#unless this isn't angsty
baronessblixen · 2 years
Since you were looking for an angsty prompt for #fictober I decided to send you one that I saw over on @angsty-plots
“Come on M/S," she/he breathed out slowly, glancing at the now setting sun. "You said you'd come back.”
Maybe you like it — and it would still work with one of your sweet endings. ☺️
Thank you so much for the prompt! I hope I succeeded with the angst. It's yet another "how did Mulder and Scully get home from Antarctica" story.
Fictober Day 3 | Tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2022 | Wc: 1526.
We Will Find Our Way Home
“You have to stay awake,” Scully presses the words through her cracked, half-frozen lips. She doesn’t know if she’s talking to Mulder, who lies inert in her arms, or to herself. Her eyelids are heavy, threaten to close any second. If it weren’t for her chattering teeth, she’s certain that her body would have already given in. Like Mulder’s.
She looks down at her partner who is quiet and unnervingly still. Her hand trembles as she lifts it and her fingertip is so cold that she fears she won’t feel his pulse even if there is one. She sighs in relief when she finds it and feels it beating against her skin.
“Mulder,” she says with difficulty. “We need to- we have to-” But what is there to do? Where to go? Scully observes their surroundings and finds nothing but white. Behind them is the sinkhole that almost took them. They’ve cheated death once today. What if they’re out of luck now?
“Mulder,” she says again, trying to jostle him. He groans. “Stay. Awake,” she adds.
“’m awake,” he says.
“We need to get moving.” It won’t be long until the sun sets. Once it does, their chances of survival will be zero. “How did you get here?” She asks him and he glances at her, his eyes a deep dark forest green, framed by frosted eyelashes. “Mulder, I need you to work with me here.” Her lips hurt from speaking, but as long as she still feels pain she knows she’s alive.
“Sno-Cat. I have a Sno-Cat.” He turns in her arms and groans, trying to get up. Scully helps him as well as she can, but her strength hasn’t returned yet. She remains sitting there, missing Mulder’s warmth against her. There’s a bone-deep pain in her legs that drives tears to her eyes. Even if there is shelter, and even if they can find it, how is she going to get there?
“I can’t see it,” Mulder says, sounding confused. “It should be here, I- I know it was here.” Scully nods even though Mulder isn’t looking at her. He’s looking at the snow desert, at the nothingness that surrounds them. If they don’t get moving soon, they will die right here where they are. They might die anyway, Scully figures as she hoists herself up, convinced something inside her is breaking apart, but they won’t sit here and wait for it.
Mulder takes her hand into his and his touch hurts, reminding her that they’re fighting against time. He looks down at her and a worried crinkle appears on his forehead. He touches her bottom lip, his finger gently running over it.
“Cracked,” he says. “Blue. Almost as blue as your eyes.”
“We need to get going,” she says, ignoring his obvious delirium. If he breaks down again, they’re lost. They cannot lose any more time. “Doesn’t hurt,” she lies. “We need to go find the Sno-Cat.”
Every step borders on torture. Mulder has put his arm around her shoulders and she has hers around his waist. They’re holding each other up, knowing that one false step will be their demise. More tears dwell in her eyes. A year ago, she thought about dying every day. She didn’t let her cancer slow her down, but here in the snow, the elements against them, she has no choice.
There’s nothing she can do. They will die here. With every step they take, the thought becomes louder in her mind. How silly of her to think they could outrun it. They could have stayed where they are and it wouldn’t have made a difference. No matter where they go, there’s nothing but white ahead of them.
To their right, the sun is beginning to set, casting them in an orange hue. She didn’t want to die in a hospital, wilting away. Now she realizes she doesn’t want to die here either, taken by the cold, by the injustice of it all. But she knows that she will.
“Scully, I never thought I’d say this but… you’re heavy. Hey, you’re still with me?” He stops walking and she slumps against him.
“What’s the point?” She asks, clinging to him. His coat is wet and cold, but she imagines there’s still warmth underneath it all. Still her Mulder. She should be thankful that he’s here. She won’t be dying alone. When she closes her eyes, he will be here, holding her hand.
“Hey,” he says and his voice sounds like a scream in her ear, startling her. “Don’t do this, Scully. Don’t give up. I didn’t come all this way to have you give up on me. Look over there.” With his hands under her arms, he lifts her and helps her stand upright. She can’t see much through half-lidded, half-frozen eyes. There’s a black blob in the distance that she can’t make sense of no matter how hard she tries.
“That’s our safe haven. All you gotta do is hold on for a little while longer. We’re almost there.”
“I can’t, Mulder.”
“Yes, you can. You’re the strongest person I know, Scully. You can do this.”
“No, I can’t. There’s no point. You go and I- I’ll just…”
“I won’t leave you here. Come on, get on my back.”
“Mulder you were unconscious an hour ago. You can’t carry me.”
“Watch me.” He falls to his knees in front of her. “Get on.”
“Scully, if you don’t get on my back right now, I will pick you up and carry you. I’ve done it before, I can do it again. Scully?”
She stares at him, the tear that has escaped her eye freezing on its way down her cheek. “No,” she says softly. “You go.”
“Scully, I won’t-” She puts a hand on his chest.
“You go. You said it’s not far. I will wait here. Go. Please, Mulder. Just go.” For a moment she fears he won’t do it. That he’ll pick her up and attempt to carry her. She knows that would be the end for them. This way there’s a chance. Maybe not for both of them, but for him. She keeps her expression steady, hoping that for once Mulder will just listen to her.
“I hate this,” he says, anger evident in his voice. “I will be right back, Scully. Do not- fuck, do not move. I will be back before you know it.” Then he starts running. Scully watches him, her arms slung tightly around her own body. She won’t be able to hold herself up much longer, but she waits until Mulder is no more than a small object in the distance.
Her knees give in and she wills herself to keep her body upright. Don’t lie down, don’t lie down, becomes her new mantra. It doesn’t last. She has many regrets that rush through her mind. None are tangible. She thinks of her mother, her brothers, and of Mulder. Her last thought before her eyes drift shut before she does give in, is of how they almost kissed in his hallway, of how he looked at her. Now she knows it was love.
“Come on, Scully," he breathes out slowly and one of her eyes cracks open, seeing him glance at the setting sun. Any minute now the darkness will swallow them. Will swallow her.
“You said you’d come back,” she says weakly, attempting a smile.
“Of course, I came back,” he says, picking her up. This time she doesn’t complain and lets him. She settles in his arms, breathing heavily. Her lungs are burning and her cheeks feel like they’re on fire, despite the cold.
“Help will be here soon,” he says, walking slowly, his breath hitting the sensitive skin on her face. “Until then we will get warm in the Sno-Cat. Okay? Scully, you hear me?”
“I hear you.” They’ve made it. He puts her down in the Sno-Cat, taking off her coat carefully before he wraps her in a warm fleece blanket, rubbing her arms.
“I need you to stay awake, okay? Just like you told me to do earlier. You’re the doctor here. Can you do that?”
She nods. “Thank you,” she says, shivering.
“Thank you,” Mulder says, engulfing her in his arms. “For not giving up.” The softest smile pulls her lips upwards, causing slight pain. It’s just like she thought: underneath it all, he is warm and he’s here with her.
“Stay with me, Scully,” he whispers into her hair. “I can administer mouth to mouth again if I have to but let me be honest, next time my lips touch yours, I want us both to be conscious and not half dying. Okay?”
“Okay.” Hope flutters in her chest. Next time. There will be a next time; there will be more for them than this. Against all odds, they won’t die here in the snow.
“Do you want me to sit here and hold you quietly or want me to tell you a story to keep you awake?”
“Story, please,” she says. Mulder gets comfortable, tightens his arms around her, and starts talking.
There’s a happy ending.
