#untitled fic for now but watch this space
lambsouvlaki · 7 months
a sneak peek of an upcoming AK!Jason x oc fic:
He held her back to his chest in a tight grapple. He expected panicked kicking and screaming, or maybe arcane chanting. Instead, she cocked her head.  “You’re not one of them,” she said hoarsely.  She was breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling under his arms. Her breath left puffs of steam over the jaw of his helmet. One of her hands grasped his forearm. “Why are you chasing me? Who are you?” “Not one of the people hunting you,” he rumbled into her ear.   “Let go of me then.”  “There’s a pack of them right through that door. If you try anything stupid, they’ll charge in, and open fire,” he said, and let her go.
Edit: fic is here
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Still Untitled
[jungkook x reader] [ 1k+ fluff]
A/N: Something short and sweet. I initially wrote a lil bit of smut, but it came out a bit perverted and I don't think it fits the character of Jungkook in this fic. I still have no title for this, but I'm so glad to receive such great lovely feedback!
Before you can talk yourself out of it, your feet are walking towards Jungkook.
A breathy and meek hi leaves your mouth, the sudden greeting has him turning around to face you. Before you can backtrack, your hand extends to offer a carton of banana milk to Jungkook.
You're not sure if you're glad he's being super quiet, but wanting to get this done in one go, the words swiftly fly out of your mouth.
"I'mreallysorryaboutlastnightImistookyouforsomeoneelse," you expel in one shaky breath.
Jungkook looks perplexed, probably unsure what to make of the sudden apology, you assume. You were contemplating if you needed to elaborate, but as soon as Jungkook took the milk from your hands, hesitantly—you observed—your legs were quick to find their way back to your space and hide behind your propped up easel.
Had you stayed a second longer, you would have witnessed Jungkook break out a childish grin and blush. His hold on the carton was so gentle, one would have thought he was holding something far too fragile than a drink.
The class had passed quickly, which you were thankful for, for the first time. As soon as the clock hit 5:00, you rushed to bag your stuff—no plans of staying extra hours for today. You're still mortified from yesterday and while you don't think a lousy apology makes up for your misplaced accusation, you also don't have the courage of facing Jungkook.
At least, not now, you reason to yourself. Promising to scrape more courage for next time.
In your haste of leaving, you forgot to unhook the strap of your tote from the chair and as you lug your bag behind you as you speed walk, the chair topples and your things tumble out and scatter to the floor, much like the smithereens of your dignity.
A whispered curt curse is heard from you before you rush to pick up the rolling colored pencils.
"Here," Even with your head downcast and eyes glued to the floor, you know whose tattooed hands are handing your pencils towards you.
"Thanks," you clear your throat and glance at the man you wronged. "I got it," you softly say, a subtle way of shoo-ing him away, once again.
You stood up abruptly after shoving everything inside your bag. You see Jungkook lift the chair upright and thank him. You get a response in the form of a smile.
You made three streps before you heard your name called. With obvious reluctance, you face Jungkook and raise your brow in question. Afraid if you open your mouth, something judgmental comes out. Or maybe just that you choke from the clawing embarrassment.
"Do you wanna get coffee?" Jungkook adjusts his backpack on his shoulder. This time, he's taking Namjoon's advice. Just ask her to go out, even if it's just getting coffee after her class. It's a better way to get to know each other. Pick up lines are lame, his hyung said which earned a loud yelp of disagreement from Seokjin. Still, Jungkook thinks Namjoon made more sense.
Plus, he remembers those times whenever he sees you on campus, you always held a cup of coffee. And today, before class, he noticed you had nothing with you other than milk—which even turned out to be for him. He'd get all giggly later, for now, he has a bigger daunting task.
Throughout the class, Jungkook was internally hyping himself up to ask you for coffee. He almost felt pathetic when he saw you quickly pack your things and rush out, already thinking he'll have to run after you. But lo and behold, the universe bought him time.
"I-It's kinda late for coffee, don't you think?" You covered your uneasiness by clearing your throat and pretending to look at your watch. It was too quick of a glance to read the time, he notices. He knows you're evading him. Panic rushes into Jungkook. While on good days, he prided himself for thinking on his feet—those days helped him win rebuts with Seokjin—this moment would have been the one time where the words he uttered couldn't be more nonsensical and embarrassing, "Well, drinking coffee before bed will keep you awake at night is a myth, anyway." The words trailed off one by one as it reached the end, but you heard him loud and clear.
You were to quick to mask your visible confusion by pursing your lips, as if considering what he just said. But Jungkook knows how stupid he sounded. There was no redemption from this.
But just when Jungkook was ready to wave the white flag, he heard you snort a laugh. He looks up and sees your lips break out in a grin—one you tried to hide with an adorable nose scrunch, but your amusement still shone through with a tight-lipped smile. Then, finally, you look at Jungkook and this moment, he'll forever remember because you're looking at him with adoring eyes.
"Fine, then," you agree, lips still toying an amused smile. "Since you're so desperate for coffee you're making stuff up. But I'm getting a decaf."
Your turn and walk towards the approaching evening, and Jungkook follows suit with a lovesick smile.
"Wait... you thought I was Kim Jongkook?!"
You sheepishly smile, your fingers on the table scratches the surface, an anxiety tick. But you also look like someone desperately digging for a hole where you can escape to. You want to be away from this awkward confrontation where you have no excuse, no rebut.
“It really was an honest mistake. I’m sorry for lashing out on you.” Your head hangs with shame as you apologize for the nth time.
Unbeknownst to you, Jungkook noticed and took note of your tick. He really was just teasing you, enjoying your adorable puppy eyes, even more so that it's directed towards him. But perhaps, he had his fun. He smiles and comforts you—saying it’s fine and he understands. Right as you look up at him, your names are called for your ordered coffees.
In the same breath which he decides he wants to always be this close with you, he's also unsure how much he can hold back from wanting to just kiss you. And so, as much as Jungkook didn't want to break away from the moment, he stands from his seat, “I’ll get it. Just… you won’t leave, right?”
You would think he was teasing, making a jab from the couple of times you walked out from him, but seeing his pensive eyes had you retracting your assumption. “I’ll be here,” you smile reassuringly.
Your trip for coffee, but as per Jungkook's delusion—your date— lasted longer for hours. Small conversations were shared between the tiny round table that held your cups of drinks. No more hole-scratching on the table and downcast embarrassed eyes.
Jungkook thinks his heart may burst from happiness.
Unfortunately, your phone pings, breaking the bubble that enclosed you and Jungkook, one that temporarily kept you away from the outside noise. “Oh, sorry. That’s my alarm.” Your eyebrows furrow as you glance at your watch. This time, really looking at the time, Jungkook observes.
“I should be somewhere now, actually.” As you quickly gather your things, Jungkook matches your pace—grabbing your littered cups and tissues on the table, picking up the proof of your shared evening.
“This was really nice, Jungkook. I now partly feel bad for judging you too quickly,” you tease as you watch him trash the stacked cups.
“That’s not good enough,” Jungkook crosses his now free arms, biceps bulging that were not missed by your eyes. He sees the trail of your sight and that was just what he needed to be confident enough to ask for another coffee date. One that you agreed to without hesitation.
He grows giddy and excited. Wanting tomorrow—Thursday—to come sooner. He doesn't mind if the day ends quickly now as you part ways. And it isn’t until you round a corner that you both stop turning around to check on the other.
