#uncle rodey
elegyofdionysus · 2 years
Summary : Whichever way you looked at it, one thing was for sure; it had not gone how you had planned. Granted it hadn’t been the best plan to begin with. Initially you thought you’d rock up to the Avengers compound, enlist their help to bring down the evil organization and then go, “Also I’m your daughter from a one-night stand you probably forgot about.” Yeah, that would have turned out great. Totally wouldn’t have been disastrous at all.
Meet the parent
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 You stood outside the doors of the giant facility and stared up its length right to top where the giant AVENGERS sign stared right back at you. Taking a deep you marched through lobby up to the front desk. A woman, pretty and blond, stood behind it and lifted a finger at you signalling for you to wait while she finished her call. You played with the handle of your satchel draped across your chest and bounced back and forth on the balls of your feet, your eyes fleeting across every person and surface of the lobby. It was very clean and futuristic, cold almost clinical, exactly how you imagined a high tec science facility would be.
“Hi, welcome to the Avengers compound how can I help you,” the blonde asked drawing your attention back to her now that she’d ended the call.
“Hello, I’m here to see Tony Stark.”
The probably plastic smile on her face (it was way too early on a Monday morning for anyone to be ‘not grumpy’) faltered and her grey eyes scanned you up and down, probably wondering what business a seventeen-year-old would have with the most well-known high-profile billionaire in New York, America and possibly the world.
“Do you have an appointment?”
“Then I’m sorry. Mister Stark is very busy and I’m afraid I can’t let you see him without an appointment,” she said, feigning a sympathetic look.
“Do you know when he’ll be free,” your voice was slightly strained and clipped. Katherine, you noted from her name tag, was starting to get on your nerves.
“No, I don’t handle his schedule,” she replied shortly, like it was something you should already know.
“Well, I’d really appreciate it if you talked to someone who does and find out for me.” She opened her mouth, probably to say something to deter you from your goal so you interrupted her before she could. “I’ll just wait over there.” And you walked over to the waiting area and took a seat before she could get another word out. You sighed and took your phone out of your satchel. You were going to be here for hours. Oh well, at least the chairs weren’t too uncomfortable and the WIFI was free.
You’d been right. It was now after three in the afternoon and you’d been here since eight. Your phone was dead and even though the chairs were more comfortable than you’d expected from a waiting room your butt was getting sore. At least you had the sense to buy yourself some lunch and pack a snack and a book to keep you occupied this morning. Katherine had tried to get you to leave a couple times saying Mister Stark will be busy all day. To which you had replied, “Listen Katherine, can I call you Katherine, I have a very delicate, very urgent, matter that I need to discuss with Mister Stark. I can not leave here until I have talked to him.” You’d hoped that the desperation in your eyes conveyed the urgency of the matter and apparently it had because she came back half an hour later (Mister Stark will see you now) and escorted you to the elevator and up to the higher floors
It suddenly became harder to breath like all the air in the elevator had been sucked out by a vacuum. It was when you were five years old and your teacher told your class to make Father’s Day cards that you began questioning, you went home that day and asked your mother about him. She’d brushed you off, told you it wasn’t important and that you should ask her again when she wasn’t busy. Except she’d said it a lot less kindly. Wounded you walked away and only found the courage to ask again when you were thirteen.  With tears in your eyes, sobs racking your body she’d had mercy and told you the truth. He hadn’t cared. He hadn’t wanted you and they’d both agreed to part ways and for him to not be part of your lives. She’d said it had been for the best.
Ever since then you had dreamt about this moment. What it would be like when you finally got to meet him. Where you would meet him. Would the connection be instant, like that missing piece of a puzzle slotting into place? Would he look at you and know instantly that it had been a mistake to walk away from you all those years ago? Take you into his arms and apologize for ever making you feel like you weren’t worth enough to stick around for? Or would he be reaffirmed in his decision to leave? Glad he got out while he still could? Look at you with distain or pity and then turn away from you once again?
Your mind was reeling, running almost as fast as Katherine’s brisk walk down the hall. You wished she would slow down, it would slow down. Give you a chance to catch your breath, change your mind, walk away and preserve your normalcy. You needed more time. You weren’t ready to have a life altering moment. You didn’t look the part. You should have worn a dress, something more formal than your white graphic tee and black tennis skirt. You definitely regretted the fishnets and doc martens. Would heels have been overkill? Maybe you should have styled your hair differently, in a nice bun instead of letting the bushy curls cascade around your face. You’d thought it framed your face nicely, made it look less round, but now you wonder if it just made you look unkempt. The soft e-girl makeup was the only thing you were sure about. There was just something about sharp eyeliner and dazzling highlighter that made you feel powerful, that felt like armour.
“Right through there,” Katherine directed, pointing at the double doors to your right. She turned, presumably returning to her post to continue politely sneering at people. You almost wished she’d walk in with you.
You could make a break for it. You’d make it out the lobby in less than ten minutes.
You sighed. You really couldn’t. This was bigger than you. If you didn’t do this no one else would. No one else could. It had to be you.
Another deep breath. You attempted to flatten your curls, calm the hum of nerves buzzing beneath your skin and then you knocked on the door.
“Come in.”
You pushed it open expecting to find a desk, maybe a couple of shelves, possibly rich people shit (you know like those golf thingies). Like a regular office. What you weren’t expecting was a huge lounge area and a bunch of the avengers sitting around like…well normal people.
As you walked in all eyes were on you.  You froze. “Wow you’re all here.” You said it quietly to yourself. For a milli-second you stood there awkwardly but you swallowed your nerves and crossed the threshold. “Hi, I’m Amelia Harris,” you introduced out of habit and you swore internally. You’d planned to introduce yourself by your real name.  
Before you could correct yourself however, Captain Rogers who, along with Thor, had stood up the moment you entered, smiled at you. “Steve Rogers. Good to meet you.” You held out your hand and he shook it. Calloused yet gentle and firm, and as warm as his smile.
