yuri-is-online · 1 year
I saw the 300 followers event, and I'd like to request prompt 9 with Leona, Ace, and Jamil
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9. Jealousy pt. 2- someone from a rival school asks for your number
Hi hi! Thank you for your request, I hope you like this friend.
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, Check out the rest of the event requests on my masterlist here.
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"Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer." Leona has heard you say that more than once, always in a tone that suggests you are mimicking something or someone; from your world he assumes. Not that he really minds, it's a nice quote. Snappy. And the first time he heard you say it you had been critiquing Azul, not him. Not him, even though it could easily apply.
That's why it is thundering in his skull right now, needling at that knot in his forehead that refuses to leave, twitching in his snarl as he watches some RSA brat wind his way around your shoulders.
"I've got to say," purrs the stranger, lightly resting a hand on your shoulder as you consider what power you need to invoke to get him gone "I was surprised to find someone so nice attending NRC." You can't really think of a good reply, the awkward laughter that stutters out of you doesn't seem to count.
"It would be a real shame to let such a chance encounter go unsavored." He could have chosen a less suggestive tone of voice, or maybe it's just Leona's previous comments about how you should try to avoid "getting eaten" that are working double time on your nerves. "Perhaps you could give me your-"
"Oi." Leona's voice rumbles, you swear there was an actual roar before he spoke. The RSA student certainly jumps back from you like there was. "You are making them uncomfortable." The student apologizes, to you or Leona you have no idea, as Leona settles a comforting hand onto your shoulder.
"Thank you, sorry for-"
"Don't." Leona is surprisingly calm. "'s my job to scare off bottom feeders like that anyway."
Well now. That is news to you.
There is something of a disadvantage in always being around the person you like when you aren't quite sure how much it is you like them just yet. The full realization tends to come at an inconvenient time, making ordinary situations into ones of great annoyance. For example, a casual walk through Craneport where you run into some kid from RSA who is also casually enjoying his day of with a friend.
"Cute, right?" A great big dog is happily panting as you scratch her ears, a smile just as shiny as her owners beaming up at you.
"Super cute!" You resist the urge to kiss her all over her massively cute face while Ace tries to fight off an existential crisis. That is a dog, he is feeling jealousy over a dog. What's going to make him insecure next, a tooth brush?
"Her name's Ginger." The stranger says with clear pride. "She really likes you, I'm almost sad to see you go."
"Only almost?" You laugh and give a final head pat to the very good girl while Ace swallows. Anger, jealousy, general annoyance at your obliviousness? Who knows.
"Could I get your number then?" Asks the stranger. "I'm sure she'd love to get to know you."
"I'm sure she would!" Ace's heart skinks, hand going behind his head to awkwardly soothe his wounded heart. "But I think I'll have to pass." You don't give a reason and the stranger doesn't ask, just takes his loss on the chin as you begin to walk again.
"So why'd you say no?" His voice is surprisingly even even if the question feels like it stumbles out of him.
"Oh well you know..." You shuffle along, as eager to let the topic die as he is to press it. "I've already got a favorite ginger." He snorts, threatening to break into a full blown laugh. "I do!" You protest, oddly serious and extremely embarrassed. "And he's enough of a handful already."
"I'm sure Cay-kun will be happy to hear it." Ace laughs, winking back at you as he prepares to run back towards the bus, shouts of protest somehow falling on deaf ears and stroking his ego.
Sometimes Jamil is envious of Floyd. His reputation wouldn't take a dive if someone from the other team accidentally ran into a missed shot fifteen times. Nobody would even blink. But if the ball came from his hands... well then people would start asking questions.
"Are you jealous?"
No. A lie. Jamil is jealous of the air you breathe for its closeness to your lips, and this sniveling Nobel Bell brat can actually speak. Not that he knows exactly what he is asking for, but Jamil has an active imagination. And feet, he somehow seems to be stalking his way towards you even though none of what is happening is any of his business.
"Are you dating?"