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hoshiseon · 3 months
✍️ Fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to other writers you know. Let's spread some self-love! 💛
ahhh thank u maya for sending me this!! <3
unfortunately, i don't have 5 fics posted here yet 😭but i'll do 2 drabbles that i've posted & 3 wips :p (& i'll give a little snippet of each) MDNI bc some are... suggestive
✦ desire | ot8 vampire!atz fic {snippet of ch.2}
“we apologize for having you wait so long, there were some… issues about sleeping arrangements but whenever you’re ready i’d be more than happy to show you to one of the guest rooms.” yunho says politely with his hands clasped behind his back. the whole ordeal feels like customer service and i have to stifle a laugh at the overly formal way they both speak. seonghwa glances at him out his periphery but just as quickly looks back to me and offers me a polite smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. why he's being so odd is beyond me, seeing as he was the one to bring me here and insist on me staying in the first place. his behavior causes me to hesitate, slowly closing my book and tucking it underneath my arm. yunho still stands with a gentle smile on his face but by the way his eyes flick over to seonghwa, i can tell he can sense my hesitation. i look between the two once more before huffing and pushing to my feet, running my hands over the wrinkles in my skirt. neither of the men wait for me to say anything, yunho turns to hold open the door and seonghwa bows in my direction before maneuvering out the door. i quirk a brow at the space seonghwa left before following yunho out into the hall.
✦ goosebumps | bf!yunho smut drabble {completed!}
“you okay, baby? you haven't said anything about the movie for the past 15 minutes now.” he asked, feigning concern. 
you just let out a meek hum of approval, not even really hearing what he said. yunho smirked though you couldn't see it. he let his hands trail up your thighs, playing with the ends of your (his) t-shirt. you took in a shaky breath when you felt his lips close to your ear. 
“what’s got you so quiet, kitten?” he whispered, lips now trailing down to your neck, leaving the softest kisses in their wake. 
“nothing.” you said way too fast, your voice unstable. you felt the chuckle that reverberated in his chest as his hands were now underneath the shirt you were wearing. he was only lightly touching your skin but you felt like everywhere he touched was leaving sparks of heat. how this man got you so needy for him so fast was beyond you. your eyes fluttered shut as he started to press actual kisses to your neck and shoulders, lightly sucking on the area near your ear. 
✦ untitled bbfs!yungi smut drabble {WIP; unedited}
a few minutes later, yunho heard the sounds of soft snoring coming from behind him and turned, the sight nearly causing his heart to crawl straight out his chest. there you and mingi were, sleeping so soundly on his bed. you cuddling with his pillow. yunho had to hold back from cooing out loud as he watched mingi’s head rise and fall with the movement of your breathing, the other man’s mouth hung open as he snored. in truth, the scene was nothing new. yunho had an entire folder on his phone filled with pictures of you and mingi napping together. if you came over while yunho was out teaching a dance class, it was almost guaranteed he’d come back home to see the two of you huddled up under blankets on the couch with an anime long forgotten on the TV. but never once had he seen it happen right in his own bedroom, on his own bed. it sent a tingly warmth through his chest as he thought about how nice it’d be to come home to this everyday. his two favorite people in the entire world, finding comfort in his space. 
✦ movie night | bff!junhui smut drabble {WIP; unedited}
even though it's not a created album, the hidden album highlighted in blue text underneath your other albums catches his attention. jun imagines what you could possibly have put in there and snorts a laugh to himself. it's probably embarrassing pictures you have of yourself or the boys, or maybe inappropriate memes. he figures he's got nothing to lose and clicks the album. of course, it's locked but he knows you well enough and he's smart so figuring out the password takes him barely 2 seconds. his suspicions are confirmed as he scrolls up through the album and sees a multitude of pictures you've taken of the other boys. but as he scrolls further the pictures change… now he's looking at pictures of you, some taken in your mirror with your ambience lighting set on purple or red, some taken while you're in bed, and they're nothing scandalous maybe a little suggestive but really why do you even hide these? none of them are even that bad… junhui stops in his tracks, thumb hovering over your phone. the photos he's looking at now can't be you. there's no way. his sweet, quiet, funny, inexperienced best friend cannot possibly have taken these pictures. but as he presses one to enlargen it, he sees that it most definitely is you. you half-naked, sitting up on your knees with a pillow stuffed in between the space created by your legs and the mattress. the hem of the large tee you're wearing is in your mouth as you display the sexy set of black lace underneath. jun feels like he might die. he swipes. the next photo isn't any better. in fact, it's much worse and as he continues swiping he has an inkling that the rest of the album is like this too. raunchy, lewd photos of you in your bed or bathroom. some your tits are fully on display, some you're only in a large tee, some you're only in lingerie. and all of them make his head spin and blood rush straight to his cock. 
✦ sharing is caring | poly, bfs!gyuhao smut drabble {WIP; unedited}
“uhm… yeah i’m fine… just thinking.” you said, nerves getting to you and making you opt out of saying what was really on your mind. you knew it was silly to still be nervous around the two of them but you couldn’t help it. you could feel the energy in the tiny kitchen of your guys’ apartment shift as the tension only grew with the prolonged silence. the two knew you well enough to pick up on not only the nervous lilt in your voice but also your body language. the way you were shifting your weight, avoiding eye contact, and picking at your clothes all clear indicators that there was definitely more than you were actually saying. 
“___, you can tell us whatever’s on your mind,” you looked up at minghao as he spoke gently to you. “when have we ever judged you?” he asked, head tilting slightly. you looked away again, drawing in a dramatic breath and looking up towards the ceiling. damn him and his extremely convincing eyes.
“i was… i was thinking about the last time we were all together.” you rushed out still staring up at the ceiling, refusing to look at either of them as you finally confessed to the thoughts plaguing you. 
minghao knew exactly what you were talking about. he did the moment he picked up on how nervous you were, he just wanted you to admit it. mingyu, on the other hand, was still trying to decipher what you were (not) saying.“...what about it?”, mingyu piped up, expression resembling a confused puppy with the way his head was still tilted. he was trying to recall the last time you were all together… oh. you and minghao saw the realization hit him as his eyes flicked between the both of you. hao smirked amusedly before looking back at you. you finally made eye contact with him, bottom lip caught between your teeth.
★ note: this drabble is actually for @angelwonie (in response to an ask she sent a while ago) I PROMISE I'LL GET TO IT BAEFIE 😭
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azrielgreen · 1 year
So, because I'm working super hard on multiple projects right now, I just want to reassure everyone that EVERY SINGLE FIC will be completed and if it's one I haven't updated for a while, it's one of my favourites because it means I can go back to it when I'm ready, my little loves. Everything will be completed, I promise. I also have a few one shots that I'll be posting under my (oh so mysterious) pseud "Azriel" on AO3 once things are completed and here is a little preview of one I'm very excited for.
This is my dark, dangerous little monster Eddie falls in love with human Steve fic, just a taste, for fun!
(Touched should be updated this weekend.)
Untitled Dark Romance Monster Eddie Fic:
Eddie stares evenly.
He’s not distraught, he is not the mirror image of Steve’s own grief.
‘Unhappy is he to whom the memories of childhood bring only fear and sadness.’
It takes Steve a minute to realise what he’s saying, to place it.
Then he grabs a knife from the side and invades the monster’s space, blade extended. ‘The fuck did you say?’
Eddie stares, lets the blade touch then pierce the central cavity of his chest. Only a fraction, but enough for a dribble of black to spill like Indian ink.
‘You know what I said and from what.’
‘You’ve been watching me here? Watching me read?’ Steve’s shaking, he’s coming apart at the seams. ‘How long?’
‘Fifteen months and six days.’
Steve can’t breathe.
‘You…’ Words refuse to form. He shakes his head, presses deeper. The metal slips inside, past the ribs. Eddie just looks at Steve, he stares.
‘I like your books. I like what you read when you’re alone and you’re sad. I like the nest you made and the colours you painted the walls when you killed your father. I like the things you eat and the way you sleep. You made your world in the shape of our time together., in the cave.’ The knife is halfway into his body. He walks forward, pushes it all the way in. ‘But I wanted you to have a little more life before I could no longer deny myself.’
Steve is crying, the hand holding the knife trembles. ‘Who the fuck are you? Where’s my friend?’
Eddie’s expression fractures, bends like metal beneath a car compactor. ‘Steve, I wanted to give you a chance.’