“Good to meet you too. I’m here for Mister Stark.”
“He’s on a phone call, should be right out.” A brunette you didn’t recognize offered. “Maria Hill,” she prompted. You shook her hand as well.
Thor gave it a shake too and you tried hard not to swoon, you could barely meet his eyes. His handshake was firmer than Steve’s but no less gentle and warm. Dr. Banner gave you a wave from his spot, standing by the wall sized window.  
You smiled and waved at Agent Barton, too intimidated to go any closer. The frown on his face and arrows in his hands didn’t make him look too friendly. Yet he looked far more approachable than Agent Romanov who was laying on the couch laid back and casual but somehow still the picture of grace and elegance. She gave you a nod in acknowledgement and you’re surprised you didn’t faint. Black Widow had just acknowledged your existence.
Before you could fangirl uncontrollably, the man of the hour Tony Stark walked in. Your heart hammered in your chest, all the blood rushed down your body and pooled at your feet, air left your lungs and all you could do was stare.
Please don’t barf all over his undoubtedly expensive, probably Italian leather shoes.
As soon as the thought occurred to you, your stomach lurched and you doubled over emptying the contents right onto said leather shoes with a horrific “grrhhh.”
Fan-fucking-tastic. Just awesome.
In a second, Steve was at your side, making sure you were okay but you couldn’t respond to his kindness, being too preoccupied resisting the urge to sink through the floor with embarrassment.  The look of thinly veiled disgust on Tony Starks face was just the icing on top of this beautiful moment.
Before you could apologize you felt a new wave of nausea rise and you heaved.
“Bathroom’s that way,” Dr Banner directed helpfully.
You stared at your reflection in the mirror. This hasn’t been a disaster at all. In fact, it was going extremely well. Apart from the fact that you just blew chunks all over Tony Stark’s shoes within the first two seconds of meeting him. Great first impression. Yeah, the Turkey sandwich had been a mistake. But at least it hadn’t been an egg sandwich like the lady at the sandwich shop had suggested.
You should probably get out of here and face the fallout of your poultry outburst. Standing in a bathroom staring at yourself, wishing you had the power of invisibility so you could walk out without anyone seeing was unproductive. With one final look at the mirror to ensure that there weren’t any chunks in your hair (there weren’t) you walked out. Only to find the room slightly more crowded than when you left it. Two security guards posed at the door and a nervous-looking Katherine standing in the middle of it. To be fair to her, she was being reprimanded by her boss.
“It’s too early in the year for meet and greets,” Tony was saying.
“She said she had something important to tell you-,” Katherine tried to explain but you interrupted her before she could finish.
 “I’m not a fan,” everyone turned to look at you, you flushed, “I mean I’m not not a fan,” a few eyebrows raised (from Tony, Agent Barton and Maria Hill). “Look I’m not here on fan club business or whatever, I’m here because I need your help.” You walked over to the satchel you had tossed on the floor in your haste to spare Tony Stark’s suit from a new vomit coloured dye job and pulled out a flash drive. “A few hundred lives are at stake and if we don’t put a stop to it the whole world could be in danger.” Even if it might be too late.
With the attention now off of her, Katherine took this opportunity to slink off out the room, the two guards behind her.
“We,” Steve questioned? You ignored him.
Dr Banner walked over and held his hand out for the drive. You handed it to him. “It’s all encrypted and I’m not a techy person,” you shrugged, apologising for your own incompetence.
“They’re a group called Allaxis. They kidnap children and experiment on them.” That last part did what you hoped it would. Suddenly everyone sat or stood a little straighter, and listened more intently.
“Experiment?” Agent Romanoff probed, an edge to her voice.
“Genetic modification. They’re trying to make- “
“-Super soldiers?” The original super soldier sounded tired. You imagined he would be. The number of times you’d overheard whispers of a new super serum, or plans to replicate the first one. A super army was the cool new toy all the baddies wanted to have. There was something else in his voice though, unwavering determination. You’d only just met him but you imagined defeat was a suit he rarely ever wore. Suddenly you were more confident in your decision to come here.
“Something like that, only with kids as guinea pigs. As far as I know they haven’t been successful. But that was a couple of years ago. A lot could have changed since then.”
“Did you go to the cops with this?”
You were hesitant to say no lest you disappoint Captain Rogers by not following proper protocol. “No. I don’t trust the cops; I only trust you. You’re the Avengers. Earth’s mightiest heroes. You stand up for what’s right because-“
“Because that’s what heroes do,” Thor boomed. You’d almost forgotten he was there. How you could forget the presence of such a captivating and alluring being was beyond you.  (Okay, so you had a crush on Thor? He’s a god and he looks like one. And seeing as most of the teen girls and some teen boys on the internet sites you frequent shared your feelings, it wasn’t out of the ordinary. It was actually, unfortunately, the most normal thing about you.) To be fair, he had been content nursing a pint of beer and watching the back and forth.
“Yes,” you smiled dopily (He’s very dazzling).
“Alright kid, we’ll look into it.”
 “Thank you, Mr Stark.” You were being sincere. “Thank you,” you said looking at Steve.
“It’s what we’re here for ma’am.”
With all that settled, you excused yourself and started the long trek home. That could’ve gone better, but on the other hand it could’ve gone worse. The barf could’ve hit his face instead of his shoes. So small wins, you guess.
Whichever way you looked at it, one thing was for sure; it had not gone how you had planned. Granted it hadn’t been the best plan to begin with. Initially you thought you’d rock up to the Avengers compound, enlist their help to bring down the evil organization and then go, “Also I’m your daughter from a one-night stand you probably forgot about.” Yeah, that would have turned out great. Totally wouldn’t have been disastrous at all.
You’ll tell him the truth eventually, you reassured yourself, for now that was enough excitement for one day.