Why would I want that? I've already got enough on my plate as is, I don't need a partner. Only true on the surface. Jamil has no idea why he wants you (Kalim assures him he doesn't need a reason but why would he want to listen to that advice) he just does. You make him feel a bunch of inconvenient and ridiculous things, he does not need a partner but he does want one.
"Um... I was wondering..." Seven the kid was pathetic from across the court but now that he was actually here he is even worse. Jamil is surprised he hasn't fainted yet. "I was wondering... um if you wouldn't mind could I get your number?" He seems genuinely hopeful and Jamil has got to look just as genuinely disgusted with how far back the kid jumps.
"I'm sorry..." you turn him down so gently it hurts (for Jamil, not the kid, he wants to see the little bitch run away crying) "You've been very nice I'm just not interested right now." You let out a relived sigh as the kid walks away normally as Jamil considers talking to and is not given a chance to think better of it before you turn around. "Oh hey Jamil." Why do you have to look so happy to see him? It hurts. "Sorry you had to see that, I was just trying to turn in the team registratio-"
"Do you find that attractive?" You both look shocked Jamil even asked that, but now that he has, he finds that he is too stubborn to back down.
"No?" And then with a bit more certainty you add. "No. No I think I would like someone with a bit more... mindful" You say with an admiral degree of confidence for someone who is no longer looking him in the eyes.
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phefics · 9 months
HG characters (boys and girls) reacting to the reader buying them flowers
omg i thought of this earlier and it sounded so so so cute!! 😭😭
coryo would be a little confused, lol. he has a pretty traditional view of relationships, so receiving flowers would surprise him. he’d laugh and call you silly, but he would keep them in his office.
finnick would honestly melt, he isn’t used to being treated with genuine romantic softness. he’d grin so wide, probably even blush a little. you never usually see him flustered like that, so it’s a really sweet moment.
gale thinks it’s a cute little joke and probably doesn’t save them, honestly. he would laugh and find it funny, and probably not see it as a genuine gesture. it isn’t even malicious, he just doesn’t think about it.
johanna is really touched, but struggles to express that. it sort of stuns her, honestly, but she really appreciates it. she probably teases you for being cliché, but she keeps them as long as possible, then saves some petals, too.
katniss finds it really sweet, but she’s kind of awkward when accepting gifts/romantic gestures. she would definitely keep them and be sad when they start to wilt.
lucy gray loves flowers and would be so excited!! she would give you flowers as well, would always tuck them in her hair and yours. she dries out the flowers and keeps them pressed in books or hanging up.
peeta would be so giddy, he’s a hopeless romantic and while he loves to spoil you, it feels really special to have the same treatment in return.
sejanus is honestly so flattered/flustered like !! it makes him feel sooo special and he just is so smitten by your kindness and care for him and he is gonna tell everyone how good his partner is to him and display the flowers proudly.
tigris tries to keep them in good condition as long as possible. when they do eventually wither, she’ll make them into some kind of craft and save it, using it as decor in your shared space. flowers make her feel so loved, she can’t let a single bouquet go unsavored.
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herejusttosufferalong · 3 months
His Colin is showing and extra hard today 😂
As Colin that stubborn mf - he needs to get his gap year #1 and #2 and his brothel days with unsavored ladies (iykyk) out of his system to get to Pen eventually. And what a glorious day it will be if that day he is triggered by a beautiful Ryan Gosling twin claiming his end game 😂
Seriously though, this restaurant is shaken up besties but the main course is still on the way. let’s eat the appetizer ; drink some wine and wait for the delicious meal coming our way!
when the main course arrives it will all be worth it
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elfqueen006 · 6 months
Quick mini ramble about Fuminori from Saya No Uta
Tw// murder, death, cannibalism
I feel like if you asked Fuminori if he likes or takes pleasure in killing people post brain trauma, it'd be the same as asking if someone if they like their job as an office desk worker - "it puts food on the table". It's not necessarily something he enjoys doing, but this *is* what he has to do.
