#unironically kind of disappointed in this show
mellonhead58 · 11 months
Captain Laserhawk be like
episodes 1-3:
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episodes 4-5:
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episode 6:
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whorbidmore · 6 months
okay, so, I've fallen victim to the leon kennedy brainrot steadily overtaking me, following me from Tumblr to Pinterest, to Instagram and even the absolutely fucking dreaded application of TikTok. I don't even use it that often??? and the algorithm is just like 'wow, yeah, this little fuckers gay as hell send in the 40 year old meow meow!!' and having watched Death Island fairly recently, I'm gonna have my opinions on what this dude would be like. Cus my brain loves to rationalize shit and think ab 'what if this mf was someone real?' so... fuck it.
Leon Soft Kennedy Headcanons
accidentally bigoted. - im sorry but let's be so fucking real here. he's a 40 something year old man who spent the majority of his life in either the military, a police training academy in the 90's, or otherwise working under the U.S Federal System with minimal/no time between missions to unpack absolutely everything he's got going on... the guys gonna have some problematic tendencies. Obviously that doesn't mean he means any of that or is incapable of change, etc. etc., but I know for damn certain this dude would laugh a little at Bill Burr's borderline to blatantly misogynistic material and has probably chuckled unironically at the attack helicopter jokes. But, he's not a complete dick, and would definitely become more critical of those kinds of jokes if it's pointed out to him.
honest to God, Dad Without Kids™ - it's not simply enough for me to leave it at 'but it's the vibes!!' so, I'm gonna break this shit down. Leon is absolutely Gen X incarnate. I can fucking guarantee you that on his off days he accidentally ends up dressing as an undercover cop; I'm talking cargo shorts, light blue button up, those fucking standard issue boots cus "they're perfectly good shoes" and those stupid ass sunglasses... you know the ones I'm talking about. Let's say you're living with him, right? And you're... you, and you wanna watch something on TV. This dude would strain himself getting up like a turtle fallen backwards on its shell, stand up, walk right in front of the TV screen and stand there with his hands on his hips. It doesn't matter that he had to piss, he needs to get a better look of what's happening! Does those really loud, obnoxious coughs and sneezes, absolutely blows his back out doing one at least five times a year.
Only watches British Reality TV - Considering he's canonically a film buff, I'll say that this is purely for whatever he gravitates towards on general streaming services. I honestly don't see him being the type to regularly tune in to standard American cable TV, or only does so under specific circumstances like American Ninja Warrior or maybe Forged in Fire if there's absolutely nothing else. It's not something that's exclusive to Americans, — I'm from New Zealand and I do this too, — but Leon absolutely falls into the category of watching British Reality and Game shows purely because of the accents. I'm talking Jeremy Kyle, The Big Fat Quiz of Everything, Taskmaster, The Great British Bake Off and so on and so forth. It doesn't matter that baking isn't his forté or a passion of his, if Josephine curdles her buttercream by over mixing, his hands are in his hair in utter disappointment. 100% tries to mimic their accents too. We all do it, don't lie.
Has... very dated music tastes - I don't know if you could guess, but the last paragraph included me calling myself out and name dropping some shows I watch anyway or grew up watching, and I'm just saying that this is gonna be no different. If anything? This'll be worse! Since I'm very passionate about the music I listen to and have the inability to keep my interests separated from the other, of course my love of particular bands will bleed over into my interpretation of Leon's character! Anyway, all that for me to say that Leon fucking LOVES 90's grunge musicians, specifically Pearl Jam and Soundgarden, as well as early nu metal bands like Korn (their dubstep phase did not happen.), TOOL, and Rage Against the Machine — and no, he unfortunately doesn't see the irony of him being a fed and listening to Rage, — but would also have a soft spot for psych rock, post-punk and shoegaze. My man's definitely laid awake at night, sobbing without expression as he struggles to accept that Ada never really wanted him like he wanted her while listening to fucking Slowdive. My hottest take here is that he doesn't really listen to Deftones. Like he'll occasionally blast My Own Summer, Change, Bored or Rosemary, but anything outside of those? He just didn't listen to 'em. My second hottest take is that he does NOT like Slipknot, which kind of pains me 'cus I do, but I fucking bet you this dude would actually adopt one piece of "Gen Z lingo" or whatever just call them cringe. Though admittedly he would've been jamming the fuck out to Psychosocial and The Devil in I when they came out. Went off the deep end in Vendetta, obviously, and drunk-cried himself to sleep on the couch listening to Linkin Park.
Very confusing spending habits - On one hand, we all understand that Leon came from money, — he was implied to have been born into a mob family from my understanding? And I doubt he'd ever really had to worry about being fully, irrevocably broke, — but I'm sure that growing up in the U.S Foster Care System made him at least a little more cautious of where his money comes from, where it's going, what he's spending it on, etc. So, on the one hand, he's apprehensive to spend recklessly, particularly on perishables. But also, if he can drop over $100,000USD on a motorcycle that got absolutely fucking cheese grated into the road, and spend a perceived, metric fuck ton of money on designer leather jackets and massive watches, it's gonna be hard for me to call him 'financially conscious'. On one hand, he gets apprehensive on spending more money than he needs to on food since he's "just gonna shit it out later", but if he sees a cool watch or a nice suit in a shop window? Money's suddenly not an issue! Not because he's materialistic, but because the one thing he really maintains a sense of control over in his life are his possessions and the way he dresses. The D.S.O can call him in for another months long mission whenever they please, and all he can realistically do is allow the government to tug on his leash and put him where he's needed. He may as well spend their money on things he wants!
Gets out... enough? But also, not really? - So, personally I've pegged Leon as more of an introverted person, — amateurly typed his MBTI as possibly ISFJ? — so he doesn't really feel the need to go out and meet new people or really hang out with anyone. If somebody invites him out? Sure, he'll go. Otherwise, it rarely occurs to him to meet up with friends or colleagues at a cafe or anywhere. I think he'd prefer to just go there alone, mostly for the sake of having somebody else cook for him as opposed to actively seeking out the atmosphere. It's pure convience in his mind. And remember when I said in the beginning about him accidentally being at least a little misogynistic? Yeah, that was me trying to say that he regularly tries to hit on younger waitresses. Not because he actually wants anything to do with them, but simply because it's an ego boost. He likes that he can make girls half his age blush or offer him their numbers, because it tells him that he's still desirable, and ultimately, that gives him the power to reject them politely and go about the rest of his day. If they don't reject him first, of course. Admittedly, Leon's audacity towards women peaked during Infinite Darkness.