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Alright, Spider-man // Peter Parker X Reader
A/N: Hey loves, I know I need to do a part two of “What’s Stopping You?” but I just had this idea and I really wanted to write it! Every time I see an AU where the reader is the daughter of Tony, I always like to think of how they would actually meet if they met in the actual MCU. So, I made this! I hope you guys like it because I still need to do several other stories to do, such as my Wattpad story and that part two. Anyway, enjoy!
Requested: Nope
Warnings: None
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Not my gif!! (Please tell me if you, the owner, would like me to take the gif down!)
“Why do I have to come, again?”
Your father, Tony Stark, had forced you to come with him to pick up a new recruit. You’ve heard the situation currently happening at the moment, Uncle Cap and your father having a disagreement about the Sokovia Accords and a division between the Avengers.
Soon, Tony was going to Germany with Auntie Nat, Uncle Rodey and two other recruits, one being the one you were going to pick up right now. The two of you were in front of the small apartment door and were about to knock.
“Because the kid is your age, he might feel more comfortable around someone his age. It’ll be quick, I swear.” Your father answered.
You sighed, patting down your black dress suit and blowing a few strands of (h/c) hair, usually braided but now in a bun, from your face. You knew better than to argue with your dad, it never went anywhere since his stubborness was passed down to you.
While wiping a stray hair from your face, you knocked on the door and stood next to your father.
A middle aged, yet young looking woman opened the door. “Can I help you?”
“Hi, I’m Tony Stark and this is my daughter (Y/n),” you waved at the woman. “We’re here to speak to Peter Parker.”
The lady’s face turned to shock and she seem flustered for a moment then she regained her stance.
“Oh my- um...come on in!”
She opened the door wider to let you two in and you walked in after your dad. You looked around her apartment and felt a comfort and homey feeling. It was nice and simple, definitely a humble family.
“My name is May Parker, I’m Peter’s aunt. He’ll be home soon, he just finished school. But until then, I made tea and meatloaf! Take a seat and have some!” The woman, May, picked up a tray of cookies from the kitchen top.
You graciously took a piece and smiled at her, giving her a thank you in responce. Your dad took several pieces and sat on her couch, you following him.
May set down the tray on the table in the middle of the living room and sat on the couch next to you.
“I don’t mean to be rude, I mean it’s an honor to have the Tony Stark and his daughter in my home but what do you need to talk with Peter about?” She questioned.
“I assume Peter has told you about the grant, yes?” Tony lied.
“Grant? Um, no, he hasn’t. I-I don’t think so, at least.” May replied.
You and your dad exchanged fake shocked looks.
“Well basically, your nephew applied to the Stark Inc. Internship; a internship where young smart minds, like Peter, get the chance to work around my company part time. He got accepted.” He explained, taking another bite out of his meatloaf piece.
May’s eyes widened at your father’s words and looked over to you, as if not believing him. You nodded and a large smile grew on her face.
“O-oh wow! I can’t believe he hasn’t told me about it!”
Just then, the door of the apartment opened. You could see a young brown haired boy in a thin, navy blue sweater walk through it. He hadn’t said anything so you guessed he just didn’t notice you yet.
“Hey, May.” You assumed was Peter, greeted before dropping his keys on the counter and heading to the kitchen.
“Hey, how was school today?” May asked.
“It was okay, but there’s this crazy car parked outside.” Peter turned towards his Aunt but saw you and your father as well. You and your father pretended to not notice him while he came in.
His face showed silent shock, his mind not believing what he was seeing. From what you saw, you had to admit he was pretty cute and good looking. For a second, you didn’t believe he was your age because he looked to be about maybe 18, but looks can be deceiving.
“Oh, Mr. Parker.”
“Um,” Peter took out his wired headphones. “W-what are you- hey! I’m uh...I’m-I’m Peter.”
“Tony.” Your dad gestured to you.
“I’m (Y/n).” You smiled.
“What-what are you doing here?”
“It’s about time we met. You’ve been getting my emails, right?” Tony winked with his eyes, telling the boy to go along with what he was saying.
“Yeah-yeah...regarding the-”
“You didn’t even tell me about the grant?” May interjected.
“About the grant! Right.”
“The September foundation? Yeah? Remember when you applied?”
“...yeah.” Peter sheepishly replied.
“We’ve approved!” Tony pointed to him and you.
“So now, we’re in business.” You finished for him.
“You didn’t tell me anything. What’s up with that? Are you keeping secrets from me now?” May asked, a little hurt.
“I just- I just know how much you love surprises so I thought I would let you know...anyway, what did I apply for?”
“That’s what we’re here to hash out.” You told him, his eyes looking towards you.
“It is so hard to believe that she is someone’s aunt.” Flirted your dad, you gagged on the inside.
Aunt May just laughed. “Well they do come out in all shapes and sizes, you know?”
“This woman’s meatloaf is exceptional.”
“Lemme just stop you there. Is this grant like got money involved or whatever..?” The brown haired boy wondered. You giggled at his words.
“Yeah, its pretty well funded. Look who you’re talking to.” You stated, smirking a little.
“Can we get five minutes with him?” Asked Tony.
May agreed and the three of you headed towards a more private area, more so, Peter’s bedroom. Once you entered, you closed the door behind you and did a quick scan of his room.
It was filled with many layers of technology around the room and his desk was full of it. His room was smaller than the average bedroom, definitely smaller than yours and one twin sized bed laid in the middle of it against the wall.
Peter walked towards his desk and your dad spat out the meatloaf in his mouth to the trashcan. You almost laughed at his distaste to the woman’s food.
“As meatloaf goes, that wasn’t too bad.” He said then looked around the room.
Your dad looked at the old computer and other devices on Peter’s desk.
“Oh, what do we have here? Retro-tech, huh? Thrift store? Salvation Army?” Tony asked Peter.
“The garbage, actually.”
“So you’re a dumpster diver?” You raised an eyebrow at the boy.
