#affogato is being tormented
blobbycentral · 5 months
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I read fic where Affogato had short hair and couldn’t resist drawing it soooo—
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anitoko-17294 · 1 month
Stages of Healing au - Licorice Cookie/Luis Halandori
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Most of Licorice's design in the SOH au is inspired by dark choco's after the events of episode 14 of world exploration, as well as some of Licorice's costumes in both CRK & Ovenbreak
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Yes, I’ll make Affagato's appearance in this au as well, and for those who are wondering, he’s doing…somewhat well.
Back to Licorice though, the dude is basically the elephant in the room to the other dark cacao citizens, though he gets along pretty well with SOME of the dark cacaoians and most of the Ruby Cacaoians (Mainly Ruby Choco Cookie) and the other non-dark cacaoians in the Dark Cacao Kingdom, such as the local rice cake hound trainer, Choco Rice Cake Cookie.
He has a lot of guilt from all the shit he put Dark Cacao Cookie and his subjects through back in 2022 (IYKYK), and gets pretty damn pissed off when someone brings it up. He’s also pissed at the Cookies of Darkness (Save for Matcha, Butterroll, Poison Mushroom, Dark Choco, Red Velvet, and Choco Werehound Brute) for nearly screwing over both the dark cacao kingdom AND the Creme Republic.
He’s ESPECIALLY furious at Pomegranate Cookie for 4 reasons:
Just being an asshole in general
Using Dark Choco's trauma against him and using it as a punishment by tormenting him
Causing Dark Cacao to become the Ghoul and nearly getting everyone killed
She attempted to manipulate him into staying in the Cookies of Darkness after he made it known that he and Affogato were leaving
I’ll make a post on affogato cookie in this au at some point in the future
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grumpyjesterr · 5 years
The Bat Family as types of coffee based on that one meme of 
“I want coffee as dark an bitter as my soul” *is given milk*
This is based on the premise that  coffee = the black part of the soul  milk = the pure and wholesome part Foam is the fun part Chocolate is Chocolate
Bruce - Flat White - not a latte, because Batman is both basic AND Not Fun™️ all day, every day. 
Dick - Mocha with whipped cream and sprinkles - pure ray of sunshine, fun to be around, enjoyable to look at, a touch of unforeseen darkness at his core but generally unproblematic. 
Jason - Irish coffee - drunk at 11am on a Tuesday because he is a disaster and knows it. A general mixture of dark brooding and heavy softness, with the absolute chaos of cheap whiskey thrown in for funsies. 
Damian - Café con Leche - The espresso is Damien and the milk slowly being poured in is his constant love for all his animals and his slowly increasing love for Dick, Jon, his Dad, teammates etc. etc. as he becomes less of a bitch. 
Cass - Café Affogato - Is dark and tormented but has a sweet and gentle centre which slowly melts. 
Kate - Espresso - specifically an espresso drunk on the Italian Riviera with a pair of oversized Sunglasses and a suspiciously attractive woman sitting next to her, their fingers lovingly entwined.
Steph - Galao - this is an espresso with an oodle of foamed milk (apparently). I like the dichotomy of a dark tortured underbelly with a light and frothy exterior. Yes yes many of the bats have this, but Steph really is lowkey messed up. (TREAT YOUR FEMALE CHARACTERS RIGHT DC). Ahem. A Galao not a Latte because Steph is not Basic™️. She was spoiler. She wears a purple suit. She has class. 
Tim - Double Latte with misc. syrup. Probably Lavender. - Wants to be like Bruce but isn’t quite traumatised enough, and is just to the left of basic. Would be a single Latte but then he died. Three more traumatic events and he’ll be at the Flat White level.
Barbra - Dead Eye, with an amoretto biscuit on the side, and a Frappe for dessert - She COULD and SHOULD kill anyone who upsets her, but WOULD NOT because she is an angel hence the biscuit and Frappe.
Duke - Hot Chocolate - it’s illegal for him to drink coffee.
Alfred - Tea
Ric - Medium Roast with Whipped Cream and ice - a basic bitch but also deeply upsetting at the same time
Discowing - Mazagran - a disaster
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