Before then he'd probably reply reasonably and say "of course not", that isn't something he has to do, nor would he enjoy doing it to an innocent... at least pre-brain trauma.
Because until he meets Saya, Fuminori is a man who is driven by reason. Hell, even despite his growing resentment of his friends, he knows it's not exactly fair to be so hostile towards them as he knows that's not what they really look like, nor does he let them in on what he's going through.
But if you continue to have Fuminori stay as he is, with brain trauma, innocent or no, everyone is now a monster, and an especially reprehensible one if they threaten him or Saya. He can only see the ugly, the nasty, and reprehensible, even if everyone speaks clearly. Since he can't wait to be away from them, he can now only see what he finds bad about them. I'd say he only finds pleasure in killing them either because it's freeing to not let the binds of humanity stop him from doing as he pleases and/or because it's satisfying to be free of what are now nuisances.
He also says that in the final showdown, he wouldn't have any hesitancy killing Koji as he doesn't see him as human, and it'd be natural to kill him as he's an easy to perceive threat. A statement that subtly puts off Saya, but I'll get to that near the end, anyway...
This leads us to Yoh. He doesn't see a well-meaning, soft-spoken girl anymore, but now a petulant, meek, follower. Even when she's pretty again, he doesn't care about her as he's already seen the unsavorable side of her, and he'd thrown away humanity and reason. She is not human, nor a monster to him, but a non-threatening and cute pet.
The only one he truly sees as human, despite the knowledge she is isn't, is Saya. If he'd had a normal brain accident and seen her in her true form, he likely would've reacted the way everyone else had. But he saw her human in a world of nastiness. Even if he asks her to fix his mind and he's now in a cold, hard cell, and something nonhuman and grotesque is behind the door he can't make himself put off or frightened or weary because he's seen the humanity of that grotesque thing. It's not a monster, it's Saya.
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twitchingproboscis · 6 months
lies lies lies lies its all lies he is lying he is lying the vessel is not good or sacred or pure or putrid lies lies lies lies lies lies lies He is lying
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He too, is an evil spirit PART 2
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Tome: Thanks for coming with me to pick up my stuff Ekubo-chan. Ekubo: Heh Youre a student. How could you forget your homework? Tome: Hehe -They round the corner and there’s sounds of arguing- Tome: Huh? Ekubo: Huh? Voice: You made me feel so good after. Reigen: Well thats really…. Voice: I wanted to ask for your help again, and I never thought I’d run into you here. It’s too much of a coincidence. It must be….
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Ekubo: What are they doing? Who is that? Man: You saved me! It was all your doing. Reigen: Im glad to hear that. Man: I’d love to have you over so I can properly thank you. Please come to my place. It’s very close to here. Reigen: Oh you dont have to thank me. It’s my job. I couldnt possibly accept.
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man: It’s really very close! Reigen: I’m so sorry, today is a bit inconvienent. Ekubo: Why is it this guy (Reigen) who’s run across an unsavor character? Tome: What a needy client... Man: Surely, you’ll accept, right Master Reigen? I’d love a personal massage from you. Reigen: I’m sorry, Curse removal house calls are not part of the service package that we offer.
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Tome: Ugh gross Tome thinks: Oh
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Ekubo: Hey Reigen Got Trouble? Reigen: Ekubo
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Reigen: Oh no, He was just on his way home, right? Man: Um well... uh.... yeah,... sure. I’ll see you around then.
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Reigen: Ow! The hell are you doing?!
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Ekubo: He transferred his obsession... things like this arent worth eating. He grabs it and it pops. 
