#under da cut:
anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
Pretend they cant get out of it and somehow have An Okay Budget For it, whats the Villain Coded halloween outfits.
Buck extremely has to be talked into it/forced but. it's the Obvious Answer.
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(Agent stone roughly based on this design btw)
bonus Grown-Up Halloween Party Alternate under the cut also
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what if you dressed up as your husband's goofy teen video game crush. what then
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piggiebonez · 11 months
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welcome to my EPIC hella ween joyride....
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blade is so fucking good
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quitefair · 1 year
alright time to gripe about inquisition again (what’s new)
dyou know i barely understood what the fuck was going on in orlais politically from just playing the game? i’m basic, i never read the masked empire, also by the time we hit like wewh i am absolutely not reading all the codex entries because im distracted with how pretty orlais looks VISUALLY and also mentally scarred from all the warden nonsense
but in doing research i found out a bunch of COMPLETELY WILD THINGS that the game does that they don’t??? talk about???
okay so here’s the deal:
Vivienne’s lover is this guy called Duke Bastien of Ghislain. A dude you have to help kinda save as part of Vivienne’s personal quest (I have even more gripes about how Vivienne’s character and arc was so poorly handled but that’s a post of its own)
So yeah this dude
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Crusty old guy you kinda only see as some random B plot side quest with no relevance. But okay okay I went in and read up about him right? 
He’s the head of the College of Heralds. Yknow what they do? They literally handle any and all problems to do with titles and lineage related to them among the Orlesian nobility. They were called in when Emperor Florian died in 9:20 Dragon without an heir. They were the ones that chose Celene over Gaspard as the new ruler of Orlais.
They’re technically the reason the entire Civil War happens in the first place!!!! The Fuck!!!!!!! I may be stupid but I don’t think anybody stressed on this in the game???
Also wait, there’s more yeah!!!
This dude had a wife (who died or something idek the details sorry) and had two kids - Calienne and Laurent
Calienne, mind you, went on to fuckin MARRY??? GASPARD DE CHALONS??? Duke Gaspard was this DUDE’S SON IN LAW???? A dude that he (as part of the College of Heralds) chose to snub as they chose his cousin as the Empress instead of him????
This is fucking wild you guys.
Calienne supports Gaspards claim to the throne despite what her father did, plays a part in the assassination of Celene’s mother, and eventually was murdered by Celene’s father and cousin (another thing I had to read with my own eyes was that Duke Motherfucking Prosper of Mark of the Assassin infamy was Celene’s relative. Oh also that his son Cyril is also on the Council of Heralds and is also the Orlesian representative at the Exalted Council??? What the Motherfucking Shit???)
On the other hand, we have his other child Laurent.
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On first pass I seriously got him confused with the dude that tries to get the Inquisition to pay taxes to him cause he owns the land around Haven?? THEYRE WEARING THE SAME OUTFIT???
But apparently they’re not the same guy. And the only time you interact with him in person is in Skyhold after Vivienne’s personal quest where he thanks you for helping his dad or something. You barely see the guy, and he’s apparently the heir to all his father’s lands and titles, including the seat at the Council of Heralds?? While his BROTHER IN LAW is MOTHERFUCKING GASPARD DE CHALONS????
And despite all of this, the only more you can learn about him is through this absolutely random war table mission where you help him out and they give the Inquisition some insignificant strip of land in Orlais??
Dude what the fuuuuuck.........
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isagiiyo · 1 month
cheeky post gym selfie, i’m so sore
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legokingfisher · 2 months
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His ass is contemplating
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froyocorp · 1 year
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he gave me both clothing drops so he deserved a drawing or whatever
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Do you have any headcanons regarding Sonic characters and their sexuality? Either from idw, archie or just Sonic in general
I do, actually! Since I have quite a lot I'll put a bunch of random ones under the cut
But if there are any sexuality headcanons I didn't include under the cut or you'd like me to elaborate on, feel free to send me another ask!😊❤️
Sonic (Archie):
Oh boy. So, writing inconsistencies aside, from pretty early on I settled on Archie Sonic being on the AroAce spectrum. And originally, this was because of how his relationship with one Sally Acorn was handled. I've read my fair share of "will they won't they" romances in my lifetime, so I could understand having one or both of them being jealous when there's an implication that the other may like a different person romantically. I can also understand being afraid to confess or trying to make the other person jealous so they'll chase them without having to make a proper confession.
