#drake spear
emry-stars-art · 6 months
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Pros of “apology dinner” at the Hemmicks: Drake’s dead now
Cons of “apology dinner” at the Hemmicks:
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everything else
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detectivebambam · 3 months
idk if y'all have seen those videos where it's like
"i work out to feel healthy" "i work out to lift my girlfriend"
"i work out so he'll never touch me again/i can push him off me next time"
anyway what if I said Andrew Minyard
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lokislittlelad · 1 year
Andrew hates the word 'please' because of the dynamic it implies for him. See, it's the victim (Andrew) begging the one in power (Drake) to stop the abuse, to stop in whatever action that's driving fear into him. Now imagine, once again, the Katelyn scene. She's begging him and he's pinned her. What do you think he remembers when the word 'please' is uttered more than once? Not only used in his presence, but directed at him. I think it hits him hard, he's finding himself on the recieving end of what his countless abusers faced. He, at least in his mind, has become them. It's why he hates the word so much, it isnt as cut and dry as 'he associates it with the rape and is pulled back there', he is but this time he's the one hurting just like his abusers did and it terrifies him because he knows he isn't doing what they were doing to him. He still knows what it's like to beg and have it accomplish nothing. So, is this something anyone else thinks about or is it just me?
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sunriseabram · 2 months
Summary: Every single time Neil goes to sleep, he watches Andrew die a brutal death. No matter how hard he tries, he is powerless to save him.
Or 5 times Neil deals with his nightmares alone, and the 1 time he leans on Andrew for help.
Inspired by this animatic by @wuzeio
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foxyldraws · 13 days
Drake mention:
You know I never understood why everyone (in canon) was so unresponsive to the idea that Drake might be sexually assaulting people (so much so that Luther even brought Andrew directly to him) but thinking about it Andrew telling Luther about Drake most likely occurred after 9/11 when the exaltation of the troops was at its highest so of course they would never suspect an Afghanistan war veteran of any wrong doing, Drake to them was a brave young man who was fighting for freedom and peace and that kept them from seeing what was right in front of them
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siriusblackisdead · 7 months
What makes no sense about Andrew killing Tilda is the fact the he must have known that after her death, him and Aaron would probably end up in the foster care system, which would go against everything Andrew ever tried to achieve for Aaron. After everything he’s done to protect Aaron from everything that happened to him it would make no sense for him to change an abusive mother (what is bad enough as it is dont get me wrong) for sexually abusive foster families he went though. And while yes, there was a possibility that Luther and Maria would adopt them and take care of them, that option is bullshit too since Andrew knows too much how big of a piece of shit Luther is, so he also wouldnt let a man he didnt trust take care of Aaron too, mostly since he couldnt even know if he would even survive the car crash to be able to protect him. That takes me to a conclusion, that the only way Tilda’s death could work out for them and actually fix things instead of making them even worse was to make sure that Nicky, the only family member that wasn’t a danger in Andrew’s eyes, would take care of Aaron (and possibly Andrew too). So i suppose that before the whole accident happened, he talked to Nicky about the whole “would you take care of my brother” thing in a “what if” way, and that Nicky actually did know about the coming of Tilda’s death before it happened, even if he never realised it.
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"I understand what you're getting at, but no one else suspected Andrew was in any trouble, There is a fine line between self-defense and premeditated murder here, Neil. Why did you bring the racquet upstairs?"
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yourleftpinkytoe-blog · 5 months
Aftg x FNAF fic idea.
February, 1997- drake spear is (dishonorably) discharged from the marines.
the spear family decides to purchase a local pizza place (the upper middle class family thought it would be a good environment to raise foster kids also it’s a place where Richard can put his robotic prowess to use)
they have had two (foster kids) so far and for some reason none of them stick.
June, 1997- drake moves out of his parents house.
July, 1997- the business takes off under the spears management.
Children love the robots.
October, 1997- a child goes missing at the restaurant.
The police questioned the owners but determined none had anything to do with it.
They were wrong.
March, 1998- 12 year old Andrew Doe was placed in the care of the spears.
Two months later he meets drake (he was busy with the investigation and didn’t want to risk getting caught)
Andrew got quiet after that. (more so than usual)
The next two years are basically the same as canon for Andrew except the existence of Freddy Fazbears.
June, 2000- four children go missing at the pizzeria.
Drake tries to make Andrew watch the last one.
Andrew fights back(for the first time)
He couldn’t care less about himself but he draws the line at watching drake hurt other kids.
June, 2000- the Andrew Doe became the fifth victim of the 2000 missing children’s incident.
None of the children’s bodies are found.
Backtrack to two years earlier.
The business is loosing patronage because of the first murder.
Nathan Wesninskie, mob boss and serial killer, Nathan sees the goings down and decides to invest in the company to keep it going.
{Idk his reasoning but bare with me here}
Back in July, 2000- Nathan sends Lola and the newly caught Alex Nathaniel to clean up drakes mess.
Dead kids is not something Nathan wants to publicly be associated with.
Nathaniel tries to run.
Andrew gains a friend.
They are two enraged and vengeful souls stuck in the same vessel.(golden Freddy)
The actual story
Aarons pov. October 2000
He’s alone.
