unfo11owmelol · 1 year
Ive changed my username so many times by now that I dont even know them all anymore 😂
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nia1sworld · 3 years
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A draw the squad meme or a Centaurworld redraw
Gifts: @ahaha-aimaru
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caelin-ismycity · 5 years
Yo, no hate to Dozla, but... What if that... Was boyd instead.... He would look so good in that outfit???
bor bor  bor obroborobrobr obrBRO
bro i would fucking yeLELL
boyd’s the last borther,,, the las tone before the trinity is compelte,,,,
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godly-feh-edits · 5 years
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chynandri · 5 years
I really missed your ephrom art! So happy you drew something of them again. 💕^^
i always look forward to your reaction in the tags LOL
i’m happy! having more than one ship is hard cuz my mood is ever changing. but i’m happy to feed the 3 ephrom stans in the world when i feel like it. december is basically ephrom season, after all they have MATCHING CHRISTMAS ALTS... 😳
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venteamocha · 6 years
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unfo11owmep1z replied to your post: Honestly, everyone’s done great in this VG and...
Ike is my husband but Gunnthra was always my second choice here <3 I love pastel mom! I’ll be glad to join you and i’ll be exhilarated to see her as the champion!!
It'll be great to have you! I like Ike too, but it's nice that Gunnthra has a chance of winning after intsys did her so dirty lol
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amegafuru · 7 years
Your Sheith artwork is amazing. it's like it's from the actual show! Keep up the good work, friend. ^^
aaaaaah Im so flattered to hear that, thank you! //w\\ 
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lochroma · 3 years
url tag game!
tagged by @pokeharvest :] thank you!! i love exposing people to my painfully emo music taste. and then some! <3
False Cods - Sea in the Sky. yea uh. im sorry for coming right out the gate with that one.
Ambitious - Superfly
Lack Thereof - Sycamour
Song For Isabelle- Pierce the Veil
Everything All At Once - Sea in the Sky
Chasing dreams - Miss Fortune
O.D. - Polyphia
Disco - Chelmico
Satellites - Crown the Empire
tagging uhhhh uhm uhh hmm (shuffling cards) @transike @luminisvii @grlmly @unfo11owmep1z @operationpyrite ......... most of yall have long urls im so sorry. anyways don't have to do it! no hard feelings <3
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unfo11owmelol · 6 months
It seriously is surprising when a name like unfo11owmep1z and a blog description that says "no follows please" still gains followers somehow. Why.
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nia1sworld · 3 years
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SUMMER TIME!!!! 🌞 it's so hot, so I'm drawing fan art on this sunny day!
Gifts to: @adaru32 @lovely-lauren-arts @unfo11owmep1z @ballbots @rossaliu-blog @squigglydigglydoo @wirdhere @dryeguy @alotta-lovin @toycarousel
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caelin-ismycity · 5 years
I literally can't believe Altina is gonna be in the game either--- She was just a backstory legend and now she's PLAYABLE?!? Holy mother of God, quite literally! This is some big dicc Tellius rights oh my goodness
i always thought she looked like such a badass woman but nOW,,, nOW??!!? we get like,,, DIALOGUE from her,,,,, feh,,, thank you,, thank you for my food,,,,
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scribblehooves · 4 years
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Aaaaalright these nerds are done!
1. Geno (@meowtunacaptor ) 2. Vectorman (@daydreamodyssey ) 3. Creamy Mami (@unfo11owmep1z) 4. Cotton Candy Cookie (@hypertomboi ) 5. Sol (@skeletonjenny ) 6. Heavy Weapons Guy (@lunaraderian ) 7. Chrom (@janeykara ) 8. Ann Takamaki (@ask-engiscout ) 9. TOMERPG DemonKing (@gay-nylocke )
Hope you like it!
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vulpiximisa · 5 years
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these are old but I was going through @unfo11owmep1z Ephrom tag (finally found someone else that appreciates the ship...) so i decided to share these
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unfo11owmep1z replied to your post: That it im goign back to minecraft and I TOLD YOU...
