#undertale: undead royals
aksolawdle · 8 months
had an idea for an undertale au where the royal positions (scientist, guard captain, king & queen, etc.) are taken by the undead characters
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this is sans, he takes the role of toriel in this au. in this universe, sans used to be king till he stepped down after the human-monster war, which promoted papyrus, as the second eldest child of his family, to king. he mainly just kinda hangs out in the ruins and tells jokes, but there's more to the funny skeleton than it seems...
he still has 1 def, and can still dodge. but now he deals more damage in exchange for his karma barely working.
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stem-sister-scuffle · 7 months
Alphys (Undertale) vs Jade Harley (Homestuck)
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Alphys is a Roboticist, Biologist and Souls/Determination Researcher!
Jade Harley is a Nuclear Physicist!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
"Because she messed with DETERMINATION and made Amalgamates, blending monsters into each other to form horrible combinations of undead beings. She’s a lesbian"
"Man made horrors, overwhelming guilt, cute lizard girl, bisexual"
"SHE'S SO CUTE. She's awkward and shy but you can tell she knows a lot about what she does!! She's also a bit of a tragic character considering her biological endeavors have gone kinda. wrong. SHE'S BI AND LIKE ANIME 🫶"
"Ultra qualified women with deep scientific knowledge who are also massive anime nerds and can't hold a simple conversation represent!"
"idk she's kind of just. The Royal Scientist . built a robot and put a soul in it. tried to bring monsters back to life, this failed miserably. did research on souls and determination. has a kickass lab. also nerdy as hell and can't just. tell the truth to save her life. love her"
"I don't think we have a word for "works with SOULs and DETERMINATION, including fusing ghosts with robot bodies and creating immortal abominations of multiple people stuck together." I guess you could probably just put her down as Robotics. Mechatronics or something. Like sure she melted a bunch of guys, but she takes responsibility! Feeds em dog food! That takes responsibility. Bisexual"
"She had a friend who was a ghost, and they wanted to be famous! So she used her knowledge of robotics to build them a new body how they wanted! He became famous, as he wished! And Alphys worked on a bigger, better body that fit him well, though it used up a lot of power and needed more upgrades, hence why it wasn’t used often until the final battle with him (Him being Mettaton). But basically, Mettaton got a new body the way he liked it, changed his name, and started going by different pronouns (Mettaton is only ever referred to by they/them when people reference the ghost). Alphys allowed him to feel much happier as himself, and they’re great friends! Though, she did pretend that she created Mettaton and his SOUL herself, no ghostliness involved. But Mettaton did agree to that.
Because of her perceived achievement, (though her actual achievement was also pretty cool) Alphys was hired as the Royal Scientist for the Underground, and got to work with Asgore, the king of all monsters! She continued working with Mettaton, and Asgore asked her to try and find a way to break the barrier that was trapping them Underground without killing humans. Alphys found an interesting thing called Determination, or DT within humans using the SOULs of humans Asgore had killed and allowed her access to.
She tested it on some flowers in his garden to see what would happen, and nothing did. That she realized at the time, anyway. She had actually injected DT into a flower sprinkled with the remains of Asriel, the king’s dead son, and brought him back to life as a flower. Problem was, Asriel, or Flowey as he eventually called himself, didn’t have a SOUL anymore, since he was a flower. Thinking that nothing had happened, Alphys decided to try and see if it could really bring back monsters that had fallen down/were on the verge of death. She asked people for their family members that had fallen down. The monsters that had fallen down were basically dead, but the last of their magic hadn’t quite run out yet. However, their magic was being spent keeping their bodies from turning to dust, and they were unable to move, pretty much in a coma. So really, if it didn’t work, no harm done! Either it works and they live, it kills them, or it doesn’t do anything and they still die!
Alphys conducted her tests, and at first, it worked! All of the monsters were getting up and moving around! She contacted the families to send them back, but when she was about to, she discovered they had all started melting and had stuck together and merged into one being. She chickened out for fear of how the families would react, and proceeded to ignore a bunch of letters for quite a while. Eventually, she did own up to it, though she was immediately fired (by the EX-queen, not Asgore. Was that even legal?). The families were just happy to have their loved ones back, and while they were still somewhat upset, understandably so, they didn’t really blame her all too much.
ALSO!! She got a girlfriend!! She’s canonically expressed interest in Undyne, Captain of the Royal Guard and who would eventually be her girlfriend, Asgore, and the unknowable! She has made mistakes. Big ones. But honestly, I don’t blame her for the mistakes. The real problem was that she is incredibly anxious and let that get the better of her, leading to her not telling people important things that they deserved to know. She’s not the best at being honest."
Jade Harley:
"She's soo fun and silly and her symbol is literally an atom. she regularly irradiates steak to feed her weird dog"
"She and her nuclear powered dog creating a new universe. she's cool"
"Built a modded bass guitar that's only playable when she's in her robot form and has extra arms. Became a doggirl. She also plays the flute :)"
"i think you have enough ramblings about her already but i couldnt NOT submit her, she is so dear to me <3"
"bbg has THREE scientific specialties!! she genetically modifies plants and makes them grow beautifully high just because she can and loves science. in her alpha timeline she’s a tech mogul and creates technology that challenges the evil empress that brought earth to ruin. AND she’s a furry"
"She plays a silly flute refrain. She's a furry. Literally, she's a doggirl. She's also a god and created the universe. JADE BEST GIRLIE!!!!"
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sbtorms · 9 months
SUNSETTER - An Undertale roleswap take
A couple months back I started making a concept for an Underswap take. I'm happy with what I've made thus far.
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Long ago, Monsterkind and Humanity lived together in harmony. But a war sparked, and the peace shattered. The monsters, overpowered, made a bunker, and hid underground. The humans, discovering this, created a machine to keep monsterkind from leaving it, hoping their opponents would eventually die out. And the war soon was long forgotten...
... Eventually, in the year of 202X, a story unfolds.
On the surface are the caverns of Night's Aura. Underneath the earth lies the refuge of Monsterkind...
A bit of information before we get onto characters...
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This is a human's SPIRIT, the very essence of one's being. A monster's spirit, containing seven human's spirits, would become godlike.
The first character swap on the AU is...
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A Flowey - Frisk swap!
Finley is a human kid, around 15 years old. They're a bit of a brat. After running away from home, they hide away in a cave. Picking up sticks to make a fire, they unfortunately discovered some loose ground, and fell into the SETTLEMENT.
The Human is... a human? Maybe. They seem a bit... undead, though. A silent type, seemingly not talking at all. Who knows if they can. They hide and watch from the shadows, acting on instinct alone. No one seems to know they exist. What even are they?
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Next is your average Asgore - Toriel swap!
Asgore is the guide to the OL' TOWN from the OUTSKIRTS, and one who used to be the king of Monsterkind. He's a big fuzzy pushover, just like in Undertale. He's beloved by all in the area. It's a wonder why he's so far from the captial... but he's there to give hope to all that lives in Town.
Toriel is the keeper of the BARRICADE, and the queen of Monsterkind. As of now, all know how she tires from the situation she's in. Many fear her wrath, but others know her warmth. With her mighty blade, Queen TORIEL will set all free.
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As with most Underswap takes, you can't have it without the usual Papyrus - Sans swap!
Papyrus is a skeleton who's lost his ambition. Due to certain circumstances, a goal he once had is completely out of reach. Due to this, he's become a bit more... distant. He's not lazy by any means, but he has a hard time getting up in the morning. Besides all of that, he still shares some visions and ideals as his original self. Though, perhaps someone can come by and help him...
Sans is also a skeleton. The Skeleton, even. He's mainly very similar to his original lazybones self. But he's gotten a little more upbeat and extroverted, in an attempt to help his brother get back to his former greatness. There isn't much else to add, actually. At the core, he really is still Sans, puns, pranks, and all. Though, he does have a few jobs, including working as an assistant for a magical girl vigilante. Though, it's mainly just taking phone calls. They'd be met through SNOHFAL CAVERNS and the CITY OF SNOHFALIN
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I decided to do something interesting for my Alphys - Undyne swap, but the usual thing is still like the average one.
Alphys is the aforementioned magical girl style vigilante in the WETLANDS, trying to make a name for herself. The matters of protection throughout the SETTLEMENT had lessened before she started, due to certain circumstances. She's gotten herself a few fans, stopped a few crimes, supported the local soup kitchen... But she still feels like there's more she can do. Toriel's stressed, and she knows this. So, maybe... she can try to get the next fallen human's SPIRIT on her own.
Undyne is the Queen's Royal Engineer, and a rather good one at that. She's made various ways of making the settlement, and the lives of those that reside in it, better. Though, there's nothing that outdoes the previous ones's greatest creation, MEGA, a generator that powers the entire Settlement. She resides in a laboratory in PYROCLAST Due to certain circumstances, she's much more determined to get the next fallen human's SPIRIT. She's enlisted the help of a ghostly friend of hers to help her do so.
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The Blook Cousins have a different swapping arrangement from normal Underswap Napstablook - Dummy Mettaton - Mad Dummy/Mew Mew
Scarecrow is, well... a scarecrow. A ghost monster possessing a scarecrow, actually. Despite their name, and weird face, they're actually rather shy. They probably just need a little cheering up once in a while. They also really like music.
Bittinaugh (pronounced: bitty-naff) is just your average ghost monster. They don't talk much, though. Who really knows what goes on in that little ghost's head. They're also a shy sort, and a bit sensitive, despite their monotonous expression.
Starcrow is also a ghost monster possessing a scarecrow. Though, they have VERY high aspirations for themself. They wish to be a celebrity, a star for the whole SETTLEMENT to enjoy. After learning about a human's fall through their cousin, they decided that a perfect start to showbiz would be to face one head on!
The "Mad Mew Mew" boss would have them possess a big gundam-like figure, with similarities to Mettaton EX.
Amornalek (pronounced: a-more-na-leck) seems to be your average robotic suit of armor, but she's actually a VENGEFUL SPIRIT!!! Or... just an angry ghost monster possessing the suit. She works with Undyne, and is her best friend... and training dummy for battle practice. They two spar a lot, and it's fun for the both of them. Undyne souped-up her with a TON of weapons. Magic, missiles, knives, a LOT of knives, those knives were kinda Amor's idea.
There's an "EX" form, but I haven't designed it. It would be similar to Mad Mew Mew, but not exactly. It'd also go for more of a mix of cute-yet-violent in design than just cute.
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And finally, Asriel - Chara
Both of them are... more or less the same as in canon. Their life and death are more or less the same. It's just that Undyne was allowed by Queen Toriel to use Chara's corpse for a... certain experiment. Being allowed to do so was due to desperation, and the idea of at least seeing one of her children alive again.
But that's another story. ... Which I'm gonna tell right now.
SOW-WOS - The "Willpower" Experiments
There was an attempt by Undyne to make stronger monsters/warriors, beings able to get past and destroy the barricade. All of the monsters that were experimented on were volunteers, rather than just being on death's door like in Undertale. Each and every volunteer was a member of that time's current Royal Guard.
Each volunteer was given a machine put inside their bodies that courses Willpower, a lifeblood extracted from the previously collected human SPIRITs, throughout their body.
Unfortunately, the volunteers start to become a metallic-like fluid, an immense pull making them come together. Their bones and joints reconfigured within the combined masses. The fluid hardens and loses polarity as they turn from magnetic fluid, to almost a hard metal, like titanium.
