#uncommon carnivores
scattergoriesofevil · 11 months
Burrow’s End party names
Episode 1: Stupendous Stoats
Episode 2: Mystical Mustelids
Episode 3: Excellent Ermines
Episode 4: Wondrous Weasels
Episode 5: Vicious Varmits
Episode 6: Preternatural Predators
Episode 7: Invasive Investigators
Episode 8: UnCommon Carnivores
Episode 9: Little Guys
Episode 10: Stupendous Stoats
Aabria you did such a good job!
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inthemosss · 2 days
I don't want anything to do with body horror, unless it's a D&D campaign courtesy of Aabria Iyengar featuring stoats puppeteering Carlos Luna-voiced doctors
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smile-files · 2 months
as it is, i myself am very picky (in addition to being vegetarian) so i've had to take supplements my entire life -- mainly, there's something i put in my milk (i drink a lot of milk) that's full of vitamins i really wouldn't get anywhere else... so i think it would both be fitting and funny if i had a cat fursona who had to take supplements for stuff like vitamin a and taurine, in addition to eating some plant-based protein and a lot of eggs/dairy
(don't give your cat a vegan/vegetarian diet by the way!!! this is still entirely fantastical!!!!)
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arctic-rising · 1 year
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need some help deciding which gene project to go with for my new gen1 hatch! i know the general vibe i want for her but i can't decide which breed or primary to stick with
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regallibellbright · 2 years
Both my brother and father are frequent GMs for the ttrpgers in our social circle. They also each play in the other’s game.
This leads to fun situations like a week or two ago when my brother brought up giant undersea scorpions being a thing that exists in casual conversation.
Dad: That’s coming up in a game.
Bro: (His girlfriend, who plays in Bro’s) already forbade them.
Mom: *laughing* I love that you both went straight there. You and she just knew he’d do that.
Me: Who do you think he learned from? And who plays in his games and therefore KNOWS exactly what he’d do?
Bro is, I believe, the one who suggested to Dad back when we were still kids the phrase “carnivorous crickets,” before realizing he was giving the GM ideas. Horrifying arthropods are in fact part of his GMing style.
So anyway, Dad’s the GM tonight, Bro’s visiting his girlfriend, so I just heard the alarm go off and Dad go “time to go kill some adventurers.”
I told him to have fun.
#family shenanigans#ttrpg#arthropods#insects#carnivorous insects#just feels like something I should tag for#with the virtual campaigns it's very amusing because you can hear one of them say something from one room#and then the other respond not-infrequently#at least if you're on the main level (as one is upstairs and the other downstairs) or if you are me and can hear through floors#... usually not distinctly but I can occasionally make things out if respective doors are still open#walls as a given though I have to wear headphones whenever someone's in therapy#as a total bystander in BOTH games (and any others one or both of them may be running) who relies on them for transport#it's not at all uncommon for me to hear their plans for one or the other's game and/or help pick choices for a dungeon design or the like#(because yes of course my game designer little brother has both a massive homebrew setting and often designs dungeons off his own ideas)#he also does magical items himself he has fun with that#winner has to be the Sack O' Daggers - an unassuming porch containing infinitely respawning magic daggers#(capable of having whatever property you as GM would like added to them by making the sack a sack o' +whatever daggers; magical by default)#you cannot sell them; only one is active at a time; but if you're going to be checked before entering somewhere hey!#You just have an unassuming empty pouch. Totally empty. SURPRISE! Daggers.#(and of course my dad who has been involved in this hobby since the 70s when he was a teenager is pretty experienced as a GM)#the real monster of mythic proportions in the household is actually frogs that nearly wrecked his party in like the 70s/80s#leading them all to ask 'what? do they have vorpal tongues or something?'#the vorpal frogs have come up at least once since with INTENTIONAL death in their eyes#but yeah of course I gleefully enable them both in trying to kill each other's characters this is bonding time for them#and all their friends. Hey there's a third GM in that group don't feel TOO sorry for everyone.
