magaratimes · 2 years
#VOA. | Kenya: Hatujashindwa kulipa deni la China, habari zinazoenea ni za uongo
#VOA. | Kenya: Hatujashindwa kulipa deni la China, habari zinazoenea ni za uongo
Wizara ya Fedha ya Kenya inasema kuwa nchi hiyo haijawahi kushindwa kuwalipa wadai wake. Theluthi moja ya mikopo ya nchi hiyo ni kutoka China. Baada ya miaka kadhaa ya kukopa fedha kutoka China kufadhili miradi na program za serikali, maswali yanaulizwa kuhusu kama Kenya inaweza kulipa madeni yake. Alhamisi, katika taarifa yake, Waziri wa Fedha, Ukur Yatani alisema nchi haijawahi kushindwa…
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tibaherbs · 1 year
Eti nyota imeibiwa?
Kuna jambo watu wengi uwachanganya kiasi kwamba hushindwa kujiamini katika kupambana na maisha yao ya kila siku. Nyota kuibiwa ni jambo la uzushi tu. Labda kulogwa hiyo inawezekana na uchawi uko wa aina nyingi. Kuna kulogwa kwa sababu ya kuhusudiwa, kulipiza kisasi, kutumika na kuteswa. Laana yaweza kufanana kama uchawi usipojua kinachokusibu kimeanzia wapi! Kwa mfano kudhulumu watu, haki zao,…
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songofwizardry · 1 year
It's speak your language day! I have some fun facts on Kiswahili! Translation under the cut.
Leo hapa Tumblr ni siku ya kuongea lugha yako ya kwanza (inaitwa speak your language day)! Kuisherehekea siku hii, nilitaka ku shiriki nanyinyi nyote semi chache za Kiswahili. Kiswahili ina utajiri nyingi ya mapokeo ya mdomo, na kuna desturi na historia ndefu ya kusimulia mahadithi, kutega vitendawili, n.k.
Kwa mfano, ukitaka kusimulia hadithi, unaanza hivyo:
Msimulizi: Hadithi hadithi!
Hadhira: Hadithi njoo, uongo njoo, utamu kolea!
Msimulizi: Zamani za kale...
Hadithi zinazosimuliwa mara kwa mara ni hadithi za wanyama wa porini: sungura mjanja, mfalme simba, fisi, na kadhalika; hadithi kama hizi zinapatikana katika nchi nyingi za Kiafrika.
Vitendawili ni semi zinazotegwa, na watu wanatakiwa wazifumbulie. Watu wanaoongea Kiswahili kawaida wanajua vitendawili vingi, kwasababu tunazifunza katika shule ya msingi—mi mwenyewe nakumbuka nilipokuwa katika darasa la saba, kabla ya mtihani ya taifa, nilikaa ninakariri vitendawili kama arobaini! Vitendawili vinachekesha na vinachemsha bongo, kwa mfano:
"Askari wangu ni mpole lakini adui wanamhara." (Jibu: paka)
"Tajiri wa rangi." (Jibu: kinyonga)
"Numba yango ina nuguzo mmoja." (Jibu: uyoga)
"Mzungu katoka ulaya no mkono kiunoni." (Jibu: kikombe)
Kwa ukweli mi mwenyewe nimeaanza kusahau vitendawili vingine—lakini zinapatikana ukiGoogle siku hizi!
Kiswahili ni lugha yenye historia, desturi, na vipengele vingi vya kuvutia—siwezi kuziandika zote hapa, lakini kwa mfano, muda ya Kiswahili ("swahili time"), ngeli za nomino, historia ya uandikishi wa Kiswahili (kuanza na harufi za Kiarabu), na ilivyotengenezwa 'lingua franca' katika Tanzania, na lugha ya taifa baada ya uhuru. Natumaini mtafunza kidogo kuhusu lugha ya Kiswahili leo—usiache baada ya kujua 'Hakuna Matata' tu!
(Kama nimokesea sarufi, samahani sana! Siku hizi siandiki kwa Kiswahili kwa kawaida.)
(Translated from Kiswahili/Swahili, with some extra notes)
Today, here on tumblr, is Speak Your Language Day! To celebrate this day, I wanted to share with you a few short sayings in Kiswahili. Kiswahili has a rich variety of oral traditions, and there is a long history and tradition of narrating stories orally, posing vitendawili (common riddles), etc.
For example, it is traditional when one is narrating a story to start like this:
Narrator: A story, a story!
Audience: Story, come! Fiction, come! Make it sweet!
Narrator: Once upon a time...