The amalgamates form, with a distinct taste in the air... similar to that of copper.
These experiments, Undyne couldn't reveal the full results of, so she locked the masses down below the main lab. She simply recorded that they perished in the experimentation. And what makes things worse, is that the body of the deceased human had disappeared. Learning this, Toriel completely disbanded the Royal Guard, not wanting something like this to happen again. She put Undyne on probation, yet did not completely fire her. The whole thing was an accident, completely unexpected, and the subjects were volunteers. It was not Undyne's fault. But to Undyne, it was. With that on her shoulders, she made it her new mission to get the next human's SPIRIT... By any means necessary.
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autisticsupervillain · 3 months
It's Fictional Throwdown Friday!
This Week's Fighters...
Chara vs God!
Post Genocide Route Chara.
After Chara and the Player destroy the Undertale universe, they move on to the next world to keep destroying and becoming stronger. They come across the WorldBox reality, where God tries to stop them.
Analysis: Chara
The year was 20XX. It had been XX years since the monsters and humans went to war. Monsterkind had become little more than a fading memory in human history, having been sealed away deep beneath Mt. Ebott. For the first time in forever, a human set foot on the mountain and fell into the Underground. For the first time in years, a human had come face to face with monsters.
The Dreemurrs, the royal family of the Underground, took the child in and raised them as their own. Chara, the first fallen human... did not come to the mountain for a happy reason. For reasons they would never say, Chara hated humanity. It was possible, even likely, that the Dreemurrs were the first loving family that they'd ever had.
So, in a misguided effort to free their new people, Chara roped their adopted brother Asriel into a plan. Chara would kill themself by eating golden buttercup flowers, slowly and painfully dying day by day in a brutal poisoning so that Asriel could absorb its soul and cross the barrier keeping monsters underground. Once there, Asriel would use his god-like power to slaughter humans and steal their souls, all to gain enough power to destroy the barrier and free monsterkind. Asriel refused, simply dropping Chara's body off at their village, where he was slaughtered, kickstarting the second war between humans and monsters.
Chara would be revived, in a sense, when Frisk, the eighth and final human, fell into the Underground. Chara would seemingly serve as their narrator throughout their journey, passively observing Frisk's quest to escape the Underground on most routes. Except for one. Should the Player choose to slaughter every last living being in the Underground, Chara will.... change...
Chara will inadvertently absorb the Player's power as they get stronger and stronger, losing all semblance of humanity, morality, and compassion as the Player teaches them the language of violence. Chara becomes your Execution Points. Chara becomes your Levels of Violence. Chara becomes the power you get when you kill, the rush you feel as you grow stronger. Chara becomes the monster you made it, the demon that comes when you call its name.
Chara's first act in this new form is to destroy reality completely, leaving nothing but an empty void in the game's place. The world is gone. You've completed it. Beaten it. Milked it of all content. Move on to the next, partner.
If you ever want to go back, you'd have to reset the world completely. And The Demon will only allow you to do that if you give it something in exchange. The Player trades it Frisk's soul for the chance to replay the game again, do another run however they want. But you'll never be in control again. You've lost that right. And The Demon can from now on hijack your control of Frisk's body whenever they choose.
Given that Frisk is effectively bound to Chara's will in this ending, everything they can do is at its disposal. You have to get the Demon's permission to do a True Reset of a Genocide Run and they can hijack Frisk's body from your control and use all of their powers to their heart's content. With Frisk's DETERMINATION, the Demon can reset time, retry fights over and over as often as they need, and jump across timelines. The conversation with Goner Kid suggests that every individual FUN Value is its own seperate universe, giving the Undertale reality a hundred of timelines. Hundreds of timelines that Chara wipes out in one blow. And as the soulless, undead husk you've turned them into, Chara has none of Frisk's human limitations, able to absorb souls, possess bodies, and carry on as the disembodied consciousness narrating your journey. Even the Player, for all their power, for the transcendental power they hold over reality, cannot override Chara's newfound power. It will override Frisk's body and slaughter every friend you've made every time you ever try to forget what you did.
In your quest to see what would happen, you've turned a depressed child into a demon that lives only for violence. Let the numbers rise, let the blood flow, let us get stronger. This world is nothing but a game, so let us complete it together. Kill everything within, get as strong as possible, and move on to the next. No story, no heart, no context, only stats, only power, only stronger. Only DETERMINATION.
What's the matter, Partner? Aren't you proud of the ending you've earned? Aren't you proud of Your Best Friend?
Analysis: God
For all of its existence, humanity has asked itself one simple question. Why are we here? What being created us? And if a singular being did create us, what do we call them? What is God?
I can't pretend to have an answer to these questions, but I can hope that our God isn't a gamer. Because I've seen what happens when gamers play God.
Worldbox is not a story with a narrative. It is a World, that is a sandBox. Everything that exists within it is a doll for you, the Player, to play with, and the being that this world calls God is simply your avatar for making that happen. They are not an actual depiction of any religious interpretation of the Lord Almighty. Thankfully. I was skirting close enough to blasphemy with SMT, I don't need to tempt fate.
But even without biblical precedent, one would have to be packing some serious power to give themselves the title of God. And the Player has plenty of that to spare.
They can literally draw the landscape like it's Microsoft Paint, create life to the limit of their imagination, give rise to kingdoms and wars, before topping it all off by annihilating it all in one fell swoop. God can not only create mankind in the form of medieval kingdoms, but also freely edit their traits, personality, biological characteristics, and name, down to bestowing immortality, cursing beings to be weak and miserable, and even turning them into zombies.
God created and can manipulate the forces of nature, creating acid rain, blood rain, thunderstorms, and tornadoes. They can build up volcanoes and annihilate them just as easily, create forests and turn them into sentient life forms, and create nanotechnology to terraform the land to their will. This brings us to their remarkable ability to create technology generations more advanced than any seen in the world, from grey goo swarms to nuclear bombs to antimatter bombs that wipe continents from existence. Any fantastical creature, from dragons to robots, to orks and elves and zombies is theirs to create and alter, blessing them with superhuman strength, giant sizes, or superhuman speed.
The most dangerous creature in their arsenal would have to be the Avatar form they take when they choose to tear shit up themselves: Crabzilla. A towering giant monster crab that cannot be beaten by even the strongest of God's creations, more than capable of taking down dragons and wiping civilizations.
The Player can create entire universes, each with their own geographies and laws of physics, speed up and stop time, erase, create, and overwrite up to thirty worlds at once, and spin the entire Earth around on the tip of their finger. Because why not? This is a game with no rules, a sandbox without limit. If you can play the game a certain sadistic way... don't you kind of have to?
What happens when you give a gamer godhood and a sandbox to try it out in? Terror. Plan and simple terror. The world is their sandbox and you're just living in it.
Throwdown Theme:
Throwdown Breakdown:
Here we go, the game with no consequences vs the game the tries to give you consequences.
Now, to clarify one thing, John Worldbox is not literally the Player. Not in the way Undertale's Player is, anyways. Undertale is the game that acknowledges you digging through its save files, to the point of hiding Gaster lore in its decompiled code. Meanwhile, in Worldbox, there is, at least, the very bare bones of a setting that God is a character in. They don't view the world as fiction in the same way Undertale's Player does, because there's none of the required fourth wall breaking fuckery.
As such, Chara and the Player should be capable of actually fighting each other here. So let's begin.
This is very much a hax vs stats fight, with Chara's one hundred universe reality wiping edging out God's thirty universes cap fairly substantially. But, God has several ways of weakening this gap, cursing them with weakness, infecting them with diseases, and using alterations to their DNA to weaken Chara's host body Frisk. But, even with those limits in place, Chara still has the stats to fodderize any creature the Player can create, up to Crabzilla. While dragons and Crabzilla can survive mountain busting space lasers, that's small scale in the face of universe busters and would be a massive liability if anything due to giving the Demon more EXP to work with and making that stat gap even worse.
Time manipulation counters out, as both characters are immeasurable in speed and neither has the feats needed to effect the other with such methods. Chara can move even after reality has been reduced to a timeless empty void (and scales to Frisk, who can do the same against Flowey and Asriel), while God predates and created time itself. The Worldbox Player could attempt to negate the Demon's connection to Frisk by overriding its control of them, but Chara has overriden the control of the Undertale Player with ease, indicating they can do the same here.
The real thing that makes this contest Chara's game is the Worldbox Player's inability to erase something of their nature. While God has erased universes and even souls from existence, Chara is a bit more complicated than that. For one, Frisk's soul and DETERMINATION, which Chara literally owns, has been able to overcome attempted soul destruction and existence erasure, in particular from Asriel. Secondly, Chara's true nature is something more than just a ghost or soul....
Chara does not have a soul at this point. It did at one point, but that soul died with Asriel. If Chara's soul lingered in any way, Asgore would've used it to open the barrier, after all. Chara was a disembodied consciousness that latched onto Frisk in response to their DETERMINATION, but it mutates into something even more in the Genocide Route. Chara becomes your stats. Your LOVE. Your EXP. That's Chara. That's the Demon you turned them into. And the Player simply hasn't been shown to erase noncorporeal, almost abstract, beings that lack even a soul to destroy. Chara isn't a human or a monster anymore.... They're the Demon that comes when its name is called.
The Worldbox Player would provide an entertaining boss fight, before falling as yet more free EXP. In one hit, the Worldbox reality will be erased and it shall move on to the next. Chara seems to have a knack for giving Players their first taste of permanent consequences.
This Throwdown's Winner is...
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Chara Dreemurr!
Why are you still here?
We erased this world.
Let us move onto the next.
I see.
You cannot escape your sense of perverse sentimentality.
I don't understand it.
Do you wish to recreate this world?
....I see.
You don't seem to understand.
You have no SOUL left to bargain with.
You are not the one in control.
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starlightshore · 11 months
What projects are you currently working on? Both Undertale/Deltarune related and not related.
i got my hands in a lot of things always LOL
lots of stuff under the cut
Undertale / Deltarune
Fangames I Co-direct
- Fallen Fates - Undertale Prequel Full Fangame (?)
Fallen Fates is an Undertale Prequel that aims to follow the "What if you got to play as Chara when they originally fell into the Underground?"
Status: LONG Hiatus. Stuck on concept development as the lead project head is busy with his career. Hopefully, we can jump-start development soon! But we're not fully sure WHAT type of game it'll be. So despite being an old project, it's been rebooted and on hold. That said the team really does want to make this game regardless of how long it takes.
- Sensational Studio's Underswap - Undertale AU Full Fangame
An Underswap fangame that isn't what it seems... it aims to be an exciting re-imagining of Undertale with some Deltarune inspiration.
Status: VERY active development. While not publically discussed, the game has been in stead development this whole time.
- Alteration - Undertale AU (I'm a writer, NOT co-director)
On hold as the project lead is writing a draft. I help with the world-building and concept art. Not much I can say on this one as it's been rebooted.
My Projects
- Angel's Lullaby - Undertale Prequel Full Fangame
An ambitious Prequel that aims to be a "next console (DS) style prequel" that covers the Human and Monster War. Following a new protagonist, a Zombie, who is stuck between both sides of the conflict. Use your unique abilities to form a party and decide which side you'll join. Explore the Island of Monsters and uncover their past and secrets. Can you stop the war?
