#unstoppable ron
vertigoartgore · 1 month
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2002's Uncanny X-Men Vol.1 #410 last page by artist Ron Garney, inker Mark Morales, colorist Brian Miller and letterer Richard Starkings.
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yumcookiezart · 4 months
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I did the Six Fanarts Challenge!
My friends requested some characters and so I drew them!!
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petrichormore · 1 year
u know what i think is interesting tho. q!Bagi suggesting that q!Bad kidnap Fred. is she mad he kidnapped an innocent worker or is she just mad he lied to her about it?
It’s fascinating that some islanders disapprove or act disapproving of q!Bad’s actions but aren’t willing to actively do anything to stop him nor get involved nor snitch. Which is fair, i mean, the only people they can snitch to are the federation and the belief that islanders come first is probably the correct one; and none of them can really stand up to him even as a group - q!Etoiles perhaps being the exception. but just. Hm.
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tulipe-rose · 3 months
My dad was having those little post lunch chats with my siblings (I got up to do the dishes by then), and the topic of con artists came up. My dad spoke about watching a snippet from a movie where the fox was a con artist, and used to sell ice pops. I didn't even let him finish, I heard enough. I invited myself into the conversation, and had a ten minute long detailed rant about Zootopia's plot; this was the opportunity of a lifetime, I had this rant ready since I was ten. The last time I did something like this was when I read the first harry potter book as an eleven year old, it took me a two hour long car ride to give a very detailed rundown with all the small details to my dad. My siblings kept begging me to shut up because this was giving them second hand embarrassment, but Tumblr taught me that cringe culture was dead, and I seriously needed to let my dad know that however unjustified the villain's actions were, her anger was very fair. Girl was treated like crap by everyone, ignored, underestimated, overworked, and underappreciated, so her pent up hatred was on sight; she seemed like a genuinely nice person, and as they say, no one is born evil. I actually kinda believed that Judy was lucky that the assistant mayor did this, or else she would've suffered similarly until she was either fired for her behaviour or quite of her own accord.
I kept talking until my dad had to get up, because he had some work to attend to. He smiled at me, and gave me a hug, he always tells me he misses me telling him about my interests, so I might consider ranting about no longer human to my dad once I finish it. I want more hugs don't judge me.
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sorry. unless marvel adds Kim Possible to the lineup, i am not interested
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villainspo · 2 years
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No gods, no masters.
Source: Juggernaut (2020) #4, by Fabian Nicieza (writer), Ron Garney (line art), and Matt Milla (colors)
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flovey-dovey · 2 years
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Hey guys new ship just dropped
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kember-writes · 5 months
Firmly and strongly believe that if they hadn't given it to Harry, the twins would have given the Marauder's Map to Ginny when they left Hogwarts.
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mosleyboxing · 1 year
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Sitting on a stack of several well folded pants is somehow my ideal sitting pose. You learn new things every day
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vertigoartgore · 1 month
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The Juggernaut by comic book artist Ron Garney (2002).
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mydaddywiki · 7 months
Kevin Dunn
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Physique: Husky Height: 5' 10" (1.78 m)
Kevin Dunn (born August 24, 1955-) is an American actor who has appeared in supporting roles in a number of films and television series since the 1980s. Dunn's roles include White House Communications Director Alan Reed in the political comedy Dave, U.S. Army Colonel Hicks in the 1998 version of Godzilla, Sam Witwicky's father Ron in the Transformers film series, Oscar Galvin in the 2010 action thriller Unstoppable, and misanthropic White House Chief of Staff Ben Cafferty in Veep. He has also had recurring roles on True Detective in 2014 and on the TV series adaptation of The Mosquito Coast in 2021.
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Genial, slightly stocky with a pleasant (if unremarkable) countenance, Dunn cut his chops playing everymen in movies and one-shot television episodes. Although clean-shaven for most roles, he can grow an surprisingly cute beard on him. I normally don't like beards but he just has the sweetest face I have ever seen with or without it.
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Other than being married with a child, I know absolutely nothing else of his personal life. Anyway, he may be straight, but he does look every inch a big fuckable bear.
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RECOMMENDATIONS: Veep (TV Series) - shirtless Law & Order (TV Series) S15.E21 Publish and Perish (2005) - shirtless 1492: Conquest of Paradise (1992) - shirtless
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sgtgrunt0331-3 · 9 months
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Taking Charge (The Tide Has Turned)
(Painting by: K. Sean Sullivan)
On January 13, 1945… Nearly a month after the Battle of the Bulge began, American forces are back on the offensive. At the small Belgian village of Foy, Lt. Ron Speirs leads Easy Company, 506th P.I.R., 101st Airborne against an entrenched enemy. Earlier, a shaky officer had stopped the attack prematurely, causing Capt. Richard Winters to send in Speirs to take charge. Having rallied the men, Speirs now leads the final Easy Company assault. In the days to follow, the Allied breakout would prove unstoppable, and the Battle of the Bulge would end in victory.