Since I'm planning on posting more NSFW headcanons for this guy, — and more NSFW kinds of posts, — here is the obligatory Minors DNI attachment. For your own safety, I don't care if what I have to say is tame so far, you can hold it off I promise.
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I’ve seen people on Twitter talk about how Hazbin Hotel was snubbed since it wasn’t nominated for an Emmy and talking about how people who don’t like the show are happy about it and like.
Idk I can only speak for myself, but tbh I’m kinda sad that the show, from the beginning, just…wasn’t good. Not Emmy good, at the very least. (more below)
There’s this weird expectation that, if you are at all critical or dissatisfied with what the Hazbin show ended up being, that you’re a horrible person who is obsessed with seeing everyone who worked on the project fail, and have just hated the show and its creator since the beginning of time and like…
I did not want the show to be bad!! I was really hoping that I’d be wrong, that I’d be pleasantly surprised, that the show would be entertaining and well written and paced. But, for me, it just wasn’t.
I have tried to be very forthcoming about the things I liked and what I wished the show would have focused on more. I wanted to like the show!!! I would have LOVED the show if its writing and animation were on par with other adult animated shows.
However when it came out, it had a LOT of problems, and it seems really clear to me that the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences picked up on them, just as I did.
It’s so odd to me that a lot of Hazbin “super-fans” think that if you’re critical of the show you must hate it, because the majority of people I’ve spoken to who are very critical of the series ARE fans of the series who felt disappointed by it when it actually came out.
Switching gears a bit—It’s genuinely kind of disheartening to see so many people prop the show up as if it was the best most perfect best show ever when, in reality, Hazbin is a perfectly serviceable and fun show, but is not as deep or as well-crafted as it claims to be, and as a lot of other adult animation that’s out right now.
Recently, I’ve seen this belief develop in some fandoms that what you love needs to be somehow validated or “proven” to be good by winning an award or receiving accolades.
And while I definitely understand the desire to see something you love be recognized for the artistry that’s put into it, the truth is that sometimes there are really really good pieces of art and media that don’t get the recognition they deserve, and there are really really bad pieces of art and media that are treated like holy grails.
Like I’m saying all of this as someone who’s favorite movie is fucking Tron: Legacy. I LOVE Tron Legacy. It’s so fun and I love the characters and environment. But it’s also bad!!! It’s a very convoluted plot, and characters don’t get a lot of development and it has the “born sexy yesterday” trope which I hate and it’s one of my favorite movies of all time!!! I love it!!
But it doesn’t have to be a perfect masterpiece for it to be a masterpiece to me personally. I can recognize that while I love it, it’s not particularly amazing by any means. It’s kind of a shit show. The story and writing and cinematography don’t deserve any big awards. But I love it and that’s all that matters!
I do not think that Hazbin Hotel deserves any awards for being an excellent television show, and I can also really see why the people who decide Emmy nominations did not nominate it.
But who cares what I think!! My favorite movie is Tron Legacy! And I completely unironically love the 1993 Super Mario Bros. Movie!!!
The point I’m trying to make is that, while yes, it can be disappointing when something you love isn’t recognized, but that shouldn’t take away the value the show has to you if you love it.
Hazbin Hotel can be a bad show, and it can still be your favorite show that you love more than anything. Tron Legacy can be a bad movie and I can still love it and think it’s peak cinema. It’s okay. It’s okay to like and love media that isn’t perfect. It’s okay to criticize the media you love.
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deliciouspirateangel · 2 months
thoughts on descendants 4 after just watching it <3 spoilers below
i didnt hate it but it also wasnt great?? i unironically love all the other descendants movies, ive got all the books, the dolls, dove cameron is always in my spotify wrapped top 5 bc of how much i listen to the soundtrack. those are my qualifications for not being a hater. i just didnt think this movie lived up to the original trilogy
and obviously they want to make more movies, which im okay with, but this one still felt unfinished. not in a "there's more to explore in the sequels" way but in a "we forgot to write an ending" sort of way
the pacing was just really weird and when we checked to see how much time was left and saw there were only ten minutes, we couldnt believe it
with all the talk of castlecoming and how big a deal that was, it felt so weird that we didnt see it?? that bridget went thru this horrible life changing prank that literally turned her evil and we just never even got close to it. taking the book was enough
(also, why did red even have to open the book in the first place if they only needed to play keep away with it? they werent even looking for anything inside)
WHAT was chloe talking about when she said her mom changed so much?? like did ella tell her nothing about her past? she's surprised that her mom grew up poor and abused and disliking royals but went on to marry a prince and be kind and give her gifts?? i dont understand what she was confused about alskjfsl
i did like brandy and paolo tho. idc if it was fan service, im a fan and felt serviced <3 their parts were cute. there was no reason for ella to be running around with blue hair tho. and the top, back, and braid all felt like they were from a different wig and none of it was working for me
i am SO glad chad got a mention tho. i screamed when it happened. i just figured they'd ignore him completely lmao
uliana was written like racist people write uma in fanfics. disappointing. disney still owes her for season 1 of hsmtmts so they better improve her part for the sequel movies
the songs were also v disappointing for meee :/ my sister said half of them sounded like they belonged on the zombies soundtrack (derogatory). the soundtracks of the original trilogies have almost zero skips on them, so it sucks that like over half the songs on this one could be a skip for me
this is also true of the stupid royal wedding short but i hate that they essentially killed carlos off for real. its sooo dumb but idk i just like thinking that cam could live on in his character but nooo. and even tho im convinced that china was crying real tears in that scene and it still hurts, the whole "we should do it for carlos" thing was like. still weird
anyway like everyone did a good job with what they were given but i think the script and song writing were nowhere near as strong as the original 3 (even tho i also think the original 3 movies vary in quality in those regards)
but i still had a good time and hope they make more. and i need those dolls to show up in stores bc i want them <3 and above all else...