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
"ugh i would have totally read this fic if it just wasn't canon compliant but i can't handle the angst and i don't understand why u can't just give them a happy end--" I Do Not Want You To Read It. Goodbye
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impishtubist · 6 months
If we decide that Remus was crushing on Lily, we can also take this to the extreme and go “this man avoided James/Lily after the wedding due to unrequited love, but since nobody else knew of this and this is in the war that canonically made everyone distrust each other, James+Lily+Sirius all take his avoidance of James and Lily to mean the worst thing.” Remus won’t admit he’s pining for Lily, so everyone else just sees this guy avoiding a Muggleborn like the plague and someone’s passing information to Voldemort, so this is all v sus. It’s even worse when we consider the fact that Peter started spying a year before James and Lily were killed, so he turned right around Harry’s birth; Remus avoids the happy couple even more because he doesn’t want to see their child, but uh, the timing of his heightened avoidance and the spy’s betrayal looks so so bad to everybody. This is one of the times it would perhaps have been best to confess feelings—although considering how Lily and Snape fell out and the fact that Snape had feelings for her, perhaps not because Lily has seen this film before and didn’t like the ending, she’s not feeling a sequel—but Remus would rather crawl into a hole than do that and now this has snowballed into a Capital P-Problem.
Yessss all of this!!!!! It makes so much sense, and I would totally read this.
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Hey anyone else have those moments when writing where you want to absolutely shatter your character's ego so far that they're driven off of the brink of sanity? Twist them and disfigure their personality through a serious of horrific traumatic events that ensure that they'll never be the same person they were? Make them your test tube subject and slowly pull them apart until they have no real semblence of personality? Anyone else want to torment your character and make their life a living hell that they cannot escape, forever cycling from one torturous moment to the next with no reprieve, no mercy?
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bbokicidal · 1 month
"Are you serious...?" - Angst! [Hyung Line SKZ]
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Notes : These are all obviously fictional situations, the red flags are just based off of habits we know they have (like Chan's need to be needed, Changbin being blunt/honest.) This post isn't me saying I think they have these red flags, it's just a fun angsty prompt I wrote down. If you don't like it, scroll and don't read.
If people like this - a maknae line will be written! If not, prolly not lol.
Warnings : Angst with no comfort, red flag behavior - some of these aren't even that bad or could be misunderstandings but still.
Maknae Line | "Good Luck, Babe." Part Two!! Here!
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BangChan - Brushing off/Having the wrong priorities
One time, it was him forgetting a dinner date - the next, he was staying at the studio late when he was supposed to be meeting your parents for the first time. You let it slide because ultimately you understood that his job took up a lot of his time, and honestly? It wasn't easy to forget about but he had a tendency to take care of you and make up with it by quick gestures before he left the apartment or when he came home; Soft back hugs, quick cuddles before he fell asleep, or kisses in passing. Lately, however, he's been slacking. He'd begun to shrug you off any time you'd touched his arm or hand, nudging you away while he typed on his laptop. He'd tip his head away from yours while laying in bed together or he'd sit further away on the dressing room sofa.
The tipping point was when he was getting ready to go on stage and was standing in wait for the others to be ready. There was still five minutes and Chris looked a bit jittery, so you figured a quick hug or kiss would help ease his nerves. However as soon as you approach and reach to touch his arms, he steps back and keeps his eyes trained on his phone. You reach again, hesitant, and his brow furrows as he maneuvers to the side to get away. "Don't touch me."
Your lips pop apart in surprise. "...Are you serious?"
He looks over, eyes briefly wandering your face before he reaches to fix his in-ear and walks away to the door, disappearing around the corner and leaving you standing there alone. Even the soft touch of Felix's hand on your back as he passed by was warmer than anything you'd felt from Chris in the last two months.
Lee Know - Keeping secrets / Prioritizing Privacy within himself
Minho had a very, very bad habit of not telling you things. In this instance; That he was leaving for tour in two days.
A world. fucking. tour. The only reason you didn't know about it was because you hadn't been out of your home in the last few weeks unless it was for a quick coffee at the cafe or to grab lunch with a friend. Work was heavy during this time of year and as someone who worked remotely, you often spent grueling hours in your office on your computer - hunched, tired, head pounding and back sore.
So you would think that when you entered your bedroom one evening after just finishing up sorting files in your office, you'd be happy to see your boyfriend already there. And you were for a moment, until you realized he was packing three rather large suitcases full of his clothes and necessities. He looks to you, then away, wordless.
"Are.. you.. moving out, or something?" You breathe in a laugh, eyes wandering over Minho as he folds a t-shirt and tucks it into his suitcase with the others.
"No. I have to bring all of my luggage to the company building tomorrow so they can have it at the airport when we leave for Australia."
"Australia?" Your brows quirk. "When -- Why --"
"Tour." He stops his movements to stare over at you, a hint of irritation evident on his face. "We're going on tour for six months."
"Six--" You breathe out, eyes widening. "Six months. And you didn't think to tell me?"
Minho moves to drop a pair of pants in his suitcase. "I would've told you if you could handle the news, maybe. Every time I mention leaving all you do is whine and pout about how long I'll be gone."
"I get upset, yes, what girlfriend wouldn't be upset that her boyfriend is leaving for a week or two? But six months, Minho, I --"
"Don't start." He all but huffs out the words, shutting you up immediately. Minho turns away to continue folding items of clothing on the shared bed and as you watch him do so, you stand and have to wonder if you want to be there when he returns home from the tour.
Changbin - Not knowing the difference between being rude and being blunt
He didn't seem to understand when to stop. Changbin had a tendency to be honest, sometimes to a fault, though you never seemed to complain about it because most of the time it wasn't a big deal. He called Jeongin out for saying the wrong word when singing, or blatantly threw people under the bus when a joke was taken too far.
And he was like that with you, too. He would be honest with you when you asked his opinion of something - was the shirt unflattering? Were you being too loud? Was your makeup bad today?
He'd lay it on you point blank. Yes, the shirt fit a little weird. Yes, you were being a bit loud in his ear. And yes, your eyeliner was going in two different directions. Criticism that was asked for. But when it wasn't asked for? Oh.
"What is your problem?" He bites as he follows you down the hallway to your bedroom. "We have ten minutes, just wear the damn dress and put your shoes on. We have to go."
Your huffs mix with stifled sobs as you rip open your dresser drawer and dig for other options, hands shaking and eyes teary. "You just told me the dress looks ugly, Changbin. I'm not wearing it out if you don't like it--!"
"What does it matter if i don't like it? It's your body, wear what you want!"
"You're my boyfriend!" You retaliate, frustrated. "I want to look nice for you and -- for the group, and I want you to like what I wear, obviously!"
Changbin lets his eyes roll before he turns out of the bedroom doorway and down the hall. You pause to watch him go, listening as he bites about how he doesn't have time for this and needs to leave for the group dinner. You stand in front of your dresser in shock as the door to your apartment slams shut, leaving you in silence and all on your own.
Hyunjin - Being too cocky / Making you feel inferior
It hadn't happened before now, and you weren't sure why it happened at all. But it did.
You'd approached to gently hold onto your boyfriend's arm as he talked to an older idol - someone he looked up to and had just done a collaboration video with. You'd only come up to tell him that the food was delivered and he could have dinner before his stage, but the look he gave you when he finally turned his head was .... wild.
No words were needed. The way his eyes directed to the side you stood at before falling as if looking you over and then immediately looking away; The way the smirk on his lips only widened and his tongue pushed at his canines as he redirected his gaze elsewhere. The soft scoff that left his lips. The way his arm slipped away from your hold in clear nuance that he didn't want you touching him.
It made you feel like less. Like he was pretending he didn't know you - Like he wanted you to bug off and disappear from his line of sight.
Hyunjin had a tendency to put on a confident, bold persona when he was on stage and at first you thought maybe that was why he was acting this way. It was lingering in his body from the dance video he'd just filmed with the other idol and eventually, it would wear off.
But as he turned from you and lifted a hand to fix his hair, he talks to the other as if you're not even there at all. And you have to wonder if it's a persona for the video, or a side of him you had just experienced for the first time. Now you could only hope it wouldn't happen again.
