#unrelated to main blog topic
proship-yomiuri · 1 year
Good luck!
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rafeblogcabpa · 2 years
Moving my main account.
New blog is now @satorace-main if you wanna check it out to see more of my art that isn't qftim related (sometimes.)
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catmask · 6 months
i know everyone said 'replies from sideblogs could go bad' though personally i was excited for them (for topic specific sideblog running purposes) but i do think we should be able to send asks from sideblogs too tbh. it could also get exceptionally ugly very fast but i think that for all the topic-specific blogs like ask blogs, for systems who have headmates with diff sideblogs, and for people who want to make friends in smaller communities focused on niche topics unrelated to their main i feel like it would be worth it
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twelve-forfend · 5 months
Well, I did say this was a multi-fandom blog... Alright, let's do this.
The Qing Jing Peak Lord's Bamboo House
(and the symbolism therein, as recorded in the donghua)
I was snooping through the establishing shots of the Qing Jing Peak Lord's Bamboo House, and had to laugh as I always do at all the gay symbolism that managed to sneak its way inside. But then I looked a little closer, and was floored by just how much passive storytelling was packed into background assets. I talked about it at length over discord, and at the urging of others decided to make a shareable post on social media as well.
First, the shots which first piqued my interest in this topic years ago:
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Shen Yuan transmigrates into the stallion-genre webnovel entitled 狂傲仙魔途 (translated as Proud Immortal Demon Way). The author's and his own usernames are dick jokes.
Notice the chrysanthemum vase, the cock vase, and the stallion statuette.
The stallion and cock are obvious nods to these jokes on their own, but for the uninitiated, the chrysanthemum is a symbol of gay sex between men, as the asshole itself is often euphemistically referred to as a chrysanthemum. This should have been Shen Yuan's first clue that not all is as it seems here! These are the personal quarters of Shen Jiu — the original Shen Qingqiu!
But let's move to the main room you first walk into upon entering the bamboo house.
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There it is: the writing on the wall.
As the Peak Lord of strategy and the scholarly arts, Shen Qingqiu would naturally have calligraphy and paintings hanging everywhere! So let's break it down.
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On the top we have 道㳒自然 ("Dao Follows Nature"), which comes from a Dao teaching by Laozi (founder of Daoism) meaning that life, death, the entire universe, the heavens and earth and everything outside and inbetween, all follow a set of laws referred to as the nature of things. Although unrelated to the Buddhist couplet below, it's certainly relevant!
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Originally hanging in right-to-left order, I've arranged them to read left to right here to make things easier to keep track of. The calligraphy reads 西方竹葉千年翠;南海蓮九品香 and is a couplet commonly found in Guanyin temples. My classical chinese is not as strong as I'd like, but this translates roughly to "The bamboo leaves in Paradise are green for a thousand years / The fragrance of lotus flowers in the South China Sea is as thick as 9 sticks of incense."
The character 西 for West is used to denote the destination of enlightenment/purity: the buddhist Paradise (think Journey to the West). The South China Sea is where Guanyin was born. Upon the Lotus flowers is where Guanyin is commonly depicted as sitting. The "9 sticks of incense" though literal can also refer to the 9 tiers/grades of reincarnation lotuses with the 9th tier being the lowest, meant for those who in life committed the most evil of crimes — the 4 parajikas — and who can only manage a sincere Amitabha recitation 10 times and no more than this.
To put this in context with Shen Jiu (the same jiu as in 9/九), the 4 parajikas committed by the 9th Tier Lotuses Reborn (officially entitled the Lowest of the Low) are:
Sexual Intercourse
Claiming attainments of stages of pure mental concentration that have not been achieved (in other words, rushing or lying about your cultivation/enlightenment, or maybe even becoming a Peak Lord without having formed a golden core beforehand).
From what we know in the context of the novel, Shen Jiu is innocent of at least the first of this parajikas, but the overall view of Shen Jiu in the eyes of others in the story is that he is guilty of them all. This calligraphy can be seen as a condemnation or a reminder for the character Shen Jiu, who even as the Peak Lord Shen Qingqiu is widely thought of as a scum villain and the lowest of the low.
Phew! That's a lot to unpack.
But if you turn your gaze to the original screenshot, you'll see to the right that there's a vase painted with a blue bird. This vase appears in several rooms of the bamboo house, and seems to be the image of a qingniao (青鸟; lit: Qing bird, wherein 青 can mean blue/green/clear-but-brackish black).
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These qing-coloured birds are messengers and foragers of the Goddess-Mother of Paradise (Xiwang-mu 西王母, the "west/paradise" character from before, lit West-King(unisex)-Mother). They're a highly intelligent species who are exceptional in song (a good representative for Qing Jing's scholarly arts and pursuit of qin!), and the older ones might learn to speak human tongue. As a subspecies of luanniao (鸾鸟 lit: luan bird), they're thought to be related to The Phoenix and indeed thought to be the lifetime/samsara just before being reborn as a Phoenix.
If given to a "master" they don't like, the qingniao may refuse to pass messages or sing until they're set free, but if they do get along with you then they're loyal to the end.
As a point of interest, the Qing generation of Peak Lords uses the character 清, which is 青 ("colour of nature; brackish black, blue, green; young) + the radical for "water," resulting in the meaning of clear (as in water or heart; see-through); distinct; quiet (as in still); just and honest; pure; to settle or clear up; to clean up, expunge, or purge.