His mom is distant and neglectful.
But she’s never hurt him.(in canon she doesn’t start hurting him till after he contacts Andrew)
She’s high a lot.
She had a date with some guy and she lets him come with her. It’s at an exy game.
He likes exy.
This stranger keeps calling him Andrew and asking where he’s been.
He’s a police officer .
He has had a twin.
He steals his mom’s pills to ease the ache of what could have been.
He hates his mom for giving Andrew away. He hates the spears for letting Andrew out of their sight, he hates Officer Huggins for telling him about Andrew, most of all he hates himself for not being able to do anything to help Andrew.
His mom takes one too many pills when he’s 16, he doesn’t cry at her funeral.
He’s lucky Nicky cares.
They greave the “what if” together.
He’s 20, with a scholarship at palmetto university. He plays exy with Nicky.
He likes exy
He wonders if Andrew would have liked exy.
He’s been sober for years.
He and Matt really helped each other with their sobriety.
Kate also helps.
Every year on the date of his brothers disappearance he goes to the memorial. (There are no grave for a missing nobody, a Doe)
The spears knew but they didn’t want to think about it.
If they pretend Andrew never existed, then it never really happened, right.
Someone else is at the memorial.
Hes never really believed the spears were entirely innocent
the lady tells him about Freddy fazbears
She looks like a broken woman
(She lost her son)
Something doesn’t feel right
Over summer break he gets a job as a nighttime security guard.
His family comes with him for moral support (the foxes)
He is going to find out what happened to his brother.
And Andrew is going to fucking kill anyone who tries to hurt him or any of the other children.
(In his eyes anyone who is there at night is a threat)
Nothing good had ever happened when someone comes near him at night.
Then stuff happens and Aaron eventually finds out what happened to Andrew and he kills drake. In the end Andrew, Neil and the other kids are set free.
The sub plot would involve Andrew and Neil slowly growing to trust each other and the other dead kids forming a bond that starts to heal their mental wounds. Kinda their both still angry and vengeful ghosts who’s only purpose (in their minds) is to protect the other kids)
Andrew died fighting for them and that followed him into death and Neil ran when he saw Andrew’s corpse and although he ran for himself after death he feels unexplainably protective over Andrew.
NOT A ROMANTIC STORY FOR NEIL AND ANDREW. THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS PLATONIC BECAUSE THEY ARE FOURTEEN AND THIRTEEN AND DEAD. (They don’t need romance they need some who will stand unwavering at their side)
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fox-in-trash · 1 day
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Just read the newest chapter of soulbound by @elesary and I have to say *chefs kiss * delicious ✨✨
So yeah I just had to draw Andrew fighting his Desmond with magic your honour.
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aftgthenandnow · 6 months
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Dream clouds, ghost ground (I’ve been looking at the sky to show me where I went wrong), [Mature], 11457 words
Summary:  Cass Spear deals with her son’s death, the truths that it reveals, and how it all reshapes her past with Andrew.
Cass Spear had only ever wanted to be a mother. Today's THEN fic is a poignant character study about her, the aftermath of Drake's death, and Aaron's trial.
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detectivebambam · 4 months
Cass telling Aaron that "holidays were rough because there were changes in the house" and to try again in May? leads me to believe she knew what Drake was doing. maybe I'm reading too much into it, but-
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bisexualchaosdemon · 1 month
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(The Raven King, ch.10)
The fact that Cass seemingly cared so much about Andrew's consent when her own son deliberately disregarded it–
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kazoo-the-demjin · 1 year
Hey. What if Andrew never knew about his real birthday until he met Aaron. What if the system decided to give a random date or had a fixed date for all unknown birthdays handed over to him. What if he eventually pretended to forget it since it was never a pleasant reminder that he's supposed to have a day for himself, but probably never will. What is Cass is the only person who cared enough to ask for it, and made sure Andrew felt special on his day. What if Drake too wanted them to be special.
Another reason why Andrew hates the concept of birthdays. Because they have never been associated with anything good. Having his real birthday fall almost months away from his fake one is marginally better tho.
So Neil never says it's a birthday. He never says it's special, or it's his day. Both of them treat each other's birthday as nothing but just a few milestones both have crossed. That they have survived. They never say anything, it's just that they're happy enough to be present with each other; the few good things that have stayed with them.
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nniivek · 1 year
Caution! Drake
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reneewalkerfoxes09 · 3 months
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Chapter 6
There’s Still Hope
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So like last summer an au thing was talked about in a discord server I was in (for a different fandom) and it sparked this idea that had me rambling a story plot.
the au: “I read some of a cool 100 au where a person gets their heart broken and somehow gets turned into a statue and can only become human again when their soulmate holds their hand. Idk if this is a common trope or nah but I thought it was swag”
me: can you imagine all the statues with worn hands and then the ones with no wear on them 0.0 bonus points if they're aware while they're statues if their soulmate is close, but still unable to interact with anyone
my friend: go to bed satan
me: no 🥰 have this idea now
and then I proceeded to write the following:
andrew was always told he was heartless, because who go through all that he had, and not be a statue.
