#unique assets
justtechtalks · 2 years
NFTs: Your Ticket to the Digital Art World
Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, have been gaining a lot of attention in recent years as a new way to represent ownership and value in the digital world. NFTs are unique digital assets that are stored on a blockchain, like Ethereum or Bitcoin, and represent ownership of a digital item, such as a piece of art, music, video, or other digital content.
One of the key features of NFTs is that they are unique and cannot be replicated. This means that if you own an NFT, you are the only person who has that specific asset. This is in contrast to traditional digital assets, which can be easily copied and distributed without any loss of value.
NFTs have the potential to change the way we think about digital ownership and value. For example, an artist could create a digital piece of art and sell it as an NFT. The buyer would then own the digital asset and could display it on their digital art platform or even sell it to someone else at a later date. The value of the NFT would be determined by the market, just like traditional art, and could potentially appreciate over time.
NFTs have already been used to sell digital art for millions of dollars and have the potential to disrupt industries such as the music and gaming industries. For example, an artist could create an NFT of their latest album and sell it directly to their fans, bypassing traditional record labels. In the gaming industry, NFTs could be used to represent unique in-game items or even entire virtual worlds.
However, it's important to note that the NFT market is still in its early stages and is not without risks. There have been instances of fraud and scams in the NFT space, and the market is known for its volatility. It's important for potential buyers to do their due diligence and research before purchasing an NFT.
Overall, NFTs are an exciting development in the world of digital assets and have the potential to revolutionize the way we think about ownership and value in the digital world. It will be interesting to see how they continue to evolve and disrupt various industries in the coming years.
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starstriix · 10 months
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man brick and jo were awesome finalists in world tour
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juniperjellyfish · 7 months
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Eight years, one for each fallen human
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divide-by-zer0 · 1 month
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the borderlands movie we should have gotten
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doedipus · 8 months
generic fantasy concepts are kind of like instant ramen in that if you just kind of drag and drop the most boilerplate version of something into your story it's going to be boring as shit and devoid of nutritional value. and this goes doubly so for big setpiece monsters like dragons.
you gotta like, either come up with a unique thing or make enough additions and substitutions to the stock thing that it meaningfully has its own identity or it's going to suck
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genshinresource · 2 years
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Genshin Impact In-game Items (148/?): Gadgets
Mini Seelie: Viola
Mini Seelie: Rosé
Mini Seelie: Curcuma
Mini Seelie: Dayflower
Wisdom Orb
Treasure-Seeking Seelie
Shiki Koshou
Inquisitive Endora
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qrowscant · 1 year
Does IS-OT have opinions about pronouns? I've seen most people use "he," does he get mad when people call him 'it' or does not get the big fuss about pronouns?
IS-OT uses exclusively he/him, though it's a later development! he stole the pronouns of the doctor he hated the most lol. once decided, he deeply dislikes being called anything else and is 100% the type to hold a grudge over it
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antirepurp · 9 months
i love frontiers with my whole heart but it would have benefited so much from having the platforming be tied into the environment itself instead of placing assets all over the islands. i don't necessarily have problems with the assets either but i'd imagine they would've served their purpose better when used far more sparingly and probably have them tied further into the ancients' technology to emphasize their artificial nature. that probably would've made the exploration angle of the game more memorable as well by making the player concretely interact with the environmental storytelling at hand more often instead of giving them funny rails and springs and platforms that take the focus away from the environment around you in favor of delivering a more traditional platforming challenge where the island is just a backdrop
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castleinthemist · 2 months
hmm figured that kunitsu-gami is like a pentiment situation which in the team is probably mostly made up of seniors so you get a really polished piece of work that fires on all cylinders
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florshedworf · 3 months
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WHAT !!!!!!
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Your blog inspired me to do something similar for another series, would you be okay with me "stealing" the idea? (even if you say yes, idk if I'll really have the time for it, but I'd like to have permission before I get too motivated or something)
To be honest, I don't think what I'm doing here is particularly unique either!! We're getting all sorts of tournaments everywhere so I'd hardly think you'd need my permission for anything!!! Regardless, you've got my blessing, even if I don't think you need it ahaha. Best of luck if you do end up working on it!
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anonmonitor · 1 year
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Ah yes, Clu and his less evil twin brother Blu
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arcadekitten · 2 years
I'm sorry I may have asked this before! But how long does it take you to make games like crowscare vs cemetery Mary
A game like Crowscare would take me about a month and a half and game like Cemetery Mary would take me about 2 years!
It's important to remember stuff like a game like Crowscare can be beaten in 40 minutes and has lots of reused assets and Cemetery Mary requires multiple hours, not to mention comes with a lot more unique art assets and generally requires more breaks in-between when working on it. And like a bunch of other factors go into it too like planning and testing and rewrites and what have you!
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jayjuniper · 5 months
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Here's my updated design! Panel art for my Twitch about panels, and like, the only finished piece i have so it's only currently every display picture across sites right now. We got that blind eye representation, the anti shoe wearer philosophy, the double glove action, better ears, better collar, FISHNETS?! Get yours now for only 99.99 at local retailers!
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8harvest-gold8 · 6 months
My KHUX Keykids (info sheets)
part 1/3
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flags in alt, click for better quality
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