And as a bit of trivia, Liu Qingge's sword Cheng Luan 乘鸾 means "to ride the luan, take flight on the back of a luan." (Relevant, because the qingniao is considered a subspecies of luanniao).
With the Lords of both Qing Jing and Bai Zhan referencing this bird, I really wonder about its significance! It's spawning plenty of theories and headcanons for me.
Heading back outside for a moment, you'll find that in the Quiet Pool (清静小池 qingjing xiaochi (yes, the same Qing Jing the peak is named for)), there are lotuses, and on land there are flower shrubs which are either wide-petaled chrysanthemums (gay bottom jokes ahoy), or a type of peony, the king of flowers demarcating wealth and prosperity. Either way, a blossom fitting of our Qing Jing Peak Lord Shen Qingqiu!
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My one regret is that I cannot get a clear shot of the fan hanging on the wall to try and translate the calligraphy on it. If anyone can snag one, please tag me! I also couldn't translate the paintings with poems hanging in Shen Qingqiu's bedroom (it's just too small and blurry for my bad eyes to make out). If I make another post attempting these things, I'll append them to this initial post in an edit afterwards.
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waspsinyouryard · 1 year
Alrighty gamers,
As a "reddit refugee" who has been on Tumblr for a year at this point and hopefully knows some stuff about how this website and its userbase operate (even though I haven't been on that frequently), here's what I have learned over the course of my time here that might be helpful to any redditors coming here (long bullet list incoming):
Absolute Basics
Apply a profile picture to your blog. It can be anything, but it needs to be there. If you have a default profile picture then you will probably be blocked on sight by almost everyone. It's not personal; you just look an awful lot like a bot.
Make at least 1 original post on your blog. It can be anything—from a long introduction to a random shitpost—as long as it isn't the sort of post that a bot would make. Maybe hold off on posting sexual gifs with a bunch of random unrelated tags for the time being.
Interaction With Posts
Likes on this platform are sort of like saving posts and comments on Reddit. They do add a note and they can be seen if you don't have your likes set to private, but they don't help spread the post at all and are most useful for later easy access.
Reblogs without added text or tags are mostly analogous to crossposting in function, although not in website culture. Instead, think of it more like taking a screenshot of a post somewhere else online and posting it onto your favorite subreddit of choice. Reblog things you find cool/funny/pretty/have something to add to/whatever frequently.
Comments on Tumblr are mostly like comments on Reddit. The biggest difference is that you can't have comment threads.
Posting (including reblogs)
Tag things when relevant. Especially tag topics that people might want to avoid, like bigotry or very long posts.
In your main text, say whatever it is you feel you want to say/add. If you're reblogging, this is were you put your hilarious zingers that will be forever immortalized by r/tumblr repost bots.
Tags are frequently used to elaborate or say anything that's not the main point of the post or reblog.
Interacting with other users
Don't be afraid to block people.
Don't be afraid to follow people. Following tags is functional, but following people that post things you are interested in is better.
If I'm leading anyone terribly astray, please feel free to add on to and correct this post
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qqueenofhades · 6 months
Hello! This is kind of a weird ask, I'm sorry to bother you, but seeing as you're a very intelligent studied historian that I deeply respect, I was hoping you could offer some advice? Or like, things i could read? Lately, i feel like my critical thinking skills are emaciated and its scaring the shit out of me. I feel very slow and like I'm constantly missing important info in relation to news/history/social activism stuff. Thats so vague, sorry, but like any tips on how i can do better?
Aha, thank you. There was recently a good critical-thinking infograph on my dash, so obviously I thought I remembered who reblogged it and checked their blog, it wasn't them, thought it was someone else, checked their blog, it also wasn't them, and now I can't find it to link to. Alas. But I will try to sum up its main points and add a few of my own. I'm glad you're taking the initiative to work on this for yourself, and I will add that while it can seem difficult and overwhelming to sort through the mass of information, especially often-false, deliberately misleading, or otherwise bad information, there are a few tips to help you make some headway, and it's a skill that like any other skill, gets easier with practice. So yes.
The first and most general rule of thumb I would advise is the same thing that IT/computer people tell you about scam emails. If something is written in a way that induces urgency, panic, the feeling that you need to do something RIGHT NOW, or other guilt-tripping or anxiety-inducing language, it is -- to say the least -- questionable. This goes double if it's from anonymous unsourced accounts on social media, is topically or thematically related to a major crisis, or anything else. The intent is to create a panic response in you that overrides your critical faculties, your desire to do some basic Googling or double-checking or independent verification of its claims, and makes you think that you have to SHARE IT WITH EVERYONE NOW or you are personally and morally a bad person. Unfortunately, the world is complicated, issues and responses are complicated, and anyone insisting that there is Only One Solution and it's conveniently the one they're peddling should not be trusted. We used to laugh at parents and grandparents for naively forwarding or responding to obviously scam emails, but now young people are doing the exact same thing by blasting people with completely sourceless social media tweets, clips, and other manipulative BS that is intended to appeal to an emotional gut rather than an intellectual response. When you panic or feel negative emotions (anger, fear, grief, etc) you're more likely to act on something or share questionable information without thinking.
