#unless they too have eczema
tinylilvalery · 6 months
Non eczema sufferers will literally NEVER understand.
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harmlessghosty · 4 months
Hi, Ghosty. I've been wondering if you can do demon brothers with mc that is insecure with their eczema 👉👈
As someone who grew up with (granted, mild) eczema, I feel this in my soul. Even with a little, it can be embarrassing and unbearable, so I can imagine how hard it is with more. Hugs, because it absolutely sucks, and sometimes there’s SO little you can do about it. I usually treat it with creams, but I’m sure everyone varies.
I’ll preface this with the very clear statement that the Obey Me characters do not care what you look like, as long as you’re comfortable and happy. Being insecure of your appearance means you aren’t comfortable and happy, and they’ll each do whatever it takes to change that into something that empowers you, or at the very least helps you feel better in your skin.
More often than not would notice early on that you’re self-conscious of your appearance. Long sleeves? Pants? Turtlenecks? All in summer weather? How unusual, and you even seem to be sweating uncomfortably.
At first suggests gently that you should dress for the weather until he realizes that something more must be happening for you to behave so unusually. He asks directly what the problem is, and you decide to tell him—but only in absolute privacy.
Nods in understanding. You don’t want people to see your skin, and he relates to that. After all, the scars from his fall are…
Well, we don’t talk about the scars. All you need to know is that he understands.
Offers to help you find creams, spells or other treatments to settle flare-ups. Lessens your stress so that it doesn’t get worse. Offers his office and bedroom for you to lounge in without covering yourself—whether he’s there with you or not. If he is there with you, he treats you as he would normally—respectful and calm, without acknowledging the rashes unless you want to talk about them.
What do you mean you’re not burning up in that get-up? C’mon, take off that sweater. It’s a million degrees and you’re making him feel like he’s sweating!
You agree on the condition that he doesn’t tell anyone and that he doesn’t laugh or make a comment. After all, he won’t shut up forever if you don’t let him see what the problem is.
Oh. Ohh, that explains it.
Tries hard not to stare because ouch, that looks painful. He’s gotten his fair share of rashes and wounds from…Well, being an idiot with spellcraft. But that just means he has tons of sympathy for your condition.
Offers for you to use any of his special, expensive products as you want. He even goes out of his way to find things that’ll settle the flare-ups, even if that means spending more money. “Forget about it. Ya made me itchy, so start usin’ it before I go crazy.”
Doesn’t shy away from physical contact, and doesn’t treat you like you’re a pariah. If you suddenly feel anxious without covering your body, he offers his jacket to lay across your lap or cover your arms or neck. It’s the least he can do, and you look kind of cute with his clothes on. Just make sure ya give it back, and it better smell like those lotions he’s lettin’ you use!
It’s okay. He looks weird too, especially when he’s in his demon form. I mean, have you seen all his scales? They’re super itchy too when they shed off, and he’s got a mess on his hands making sure they’re cleaned up and not giving him even more skin problems and you must think it’s so weird and inappropriate that he’s comparing his stupid problem to your totally valid one and—
You hush him up quickly, but somehow, his anxiety helps you feel somewhat better?
He sighs and covers his reddened face. “I-I mean, I don’t know if it’ll work on humans, b-but I have…ideas of what works for me.”
Totally understands the social aspect of wanting to cover up or not go out, especially when your eczema is worse than usual or in an obvious spot. Always keeps his door unlocked for you to come and go as you please, and tries extra hard not to stare at your rashes when you’re there. It’s not that he’s judging you, but they just look so painful, and he wants to help so badly…
Absolutely offers to distract you in any way possible. If that means he has to t-touch you to rub on creams, or he just listens to you complain and offers his room as a place of comfort, then he really hopes you take him up on it. He even researches and buys tons of stuff online to try and help, though maybe you’ve tried it all. It’s the thought that counts, right? Right? Tell him he did good.
“Oh? I’m not familiar with that, but it looks uncomfortable. No wonder you’re insecure about it.”
While it doesn’t help you feel better at all, you respect his ability to be pragmatic, realistic and honest about your eczema. Yes, it’s painful and itchy and really obvious, but did he have to say the quiet part out loud?
So he researches. And he researches. And he asks questions that make no sense, some that do make sense, and others that even researches in the human world probably never thought of. And in the end, he comes up with a game plan that’s…not really what you wanted, but you appreciate the thought behind it.
Maybe you’ll take him up on the offer, or maybe you won’t. It’s totally your decision, but the door is always open. He’ll make all the potions and spells you could ever want to try if it means you’re more comfortable with yourself.
He’s a bit pushy on asking about it sometimes. He wants to help, but he’s not always sure how he can, so he needs a little direction. Once you tell him that you need a place to rest, or some lighter clothes to cover up, or maybe just someone to complain to, he’s always there to listen and offer a shoulder to lean on or a lap to rest on. Please, take advantage of it. It’s the least he can do.
