#unless they weren't? i guess that could have already had less hearts before it woke up...?
wild-battlebond · 2 years
SPEAKING of which the other day one of the two digimon died & so now it's just blitzgreymon and im really wondering how that happened because I don't know how that one would have been injured more than blitzgreymon because i only ever do tag battles
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twst-kumi · 4 years
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Warning : Mention of kidnapping, blood, abuse and death
H/c : hair color
E/c : eyes colors
Taken away from the sea they used to live in, Jade and Floyd looked at their kidnappeur. They young tail hit violently the floor while they growl trying to look menacing. A fishing wire tied around there bodies, they couldn’t do much. Soon enough, they were taken to a strange room completly white. 
“_No.... Let us go....”
The two young child started to whimper and wail as a group of human came nears them. Wearing what looked like a long white coat, they started doing whatever “test” they wanted. From a blood sample to a flesh sample to unknow product and potion. At some point, the two merfolk children saw their tails plit in two legs. Anything that reminded them of their origin suddently start to fade. The tail, the fins, everything. Now they looked like two human childs. Instinctively, and in order to protect them, they waited for the kidnapper to lower their guard. Now that they have legs, they could escape on dry land, Right?  So they waited. Actually it’s was Jade who planned their escape, and one night after they killed one of the guard, they escaped. Floyd and Jade runned as fast as their small legs allowed them. Once they were far enough, they tried to return in the see, but unfortunately they couldn't. They bodies didn't return to their original forms. Horror on their face, their understood that they were to survive as a human for now.
As day pass, the twins learned to survive in the road. They fighted and robbed to eat something. And sometimes, they couldn't find anything... Jade was laying on a pile of trash with his twins, they health were becoming worse. Floyd even started to loose consciousness. The rain pouring on them didn't help. If he don't find a way to save his twin then he will die, and he didn't want that.
"_F... Floyd..."
Suddenly, he did not feel the rain anymore. He looked up to see an umbrella covering him and his brother. He looked up and saw a young girl, she was more or less the same age as them. She had glittering e/c eyes and a long beautiful h/c hair. From her dress Jade could see her noble upbringing. She studied them before smiling brightly.
"_Don't worry!! I will take care of you!!!
Jade wanted to say something but loosed his consciousness. When he woke up, he was in a bed, warm and clean. Floyd was still sleeping next to him. He could see that the bedroom was definitely for someone from the high class. Sitting quietly, he tried to recall what happened. He suddenly remembered the young girl. It's was her who took them here right? Jade let a small laugh. It's was quiet ironic. All the adult human acted like they didn't exist and the beggars sometime beats them up for their food, but it was a small, young girl who reached at them.
Hearing his twin's voice, he turn his head and smile at it. He was happy to see Floyd in a better health.
"_Thank god your better!!
_Where are we?
_I don't know...
Suddenly, they heard a little creak from the door. Turning their heads to the sound, the youngs eels saw a small h/c head with two big e/c eyes shining with curiosity. Noticing that they were awake and seemed to know that she was here, she giggled and opened the door wider. Revealing a beautiful big smile, she runned at them before jumping on the bed.
"_So you two are awake! You guys sleeped for a veryyyyy long time! I thought you were dead!"
She let another small laugh before patting their head. Taken a back by the sudden show of affection, the twins just froze unable to do anything. Then a maid rushed in the room to get the young girl out of the bed.
"_My god!! Lady s/o, this isn't proper!! You shouldn't climb the bed of a man like that!!!
_No one is here, it's alright Martha.
S/o brushed her nanny's concern off and turned her attention to the twins. Jade could see the disgusted look on the woman's face. She obviously see them as trash unlike her young mistress who took them in.
"_You seem to be a better now!! Are you hungry?
Before one of them could speak, their stomach did it for them first. It's been days since the last time they ate something. They both blush embarrassed by the moment before the girl just got out of bed. A confident smile and her hand on her hips, she stood in front of them trying to look strong.
"_Okey, let's eat!!!
The little h/c girl took their hand and dragged them into the dining room. Beyond famished, they grabbed and stuffed anything they could eat. Once they couldn't eat anymore, they looked at the young lady and thank her. S/o laughed before claiming that from now on, she will take care of them. Her eyes shined with confident and pride, she weren't going to back down on what she said. The twins could see and feel her intentions, she truly just wanted to protect them. Ever since they found themselves on this cursed land, no one truly tried to help them. Smiling at their tiny savior, they accepted when the nanny cut in.
