#unless you want a funny stick figure drawing no skin off my nose for that!
anika-ann · 4 years
The Best Mistake of My Life - Pt.5
The A+ Day...
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader    Word count: 2320
Summary: A soulmate AU. They say having a soulmate is a blessing. Who wouldn’t love the idea of star-crossed lovers, right?
You get to spend the day with the Avengers. Should you be excited or scared? Well, Steve is by your side, so...
Warnings: swearing, FLUFF, Steve’s friends being Steve’s friends… go figure
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Story masterlist
You were very comfy and very warm. Maybe even too warm. Also, your covers were moving behind your back and that was a bit odd, but you blamed the sensation on the morning confusion. Your bed smelled nicer than usual too. You nuzzled closer into the moving warmth, content it stilled its movements.
Except that after that, it talked.
“Sorry to wake you,” the comforter whispered hoarsely and it was like a shot of adrenaline to your veins, making you jolt fully awake, sitting up straight, causing your head to pound with the swift movement.
That was Steve’s voice.
Because you were sleeping in Steve’s bed.  
“Are you okay?” he asked lowly, but you couldn’t respond right away. The memories came rushing back to you, messy but warmly fuzzy images of last night.
You had danced with Steve. Steve had kissed you. Steve had kissed you a lot.  
Your lips unwittingly curled up in a smile despite the abrupt wake-up process. You heard him moving at your side, sitting up as well, so you turned to him, still grinning in perfect contrast to his concerned face.
He looked adorable with his hair sticking in every direction, a bit sleepy expression on his face, and he was also still very much shirtless. You were sure you woke up to heaven.
“Sorry to freak out. I was just… ugh, confused for a bit,” you explained, keeping your voice on low level just like he did, worried you might disturb the peace. “Good morning, Steve.”
His face cleared of worried wrinkles and he charmed a smile for you. “Morning, doll. Slept well?”
“Very. You?”
You just stared at each other, grinning like fools, eyes sparkling. You must have looked ridiculous, but you didn’t care. Subconsciously, when he released you from the lock of his eyes, your gaze wandered over him, appreciating the lack of clothing. How could person have a body this marvellous? You knew it was probably the effect of the serum, but gosh. What a view.
Good morning indeed.
You noticed a blush spreading down his neck and quickly snapped your gaze back to where it was decent. But hey, when you were offered a view like this, you simply had to make the best of the opportunity!
Steve seemed a bit sheepish, but you couldn’t help but notice that a new glint appeared in his irises, something in the way he was watching you back that gave out that maybe, you weren’t the only person to enjoy the situation at hand. It took you a second to realize why that was – you were wearing his clothes.
You remembered Ryan telling you about what it felt like to him, seeing a girl – or a guy in his case – in his clothes. Like a flag on a flagpole, mark of ownership on a conquered land, he had told you.
No funny business had happened between you and Steve last night, but the thought still made your face hot all over. To cover your embarrassment, you ducked your head to Steve’s shoulder, resting your forehead on it.
Steve tensed at first, but quickly recovered and sank his fingers gently into your hair, very carefully caressing your scalp, wary of pulling at your hair and causing you pain. You hummed in appreciation, instinctively brushing the nearest patch of skin with your lips – an inked patch of skin. You smiled against your will at that. Your words. Your ridiculous first words to him.
His breath caught in his throat at your bold move, but a kiss landed at the top of our head, so you figured you didn’t overstep.
“How much do you hate morning breath?” he muttered, sounding a bit embarrassed.
“Not particularly…?” you answered, not sure where that headed.
Looking back, you really should have understood what he was asking. Then again, the pleasant surprise of his fingers gently finding your jaw and tilting your head so he could kiss you right on the lips, warm and soft and sweet, was worth the lack of your brain function. You melted, your palm finding a way to lie flat on his very bare chest, feeling every expansion of his ribcage, his skin burning. He deepened the kiss, his fingers tangling in your hair enough to make you notice and boy, did it do things to you. You sighed into his mouth, content and yet needy for more, a second from climbing into his lap, too fast development be damned.
Just as you were out of breath, he released you, his thumb drawing a soft circle on your cheek. It was cliché, but your fingertips were literally tingling with euphoria and excitement.
“Wow,” you breathed out, still feeling his breath tickling your lips as he had barely moved away. “Can I stay another night? Can I be woken up like this every morning?”
He gave a breathy laugh, making your eyes snap open, and you could see the blown black of his pupils, the gleam of wanting more now diluted with giddiness.
“Can’t say I’d complain,” he admitted with a lopsided smile radiant on his kiss-swollen lips.
God, he was so handsome. Had you mentally noted he was handsome before? You still couldn’t believe it.
“That an invitation?”
“I mean, if you convince Tony…”
“Oh god, I take it back,” you groaned, falling back to the sheets dramatically, rewarded with Steve’s light-hearted laugh.
He laid down on his side then, propped on his elbow, watching you with a soft smile. “Thank you for staying.”
You let out what surely was a very unattractive snort. “’Cause not having to go home and not having to hail a cab in the middle of the night was a real sacrifice…”
Steve was fully grinning now, dropping a playful kiss on your nose, which caused you to giggle.
“I know, my lady. Let me make up for the hardship you had suffered through with making you breakfast.”
“You sound like Thor. Also, offering breakfast to a girl? You are a dangerous man, Steve Rogers,” you stated, the stupid smile simply not disappearing from your face no matter how much you tried to get it under control; so you gave up on that. “You seem to know just the way to my heart.”
“I sure hope so. Are you coming with the adorable bed-hair or do you want a minute?”
You gasped at the cheeky comment, grabbing the pillow by his head to smack his stupidly perfect skull.
His laughter filled the room and you felt like the happiest person on Earth.
When Steve led you to the communal kitchen and dining room ten minutes later, you were surprised to find three people already there. Clint was sitting at the bar, his head resting in his palm, a mug of coffee hazardously close in your opinion, just in case he would actually fell asleep and faceplanted on the counter; Bruce was sitting nearby, watching over him, while Natasha was standing at the cooker, making…
“Are those pancakes?” you gasped, your stomach instantly reacting to the smell, making you squirm in humiliation. Steve at your side chuckled, while Natasha grinned at you.
“Yep. There’s enough for you too. Unless Steve wants to impress you with his own cooking skills,” she teased and winked at him. He smiled bashfully in return.
“I mean… maybe next time? Since you already started…”
“Oh-ho, so there will be a next time?” Clint wolf-whistled, startling you with both the question and sudden sign of life.
“Let them be…. Coffee?” Bruce beckoned to the pot. You bit you lip bashfully. You didn’t want to be rude, but coffee… “Or maybe tea?”
You lighted up. “If it’s not too much trouble…”
“I’ll do it,” Steve hurried before the other man could rise from his seat. He pecked your temple. ”You go sit.”
“Yes, sir…”
Looking around, you weren’t sure where to. Between Bruce and Clint? Next to Clint since Bruce was at the bar stool at the end of the counter?
“You can sit next to Clint. It’s safe. This is his second mug of coffee,” Natasha supplied helpfully and you frowned in confusion. Perhaps an inside joke. “Yes, he is dangerous before he finishes his first.”
“Hey!” the man in question complained, but rolled his eyes for your benefit. “That’s actually accurate. You can sit here, I don’t bite.”
“He’s just a pain in everyone’s ass.”
“Morning to you too, Stark,” Clint saluted him and a mug of tea landed in front of you, soon followed by a stack of pancakes.
“You’re gonna spoil me. Thank you,” you said in earnest.
Natasha waved it off, while Steve let out a simple “Planning on it.”
“So you didn’t spoil her last night?” the billionaire hummed casually, pouring himself a coffee. Your eyes widened and you rather started eating to avoid an answer. Steve only sighed.
Neither of you replied, which earned you some raised eyebrows.
“She seems right at home in his clothes, huh?” Clint added and you shot him a look, mortified. Him too?
“She does, doesn’t she? Sign of a successful night?”
Steve grinded his teeth at Stark’s latest remark, turning a bit red in his face. You sipped your tea, figuring out a sassy response.
“Very successful. I slept like a baby. Sleeping duty fulfilled,” you announced and noticed that Bruce’s lips twitched as if he was holding back a smile. You continued. “That will be all, thank you for your questions. For further information, contact our PR department. ….Ouch, we don’t have one, looks like it’s none of your business then. Too bad…”
Tony’s mouth was theatrically hanging open, his hand clutching his chest and Clint’s eyes seemed rounder than a moment before; then again, that could just be because of the amount of caffeine in his system. Natasha chuckled, positioning a plate in front of Steve – his stack of pancakes was visibly taller and you wondered just how much he had to eat.
Speaking of Steve, he was smugly grinning into his mug. “I have nothing to add.”
“Still though. She’s like… shining or something. That’s released endorphins, I can tell. Good job, Cap.”
You internally whined.
If they keep that up, staying overnight is gonna start feeling like a sacrifice.
“Play nice, boys,” Natasha scolded them and you smiled at her gratefully. “Let the poor girl eat. She’s gotta make up for the calories Steve helped her burn…”
“You too?” you burst out simultaneously with Steve and Natasha raised her hands in a harmless gesture.
“I meant when you were dancing. What did you think I was talking about?” she asked innocently and everyone in the room but you two laughed.  
“I hate you,” Steve mouthed at her and she just winked in return, turning her attention back to her cooking.
You wished for the Earth to swallow you, but you liked the teasing air hovering above the group of friends. You smiled reassuringly at Steve, stroking him arm shortly.
“It’s okay, Steve. I still like you despite your annoying friends,” you emphasized the last words, which was followed by affective aww from Clint, Tony and Natasha.
Steve smiled at you, apologetic and kind. “Thanks, doll. You’re the best.”
To show his appreciation, he kissed your cheek, the innocent gesture drawing a wolf-whistle from Tony.
“Get a room!”
You just rolled your eyes and stole a quick peck from Steve’s lips for a good measure. He tasted like coffee; it seemed you might grow fond of that taste after all.
Despite all the odds, everyone survived breakfast. They teased you once more after you asked about Thor, learning he had left in early morning because of an urgent matter on Asgard. After all, he was son of the King. And an Alien. And a demigod. Apparently, you knew those now. What an insanity your life became in such a short time.
The team went separate ways after the meddling over the most important meal of the day. Steve stayed with you, of course, showing you around the Tower. You marvelled at the view and despite having a tiny fear of heights, you agreed to Steve taking you outside at the top.
It was incredible. You found yourselves basically on the top of the world, steps slightly shaky, but with Steve’s firm reassurance. You trusted him not to let you fall. So trying to keep your mind of the potential life-ending fall, you busied your mind with how touchy-feely Steve quickly became after sharing the first kiss yesterday night. You loved it.
When you came to a stop, you were unable to resist the urge to spread your arms and let the gentle wind play with your hair and rather loose clothes; Steve’s hands found their way to your hips to steady you. Slowly, he moved further, his fingers running in a feather-light touch over your arms and threading his fingers with yours.
You giggled and dared to lean onto him with your back, testing the waters. His lips brushed your cheek and you couldn’t but turn your head, catching his mouth with yours in a searing kiss. He was so sweet. You trusted him with your life, knowing he would never allow you to even stumble, and yet you were falling, falling for him so hard. The realization was overwhelming.
How could you be… falling in love so fast?
Steve gently squeezed your fingers, brining your joined hands to your waist and you decided you didn’t care and let the kiss consume you.
When you finally parted, your eyes fluttered open to meet his gaze. You couldn’t stop smiling.
“Put Titanic on your list, huh?” you murmured, your brain turned into a useless mass of lovesick jello.
Laughter was twinkling in Steve’s eyes. “Not really. It’s a perk of the movie nights, we take turns in who’s picking.”
You frowned in confusion. “Who chose Titanic?”
For some reason, Natasha didn’t strike you the type. Clearly, you were right, because Steve chuckled.
