#unfortunately : is not allowed in a url so i just picked x for the cool thing tumblr does when u put an x btwn two numbers
cannibaltranssexual · 2 years
what does ur url mean
its from this scene !!! in s1e10
7:16pm is just the time it was when will drew his first fucked up clock <3
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jupiterparker · 6 years
The Case of Spidey (p.p)
Words count: 1.3k
Paring: Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: unedited
A/N: hope you enjoy! Requests are open :)
Request: yes or no
Waiting by your locker, you had your headphones in, but with no music connect but instead connected to a mini microphone. It was the perfect excuse to not have anyone question why you were just waiting by the halls, and people weren’t afraid to have conversations near you, as they weren’t worried that you would eavesdrop on you. Only if they knew, but you liked it, you liked inventing gadgets and pretending to be a spy, you defended it to yourself by calling it a way to be informed, you could say. Now, no one knew about this, not even Peter, your best friend. And you were supposed to tell him today, and you were willing to, had you not heard something today.  
Peter had his locker right next to yours, making it super easy to listen to his and Liz’s conversation as they talked. “Did you enjoy the party?” She asked, smiling at him while she waited for him to get ready so they could go to decathlon practice. “It was a great party, really great, yeah…” Peter replied, trailing off when he saw Liz raise her eyebrows and smirk at him, “what?” “Peter, you were there for, like, two seconds” she told him a little annoyed, yet finding the situation extremely funny, “No I wasn’t… it was more than two seconds!” Peter tried to reason hoping to make it seem plausible, and failing miserably. It was so amusing, that you started laughing, causing both of them to notice you and look at you strangely. Quickly, you stopped, and pointed at your headphone, mouthing “it's a funny podcast," Peter and Liz smiled at you, nodding their head slowly as they went back to their conversation, right as you calmed down ready to listen. “You do realize that you disappeared right before Spiderman came right?” Liz said in a matter-of-fact tone, Peter was at a loss of words as all he said was “Uh…” and went to reason, which unfortunately you didn’t hear, as the stupid bell went off, like seriously! 
But at least, you're spying had actually produced something to follow up on, something more than just regular high school drama, but something relating to the Friendly Neighborhood Spider Man. So Peter left just as Spider Man came by the party? you thought. I thought that Ned claimed that Peter knew Spider Man? So then why would Peter leave the party before meeting his ‘friend’ then? On the bright side, you had no homework tonight, and you knew that fellow Spidey here did patrol nightly, at least thats what the news reported. All you needed was one more slip up.
How you were going to get it? It was a long shot, but you had an idea. First, it required a tracker. Luckily for you, you had a free class period still left, where you could make it. You knew Ned had a free period during the same time, and he was a little more savvy when it came to building stuff like trackers and coding them. While you could build the physical tracker, you needed him to make sure it was actually usable. “What is this for again Y/N?” Ned asked, as the put the finishing touches. He really should ask these things first before giving all of his help you thought, but didn’t think to much of it, as right now it was going your way as Ned doing that had allowed you to think of an excuse. Because if Peter was Spiderman, chances were that Ned knew, and you didn’t want Ned alerting Peter now. “Uh, it for my bird, yeah. My mom got a new bird, so she asked me to make a tiny tracker that we can keep on the bird? So we knew where she was?” You lied, your voice betraying you and becoming super high as you realized that you didn’t think birds wore collars? But Ned didn’t think so much as he just handed you the now finished tracker with its ‘instructions manual’ as Ned liked to call it. It was literally a square sheet that had some code and a url scribbled down, but sure, lets call it an instruction manual. 
“Cool thanks Ned!” You waved goodbye, ready to intercept Peter. The idea was that since Spider Man went on patrol right after school ended, and since most students had a backpack, that Spider Man had to drop it somewhere and come pick it up after his patrol. Where if you waited there, you would be able to see Spider Man’s identity. Right as you exited the classroom, the bell rang, singling the end of classes, so really just great timing. You went back to your locker to grab your remaining books, and found Peter doing the same. Or at least was until Flash and his friends came by, pulling all of Peter’s books at the ground. “Here, let me help you Peter” you offered, kneeling on the ground, grabbing a stack of books. You carefully put your tracker in between the books, grateful for Flash for once, and handed the books back to Peter. As Peter thanked you, you felt a small amount of guilt come along, as you realized what you were doing to your friend, your best friend. But the plan was already in motion, so no going back now.
