#unwritten fics asks
nimata-beroya · 2 years
hi, me again! the one where the ghost crew teams up with thrawn and the royal au with zeb as king sound amazing!
Thanks! You requested me asks 2 and 20 before, right? So…
2. How did you get the idea to write this?
As you read in my post, I got the idea for Warrior's Fortune from another person's post where they suggested that Zeb has more in common with Thrawn (being military men and having their species endangered by genocide), therefore It would easier to convince him to work with Thrawn if he came asking help to the Ghost Crew to fight against the Grysks, as opposite of being Ezra or Hera who usually are the ones who cave in first in most fics. I added that Kallus would be very unhappy with that alliance. I've had this idea rummaging in my head since I read the 2 newest Thrawn trilogies. There are some details I need to figure out, so that's why I haven't written anything for it yet.
As for Succession, the idea came to me while I was planning another Kalluzeb fic (the betrothal), which is a no-order-66 au where Zeb's family is related to the queen of Lasan. He's so far removed in the line of succession that only if a tragedy kills every member of his family would be the only way for him to sit in the throne. And then, it hit me. If in canon he was from the royal family, he would be king after the fall of Lasan. And he'd keep it a secret, even with more zealous than he kept being a captain of the High Guard.
20. Give a vague description of something that will happen without revealing too much
In Succession, Chava will ship kalluzeb so hard and she will find the way to bind Kallus as Prince consort, via tradition/ritual/something, to the chagrin of many Lasats 😆
And in Warrior's Fortune, as if Kallus' reluctance to work with Thrawn wasn't enough to create angst, there'll be also the tiny little issue of Kallus and Zeb's adopted baby girl being a Chiss, who they rescued from a attacked ship aaaaaaaand she has the third sight. So Thrawn might get the idea of taking the girl back to the Ascendancy on the grounds of getting her into the navigators program. Obviously, Zeb and Kallus will have an opinion about it.
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mqfx · 2 months
maybe if i write it down asap i can forget about it and then a year or two from now i'll be surprised while going down my archives. anyway
premise summary: the last two factions of a continent at war are at a stalemate and are planning peace negotiations. the emperor (JW) sends his envoy, a fallen prince from one of the defeated kingdoms (XL) to treat with the enemy rebels (led by HC). each party brings their head generals, FX (from XL's side) and MQ (from HC's side) as a show of trust and commitment to the negotiations.
as talks begin, it's clear that the envoy and the rebel leader are quickly becoming more than tentative allies--which would be great for the peace of the continent! if it weren't for their generals nearly sabotaging every chance due to their clear and volatile hatred for each other caused by years of fighting on the battlefield.
but what will they do when they each find out the truth: that both sides are using the talks as a cover for their plans to betray and annihilate the other? can they put aside their differences for the sake of their masters and their kingdoms, or will they plunge the continent further into war?
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ilovedthestars · 5 months
👀 give us another number 18
okay i need to know if you saw bardic's shenanigans and decided to jump on the bandwagon or if you guys just have hilarious timing XD
seriously tho i'm running out of material, this is the LAST ONE
(Fic writer asks)
18. if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
This is another one from the rest is still unwritten. I had a bit where ART interjected, but decided to cut it to focus on Mensah and MB. This is right after the question of whether MB is staying with ART's crew comes up:
“I wasn’t sure if the offer was still on the table.” ART butted into my feed, and had the courtesy to loop Dr. Mensah in too. You just saved several members of the crew from a potentially fatal situation for the second time, you little idiot. The offer is still on the table. Dr. Mensah raised her eyebrows in my general direction. Okay, maybe I was a little bit of an idiot.
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fandomsandfairytales · 2 months
I know it's a pretty old post, but if you're still doing it -- "Finrod finding out that humans (and dwarves) die and having a minor breakdown/existential crisis" for the unwritten fics game?
Thank you so much for sending in an ask for the unwritten fics game!! :D it's definitely not too late or too old of a post!
(Sorry I couldn't get to your ask for a few days, life's been busy.)
So, this was partially inspired by chapter 34 of a Silm fic called "The Harrowing" in which there is a discussion about mortality and Finrod is there. It's not centered around or focused on Finrod, but it made me think about what would happen when he figured out that the Secondborn die.