little did they know, he had been. once. when he was young. it didn’t last long, but it was long enough.
he didn’t get why people were so obsessed with having been a statue at any point, it felt horrible. no one talked about the people who, though they were rare, when they were statues were aware of everything, no matter how far or close their soulmate was.
andrew had spent a few months as a statue, watching everyone walk around him, the young one. he wasn’t sure what moment signified his heartbreak: learning yet another home didn’t want him anymore now that he had served his,,, use; or hearing that he had a sibling out there somewhere, who was happy and loved, who was chosen over him.
his calcification had been slower onset, so he’d managed not to be trapped in the house. he’d gone to the park, to the middle of the trees there, intent to climb one, but he had frozen stiff before he could do more than reach an arm up.
he didn’t like to think about the memories engrained in him from his time as a statue, mostly long periods of no one, just animals, and then times with- no.
but one night he heard footsteps running through the forest, someone pausing next to his tree, feeling for something and breathing quietly, but heavily. it was a new moon, and the trees cloaked any other possible light that could be seen. fingers brushed against his own, but he stayed stiff.
“where is it? wait, no, wrong section of the park”
and off they ran again.
another random person, andrew thought, ready to delve into the closet thing to sleep he could get. and so, he did, he fell asleep, and woke up the next morning, brushing away the squirrel cuddled on his chest. brushing away. oh. that was interesting. he sat up and looked around at what had been his “home” for the last few months. he stood, turning back towards the tree, noting some bark that had been torn away from the tree. barely hanging on.
he snagged it off completely, looking at it in his palm, before turning and walking out of the forest, the way he had come all those months ago.
a woman noticed him blinking at the sun as he emerged from the trees. “oh my gosh, babe! look! that little one found his soulmate!”
andrew glared in her direction. “no”
she looked taken aback. “what? surely you must have!”
“I didn’t find my soulmate.”
“,,, maybe he wasn’t stone honey. we should go, and leave him alone”
and andrew walked away before they could. he walked and walked and walked, until he came across pig higgins, who reluctantly takes him back to the station to be arrested, because andrew had run away one too many times. it wouldn’t have counted as running away if he had told that he had turned to stone, but every time he was asked, he just said that he hadn’t found his soulmate.
andrew goes through his whole arc to get to palmetto, and instead of the whole riko fiasco, drake ends up getting convicted a lot sooner in higgins investigation, and goes to trial andrews freshman year. so he goes back to california for that summer, and the foxes come along for a part of it because idk they want to? but before they come along, andrew decides to drive around the coast when he has free time. he comes across one specific beach that just,, pulls at him. he drives past it several times before he finally notices something once. he pulls over and gets out.
there, just out of view of the road, only able to be seen if you get out of your vehicle like he has, is the charred remains of a car. he walks up to it, just,,, looking. he brought his bag with him, so he sits down facing the beach, leaning against the wheel well, and reads. when the sun sets, he returns to the apartment higgins is fronting for his stay.
and so it becomes a habit while he’s there. one day, just before the foxes arrive (not that andrew knows that), andrew looks up at the sunset, having finished his book faster than he thought, and having no extras. there sits a figure on the shore. once again he feels that pull, and walks towards the figure, still at the ready to pull the knives in his armbands.
he gets close enough to recognize that the hunched over figure is actually stone.
he looks it over, not touching, until the sun has truly set, and all that is left is the stars in the sky. he lights a cigarette for himself, smokes it, and leaves.
the next time he comes back, he walks past the car and to the statue. he looks at it in the daylight, and sees the violent torment of emotions on the still face. he doesn’t know why he does it, but that day he sits next to the kneeling figure, and begins to read aloud.
this becomes his new routine
until the foxes come.
they claim to be there for nicky, so andrew makes sure nicky knows they’re his problem. and he continues to go to his beach on his bad days.
then the foxes want to go to the beach.
“andrew’s always at the beach, just ask him” aaron says. andrew is unamused, but internally cussing his twin out, asking why he can’t have this one thing.
“fine” he says when they pester. he takes them nearby his beach, but not all the way there. when they run off into the water he walks off, towards where he knows his favorite spot is. no one follows him.
it becomes the new routine for the summer.
at some point, andrew had started starting every day with a life update before he started reading.
so when the day comes near the end of summer when the trial ends, and drake is sentenced, with far less than andrew would have liked, andrew storms off to his beach.
he begins to rant, pacing back and forth in front of the statue, pulling out two cigarettes, lighting one, and absentmindedly putting the other in the hand of the statue, managing not to touch him still. it’s not until he finishes his last one and is finally ready to leave that he remembers the cigarette in the statues hand. more careless in his worn out state, and distracted by his buzzing phone. andrew grabs cigarette out of the statues hand, glaring into the sunset.
“What Nicky?” he goes to step away, grip still on the cigarette, until it pulls out of his grip, held tight by something else. Slowly, he turns back around, seeing the once hunched over figure straighten out somewhat, eyes whipping between andrew and the cigarette clenched tightly in his hand
“andrew!! finally! where are you? we went to your beach but-“
andrew hung up, staring in disbelief at the sight before him.
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