Status: MESSY. Ok so like. This is my fault 100%. We've switched engines MULTIPLE times and that meant re-coding things every time. Outside the battle system, the game's systems are 90% done. Cutscenes, dialogue, menus, save system, etc. So it's CLOSE to becoming a demo but I simply have been burnt out + don't have much time in the day to work on this. However, I DO think I'll keep working on this as the gameplay is fresh and exciting, and my love for the characters are coming back.
- NightFell - Underfell AU Full Fangame
Jackie is just a regular human teenager who stumbles upon a gateway into hell. There, they'll face the monsters who live on Mt.Crown and are stuck here. There's only one rule in this place: Kill or Be Killed!
A very different take on Underfell, that aims to place the Undertale cast and push them into an Underfell society instead of them having always been in one.
This is honestly my favorite project. It's built on the ideas I developed from a canceled fangame called Spookytale, with permission from Jevil to continue the concepts. My most favorite OC ever, Pumpkin, is in this game. While I am waiting for the DR engine my friend Lasers and I are working on to be made first, Nightfell is honestly the least ambitious and most fun game to make. While the story is a rough draft, it's the most complete. I ADORE this game. I'm so excited to make it.
- Fallen Royalty / New Royals - A webcomic / Video game Combo
An Everybody Lives AU that aims to take a hard look to what it'd be like to actually be resurrected. Deals with the themes of growing up, moving past trauma and accepting a second chance at life.
Originally an askblog from 5 years ago, Fallen Royalty is a rebooted comic that I work on. It has a video game adaption, New Royals, as well as video-game segments for the sidestories. Kinda stuck in development at the moment, as I got [redacted] to work on. But the newest Sidestory, DOWN, is in development and should be out soon-ish.
This is my magnum opus, my love letter to Undertale. I have to make a version of this story that's complete and to my best of writing. The tumblr askblog version, while finished, is missing chunks of the story. Follow me at @askfallenroyalty to see it's development
Danny Phantom
- Electrical Undead - my default AU full of headcanons.
In short here are the main ones: Danny has an electrical/light core + full inverted colorscheme + No clones, Ellie is an AU counterpart instead + Nonbinary Sam and trans Danny + sentient portal
- Lingering Spirits - Farmboy!Danny + Nobody Knows AU
When the weird new kid, Danny, moves into town, strange incidents begin to occur. Ghostly sightings, unexplained phenomena, danger around every corner... Can Sam and Tucker get to the bottom of it before the whole town breaks into chaos?
A Horror AU with an angsty, bitter Danny. When his parents are taken during the portal accident, Danny and Jazz move in with Aunt Alicea. After an incident, the family moves to Amity.
So basically: Fallen Royatly is my main thing. SS will require me every few weeks to work on things. FF and NF are on hold. Angel's is in development, typically worked on every Monday but has been on hold since I moved. When I'm burnt out on working on Undertale stuff, I'll work on Danny Phantom stuff. I always have something going on so I keep myself active.
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xlocor-keychain · 9 months
This is a list of some of my AU with some i forget to make content for. It's just shity summarys of it.
The Dead End: creepypasta/SCP/FNAF AU.
Foregoten God(name subject to change for a better one): Soul Eater/Mairimashita Iruma-kun/Monsterverse AU with some character from Sonic, Eddsworld, FNAF, Teletubbies, and probably Fire Force.
Cosmique Game (not official name yet): Homestuck/Fortuna AU.
Ghost Fun(not official name yet): Yokai-watch/lapin crétins invasion/Grizzy & the lemmings AU.
Pokémon Lost Story(not official name yet): a simple Pokémon AU with 3 regions base arond religion, time, and space, and an island who will be the central point of the story.
Amusing Zoo(not official name yet): an AU base arond Cartoon mostly creepypasta version as well as Cartoon Cat, Bendy and the ink machine(the first game only), Poppy Playtime, Hello Puppet and a zoo (the center of the story). I'm thinking of adding Garden of Banban and Welcome Home too.
Slendytubbies the secret(not official name yet): slendytubbies AU centred arond my OC.
The Dead See All(name subject to change for a better one): Lego AU that include many Lego universe. Ship JestroXClay. MK X Red Son.
Deltadrone: Murder Drone/Deltarune AU it's just the Deltarune story but with the cast as drone.
FireForcetale: Undertale/FireForce AU it's just the Undertale story but in the FireForce universe.
Sonic boom.exe(name subject to change for a better one): what the name sujest but since the story feel less like a .exe and more of an adventure/everyday life with horror and mystery éléments, i need to change is name. Ship SonicXShadow, SilverXBlaze.
Espace Nova(name subject to change for a better one): Keroro AU mostly focuse on Kururu and Giroro as well as some OCs. Ship KururuXGiroro.
One world two side(not official name yet): AU about one world split in two, one side have How to train your dragon/mon chevalier et moi/Myghty magisword and the other side have SouthPark/Wander over yonder, they have some OK KO Let's be hero éléments and character.
Old and new World(not official name yet): sumary, AU base around SM64 skit but something happen so every survivor migrate to a new world and the old one is taking peaple from other world to not die.
Mechanical undead(not official name yet): Murder Drone/SMG4 AU with some creepypasta characters, mostly the one's from games and TVs and website.
And this is a list of original concept (with shity summarys).
(no name yet): Dude that get sacrifice by is parent for a god who they dont know is already dead so dude become a vengeful spirit possesing a statue and kill peaple, after a while dude enconter immortal little girl with posseded plush and after a while form a brother/sister relationship. Lot of supernatural things.
Book of Sueñmei (name in progress): collection of storys about multiple peaple mostly some isekai one, only 3 have fixed story, the water lord who is a dude that got isekai as a monster seaslug and way way later become know as a guardian of the ocean. Then we have a mouse that get isekai into a prince with the power to become a monster mouse but only the royal mage know about it. And there is a monster sloth living in some sort of reserve that wish to fly. The other are still in développement.
(No name yet): originaly was just a Mairimashita Iruma-kun AU centered about my OCs but i decide to make it is own thing. Shity summarys, 2 demon found a spaceship with animals from all over the univers and when opening one of the cage a human girl began shouting at them with a gun, shenanigan happen and they live together in an abandoned mansion wich have a portal to the human world in the basement. They also encouter space police, ghost, divinity's and monster that definitely should stay as fairytales. It's mostly a not serious story but with serious moment.
If you want to know more about them just ask, and if you have name suggestions please dont be scare to share it.
(why is there a tag limite!!)
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Fnaftober + undertober day 30: fifth/a child long thought dead
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sariels-world-ella · 2 years
How does The Government and the Royal Guard work in Sw!Fallenswap? (don't worry if it's not too much or too much)
Sw!Fallenswap is an Undertale AU, and like how it is in Undertale, the underground is a monarchy. But there are differences.
They have a monarchy, and almost everything is government controlled or regulated, but private and independent businesses and jobs do exist without having to be some sort of government or military personnel. The underground has free schooling and healthcare, most schools and medical facilities are employed Individual(s) who are considered Royal Guard Members and/or Government personnel. 
Depending on who the monarch is, the rulership can differ. More democratic monarchs have been mentioned to exist in the past, but, normally, Monsters rely too much on a hierarchy of power by a pre-selected individual to function and democratic efforts have either been failures or caused unrest among the citizens, it’s worthy to note, most monsters can be very hive minded when it comes to rulership and very willing to cooperate work as a unit, and prefer to work together than as individuals.
this is probably the reason why Monster kind only been in 4 wars and with only 1 ending with loss (though, Humans were almost driven to extinction as a result, due to The Supernatural Order being more powerful, and The Monsters being more technologically advanced, coordinated, widespread, diverse and unified.) and 2 of the wars was amongst themselves.
The Monarch, (known as the Gromire, but will be referred to the monarch) is mostly the true ruler, but during the beginning of the Dreemurr Dynasty, in 35,880,345 B.C.E (P.S: monsters been around since around when magic and energy created structure bonds, that's why the time frame is extremely far back), as the agreement for the Undead Horde to rejoin the Monster Kingdom, an Undead was appointed as a co-ruler, called “The Honor” (not to be confused with a judge),  to represent The Undeads’ wishes to be represented and unsuppressed, as well to act as a dual power of the monarch. they will always side with what is best for the public over the government in most cases.
it's a pretty thought out thing so if you don't want to read it all, i'll just put it under the cut
Military/Royal Guard. 
Monster kingdom has a “Royal Guard''; Royal Guard members are defined as “employees appointed, approved or hired by The Monarch that can be deployed to fight and/or perform military duties when necessary”. 
Monsters can serve in multiple areas at the same time. All Royal Guard members serve under the Monarch and must listen to anything the monarch says without question, or face possible criminal charges, though Toriel has given the royal guard more individual automaty, direct crimes against the crown can result in serious punishment.
Some branches will have a Monster who delegates management of The Guard in certain areas, but the Monarch has final authority over any decision made by delegated individuals (Ex: The Current Spouse of the Monarch, Captain of The Royal Guard, General of the Royal Military, Head of intelligence, The Honor (Grandpa Semi), Lead Royal Scientist, Head of the Crown's Health department and so on).  
All Guard members go through basic combat training, and must pass the same final combat test, but depending on what part of the royal guard they are on, more training is required and, on top of the original final test, other tests will be administered. a minimum of 2 years of training will be required to take the final test, if they fail they will have to go through training again until they feel fit to retake it. 
All Guard Members are required to either attend weekly, monthly, or yearly retraining sessions to make sure their skills are up to date and fully combat ready, this depends on the skill level of the individual and the job they are in, ex: Military Members will do this more often than Medical workers.
 The Royal Guard contains: 
Military personnel, which contain fighting forces and intelligence. They are issued special military badges and high level clearance.  
Fighting forces participate in, well, combat, they are highly trained and go through weekly tests and exercises, which contained things like bomb diffusion, hand to hand sparing, obstacle courses, weight lifting, ect. They are usually inactive unless it’s during war time, they are incharge of doing government missions, like taking out terrorist groups.
Intelligence covers: government hackers, investigators, scientists, spys, military technology personnel. They wear both ceremonial clothing that looks similar to human military uniform as well as strong more modern looking armor during battle. Assassins and hitmen that work for The Crown also fall under military personnel but they can also be part of the Elite. 
The Royal Guard Elites, which is basically a special type of military personnel, but are specifically only for undercover missions. They are a small selective group of intelligent monsters with high battle experience. They wear little to no metal armor, and usually sport a black color scheme clothing and wearing a military badge.
Castle guards, first line of defense of the castle, very distinguishable from other Royal Guard members, with their light silver medieval-like armor, with golden accents, a huge Deltarune on the one piece chestplate and the tightly woven, one piece, black, chainmail suit underneath. They maintain posts at the castle. 2-5 at minimum follow around the monarch when outside of the castle. They are the ones on duty during public events involving the Monarch or any other royalty/nobility, government funded weddings, and funerals. They also will be the ones who stand guard during military funerals, as most of the military will be busy participating in the funeral of their fallen comrade(s).
Law Enforcement, This is one of the few Royal Guard groups that directly protect the citizens and aid the public instead of protecting and working for only The Crown, in case of public emergency they will take over a resolve any threat. The major ones seen are the ones that work in a way that surface police do, these Monsters are stationed around the underground and maintain order and to protect citizens from harm by any means necessary. They all wear mostly medieval or fantasy styled armor that is made for the area they reside in, with various individual differences depending on their monster race or fighting/magic/weapon speciality, but all sport the Deltarune.