My initial thought was, "Well, I'm sure he'd be very upset about it," and then it spiraled into this vague outline of a fic, where he somehow finds out about it from Bëor and his immediate reaction is to have that minor breakdown/existential crisis. He would then recover enough to try to reassure Bëor that it's fine, he's fine, he just needs a little time adjusting to the idea.
But then he'd go semi-neurotic trying to make sure that everyone in this human community he's been bonding with stays alive. Stuff like making sure nobody stays outside in the cold for too long, or eats anything that might make them sick, or even falls over. Basically, he ends up treating them all like glass and Bëor observes this with mixed amusement and annoyance until the last straw happens (I haven't come up with what exactly that straw is, but probably Finrod freaking out over a human doing something completely innocuous that he thinks could be dangerous to them). So Bëor has an intervention and says to him something along the lines of, “dude. you can’t keep doing this. everyone’s starting to get fed up with you. all of us humans are going to die one day because of sickness or old age or whatever and it’s just gonna happen and you can’t do anything about it so take a chill pill.” And then Finrod has a full-on breakdown over it, sobbing and hugging him, and Bëor’s just there patting him on the back and wondering what he can say and finally, finally Finrod pulls himself together and Bëor’s like “better now? you know, this means we have to treasure the present” and Finrod goes “yeah, I can see that” with a watery laugh and then they get up and move on, and there are no more incidents of Finrod trying desperately to prevent any possible cause of death (besides what would be normal measures for humans to keep themselves safe).
The general mood of the fic would be humorous yet heartwarming. When a vague plot started to take shape, I was imagining that Finrod would keep freaking out over more and more ridiculous things, to the point that it would almost be a crack fic, but I decided I would really want to keep the emotional points. After all, it would have to start off in a rather emotional place, and it would make sense to end it there too; there would have to be some resolution.
If I do ever write it, I don't think it would be more than a oneshot, and I'm not sure how well I'd be able to balance the lightheartedness with the heaviness. But I'd like to give it a try at some point! Even if it never gets fully fleshed out, I can still hang onto the headcanon that this was Finrod's reaction to finding out about mortality. XD
Thank you again for the ask!
Link to my not-yet-written/unwritten fics here.
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erstwhilesparrow · 1 year
Can you tell me more about this vampire hunter pretending to be domestic? 👀
i can!! i very very very much can!! :D
so. first thing you need to know is that this is an AU of an AU and i've entirely lost the thread. the second thing you need to know is that this AU of an AU is the lovely @cohnal's doing. it read one of my fics and went, "hey, what if [Much Beloved Character] met these guys." and i went, "AUGH. FUCK. YEAH. HELL YEAH."
under a cut due to Paragraphs. o/
o/ !
so. the background information is that there's this little gang of three vampires who've been living together for a long time. they're super close, and have most recently been living in a big old house somewhere that could reasonably be described as 'on the edge of town.' they've been getting a little reckless lately with their feeding, killing people they probably shouldn't and attracting attention when they didn't before. so one day, a vampire hunter comes to town.
the hunter -- we will call him owen -- by virtue of being a hunter, is already a little on the edge of things. his work mostly keeps him alone and separate from others. this is an interesting contrast to the vampires, who have of course been exiled from life but very much behave like family with each other. it's winter, and owen gets trapped with the vampires in their big old house.
the 'pretending at domesticity' was a thing in my original fic -- the vampires sometimes put blood in bowls and sit around the dining room table drinking it as if it's soup; one of them curls up in front of the fireplace and thinks about how if she looks very sweet the others might carry her upstairs like a child to her room -- and it was at least in part about... playing with this image of 'family'? none of the three vampires stays in the 'parent' or 'child' or 'sibling' or 'partner' role for very long in relation to the other two. it's supposed to be a little bit off, a little more mutable, a little of both [hey this set-up looks familiar] and [hey wait that's not supposed to happen].
and the thing my brain has snagged on re: owen is (1) figuring out how he responds to this, as someone who has no family or other long-lasting connections, and (2) where he ends up fitting into this dynamic? because. look. he's trapped in a house full of vampires. his whole job might be killing them, but he's not walking away from this one. i like the idea of him turned more than i like the idea of him drained of blood and dumped in the snow.
so. guy trapped in a house with something family-shaped but not in the traditional sense. the image of him fitting alarmingly well into that family-shape. the image of him bristling with weapons and tension still sitting down at the table to... eat? the image of all of them, three vampires and owen, settling in front of the fireplace as if to share drinks and stories, and that's where one of them sinks their teeth in his neck to make him turn.