"_Goodness my Lady, those... Stray thing can't stay here!!
_But... Why?? I already promised them...
_Well they can stay as servant... This is still a way of taking care of them.....
_Oh... Okey....
S/o looked dejected when she heard that they couldn't stay. But if they could work here then they could have a place to sleep and eat like the other servants.
Floyd and Jade didn't talk much but they could see the displeased look the old woman give them. It's was obvious that the nanny didn't like them. She even gone as far to call them "stray thing". Too low to be considered human but not completely to be seen as animals.
"_Since Martha said you have to work, I guess you will have to work then...
They glanced to Martha who threw them a disgusted look. That woman definitely wanted them gone, if not dead.
True to her promise, s/o took care of them. Aside for their chores, they didn't have to worry for a shelter or food anymore. Thanks to the young pretty lady, they got three meal, decent outfit and a warm bed. And since their were around the age of the young lady, they also became her playmate. They even hear the master and the madam talking about making them her personal servant. The three childs fastly became inseparable and the twins showed a lot of talent. Jade was very intelligent and quick witted, he was also a very polite child. On the opposite, Floyd was more energetic and bright, he was also very athletic and good for for fighting. The two together, they acted like the best protection for the little girl. In fact, they were both very attached to her. S/o was they first and only light ever since they came in the dry land. They became protective of her. In fact they fell in love with her little by little. The more she showed those beautiful smiles to them, the more they didn't want other people to see it. And then one day thing became a little different. While the three were playing near a lake, S/o fell in the water. Panicked, they jumped to save her but this time something strange happened. Their ears and some part of their skins returned to their merman appearance. They couldn't help but fear her reaction.
"_Jade...? Floyd...?
They flinched at their names. What is she going to do? Will she scream? They felt like it was the end of their life together. Tightly, they closed their eyes waiting for her hurtful word to come.
"_So... So cooool!!
_Um... Could you keep it a secret my Lady.
_Of course I can!!! Hehe! So you two are... Like that story right? A... Um... Mermaid!!!
_That mean angelfish!!! We are men!!!! So it's should be merman.
_But the right name are merfolk lady S/o.
_Hehe! So cool!!
At this moment, they love for her escalated greatly. She was so pure. They sweared to protect her against anything.
"_But don't you guys have a home in the sea?
_We do
_Oh... I suppose you two want to return there... I too would be sad to be away from home for too long...
_We don't want to... Floyd and I want to stay we you... Forever...
_Even death can't do us apart angelfish
Laughing and hugging them tightly, she accepted their words without understanding the meaning.
"_Then let's live near the sea, so you two can go back and forth there.
But little did they know, death would soon hit them. It's was late in the night, when a scream distorted the peaceful silence of the manor. Flame engulfed everything around them. Instinctively, the twins hurried to Rose bedrooms. Seeing them, the little girl clinged to them desperately. They then took her hand and start to run toward the outside.
"_We're going to get out of there! And then we will live near the sea like promised!!!
Once they were outside, they cheered for their successful escape but they were only two voice... Looking around them S/o wasn't there. Ready to return in the burning manor, Floyd saw the young girl unconscious laying among the debris before the house collapse. Letting a desperate scream, they tried to reach her but it was to late. They couldn't do anything but whatch their once source of joy burn. Keep that sight and memories in their heart forever, they return to the sea.
Many years later.
"_Azuul~! I brought you some littles guppys~! They broke their contract~! Haha~
_Ah Floyd, that was quite fast...
_It's was fun~~
After the tragic lost of their first and probably only love, they returned to the coral sea. They tried to act like everything were alright and met the octopus like merman. Since then the three of them stayed together. When they became older, the three of them returned on the land. And in no time, they formed a powerful network on the black market. They were now on part with other illegal organizations. The great seven, that how was people named that groups of powerfuls organizations.
"_Please, if you give me just a little more time then I can get all the money!
_Nu-uh! The time is the time! Unless you found something to reimburse what you own the octavinelle you will have to pay with your life...
_AH... A.. a girl! We adopted a girl a long time ago, she is quite the beauty... She should sell well no?
_Oh a girl?
_Yes, she was amnesiac so we took her in... She should be at home right n-
Before he could finish, they hear some ruckus outside the door. They could hear a woman's voice clearly. Strangely, the voice made Floyd and Jade shudder from excitement and a bit of melancholy. They felt so familiar with it, but it's was still a bit different.
"_Please spare my father!!