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eskawrites · 5 months
the other day i caved and made a document folder that just says 'lowkey an untitled fantasy trilogy' and iykyk so uh have some third movie tenlark if the third movie took place in winter instead of spring/summer like it actually does in the fic
The fire was getting low, but there was just enough snow on the ground to make the quickly falling night a little lighter. Light enough to see a small figure out in the shadows, huddled in on herself as she stared through the trees.
Lark sighed and pushed to her feet. Moss tilted her head up to follow the movement, watching her silently. Lark nodded toward Arren, still fast asleep beneath the blankets.
“Keep an eye on things, yeah?”
Moss nodded. Simple as that, because of course it was. Lark didn’t even have to ask, really. She walked out of the tent, past the fire and out of its weakening light, into the silvery shadows of the increasingly snowy forest.
“Hey,” she said, quietly, not wanting to spook Tenar with her approach. But Tenar didn’t flinch, or look her way, or even tilt her head to show that she had heard her at all. Lark bit her lip, then stepped closer. “It’s, uh, it’s getting colder. You should come back. I’m about to throw another log on, cook us some dinner.”
Tenar said nothing. The snow lingered in her hair, down and messy across her shoulders in a way Lark had never seen before. The chill left bumps on her skin, her arms bare in her ruined dress. Lark sighed.
“Look, Arren isn’t awake to be anxious about your well-being, so I feel it’s my duty to be a bother in his stead. Come back to the fire. Drink some of the tea Ged made. You don’t even have to talk to us, just come get warm.”
“No.” Tenar’s voice was cold. Not harsh, just cold. Like the dark, dead silhouettes of the trees around them. Like the hard, frozen stones half-buried beneath the fallen snow. She tilted her head toward Lark, finally, barely, and there was a stoic, practiced politeness, and no warmth at all, as she added, “Thank you.”
“Your Highness—”
Tenar shook her head, sharp and sudden, harsh and angry and distraught—more reaction than she’s let herself show since Lark brought her back to camp. Lark swallowed hard.
“Tenar,” she tried again, timid, and this time she saw the rigid line of Tenar’s shoulders start to break, to crumple in on itself. “I don’t know what happens next, for any of us. But I know it doesn’t involve you freezing to death out here. Come on. Come eat something, drink something. We can get you out of that dirty old dress—”
“No.” Tenar turned back to her, and Lark realized—her heart jumping up to her throat—that the anger was not gone yet. “And don’t touch me.”
Another realization: her hand was hovering between them, reaching subconsciously toward Tenar. She drew it back hastily.
“I-I’m sorry, Your Highness, I—”
“No,” Tenar said yet again, softer now. “I’m sorry, I didn’t—I’m sorry, Lark. That was completely uncalled for. I should never have lost my temper. I apologize.”
She meant it, as stiff as the words sounded to Lark. It gave her the courage to step forward again. When Tenar didn’t object, she closed the space between them and crouched beside her—still more than an arm’s length away, but close enough that when she looked over, Tenar was really all that she saw.
“I think it’s understandable, losing your temper after all you’ve been through. And you can afford to, with me. Lose your temper, I mean.”
“That doesn’t mean you deserve it,” Tenar said, looking out into the trees again.
“Yes, well, none of us have gotten what we deserve, lately.” Lark followed her gaze, but she found she couldn’t stare out into the forest for long. She turned back to Tenar.
They were quiet for a while. Lark felt vaguely as if she was waiting for something. The cold was starting to get to her, just a little, but she ignored it. She wasn’t particularly packed for winter—the storm had been too sudden, and besides, they were all supposed to be back at the castle by now. But she was better off than Tenar in her ceremonial dresses, now torn to shreds and soaked with snow and mud. And blood, if Lark looked closely enough.
She didn’t mind waiting for Tenar, she realized. In fact, she found it much preferable to the suddenly harrowing idea of leaving her out here.
“It was my mother’s.” Tenar’s voice was smaller now, almost like she didn’t want to be heard.
Lark looked at her, but Tenar, too, seemed to shrink under her gaze—a sight so out of character that Lark felt panic tighten her chest. She kept herself from reaching out, though, and turned her gaze back to the trees. She heard Tenar’s exhale beside her and closed her eyes in relief along with it.
“The dress, I mean,” continued Tenar. “One of the first she'd had made for her after she was made queen. She said she was always fond of it, even after it went out of style. She said it made her feel confident as she sat in the council rooms, even on the days she had no idea what she was doing.”
Lark couldn’t look away anymore. She faced Tenar, but Tenar’s gaze was far away. She was shivering in her tattered, precious dress. Shivering within the memory.
“She gave it to me that morning. She—she told me I didn’t need it, really. That I didn’t need anything to help me in the council meetings, because I—I was already so much better than she could have hoped to be at my age.”
“Tenar,” Lark whispered.
“She told me she was proud—”
Her voice broke, then, and Lark saw the tears as they started to fall down her pale, frozen cheeks. She couldn’t help but reach for her now. Tenar did the same, her hand darting out to grasp at Lark’s as soon as it became available. Her fingers were icy, her grip shaking from the cold and the grief and the desperate strength with which she clung to Lark.
“The dress stays,” Tenar whispered.
Lark nodded quickly. “Of course. If I had known, I never would’ve suggested—”
“I know.”
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hihellogoodbyebruh · 13 days
Hi hi! I've never done one of these before, but I'm trying to be back in my writer bag so I wanted to just let everyone know what I have in the queue. Full disclosure, I did have a death in the family last week so I haven't written at all lately, BUT I do have a couple almost finished fics that I wanted to let ya'll know to be on the lookout for and I can know what you're most excited for.
Plus, I owe y'all a sneak peek too right? :)
Untitled - Tony Stark x Past Black!OC (Melanie Houghton), Tony x Black!Daughter (Nia)
Tony's daughter gets in trouble at school. Fluff piece mostly. warnings: microagressions/racism in school
Seduce - Angel Reyes x Black!Reader
Just a smutty drabble based on the Russ song of the same name. warnings: choking kink
Fall Slowly - Kane Hamilton x Black!Reader
Kane and Reader in a toxic ass relationship. Drabble based on the Joyner Lucas song of the same name. warnings: domestic violence
What's it Gonna Be? - Franklin Saint x Black!Plus Size Reader (nicknamed 'Cookie')
AU-Season 3, A tale as old as time. Girl likes boy. Other girl also likes boy. Boy likes one girl more than the other. Which girl is which? warnings: fatphobia, childhood bullying, canon violence (none of these are featured in the sneak peek)
Below the break is the aforementioned sneak peek. Thanks as always for the support. xo
Franklin just watched as you tried blowing the piece of hair out of your eyesight. He traced your forehead, down your nose, your juicy lips, and chin with his eyes. He could stare at you all day.
“You’re beautiful, you know that?”
You squinted at him, trying to gauge where he was coming from. “Don’t play with me, Frankie.”
“I’m not playing. You do know that, right?”
His eyes stayed on you and you tried maintaining eye contact as well but you soon felt overwhelmed so you looked away at the people skating.
Franklin wouldn’t let you hide so he gripped your chin to bring your attention back to him. “Right?”
You bit your lip before replying, “Of course I know that. Why are you saying it?”
“Cause I don’t think I’ve ever told you, and it needed to be said.” He answered, like it was the simplest thing in the world.
To him, it was.
Once again, he left you speechless. Your head tilted to the side as you studied him suspiciously “Well thanks, I think.”
“You think?” His eyebrow rose. Now he was the one confused by what you said.
You pursed your lips for a second before broaching the subject. “How’s Mel?”
“She’s aight I guess.” He shrugged, breaking eye contact with you and looking off to the side. His body language completely changed. “She’s leaving soon.”
“Hm. Pity.” You deadpanned, smacking his hand down so he wasn’t touching your face anymore.
“Cookie-” Franklin began but you cut him off.
“Save it.” You stood up to walk away when you were stopped by a warm hand on your stomach.
“Wait a second…” Franklin insisted, standing up the same moment you did. His fingers flexed on your stomach to keep you in place.
You both stood there quietly for a moment before your eyes went from his hand to his face. Your heads were close together with an inch of space between them. You wanted to kiss him. Declare your love for him. But all you could do was stare.