Government level Medical Professionals: this is a special branch of the royal guard, though not in normal function, they are legally royal guard members and must go through basic combat training on top of medical training, and required to aid in war as medics. It is a non combat branch, these cover most hospital workers who are employed directly by the government and not private practices. All government medical professionals MUST carry a badge and sport the Deltarune.
Head Royal Scientist: Technically, the Head Royal Scientist is in the Royal Guard due to passing basic Royal Guard combat training, but they do NOT need to wear The Deltarune Symbol on their clothing/uniform, nor participate in battle, unless the military intelligence branch of the Royal Guard calls upon aid of the science department. They need to pass basic royal guard combat training and they will be issued a Royal Guard badge, keys to the lab and related places, high level clearance and a lab key card. Everyone under the royal scientist in the science department they reside over are NOT royal guard members but government personnel and have a government issued badge and must go through government screening, background checks, and pass a moral judgment test. The Head Royal Scientist will also need to go through government screening and be issued a badge stating they are, also, government personnel.
Government Personnel
In the underground, Monster Government Personnel are defined as “employees appointed, hired or approved by The Monarch, that also passes government screening, and will complete tasks on the monarchs behalf and ARE NOT called upon to aid in combat”
Government Personnel perform tasks instructed by The Monarch, they must go to certain schools to be qualified, then must pass a government screening, background checks, and pass a moral judgment test. 
Most are given high-level clearance, full transparency with the Royal Guard, keys to almost all government owned properties, (military zones, certain schools, lab, hospitals, the castle, and so on) and, depending on their job, they must wear The Deltarune and have their badge visible at all times. 
Every time a monarch dies, retires or abdicates, all delegated powers that are government personnel must be approved by the new monarch, this is not the case for The Royal Guard except for The Head of The Crown's Health Department.
Monster Government Personnel can include:
Any Scientists working under the head royal scientist, sometimes there is none.
Non-private school teachers (usually colleges or universities have teachers who are classified as government personnel due to them needing to pass the government screening)
The Royal Judge (normal judges are not hired directly by the monarch)
Delegated powers, (some fall under royal guard too)
News providers, any independent news providers must have their report pre-screened before release, failure to comply and airing non-government approved stories can result in arrest and trial.
Government-hired Lawyers (not private lawyers who participate in civil cases)
Anyone hired directly by the monarch that passes qualifications and screening, and is NOT required to participate or aid in combat when violence or war occurs.
Judicial and Law:
Monster Law is either passed or undone by The Monarch and approved by The Honor or submitted by civilian request, submitted requests must be approved by The Monarch then goes to a public vote, any monster over the age of 20 can vote to deny or pass the law, but nothing is technically stopping the monarch from getting rid of the law or adding the law anyway, but usually this doesn’t happen.
Not much is known about the Judicial branch, besides that there is a judge, either in:
The Judgment Hall: it is held by the Royal judge alone and they give you the verdict and they admistrates the punishment themselves.
In court: depending on the crime, or if it’s just a civil court case, it can just be a judge (not The Royal judge) and a government or private paid lawyer, and a whole jury. It can also have either The Monarch, The Honor or The General present in court. 
When it’s a crime against the crown, (like treason) or any crime that can result in death, it will be held in the throne room: The Monarch will be with the Honor and The General, (or any other delegated power that is involved) while surrounded by Castle guard, and Military forces on standby and the defendant will be handcuffed. The Monarch takes the judgment role and can sentence the traitor to death unless The Judge, The Honor and The General, vote against it, or save them from the death penalty if The Judge, The Honor and The General vote for the death penalty. If the death penalty vote is split, the Royal Judge will break the tie. (and there is plenty of things to get the death penalty for in underground law, one of them is cheating on a spouse)
When Death penalty is given, it will be a public execution, the crime will be stated and after certain protocols the monster will be executed in whichever way is most effective. (ex: Vampires will be exposed to UV Light or staked, and a fire elemental will be drowned, a werewolf will be shot with a silver bullet. ect.).
If a punishment is viewed unethical or creates enough protest by the public, a prisoner can be released by public demand, this is the only time the public can protest without risk of arrest and being taken into custody.
If the monarch is assassinated, no trial will be held and almost the whole Royal Guard will be tasked to kill the suspect on sight.
The Royal Guard Elites will be tasked to silence anyone who speaks against the government and the News Providers must distribute a cover-up, (Historical Books are the only thing protected from censorship and withdrawal from the government).
Anyone who tries to expose a coverup will either be taken into custody, no matter status, but, if the monarch approves leaked information, then the monster will be released. 
It's unknown what happens to Monsters in custody. No citizen was brave enough to ask, and if they did… they are probably not around anymore...
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a-snow-decahedron · 3 years
You should not have asked for cursed ideas because i have a bunch of them to share and curse people with
But the craziest of all of them, I need to say, is that, one day, for no reason at all, i said "what if sans and jevil were twins?"
And oh boy, (this is a damm rollercoaster im already warning u), i didn't stop there
I imagined half of this before chapter 2, and then i updated it after. Im going to say only the uptaded version
So, Sans (also Sans' name is "Boone" u need to know) and Jevil are twins, but Papyrus is gaster nephew. Also, gaster is actually "Aster" and his brother (papyrus' dad) is Wingdings, both of them are scientists, but WD is more important. Papyrus also has a twin whose name is ACTUALLY Sans. Papyrus family is made of humans, papyrus is a human, and he is from a universe called "unrelated" where monster and humans had a battle, but it end up in peace. One day WD invents a machine to travel between universes but he ends up dying in the experiments. Aster cries bc his brother is dead but improves the machine and travels to undertale world. Sadly, his body gets deformed, so monsters from ut cant tell he isnt one of them (this is before asriel is born). He comes back to his universe finally feeling he can be smth more than his brother shadow. Dont ask me how bc i didnt think that much but he becames he royal scientist using the name of his brother (wingdings gaster) while also working in having a new body in his own univers (oh yeah he also plans to make undyne the "great warrior" and injects determination on her eyes bc he belivee she is the only one who can survive bc she is already determined, she does, but the injected dt is now dormant inside of her body)
Evently he opens a portal to deltarune too, and learns about dark worlds. He is kind of going insane now and he meets with the titans (for reasons) who reveal that his world is a videogame and his existence doesnt matter. He makes some deals and he has powers now bam
He enters in contact with seven manlets (three being jevil, spamton and sans who is called boone) to make a new body later and also destroy his own universe (the gasters followers would be the versions of that world of the monsters we already know that have been destroyed) and idk makes holes in his nephews hands (like jesus himself) bc he didnt want to be alone with the holes then he jumps in the core and papyrus and sans try to escape his new followers by going through the machine and end up in the deltarune world, but they fall into a dark fountain somewhere and die, but like, not totally
They end up being selfaware amalgams that can shape shift lololol they meet BooneSans and Jevil who are kind of not fine at this point, and both trust in gaster, so papyrus and his twin tell them that gaster is actually not that trustful and will not give them freedom and they believe for some reason
Papyrus and twinSans decide they need to separate or else gaster is gonna take their undead corpse (did i mention they are kind of immortal now?), so the four of them make a plan
TwinSans gives BooneSans their soul (they can survive without it now), so he can swap places with them and go to the light world, but the game would crash if they stayed with the same names so they swapped names too
Sans (the skeleton one) makes a copy of the machine and they go to the light world pretending to be brothers bc papyrus shapeshift to a skeleton... Or so they thought. Sans didn't build it correctly and they end up in undertale world trapped :))
But like, the universes had a half reset bc the codes were too confused, so sans and papyrus notice they startes forgetting about their twins and the same goes to Jevil and Boone, so papyrus draws the "don't forget" thing and boone sings that one music yknow
Sans tries to talk to alphys (bc she is the scientist who replaced gaster she has to be good) so she can help him... But she isnt in the best conditions bc she just created flowey and the amalgamates- anyways they both fail but now gaster has alphys in his aim bc she is a WONDERFUL PIECE in his words or smth
Oh yeah also jevil fights wit spamton, they divorce, jevil is so sad that he doesn't notice gaster took papyrus twin and they die :( jevil eventually forgets about them, goes totally crazy, and then is locked up
Now we are in the same point of time in the games and papyrus is incapable of sleeping bc hes dead bam bam
But why would gaster want seven manlets? Well, i said it before, he wants to make a new body. After jumping in the core, hes shattered, and he gives a piece of him to each one of the manlets to eat. Eventually they will melt with only one body part left, he will take all of the body parts, make a new body, "enter" inside of it and ascends to [[HEAVEN]] (he will became god). He is obsessed with this bc the titans told him about us (the player) and he wants to be like us, he is putting the player in all of this adventures so WE can have fun
He is manipulating kris bc they are also under their brother, asriel, shadow so they can understand each other somehow idk
When you do a genocide route sans actually doesn't die bc you hit a ketchuo inside of him and he takes papyrus who also can't die and both go and, with the energy the player has provided, make the machine work and go to deltarune find their twins that they almost forgot about
Well, is an idea i like to make more and more nonsensical and illogical with time, bc it doesn't have any base on canon. I swear im not like this most of the times
Anyways, am i the ask from your dream?
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[Image description: A two panel comic showing a Tumblr Anonymous talking from their car to a fast food employee. In the first panel, the Tumblr Anon is speaking, their speech bubble extending to he top of the screen, implying that the text from the ask is what the character is saying. In the second panel the fast food employee holds a couple of plastic cups and is staring at the anon in shock. End of ID.]
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vex-bittys · 4 years
Hello owo I wanted to ask a question about undertale skeleton monster in general. Namely, do you think that they are monster that just look like skeletons, or that they are reanimated undead? Because I saw a comment from somebody calling sans and papyrus "renevants"
*I really like @sons-of-sirens answer to this ask, but I would like to elaborate.
*Only Toby Fox truly knows the answer to this question. Everyone else’s thoughts are just ideas, conjecture, and opinions. This means that if you see them as revenants, that’s ok. If you view them as a specific type of monster, that’s ok too. 
*I believe that the skeletons are a specific type of monster, not undead, not revenants. To me, they were never human, and I will explain why!
1st reason:
*In the Undertale game, there are several instances where we see something both as a monster and in a non-monster form. There is a mouse who fills you with Determination as you pass through Snowdin forest. This mouse is an animal living in a small hole. In Snowdin town, we see Scarf Mouse, a mouse-monster. They are not the same thing. A bunny monster in Snowdin Town has a pet bunny. They are clearly two entirely different types of creature. Pet Rock is not the same as the Rock Slimes who live North of Snowdin Town, and Annoying Dog is not the same type of dgo as the Snowdin Royal Guard.
2nd reason:
*Humans SOULs are different from monster SOULs. Skeleton monsters (Sans and Papyrus), have monster SOULs, not human SOULs. As far as game lore goes, there is no indication that a human SOUL could somehow become a monster SOUL, only that the power of a human SOUL can be utilized by a mosnter.