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scryingworkshop · 7 months
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abyssruler · 1 year
shut up. 🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️
i love your writing style so much, like, what?
thanks you! my writing style is a little bit silly and a mix of all my favorite writers’ writing style because before i started posting fics, i read a lot of fanfics, like, a lot. would probably number at more than 10 million words or so. probably a lot more tbh, since i spent majority of the pandemic reading fics. so i kinda adapted a mix of their writing styles unconsciously, and i only realized this after i read a new update of one of my fav writers and thought holy crap we have the same style of writing outlandish and silly things. so yeah!
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You may notice I frequently comment on the assumptions people make about animal facilities based on their branding. Frequently, people assume accredited facilities are inherently better for animals than unaccredited facilities, or assume sanctuaries are inherently more moral / better at caring for their animals than zoos.
I want to show you an example of why I am always, always skeptical of these assumptions.
If you’re in the California area, you might have heard about Hank the Tank - who is actually a Henrietta, btw - the 500 pound nuisance bear from Lake Tahoe who broke into 21 homes in search of food. She was recently captured by wildlife officials and moved to a sanctuary in Colorado. The Wild Animal Sanctuary has three main facilities, two in Colorado and one in TX. To give you some context, it’s the biggest carnivore sanctuary in the country - they advertise somewhere between 300-500 animals, mostly large carnivores, between their properties. It’s where most of the Tiger King cats went. It’s PETA’s preferred placement for confiscated exotic animals. So, obviously, it’s got to be great, right? Except… take a look at what they posted about Henrietta’s arrival.
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Here’s their post about Henrietta’s arrival at the Refuge, the large facility in Colorado that isn’t open to the public. Let’s take a closer look at that food trough…
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What do we see here? An entire rotisserie chicken that is either blackened or highly seasoned, and a whole ham. Maybe a second chicken underneath the pile, I can’t quite tell. The sanctuary gets the majority of their bear food donated from groceries stores once it’s past the sell-by date, so we know those are older meats and they’re full of a ton of salt. Then, for fruit and veg, there’s a cantaloupe, mango, corn, avocado, grapes, and apples. Maybe a pepper or two, it’s hard to tell. That’s a lot of sugar and not a lot of fiber or roughage.
But… on top of it and to the right… are those Twizzlers?
The sanctuary confirmed on Facebook that they fed this recently rescued obese bear what looks like almost an entire pack of Twizzlers.
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I don’t know of any world in which it’s appropriate to feed candy to a bear. Maybe a piece or two as a really high value reinforcer for hard behaviors (that isn’t relevant here, it’s openly against this sanctuary’s ethos to do any husbandry or medical training). An entire pack of Twizzlers is just appalling. But it’s not uncommon for this facility! I have a book written about their operations and animal care (that I bought at their gift shop this spring) which openly discusses how the bears get fed bread, doughnuts, marshmallows, and all sorts of incredibly unhealthy food that comes in with the grocery donations.
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But hey, this is apparently fine for the bears, according to the sanctuary’s founder. He was quoted in that same book as saying “Bears are the only animal I know of that can eat insane amounts of sugar and it never hurts them. It does not hurt their organs. They do not get clogged arteries. They do not have high blood pressure. In the wild they eat all these sweet berries in the fall, and they convert sugar to fat… so the more sugar they get the better… we would all love to have a system like that!”
Now while it’s true that bears have physiological adaptations that modulate their insulin production and sensitivity in ways that appear to prevent them from from developing diabetes, that does’t mean it’s healthy for them to regularly eat processed carbohydrates, sugar, and general junk food. And remember - Henrietta gained her fame because of how incredibly overweight she already is, and because she was seeking out human food, According to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, a healthy weight for a normal adult black bear is between 100-300 pounds. So, obviously, the best thing to do is… continue to feed her candy.
Then, later on in the book, it details how they have to bribe a camel to sit tight for a regular medical examination (since they don’t train for medical behaviors) by letting him drink a can of Mountain Dew each time.
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If a zoo was known publicly to be feeding their animals Mountain Dew or a couple Twizzlers - even just once, on a rare occasion - they’d be eviscerated in the media and by public opinion. But feeding out inappropriate junk food appears to be a pretty common practice at this place, and it just goes unscrutinized because everyone assumes sanctuaries are inherently better for animals.