Very quickly notices your outfits are too uncomfortable for the weather and the season. “Darling, you really must dress with the times! You know that long sleeves should be reserved for after September, and you shouldn’t be wearing those pants when they don’t flatter your figure hardly at all, and—“
Will literally pull a jacket off of your shoulders. Try him. He’s trying to be helpful and playful, but he doesn’t realize you’re insecure because of your eczema until it’s too late.
Is confused. He doesn’t have a comparable idea for what that is in Devildom. He doesn’t have creams or treatments for anything like that,, but damn it, he’s going to find something that helps you feel better.
If you’re going out, he offers to help cover it up with makeup or a light shawl that matches your skin well enough to hide. If that upsets your skin and you don’t want to go out, he plans an elaborate indoor date and makes sure that the brothers aren’t home to ruin it. Trust him; they won’t be anywhere nearby. Don’t ask how he managed that, love.
Will give you all the oatmeal baths he can possibly offer. Maybe they help, maybe they don’t, but it does give him an excuse to see you au natural or in a bathing suit, and that’s something to appreciate, isn’t it?
His first concern is that you’re allergic to something you ate. He’s heard of people breaking out in hives for allergies, and he’s worried. It doesn’t look good, and he’s pretty sure that humans can’t have reactions like that without getting sick, and—
When you explain to him that it’s something you’re basically born to suffer, he nods in understanding. So it’s like a battle scar, he thinks, because that’s about the only comparison he can make. Maybe it’s even like a sweat rash; he gets those on occasion if he doesn’t take care of himself after exercising, so he gets it.
Lets you wear his oversized clothes to help cover up. If you’re in public, he’s absolutely not above stripping shirtless so that you can cover up, or even carrying you around so that no one can notice your eczema but rather look at you for being carried. Hey, at least they won’t notice the thing you’re worried about.
Tries to find foods that would help inflammation and will offer them to you on a regular basis. It’s something he knows will help in the long run, though it’s not exactly the most quickly helpful.
The best at making sure any creams you use are rubbed in perfectly. Have eczema anywhere on your body? He notices it quickly and offers to help cover it right away, whether with clothes or a treatment. Whatever makes you comfortable.
Doesn’t care about the rash at all beyond a simple, “What’s that? Oh, okay.”
Secretly wonders if he can do anything to help. Is honestly a bit worried to touch you when you cuddle because he doesn’t want to irritate your skin further.
If you’re nervous about napping with him, don’t be, because he really doesn’t mind how you look as long as your shoulder or lap is available to him. It makes you feel good to be needed by him, doesn’t it? Then accept his generosity.
Really tries to listen to you talk about it, but he just…keeps thinking about ways to help. He’s smart; it shouldn’t be hard to come up with something that works, but surely you’ve been trying to work with it for years. In the end, he defaults to whatever you want, and does whatever he can to listen to what you need from him.
Constantly reassures you that the appearance doesn’t matter to him, as long as you’re cozy in his arms.
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zebulontheplanet · 7 months
My relationship with ADLs is complicated and like a toxic Ex. Sometimes I have really good days and I can do one or two ADLs without assistance or prompting. However, my good days are far inbetween and aren’t common at all for me.
On an everyday basis I need help and prompting with a lot of things. So, here are things I can’t do.
I can’t do finances besides a very basic bank account. Someone puts money into my bank account and I’m allowed to spend it as I please, however that is the extent of it. I can’t pay bills, I can’t write a check, I don’t understand how money works that well. I understand that money is taken and I understand prices but I don’t really have it grasped how budgeting works.
With household chores it’s complicated. There are some chores I can do! But it’s things that have been taught to me with very specific instructions. I can’t make lists, I don’t understand the concept of things needing to be done once a week or everyday. I need a lot of assistance with things and step by step explanations. Note that the chores I do are very basic and aren’t at all substantial to running a full house on my own.
I can’t shower without prompting or I shower once it becomes physically painful, which is a reminder. I have eczema so if I don’t shower regularly then it becomes painful.
I don’t brush my teeth unless I’m going somewhere, which isn’t often. No one seems to care about this so I don’t get prompting for this one.
I can’t and don’t grocery shop. I sometimes do go and assist but it’s with someone and I’m not really much of a help. I used to be able too, but it seems to be a skill I’ve lost. I just get very confused and lost.
I do and can handle my own medication, however I’m really bad at it. I’ll forget to take it and I just won’t take it sometimes for whatever reason. This is mostly a executive dysfunction and memory problem.
I can’t food prep and don’t.
I’m not involved with my community
I can’t go out in public alone.
I need help with communicating with others.
I can’t be left alone for long periods of time.
I don’t change my clothes often and need prompting or reminders often.