Likewise, you do have basic Internet literacy tools at your disposal. You can just throw a few keywords into Google or Wikipedia and see what comes up. Is any major news organization reporting on this? Is it obviously verifiable as a fake (see the disaster pictures of sharks swimming on highways that get shared after every hurricane)? Can you right-click, perform a reverse image search, and see if this is, for example, a picture from an unrelated war ten years ago instead of an up-to-date image of the current conflict? Especially with the ongoing Israel/Palestine imbroglio, we have people sharing propaganda (particularly Hamas propaganda) BY THE BUCKETLOAD and masquerading it as legitimate news organizations (tip: Quds News Network is literally the Hamas channel). This includes other scuzzy dirtbag-left websites like Grayzone and The Intercept, which often have implicit or explicit links to Russian-funded disinformation campaigns and other demoralizing or disrupting fake news that is deliberately designed to turn young left-leaning Westerners against the Democrats and other liberal political parties, which enables the electoral victory of the fascist far-right and feeds Putin's geopolitical and military aims. Likewise, half of our problems would be solved if tankies weren't so eager to gulp down and propagate anything "anti-Western" and thus amplify the Russian disinformation machine in a way even the Russians themselves sometimes struggle to do, but yeah. That relates to both Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Palestine.
Basically: TikTok, Twitter/X, Tumblr itself, and other platforms are absolutely RIFE with misinformation, and this is due partly to ownership (the Chinese government and Elon Fucking Musk have literally no goddamn reason whatsoever to build an unbiased algorithm, and have been repeatedly proven to be boosting bullshit that supports their particular worldviews) and partly due to the way in which the young Western left has paralyzed itself into hypocritical moral absolutes and pseudo-revolutionary ideology (which is only against the West itself and doesn't think that the rest of the world has agency to act or think for itself outside the West's influence, They Are Very Smart and Anti-Colonialist!) A lot of "information" in left-leaning social media spaces is therefore tainted by this perspective and often relies on flat-out, brazen, easily disprovable lies (like the popular Twitter account insisting that Biden could literally just overturn the Supreme Court if he really wanted to). Not all misinformation is that easy to spot, but with a severe lack of political, historical, civic, or social education (since it's become so polarized and school districts generally steer away from it or teach the watered-down version for fear of being attacked by Moms for Liberty or similar), it is quickly and easily passed along by people wanting trite and simplistic solutions for complex problems or who think the extent of social justice is posting the Right Opinions on social media.
As I said above, everything in the world is complicated and has multiple factors, different influences, possible solutions, involved actors, and external and internal causes. For the most part, if you're encountering anything that insists there's only one shiningly righteous answer (which conveniently is the one All Good and Moral People support!) and the other side is utterly and even demonically in the wrong, that is something that immediately needs a closer look and healthy skepticism. How was this situation created? Who has an interest in either maintaining the status quo, discouraging any change, or insisting that there's only one way to engage with/think about this issue? Who is being harmed and who is being helped by this rhetoric, including and especially when you yourself are encouraged to immediately spread it without criticism or cross-checking? Does it rely on obvious lies, ideological misinformation, or something designed to make you feel the aforementioned negative emotions? Is it independently corroborated? Where is it sourced from? When you put the author's name into Google, what comes up?
Also, I think it's important to add that as a result, it's simply not possible to distill complicated information into a few bite-sized and easily digestible social media chunks. If something is difficult to understand, that means you probably need to spend more time reading about it and encountering diverse perspectives, and that is research and work that has to take place primarily not on social media. You can ask for help and resources (such as you're doing right now, which I think is great!), but you can't use it as your chief or only source of information. You can and should obviously be aware of the limitations and biases of traditional media, but often that has turned into the conspiracy-theory "they never report on what's REALLY GOING ON, the only information you can trust is random anonymous social media accounts managed by God knows who." Traditional media, for better or worse, does have certain evidentiary standards, photographing, sourcing, and verifying requirements, and other ways to confirm that what they're writing about actually has some correspondence with reality. Yes, you need to be skeptical, but you can also trust that some of the initial legwork of verification has been done for you, and you can then move to more nuanced review, such as wording, presentation of perspective, who they're interviewing, any journalistic assumptions, any organizational shortcomings, etc.
Once again: there is a shit-ton of stuff out there, it is hard to instinctively know or understand how to engage with it, and it's okay if you don't automatically "get" everything you read. That's where the principle of actually taking the time to be informed comes in, and why you have to firmly divorce yourself from the notion that being socially aware or informed means just instantly posting or sharing on social media about the crisis of the week, especially if you didn't know anything about it beforehand and are just relying on the Leftist Groupthink to tell you how you should be reacting. Because things are complicated and dangerous, they take more effort to unpick than just instantly sharing a meme or random Twitter video or whatever. If you do in fact want to talk about these things constructively, and not just because you feel like you're peer-pressured into doing so and performing the Correct Opinions, then you will in fact need to spend non-social-media time and effort in learning about them.
If you're at a university, there are often subject catalogues, reference librarians, and other built-in tools that are there for you to use and which you SHOULD use (that's your tuition money, after all). That can help you identify trustworthy information sources and research best practices, and as you do that more often, it will help you have more of a feel for things when you encounter them in the wild. It's not easy at first, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes more so, and will make you more confident in your own judgments, beliefs, and values. That way when you encounter something that you KNOW is wrong, you won't be automatically pressured to share it just to fit in, because you will be able to tell yourself what the problems are.
Good luck!