You burst out laughing, Steve soon joining you. You wondered if the whole Manhattan could hear you. Once again, you had no care in the world.
Part 6
@cxptain​ @mermaidxatxheart @smilexcaptainx , @murdermornings​@irepostthingsiwanttoseelater , @polarcrystall​ @eliza5616​, @rayofdawnworld  @victor-criss-bish​ @skychild29​  @elysianecho​ @simmisblog​ @scentedsongrebel​ @orions-nebula​, @sergeantrosabellaswan​ @songofcosplay​, @ilovesupersoldiers​ @wxstedhexrt @silver-winter-wolf @nova3312​
Tags are open, you want in or out, let me know :))
I actually had to split it into two parts, because it was waaay to much fluff in one go an that coming from me?  You better believe it!
Thank you for reading. Attempt at humour will come later, promise ;)
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jemej3m · 5 years
this was unprompted but i dont care. all yall want is the wedding and i need an angst pallet cleanser before i can keep going with that. it’s so soft and sweet. blurgh, gross ;D
remember in the first part, when neil said that drake spear’s case would forever remain unsolved? 
yeah. this is that.
trigger warnings: implied/referenced sexual assault, i/r torture, i/r csa, i/r self harm/suicide attempts, i/r murder
(normal pre-marital problems, i assume)
Neil traversed their kitchen as he threw together a curry Renee had recommended, whistling very poorly with the TV on in the background. An Exy game was always playing, much to Andrew’s dismay. 
They’d been living together for about a year and a half, and engaged for nearly a week now. Neil thought he couldn’t possibly get any happier, which was odd and unfamiliar in his tragic life. As he rinsed the starch off the rice and threw it into the rice cooker (gifted to him by Allison because once he’d served her undercooked, burnt rice and she’d never forgiven him since) he heard the front door unlock and twist open, the familiar shuffle of his fiancé arriving home making Neil smile. 
That sentiment was lost when he turned around to greet him. 
“Andrew,” Neil managed, watching Andrew fall onto the couch. He looked at the television, eyes so distant that they couldn’t register Neil even as he crouched down in front of him. “Andrew?”
His hands were shaking, curled into fists by his sides. Neil had never seen his skin so pale and lifeless. 
“Andrew,” he continued. “Can i sit next to you?” When he didn’t answer, Neil slowly moved to sit on the couch, giving him enough time to shove him back. Neil kept at least a centimetre between them at every point. 
“I’m making dinner,” he said, trying to think of something mundane to draw him out of his head. “Curry, one of Renee’s. You said you tried it and liked it. It has lamb, and I've snuck in some peas, but the sauce tastes good enough that we should be able to ignore them.” His fists relaxed slightly, the longer Neil talked. “You remember that cat shelter that I said was a front? Well, it’s still a cat shelter. Maybe we could check it out, see if there are any hairless ones. I know you like the hairless ones.” 
Andrew reached out for Neil’s hand and closed his eyes. His thumb traced the scars on Neil’s skin. The pattern was familiar and comforting for Andrew: Neil sighed with relief. 
“I’ve got those off-brand icecream sticks you love,” Neil continued, leaning in closer. “There was only one box left that weren’t those coconut-raspberry ones. Pure chocolate, just for you. Maybe we could dip them in sprinkles.” 
Andrew hummed softly. 
“Hey,” Neil said under his breath, leaning closer. He never asked if Andrew was okay, if he was alright, how his day went: not when he was like this. Asking a question meant requiring an answer, and providing a template meant forcing a restricted response. Andrew didn’t need to give Neil falsities. They were past that.
“Drake is being let out on parole.” 
Drake fucking Spear. 
Andrew told Neil the story a year into dating. He was in college, with his cousin and his brother. They’d moved to South Carolina, lived under Betsy’s roof as a reprieve from their biological family, and then congregated at their local college. All was fine until Andrew’s foster-home past caught up with him, the last time they’d gone to visit Nicky’s mother and father. 
Drake had been waiting for Andrew in Nicky’s old bedroom. It was safe to say that when Nicky and Aaron found them, it wasn’t pretty. Andrew had intentionally fucked with his biological mother’s car when he figured out she was treating Aaron like shit: in return, Aaron had wrenched Drake (a marine seal) off his brother and kicked the life out of him. 
Only he didn’t die. He went to jail. Aaron went to trail and claimed self-defence on his brother’s behalf. Everything was meant to be fine. 
Eight years later, Andrew was here, sitting on the couch as he reminisced upon horrid memory after horrid memory, knowing that his old demon was loose once more. 
“I’ll kill him.” Neil murmured. 
Andrew finally looked at him. “Neil.” 
He looked up. “I would kill him a thousand times over, Andrew.” 
Andrew said nothing, his head falling to rest on Neil’s shoulder. By the amount of tension coiled in Andrew’s shoulders, he must have been holding this in all day. 
Neil set his jaw, unwillingly to lie to himself. He was going to commit a self-serving, premeditated murder. 
His father would be so proud. 
When it finally happened, Andrew was coming home from dinner at Nicky and Erik’s. Neil was still working, somewhere in the depths of the city, but it was fine. Andrew had been able to distract himself from the weight pressing on his shoulders for a few hours with his cousin. 
A whole month since Drake - no, Spear - had been out on parole, and Andrew hadn’t heard a peep. For a while Andrew had thought that perhaps Spear would go to Aaron instead, the man who’d bashed him but not good enough to avoid jail, but Aaron had heard nothing. Chicago was way too far from South Carolina, where he’d been held for his crimes. 
But Baltimore wasn’t.
He unlocked his front door and felt the way it was loose, too loose, observing the scratches on the bolt’s screws. Andrew grit his teeth, pulling out the knife from his armband and wishing he’d brought home his gun, to swing the door open. 
As expected, the apartment was dark. But not empty. 
“Evening, AJ.” 
“Isn’t this dramatic,” Andrew insisted, though his insides were twisted with fear. Don’t lock up. Don’t lock up. Don’t -
“I was waiting for you. I’ve missed you.” 
Andrew punched the lightswitch hard enough for the wall to buckle: it held, and instead revealed something worse than Drake and his sneer. 
Neil was bound to a dining chair with cuffs Andrew kept, just in case, a tie around his mouth. He looked incredibly woozy. Andrew wanted so desperately to go to him, but Spear himself was sat on the arm of their new couch, elbows braced on his knees. Andrew hated his slick grin and his knowing smile and his soulless fucking eyes. He couldn’t believe he’d almost killed himself over this man, thinking at least he would die knowing what a mother’s love felt like. 
A mother’s love shouldn’t have cost Andrew a thing, let alone nearly everything. Those scars on his arms were warped with time and a long journey to healing, and Drake wasn’t going to take that away from him again. 
“You learned a few tricks in prison,” Andrew acknowledged. 
“You snatched yourself a husband-to-be,” Drake sneered. “How cute. I knew you’d liked it all along.” 
Andrew’s hand twitched. “You’re in violation of your parole, Drake. I’m going to arrest you.” 
“You’re a cop?” Drake spat out a laugh. It was guttural and wrong. Neil winced. “Well, ain’t that just funny.” 
“Funny how I, the boy who’d had nothing and was still taken from, ended up with a fulfilling life, finding family and friends and a purposeful occupation, whilst you, a boy who’d had everything and more, took your life for granted and ended up in the slammer for eight years, with more to come? Hilarious. I agree.” 
“I should’ve crushed your skull eight years ago,” Drake laughed. “No matter: I’ll make up for it now.” 
Neil met Andrew’s eyes as his hands fiddled with the cuffs. Keep talking. 
 “Why, Drake?” Andrew’s voice cracked. “You had Cass. School. Friends. Everyone liked you. What drove you to ruin your own life?” 
“I did have everything I could’ve ever needed,” he said, teeth oily as he grinned. “But what I wanted was something I couldn’t have. Till it occurred to me that I didn’t need to have it. I just needed to take it.” He sneered, putting his hands to the arm of the couch as he readied to stand. “Did it hurt you, little AJ? Because I hope it did. I always liked it best when you bled -” 
“Then I’ll make sure that you get what you’re owed, Drake Spear,” Neil said softly, balancing his knife between his fingertips. Its blade rested against Drake’s throat, Neil free of his cuffs and gag. 
The man froze. 
“Best practise is putting things away after you use them,” Neil advised, lifting a cloth to Drake’s mouth and nose. The man’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he slumped over, falling to the ground with a heavy thud. 
Andrew sucked in a gasp of air, watching as Neil cuffed the man’s wrists behind his back and stood with a boot pressed to his neck, should he wake up. 
From under the couch, Neil drew out a large tarp and his knives. Andrew closed his eyes momentarily. By the time he’d opened them, the coffee table had been flipped as a make-shift torture device, the tarp covering the carpet beneath. Neil was testing the sharpness of his cleaver against the tip of his finger: satisfied, he turned around to look at Andrew. “Help me roll him?”
Andrew looked at the man, hollowed out. “I was going to take him in.“
“What good is that?” Neil demanded, throwing the cleaver back into his pile. “He’ll go back to jail for another four to six months for violation of his parole, unless he tries to -” Neil screwed his eyes shut. “No. No, I won’t let him touch you again. And if you suggest some sort of self-sacrificing bullshit to have him locked up for good, I won’t buy it.” 
“He won’t get out on parole again -” 
“That is not worth a fifteen year sentence that he’ll worm his way out of again, letting the cycle will just repeat itself. No, Andrew. He is never going to touch you again. He will never look at you again.” His fists shook with a quiet fury. “I won’t let it happen.” 
“Neil,” Andrew stepped forward. “You need to let me do my job.” 
His fiancé brandished a knife from god-knows-where. “You need to let me do mine! Leave if you must. If your morals put you above killing a horrid man to keep my family safe, then go. But this man is not leaving here alive and whole. I am not letting the man I love subject himself to ruination via an old demon.” He finally looked Andrew in the eye. “Not if I can help it.” 
Neil bent over to drag Drake’s unconscious body over to where he needed it, locking his ankles and wrists to the four metal legs of their coffee table. The chloroform wasn’t strong enough to keep him asleep for long, but it didn’t matter. He was secure and doomed by the time he blinked his eyes open. 
Andrew watched Neil spin a knife between his fingers. 
“Wh - “ Drake coughed. “What? What happened?” 
“Not much,” Neil said, lightly. “You merely threatened to maim and kill the man I love, right in front of me.” His smile was the most frightening thing about him. “I don’t like that.”
“No,” Drake struggled against his restraints. “No!” 
“For now, I’ll shove this in there,” Neil said, grabbing the tie. “But later I’ll be sure to sever your vocal chords, so you can try and fail to scream, just like you tried to keep him quiet for years. No gag required. Neat, right?” 
“AJ,” Drake panted. “Andrew, get this psycho away from me. AJ -!” 
Neil shoved the tie into Drake’s mouth. “No. Stop looking at him. Look at me. I’m your biggest problem right now, aren’t I?” 
“I’m going to the study,” Andrew muttered, lightheaded. Neil glanced up at him, so he nodded, so minutely that anyone but Neil would’ve missed it. 
Neil’s expression softened slightly around the eyes as clear understanding passed between them, bright as day. 
Thank you for doing what I couldn’t, Andrew said. 
Thank you for letting me, Neil returned. 
With a deep breath, Andrew turned away to put the kettle on as Neil got to work. 
WOW okay. twiiiiiisted. i did promise that this would all be fluffy and nice, didn’t I? well, oops. 
i hate drake enough to feel that its warranted tho. srry not srry. 
back to your regularly scheduled program a-next time! 
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The Boy Who Saw Flowers
Yeah, it’s true. It doesn’t make me sad anymore, but I still don’t look back happily at it. Enjoy a small window into a prominent memory of mine.