“Franklin?” A voice called out and you looked over his shoulder to see Mel standing there with skates in her hands. “I’m on my break.”
You smirked at Franklin and nodded your head towards Mel. “There go yo lil friend.” You raised an eyebrow at him challengingly.
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soufre-de-paris · 9 months
i was tagged by @lowgardn for a getting-to-know-you meme! and now i have the spoons/energy/time to finalize! :>
last song: last song i myself chose to listen to was still taca a xereca pra mim by mc kaique but A was loudly playing lady gaga's telephone yesterday as some sort of homage to their feelings of being freed of the necessity of having a cell phone by having had it stolen
favorite color: in which i am true to my brand™. i genuinely love soft pastels pink (up until i remember they have been so inextricably linked to gender, and then i remember gender exists, and then i'm sad) yay! pink!! keep in mind i have chosen pink bc i don't think "oil slick plastic" counts as a color.
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currently watching: A and i are watching the original star trek series, because they have never seen it, and it's been excellent but also Does Not Hold Up Well when it comes to gender relations. amazing that they could conceive of aliens and humans living side by side (with some issues, of course) and deep space exploration in a post-fucking-capitalist society, but not that Women Are People. but it's also some of the best television i've ever seen, so like, wtf. i am considering watching good omens by myself during my sabbatical but we will see.
last movie/tv show: barbie. too many thoughts. before that, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... probably shin ultraman???? which was so fucking great, god, hideaki anno!!
sweet/spicy/savory: what about… all of them… at once… yes, yes, this is Ideal
relationship status: i have a partner and a girlfriend and other untitled attachments. i routinely forget i am poly bc i am not actively looking to date anyone new. lately i've been really enjoying thinking about my polycule as a series of underground wires, and the connections between people who have never met and never will have chance to meet, but who are inextricably linked through the connections they form. my partner's girlfriend and my girlfriend's boyfriend have a zero possibility of ever meeting, but who can claim their lives and choices don't influence each other? furthermore, (picture me being dragged offstage by a sheep hook as i start to rant about compersion, arete, and social responsibility)
current obsessions: bg3/DROW FACTS (obviously) and the canon time-travel d.a.i fic i'm still spinning around in my head to nintendo wii sounds. and now that i'm home and our apartment is almost ready, i can start thinking about working on my own writing again… and 「glass」 is due a draft revision…
last thing you googled: colorpicker (for the image of pink above) and dumb phone with gps (for A)
tagging @maeaneke (i don't know your favorite color????) @k0gaball @the-local-gremlin @gomjabbars @thesandsofelsweyr and @birenza, no pressure!
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princessmisery666 · 2 years
PM666Reads - Fic Recs - July 2022
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Please heed all the warnings on the individual fics. I am not responsible for what you choose to read.
To the authors - thank you for putting in the work 💕no one gets enough recognition so thank you for taking the time to write and being brave enough to share it with us 💟
📖Sam Winchester
Cuddling - @justagirlinafandomworld -
Bake My Breath Away - @writercole - Sam used to have the best bakery in town– until one day, his brother stops coming to him for pie.
📖Bradley Bradshaw
Lieutenant Bradshaw Pt 1-3 - @evansrogerskitten - Rooster was always an attentive, sweet, passionate lover who made sure you always got what you needed. But then one day you find out there was something the Lieutenant needed. And he wasn’t going to ask twice. 
A Glimpse Of Them - @bradshawsbaby - Not sure if request are open so if not ignore me but have you considered an imagine of Maverick watching Rooster and his wife and it reminding him of Goose and Carole? Like maybe Mrs Bradshaw is sitting on Rooster’s lap as he plays piano and they’re being cute and Maverick gets nostalgic. Either way love love your blog!
Prank Wars - @mavswife - HC prank wars
Crash Landing - @writercole - Sometimes, it takes throwing yourself in imminent danger to realize your true feelings.
Hold My Hand - @w0nderw0mansw0rld - It’s rare that Bradley and you have a whole weekend to yourselves, so whenever that was the case you made the most of it.
A Very Dangerous Game - @a-reader-and-a-writer - no summary
Rise & Shine - @wildbornsiren - Waking up to Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw hogging your bed after a night of fooling around leads to some birthday morning celebration.
Push - @wildbornsiren - All you and Bradshaw really need is a push. Luckily the team is there to help you out. 
📖Jake Seresin
Whispered Promise - @writercole - You don’t date Navy pilots. But you might make an exception when one wants to take you for a ride.
Soft - @bradshaw-fanclub - Unpopular opinion? I fully believe Hangman is a cocky SOB, ‼️BUT‼️ I also believe he has this soft side of him that comes out when he’s with the girl he falls like head over heals for. So I took that and absolutely ran with it, dudes
Liminal Space - @wildbornsiren - Of all the places you could have run into Jake “Hangman” Seresin, the laundromat wasn’t even on the list. Even more unusual, he’s claiming that you’re the one that got away after a night of drinking. 
Worth The Wait - @a-reader-and-a-writer - no summary
Mercy - @writercole - A bet puts Jake at his girlfriend’s mercy. Until he can’t take anymore.
Again - @wildbornsiren - Just a drabble about Jake getting his face wet. 
Face fucking - @lorecraft - no summary
Lazy Mornings - @seresinhangmanjake -
Gotta Be Quicker - @2fabul0us4 - you join your fellow pilots on the beach for a game of football with a side of flirting.
The Competition Never Ends - @justalonelyslytherin - Jake gets the best surprise his wife could give him before both of them get surprised with the gender of their little one. In true Hangman fashion, he organized something grand.
Night Owl - @youlightmeupfinn - One thing that Hangman never understood was how you functioned as a night owl. But it’s one of those things, he wouldn’t trade for anything in this world.
He Calls You 'My Girl' - @youlightmeupfinn - HC
Untitled flangst drabble - @wildbornsiren - no summary
Untitled fluff drabble - @winterscaptain - no summary
Untitled smut - @charnelhouse - no summary
Why Don't You Stay & Not The Wife - @writercole - Jake’s gotta leave. Phoenix has some wise words
Easy - @evansrogerskitten - Jake edges you all night at the annual Navy Ball
📖Robert Floyd
Call Me By My Name -@writercole - Bob’s girlfriend learns a very valuable lesson.
The Bet - @a-reader-and-a-writer - no summary
Fireworks - @writercole - Bob’s girlfriend gets a firework show of her own.
Magnetism - @wildbornsiren - They say if you love something, set it free. You walked away years ago and Bob let you go. But now you’re back, fate dealing him a hand he never thought he’d get. 
📖Dean Winchester
Second Chances pt. 13 & 14 - @waywardbaby - He is a man starting new, seeking a second chance after everything he ever loved was lost. She is a woman running away from her past, trying to forget and make a new beginning. Their paths cross at “Second Chances”, a bar that may very well mean its name and help both of them find exactly what they’re looking for.
Sacrifice - @deanwinchesterswitch - sac’ri·​fice’ v. 1 to give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another person  2 to give up something for something else considered more important (Cambridge Dictionary, 2020)
Reluctant Renegade prologue - @deangirl93 - After the night that saw his transformation into a vampire, resulting in the death of his wife, Dean spends his lifetime seeking revenge on the one that turned him. Reluctantly living outside the law because of what he is, he finds his niche as a bounty hunter, hired by families looking for someone, anyone to avenge the deaths of their loved ones. He doesn’t play by the rules, finding justice for the victims by any means necessary. But as dead bodies rack up and catch the attention of a young, naive but by-the-book detective, she won’t stop until she finds out who’s responsible for them. Dean knows he has to convince her of his innocence, but can he do that while maintaining his secret? And when the alpha that sired him finds him first, can he keep Y/N safe?
📖Bucky Barnes
Sunglasses and Orange Peels - @justagirlinafandomworld
Oh, Bucky - @justagirlinafandomworld - Just before your third date, Bucky takes a hit to the head during a mission which messes up some of his speech. But he wants to score with you, so he’s got to be clever to pass for normal.