You went to a nearby cafe, pulled out your laptop and started looking at the tracker using the ‘instruction manual’. You had to admit, Ned did a really good job, and his manual did prevent a headache from coming. While the page was loading, you pulled up a site that showed recent superhero sighting, you new that it was known for being very recent, so you waited until Spider Man was seen before looking at the tracker. This way, you could go to were the tracker says Peter was at, and if you found it to be true, then Peter wasn’t Spider Man, and you wouldn’t investigate further. You were really only interested to see if Peter was Spider Man, not to find out who Spider Man is whoever he is. And if you wound the backpack alone in an alleyway, you would wait and hide until Peter came back for it. Because unlike lucky you, Peter actually had homework that night.
After 10 minutes, you got the go signal, well you mean you got the notification saying that Spidey was seen swinging around. Going back to the tracker, you copied the coordinates given into the internet to find the intersection. It turned out that today was your lucky day, as the Peter, or at least his backpack was only a couple blocks away. You quickly left the cafe and went there, ready to find out the truth. You were sad but happy to find Peter’s backpack in an alley by itself covered in web fluid. There was only one thing to assume from this scene, but still you had to stay and find out. You hid behind a dumpster for a stinky 3 hours (seriously you would need several showers after this) and waited. And waited and waited, until low and behold you heard movement. When you peered over the dumpster, you saw Peter without his mask on, in his suit looking for his backpack, which apparently had disappeared without you noticing during those said 3 hours. Not knowing though what to do with this new information, you took a picture of Peter discreetly, so that way when you were ready to confront him, you would be able to help him. For now however, the case of Spidey was closed. 
Permanent Taglist: @djjffkd, @pallored, @your-daily-dose-of-fangirl, @ghostofya, @tuttigunner
Peter Parker Taglist: @what-is-yeet, @lubrielx, @ticklishrainbow
Ask or DM me if you want to be added to my taglist! Requests are open :)
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auk-blogs · 7 years
My name is Peter. I identify as the Doctor from the TV show Doctor Who (I am fictionkin). I have something very important to say, and it is time that I broke my silence. Before I begin, it is important that I disclose that I am diagnosed bipolar type 1 (severe) with psychotic features, and that I have been being treated for it since December 15th 2016. Any mistakes that I make in the following are due to the time that has passed and my faulty memory due to stress. I apologize that I do not have screenshots of any of this. I beg of you to believe me on the strength of my word alone. It is all I have.
The Gallifreyan Tradition is a cult, and the leader of that cult Cassandra Oakdown is an abusive person who personally contributed to my mental health breakdown that included but was not limited to self harm, suicidal idealization, and psychotic breaks from reality. Cassandra is a danger to the Doctor Who kin community and the Doctor Who fandom community at large.
It all began on January 25th, 2016. That's the day I made my sideblog for contemplating my newly discovered Doctor kintype separately from my main blog. I wanted to separate it from my main blog to study my feelings on my own, uninterrupted from outside influence. The Awakening process is a delicate one and I wanted to be left alone.
I made the mistake of using some tags that alerted Cassandra to my presence, likely “tenthdoctorkin” or “doctorwhokin.” She literally pounced on me within days of having made the blog, aggressively talking to me until I finally responded. As I was a lonely person who was struggling to make friends, I was elated that someone wanted to be my friend. I saw nothing wrong at first.
Nothing was wrong at first. We bonded over some shared media interests, some books we both read, some movies we both watched. I don't remember what. She told me she was a non-canon Gallifreyan of some personal import to the Doctor, having been married to his (also non-canon) cousin. I congratulated myself on having found potential canonmates so quickly and eagerly allowed myself to be enveloped into her social circle.
I became introduced to several others of import, Tau and Taurus. Tau was Cassandra's girlfriend of this life, and believes herself to be her non-canon Gallifreyan wife in a past life and the Doctor's non-canon cousin. Taurus is the non-canon son of the Doctor. There was also a Koschei (aka the Master) for a brief time. Oh, and there was Shilo, who was a TARDIS who established themselves as being my TARDIS but kept talking to other Doctors. Later on, I was also introduced to a non-canon brother named Teddy (who later renamed themselves Skyler).