However, I soon became very frustrated at the writers' handling of this relationship I'd so loved when I was a kid. Why? The simple crux of the matter is that there is a point early on in Archie Sonic where both Sally and Sonic are aware that the other has feelings for them, but the story is still played like a "will they won't they". These two were often treated like they were in this weird spot between dating and childhood friends. So if Sally kissed someone else (like Geoffrey) it would make Sonic wildly jealous. With that, in moments like these, each of the other would react as if they'd been cheated on (although if memory serves me well, Sally's actually kissing other people or pretending to be into someone to make Sonic jealous wasn't treated as badly as Sonic looking in the direction of a love interest, but I digress). And as this relationship started stretching out to 50 and 100 and more issues, I started going from wondering if it would ever be resolved in the runtime (because their relationship drama always seemed to be milked for views, with Sally's character traits often changed on a whim so she would create this drama) to just wishing they'd have the two go for other people or something (and perhaps perserve any love I still had left for a nostalgic childhood ship).
The thing is is that the longer their relationship and "will they won't they" stretches on, the more it just seems like there are no excuses for them not to have started dating officially yet. And honestly? It really isn't even fully Sally's fault that it takes so long for them to get together initially. Why? Well, early on pretty explicitly, Sally makes it clear that she's afraid to push her relationship with Sonic because then *Sonic* gets afraid and sort of runs instinctually away from being tied down. Interesting, right?
Sonic the Hedgehog flirted with Sally Acorn, sure. He even had grudges with characters like Antoine or Geoffrey because they expressed similar feelings for Sally, and acted jealous when anyone threatened to take Sally away from him. In issue 50 of Archie Sonic, Sonic had an all out brawl to the death with the original Robotnik in that comic over him orchestrating Sally's death.
And yet, it doesn't matter what happens. Once Sally's no longer looking at some other guy, he doesn't kiss her or try to get her to date him. He lets things go back to normal on purpose. He succeeds at making her only look at him because he apparently doesn't want others to take her, but then doesn't confess. He saves Sally from a kiss after thinking she died, being sentenced to banishment after being framed for her death, and after fighting their mutual enemy to the death over it, and all he can do when Sally wakes up is play it all off like he doesn't actually like her like that. The romance tropes are shoved in front of his eyes (fairy-tale romance tropes even)!
But the moment he's sure Sally isn't looking at anyone else or that he has her, he immediately makes sure things go back to how they usually are. For the longest time it seems like no big life fearing event or act of jealousy is enough for Sonic to solidify that relationship. And because he has so so so many moments and chances to, moments that other characters in a story snatch up in a heartbeat (especially when they know the feelings are mutual), it's hard not to feel that this is purposeful or means something.
So while reading I proposed the headcanon or possible reading that Sonic is on the AroAce spectrum. More specifically, that he's solidly aroace/grayaroace and is suffering from comphet, or that he's litho. I personally surmise that he cares about Sally Acorn a lot (that was never out of the question), but as they are childhood friends about the same age that can work well together, everyone and themselves assumed that the two of them would naturally end up together. I think the real reason Sonic would get so jealous when Sally kissed someone else early on was because he had it in his head that that was supposed to be them, and was afraid that if anyone else dated Sally then he and Sally wouldn't be able to have as strong/close of a relationship as they do. I think he ran away when Sally would try to confess and make things go back to normal when Sally was okay and only looking at him because he didn't actually want to be in a romantic relationship with her. Essentially, he wanted the security that she'd be around and they'd still be close without actually dating. At the end of the day, even if they both knew their feelings were mutual, Sonic avoided confirming their relationship status for the longest time because he didn't actually want to date her (and I'll be clear right now, the event that finally gets Sonic to date Sally in Archie canon was not only less life endangering than when he thought she was dead, it was very clearly a forced moment where Sonic finally had to make a choice for the sake of the audience. And despite not really indulging in Mina's advances, it says so much that the writers were seriously going to make Sonic choose and then date whichever girl the fans liked more).