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bamsara · 3 months
trod au ramble u can ignore
when i say slowburn in an enemies to friends to lovers for Trod I mean slowburn. 300k before Narinder even openly admits he cares for the Lamb, and Lamb actually opens up more than just a shield of positivity and another 100k of character growth, drama, complicated intricacies of grief and anger to communication. The Lamb has boundaries and sticks by them constantly in trod, they're not a pushover, but they don't blow up and react in explosive anger the same way that Narinder does and they are mistaken for soft by him for it, when it's him having to be the one who is constantly re-evaluating his priorities and his behavior because the lamb isn't taking shit from him, despite patience and love, and he's put in this position where he's allowing the grief and the hurt to keep hurting himself and the Lamb in the process, until he risks losing them and Narinder makes the active decision to work on himself. They HAD a healthy, wonderful friendship before, he cared for them. He still does. He wishes he didn't but god he still does.
but i dislike when characters do one change or have one realization and suddenly they're super nice. no I want them to be continuously complex. I want their bad habits and miscommunication to not instantly or quickly disappear, I want continuous effort from the wronger. do you hear me. CONTINUOUS EFFORT. that means a character fucking up again and again and relasping and changing and cursing and being like well he doesn't need to be any different because its not his fault then going back and being like. no. it was my fault. i am wronged and I am the wronger. i need complexities. Let us not forget the definition of 'enemy' in the enemies to friends to lovers here. if they start off soft then where is the growth. Where is the room for growth I want. Where is it.
they get to the processing of emotions they haven't allowed themselves to feel properly for centuries to take this friendship gone sour by betrayal, plagued by anger and hurt to something slowly blooming back into trust and care and soft until eventually its this healthy love of these uberly overpowered pair of gods
Trod bad end is when Narinder just speed runs the 'rehabilitation' part of the rehabilitation of death' and it circles back to him going feral in the head. Still an asshole? okay your lamb is gone. regret your pride and ego because the patient love you were afforded is gone forever and the last memory you gave them was not the love you could have given them but it will be the love that destroys mortality to get them back.
amnesia au Narinder is just happy to be here. no betrayal, no angst. eventually when his memory does return and he gets caught pretending he doesn't remember just so he can be sweet to them without his pride in the way will force a conversation that will essentially fix the horrific communication these two have. speedrun trod x2
Current Trod Narinder is a emo angsty bastard who's rightfully hurt at being imprisoned and (in his heart) betrayed by someone he trusted dearly (again) while Post-Trod Narinder is still a feral bastard but with truly un-constipated, true equal love for the Lamb that wears a wedding ring made of his own blood to the tune of 'i miss my wife tails' and got a praise kink
but if its not absolute hell getting to that point then WHAT IS THE POINT
and all these are mostly about Narinder but don't even get me started on the Lamb's issues. That sheep thang is hiding shit.
Except I can't talk about the Lamb's hiding issues Too Much yet unless you've been in my art streams and have seen some of my comics, then IYKYK but aaaaaaaaaaUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHG
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hedwig221b · 4 months
Long time Sterek fan, long time lurker, and SO happy to see you here: any pack mom Stiles fic recs?
Happy to see you, too! I definitely need to catch up on pack mom!Stiles but these are so good! 💖
Building Blocks by Lisztful
Stiles doesn’t exactly mean to start cleaning up after everybody, it’s just that, well, sometimes he thinks Derek turned them into actual animals.
Needed by Asterekmess (Livinginfictions)
Stiles knows he doesn't bring anything to the pack, but if that's true, why does Derek come to him for help?
take my heart from me by Areiton
He didn't really mean to adopt Derek's pack of puppies. He didn't mean to make himself important to them. To Derek. He just wanted to keep them all safe. That's all Stiles ever wanted.
The Comfort of Coming Down by MadcapRomantic
Stiles isn't the only human in the pack, but, more often than not, he's the most vulnerable.
the three rules of beacon hills high (there is a cult in school) by graveltotempo
there are three clear cut rules in Beacon Hills High School:
Do not hurt Stiles Stilinski, unless you want his friends after you Do not hurt Stiles Stilinski’s friends, unless you want him after you Do not flirt with Stiles Stilinski, unless you want his boyfriend after you
Other fic recs: angsty fics | possessive Derek | historical AU | baby/mpreg | outsider POV | smut | mafia | hurt/comfort | magical!Stiles
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luvyeni · 1 month
HOT MESS ,, 이제노
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pairings ‎⸝⸝⸝ collegecrush!jeno x reader wc. 2.4k
genre. smut
🦢◞  includes ... oral ( fem receiving ), unprotected sex, praise kink , this is kinda angsty.
request. can u write a "campus crush" fic based on jeno's look at the airport please 🙏🩷
「 authors note 𖹭 」 ngl i didn't expect it to be so angsty but reader literally is me and my brain.
❪ masterlist! ❫
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your brain was always on go; constantly it was like it never stopped, even when you would sleep it was like your brain wouldn't turn off— it was never ending, and becoming a college student; living on your own made it worse.
running into your class; the professors back was turned around so you snuck in , sitting down. “you're late again.” yoo jimin, your best friend; the complete opposite of you; she was constantly put together, it was like she had everything together. “i stayed up last night to study.” you whispered, huffing out pulling out your ipad, hair all over the place. “how did it go?” you stared at her stoically. “how do you think?” you said. “point taken.” she said.
“maybe you have like adhd or something.” karina walked next to you; watching you go through your messy planner. “because this can't be normal.” she said. “im sure the doctor has something to cure whatever this was.” you shrugged. “with my luck i would probably be too busy and forget to take it.” she laughed. “probably, you're just a hot mess and that's okay, i still love you anyway.” she wrapped her arms around you, calming you. “messy hair and disheveled clothes that i'm pretty sure you had on yesterday and all.”
jeno on the the hand; he seemed to have his life together— he never came to school looking crazy; even after a night out in which he was black out drunk with his group of friends, he'd turn up the next day, showered, shaven and ready to go on with his date. “it almost scary why aren't you hungover.”
haechan groaned, his head down low. “you out drunk me yesterday; jaemin left you in your dorm unable to pick yourself off the floor.” jeno smugly shrugged, his hair black hair was neatly styled, his outfit that he picked that morning neat on his body.. “i feel fine, maybe you should lay off the alcohol.” the boy would've lunged at the boy if he didn't feel like his head was gonna explode. “haechan look you and yn both look like you had a good time last night.”
jeno turned hearing your name, a small smile on his lips, one no one couldn't unless they were looking really close. “fuck off jaemin.” you huffed sitting down. “except yn looks like that all the time.” haechan said, yelling as you began bang on the metal table. “how's that headache? huh you asshole.” jeno held his hand out , stopping you. “you'll hurt yourself.”
he moved his hand away from you; that didn't really help your rapidly beating heart. along with the stress of school and your everyday life; jeno lee was another thing that raced throughout your already cluttered mind; he sometimes was the only thing that could calm your messy mind— not like he noticed or anything.
“she’ll hurt herself— she hurt me!” haechan cried out. “my head.” holding his head in his hands. “jimin hold me.” you all watched karina fight the whining boy off, you laughter making jeno smile slightly, only stopping when jaemin caught him; wiggling his eyebrows at the boy, jaemin was the only one who knew about his crush on the girl.
“you should ask her out.” jaemin said one day out of the blue. “yn, you should ask her out.” jeno was shocked; he thought he did a good job hiding his infatuation with you. “haechan isn't all the way there and renjun could care less, so of course they don't notice, but bro i'm your best friend , and i can tell , and you don't really hide , you literally write the notes down so she can study.” ever since that day, jaemin never let him live it down.
“yn you have a class soon.” jeno turned to you as you looked down at your phone. “oh yeah i better go.” you shot up. “my professor is gonna kill me if im late again.” you collected your things. “jeno don't you have this class too?” renjun asked, he nodded; calmly getting up, saying goodbye to everyone, before walking away; but walking slowly so you'd be able to catch up to him.
you both made it to the class, you found your seat in the back; jeno took a seat in the front like always, occasionally looking back to check on you— he felt bad, watching you stress out all the time, you could never seem to get anything right in your eyes; but in his eyes you were perfect.