So…long story short, those paladin bio pages were also fake? what?? how??? it seems so damn legit though??? It even has info on the galrans…I.. I don’t even know what’s going on anymore. @_@;;
I am not saying they will not have bios but the bios we are seeing do not make any profound since nor do they present a proper repsentation of the characters if we are seeing the bio pages we are seeing a edited version as I mentioned before there is antiqueing around all the bios (mostly centeredaround the age part) so I legimitly do not belive the AGE is there I can see them doing soethign like birthday even pidges bio is WRONG improper MESED UP like tryign to hammer more home her age and not her character.
they do not read right they may be rejects they may be “pulled pages” and we may see somethign diffrent in the guydebook.
on the subject of pulled pages there are numberious reasons a page can be pulled and if they are pulled pages i can garentee you they likely didnt have the Age at all. pulled pages are sometimes valueable but in this case I would say no because I do know for certin we are not seeing the real pages as they apper.
the quality is far too inconsistant, the antiqueing is a positive sign of poor editing and bad rendering (mixing formats without the proper tools to make it seamless)
be cautious they said before the ages were open for intrepretation and I doubt they plain to change that.
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alliecatstrophe · 7 years
unfo11owmep1z replied to your post: hameowlton replied to your post: ...
wtf?? there are actual people gossiping/chasing away others in front of a sheith artist’s booth??? thats some new type of gross discrimination oh my goodness. i feel really sorry for them.
yeah it happened at like pax or something? was pretty gnarly
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Hector/Ike C-A Support
Written by  unfo11owmep1z
Hector: Bah! Eliwood is spending way too much time with Roy nowadays…So does Lillina! What am I to do with them…I might aswell be dead to them, right?!
Hector: …I’ve had it. I need to get my mind off of things…Enough of this! Tell me….is there anyone in this castle willing to fight me?!
Hector: …..
Hector: Grr, of course this isn’t going to work. I should probably take a calmer approach…
Ike: (…I heard shouting. Is there some kind of commotion going on..? No…I probably shouldn’t interfere. I’m sure the veterans around here could quell it. I can’t afford to dawdle around if I am to meet with the others…)
Hector: …Hm? Hey you—! uh, I mean…Hello. Care for a good one-on-one figh—…I mean, uh….chat?
Ike: …? Oh. I’m sorry, but I must be elsewhere. I have people waiting for me.
Hector: Well if it isn’t just my luck—Fine!! It’s not like I needed anyone to….Huh? Hey, wait—! let me just take a look at you for a second…!
[Hector lunged at Ike who was walking away, tugging at the back of his collar.]
Ike: Ack–!? Wh..Wha…?
Hector: Y…You…! You look familiar…Aren’t you…That legendary guy that commander Anna once told us about….? 
Ike: …Don’t grab onto me like that. I frankly have no idea what you’re talking about, and I don’t really have the time right now either. So if you’ll excuse me, I must take my le—
Hector: Hey! not so fast! 
Ike: Argh—!!
Hector: There’s no need to be humble you know!! I think I remember. You’re a rather recent recruit aren’t you? If you’re from one of the newer worlds we’ve been to, then you must be from the World of Radiance. I should welcome you! The name’s Hector.
Ike: …You have quite a grip don’t you..? I’m Ike. Commander of the Greil Mercenaries. And this very “commander” is about to meet with his mercenaries, so I must hurry…Until then.
Hector: Geez….this guy wants to play a cold game with me, eh? But I’m not really in the mood for that. There’s one last thing I still need!
[Hector grabs onto Ike’s cape this time around, and pulls him with even greater force.]
Ike: Whoa—! What the—?!
Hector: …Hey. I know you’re busy and all, but Anna said something about you being the Radiant hero, the strongest from all worlds, and I’m intrigued. You’re kind of smaller than expected, but intriguing nonetheless! You could at least let me know when you are—-
Ike: …Alright. You have dragged me back for about three times now…
Hector: ….Eh?
Ike: Look. If you are so insistent on keeping me here, then I think I should oblige. I can’t afford to get pushed around like this. Let’s get this over with. Draw your weapon…or run while you can.
Hector: Hey….from the look on your face, it seems to me like you’re up for more than just a spar…
Hector: …Heh! That’s more like it! This is just what I needed. A little bit too much is just enough for me. Now…Bring it on!!
[Hector and Ike have reached support rank C.]
Hector: …Hey, Ike! Over here!!
[Hector frantically waves at Ike.]
Ike: …You called for me?
Hector: Yeah! it’s me, Hector, remember? Uh…listen…I…should apologize for my behavior from last time…I might’ve gotten carried away, so, uh…Sorry for being so pushy.