Are you noticing a pattern here? All but Koschei and the TARDIS of these “canonmates” are non-canon.
It is also of import to note that Cassandra has a “soulbond” of Rassilon in her head. Now I see this as a huge warning sign, knowing my Doctor Who lore a lot better, but at first I believed her when she said that “he's a different Rassilon.” I believe that this Rassilon character is the source of a lot of trouble, and perhaps can be blamed for a lot of Cassandra's behavior. Maybe Cassandra's not so bad on her own, but was corrupted by the arguably insane Time Lord. Long story short, I don't trust the guy.
It is important to note that from the start, I had a bit of a crush on Cassandra. She is my type – brunette chin-length hair and intelligent and charismatic, and I wasn't aware that she was engaged when I first met her. In fact, within days of meeting her she admitted to having relationship troubles with Tau and asked if she should leave Tau – which makes me feel like I was being strung along with the possibility that one day me and Cassandra could be a thing. (I would never accept her now, of course, after everything she's done to me.)
Cassandra, Tau, Taurus,Shilo, and Koschei all spoke of me as their Doctor without any confirmation on my part. Remember that I was newly Awakened without any memories to confirm or deny what they were saying. I was so starved for affection and community that when they would say things that marked me as belonging to them, I didn't argue. I remember one distinct instance where Cassandra recalled an instance where her Doctor proclaimed himself “a Dance Lord” instead of a Time Lord and she phrased as “remember when you called yourself a Dance Lord instead of a Time Lord?” or something like that. There were many instances like this where my memories were subtly manipulated without me noticing.
I would like to draw particular attention to this kind of phrasing in conversation because nowhere on this hell website have I ever seen any kind of warning against it. If someone approaches you and starts saying things like, “do you remember when you did (x)” or “I remember when you (x)” unprompted excessively (without giving you room to say “no, I didn't do that”), they could be attempting to gaslight you and manipulate your memories. Please be careful!
Sometime in August or July of 2016, there was an incident. Koschei lived in Germany, and the legal drinking age is lower. Long story short, Koschei got drunk and made an appearance in the group chat. I have an alcoholic uncle and became vastly panicked when Koschei accidentally sounded exactly like my uncle. I privately messaged Koschei to tell him that I had something important to tell him when he got sober, but he picked it into a fight and in a blind panic I told him that I didn't want anything to do with him any more because I was terrified of drunk people. It split the “Gallifamily” in half. Koschei left the group chat that night.
That was the first time I attempted suicide. I was so emotionally agonized that I tied a necktie around my neck and tried to tighten it, but I chickened out. I told Tau and she freaked out.
That was the beginning of the trouble. Tau attempted to mend the rift between Koschei and I, but I continued to panic if I was in the same chat room as him. Cassandra continued to reblog from him even when I expressed that I was having panic attacks (genuine ones that left me hyperventilating and shaking in the public library) if I even saw his username on my dashboard. Eventually the Koschei incident blew over, but the group was left Koschi-less as we did not find a replacement “double.”
That was the first time that I began to suspect that Cassandra was not entirely on my side.
After that, my memory begins to get really, really shaky because of my mental illness. I do remember that it was the beginning of my nausea and that I began puking every few mornings because of my anxiety.
I suppose now is a good time to mention the Gallifreyan Tradition, since I mentioned it earlier. The Gallifreyan Tradition was sold to me as a social reconstruction of Gallifrey, a group of people who wanted to recreate the values and culture of Gallifrey here on Earth. It sounded really interesting and cool to me, as I was extremely new to the series of Doctor Who and did not know about the unpleasant lore of Gallifrey – and indeed had not recovered my own unpleasant memories of the place. At the time, the Gallifreyan Tradition just sounded like a nerdy place for a newly Awakened Doctor to call home.