Reigen:?  Ah, Tome, did you pick up your things?  Tome: Ive got everything, Thank you Mr. Reigen. Reigen: As you just witnessed, there’s  dangerous stuff out here. It’s best you head straight home.  Tome: Okay
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Ekubo: That situation didnt look good... and why are you come along? Reigen: I wrapped up earlier than expected. Why don’t you go return your body and I’ll take Tome home. Ekubo: So then... who’s taking you home. Reigen: What?  Ekubo: um Ekubo thinks: Shit....  Reigen: Hey... You....uh... Ekubo: Apologies, I did not mean to imply you were an idiot or anything Reigen: Sounds like you did.  And how long were you going to hold on to that body anyway.  Look, I appreciate the concern, but enough is enough. You can’t keep doing this. Ekubo: I’m aware
Reigen: If youre aware, why don’t you get going? Ekubo: This guy works the night shift today, so it’s not problem if he sleeps later. Reigen: I know but...
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Tome: So then... this too is a form of favortism is it not? 
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Tome: Ekubo-chan is an evil spirit, so he shows a kind of favortism for certain people.  Ekubo:................ Reigen: Um...Wha.... Tome: He said so earlier.  Tome: Isnt that an odd thing to say? He said it was because he’s an evil spirit. | Reigen:..... Ekubo: Having favoritism for specific people is something that humans have too, you know. 
(Note: I’m not sure if theres a better word for this, but the term that’s being used is Favoritism + Preferential Treatment. Ie. treating someone better than other people, because you like them. Like a positive bias thing.)
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Reigen: Tomechan, we’ve.... lets leave it at that.   Tome: Huh?
-Narration- I don’t quite understand how these two relate to each other . If I had to describe it, theyre like bastard friends that still for some reason trust one another. 
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-Narration- Bastard friend (This is kind of hard to describe, but it’s a bad friend that brings out the worst in you.) Friend Employee It doesn’t really matter what you call it. What ever it you call it, it ought to be preceded by the phrase “An Important”  Whether it’s giving importance to the other... or for you yourseld to be regarded held up as important.....they seem happier around each other because for it. It’s like the calming glow of single bulb at the dark core of them both. 
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Tome: So then.... one would give preferential treatment to someone they’d assigned a special importance to. I guess an evil spirit would think in that manner.  Reigen: Please kill me Tome: Evil spirits are so difficult to analyze... Ekubo: I’m being analyzed?
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-Narration- The evil spirit will be back at the consultation office tomorrow. Because he has a kind of affinity towards the boss
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-Narration- No one is asking him to come, and he has not obligation to be there. He does so out of a kind of favoritism, bringing a kind of caring of his own accord.  Tome: Ah....So....do you know what he smells like? -Narration- I guess this is fine Reigen:You mean Ekubo? How would I know? Ekubo is sniffing his sleeve: Cigarettes. This guy smells like cigarettes, Im pretty sure.
-Narration- As for reason? It’s because he’s an evil spirit.  (Note: Im not sure who is speaking below:) Reigen: Can I take a whiff? 
Ekubo: Wha..This idea that people have their own unique smells to people isn’t a thing. This is ridiculous,
Tome: Guys? 
Reigen: I feel like he’d should smell like cucumbers
Tome: Hey Guys? GUYS!
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pikkish · 6 months
I know I’m probably really late to this but if that ask game is still happening I’d like to ask desire for Caraval.
AUGH ITS BEEN LIKE 4 MONTHS SINCE I REBLOGGED THAT MEME but yeah sure I'm always down to talk about characters!
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
The one thing that Caraval desires more than anything else is connection. Family. People he knows he can trust to have his back in a tight spot, and people who, in turn, he can help pull out of their own tight spots. He wants to be part of something, not necessarily something big, or grand, or world changing, but something close and purposeful. He wants community.
Unfortunately, this has been denied to him multiple times, from the family he was born into dying to illness while he was away, despite the money and medicine he sent home to them, to his reputation with the family he made in his squad being destroyed after it was discovered he was using his status as a surgeon to smuggle drugs. Follow that up with a long period of only being able to find work with the more unsavorable crowds who don't care so much about morality, and he's gotten a bit bitter and cynical. He knows family is what he wants. He just doesn't expect to really be able to get it anymore.