I don’t remember to eat and struggle with this. I often need reminders. Some days I realize I have to eat but that’s only because my blood sugar goes really low and I notice.
These are just some basic things I can’t do as a medium support needs individual. I know I’m on the low end of medium support needs. There are more things I can’t do that I probably haven’t listed here but yeah, this is just the gist of it.
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yandere-fics · 4 months
♡ Bathing With Them ♡
(Can you tell I have eczema based on how often I talk about them trying to be delicate on your skin, lol? I forget not everyone has skin that will try to crawl off their body if they even think about not following their special bath routine, lmao.)
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♡ Kassien loses her patience a bit more in the bath because you keep moving about and she just wants to hold you very tightly so don't be too shocked if her claws come out ever so slightly. She's not too preoccupied with the whole getting clean thing, sure she says she loves taking care of you but she can take care of that later right? She deserves to be able to unwind with her mate right now so hold still and just let her hold you in the water. Don't blame her if her hands begin to wander either, she just can't help herself. ♡
♡ You need to run the water yourself if you're planning on bathing with her. She has very thick demon skin, not to mention she's wearing a rash guard and swim shorts when she gets in with you cause she's just doesn't like showing herself actually fully nakey ever, so she doesn't feel the temperature of the water on her skin too much, if you ask for col it'll feel like ice, if you ask for hot it will actually boil your skin so it's best for you to control the water temp instead. ♡
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♡ Nora's first ever bath will be with you because in her centuries alive she barely even bothered to shower unless she happened to need to go into the general public to stalk a target but usually she just knew where a target was, killed them and then went home and laid down covered in a bit of the blood that happened to splatter on her so a bath is quite an experience. She wasn't expecting to like it nearly as much, sure she likes being close to you but she also just enjoys it even by itself, your presence is merely the cherry on top. She would still prefer you with her as she bathes but she would consider taking one instead of a shower when she needs to wash the blood off after a job before going to see you. ♡
♡ Nora likes it on the cooler side, it's relaxing to her but when she bathes with you she'll do it on the warmer side if that's what you prefer. What she really enjoys if she's having a warmer bath is having the window open when it's cold outside so the hot water and the cold air are clashing, plus she doesn't enjoy sweating, she only sweats from heat anymore but the cold air with the hot water keeps her from sweating too much so she likes it. She likely wouldn't do it with you cause she's worried you might get a bit sick. ♡
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♡ Sawyer loves baths with you, she doesn't even need to be touching you while you bathe, while she would like to be able to take care of you and massage oils into your hair and fancy lotions after the bath, she just enjoys the quality time, though she will be delighted if you allow her to do her whole routine. If you initiate in the bath she will not be opposed to it but otherwise she likes to just sit there with you and doesn't try anything on her own because it's your special bonding time. ♡
♡ She prefers to keep the water slightly warm because she wants to take very good care of your skin so whichever is best for you, she'll do that. She never bathes on her own, she only takes cold showers in the mornings so she doesn't have a temperature she prefers for her own bathes, she just wants to take care of you so if the doctors say slightly warm is the best to avoid drying your skin or hair out, she'll do it. She has epsom salt fully stocked at all times as well and other medicinal things so your bath always smells very good and is very good for your joints. ♡
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♡ Abigail bathes regularly after training so it's only natural her future duchess will bathe with her, if you're not in a relationship then she'll use the trainees hot spring with you in order to spend more time with you and while it's not as good as her fancy baths, she'll put up with it for you, she will make sure all the other trainees just so happen to be running laps at the time so you're not disturbed by anyone. Once she's finally with you though, then you have to use her private bath with her. ♡
♡ Abigail likes scorching hot water, it feels good on her aching muscles after a very long day dealing with stupid trainees who can't properly handle a sword in the slightest. She'll tone it down slightly just for you because her duchess is delicate and needs a bit less but even then it's still extremely hot. If she's adding something to the water she prefers an oatmeal bath or something like that because she wants to be gentle on your skin. ♡
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♡ Raffie does bathe on her own but if you want to coax her to bathe with you it's going to take a lot of work. She's more likely to sit next to the bath washing you as you enjoy the bath. It's not that she doesn't want to be in the bath with you but does she even deserve it? You're so beautiful, really sunflower you don't need to invite her, she's plenty happy simply being allowed to serve you as you bathe. If you can convince her though then she'll be extremely affectionate to show you how grateful she is for you allowing her this honor. ♡
♡ She likes whatever temperature you like, it doesn't really affect her so she has no preference. She would love if you would put flower petals in your bath water though because you look so pretty with rose petal surrounding you, if you have longer hair then she'll watch in awe as you dunk your hair in the water and she sees it all splayed out, she can't help but think about how you look with your hair splayed out on her bed as she services you. She will not initiate anything in the bath as she's already been given the generous ability to bathe with you, she should not push her luck. She gets out first to dry you off gently and give you a very soft bathrobe. ♡
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tinyidle · 28 days
anddd it happened again
first of all, apologies for going AWOL, I've been not feeling to open up the writing side of my brain for a while since life came in front of me saying "hi!"