The common tales that are narrated are folk tales involving wild animals: common characters of the cunning hare (sungura mjanja), the king lion, the hyena—folk tales of similar nature can be found in many African countries.
Vitendawili are short sayings that are posed, and people need to solve/figure them out. People who speak Kiswahili will know many of these, because we learn them in primary school—I remember when I was in Grade 7, before my national exams (standardised tests taken at the end of primary school), I sat and memorised about forty different vitendawili! Vitendawili can both make one laugh, and be mind-bogglers (literal translation: they boil the brain), for example:
"My soldier is so gentle, but the enemies are scared of them."
"The one wealthy in colours."
"My house has only one pillar."
"The white man has come from England with his hand on his waist."
Answers to the vitendawili are at the bottom.
In all honestly I have forgotten a lot of the vitendawili—but these days you can Google and find lists of them easily!
Kiswahili is a language with a rich history, and many fascinating features—I couldn't write them all here, but for example, Swahili time, our many noun classes, the history of writing Kiswahili (there are early Kiswahili writings using the Arabic script), and the way it originated as a lingua franca and how it became the national language and a uniting factor in Tanzania after independence. I hope you'll look up the history of or a little bit of Kiswahili today—it's much more than just the phrase 'Hakuna Matata'!
(My apologies if I've made any grammar mistakes—these days I don't often write in Kiswahili. Also, because I intentionally wanted to write this in Kiswahili first, and then translate it, and I'm not practiced at translation, the English sounds clunky/weird—my apologies, but hey, it's SpYLD, I gotta prioritise the non-English text.)
Answers to the vitendawili:
A cat
A chameleon
A mushroom
A teacup
Some links:
Langfocus' Swahili video, which is a really good primer
The online Kiswahili dictionary I use most
For Kiswahili news, BBC Swahili (both online and you can listen to the radio) is pretty good. There's also many, many Kiswahili language news sites you can find, eg Mwananchi.
And of course, music!
Bongo flava is a genre of Tanzanian music (that originated in Dar es Salaam! Bongoland!)—it's a vibrant genre, it's closely linked to hip-hop and Afrobeats; I have a soft spot for the Bongo Flava of the 00s, so here's Usineseme by Ali Kiba (2009)
Sauti Sol are super well known these days, with good reason! They're awesome! They sing in both Kiswahili and English, but my favourite song of theirs is Nairobi
And in a departure from my usual brand, some patriotic music—this is a remix of the traditional patriotic song Tanzania Tanzania, recorded to encourage people to vote in the 2015 elections. I like it because it's a fun video that captures a lot of different parts of Dar es Salaam.
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mask-of-prime · 1 year
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VG: Speed Run
It was early in the morning. A certain rhino paced as he thought up his speech. He took a deep breath as he contemplated returning to the Pridelands. He was onto the next part of his plan... "Hey." The rhino in question sighed in annoyance before turning to the voice. He saw that it had been Mrembo, the monotone, hairy lion. "Any idea when our next mission will be? Dying to get something to eat." "No missions today!" the rhino then grimaced, "And you know how uncomfortable it makes me when you talk about the types of things you eat! Now, please! I've got a very important speech to make to a few friends." "Oooh! Can we come?!" Jeuri suddenly piped. "NO! Absolutely not!" the rhino roared, "I-I mean... why don't you try Flat Ridge Rock, I thought I spotted some nice big lizards there..." "Lizards? Again?" Mrembo sighed in annoyance, "Better than nothing, I guess." Jeuri rushed to the cave he and his made a home in. "Hey, Kiume, no missions today!" "Good," the older lion glared from the shadows, "I don't want anybody to see me like this..."