As for what he's willing to do for that family, should he have it, well. It's no coincidence he was discovered smuggling drugs just around the same time of his family's illness.
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I had an idea for Headmaster Suzuki au and it’s unleashing his unique magic to protect his students
- (still following Vil disown his own father)
- the trauma of the school being on alarm
- this is after Suzuki was hired and getting used to being here for a few weeks
- Dival gets involved and get his ass handed
Today was the next week of Sato Suzuki job, he had stayed in campus. He was organizing his work and handling pta meetings, the man was working counseling with the students. And man, he was distraught to how mentally drained and morally empty from the terror. The man read on the news of a tyrant woman had damaged the students entire morality and immediately sent a resume to help aid as a school therapist, headmaster, and guidance counselor. He could work many shifts if he has to, but he considered all the students like his own children’s.
Being a school therapist almost took a toll on him, hearing one by one of their negative output from the hands of the horrid woman he heard about. He felt sorry for her offspring and the few who had suffered worse from the evil red queen. The man just sat at his office. Leaning back to the empty room as he covered his face, he almost wanted to scream. But kept his cool. He wanted to help the students. He decided to take a walk, as he was organizing a committee for parents week. A whole event to reconnect with their family. The man did follow certain instructions, he was too curious to ask some. Especially Mr. Schoenheit. He didn’t need an explanation, just the tone of the young boy explaining why his ‘father’ was to not attend made complete sense to not allow. So Sato agreed sir Venue was to not participate in the event, but was surprised Vil requested that Suzuki himself play as his father.
Of course, any man would’ve adored Vil like a son. But he patted the young man head, “I may not replace a father. But I believe it’s a fair choice a child choose their parents.” Since he respected Vil decision. Vil was comforted and joined the group to assist the event. Sato was a honest young man, a graduate with a honest major on student psychology. He created this event to help students gain their sense of comfort, childish yet fun mini games, handmade meals and snacks from the students, and learning of their current hobbies. All was well, in his and everyone view. The entire day turn out miraculously lovely. But somehow, he noticed a bitter and tense look on Darling face. He knew the girl father would arrive late, after all, he knows who her father is. But never brought unsavoring bias and comforted her during his time. He noticed the girl gaze facing the gates. And saw a man who resembled the previous headmaster, but felt a level of unpleasant and uneasy emotions. “Miss Crowley, please join your friends. I like to speak to your….” “Uncle.” “Yes. Thank you, now run along.” As the man went over to the gates. “Hello. Are you related to a student here?” The human male asked, as the other scolded to the face. “Yes. My distain to the family niece. Darling Crowley.” He spoke. “I am Dival Crowley. And I wish to speak to my niece-“ but he was cut off. “I’m sorry. But she’s currently not in the mood to speak with you. Please exit from the premises.” But Dival made a scornful expression. “Listen, worm, I don’t take overs from you. I take orders from the queen Maleficia!!” He shouted, as Sato felt stressed from the man, trying to keep cool. “Sir please. Understand your niece has experienced pain and emotional distress from the current months. Please, you must listen.” He pleaded, but it fell to deaf ears when Dival shouted “so what?! She can’t take it because she’s weak! Just like her pathetic human of a mother.” And something about Dival spewing hate and nonsense that would’ve been towards a student face. Snapped. As Sato eyes had a a ruthless red hue, the ground began to bend and shape into Sato will. Staring at the fae down as he tilt his head slowly, “leave….” As the ground tendrils of spikes, “and I don’t have to harm you.” The raven fae scoffed, clicking his tongue as he cowardly left. Luckily, none of the students or parents saw this. And Sato closed his eyes then open them. To be back to normal as dark and full of life. He returned to his students and their families. As he was glad to help them recover. And he made a vow
All his students will be safe and protected, and that is a promise. He is willing to keep well, and harm those who try to break his students spirit. He is not just a man. He is human with a light spirit and kind heart. And he be damned if anyone ruins his efforts.