Every person has a parent inside their heart. A responsible side, a loving, caring, gentle side. This doesn’t mean you’d be a great parent, of course, but I’d like to believe that at some point you get to see that side of yourself, and of someone else.
As an overly empathetic person, I see this side of myself often. Sometimes it’s more memorable than others. But until last December, I’d never truly experienced how that felt. See, before then, I’d only ever felt motherly toward people my age, as I don’t usually associate with kids. Why would I, I’m almost 17, and I don’t babysit? But, being thrown from that environment, and into one completely new was… I guess I could say enlightening? I still wouldn’t recommend it.
It started with me. You see, I’m the perfect combination of a horrible disposition on life, a habit of over connecting to others, and a long, long, long extensive history of depression and suicidality. Sometimes I tell others a bit too much, and I receive a Baker Act. (An order issued by a social worker, officer, or jail, that forces someone to be hospitalized, in order to see a psychiatrist and doctor within 72 hours). So, I guess it really started with my third Baker Act. Due to financial reasons, I was forced into the same hospital I’d been to twice prior, and I’d rather it stay unnamed. This place had disappointed me twice already, so I wasn’t expecting anything good this time either. Indifferent staff, rude and generally violent patients, and cold, dirty living conditions welcomed me back.
The funny thing about being admitted, is that you know your place immediately. You know who the violent kids are, you can tell the depressed kids from the ones who got too much attention. And you can see the younger kids. The ones admitted mostly because their families aren’t the greatest of places for them. They’re the ones who get the least from this place. Don’t get me wrong, nobody really gets much from that place, except maybe a med change and someone to relate to, but the little ones, they’re just easy targets. Little punching bags. Especially the boys. They group us by age in rooms, so that those conflicts don’t occur as much, but when the hospital fills up like it did, they had no choice.
I was ‘welcomed’ into the filthy hallway by a nurse, a new one, with gauges and an eyebrow piercing. She was surprisingly kind, but definitely a ‘no bullshit’ kind of woman. I sat in one of three chairs in the hallway and waited for an admissions counselor to accept my baker act and discuss a treatment plan. Not five minutes went by before there was shouting coming from the day room. Two nurses ran in and left promptly after, one with a tall blonde boy in tow, one with acne scars and a broken wrist; and the other with a small brunette boy. He was crying, but silently, and his tears fell onto spots of blood, flowing from his nose. His nurse said some kind words, and went to get first aid supplies to clean up his nose and determine if it was broken or not. She put him in a the leftmost chair, leaving an empty chair between us. He held his face with his tiny hands, and pulled his knees up to his chest. This left him like a little ball on the chair.
Instantly, I was angry. Who would do this to such a small boy and why? But anger would get me nowhere good, that was certain. Then there was empathy. There had been from the moment I first saw him. I wasn’t really sure if it’d be right to do anything, but I’d rather be ignored or spat at than leave him alone to cry. That was an all too familiar feeling. After mustering a great deal of courage, I asked him if he was okay. He looked up, small bits of the blood dried down to his face, and his eyelashes glued together by tears. He nodded very softly, then looked at me expectantly. I introduced myself, telling him my first name instead of my middle, because the staff were certain to all call me by my first. Then I told him if he needed anything while the boys’ and girls’ wards were merged, to just ask. He didn’t smile or uncurl himself, I wasn’t expecting him to, but he lifted his head a little more and thanked me, then told me his name. Peter. It suited him well.
It wasn’t very long after that I was pulled into a different room, and finally seen by the admissions counselor, a man who would become a family friend soon after I was released. When I left, Peter was back in the day room, with tissues in hand, covering his nose. I pulled up a chair next to his (which was difficult because the chairs are filled with sand so that patients can’t throw them at each other). A movie was playing on the TV (which sat behind protective glass) but no one really paid any attention to it. There were markers and papers, so some people drew, and there were uno cards, which are a big hit until your third day, when you become sick and tired of the stupid game. Peter, however, simply looked around the room, studying the walls, the tables, chairs, and floor. He stared out of the window from time to time as well. Although I can’t really say he stared out of it, more like at it. The windows were covered with beige plastic, leaving only a small gap of the outside at the top. It was enough to let sunlight in, but nothing more.
I didn’t talk to him or ask him what got him in here, I just sat a good foot away from him and looked up at the movie. It was hard to hear because of the other patients’ uno game. They shouted at each other every time a wild draw four was placed down. There were profanities and threats thrown back and forth. Nothing I’d want any child to have to listen to. Frankly, no one should have to listen to a vivid description of slitting someone’s throat and disposing of the body. At least, not when it doesn’t sound like a joke. But we couldn’t leave the day room unless we needed the bathroom. So that’s where we stayed all day. Doing nothing productive, learning nothing from uno games and screaming, and getting glared at by staff. At some point, the movie ended, but I’d already stopped paying attention. Shortly after, dinner was passed out in styrofoam trays. Basically mush, but everyone pushed and shoved past each other regardless. Food is food. Some of the boys pushed Peter’s head as they went past. Others just glared. Most of the girls ignored Peter, but most is not all. I stood up and glared at the rest of the people who passed him. No one else bothered him, because no one knew why I was there yet. All they knew was that the police brought me in. So they were all cautious. Resting bitch face is an asset, no matter what you think.
Peter and I were the last in line. He quietly made a joke about how disgusting the food was, and whispered his laugh. This made me smile, quite a bit. I was ecstatic that he’d said something to me, and that the something was a joke. But, he was so quiet, trembling and keeping a good distance away from the rest of the line.
Dinner was uneventful. After scaring a couple patients, the news spread around, and no one came near us. I threw away both my tray and Peter’s, and on the way back to our table, snagged a small stack of paper and two markers, orange and red. I sat down again, and asked if he liked to draw. He nodded very enthusiastically. He asked if I did too. I told him I enjoy drawing, but I’m no good. My art is all stick figures. I held out both markers and he took the orange one. We both started drawing. I drew a cat, a pine tree, and a coffee cup; nothing impressive. When I’d finished all those, I looked to see what Peter had done. He was in the middle of a very realistic flower. He’d pause every few seconds, and look off into space, before continuing to draw. I told him it was really pretty and asked what kind of flower it was. He shrugged at me. He told me he didn’t know, it was just pretty. I agreed and watched him finish it. It took up nearly half the paper, and bloomed right off the page. He capped his marker and put it down. ‘Want it?’ he asked. Of course I did. He paused and we were both quiet for a couple minutes.
“I see that one all the time.” He said suddenly.
“The flower?”
He confirmed with a nod.
“Why are you here? You’re really nice.” He looked up at me.
“I’ve been having a rough time recently. I’m just… really sad.” I explained.
“Depressed? My mom’s depressed. She’s really sad all the time too.” He told me.
“Yeah, I’m depressed.” I smiled sadly at him.
We were quiet again. I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable by asking why he was here. I felt it was a touchy subject.
“Who’s in your room?” I asked.
“Adrian,” another younger kid. “and Holden,” The blonde. “There’s no space for me to move rooms.” He explained before I could suggest that he should move rooms.
“Well, try your best to stay out of his way, alright?” I suggested instead.
Peter nodded. He looked noticeably happier than before, and that was a win. I was transferred into the girls side of the hallway soon after, and given a room with only one other girl in it. Mary. Because I had two functioning ears, she began telling me everything she knew, as if I cared about why the others were here. She asked why I was admitted, and I told the truth. I was tempted to tell her I got in a fight, but if the nurses heard that I’d only stay longer. She bragged about how close she sat to Holden during morning group that morning, and mused about how hot he was. Maybe he would’ve been a little cute if he look care of his skin… and didn’t act like a dick. After she finished, there was only one other patient she hadn’t mentioned. I didn’t have to ask either.
“You know that kid has schizophrenia, right? Doesn’t he creep you out?” She asked, but it sounded more like an accusation.
I told her I knew. I didn’t, at least, not until she told me, but it didn’t really matter to me anyway. Peter was kind, his smile warm and his eyes bright. The roommate told me I was weird for hanging around an insane kid. I rolled over in bed (in cot?) and ignored her.
Breakfast flew past us the next morning, and they assembled all the kids for a group session. There were two of these a day. The girls got to the day room first, so I grabbed a seat with an empty one next to it and waited for Peter. He came in last, behind Holden. Holden looked exhausted, his blonde hair disheveled, and his steps long and clumsy. He sat down with great effort, and a wince. Peter trotted over to me and took the seat I saved. We said our good mornings and before group started, he told me about his night. Holden tried attacking Peter again, and this time, Adrian got a nurse. The nurse sedated him and he spent the night restrained. Holden was telling his adaptation of the story too. One where Peter was the instigator. Any way he told it wasn’t very credible, however; he ended up sedated, Peter did not. Either way, Peter looked happier, almost confident, and that was truly heartwarming.
Group was boring and noneducational as usual, and left us all in the day room with our paper, markers, and uno. I ripped a couple papers into squares and taught Peter some origami. He was actually very good at it, his folds were precise and his fingers were small enough to make the intricate steps easier. He was quiet and focused on a crane when he finally spoke up.
“Can I tell you something?” He asked, not looking away from his paper.
“Yeah, of course, hon.” I smiled and looked at him.
“Promise not to hate me?” He put the unfinished bird on the table and looked at me this time.
“Promise.” I held out my pinky finger.
Pinky promises are the most serious of promises. You can’t break them. Children seem to understand that the best. He wrapped his pinky around mine, then we both get go.
“I see things...  that aren’t really there. I’m crazy.” He frowned with earnest eyes.
I couldn’t say anything yet. What was the right thing to say? An eight year old shouldn’t think they’re insane, and the world shouldn’t tell him that he is. It was hard not to cry when i finally responded.
“I have a friend at home that does too. That doesn’t make him crazy; he’s actually really sweet. That doesn’t make you crazy either. That makes you stronger than anyone else.” I reassured him.
I hoped my words would reach him, but I didn’t know him well enough to know exactly what to say.
“What does he see?” Peter asked.
I could tell he was happy that I didn’t turn on him like all the others.
“I don’t know. I’ve never asked him.” I replied.
“Is he strong?” Peter asked.
“And smart.” I smiled.
He is strong. One of the strongest people I know. He has his lows and highs, but most importantly, he survives. He overcomes, and he can still smile.
“But, I like my schizophrenia. That’s why I’m crazy.” He tripped over the word schizophrenia, and got quieter as he spoke.
“That’s okay. If you like it, it’s not a problem.” I reasoned.
“When I’m sad, I see flowers.” He looked away from me.
I looked down at my lap too. What do I say? That’s neat? Take your meds anyway? Nothing sounded right.
We didn’t really talk much after that. We had some conversation, and it wasn’t like he was mad or uncomfortable, I simply didn’t know what I could do to help. He didn’t seem to want to bring it up again either. So we left it.
Lunch passed, then dinner, and we were separated. The next day, he was released around lunch.
They sent him to collect his things. He did so, and went to the day room to say goodbye. He came up only to me, as he had no reason to speak to anyone else. He stood in front of my chair, and our eyes became level.
“Don’t come back here, okay?” I said quietly.
He nodded, then wrapped his skinny arms around me. I hugged him back. I was crying when he let go, and so was he.
“Hold onto your flowers.” I smiled at him.
“Okay. Try to be happy.” He smiled too.
And then he left. During the rest of the stay, I ended up scolding Holden (successfully) and befriending him. I’d come to regret that later, but that’s a different story. I haven’t seen Peter since. I don’t expect to see him ever again. He’ll be in my mind for a while though. I honestly can’t believe it took this long to write something about him. If anyone else told me to ‘be happy’, I’d brush it off. I’m depressed, I can’t just ‘be happy’ whenever I feel like it. But from Peter. From an eight year old, the words sounded simple and wise, in an odd, innocent way. I’m thankful that I met him, and that I was able to help for a little while. I hope neither of us return; because I’m trying my best to make things better, and somewhere, a boy is keeping his flowers close by. I wish him the best.