____ Later that morning... The cacophony of several impatient, angered, and hyped calls made by various ungulates and birds rang across Mizimu Grove. There, they awaited the return of a certain pachyderm they placed all of their trust in, especially as of late. The crowed turned to the sound of stomping. It had been their glorious leader, Ngurumo, surrounded by an intimidating, austere crash of elite rhinos guarding him. The crowd cheered in delight. The cheering, however, gradually ceased as Ngurumo gracefully held up a hoof, preparing his rallying speech. "My fellow prey... It seems every day I hear more and more about the violent nature of our oppressive leaders after my undeserved banishment! I understand that some of you, my dear, faithful bretheren, have been caught in some of these fights these barbaric creatures keep starting amongst themselves?" "YEAH!" a few notable supporters shouted. "Ngurumo? Sir? How are you receiving this news?" asked an inquisitive Oryx doe. "I'm glad you asked." the rhino smiled. "While I stood in the outskirts of the Pridelands, where I had been mercilessly ejected to by the very perpetrators of these attacks, I was only able to hear of the goings-on of the Pridelands from my trusted, loyal tickbird, Uongo!" The bird in question smirked cunningly as he flew into the scene, as if on cue. "Now Uongo, what was it you heard these lions say about us poor herbivores?" The tickbird, who possessed a drongo-like ability to mimic voices to an uncanny level, formed shapes with his mouth to recreate voices of a few lions: "Kupatana?! -- nobody cares about that holiday!" the bird cherrypicked in Vitani's voice. "We could've had them now, then it'd be over with!" he said in Shabaha's voice, completely out of context. "Just beat 'em black and blue like the usual deal." he then said in Vitani's voice once more, and once again devoid of the true context. The ruminants gasped, as did Ngurumo. "Such violence!" he said, "The King orders bloodthirsty huntresses -- not even from here -- to form his new Guard. Not only was it such a foolish thing to get rid of his old Guard -- one that had a hippo, by the way --, but he allowed his own enemies to keep us in check, and now they want to eat us all! Siding with anything so long as they're predators, and specifically lions at that!" The crowd of herd animals yelled in disgust. "I don't know about you, but I wouldn't hire my own killers. What an idiot, that Simba is!" he cleared his throat, "But anywho, I hear a few brave animals, here, fought back at the Lion Guard, is that right?" Karani screamed loud for Ngurumo to hear, and the vicious hippo that hogged the watering hole -- who was currently concussed -- bellowed proudly. "Yes, heh." Ngurumo's chuckling face became a sympathetic frown, "I, too, am saddened by the senseless attacks made on some of you by these monsters for leaders. Especially around Kupatana! A day of supposed unity! These lions have morphed the very meaning of Kupatana. To them, it's their one day of the year where they gaslight us back into trusting them, in 'the spirit of the holiday'! Bah! I say we take inspiration from the bird and hippo, and fight back! I say we take back the true meaning of Kupatana -- what it meant to all of us since before these predators came about! The real origin of the holiday..." The animals listened intently. They supposed they didn't know the old meaning of the day due to being younger generations raised under the rule of carnivores. They trusted in Ngurumo, who seemed to have knowledge of the past. "In the Spirit of Kupatana, I shall hereby declare all the herds as one! Together, with my lead, we shall overthrow this so-called 'King of the Jungle.' For your loyalty, I promise tickbirds for everyone!" The united herd screamed joyously as the tickbirds made their way to them. A few members of the crowd -- especially Kutoba, the scrappy, short-tempered Oryx -- enthusiastically rooted for the war that would rage on the coming holiday. As the tickbirds became aqcuainted with their new partners, Ngurumo chuckled to himself, speaking in a low voice that most couldn't hear: "Such easy animals to please. Anything works on them -- OW!! Not so hard, Uongo..." The yellow-billed oxpecker glared slightly as he continued burrowing his beak into the rhino's hide. ____ Afternoon... "Oh, man... it's too quiet!" Shabaha lamented, "Where's the excitement? I'm LOSING it!" "Why are you wishing for something bad to happen?" Tazama squinted. Vitani ignored her Guard as she looked and listened still. Today's patrol, so far, had been rather uneventful. No herbivores screeching derogatory remarks, no rogues hunting and marking things that didn't belong to them, all was quiet for now. Peaceful as it was, for once, the Guard was still on-edge anyhow. Though it was only natural for the former members of Zira's pride to never trust a day going too well, silence was strange at a time like this. Vitani had identified this phantom sensation as something called an 'anxiety attack', courtesy of Kiara's education on healthy ways to deal with trauma. She, and all the members of the Lion Guard suffered these, especially after this recent series of intense, violent events. She'd pondered if maybe her anxiety was unwarranted today. Still feeling like she couldn't be too sure, she proposed an idea: "Kasi, why don't you make your usual rounds and scan the area? I'm still too achey to go too far." "You wanna bet I can cover more land within the same time as last time?" "I guess we have a little time for fun." Vitani smirked, "You got until sunset." "I'll be back before the sun touches the top of Mekundu Cliffs!" Kasi was off, "Time me!" The Guard smiled warmly and confidently as they watched the Fastest dash. After moments of silence and staring, Shabaha plopped down in the grass. "Soo... now what?" ____ Though Kasi was on a timed mission, she quickly took in her surroundings as she brushed by them. She had many parts of the Pridelands memorized, showing the remarkable amount of work and traveling the Lion Guard has done for about a year, now. Feeling adventurous, and ambitious, she let her paws take her to parts unknown. Before she knew it, she'd been far on a border if the Pridelands she hadn't seen