A beautiful woman burst in the room. She was indeed a beauty. Her long h/c hair was tied in a messy bun and her lamb like e/c eyes shone with an enchanting light in them. Even after so many years, the twins could recognize her. It's was her. It's felt like the god didn't forget them and gave their angel back.
Jumping a little scared, S/o looked at the twins.
"_Hum... Yes? W... Wh... Who may you be?
_It's us, do you remember? We were always together when we were tiny~ I reallyyyy missed you Angelfish!!!
_I'm sorry... I've lost my memory nine years ago...
_Ah it's must be because of the fire at that time.
S/o stiffened a little under they grasp. True she felt a familiar feeling around them but she couldn't return the affection. But Floyd didn't mind it. She was there, this was more important.
"_Oya, Floyd you will make her feel uncomfortable. Her memory is still missing after all.
He came behind her, caging her between him and his brother. Their bodies were firmly pressed against her causing her to blush.
"_But worry not! Even if you don't remember, we will keep the vow and promise we did at that time ....
_ we will protect you~
_and take care of you...
_and even death can't do us apart my sweet S/o / my little Angelfish. We will be together... Forever.
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inactiveaccount73 · 5 years
I Need My Girl
Jason Todd x fem!reader/ (Slight) Garfield Logan x reader
Inspiration: Song: I Need My Girl by The National
Summary: The reader (Jason’s crush) pushes him out of the way to save him. The reader goes to hospital and while Jason’s and the rest of the Titans are waiting for any news Jason’s guilt eats him alive.
Warnings: One swear word, angst, fluff, first kiss as a couple, reader almost dies, Jason crying cause he’s my baby and I don’t want him to cry but I make him cry anyway and I should really make a happy thing with Jason but I just don’t ???
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“Jason look out!” She shouted pushing him away mere seconds before she took the blast. Everything froze and Jason couldn’t hear himself scream but he felt it. The burning of his throat like he’d swallowed a wildfire slowly turned to coal that weighed in his stomach as he made his way to her. He fell to his knees and pulled her softly so that her head rested on his thighs. He just stared at her with blurry eyes that seemed to her blurrier. That’s the last thing he remembered before he was waiting in the hospital.
Dick, Rachel and Kori sat on the scratchy and uncomfortable hospital chairs. While Jason and Garfield paced around the waiting room.
"Guys could you please sit down you're making me more nervous." Rachel said as her head was in her hands.
"No we can't. Look I'm sorry Rach but I'm not going to sit down. I can't. I can't-" Garfield put a shaky hand through his green hair as he let out an even shakier breath. Kori stood up and made him sit down.
"Why is no one saying anything?! Jesus Y/n could be dying or dead because of me and no one-" Jason shouted
"Jason don't talk like that." Rachel muttered, eyes brimming with fresh tears.
"But it's the truth." Jason countered
"Would you two shut it." Dick said. Everyone jumped that was the first thing that Dick said since they'd been in the waiting room.
“No Dick I’m not shutting up. Y/n is one of us. If she wasn’t so fucking selfless then I would be in the hospital bed that she’s in and to be honest I’d trade places with her in a heartbeat. I’m not bothered about people dying. People die everyday but I don’t want her to die today." Jason got up and walked off. The cold air bit him but he couldn’t care less. His mind was whirling. Why him? Why did you save him? Out of all the team why would you save him? He didn’t have powers like Kori or Raven or Gar. He was a shadow to Dick. He knew he’d never be what Bruce wanted him to be. Bruce wanted him to be like Dick but he wasn’t.
I can't get my head around it
I keep feeling smaller and smaller
I need my girl
After what felt like eternity one of the nurses came.
"Excuse me are you all here for Y/n Y/l/n?" A nurse said everyone looked at her.
"Yes we are. Is anything wrong?" Kori asked. The nurse smiled warmly
"No nothing's wrong, your friend is lucky to have survived that." Garfield nervously chuckled putting his hands behind his head and resting on the back of the seat
"Yeah she is a lucky charm."
"You're free to see her now." The nurse informed them, everyone got up quickly.
"I'll go get Jason." Kori said everyone nodded as she went out the door to find him.
Beep. Beep. Beep. The sound of a heart monitor was the sound that filled her ears as she woke up slowly. Y/n slowly blinked and groaned at the light. As her eyes adjusted she could make out three figures; Garfield, Dick and Rachel. Her voice was hoarse.
“Where’s Kori and Jason?”
"Kori went to find Jason. He couldn't handle it." Rachel said her chin length bon was slightly messy. Guilt filled Y/n. Y/n and Jason has always been close since she’d first joined the Titans. She’s seen sides of Jason none of them ever would. She didn't even want to think about what could've happened if she hadn't of made it. She shook her head.