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cuubism · 2 years
keep it secret?? (??keep it safe??) :)
yep that's what that title's from 😂
a fic about how it's hard to be "dream of the endless" and sometimes dream just wants to be dream, and the only person he has that with is hob. completely unwritten save a quick summary:
Dream understands that, customarily, friends should know each other’s names. Should know each other’s lives, each other’s histories. He surely owes Hob that much, at this point.
But the thing is.
The thing is, this is the only place where he doesn’t have to be himself.
Hob tells Dream to come back to see him any time. Dream does, comes back greedily, but he can’t seem to give Hob any answers. It takes him a while to realize why.
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pipermca · 1 year
"Put "📓" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about."
This one is just a vague concept that I keep adding tiny notes to. It's called The Sound of Silence, and it involves Blaster getting captured by the Cons. It's dangerous for them to have a host mech on their ship (just as it would be dangerous for the Autobots to have Soundwave in their brig) so to neutralize him as a threat they deafen Blaster.
It's torture. They don't understand how much torture it is to stop a host mech from hearing things... But Soundwave understands. And he eventually orchestrates Blaster's escape/rescue by the Autobots, simply because he couldn't stand by and watch Blaster suffer like that.
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happi-tree · 1 year
Hihihi, lovebird!!! Hope you had a beautiful day 💗💗💗
I did end up scrolling through my personal archives for this and going back to my bnha roots just for you <3 This concept was a fave of mine, and while I didn't write an actual fic for it, I did write a plot summary-type thing along with some bullet points. Hope you enjoy a little Momojirou!
Tumblr media
It’s a rite of passage for the Yaoyorozu family once a child turns fifteen to head a successful infiltration mission - the higher the stakes, the more respect the young Yaoyorozu will earn from their future subordinates. Knowing this, Yaoyorozu Momo sets her sights on infiltrating Yuuei High School - one of the most revered and protected institutions in Japan - for the duration of three full years. Momo’s quite literally been preparing for this for her entire life. 
But what happens when Momo realizes she could be more than just a means to an end, the latest blossom of a tree watered in blood? What about when she’s surrounded by loving people her own age for the first time in her life, and it clicks that she’s allowed to want things for herself? That maybe, just maybe, she can save lives rather than take them? Rule with love and not fear?
As their first year goes on, both Momo and Kyoka grow to love their place within their class and genuinely care for their classmates. Feelings like these are dangerous, they know. But at least it can help make their act more convincing. 
Kyoka notices that Momo’s acting less and less every day. They know each other’s tells, they have since childhood, and Momo isn’t just pretending to play Hero anymore. 
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rexxdjarin · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💙💙
Hi Ezzie!!!! I absolutely love this idea. Here are my five faves I’ve written. It’s SO hard to choose but I think these have a special place in my heart:
Captain’s Log - the fic that started it all. I was driven to write this by the simple question of what was Rex doing post order 66 and why was he so far removed by the time of Rebels? And then…what if he had just a wonderful incredible dedicated loyal romantic partner. And this fic was born. I deal with trauma, loss, ptsd, political drama, angst, moral/ethical war discussions etc. this fic has everything i wish the shows could’ve really explored and I’m so so proud of it. It’s still not done and I’ve been going through too much rn to pick it up again but I’ll get there. I promise 🥺🥺💙
Unwritten - ahhh the prequel to captain’s log and the exploration of the love story unfolding between Rex and the reader of captain’s log, my oc, Mari. It’s still early but I have SO much planned for this. I want everyone to love Mari as much as I do and as much as Rex does. I love getting to write a love story developing AND getting to include all the other boys too🤭
No Shame - this is a one shot I wrote based on the same song by The Weeknd. It’s a wolffe x reader smut fic but I’m immensely proud of this fic. To date it might be the best thing I’ve ever written and I LOVE getting to write Wolffe in a more developed nuanced way that makes him so much more emotionally developed than just being grumpy. He’s got a real pure golden heart in there and this fic really gets to prove that. AND the spice is truly so good. Like I can’t believe I wrote this good.