Ike: …No, maybe I should be the one to apologize. I lost my patience, and…we….really got the scoldings of our lives from Titania and Soren….
Hector: Ha! I guess so. I must admit, that tactician of yours sure is something! He’s such an eerie looking guy. How and where did you even get to know a fella like that?
Ike: Uh…well. The war just costed him a bit. I knew him from when we were young. He can be a hardy one I’ll admit, but he’s been invaluable to the Greil mercenaries. Please, be easy on him.
Hector: Really? Huh…Friends at a young age…Was he a spooky creeper like that back then too I wonder…?
Ike: Hey. I heard that. I just told you the war costed him, didn’t I…?
Hector: Ha ha! Sorry, I’m just messing around. If anything, I’m impressed that you were able to befriend a guy like that! I wouldn’t have been able to crack open such a cold shell in a life time…
Ike: ….And that should be a compliment? Right. I think I’ll take my leave. Goodbye. 
Hector: W-Wait–Ike! Blast!! I’m sorry okay!? I just needed to apologize to you–I won’t say anything about him again, honest!
[Ike, just after turning around to walk away, stops to look Hector in the eye. Then calmly proceeds to speak the following words:]
Ike: …..Fooled ya’.
Hector: W-What!? Why you…!!
Ike: …Heh. Are you satisfied now..?
Hector: Hey…That’s a smile if I’ve ever seen one! It’s the first time I see you smile like that.
Ike: …I seem to hear that one a lot. It sure has been quite the eventful day, hasn’t it? We started on a rather rough note, but uh….Nice to meet you. Hector, was it? 
Hector: Yeah! Well met, Ike. 
Ike: Likewise. I’m glad we could meet under better circumstances. I also never knew you were a noble, actually. The way you were so eager to fight would make me think that you were a knight or even another mercenary….
Hector: Ha! Guilty as charged. I’ve always preferred swinging an axe over diplomacy. I’ve never been much of the sophisticated nor the refined type. 
Ike: I see…Well, that’s fine. I’ve never been good with fancy things or fancy people either way…Such is the life of a peasant sellsword like me, I guess. 
Hector: …You talk as if you’ve seen it all. But on the other hand, you’re on high demand and get challenged a lot by others, don’t you?   
Ike: I suppose. I can’t deny that I had a lot of soldiers come up to me. Sometimes for advice. Sometimes for a fight. Sometimes just to test me. 
Hector: Test you? in what way?
Ike: Yes, Well… I went through a long time where I was practically looked down upon. It took a while to gain some respect. I was told that I looked like a rookie. Well, can’t say I don’t agree with them. 
Hector: Huh. And yet, here in Askr they can only brag about you. So what’s the truth?
Ike: Well. I remember there being this woman once ago, who came bragging to me about her powers and skills, and how suited she would be for our army. She eventually asked to see the army commander, so she could be granted permission to join us. Not knowing that the army commander at that time…was actually me.
Hector: Oogh. That’s rough.
Ike: Ha, yeah. But it gives you an idea on how overlooked I was. Not that I mind, I’ve never been much for popularity. 
Hector: Oh? Is that so…?
Ike: Yeah. Although now, I suddenly walk around getting praised and requests from many who look up to me…It all just feels strange to me. Might also just be part why I prefer to train alone. I focus a lot better, but it also just feels more…natural.
Hector: You don’t say….Is that why you wanted to run away the first time we met? You could’ve just said something.
Ike: …I was preoccupied with duties, Hector. Anyway…even though we were both heated, I really enjoyed our fight. You have so much power…And I was rather surprised to see you handle an axe so well.
Hector: Hey, I taught myself by often sneaking out to fight in the ring, so I’d better be good at it! But I guess you don’t see many axe lords walking around here, huh.
Ike: I applaud it. The way you swing your axe about is making me nostalgic…My father used to wield an axe too, you know. Urvan. 
Hector: Really? Well, who would’ve thought!
Ike:..Ah, he wielded a sword before that however, before he s—…oh….nevermind.
Hector: What was that? It felt like you were really onto something, don’t shy away now! 
Ike: No, It’s nothing….
Hector: Why would you bring it up like that, then?! Hey…Don’t tell me… Do I per chance…resemble your father…?
Ike: W-what!? ….Uh….Well….That’s quite the claim….But that’s certainly not the case. You…couldn’t even compare to him.