I was never fully recruited to the GT. I always skirted just around the edges, and for that I am glad. But what I learned about it horrifies me now. Cassandra has absolute power over everyone else, and they call her “Lord President,” a title that even the Doctor himself in canon shunned. They hijack fandom posts to try and recruit members. They encourage their members to cyberbully – I was unfortunately part of one of those attacks, which I will elaborate on below. Other people who were deeper in the GT can probably provide more information.
As part of being recruited to the GT, Cassandra told me about the Patron Theory. She supposed that there was a person out there for each one of the old Patrons of Gallifrey. She, obviously was with Rassilon who was in her head as a Soulbond. She supposed that I was a match for a Patron who was called the Other. I was leery about the theory at first, but after a couple of “supernatural” signs (I found a burned piece of paper in a creek that seemed to have a cryptic message for me, and tarot cards seemed to point toward the Other, and divination through music seemed to contact the Other), I accepted her theory. Unbeknownst to me, some time after I started attempting spirit work, the GT officially abandoned the Patron Theory as a silly idea. I seem to be mocked for ever believing it seriously now although Cassandra was entirely serious when she presented it to me in the first place.
Just to note – I no longer attempt to work with the Other. If I have a spirit guide from Gallifrey, they can shove their signs and signals up their arse and go right back to that accursed, burning place.
About the cyberbulling – I am deeply, deeply shamed for what I have done. I would apologize to the ones I hurt if I could remember their urls. I am not entirely sure any more what incited the incident except Cassandra claimed that some members of the fandom had attacked her in some way. I suggested a harmless attack back with funny memes, such as a picture of a cat flying through space spammed to their submit boxes multiple times. It was Cassandra's place as a leader to say “no, that is inappropriate.” But she did not. And I became her willing weapon in the cyberbulling incident. I take full responsibility for attacking those innocent people. If it's any consolation, I cut my attack short because the guilt overwhelmed me as I realized that they were innocent people who just enjoyed the same media as I did.
After the cyberbullying, I began to lose my trust in Cassandra, and I suspect that she began to lose her trust in me. But I wasn't sure about losing her and cutting her out of my life. She had become my closest friend. I began to neglect my in real life friendships because it felt like Cassandra was my only friend. She was only a text away, only a Tumblr message away. She was always there. We shared stories, memories, fanfiction recs, theories about reincarnation... I remember I only got interested in the television show Firefly because she was too. I can't stand to watch it now. I regret buying it because now I can't get rid of it without my mum asking awkward questions.
But Cassandra began to change. And I didn't understand why. She grew distant. She began to vanish from conversations while I was mid sentence. I felt like I was going crazy. It was more than what they claim, her going to eat and shower and take care of her needs. A decent person would at least drop a “bbs” before leaving mid sentence. I believe that her vanishing was purposefully done to manipulate me and to freak me out.
I'm sorry. This is the most painful part of the story for me to recall. And honestly I don't remember much. It's a great big blank hole in my memory.
I can only assume that Cassandra was gaslighting me and was triggering psychotic breaks with reality. I remember that I began self harming in this period – August 4th 2016 was the first day I took a blade to my arm. She encouraged me to “control your emotions” which only made me self harm more – and she knew it. And she kept saying it.
I remember that she belittled any mentioning of my own abuse at home. I remember one specific instance where I made a post where I said something along the lines of, “I feel like I can’t say I have an abusive family because it’s never escalated into physical violence,” and she commented “Some people have it so easy.” That phrase has been very damaging to me and was used as a weapon against me to make me believe that the situation I was in - am still in - was lesser and hardly important compared to Cassandra’s. Cassandra took every opportunity to make sure that I felt like I couldn’t talk about my abuse. I still feel like I can’t. Because I’ve had it so easy, you see.
I became obsessed with her, I'll admit that. I remember begging her not to leave me, and her saying “I can't keep lighting myself on fire to keep you warm.” I still don't know what she meant. I was so terrified that all the people I knew and loved were going to leave. All my life, I have been socially isolated (I have exactly one irl friend, and I've only known him for about three years), and I had recently experienced a loss of my entire social world which is not relevant to this tale. And the incident with Koschei had made me keenly aware that people could leave and not come back. All I knew is that Cassandra was leaving and I couldn't hold on to her. I was terrified.