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Cool Shit I've Made (masterpost)
If you want to support me, or if you just want to see what I'm up to, check out the stuff under the cut!
My Currently Active Sideblogs
@organical-mechanical: This is actually my main blog! Go here for all of my unrelated art, EVEN MORE off-topic posts, and the occasional reblog or link to other people's art, generally under the theme of bodily imagry, machinery and software, and/or the combination of the two. Naturally, there's a heavy content warning for blood and gore.
@mind-of-moth: My ask blog/webcomic/light novel? about an inexplicably human doctor in a My Little Pony-esque world grappling with various concepts related to death
My YouTube Channel
As you can see, my YouTube channel is tied to @organical-mechanical and not @hazard-symbols-that-fuck-hard, so you can expect the content to revolve more around innards and CRT monitors rather than the NFPA. In any case, this is where I store-- what else-- my video art
My Itch.io Projects
Hazard Tarot Cards:
A printable card deck for only seven smackaroos, featuring all of your favorite hazard symbols!
Mad Science Interactive:
A mock virtual science lab where you grow your own transgenic beast using real-world techniques! The game is 100% free and playable in-browser, with bonus content should you choose to donate $10 or more! (it's basically a three-minute glorified slide show)
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nochangeintheplan · 1 month
hiii! just want to say how happy I was to find your page. it seems like everywhere on the internet (except tumblr- but even then I've seen some hate) DESPISES yakuza 3.. like they won't even acknowledge the good the game has. is it the best? no! but they would sooner brush off the plot the game set up and the amazing characters to say it's ass and looks bad, just say ur going through a quality drop from yakuza kiwami 2. yakuza 3 brought us MORNING GLORY. THE PLACE THAT IS KIRYUS MAIN MOTIVE?? like it's the whole reason kiryu went into hiding.. it set up the future games. (also humanized him soo much but that's a topic for another day) THEN I CAME ACROSS THIS PAGE! your love for this game clearly shows through your introspective art and beautiful ask blog! I spent ab a whole night going through ur page gushing bc 'omg someone who writes mine and daigo correctly! and doesnt make mine's ONLY character trait about being obsessed with daigo!!' keep up the amazing work!! I also look forward to seeing your other works that are unrelated to yakuza! have a wonderful day!
(In case u see this ask again somewhere else I sent it to the wrong blog at first LOL)
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Thank you so much for sendin in your ask! I'm really glad you've enjoyed the stuff I've been throwing up on the internet about my favorite little guys.
And yeah, for a good while in most fan spaces people had a pretty big dislike for Y3, and I think a lot of it just comes down to fandom bandwagoning dissuading people from playing it or giving it much of a chance. Right now actually I've seen somewhat of a shift in some spaces where suddenly 3 is underrated and people are apparently (?) dogging on 2 where it used to be considered peak. It's all cyclical really, but I'm glad when 3 gets the attention I feel it deserves.
I do understand where people's dislike comes from honestly, but it is definitely my personal favorite! For all its faults, I think it has some of the strongest character moments of the games, personal stakes, and drama, with stellar animation that more than makes up for the older graphics that might put some people off. And of course, Mine lmao. I can't say how right I am in how I characterize Mine and Daigo since I'm sure I fall pretty short of even my own standards of how I see them (and am guilty of simplifying them because its funny lm ao), but I'm happy folks like my take on the guys! I have A LOT OF THOUGHTS on these dudes (obviously) which I'd love to write up sometime. I have an ask about my Minedai HCs where I will probably dump it, but that and a lot of asks have been put on the backburner until I get the time to address them all to the extent I want to.
If you wanna look at my non-yakuza stuff, I have a main which I basically do not use; but it does exist!
Anyway, thank you again for writing in! I really do appreciate it a ton, and I love all the lil things y'all send me.
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We need to do most nonbinary cars next. Because it's obviously the NB miata. I mean come on
Alright then, let apostrophe s!
So, we already have one candidate - two if you split them between pre-and post facelift...
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...but let's see if we can do better.
The first course of action was to ask an expert in nonbinary, my nonbinary ex. They suggested "that asymmetrical car from the commercial", and I immediately realized, oh right, the Hyundai Veloster!
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Literally rejecting the binary between hatchbacks with rear doors and hatchbacks with none, as illustrated by quite a commercial if I do say so myself.
As the ad hints, yes indeed the Veloster's rear door was always opposite the driver's side, including in right hand drive cars - meaning yes, the Veloster's rear door changes side with the market it's sold in...
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...a bit like what my ex was actually referring to: the third generation Nissan Cube, another asymmetric vehicle with two symmetrical versions, as explained in my Pike Cars post (and indeed, the Cube also got a spectacular campaign - you really gotta go have a look at that post right there).
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So, having gotten their suggestion (and another unrelated pick that they did however approve...)
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...I set about hitting up the Discord for completion's sake, where @chevyventure gave a couple suggestions of his own: the Kia Soul.
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And let me tell you, the commercials just keep getting weirder.
And this is not even about the commercial itself, it's how long they kept rolling with the idea, and really, how far they took it too. From its debut...
...to its small restyling in 2012...
...to its redesign in 2014...
...and more: that's not even most of them! But I'll stick to suggesting you look them up on YouTube because we still have to get to our friend's other suggestions.
Luckily, the 5th generation Camry will be quick work, since the main argument for its nonbinariness is that swinging either particular way would imply some sort of characteristic, thus violating the spirit of the Camry, a car so committed to the bland that for years the most interesting thing about them have been their dents.