And beyond how Sonic himself spent so much time avoiding confession and actually dating Sally, there's also this. He never really presents real romantic affection towards any other female character (in fact, it's largely implied in scenes like Mina kissing him that he didn't feel the same because he was pursuing Sally). He expresses not wanting to marry Sally because he doesn't want to be tied down and stuck as king of the country instead of adventuring. In fact, he has a nasty breakup with Sally after they finally get together because she tries to force him to stop being a freedom fighter and settle down in the castle with her. Once, Tails even asks Sonic why he's not dating any girls, and Sonic expresses to Tails that he can date pretty much any girl he wants out there, but that "girls are too much trouble" and that he'd rather be free and be himself than be tied down (also implying to Tails that he doesn’t really want to be with anyone). When Robotnik is dead and the rebuilding of Mobotropolis begins, Sonic opts in on taking Tails on a worldwide adventure with him to find Ixis Naugus (a journey that told me personally that Archie Sonic was at his happiest when being able to freely explore the world at his own discretion with his little buddy at his side). While this is a small thing also, in the issue centered around he and Sally having a date, they are both late to it (in a way that almost makes you wonder whether it was really an accident).
So, to end this bit. While I think it's clear Archie Sonic cared about Sally a lot and did like having kids, the handling of his relationship with Sally most of the time makes a lot more sense to me if I recontextualize it as Sonic having a strong platonic bond with Sally and dealing both with his comphet/internalized homophobia telling him that they naturally have to get together and that he has romantic feelings and the truth of him not actually wanting to date anyone (or girls at least). That's really why I feel like Archie Sonic could be litho or generally on the aroace spectrum, especially since his stronger more passionate bonds are often with rivals/enemies like Knuckles and Scourge, and how the damsel in distress tropes or the "you and me together forever makes me happy" thing was applied to his relationship and journies with Tails.
Sonic (IDW):
My actual general headcanon for Sonic’s sexuality is AroAspec but also gay, just because he often shies away from certain advances that certain girls make that he doesn’t mind when guys do it. However, Sonic also to me seems to just have a thing for people who try to kill him. So even though I align him as AroAspec and gay leaning, I do concede that the rival/enemy effect (aka, Sonic just really having a thing with people who have all out brawls with him or genuinely try to kill him) transcends gender. I suppose I could headcanon IDW Sonic as bi but eh. Even though there are female characters I ship idw Sonic with, those relationships are just special to me and don't neatly fit into the romantic category.
Tails (Archie):
Okay, so in general I headcanon most versions of Tails as bi. I'll get that out of the way first. To me that is a bi fox.
However, Archie is one of the few Sonic properties where I headcanon Tails as gay specifically. Why? I'll tell you
So early on in the beginning of Archie Sonic, the most Tails expresses any strong feelings is when he upholds Sonic as his hero (the same way Amy does when she is introduced). For a little while he's not shown to be interested in any real romance or in any girls romantically. However, there hits a point where it often seems like the writers will go "Ah shit uh. This fox likes girls okay! We promise!", present it in the most forced manner, and then not actually put any real substance into Tails' alleged feelings for said girl. The biggest moment of this though (as all the moments before are really tiny) is when Tails meets the robot copy of Fiona Fox.
Personally, the origins of the Fiona Fox thing always seemed forced to me. From a Doylist perspective, it felt like the writers started the Fiona Fox thing to prove that Tails was a "normal" growing boy who obviously would like girls, naturally. In this case, quite possibly because the fans just wanted Tails to have a girlfriend since Sonic was paired with Sally and Bunnie with Antoine. From a Watsonian perspective, especially with the emphasis on Tails wanting to be treated like a grown up and insisting he's mature, well... Let's just say that what better to prove that you're just as mature as everyone else than by having a fairy-tale romance with a girl fox about your age who is aesthetically pleasing?