Hector: Hey! What’s that supposed to mean!?
Ike: M-My bad, I’m just trying to say that the two of you look very different, that’s all. Though no matter how I look at it, no man could match to his caliber. He was stern, but ever so benevolent. He’s a great man.
Hector: Bah! I could act the part too! And I mean…don’t I look like you, though?
Ike: Uh, I’d say….you look more like…….
[Ike suddenly falls silent and closes his eyes for a moment.]
Ike: …..Mother…….. 
Hector: ………..
Ike: …….
Ike: …..Wait– no–! It was just–! your hair and—! I only meant by the eyes and hair color!! S-sorry, I’ve only just realized how weird it—! Ugh, it came out a lot worse than I thought it would….
Hector: ……Phhfff….heh…..Ahahahah!!!  
Ike: Don’t laugh! Stop…please forget what I just said…
Hector: Haha–! No no, it’s fine! If anything, I’m…just laughing because I’m…! I…I can’t help but picture a very muscular mother!!! Haha–!! Oh, I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time!!
Ike: W-what!?! You!! …And here I thought I ought to feel bad and apologize to you for blurting out something like that…! If you’re just going to keep on laughing then I’m just going….to go!
Hector: Ha-haa–W-wait..! Ike–! Come back!!
Hector: snrrk!…Well well… I don’t think I’ve ever seen Ike so red before…I can’t tell if he’s either angry or embarrassed! 
[Hector and Ike have reached support rank B.]
Hector: …Hey, Ike! Good job out there. You really held it down on the battlefield.
Ike: Ah…Thank you. You too. 
Hector: ((Oh. Finally decided to speak to me after pairing up so many times…))
Hector: Uh… say… are you still mad about last time…?
Ike: ….I was never really mad.
Hector: Really? You’re saying that with such a serious face though….
Ike: Oh, sorry. I’ve been told that I frown a lot. It’s a habit that never went away…But really, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.
Hector: Then, if all is well…Tell me. Why did you…mention your mother like that?
Ike: ….I can’t even recall how we got to her in the first place since it’s been a while. Why? Do you suddenly feel insulted because of what I said?
Hector: No! It’s just…I couldn’t help but notice that when you spoke about your mother, you had this kind of…heavy look on you. It wasn’t until you decided to start a panicked frenzy, that I started laughing it off, thinking you were just embarrassed about loving her too much or something. 
Hector: But…There’s more to it, isn’t there.
Ike: …Huh. I didn’t think you were capable of paying that much attention to detail.
Hector: Hey, don’t change the subject!
Ike: …….I’m sorry.
Hector: Wha–? Don’t apologize! Although…I wouldn’t mind hearing more about this, you know?
Ike: …That’s why I’m apologizing. I can’t tell you.
Hector: What?! I practically came all this way to get an explanation though! 
Ike: …Well, I…even if you wanted one, I couldn’t tell you even if I tried. I…don’t really remember much of her either way, and…the things I know about her, I don’t want to believe.
Hector: Woah, what? Wh…What is that even supposed to mean?
Ike: …..
Hector: Hey….Did your mother….die…?
Ike: …..Yes. And it’s the way she died that I don’t want to believe…
Hector: What?…How did she die, then?
Ike: …It’s complicated. And truthfully, It…it hurts just thinking about it. Part of me refuses to look back on it. But perhaps it’s better that you don’t know. I…Out of respect for my parents, this is something I should keep as a trademark secret between the Greil Mercenaries….I’m sorry.
Hector: …Sheesh. A family secret? You mean to say it’s really that heavy…?
Ike: ….I’m sorry.
Hector: …Alright. Enough apologizing. If it really hurts that much, I won’t ask anymore. I just wanted to let you know….you’re not the only one. 
Hector: …My parents…they died too. Their illness took them before I got to grow up….
Ike: ….That’s just the thing. I always thought my mother died of illness while I was young, too. Until I learned about her real death through another source. From a hired assassin.
Hector: ?!?…She was assassinated?!
Ike: No… It’s not that simple. He only came to deliver the story. He was never behind it, in fact, it was only aft—- I…I’m sorry. I’ve…said way too much already…I’m so pathetic.
Hector: …Hey, no need to blame yourself. I don’t know what’s going on, but I guess I shouldn’t have asked. Although I also had to deal with shady assassins in my own continent and what not….