So, long story short, never make assumptions about the quality of a facility based on it’s branding or accreditation. (TWAS is accredited by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries). If you have concerns about the ethics or practices of a facility, always try to put your preconceptions aside, go and see for yourself, and think critically about what you see and what you’re told.
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homunculus-argument · 3 months
What's the animal young word that people use to refer to kids in your first language? In english, "kid" is used so much for human children that there are people who didn't know that it's really the word for baby goats. In finnish, it's not that uncommon to refer to a child as "pentu" (whether it's affectionate or degoratory depends on context), which is the word for pup, kit, cub, generally the young of almost all carnivore land mammals. What do other languages have?
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i learned if piranhas really are that dangerous
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Piranhas are often portrayed as vicious predators that attack humans and other animals in large groups or feeding frenzies.
This image is largely exaggerated by sensational media, movies and folklore.
In reality, piranhas are mostly scavengers that feed on dead or injured animals, and rarely attack healthy prey.
They are also preyed upon by larger fish, birds, reptiles and mammals.
You see, Piranhas are freshwater fish that belong to the subfamily Serrasalminae, which includes about 60 species.
They are native to South America, where they inhabit rivers, lakes, and flooded forests.
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They have a reputation for being aggressive and carnivorous, but in reality, they have a varied diet that includes plants, seeds, insects, worms, crustaceans, and other fish. Some species are also scavengers that feed on dead animals or carcasses.
Piranhas have a distinctive feature that makes them stand out from other fish: their teeth.
Piranhas have sharp, triangular teeth that are arranged in a single row on each jaw.
They can bite with a force of up to 30 times their body weight, and can easily cut through flesh and bone.
Their teeth are constantly replaced throughout their lives, ensuring that they always have a fresh set of weapons.
But does this mean that piranhas are dangerous to humans?
The answer is: it depends. Piranhas are not mindless killers that attack anything that moves.
They are actually quite timid and wary of predators, and usually swim in schools for protection.
They only attack when they feel threatened or hungry, or when they sense blood or vibrations in the water.
Most piranha attacks on humans occur during the dry season, when food is scarce and water levels are low.
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This man is insane
This creates a situation where piranhas are crowded together in small pools or channels, and become more aggressive and competitive for resources. Humans who enter these waters, either accidentally or intentionally, may provoke a feeding frenzy or a defensive reaction from the piranhas.
However, even in these cases, piranha attacks are rarely fatal. Most victims suffer only minor injuries, such as cuts or bites on their feet or hands.
Some may lose a finger or toe, but this is uncommon.
There have been very few documented cases of human deaths caused by piranhas, and most of them involved children, elderly people, or people who were already wounded or sick.
So, are piranhas really that dangerous?
The answer is: not as much as you might think.
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Piranhas are fascinating and misunderstood creatures that have adapted to their environment and survival needs.
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extrajigs · 1 year
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Mirum used to have a wide diversity of large carnivorous birds(theropods 2.0), some of which specialized more into jaws than claws. But these three are the only ones of that persuasion who lived to see civilization rise. More info under the cut!
This group as a whole are Jowlbeaks, defined by flesh overlapping their beaks, small practically vestigial wings, what seems to be a thick tail that is mostly an cartilaginous extension of the hips, providing balance. They are among the largest carnivores on the continent, but not necessarily apex predators. 
1. Lumber Vulture. This big beasty is a master of sniffing out carrion in the thick forests of Mirum.  While they prefer to go after already dead meals, they are not above ambushing live prey in short bursts of speed. Very few around in modern times, only hanging on in the most remote parts of the continent. 2. Sailback. Big ole marsh dweller. Functions sort of like a big ass stork. Not much of a fighter and prefers to go after prey that is no where near its own weight class. Not a very good swimmer but pretty capable runner, flight over fight any day. But can be acclimated to people, though it will beg for food.  3. Blue Cap. A grassland hunter, the smallest of the three. And the most social! Although that only extends to a breeding pair who have a vague truce in each others presence. They are a walking garbage disposal and will go out of their way to eat almost anything. Although they vastly prefer eggs above everything else, it’s not uncommon seeing them run full sprint with an egg in their mouth. 