“Yeah I was...um anyway, look. I definitely did not apply for your grant-“
“Nah uh! Us first.” You looked over to your dad, he waved his hand and you took out the small device in your pocket.
“Quick question of the rhetorical variety,” as you held up the device, a hologram popped up and a video started to play of a web swinging person stopped a man from breaking into a car. “This is you, right?”
“Um, n-no. What do- what do you mean?”
You smirked before pulling up another video of the hero you knew was him. It was footage of him stopped a car from crashing into a moving bus.
“Look at you go!” Your dad joined in.
“Wow, nice catch. 3,000 pounds and 40 miles an hour? It’s not easy. You’ve got mad skills.” You complimented Peter while putting the tech away.
A small smile grew on his face until his washed away almost immediately.
“That’s all- that’s all on YouTube though, right? I mean that’s where you found that? ‘Cause you know that’s all fake, it’s all done on a computer.” The boy tried to lie but you and your dad were not having it.
“Mhm.” Your dad hummed, looking up in the ceiling and noticing something. You followed your dad’s gaze and grabbed a nearby bat from the floor.
While Peter continued to prattle on, you pushed the top part of the bat into the attic opening and a red and blue suit, attached on a string came flying down.
“No!” Peter managed to grab the suit before you could and hid it in the small part of his room where the rest of his clothes were.
You high fived your dad and he gave you a proud smile. Peter turned away from his hidden suit and awkwardly looked anywhere but you two.
“Ahh...that’s uh...” The hidden hero sighed, knowing he was finally caught.
“So, you’re the ‘Spider-ling’? ‘Crime fighting Spider’? You’re ‘Spider-boy’?” Asked your dad.
Peter hesitated for a moment before answering. “Spider-man.”
“Not in that onesie you’re not.”
“It’s not a onesie.” Peter gave a hard glare at your dad, walking past you both.
You grabbed his suit out of the corner of his room, handing it to your dad.
“You know, I was actually having a really good day today, Mr. Stark. Didn’t miss my train, found this perfectly good DVD player that was just sitting there and algebra test; nailed it.” The boy told you.
“Who else knows? Anybody?” You inquired.
He just shook his head in reply. “Nobody.”
“Not even your unusually attractive Aunt?”
“Dad, no.”
“No! No, no, no! If she knew, she would freak out! And when she freaks out, I freak out.” Peter pointed towards the outside of his room where his Aunt was still sitting.
Your dad then tapped you on the leg with his own and showed you a small container filled with some type of fluid. He passed it to you and you examined it, looking at it with fascination.
“You know what I think is really cool? That webbing.” Tony pointed towards the container in your hands and you tossed it to the web slinger, who caught it right before it hit his face. You looked at him with an impressed expression and smiled at him, earning a shy one back.
“The tensile strength is off the charts. Who manufactured this?” You brought into the conversation.
“I did.” Answered Peter, throwing the web fluid back into the corner.
“Climbing walls, how do you do that? Adhesive gloves?”
“It’s uh...long story.”
“Lordy! Can you even see in these?” Your dad teased as he brought Peter’s suit goggles up to his own eyes. You laughed as he made weird sounds with them.
“Yes! Yes, I can!” Peter yanked the suit away from your father and tossed it into the clothes pile.
“Yes, I can see in those, okay? It’s just that when whatever happened...happened, its like my senses have been dialed to 11. There’s way too much input so they just kinda help me focus.” Explained Peter.
‘This is going nowhere.’ You thought. Gazing back to Peter and his suit, you walked to Peter’s desk.
“Dad, mind if I talk to Peter alone for a bit?” You insisted.
Tony looked between you and Peter, sighing then got up to leave the room.
“No funny business, Mr. Parker.” He said, using his ‘dad voice’ as you called it then walked out.
It was silent for a few moments until you spoke up.
“You are in dire need of an upgrade.” You snickered, sitting on his bed and looking at him.
The boy just leaned against his wall, shy and awkward. You just figured he’s never been alone with a girl before, nonetheless, in his own bedroom.
“Okay, start talking.” You pat the bed part next to you, offering a seat.
Peter shuffled quietly towards his bed and sat next to you, looking away and slightly blushing.
“Why are you doing this?” Peter just looked to you, confused. “I gotta know, what’s your MO? What gets you out of this twin bed in the morning?”
Fidgeting with his hands, the hero replied, “Because...because I’ve been me my whole life and I’ve had these powers for six months. I read books! I build computers! And yeah, I would love to play football but I couldn’t then so I shouldn’t now.”
“Sure, because you’re different.”
“Exactly. But I can’t tell anybody that so I’m not.”
Peter began to grow shy again so you gently rested a hand on his fidgeting ones in his lap. He looked to you, shocked but no words came out of his mouth. The brown eyed boy sighed and looked to you.
“Look, when you can do the things that I can, but you don’t,” you slightly leaned forward, but not enough to envaid his space. “And then the bad things happen...they happen because of you.”
You knew what he was talking about, your dad always told you about how it was dangerous out there in the field. You were kidnapped with Pepper years back, getting hurt in the process and your dad almost lost it. Tony didn’t want you to get involved with any hero stuff to avoid you getting hurt or killed. Your dad felt guilty, guilty for letting you into this life where someone was always after him. Therefore, after you.
“So you’re just looking out for the little guy? You wanna help out the world, do your part and make your home a better place on that, right?” Quietly, you responded.
“Yeah-yeah, just looking out for the little guy. I mean, it is what it is.” He stuttered.
A couple seconds go by until you stand up, looking around his room one more time.
“You got a passport by any chance?”
“No, I don’t- I don’t even have a driver’s license.”
“You ever been to Germany?” You interrupted him. He shook his head.
“Oh well, then you’ll love it.”
Peter looked at you with a mix of a strange and shocked expression on his face.
“No, no I can’t go to Germany!” Exclaimed Peter.
You chuckled, “Why?”
“I-I...I got homework.” Peter stuttered. You rolled your eyes and stuffed your hands in your dress pants pockets.