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communistkenobi · 1 year
on a more personal note, I feel like my relationship to The Mandalorian has become a mirror reflection of the central problem of the show itself, which is that it’s become purely a financial instrument for Disney. I find myself watching it for “logic of engagement” reasons, for the rush of dopamine when my notifications spike, the thrill of seeing people agree with me and compliment me on how much they like the way I hate the show, even getting into fights with people on my posts. Which is not to say I dislike any of that, I enjoy it quite a lot lol, but I’m approaching the show in a completely inauthentic way, not to enjoy it as a piece of art, nor even to really hate-watch it as a social activity the way you would with The Room or the Prequels, but for the purposes of being a popular Star Wars blog who dislikes Star Wars. It’s beyond being a hater, which is still a genuine way to approach art. I am not critiquing something I really enjoy. I feel more like a content creator who is, while obviously not making any money off of posting, reaping the rewards of seeing my notification numbers go up. The Mandalorian is just providing me a platform for public performance. Again this isn’t me bitching or saying “woe is me I am popular on tumblr my life is so hard,” it’s just that I’m past the point of consuming this show as art and derive literally zero enjoyment out of it aside from posting online about how much it sucks.
which like, I feel disappointed about that. I would prefer the show to be good. I legitimately enjoyed the first season a lot, and even if the second season was much more rocky, I watched it because I liked it. I enjoy when things are good and I like unironically and earnestly enjoying art, even if it’s silly or weird or whatever. But I feel incapable of watching the show outside of being on the look out for things to riff off of, which is fun in the moment but not really a way I want to approach art generally.
Anyway I’m not saying any of this to discourage people from talking with me about it, or to say that if you’re watching mando for similar reasons you’re a bad person. I dont think that at all. honestly I’m probably going to watch the rest of the season and continue doing this exact thing lol. I’m just kind of bummed that The Mandalorian has become literally unwatchable outside of farming it for haha funny posting material. It’s such a bleak way of consuming something I used to really enjoy
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yukidragon · 1 year
Hey Yuki, I was thinking about this the other day and it would be hilarious for Jack to stumble upon Rick Astley’s ‘Never to Give You Up’ and start singing along to it before his Sunshine looks back at him with a quiet terror because of the Internet. (Bonus points if he starts to troll them with the song and also, ‘Together Forever’ sound like a happy ending for Jack and his Sunshine)
Pffffff, that it's very fitting, especially since "Never Gonna Give You Up" and "Together Forever" are part of Jack's official spotify playlist. Sadly, it was released in 1987 and 1988 respectively so he died before he could listen to them during his lifetime. Alas. I'm sure [Redacted] would've loved listening to them.
So that gives me the image of Jack doing chores around the apartment, listening to an oldies station on the radio that specializes in 80's era music, and "Never Gonna Give You Up" comes on. He hums along, swaying to the beat, maybe singing along to the lyrics a little, since it's such a catchy song, and it really speaks to him.
Alice in the living room vaguely hears the Rick Roll song through her headphones and checks what tab on her computer is playing it, doing work of her own on her laptop. It's then that she takes her headphones off and realizes Jack is listening to the song unironically. He looks so cheerful about it too.
There's a moment where Alice just has to stare at him bobbing to the beat in the kitchen, the gears in her mind locked up for a moment between flashbacks of the internet pranks and accepting, yeah, Jack would like that kind of song, wouldn't he? He's from the 80's after all.
...This isn't going to be a regular thing, right?
At the same time it makes Alice wonder how Jack would react to being rick rolled and... she just can't resist. She starts snickering and loads up some webpages in preparation and brings her laptop into the kitchen.
Jack, naturally, is delighted Alice wants to join him. Oh? The song? It's catchy isn't it? Yeah, he likes it a lot! He could listen to it all day. It's almost disappointing for him when it comes to an end.
Alice feigns innocence and says that she wanted to show him something she found on her laptop.
Jack, ever eager to engage in his sunshine's interests, turns off the radio and looks at the webpage - something harmless like a link to a recipe. Oh, Alice wants him to check this out? Sure he'll-
Suddenly the song starts and Jack jumps a little as the music begins and the video plays. Then there's excitement! Oh, it's the song! Alice found it for him. The music video is pretty cool too. He watches it with unironic enjoyment, happy as can be.
Alice takes pleasure in his happiness, but that doesn't deter her from her mischief. When the song is over Jack wonders why the link brought him to the video instead of a recipe. He's still not used to computers or the internet and has needed her help to catch up with that technology. He's quick to learn, but there's still a lot that he doesn't know.
Alice shrugs noncommittally and suggests he try the link again. It leads to the song, of course. Jack chuckles a bit, but pauses the video this time. He can listen to it later. He wants to help his sunshine now.
Strange. Why does the link not work? Jack wonders. He clicked it like he was supposed to. He asks Alice if he did anything wrong, and she says nope. Maybe he should try another link, she suggests, then directs him to another tab where a link supposedly leads to pictures of kitties.
Again comes the Rick Roll and Jack is even more confused. Again clicking the link results in the same thing. He's wondering if there's something weird going on with the internet.
The next few links do the same thing and Jack is absolutely perplexed. He even checked the link addresses and they all go to different places, yet always he comes back to the video! What's going on?
Of course, Jack is a clever man and very perceptive, especially when it comes to his sunshine. It didn't escape his notice that Alice was snickering and fighting to keep a straight face the entire time, highly amused about something, especially when that video starts to play. Finally he gives her a suspicious look and asks if she has any idea what's going on, his tone making it clear that he knows something is fishy here.
Alice, between giggles, suggests he tries another link. Jack looks at her with a smirk, guessing now that he's being pranked. He says that somehow he has a feeling he knows that this link that claims it leads to an article about llama racing is going to be a lot more musical than advertised.
Jack is just outright looking at Alice as he clicks the link, starting up the song while staring at her, and she can't hold it together, cracking up. He's amused and chuckles along, thinking the humor comes entirely with the prank.
When Alice eventually gets her giggles under control, she does explain the full context of the Rick Roll and what turned the song into a meme. She just gave him a demonstration of it, as all internet newbies fall for it when they first go online.
"Even you, sunspot?"
Alice lets out an overly dramatic sigh coupled with an exaggerated eyeroll. "Wayyyy too many times as a kid. My online friends at the time thought it was funny."
Jack, of course, is a good sport about being pranked by his sunshine. The two of them have a nice chat about it, laugh over it, and Alice even shows him some popular remixes to the song, though he likes the original the best.