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And so we get to the final suggestion, the second-gen Scion xB.
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Okay, so, storytime, I was looking to get some pictures of the car going on, right? So I found this one which is of good quality, a well-representing angle and a color that compliments its enbyness, so I clicked on the Car And Driver article this is from to browse its gallery and find a rear shot and what do I not see as the first picture in the album.
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I mean, that is on the nose for my standards.
And I'm not the only one who made interesting finds looking for these pictures...
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So, what'll it be?
"But wait", I hear you think because not only can I hear the sounds you make yes even the farts but also your thoughts, "what was that Discord you were referring to, does this blog have a- wait even that silent one from a minute ago?". And, setting aside the serious work your definition of 'silent' needs, yes it does!!!! Click that blue link to find out more!
Links in blue are posts of mine about the topic in question - if you liked this post, you might like those!
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equinox-86 · 5 months
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Avoid NSFW topics. Let's keep this blog clean.
Keep in mind that Tumblr is not my main platform and I don't check it as regularly as I do Instagram.
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Art Requests Art Requests are always CLOSED unless stated otherwise.
If I take requests, I will announce it in a post or on my Instagram stories. Please stop asking me for free art. I never accept these requests.
I do art trades and collabs for friends and mutuals only, but keep in mind that I can't always join. I am a very busy person.
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If you're rude, you'll get the boot 🥾
If you're rude, hateful or start drama, you'll be blocked. Don't even bother because I don't read walls of hateful texts and I have better things to do. Your time to type them will be in vain. Just block my blog.
I won't answer asks I'm uncomfortable with.
I may need time to respond, especially if I'm responding with art.
Keep the asks DL related.
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As of now: I am no longer comfortable talking in DMs except for mutuals.
If I don't know you, please stop treating me like a close friend or as if you know me personally. It makes me very uncomfortable.
Please don't ask me to become friends or mutuals, to check out your posts or request free art from me. If I want to do something, I'll do it at my own accord.
My DMs are not open to vents unless you are a really close friend. I'm bad at responding to those kind of messages unless I know you well. I myself am dealing with issues and venting about certain topics may possibly be a trigger.
I'm not talkative with people I don't know or never interacted with in DMs and I might get quiet due to awkwardness.
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This goes for tagging me on posts on Tiktok and Instagram just to get my attention to gain more views. I don't like being tagged in posts that are unrelated to me and I am asking you to stop.
I am fine with being tagged in Tumblr and Instagram bandwagon posts for OCs and such.
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Thank you for reading ♥
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sweetmariihs2 · 3 months
Look at what arrived today 🫶🫶 (there's still more on the way but they didn't arrived yet)
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Unfortunately there's only one page where Cedric is in, in the Wassailia magazine. Today I discovered that each magazine revolves specifically around that theme, so in a Wassailia themed magazine there will only be Wassailia themed activities. I don't know why I thought that there would be activities unrelated to the main theme. All of the Wassailia magazine pages are related to Wassailia, the same way that in the costume party magazine the activities all talk about this topic. I guess it makes sense.
In my country there's only 5 available magazines to buy. Two come together (these ones), other two also come together, and there's one that I'm almost DYING to put my hands on that it's the Cedric's apprentice magazine and it's available to buy separately.
Also we got an extra content about what happened to Cedric in the first Wassailia episode! He probably spent his whole holiday in his workshop. Sofia came to visit him and she gave him a snow globe as a gift and he loved it💗
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That's the only image of him that we have. I don't know if I should share the whole magazines because I'm afraid of being accused of piracy😭😭😭
But I don't know, the magazines are from 2016 and it's a hell to find their content. I literally had to buy them to see what's inside! And you can say "well if the fans want to see what's inside then yes they should buy it," but it's really difficult to find, and I know that there are people out there who really wanted to own them but they can't since it's not even selling anywhere anymore. I don't know about your contry but in mine there were just 5 available and I bought all of em, and that's because I searched for hours. While I do have some of them and I can share, which is something that I saw some other magazine owners refusing to do.
And I really don't blame them, since some posts that I found were indeed from 2010's and at that time those magazines were still being produced. They wanted to support the artists involved and that is honestly a very noble thing to do! That's why I'm torn too, because I'm an artist myself and it would be nice to have my work properly sold and not just shared everywhere with absolutely no remuneration.
But yeah, after years since those posts were published, now I'm in the STF fandom and searching for all possible Cedric content and merch I can find on the internet and it's being such a torture to search for these magazines since they're not produced, commercialized or even remembered anymore. Some of the images I have are so poorly photographed and framed, poor lighting, bad quality camera, and I can't even know the context behind the illustrations because most of the time there is no information or even the complete image! Which makes me a little mad because if at the time the magazines were being produced, if fans had saved images or shared the magazines, we wouldn't have had so much trouble finding them today. It is obvious that after years on the market, products are being destroyed and becoming more scarce. The main audience for these magazines are children and the magazine encourage children to cut, paint and doodle, so many copies of these magazines simply ended up in the trash or are completely torn up. It's the correct way to use them after all.
It's almost lost media, but luckily there is still someone somewhere in the world who has them in their entirety after more or less 10 years since they were published. Many of the collectors from 2016 today may not even have their collections anymore, as was the case with a blog that unfortunately lost its collection in a flood and which had some of the magazines. I am literally so amazed by the fact that I have discontinued and untouched products in my hands, and in my language, which is even more unlikely to happen. There's only three left to arrive!