“Okay, I’m gonna just pretend you didn’t even say that.”
“I mean, I’m serious! I can’t just drop out of school!”
“Why not? I did. And I’m your age.” You gestured to yourself.
“W-well, why can’t you just go?” Peter tried to argue.
You scoffed, “As if my dad would allow me, his own daughter, to go against Captain America. He barely lets me out of the house.”
The brunette sighed and ran his hands over his hair in distress. You knew you only had one more chance to get Peter to come to Germany, and a bright idea came to your mind.
“Welp, it might be a little dangerous so I think I’ll just tell my dad to tell your Aunt May-“
Right before you could touch the doorknob of his room, Peter sprayed a douse of web fluid onto your hand, sticking it to the knob so you couldn’t turn it.
Smirking, you turned to look at the new recruit, whose arm was pointed outwards and fingers in a position so he could spray the webbing at you.
“Don’t tell Aunt May.” Peter warned.
“Alright, Spider-man.”
A/N: Tell me if you wanna be tagged in my Marvel stories!
@dear-selena​ (i know this is what you requested but i promise you i will make the part two of the last one you liked!)
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In January of 2000 some good friends from the scientific community rather than the normal billionaire one of Tony Stark, the Parker’s, approached him about being a donor in order for them to become parents due to some fertility issues that had been discovered in regards to Richard. Tony agreed with little convincing and in August of 2001 Peter Parker was born. Tony was made the boys godfather and when his parents died when he was about 7 months old, he took him in and legally claimed him as his own son. There was a lot of shadow and mystery to the rumors of Tony Stark having a child, no one knew who the Mother was and for years they didn’t even know his gender. As he grew his identify was kept a secret, his Aunt May and Uncle Ben’s address being used for school and occasionally staying with them when his Father was away for longer periods and a nanny was a less practical option. Legally Peter’s name has been changed to “Peter Benjamin Stark” he still goes by Parker in school.
Ned found out that Tony Stark was Peter’s dad when he was half asleep one day after a late night stopping some street thugs when he first got his powers, because in that state when Ned said how cool Tony Stark was in reference to an article he was reading Peter said “you think that but” and told him the lame Dad joke he’d said at breakfast that morning.
Peter steals his Dad’s credit card and used it to send 1 or 2 food trucks to known poor/homeless heavy areas to give out food for free. After Tony get’s back to Earth after The Snap he starts doing this in Peter’s place.
Karen was an AI created much sooner in this AU, and a watch with her programing in it was given to him when he was 9.
Peter was 5 when Pepper became Tony’s assistant and 7 when he accidently called her “Mom” for the first time, he was super embarrassed and Pepper blushed slightly but took it in stride, her and Tony using that to get Peter to do things like clean his room ect by telling him “Listen to you Mother” and it started as a joke but now he just calls her Mom in everyday conversation and it confuses new people but they don’t even bother explaining and usually it’s just accepted.
Peter was 8 when Tony was kidnapped and just has no idea what is going on, all he knew was that Miss. Potts was scared, he was pulled out of school for a few months, Happy wouldn’t leave him alone and his Uncle Rodey had told him that a couple hulking marines were going to be staying close to him until his Dad came home. All he really knew was that he hadn’t see his Dad in what seemed like forever and no one would tell him why, which was weird because Tony tended to make sure to find at least 5 minutes in a day to call him even when he was super busy.
Peter was 11 when Loki attacked the City, he’d just happened to be there visiting his Aunt May and when it happened he had run out of the house and made his way to Stark Tower, the Karen helping lead the way there despite telling him what a horrible idea it was. He barely made it there, ducking behind things and even inside of a dumpster or two. Tony see’s him right before Loki shows up and doesn’t have enough time to get mad, just enough time to force him into a safe room hidden in the wall behind where he was standing when Loki entered. Peter is smart like his Dad though, he managed to get out and sees his Dad fly through the wormhole. He nearly jumped off the edge when he saw him. Erik had been coming to check on him though after Natasha told him to, and grabbed him right before he jumped after his Father.
By 2014 Peter has been bitten and grained powers, try as he might Tony can’t stop his son from fighting bad guys when he can literally just scale headfirst down the Tower. And that’s just before he creates his web fluid and web shooters. This is part of what drives him into wanting to create Ultron. Everything goes wrong though and shit hits the fan, and when it does they can’t find Peter and Tony fears the worst. Then they get to Clints home though and there he is playing with and entertaining the younger kids and the grip of panic that had been holding him dissipated a little.
When the Avengers go to fight Ultron there is a huge argument between him and Tony, he wants to come and help. He has powers and the suit he made, he can help. In the end Tony wins and Peter stays behind at the Farm House, he spends most of the time in Teen Angst Mode and makes Laura dread her own children becoming teenagers.
In Civil War he’s ecstatic when Tony let’s him join the fight and help, though he in all honesty only does it because of the fact he knows none of the others would really hurt him. When he ends up with a black eye though he regrets it, telling him “Go or I’m calling your Mother!”
After Civil War when his Dad got on board with him being a small time neighborhood hero? Peter was very excited, and was more than happy to give both Tony and Happy updates regularly. Though he knew that Pepper wasn’t entirely happy about it? He knew that at least she was glad he was doing it with his Dad behind him rather than behind their backs.
After Peter’s screw up that ended in Tony taking the suit away and telling him he was done with crime fighting until he could grow up and think before he acted? Peter wasn’t all that surprised that Happy shut Ned down when he called him, but he hoped that his Dad would get there to help him sooner rather than later. Instead? He’d had to fight Vulture on his own, and had hidden off to the side when Happy and the other’s got there. He got the other’s attention by hitting him behind the ear with a tiny bit of web fluid and Happy expressed that he was glad Peter was okay but then shooed him off before anyone could notice him since his mask was gone.