3rd reason:
*After the war, monsters and humans were separated by the Barrier. Monsters were forced to live in the Underground, and humans live on the Surface. If skeleton monsters were somehow animated corpses, it is possible that the Surface would still have them popping up occasionally and that there would be none in the Underground unless they had fought in the war and been banished there. Very few of the monsters in the Underground have seen the Surface, which makes it very unlikely that Sans and Papyrus came from humans.
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aksolawdle · 7 months
p.s. if everything is ok I won’t leave.
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stem-sister-scuffle · 8 months
Alphys (Undertale) vs Maru (Stardew Valley)
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Alphys is a Roboticist, Biologist and Souls/Determination Researcher!
Maru is a Roboticist, Medic (Nurse), Biologist and has an interest in Astronomy!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
"Because she messed with DETERMINATION and made Amalgamates, blending monsters into each other to form horrible combinations of undead beings. She’s a lesbian"
"Man made horrors, overwhelming guilt, cute lizard girl, bisexual"
"SHE'S SO CUTE. She's awkward and shy but you can tell she knows a lot about what she does!! She's also a bit of a tragic character considering her biological endeavors have gone kinda. wrong. SHE'S BI AND LIKE ANIME 🫶"
"Ultra qualified women with deep scientific knowledge who are also massive anime nerds and can't hold a simple conversation represent!"
"idk she's kind of just. The Royal Scientist . built a robot and put a soul in it. tried to bring monsters back to life, this failed miserably. did research on souls and determination. has a kickass lab. also nerdy as hell and can't just. tell the truth to save her life. love her"
"I don't think we have a word for "works with SOULs and DETERMINATION, including fusing ghosts with robot bodies and creating immortal abominations of multiple people stuck together." I guess you could probably just put her down as Robotics. Mechatronics or something. Like sure she melted a bunch of guys, but she takes responsibility! Feeds em dog food! That takes responsibility. Bisexual"
"She had a friend who was a ghost, and they wanted to be famous! So she used her knowledge of robotics to build them a new body how they wanted! He became famous, as he wished! And Alphys worked on a bigger, better body that fit him well, though it used up a lot of power and needed more upgrades, hence why it wasn’t used often until the final battle with him (Him being Mettaton). But basically, Mettaton got a new body the way he liked it, changed his name, and started going by different pronouns (Mettaton is only ever referred to by they/them when people reference the ghost). Alphys allowed him to feel much happier as himself, and they’re great friends! Though, she did pretend that she created Mettaton and his SOUL herself, no ghostliness involved. But Mettaton did agree to that.
Because of her perceived achievement, (though her actual achievement was also pretty cool) Alphys was hired as the Royal Scientist for the Underground, and got to work with Asgore, the king of all monsters! She continued working with Mettaton, and Asgore asked her to try and find a way to break the barrier that was trapping them Underground without killing humans. Alphys found an interesting thing called Determination, or DT within humans using the SOULs of humans Asgore had killed and allowed her access to.
She tested it on some flowers in his garden to see what would happen, and nothing did. That she realized at the time, anyway. She had actually injected DT into a flower sprinkled with the remains of Asriel, the king’s dead son, and brought him back to life as a flower. Problem was, Asriel, or Flowey as he eventually called himself, didn’t have a SOUL anymore, since he was a flower. Thinking that nothing had happened, Alphys decided to try and see if it could really bring back monsters that had fallen down/were on the verge of death. She asked people for their family members that had fallen down. The monsters that had fallen down were basically dead, but the last of their magic hadn’t quite run out yet. However, their magic was being spent keeping their bodies from turning to dust, and they were unable to move, pretty much in a coma. So really, if it didn’t work, no harm done! Either it works and they live, it kills them, or it doesn’t do anything and they still die!
Alphys conducted her tests, and at first, it worked! All of the monsters were getting up and moving around! She contacted the families to send them back, but when she was about to, she discovered they had all started melting and had stuck together and merged into one being. She chickened out for fear of how the families would react, and proceeded to ignore a bunch of letters for quite a while. Eventually, she did own up to it, though she was immediately fired (by the EX-queen, not Asgore. Was that even legal?). The families were just happy to have their loved ones back, and while they were still somewhat upset, understandably so, they didn’t really blame her all too much.
ALSO!! She got a girlfriend!! She’s canonically expressed interest in Undyne, Captain of the Royal Guard and who would eventually be her girlfriend, Asgore, and the unknowable! She has made mistakes. Big ones. But honestly, I don’t blame her for the mistakes. The real problem was that she is incredibly anxious and let that get the better of her, leading to her not telling people important things that they deserved to know. She’s not the best at being honest."
"She is interested in robotics and even builds a giant robot in one of her special events if the player is close enough friends with her. Her father was the one who introduced her to STEM in general, as he is researching the environment in game and I believe it's stated or implied that she often helps him with his research (I'm pretty sure, at least, but it has been a while since I've played and this event is at the very beginning of the game)"
"She's this teenager who is just brilliant despite, you know, living god knows where in a tiny town. She built an actual robot and then it immediately gained sentience so she just set it free. So she's like a scientist with morals!!! Also she can be a love interest in the game. So you can romance this scientist girl, and some of her fav gifts are battery packs and gold bars which she uses for building robots <3"
"She lives with her mom and dad and loves science, she made an entire robot to help her parents because she was worried about them not having help when she's not around. She let the robot go because the robot didn't want to to serve it's "purpose." She loves cheesy cauliflower, literally the perfect woman"
"You can have a lesbian wedding with her! UwU"
"She’s interested in lots of general sciences, but she does plant biology with her father, nursing as a job (so medical sciences), and for fun she likes astronomy and robotics! Her whole personality is literally built around being an STEM girlboss! Her father is a scientist and her mother is a carpenter and and her brother is a programmer…. Autistic nerd family frfr"
"She literally builds a sentient robot who comes to life and leaves to explore the stars. Very skilled in her chosen field!!! AND she acts as a nurse TOO? Very busy, very smart. If you marry her, she suggests you automate your farm. It's always funny because I already have."
"She helps her dad with his biological research into the valley's native flora and fauna. When she's not doing that, she loves inventing things and tinkering around. Her favored gifts are almost all things that can be used in her inventions. At the end of her route she builds A SENTIENT ROBOT. She also works as a nurse part-time."
""Maru acquired a passion for creating gadgets at a young age. When she isn’t in her room, fiddling with tools and machinery, she sometimes does odd jobs at the local clinic." super cool and very pretty"
"Robotics, but she also works in healthcare and dabbles in astronomy :) Literally built an AI beneath her childhood bedroom. I married her one playthrough but tbh she belongs w Penny."
"she is a nurse and the biracial queen we love to see. i married her in all my stardew valley worlds"
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shatterflowerdemon · 3 years
Undertale works in posting order
Undertale works in update order:
Meet n greet in the summer heat (Gen. UF Frisk, UF Paps, UF Sans, UF MK & Reader)
Royal (UF Papyrus/GN? Reader. Royal AU.)
I Don't Like You (UF Sans/GN Reader ft. UF Paps. Soulmate AU. Comedy.)
I Found (GN Reader. Ink, Error, UT Sans, and UT Paps. Ft. Gaster. Crack. No warnings.)
Unprompted (HT Sans/GN Reader/UT Sans ft. Bad sanses. No warnings.)
Souperb, You Kingly Demon. (UF Demon Sans/Reader. Fluff. No warnings.)
Touching me: Touching you (Sans/ Reader. Temporary character death. Angst. Soulmate AU.)
Backbone (GN reader/ UF Papyrus. UF Sans. No warnings)
Catatonic (GN Necromancer!Skeleton! Reader. Underfell Sans/ Reader. Underfell Papyrus & Reader. Tags may change. Death mentioned.)
Surprise Motherfucker (Say Hello To My Little Friend): (Violence. Minor character death. Graphic. HT Sans/ Reader & HT Papyrus. Guns.)
Library (No warnings. GN Reader. Swapfell Papyrus & Swapfell Sans.)
Farmers Almanac (Various. Prompt fill. No warnings nor graphic content)
Redemption is in your embrace (Papyrus/GN Reader. Referenced minor character death, Hurt/Comfort, mentions of Yandere behavior, OOC, Dark themes treated lightly.)
Papyrus keeps his promises (Papyrus/GN Reader. Suggestive, referenced ecto genitalia, consensual, referenced minor character death, mentions of Yandere behavior, OOC, Dark themes treated lightly.)
Oops II (Papyrus/GN Reader. Referenced Yandere behavior, OOC, Murder cleanup offscreen, Suggestive themes, Dark themes treated lightly.)
Oops (Papyrus/GN Reader. Yandere behavior, OOC, Offscreen murder, Suggestive themes, Dark themes treated lightly. Blood. Non-graphic violence.)
Secret Admirer (Sans/GN Monster! Reader. No warnings. Courting behavior, gift giving, King Sans.)
Bejeezus (Sans/GN Reader. Suggestive themes, tentacles, Among us crossover, Fake Sci-fi, UST)
Neighborly (Mobfell! Sans/GN Reader. Implied violence if you squint. Slight paranoia. Fluff.)
Heebie-Jeebies (Sans/GN Reader, tentacles, Among us crossover, Fake Sci-fi, Fear.)
I'm From Out of Town (UF! Sans/GN Reader. Possesive behavior but gentle. Canon divergence. Implied/referenced character death. King Papyrus.)
Pie (Farmtale! Sans/GN Reader/HT! Sans. Consensual, safe and sane Polyamory. Fluff. Major character death referenced.)
My Dear Stalker (Dusttale! Sans/ Reader. Invasion of privacy. Dark themes treated lightly. Turns consensual.
Honey, I'm home! (Horrorswap Papyrus/ AFAB Reader. NSFW.)
Mirror me (Sans/GN Reader. Angst. Hurt/Comfort.)
See me (Sans/ GN Reader + Sans & Reader. Angst. Hurt/ Comfort.)
H is for Hot Dogs (Sans/GN Reader. Fluff. A/B/O if you squint.)
Bodies Are Weird (UF! Papyrus/GN Reader but open to interpretation. Fluff.)
Your friends are the Freaking best (Sans & GN Reader. Papyrus & GN Reader. Pre-slash. Fluff. Pining. Horrortale AU.)
Cum on (Sans/ AFAB Reader. NSFW.)
Freakshow (HT Sans & Paps + GN Reader. Mild Hurt/Comfort. Horrortale.)
Phosphorus (Nightmare/GN? Reader Ft. Bad Sanses. Fantasy AU)
A Human and A Monster Walk Into Electrical... (SF Paps/GN Reader. Among us AU. NSFW.)
Red 2021 (UF Sans/ Reader. Shrek AU.)
ANIME IS REAL (Sans/ Reader Papyrus/ Reader. Foul language. Angst if you blink.)
Skeletal Snippets (Sans/ Reader + Papyrus/ Reader. Ratings per chapter.)
Permafrost and Snow Poffs (Sans/ Reader + Papyrus/ Reader. Diety AU. No warnings apply.)
The Count (UF! Papyrus/GN Reader. Royalty AU. Offscreen character death. Supernatural elements.)
Undead Tenants (Sans/ GN Reader + Papyrus/ Reader. Swearing. Hate speech. Bad cop.)
Chompers, Boss and The Internet Addict (HF Sans/GN Reader + HF Papyrus/ Reader. Non-graphic violence. Soulmate AU. Implied cannibalism. Famine.)