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fictionerd · 6 years
Chapter One: Out of Time Entry #3
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“Grief is a powerful Motivator” - Rose
---Last Seed, 18th, 4E 201--- Well, the petty larceny went off without a hitch. I figure this "Brand Shei" fellow will be out of a cell by tomorrow morning once bureaucracy grinds itself out. Of course maybe the legal system has become draconian while I slept.
Speaking of sleep. I'd best get used to sleeping in the afternoons. Limit the time I spend in the sun until I find a workaround for that particular weakness.
I know the way I'v e been writing about this makes me seem flippant about the situation. I'm really not. It's eating away at the back of my mind, what I did to Grelod. The way it felt was- I don't really want to talk about it. If it had been traumatic that would be one thing. The problem is that the experience really wasn't. I guess that's the point. Who'd want to continue to live as a vampire if feeding scarred them mentally and emotionally?
Anyway. To bed I suppose. T'is good for mine complexion. Wouldn't want to burn my lovely skin.
Nope. It didn't make me feel better.
>I find myself facing a dilemma. Brynjolf offered to let me join his "organization". I'm one-hundred percent certain he means the thieves guild.
My dilemma is this: Being what I am it'd be a good idea to learn Skyrim's underground. I hold no illusions that I'll be able to indefinitely lead an above-board life. There will likely be times and reasons I need to duck out fo sight.
On the other hand: Sleighting a ring from some one's strongbox into some one else's pocket almost as a prank is one thing. I'm actively considering becoming a thief. I don't have a moral problem with the idea per se, but I'm uncertain if that's a road I want to travel.
Are the risks worth it? I just don't know.
I suppose I'll put the decision on hold. I should probably head back toward Windhelm and let Aretino know Grelod is dead. I may not have intended to fulfill his contract, but since it's done he may as well know so he can return to his friends here.
---Last Seed, 19th, 4E 201--- I fed again. As I was heading out to collect a bounty I felt the hunger start to grow again. Not wanting to go back to the starved state I awoke in I took full advantage when I found the bandit leader asleep in Nilheim. I could have stopped short of killing him, but since I was there to take his head anyway I allowed myself to indulge once more.
I need to not make a habit of that if I can help it. At some point restraint is going to be necessary. I can hear my mother in my head now.
"People live so that they can indulge themselves. The trick is learning when and when not to let yourself go."
>I've sat staring at this page for five minutes. I just remembered a detail about my childhood. I remembered my mother even for a brief moment. I remembered her face.
[Tear stains can be seen on the page]
Are my memories returning as I feed? Or is something else causing them to return?
> I slept fairly peacefully after my last entry. I face another evening now. Night stretches out before me. I've been in Riften two or three days now and no one has come to drag me off to prison so I guess I'm good to go. I'll head up to Windhelm tonight to give my report to Aretino.
I could buy a horse, but I think I'll stick to carriages for the moment. It just feels better to have human company whenever I can.
>I sit now recording this in Candlehearth hall. I arrived in Windhelm after some winding road travel north. It didn't take long all things considered, and the carriage driver was good company. Aretino was beyond pleased that I'd completed his request. I actually sat and talked with the boy for a little bit afterward. He told me he wanted to be an assassin when he grew up so he could help all kinds of kids just like me.
I thought that was precious. I know that most people wouldn't feel that way, but to me that sentiment was cute. Cute and oddly nostalgic. Did I want to be an assassin when I was younger? I think I did. Really the muscle memory I possess for fighting and the spells I could remember when I woke up seem to support the idea.
I had to have trained with very specific instruction to learn how to sneak around with several pounds of steel strapped to my back in the form of a honkin greatsword. Maybe the answers I'm looking for about my past will lie with the Dark Brotherhood?
It was mention of them that drew me to Aretino in the first place. The thought has merit. Unfortunately I don't have the slightest clue how to go about finding the brotherhood so I'll just keep trudging for now.
Getting familiar with Skyrim's underground just got a lot more appealing though.
---Last Seed, 20th, 4E 201--- I did not expect to enter the Windhelm hall of the dead of my own free will. At least not anytime soon.
After my last entry I decided to have a walk around the city, take in the night air, that sort of thing. I happened to be walking through the graveyard when I come upon the site of a murder. The victim was Susanna the Wicked from Candlehearth. I remember her from the night I first woke up. She actually flirted with me a little bit. I recall thinking that was a tad strange. Not unwelcome just strange.
Now she's dead, and unlike me she's not getting back up again without some necromantic assistance. So I decided to investigate. Got permission from the Jarl's steward and everything. I'm officially investigating a murder. Isn't that ironic?
The lady in charge of the Hall of the Dead only noted that the wounds seemed to have been inflicted with embalming tools. Specifically ancient nordic ones. I'd say that safely rules out most of the city's populace as the culprit. Now to find out the scholarly and eccentric types and narrow it down to one from there. Unless we're dealing with a secret cabal of killers all united by their love of embalming implements.
Helgird, the lady in charge here, looked at me funny because I giggled as that last thought crossed my mind. I think I'm developing a morbid sense of humor. Best get back out into the cold and track down my next lead. Shouldn't be any trouble. I've become very good at following blood trails recently.
>Suspicious, old, locked mansion? I do believe we have found ourselves a killer's lair. Wonder what the going rate in town is? I might need one in the forseeable future after all.
>Bingo! A journal discussing the exquisite nature of Susanna's tendons? Amid rablings about sources for flesh, blood, and other such things? Looks like I'm definitely on the right track. Let's see what else I find.
>Now THIS is interesting. A strange amulet found among a pile of these "Beware the Butcher" papers. Seems the killer has been tearing these down. Bad idea if you ask me. They're sort of asking to be caught doing something like that. What's their excuse for it? I doubt it'd stand up to scrutiny.
>And that's a necromantic ritual sight hidden behind a false cupboard. Shit. What have I gotten into here?
>Spoke to the steward about the clues I found in the spooky old mansion. He referred me to a "Viola Giordano" for the Butcher pamphlets and "Calixto" for the amulet. Let's get cracking we have a murder to solve and the sun's coming up.
>Spoke to Giordano about the Butcher's journals. She suspects a fellow by the monicker "Wuunferth the Unliving". If you ask me that's a bit too on-the-nose.
>All roads lead to Wuunferth it seems. According to Callixto the amulet is "The Wheelstone". It's a piece belonging to the court wizard of Windhelm. That'd be our boy the Unliving. I don't like Calixto though. He offered to buy the amulet off me. Ceremonial or not that doesn't seem like a good idea. Especially if the piece is as well-known as his attitude seemed to imply.
I could go to the steward with all this, but I believe I'll talk to Wuunferth directly. If he IS the killer and tries to make a move I'm confident five feet of steel will be enough to dissuade him. Especially at close quarters.
>The Necromancer's Amulet, eh? I think I'm going to go sell this to Calixto after all. Unless I miss my guess it'll be back in my hands again by midnight.
Needless to say my encounter with Wuunferth went well. He's an agreeable old chap in his own way. If he turns out to have set me up it's going to be a real let-down. I don't think he is though. Call it instinct. He has the air of a predator, or at the very least a formiddable presence. He doesn't strike me as a giggling maniac mumbling about flesh magic and killing young girls for spare parts.
>He wasn't home. Too bad. Well I guess I'll have a meal (a normal one) at Candlehearth and sleep the day away. Tonight I catch me a killer.
>And so Calixto, the Butcher, is laid low. I suppose any future reader of this journal will wonder how it is I knew Calixto was my man. Well it's quite simple, really. The idiot was displaying a set of the embalming tools he used to dismember the young women he killed right in plain sight in his little museum.
If Helgird had been the culprit she wouldn't have clued me in about the tools. If Wuunferth had been the killer why would he set me loose to patrol the city rather than quietly be rid of me while we were alone in his study?
All that being said I still wasn't absolutely certain. So I did patrol the city and spotted Calixto in the market as he drew steel to kill someone. I cast a Fury spell on him drawing his attention away long enough for his intended victim and a newly-arrived guard to fall on him. I may have also helped a bit. Now he lies dead in the snow and I feel satisfied with my work here.
Checked his little museum over after he died. Found his last journal. Seems he was trying to resurrect his sister. That's a motivation I can understand. I don't agree with it. Especially since he was building her a patchwork body of about ten or so people, but I get it. Grief is a powerful motivator. Let's hope it doesn't sink its claws into me.
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serensama · 7 years
To Misunderstand #5
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Okie Dokie!!!
Saeyoung- now… you gotta know… no funny meme is going to get you out of this trouble right? 
This will include
1)    Some nsfw
2)    Profanity
3)    Mention of abortion
 Urgh, god… why am I so tired? I just woke up! This is getting ridiculous.
MC stretched her arms over her head as her body curled and lengthened upon their bed, her fingers and toes spread out before returning to their defunct positions. No matter how loudly she woke up in the mornings, it was never enough to wake up her sleeping fiancé. She could have yelled in his ears and started kicking him during her stretches and he would still be out cold- worrying when one thought of what could happen during an emergency but she figured he would have had a safeguard for that. Like some obnoxious warning alarm. Or Saeran coming in and just dragging his ass out of the house.
Turning over she let her tired eyes roam over his sleeping form. The long and lean muscles of his arms pulled at odd angles as his limbs bent and folded over his body… another fitful night’s sleep it seemed. His mouth was open and a small trail of dried drool from one corner of his mouth painted on his face, his already messy hair sticking up at odd angles and his clothes pulling away from his body- giving her teases of his smooth skin peeking through.
MC could feel her blood start to pump that little bit faster, felt her breath catch in her throat and her heart pounding in her chest… she just wanted to eat this man up. Pushing his hair down gently and wiping away the drool from his face, she grinned as his face started to scrunch up from her touches, bringing him back to the waking world- back to her. Seeing him knit his eyebrows together in mild annoyance she bit back her laughter and ceased agitating the sleeping hacker; she knew how little sleep her man got and knew better than to disturb it. MC kissed her fingers and pressed it softly against his mouth before slowly turning and getting out of bed.
Two strong hands grabbed her by her hips before dragging her back down to the mattress where two even stronger arms wrapped around her middle, trapping her against a warm, firm mass. A puff of hot air tickled her neck as Saeyoung rubbed his neck against her pulse, humming his contentment against her skin. Each time she would try to leave his hold would tighten around her and he’d begin to hum or purr in her ear even louder than the last.
“No… ‘Young wants his favourite pillow to stay!” he pouted adorably into her shoulder, lightly grazing his lips against the bare skin there. Big mistake. Lately all he would have to do was blink at her for her libido to start going out of control; the slightest touch or him even breathing a certain way and she’d want nothing more than to be on him until she passed out… which with how lethargic she was actually feeling at that moment was a great possibility.
“Mmmm no, stop… stop Saeyoung! I’m going to be late!” she giggled as he started to rub his stubbled chin against her skin, yet another delicious trigger to stoke her arousal. She didn’t need this right now, she needed to have a shower and get dressed and maybe grab something to eat before she headed… oooh god what was he doing with his tongue?
MC groaned at the feel of her lover’s mouth travel up her neck, the little appendage so often quipping out jokes and jabs now being so skilfully applied to her body- MC’s arm snaked behind her to tangle her fingers into his thick red mane, clamping his mouth even harder against her. She trembled as the tips of his teeth traced against her sensitive flesh, her anticipation setting her nerve endings alight- would he bite her there… or there… was he ever going to bite her at- OH GOD!
Licking deliberately slow at the new red marks at the junction of her shoulder and neck, Saeyoung chuckled, his damned sadistic streak rearing its ugly head. “Don’t worry too much MC, I’ll drive you extra fast to get you there…” he said his eyes sparkling roguishly as her expression displayed her instant understanding of his lewd innuendo. Lord, she loved this man.
