tagging: @arganfics @quillvine @stxrryspencer @agenthotchner @wandaswitxh @hurricanejjareau @ange-must-die @ughitsbaby @rousethemouse @criminalsmarts @shrimpyblog @genevievedarcygranger @ssaic-jareau @good-heavens-chris-evans @angelsbabey @gublergirls @writefasttalkevenfaster @venusbarnes @hotchsflower @micaiahmoonheart @ogmilkis @marvels-agents100 @hotchslatte @risenfox @mrs-dr-reid @captain-christopher-pike @dwellingsofrosie @pinkdiamond1016 @pan-pride-12  @sunshine-em @word-scribbless @jdougl-love @sageellsworth05 @nohalohoseok @giveusbackourbucky @bauslut @dreila03 @forgottenword @aaronhotchnerr @ssa-morgan @hotchnersgoddess @buckybau @phoenixfyre374 @sana-li @tegggeeee @abschaffer2 @ssacandice-ray @dontkissthewriter @ellyhotchner  @lotties-journey-abroad @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @laneygthememequeen @ahopelessromantic @violentvulgarvolatile @andreasworlsboring101 @mooneylupinblack @ssareidbby @violet-amxthyst @zizzlekwum @lcvischmitt @qvid-pro-qvo @mandylove1000 @simsiddy @jeor @synonymforlame @roses-and-grasses @bwbatta @capricorngf @missdowntonabbey @averyhotchner @garcia-reid-lovechild @cevanswhre  @joanofarkansass @infinity1321 @zizzlekwum @popped-weasels @evee87 @nuvoleincielo @spencerelds @ssahotchnerr @this-broken-band-girl @reidtomestyles @hotch-meeeeeuppppp
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rae-is-typing · 3 years
hello! instead of the criminal minds fix can you update the rdj daughter fix? No pressure. Good luck w the surgery
Thanks love. I appreciate it. And yeah! That's definitely a possibility. What do y'all think? Niece!reader x uncle!hotch or another chapter of lost but not forgotten
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