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Thank you for you blog! I love it so much - I come here daily to read your latest posts.
I'd love to own a snake but alas, I currently live in New Zealand so no snakes for me.
Do you have cool facts about tuatara? I do but I'd love readers of your blog to learn about these cool little reptiles!
It's a huge dream of mine to work with tuatara one day! I've always loved the reptile life of Oceania and literally the only reason I haven't already moved to Australia or even Aotearoa/NZ is because of the limitations on keeping non-native species.
Anyway, aren't tuatara just the coolest? For those unfamiliar, tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) might look like lizards, but they're not! Tuatara are the only surviving members of Rhynchocephalia, the sister order to Squamata, the scaled reptiles (lizards, snakes, and amphisbaenians).
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Rhynchocephalians used to be very widespread, but today they exist only in limited populations in Aotearoa. They were almost driven to extinction by habitat loss and pressure from invasive species, and for a long time the only wild populations were on offshore islands. In a huge success for tuatara conservation, though, populations were reintroduced onto the North Island and there are now hatchlings being born on the North Island for the first time in centuries. There's still so much work to be done to help these amazing reptiles, but it's worth celebrating! The Chester Zoo in England has also welcomed tuatara hatchlings, meaning tuatara have been successfully bred outside of Aotearoa for the first time and indicating possible future success for wider zoo breeding programs across the world!
Tuatara have many anatomical features that are unique among reptiles, and they tell us a lot about the extinct rhynchocephalians. Their teeth arrangement is unique among reptiles, and their lower jaws can slide to cut through bone. They're the only known amniotes who have hourglass-shaped vertebrae, and they have gastralia (belly ribs). Even if they might look kinda like lizards on the outside, their skeleton is wildly different!
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Tuatara have the most well-developed parietal eyes of any vertebrates. These are "third eyes" that sit on top of the head, and in most reptiles who have them they're extremely primitive, but in tuatara they have well-developed retinas and a cornea-like structure! Parietal eyes are covered by a thin layer of skin and probably help with thermoregulation and day/night cycle regulation.
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They are carnivores and eat a wide diet of insects, lizards, and birds. Juvenile tuatara will hunt during the day so they can avoid being eaten themselves by adult tuatara, who hunt at night.
The name "tuatara" comes from te reo Māori, and means "peaks on the back," a reference to the spines along a tuatara's back. Tuatara are sexually dimorphic, and the spines are larger and more rigid in males. They're used in breeding and defensive displays!
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One of the challenges for tuatara conservation is how long it takes them to reach sexual maturity - about 10-20 years, and they tend to have very small egg clutches. They've been recorded to lay up to 19 eggs, but a more typical clutch is as small as 3-6 eggs or even a single egg. These eggs also take over a year to be laid and hatch. They have the slowest growth rates of any reptile, reaching full size at around 30 years and having an average lifespan of around 60 but lifespans closer to 100 not being uncommon.
The oldest known tuatara is named Henry, and he lives at the Invercargill museum on the South Island. He's at least 120 but may be as old as 150, and is still fathering healthy clutches!
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Tuatara are simply incredible. They're so unique among living reptiles, and they have so much to tell us about a mostly-extinct order of reptiles. Plus, like, you can't deny they're so cool and adorable!
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blizzardstarx · 6 months
My insane Wings of Fire AU Species Masterlist, of an AU that I made in a rp four years ago! (with very bad traditional drawings i did that long ago) @castiels-destiny
The roleplay information is here, plus fun facts! I recommend reading this.
Starting off with the Continent: Pontalo! I kinda just… replaced two As in Pantala with Os (listen… it was four years ago)
I just made a terrible ass map just now but it looks like a dragon curled up, the head is facing downwards towards Pyrrhia and Pantala
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There are 7 main tribes that live there, the FireWings (orange), SunWings(bright yellow), MoonWings (purple), LightWings (sandy yellow thats getting overtaken by red), LightningWings (cyan), HydroWings (dark blue), BloodWings (red), who wiped out the ShapeWings and stole their land. Also, they all eat meat, or in the case of BloodWings, blood.