📖Steve Rogers
Backstage Romance - @cockslutpadalecki - Being given the opportunity to host an award show alongside Steve Rogers is a dream come true, and when he propositions you as you’re about to go on stage, you find it hard to concentrate on anything other than your co-host’s filthy mouth.
Is It Too Late Now To Say Sorry - @cockslutpadalecki - mean!Steve washes your mouth out with soap when you curse in front of him 😈
Engaged - @cockslutpadalecki - Steve’s not happy he’s being replaced.
Diner Date - @justagirlinafandomworld - no summary
📖Soldier Boy
When Reality Is Worse than the Lies They Told Me - @kickingitwithkirk - The Boys have come to hide out with you
Untitled smut drabble - @charnelhouse - I can’t get the thought of soldier boy taking me from behind. Face forced down into the bed. Him calling me a desperate little slut and telling me if u want it so bad to fuck myself on his cock.
📖Henry Cavill
Risky - @littlefreya -What would cockwarming Henry be like?
📖Rhett Abbott
Look What You Made Me Do - @writercole -Rhett sends his girlfriend a  little something while she’s on a business trip.
Sweet & Sugar - @wildbornsiren - Rhett Abbott drops by to help you repair some fences. He finds out exactly how sweet you are.
Riding Rhett - @hederasgarden - Rhett teaches you the proper way to ride a bull (and him).
I'm Jaded - @wildbornsiren - The morning after isn’t always a disappointment. 
After Midnight - @wildbornsiren -  It doesn’t matter if he’s won or lost, just that he’s home. 
Declaration - @wildbornsiren - Rhett decides to take things public.
📖Lloyd Hansen
Under The Cover Of Darkness - @cockslutpadalecki - Managing to escape Lloyd is a feat in itself, but staying hidden? Impossible.
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charmsandtealeaves · 1 year
New WIP Game
Rules: share your unpublished WIPs. No updates to ongoing fics, just new shenanigans : )
Tagged by @athenasparrow … I’m pretty sure because they want the world to know what I’m currently working on and not just them 😉
Revenge Tastes Sweeter - A jily fake dating at Hogwarts story. It’s a gift for @joyseuphoria that’ll probably get posted during this years @jilytoberfest as it’s a ‘sequel’ to something I wrote for one of the 31 prompts during last years fest.
Evans Guide To Quidditch (and Seducing James Potter) - Another jily fic that takes place during Hogwarts years. aka Lily Evans creates a fantasy quidditch tournament. Writing thanks to encouragement from @theresthesnitch @petalstofish and @uncertainwallflower who showed interest when I shared the fic idea a little while back. I’m hoping to publish it at some point during April but no promises.
Untitled - A jily AU story. James is starting up his own social media marketing company and takes on client without quite realising what he’s getting himself into. He thinks it’s just a dance studio but turns up to discover it’s a POLE DANCING studio. Lily is obviously the owner & dance instructor. Still working on a title for this one. Again potentially out in April but likely later. Depends how much writing time I get.
Stripping Back To Basics- My very first collab fic! It’s absolute an absolute jily AU crack fic based on the tv show Naked Attraction. The fic is complete and dropping tomorrow!!!! So watch this space. It’s been so much fun to work with Athena on this. I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time.
Summers Where It Began- An old work I’m face lifting and finishing before publishing. It another Jily story that starts in the summer before a year at Hogwarts. James and Sirius decide to go on a motorbike road trip of the UK and end up in Cokeworth. They accidentally come across Lily Evans (it’s her home town after all). This one is a bit of a sad fic for a good chunk and deals with a lot of grief and angst. No ETA on this fic. It’s close to my heart and quite an emotional rollercoaster for me to write and work on as it’s the first fic I ever wrote while I was going through some stuff, but I never finished it and I want to do it justice now.
Not sure who’s been tagged for this already so apologies if you already have! Tagging: @turanga4 @merlins-sequined-hotpants and @allthosedarlings
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satashiiwrites · 1 year
F it Friday writing/from a fic i’m totally definitely not writing
I have to go to a work party tonight (joy) but i’m procrastinating by putting this scene down as it’s been stuck in my head. 
For the record… i now have three scenes half-written… and it’s one each from Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3.  
Goddamnit plot bunny…. Can’t you give me a break??
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Title: The First Spectre (aka previously known as untitled 911/Mass Effect space opera slowburn) a chapter somewhere in the back third of the story that would fit in ME3 if you’re keeping track. Might end up have ME1=the first spectre, ME2=Spectre Reborn and ME3=The Second Spectre…. But who knows.  
Fandom: 911, Mass Effect Trilogy
Pairing: endgame Buddie (MShenko equivalent).  Assume anything else is fair game until we hit ME3 territory because i’m totally making Taylor into Miranda and Abby is going to be Liara.
Tags/warnings: i’m still not committing to writing this monster length fic(and I do mean monster length if I go for it—like 600k of the slowest of slow burns).  In the meantime i’m evidently writing a beginning, a divorce-era horizon disaster, and can clearly picture the catalyst firing/’don’t leave me behind’ scene in all its angsty goodness and now i’m adding the actual ‘i’m here to help you relax scene. Author may be in deep trouble.  First draft with zero editing done.  Assume Eddie=Kaidan Alenko and Buck=MShep.  
Tagging because they asked @shortsighted-owl​, @monsterrae1​ @ajunerose​ @alyxmastershipper​  If you would like to be tagged for any updates or snippets from this one please let me know.
This scene inspired by this MShenko scene
To Eddie’s surprise, the door opens before he can knock or ask MADDIE to let Buck know he’s outside.  Buck almost walks right into Eddie, his gaze fixed on the datapad in his hands.
“Eds?”  Buck’s eyes are even bluer in the blue light from the aquarium that takes up the entire wall of the captain’s quarters, stepping to the side when he realizes that they’re almost chest to chest. “What are you—“
Eddie easily slips past him.  “Can’t sleep either?” He throws over his shoulder, inspecting Buck’s room for the first time officially.  It’s nice—if completely impractical on a battle frigate like the Normandy.  He suppresses the irritation that Cerberus thought to provide this sort of creature comfort with the hope of enticing Buck into their way of thinking.  Eddie has more than enough hard proof that Buck is on his side and not Cerberus’, otherwise he’d be dead from a bullet instead of Noah. 
No more thinking of maybes.  That’s what Eddie had told himself before coming up to Buck’s quarters.  
He needed to know. 
No more what if’s. 
Buck sets the datapad down on his desk which is cluttered with the things along with a pair of used coffee cups from the mess. Above the desk are a collection of model ships—just like Buck had on the original Normandy.  One of the ships was the Los Angelas—the last city they’d taken leave in before the Normandy Disaster had seemingly killed Buck and left Eddie to mourn his death and spend years thinking of what ifs. 
“No,” Buck finally answers the question, arms crossed over his chest as he watches Eddie inspect his office. 
“You can’t make yourself crazy over this,” Eddie tells him, fiddling with the bottle and glasses in his hands. ‘It won’t help.”
“What won’t?  I can’t know for sure that I didn’t miss something. Eds,” Buck draws out his name, huffing a bit in frustration and rubbing his face in fatigue. “I need to get back to work.”
Eddie makes a noise of disagreement in the back of his throat. “Five minutes.  Just one drink and then I’ll go,” he stalls for time, gesturing towards the low slung couch in the sitting area next to the bed, under the fish tank. 
For a brief second, Buck holds out and then he’s sighing and giving in, unable to resist Eddie’s offer  “One drink,” he cautions as he takes a seat next to Eddie.  
Eddie pours him a generous finger or two or five and hands it to Buck who sniffs at it appreciatively before giving a sip. “You know you’ve done everything you could, right?”
Buck stares at the whiskey like it has the answers to the universe in it’s amber depths.  “Everything?  It doesn’t feel like it.  I hope so.  I keep running the numbers and scenarios, wondering if I missed something.  If I could have saved one more person.”