“Drive the car… you mean drive the car faster…”
“You say po-tay-to I say po-tah-to…”
“I say drive the car and you say yes dear,” she asserted, spinning around to face him and pinch his cheek resolutely. The red head clapped his hand over hers laughing at the sting in his cheek and how incredibly domestic everything was. If he ever had to be woken up after only sleeping for an hour, this was how he wanted it to go down every time.
“Yes dear,” he acquiesced albeit rather monotonously before drawing her in to give her a proper morning greeting, noses touching, lips locked together. MC smiled as her hand found his cheek, her thumb running across his high cheekbones before inevitably finding its way back into his mop of hair. No matter what she did she always got lost in it and he did nothing to guide her away from it. Before she knew it, she was flipped onto her back with her fiancé grinding into her, stealing the very breath from her lungs. Breaking free from his domineering hold he had on her mouth, MC gulped in a huge breath as she shuddered violently under his ministrations.
“N-… Saeyoung… I need to h-have a shower! I have an appointment in less than an hour with the doctor!”
“You went last week and to be honest you seem perfectly healthy to me MC,” he growled as his head disappeared under her shirt to play with her breasts, his mouth quickly clasping onto a hardened nipple causing her to buck into him and gasp. “See- perfect reaction times and reflexes… you don’t need to see a doctor… unless…” he trailed off, halting his sexual advances on the frazzled woman.
“Unless what?” she ventured, genuinely interested in how his mind worked.
“Unless you want to play doctor… I still have that doctor’s coat from an old mission- OW! YOU DON’T HAVE TO HIT ME SO HARD!” he yelped as he massaged the lump forming on his head through her shirt. Withdrawing from her he adjusted himself above her, his arms outstretched to their full length beside her head. His kind smile warming her to her bones. His honeyed stare warming the pit of her stomach. She needed a shower. Wriggling out from under him she slid off the bed and towards the bathroom.
“Hey-hey let me have a shower with you-” he suggested as he made to get out of the bed, one foot already on the floor. MC clucked her tongue at him and pushed him back down,
“No! You need to sleep! And I need to go and have a shower and if you’re in there with me I’ll never live it down to my doctor that I chose sex over health. Again,” she shuddered remembering her appointment last week where she turned up late because of their need for each other. Although he said nothing, MC knew the doctor was sniggering behind his damned clipboard.
“But sex is healthy,” he whined reaching for her with his fingers out like a child making her giggle.
“Urgh…. Go to sleep!” she snorted as she shied away from his digits and made her way to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Shirking off her clothes she hopped from one foot to the other as she waited for the water to heat up. Moaning happily as the warm water rushed down her body, the suds from her soap falling into every dip and curve. Opening her mouth to rinse out her mouth, MC spat it all out suddenly when the shower doors were flung open letting in a cold gust of wind into the shower.  The bastard had picked the locks.
MC slowly turned her head to look over to her left, her fiancé standing there in all his naked glory with an impish grin on his face, “Got room for one more in there?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows, his golden eyes sparkling. Unable to resist her man’s charms, MC groaned and stepped aside letting him inside and under the water’s spray. Sturdy arms cradled her gently, rocking her back and forth under the stream as he hummed off key in her ear. It was moments like these that she lived for, just them, in perfect bliss.
“MC, how long until you need to be at the doctors?” he questioned as his fingers began their slow and purposeful trek down her body. Goosebumps rose down her arms and a tingle up her spine- she should have known better. Though, she wouldn’t stop him either.
“Just under fifty minutes…” she panted as he began the well-practised movements he knew would have her keening in no time. The red head grinned into the smooth skin of her neck before leaving a light ring of teeth marks upon it. “Ahh well, if that’s the case- I’ll get you there with 10 minutes to spare…” he laughed darkly as he hoisted her up in his arms, pinning her between him and the cool tiled wall. Running her hand through his hair and tugging at it roughly at the base of his neck forcing him to look up at her,
“Did you mean you’d get me there with 10 minutes to spare… or that would get me to my appointment with 10 minutes to spare?” she clarified, her grip getting tighter resulting in a hiss of pleasure and pain from him.
“…Yes,” he stubbornly gritted out, purposefully answering in such a way that would vex the woman undulating in his arms.
“Good!” she exclaimed as she crashed her lips on his, deciding that her future husband was indeed correct- sex was healthy.
The receptionist took one look at her kiss-bruised lips and shook her head as she took her seat, 20 minutes late.
The doctor took one look at the bite marks on her neck and shoulders and sighed before shaking his head and looking at her as if to say… “Again?”
She could not bring herself to feel guilty. She was feeling better than she had in days!
After he dropped her off to the doctors, explaining that he would be back in an hour after he picked up some stuff from the hardware store for some new locks (he may or may not have just broken the locks to get to her that morning) he had left her positively reeling from his goodbye kiss. MC had very nearly jumped back into the car to have him all over again if it were not for the fact that she was, very, very late.
Sitting in the small and familiar office she waited until her doctor had finished perusing her file, her feet tapping along to a song she couldn’t name and her fingers drumming along the tops of her thighs. Watching as a flurry of emotions passed her doctor’s face he smiled and closed the folder as he clasped his hands together and drew in a deep breath.
Oh shit. She must be sick. Really, truly sick.
“Is… is it… ?” she stammered, her stomach falling below her feet, her head devoid of all thought except- how long do I have left? The doctor furrowed his brow and shook his head. MC could feel the last breath leave her body. So… not long then. Okay. Okay. “So… there’s nothing we can do about it?” she persisted- she wasn’t about to give up. She was going to get married and live as long as she could; she owed it to herself. She owed it to Saeyoung.
“Well MC… you have a couple of options available to you- you’re not that far along into it,” he answered a concerned expression brewing on his face. “How long do I have until-”
“Just one more month,” he answered finitely.
MC’s eyes bugged out as her mouth went dry, one month? One month to left to live? Was it even fair to marry Saeyoung if she was going to leave him widowed in such a short time? Maybe they could just spend the rest of their time together and she could make him as happy as possible to make up for the time they would never get.
“But… this is surprising to me MC, I was under the impression that you would want children in the future.”
What in the world?
“Well yes of course but…” “Then why are you asking about options about your pregnancy?” he asked sitting back in his chair, looking over her obviously perplexed at the woman’s change of mind. MC fell back into her own chair, slumping back, her heart beat slowly turning back to normal.
“So… let me get this straight… I’m not dying… I’m pregnant?” she asked unable to meet her doctor in the eye, her eyes fixed to the folder lying on his table. The older man chuckled and made a noise of affirmation in the base of his throat. “So, me being tired and super frisky…”
“- Can all be part of the first symptoms of pregnancy yes” he affirmed, sitting forward wanting to go ahead with all the details she would need to know going into this pregnancy as well prepared as possible.
“How the hell is this possible?” she asked out loud more to herself that him, earning her another bewildered bark of laughter from her GP.
“Do you really need me to answer that question seeing as you’ve come to your appointment late twice because of-”
“Out of all the doctors I could have chosen I had to choose the wise cracking one, didn’t I?” she mused as she crossed her arms and gave the man a pointed glare. Breaking into a smile for the first time since she convinced herself she was going to die, MC sat forward and glanced at the doctor with a giddy expression on her face. “So… I’m really going to have a baby? You’re certain?”
“Yes, MC you’re-”
She had stopped listening. She heard yes, that was all she needed to hear. She was going to be a mother and Saeyoung was going to be a father! He had spoken to her before of wanting children- a beautiful family of five… well, six because Saeran was always counted… he would drift to sleep with her sometimes and ask what names they would give the kids and if she didn’t have any predispositions to names could they start with the letter S? Would they be Catholic or did she want them to choose when they were older? Could they have racing car cribs that he would build so they could drive themselves into their bedroom when the babies woke up so they didn’t have to get up at all? Would he be a good father when the time came?
MC smiled as she absently nodded along to what the doctor said about vitamins and minerals she needed to start taking, that she was low on iron so that was a big factor in her lethargy and that she should make an appointment with the local hospital to start seeing their OB/GYN. There was a lot to do and she was already two months along- only 7 more months before Mini Choi was coming into the world.
Collecting all the relevant information the doctor had handed to her and shoving it carelessly into her bag, MC scoured its depths to find her phone and checked the time. She still had about 20 minutes before Saeyoung said he would be back but… she couldn’t wait. She needed to tell him now. Looking at her phone she warred with herself whether to tell him over the phone or not… it was big news- massive- should it be shared face to face? Would this be too impersonal? 
MC sat down in the waiting room adjacent from the receptionist’s desk and let her right leg bob up and down during her deliberation. Should she? Would he be upset at her for not being able to wait 20 minutes to tell him in person? She thought for another minute before quickly realising- he wouldn’t care. He wouldn’t. Their entire relationship was founded because of the phone, their calls, their chats and messages- without this phone she would have never met him. It only seemed fitting that she would tell him about this over the phone the more she thought about it. Every major event that happened to them was due to this phone… and this was pretty damned major.
Swiping across her screen to wake up the device, her fingers dialled his number and had the receiver up to her ear before another minute passed by. The phone was ringing… and ringing… normally it would have gone to voicemail by now but maybe he had disabled it? The ringing abruptly ended and she was about to hang up and call again when she heard his voice on the other line,
“MC? What’s up?” he asked casually, the line a little fuzzy but she suspected all the machinery in the hardware store may be affecting the quality. “Saeyoung… can you… is there any way you can come back now? I need to tell you something and while I want to tell you now over the phone-”
“Then tell me now… there’s nothing to be worried about… right?” he asked, his voice cracking slightly betraying the cool tone he tried to front with. MC took in a deep breath and looked up reflexively to see the doctor and the receptionist give her a big smile and a thumbs up- that’s right- there was nothing to be worried about. This was amazing news.
“No no baby, nothing wrong… I just… oh jeez… you’re not driving yet right, you’re perfectly safe where you are?” she confirmed before going ahead, partly because she was stalling and partly because she didn’t want her fiancé to crash the car in surprise. He replied that he was indeed finished in the store and just sitting in the car, keys in ignition ready to pick her up. “Oh ok that’s good Hun, don’t start driving. I need to tell you something and… it’s big! It’s massive! I just- Saeyoung, you’re going to be a daddy!” she squealed, her eyes darting back to the staff in the medical centre, their smiles growing wider, their hands clapping. The centre erupted in quiet and well-meaning wishes and laughter.
But the line was quiet.
Saeyoung was silent.
“Sae-… Saeyoung? Are you there? Honey?” she called out worried that he had dropped the phone in shock.
“…Um. Yes. I-I’m here” he rasped hesitantly. Quietly. Angrily.
MC gulped down the rising concern building in her throat, no, no- she was mistaken. There was no way he would be angry at her for being pregnant, that was ridiculous. Not after all the talks they had had… no she was mistaken.
“Did you hear me Saeyoung? You’re going to be a-” she repeated only to be interrupted with his biting tone.
“I heard you MC.”
She bit down on her mouth to stop her from saying something she might regret, she had to remember that things weren’t always the same for Saeyoung. Maybe this was too much for him, perhaps she needed to have told him when they were face to face and at home. Be calm, just breathe and keep talking, don’t let him shut down, down let him shut you out again… not again…
“I… uh… so you’re, you’re not happy?” she croaked as quietly as she could so the others couldn’t hear but a quiet hush had enveloped the entire clinic, every eye watching her and not watching her. God please don’t let me cry here. Please don’t let this be happening. Let me wake up, in our bed with him still snoring away. Please. Please.
A deep, resigned sigh filled her earpiece and she could see her fiancé in her mind grasping his forehead as if he were tending to a sudden headache, he did that sigh whenever a line of code refused to work or when Saeran would eat his last HBC packet without telling him or apparently when his bride to be tells him they’re expecting a baby. She was the headache, their baby the cause. Please.
“It’s not that I’m not happy MC… I just…”
“Just… just what?” she asked frantically, unable to understand what in the hell he could “just” mean.