Sato @ Dival: as the nicest man Here, get the fuck out of my school
Sato @ Riddle and Vil: i have adopted these two and no their parents not permitted to see them. I already have the papers signed.
Sato @ NRC Students and staff: I stepped into this school and see trauma everywhere. And this is something my therapist needs to hear about.
Sato @ Yuu: i have all this worked out. Go do your own school life thing.
Yuu: the very fact this guy has more responsibility and knowledge is great. Pretty helpful.
Vil, with a “im the new son to the Suzuki family” shirt: I do not regret this. Not one bit.
Riddle, eating a tart: …. Wait. Are we filming?
Trey, off camera: yes.
Riddle: Mr. Suzuki is a wonderful person. And I say that with absolute honesty.
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @skboba-stars @nproduction626 @rose-tea-and-strawberries @anxious-twisted-vampire
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Dragon (and Dragon Kin) Flavor Headcanons, Part EX
Old Dragons of the Tree: imagine a small pool of stagnant water, left as home for mosquito larva and pond scum. Now imagine that people began to use the pool as a dumping ground for the ashes and butts of their cigarettes, letting all the tar, nicotine, benzene, arsenic, and formaldehyde leech out into the water until nothing living can survive in the pond. Next, imagine someone grabbed a long felled and half-rotted trunk of ginkgo, threaded with fungal mycelium and starting to fall to pieces near the bark, but still sturdy closer to the heartwood. Imagine that someone took this trunk of wood, cut it into thin disks, and threw them into the stagnant pond, and left them there for a year and a day, soaking in all the foulness. Now take a bite out of one of these disks of tainted, rotten wood.
Divine Sakura Dragon: the meat below the bark-like scales is divided into two parts, like the sapwood and heartwood of a great tree. The outer 'sapwood' is tender and yielding, soft enough that you barely need to chew, but firm enough that no bite goes unsavored. The 'heartwood' deeper in is hard and solid, more like a block of wood than the flesh of an animal, good only for blunting the teeth of fools and rodents. The soft 'sapwood' is rich and well-marbled, with a taste like tiger meat smoked in cherry wood and soaked with aged peach wine. The tough 'heartwood' is flavored with a character unlike meat at all, and is more like biting into unseasoned lumber harvested from a cherry tree: not without a sap sweetness but entirely devoid of good taste or edibility.
Kuro, Divine Heir of the Dragon's Heritage: good old long pig. Or long veal in this case.
Divine Child of Rejuvenation, of the False Dragon's Heritage: dude, what is wrong with you? She's something like 11-years-old, let her grow up first! Unless you're talking about eating her in a literal way. That's just more long veal. Only... the taste isn't quite as human as your average cannibal would expect. The sin is sweeter, but also weaker, like the ink has been faded.
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thefairefolk-rp · 2 years
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TFF Event: An Anniversary Gift
January 20th - January 27th
Nightshade Row has a badly kept secret.
Knowledge of this secret spreads through word-of-mouth alone, and is usually reserved for the most unsavor or desperate crowd. The stories say if one is brave enough to write a specific sigil in blood on a cave wall, in the darkest corner of the seediest part of town, a passage opens to reveal The Night Market. Here you can find vendors peddling talismans, written spells and magicked items that may raise eyebrows if sold in the light of day. Much of the items are fueled by blood magic, or with magic as old as the Ancients that ruled long ago. These items can be volatile, unpredictable, or downright dangerous.
Through either connections or luck you have found your way there. Each of you can leave with a single item that will aid your character in something they greatly desire. However, you will have to pay a costly price. Will you pay the cost and part with whatever is demanded?
Rules of the Night Market:
Any item obtained must be paid for with something that it would pain you to part with. This can be a physical item, a favor, or a secret. Money is useless here.
No talismans that bring back the dead, cause omnipotence, or summon/create a god are allowed. Anything that significantly heightens power must fade with time or require new hurdles to recharge.
The blood offering that opens the door does not need to be your own.
Additional Information:
This can be written about as either a self para or joint para. But, each character may only obtain one item to achieve one goal.