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i went to a roller rink today with friends and now i am thinking of dndads characters at a roller rink so here you go
henry: absolutely horrible at roller skating. coordination of a baby deer. he considers it a personal victory if he can make it one lap around the rink without eating shit or clinging onto darryl. the twins mock him endlessly for this.
darryl: you can’t convince me darryl didn’t get bored one day and join a roller skating league. he is a little out of practice (and henry isn’t helping) but he has a ball. he’s the designated “help you up when you eat shit” guy.
glenn: is at best mediocre, he doesn’t fall but he also only goes a couple of laps before just hanging out by the wall the rest of the night. makes frequent trips to the dj to complain about the music choice. also spends more time at the arcade than on the rink, and wins a LOT of tickets.
ron: inexplicably amazing at roller skating. the pants were holding him back and he is just sailing around the rink. terry jr doesn’t know whether to be embarrassed or impressed.
lark and sparrow: also quite good. they’re the type to switch and skate backward, to spin each other around, to throw each other and conveniently hit henry, etc. lark is a little more coordinated than sparrow when it comes to the tricks, but sparrow wins the limbo game.
nick: spends a lot of time with glenn at the arcade. he gets on the rink for YMCA and some of the games, but that’s about it.
grant: a little out of it while he skates, cause it makes him think of yeet. he doesn’t let darryl help him up when he falls either. sits on the sideline after a while and joins the close boys at the arcade.
terry: takes it slow with grant for a while, but when grant leaves terry is actually REALLY good at skating, sometimes joining the twins in their antics and sometimes trying to keep up with ron.
scary: is also really good, apparently it’s a stampler-marlowe thing to be cracked at skating. but she stays by the wall for most of the night cause skating is lame. but she does kick ass when she wants to.
taylor: eats shit a lot. im sorry but he talks a big game up until he tries to actually stand in the skates and then his gusto is gone. he uses the provided walker and sometimes linc gives him a ride with it.
linc: boss kicks? roller rink master. he’s got shins of steel and though it takes him a minute to get used to the feel of skating, once he does he’s unstoppable.
normal: i want normal to be a great roller skater so bad but i just can’t see it. athletically he should be able to but i just think the wheels throw him off. but that doesn’t stop him from trying and by the end of the night he’s actually pretty solid.
(bonus, hermie: is god awful at roller skating until he pretends to be a character from a skating movie. switches between skating with normal and keeping him upright when he slips, and laughing when normal eats shit from across the rink.)
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saintsenara · 6 months
What do you think of the trio's post-canon careers? Because recently, something that has really captured my imagination has been the idea of healer Ron.
The profession, of course, most often crops up in Dramione fic where Hermione has taken up at St. Mungo's (laughable-- this is a girl who needed Harry to unstopper the dittany because her hands were shaking so bad, and frankly, I shudder to think of her bedside manner) but it is predictably absent when veering off the canon course with Ron. This is such a shame because his willow wand is outright good for healing magic (and it is a fairly uncommon combination that he has! The only other person with a willow and unicorn wand, fascinatingly enough, is Lily Potter.)
Ron is also the only person who's canonically interested in healing as a profession (he's immersed in the leaflet for it at breakfast.) He remembers the spattergroit incident from OOTP and then uses it as a cover story in DH. In Half-blood Prince, he takes the exact same classes Harry does, which means he has the grades required to go into auror training, yes, but they are coincidentally the same requirements a student needs to meet in order to apply to be a healer. (On that note: Ron and Harry were clearly high academic achievers and the fanon assertion otherwise needs to be beat back with hammers.)
But the reason why I think healer ron would've been a cracker of a route to go down is just how refreshing it would've been. The Girl of the team, the gang, the trio, being the Healer and Caretaker is such a TRITE trope at this point. DADA Professor Harry is a classic, but this is my case for Healer Ron deserving to be up there. Send his ass back to Hogwarts again if you have to (Hermione will definitely be pleased). Have him intern with Madam Pomfrey for a year and then grumble behind Neville while he takes notes on medicinal herbs. Healer Weasley, who's a big hit in the paediatrics ward because he makes the kids laugh. Who flirts with the oldies and plays chess with the curmudgeons. Who just cares, more than anything, and will bring you a cup of tea no matter the hour, no questions asked. I really do think he's got the disposition for it. What do you reckon?