but yeah, remember when i said writers should be more vague about the readers and not being too specific on certain things unless stated otherwise? yeah... it happened again
i was reading a spicy san fic (it was actually something i thought of doing myself but never got around to figuring out how to write it intricately), and this small fic was so detailed and good with it, down to the point i saw
"pale skin".
bro, the only thing pale on my skin are the palms of my hand.
ive been pale on two occasions: birth, and the one time i had a horrible skin condition related to eczema from being slightly allergic to sunlight (i have sensitive skin and can get rashes easily with commercial sunscreen)
so, no. i do NOT have pale skin because im not in that tone range. if the writer said "skin turned pale", that'd be different because anyone's skin can become dull/lack color from nervousness, anxiousness, lack of blood, etc. but this drabble wasn't about losing life or losing yourself per se.
it was about slight bdsm.
we as writers need to be more vague, i swear. idc how you envision your reader. if you want all readers above 18 to read your spicy fic, then be as vague as possible. if you want a specific audience INCLUDE IT IN YOUR WARNINGS/CONTENT LABELING.
i beg of you 😭🙏🏾
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ghostat7am · 9 months
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I was struggling to draw for a bit but my human wx design cured me
I don't think I've spoken about them before so some info about them:
They're an amab nonbinary person (they/them), they also have autism and are aroace
They're 4ft 9in (144cm) due to them not eating properly as a child
They suffer from Motor Neurone Disease (an illness that affects the nerves in your body, particularly the brain, and shortens your lifespan), ptosis (droopy eyelid on their left eye), eczema & general respiratory issues- causing their voice to be raspy and wheezy. Not helped by the fact they barely speak
They also have a severe allergy to & phobia of water- causing them to not bathe often. Making their skin dry & hair greasy + full of dandruff
They used to be a surgeon & live with their aunt until their MND affected their ability to practice any more. At some point their aunt gave them to their other relative, Wagstaff, to live with & work under as an assistant once WX was becoming "too much" for her to handle.
Their MND and body dysmorphia/gender dysphoria is the main driving force for making a robot vessel. They only had 3 years to live when the project started
(CW: sh)
Their body is littered with scars, some from burns, others from electricity- most of them from sharp objects. The ones on their face came from shaving, they'd get so upset they'd cut their skin with the blades. They're not allowed to shave unsupervised anymore.. so they don't really do it unless necessary
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artsekey · 1 year
I’m not someone who follows trends but my mom picked up some of that snail mucus moisturizer and. Look.
I can’t put SHIT on my skin 99% of the time (unless it’s CeraVe or prescribed) without experiencing Effects. I don’t know about all the beauty benefits people are touting, but I DO know that my skin feels really great and I’ve had no reaction to it.
I have mild eczema, too, and while I can’t definitively say it’s helped (the spot I had might’ve cleared up on it’s own) it seems to be doing the trick. Plus, it’s cheap as hell compared to most moisturizers!!
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naquey · 10 months
Heeeyy, I was just getting back into Nanbaka after rewatching the first episode with a buddy of mine, I was wondering if you could do Mei and Ido with an s/o who deals with eczema (and maybe they’re a lil chubby too?) They itch so much sometimes they end up hurting themselves from scratching so much? (Kind of a comfort writing?)
If not that’s okay, I understand 🙏💙
I am soooo off schedule but life has been hectic, excuses excuses I know lol. I'm here to write and thats all that matters now.
I feel the headcanon/list format fits this best.
tw; mentions of blood but not something graphic
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Okay, Mei and Ido may be like thirty or something but they certainly do not know everything
That includes not know what eczema looks like, but they are aware of what it is
As soon as either one of them notices their s/o is scratching or itching they start to wonder if Ikkaku did something again
when they lay their eyes on the red or flaking skin they start freaking out so much
they didn't expect it to look like this
what they also didn't expect was scratching so much they bleed or even take off skin
If you're doing something with Ido and he just notices blood he immediately goes into panic mode, completely forgetting where the first aid kit was n stuff
Mei once jokingly offered to lick the blood off to see if saliva would help the itching
Obviously he was declined.