Please do not ask for anything that could greatly affect the plot. (e.g. overthrowing a monarch)
Please send the main page a short description of your desired item before posting to ensure this is not something that would disturb the plot.
Any item used on another character must have prior approval from their writer.
Post all event paras under TFFevent
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lostlittleaussie · 1 year
This is all you see
A woman shaped and tailored
You gaze upon me greedily
No part of me unsavored
This is all I dare to show you
My flaws hiding in plain sight
Your lust shields me from your view
My temple of lies, you do delight
Underneath this pretty dress
Where the eye cannot see
Expectations press and press
Until I’m seen desirably
Until I fit the mould
The box you shove me in
They say, shrink and trim and starve and fold
I won’t fit unless I’m thin
So this is all I dare reveal
My pleasing outer shell
It’s okay, don’t worry, it’s not real
Just relish in my blinding spell
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*slides into ur ask box*
*pats you on the head*
I hope ur day was swagalicous! And if it wasn’t,I curse thee who made it unsavorable!
Awwwww, thank you Uriah!
Yesterday was rough, but I hope it gets better today :D Make sure to take care of yourself too m8! You deserve it >:)
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fragileizywriting · 2 years
chat learns how the fish he caught in the lake turns into food on his dinner plate in this one! so cw: animal...? processing?? i don't know what word to use??
it's plagg, actually, that has to mutter out: "please don't dissect fish at the dinner table", because tikki is very adamant on sharing practical real-life models for things that chat is learning, and chat adores it. please, let him be that pre-teen that adored dissecting their food before eating it. maybe it's the state i'm in, but i've known numerous people who learned how to gut the very fish they were going to eat the same day they learned how to fish. chat catching his very first fish and starts booking it towards the kitchen (his dad calls out "no running!" because chat could get hurt, only to realize the boy is literally running with a fish in his mouth) all the way back to tikki who has no qualms whatsoever about helping him learn all the unsavorables and body parts of an animal and he's SO INTERESTED, because this little feral demon boy is SO INTERESTED and plagg is so mildly grossed out by it
i just think it would be so funny if farmer!tikki didn't blink to "gross nasty" animal stuff while plagg, who is supposed to be feral and sharp teeth + claws + what have you, is PUT OFF and doesn't like seeing it???? the DYNAMICS
(tikki calls him a prude. and a book worm. and while plagg absolutely doesn't mind being violent (when it comes for certain situations), perhaps he's a little queasy in other spaces. nonetheless, plagg does his best to support his son who is such a scientist about things.)
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jamescallahansr · 5 months
It just can’t be put off any longerheld off by will, even in my sleepthe fate that awaits all but nonestay the welcome; there mayhave been escapes unknownand unsavored yet not a lossfor there is no celebration orjoy in the fight of light withnight only the knowing thatbloodied is the love of life,and like the Savior’s finishedcry it is my time to die.
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"Fuck hiding behind a mask, I'm no coward. How do you do it? You manage to be all those classy, brutal and awesome things.."
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"I always adored that about you darling, that boldness will take you everywhere " she added with that Cheshire cat grin while giggling. She does rise a brow for a moment giving a thought to her questions. "Years of practice love, and a whole lot of experience that might be a bit unsavoring. Mmmm also ambition, never shy away from what you desire, I certainly do not~"
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the-queens-poet · 1 year
It’s gotten harder for those three little words to pass my lips,
Perhaps because loving you has become harder.
I still feel what I felt for you five years ago,
But the feeling has dulled.
Greyed like the blue sky after a storm has passed, white fills the air above and hazes it’s original beauty.
Hardened like a left out crust or bread, unwanted, uneaten, unsavored.
Withered, unlike the amaryllis your mother once gave me— still standing strong and green and full of life.
So very unlike us.
I still lay in bed and fantasize about things we might one day do
—Places we will go and sights that we might see,
But know I know the you I love isn’t the you you’ll be.
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