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
i am immediately compelled by the concept of ron-versus-wizarding-medicine. because, certainly, i never see him as someone who stays in the auror office long-term - i think it makes sense for him immediately post-war, especially when he will undoubtedly just want to keep busy and hunt down baddies as a reaction to fred's death, but i think he only stays in the role after this initial burst of vengeance until he feels comfortable leaving harry in a high-risk situation on his own.
because, of course, ron's vibe with everything he touches in canon is influenced by the fact that he's someone predisposed to being caring [right down, as you say, to his wand]. the bit in prisoner of azkaban when he offers to make a cup of tea while hagrid's in hysterics about buckbeak's death sentence is something i find genuinely lovely, for example, and i do think - as you note - that there's something really striking about ron occupying that caring role within the trio which a fanon deviation to trite gender dynamics in which men are stupid and women are nurturing undermines in a supremely tedious way.
i'm not sure, though, that i would back ron in any specialism of healing that could be classed as emergency medicine - he has the vibe of, and i mean this with great affection, the sort of surgeon who habitually leaves sponges behind in patients - but i would back him in specialisms which need to be a bit more holistic or slower in pace. his chess skills - and his good intuition - suggest to me that he'd be a pretty effective diagnostician, and i obviously think he'd have a great bedside manner.
healer ron, then, is going to be at his best, absolutely, in something like paediatrics, which means that i'm going to take your suggestion about him interning with madam pomfrey and run with it to say that ron as hogwarts matron [or whatever the non-gendered version of that term would be] is his ideal career.
think about it! the work's varied and sometimes complicated, but it's not too high-pressure because really serious cases will be sent to st mungo's. the work will frequently relate to things that ron is interested in, like quidditch. and the work will frequently require ron's key talent - being sound - to shine. this is a man who would do an excellent job, i think, of handling mishaps caused by teenagers trying to hex their own acne off, or offering tea and sympathy to the homesick or the recently dumped. i think he'd do a great sex-ed presentation, would manage to charm honeydukes into giving the school its medicinal chocolate at a huge discount, and would be considered a huge legend by the student body for always being willing to certify to the teachers that someone who used a puking pastille to get out of class was actually sick.
as for the other two, i much prefer hermione as a barrister than as a civil-servant - not just because of her temperament but because i think the change she wants to bring to wizarding society is going to be won primarily by her slapping on a wig and gown and being condescending to witnesses.
as for harry, i like to stick to him as an auror. while i have some exceptions, i'm actually really not fond at all of professor potter as a trope - and, even more controversially, i really don't like the concept of professor riddle - largely because teaching is far too sedate for someone who runs on adrenaline as much as harry does.
and - i must be honest - i think the idea of harry as a teacher [or a healer or a quidditch player] often hangs on people feeling uncomfortable with the idea of him as, to all intents and purposes, a police officer. but i quite like taking that in the opposite direction, and playing with harry's canonically black-and-white morality and capacity for self-righteousness to have him - while not a corrupt or sadistic auror - a complacent one. i like the idea of him as someone who thinks that he always applies the law justly and so the law is therefore just, and so on - and the fact that this would allow him to overlook his own childhood lawbreaking is part of that...
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meraxesruin · 1 year
stars around my scars
pairing: harry potter x hufflepuff!fem!reader
request: hii!! can i request a harry x fem!hufflepuff reader where she's really self conscious over her body bc she has a slightly round body with a stomach dip, and she constantly feels like she's not enough and compares herself to her friends. harry notices it and comforts her one day, she has a crush on harry but she thinks he will never like her back, but that day changed everything for both of them?? ~ anon
word count: 4,349 words (?)
warnings: FLUFF, a little angsty, harry has a history of self-harm in this fic!!, lack of self-love, insecurities, not proofread, please let me know if i've forgotten anything!
author's note: this feels so rushed so im really sorry😭 but i read a hc the other day that harry suffered through self-harm during fifth year because he had survivor's guilt/PTSD from cedric's death SO I JUST SOBBED AT THAT and decided to implement it into this imagine. if this topic is a trigger, im really sorry in advance. i do not describe the scars, harry just explains why he did it <3 also this hasn't been properly edited I'LL FIX IT LATER. the draco malfoy requests in my inbox will be answered soon!
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“COME ON, [Y/N], you’ll be late!” Hannah Abbott exclaimed, grabbing her bag as you waved her off, the blonde girl exiting the dorm and closing the door behind her.