“…I… how could you be so irresponsible?” he hissed down the line, practically accusing her of doing this on her own. Instead of the budding sadness she thought would unravel at his words a deep and profound rage bubbled up and permeated her senses. She saw red, red hair, red shirt, red red red- and it was like acid. Burning, slowly, eating away at her piece by piece. Not this piece, not this time.
“Me? ME? As if I conceived this baby on my own, right Saeyoung? As if I asked to be pregnant before we got married? This is my freaking dream come true right” she snapped, uncaring that the entire clinic had gone deathly still at the woman’s fury, looking at anywhere but her.
“Look that’s not what I’m saying-” he tried to explain, only succeeding in angering the woman more who growled over the phone at his vagueness. “You know what. It is what I’m saying. Goddamn it MC, we’re getting married next year. We have all the time to have a family and you think this is the best time to have a baby?” “I didn’t fucking plan it asshole!” she quipped bitterly, her hands knotted in the leather of her bag, her nails digging into the fabric and leaving sharp crescents in their wake.
“Exactly. NONE OF THIS WAS PLANNED. It was a mistake; this baby is a mistake!” he screamed loud enough for the woman three seats down to gasp and cover her mouth with a shaking hand.
A mistake- he said. A mistake.
MC’s hand dropped down to her lap as she watched the screen dull, Saeyoung still on the line talking.
“… We can’t afford to have a baby right now! I’m still being chased by the Agency MC, did you conveniently forget that? It’s hard enough keeping you safe but you want to have a baby? NOW? It’s stupid and it’s reckless and we can’t do it. Did you even think what they would do to you or the baby to get to me? They would do anything to get me back there. You would be nothing but collateral damage, a pawn, a bargaining piece. That baby is going to do nothing but bring us pain!” he insisted, his adamant tone ringing through loud and clear. MC sniffed and glanced back down to her screen now littered with her teardrops, she didn’t even recognize that she was already crying. Had she grown so accustomed to crying during their courtship that it didn’t even register in her consciousness anymore? MC wiped at the moisture collecting on the phone, desperate to do something with her hands other than throw the phone to the ground and smash it to pieces.
“So, what do you want me to do Saeyoung? Say it. Tell me what you want,” she implored him, so impressed with herself that she kept a steady voice even though her whole body was quaking on the inside. Please.
A long pause where nothing was said and not a breath was taken- an eternity between them- but barely a heartbeat had passed.
“Get rid of it.”
“Abort it.”
“Or just… leave…”
“It would be safer if you just leave.”
Please. No. Not again.
MC could no longer maintain her calm façade as she wailed into the phone, clutching fiercely at her stomach, petrified that God would hear their father’s words and come to claim the unborn babe. Who was this man she was talking to? Where was the man who argued with her about the names Seong Min or Sung Woo? Where was the man who had drafted up different toy designs for newborns to safely hold on to at night? Where was the man who would speak to her once empty womb promising to love each and every mini human that would come out of her? Did he only exist in theory? Was this just another mask 707 wore? Another barrier for her to break down before she reached the real Saeyoung?
She couldn’t do it. She didn’t have time. In seven months, this child was going to be born and they needed a mother, not a woman who merely took care of a baby while raising a man. Her child deserved more, her child would get more- father or no. Steeling her nerves and nodding to herself, trying to form the sentences in her head before she had to speak them, MC inhaled a long but shaky breath.
“I… so be it. I’ll leave Saeyoung, I’ll leave.”
She hung up the phone. She stood up and walked to the wide-eyed receptionist and asked if she could please call her a taxi and that she would be waiting outside. She turned at was about to walk out the door but was called back by the receptionist,
“Ms! Your phone, your forgot your phone!” she reminded after her, holding it up in the air. MC spun on her heel, her eyes still shining with tears she refused to shed and smiled as sweetly as she could to the woman and shook her head dolefully,
“I don’t need it anymore.”
The sun was still shining, wasn’t the sky meant to be black with fearsome clouds and pouring down with rain on days like these? Wasn’t the sky meant to be crying for her? MC gathered her hands together and squeezed them tightly against each other until they trembled from the sheer force. This was all she had now, all she had to rely on. These two hands. Was she strong enough? Probably. Maybe. There was a chance. That she was not.
Don’t start crying again.
The taxi pulled up just metres away from her and she sighed, of course the driver wouldn’t stop right in front of her- no… that would be far too easy for her, and that was not the theme of today.
MC huffed and began to make her way to the taxi when a quick but loud horn beeped behind her. There was Saeyoung, right on the dot… he still picked her up after everything he had said? After everything she had said? She looked at him and his small confused smile and she could honestly think of nothing more repugnant than getting in that car with him and driving with him back ‘home’. That place was no longer home, that place was a museum of their relationship and she no longer had time to look to the past.
Glaring at him through the windscreen she returned back to her path towards the taxi. Again the horn rang, accompanied by Saeyoung’s frenzied voice calling her back to him. “MC! What are you doing? You don’t need to do that- I’m here to pick you up!” he stated rather pathetically.
MC gripped the door handle of the taxi, her hold on the metal so strong it imprinted into her skin, branding her escape into her being if even just for that moment. She opened the door and threw her bag into the back seat, not sparing the red head another look-
“MC! Wait! You don’t have to do this- where are you going?” he cried out as he ran towards her, his hands trying to reach for her only for her to retreat upon herself and pull out of his reach.
“Don’t!” she shrieked, garnering everyone’s attention on the streets; one couple stopping to watch and wait in case the woman needed any assistance. “Don’t touch me! Don’t talk to me! I get it ok, I heard what you said loud and clear- I don’t need your pity now! It’s too late to play White Knight Saeyoung!” she spat as she jumped into the back seat of the cab shutting the door forcefully behind her and locking the door. Saeyoung knocked at the window madly, screaming at her to wind down the glass even as the driver had started to drive off- his hand still clutching at the door handle to stay with MC as far as he could.
“Let go Saeyoung!” she yelled, not wanting to see him get hurt even if she thought he deserved it, “you need to let go!”
You told me to leave, so let me go.
“I- No! Where are you… MC!” he screamed after the taxi as it drove away from him, his legs no longer able to keep up. MC craned her neck backwards to see Saeyoung with his hands pulling at his hair, reality finally sinking in at what had just happened.
MC breathed in and let herself sink into the seat, her hands supporting her heavy head, Okay Saeyoung. You win. This time, I’ll let you go.
 Saeyoung couldn’t understand what the hell was going on. What could have happened in between him running to buy some locks and picking her up that made her run away from him? It didn’t make any sense!
Dashing back into his car he picked up his phone to track MC’s- only to find that the GPS wasn’t moving. In fact, it stayed in one spot… still within the medical centre. Frowning as he got back out of his car he made his way to the receptionist’s desk whose smile quickly turned into a disgusted grimace once she recognised him.  
“She just left,” she replied sourly before turning back to her computer screen, a far cry from her normal cheery disposition she always displayed when the couple came in. Brushing it off as he sincerely didn’t give a rat’s ass about her issues with much more pressing matters at hand, he pressed on.
“Yes but…do you know where she’s gone?” “No,” came her curt reply as she continued to type, refusing to look at him. Saeyoung bit down on his tongue to keep from swearing, he had noticed children when he walked in and he didn’t want to… to… why was everyone staring at him? He didn’t even know any of these people!
“Please, what happened in here? Is she ok? Why did she run off?” he pleaded with her, leaning over the desk so she could feel the fear radiating from him. Her eyes softened but her frown deepened as she looked him over head to toe, as if she were trying to assess him.
“You should know, you’re the one who said all those terrible things to her!” she spluttered as she whirled in on him, rotating her computer chair. Pulling out the top drawer she picked up MC’s phone and slapped it on the table in front of him. “Here, she left this here, said she didn’t need it anymore. Now if you excuse me, unless you personally have an appointment here- I need to get back to work.”
Saeyoung mumbled his thanks as he passed the other patients with MC’s phone in hand, their accusatory glares and their sounds of disapproval like needles being driven under his cuticles and into his fingers. He was already on edge, he really didn’t need this right now. Sitting inside his car he turned on MC’s phone and went through the messages and call logs- but he saw nothing out of turn. Except… the last call was to him… the time was 10:45am and he was at the store definitely not talking to his fiancé. Looking at the duration it lasted for more than 10 minutes, this was longer than her just leaving him a voicemail- she was talking to him, but how?
The phone rang, an unknown private number flashing across the screen.
“Well hello there Agent 707, how nice of you to finally answer our calls.”
That was a perfect imitation of his voice on the other line.
Shit. Shit!
“It’s a shame however that in order to do so we had to get to your pretty little fiancé- sweet girl, a little stupid sure but very pretty.”
Saeyoung grit his teeth and forced himself to swallow the words he wanted to say, though if he did he couldn’t be assured of MC’s safety or well being. Bide your time Saeyoung, they will slip up and you will find her.
“What did you do to her? Where is she?” he asked allowing his terror to seep into his voice, they wanted to play games? He could play their games for a little while if it was for MC.
The voice on the other line tutted and reprimanded the former agent for not playing by the rules.
“What rules?” he asked, already planning how he was going to make the Agency pay this time, this wasn’t for some information or for the good of the company- this was pettiness that they couldn’t get him back and under their thumb. They were playing a dangerous game and didn’t even know who they were truly playing against.
“You find MC within the next 2 hours or we’ll take her back to the headquarters and you’ll have to work for her freedom- seem fair?”
“… Why did you take her in the first place? Why didn’t you just take me from the start?” he yelped, blaming himself if any harm came to MC. This was his fault again, she was in danger again because of him.
An unpleasant laugh chimed through the phone with incredulity, “We didn’t take her! She chose to leave you- maybe she’s smart enough to know that you’re no good for her, that you only cause pain and devastation around you and she didn’t want part of that anymore.”
The hacker snarled at the phone, a primal growl ripping through his throat. Liars. All of them.
“Well if she’s left on her own then leave it at that- she doesn’t have to be a part of any of this-”
“Uh uh uh! We beg to differ, oh Prodigal Son! You see it’s one thing to have you here slaving away for us, but we realised… what if you wanted to be here? How much harder and faster and better would you work if you had the proper incentive? That’s where pretty, stupid girlfriend plays the part.”
“I’m going to enjoy killing you one day.”
“I look forward to seeing you try. You were always subpar when it came to physical combat, it should prove entertaining. 1 hour and 40 minutes Agent 707.”
Bringing up the footage from his dashboard camera he easily found the number plate of the taxi that stole his fiancé away, with that it wouldn’t be hard to hack into the company’s servers and find the route he took MC on… oh MC… I’m so sorry MC, I thought we had more time before they came after me. I’m so sorry.
 MC lay on the dingy bed in the only motel that would allow her to pay cash with no ID required- she didn’t need Saeyoung tracing her whereabouts. He wanted this, declared it plain as day to her… but then why did he look so confused? Why did he even show up? Some warped sense of duty? To cart her off himself? Then why did he hold on to the taxi for as long as he did? Nothing made sense and she wanted nothing more than to curl up and cry. So, she did. Laying to her side with her knees to her chest, her hands locked around her shins to form a giant ball of desolation and misery on a cheap, stained comforter.
I have you little one, she thought as a soft flurry of emotions ran through her, she may not have the love of her life but she was growing the new love of her life right there inside her. It didn’t matter if her heart was breaking, a new heartbeat inside her was beating stronger for the both of them. She would live for that heartbeat forevermore.
… So, she should really take care of herself better. She hadn’t eaten all day, she was eating for two now- she had to make good and healthy choices. Prying herself from off the bed she meandered over to the compendium latched onto the desk with a thick chain and looked over their short menu… quickly ruling out anything they offered.  Her stomach protested and grumbled at her, MC patting it softly and murmuring her apologies saying that she’d have to resort to ordering something in. Looking around for a phone in her room she found that, surprise surprise, her 2 star lodgings did not offer a landline in her room. MC groaned as she realised the only phone available was at the front office. That meant putting her pants back on. A sharp rap on the door had her scream out before admonishing herself for being so jittery. “Um, I’m coming!” she exclaimed as she made her way to the front door, jumping into her pants, “I’m coming!”