No but honestly. Since Tails was a younger character who hadn't expressed any real romantic interest before this (with him putting the most passion into his admiration for Sonic), the Fiona Fox thing felt extremely forced. It was hard to believe that someone who'd never really expressed interest in girls or dating before would suddenly fall madly in love. Plus, after the reveal of his love story being fake and made up, the dramatics kind of shift between Tails going off about his lost innocence and how he can't bear to fight Fiona and loves her so much, to him being...unconcerned with his "broken heart" and more concerned with seeming mature and how he wants to be treated with respect by the freedom fighters. It was hard for me personally to take those stories seriously and seriously believe that Tails was into girls in Archie.
And for Archie Tails, the Fiona thing as far as I remember was the only thing he had going for him romantically. Like Sonic, he put all of his fixation onto the one girl he's narratively supposed to like romantically and didn't show an interest in romance with girls otherwise. In fact, Tails' romance prospects after this don't really come up again until the real Fiona joins the freedom fighters. And while the intent of this is to show "oh, Tails still has feeling even though what he had was fake", here's my reading of Archie Tails (re:the Fiona thing).
Just like with Archie Sonic, I don't actually believe Archie Tails wants to be with girls romantically. I think the robot Fiona thing was (at best) infactuation, and more than likely him playing into the romance angle because of "he was a boy she was a girl can I make it anymore obvious" and wanting to prove that he's as mature as the other freedom fighters and deserves respect reasons. It's also common for gays suffering under comphet to find this one person you can fixate on. Essentially, this person who would make sense to be attracted to, who is objectively attractive, and who you can put on a pedestal and endlessly pursue because they will never date you. Essentially proving you're "normal" by pursing someone who will most likely never like you back, specifically because deep down if they never like you back you never have to get in a relationship with someone. I think that when Fiona returned (organic this time) as this beautiful older girl who other people he knew would objectively describe as "sexy", she was someone he could easily put back up on that pedestal and pursue even while she clearly wasn't interested in him. And with that in mind, even though Sonic's dating of Fiona put a strain on his and Tails' relationship, it always seemed to be that this was not because "Sonic stole his girl". Rather, Tails was more distraught over Sonic breaking "the bro code" and getting together with someone Sonic knew he had a thing for (or allegedly did). Essentially he was more concerned with Sonic breaking his trust or not considering his feelings than he was over someone else getting to have Fiona romantically.
And again, outside of the Fiona thing, pre and post sgw Tails is rarely implied to genuinely have romantic interest in girls. He gets married to Mina in 25 yrs later and has kids with her, but we never get to see the leadup to this, he is never implied to have feelings for Mina in the Prime universe, and when he actually appears in 25 years later to speak it's more of a given that he's married to Mina than he's actually shown having some profound romance with her.
You get me?
The Tails Variants from Sonic Prime:
They're another exception to my usual "Tails is bi headcanon", largely because I see them on the aroace spectrum and as gay😂
Amy Rose:
I have sort of conflicting headcanons with her. I both see her as a lesbian who put Sonic on a pedestal as a boy she could chase around and pursue romantically (even though Sonic clearly didn't reciprocate) while having the security that Sonic won't actually agree, and I headcanon her as someone on the AroAce spectrum who is more in love with the concept of love than someone who actually experiences romantic love herself. This is a largely universal headcanon I have for her, and while I can lean more one way or the other depending on the Sonic property, I usually enjoy both of these headcanons.
Knuckles (Archie):
Every iteration of Knuckles is gay to me. I'll just put that out there. And in Archie Sonic specifically I headcanon him as gay and ace (or on the ace spectrum). This is largely because, well.
To even date a woman, the universe (and Mr. Penders) had to forcibly deliver him one in the form of a soulmate. His early writing of his relationship with his love interest, Julie-Su is often so inconsistent as well that you know he considers her a friend at some point, but his alleged "romantic feelings" feel like they're inherent (like he has to have them because they're Echidna soulmates) and that the interpretation of them being romantic is being pushed onto him. Mr. Penders played the "a boy pulls a girl's pigtails and calls her annoying cause he secretly likes her" card with this relationship, but Knuckles quite literally confides in his father that he doesn’t get why she annoys him and that he gets along so much better with his guy friends. Knuckles even suggests that girls should stick with girls and boys should stick with boys before his father, Locke, gives him a talk that kind of amounts to "sure you could be with guys but of course you as a normal boy would eventually want *more*". And this is also after Knuckles confesses that he doesn’t look at other girls (unsurprising, given that he doesn’t pursue any other girls romantically).
