synthe4u · 3 months
The stress was beginning to seep in. Your eyebags becoming more visible by the day. No one could tell you were more tired than the past week.
You were more quiet and less aggressive in your talking. You seem to have lost your spirit in a way, but of course, the man in the mask figured it out.
Ghost eyed you on the other side of the room. You were bobbing your head, nearly falling asleep before being shaken awake by the slight fall of your body.
You were being distracted by the lights and paid no mind to Ghost's wandering eyes.
It wasn't until around 2100 (9:00pm) when he knocked at your door. You weren't asleep yet. Your light was still on.
Opening the door you asked, "Is something wrong?"
You hadn't changed out of uniform and still seemed out of it.
"Why aren't you asleep?"
"Why are you awake?"
You snapped back at him. You weren't in the mood. You've been tolerable all day, no arguments or fights, but it's clear he came to ruin that.
He stared at you in silence. The mask made him more intimidating which caused you to fess up.
You ran your hands through you hair, frowning in disgust at the knots in your hair.
"Just some family problems is all."
"Losing sleep over your family?"
You sighed, "What do you need?"
"Need you to sleep so we could complete this mission."
"I'm not broken, I can still do the mission."
Silence permeated the hall, other than the occasional fizzle from that one light the base swears isn't broken or haunted.
"Can I come in?"
The door widened a foot further, allowing the masked man inside. You didn't understand why you would let him in. You don't let anyone in your room, at least, not for silly matters like this.
He followed you further into your room after shutting the door, and settled on the side of your bed. You didn't have time to question it before you fell.
Collapsing on the spot, Ghost caught you before the ground could do actual damage to your body.
I guess the sleep had caught up to you, just as Ghost had caught you.
Sleep truly is not for the weak. Stay healthy, guys.
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luckthebard · 2 years
Someone on reddit did the legwork of looking at the old Quip ads and omg
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utilitycaster · 3 months
Brennan on the WBN fireside like "many smarter people have talked about the nature of mechanics vs story" before he and Erika unpack D&D combat in one of the most insightful and original ways I've ever heard
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kujakumai · 5 months
seto kaiba is quite honestly one of the most autistic characters in fiction that i can think of
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orkbutch · 6 months
GOT! Karlach's experience of gender is getting sometimes sir'd, sometimes ma'am'd, often stuttered at fearfully, and approached by chasers on Both sides of the transgender experience
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elucubrare · 11 months
"it's just not that good" is such a bad reason not to analyze the underpinnings and assuptions of a work, because "is it good [as fiction]" and "is it good [politically]" are questions that have nothing to do with each other
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jackalmeat · 1 year
The first time I watched Arcane, the framing of Vander's and Silco's ideological clash led me to initially assume that, when Vander attempted to kill Silco, it was because Silco had grown so 'extreme' in his views/actions that Vander became disillusioned and ultimately tried to kill him to prevent him from carrying out some course of action that Vander saw as 'going too far'. The season was notably vague on what exactly was the catalyst for the attempted murder, and I think it's reasonable to say that my kneejerk assumption about the situation was indeed the version of events that the show itself seemed to want viewers to believe.
That is to say, the show itself seemed to want viewers to believe, at least for now, that Silco must have crossed some kind of moral event horizon (or imminently intended to) that was so big and so bad that Vander saw fit to kill him for being, essentially, Too Much.
The thing that makes me hesitant to believe that that's the entire truth of what happened, or that Silco unequivocally """earned""" the attempt on his life by becoming too dangerous (too radicalized?) in Vander's eyes, is simply the fact that the very first thing we see Vander do on-screen is beat an Enforcer to death, with gauntlets, in front of freshly orphaned children. And this happened after he attempted to kill Silco. It's communicated visually in that sequence that that kind of violence was the currency Vander had dealt in for a long time; and that his choice at that moment to cast down his gauntlets and walk away from the smouldering battleground (literally and figuratively) with Vi and Powder in tow marked a significant turning point in the way that he engaged with the world.
In light of that, it just seems like the natural follow-up question is, "Okay -- if Vander was still down for leading a violent insurrection, beating people to death with his own two hands, etc. right up until this moment here, then what the fuck did Silco do that was enough to make even him go, 'come here, naughty rat man, it's murder time'?"