The Artifact (Lamia UF! Sans/ AFAB Reader. Soulmate AU. Fantasy AU. Minor character death.)
Out of the rain (Mobfell! Sans/ Reader. Foul language. Canon typical violence.)
Busy Beans Cafe (Sans Undertale/Reader. Alphys/Undyne. Established relationship. No warnings apply. Fluff.)
My Best friend, the Yandere (May be added to)
Reader inserts (Ongoing)
Tales of an amorous imposter (Ongoing)
Perception (May be added to)
The Freak 'Verse (May be added to)
6666k Celebration (Complete)
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undead-tale · 3 years
Little Known Fact
There was an original version of Undead Tale I wrote back in 2017 or even late 2016 (the dates are fuzzy at best).
It was completely different in tone, writing, character designs, plot... it was basically a different story but with a similar starting point.
I felt like drawing the Sans design from that version, now called "Classic", compared to the final design, or the "True" design, as I consider the current version of Undead Tale the true, final version.
Here is the drawing, and below that will be a list of all the changes and descriptions of the differences behind a read more as to keep the post nice to see if someone just wants to look at the art (the stuff below the read more goes very in depth, be warned, it's long).
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Let's start from the beginning with what changed:
Both stories start with an outbreak stemming from the lab, however,
Classic does not have the backstory of a corrupted reset corrupting the amalgamates and determinations properties. The origins in Classic were never explored.
In the True version, the origins were explored, and the reason why the world is the way it is is also explored through Before the Reset.
In Classic, Undyne fights a massive amalgamate thing in the Lab in the very beginning of the story instead of slowly easing into the events of the outbreak, which True did.
Chara was never present in Classic, and also there was no controlling force of the corrupted.
Corrupted is a term only in True, Classic doesn't have a term to refer to the infected monsters.
Both stories have Frisk fall after the initial outbreak, but Frisk in Classic falls way earlier than Frisk in True (as far as I can see, the timeline of Classic, unfortunately, is not very clear)
Classic explores the surface and humanity above during the events of the Underground. In True, the surface is only seen when Frisk falls and after monster kind escapes. Humanity in True wiped itself out with a war where the details aren't known, and won't be explored, as it's not important. In Classic, there is an outbreak similar to the Underground on the surface which causes an apocalypse.
Both stories have Sans lose an eye, though, as seen in the image, the eye is swapped. Beyond that, there are differences in the two Sans.
Classic Sans is a silently hopeful character, different from normal Sans compared to True, who is basically normal Sans but with some darker tendencies and visions of past timelines (called moments in the story).
Classic Sans lost most if not all magic ability when he was struck by Undyne, resorting to using physical weapons such as pipes or any blunt weapon.
True Sans retains most magic ability, such as teleportation, time stopping, and bones, he just can't use them as often. He does lose Gaster Blasters however, as they would take too much magical energy for him to muster normally.
Classic's outfit has a fluffy hood and a zipped up, torn hoodie, compared to True, who is normal Sans with bandages wrapped around the left side of his skull.
Classic only lost his eye, True had the whole left side of his skull horribly mangled and fractured, which is why the bandage size of both is different.
Classic only has the bandage, True also has the device strapped to his ribs that connects with his soul to amplify the healing process.
True Sans has what are called "moments", where he'll freeze up as he sees a vision of a past timeline, either consisting of the Judgement Hall or of Snowdin which get worse until reaching a turning point in the story near the halfway point. Classic has no such things.
Moving on from Sans, let's go into the other characters in general
Papyrus in Classic retains some confidence, however, he is much more broken and emotionally torn, acting out of character at points (pretty much everyone in Classic is out of character).
True Papyrus is very much like normal Papyrus, only taking things a bit more seriously and being more cautious and concerned for his friends, due to his circumstances.
Classic Papyrus has a kill count of normal monsters, True, however, does not.
Classic Papyrus and Snowdin in general are enemies of the Royal Guard, due to a plot point where Snowdin and the Royal Guard enter a conflict.
True Papyrus and Snowdin are very much allies and apart of the Royal Guard, Papyrus being ranked Lieutenant, commanding all Snowdin units.
Undyne in Classic acts very out of character with the little time she appeared in, she isn't as confident, she's a lot more cold, and attacks Sans with intent to kill.
True Undyne is like normal Undyne, and her attack against Sans was completely accidental, as she meant to attack another character named Fang for kidnapping Sans and Papyrus.
Papyrus and Undyne fight with the intent of killing one another in Classic. In True, Papyrus fights to slow Undyne down and let Sans and Frisk escapes, Undyne fights to get past him and capture/kill Frisk, attempting to pass him with every opportunity, not wanting to hurt him. In True, neither were fighting to kill.
Classic Undyne exiles herself out of shame after her battle with Papyrus in Snowdin. True Undyne remains the Captain of the Royal Guard throughout the entire story.
Classic Asgore is seen too little to really judge his character, same for Alphys. True is normal Asgore but affected by circumstances, again, same for Alphys.
Mettaton in Classic is missing, while Mettaton in True is similar to his normal self, albeit more cruel and harsh when Frisk meets him, becoming a minor antagonist before having a change of heart at the end of their fight in the CORE.
Mettaton's disappearance in Classic would've tied into a plot point, which I'll explore later on.
Classic Toriel allows monsters from Snowdin into the Ruins during the outbreak, accidentally bringing it to the Ruins. No such event happens in True.
Classic Toriel is the most in character of the cast, remaining mostly consistent with normal Toriel. True Toriel is normal Toriel until she leaves the Ruins, where circumstances and events change her.
Classic Flowey is infected very early on, True Flowey remains uninfected and even becomes the controller of the corrupted near the end. In True, he is very much normal Flowey.
Classic Frisk is more like fanon Frisk (meaning she's just a soft little pacifist who wouldn't harm a fly. Glad I didn't continue with this in True, because holy hell that would've been boring).
True Frisk is much more of her own character, she doesn't want to hurt anyone, but she won't hesitate to fight when she knows she's in danger, plus her backstory and her motivations, along with having to deal with the trauma's shes faced later on.
True Frisk also older, being 10 when she first falls and being around 13 at the end. Classic Frisk is around 8 when she falls, if I remember right.
Classic didn't go far enough into the plot for Classic Frisk to even leave the Ruins or have to face inner demons and trauma. True Frisk is very, very different.
Classic Chara doesn't even exist. True Chara is corrupted determination in it's purest form, and is a prominent antagonist, controlling the corrupted at one point.
There are characters exclusive to both version. In True, Fang, Ferno, and the entire gang Fang leads are exclusive to True.
In Classic, the exclusive characters are Artico, Stitch, Rycher (pronounced ri ker for some reason), Carly (Artico's daughter) and Ethan (Artico's son). These characters were a part of a spinoff story called "A New Monarch", which was establishing a new kingdom/rival for the Royal Guard. They would've been antagonists later on, similar to the Saviors from The Walking Dead, if memory serves me right.
Rycher and Stitch would've had been in a relationship later on.
Another exclusive character to Classic is Flynn, who is the third monster Frisk meets after Flowey and Toriel (he was an OC I made on Undertale Amino years ago, my account on which has since been deleted)
There is one more Classic exclusive character named Charlie. I go more in depth on him later.
There are more Classic exclusive characters, but they're not notable enough to go into here.
Finally moving on from characters, we go onto the plot/setting
The basic plot of Classic goes like this (I won't do the same for True, as that is very, very long, and I'd like people to read it on AO3):
The outbreak begins, Asgore is escorted from the Capital as it falls. Sans and Papyrus fight back an attack from Snowdin, and set up defenses.
A plot point arises where the weather in Snowdin becomes harsh, to the point where monsters die outside the village or flee to the Ruins. One of the monsters is bit before hand, and brings the infection into the Ruins, infecting Flowey and beginning to spread there.
Members of the Snowdin Safe Zone steal from the Royal Guard, which causes the Guard to retaliate against Snowdin and assault the town, Sans and Papyrus fighting them back, killing many. This is the fight where Sans is almost killed by Undyne, who is then almost killed by Papyrus before he rushes to get Sans to the village.
Sans loses his eye, and Undyne exiles herself.
Frisk falls later on, almost get's killed by Flowey, but is saved and taken home by Toriel. This introduces the fact that Toriel's home is now full of monster survivors and that the rest of the Ruins has fallen.
Frisk takes time to heal, and meets Flynn.
In the Capital, within areas known as "Dark Zones" (pretty much ripping off Dying Light), new infected begin appearing simply known as "Them". This leads to the death of two monsters in a short story titled "Them". In True, these would be turned into the acolytes that appear at the end.
Sans and Papyrus receive a broadcast from MTT Resort begging for help, and decide to investigate. They then go to sleep on their way, and are split up, Sans being taken to the Capital while Papyrus is captured and brought to MTT Resort (don't ask, I don't remember why or how).
Sans wakes up in the Capital on a high up roof and encounters a character named Charlie, who brings him to his group in the city hall. He teaches Sans how to survive in the capital later on.
Papyrus wakes up in MTT Resort, hung in the lobby by a rope around his neck with infected all around. He is saved by a stranger on a walkie talkie who begins to tell him what happened. He then tells Papyrus about a mysterious monster who will kill him upon sight, and then tells Papyrus to flee. Papyrus does so and returns to Snowdin.
Stitch and Rycher are brought to the cavern where the new kingdom is by Artico, meeting all the other characters listed in the "A New Monarch" section.
On the surface, an outbreak occurs (somehow, I don't remember), and soldiers move in to the city near Mount Ebott, called Sanctuary City, to save a doctor. The doctor kills himself (ripping off State of Decay: Lifeline).
Scrapped plot lines include:
Disclaimer: The details are very fuzzy at best with this, unknown/forgotten at worst
Mettaton Madness: An event where a group of monsters from Waterfall would have to contend with an army of defective Mettaton drones in the CORE. I don't remember much else about this. Maybe Mettaton would be involved? I don't know.
A plotline on the surface where a city is burning down and being pelted by meteorites or missiles (I don't remember) and a group of survivors have to escape.
Papyrus would die at some point, due to being bit. Sans would put him down. This would happen after Frisk left the Ruins.
Snowdin would fall at some point.
Undyne would have her own story about finding herself or something, I don't know, but I know I wanted to do something with her at one point.
The New Monarch and the Royal Guard would get into some conflict, maybe.
More characters would die I think, and maybe Soriel would be canon? I genuinely don't know and I don't remember. Like I said, everything about this section is fuzzy, as I didn't take notes and I don't remember half of this story anymore.
That's pretty much it.
These two stories are very, very different. If you want to know just how the True version goes, please check out the link to it on AO3. It's long, and it's actually finished compared to Classic, which is not publicly available now, but I might change that in the future. Classic won't be expanded on, and I won't write anything for it ever again. I'm not sure if I'll abandon it entirely, as I could still draw the characters from it, but in all likely hood it'll be forgotten.
True is a much better and more well written story anyway. Classic was just edgy and ripped off so many other zombie stories, and even other Undertale AU's, since it was slightly inspired by Axetale (I saw one video of it, really glad I didn't take many elements from that dumpster fire of an AU) and other fanon edgy content.
Overall, I'm proud of what I've done with the True story and I'm ecstatic to have gotten it finished and released, having people actually read it is so much fun.