Due to also having stomach rolls, which you love because its part of you and makes you unique. It gets really bad when you start bleeding or if the areas are where skin touches because all of a sudden skin is flaking off and you dont even have to scratch
After a while they do stop panicking and help clean you up but will start treating you like you're fragile
You'll have to tell them off for treating you like porcelain, unless you like being treated like you're fragile.
but they'll do it unintentionally
Ido is a bit more comforting than his brother is when it comes to make sure you're okay if you scratched too hard
Although Mei likes you he isn't a very soft person unless he truly does trust you blindly
He's an assassin what do you expect
if anyone else in shiki makes fun of you its on sight
they will not hesitate to beat up their coworkers if they make you upset
Mei more so willing to kill someone than Ido is
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Y’know what I feel like venting and your my favorite writer so Im going to vent to you
I have eczema and the MOST annoying thing is When people tell you not to scratch it like
WHAT THE FUCK have you ever felt what its like to be itchy all the fucking time
And a second thing Im tiered of going somewhere meeting new people and someone asking me ”whats wrong with your skin”
Thanks for listening bye
I have a skin condition too where I can't stay in the sun for more than a few minutes or else my skin will blister up and start peeling off like a rattlesnake. And yeah, people stare (which I never understood how because I don't even look at people directly unless they talk to me) and they ask what's wrong with me? And then try to offer their two cents on how to fix it.
What I have learned to do is that since they wanna make me feel embarrassed, I'm gonna... double it and give it to them. For example:
"Why is your skin peeling off and all red?"
Me: my mother threw hot water on me.
Them: WHAT?
Me: yeah... she- I think it was an accident- maybe, but I was asleep on the couch 1 sec and then the next- nvm, can we not talk about it?
Them, uncomfortable: o-oh yeah, sorry for asking-
And then they never do😃
I also have this pretty birthmark on my foot that looks like a hedgehog but ever since I was a kid, a lot of elders used to ask me what it was in that god awful, pitiful voice and idk why, but it seemed appropriate to answer:
Me: oh this? My mom dropped her cup of hot tea on it. (Or, sometimes I'd replace it with) my dad dropped his barbecue skewers and it stabbed right into my foot- *gets thwacked on the head by mom after I tell this story for the 4th time*
So make up a horrible lie and have fun with your disease!
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vermillioncrown · 1 year
upcoming batman fic
for all of you wishing that si!kagami would call the clowns out through a megaphone, or that zyx lost their shit and threw a fit for real for once in their miserable life, or can only be teased by my never-to-be-actually-written college aus
this is the one. this is the fic.
i will respect that canon exists and it can exist waaay over there. i know nothing, own up to nothing, and let fandom brainrot take my fingers over
pre-under the red hood, tim is robin, dick is nightwing
idc too much about other characters besides core batfam
the whole thing i skimmed about cataclysm and no man's land hurts my head?? so i'm just dancing around it and it didn't go THAT bad but it was still not a good time in gotham
at least other isekai's have some obvious silver lining. this one is fucking abject misery, but i'm not me unless i'm trying to laugh my way through suffering
it started as a dream where i was in the pov of a street kid or whatever, and then lucid-realized and said out loud both dream and irl
"i can't survive on the streets, i have eczema"
The Pros and Cons of Digging Your Own Grave
+ Well, at least you know where it is.
- Like you don't have enough to do already.
Or another tough debate: which is worse—falling to your death from 30 stories up onto wet concrete, or experiencing the still-nebulous but unspeakable horrors of child trafficking?
Given the bluff profile of the average 10-year-old, maybe the terminal velocity can be increased significantly if that 10-year-old curls up during descent? While undesirable, instantaneous death still ranked higher than drawn-out suffering and mental trauma (if not also death). At least, that's the personal evaluation here—no prescribing this scenario's weightings onto anyone else.
So… the only thing left to do with that question answered is to start climbing—the bat-people don't linger on the same rooftop all night.
(The smart thing to do, when in way over your head, is to avoid trouble when you see it—animal-themed vigilantes first and foremost. But sometimes, they are the lesser evil.)
(Nightwing pulls a Bruce, gets bullied by a child, more at 11.)
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asherlockstudy · 1 month
I am so at the lowest of lows right now
I sense that my wisdom teeth are getting angry and somehow simultaneously a forgotten impacted canine that my orthodontist FORGOT and thus completed my HELLA EXPENSIVE treatment without pulling out the freaking adult canine which means that it will eventually get out and I will have to remove my permanent retainer, pull out the baby canine and then do new orthodontics to put the adult canine in the proper place…. Anyway the canine seems to get antsy as well and I have so much pressure in my jaw right now, not only because three teeth are trying to erupt but also because my permanent retainer stops them from actually erupting 🙃 the battle of the titans in my jaw
And it would all be fine if I did not have gigantic molars in a very narrow and delicate lower jaw which means that my wisdom teeth are of course fully impacted and basically behind my cheek. I saw a YouTube video by a mature orthodontist titled “the hardest wisdom tooth I ever extracted” and the scan of that tooth looked a little easier than mine hahaHA 🥲🥲🥲 And also the patient was younger and male with much wider jaws than me so no contest I beat him hands down.