This is all to say that while not only was his romance arc forced and it's often hard to believe he has romantic feelings for her, it's hard not to read how he acts generally and his conversation with his father as him being an allegory for a closeted queer boy who doesn't know that boys can kiss boys. And really, even while Mr. Flynn actually presented Julie-Su and Knuckles' relationship in a way that makes more sense where you can tell they care about each other quite a lot, even Flynn Era just before the sgw feels easier to read Knuckles and Julie-Su as platonic soulmates who've formed a strong partnership.
Also this *is* the Echidna that joked in front of a bully of a gorilla (Monk) that he (Monk) probably loves seeing him in the "groveling position"
But I digress.
Post sgw as well, Knuckles also seems to reject the idea that he's dating or even leading on either Rouge or Relic.
Rotor the Walrus:
Gay Ace.
Cobar the Echidna, Tommy Turtle, the events in 25 yrs later or him being roommates with Tommy
His lack of romantic interest most of the time
Honestly even his origin story post sgw read to be a bit like an allegory for being disowned for being queer
Must I say any more?
Bunnie Rabbot:
I don't have much to say about this other than that she clearly has feelings for Antoine and I always felt she got on with Sally well
The most she ever really shows interest in guys is when she body swaps with Sally and it's implied she felt feelings for Sonic through this. However, she decides to create a body so she can hang out with Sally (and watches the stars with her). She doesn't present romantic feelings for any guys after that either. Even with Shard, I always got the feeling that they became friends because of their similar situation and their status as ais who obtained free will and "humanity" so to speak, but that Shard had a onesided thing for her while she just considered him a good friend.
Tangle the Lemur:
I think what solidified this for me is the difference in how she acts when she meets Sonic for the first time vs how unwell she is about Blaze in that same issue when she first meets Blaze. That and both her initial interest in Whisper and how her relationship with Jewel kind of read like a "best friends who are exes" deal when Jewel first became a character.
While I do ship her with certain girl characters, she always struck me as the person who likes dressing "sexily" without actually being someone who experiences sexual attraction. Likewise, so much of her flirting reads to me as something she does in service of doing her job or getting things she wants. Especially in IDW, it's more than implied (practically shown) that Rouge is more in love with gems and the master emerald than any one person she flirts with. Honestly, she's the type to end up in situationships
Lanolin the Sheep:
Jury is out. I have no headcanons right now. So far she just seems entirely uninterested in romance or sex and is more married to her job
Also bi
Sally Acorn:
Pre sgw? Bi
Post sgw? Lesbian
Elias Acorn:
I take no criticism on this one. Gay.
Geoffrey St. John:
Surge the Tenrec:
Surge to me is gay but like. She's gay in that way that anyone attracted to her is gay, and anyone she's attracted to regardless of gender is always in a gay way. Likes a girl? Gay. Likes a guy? Gay. Likes someone of any gender? Gay
Kinda like with Sonic though I also often read her as on the AroAce spectrum, especially since she seems to have no personal interest in romance. Like at best the most passionate she is is the hate she harbors for Sonic, and whatever she has going on with Kit. So like. AroAspec and gay. That's my final answer
Kitsunami the Fennec:
Vector the Crocodile (Archie):
In all other Sonic media I see him as bi, however
Gay. He tries and fails to prove to Espio that he actually likes women and can get a woman after Espio says he's all bark and no bite. Like sure he takes the service worker lady with him to the event he and the Chaotix were invited to, but he never actually stays with her. He's also one of the two 25 yrs later characters who has a kid but is not married and has no mention of the other biological parent (the other is Lien-da). Literally his son has more charisma and success with picking up girls than him, and Vector doesn't even really seem to like girls (although honestly I'll admit Penders gave *him* more chemistry with Julie-Su than he gave her and Knuckles)
AroAce and also more lesbian leaning
Romance and sex is far from anything she worries about or dabbles in, and at best she uses flirting the way Rouge does (empty flirting to get her way or to mess with people). The only reason I said lesbian leaning is because she seems the type to me to end up in situationships/atypical enemy relationships with women
I'm always oscillating between gay and just grayaro/gray ace. Depends on my mood
Frankly it depends on the adaptation.