After this happened Tony offered to Peter both officially introducing him to the world as Spiderman, and his son. He turned this down however, telling his Dad that he wanted to stay lowkey a while longer. In reality? He hadn’t exactly told his Dad everything that he went through in the battle with Vulture, and he both didn’t want to leave his friends behind as well as wanting more time to process what he’d been through. He already had a therapist he saw once a month, but now he bumped it up to twice a month and when needed weekly with no explanation to Tony.
Eventually at some point between his fight with Vulture and the space ship showing up on earth he asks Tony to come with him to one of his sessions, and finally tells him about everything that happened during that first big super hero battle of his.
When the space ship shows up on earth and Peter joins in on the fight, he nearly listens when Tony tells him to go home. But then he realizes that he didn’t know if he could handle it if his Dad died and he could have done something to stop it, and so instead? He clings onto the space ship and makes his way inside.
This drabble I wrote is 100% tied into my Peter’s story
After The Snap the world finds out who Peter is in regards to him being Tony’s son unless otherwise plotted, a memorial for him being held for him where the truth comes out about his identity like it was for many of those who disappeared. Ned had already known and MJ had her suspicions. But other than that a lot of people started treating him differently, he brushed most of them off but he was also secretly kind of glad that Flash still treated him exactly the same. Being bullied sucked and the guy was an ass, but at least he wasn’t trying to pretend he wanted to be his friend like so many people who had ignored him and/or his being bullied in the past. Because of this, its theorize by a lot of people before the end of his junior year that he is Spiderman because of the fact that Iron Man was his Father and seemed to have taken the younger hero under his wing. By the start of his Senior year the truth about who Spiderman is has been completely accepted, even if not confirmed by anyone who would know for sure.
Within a year of coming back from The Blip, Peter has changed his hero name to Iron Spider in order to honor his Father (or in the case of Tony still being alive, to signify him taking his place in the Avengers)
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sgtjaamesbaarnes · 5 years
Caught in the Crossfire [Chapter 2]
Pairing: Detective!Bucky x Mobster!Reader
Summary: Throughout his life, Bucky was always certain of three things; Steve would always have his back, never miss Sunday dinner, and live by the law, at all costs. Until he meets a girl with Louboutin’s and a berretta on her thigh. Will he be able to ignore who she really is? Or will be lose the girl that shows him what it means to truly live?
Word count: 1.6k
Warning: language, violence, sexual and adult themes, 18+
A/N: Taglist is open. Let me know if you want to be added! 
Catch up here!
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Alarms going off is never a good thing, especially when they come from the kitchen. Bucky scrambled, trying the grab the mitts from the counter and opened the oven door as smoke spewed out.
“Fuck!” He shouted as the smoke found its way into his lungs, causing him to cough out.
“Woah, language.” A voice called as the front door opened and two pairs of feet came running into his apartment.
“Uncle Bucky!” The little one ran and jumped onto his back as he threw the now burnt pan on the stove top.
“Hey, Jamie. Be careful, it’s hot.” He pulled the little boy off his back and in his arms so he could kiss his cheek.
“Don’t worry, I’m a big kid. I can take care of myself.” The four-year-old was always so sure of himself.
“Yeah I’m sure kid. Hey sis.” He turned to the woman who had entered with the little boy.
“I see your cooking has improved slightly. You at least made it to the oven.” The woman chuckled.
“Thanks, Becs. Always so charming.” Bucky rolled his eyes at his sister.
“Don’t worry. I made two sides. Don’t want Sam giving you hell again now do we.” Becca smiled at her big brother.
“Again, you are my lifesaver.” He rocked the kid in his arms.
“Someone’s gotta look after you. Even after 35 years you still don’t know how cook a damn thing. No matter how hard mom tried to teach you.” She set her bag down on the counter. “You ready little nugget?”
“Yeah! Aunt Tasha was going to teach me how to make spaghetti!” Jamie jumped out of his uncle’s arms and ran towards the door.
“Oh great. Let’s hope Aunt Sharon helps her with it. Tasha doesn’t know much about spices and flavoring.” Bucky makes a face at Becca before grabbing the bags and leading the two out of the apartment.
The subway ride to the other side of Brooklyn didn’t take long but with an anxious four-year-old Bucky and Becca had to keep their heads on a swivel. Jamie ran a little ahead of the two adults, kicking rocks along the sidewalk.
“Jamie, stay close please baby. Don’t get too far ahead of us.” Becca called to her son.
“Yes mom.” The little boy called back as he kicks another rock.
“He’s getting too big.” Bucky comments while watching the little boy.
“He’ll be five in a few months. It’s crazy to think I have a five-year-old.” Her steps fall in line with her brother’s.
“Eh, he’s a good kid. A little bit of trouble, but a good heart.” Bucky stuffed his free hand into his pocket as Becca looked over at him and smiled.
“Sounds like someone else I know.” The three turned the corner to the street where Natasha and Sharon lived.
“Is that the trouble maker I hear?” A voice called down the street.
“Uncle Sammy!” Jamie took off running towards the voice.
“Hey, be careful! Watch for cars!” Bucky called after his nephew but the warnings went unnoticed and the little boy jumped into Sam’s arms.
“At least he’s watched over. I have to remember that sometimes.” Becca smiles and up to Sam to greet him before moving into the house.
“I see you didn’t forget this time.” Sam hackles him.
“Nope. I told you, it was a one-off thing.” Bucky smiled at his partner and good friend.
“Yeah one off that’s happened about ten times.” Sam smirks then moves into the house, Jamie still in his arms and Bucky on his tail.
The house was warm and inviting, no doubt due to Sharon more than Natasha. Ever since Nat came back from her third tour she wasn’t the same, but that didn’t make them love her any less. And Sharon was there to warm the harden soldier’s heart.
“Auntie Nat, can you teach me now?” The four-year-old looked over at the red head.
“Oh well of course little squirt. Come over here. Sharon can you grab him the stool?” Nat stool in front of the counter, ingredients all out ready to be mixed.