Also, they can all breathe fire except for HydroWings, ShapeWings (venom), and LightWings, I kinda forgot to mention that before
They can have both Kings and Queens which rule equally, unlike in the original series which has predominantly Queens.
You can make ocs of them! tag (id love to see) and credit me if you do, please! :)
Edit: Headshots of all of them with updated designs! (the ShapeWing isnt accurate)
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The head is where the Kingdom of Fire resides, the FireWings live there.
FireWings have fire-proof scales, backs on fire, and intense fire breath. The rare attribute is blue fire. They are aligned to the Fire Tribe and are carnivores. Their colors typically range from red, orange, or yellow (fiery) and have fiery eyes.
Their descendants are the MudWings and SkyWings in the original series.
Updated FireWing Base
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The second drawing is their Queen (i forgot her name) with her sick daughter i think
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Near the wings of the dragon continent, the top part resides the LightWings. (full information here) They are lightweight dragons with feathered wings instead of leathery, bat wings, like a bird. They also have feathery scales on their backs. They are aligned to the Light Tribe and have light powers, and are seen as mostly healers and good-willed. However, they have been nearly wiped out by the BloodWings, and most of the rest of them have fled the continent. They are omnivores.
They can range from white, light yellow, light blue, yellow, and other pastel colors, which are uncommon, and have yellow or blue eyes. Their feathers on their backs and behind their legs can be all kinds of colors, though.
Updated LightWing Base
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The LightningWings (full and updated info here) live in the bottom part of the wing, in the Kingdom of Lightning. They have long nose horns like a lightning rod, and manipulate/summon electricity/lightning. They can charge their power in lightning storms and areas with lots of electricity. They have large backspikes too, and are carnivores.
They are a variety of colors, blue, dark blue, grayish blue, dark/grayish purplish blue, etc. Think storm clouds. Their spikes are white with yellow highlights though. They can have blue or yellow eyes.
Their descendants are also the SkyWings.
I actually have recent drawings of LightningWings and ShapeWings, in 2022 or 2023. This is Switch and Storm! They were mates.
Fun fact Storm died in front of Switch’s eyes LMFAOOO
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Updated LightningWing base:
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ShapeWings (full information here) used to live in the area the Bloodwings now reside, the part of the body connected to the arm and wing. They are shapeshifters and can change forms on whatever they’ve seen, and can also camouflage and change their scale colors, like their descendants, the RainWings. They come in a variety of colors, eye colors, and spots, and are omnivores. They eat a variety of fruits but can eat meat. They are Light Tribe aligned.
Their queen, Paradox, escaped the Great ShapeWing Genocide and was the last surviving member of their species, and she vows to one day rebuild her kingdom, and hated the BloodWings for what they’ve done. However, a young BloodWing dragon, Vampire Bat or, just Bat, came to her school, and she saw that not all of them were bad.
They have now repopulated in wherever the place Paradox went to (we never named what the land was that the roleplay took place in), and will not return to Pontalo.
They are the common ancestor of the Leaf and RainWings.
Updated ShapeWing design:
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SunWings are kinda related to LightWings. They have frills like frilled-neck lizards that can absorb sunlight and charge their power. They live in the Kingdom of Sun. They have a very spiky tail, like a sun. They are Light/Fire Tribe aligned. They vary from golden yellow, yellow, orange, etc. They are carnivores.
SandWings are descendants of them, also ShapeWings are related as they absorb energy from the sun too, like their descendants, RainWings and LeafWings.
I don’t have any good drawings of them.
MoonWings (full information here, the following is a summary) are the opposite of SunWings, and they have scales that can light up, like SeaWing scales. They are nocturnal, and very much ancestors of NightWings. They also have star-like dots/scales in their wings that make them look like the night sky, like NightWings. They are in the Moon Kingdom and are Shadow Tribe aligned. However, they are not necessarily evil. They range from any dark color, black, greenish/purpleish/blueish black, etc. They can have any eye color and are carnivorous.
Also they get powers when under full moons like the NightWings, one full moon either prophecy or mind-reading, two for both, three for enhanced
SeaWings are sort of descended from them as well, and they’re distantly related to the HydroWings.