Movie!Robotnik I feel is more demi or gray aroace
Sonic X Robotnik is bi to me
Prime universe's Archie Robotnik (this goes for the original and his replacement) is gay while also being on the aroace spectrum to me
But yeah in general Robotnik is on the aroace spectrum and whether I read him as bi or gay depends on the adaptation
Metal Sonic:
Chaos Sonic:
Also gay!
Sorry, but Shard to me likes women the same way Archie Sonic does to me. This is to say, he forms a strong relationship with *one* female character and confuses what they have for romance because comphet. So on the aro/ace spectrum and seems to get into situationships with guys fairly often
Mina the Mongoose:
King Max Acorn:
Hoho definitely bi
Locke the Echidna:
I want to say gay but he's like a heavily closeted queer at baseline. His relationship with sexuality is complicated, and while he has been with women before (sexually and romantically), he seems to relate a little to well to Knuckles' plight of not being interested in most girls and thinking guys should just stick with guys. Plus there's that scene where Scourge and Rouge are both surprised that Rouge's flirting and sex appeal isn't really doing anything for Locke.
Like if I had to label him I'd go closeted gay, but I feel like if he ever became comfortable enough to label himself as "not straight" he'd be more comfortable with the term queer or simply "not straight" as a catchall so he can avoid using a usual label
Gay!! This goes no matter the adaptation
I have no headcanons other than that he does like boys
Bi, but I also like to think of her as Demi too
I take no criticism. Bi
Nic the Weasel:
Gay, man. She and Fiona just had something
Nack the Weasel:
Gay but also married to his job
Bean the Duck:
The duck is queer
Bark the Polar Bear:
Vanilla the Rabbit:
Charmy the Bee (Archie):
In general I don't have a headcanon for him, just because of how he's depicted in idw and the games these days.
But pre sgw Charmy (back when he was depicted as 16) is either gay or bi depending on how I feel. Not super solid on it, I just know he likes boys.
Fiona the Fox:
I don't take criticism on this one either. Demi Lesbian
I have not once felt that she was genuinely really into a guy romantically. I think she just has a thing for danger and is a sadist in general, and I think she uses both Sonic and Scourge to get her fix for it. But frankly just like Scourge she tends to get bored in the opposite sex, and despite any declaration is liable to split the moment she's in danger. If she has anything for him, it reads as pretty shallow.
Scourge the Hedgehog:
Gay but like extremely comphet about it. Like he seems to be more fixated on the idea of being desired by women and the idea of desiring women than he actually desires them. There's an issue where he grows bored with all the girls in Anti-Mobius (even Anti-Sally) and decides to find Sonic instead to start a fight so he can be no longer bored. The cover of that issue shows all of those hearts with his name + a girl's name written in the middle, AND a heart where he's written his name + Sonic in the middle. Despite having Fiona at his side, he proclaims he actually wants Prime!Sonic to rule beside him with the two of them as Kings. Like he seems to like the attention and seems to understand what an objectively attractive women looks like, but he's always growing bored with them and partnering up with them only to not really have much substance in a relationship with him. And while I will put the disclaimer that Mr. Flynn did not create Scourge's original character, nor does anything he says push or deny ships for legal reasons, he did once say in a bumblekast episode that in a hypothetical "Scourge Team Racing", Scourge would choose Miles and O'knux as his teammates because he "dislikes them the least".
