Societal Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR & Committee of the Regions)
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While there is increasing awareness of the cross-border implications of disasters, European cities, municipalities and regions still face difficulties in collective response to natural hazards and climate-induced disasters. Between 1980 and 2020, disasters affected nearly 50 million people in Europe and caused roughly €12 billion in economic losses annually. The session aims to seek practical ways to enhance societal preparedness while addressing vulnerabilities to reduce the risk and impact of disasters. It will mainly focus on how to strengthen cooperation among the cities and regions where the degree of understanding and infrastructures as well as the tools and capacities at their disposal may vary; and fill the gaps between the reality on the ground and different governance levels.
Register to participate
Bridging the gap in cross-border cooperation: societal resilience and disaster risk reduction - Conference
Date: Tuesday 10 October, 14:30 – 15:30 CET Venue: SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre, Silver hall Register.
Format: In person Language: English with French interpretation
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motherlanguageday · 12 years
Promote  Mother Languages.
To help promote a series of UN International Days, prestigious European design schools and academies produce short videos as part of a partnership between UNRIC and Fabrica, the Benetton research centre on communication.
2013 International Mother Language Day.
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migrantsday · 10 years
Portraits of migrants from Sudan, Iraq, Serbia, and Cameroon.
"No one leaves their country just to see another land. War and misfortune make it necessary."
Video portraits of migrants from Sudan, Iraq, Serbia, and Cameroon to mark International Migrants Day.
On selected international days the United Nations Regional Information Centre for Western Europe (UNRIC), in partnership with the Good Planet Foundation, shares clips from the '7 billion Others' project to communicate the fears, dreams, ordeals, and hopes of citizens from all over world.
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realmadridfamily · 10 months
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"On November 24, the Association of Women Directors of Photography and Audiovisual Media (CIMA), in cooperation with the United Nations Regional Information Center for Western Europe (UNRIC) and the Film Academy Foundation, presented the film "Lust for Life" by Olena Zakharchuk about women who gave birth during the war in Ukraine. Three tragic, terrible, but realistic stories!❤️🇺🇦" - Anastasia
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yo-sostenible · 15 days
Los glaciares de Islandia retroceden a tal velocidad que las generaciones futuras se preguntarán de dónde viene el nombre de esta nación insular. No es de extrañar, pues, que la tierra de los vikingos haya sido elegida para albergar el primer cementerio de glaciares del mundo, inaugurado en una ceremonia el mes pasado cerca de la capital, Reikiavik. © Josh Okun El cementerio de glaciares se encuentra cerca de la capital islandesa, Reikiavik. Coincidiendo con este poderoso y simbólico monumento a los estragos del cambio climático, en la ceremonia del 17 de agosto también se publicó la lista de 15 glaciares extintos y en peligro de extinción elaborada por la Universidad Rice de Texas, impulsora de todo el proyecto. Según los científicos, el calentamiento global ha provocado la desaparición de miles de glaciares en todo el mundo desde el año 2000. Se prevé que al menos la mitad de estos glaciares se habrán perdido para 2100. Investigadores de la Universidad Rice de Houston, la Oficina Meteorológica de Islandia, geólogos, glaciólogos y dirigentes gubernamentales asistieron a la ceremonia previa a lo que será el Año Internacional de la Preservación de los Glaciares, en 2025. La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO), y la Agencia Meteorológica Mundial (OMM), fueron algunos de los muchos coorganizadores del acto celebrado en Islandia. Las lápidas, un recuerdo conmovedor El cementerio glaciar está formado por 15 lápidas talladas en hielo por el escultor islandés Ottó Magnússon. “Nunca antes habíamos necesitado un cementerio de glaciares”, afirma Cymene Howe, de la Universidad Rice. “Ahora sí. Y aunque estas lápidas se derretirán -como sus homólogos glaciares- esperamos que la ceremonia y las lápidas heladas sirvan de conmovedores recordatorios de que los glaciares del mundo están condenados al mismo destino si no se actúa con rapidez”. Las lápidas se colocaron en un campo junto al mar en la península de Seltjarnarnes, junto a Reikiavik, con una espléndida vista del glaciar Snæfellsjökull a través de la bahía de Faxaflói. Los estudiosos de la literatura mundial conocen el glaciar Snæfellsjökull por ser el punto de entrada y embarque de los protagonistas de la clásica novela de ciencia ficción de Julio Verne, Viaje al centro de la Tierra. Aunque el glaciar Snæfellsjökull ha perdido más de la mitad de su tamaño desde finales del siglo XIX, hay muchos glaciares que están peor. Entre los que figuran como “desaparecidos” se encuentran el glaciar Pizol, en Suiza (2019), el glaciar Sarenne, en Francia (2023), el glaciar Anderson, en Estados Unidos (2015) y el glaciar Martial Sur, en Argentina (2018). Foto ONU/Eskinder Debebe Laguna glaciar de Jökulsárlón, en el sureste de Islandia. Seguirán más Hace cinco años, se conmemoró la muerte prematura del glaciar Ok en Islandia en una ceremonia a la que asistieron la entonces primera ministra de Islandia, Katrín Jakobsdóttir, y la ex presidenta de Irlanda, Mary Robinson. “Como ese glaciar tiene su placa y su fama, optamos por otro glaciar islandés para la primera entrada en la lista”, declaró al Centro Regional de Información de la ONU para Europa Occidental (UNRIC) una de las organizadoras, la glacióloga Hrafnhildur Hannesdóttir, de la Oficina Meteorológica de Islandia. “Es probable que le sigan muchos otros, ya que no hay indicios de que las emisiones de CO2 estén disminuyendo”. Islandia ya ha perdido 70 de sus 400 glaciares. Algunos de ellos, como el próximo candidato a la extinción, el Hofsjökull Este, son realmente muy pequeños. “Es relativamente bajo y plano y no sobrevivirá mucho tiempo”, afirma Hannesdóttir. Aumento del nivel del mar Según el glaciólogo islandés Thorsteinn Thorsteinsson, en una entrevista concedida al UNRIC, si todos los glaciares de Islandia desaparecieran, el agua derretida provocaría un aumento de un centímetro en el nivel global del mar, casi tanto como todos los glaciares del Himalay...