You ran your hands through your hair, looking down at your half-naked body as you sighed in frustration, staring at your stomach, your belly fat slightly spilling out of your skirt. Glimpsing at the full-length mirror by Hannah’s bed, your figure went rigid as your expression crumpled.
Every morning after Hannah left, you always found yourself staring at the mirror in your room, pointing out your flaws and imperfections. Broad shoulders, an undefined waist, thick thighs—you could never win. And, unsurprisingly, you couldn’t help but compare your friends’ bodies with yours. They were slim, pretty, and had curves in all the right places.
You had curves in all the wrong places.
You gulped down any emotion that rose in your throat, snatching your shirt off your bed as you buttoned it up quickly, loosely tying your Hufflepuff tie around your collar. You wore the rest of your uniform, adjusting it so your belly wasn’t on display through your robes. You checked your appearance, turning to see your back in the mirror. You bit your bottom lip, rubbing your eyes before wearing your Doc Martens, taking your back as you walked out of your dorm with discomfort.
Exiting Hufflepuff House, you saw many people still in the hallways as your legs slowed, feeling self-conscious, ultimately holding on to your bag strap before you continued your journey. You shoved your other hand in your pocket, hearing numerous conversations throughout the hallway. You gathered that none of them were about you, but your overthinking had already driven your mind crazy as you kept to yourself, hurrying to Potions to greet your new Professor, Horace Slughorn.
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You stood next to Hannah at the back of the classroom, trying to listen to Slughorn’s lecture as he displayed the numerous potions before you. However, you set your mind in overdrive once you glanced at Hannah’s side profile, staring at your Potions textbook as you pressed your lips together.
Hannah didn’t have chubby cheeks like you, nor did she have your notorious stomach dip—which you hid with your robes. Hannah (her smile, curves, hair, body) was beautiful. Again, you knew you shouldn’t be comparing yourself to your friends, who were always kind to you, but you couldn’t control your thoughts. One would say they were an unstoppable force of nature.
But there was only one person who could pull you out of them.
“Sorry, sir, I haven’t got my book yet. Nor has Ron,” the voice stated, causing you to look up, straightening your posture as Slughorn mentioned the two Gryffindors could look through the cupboards.
The two Gryffindors consisted of Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. You knew them both, but Harry was the one you had eyes for.
Shamefully, you kept your eyes on Harry, hugging your Advanced Potions textbook tighter as your lips curled up at him and Ron fighting over something, Ron seeming to win as the brunette boy rolled his eyes, walking to the back of the classroom. You kept your gaze down as you did so, pressing your lips together again.
But you didn’t realise that Harry had stood next to you.
Here is a brief history of you and the supposed Chosen One. You have had a massive crush on Harry since third year after he asked you for help with his Charms homework. You complied, thinking he would forget about your existence the next day. That was what you were used to whenever a boy spoke to you, so if he did, you wouldn’t care.
But Harry didn’t forget about you.
“Hey, stranger,” he whispered as you glanced at him, a gorgeous smile on his face as you smiled back, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. Harry, who stood at 6’0”, towered over you as he spoke, “I haven’t spoken to you in ages.”
“You saw me on the train last night,” you murmured sheepishly. You couldn’t help but stare into his ethereal, evergreen eyes, feeling lost as you held onto reality.
“I did, but I couldn’t speak to you,” he countered, his friendly smile still lingering, “So I’m saying hello now.” You nodded, your cheeks warming as you chuckled.
“Ah, okay. Well, hello, Harry. How has your morning been?” you replied, greeting him correctly as he laughed softly.
“Utterly fantastic,” he muttered, looking at you intently. “And what about you, [Y/N]?”
Merlin, the way he says my name, you thought, smiling as you cursed yourself for thinking such things.
“Utterly fantastic,” you repeated as he nodded, the both of you falling into a comfortable silence. He was the first to look away, opening his textbook as he tuned into Hermione Granger’s explanation of Amortentia.
Despite him, you took longer to examine his features, watching his forehead crease as Hermione talked about the potion’s smell. You smiled subtly, pulling your eyes away as you looked down, squealing internally.
However, your friend, Hannah, turned towards Harry, her lips curling as she opened her mouth. “Hey, Harry. I thought you weren’t taking Potions?” Hannah asked, her voice soft as you looked at her. You glanced at Harry, noting his eyes were already on her as you deflated slightly.