Afflictions - this is my empire era 30 year old Boba Fett smutty fic and god I LOVE him. He’s such an angsty asshole at this age and writing him as sexy and frustrated and kind of a jerk you can’t help but fall for was SO fun. And the reader (who I eventually made into my OC Teza Kirso) is such a spitfire devilishly daring thing who I love so much. She’s just as much a little asshole as Boba and I LOVE how they make each other fucking NUTS. I will get to their story soon too🫣
Out of Our Element - this is my most recent fic and I fucking LOVED writing it. It’s wolffe during the captains log events with my twi’lek oc zeeta and god these two 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 I’ve never really written switch dynamics or a bi character before but I’m SO thrilled with how this came out. The pull between these two is magnetic electric shocking spicy I’m fucking obsessed with them now.
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atjsgf · 1 year
So I have this idea for a Grishaverse/Marvel crossover, in which the grishaverse over time eventually evolves into something that looks a lot like the Marvel Universe but with different countries and continents that map more closely onto the grishaverse. (Not identical to it; borders change and new places are discovered. I still think there’s a whole other side to the grishaverse we don’t know about, like literally the map only covers half of the earth.)
In this AU, TGT ended with the Darkling alive and Darklina endgame. They had a pair of twins, one was a human and the other was a grisha who had both sun summoning and shadow summoning powers. Something went super wrong though with the grisha twin–I’m still figuring out what, but it involved them not being able to manage their powers, and ended in the grisha twin dying. (The twins were adults when this happened.) Darklina broke up after this and haven’t seen each other in centuries and have basically receded into the shadows. They both exist in history textbooks, but it’s assumed they both must’ve died by now, like sure, grisha are long-lived, but they aren’t immortal. 
Anyway, the human twin didn’t want to choose between his parents and ultimately just wanted a fresh start, he was grieving, too, so he went to Kerch and changed his name to Stark (from Starkov), and eventually this led to Tony Stark being born. 
Tony has a kid–I’m still deciding which one (I have a couple different Tony kid OC ideas and I’m still deciding which one to use, but I’m leaning towards Petra, so I’ll use her name here. When Tony gets kidnapped in Shu Han (basically the same plot as getting kidnapped in Afghanistan in canon), the stress causes Petra’s powers to emerge–she has sun summoning and shadow summoning powers, just like Alina and the Darkling’s kid. 
As soon as this becomes public knowledge, darklina come out of the shadows and have to reunite to stop history from repeating itself, which means Tony and Petra now have to deal with the knowledge of their ancestry including Sankta Alina and the Black Heretic, who are alive, on top of dealing with Petra’s powers and Tony’s trauma. 
Some other stuff that exists:
Petra’s mom is Isabella Ferreira, an OC played by Lais Ribeiro. She and Tony are endgame
Leila exists because I’m incapable of imagining a Marvel world without her, lmao. I’m thinking of combining this with an AU idea I had where Leila is adoptive siblings with Grant Ward (in that they were both in the foster system in the same area, so they shared a few foster homes/group homes and decided they were family. Grant changed his name to Whittaker when he turned 18.)
Grisha generally fill the niche in this universe that mutants fill in Marvel canon. (I stand by my assertion that the Darkling is just Grisha Magneto.)
In Marvel canon, Magick and Collosus are descended from Rasputin, like THE Rasputin. In this fic, they’re descended from the Apparat since he’s basically Grishaverse Rasputin. 
Also in Marvel canon, Natasha is descended from the Romanov family (sometimes, they go back and forth on it.) In this fic, she and Alex (my Alex, not the Darkling) are descended from the Lantsovs. I think Natasha’s surname is still Romanov (just bc her name is iconic 2 me and I can’t imagine changing it), but since they’re half-siblings, Alex might go by Lantsov or Lantsova. 
I always had this headcanon that gendered surnames DO exist in Ravka, but are kind of an old-fashioned tradition that is only really practiced by the royal family by the time TGT takes place. 
Ulla is from Atlantis
Wenwu crossed paths with the Darkling and Alina at one point pre-story. 
Thor and Loki are Fjerdan gods, not Norse ones (obvs.)
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nimata-beroya · 2 years
8 and 13 unwritten asks!
Thank you my dear!
8. Which character is gonna have the biggest storyline?
In the Insurrection series, I think it'll be Ares, although the rest of the Gundark Squad will share a great deal of spotlight too. You see, the first fic in the series will be how Ares is rescued from the separatists (that fic is pretty much my tbb arc in tcw, and Ares is my Echo) so most of the plot revolves around him.