“yn.” your professor stopped you as you were leaving out the door. “yes?” you stopped. “your research paper.” she started. “is there something wrong with it?” you sighed, she didn't have to say anything, but you knew. “listen what if i give you an extra day or two, go over it; read my notes and try again.” she said, you nodded. “thank you ma'am.” you turned walking out of the class, where jeno was waiting. “oh jeno you're still here?”
while waiting for you, jeno overheard your conversation with the professor. “yeah, everything okay?” you nodded. “just need to go home and get my head together so i can get this essay right this time.” he walked silently next to you, before he spoke up. “i can help you.” he said. “go over the essay with you.”
“y-you don't have to, it's all word vomit i don't want to put you through that.” he waved you off. “i don't mind it.” you were about to reject him again when he grabbed your arm, stopping you. “let me help you.” your eyes widened at the sudden touch. “sorry.” he said, removing his hand. “it-its okay.” you said, heart racing. “i can come over to your apartment and go over it with you.” he said. “and it won't be a problem?” he shook your head. “you'll never be a problem, okay?” you nodded. “o-okay.”
“come on let's go.”
it had been so long since you had anyone over besides karina and she was used to your madness; but it had been even longer since you had a cute guy over, and you weren't really planning on having one over— otherwise you would have cleaned your room. “it's a little messy.”
“it's okay, it's just clothes.” he smiled watching you frantically pick up the clothes, shoving them in your closet. “sit.” you pointed to your bed. “please, make yourself comfortable.” you said. “um …” you turned to jeno, your face losing all color— he was holding your bra in his hand. “did you forget something?”
you practically lunged at the boy to grab the item, throwing it into your closet. “let's get started.” you said; he smiled watching you go through your bag to pull out your laptop. “here.” you opened it, pulling up the essay. he took the laptop from your hands, your fingertips touching. “let's see, it can't be that bad.”
it was bad; but jeno didn't let you know that— well he tried. “um, okay.” he said, you frowned. “it's bad isn't it?” he sighed, reading through the essay, looking at you; your eyes were desperate. “i can help you fix it.” he said, you sighed. “it's useless.” taking away the laptop. “if only i can get my brain to stop just for a second , my essays won't be so shit.”
you hated this; your brain wouldn't stop, it was overwhelming. “hey.” jeno called your name, you bit at your nails in stress. “hey.” he stopped you, holding your hands down. “calm down , i told you i'll help you wouldn't i?” he said. “i’ve seen worse essays trust me, jaemin will plagiarize if i let him.” he laughed. “i can help you fix this, but you have to calm down first.” your eyes traveled to where your hands met. “you're so cute but you're a hot mess.”
“me-me? cute.” he chuckled; but you were freaking out inside and out, he shook his head, pushing his glasses up his nose bridge. “let's finish this okay?” you nodded. “o-okay.”
after going over the mess of a essay; reading the notes the teacher gave you and jeno talking you through it; you finally put together an essay that was at least readable and would satisfy your professor. “thank you so much jeno, you saved my life.” you smiled. “it was all you, you'll do good if you just turn that pretty little head off and learn to breathe.”
“that's easy for you to say, your life is so put together.” you said. “i can barely get out of bed on time, it's like you said im a hot mess.”
“you don't want to hear my problems.” you said. “the essay is done and you probably have things to do, you can … mph” before you could get the rest out; jenos lips were on yours in feverish kiss, pulling away to give you enough air before his lips were on yours again.
he pulled away again, ready to kiss you again, but you held his chest signaling him to stop immediately. “did i make you uncomfortable?” he said. “no-no.” you said flustered. “just, it happened so fast, and now my head and my heart is racing.” you were rambling on and on and it made jeno want to kiss you again, you were so cute. “then just turn that pretty head off and let me help you.” he looked at you with so much want in his eyes. “okay?”
you nodded, he held the side of your face, pulling you into another kiss; his lips swiping across your bottom lip, sticking his tongue in your mouth , his grip on your waist, lifting your shirt. “lifting your arms for me pretty.” he took your shirt off , throwing it to the floor. “he-hey just because i use my floor as a hamper doesn't mean you do.”
he laughed, “i'll be sure to fold your clothes neatly the next time i fuck you.” he pulled your pants down, leaving you in your mismatched bra and panties. “baby you really are a hot mess aren't you.” he kissed your stomach once he laid you on your back. “i like that.” he reached for your waistband, pulling them down your leg. “keep them open pretty baby.” he kissed the sides of your thighs. “such a pretty little pussy.”
you felt the warmth of his lips as he kissed your cunt. “j-jeno.” it had been a while since you've felt anything like this, and lord was jeno good at what he was doing , licking your folds , his nose brushing up against your clit, for the first time in a very long time; there was only one thing on your mind— it was jeno.
“fuck jeno!” you moaned, gripping his dark locks. “im… im gonna cum.” you whined feeling him removing his lips for your clit , one of his fingers invading your hole. “you gonna cum for me?” you nodded, he groaned , his cock hard; he was ready to fuck you. “y-yes.” you gasped. “pl-please let me cum.”
“shit.” he cursed, adding another finger, curling them inside you. “so tight baby, go ahead and let go for me, make a mess all over my fingers for me.” you gasped out his name , moaning as you came. “good fucking girl.” he fingered you through your orgasm, until you were holding his wrist , grinding against it. “je-jeno.” he no longer looked put together; his hair messy, clothes disheveled— even his brain was running a mile a minute, he finally knew what it was always like in your head. “you look so pretty when you are cumming.”
ridding himself of his clothes; folding your legs in half, giving him a view of your cunt. “pretty little pussy, want me to stuff my fat cock inside?” slotting his cock in between your folds; moving his hips, the tip of his cock catching your clit , both of you moaning. “pl-please fuck me.” you begged. “shh , baby i got you.”
positioning his leaky tip at your entrance, slipping inside. “fuck.” he sighed, your cunt sucking him in. “so tight.” he gasped as he fully bottomed out. “je-jeno you're so big.” you moaned out; his hand coming up to your throat. “yeah, you like my cock stretching your tiny pussy?” he hissed as you tightened around him, your eyes crossed as he plowed into you. “did i fuck you're pretty head empty?” he questioned, a moan following. “had so much fuck so much going on inside it , now it's nothing but my cock.”
he tightened his grip around your throat; speeding up his thrust. “de-deeper jeno, fuck!” the desperation in your voice , you needed to feel him; the deeper he went , the tighter his hand wrapped around your throat— the less you thought about anything, all your troubles floated away. “je-jeno im gonna cum.”
“yeah?” he speed up, cursing as he chased his orgasm. “hold it just a little baby, fuck , wanna cum with you.” his forehead was pressed against his. “i-i can't , jeno im gonna cum.” you gasped , your fingernails digging into his arms. “ugh , fuck!” he cursed , rubbing your clit. “fuck i'm gonna cum , cum for me pretty baby.”
he made direct eye contact with you as you came , cunt gripping him like a vice. “shit!” he pulled out , roughly stroking his cock as he came, his warm seed splashing on your stomach. “fuck fuck fuck.” he squeezed his base , milking himself, groaning. “shit.”
“you want another?” he toyed with your clit. “your little clit is still desperate for my attention.” you moaned , his finger filling you up. “je-jeno.” your glazed over eyes. “your pretty little mind is floating somewhere else isn't it?” he chuckled. “fucked you too dumb?” you gasped , moving your hips, grinding against his hand. “go ahead, cum for me again, pretty.”
you felt like you were floating; mind empty as you came down from second high. “come back to me, pretty girl.” he coached you back down , a smile on his face. “good girl.” he removed his fingers from your cunt. “you did so good for me.”
“something on your mind?” jeno asked as he watched you pick at your nail beds for five minutes. “there's always something on my mind.” you laughed , about to bite your nails , he grabbed your hand, holding your hand down , rubbing your knuckles. “not when you're occupied.” he smirked , you slapped his naked chest. “it's not that.” you said. “it's you.” he tilted his head. “what do you mean?” you shrugged. “you can tell me.” he said, you sighed.