“Oh, uh, yeah. Professor McGonagall insisted,” he shrugged, a polite smile on his face. His eyes momentarily lingered before he turned to Slughorn, taking in his words. Hannah leaned down, giggling into your ear.
“He looks extra delicious this year,” she commented as you nodded. Once she pulled away, you looked at your shoes, sighing softly as your mood dampened. You didn’t know why it had suddenly soured, but anyone could gather that you had become insecure because of your roommate. Once again, it was petty of you to think such things, but you couldn’t help it. When your eyes took a brief picture of the room, it was notable that many girls had/used to have eyes on Harry—Romilda Vane, Cho Chang, Parvati Patil, and others throughout the year.
They were all stunning.
What words could describe you?
As you unintentionally kept your head down for the rest of the lesson, your throat becoming raw as you gulped, Harry furrowed his eyebrows at your saddened mood, wanting to ask what had happened. But he couldn’t—Professor Slughorn had already set the task. And before he could ask you to sit at the same table as him, you’d already walked off to your friend Leanne, who waved you over in the first place.
Even though you didn’t notice, Harry’s eyes followed your every move as you smiled at Leanne. Anyone could easily say that you’re fine just by seeing the grin on your face.
Albeit, Harry had observed that your eyes didn’t smile like your lips.
He began to frown once he saw, wanting to pull you back, but he knew that would raise questions among his friends and be slightly inappropriate. You and Harry knew each other well but not sufficiently for hand-holding. He couldn’t have you being uncomfortable.
So, he pocketed his thoughts for later.
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For some unknown reason, you always found the Black Lake your safe space whenever you walked on the Hogwarts grounds. In all honesty, it was a calming oasis of sorts, entirely different to the everyday commotion surrounding the wondrous castle.
As you hummed to yourself, attracting a crossbill (a breed of bird) in the process, you took out your journal, writing down a few things you learned today as active recall.
The Draught of Living Death is impossible to make. But, the way of getting the juice of a Sopophorous bean was to crush the ingredient with a blade. I shouldn’t cut it.
The wand movement for the Aguamenti Charm was a smooth wave movement from right to left.
Harry James Potter was the definition of sarcasm.
Your quill almost stabbed the pages of your diary as you snapped out of your daze, wondering what in Merlin’s name you were writing. You leaned your head against the oak, your memory flitting to Harry and Professor Snape’s little interaction earlier today.
Today’s DADA lesson included the practice of non-verbal spells. In other words, this sort of magic was unsurprisingly complex—you could’ve sworn your brain nearly ripped apart when you attempted to disarm your friend, Cho Chang, today. Truth be told, you were never good at this subject. Professor Lupin was much more friendly in your case, and you’d improved massively during third year. Nonetheless, after he resigned, your grade dropped quite a few marks.
During DADA, when Ron and Harry attempted to disarm each other non-verbally, Snape interfered, telling Ron he was doing it all wrong. And to Harry’s dismay, Snape’s stance was a little aggressive to him.
So he used a Shield Charm.
Of course, Snape wasn’t happy.
“Do you remember me telling you we are practising non-verbal spells, Potter?”
“Yes,” said Harry stiffly.
“Yes, sir.”
“There’s no need to call me ���sir’, Professor.”
You’d fought hard, trying not to laugh out loud during that moment. Thankfully, Snape didn’t catch your strange-looking expression.
You crossed out your third note in your journal, mumbling to yourself as you wondered why you would write such a thing. It wasn’t a rude thing—Harry was known for his sarcastic comments. Indeed, Harry took pride in his sarcasm.
So if Harry ever saw the comment you made, he’d take it as a compliment.
Still, you crossed it out.
“What are you writing?” A voice interrupted your movements as you looked up, your eyebrows raising when you saw Harry standing before you. You closed your journal, smiling, when you spotted the little smirk across his lips.
“Nothing. Just some notes from today,” you shrugged, putting your journal aside. Shoving your shyness away, you patted the spot beside you, welcoming Harry to sit down.
And he did.
“Hannah said you’d be here,” Harry said as you faced him. “She said you come here every other day.” You smiled as you glanced at the lake, stretching your legs.
“I like watching the lake from this angle,” you replied, “I don’t see much stuff in the water since every creature hides away, but the scenery is…” You paused, trying to find the right word. “Picturesque.”
“That’s a big word,” Harry joked, his lips grinning as you laughed softly.
“Well, you know me and my words,” you retorted, watching the water ripple before your eyes. You furrowed your eyebrows slightly, facing Harry again as you tilted your head. “Why’d you come down here? Were you looking for me?”