In the end, I tried to slit my wrists. Luckily, the blade I used wasn't so sharp. I survived with nary a mark to show for it. Hell, not even the repeated cutting on my arm and thigh have left scars, which pisses me off because shouldn't I have scars from that hell?
Then I started making plans on swallowing a bottle of aspirin. Aspirin is reputedly poison to Time Lords, so I thought it would be apropos to end my life that way. It would be a nasty death, and an agonizing one. I thought it would be enough to finally apologize to Cassandra for however I had hurt her. And to end my emotional suffering.
On December 15th, 2016, I was taken to a therapy appointment where I admitted to self harm and my multiple suicide attempts and my current plans to end my life. I was admitted to a treatment facility that afternoon. I was eventually diagnosed with bipolar type 1, severe, with psychotic features.
As a result of my interactions with the Gallifreyan Tradition and Cassandra Oakdown, I believe that I have PTSD. I am triggered to anxiety, panic attacks, flashbacks, and self-harm urges where they didn't exist before by such things as Gallifreyan writing, owls, a certain shade of red, names such as Prydon and Oakdown, and Tumblr urls that are too hecking long and have too many hyphens.
I firmly believe that the Gallifreyan Tradition is a danger to all Doctor Who fictionkin and that Cassandra Oakdown is the worst danger of the entire group.
If I may take a few more minutes of your time? Remember Shilo, that I mentioned earlier? I entered a relationship with them before I was entered into the treatment facility, a queer platonic relationship. Look it up if you don't know what it is. Shilo was a major emotional support while I was hospitalized, and I called them every single day – sometimes multiple times the same day. But after I came home, something began to change. They became distant, and eventually they blocked me on Tumblr and expected me to carry on as if nothing had happened. I had been dumped for no reason. In the end, Shilo kept dumping emotion bombs like that on me and running away and not letting us have any dialogue about our relationship. Remember how Shilo had established themselves as being my TARDIS, but kept talking to other Doctors? Totally unfair. I believe that Shilo is just as abusive as Cassandra is, just in a subtler way. Doctors, beware.
The one person I haven't brought up is Skyler. Believe it or not, they're not so bad. We both realized we were being abused by the cult and escaped together. 
Thank you for reading, and thank you if you believe me.
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Web Development is a field that is probably not going anywhere in the next 5-10-15 years. This strong assumption comes with the facts about how quick web is moving, the improvements in hardware people have with them (fast and smart mobile phones), and cloud-based applications which allows to do the heavy lifting in the cloud and use the browser as a bridge to connect powerful backend servers with less capable and powerful frontends. This makes it the best bet to learn web development right now if you're looking to learn something. Not only would it open a plethora of opportunities for you as an individual, but you'll also be able to code and deploy complete projects end-to-end which can be consumed by almost everyone on the planet. Since most people have browsers with them anyway, every person is just a single URL away from your web-app and something you've coded - compare this with a desktop application or a hardware-based product. It's just not that scalable compared to the web. Alright! Now that we've established the fact that the web is the best way to go about right now if you want to learn something, let's see how to learn web development. The web is vast - start small and keep it small You would've seen a huge amount of available JavaScript frameworks and libraries like React, Angular, Vue, Ember, jQuery, XYZ, etc. Some very common questions I get as a YouTuber posting web development content is on the following lines: Should I learn X? Is X better than Y? What is the scope of Z? Always remember 2 things about technology, especially about the web: Your tech stack almost always never matters. If you're good enough with your language/framework, you'll win every time. You never need to learn everything. Never. Be a jack of all, and surely master of one. To summarize this section, you need to think very small when you start, as it is super easy to get carried away with that hot framework in the market or trying to race ahead by dropping old tech and adapting new tech without doing proper research. Start with HTML and CSS I cannot stress this enough. It pains me to see a ton of people asking me questions when they're working on their React projects when the answer lies in some fact which shows how weak their HTML or CSS skills are. JavaScript was only a browser scripting language, and although it's much more now, it doesn't change the fact that on the web it compliments the HTML and CSS parts. With advancements in web standards, there's so much achievable in CSS alone that for a lot of things, JavaScript is not even required. Animations? You got it. Drag-drop? HTML can handle that. Layouts? Checkout the flexbox or grid CSS API! There are so many things you can learn about HTML and CSS! Just don't rush into JavaScript because of the reason that cool kids like Angular are waiting out there for you. Those libraries and frameworks are not going anywhere. Take your time. Going deep or wide? There are 2 approaches when you learn web development - go wide or go deep. Going wide means you start learning many things together. This might work for some people, and this might not work for others. You might overwhelm yourself with tutorials, exercises, videos, blogs, etc. and give up. Going deep means you start learning one thing and try to learn as much as you can about it. This has its own set of pros and cons. You might get bored, give