“when you're around you help me not think, you calm me.” you confessed. “so what you're saying you're a hot mess without me?” you pouted. “why are you making fun of me?” you whined , he laughed , wrapping his arms around your body. “thats fine with me.” he kissed your forehead. “you're a hot mess.”
“but you're my hot mess.”
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dramaticals · 2 months
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hogwarts: a home by coralcollective — reimagined horcrux hunt. draco is so down bad for hermione and the smut is crazyyy. theo/hermione friendship. pansy is the breakout character and you'll love her. there's nsfw art and inappropriate use of the malfoy signet ring. please check the tags! (it says incomplete on ao3, but it's only missing epilogues so don't be afraid of starting it)
word count: 372,978
chapters: 67/70
the commoner's guide to bedding a royal by olivieblake — god, this fic!!!! it's a modern royal au and the ensemble of characters make this whole world feel so alive. it's inspired by will/kate and harry/meghan and it's sooo cute. theo and daphne were the breakout characters and i love them dearly. if you're looking for a lighthearted romcom-esque, occasionally angsty (because duh!) fic, this is it!!! i probably read this in two days which is insane considering the word count, but that should just tell you how lovely this whole fic was. there's a second part to this if you're itching for more afterwards (and it's just as good!)
word count: 503,570
chapters: 45/45
draco malfoy and the mortifying ordeal of being in love by isthisselfcare — honestly if you haven't read this yet..... this is god tier. a CLASSIC. this should be taught in the schools. hermione's a magical researcher / healer and draco's one of the best aurors out there. he's assigned to protect hermione because she's in the midst of a big discovery. hermione's not happy about it and draco isn't either. slow burn!! idiots in LOVE!! forced proximity!!!!! EMBEDDED ART!!! honestly this is the fic that made me want to learn how to bind which is so serious and if you haven't read this yet you need to.
word count: 199,548
chapters: 36/36
the disappearances of draco malfoy by speechwriter — this is my new canon. it's a deathly hallows rewrite where draco accepts dumbledore's offer to fake his death and go into hiding with the order. enemies to friends to lovers. i honestly can't even remember what happened in canon because this is IT for me.
word count: 289,780
chapters: 33/33
this world or any other series by olivieblake — includes clean (book one) and marked (book two). anything by olivieblake should be a must-read, i swear to god. this one starts as a year 6 slow burn. draco and hermione are assigned partners for potions and it all snowballs from there. olivie writes so beautifully and her characterizations for hermione / draco are so good. slight warning for marked: this destroyed me and i pretend it doesn't exist, but it's still a must-read.
word count: 118,892 & 178,268
chapters: 31/31 & 39/39
rights and wrongs series by lovesbitca8 — you want fluffy dramione? read the first two parts of the rights and wrongs series. you want dark and heavy dramione? read the auction, an alternate universe of the fluffy dramione, where voldemort wins and they all get auctioned off to death eaters. please check the tags for the voldy wins au! all three were chef's kiss and coming from someone who isn't a fan of dark aus, reading the first two helped me get through the auction because you know where draco's coming from / what's in his head. you can just read the auction without reading the first two parts unless you like catching parallels and having more depth / context (which i very much love).
word count: 174,911 & 160,297 & 325,876
chapters: 36/36 & 24/24 & 41/41
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thetreefairy · 1 year
Don't go
tw: threats, kinda kidnapping, reader is terrified of Sukuna, its not very angsty but it is angst
This is a test piece- I have only recently been back into the jjk fandom so if it's ooc sorry. (b/n) = best friend name (n/n) = nickname Kofi
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Yuuji never expected Reader to become cautious around him. But at the same time he couldn't blame her. Sukuna could be rather scary, especially when it comes to reader's safety. But when he saw them carry a suitcase to the front door, he couldn't help but ask:
"(N/n)... Are you scared of me?" Reader looked at Yuuji with a sad expression. "I am scared of Sukuna, not you." Reader admitted. Hoping it would calm him down, it didn't. "Now that's just rude." Sukuna mumbled, using Yuuji's mouth.
"Sukuna! Stop it!" Yuuji shouted irritated taking back control. "This is what I mean." Reader admitted. "All he does is threaten the people I care about, and if I don't agree with him he threatens to confine me."
Yuuji looked down shamefully. "I know.. But I can control him! You know that!"
"But you don't." Reader hisses. "You let him threaten the people I go on dates with, you let him threaten my friends unless they are your friends too!"
Yuuji now started to look angry. Sukuna whispering in his ear: 'I told you, those friends of them would take them away from us.'
"Where are you going?" Yuuji asked, if reader was just going to a Hotel, he would let them. As long as it isn't (B/n). "B/n offered me to stay at their house, until you calm down."
After seeing Yuuji's face harden Reader said: "Don't worry, I didn't tell them about Sukuna." Reader chuckled. "Even if he's a dick, I guess he's kinda my brother now."
'Now, now, are you truly this much of a pushover Yuuji?' Sukuna hissed at Yuuji. 'Mhm, we should break their legs. Do you want (b/n) to defile them?'
"Don't go, please n/n." Yuuji tried. "Yuuji. I have to, we are way too attached for siblings."
'We should kill (b/n)' Sukuna hissed. 'Then N/n would have no choice but to seek our comfort.'
"I'll let Sukuna kill B/n." Reader looked at Yuuji in shock. "What did you just say?" Reader hissed. Sukuna took over, Yuuji was letting him.
"I will kill him either way." Sukuna chuckled. "Awh, don't look at my like that, my dear sibling."
Sukuna had taken Reader into a hug. "Your brothers will protect you."
"You are a piece of shit."
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When given the choice between the angsty route or the lighthearted route while writing Jack, I will choose the lighthearted route unless I have a good plotty reason not to. Why? Antarctica.
Because he didn't choose darkness even at his lowest moment of loneliness and despair. Because even after finding out he died, he was overjoyed to have saved his sister.
Jack's upbeat personality isn't just expressed through his humor. He's a genuinely joyful person. I don't ever want to be a fan that forgets why Jack is my comfort character, and the reason is because a little dreamsand, or a small reminder of what he cares about, or some kindness from a friend, will bring a sincere smile back to his face. Because he's been through angst but he's not angsty. Because he's not just a guardian of fun, he's a guardian of pure joy.
He's my favoritest boy your honor.
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onmyyan · 10 months
Diego Dumas
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Spoiler alert he's a werewolf
Was bitten, not born, and he kinda loves being a monster.
He used to feel all angsty about his condition, that is until he used it to get rid of a bastard who in his mind, committed a great sin against you and your relationship (some dude made you giggle which he took as a threat), now he's all for it.
Likes to scent you even though you can't smell it, he can.
And boy oh boy does he like it when he's the only thing he can smell on you.
But that means God help you if you dare to come home smelling like someone else, will pitch the biggest fit.
Can shift on command, has been afflicted since he was 18 so he's had a lotta practice on getting this thing under control.
Hence the scarring, but if you ask him he'll just say he's clumsy.
Age 24 this big boy stands at a tall 6'5
Scary dog privilege goes without saying.
Bites to give affection
Please bite him back
Favorite color is that pale blue the sky is when the sun is first coming up.
Works as a security guard for a small plaza in your town, keeping little old ladies safe and all that, his stature is enough to stop most would be criminals but if someone tries him he's more than happy to bare his teeth.
Accidental flirt, he makes really intense eye contact when he speaks to people, that paired with his warm baritone voice leaves mf's flustered.
Smells faintly of campfire and the woods, always has dirt on his shoes.
Would walk around barefoot if he could.
Please pretty please pet this mf's hair.. he will fall apart in your lap.
Protective/delulu yandere, in his brain y'all are basically married, so ofc he's gonna glare at the UPS guy until he's too freaked out and leaves your package by the driveway
Don't worry he'll go get it
Kinda just inserts himself in your life, but he's so smooth with it, it's hard to stay mad
One second he's some hot dude you see around town the next thing you know he's in your house raiding your fridge and complaining about your snack selection.