Antoine D'coolette:
Antoine's Father:
Absolutely Bi
Clutch the Opposom:
Jewel the Beetle:
Whisper the Wolf:
Not completely sure yet. I think I kind of settle on Arospec but likes girls
Sonic (Sonic Prime):
I see him on the aromantic spectrum but also like. Gay
Sonic (StC)
Just straight up gay. At worst he's gay but comphet about it in a similar way to Scourge
Generally she's a lesbian to me
Bi but also married to her work
Adam the Ai:
In general he is always gay to me
Chuck Thorndyke:
Haha. Gay
Thanks for the ask, anon! I enjoyed answering this one😊
Like I said, this is by no means a comprehensive list, but I did put down some characters from different Sonic media off the top of my head.
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greatyme · 6 months
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The secrets in the hot spring cast & crew had a reunion and shared some photos!!!
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lolliudo · 2 years
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van van
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mayhemmaybe · 3 months
Your icon is so cute!!!!!
~~isn't it! it was a gift waaay back from DestroX71689 over on DA~~
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socialbunny · 1 year
so apparently there was an extra dustin/dirk baby i'd forgotten in that post i made that i only realized i forgotten when i was looking through old pictures and saw him,
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(^^ little man in the front right there, not gone but forgotten) so i was trying to figure out who this mystery child is or if i just changed the skin color of the last child they had and pretended like he was born like that 😭 but i still have this particular hood backed up for some reason so i could see if he actually existed and he does!
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look at this loser bald ass bc i deleted wtv hair he had and idc enough to go and put a hair on him and re-extract lmao
ADDING onto this post when i opened this hood i realized i had changed dustins face a little bit and it wasnt his maxis face? i guess i was in my era where i just used bodyshop to change sims features but i did a really bad job at it and sims looked stupid ugly.
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but he looks so cute honestly i dont think i did much to him!! fucking with his look
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my little lame weird loser guy
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nulltune · 2 years
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color scheme update 4 my hakuno !! 🫡 it sounds a lil silly at first but!!!!! actually comes with a decent amount of Thoughts(TM) because egad the grip this girl has on me is insane . she turns me into an english teacher talking abt blue curtains fr
i talked about this with tsun (ty tsun dearest 🫶) so shoutout to him for bringing up many good points about this!! like how having hakuno being described in food terms gives her a very home-y comforting feeling which contrasts with her more aloof and rational personality /though she does become warmer with character development ✨️
makes me also think about sweets in particular too (duh) anfmd how even though they Are nice, they lack any nutritional value and won't fill your stomach up. reminds me of hakuno who wants to find love and connection but still feels so empty and lacking </3 (this is also a really fitting concept outside of colors or w/e because hakuno does like candy !)
not 2 mention how too much sweets is detrimental to your health ...... just like hakuno who (really has nothing good intentions but) often takes things to the extreme (e.g. selfless to the point of self destruction, she's a very "ride or die" kind of person, etc)
tsun also brought up how it reminded him of fairy tales (being desirable and appealing in that ✨️magical✨️ kind of way; and i like to think that hakuno looks very ethereal) (which is also nice because that contrasts with hakuno's desires to just be a normal human) and witch's house from hansel and gretel with how it looks very cute and sweet but the inside is . A Lot
hakuno's not blatantly deceptive like that thoo!!!! tsun (gigabrain) says it best with how hakuno's not the witch, she's more like the empty house, a waiting table. the idea of food comes here again too because hakuno's a very giving person 🥺 there's a lot she wants to give !!
OOOOHH and the sweets thing can come here ^ again too tho. it's how that sweet thing ultimately lacks any real substance </3
hakuno being described as like a doll from a fairy tale would be a really neat + fitting description for her tooo because 1. H..Hakuno Pretty,, 😳 bUT ALSO 2. it gives her this very otherworldly (not human) feel ..... which is all nice and pretty but Distant in a way
that's also why i like the way extra materials use 美形 (bikei) to describe hakuno because while it does translate to "beauty", the direct translation would be "beautiful form/shape". it could be unintentional word choice, but'd like to think it's because hakuno is more like object to be admired (here's that doll motif again !!!) than a legitimate person, if that makes sense :thonk:
since we're on this topic anyway-- my hakuno's hair turns from brown to white at the tips. it's inspired by what happens to sakura in ccc canon! a symptom of "deteoration"/"corrosion" due to being shaken up by an unidentified emotion-value (love) ... so methinks hakuno should get it too as someone who's actively trying to better find herself and understand her emotions and humanity 💖 (her hair's not gonna turn fully white, but i just think it'd be a neat reference)
it's a stretch ngl but it could also be neat if the white and curled tips of her hair gave the impression of seafoam maybe............. it rlly would suit her name toooo (白野岸波 meaning "white fields, shore waves")
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piggiebonez · 7 months
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YEAH this is pretty high-concept basically . . .