Updated MoonWing Base
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BloodWings (full information here + SwordWings info) are settler dragons from another land and conquered the ShapeWings and LightWings. They are like vampires, they can turn into bats, they suck blood, have sharp, long fangs, large ears, and burn in the sun. They have a lot of spikes, a spike on their chest area (which i didnt draw, whoops), and shredder spikes on their forelegs. They range from violent dark red shades and have red eyes. They can hear very well, use dark powers, and can also fight hand-to-hand combat, because of their spikes. They are Shadow Tribe aligned.
Updated BloodWing base:
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The second drawing is of Bat, drawn in 2021
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SwordWings (one of my favorites <3 they dont live on Pontalo though)
SwordWings were BloodWings that defected and vowed to stop their evil crimes, and eventually evolved into a seperate species. However, they almost got wiped out by the BloodWings when finally discovered, and the two remaining members known are the King’s children, Knight and Dauntless, brother and sister. They have armor and use weapons, but they still have BloodWing qualities. They grew out of using dark magic (some can sometimes use it) and instead rely on swords or their claws/spikes. Their colors are faded dark red, and have evolved out of their red eyes. They are carnivores and they don’t depend on blood anymore. They are Light Tribe aligned.
The two live in the land Paradox is (i dont have a name for it. we never named it anything lol)
The drawings are Knight. Second one drawn in 2023 I think
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And lastly my beloved HydroWings!
Here is the full description
They are literally just SeaWings with bigger webbed spines running down from their head to their tail, on their legs, belly, and webbed spines that form like a fish tail, and water powers. HydroWings speak a more ancient version of Aquatic, and also have more bioluminescent scales than regular SeaWings. They have the patterns in their wings royal SeaWings got from them. They live underwater, can go deep underwater, and have gills, but can also live outside of water like SeaWings. However, they can’t stay on land for too long. They eat fish, whales, etc and are Water Tribe aligned.
They range from purple (rare), blue, green, and dark or light (rare) variants of those too. They have green, purple (rare), or blue eyes too.
Any other colors I didnt mention, just think of them as SeaWings, they can have the colors SeaWings have.
Most of them have fled Pontalo or are in hiding because of the threat of the BloodWings, and a lot have been killed.
Their names are usually after shark or dolphin species! Although Paradox’s mate Torrent does not follow this naming pattern, lol.
Updated HydroWing Base
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Old drawing (actually one of the old, old drawings I like but I forgot a few things) and 2023 drawings (I was trying out something with the wings in the first one):
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King Tiger Shark, the og HydroWing that I first came up with and the current King!
His back story is sort of in the full HydroWing description, but I forgot to include he was the youngest HydroWing King ever at 5.
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And Queen Dolphin, daughter of Queen Paradox, and Hydro-ShapeWing hybrid.
She found the hidden HydroWing palace Atlantis and found out she was a HydroWing and not just a weird SeaWing/ShapeWing hybrid.
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oblivious-troll · 3 months
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Full Tails, Better close ups, and typed out text under cut. I spent so long on this :')
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Salim's Writing -
Siren 19112
Estimated Age: 40 (He'll be 50 in story)
Mated to Merman 10119
Labelled body parts - Gills (Neck and Abdomen), False Eyespots (Mimicry), and Claws
Tail grows with age (How Marine Biologists determine age in Sirens)
Majority of Siren are intersex *19112 is more masculine leaning, but sex characteristics have not yet been observed
More fish than man
In extreme enough circumstance (Although some speculate it could be done by choice), Siren are capable of a version of Sequential Hermaphroditism. - The change is minimal; with zero shift in external appearance and only a development of a second, opposite set of genitalia when needed for reproduction
Carnivore. Siren are not picky eaters, eating anything they kill, including humans, Merfolk, and even other Siren *19112 has displayed favouritism for eating Barracuda and Giant/Fangtooth Morays
Jason's Writing -
Merman 10119
Estimated Age: 30 (He'll be 40 in story)
Mated to Siren 19112
Labelled body parts - Gills (Neck only), Blue tipped tongue (Out of mouth because he's *Initiating a grooming behaviour)
Tail stops growing at full maturity (20). Marine Biologists estimate age easiest by observing mating behaviours/interactions within their pods
(I forgot to write this in Jason's image, but Merfolk are considered more man than fish)
Abnormal scale patches on left bicep and right forearm *While uncommon for Merfolk to grow scales above the waist, the small mutation is considered positive for extra armour
Omnivores. While Merfolk are omnivorous, unless in dire need of food or their food source is uncertain, Merfolk don't eat plants *10119 has displayed no favouritism over what he eats, but he enjoy hunting large predators
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I just know Tumblr is going to destroy the quality to these images, so if anyone wants a close up of something lmk and I'll post it :)
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justmwahstruly · 3 months
watching over the garden wall and I wanted to make a faerie oc for it bc it’d be silly and I accidentally made a whole thing?? I have lots of ideas so. yeag
(Tw for death and teeth and kinda oufhmfdmh topics. It gets a bit dark.)