Huge foodie, something about shifting makes him hungry, he eats like he's filming a mukbang
Surprisingly funny for such a stoic looking fucker
Has a dry wit and he can come off as blunt or rude but it's just his tizzim' (samebro)
Outdoorsy and handy
In his dream life y'all live in a secluded cabin in the thick woods where the only person with access to you was him
If you're in the dark about his condition he'll keep you in the dark as long as possible but it's hard not to know when he's basically a doberman that got turned into a man
Extremely loving and warm, likes to bear hug you when y'all sleep, unless you got a queen sized bed he will take up the entire thing.
His socks are always mix matched
Likes keeping a braid in his hair, especially if you're the person braiding it.
Has binged the Twilights with you and has a personal beef with Jacob
Radiates heat like a mf, even in his human form he runs hot as hell, like to keep a window open at night but don't worry, getting cold isn't possible with him next to you.
Likes baggy clothes because he's big.
When he gets real man, like real mad his nails grow into claws, has scars on his palms from clenching his fist too hard.
His eyes flash with hints of yellow when he's turning.
All in all this good boy just needs someone to hold his leash.
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murdockcastleslut · 3 months
ok so i have a request from the angsty prompt with benedict bridgerton i want like prompt #17
oh this hurt my heart to write :( this is gonna be fem!reader if you want a gn!reader one please feel to resubmit! the prompt is so.. you're just going to.. give up on me." "that is NOT what i meant-" "you're not willing to fight for me either. i think it's pretty clear, [name]." | info on requests here!
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being the eldest daughter was hard. you felt constant pressure from your mama to marry an eldest son who could provide for you and you family.
but as luck had it and against your mother's hard work, you had fell for benedict bridgerton, the second son of the bridgerton family as your mother liked to remind you.
your mother was making it impossible for you two to see each other unless quick moments in the wee hours of the day, kept secret by your handmaid and his coachmen.
you were in yoru family's garden, surround by the beautiful flowers shining in the moon light.
but the moment was anything but beautiful.
"so.. you're just going to give up on me." you state bluntly trying to not let the tears that were flooding your eyes release.
"that is not what i meant-" benedict argues.
"you're not willing to fight for me either. i think it's pretty clear, benedict." you cut him off.
"your mother isn't making this easy and i cannot compete with all the dukes and marquess' that try and command your attention."
"i don't care for any of it! i just care that you love me."
"of course, i love you but-"
"then nothing else should matter."
"you are not understanding, will your father allow me to marry you if a duke proposes."
"then we could go to the queen!"
"flower," he sighs heavly. "it is not simple."
"it is. either you love me or you do not."
"flower, it just not that-" but he doesn't get finish his sentence.
"then it is settled. good day mr. brigderton."
"good night, you have comprised me enough." you say not looking back and walking back into your family's home.
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bedoballoons · 1 year
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~They said something they didn't mean~༺}
A/n: Angsty! Hurtful things said, tons of apologies and crying! No comfort in the end.. Sorry :p
Requests/asks open!!
(Includes: Diluc, Albedo, Alhaitham, Xiao and Scaramouche)
You could tell Diluc was annoyed, his hands clenched into tight fists and his face red with anger, his eyes had a rage behind them you'd never seen before...and it kinda scared you. You internally contemplated wether it would be better to leave him be or ask if he needed anything...but sadly...you didn't get the chance to decide.
"Are you just going to stare?" His voice held such a hurtful tone and it made you wonder if you'd been standing there longer than you thought..."I-" You tried but he shot you a look that instantly made you go quiet, "Just leave me alone. I don't need you bothering me right now, I deal with that enough already." His words struck you so harshly, it was like you'd just been slapped in the face...tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.
It only took him a split second to realize what he said and instantly afterwords he started to apologize, "Oh no...I'm so sorry, I didn't mean that. You're not bothersome...I-"
Albedo was busy working away in his lab, writing down the various answers of his experiments and perfecting his craft as per usual. Him being busy though wasn't really anything new to you, usually when he found a particularly interesting answer to something he'd get engrossed in it for a long time and you'd usually have to bring him food cause he's forget to eat, and wrap a blanket around him just in case he got cold.
He always seemed to appreciate the thought in your actions...today however he seemed frustrated with them, when you brought him food he said he wasn't hungry and when you attempted to cover him up with a blanket, he shrugged it off, letting it fall onto the ground. You were just about to leave the lab, let him be since that seemed to be what he wanted...when he snapped at you. "Could you please just get out of my way, I have very important things I'm working on and you're not helping."
You went completely silent at his words...all you had tried to do was take care of him like usual...you hadn't meant to get in the way of anything. You felt your eyes watering and quickly muttered a apology, "I'm sorry...I'll get out of your way."
Albedos head shot up as you spoke, realizing not only what you had just said...but how hurtful his own words had been, guilt instantly filled him as he attempted to stop you from leaving. "Wait no...I didn't mean...you're not in my way. I was just busy and I hadn't realised what I said, I'm so sorry, please dont leave...don't go..."
Alhaitham was incredibly intelligent, there was zero argument about that and honestly it amazed you, most of the time. Sometimes he'd unintentionally make you feel...like you weren't smart enough and it wasn't like he had tried to on purpose...it was just the way his words had sounded. You have always tried your best to not take it personally...but on a bad day, sometimes it was inevitable.
"Alhaitham? You need anything? Can I help at all?" You asked him, his eyes concentrated on a book about the akademiyas history and his mind deep in thought, to the point you weren't even sure he had heard you, so you asked again. "Alhaithamm? Do you want anything? Is there anyway I can help youuu?" This time you got his attention, his eyes shifting to you with a look of pure annoyance.
"I heard you the first time, I just didn't answer. This isn't something you'd understand, not unless you've doubled your IQ over night...and no I don't need anything." You stepped back, feeling hurt by his words, more than you had in a long time..."I'm sorry...you didn't answer so I thought maybe you hadn't heard me..." You felt so small as you spoke...so stupid...
His eyes narrowed at the sight of your unhappiness, reconsidering what he said but not truly understanding what he had said wrong "My apologies...I've upset you again..."
You knew Xiao would always protect you, honestly it seemed even if you got a paper cut he'd attempt to shred the paper to pieces, making it so it couldn't hurt you again. Obviously, from that alone, he could be a little...over protective. Which wasn't really a bad thing untill he started to worry about hurting you himself, wether it was by his charmic debt or loosing control of his own being, the idea ate at him, to the point it was becoming problematic.
"Xiao calm down, your charmic debt has never really affected me before and I have my full faith in you...you're not going to hurt me. I know that... please you should know that too." You spoke in a soft tone, trying your best to comfort your boyfriend who continued to inch away from you... as if he would hurt you just from being near you. "I want to...I want to know that I'd never hurt you, but I can't. I'm unable to control myself and if anything ever happened to you..because of me, I'd never be able to forgive myself." He was deep in despair and you wanted so badly to comfort him, so you took a step closer.
"Xiao..." You sighed, reaching your hand out to him, but he pulled away, "Don't. Maybe it would be better for you to just...go away." His words knocked the wind out of you, it was like the air had suddenly become unbreathable...he didn't mean that did he? "What..." His eyes met yours and for a split second it was like he wanted to take it back...but he couldn't. "Leave."
(I use the nickname Scara here ^-^)
You looked into Scaramouches eyes, your own anger not coming close to the rage he was feeling, but you were used to this, the two of you would argue, with him acting ruder than usual, but you always made up in the end. "Scara just admit you were wrong okay! Once you do, we can end our argument and get back to work!" You already felt tired of yelling, it had barely been two minutes and you wanted so desperately for it to stop.
"I wasn't wrong and I'm still not! Love isn't a real thing, it's a idea people tell themselves is real because they don't want to feel alone!" His words annoyed you, if what the two of you had wasn't love then what was it?? "But you love me! So obviously that's a bold faced lie!" Your heart was racing, what would he say next? If he said the wrong thing...would you two not be able to make up?
"I don't love you, honestly how could I when you're just a mortal and I have the power of a god!" And just like that all your fight left you...he said it...he said he didn't love you and it broke your heart..."I-" You started, but your voice cracked and despite trying to keep strong, tears threatened to fall from your eyes.