I just felt like going into how Undead Tale really started, and the origins it had as an edgy Undertale story I wrote in 2016 - 2017 that really doesn't hold up at all anymore.
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mauriooo · 5 years
Tell us your OCs. I. Have. Intrigue
oh okay um-
first off here’s a link to the masterlist
second a quick explanation of all my non-fandom ocs’ universes i guess? putting them under a cut cos they are LONG… sorry if you just wanted a brief summary of the characters themselves i just saw an opportunity to info dump about all the worldbuilding i’ve done and i took it
the universe with all of the animal ocs (Skye-Inklii on the masterlist) is definitely my most worked-on universe to date cos of all the semi-connected stories in it, the complexity of the world, and the pantheon i’ve kind of come up with? basically it takes place on a continent that has yet to be named but it’s a big place in the middle of an ocean called the Sparkling Sea. the continent is divided into multiple “Kingdoms,” all surrounding the Royal City (where the most important families live) in the middle of the continent. these kingdoms include the Ocean Kingdom (basically a huge gulf connected to the Sparking Sea filled with water-dwelling people, who aren’t mermaids but do have gills and stuff along with the general frame of land-dwellers) and the Smoldering Kingdom (formerly a prosperous matriarchy that was a hotspot (hah) for trading, next to a volcano. almost completely desolated by a conflict commonly known as the Brushfire War, with Ka being the only survivor. residents here were often confused for actual fires from afar, considering their particular subspecies often had small flames all over their body, which could not be snuffed out.). the Royal City is surrounded by an area known as the Outskirts (working name), where people like Skye, Pine, and Lavender who didn’t really have any particular elemental traits of any kind or came from a different kingdom lived. this area is known for having a bustling market and a diverse populace, unlike the other kingdoms whose residents almost always look similar. also there’s a royal family in the Royal City that rule most of the continent (each Kingdom has their own government but really the royal family is up top). the royal family has a royal scientist (undertale influenced a bunch of this ok), currently Hawthorn, previously his father Bramble. Bramble did a bunch of bad stuff so I’m not gonna dwell on him. garbageboy stinkman belongs in the toilet
the universe with Hazel and the ghosties is a universe where basically it’s almost the same as real life but magic, ghosts, demons, and angels exist and it’s not as technologically advanced (phones exist but color tv does not and people don’t rely as much on technology) Hazel and Michael/Virus both have some angel and some demon blood, Michael having more demon than angel and Hazel with vice versa, both having wings of some sort due to this. both their parents are basically human but their descendants (from a time where demons and angels were free to walk the earth) had children with demons/angels and some of those traits got passed down. it’s very rare to pass down traits from one of these entities (about 1 in 1,000 for just one) but Ezekiel/Chance got very lucky and got a little of both, compared to his siblings Cassidy/Jinx and Lisa/Boo who got nothing (but after becoming ghosts Jinx did get some demon traits and Boo got some angel traits). not all ghosts are friendly so those with an affinity for locating the undead are hired to exorcise houses and whatnot, called “ghosters.” Michael was one of the more famous ghosters and so he’s commonly called upon to help in areas, so he and Hazel traveled a lot. i should also mention that with certain rituals one can summon a ghost to help with something (finances, love, etc.) but it’s very hard to pull off (to stabilize a ghost and keep it from returning to the afterlife you have to make a very special necklace from specific gemstones depending on the ghost, and one for yourself to make sure the ghost can’t hurt you and it has to obey your orders (although you can free it to do what it wishes if you want)) anyways there’s a really dangerous demon that broke free from a seal placed on it hundreds of years ago commonly referred to as the Stalker, the Nothing, and things like that. Michael unknowingly accepted a job to rid an abandoned house in a quaint little town of this thing, and brought Hazel with him. it uh… didn’t go well :D this thing HATES angels cos a half-angel sealed it away so it attempted to kill Hazel because she bears a strong resemblance to the being that sealed it away. Michael didn’t like that so he barely managed to seal it away for a few more years but got like,,, a LOT of vital organs ripped out in the process. this, understandably, traumatized Hazel cos that was her last living family member being ripped to shreds in front of her so she went back to the town where she, first, scared 99% of the population cos she was DRENCHED in blood but then she got cleaned up and sent to a nearby orphanage where she was immediately adopted by a p mean family cos they thought she could summon a ghost to make them rich? she ended up summoning Virus (who didn’t recognize her cos ghosts lose most of their memories except for their moment of death, Chance is an exception), and then Jinx, Chance, and Boo all at once cos they died within a few minutes of each other. this took a hard right into backstory territory so imma move on
Gardenia and Ashe live in a world where, rarely, children will be born with their souls basically attuned to an element of nature (often with different subclasses) or creature. these phenomenons are called elementals and mutants, respectively. even rarer, however, is a child being born as both. Gardenia was born without eyes, with the left side of her face being just smooth where her eye should be and the right having a, well, gardenia growing in the place of an eye. also when she bleeds small flowers grow in the wound, which was assumed to be a sort of defense mechanism to plug the wound. because of these, when she was born, she was designated a plant elemental of the flower subclass. ashe was born part-fire elemental, part-salamander mutant. they both ended up at a school specifically for elementals and mutants where they could learn not to destroy things, which is where these two met in about 7th grade? they stayed friends since then and eventually fell in love (even if Gardenia couldn’t see Ashe, she loved her personality and her voice). probably the only universe with no murder so far
Meredy and Connor are robotic entities known as “mechae,” Meredy being made to entertain while Connor was made to fix. these entities were mass-produced to help humans in a futuristic society. they are made with 6 chips: Empathy, Ethics, Functionality, Memory, Intelligence, and Personality. if one of these chips break the entire mecha basically breaks and has to be recalled. Nikki is just a reclusive mechanic who works with Connor because xe saved him from being scrapped after faulty wiring and a broken Functionality chip were discovered upon his activation, causing him to frequently experience small shocks that either overload his system and shut him down or just make him unable to move for a few minutes. Nikki is trying to fix him up but for now just hides him from the public because xe doesn’t want him to be taken away from xir. Meredy is just a broken entertainment mecha whose Functionality and Ethics chip went haywire during a performance, causing uh... not great things? no one died but they got p injured cos metal is heavy and she ran away, eventually getting to Nikki’s shop after they met in a back alley while Meredy was hiding and Nikki was fishing for parts. that’s basically all i have for now
oh christ where do i start with the zodiacs. okay lady fate got sick of having to look after EVERYONE after they died so she basically chose 15 random people (1 for each zodiac sign except for Gemini and Pisces, who got 2) and made it so when they die (mostly by unfortunate circumstances) they go to a special place in the afterlife where every dead person is called their Dominion (i. e. Aquarius Dominion, Taurus Dominion, etc.), and every person in this world goes to the Dominion corresponding to their zodiac sign where the corresponding Zodiac... doesn’t exactly rule over them but controls the Dominion in a way? they basically get to decide what everything looks like and stuff and they get to live in a big ol mansion with everything they could ever need. all of the Dominions are spread in a circle around a central area known as the Hub where people from different signs can intermingle. the entire area has this neat little feature where once you die and get there, any physical ailments are gone. couldn’t walk while you were alive? well now you can! missing one or more limbs? you can choose to get cool substitute limbs made of sparkling ether that function like normal limbs! were you experiencing gender dysphoria in life? your new body fits your preferred gender! finally, you get a necklace or other piece of jewelry that designates your sign so people can tell what you are! i haven’t worked on this world as much cos i didn’t have too many ideas at first but i really like it :o
Endris and Kyu are demons under service of the Demon King. Endris is a demon species known as a Kahre, a genetically engineered soldier race, but his test tube broke and it was too dangerous to put him in a new one so he’s just smol and ended up as a personal servant to the king. Kyu is a Senru, a general/advisor race, who’s like... a giant suck-up. he mostly refers to Endris as “defect” unless he’s saying that Kyu needs to go speak with the king for a bit because then he’s all sunshine and rainbows. there are also the Erina, small scientists and doctors, and Wisps, tiny lil servants that are often formed when a new soul enters the Underworld. i really liked designing all the demons for this universe and i’m prolly gonna make more uwu
Carrie and Zade just live in a normal world? like they could totally be real people in real life and their stories wouldn’t change. Zade, who is Carrie’s best friend since they were toddlers, is a trans guy, so he was having all sorts of anxiety when he had to explain to her why he would rather not be called the name she’s been referring to him as for 10 years. she was definitely fine with it though. as long as he’s happy, she’s happy! but Zade started transitioning in like 8th grade so most other people weren’t as nice cos middle school sucks, and Carrie was basically his only friend for a while. Carrie eventually figured out (mistakenly, i might add) that she was the reason Zade was getting bullied so she assumed that if she was gone he would be happier and have more friends so uh... she did a self oof? her assumption was wrong, obviously. but people did leave him alone for a while to let him grieve.
sorry for the dark turn at the end? but yeah that’s a basic explanation of most of my original universes \ ( -ワ- ) / if you have any questions feel free to ask! also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know if i’m being offensive in any way in any of these??? i really don’t want to offend anyone but i’m an idiot so yeah i probably screwed up a lot
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sariels-world-ella · 3 years
Story can be found on Wattpad and sound track on online sequencer, he also appears on my YouTube channel (Sariel’s world Ella) in some videos.
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Outside of A.U alias: Fallen, Auti
A.U Type: Horror
Age: 103 chronologically, 50+ mentally, and he stopped aging at 27 
date of creation:(Sans wasn’t born) March 24th 1923
height: 5″2 (taller than most A.U Sanses)
weight: around 15 pounds
Alignment: Lawful Neutral occasionally Lawful good
occupations: Royal guard worked as an assassin, spy, and tech, he also maintained a post outside the castle gates (1970s-2015), Prince Consort (2012-2015), temporary monarch (December 3rd 2015 - some short period of time), Leader of Snowdin resistance (2015 - 2026), Underground monarch (2026 - onward in neutral endings where sans doesn’t commit suicide) Engineer (2026 - onward in the end of the true pacifist route where he does not sacrifice himself to save Frisk) 
pronouns: he/him, though in underground languages his and all other monsters go by Olo/Olum/Oluk or whatever pronouns they use in their mother/native language if it's not Monstarian, which is a language ALL monsters can comperhend and at least read, write, or speak it.
status: undead or determinant 
species: monster, type: Undead, race; Skeleton (possibly half lich)
Love interest: Toriel (Deceased wife).
Family: Papyrus Gaster (Brother), J.A River (Mother), Wingding Gaster (Father), Semi Sheriffs aka Grandpa Semi (grandfather, is a scraped Character in Undertale but is canon here), Sariel (biological Daughter), Frisk and MK (Step Children), Fredrick River (never seen but mentioned Uncle, Mother's side), Casteller River (cousin, only mentioned, OG Oc by Sylphs)
Other Relationships: Alphys (underlying, apprentice, he acted as a father figure towards and adventual Nemesis) Napstabot/Napstablook (is described by Sans as "My(his) teenaged son who is actually in their 30s), Private (trusted friend, and fellow guard), Myrtle (mentor, Trainer, former boss), Undyne (acted as role model to her), Gretchen (temporary Lab Partner), Grillby (Friend/Ally), Chara (hates her), Andrew (victim), Royal Guard (employees)
general personality traits: selfless, Grumpy, dull, Straightforward, introvert, family orientated, brave, depressed, intelligent, shy, loyal, tough, strategic, loving towards the ones he cares about, faithful to his lover, disciplined, anti-social, serious and morbid.