I think I should share these images while I can, as later there may not be any more copies available to buy or even view. If fans are no longer going to be able to buy it because of its rarity, then I at least think they should see what's inside. And the rarity it's not even because they're coveted products, it's just that they're forgotten! People care so little about them that it's starting to disappear and no one will care enough to sell or share it, as is already happening now. After all, it's just a silly Sofia The First activity magazine, but it's very important for us fans, at least the few who know about its existence. And all the copies available for viewing or sale don't even pay the artists anymore, as it's been around for many years and these products are surrounded by resellers. There is no longer any way to buy from the artists hoping that they will get a return, because they won't, the 2010s are over and so are the magazine publications.
I'm really thinking about sharing them, but I'm afraid of being misinterpreted or accused of disrespecting those artist's work. Disney it's literally not producing and selling them anymore at all, and they're really hard to find to buy, so I guess that sharing while I can is a viable option, and it's an act of kindness for other fans, who won't go crazy wondering what's inside knowing that no one has ever shared it and they won't ever do. I really wish 2016 fans had shared it at that time because today we would have images of copies that are no longer available for purchase. Real rare stuff!
So yeah, please tell me your opinions about this... I'm really afraid of doing something I shouldn't and disrespecting those artists in the process. But at the same time, well... they're not involved in this anymore. So I don't know.
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utahlive · 1 year
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im sorry utah nation. I played videos game instead of working on an episode,, orz
on an unrelated note, I wanted to ask: does anyone have any tumblr themes or ways to make posts chronological? We have roughly 150 episodes of UtahLIVE, and although most of them can be read out of order, there is a timeline (plus it would be more convenient for new readers. Ive gotten a lot of asks about topics or scenarios that have already been answered). If there are any tutorials/themes/tips let me know via DMs or ask box!
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LETS GOOOOO!!! This is insane! 4000 people... thats roughly twice the size of the student body at my school. I dont know how many of you guys are porn bots, but im still going to take this W. I feel like I should do something special? People usually do community events for milestones I think so if you have ideas let me know?? Otherwise I’ll have something fun to post in the next week.
+ some quick q&a below
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avoiding potential lawsuits 🙏
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I know this one is meant for Wilbur, but alas thats just how I draw eyes. Sorry my art style gave your fave character cataracts. yeah its permanent. no sorry we cant fix it. um. insurance doesnt cover the surgery so hes like that forever. yeah. sorry
(i do like to mess with how I draw eyes, but the white color is a stylistic choice)
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its a psycho-competitive relationship that can be construed to be romantic (but it's not explicit). obviously
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anon im holding your hand so tenderly and lovingly. it means a lot that people like my art! more than I can say, which is why ive been trying to figure out how to answer this ask for the past like... two+ weeks since you sent it in! Im probably gonna hold off on sharing my other accounts for a few reasons (there might be some people who already know my other blogs which is fine idc welcome to my twisted mind etc im just not going to advertise them here). My main blog is basically a spam blog where I dont tag anything. I dont really post original art and my fandom art is few and far between. 90% of my work just goes in discord DMs or servers 💀 I think the main reason though-and this may or may not make sense to some of you-is that I don’t want your opinion of me to change how you view the story. This is a super specific example, but for all my fic readers out there: have you ever joined an authors server, and then after meeting them you feel a bit odd about the fic since the creator isnt exactly the person you thought them to be (not necessarily in a good or bad way)? That’s exactly what I don’t want happening with this blog. Basically: Nooo what if you find out about me as a person and realize im cringeeee aaaaa [image of the werewolf transformation (you know the one)] That being said, we’ll see how things go, I guess! At the very least, I’ll probably put my socials out when I’m done here (we got a ways to go before that happens though, so dont even start to worry about that) that was a lot of text for one answer. yeesh 😬 sorry about that
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girlyholic · 1 year
"Landmine Clothes" are Typically Not Even Girly Anymore: A Look into How Brands Use the Term
A main topic on this blog back when I started it was discussing the way the term "landmine" has been used in order to sell products. While I mostly covered entities like Lafary, who initially promoted it dishonestly on purpose for clout while it was highly associated with Girly fashion, there have been many other brands who have used it in the past two years in order to sell clothes, as popularity of the term has gone up and down.
But the effects of using this label to death as a selling point are starting to become more clear, now that we are beginning year 3 of the term evolving as a sales point. Because as it turns out, when a controversial term sells well, all kinds of brands will hop onto the trend in order to cash in: even if they're completely unrelated to how the fad initially looked.
Which brings us to the current state of the "style".
Another super long post incoming, so, putting a readmore as per usual.
Something important to start out with: brands and magazines are generally who are responsible for random terms being thought of as styles, which then gets parroted by other people. In fact there's an article on Yumekawaii, Yamikawaii that includes an interview with a Milklim representative, who had this to say about how styles acquire such names.
"We just wear what we think is cute, and those names are just given to us by outsiders".
Which brings us to landmine fashion, and the brands who tirelessly make up trends to push fads.
A big one is Anonenone, a Taobao reseller that seems to consider itself an authority on what's hot in the landmine fad. Their social media pages also tend to just say completely random things are now a "new trend", such as their recent claim that cyber fashion nowadays is a derivative of "サブカル系 (sabukaru-kei) and 天使界隈 (tenshi kaiwai)" due to it being light blue.