Scara watched you intently, wondering if he'd went to far...his face softened and he stepped towards you, "I didn't mean that...", but you didn't want to listen. You looked away from him, moving backwards so he was farther away from you. "Shit....I'm sorry...I love you..I promise I..."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Have a nice day!*⁠.⁠✧
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kaidatheghostdragon · 4 months
Halfas and Fear Gas
Ive seen a lot of "fear gas makes danny high." Its hilarious and i love it. Other variations i recall seeing are: fear is not as potent, complete immunity, 'food supplement' fear gas, and the boring 'effects him like normal.'
I haven't really seen anyone treat effect effect on the brain and core as separate processes. In other words, humans get affected one way, ghosts get affected another way, and halfas get blasted by both.
We already know how normal humans are affected, so we dont really need to go over that. Ghosts, however, are free reign. (Unless there's a canon incident where a ghost like boston brand or gentleman ghost are exposed to a fear gas attack? Any DC canon nerds out there that know of something like that?)
The options I've seen or thought up so far:
Complete immunity - ectoplasm just doesn't react to physical matter in a way that impacts the ghost. Fear gas, as in the chemical itself, has no effect whatsoever.
Effects ghosts like humans. Straight forward, it's a bit weird if you think about it, but eh.
Fear gas, as in the chemical itself, is like ghost weed, or perhaps something stronger. Might be hallucinogenic, but in a bad trip sort of way rather than a worst fear sort of way
Fear gas, as in the chemical itself, is accidentally a super effective health suppliment for ghosts
If emotions are food to ghosts, fear gassed humans can span the range between 'delectable snack sprinkled with extra sugar' to 'weird chemical food that isnt healthy but will still sustain you' to 'supercharged health snack completely saturated by nutrients'
Fear gas, either the chemical itself or the people affected by it, has a distinct smell. It could be good, bad, or neutral, possibly related to how it affects the ghost. (Or deceptive, for humor and/or angst.)
Fear gas is outright toxic to ghosts. Perhaps the chemical itself is similar to, but just left of, ectoplasm. Like many artificial chemicals that can substitute various nutrients / usurp metabolic pathways in humans, it could have any number of mild to debilitating, short to long term effects on ghosts.
(If anyone has another idea, feel free to add)
Now we get to halfas, who have both a human brain and a ghost core. Dany has a human body and brain that are affected normally by the fear gas: hallucinations, panic attack, adrenaline response, etc etc. Someone better at biology can describe the actual biochemical processes going on.
But the ghost core? Added on top of All That? Can be excessively angsty, somewhat mitigating, or outright hilarious.
Going through the list of options:
Complete immunity.
This sounds boring, but its actually my favorite. Why? Because danny is getting conflicting signals. His brain is compromised and in full panic, but his core is telling him that he's completely safe. As a hybrid, Danny could be capable of having critical thought with both organs. If he's clever enough to recognize the seperation between the two, he can exploit it as a sort of anchor (I'm imagining it somewhat like how a multitasker can do different things with different senses, like listening to an audio book while solving a jigsaw puzzle - the book is auditory, the puzzle is visual and tactile, neither interfere with the other.)
Danny, in this scenario, is definitely in an altered state of consciousness, seeing things that aren't there and right on the cusp of panicking or defending himself. But if he can recognize that his core is unaffected, he can focus on the sensory input that his core is processing, and the whole situation might be somewhat equivalent to becoming lucid in the middle of a nightmare - its terrifying, but just the recognition that it isn't real takes the edge off. To him, it's now like being stuck in a VR horror game and being unable to take the headset off, flinching at all the jumpscares but recognizing that his body isn't actually being attacked or injured.
Affects ghost like humans
Danny could either be affected exactly the same as anyone else or effectively double-dosed as both brain and core fight entirely different hallucinations. Maybe if danny is lucky, he'll just black out from the sensory overload.
Ghost weed
This could make what was initially designed to be a really bad trip into something catastrophic... or mellow it out. Idk. I've never done recreational drugs. Both the brain and core are cut off from reality. The brain is terrified, and the core is tripping out. If his core naturally reacts to his emotional state, it's gonna amplify the effects, which is Really Bad. If the core is compromised to a point where it can't really process anything, then Danny is still trapped in a nightmare state, just more loopy and otherwise no worse than any human.
Health supplement and/or literal food
This one is confusing. Brain is terrified, core is satiated? Energized? A boost to his powers is gonna make him much more difficult to contain and treat. When he comes out of it, there's real potential for angst from danny worrying that the conflicting emotions of absolute terror and hunger satiation are a sign that he's turning evil. Especially if his core was instinctually feeding off of the fear of nearby civilians who were also gassed during the trip. That undercurrent of predatory satisfaction is gonna leave him awake at night for a few weeks.
On the plus side, feeding his ghost core might help it clear out the toxin faster, so the trip is much shorter. Maybe he even pulls out of it before he accidentally causes any damage with his powers.
Pretty straightforward. If it smells bad, Danny is automatically gonna hold his breath, limiting his exposure. If it smells good, he might take a good few wiffs before realizing what's up and holding his breath, or just keeps dosing himself more and more as that effects, good or bad to the core and definitely bad to the brain, settle in.
Has the potential to be much more long-term and insidious. You can run the full gamut here. Does he need to be restrained and taken to the far frozen for days or even weeks of treatment? Does the ectoplasm incorporate the drug, and Danny has to suffer weeks or months of microdosing until it's used up, turning him into a paranoid schizophrenic during that time? Is it blood blossoms 2.0? Does it have no mental effects but screws with his powers? Does it influence his emotional self-control? Does he grow the ghost equivalent of a tumor that encapsulates the toxin and has to be surgically removed? Does he need supplemental ecto to remain healthy, temporarily, or permanently? Does it affect his ectosignature or peak power level? Injure his core? Lower his healing factor?
All of this is on top of the initial fear gas trip, which he may have never even fully pulled out of. The angst possibilities are endless.
Then, there are liminals who have the potential to be affected like halfas or in an entirely different way. Does your headcanon give them proto-cores or baby ghost cores, or are they just severely ectoconaminated? How would that change their symptoms?
Anyways, just some ideas for people to use. My favorite idea so far, that I'd love to see someone use, is that Danny has learned to use his separate brain and core as insurance against mind control and mind-altering drugs. The freakshow incident was a sort of catalyst that helped him recognize the differences between his brain and core, and he taught himself how to lean into one or the other for various advantages in different situations. (Sort of like how a person can lean on either logic or intuition to make different types of choices.)
There's a lot of interesting potential here. Essentially, Danny could teach himself to be immune to mind-control and greatly resistant to drugs, as he can evaluate his surroundings with both organs and identify differences. Mind control wouldn't work unless it targeted BOTH brain and core, as he could shift to the uncontrolled one to break away. Any drug designed to knock out or roofie a human is countered by the fact that danny's core still remains conscious of his surroundings, and creative use of ghost powers counters the accompanying paralysis.
If ghosts dont sleep, one could argue that Danny's core is in a meditative state when his brain rests, which is why his ghost sense can wake him up from a dead sleep - he's never fully unconscious. Workoholic danny could find a way to get homework or paperwork done, or solve a problem, or design a piece of tech, or even play a videogame, while 'sleeping,' even using ectokinesis to move stuff while his body is sleep-paralyzed. Sleep-deprived danny is still functional because his core isn't affected by his brain's lapses in consciousness from micro-naps. (He is a lot moodier, though. His core is more emotion-focused while his brain is more logic-focused, on top of the normal mood-swings from sleep deprivation.)
This version of danny, after being fear-gassed, immediately recognizes that his brain and core are suddenly experiencing two different realities. He would be able to talk himself down from a panic attack and slowly find his way to safety. He probably wouldn't trust himself to hold back if he got in a scuffle, but he would be coherent enough to vaguely understand his surroundings to avoid danger.