“Yeah… I wanted to talk to you about something.” Your lips parted in bewilderment, hugging your knees as you nodded slowly. As I narrated earlier, you and Harry were friends but not close. Though, Merlin only knew how much you wanted to know Harry better.
“What is it?” you asked softly. Harry hesitated, pressing his lips together as he glanced at the water.
“I noticed your mood in Potions earlier,” he began, confusing you.
“My mood?” you repeated, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah—I mean, you were happy and then… I dunno, you just became sad,” Harry responded, turning to look at you as he examined your features. Harry always knew you were pretty. Beautiful, even, now that he’s looking at you up close. Your persona only made you glow, making you everyone’s sun in their skies. It had him wondering why no one had realised that about you yet.
Were people truly so blind these days?
“Oh!” You didn’t know what to say. Firstly, the fact that Harry noticed your slight mood change was astounding. Hannah was your closest friend at the moment, and although she knew you better than most people, she hadn’t once pointed out your mood whenever it soured.
Hannah wasn’t your best friend. She had her friend group, and you were merely her roommate. You had friends, of course, but not a friend. No one truly cared about your feelings.
But, looking at Harry, it seemed he cared about yours.
“It was nothing,” you replied, giving a reassuring smile. “I just get like that sometimes. For example, I could get assigned extra homework for History of Magic. That makes me annoyed, and it looks like my face visibly shows that,” you rambled, giving a nervous chuckle before glimpsing at the lake again.
“You weren’t annoyed, [Y/N],” Harry corrected, frowning. “You were sad.” You pressed your lips together, looking down at your lap. Your hands landed on your thighs, your Doc Martens knocking against each other as you shrugged.
“It doesn’t matter,” you replied, standing up with your journal. You were about to walk away when Harry stopped you, seizing your hand abruptly and spinning you around. You glanced at his grip on your wrist, raising a questioning eyebrow.
“Sorry,” he quickly apologised, letting go of your hand. Your cheeks flushed considerably, and you prayed it wasn’t noticeable. “Look at me,” he pleaded, his tone gentle, glimpsing through his lenses as you sighed inwardly, looking up.
“Harry, I’m fine. It seriously doesn’t matter—”
“Why do you say things like that?” he interjected, his expression containing frustration as you became perplexed.
“Because it doesn’t matter? I—”
“But it does!” His exclamation had a hint of exasperation as you exhaled through your nose, your gaze softening as you crossed your arms. You weren’t uncomfortable. You were just in a state of conflict.
“I’m just saying,” he began, smiling encouragingly. “You can talk to me. You can always speak to me. About anything.” Annoyed, you sighed, shaking your head.
“I don’t understand—Where is this coming from?” you questioned. Harry stammered on his words, his brows furrowing. “I know what you’re getting at, but you’ve never cared about me like this.” Harry faltered for a moment, looking down at the green blades of grass as his feet shuffled, his face contorting with guilt as he spoke.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, his voice gentle as he met your eyes. You didn’t know what to say, staying rooted to your spot as he continued. Yet, you suddenly opened your mouth.
“You don’t have to apologise for that. It’s not your fault that you’re saving this bloody castle and its people every year,” you quipped, giving him a fond smile as he shook his head.
“Yeah, but you’ve been here for me,” Harry retorted, his lips pressing together as he exhaled through his nose. “When Sirius… passed away,” Harry began, looking at the clouds in the grey skies, “You immediately came to my aid. You helped me, even if you stayed quiet and stood before me while I cried.” You pursued your lips, remembering the state of depression Harry used to be in after his godfather’s death. Being the wonderful person you are, you wrote to him every day during the summer, and he always wrote back as soon as possible.
“That is different,” you said cautiously, catching Harry’s attention. “You went through something unimaginable. Every year, you suffer the most at this school. Sirius’s death, Cedric’s death, that rat’s betrayal of your parents,” you listed all of these with your fingers as he kept an attentive eye. “Of course, you needed someone. I, however, shouldn’t need someone for having an insecurity that is stupid anyhow—”
“It’s not stupid—” Harry tried to interject, but you stopped him.
“No, Harry, it is,” you sighed, glancing at the lake as its soft ripples entered your ears as if it knew that you needed some brief comfort. “Day after day, I compare myself to my friends. They don’t deserve that. They shouldn’t have to deal with my stupendous thoughts. I am a terrible friend!” You frowned, your tone exasperated as your bottom lip quivered. Meeting his gaze, you found a sense of empathy in Harry’s eyes, who had stepped forward, rolling up his sleeves to reveal something.
You widened your eyes. You almost stopped breathing.