Standing on her tiptoes to look through peephole MC cursed, her voice hushed- how the hell did he manage to find her? she thought about quietly hiding in the closet until the man left but if he had gone through the trouble of finding her, he wouldn’t give up so easily.
“Come on MC- I know it’s you in there, please open the door. It would look really suspicious if I had to pick the locks here,” he stated as she watched him lean against the door frame, holding up his trusty lock pick. “I’m willing to wait for five minutes, if you don’t open the door by then, I am coming in,” her (ex)-fiancé warned. She deliberated what she should do- was there anything she could do? The lock had begun to jiggle and she rolled her eyes and unlocked the door, it had been less than forty seconds yet there was Saeyoung trying his best to unlock the door.
“What do you want?” she sneered, her arms crossed in front her between her breasts and her stomach.
“Can I come in MC?” he asked as he tried to enter mid-sentence but stopped in his tracks by MC.
“No… no you may not. In fact, you should leave. It would be safer if you leave,” she countered using his words against him… or so she thought. Unfortunately, Saeyoung only heard the truth of the matter; it would be safer for her if he left, but if he was never to return that left her open to them, unprotected and vulnerable. He would rather her be in danger where he could lay down his life to spare hers than her be in danger and for him to run away knowing there was so much more he could have done for her. Better to go down fighting and protecting those you love than living forever and standing for nothing or no one.
“Be that as it may- I’m not going anywhere. I am staying by your side until-”
“Would you come off it?” she scoffed, heading back into the room wanting to get as much distance in between them as possible. “I don’t want to hear it. I told you, I understand what you want now so just leave me be. Stop coming around thinking that what you said will just be forgotten because I will never forgive you for calling our child a mistake!” she roared, her cheeks flushing with exertion and her chest heaving from emotion.
Saeyoung stood dumbfounded at the door before closing it behind him and relocking it. Spotting an armchair in the corner the red head warily walked towards it before sinking into it, his legs having turned into jelly at the sound of “our child”. Surely, he had heard wrong- was MC telling him she was pregnant? Furthermore, did that Agent tell her that he thought their child was a mistake? Unbridled fury swam through his veins. The Agency had played upon their relationship to drive them apart, to hurt MC, to hurt his child.
“MC… that wasn’t me on the phone with you,” he calmly tried to explain, only to have his fiancé snort in derision as she leant against the dresser. “I’m being serious MC. The person you called was from the Agency, they stole and redireted my call and made it look like you reached me then they tricked you into believing that you were talking to me- that apparently, I didn’t want our baby,” he lamented, his honeyed eyes bright with regret. “MC, you gotta know that’s not true!” he begged her, his hands laced together like he was praying for forgiveness at Church on  Sunday. MC stumbled back, bewildered and hurt, scared and nervous- she didn’t know what to believe.
It made sense though, when she stopped to think about it- Saeyoung was always upfront about wanting a family with her and for him to just turn around tell her to kill their child, it wasn’t like him; but Lord did it sound like him. She never understood the real danger of the Agency, she naively thought that they would leave them in peace now that Saeyoung was no longer working for them, but of course she was wrong. Lost in her thoughts she didn’t realise that Saeyoung had walked over to her, one hand hovering about her middle, too afraid to touch her without her consent. Nodding subtly, she let him touch her, his ardour seeping into her body, his smile warming her up instantly. The reverence she felt from his palm against her womb had her frozen, the moment taking its toll on the man in front of her as well; falling to his knees unceremoniously as his other hand lay upon her pelvis.
“In here, is a gift MC- a precious, perfect gift. I am so very sorry that they made you believe for even one second that I thought this was wrong. That they made you both feel unwanted, that’s just not the truth you have to believe me, you have to forgive me,” he confessed. Resting his forehead against her stomach with his hands upon her hips he took a moment to centre himself. “Forgive me, MC.”
The woman looked down upon the sullen man before her and felt the last piece of her heart thaw to him- this was her Saeyoung. The man who stayed up late at night to make up new games to play with his kids when they got old enough, the man who was trying his best to learn how to make more than sandwiches or microwaved HBC to provide his children with healthy food, the man who wanted nothing more than to be her husband and a good father.
There you are.
“Saeyoung… this wasn’t your fault. The Agency… I didn’t know they could do this. I didn’t know they would do this, but if you tell me we’re what you want…”
“Of course you’re what I want MC, a family with you is all I could ever ask for,” he professed kissing her up her stomach until he finally reached her lips, his arms snaking around her to hold her body against his. They had only been apart for a couple of hours but knowing that she may be lost to him had him drowning in himself; and now holding her in his arms, he was finally able to breathe again. Saeyoung felt a buzzing in his pockets and pulled away briefly to pull her phone out, the same unknown number flashing on the screen.
“Such a shame that you managed to find your girl in time Agent 707, we had hoped to become one big happy family again now that you’re expecting your own little bundle of joy!”
“You guys are never going to touch me or my family again do you hear me?” he snarled, his grip on MC tightening almost painfully though she didn’t complain. “Oh ho! And you think you have a say in this why? We played this little game with you Saeyoung to show you that no one is safe out of the Agency. Not you. Not your girl. Not your baby. Comply and they will be, continue on this foolish path of yours and-”
“Now you listen here, you tell whoever is in charge nowadays that Agent 707 no longer exists. Saeyoung Choi does and he is furious they touched his family again, first his brother and now his wife and unborn child. You tell them that they have less than 9 months to get everything they hold dear in that cursed little company the hell out before I come in and destroy you all,” he threatened, his voice so steady and calm it almost unnerved MC. Hanging up the phone before throwing it on the bed beside them, Saeyoung brought his forehead against MC’s and ran the tip of his nose along hers.
“I’m sorry I ran away from you earlier,” MC apologised, her fingers twisting themselves in the front of his hoodie, “they just tricked me so well Saeyoung. Forgive me.” Running the flats of his palms along the top of her hair, Saeyoung kissed her on the forehead with a soft smack of his lips.
“There’s nothing to forgive, though perhaps this is the wakeup call we both needed. We need to solidify our security measures and I need to finalise my plans to get rid of that Agency once and for all-”
“Saeyoung, I don’t want you to get hurt… our baby is coming I want them to meet their father!” she sobbed, her fears starting to get the better of her, her fingers trembling against him now. The red head smiled and placed his hands over hers and gave them a firm, reassuring squeeze, “And I want to give them the greatest gift I can, a father who is free. A family who is safe.”
Picking up her bag and slipping on her shoes MC tried to rack her brain for a rebuttal to him but couldn’t find one- there would be nothing better than never having to look over their shoulders again and having Saeyoung free to be a father to his children- to let them play together and learn together and not be limited to time constraints set by the Agency because he had hacking deadlines to meet. He would be free to be the father he had always dreamed of, to have the family that he always saw when he closed his eyes.
Sliding into the car, the two held hands as Saeyoung drove them home, all the while talking to his brother about pushing their plans forward… Saeran merely answering with a “Tsk, about time idiot” before hanging up.
An idea popped into MC’s head; stupid and corny, ridiculous and after the fact, MC pulled out her phone and smiled, her fiancé completely focused on the road to notice her. Mere moments later the car phone started ringing and Saeyoung answered without even looking at the caller on the screen,
“Hello?” he answered his eyes forward, his hand still wound around hers.
“Hi baby!” she chirped, her laughter bubbling forth and echoing around her through the car’s speakers. Saeyoung looked at her and then the screen, a bemused expression on his face- but still, being Saeyoung, he played along. “Hi honey- what’s up?”
“Oh I’ve just come from the Doctor’s”
“MC is everything ok?” he asked, concern laced through his voice making MC roll her eyes at him. “Yeah everything’s great… but baby… I sorry but I can’t want to wait to tell you, I have big news! Saeyoung, you’re going to be a Daddy!” she squealed as she squeezed his hand, watching his face closely. Slowly a smile formed across her lover’s face, the kind you could hear in a person’s voice whenever they spoke no matter how hard they tried to hide it. “Are you happy Saeyoung?”
“I… Am. I truly am. Thank you, MC.”
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quonit-aceattorney · 6 years
3-3 Reaction
Q = Me, Quonit.
BF = Bardic Feline, the friend that made me spend 30 dollars on the game and whom I am messaging
I don’t use those when I send the messages close enough my username doesn’t appear.
Any typos (unless they are funny and part of the conversation) will be fixed.
Q: Got to the next one. Funny name.
Q: Hey this is like the game over thing :0
Q: Didn't even start and I lost already
Q: What did I do wrong Gumshoe
Maya shut up
Q: The hell happened
Q: Crap how and why would anybody dress as me
Q: Idea: killer was also phoney me
Q: Wow this place is fancy
Q: The fancy place reset :0
This place is great
Q: Where the HELL did my magic rock go D:<
I don't see it in my inventory!!!
Q: Oh thank you locks for still appearing
I was very worried a bout it not being in my inventory
Q: ...to the park?
Q: Mr what is that red thing on your nose I think you should stop touching it
Q: Doves are usually grey too
Q: Apples are good. Let's talk about that. What is your favorite Apple phoenix? I myself like granny Smith's and pink ladies
Q: Iell I didn't get the old man to talk but it seems the newspaper I got landed Maya a job so
Q: Wow Maya is actually gone. Guess it is time to examine everything again
Q: Well it seems the detention center has reset so that is good
Whatever she isn't here
Office reset
Haha I should really be more upset when Maya leaves
Whatever she is fine
Q: Yay the police station reset!
Whatever godot is fun
Q: Of only somebody pointed out one of the many many differences between me and the phoney that trial
Q: Godot I give you passed on a lot of things and I like you but I really wanna know why you hate me
Q: Alright were going back to fancy restaurant
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this part was great actually
BF: Hahaha
And then Maya was kidnapped by the effeminate restauranteur, the end
Q: oh hey the restaurant reset. Examine everything?
oh no there is a person here
hell other your head looks like it had been hurt :(
goodbye i guess
Maya: So how do i look? Phoenix: ... Phoenix: I think you should quit being a spirit medium. yes
let's just take a break and eat food sounds like a plan
i duno if i even have that much on me
oh crap well i guess i am getting lunch
i don't have 50$ on me Gant can i have 50$ oh ya you're in prison/dead
Q: Maya eat my lunch
dammit maya stop taking my money
Eh maybe some other random person why enjoy it
Q: examine everything
the magmenta!!!
I missed it so much!!!
it's probably poison
Q: gonna take a break for around 40 minuets
Q: that took so much longer and it is partially my fault
Q: Also I did a stupid redraw of one of Zarla's drawings from like 2007 and it looks good but ack i redrew a thing she drew in 2007. Once i feel like it i'll send a picture
i think we may be done in the kietchen. We got some stuff and it may be important so something somewhere may have reset
hey the police department reset!
yesss gumshoe
present him stuff
Gumshoe is this poison
tell meee
wow that's a lot of money
have to go again
Q: finally back and i have muffins to munch on while I play
Q: i remember this music
this is matt's theme whatever
to the other rooms
hey the park reset
there is a motercycle here now
Hey he said crap woo another close to swearing word
why are there so many weird people in this trian
Q: case
whatever the fuck
im also saying that dipshit isn't phoenix write
how did nobody suspect anything about him???