By this point, Alice has helped Jack get his own Spotify-equivalent (Stripeify?) account so he can play his favorite 's songs whenever he likes and doesn't have to wait for them to appear in rotation on the radio. It's full of 80's songs mostly, naturally, but there are a couple he found from listening to her playlist that now always remind him of her.
Jack gets also a little more savvy about the internet and meme culture from this. He decides to get a little payback of his own, though not with link misdirects. Instead he suddenly starts humming and singing the song when Alice least expects it. It becomes a bit of an in joke between them.
Jack still loves the song unironically, and sometimes he sings it not to tease Alice, but more as a stealthy promise to her. It's so fitting for their relationship after all. She's so shy about things going further than friendship between them for the longest time, but he'll never give her up, never let her down, and so forth.
In a way, Jack can say all the things that he's thinking of well before things change between them, sneakily masquerading it behind a song that becomes something special between them.
Of course, the song leads Jack into listening to the other songs by Rick Astley. "Together Forever" is another favorite of his for obvious reasons. He and his sunshine will be together forever, never to part... and he'll move heaven and earth to make sure of that.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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theenbynightingale · 1 year
Okay, I know I’m opening up myself to a bunch of arguing but like... We need to have a talk. I should preface this by saying I’m not a die hard fan of Clone High. I only caved into watching the original series a few days before the reboot dropped despite hearing about it for years. I think they’re both good but I have my problems with both.
But I wanna talk about Topher Bus, a Christopher Columbus clone in a Gen Z world. He’s kind of taken over the role of Ghandi as Abe’s best friend in the revival, since the creators don’t want to bring him back unless they know they’re gonna be able to make more seasons. He hasn’t had a lot of screen time or development because the abundance of characters in this version. However, him becoming somewhat close with Abe has resulted in some fans shipping them.
So imagine their surprise when Topher tries to blackmail (or white leverage) Abe at the end of the final episode because he is attracted to Joan as well. I’ve seen so many people actually get angry about this. Many found themselves disappointed that Topher wasn’t straight or that he’d do something so terrible to Abe.
To which I say... Why would you expect anything else from this guy?
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Topher’s whole thing was that he was an asshole who tried way too hard to convince people he’s progressive or an ally or “woke”, a term he unironically uses. He goes on and on about how he’s looking out for poc and women because he’s just trying to survive in a world that has flat out rejected his clone father.
“But he has a ‘Everyone is Welcome Here’ rainbow flag in his room!” Yeah, he does. He also has a co-exist poster, too. Good for him. Except there’s also a poster that says “Not a paid activist”. It’s a front! That’s the point! 
“But he keeps trying to drill it into everyone’s heads that he’s straight, like a closeted person!” Yes, he does. But it’s not just closeted people who do that. I went to a Catholic school and I also live in the real world. I’ve seen dudes be afraid to drink tea or hug because it might make them look “gay” or “feminine” or whatever bullshit.
“The way he said he liked Joan and white women in general was so exaggerated that he must be forcing himself to say it!” This is Clone High! Everything in this show is so exaggerated. From the very beginning, it’s been a parody of teen satires. It was created by the duo that would go on to make Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, 21 Jump Street and The LEGO Movie. This is their style.
“The episode would have been better if he blackmailed Abe into not confessing to Joan because he had a crush on Abe.” So you’re saying you would have liked the episode more if Topher had gone “Abe, the reason I almost got you molested by a teacher was because I’m in love with you”? I need you to realize how fucked that is.
Topher is a weasly little shit who tries to convince everyone how progressive he is when he’s actually a total asshole. That was the point. Y’all thinking he was in love with Abe or that he had Abe’s best intentions at heart just means that it worked. You took the bait. I’m not saying shipping Tophabe would be immoral (okay maybe after the whole statutory rape thing but that’s just for right now). There’s a solid chance that their friendship could be salvaged after this. I certainly never thought I’d ship Cleo with anyone but know she and Frida are my OTP. But you gotta stop pretending that this character is someone he isn’t.
I might delete this because I’m just trying to get my feelings out. I’m not calling anyone stupid or whiny just because they got upset by the new episodes. (Shoutout to my boy, @warcrimetime​. Sorry they took JoanFK from you so soon). This is just another case of me getting annoyed by people calling queerbait just because a ship didn’t become canon and me getting everything out of my system. (But also, if Joan does see Topher’s blackmail and her reaction is anger at Abe and not “HOLY SHIT YOU WERE MOLESTED?!” then that would actually be legit bad writing).
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Although, maybe I’m just not upset because I got Kahlopatra and you guys lost your OTP and I just don’t understand, I dunno. 
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rachelbethhines · 1 year
60 Years of Doctor Who Anniversary Marathon - C. Baker 1st Review
The Two Doctors - TV Story
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I was so disappointed when this was the story that the randomizer chose.
Unlike most fans, I genuinely enjoy Colin Baker's time as the Doctor on tv. I would have gladly watched any other story, yes even The Twin Dilemma or The Mysterious Planet. Heck, I personally think Timelash is loads of fun.
But this....
Not only is The Two Doctors my least favorite C. Baker episode, it is perhaps my most disliked episode of the classic era. And quite possibly in the bottom ten stories out of the show's history.
However, fair is fair. This is what the randomizer picked and I haven't given the story an honest shot since my first viewing of it.
So is it as bad as I remember?
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It really is that bad.
Granted there are moments in the story that are entertaining, but these are few and far between and don't do enough to save the serial.
The first and foremost problem is that the story suddenly turns the Doctor into a racist!
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These are Androgums. They're an enslaved race, born into servitude because they are deemed to be "less intelligent" then more "civilized" races.
The main villain has been experimented on by a mad scientist, used as a sentient lab rat, and has gained genius intellect and knowledge through her forced upon mutations.
She uses her brains to manipulate people, framing the time lords for crimes they, lets be honest, would have committed themselves anyways, and kidnaps the doctor to force him to teach her time travel so that she may free her people and conquer those that had enslaved her.
You would have thought that the Doctor would be at least sympathetic to her motives, if not her methods, but no!
The Doctor constantly repeats through out the story that Androgums are inherently evil. That it's "in their nature" to destroy everything. That they can never become better people no matter what, and constantly dismisses their plight.