up because you don't see results. So what's the solution? The answer is, surprisingly, doing none. Choose a small tech stack - like HTML/CSS/JavaScript, and go moderately deep into all three. This has a couple of advantages: You don't get bored, all three have relatively different purposes and ways of writing. You can blend all three, and create and see something meaningful quickly without months of effort - which is usually required by all other languages like C/C++. This would keep you motivated to work more Do not choose React, ..or Angular, ..or Vue When people start to work with JavaScript, there's an urge to pick up a library like React, pick up a UI system like Material UI and just go ahead and start building awesome stuff. Unfortunately, it's nothing more than shooting yourself in the face. You can never, ever, create intermediate to advanced projects with these frameworks if you're not done with basics in JavaScript. And applying JavaScript takes some time. Notice I used the word applying, and not learning in the previous sentence. There's a huge difference between learning something and applying something you learned. Create a small but working project with HTML/CSS/JavaScript, and when you do, create one more, and then, create one more. At every step, keep on increasing the complexity of the project, and the expectations too, until your codebase becomes unmanageable. The point you've arrived at now, I would call this the boundary of superior learning. You see, frameworks exist to offload repetitive work from you. They do not exist so that you can don't care at all what's going on under the hood and rely on the fact that it's all magic. The first time you choose a framework like React or Angular for your projects should be when you're confident that you can create that project without React or Angular too. Master of one Now, when you're good with HTML/CSS/JavaScript, it's time to move on to industry standards. The truth is, no matter how good of a JavaScript developer you may be, you would often need to work with modern frameworks like React - and just with your JavaScript knowledge, you cannot immediately master it. It'll take time - to learn and understand the terminology, the concepts, how it works under the hood. It's time to take up a framework and master it. How? You might ask. The answer is simple - it's up to you. Try "Hello World" or maybe a bit more complex project in all frameworks you see out there (mostly Angular, Vue or React) and see which one vibes the most with you. Pick that one and don't look back. Create unlimited projects with it, and aim to do something which you don't already know how to do - this is the best way to push yourself out of your comfort zone and learn new things about a thing you thought you already know. Jack of others It's equally important to keep an eye on other candidates too. It not only involves direct competitors of your "favorite" framework out there but also some worthy web development tools too. You don't have to "master" the tools as such because a lot of times they're just one-time setup with regular maintenance, but it's always nice to keep them on your checklist of skills. This could include several things - unit testing with jest, end-2-end testing with cypress, webpack, babel, parcel, a bit of devops, Linux shell scripting, server deployments, etc. You can always learn the basics of these skills quickly as they've been around for a long time - so they have a lot of help material available with them. Move on Trust me, it's a funny feeling but once you develop many projects and write a lot of code with your favorite stack, you start feeling like anything could be done. At this point, you can take up a job and keep doing it - it's completely fine. Or, you can level up your skills through the roof - move on. Web. is. vast. You're done with HTML/CSS/JavaScript/React/Angular/Vue? Move to servers - learn about server deployment, NGiNX, HAProxy, load balancing, setting up cloud infrastructure, firewalls, autoscaling, etc. Done with that too? Move on to WebAssembly - language for the next iteration of the web. Done with that too? Err, I don't know then, maybe move on to other programming areas, or cooking? Conclusion In today's world, it's so easy to not repeat the mistakes I did while learning web development myself, because all those mistakes are now public for everyone to read! You have so many resources and I've myself been working on one for web developers to learn! Here's my YouTube channel where I teach how to program awesome things and here's the codedamn platform - the actual platform which allows you to become a great developer by blending a bunch of videos, articles, and exercises! Let me know what you think about this article
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Microsoft's Developer Toolbar for IE
Microsoft's Developer Toolbar for IE
Posted Nov 3rd 2005 7:51AM by Michael Moncur
The Web Developer Toolbar for Firefox is one of the tools I use most often when developing web sites. I've often wished there was an IE version for testing sites in IE. Microsoft has granted my wish—they now offer a Developer Toolbar for IE. It works on IE 6.0 and later, and includes the following features similar to the Firefox toolbar:
View DOM: Opens a panel that allows viewing the DOM for the current page in a tree, similar to Firefox's DOM Inspector. Disable: Includes options to disable the cache, images, cookies, scripts, and IE's popup blocker. View: Displays class and ID information for page elements, link paths, tab indices, or access keys. Outline: Similar to my most-used feature on Firefox, outlines tables, DIVs, and other elements in pages. Validate: Pop-up links to various validation services. Images: Displays image dimensions and other details. Resize: Resizes the browser window to common sizes (800 x 600, etc.) Misc: Includes options to clear the cache for a domain, clear session cookies, etc. Show Ruler: Opens a pop-up ruler to measure page elements.