“These are scars,” Harry embarked as you looked up, your heart squeezing. You never knew about this. Of course, he shouldn’t have to tell you as it isn’t any of your business. You bit your tongue from speaking as you silently held his hand, waiting for him to continue. “I started doing it when… Well, after Voldemort killed Cedric, I had PTSD.” He couldn’t look at you. You noticed how his fingers shook in your grasp, Harry trying to steady himself as words escaped him again.
“I felt guilty for being the one to survive. Again,” Harry scoffed, his expression stoic as his jaw clenched. “No one believed the truth when I told them, except Ron and Hermione, but also you,” he sighed, finally meeting your eyes as you softened, squeezing his hand. “I stopped when you found me in the library. You sat next to me with an expression of solace. You just—You understood me, [Y/N].” His voice was breathless. Desperate. Thankful. “I never told you, but I stopped because someone finally knew how I felt.”
“Oh, Harry,” you almost sobbed, your eyes pricking with tears as he held your hands, squeezing your palms tightly.
“You are beautiful,” Harry whispered as you gasped quietly, your lips parting once you saw the timid smile on his lips. “I’ve always found you beautiful. You’ve always been the light whenever darkness consumes the room. Your assuring smile could always make someone feel better after a stressful day. And I can tell a smile of yours is sincere when your right dimple appears a few inches away from your lips.” Harry grinned, a little chuckle easing out of his mouth as you looked down, a warm blush crossing the apples of your cheeks.
“You aren’t a terrible friend. I’ve always thought of you as one,” his words caused you to deflate slightly. “But, there are times when I’ve wanted to be more,” Harry admitted, his calloused thumb running across the back of your hand as your breath hitched at his touch, trying not to shiver as your stomach swarmed with butterflies all of a sudden. You comprehended his words, your lips curling up at his confession as he gazed at you through his circular glasses, his pupils dilating.
“I… I, um, don’t know what to say,” you chuckled, your cheeks warming once more as Harry smiled at your loss of words.
“You don’t have to say anything—”
“OI, HARRY!” A sudden voice interrupted the two of you as you snapped your head to the source, seeing Ron with an incredulous expression. Hermione stood beside the ginger, an awkward smile on her face as she waved, you waving back appreciatively.
“Uh, sorry, Harry, but you’re going to be late for Quidditch practise and Ron was getting a bit antsy,” Hermione explained, throwing you an apologetic smile as she gave Ron an irritated look.
“I wasn’t getting antsy—” Ron scoffed.
“Yes, you were, Ronald—”
“You’re antsy 24/7 so I don’t know what you’re waffling about—!”
“I should go before Hermione tries to rip Ron’s head off again,” Harry said softly, acting like his best friends’ plans to murder each other was normal. You smiled, nodding as you stepped away, reluctantly letting go of his hands.
“Of course. I’ll, um, I’ll see you later,” you responded, becoming shy as Harry nodded, giving you another grin before steering Ron away from Hermione in hopes to stop them arguing before they reached the castle.
Facing the lake, you bit your bottom lip with a knowing smile, walking back to your beloved tree as you leaned against it, closing your eyes.
Harry has feelings for me.
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Harry drank his pumpkin juice, his nerves strangling his throat as he looked around the Great Hall for a particular someone. His leg bounced against the bench, Hermione noticing as she furrowed her eyebrows, calling Harry’s name.
“You’re not nervous, are you?” The brunette asked with concern. “You rarely ever get nervous when it comes to Quidditch.” He sighed, shaking his head as he surveyed the Hufflepuff table again.
“It’s different this time—”
“It’s different because he’s expecting someone to be there,” Luna Lovegood interrupted, her dreamy voice attracting their attention as she ate her pudding. “But he doesn’t see them in the Hall at this moment in time.”
“He’s looking for [Y/L/N],” Ron grinned, stuffing his mouth with bacon as Hermione sighed at his table manners. “Me and ‘Mione saw the way they looked at each other by the Black Lake. I mean, honestly, I swore I could’ve seen literal hearts palpitating in their eyes,” the ginger continued to tease as Hermione tutted at him once again.
“[Y/N]’s been to your games before,” Hermione said softly as Harry pressed his lips together.
“But this time I know she’ll be watching, Hermione. What if I fumble the Snitch—?”
“If anyone’s going to fumble the Snitch, it’s that ruddy Harper,” Ginny remarked, making a disgusted face as she glanced at the Slytherin substitute Seeker from across the room. “He’s alright, but there’s a reason he was named a substitute. Trust me, the only thing you should look out for is his foul play,” Ginny shrugged, finishing her food before standing up, Ron following suit.