OLD GUY phoeny me left and i am mad i didn't punch him while i could
i think they were dressed alright enough
locks woo
i am so glad i have the magmenta back
Q: examine everything?
at least there aren't as many rooms
Q: got back to game and decided to see if i can break the locks
Q: i wiiiiin
she is using her boobs to her advantage
i forgot her completly now
Q: Phoenix she is giving up her dignity for you thank her don't judge her
Q: time to move
wooo it reset
Q: iii wiiiin
noooo phoenix this guy can't be the killer
it's that moron red skinned phoenix impersonating asshole >:(
Q: i usually give you passed but not now GO AWAY
Q: that red dude might've put the winning tcken in her pocket when he ran off
i hate red guy
save music
aw he called me trusty
BF: Lol Tigre? XD
we didn't learn his name yet
Q: but i am amusing that is his name now
BF: Ooooh sorry
Q: it is fine i don't think it was a big spoiler
BF: Yeah Hahaha, he’s not exactly subtle
he was probably too intimidating but really one person had to right?
BF: Lol think of this whole case as like...one of those old Saturday morning cartoon plots where the good guy gets a really really obvious double
Q: pffft
BF: Like the double has bolts sticking out of their neck and they constantly yell about how evil they are
Q: i can imagine this.
BF: And yet you still have that scene where they are standing side by side and all the good guys are like HOWEVER WILL WE TELL THEM APART
Which one is the real one how can we be suuuure
That’s basically what this case is, haha
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Q: I wonder who in the end will get to use the ticketyQ: maggey didn't do it mr tigre didQ: HE DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT THE BLOODSTAIN JUDGE GUY.
I say this like it was obvious and makes sense to anybody in the game stupid spoiler i pretend is a headcanon keeps proving itself to be true
Phoenix: You don't need to be told! Just look at it! SHUT UP PHOENIX >:( THIS GAME WANTS ME TO BELIEVE A STUPID HEADCANON. whatever let's ignore that and get back to figuring out the bloodstain. sry godot
no there is other stuff
Phoenix: Is it possible that somebody could've put the bottle in her pocket? Me: YES Gumshoe: ya! Happens to me all of the time! Me: REALLY
well if i had my phoeny's profile i would but nope sorry godot no evidence yet
Everyone: :talking about old man guy throwing seeds: Godot: Hah! It was nothing. I caught every single one of them with my teeth! impressive. DO YOU HAVE EVIDENCE FOR THIS CLAIM???
Q: i mean empty bags can have meaning why not?Q: well the stuff inside the bag was empty
hey that worked!
nice im cool now
Q: no he didn't put his medication in, red guy didQ: BUT WOO i am winningQ: we all died a little bit inside
maggey he was doing what he was supposed to do and was relying on me to figure out what was wrong with it. he didn't do anything.
Q: old guy tell us your occupationQ: don't lie that she put something in it
also wasn't he looking at a sports paper right he was listening to the radio right
Phoenix: Did she really put that in there?? Phoenix you know not to trust this guy he is wrong she didn't
Phoenix: Congratulations. You have earned the title of Battiest Man To Grace A Courtroom. I love sarcastic phoenix
Phoenix: Anybody could've word that outfit! Even me! Judge: Mr.Wright please spare the court of any further mental anguish from that image hahahahaha
Q: the bow was blue but whatever. also that is still part of the outfit.
the bow was ORANGE
Old guy: This is harassment! I mean what are you doing?
Q: how about the apron? Like the godamn bloodstainQ: doing lots of stuff in game i should document it moreQ: coffee cupQ: it woooorked
now you have to sing. sing for us now.
who cars about your age dammit
respect the coffee kudo
and his ear whatever but i still win
no? okay
Q: but godot finished his coffee! How can we continue now???Q: but he didn't knock over the vase? look at the photo he didn'tQ: your memory is completly unreliable
Q: think i can be done for nowQ: game because working is dumbQ: let's bring up that jerk again why not
Q: Maya: Introduce me next time, Nick! I wanna meet Xin Eohp too!
Q: to the detention center
nvm then
hey gumshoe!
Q: don't be sad gumshoe there are still lots of people that love you and maggey will probably be fine with you againa fter this is overQ: dont lie to me gumshoe i can ee right through it
unless it's in court the locks don't work in court
i win
Q: Maya: I wanna try it!
Phoenix: Then buy a ticket! With your own money! See Phoenix is smart
Q: no im not going tot the park i don't wanna see him right now i wanna talk to gumshoeQ: 2019: The year of gumQ: SEE GODOT KNEW THAT THAT GUY WAS A FAKE AND HE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO SEE HIM FOR THAT
Q: nniiiiice we can go visit his work nowQ: what do you mean the color of your coat looks more detective-y
also im still confused about if franz sent back the coat and kept the evidence or if gumshoe just got a new coat.
to blue screens because i don't wanan see red guy
wtf is with her
Q: I would say this isn't 2019 but i have no right to say that yet because i have never lived in 2019Q: at least she is letting me examine evidence
Trigre >:(
future from 2004 or future from 2019
Phoenix: Computers are only as smart as the humans who use and make them are ...you know nothing...
Q: im about done here
to the park
Q: the scooter is backQ: well he isnt here that is fine
oh hey that girl is here
is she threatening to kill him or
Q: great so tiger is also involved in not only impersonating me, but also killing glen, and this guy's money problem
to the office
gumshoe you just left go to your meeting
Q: well im headed to where i was going again
hi girl again
imma go touch the desk
Q: of course it's the same color as my suit he used it to pretend to be meQ: HI TIGRE
Q: well at least i can talk to her now
no maya
Q: if you want coffee just ask godotQ: im to go look in other placesQ: see mr kudo is giving us information it's a ll good
Phoenix: maybe he's trying to avoid us?" It always feels that way when i try to find somebody in this game and they aren't there. None of them have ever been trying to avoid me but i guess if you think that that guy is trying to avoid you he is
hey maggey is back
Q: i have the cd~
Q: took a minute to fix the sound
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why am i How-aceattourney
stupid tumblr
BF: TumbllllllrrrrrQ: oh ya the creepy womanQ: and she wont react to the profile so i guess im gonna leave now
wonder what is going on at this police station
Q: more game.
oh ya i was stuck
go talk to people and investigate things
oh ya i still have gumshoe's lunchbox
Q: i know you're mad at him but pls
:shows paper badge: oh hey is that your badge WOW DOES MY BADGE REALLY LOOK THAT SHITTY
Q: ALSO DON'T BITE MY BADGE >:( AND IF IT LEAVES TEETH MARKS IT IS REAL.Q: dammit no new conversation topics
wonder if something else updated though
niiice the police department! I doubt that anything will be there though
how much does that guy at the desk get paid
oh damn that sounds bad. Wonder if it is from a specific somebody i hate or his girlfriend
Q: it's obvious what lady mayaQ: I was gonna ask what computer virus but asking what one is is dumb
though this did some out in 2004... nah still unacceptable. This is taking place in 2019.
it's 2019 guys get with the times
Q: so much of this game has already happened i feel so uncomfortable now that this is taking place in the future
still bad but
and not only that they're more scary when they are attacking the POLICE
i mean mr.godot is a highly specific example but sure if i was sick and sneezed on him he might get sick too
oh so they are using that specific example to make fun of me again har har so funny guys
he probably had a reason for it but i don't believe it
Q: ya that family sounds dumb we should arrest themQ: i am angry right now
more stupid last names
ya guess who im going to stand up to
Q: oh uhhhh maggey still hates you and we had to eat them. Sorry dude... how about you go do something that will make you happyQ: eh if anything goes wrong and she doesn't eat them we can just threaten her with a gun. Always does the trick for me.Q: when did maggey leave whatQ: well i need to sleep now. Lost again but im lost at a different point
Q: "I'll stop spamming you now"
:opens Ace Attorney:
Just trying to get unstuck i don't think much will happen, only got 30 mins
lets see where am i
don't think i can get any locks but i don't think there is much harm in trying
can't break one lets look for another
Q: im still stuck imma go try againQ: found a thing in my inventory i think this is important
I love my magic rock
:00000 it worked
well ya your dad is the stupid c long name thing so of course that has to do with you
oh hey i broke a lock
from the looks of that cutscene that looks like mr tigre
one more lock
Q: she crying :(Q: ugh no room is updating
i need to get the other locks i bet
Q: i win. That was easier than thoughtQ: why are we discarding so much stuff
:o a room reset
i swear if he tazes me
I'm done with people assaulting me in some way and then taking my evidence
thank you gumshoe
that improved my opinion of him greatly. There was nothing negitive but now there is more love to give
Did phoenix even every tell anybody about that time von karma tazed him and ran off with the letter
alright i need to sleep and there is a savepoint. yay! Also! GUMSHOE SAVED ME!
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at least he is dead and his daughter is better
alright i am sleeping now
Q: I can't sleep sadly
Not because I am too tired but for other reasons. I'll keep playing
MAGGEY do you think I can predict ANYTHING that will happen in a trial at all
I'm only play because of how Gumshoe saved my butt back there
Hey Gumshoe :D I am forever in your debt because of what you did back there
Q: Looks like we found the medicationQ: Oh ya I forgot about GodotQ: (He just called the judge a loser)Q: Oh so that guy will testify. One of the people who almost helped with the repeat of what happened with the letterQ: OH now I know he is covering up the existence of tigerQ: Phoenix your cover up swears suckQ: This game is so obsessed with left and right being contradictionsQ: How dare Godot say I shouldn't existQ: Playing a bunch not saying much though
I am Winning and godot is still making weird metaphors
Q: LOUD RUMBLEQ: I hope I can make tigre suffer
Save point. I think I can sleep now
Q: maya just because tigre is coming to the stand doesn't mean we are gonna win
Q: well usually we have no idea what the trump card is
(fuckin letter)
Q: sense when have I lost a case?
Making matt guilty isn't loosing
making him fuck off was the true prize i won that
back to trial
Judge do not be intimidated. He's like 9 feed below you.
Tigre: WHO DA HELL CALLED ME TO DIS HOLE WAS IT YOU Phoenix: No it was the Judge Judge: :hides:
Godot: :makes Tigre shut up: Phoenix: T... Too cool... hahaha
Tigre: That lowlife ain't no lawyer! He just punches away at stupid details til he wins! i feel called out
okay so question: People hate 2-3 so much and one of the reasons  is Moe's testimony but there are SO MANY THINGS IN THIS 3RD GAME LIKE THAT
Q: not only that but this game is a lot more vague on "hey hey you were supposed to do this you are on the right track"
Godot: I hear it can be pretty hard to set up appointments when you're dead
BF: hahaha I think 3 tends to get forgiven most because the overall plot is VERY well constructed.  Also I think the alleged hate against 2 is overblown.  2-4 is such a beloved case after all
but you'll see what I mean about overall plot in a bit.
4 tries like HELL to do what 3 did, I think, but it gets tripped up a lot along the way.
(and yes 3 is hard. I'd say the only thing it does that's more forgiving that 2 is that IIRC, it doesn't penalize you for screwing up Magatama sessions.)
Last Friday at 11:31 PM
Q: ahhh alright. I'll be waiting for the 3 plot. Also it doesn't get mad at your for screwing up magatama sessions?? I have not noticed such a thing.Q: but he was there because 1 other people say he was and 2 why else would that guy tell him to go thereQ: problem with having so much evidence is that i can't remember what is what and what proves what or that it even existsQ: oh hey these matchesQ: HUH
wooo it worked
oh boy more things that are very close to swearing from him
Q: so many things wrong with this next testamony
Q: heeeey it workedQ: I am winning :DQ: it's the tigre guy obviously >:( He impersinates a lot of people
phoenix hiding under his desk
Q: obviously it was that girl
internet not working dammit
:Shows paper badge: Judge: It is an insult to think anybody could be fooled by that well then maybe you should reevaluate your life choices
where are you man
heeey maaaggggeeyyyyy can you cheer gumshoe up for me he's being sad
he yells
hahahahaha glowey mask thing hahahaha
oh fuck you stop throwing coffee at me
why do you hate me so much i am not a criminal
hey gumshoe i won!!!
maybe maggey can be happy now
0 notes