before. Feeling the grass vanish and be replaced by dry, cracked land was a sign she'd essentially left the kingdom. She was exhilarated as she felt downhill gravity make her sprinting go even faster. A huge cloud of dust gathered beneath her paws, making her feel powerful. Bordering this dry wasteland was a forest that Kasi didn't know what territory it belonged to, be it the last bit of the Pridelands, or the beginning of the Backlands. Something caught her attention, she almost could've sworn a pair of eyes and a pointed face poked from the bushes of the forest. She came to a screeching halt. "Good, I was beginning to think you were never gonna slow down." "Kelele..." "In the flesh." grinned the wolf, "Pleasure seeing you again --" Kasi turned the other way. Growling, Kelele quickly stopped her. "Don't run." the wolf relaxed her pose, "I'm not your enemy..." Kasi backed away slowly. She saw that Kelele's tail had been singed slightly from Vitani's first ever use of the Fire Roar. "You have to believe me..." Kelele urged. "I dunno, I mean you literally kidnapped a puppy because you thought he had powers..." "And it's because of that, I cannot return to the Pridelands. I've got something I've been wanting to tell the Roar-wielder for a long time." "Alright. You can tell me, and I'll see if I want to deliver it to her." "Fair enough..." the wolf grinned again as she bowed her head, "While I have come to challenge the Roar, I don't plan to exterminate it. That's not what this is about. I wish to learn more about it, and bring that information back North, where I come from. There aren't very many of us left. I want to make my small pack proud by making history that will live on in paintings and legend." Kasi listened intently. She still had her doubts, given the fact that Kelele's story sounded a tad self-centered, and it didn't at all explain why she threatened Sauti's life over it. But, then... what would the real story be if she turned out to be lying about it all? The slender lioness continued to hear Kelele out, allowing her mind to open more. If it was all a lie, she could just warn Vitani. If it wasn't, maybe it was life-saving information for all parties. ____ Over a course of hours, Kasi settled beside Kelele. Their initial rocky start blossomed into similar things they bonded over, such as a shared competitiveness and snarky, dry humor. Though, speaking of competitiveness... The Fastest's eyes suddenly caught the change in color of the sky, she glanced back to see an orange sun about to set. It looked like it was much further below the top of Mekundu Cliffs, she feared. Maybe there was still just a bit of time left. "Oh, no... I really gotta go..." "That's too bad." Kelele perked up, "Hey!" "Yeah?" "If you don't tell Vitani the things I wanted to share with her, I understand." Kasi nodded. She was unsure if Kelele's self-awareness was out of modesty, or possibly manipulation. "Fastest way back is through the woods. Less steep this way. Safe travels." The slender lioness took the wolf's word for it, eventually finding her word to be true. She wondered, if Kelele was being genuine about the way back, were her intentions genuine, too? ____ Kasi watched as the sky fell into twilight. She cringed. She knew it was long past the time she'd promised everyone. Her sprint turned into a gradually-slowing scamper as she panted heavily. She saw the Guard all bonding. Shabaha was telling outrageous hypotheticals, resulting in some of the liveliest banter they've had in years. The leader of the Guard stood up as she saw Kasi on her way. "You're way late, Kasi!" Vitani balked, "Very uncharacteristic of you. What kept you, you make new friends along the way?" Kasi's panting slowed. A piercing question that happened to be. "Maybe..." She was still unsure of her judgment in Kelele. But she could save it for now, either way... ____ ((Author's Note: This is one of those episodes where I just started drawing and THEN worked a story around it. Kasi's a hard character to really figure out so I blanked out pretty bad on her story for a good while. After all these years of trying to figure her out, I finally reached a rather meta final idea: She's supposed to be an enigma. She's blunt and comes off mysterious, but is passionate and experimental, trying all sort of crafts and adventures. Her adventurous, risk-taking side is explored here as she daringly explores niche parts of the Pridelands. I also really projected my struggle of constantly not being on time, especially times I promise/estimate to people. Fun Fact: I actually worked Kelele into this story because I'd originally planned an episode where she would find Vitani alone and try to learn more about her, but then I started getting that idea to explore the other Guard members, so I revived most of the concept and made Kasi the one who ends up stuck with Kelele. Another Fun Fact: Ngurumo's campaign scene (which would totally be a musical number) was originally set to take place in the original concept of Moral Eyes, which was originally gonna fully revolve around Kupatana since Tazama and Jeuri's bond symbolized unity and peace. Kupatana will be even more significant later Yet another Fun Fact: It's believed that tickbirds and herd animals actually do not have a mutual relationship in which the birds feed on parasites off the backs of the mammals, but rather that the tickbird is a parasite, itself, as it feeds on more than just ticks; it apparently deliberately cuts the skin of the mammals they're eating off of in order to suck their blood. We'll see how well that relationship between Ngurumo and Uongo/the herbivores and other tickbirds goes lol Lastly, to make things relevant to Pride Month despite it not being too obvious in the story, my headcanon for Kasi is that she's Panromantic/Asexual. She may or may not find a love, but that doesn't take away her attraction to others. People with romantic attraction but no actual romance going on: Y'all valid [insert "Well, of course I know him, he's me" meme here]))
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chamazimusic · 26 days
Msomali - Uongo (Official Singeli Audio)
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wanjikusblog · 29 days
History; a time to revise the revisionism.