Worse, the story goes on to prove this outlook as correct when the Doctor is forced to become an Androgum himself through genetic experimentation and briefly becomes "evil."
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Like why the fuck would you write that into your story!?
Did you not stop to think at all that this might not be the best way to write your hero, nor the most appropriate message to put forth in your narrative?
Then again, this is the written by the same man who wrote The Talons of Weng-Chiang because he unironically loved Fu Manchu movies.
I don't place Robert Homes on any kind of pedestal unlike the rest of fandom and bullshit like this story is why.
Oh but there's more offenses to find here.
See, Homes is not only racist, he's also that smug fake leftist that pretends he's better than you because he doesn't eat meat.
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His preachy, holier than thou, anti-meat arguments have popped up a couple of times on the show, but here is where it's at it's most overbearing and obnoxious.
See, there are plenty of legitimate reasons to adopt a vegetarian/vegan diet... from religious beliefs, to health and safety concerns in commercial processing, to personal dietary needs... but Homes never makes this argument.
No Homes believes that people who eat meat are no better then murdering cannibals!
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Man what I wouldn't pay to see Robert Holmes in a debate with the current writers of the Poison Ivy comics.
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But to add injury to insult, Holmes then decides that the Doctor and Peri must become vegans like him at the end of the story.... You know the two characters who are not his creations and have no previously established reasons to adopt his personal belief systems.
Peri has since been retconed into having always been a vegetarian in the expanded universe, and that works okay as there's nothing in previous episodes to contradict it. It also nicely ties into her being revealed as a botanist in the next story.
But the Doctor not only has never held this practice before, the story makes a point to establish that he does enjoy eating meat and has him fishing for fun at the beginning.
So this is essentially the writer forcing his personal beliefs on to the main hero of a long established running series that he himself has only been a part of for a brief amount of time.
Trying to morph a character that isn't yours into just another version of yourself, ignoring anything that came before to do so, is bad writing. Plain and simple.
It's not only disrespectful to the character and their creator, it's also just flat out boring.
If you can't write anyone but yourself and can't present anyone else's view other than your own, then why the fuck are you even writing to begin with?
This a personal pet peeve of mine in professional media, writing characters that aren't yours out of character cause of ego, and I truly think it's a waste of everyone's time.
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What else...
Oh the pacing is poor, the direction is flat, and I truly despise the scene where Oscar dies with the passion of a thousand suns!!!
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It is the most tone deaf, poorly directed, poorly acted, poorly written scene in the entire story with perhaps the stupidest dialogue in the entirety of the classic era.
I hate it!
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At least we can only go up from here.
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viviwivipoo · 6 months
more general kitsune headcanons (made by my friend)
okay so i showed my friend the kitsune boys and asked for her first impression headcanons of them and she did not disappoint (thanks taylor)
most of these are like shitpost hcs but there is one nsfw headcanon for each character so beware of that
again if you dont agree with these please scroll lol
Fuyu : 
gagged at taylor louderman’s regina performance
secretly loves damian’s character (mean girls)
bought crystals and found out that it was mostly a ploy to get people to buy rocks and went ballistic (his fave was tigers eye)
needs reader glasses
probably had some sort of body piercing but it healed up
got snapchat to be “hip and cool” and a bunch of people added them, including haru and aki on spam accs (they trolled and loyalty tested him ☠️)
likes atari
terrified of the MacBeth superstition
likes starwars and transformers 
owns starwars and transformers figurines and has to keep them clean and dust free at all times
gives off a collector vibe
either plays as king boo or tom nook in mario kart
likes sherlock holmes
loves lana del rey and read her poetry book
his fave lana era(s) are chemtrails over the country club and born to die
a bit of a swifty
fave era is lover
would wear matching bracelets with you and never take them off
gives off allen (barbie, 2023) vibes
love language is physical touch and words of affirmation
loves cuddling
would want a hedgehog as a pet (sorry sven)
IF meeting your parents, would play the shamisen for them 
(NSFW) probably more vanilla / traditional in the bedroom
Haru :
plays an instrument
probably electric or bass guitar
possible yapper?
girl dad
probably owns a t-shirt with his name and face on it
keeps feminine hygiene products in his bathroom
sings in the shower
played soccer professionally at one point
practices pick-up lines to bottles in the shower
prefers mrs. pac-man over original pac-man
likes lana also, but prefers her sluttier songs (ex. Almost every song on ultraviolence)
HEAVY swifty, fave era is reputation but has a soft spot for her country eras
gives off magic earring ken / sugar daddy ken (barbie, 2023) vibes
love language is physical touch and acts of service
likes maroon5
likes to spend money 
goes to hot topic and spencers to pick up goth chicks
(NSFW) most definitely a giver / enjoys giving rather than receiving 
plays zelda
had his wisdom teeth pulled
likes pinball machines
prefers jake paul over logan paul
watches brent rivera
owns crocs
gives off kenough ken (simu liu) (barbie, 2023) vibes
loves charles boyle (brooklyn 99, 2013)
listens to a few icp songs
has minor anger issues
favorite girl scout cookie is tag-a-longs
unironically yells “burger king foot lettuce”
makes you throw up (from cringe) and holds your hair
LOVES impractical jokers
favorite joker is joe 
(NSFW) has some kind of bsdm fetish 
jesus theres so much
anyway hope you enjoyed 😜
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filipinosamflynn · 11 months
Golden Son tier list + review! :D
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These books are so fucking good, I want to continue with book 3 already. I have never read books this quickly, but DAMN that was good. You can see my live thoughts while I was reading from the tag "#sam flynn reads red rising", but here are my post reading thoughts below the cut.
Characters: 9/10, everyone served their purpose well and was great except for Antonia, who SOMEHOW still disappointed me.
Plot: 9/10, I have no clue if there was anything for me to complain about.