This isn't "proof" or "evidence" that Silco and Vander couldn't simply have had a violent ideological split that culminated in attempted murder by any stretch. I just find the overall framing of the situation odd in a way that makes me think there's more to the tale than what the show has thus far implied.
(For instance: perhaps some kind of external pressure which forced Vander into a bitter choice, similar in spirit to the "we both have our shitty parts to play -- get me Jinx, and I'll give you your nation of Zaun" deal Silco was later faced with? The difference being that Vander sacrificed Silco [or attempted to] in favor of whatever was to be gained by doing so; whereas Silco recognized that he had arrived at the same precipice Vander once had, and ultimately couldn't do to Jinx what had been done to him?)
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thatskynews · 3 months
hello, i was wondering what joining/helping out with the blog would entail, to see if i would be fit to help since I’m interested in helping :D
Honestly mostly Anxy and me just quietly sit in our own corners and see what is needed or unposted typically, but for anyone who's curious this is quite honestly my thoughts on it:
have access to the official sky:cotl discord's news channels (news, known-issues, vault-of-socials, and quick-dev-update)
No bigotry of any sort (this is very much a strict rule: any transphobic, racism, homophobia, sexism, support of genocides, etc will not be accepted here. If you respect people it's very likely you're fine)
Be nice to people if possible (neither me or Anxy will bite- I only react negatively if you do something horrible to others.)
No beta spoilers or leaks¹ are allowed to be posted here. (I mean it, especially as someone WHO has access to beta: that is suppose to be correctly tagged and kept away from the main sky tags if possible as simple skyblr etiquette. yes this includes tagging us in them, tag me instead if it comes to it.)
These are very simple and direct things from the top of my head. Asking for help is always allowed here, I've definitely asked for help before and we do talk about our thoughts on certain details when it comes to it. We're both fairly timid as a warning, but I do believe we're fine and open about new mods.
¹In information about Sky's history: they can be mentioned, but usually do not mention leaks if possible, especially if they're still of possible future content.
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yuri-puppies · 24 days
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putting this here unrebloggable for safe-keeping bc i think i'm on to something and might wish to elaborate at a later date
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unorcadox · 1 month
I am curious why you're ending the blog, you've done some amazing work but I'm curious what happened if you don't mind sharing! Either way I respect your choice and wanna thank you for the amazing edits!
hey thank you so much!
it's basically a combo of life factors making daily editing a slough, my natural waning ability to keep up and feel like i'm not in an awkward spot with it, and to be frank with you, this blog hasn't been doing as well as it used to in a lot of ways, so i want to pivot now before i completely lose steam.
i want to keep exploring visual editing and poetry, but in different ways and not necessarily in this style :)
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tsukana · 7 months
everyone talking abt bolas making day1 their everything and then turning around and making that red (cellbit, to the protests of the rest of red online at the time) fucking up greens base on day2 their justification for every attack in their base ok.
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the-priestess-of-dawn · 6 months
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FEH Validar... is going to have no choice but to go through some character development. Aversa regained her memories. 4/5 of the Grimas summoned have lost theirs, and the 5th, despite being the most powerful, is also the saddest, openly admitting to feeling empty inside. Things just aren't the same as they were in his home world.
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shigure · 2 months
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dude not to be rude but how
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beatcroc · 5 months
hey there, i might be anon right now but just wanted you to know i thought the FP post earlier was CUTE! maybe it's just my touch-starved ass talking but like, even with all the vore stuff i just saw it as extremely good Goopy Boy shenanigans, you've delighted a fellow Fake fan today 👍
as intended! it's simply the day to day affairs of having a horror beast living with you. everyone likes to write him as really affectionate and i'm no different but also i do still have a hard commitment to making him gross and unnerving as much as possible so hes gonna have weird-and-probably-somewhat-unpleasent ways of showing affection too.
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The younger members of Calcharo’s team gift him one of those “#1 Dad” mugs
Calcharo reads the inscription on the cup, raising an eyebrow at them but not saying anything. He simply fills the cup with coffee and goes about reading the reports related to the inventory.
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wrecking · 9 days
saw some people talking abt how swag it is to keep ur name as a tgirl cuz it's like cunty or whatever. but what about changing your name to a different masculine name. what about that
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