“Sure, thing babe.” Sharon leaned over and kissed her cheek then moved to the hall closet to grab the stool. “Don’t worry. I gathered the ingredients. It’ll taste just fine.” She winked at the two men standing in the hallway then put the stool down for Jamie.
Bucky smiled back at the three of them in the kitchen before moving to the back yard. He smiled as the smell of beer and cigars filled his lungs. Looking over at the group of people that had become his family, he couldn’t help but feel blessed. Becca had moved to stand by Clint and Laura as Wanda slid over on the bench, making room for her. Tony was arguing with Rodey about some new technique they had learned on DNA analysis and if it was more effective than the old way as Tony’s wife Pepper rolled her eyes and held their little girl, Morgan. Thor sat with his brother, Loki.
He remembered the long debate they had all had about inviting Loki to Sunday Dinner. An ex- con who had, at some point or another, been on the other side of the interrogation table as Bucky, it was hard for some members to agree to letting him in. After hours of pleading and finally an acceptance from Bucky, the rest of the team agreed to let him try it out. That was three years ago and every Sunday Loki sat next to his brother and kept to himself. Bucky looked at him and saw the change in him from his times as a dealer. He just hoped the other members of their group could see how far he had come.
Then there was Steve, his best friend, Captain and surrogate brother to him and Becca. They had all three grown up together. When his family had moved to Brooklyn from Indiana when Bucky was seven and Becca was six, Steve was the first friend either of them had made. And they never looked back.
“Come on man, let’s go have a drink.” Sam was up to him and hands him a beer. Bucky smiles and walks over to the group.
The adults all sat at the table, plates empty and bellies full. The two kids lay on the couch, passed out form the carbs and running around with each other.
“I’m never going to eat again.” Wanda grumbled as she rubbed her stomach.
“Speak for yourself, I could have another helping myself.” Thor smirked over at her.
“There’s plenty left. Help yourself or you’re all getting it for lunches this week.” Sharon sat back in her chair with her arm draped around the back of Natasha’s chair.
“It was delicious. Thank you for the food.” Becca smiled at the two.
“That would be thanks to Sharon.” Bucky smirks before Natasha kicks him under the table.
“Remember Barnes, I know how to hurt you.” Nat smirks at him and he waves her off.
“Speaking of next week, we all need to get ready for the-“ Steve stands up to talk before he’s cut off from the moans and grumbles.
“Come on man, we agreed. No work talk on Sunday dinner.” Sam looked up at him.
“Seriously Rogers, you do it again and we’re going to a nice restaurant next Sunday and you’re paying.” Tony picks up his wine to finish it.
“And we don’t go easy on appetizers.” Rodey chimed in.
“Ok ok, fine. But tomorrow morning you all better be in my office at 0800 sharp.” Steve tried to show his authority again.
“Aye aye Captain.” Sharon smirked and the group broke out in snickers and giggles.
Bucky looked around at his surrogate family, the only family he had left. Lord only knows what he’d do if anything happened to them.
You stood at the window overlooking the loading of the trucks. The tablet in your hand read the schematics for the run. Quick and easy. Sunday nights were the best nights for the runs. Law enforcement was usually thinnest on those nights.
The last truck was loaded and the route solidified. Two trucks would take the eastbound highway and the others would go north. All the drivers were briefed and waiting for your signal.
“They’re waiting for you.” Brock walked up to you, arms crossed and gun ready on his hip. You look at him and then back at the tablet.
“Everything checked and weighed?”
“Down to the ounce. We should have the profit numbers once we get it to the distributers, but street value is running about $300 a gram.” Brock replied.
“That should put us finally in competition with the others. Thank you, Rumlow. Get the shipment out and report back to Sitwell. See what he can do about making it more… desired in the community.” He smirks and nods.
“That I can do.”
“Let’s roll out. Product needs to be ready for distribution tomorrow morning. The dealers need their stock as fast as they can.” You handed him the tablet.
“As you wish, ma’am.” He smirked and walked out to the trucks.
“Hydra, roll out!” He called out and jumped on his bike, leading the group out to the streets of New York.
Tag List: @calspixie @chipilerendi @nykole5
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wexhavexaxhulk · 5 years
I’m Worthy
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This is my very first moodboard! It’s not amazing but I think it’s pretty good. I know its a MOODboard but the color scheme doesn't really match the mood but I didn't realize that until just now so oops.
Summary: Everyone is sat in the living room talking. Clint decides that he would be worthy enough to lift Mjolnir. He fails and others join in trying to lift it but they all fail, too. Well, not all.
Words: 1356
A/N: This has been written so many times by so many authors who are way more experienced at writing than me but I don’t care because it was fun to write. Also I I’m writing this off memory so it might be a bit different.
“So you’re saying, if I lift your hammer, I rule Asgard?” Clint and the rest of the team we’re talking in the living room just having a nice relaxing evening with friends when someone brought up Mjolnir. Clint, being himself, thought he should try to lift the hammer.
Thor smiled to himself knowing he wouldn’t be able to and said in his loud, booming voice “Yes, but goodluck, I don’t believe you to be worthy in the eyes of Odin.”
Clint scoffed at what Thor said. “Yeah ok, it’s probably just some gimmick anyways.”
“I think you can do it Uncle Clint.” Peter said in his usual, happy voice. Clint finally convinced Peter to call him that because Mr. Barton was weird.
“Thanks kid.” Clint smiled at Peter, grabbed onto the handle, and pulled, but of course it didn’t budge. He kept pulling on it and even put his foot on the table it was on but still nothing. “Ok, ok, I accept defeat.” He put his hands up as if surrendering to the hammer and sat back down.
“Your a wise man Clint, would anyone else like to attempt to lift my hammer?” Thor said, still smiling.
“How about you, Mr. Stark?” Peter turned his head to Tony with his big round puppy dog eyes.