Personal Enjoyment: 10/10, I was unfortunately spoiled to 2 events within the book before I started reading, but I had so much fun regardless. I wish I had come in 100% blind :(
I have NO CLUE where to start. I guess I'll start with Fitchner. His identity as the founder of Ares was no secret to me when I came into the book, I strayed too far and accidentally got myself spoiled. Despite that, the reveal was still fucking brilliant. I'm surprised by how far he shot up in my tier list, from close to the bottom to being top 5. Wish he didn't die though 😭
Another character that shot pretty dramatically up the tier list was the Jackal. I knew he was gonna betray Darrow from the start based on intuition (thankfully not from spoilers) but DAMN HE DIDNT HAVE TO DO ALL THAT 😭 He's so sociopathic, I love that. I am no longer disappointed by him, and are excited to see what this little fucker has in store next! (Unlike with Antonia. Maybe I hyped myself up too highly for her, I expected her to play a larger role in everything but she feels so much like a pawn, it's embarrassing. She is my unironic least favorite character because of how plain disappointed I am in her, and it's not a fun hatred, it's a "oh she is here again. will she do anythin- nope. okay.")
Roque. Sweet Roque. I thought you were eh in the first book, just a cool voice for darrow to talk to I guess. But after the ending, fuck you 😍 I got spoiled by his betrayal, but honestly I saw his betrayal coming when Darrow kept being unable to reconcile with him. Either that or Roque dies, but uhhhhh I got spoiled anyways so it was going to be the latter. yeah I wish he had died instead of this! 🥰 but honestly and to be fair, yeah Darrow kind of deserved some of it for being such an ass of a friend, but:
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Cassius went down the tier list because the gala fight was AMAZING but he doesn't show up after that again until the end, and that made me feel sort of hesitant? BUT HE IS CLEARLY STILL BEING SET UP FOR THE FUTURE SO HE BETTER NOT PULL AN ANTONIA AND DO NOTHING BUT BE A PAWN.
Sevro is half red, cool! I am so glad he's still such a lovable scamp. I got excited every time he showed up, I love him.
Darrow is still an amazing protagonist, and I am so glad we are past his angsty "I miss my wife" phase, but I can guarantee I will see more of it after the ending. At least I will be mentally prepared for the whump this time.
Mustang is at her prime here. The scene with her in Lykos was so... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH i fucking hope she returns for darrow because these two are awesome and they deserve all the happiness.
Oh yeah, the scene where they revisit Lykos? As I said in a previous post, it watered my crops and cleansed my skin. I am so glad we finally got to catch up with Darrow's family. AND HE GOT TO HUG HIS MOM AAAAAAAAAA- I hoped we would see Darrow talk with the rest of his family, but just everything about this was comfort enough. Rest in peace uncle Narol though. 😥 Even if the meeting with darrow and his mom was cut abruptly short by Kieran's kids, but my heart... 🥹
Ragnar spawns in and just gets to business, and I love him. I love stories where people raised for only one thing learn to break free of their mold (that's why i was so interested in this series in the first place). I think it's so iconic that every time he speaks, the text becomes bold, that instantly endeared me to him somehow.
Victra was good, but her insistence on Darrow was weird. Could be because I'm a hard Darrow × Mustang shipper.
That's all the characters I feel like talking about. Onto other things like the plot! The plot was SO much better than the first book. We're finally out of that fuckass academy and doing actual rebelling finally! I don't know what else to say, the twists and the plots were phenomenal. The fight scenes here are even better than the ones in the first book. Overall, y'all weren't kidding when people said book 1 was the weakest of the series because I am flabberghasted by how good this book is.
I don't know what else to say, all of this has just been rambling. Darrow better break those god damn chains at the end of it all.
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bitterrobin · 11 months
002 for any arrowfam member of your choice
I'll give my opinions of Mia Dearden! I finished reading the Green Arrow (2001) run pretty much all in one day (when I get into things I'm a very fast reader) and I absolutely love Mia as a character in that run!
I've only read a couple of issues of Green Arrow 2016 for Emiko Queen and the Green Arrow/Green Lantern run before GA 2001, so I feel like I really got a full look into Ollie and the surrounding characters of the Arrowfam.
Throughout the beginning of the run, you get immediately pulled into Mia's perspective and we understand her character pretty quickly. She's young, but she's not stupid and she's not going to sit around a wait for things to happen before she acts. Cutting her abuser's hand and then threatening him after he tries to kill her is a great moment that shows her tenacity.
After Kevin Smith leaves, I'm super disappointed in how Mia never gets a full character spotlight she did earlier in the rest of run. Still, she's a much better fleshed-out character than some modern writers create these days, and throughout the whole GA run I found myself missing those kind of well-defined and likable characters like her.
Mia balances really well with the rest of the Arrowfam and I enjoy her relationships with Ollie and Connor. (I'm still wondering if her and Roy ever interacted more after GA 2001?)
Bonus: Connor Hawke-appreciation! I also really enjoyed getting to know him in an actual GA comic after my first experiences with the character was in Robin 2021 (blasphemous, ik).
Also, man, I might do a small analysis about her interaction with Jason in that one mini-arc, because holy shit. It is simultaneously the best and worst writing for both Mia and Jason I've seen. Mia doesn't deserve to get psychologically tortured by this asshole, but it's nice seeing her hold her own. Jason definitely shouldn't get the pass on any of his actions though. Hmmmm, maybe I'll also mention it in the Taxonomy au as an additional point towards "Jason-shouldn't-be trusted."
Reading GA 2001 in addition to my Titans read through has put me on a path towards wider DC appreciation, and I can totally see how cohesive and more family-like the Arrows are in comparison to the clusterfuck that is comics-Batfam. Unironically, Ollie is now on a higher ranking above Bruce in terms of best DC patriarch despite all the shenanigans he gets into in GA 2001.
Thanks for the ask!
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brown-little-robin · 1 month
assorted thoughts so far on Stardust Crusaders arc:
every episode has been more and more like an evil Mrs. Frizzle episode. I unironically love how they explain everything before they do it. it's so silly. they went inside Joseph Joestar's brain. through his blood vessels. I swear there's a Mrs. Frizzle book about that, except without the evil brain lobster trying to kill everyone.
I am. FROTHING AT THE MOUTH. I'm SHAKING. over Jotaro. he fascinates me. HE THOUGHT THE MANIFESTATION OF HIS SOUL WAS AN EVIL SPIRIT. POSSESSING HIM. I'm still not over that. Jotaro Kujo is fundamentally angry. he's a pressure cooker. he's a time bomb. he doesn't pull his punches. Jotaro contains himself, though—he doesn't want to hurt people. he put himself away in a jail cell when Star Platinum first manifested. he risked his life un-brainwashing a guy who tried to assassinate him and refused to say why. he loves his mother even though he abuses her kindness. he's angry and he's kind and he's a little jerk. grabs him and shakes him. I was like him at 17.