And lastly, something I dont recall seeing in any fics - if the bats encountered fear-gassed Danny, and he's aware enough to refuse an antidote, I dont think the bats would push it. Yeah, forcing more medical trauma on our favorite blorbo is all good and fun, but he clearly has an altered metabolism that was affected differently by the fear gas than normal, so there's a heightened risk that the antidote would also have an altered affect, for the reward of removing the effects of fear-toxin (which is no longer guaranteed), which danny is already showing he's capable of working through.
On top of that, medical professionals are not allowed to force treatment if the patient refuses them and can walk it off. (If they are unconscious or can't get up on their own, they can intervene.) Medical conditions and allergies are a thing too, and its the priority of the patient to inform the medical worker as soon as possible to prevent complications. Jazz may have coached Danny about "in a medical emergency, declare closet-meta status with highly modified metabolism and unknown reactions to most drugs."
I see the conversation going something like:
"If you can hear me, im going to administer an antidote."
"Dont. Give it to someone who actually needs it."
And then the bat treats everyone else before approaching danny again to ask how they can help. They would be trained to take all of this into account:
Human male, visibly uninjured (unless the fic writer has different ideas) experiencing non-standard reaction to fear toxin. Probable indication of meta or enhanced status.
Victim is cognizent, replied to verbal communication, denied treatment. Appears to be managing the effects of the fear toxin. Not currently a danger to themselves or others.
Nonstandard reaction to fear-toxin implies potential non-standard reaction to antidote. Victim may be aware of medical condition that could complicate treatment, and is reasonably stable at the moment. Further questioning needed.
There are other victims in the area that are less cognizent, they become higher priority. Approach victim again when all other victims are cleared out, (in case of uncontrolled meta powers, to avoid further casualties), ask more questions and ascertain situation.
Once questioned further, danny drops the memorized line about altered metabolism and unknown effects, and giving Danny the antidote basically immediately becomes a non-viable option. They will probably argue Danny into being taken to Leslie's clinic, as he'll refuse a hospital (probably quite hysterically, given the fear toxin), which i'd imagine is the bat's normal protocol for closet-metas.
At least, that's how I imagine the situation panning out. Danny noping out before the bats return to him or during mid-interrogation is also extremely likely, which is gonna put the bats in panic mode for the next several hours. (Going to *any* secondary location with the bats is a non-option to Danny, for many potential reasons.) Danny is definitely going on a watch list (as in, possible meta with unknown powers, keep an eye out in case he gets caught up in another rogue scheme, need more information).
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space-helen · 5 months
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Words: 1114
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader
A/N: I know this has taken forever but I hope this is ok! (not proof read before releasing)
Request: Could you do something angsty for stephen strange, where he's working on researching some magic thing and his relationship with reader fell to the wayside as he's totally obsessed with whatever he's working on and anyway he gets more and more irritated and tells her to leave him alone and be quiet but for some accidental magic reasons he unintentionally made her mute. Then when everything's settled and his work/research is finished he assumed things would go back to normal but reader still isn't talking to him, he thinks he's getting the silent treatment for ignoring her while he was working but it's been weeks and she still hasn't said a word to him so he tries to talk to her about it and then he realises what he accidentally did and just angst and sadness pls, but like they work things out and stay together - Anon
"Y/N, please just leave me for a second" the man spoke totally exasperated. He'd been absorbed into new research for a couple of days now. He'd really planned to get it done quickly but with you interrupting consistently every hour he wasn't making as much progress as he'd have liked.
"I'm sorry I just wanted to make sure you were ok and didn't need anything"
"Y/N I love you, I really do but you're making this ten times harder with your constant interruptions. Just leave, It'll get done quicker and then we can spend more time together."
You were slightly hurt by the comment and felt a twang in your chest. You bowed your head "I'll come back with some dinner for you in a couple of hours" with that you quickly left. The man sighed and buried his head back into the book.
As promised you returned, nervous but hopeful the man was in a better mood. You'd seen him grumpy and mad before but He'd never been like this towards you so you knew it was serious. 
You balanced the plate of food in one hand to knock the door before opening it. Allowing it to swing open you politely greeted you boyfriend but before you could say another word he quietly muttered something under his breath and absentmindedly gestured his hand towards you. You thought you saw some orange sparks but couldn't be sure. 
Approaching his desk you placed down the plate but he continued to read the pages in front of him. You opened your mouth to say "here's the food I promised" You realised not a single sound came out. Tears instantly brimmed in your eyes and you turned on your heels to leave. 
You'd seen him jokingly mute people before but quickly unmute them. But this? It felt like a punch to the gut. Had you really annoyed him so much that he'd done it to you? He'd promised from day one to never use magic on you unless it was to save your life yet here you were. Mute and unable to speak because of him. 
Heading to your bedroom you sat on the edge of the bed. Somewhat still in denial that he'd done it you tried speaking to yourself but heard nothing. Letting the tears roll down your cheeks you lay down. He didn't mean it. He couldn't have. Yet he had been annoyed at your talking. 
You’d busied yourself for the rest of the day. Hoping he’d be done soon and would come and find you to undo his magic. Walking through the corridors you could see the man in the distance talking to Wong. You gazed at him hopeful before he quickly spoke “Y/N it’s an overnight trip. We’ll be back in the morning.” and before you could even react he’d disappeared with Wong.
Defeated you sighed a noiseless sigh and continued on your way through the sanctum towards the bedroom. Sluggishly you moved around and found yourself resting your head on your pillow for sleep.
The next day was spent moving around the sanctum trying to busy yourself, thanking yourself that you’d pre-booked time off work because you didn’t know how you’d function without being able to speak. You knew Stephen had arrived back in the early hours of the morning but you’d continued with his wish and stayed out of his way.
What you hadn’t realised was the longing looks from the man every time he saw you move around that day. He was still busy wrapping things up but wanted nothing more than for you to interrupt him, and save him, from Wong.
Eventually the day was coming to a close and he made his way to bed. He could feel his muscles relaxing as he made his way to you. He’d wanted nothing more all day than to see you and hold you in his arms.
Coming into the bedroom he could see that you were reading, what was unusual though is that you didn’t look up from your book, like you usually would, when he came into the room. Plodding around the room he quickly got changed before pulling the covers up and getting into bed. 
He sat for a moment before adjusting to get comfy. Not a single word from you? “Thank you for being patient with me. I’m sorry.” he moved to give you a kiss on your cheek but you moved away quickly and turned away from the man. Closing your book you went to put it on the nightstand.
His heart dropped, the silent treatment. He was seriously getting the silent treatment and it’d been that way all day and he hadn’t realised. He kicked himself internally.
“I’m sorry Y/N I really am but I promise not to be that way with you in the future. I just had Wong breathing down my neck about the work and how important it was and the emergency at hand. I understand if you’re giving me the silent treatment. I love you, I know I messed up.”
You turned back to the man and tried to reply in the heat of the moment, forgetting about the fact that no volume would come out. 
The man looked at you confused for a second. “Say something again.”
You did as he wished and you could see his features tense up “Someone muted you?” he quickly moved his hands and undid the spell. “You weren’t giving me the silent treatment? Who did this? What happened? Who do I need to go and speak to?”
You could see the anger bubbling up within him but you just stared at the man puzzled. “Wait.” the man stopped and looked at you “do you seriously not know?”
The man gave a very small and slight shake of his head.
“You did. When I came in yesterday to give you food.”
His eyes widened and he froze “I’m so sorry.” his words were slow and he brought his eyes to yours and found your hands with his “I’m so incredibly sorry. I didn’t even realise. I promise to never do it again. If something like that happens you have to come and let me know.”
You nodded, you could see that the man didn’t truly mean it and you couldn’t hold a grudge against him. “It’s ok. Just promise to actually communicate with me next time as well instead of just telling me to go away.”
He nodded and brought your hands to his mouth to place a gentle kiss to them. “Anything Y/N. Anything.”
With that you happily accepted his embrace when he opened his arms to you.
Tag List: (open)
All: @perasperaadastrawriting @asgards-princess-of-mischief @trippol-threat @captainsophiestark
MCU: @coffeeandcrimeshows @spunky-89 @heyitsaloy @captainsophiestark @discocactusblogs @butchers-girl
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