And not only my jaw is very small and delicate and pulling out the third molars will probably put too much pressure for it to handle but also I have huge reasons to believe (ie sporadic spasms that happen a few times per year) that one or more of these impacted teeth sit on my alveolar nerve which makes me a perfect candidate for nerve damage during these extractions.
And it’s not just that but in my country oral surgeons perform with local anaesthesia unless you break your face in an accident or something and NO SIR I am not having this shit with local anaesthesia. Did it once with the most freakish impacted upper canine in existence and I am not fucking doing it again. But I don’t know where to go, they all use only local, even clinics in the capital avoid sedation or iv.
I am in a constant extreme worry and of course that took a toll to my GI tract issues and I am having huge bloating and heart ache (it’s from the bowels projecting there, I had it before).
Also I once again might have to soon get out of my own house due to nightmarish neighbours about to come to the apartment upstairs and I know for a fact these are going to be worse than the bastard living in it three years ago and even worse those are the owners of the apartment, so if they come, you know they are staying for life. Which means I can’t stay in mine. Even though I am also an owner.
And I am just observing that I must be one of the globally best cases of extreme somatisation. Because all my concerns, even minor inconveniences, have a severe and even immediate consequence on my body. My worries lead to severe eczema and scratching that I cannot stop. I am bleeding from my hands and legs. My allergies are amazing, they really are largely psychological, the moment a person I find annoying enters the room I am in, I start sneezing, it is unbelievable. If a clothe doesn’t sit on me right, when I am in a hurry, in the most minor unpleasant temperature change, I start sneezing nonstop. I am a bloody nut job. Mentally, in the way I behave I am a pretty pliable and patient person I think and all my frustration gets out physically. I can’t believe me.
By the way I know a visit to a therapist or a prescription of some medication might be long due. I am very aware of many things, at least awareness is not a problem with me. I just want to vent here.
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writeforfandoms · 10 months
Had an idea for the out of prompt prompts ୧⁠(⁠ ⁠ಠ⁠ ⁠Д⁠ ⁠ಠ⁠ ⁠)⁠୨
Wdyt 141+rodolfo would do when their s/o who has both eczema and dermatitis got their allergies flaring up and their face is all red, their skin got ruined by the scratches (it's so damn itchy gOD), antihistamine is their bestie rn, always this close to cry because everything is itchy, if they scratch more it's just gonna bleed and it will sting in a few hours no amount of salve could help unless the antihistamine works
Sorry if it's lengthy my allergies been flaring up for weeks now and sometimes i hate how i got all the hereditary skin problem jackpots from my dad :)))
- 🌕✨ (please dont get sick of me sending prompts 😭 💔)
Okay I did a brief bit of research here but otherwise I'm just doing my best. I hope this helps and you feel better soon, friend!
Also I did this more as headcanons because blurbs wouldn't work for this kind of prompt
Warnings: allusions to skin problems, medicine, etc.
Sets up a timer for your meds
Insists you take it exactly on time
Keeps water near you at all times
Also keeps lotion nearby
"Easy, love," he'd murmur, catching your hands if you go to scratch, "Won't help, yeah? Best not."
Endless patience. Seriously. Doesn't matter how many times he catches you going to scratch, he never gets mad or raises his voice
Initially he does some research and talks it out with you, learning your preferences
After that? He's on top of it
Also uses alarms for your meds
Would have a few different lotions for you to test and see what works
Will work on distracting you however he can - favorite movie or TV show, music, the works
Will also bring you a cool damp washcloth to put over your face or the back of your neck in hopes that it helps
Focuses on keeping you as comfortable as he can
Gives you complete control of the TV, lots of snuggles on the couch, will run to grab basically anything you say you need (or even mention wanting)
There's not a lot else he can do so he dotes on you
Assures you its no trouble and he's happy to do it
Surprisingly gentle about it all
Will remind you to take meds, and if he's away he'll even text you to make sure you've been taking them
If you ask nicely he'll read bits of a book to you
Otherwise he just keeps track and does what he can to make you more comfortable
Probably also indulges you with some of your favorite foods
Is also not above stuffing your hands in mittens to prevent you scratching
Keeps everything close to you - lotion, antihistamines, drinks, you name it
He's big on the little things - making sure you stay hydrated, keeping you as comfortable as possible, keeping your phone charged for you
Cooks for you too, any recipes he knows are favorites of yours
Probably also does research to find out how best to help you, comes to you with suggestions of things to try
And if you agree to try any of them, he's already buying everything so you don't have to worry about a thing
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goth-automaton · 3 months
Probably a little TMI and will most likely delete this later, but ffs, I need to get this out.