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LIKE— !!!!!! SIR
ok this got long. putting in a readmore for everyone who doesn't feel like reading My Random JJBA Diary
this is a series that is fine with showing gore, but doesn't have the main characters cause it.... usually. I am going to be disappointed if the story never follows up on the implications that Jotaro can do really ugly things. Although The Lovers did feature him breaking Steely Dan's arm and leg, it was kind of... strangely sanitized-feeling. I didn't even realize the guy was that injured until he Said So. I KNOW this is shounen and therefore Will show the heroes as heroic and the villains as villainous without much gray, and wounds are just magically going to be pushed through, but JJBA is willing to push the limits of gore to show the ugliness of the villains' actions, and it's setting up some beautiful and interesting things with the moral complexity of the heroes; why sanitize their actions?
Jotaro mirrors back the behavior he sees around him. He seems slightly unstable, morally speaking. He recognizes evil, and he pays it back. He listens silently to the people attacking him, he takes punches, and then he lashes out in return and enjoys it. He says people think I'm a delinquent; he doesn't claim to be a delinquent, he just names how people label him. He's half Caucasian and huge and muscled and girls are constantly hanging off him; he's been labeled with a complex and aggressive masculinity for years. And he takes labels. He internalizes them.
Polnareff and Joseph are the clowns of this narrative. The poor guys. "Clown" is not a great position to be in. HOWEVER the position of clown comes with free Easy Bounce-Back From Every Humiliation. if Jotaro is a Batman figure, paying back what he's given, Polnareff and Joseph are more like Robin.
Relatedly, I have decided that the humor of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is fundamentally similar to slapstick clown humor. To quote my own paper on clowns:
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Take Dio's refrain of "mudamudamudamudaMUDAMUDAMUDA!!" (futile futile futile futile futile!!). And Star Platinum's battle cry, "ora ora ora ORAORAORAORA" that blurs into a macho shout. It's exactly like clown humor: it's a Bit that starts, you recognize that this is silly by like the third time Dio says "muda", and then it just. keeps. going. and at some point your brain goes "this cannot be real. stop. stop" but it keeps going, and at this point you are forced to let your rational thinking die and just accept that this is happening. it's a little ego death; you have to either laugh or lose your mind. That's JoJo's Bizarre Adventure humor in a nutshell. It's silly, but not just silly; it stretches itself to the point of absurdity. It grabs you and DEMANDS that you let this happen to you.
Okay and last thing: I'm loving Kakyoin's slow breakdown. he's introduced as an assassin, then it's revealed he's being mind-controlled, and then he joins the party, and then he's thrown under suspicion, and then cleared, and now he's convinced he might be losing his mind and the others are beginning to worry that he's losing it too. and, again, Kakyoin was mind controlled for quite some time. this has got to be hitting him right where it hurts.
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^ the posture of a man who doesn't know if he's insane 🥰 darken your clothes and strike a violent pose or whatever MCR said :)
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welcome-to-the-cafe · 4 months
Guilty of Romance (2011)
This is a Sion Sono movie, which apparently carries certain weight and implications that I didn't know until after the viewing. I will admit it is an artful film, in the sense that all creative choices seem very deliberate, heavyhanded even, but very clear. I don't agree with those choices but they do all contribute to the film as a sort of cinematic painting, rather than a story. Yes, it seemed the director was painting with his favorite colors, rather than engineering a tight movie. I have only seen trailers of his other movies but I can see the same colors in those.
Major Spoilers below.
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Color 1: Megumi Kagurazaka
The main character is a housewife played by the director's own wife. He...really likes showing her off. She doesn't disappoint of course, in acting or, er, physical appeal. But knowing shes married to Sion gives an...interesting dynamic to her scenes.
Color 2: Cuckoldry and Cheating
It happens so much it's almost satirical. Maybe it is, but maybe also unironic given Color 1.
Color 3: Psychology, Philosophy
Wax poetic about the power of words and actions. The scenes between the Izumi and Mitsuko I personally did not find very engaging or informative. I'll just accept that Izumi is spiritually seduced by Mitsuko's poetic turn of phrase, but Mitsuko is just using her highbrow academic language to trap her prey.
Color 4: Corruption, Degradation
The main characters are all women, but I didn't find the movie particularly feminist or empowering. All 4 major female characters make humiliation and degradation central to their characters. Men are in the picture as dastardly enablers, but the women make the conscious decisions to further their own self-destruction. Perhaps because they are trapped in patriarchy, all their efforts to empowerment also slide them toward doom?
I now think this dilemma is one of the stronger parts of the movie. Izumi is spiritually freed by embracing her sexuality, but she is also disturbed and the guilt corrodes her. Her mirror scene was, er, great for viewers, but the longer it went on, the more uncomfortable and effective it became. Yeah that girl ain't right.
Color 5: Gore, Shock
This is the weakest color for me. The gory nature of the murder I felt was askew to the tone and message of movie as whole, and felt like it was just there to draw viewers and make them wonder what kind of killer would do such a thing.
The resolution to the murder, though present, was unsatisfying, unlike Bong Joon-ho's Memories of Murder, which was unresolved but satisfying.
Artistically, the murder as a component of the movie does match the nature of the murder itself, a few bloody weirdly tacked on pieces.
The SA components were, again, disturbing and effective, and I think too much.
I did not appreciate the final scene with kids whatsoever. I really hope those kids weren't actually there,
Other Things
Hated that pimp character, he is actually just...awful. Good casting, because I hated him immediately.
Hated the husband, instantly knew he was slime and went out to cheat all the time. I didn't guess it was every damn day though.
Makoto Togashi has a jawline that can lift a continent.
I really liked the trash-truck chasing metaphor, and that the movie ended on that. Really tied up the corruption color, I just hope Sion didn't make Miki Mizuno run that much.
Overall, a pretty good viewing experience.