“You don’t have to take this on yourself,” Eddie soothes, taking a drink of his own before reaching out to wrap his hand around Buck’s wrist. There’s tension in the muscles and then they relax purposefully as Buck watches him from beneath lowered lashes. Rubbing his fingertips along the tendons in a caress, Eddie tries to find the words he needs. “You’ve got a great crew you’ve built. Talented people that are all fighting by your side.”
Buck pulls away and throws back the entire glass of whiskey before getting up and beginning to pace, putting distance between them.  It’s like watching a panther stalking in front of the bars of it’s cage—lethal grace wrapped in an N7 hoodie and uniform pants, feet bare and silent on the rubber mat floors.  There’s a scowl on his face but it’s not focused on Eddie, but within and it hurts Eddie that Buck doesn’t realize how much he’s done because to him nothing short of ridding the galaxy of the Reapers will be acceptable. 
Eddie steps into Buck’s path, making him stop.  Taking a deep breath, he moves to rest his hands on Buck’s hips.
Buck stills under the touch, frown melting away but there’s still a deep furrow between the eyebrows that betrays the stress that he’s under.  Eddie doesn’t resist the impulse to smooth it away and rubs his right thumb across it before cupping Buck’s unshaven cheek so he can’t look away.  There’s faint bruising under both eyes from the lack of sleep but the blue eyes are luminous and laser focused like the sniper he is on Eddie.  The hip under his other hand shifts, pressing into Eddie’s touch and decreasing the space between their bodies seemingly without awareness because Eddie has it all now. 
He has Buck’s complete and full attention. 
Picking his words carefully, Eddie tells him that he’s enough.  “What you’ve accomplished since the Reapers arrived has been nothing short of amazing. You saved so many people, brought so many together in this fight,” he paused, then made it personal.  “You saved Christopher… and you saved me, too.”
Buck breathes out through his nose sharply, an almost wounded sound escaping him.  “I couldn’t leave either of you,” he confesses, moving closer but there’s still just a tiny amount of space between their bodies. “What are you doing here, Eddie?”
“I lied,” he admitted, voice dropping a bit into more of a husky confession. “I didn’t just come for a drink.”
“What did you come here for?”  Buck is holding his breath, waiting on his words. 
“I’m here to help you,” Eddie’s words stumble out of him, tongue tying itself into knots.
“Help me?” Buck’s eyebrows are climbing, confusion evident in his voice but he hasn’t withdrawn.  They’re still so close but not close enough. 
“Help you relax.”  
Eddie is never going to win awards for pickup lines but Buck seems to understand what he’s trying to say, if very badly.  His fingers seem to have a life of their own and Buck sways closer to him as he slips his hand around Buck’s waist to tug him closer. 
“Relax?”  Buck’s pink tongue swipes at his bottom lip, eyes dropping to Eddie’s mouth. 
“Relaxing will help you focus,” Eddie informs him before he can’t say anything further because Buck’s mouth is pressed to his.  
The kiss is gentle at first, tentative like they’re both asking the other for permission to proceed.  When neither pulls away it becomes more persistent and then a curious tongue traces the seam of Eddie’s mouth and he’s opening to let Buck’s tongue tangle with his own. 
When they part finally to inhale, Eddie is chuckling into Buck’s neck, pressing a quick kiss to the jawline. Buck is frozen against him, like he’s afraid that he’s going to startle Eddie and he’ll flee like a wild animal. 
In response, all he can do is to pull Buck back in for another hungry kiss. 
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deartouya · 2 years
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this is a list of i'm currently working on. i have,, more ideas,, but these are the one being written or outlined currently. i write when i have the chance and can only promise one fic a month, even if i post more throughout any given month. any fic on this list can be changed, edited, or scraped altogether. these will be,, very spaced out and not posted in the order listed so please be patient. please ask me about any that interest you !! i love talking about them :3
i am on a temporary writing hiatus to focus on my event and settle back into school, so i will be slow on posting and completing wips.
updated: november 8, 2022
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LONG FICS (over 3k)
permanence; bakugou katsuki x reader (exes to lovers)
projected word count: 7-9k current status: nearly fully outlined and in the process of being written summary: after earning a year-long mission abroad, you and katsuki break up. there's no animosity, it's for the best and it's easy to ignore him while he's gone. it's only after he gets back that the affection bubbles up. and it's only after a massive villain attack that they break through.
crawl home to her; dabi x reader (corpse bride au)
projected word count: 3-5k current status: nearly fully outlined and partially written summary: following the untimely death of your fiance, your parents arrange for you to marry the next in line. except he's not... dead. even if he's also not quite. right.
with the tides; todoroki shouto x reader (selkie au)
projected word count: 8-10k current status: outlining summary: there's been something... different about the sea, some innate feeling, something tugging at you. it's only after a routine rescue, cutting a seal caught by a reckless fisherman's net, that that strangeness materializes. you just hadn't expected that something to materialize into a... someone.
untitled; hawks x reader (soulmate au)
projected word count: 7-9k current status: outlining summary: after your coffee shop is ruined by a villain attack nearby, you come face to face with the number one hero: winged hero hawks; who, frankly, thinks you're incredibly interesting. after your first meeting, he returns throughout the weeks under the guise of coffee and croissants. he's always loved the idea of soulmates, of someone destined to love him and he hopes you're it for him. he finds his answer after your shop suffers another attack.
eyes so green; midoriya izuku x reader (soulmate au)
projected word count: 6-8k current status: outlining summary: izuku has always loved the idea of soulmates, keeping track of the countdown on his wrist. but as he gets older and the weight of heroism presses closer, he forgets. so when he finally meets you, it's like everything has clicked into place. if only you shared his enthusiasm.
i like you a latte; kaminari denki x reader (coffee shop au)
projected word count: 3-5k current status: outlining summary: denki’s determined to make you fall in love with him, cheesy one-liners and all, even if he goes into debt from all the overpriced lattes and pastries in the process. little does he know he’s already one you over, you just like watching him fumble.
untitled; dabi x reader (grievances to lovers)
projected word count: 8-10k current status: not started, trying to outline summary: you've never gotten along with touya, he makes sure of it. but he always seems to be around, always there to prod his way under your skin. when you're paired with the (now rehabilitated) villain on a mission, you learn that he's not.. the worst person in the world. even if you'd rather die that tell him that.
untitled; hawks x reader (tangled au)
projected word count: 12-14k current status: not started, consuming my every thought summary: ever the opportunist, you take your unfortunate run in with the infamous hawks and twist it to your advantage. despite everything, he's your best shot at finding what you're looking for. even if it means you spend half your time hiding from the kings guard.
the horror and the wild; dabi x reader (mermaid au)
projected word count: 3k current status: almost fully outlined and partially written summary: dabi continues getting himself captured by your crew and you’re running out of excuses for why he’s suddenly escaped. he does, begrudgingly, come in handy.
what the water gave me; bakugou katsuki x reader (mermaid au)
projected word count: 6-7k current status: not started, partially outlined summary: you’re a surfer and finds an injured mermaid, taking it upon yourself to nurture them back to health.
out of the rolling ocean; todoroki shouto x reader (little mermaid au)
projected word count: 12-14k current status: not started summary: after you’re ship sinks returning home, you’re saved by a mysterious person. one you’re determined to find and marry them. the problem is figuring out who they are.
circumstance demands it; todoroki shouto x reader (royalty au)
projected word count: 6-7k current status: not started summary: facing his fathers and countries demands for wed, shouto finds a solution in you- a nobleman’s daughter and friend who can help him fend off the social season.