You know, what fucking sucks? When you've spent all your teenage years stumbling from one doctor to another, having a shitload of tests, constantly trying different meds and are so fucking fed up with everything, you gave up on ALL doctors save for maybe two types... And then stumble across a tweet "how can you be 20 and not go to X doctor regularly? Or at all? How can people not take care of themselves like that? :("
I've never been to X doctor, 'cause a) I'm fucking terrified of that particular type b) so far everything seems fine in that space and c) at this point I'm so fucking tired of doctors I'd rather let the illness eat me alive. And you know what? Weeks later and I'm still thinking about that tweet, feeling immense guilt, like I failed in adulting. The feelings get much worse every time anyone mentions it. Despite the fact I fucking KNOW I won't go to that fucking X doctor unless I absolutely fucking have to (and even then I'll probably put it off as long as possible, ideally till I fucking die).
I'm so fucking done with my life and my body. Shit got so bad, I don't even go to my GP for a prescription for an ointment I know would help me with eczema. I'm just too tired of this shit. Just too tired.
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georgiapeach30513 · 10 months
First and foremost what is your skin type (dry/oily/combo)? Do you have skin concerns (acne/rosacea)? What type of coverage do you prefer (light/medium/full)?///
Combination definitely, dry in the fall/winter and oily in certain areas during the spring/summer months. I have PCOS so acne pops up from time to time but it’s not full break outs, mainly on my cheeks or jawline. I do have eczema around my eyes in the winter. (Not too bad). I like medium coverage, hide some of the extra reddish undertones I have but still look natural.
Okay, here's what most MUAs will tell you about primers...are you ready for this? We don't really use them. It is true, most of my clients I don't use primer. And when I do it's Milk HydroGrip Primer. It is a sticky primer and it clings to your foundation. I only use this on people's nose. Unless they tell me their skin is just difficult, then I'll put it all over.
Instead what I, and a ton of others, use is the Embryolisse Lait Creme Concentre. The biggest part of makeup is making sure your skin is properly prepped. Not the priming part. But moisturized. There are some moisturizing primers that I love; Bobbi Brown Face Base or the Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream. Both them were also MUAs, so you see where this way of thinking is. It's not about primer. It's about the skin prep/skincare.
No, if you choose to use a primer you have to make sure it mixes well with the foundation. I wouldn't use an oil based primer (GXVE) with a water based foundation (MAC) because oil and water don't mix. MAC Face and Body (along with Studio Sculpt that they recently discontinue 🙄) are some of my favorite foundations to put on people. I'm not big on full coverage all over. But obviously just try prepping your skin. Moisturize. And maybe try out that Embryolisse moisturizer. I would be about 80% of MUAs have that in their kit.
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exeggcute · 5 months
hey I have messaged you before because we both have boneitus but I wanted to ask - how severe has the immune compromise from humera and biologics been for you? My joint pain is just on the inside of manageable and I'm concerned that, going to uni and generally being outdoorsy, I'm putting my health more at risk by starting it then by seeking other methods of management? right now inflammation and pain are the only concerns, not more severe health risks.
[2nd message: obviously you can't give medical advice etc I'm just hoping to hear your perspective and experience. my mother is less severely impacted and also doesn't seem to be too compromised but I think she's a bit casual about health risks sometimes]
tbh I haven't felt like the immune compromise has been too bad even though I started taking biologics during the height of covid... now that I'm thinking about it I remember I was supposed to start my first humira shot before the covid vaccine was widely available, literally had the shot sitting on the counter to thaw, but then the pharmacy rang me up to say they got a batch of vaccines in and I postponed my humira shot a few days so I could go get a different shot first lol. other than getting Actual Covid about a year ago (which sucked ass but obviously didn't kill me, I think my partner who's normally in great health got hit harder by it than I did) I actually think I've gotten sick way less often in the past few years than I ever did pre-biologics/pre-covid. knock on fucking wood obviously. and I was aaaallllwaaaays getting sick with random shit pre-2020. not sure whether that's a testament to how well proper masking works or a testament to how treating my fucked-up immune system actually made me less susceptible to random viral infections but either way there's some anecdata for you.
but full disclosure that I'm a homebody in general, and then the combo of covid and my Problems means I haven't been traveled out of state more than once or twice, I still mask up in public 95% of the time, my only roommate is my partner who also masks up in public 95% of the time, we live in a private residence with our own bathroom/laundry facilities, etc. granted I do still Go Out and have potential avenues of exposure to whatever random shit is brewing, particularly in restaurants, but I don't wanna generalize my experience too too much if you're a student and might be living in a dorm, travelling a lot, etc.
although with that said I think (and don't quote me on this?) the main concerns with biologics are less about your average cold/flu/covid situation than with more serious stuff like TB or hospital acquired infections or whatever. I definitely had to get a TB test before I could start humira. and I have admittedly had some chronic but very mild skin infections thanks to being immunocompromised, but they've all been treatable, and it's hard to say whether they were caused by the biologics themselves or the combo of biologics + intermittent steroid use + preexisting eczema + recently adding methotrexate into the mix. and generally having the constitution of a sickly orphan boy lol. which is all to say that unless you're being exposed to really freaky shit on the regular I don't think going on biologics will be the difference between you staying healthy and you getting struck down by Icky Space Virus, especially since biologics are a targeted immunosuppressant in a way that (e.g.) prednisone isn't. a good N95 or KN95 mask goes a long way, too.