Ike: ….I suppose I’ve heard something about it. And…that you wield a curse….
Hector: …? Oh. You mean Armads, don’t you. Yeah…Guess It’s no secret by now…..
Ike: …..My father…….H-He……He’s……..
[Ike begins to tremble. He bows his head and exhales sharply.]
Hector: …..Ah, geez—-Stop it before you end up crying!!
Ike: ……
Hector: ….Blast. And here I thought I could make up with you…To think I’d be seeing you in such a sorry state…Kind of unlikely from the Radiant Hero, don’t you think?
Ike: …Of course I’m nothing like that. And If you’re uncomfortable, you can just leave. Unless you find it amusing to see me like this…. 
Hector: What are you saying!? Sure, I may look like a brute, but I’m not heartless! And as gruff as you are, I know that you are just as vulnerable as anyone else. That’s why I came to see you. 
Ike: ….I see….Sorry. Maybe…it’s best you’d leave me be for a bit….
Hector: Hey, come now. I just told you I came to see you, didn’t I? And then you’d want to chase me off?…No more of that. Lift your chin up. Please.
[Ike stood around silently. Then after letting out a deep sigh, he proceeds to face Hector.]
Ike: …You know…Most people would just let them be when someone asks that they want to be left alone…
Hector: …Well, I guess I ain’t like most people then. But the things we’ve been through are unlike most people either…Although mine’s probably not as bad as yours from the looks of it, but still.
Ike: …Are you really that concerned about me…? 
Hector: …Again, you’re acting like I’m some kind of monster! I mean…why wouldn’t I be…? I might not be the best at comforting, but there’s no way I could leave you alone after seeing you so pained.You need to be looked after. So I absolutely refuse to go away. 
Ike: ….Thanks. But there’s no need to worry. I can’t afford to let this wear me down. I’m still standing on my feet, so honestly…I’ll see it through. I’ll be fine.
Hector: ….Well, you’re the boss then. But listen, I only wanted to say…I’m sorry for what happened to your parents. I know how awful it feels without them, but you can depend on me when the going gets tough. I mean…I’d hate to see anything happen to you. When my parents died, I only really had my brother and Eliwood to talk to. I don’t know where I’d be without them. So…I want to be there for you, too. I get how you feel, but don’t push yourself. 
Ike: …I’m not…Though I can’t just be expected to stand still and keep on dwelling, can I? I’ve got responsibilities to hold, and for that I must be strong…Sure, looking after the Greil Mercenaries gets tough sometimes, but… There’s no place I’d rather be. Besides, I still have Mist, and the mercenaries treat each other like family, despite having no blood ties. It’s not so bad…But I appreciate it, Hector…Seriously, I’d say you’re doing too much for me.
Hector: …It’s nothing. If you ever decide to sulk, I’ll give you a shoulder to lean on. Hell, I’ll even let you cry in my arms if you need to. I’ll make sure nobody gets to see you break down. I’ll keep you safe.
Ike: ….Heh. Alright. I’ll keep your offer in mind. But I already feel a lot better after talking to you. I…It’s good that you decided to stay with me. Guess I owe you one, huh.
Hector: …Hey, It’s no trouble.
Ike: …Ha. I have a lot on my plate, it’s true. But if you know my appetite…you know I’ll finish it. 
Hector: …Heh. Good on you, Ike.
Ike: Either way…Let’s leave it at that. It’s been long enough don’t you think? I find that there’s no need in moping around any lon—-Woah! Hec—!?
[Hector is seen hugging Ike, burying his face into Ike’s shoulder.]
Hector: …Well, even if you don’t need it, I sure need it. You know…the time my parents died, I wanted to do nothing but cry. But I couldn’t cry in front of anyone. Even alone, I still couldn’t. I just couldn’t. So…just grant me this favor. In return, I’ll pretend nothing happened today. We’ll put all of this beside us, and fight along side by side like we usually do. How about it…?
Ike: Hector….
Ike: …Alright…If you insist, I trust that you can keep your word. Promise me you will.
Hector: …That goes without saying, Ike. This goes…for both you and me…and for both family we have lost and family we have left.
Ike: I….Thank you, Hector. You have my gratitude. 
Hector: ….Ha. I thought I’d never hear you say it.
[Hector and Ike have reached support rank A.] 
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