13. Is there any unwritten/unpublished fics you haven't mentioned you're gonna do?
I got an idea these past days for a Kalluzeb fic where, for once, Zeb is the one who gets seriously hurt. Kallus gets a little crazed because of that, so the rest of the Ghost crew will help him to deal. I think I might post it for Febuwhump in February 😁
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thecollectionsof · 7 months
I saw your dares and thought you deserved one right into your face as well.
Come up with 3 concepts for Crygi fics that you haven't written yet, but would love it if it came into existence, formatted as if it was a real description on AO3.
Which means: title, rating, warnings, tags (stick to just a few), summary, ideal number of chapters and word count.
You're getting whipped by a towel if you write any of them before answering this ask.
Just Add Glitter
Tags: Fantasy AU, Awkward Flirting, Pining
Crystal is a necromancer who uses a lot of glitter. She’s very good at her job—world renowned, actually. Most of the reviews mention how kind she is, but they also mention that anyone who comes near her house will get covered in at least some of the glitter she uses to revive people, and it’s even worse for the people who have been revived.
Gigi always thought that the reviews were exaggerating. That is, until she wakes up on a bed in an unfamiliar place covered head-to-toe in purple glitter.
Words: 15,000 Chapters: 6/6
Cold Hands, Warm Hearts
Tags: Secret Admirer (in a way?), Hot Chocolate, Flirting
Crystal hates the snow. It’s pretty at first, sure, but soon enough it’s just a nuisance that coats the roads and makes it cold and hard to get anywhere. But when she overhears her gorgeous neighbour grumbling about having to brush the snow off her car one day, she suddenly finds herself brushing off her neighbour’s car every time it snows.
Words: 2,500 Chapters: 1/1
Allergic in the Cat Café (and feeling just fine)
Tags: Tic Tac (cat), Cat Café, First Dates
Gigi is allergic to cats. She loves them, but even petting a cat for a little bit makes her feel itchy and sneezy. That being said, she has a certain soft spot for the cat that politely scratches at the door to be let in when she wanted to be cuddled (and the cat’s owner, one of Gigi’s neighbours from down the street).
When her pretty neighbour finds out how much she loves her cat, she invites her to go to a cat cafe, and it’s all Gigi can do to pretend not to be allergic when she’s finally on something that could maybe, possibly be a date.
Words: 4,000 Chapters: 1/1
(i feel like i don't need to put the warnings or ratings for each individually because. i write sooooo much fluff it's oops all fluff. but probably general audiences and no archive warnings apply for all. and all of them would have the fluff tag because <3)
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ilovedthestars · 5 months
writer ask game -- 18? 28?
hey there anon!
(Fic writer asks)
18. if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
Ooh, i am the right person to send this one too. I keep "cuts" folders in scrivener for pretty much everything i write, so i can "delete" things by just cut-pasting them elsewhere and can always go back to old material. (I rarely do, but it makes it easier to edit when i know i could.)
In my post-SC fic, the rest is still unwritten, in which Mensah and MB watch the documentary MB created in System Collapse, there's a brief mention of footage of SecUnits in the documentary. Mensah reacts to it, but it's not elaborated on any more in the finished version. That's a shortened version of what I originally wrote, and cut because I thought it led too far in the wrong direction from where i wanted the emotional arc of that fic to go. But here's one of the older versions that I cut:
But Mensah took a sudden breath when the SecUnits flashed on screen, and glanced at me out of the corner of her eye. “That was my idea,” I said, without looking at her. “They had to know we’re dangerous.” “I understand,” she said, with a shaky exhale. “I only…wish that it hadn’t been necessary.” She stayed tense through the rest of that section, and when it transitioned into the conclusion, she said, “Ratthi warned me that it would be hard to watch. I’m aware that there’s nothing I can do to change what your past has been. But it still makes me wish I could have protected you from that.” I didn’t know how to answer her. We were both quiet for the rest of it.
28. your least favorite part of the writing process
Ugh, it's always that last bit, the editing/piecing everything together part. The way i write involves having an idea, enthusiastically dumping that idea and any other ideas it spawns into a document until i run out of words, and then trying to put all the pieces together into something coherent. The last part is always where I get stuck, sometimes indefinitely. (It's always a triumph when i manage to take something that's been stuck in that state for a while and get it to the point of being finished enough to post!)
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fandomsandfairytales · 4 months
For the unwritten fics game - the terrifying sons of Fëanor and the baseball AU!
(Also you have to divide tags up into five per paragraph now, two of them didn't go through.)