I think faeries are shorter than most humans. Like quite a bit shorter, but not ridiculously tiny. Humans simply haven’t interacted with them in so long that the stories of them being ‘small’ and ‘little’ led to people believing they were these tiny little beings.
They can transform into humans! They keep their height, as well. Most faeries have bright and popping eye colours, so they change to dull browns, blues, greens, or greys depending on what their eye colour is as a faerie.
they all have flower or plant based outfits! Like this one for example
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They usually wear cloaks over them, and only when they’re around people they’re close with they take off the cloak.
Friendship bracelets but instead of them being silly happy things for besties it’s a solid sign of your bond. If a faerie gives you a bracelet you KNOW they trust you.
Large families are very common! A house of 18 siblings is the equivalent of 3 human siblings!
Most faeries are carnivores! Eating bugs, animals, people, anything that breathes! (Of course, there are exceptions.)
They can understand animals! You would think that would make them friendly towards them, but back then we put people in colosseums and cheered as they were killed. They say it’s strengthening to your will to kill them while they beg for mercy.
In faerie terms, sharp teeth and bigger wings are attractive!
I think they have hands like a cats… little hands with beans like a cats toe beans.. and then they can sharpen!
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like this kinda.
I think the faerie world is very strict. They all have different jobs, for different types. I have an idea for one type in specific, though.
these faeries appear to those who are very lost, as a human! They do a little test on them, which is one of their choosing. Should they pass (which is uncommon), they reveal themselves as a faerie, and help the lost person home. If they don’t. The faerie revels themselves as a faerie, and they either kill the human, warn the human to run away quickly (which many faeries don’t even do), or the faerie’s family gets to them and they have a meal.
Charming, isn’t it?
So, those are all the ideas I had in my little brain EHEHEH
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fillingthescrapbook · 10 months
Let's Talk About: Burrow's End and Five
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That was… a lot. That was a lot. And there was a lot happening, but also not? At the same time? There were a lot of bits, and my internet connection was shitty, and it got a little hard to follow, okay?
But, first: hello, uncommon carnivores!
This episode had everything! Everything that will make a grown person cry. A lot. Over and over again. I am drained, guys. I am all teared out. Aabria! Rashawn! Brennan! Erika--
Okay, I'm just naming all the cast members now. But, what really made me sad though was Jasper getting interrupted during his impassioned speech. Like, Rashawn has been with Dropout for a few shows now. She can roll with the chaos. Jasper got dropped into the lion's den and I just truly wanted to reach in, grab his shoulder and say, "hey. You got this. Just let them play out the bit. You're doing great, buddy."
Another this episode had: sponsors. Okay, not real sponsors. But sponsors as bits. Which is funny. Especially since they're really not sponsored. Also, Nestle is evil. Like Siobhan though, I will still accept their money if they give me some. Life is complicated and we need money.
But the one thing that really stuck with me this episode?
Five weasels.
There were five of them.
And I think they got called weasels because they were unnaturally large for stoats. It's not about the human getting it wrong. It's about the stoats themselves being, you know, wrong.
No stray thoughts this week. I gotta hydrate.
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