“Look kid, I appreciate it but I’m definitely not worthy.”
“Come on! At least try. Please?” Tony was hesitant but finally gave in, Peter was too adorable for his own good.
“Alright I will try.” He got up, grabbed the handle like Clint, and pulled, but of course no movement. He was already there so he tapped his watch and a gauntlet began forming around his hand. He grabbed on and tried to pull but the hammer stayed put. “Can I get some help! Rodey!” he said still pulling.
Rodey rolled his eyes but got up and gauntlets formed around his fist too. He grabbed onto the handle with Tony and pulled. Tony turned on his thrusters and Rodey did the same but nothing was working to lift it. Everyone was laughing there asses off at how ridiculous they were being.
“Are you even trying?” Tony yelled.
“Yes I’m trying!” They kept at it for a minute but eventually they both gave up and sat back down, obviously tired from trying to lift the gods hammer.
“Your turn capsicle.” Steve got up to join there antics. He grabbed onto the hammer like the rest of them, pulled as hard as he can and it moved a little bit. Steve saw the worried look on Thor’s face, he decided it would be best to pretend like he couldn’t move it, he doesn’t even want to rule Asgard. 
Everyone sat down and laughed and continued talking. Rodey looked up and saw Bruce trying to turn into the hulk. “You ok there Bruce?” Bruce ignored him, he thought if you could turn into the hulk he could pick up Mjolnir. Everyone looked up at him, trying to hold in their laughs. He looked kind of stupid. 
After a minute of trying to become him, he gave up. He wasn’t great on doing it on command and he wasn’t angry, after all he was having a great evening with his friends so why would he be. Plus he was wearing a really nice shirt and he didn't want to rip it. He sat back down and they all started laughing. Once the laughs quieted down Clint spoke up.
“Nat?” Clint said looking over at the assassin.
“That is not a question I need answered.”
“Whatever, how ‘bout you Pete? You wanna try?”
“I-I don’t know, I’m definitely not worthy enough to lift a hammer that a god wields.”
“Thats bullshit, out of all of us you’d be the one most likely to lift it.” Tony really wanted to see Peter lift Mjolnir. Peter didn’t know just how amazing he really was, so being worthy in the eyes, err, eye of a god, might just let Peter see how absolutely spectacular he was. He didn’t know for sure but he had a feeling he would, and since when was he wrong.
Reluctantly Peter stood up, he didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of all of the avengers. I mean, yeah, they couldn’t lift Mjolnir but Tony was counting on him to lift it for whatever reason he had. He felt pressured that if he didn’t lift it than they would think less of him. He knew it was stupid but the feeling wouldn’t go away.
He grabbed a hold of the hammer saying ‘I’ve got this’ over and over again in his head. He pulled as hard as he could and went flying backwards with the hammer in hand. He didn’t realize that he was holding Mjolnir until he went to stand up and saw it in his hand. “Oh my gosh” he whispered “Oh my gosh! On my gosh!” He said quite a bit louder that time. “I-I am worthy?”
“Yeah you are kid I knew you could do it.” Tony was so, so proud of Peter, he knew he was worthy but Peter didn’t know that, now he does. 
Thor wasn’t mad at all like seemed to be with Steve, in fact he had a smile on his face. He walked over to Peter and put a hand on his shoulder. “Good job young one, I shall call you god of spiders now.”
“I-I don’t think that’s how it works, Mr. Thor.” Everyone else laughed, Peter looked over at them and saw pure adoration in their eyes for him. He sat back down and was quite proud of himself for lifting Mjolnir. “As cool as your hammer is, I’m going to stick to my webshooters.”
“Pun not intended.” Peter added.
“Lets at least get a picture of you holding it!” Tony said. He may or may not want to frame it.
Peter got up grabbed the hammer, which was quite light, held it up, and smiled. Tony took the picture, sent it to Peter, and quietly asked FRIDAY to print it out. The rest of the night was fun, many jokes and stories were told but Peter had to go home, he had school the next day.
“Ned, oh my god you will never believe what happened yesterday!” Peter was at lunch with Ned, M.J. was in the bathroom so now was Peters chance to tell Ned.
“You went to school?” 
“No. Well yeah, but I mean after school.”
“What happened?”
“This!” Peter held up the photo on his phone that Tony sent him last night. “That is Thor’s real hammer!’
“No way, dude! Your worthy!” Ned said loud enough for people to hear, luckily no one was paying attention.
“Say that a little louder, Ned.”
“Sorry dude, but my best friend is worthy of Thor’s hammer!”
“What about Thor’s hammer?” M.J. came back and sat down. Ned and Peter looked over at each other, smiled, looked back at M.J. and said “Nothing.” at the same time.
M.J. looked at them and said “You guys are losers.” Then bit into her apple and started reading.
Ned looked over at Peter and whispered. “Your worthy of Thor’s hammer!” and Peter nudged him with his elbow as if telling him to be quiet in front of M.J. and smiled. He was worthy.
After school Happy picked Peter up to bring him to Tonys. Every Friday he picks him up and brings him over to the tower to work with Tony on whatever they were working on and spend the night there. Tony had gotten him his own room there after countless nights of Peter sleeping on the couch. 
Peter walked into the lab and saw the picture of him from last night on Tony’s desk. “Mr. Stark?” 
“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Tony.”
“Sorry. Anyways, why did you frame the picture from last night?” Peter asked smiling.
Tony looked up at Peter. “Because look at you kid! You’re amazing!” Peter smiled even more at that.
“Thanks, Mr- I mean thanks Tony. So, what are we working?” 
A/N: So I didn't mean for this to be so short, most writers always end up making theirs too long. I’m trying to make mine at around 3000 words by adding in detail and maybe I’m rushing it but here it is. Me being my stupid self started like 5 new fics and I’m not even half way on any them but oh well. I also have a paper that I write down things I want to write so I have many fics I’m planning on writing but I would still love to get some prompts to write in my asks.
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