Cyber fashion is so old, a color shift would most certainly not be enough to make it a new derivative. And the two terms they mentioned are not actually fashions either, the latter one being the fan submission hashtag of this online magazine. This is a non-landmine example of what the main issue with their post is.
Anyway, looking into their landmine category on their website, while you will find a couple items that could be considered Girly, it mostly turns up accessories, and the rest of the clothes that are displayed are far from what was originally considered to be "landmine fashion".
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Tracksuits and oversized striped sweaters have been quite popular among self-proclaimed landmines for a few months now. Even looking into the 地雷系 tag, you'll mostly find people wearing only those two things, as well as clothes that are very clearly other pre-existing styles, when before you would primarily get the black x pink coordinates that were synonymous with the stereotype.
This shift in what's considered landmine fashion is most prominent in how it has been covered by fashion outlets, such as Larme and Harajuku Pop. Larme actually has a partnership with the aforementioned Anonenone, which is why most of their recent issues recommend them in almost all of the coordinates featured. Although Larme has a rather interesting history with featuring landmine fashion, one that might be better for an entirely separate post...
Anyway, Harajuku Pop also recently did an online article about Reflem, as they're a "must see" brand for landmine girls, and all that's showcased is what I have previously discussed: tracksuits and what would just be considered Yamikawaii or punk-ish coordinates. Here's one example from that article:
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And before anyone comes running to explain how all of my examples are just "substyles" of landmine fashion: substyles have to bear the same anatomy of the original style they stem from at least somewhat, hence substyle. Established styles don't just drastically change appearance like this. If pink x black Girly coordinates are what landmine fashion started out as, and now it's oversized sweaters and plain tracksuits, what is landmine as a style, anyway? The answer is that it isn't one.
Unless you count the color black as being the thing that ties landmine outfits together, which would be so broad that everything would be landmine.
To put it into perspective, even when the Girly tracksuit thing was in full swing earlier in 2022, before it had any other associations, the tracksuits coming out had elements of Girly in them, such as frills, dress designs that were similar to maid outfits or nun outfits, etc. They weren't just any, nondescript tracksuits like the ones that are now sold as being landmine, although you can still find that type of Girly tracksuits being pushed as being landmine, as with everything else that's been associated with the term.
I still see a ton of pushback in Western JFashion spaces about using the term Girly Kei, as "landmine is just so much easier of a term to use", but with what's currently being considered landmine within Japan, that no longer holds up. Because now what brands are referring to as landmine fashion is even more broad than Girly Kei, as it encompasses so many varied styles with nothing tying them together except, of course, the stereotype (which is usually just people trying to emulate the physical elements that became associated with it, such as having undereye blush and a hime-cut because that is what "seems" landmine).
The point is, we would have to get rid of several years of pre-established styles in order to fit everything that's being claimed as landmine right now under that one label, which is what makes it even more clear that it's a fad, not a legitimate style.
Especially since many of the brands who pushed the term the hardest, such as DearMyLove, have now gone back to using Girly to push sales, instead of only labeling everything as landmine like they did at the height of the fad. This is likely due to landmine becoming unrecognizable from the clothing they primarily sell, which, has always been called Girly.
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sochawrites · 2 years
Can you making a Corey Cunningham fic fem reader omg please I love him
Hi there Anon!
I don't write for Corey for a) I don't vibe with him and b) becouse of my personal opinion, but I'd like to keep that off of this side blog (although he is kinda cute in a way).
!BUT!, since you're the first person to request anything, and I still haven't posted rules for sending requests in, I will try and make something up for you :)
And if you're looking for someone who will write for Corey in general, I'd suggest @trashyslashers, @slash-me-please and @murdrdocs
(sorry for tagging)
Fight for me
Corey Cunningham x reader
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You were still relatively new in Haddonfield, moving in long after the Halloween night massacre and the tragic babysitting that took place the year after, but you never bothered to look into what happened. Which resulted in weird side looks from other citizens whenever you expressed unfamiliarity with these topics. But you got used to them after a while.
That might have been the main reason you never bat an eye towards the judgmental faces people threw at you whenever you were seen with the young Cunningham boy.
"Yeah, yeah, Corey over there is free right now, he will have a look at it. Corey! Come here kid!", that was the first time you ever heard his name, the first time you saw his face. You couldn't help but fall hard for his dorky smile and puppy eyes, only magnified by his round glasses. Corey, himself was taken aback by how polite and sweet you were towards him, as most of the city outright hated him. You decided to push your luck and ask him on a date, to which he happily agreed. Who knew a broken car could take you to such treasure?
You made your relationship official a few weeks later. His mother obviously disapproved, believing you weren't good enough for her boy, but she decided to protest silently since you were probably the only woman in town who wanted to talk to and spent time with Corey.
"You seriously don't know anything about the incident?" he asked you once after you encountered a rather rude waitress on one of your dates. "I don't. By any means, if you want to tell me, go ahead, but I don't think it's so bad that the whole town has to treat you like that." "Aaa… It's a long story… and I think you're better off not knowing."
It was very early in the morning, you stayed up all night preparing for the upcoming Halloween and were ready to go to sleep when frantic knocking at the front door stopped you on your way upstairs. Now, Haddonfield might have not been known for being the safest city, but its only serial killer certainly didn't knock, so you weren't worried about opening the door.