it's ultimately up to you and your comfort level, especially if you said you're managing the joint pain okay right now—but I've also been there and I know that "managing" pain still is not a fun place to be at all. I also don't know if you have a flavor of boneitis that turns into degrative damage over time, so that's another consideration; I was honestly pretty scared about the (depending on who you ask, minor) cancer risk of taking TNF inhibitors, but I kind of rationalized it as like, okay, if I go on these drugs and get cancer, there's a solid chance of surviving cancer, but if I don't go on these drugs and my spine fuses permanently then my spine will be fused forever and ever and I can never fix it. there's also the fact that untreated inflammation is a major cancer trigger in itself, so on the crohn's side of things I have a way higher chance of getting cancer from untreated crohn's than I do of getting cancer from crohn's treatment.
don't take it as medical advice but here's my two cents: if your doctor thinks it's safe, and if you would benefit significantly from treatment, I think it's worth trying. soooooo many people take these drugs and the majority don't have life-altering side effects. with the immune suppression specifically, or even other minor side effects, I see it as a question of whether those risks/side effects are outweighed by the symptoms you're dealing with on a daily basis. I tend to approach that with a rough formula of severity x probability on both sides, which means unless the side effects are really bad AND really likely to happen, or unless the symptoms are relatively minor, I usually gravitate towards taking the drug. "symptom I already have that fucking sucks" usually comes out on top as the greater evil. but that's just me!
tangentially related point you might find interesting: I mentioned the other day about getting a consultation from a cosmetic surgeon who I later found out was related to the lead singer of imagine dragons, but the way I found that out was because I asked the surgeon if it was okay to get operated on while taking humira, and he said that not only was it fine, but also that he takes humira for the same arthritis + IBD combo that I have. and then later I heard an imagine dragons song on the radio, which reminded me how the lead singer is my nemesis because he's the most famous person alive with spondylitis but makes shitty music, and then I thought about how he's from vegas, and then how he's mormon, and then how the surgeon I saw is also mormon (BYU diploma spotted in his office lol. despite his main specialty being top surgery. #respect), and then how the surgeon told me he has like eight brothers and they all have IBD too, and then I was like "there can't be that many mormon families in las vegas with the same genetic autoimmune issues, right...?" and looked up the lead singer's last name and it was the same as the surgeon's...
so anyway just know that active practicing surgeons take biologics and seem to be doing alright! and also that someone out there has a family with a million sons who all have Shitting Constantly disease. the toilet paper bill when those kids were growing up must have been totally insane
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moonchild-in-blue · 8 months
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
🥺👉👈 I'm someone's favourite? Fankss anon 💖
5 things I like about me? Whoo boy-
My eyes - they're inky black, so dark that you cannot tell the iris and pupil apart unless you shine direct light on them (please don't). They're also really big and expressive. Someone once told me they hated them for being so dark, and even though it was in a joking manner, I still carry that with me. I love my eyes - they're shiny and dark like the night sky!
My brain - love-hate relationship with this chemically imbalanced fellow, but he's trying. I take pride in my intelligence. I'm not a genius or anything remotely similar, but I am smart. I've always been academically proficient, and quite successful at it, despite the circumstances. I'm that one annoying friend that spends way more time on Wikipedia than it is necessary, and always has a "fun fact" (that usually it's really only funny to me 😬).
My ability to make pancakes - I make, like, really good pancakes. I've perfected my recipe throughout the years, so they're always 10/10 delicious. They're my sister's favourite.
My skin - another love-hate. My skin is incredibly sensitive; I have eczema, allergies, acne scars that won't fade, you name it. But it is also beautiful - when I get enough sunlight, it's a beautiful golden shade of caramel brown. And when I don't, it's a nice shade of light brown, like boba tea! There was a time in my life I thought it looked wrong. Different. But now I could never, ever imagine myself without it. It bears the colours of all my ancestors; my heritage.
My resilience - I won't get into details, but there have been many times where I was very close to the edge. For many, many years since way too young, I had avoided making real plans for the future, because I simply thought I would never get this far. And yet, I still stand. I wish I didn't have to go through so much to become like this, but at least I'm still here.
Well, I struggled so hard to make it 5. Let this serve as a reminder to myself and to you - embrace yourself. Be proud of who you are, of what you do. No matter how seemingly small or insignificant - you are here. Living, and breathing, and kicking ass. So show yourself some grace, and maybe a hug.
Thank you dearest anon, I love you very much 💖 smooches a little nap for you 😚
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