SHORT FICS (under 3k)
mighty paw; midoriya izuku x reader (zookeeper au)
summary: a little meetcute between you, a primary teacher, and izuku, the zookeeper you interact with on your classes field trip. your students notice how much izuku seems to like you and makes it their mission for the day to get you together.
lost & found; bakugou katsuki x reader (zookeeper au)
during your tour, guided by an incredibly annoyed zookeeper, you both stumble across a lost child which forces you to work together to find their parents. and maybe bakugou gets a little a lot less annoyed with you.
wine & dine; dabi x reader (zookeeper au)
as the field trip comes to an end and you’re preparing to leave, it begins to rain, forcing you and the keeper in charge of the reptile house to huddle together under a small roof until it passes.
out of the rain; hawks x reader (bath fic)
hawks hates the rain, it’s uncomfortable and annoying, but he still always takes care of you. he still uses his wing as a makeshift umbrella when you’re out,despite the way it matts his down and fluffs his feathers. it’s only fair to return the care, the tenderness.
(planned) hit and run; kuroo tetsurou x reader (college au)
a meet cute; you see a cute guy exiting the campus cafe and decide the best way to start a conversation is to run into him.
love in the clouds; hawks x reader (date drabble)
fluffy flight date with your pro-hero boyfriend
cold cold man; dabi x reader (song fic)
clingy villain boyfriend is clingy. refuses to accept work as a valid excuse and shows up on your fire escape so you can hold him.
susie save your love (for someone like me); momo x reader (song fic)
for kai’s the only truth is music collab; song fic based on susie save your love by allie x
love me as i am; bakugou katsuki x reader (bath fic)
the world has always been cruel to katsuki, rough and expecting. it weighs heavy on his shoulders–makes him hard to love, but you’ve never seem to care. you take him for what he is. when work has him ragged, you’re always there to take care of him–soft and tender and loving.
tenderness; bakugou katsuki x reader (sick fic)
you get sick before date night and katsuki spends the night looking after you.
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fridayyy-13th · 11 months
WIP snippet game
woahhh tysm @ollieofthebeholder for tagging me with the words star, hope, green, watch, and thread!! now to scour my absolutely ridiculous number of TMA WIPs (most of which are really just notes, which narrows it down a little bit) to see what all i've got.
star: ohohoho right off the bat we've got one from my favorite WIP! it's a multichapter fic i've been calling Minutes to Midnight. it's still in its early stages, writing-wise (in actuality this thing has been in my brain for over a year...), but this bit occurs somewhere around the middle of the fic.
Martin glanced at Jon out of the corner of his eye. The other man had his head tipped back and tilted to the side, staring into the foggy night sky. What was he thinking, Martin wondered. Did he think if he stared hard enough he’d be able to see the stars? Jon huffed, and in one swift motion he pulled the ribbon of his mask undone, setting it gently in his lap and looking back up with a frown. “I wish the skies were clearer tonight,” he told Martin, “the view of the night sky from here is…honestly, one of my favorite things in the world.”
hope: this one actually shows up kinda a lot! but i picked an excerpt from a safehouse fic i'm working on, that's got a sequel w/MAG 160 canon divergence (and as a result, a lot of ow). this one, though, is a lot more like the stuff i've already written—that is to say, it's bittersweet. and also currently untitled.
Minutes later, bed passably-made and jackets dropped into a heap on the floor, the two shuffled under the heavy green blanket Jon had found. From there...Jon wasn't really sure what to do. Well, go to sleep, obviously. But before that. Martin lay on his own side of the bed, and Jon lay on theirs, hands inches apart in the space between them. And they wanted to reach out, more than anything, but something gave them pause. Hell, they'd been holding hands near-constantly since leaving the Lonely, but it...it felt more intimate, the thought of taking his hand here. Like if they did, it would be tantamount to telling him I'm hopelessly in love with you. The last thing they wanted was to cross a boundary.
green: ah yes, the WIP where i shamelessly project my aroflux-ness onto jon, lol. it's another safehouse fic!! i call it Friday I'm in Love, bc if there's one thing i hate that i love to do, it's steal song names/lyrics for titles. and also i just really like the song. yes most of the information in italics is cribbed from various wikipedia pages and is probably gonna be narrowed down at least a little bit in the final draft.
“Camellias are probably my favorite, I think,” said Martin. “They look a bit like roses? I don’t know if you know them.” At that moment, a slew of information forced its way into Jon’s mind. Camellia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Theaceae, and it is native to eastern and southern Asia. There are somewhere between 100 and 300 species, with disputes over the exact number, along with around 3,000 hybrids. In floriography, it generally means gratitude and perfection. Red camellias mean unpretending excellence, or “you’re a flame in my heart.” White camellias mean “you’re adorable,” or perfected loveliness. Pink camellias mean “longing for you.” They are evergreen shrubs that grow up to 7.62 meters tall, with simple, serrated, typically glossy leaves. They—Jon shook his head, stopping the flood of information. “Ah, um, I Know them now.” “Oh.” Jon rushed to say, “They’re- they’re nice, it’s just…” “Yeah, I- I know.” “Er, I like…gardenias,” said Jon, rather lamely.
watch: this here is part of a fix-it AU that essentially boils down to "hey. hey what if they were all friends before the Archives transfer. what then." this WIP in particular is specifically qpr!jonsasha, and the groundwork for that.
The next morning, there was a to-go coffee cup on her desk, with some packets of sugar and creamer right beside it. On the side of the cup was a yellow sticky note. Thank you again, for yesterday. Figured I'd pay you back; I hope this is sufficient. —Jon She smiled at him, as he was not-so-subtly glancing at her to watch her reaction. “Thanks, Jon.” He returned to his work with a poorly hidden smile. The sight of it filled her with warmth.
thread: eyyy we've got Spider Trauma™️ (and not-shown-here hurt/comfort). this one's really putting the "rough" in "rough draft" though, i decided to play around a bit with switching character perspectives as well as switching between 3rd- and 2nd-person POVs and verb tenses. but it is a oneshot! so hopefully it'll be done sooner rather than later.
Jon was not doing well, all things considered. He'd shut himself up in his office, once again ardently wishing his door had a lock. Not for the reasons he used to; he'd long since grown past the days of shutting his friends out, figuratively and literally, and now was intensely grateful they'd decided he was worth keeping around despite...everything about how he'd acted when they all first transferred, really. No, right now he wanted privacy because— Old cardboard pages under your hands, sticking to your fingers and not letting you go, gossamer thread leading you closer and closer to the door where a monster awaits its next meal—
tags (no pressure!!): @three-magpies-in-a-trenchcoat @gentlemancrow @radical-dadical-rafael @dramaticdads with the words flower, space, read, blue, and sing!
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ramblingdisaster73 · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Currently untitled and at almost 8K words into this new fic. Carlos POV showing us his view of the relationship between the Strand men. Spans from 3x12 "Negative Space" until past the Season 3 finale.
Ten minutes later their food had been ordered and TK had left to pick it up. He had spent the time between when TK left and Owen arriving, mostly listening as Catherine tried to digest the events that had taken place since she had met Owen Strand. Carlos had found that he enjoyed listening to people that have been victim to Owen’s particular brand of crazy.
He wasn’t sure what it was about Owen that made his by the book father essentially turn a blind eye to the chaos that typically followed Owen Strand. The man had the biggest hero complex that Carlos had ever witnessed, he was not capable of letting the ‘proper’ authorities deal with whatever situation he had flung himself face first into. Case in point, the arsonist that had burned their last home to the ground, the immigrants in the hill country, or this current situation with whomever is stalking him. He thought that the former deputy made sense, but now that Carlos had learned that the man now had a restraining order against Owen, he thought that maybe they had been looking in the wrong direction.
TK had arrived home only minutes after Owen and Catherine had left, relieving Carlos of being alone with the strange woman that seemed to instantly dislike Owen’s girlfriend. He had noticed that when Owen had introduced her as his girlfriend, Sadie had let her controlled features slip, showing a hint of what looked like jealousy. His suspicions about her interest in the man were cemented when she told TK how insistent Catherine had been about going on the stalker stake out with Owen.
He had been distracted when she had offered to help TK get their dinner situated, busy watching the feed from the Capitol. He had laughed when TK had thought a statue was the deputy, and teased the other man when he had admitted that his mouth was on fire from the heat of their food. He had glanced away when TK had gotten up from the floor and had almost missed the now familiar figure coming out of a side door of the main lobby of the Capitol.