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impandgnomes · 1 year
Random and occasionally sad slightly censored kind of things that have happened in my life with people I used to know that I would honestly project onto various older versions of romantic Style if I wrote that kind of thing:
Inviting the other to a sleepover out of nowhere to basically try and fail to get in their pants (the level of gay panic this one caused "girl" me - it was the first time someone showed me their boobs)
Whispering "I love you" into the other person's ear after months of awkward teenage sexual tension only to quickly walk it back by spluttering "As a friend!!!" when they see the other completely unable to compute a reaction to mutual unspoken affection
Holding the other person and rocking them as they cry over a serious situation and suddenly realizing this is something other than friendship but not wanting to admit it's gay even internally because they're 14 years old and it's 2009 in a crappy small-town middle school
(Fem) casually asking "so if someone used the same lipstick as you, do you think it would count as an indirect kiss?" whilst doing their lipstick then looking horribly disappointed when the other is too dense to get the hint and responds with "I don't think so?"
Getting WAY TOO COMFORTABLE with giving the other person a shirtless massage, who is getting unintentionally turned on by it but trying desperately not to show it due to repressed gay feelings. This not being lessened by being asked to do the same in return (probably done on purpose in hindsight).
Going to see terrible vampire romance movies (substitute for anything appropriate) just because the other person unironically really likes them and they want to spend as much time with them as possible.
The other person having a massive depressive episode at college and walking in to see them in the student union passed out in an askew manner and surrounded by confused people after days of insomnia. Gently shaking them awake to tell them they need to go to bed, and feeling a pang of guilt that they can't be helped any more than they can. Waiting with them for their first counselling session because they're scared to go alone. Being late to class in order to hug them and say it's okay as they walk back to the dorms together.
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besidesitstoowarm · 2 years
"Love and Monsters" thoughts
unironically one of my faves of the season so far. sorry
i like that davies went sillymode and tried a brand new framing device of having the episode be about someone other than the doctor/companion/companion's relatives at home/etc. i like the pre-2010 vlog quality. i like how the absorbaloff is out here looking like the white jontron. i like elton mr blue sky
i honestly don't know what to say about this episode. i can see why it would be a disappointment after "the satan pit" or even just being a fan of doctor who as-is but i'm watching these episodes with a fairly moderate gap between them and so my brain gets to reset and i can enjoy the episodes, especially experimental ones like this, relatively in isolation. i like the scooby doo opening. i like the reference to "enemy of the world" with ursula going to beat the shit out of kennedy the way victoria almost elbow-dropped salamander (there's no way in hell this was an intentional reference but my brain is broken and i like to see it)
as much as it annoyed me, even rose's "you upset my mum, no one upsets my mum" worked for me this time around. there's a kind of arrogance to rose and the doctor together and apart (but especially together) where nothing they do has any consequence unless they feel like it, their intentions are the only ones that count so they can do whatever they want. and rose did calm down after a sec and comfort elton about losing ursula. i liked elton's interactions with jackie too. milf manor over here
i even like the ending. yes it's stupid, yes they make a dumb blowjob joke. i love elton's last line, i think even people who hate this story acknowledge that's a good line (about how "when you're a kid, you think it's all...). a line i've never noticed before tho is right before that one, when he compares the doctor to the absorbaloff, how even just one touch, one momentary interaction with him is enough to derail your entire life. it's very solemn and entirely correct, the doctor's very presence has collateral damage. it's a huge theme in the davies era and i think when you push past all the silly shit in this ep, it's a very poignant undercurrent
so yeah, it's goofy and i get why people would dislike it but i think if you unwrinkle your brain and absorb the episode (just like in the show guys do you get it) you will understand
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goatboard · 1 year
hi hi hi hi hi uhmm . uhmmm . twirls my hair . 1 4 5 6 14 and 24 :3
1 : who is your favorite character in the game?
Unironically I'm a Sara liker, i think she's both the biggest failure and the biggest bossgirl. In reality I think the way she's so geniuenly compassionate and kind of a dork. She's so self-conscious in a way I find actually so cute but also so reletable and it's been so fun to see how the death game affects character but more importantly how the other characters influence her. I also like that she sometimes can say the dumbest things.
4 : whats your favorite moment ingame?
OHH I GOT A FEW. This is gonna get spoiler-y but!
Not exactly one specific moment but Gin wanting for Sara to hang out with him in exchange for the tokens. He really is so well written it's insane but honestly this is also such a good way for making the player (us) get closer to Gin for the final attraction. Also it's just so sweet when he decides to trust Safalin with Mew-chan because Sara said so.
Moment number two is when Alice decides to erase his memories of Reko. Like! This is a moment that shows the major differences between Reko and Alice as well as Alice's true nature, which is obviously being a coward. It's also the moment when I both want to yell at him so sooo much for doing it but partially I understand.
THIRD IS THAT ONE VERY VERY SHORT SNIPPET OF NAO IN THE AFTERLIFE. Especially in the Reko dies route. I think that one is mostly self explanatory. It makes me so insane to think that those two care about each other so deeply that death can't do them apart.
I think I'll stop for now um-
5 : which character did you change your opinions on the most?
Joe and Q-taro.
For Joe I'll have to be honest, I didn't care much for him at the beginning. His death mostly hit me by the way Sara reacted to it. I think Joe is a character who grew on me the more he was gone?? His dynamic with Sara is just so good and he's just such a sweet guy. I more or less went from indifference to liking him a lot.
And so sorry Bas but I really disliked Q-taro at the beginning. He didn't seem to be doing much at the beginning of the game and was hella distrustful. Which, fair, but it was also so damn annoying. The final attraction didn't do much in my eyes for him either. Like, irc he let Gin be stung twice. Like. Dude. His later relationship with Gin and Mai did change that a lot to me. I think he also kinda needed that experience of the final attraction to tone him down a little and be one of the main driving forces behind trying to resist AsuNaro.
6 : which character do you think has the most death flags?
EZ. Keiji. I was convinced this man was gonna die in 3b instead of Q-taro. At this point if he does live through the death game I'm going to be disappointed.
14 : whats your favorite joke from the game/fandom?
Homophobic Midori & everybody hates Shin. Sorry not sorry.
24 : in YTTS, which fondness events are your favorite?
Oh I don't think I've gotten all of the fondness events so far. I still haven't even finished Kai's route ahaha--
But! Even if there are all of the events that are so emotional and dive deep into the characters I will have to choose Kanna's fondness events with Mishima. This girl just cracks me up. She insists her bucket is a damn hat and then outs her sister. Iconic. Legendary.
It's also so fun to see Kanna happy and not haunted by Kugie's death. Her character really shines in YTTS. Pun intended.
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