“Yeah… Yeah, you guys are right,” Harry mumbled to himself, still uneasy as he reached for his goblet again, only to stop his movements when someone tapped his shoulder. He turned his head, seeing you there in a long-sleeved yellow sundress, lighting up the rainy, dull atmosphere, which also accentuated your figure perfectly.
She looks bloody gorgeous, Harry thought, his pale skin turning scarlet as he admired your beauty, noticing how you glowed today. You smiled shyly as Harry’s eyes lit up almost immediately.
“May I sit?” You asked, Harry nodding as Ginny moved out of your way, giving you a knowing smile before glaring at Ron to walk with her. Hermione quickly excused herself, as well as Luna, leaving you both to talk amongst yourselves.
“Hey,” Harry smiled, his nerves settling considerably as he smiled at you. You reciprocated, fiddling with the sleeves of your dress.
“Hi,” you replied, your voice sweet as always as you placed a small bottle before him. You noticed his expression, and quickly explained yourself. “It’s a little tonic I made. Hermione came to me earlier and voiced her concerns about you playing today. I didn’t believe her at first, I mean, I’ve never known you to be the anxious type,” you added playfully, earning another grin from him as your heart practically melted in your chest.
Hermione, forever the matchmaker, Harry thought to himself.
“You make me extremely anxious, love,” he murmured, his eyes meeting yours as you tried not to blush to deeply at the nickname. Harry removed the cork from the tonic, putting it to his nose as he inhaled its contents’ scents. He smiled once more, giving you a knowing look.
“I added golden syrup,” you smiled, knowing the tonic would taste horrible without it. “You know, from the treacle tarts you really like? It’ll still work all the same,” you shrugged, trying to seem casual.
“You bloody miracle worker,” Harry sighed, drinking from the small bottle almost instantly as you laughed at his behaviour. He put the bottle down, standing up and rolling his shoulders, giving himself a nod.
“Okay, I’m ready,” he affirmed. You were about to wish him luck before he leaned down, kissing the corner of your lips as you raised your eyebrows, a little shocked. As he walked hastily backwards to the entrance of the Great Hall, he waved you off, yelling, “I’LL GIVE YOU A PROPER ONE LATER!”
You widened your eyes, smiling as you waved back, laughing to yourself as you ignored the stares being thrown in your direction.
He’s going to kiss me.
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Gryffindor had won the match against Slytherin.
It was certainly a tough one with Ginny and Blaise Zabini constantly shoving each other (though, Ginny had a mutual respect for him because he was actually good), and Zacharias Smith, a Hufflepuff in your year, known for his extremely obnoxious behavioour, being an awful commentator, which evidently infuriated Harry beyond despair. This caused the Slytherin Seeker, Harper, to see the Snitch before Harry. However when it seemed that he was about to catch it, he was put off by Harry's desperate taunt, implying that Draco Malfoy, former Seeker for Slytherin, had paid Harper to play instead. Harper, in his distraction, fumbled the Snitch (as Ginny said prior), costing his team the game.
You waded through the roaring crowd of Gryffindor, stepping off the Quidditch stands as you looked around for Harry, desperately wanting to congratulate him. The rain had began pouring as you stood by the sides, finally seeing Harry approaching you with a blanket around him since he had flown high into the sky (Madame Hooch insisted he wore it even though he was boiling to the core).
“Harry!” you waved as he ran towards you, scooping you up into his arms as you squealed, demanding him to put you down. He laughed, wrapping his blanket around you as the rain began soaking your hair.
“I won,” he commenced, throwing you a cocky grin as you playfully rolled your eyes.
“I know, you cheeky git. That’s why I wanted to congratulate you—”
Harry kissed you.
His soft lips captured yours in a searing kiss as your closed your eyes, kissing back almost immediately as his right hand held the back of your head, pushing you closer towards him. You heard the instantaneous cheers from the Gryffindor team as others joined the pitch, grinning at their captain.
“GO ON, HARRY!” Ron boomed as Harry pulled away from you, receiving a clap on the shoulder as you became flustered, parting your lips in surprise. Harry waited for your reaction, a smug smirk across his mouth as you stammered embarrassingly.
“Wow. That was… Wow.” You cleared your throat, looking down as your cheeks turned a crimson red. Harry tilted your chin up, smiling at your behaviour before kissing your forehead, his hand falling to your waist.
“Come on, sweetheart. It’s mandatory for the Gryffindor Captain and his girlfriend to be at the afterparty.”
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