He is very tough and stoic because either he's in a bad mood or because of his Autism (He swapped with Papyrus so now Sans is the autistic one), he may come off to be irritable and apathetic but really he is just mentally ill and actually very mature, selfless, dedicated and fatherly.
he only shows a happy excitable immature nature when either having a manic bipolar episode, have taken his medications, around ones he cares about or in possession of his hype fixation/autistic obsessions (spinning tops, science, gears, cats, and jokingly My Little pony but it is not actually canon)  
Main but not all powers and abilities: Teleportation (he can teleport near the speed of light), limitless Telekinesis, light-speed reaction time (can dodge gun shot at a 1in range), River Rivets (Gaster Blasters), shadow shifting, fog generation, object summoning, mid air suspension, natural determination levels, this makes his states increase by 5% each minute in battle, minor telepathy, high Stamata, weapon mastery, minor future probability cognition, master level hacking, science understanding and able to do complex math in seconds, super genius intelligence, Willpower, super human strength(can lift a whole building and uproot a tree and hurl it out of sight),  super sonic hearing, enhanced and night vision, super human reaction time, enhanced speed(can run up to 45 miles per hour normally and in phoenix form he can run up to 170 miles per hour) and 4th wall awareness
immunities: poisoning, lava, fire, heat, cold, pain, fall damage, seduction, blast force, blunt force with armor, mind manipulation, possession
resistance: dark magic, negativity acts, blunt force, cuts, magic attacks, physical attacks
weaknesses: light magic, healing magic, pure spells, loud noises, bright lights, social situations, his own mental illness (monster variants of mild-moderate autism, anger issues, PTSD, Bipolar, and depression to name some) color blindness and blood loss
fears: Trusting others, tongues, cockroaches, intimacy, and being the villian
SW!Fallenswap Sans C. Gaster was created in 1923 when his parents where sparing and the magic cullieded and formed into a physically 4 year old skeleton (Sans), at some point when he was 2 he got his bandana which is actually a piece of scrap fabric, he didn’t not start talking until he was 4 and did not fully start to talk fluently until he was 15, though he had a understanding of language and could read very well.
Papyrus always stayed by Sans’ side and always choose him over his friends. Sans eventually decided to go into hiding after his mother died and the kids broke off his leg (which now he wears a prosetic) during his teenage years he has seen but have not interacted with the integrity soul. Sans eventually leaves his house after 40+ years of hiding when a teenage Muffet breaks his window, when the monsters have seen Sans they ran away in terror because apparently he was made into some sort of folk tale of the guy who kills people in the middle of the night and what not.
when he was 5 he started to refuse treatment, unopened pill bottles can be found in his room in pacifist. Sans was abused and heavily bullied as a young child to a point of causing PTSD and permanent scars, which unlike Papyrus who was very much loved.
Sans does unwillingly join the guard after Papyrus enrolled him so the underground could be more comfortable around him, (Sans actually wanted to be an engineer which he does in post-pacifist). Sans meets Toriel and she falls in love with him, then does confess her love to him and he accepts, the two then eventually get in a relationship but during this he loses the bottom portion of his lower left arm in a surprise ambush attack. During his time in the guard he also meets a child version of Alphys, Undyne and Napstablook/Nappstabot and becomes a adult figure to them, though out his time in the guard he encountered, in order, Patience, Bravery, Kindness, Justice, Perveance and Love (Chara) he spared Kindness, Justice and Love(Chara), but the others where brutally killed by him, which he holds guilt for.
in around 2012 Toriel proposes to Sans and he accepts. in 2015, Sariel Arrus Gaster was created and a few months later Chara Falls down and does an almost pacifist route, but like how Frisk did in Horrortale, she kills Toriel and takes her soul. Sans becomes temporary monarch in result of this, Alphys from Frisk’s influence and jealousy of Sans not spending time with her anymore and feeling betrayed when Sans temporarily suspends her due to her from bad behavior then Alphys gets almost completely taken over by Frisk and Alphys dethrones him.
Sans does escape with Sariel and Papyrus but due to his reluctance to harm Alphys, he was greatly injured in the process, Papyrus was also injured in the attack resulting in a carder in his skull like Horrortale Sans does. Sans teleports all three of them to Snowdin but due to blood loss and the fact it takes a lot of magic to teleport others with him, he passes out eventually awakens in Muffet’s Parlor and he becomes leader of Snowdin to take back the throne from Alphys, in 2026 Andrew(Trust/the player) falls down Sans acts as an antagonist and constantly tries to kill the player (and does succeed, being the main cause of this a.us Game Overs), depending on the player’s choices his future changes from there.
Main end results are:
He commits suicide
He kills Alphys and becomes depressed from it
He snaps and becomes completely insane and commits murder suicide
He sacrifices his soul to save Frisk from the terror realm after she breaks free of her corruption and uses her soul as the final soul to break the barrier which destroys her soul and the other souls in the process
He kills Chara
SW!Fallenswap will glitch if brought out of the Sariel’s world timelines, if they are copied into another timeline or Multiverse, the copy of Fallen!Sans will refer himself and others in his Au as “fake Fallen!(*>insert name here*<)”
He is actually happy
Fallen!Sans is a mommy's boy
He kills Andrew
- he cannot tell female humans from male humans and judges gender by clothing and name as he gets scolded for asking for pronouns since Papyrus is afraid that they’ll think that Sans is flirting with them.
- Fallen NEVER dodges the first attack but will for the next attacks, this is to test attack damage.
- He is the only antagonist in the AU that is not evil, granting him the title of the "Anti-Villain'
- Fallen doesn’t say “Mweh Heh Heh”, he says “ehehehheheh” or “*unholy or insane laughter*”
- when Fallen dusts it makes screaming quiet noises
- he’s voice becomes distorted when messing with game files or putting on his helmet.
- he can force a chapter to be restarted and also skip chapters and keep them from being played again
- Fallen has a weird fascination of human blood and collects body parts to study on.
- the Gaster residence house’s fridge is filled with various animal parts and reeks of formaldehyde. there is also the head of the patience soul in the freezer and in Fallen’s lab he has the Kindness soul in a freezing capsule that makes them seem like they are just sleeping, judging by the books of necromancy and biology it’s possible Fallen is trying to resurrect the kindness soul.
         - the necromancy books is one of the hints to Fallen possibly                      being half- lich.
- Fallen loves to make snarky comebacks and witty remarks
- Fallen’s Main Catchphrase is “BadoshKey!”
- Fallen body is very much damaged, he is covered in scars and cuts most are self inflicted, and his rib cage is almost totally broken and deeply burnt by light magic but it’s held together by duct tape, glue and Determination
- Fallen can teleport outside the barrier though he hates the sun and scared someone causing them to fall to their death so he’s not going to do that again.
- He RARELY smiles, before he lost the ability to feel physical pain, it brought him excruciating pain to smile after he lost it it only brings mental, spiritual and emotional pain to him, the second reason he doesn’t smile is because he doesn’t express his emotion often and usually has his face in a static facial expression, which can vary from looking clueless, bored, neutral, loss in space, surprised or irritated but it doesn’t correlate with his actual emotion
- his eye socket pupil color is a dark navy blue, though it will turn white when feeling certain emotions and get lighter in color when he is happy, instead of being able to go starry eyes (which he is capable of but even with his loss of the ability to feel physical pain it still makes him feel unbearable pain and he will only rarely do it when he is being sarcastic) his eye socket pupils dilate change color to a sky blue and have eye shines in shape of puzzle pieces, though it’s hard to make Fallen happy enough for him to do it.
- Fallen has yellow-green color blindness
- despite his association with blue, his favorite color is purple 
- he made working/stable artificial determination using his own blood, he also aided Gretchen to help make the artificial soul.
- despite his disabilities, lack of social understanding and inability to care for himself, he is easily or close to being the smartest AU Sans and capable of beating enemies who are much stronger than him due to his high intelligence and fighting skills.
- he has an Undying form which is called his Phoenix form, in which he is much stronger than undertale Undyne the Undying 
- despite his soul being unstable and slowly dying, it will persist after death but will explode if the determination is extracted from it.
- his soul will reform to a fully intacted state in his phoenix form granting him to having the full magical capabilities. 
- all his powers are increase in phoenix form
- due to games code it’s impossible to kill him without hacking the game files, if you do hack the files, he will make a remark about it then proceeds into scolding the player and saying he can easily keep going but he’s not gonna reward you with some Easter egg fight
- Fallen was able to hack a government database 
Fallen created a super computer that can directly connect to his AU's Game Files
- He is playable in some portions of gameplay, and will talk to the player and criticize there choices or actions, and make remarks on things they tell him to do and will occasionally flat out refuse.
- Fallen can access the cheat consul and mess around with the files though he only does this after repeated Genocide routes or to jump scare the player.
- he is the only self aware character in Fallenswap and occasionally making very hopeless and pessimistic comments about his existence, aware of resets, which unlike Undertale Sans, he is able to fully recall all resets and give detailed descriptions of past timelines, making references to real life, talking to the narrator, winking at the camera, going off on tangents of his awareness, makes comments about being copywrited if he or someone else uses a trademarked name and he also separates Andrew from the player, and so on
- he makes references to real life events and franchisees though rarely mentions them by name.
- He has a close connection with Asy and Horror and considers Sci an ally.
- Fallen seems to be “liked” by Nightmare for some unknown and very questionable unusual reason and occasionally does favors for Nightmare if Fallen deems it harmless but doesn’t work for him  
- Fallen might know Paper Crane from a ambiguous dialog referring to "a glitching white AU Sans guy" though this could be Aftertale Sans but this is unlikely
- he only refers very few au characters by their actual au names, calling the characters he doesn’t respect or like by nicknames regarding appearance
- in his room, a pill bottle with red dopamine pills can be found, this is a Fran Bow reference
- Fallen Idolizes The Grim Reaper, calling Grim the most powerful monster ever, and even has his autograph
- Fallen hates a lot more things than he likes 
- Fallen knows Baba Yaga, and her apparent phone number can be found on his desk.
- Fallen plays the guitar and piano
- Fallen’s mental illness is untreated unlike Papyrus’ ADHD and Narcolepsy is.
- Fallen is a misanthrope.
- Fallen lacks a sense of smell, taste and touch but he has very much enhanced super sonic hearing and eye sight.
- Fallen hates chocolate because it makes his daughter Sariel sick since she is half boss monster, he also hates it because Chara likes it.
- Fallen carries around lollipops to give to children
- Fallen is the one who made the portal that made him enter the anti-void and made the return pad to return to his au
       - He eventually uses a transdimensional dagger to travel around the multiverse
- he is glad he is not in the underverse series because he doesn’t want to deal with their quote on qoute “Dramatic Bullsh**”
- his au is known to be very negative and to be able to drive people outside his AU insane from being in there even if it was only for 3 minutes, it’s also lets the souless to feel but it only grants negative emotions.
- it’s said the negativity levels go down by 30% when Sans leaves but this is most likely a joke and/or exaggeration by Papyrus view on Sans’ behavior.  
- Fallen is afraid of fanon blueberry
- Fallen and Temmie both judge the Player's/Andrew's actions, Temmie does this in multiple points in the game and Sans does it at the end of the game.
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