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assowebtv · 10 months
“Il teatro della gente”, l’ultimo libro del tenore e scrittore bolognese Cristiano Cremonini edito da Calamaro Edizioni, è ufficialmente finalista al Premio Letterario Internazionale “Charles Dichens” 1a edizione 2023. La comunicazione è giunta dalla segreteria del nuovo concorso marchigiano, patrocinato da Unric-ONU Italia (Centro d’Informazione delle Nazioni Unite), Dickens Fellowship, Regione…
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alexpolisonline · 10 months
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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UNRIC Info Point & Library Newsletter - July 2023 - United Nations ... - United Nations - Europe News UNRIC Info Point & Library Newsletter - July 2023 - United Nations ...  United Nations - Europe News https://unric.org/en/unric-info-point-library-newsletter-july-2023/
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korrektheiten · 1 year
“Superhelden des Klimaschutzes”: Perverse UN-Kinderpropaganda
Ansage: »Wie alle totalitären Bewegungen haben es auch die Verfechter der Klimahysterie schon auf die Kleinsten abgesehen. Wer Kinder so früh wie möglich indoktriniert, züchtet Klimakleber, „Aktivisten“ und Politiker heran, die die Weltrettungsideologie mit dem gewünschten Eifer vorantreiben. Das Regionale Informationszentrum der Vereinten Nationen (UNRIC) hat dazu im Rahmen der Agenda 2030 der UNO eine Kampagne […] The post “Superhelden des Klimaschutzes”: Perverse UN-Kinderpropaganda first appeared on Ansage. http://dlvr.it/SnLyWN «
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Up to 70% of women experience violence in their lifetime. VOTE to Say NO - UNiTE to End Violence Against Women.
Up to 70% of women experience violence in their lifetime. This is intolerable: it can, and must, be stopped. UN Webcast joins the common effort of UNRIC (the UN Regional Informational Centre), the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment (UN Women), and the UN information offices around Europe to end gender violence. Contribute to fighting this scourge by voting to Say NO - UNiTE to End Violence Against Women.
The United Nations campaign VOTE to Say NO - UNiTE to End Violence Against Women is an extraordinary print advertising competition open to professionals and non-professionals of Europe's creative community who want to challenge their talent on the theme of gender violence.
The campaign is now in the voting stage. The over 2,700 entries from 40 European countries will be judged both by a jury of experts and by the worldwide internet community of every individual who wants to get involved.
Accordingly, one of the three prizes will be allocated to the most publicly voted campaign. Until July 31st, everyone from around the world can go online and vote for her/his favorite ad.
UN Webcast has responded to the global call to make ending violence against women a top priority worldwide. Get involved! Your vote will pick the finalists -- and will count as an action to fight a cruelty that affects women from all over the world, regardless of their social status or of the level of development of their country.
The deadline for public voting is 11.59 (CEST) July 31, 2011 – do not miss it! Click on the link here below and vote your favorite ad. Please spread the word among your family, friends, colleagues…
Let your voices count!
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aurianneor · 6 years
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Bright idea of the century
“The Light Bulb Conspiracy”, by Cosima Dannoritzer - Ciné ONU: https://www.unric.org/en/2012/the-light-bulb-conspiracy
Arte - Prêt à jeter ou l’obsolescence programmée: https://youtu.be/Y_fHAIfoqcQ
The Man in the White Suit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Man_in_the_White_Suit
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humanrightsday · 3 years
ACTIVITIES at U.N. Information centres
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cisrjmu · 4 years
Pehr Lodhammar is the Senior Programme Manager for United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) in Iraq. The role includes great pressure from safety and expectations perspective, however also enormous rewards when the locals can return to their home after UNMAS has cleared the area from explosive hazards. UNRIC talked with Lodhammar to hear more about UNMAS’s work, Lodhammar’s journey to the UN, and how the Swedish management style has been to his benefit.
So far, Lodhammar has worked as a Senior Programme Manager in Iraq for three years. Before he started his position at UNMAS in Iraq, he worked in 14 different countries across the globe, and in all of these countries, the focus of work has been on ammunition clearance.
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elivulueditora · 4 years
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Este ano a data se celebra num contexto desafiante. As medidas de prevenção contra a pandemia de COVID-19 levaram ao encerramento das instituições de ensino, ameaçando a formação da juventude. Segundo a UNESCO, se estima que cerca de 70% dos jovens matriculados foram afectados por estas medidas. Nesta altura a juventude deve manter a resiliência e empenhar-se com criatividade na busca de soluções para os problemas que enfrenta. #diamundialdascompetênciasdosjovens #diadosjovens #juventude #onu #unric #elivulu #leremcasa #literaturaafricana #literaturaangolana #angola (em Luanda, Angola, Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCqHQm5HVtj/?igshid=kf41fmklhbwz
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pls-pass-the-salt · 2 years
Fuck you *unrices your crispy treat*
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stefanoligorio · 3 years
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