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was too lazy to finish him sorry. this is what the tallest personal chef was going to look like. i dont like the concept here bc i feel like their personal chef would be much more cool looking something like a sizz-lorr type design. but i like his stupid face. look at him
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dabbsalot · 1 year
song credit: Monky Mania by beef
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malevolententity · 2 years
thinking about here lies the abyss. thinking about how the option of leaving hawke or a warden was wasted. stroud's only emotional connection to the player relies on the chance and memory that you brought carver or bethany into the deeproads with anders, so he could say he knows where the wardens might be so that stroud can show up and conscript ur baby sibling. he is so easy to leave in the fade because hes not My Character. loghain is super easy because hes an asshole and usually i let alistair get his revenge in dao. alistair is the hardest choice in the three presented because while hes not Your Character. he is a party member he could have been your romance and you dont wanna kill ur wardens husband. but hawke is still Your Character.
heres my proposals on how to make that choice actually hard, almost a decade later! (side note: has it really been almost a decade since this game came out?)
if you made beth or carver a warden have the choice be hawke or their sibling! have the creeping horror of a family reunion slowly turn into "oh god whos going to be the final hawke sibling alive" because both of them would fight over who gets to stay in the fade because they cant let the other die even if theyre enemies. hawke can not loose yet another family member when the choice is in the palm of the hand to definitively save them. and beth or carver would feel both a warden need to stay and also would not let hawke make another sacrifice the twins know that hawke has given enough.
i know canon wise HOF has disappeared and thats why theyre not the inquisitor. so having them show up for this would be weird but they coulda just not made that a plot point and have HOF show up and then you have to pick between your two player characters. and then you have to deal with the dilemma of whoever you leave their partner is going to be so fucking angry. and picking between two of ur Played Guys is going to be so much harder! esp with dao and the background and romance choices you made. you could have an ex crow mad at you, you could have one of your advisors pissed at you and That being a crucial event to harden leliana, you could depending on even witch hunt dlc choices have morrigan mad at you, while she lives in your castle, and youve just killed her husband and the father of her child that you have met and was actively raising his son. you could have the king of fereldan mad at you for killing his queen/consort. which is probs Why the HOF isnt an option if you kept them alive because it would get messy with how many dao companions are involved in dai to a degree.
THEY COULDA MADE ANY OF THE AWAKENING COMPANIONS THE OPTION TO YEET. granted that puts them in the same space as alistair of Yeah id feel bad but like. its not my warden its my wardens friends theyre easier to leave than hawke. BUT IT COULD GET SPICY IF ANDERS IS ALIVE. AND THE CHOICE IS LEAVE ANDERS OR HAWKE!!! esp if you romanced him does hawke loose everyone in their life or does anders loose everyone in his life. OR LIKE say its nathaniel that really only hurts if you played cousland at any point because nates a shit but also a childhood friend. most people wouldnt care about oghren and hed be same boat as loghain. sigrun and velanna would hurt for people who got personally invested in them since theres so character background tie ins from memory. but like any of them could be options to hurt around the alistair level of choice.
there are so so many other good npc and companion choices from games to make here lies the abyss a hard choice and to make it hurt no matter who you leave behind. but no the fucking options are :checks notes: loghain an ex military general who staged a coup and had an active hand in slavery. stroud a warden npc you met twice if you even remember him at all. or alistair your companion who most people made king so he never shows up as an option here.
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cervidsunrise · 4 months
I just think it would have been extra funny if the very franchise that I hyper focused on for the two years surrounding the death of my dad had a sequel called DAD, that's all
I wouldn't have liked it, but it would have been funny
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