“You have no idea how happy I am that you survived.” Dick spoke she chuckled slightly.
“You and I both Dicky.” They smiled at each other.
“Y/n/n." She heard a voice say barely above a whisper, the team made way for Jason as he hugged her.
"C'mon guys lets leave Jason and Y/n for awhile. Glad to see you’re better Y/n." Kori said. Everyone left but Garfield cast one last look at Y/n before Kori gave him a quick, swift kick in the shin. He let out a soft groan before leaving. Jason and Y/n laughed. They both nodded in thanks. She returned the gesture before walking out.
"I'm guessing the team have already said how glad they are to have you back." Jason said
"Yeah." There was a silence. "Rachel told me how you couldn't handle it." Her voice was sympathetic. Jason chuckled as a few tears streamed down his face. Y/n laid a hand on his cheek and he nuzzled into it.
"I am sorry you know. I thought I'd be stronger but when the doctors weren't telling us anything it hit me like a truck that I might be losing my best friend and when I thought I'd lost you. You have no idea how scared I was when I thought I would never be able to tell you how much I-" Jason cut himself off before he went any further. He stuffed his hands in his jean pockets and broke eye contact. Y/n raised a questionable eyebrow but said nothing.
“Now you know how I feel when you get hurt.” Jason chuckled “besides it’s gonna have to take a lot more than that to finish me off. I am a Titan after all.”
"To right you are. No wonder your nickname’s lucky, you've always been lucky you know ever since you came into my life I feel like it’s become a better place.”
“I know Jay.” The air was filled with a comfortable silence except for the beeping.
“Jason.” He hummed “what were you going to say before you cut yourself off?” Jason looked like he’d just been caught doing something he shouldn’t of been doing.
“You know the usual sappy stuff when you nearly lose someone.” He said taking his hands out of his pockets and using one to rub the back of his neck.
“So say it.”
“Say the sappy stuff that people say when they nearly lose someone.” There was a mischievous glint in her eye and Jason chuckled.
“Fine. Y/n Y/l/n I couldn’t imagine my life without you. Everyday you make my life a better place and I feel so much happier with you by my side.”
“No offence Jay but that sounded more like a marriage proposal and you can’t propose without dating a girl gees Jason.” She said laughing. He grabbed her face and pushed his lips to hers. They moved in sync as she grabbed his wrist. They broke apart and Jason opened his mouth "I feel the same bozo don't worry." He smiled.
"Which is why I've decided on something that will keep you out of harms way. You're never going on a mission again unless you're with me," Jason told Y/n in a half joking, half serious tone.
"Well you are the reason I’m in here anyway. But if I don't go how am I supposed to help you out. The whole team knows you never think of a plan." Jason laughed.
"So you never look behind you. Is there a reason for that or did you just do it?" Y/n shrugged.
"I guess if I look back then I'm scared I'm gonna get lost in the past and I won't be able to do anything 'cause I'll be stuck there. I’ve been stuck in the past for to long and I need to change it but no matter how much you want to change something in the past it's stuck there now forever and there's nothing you can do about it. " Jason was left speechless he never though there would be an actual reason as to why she never looked back. It scared Jason how she never had any emotion in her when she said that or in her face. "Besides I didn't want to see how far you were behind me." She added with a light laugh.
“More like how close I was.”
"Yeah right. I was faster than you and you knew it." They both laughedz
"Sir I'm sorry but visiting hours are almost over and Miss Y/l/n will need to get some rest." Jason nodded and pressed a long chaste kiss to the crown of Y/n’s head.
“Soon as your out of here I’m taking you on a date.” He whispered
“Can’t wait.” She whispered back and Jason broke out into a boyish grin. She chuckled. “Right go come on Jay I need my beauty sleep.”
“Trust me baby you really don’t.” She blushes and Jason chuckled. "See you tomorrow.”
“Bye handsome.” He excused himself past the nurse and towards the team.
"Do you know how long she's gonna be in here for?" Garfield asked Jason shook his head. Garfield’s demeanour slumped.
“I hope it’s not long though I’ve got to take her on a date.” Jason said everyone stared at him wide eyed. Garfield lightly punched his shoulder and Dick ruffled his hair.
"We'll visit her everyday though." Rachel said
"For sure." Jason said
"Let's get going." Kori suggested the team hummed in agreement before walking out of the hospital where Y/n wouldn’t be in for much longer.
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