He hadn’t started feeling weird until he had tried to stand up, looking for TK. The words that Sadie had been saying about how she and Owen had been meant to be together, just like Carlos and TK. When she had admitted what she had put in their food, Carlos had felt his entire body go cold with fear. Not fear for himself, but fear for the man that has already defied death more than one person should be able too, the man that has gone into cardiac arrest at least three times that Carlos could think of. He had tried to get up, to get to TK, had died a little himself when he had seen TK’s legs sticking out of their bedroom door.
Carlos wasn’t sure how long he had been out for, long enough that Sadie had been able to drag him into his bedroom with TK, long enough to stab Marjan when she had stopped by to help go through the video feeds. Long enough for their fathers to arrive with additional law enforcement and EMS. He could do nothing more than sit next to TK, stare at the woman being arrested, the one that had thought the best way to get to Owen was to drug his son and his boyfriend. She may not have known about TK’s history or addiction, but she had known that she was putting them at risk when she had placed the oxy in their dinner.
Once Marjan had been taken to the hospital, all the rangers and members of the APD had left their home, Carlos had simply reached out for TK’s hand, grateful when his grip was reciprocated. They had moved from the floor, to sitting on their bed, looking out into the living room.
“I guess at least there wasn’t a fire,.” TK stated, his voice sounding as though he were miles away instead of inches. “We aren’t homeless this time.”
“True.” Carlos replied, not sure where TK’s head was exactly.
“It was oxy right?” TK asked him, not meeting his eyes.
“Yeah, that’s what she said.” Carlos answered.
“That’s what I thought.  I just thought the spices in the food was making me feel overheated. I should have recognized that it was oxy. I am so sorry Carlos.” TK said, still not looking at Carlos.
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clairelsonao3 · 1 year
First Lines Tag Game
Thanks to @mariahwritesstuff for this one.
Two tag games in as many days! I feel loved ...🥰
It was 2 a.m., and Louisa Phillips stared at the little orange pill in her desk drawer — half dying to use it, half hating it was even there.
Untitled GSNBTR side fic #1: (no spoilers, since it takes place during the timeline of what's already been posted):
Keith Phillips crouched down on the putting green, trying to see the way the curve of the earth would break.
Untitled GSNBTR side fic #2: (The first few lines of this one are spoilers, so I'll take one from further down)
There they were at the helm, two guys doing what, for guys, was almost always enough to break even the thickest ice: talking about things. Knots and sheets and jibs and genoas, as natural as if they’d been doing it all their lives. 
The Adored (YA romantic thriller, taking a break from querying agents, hoping to revise):
It's 2 a.m., I'm buzzed on a forty of PBR, and it's my last night as a rock star.
Angels and Queens (The Westing Game fanfic, written for Yuletide 2022):
"I can't believe you talked me into that silly wedding dress, Theo," said Turtle, the night before they got married — the night before the Fourth of July.
That's about all I got for now. Watch this space for more.
It's all you! Feel free to jump in if you want! @hd-literature @andromeda-grace @writeintrees @mattresses-and-macaroni
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hergrandplan · 3 months
I didn't know you write fics!!! My to-read list is getting scarily long, but i'm def squeezing you in after the newest wip chapters on my list!!!
You answered so many questions already, but how about 2, 3 and 37 for the writing ask game?
Little fun fact! I started writing fics as a teen (mostly for Percy Jackson) and then stopped, thinking I'd lost my drive or muse or whatever. And then I watched Young Royals... and now I can't stop writing haha.
Even better, I never wrote a singular multichapter fic (that I actually thought I could finish) before Young Royals. And the start of a multichapter was the very first fic I posted in this fandom 😂
2. Is there a trope you've yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
I am so glad you asked this cause this is the one i wanted to answer most. Cause I've been watching One Day (like the rest of the world) and though the romance is good, I guess, the thing that intrigues me most about it is the storytelling. Every episode is just one day, one day a year, and somehow it manages to let you know exactly what happened in the 364 days before that episode, where the characters are standing now in their life and their feelings, they make it make SENSE somehow (I'm not feeling like I'm missing anything) and they move the plot along. in the space of 30 minutes per episode. which is incredible, and I maybe want to try and write something like that.
There's also a dark academia fic that I maybe want to write, but with other ideas I've had it has sadly been shoved to the bottom of my stack
3. Is there a trope you woudn't touch with a ten foot pole?
surprise pregnancy as a way to keep the main couple together.
37. Talk about your current WIPs
I feasibly can't talk about ALL of them. that is way too much. But here's the ones that I'm most excited for:
Suburban Legends (6/?) : like I said, this is the first multichapter I've ever posted that I am 100% sure about I'm going to finish. I've never had an idea that was strong enough to make it into a multichapter until this one, in fact I never wrote a fic longer than 2.5k words before this and the wordcount in my doc is 40k at the moment. The way I think about this fic daily is unhealthy, but I love it. They're both a little bit oblivious idiots, it's wasn't meant to be angsty but in hindsight, I don't know how I thought I could have them be exes and also have it fluffy, but there's so many good things to come I'm !!!!
(working title) See The Stars, See How They Shine For You: inspired by none other than Omar at the Oscars. Former Crown Prince of Sweden attends the Oscars (or some other award show, I'm not set on it yet) and meets Simon, who works there as an usher of sorts. Simon is very annoyed with him (why is a prince at this award show) but that quickly changes when he realizes what a loveable idiot Wille is. Banter and fluff galore I am so so excited for it
and one that I started this week and wrote 3k words for in one night: (untitled). (aka i had a title but realized that title was already taken BUT). Wille never chased after Simon in that final scene. Though he abdicated a year later, they never saw each other again. Until Simon finds a letter in his mom's attic, and reaches out. It's so angsty already and I love it
(and there's a bunch of one-shots I have planned, like their first labour day together and wille's 18th birthday where Simon makes up for the shitshow that was the previous year. someone needs to take word away from me lol)
Send me writing asks while I procrastinate lol
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me-uglypretty · 2 years
for real though! like if someone were to see me at work staring off into space it’s most likely that i’m 100% mentally not there
(okay but the way that meet the robinsons’ is my favorite disney movie, especially the t-rex scene with the “big head and little arms and he’s not so sure how well this was all planned out” being one of the phrases i quote the most?)
duly noted about the comics! as for my patience, it’s hit and miss depending on the situation with the shows, but if i’m thoroughly involved in the character’s well being i usually binge watch that shit ((which i am very tempted to do with runaways but i also want to take my time and enjoy it as well)) i totally get what you were trying and yes i agree that trying to english is very hard
(((you are speaking so many truths right here lol like the parents can totally afford therapy for themselves, their kids, and anyone else they traumatize which also includes us)))
(((((okay but if i ever forget to sign off again, my default signature is automatically all of the parentheses)))))
((((((oh! and i hope that all of the motivation and creative juices are flowing for you as well!! i’m still over here like the owl in avatar the last airbender that gate keeps wan shi tong’s library in the desert, cause i have all these great ideas that i can’t put into words to share with others hahaha oop. honestly you [or fic writers in general] should write the next history books with a whole ass section on fanfiction maybe it would go into the psychology books though))))))
~ input runaway anon
((((((*wink* didn’t forget it this time))))))
You mentioned the last airbender and now I feel like I need to watch Korra and Asami again (maybe read the comics too???). ((and I feel the need to rewatch meet the Robinsons for the li cute dinosaur))
I get the hit and miss thing, the amount of show I got so into then just loose interest because the characters and storyline just wasn’t as solid and sending my apologies to all the watchlist shows that I am no longer loyal too
and do u ever watch something in 2x speed cause youre invested and wanna finish the show?? no?? yes?? okay same
Writing history would be too powerful of a task for me. Like do you wanna read about how my favourite girl group and dworded characters deserves better??? Cause they made history???? 
Thank you for sharing you words <33 I really read it like the morning paper giving me update of life.
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