Thank you for letting me know about the dividing tags!! I just updated the post, so hopefully they've all gone through now.
These descriptions got kinda long so I put them under a cut XD
Terrifying sons of Fëanor
This was largely (to my memory) inspired by reading in The Silmarillion about how Maedhros was scary and intimidating to the point that orcs fled from him in fear, and just reading about how people were fearful of the Fëanorians in battle in general.
This was one of the quotes I was thinking of from The Silm:
“Maedhros did deeds of surpassing valour, and the Orcs fled before his face; for since his torment upon Thangorodrim his spirit burned like a white fire within, and he was as one that returns from the dead.”
And also this:
"[Maedhros'] body recovered from his torment and became hale, but the shadow of his pain was in his heart; and he lived to wield his sword with left hand more deadly than his right had been."
I also recalled Maglor killing Uldor for betraying them in the Nirnaeth, and the epithet "Celegorm the Cruel." In my running list of ideas, I wrote the following down when I came up with the overall idea:
A story (or stories?) where we get to see how epically *terrifying* the Noldor are in battle. Please. I need to read about Maedhros being terrifying to any orcs crossing his path and scaring anyone around him. I need to hear Maglor softly whispering “Nelyo?” and see the battle-light fade from his brother’s eyes. I need to hear Maglor shrieking and his voice horrible and awful, ringing off the walls, sharp and overpowering with Song. I need to see Celegorm on the hunt, fierce and feral. I need to read about Caranthir, face and countenance as black as his hair, any hint of redness gone from his pale face (or, conversely, his face dark with color). I need to read about Curufin with crazy weapons, designed to be deadly, and he is terrifyingly, freakily calm as he strides across the battlefield, knowing even a tiny slice of his knife will cause an enemy to bleed out. I need to read about Ambarussa, cunning and sly and how nobody should ever, ever underestimate them as they work in a pair to drive their enemies back, orcs and elves alike. I need it. (It could be 7 chapters. Maybe 8, if I wanted to do each of the Ambarussa)
I think it would be intense and it could easily end up quite dark if I wanted to go that direction (I don't really want to, however), and I have the feeling I'd need to do some research. But I haven't read anything quite like it before and I would enjoy writing it and reading it later, I think. Each chapter could be a compilation of moments in battle, from the viewpoints of other characters—perhaps one or two from a brother and then others from enemies. If I write it, it might be pretty short, but I like the idea of expanding further on each individual sub-idea I wrote down.
Baseball AU
This was partly inspired by seeing something on Twitter about season 1 Rings of Power* and how Elrond's cloak/outfit had runes with Eärendil's name on it, and someone made a joke about how it's the equivalent of a sports jersey. (I really thought I took a screenshot of it, and I searched in like 5 different possible folders for it for about 10 minutes but couldn't find it, so if I ever stumble across it again I'll add it to this post.) Also, from a quick Google searching, apparently TheOneRing.net has an article analyzing the cloak, if anyone's interested.
(Update: I FOUND IT!!! It was this tweet. I don't think I screenshotted it, but I happened upon a response I had made in a Discord server to someone posting the tweet.)
Anyway, I was so amused by the idea that I drew a little picture of a baseball jersey with "Eärendilion" on the back, along with the number 8. (I liked the idea of incorporating both Elrond's biological and adopted family into the design.)
And then—this is where my memory gets a little hazy—I think later on in the summer, my family had baseball on the TV in the background, and one of the teams playing was the Seattle Mariners. I had either just been rereading The Silm (bc I did that last summer) or had been recently on Tumblr scrolling through Silm stuff or somehow remembered my Eärendilion sports jersey design. In any case, I had The Silm on my mind and noticed the baseball team and went to myself "hey. HEY. Mariners. Like Eärendil, get it?" and thought it was hilarious. I decided that if they ever had baseball teams in Valinor or Middle-Earth or wherever, they'd definitely have a Mariners team.
It didn't really go anywhere from there until earlier this year, when I came up with "Finwë Park," a play on Fenway Park (the Red Sox baseball team's stadium), and that amused me as well. I kept thinking that it would be cool to do more with this idea, especially with plays on names both in The Silm and in real life, but didn't have any more ideas until tonight, when we were once again watching baseball. I remembered a few fics I've read that are essentially sports commentaries, and that made me think "hey. I could probably write that. I think." And then went "well, hmmm, I feel like with a baseball game it would be less interesting because you have to *imagine* these things happening, seeing or hearing it is a lot more interesting than reading, and if you don't know baseball well it might get kinda boring....WAIT. WHAT IF...what if I made a podfic. Of sports commentary for a Silm characters baseball game. I could totally get sound clips of crowd noise and baseballs being caught and hit from online, and I could change the pitch on my voice so it's lower or higher to differentiate between commentators....oh heck yeah. This now sounds really fun."