But you did become quite worried when you opened the door.
"Holy shit! Corey! You look awful, what happened?" Your boyfriend was slumping against the doorframe, looking all beat up, jaw tightened in pain. "It was those kids again, they cornered me up…" say less, you were already dragging him inside your home. "Did they corner you up in the sewers? You smell like shit… Go sit in the kitchen, I'll bring you something to change into and-" you were already running off to fetch a few things when Corey caught your wrist "Y/N, I have to tell you something."
You smiled and reached your free hand to his face, caressing lightly over the bruised skin "You'll tell me once I patch you up, ok?". And with that, you were off upstairs, rummaging through your partially shared wardrobe for clothes you then quickly brought to him, before going to look for a first-aid kit.
Once you got back, Corey, who has already changed, was sitting at the table. You walked up to him and pushed aside his soft curly locks to better assess the damage done. His dark eyes were looking into your soul, you could tell there was something heavy on his mind. You noticed some bruises forming on his neck. "Did the kids have tried to choke you?" you asked while you soaked some cotton pads in disinfection, "No, that was an unrelated incident, but, listen…". Corey flinched a bit when the pad brushed against his scratched cheek, "I'm listening…", you threw him a soft smile.
"I killed someone."
He told you about the kid he was looking after three years ago, the accident that completely changed his life. Corey looked so broken, definitely fighting with himself about whether or not he should've told you. It was safe to say it knocked the wind out of your sails. "Now that you know, can you face the crowd? Can you be seen with me and still be proud?"
You let out a heavy sigh and put aside the cotton pad "Corey… God, I'm going to sound soo cheesy, but… let me quote something… I will fight for you if you will fight for me.". He smiled at that. "I love you Corey, and if people are picking fights with you, they're picking fights with me."
You leaned forward and kissed his forehead. Corey looked up at you, "Can you hold my hand?". You did so without any delay. He squeezed your hand in his own hold, lowering his gaze and concentrating on your intertwined fingers.
"…Sometimes I want this city to burn…" Corey murmured, mostly to himself, but you heard him. "We can always move away, leave the city behind if that's what you want" you went on caressing his cheek with your free hand, careful to avoid touching the scratches. He laughed a bit and shook his head "It's too late for that, I feel like the fire has already started…"
You tilted your head to make him explain what he meant, but he didn't elaborate. It didn't matter, you were going to find out soon enough.
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gaming-artificer · 7 months
Hi! I'm starting this blog partially because I've been lurking on Tumblr for a while and I want an excuse to push myself to interact with people, partially to practice my writing skills, and partially because I have a lot of passionate nerd rants about random topics that my girlfriend says I should share with more people. I hope to be writing a long-form post every week or two for now, but I hope to interact with other people, particularly the wizardposting community, in between. Feel free to ask me (nearly) anything, especially opinions on games of all kinds, TTRPGs, computer science, or arcane constructs!
This is a side blog, my main blog where I reblog random stuff unrelated to this is @dacid44.
Long-form stuff/Nerd rants (will be tagged with #nerd rant):
A post-post-apocalyptic aesthetic, explained using My Time at Sandrock
New: How Fallout 76 forced me to explore
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ask-derrickman · 9 months
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Rain saw my colleagues doing this and would not let up until I did as well, I'm already starting to regret it...
ooc: [Inbox is currently open]
[More info under the read more yes]
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(YEAAHG ASK BLOG TIME seeing all the ttcc manager blogs around lately slowly pushed me into trying it out myself since I hadn't seen one with my beloved boy yet, taskline manager enjoyers rise up)
(And of course now for the obligatory forewards and rules I gotta bring up:
- Not technically a 100% canon-compliant Derrick Man (well... as much as you even can with him), the one on this blog is actually based on a still nameless AU I've thrown together, he's not very drastically changed as a person though hes still grumpy and boring and full of oil but its enough to mention probably (he may mention things in passing sometimes too if the topic comes up)
- On the topic of that too, shipping between William and Rain and William and Chip will probably come up occasionally, im normal im normal guys im normal
- Headcanons galore, well- I mean as is a given for a character with so little official content to be fair, i don't wanna ruin the fun by listing everything though (also because we'd be here all day)
- This blog claims no direct affiliation with any other character's askblogs, or any other blogs in general for that matter aside from my main, all characters depicted in my doodles as well are my own spins on them and unrelated to any other askblogs too (please feel free to keep sending me jokes from other askblogs though like the spayed bellringer thing i think its funny as fuck) ((this is not to discourage anyone elses blogs from interacting though I'm just noting this so its at their own discretion))
- Please behave in the inbox, I will not answer any asks that are very blatantly explicit or anything, this blog is technically being run by a minor keep in mind, also this is a toontown blog so like... idk what you're expecting from me to begin with dude
- Speaking of me, feel free to bully William i love that but I'd appreciate if you... try to go easy on the me behind this, im the only person running this blog and im disabled with a busy irl life so updates will be slow, I'm just having some fun with my blorpos here
- Not every ask is going to have a drawing alongside it too by the way, I dont quite have the stamina for that, and sometimes the inspiration doesn't strike, my apologies
That should be all unless i think of something else to add here, YEHEA! go crazy sorry that this is so long by the way thats my bad)
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