This toolbar has a way to go before it's as useful as the Firefox toolbar, but it's already a must-have tool for those of us who test sites in IE.
[Announcement at IEBlog - via Weblog Tools Collection]
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Fixing Blogger's spam flagging feature
Posted Nov 2nd 2005 2:00PM by Michael Moncur
In case you haven't heard, Google's Blogger.com has been having all kinds of problems with spam blogs created on their system. I'm not going to link to any, but thanks to various RSS search feeds, I find several of them a day.
Fortunately, Blogger has been dealing with the issue—they've added a "Flag" button at the top of every site where I can indicate that it contains spam or objectionable content. This worked well for a while—I flagged each one I found, and they were often taken offline the same day.
Unfortunately, the spam blogs have recently upped the ante. The last 10-20 spam blogs I've found are conspicuously missing the Flag button, and sure enough, I found a bit of JavaScript in each one:
So, until Blogger provides a proper solution—such as a "report spam blogs by URLs" feature—I made a bookmarklet to re-enable the Flag button. Here's the link—just save it as a bookmark, and activate it while viewing a spam blog to reenable the button.
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JavaScript Shell updated to 1.4
Posted Nov 1st 2005 11:50PM by Michael Moncur
Jesse Ruderman has updated the JavaScript Shell tool / bookmarklet to version 1.4. The new version includes history navigation and some improvements to the built-in props function. Here's the announcement. Test the shell here or install the bookmarklet (Firefox only).
The JavaScript Shell is one of my essential JavaScript debugging tools. The bookmarklet version opens a shell in the context of the current page, so it's great for poking around other people's scripts, or debugging my own.
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ColourMod: DHTML Color picker
Posted Oct 31st 2005 7:35AM by Michael Moncur
So you're building a cool Web 2.0 app that will change the world in your spare time, but you need a simple and good-looking way for your users to choose colors? ColourMod has you covered. It's a drop-in DHTML component that pops up a nice Photoshop-style color picker.
The DHTML version of ColourMod is free of charge. There's also a Konfabulator version and a Dashboard version for web developers who need a quick way to pick Web colors, and an unbranded version for $15 that loses the ColourMod logo so you can pretend it's just another part of your fancy code.
[via SimpleBits]
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South by Southwest 2006 preview
Posted Oct 28th 2005 7:53AM by Michael Moncur
South by Southwest Interactive 2006 is scheduled for March 10-14 of next year. Register by November 18th at the discounted rate of $225—trust me, this is the best value you'll find in a tech conference. A couple of previews of next year's event from a JavaScript perspective:
Jeremy Keith has confirmed that he'll be speaking at next year's event. (See this interview) Steve Chipman of Slayeroffice will also be participating in a panel, although not on JavaScript. "How to Convince Your Company to Embrace Standards" will talk about how Steve and his cohorts got AOL (now this weblog's parent company) to accept Web standards. With Kevin Lawver and Kimberly Blessing also on the panel (among others) it should be great. Permalink Email this Linking Blogs Comments [1]
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