I feel like this would take a while to get together (both the writing and the podfic), but I would want to release the text and audio at the same time. Summer is the prime time for baseball, so I'm going to try to pay more attention to baseball games over the next couple months and see what I can come up with!
Thank you so so much for the ask :D (especially for one of the unwritten fics that I came up with most of the ideas for literally tonight, lol)
Link to my not-yet-written/unwritten fics here.
*I am neither a ROP supporter or hater, I'm a...neutral and kinda "meh" party, interested enough to hear about where it goes but not interested enough to really get into it and develop strong opinions. I've heard plenty on both sides. I didn't really want to get into it in this post since that was not the point here XD
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pepsi-maxwell · 2 years
cmjf + “under your skin”
oooh, two options coming to me with this one; one of them is 100% pure filth featuring punk handcuffing max to a bed and edging him until he cries... then overstimulating him to the point of forcing multiple orgasms out of him and making a complete mess of him
body swap au
for some reason, punk and max swap bodies. this is a capital p Problem, because where the fuck do they go after the show? do they use each other's passports? does punk allow max into his house to rummage through his stuff unsupervised? fuck no. wherever they go they go together, and hope the issue fixes itself before the next week, when they both have matches they're gonna struggle to fight
and then, obviously, they stay swapped long enough that they're forced to become uncomfortably familiar with the bodies they're inhabiting
punk isn't sure he'll ever be able to look max in the eye again after waking up harder than he has in years and needing to... take care of the issue, but he rationalises that max likely has no such mental conflict and has probably been touching punk's dick from the start.
he hasn't. max still has enough conflicting feelings about punk that being in punk's body is bringing them all to the forefront of his mind. he can barely look at punk's body in the shower, it's a whole Thing. touching punk's dick?! only ever to take a piss, because he's not a degenerate pervert
obviously when they return to their own bodies the sexual tension developed over being in close proximity and sharing each other's bodies has built to a fever pitch. maybe now they're not faced with the inherent narcissism of essentially fucking their own body, they can do something about it
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ussjellyfish · 10 months
Unwritten fics asks 5 and 9 please :)
thank you for asking!!
I ad this wild idea about a pon farr fic and I haven't written one for awhile (like a decade, so...) it was time. (and I love awkward Michael more than anything)
5. Is there any scene you're excited about writing?
I'm not a very visual person. I don't picture much in fic. I had an image or this one, and it's Laira in her fantastic nightgown, sitting her quarters, off duty. I'ts late and night, and Michael's darling crew-family come to ask her to have sec with Michael and save her life.
And I can picture them, all uniforms and maybe jackets off, black t-shirts and casual. Very starfleet, very comfortable.
And Laira has this incredible nightgown (it should be blue, and v-necked and long, like period nightgown, if Gersha made it, it would be gorgeous).
I love the contrast of outfits and what it says about who they are. Also she'd be really gorgeous, and that's important for the blood fever pining.
And it's her personal time, she's not in her suit, she's undressed and vulnerable (and she'd have a robe) and she'd be vulnerable but not because shes secure in her own power and beauty and...
I think it's in Joann's pov too and she's such a pleasant one. She's so classy and kind and thoughtful. I love Joann.
9. Is there anything in the fic you're not so excited about writing?
The sex parts. I love the build up and the flirting and the tension and the talking about it, because Michael is so wonderfully Michael about things. All of that's fun and how do we afterwards and what are we know and this didn't mean anything but it did mean something and it's all right that it meant something, what really happens now...all of that is fun.
The actual sex scene is so difficult and I feel like I don't write it well and it's stressful. If one partner is compromised how do I make sure it's very consensual? (though that part is sexy because how you manage that (very slowly) when there's an urgency (have sex or die) is a fun tnesion to have.
I don't think I've been competent enough of a writer before, to be able to write it as well as I should have, so all the lead up around the sex and after the sex is fun.
Sex itself is so hard to write (for me). I don't think I'm any good at it at all, when the other parts I am confident abut.
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