They say that history is written by winners. To the victor go the spoils and all that. Which is a polite way of saying that history is written by conquerors, revisionists, and pillagers.
But as long as there are stories to be told, there will always be those like Mbaaria wa Mbaaria who've purposed that a true account of events shall see the light of day.
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Let's Know Our True History!
The image below represents Mũkiri Gĩthendũ. Very few Kenyans have ever heard of him. Fewer know that he was plucked from Makerere University, Uganda and sent together with Jomo Kenyatta to London in 1931 by the Kikuyu Central Association (KCA) kutetea nchi yetu.
Gĩthendũ was asked to accompany Kenyatta because of disagreements between the Agikuyu of Murang'a and their Kiambu counterparts. In addition, doubts were expressed over Kenyatta's ability to fully represent Kenyans' interests...a concern that appeared to have been grounded on solid foundation because when Kenyatta went to Britain, he decided to eat life with a big spoon and remained there for over a decade. But Gĩthendũ actually came back to continue with the struggle. He went on to publish the book; 'An African Speaks for His People' (an autobiography) which was the first in English by a black Kenyan. Gĩthendũ died shortly before we got the fake "independence". But it was Kenyatta who went on to take all the credit for the mission in the 1930s. Historians, too refused to highlight Gĩthendũ's role.
But we will re-write our history. Hii uongo is just too much!
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#historical injustices
#setting the record straight
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rwizakakiza · 5 months
Fuatilia YouTube.
Sehemu .V.
Baada ya kuchunguza eneo la kwanza (Hali ya kiroho), tuanze kuangalia hali yetu ya kimaisha bado tuna MUNGU au tushamwacha tunajifariji tu?. Tuangalie mambo kadhaa:-
Teknolojia ni nzuri sana kwa kila mtu, ila Tatizo lipo kwa MTU ANAYETUMIA Teknolojia. Ukweli ni kwamba unachokitaka chochote itakuletea kwa sababu kuna Ufalme wa MUNGU unatumia watu kuhakikisha Habari za MUNGU zinafikia kila mtu kupitia Teknolojia, lakini pia usisahau na upande wa Ufalme wa shetani nao umejithatiti kuhakikisha unatumia watu wake kumwangusha hata mteule
.....Kwa maana WATATOKEA MAKRISTO wa uongo, na manabii wa uongo, nao WATATOA ISHARA KUBWA na MAAJABU; wapate KUWAPOTEZA, kama yamkini, HATA WALIO WATEULE.
.....Mathayo 24:24.....
Ndio maana tunaonywa mapema, pamoja na teknolojia kuwepo itumie kama MUNGU anavyotaka, sio kama ulimwengu unavyotaka yaani kufuatisha namna ya ulimwengu.
......MSIIFUATISHE NAMNA YA DUNIA HII; bali mgeuzwe kwa kufanywa upya nia zenu, mpate kujua hakika mapenzi ya Mungu yaliyo mema, ya kumpendeza, na ukamilifu.
.....Rumi 12:2....
Teknolojia ikusaidie kukuunganisha na MUNGU isikutenge na MUNGU.
Imefika mahali Teknolojia (SIMU) imekuwa mungu kwenye familia mpaka maeneo ya ibada na imesababisha kutengana na MUNGU, na ni chanzo cha magomvi kwenye jamii.
Kwenye ibada watu wanachat, watu wanajirekodi au wanaongea na simu wakati Neno la MUNGU linaendelea bila hofu, mtu yupo anamuhudumia mtu, huku anaendelea na simu, Watoa huduma za kijamii baada ya kuwahudumia watu anaihudumia simu kwanza. Angalia kwenye mitandao ya kijamii unafuatilia au unaangalia nini. Je ni udaku, picha za ngono, nyota, Habari mbaya, nk?
Je bado upo na MUNGU kweli au Unamdharau au ulishamwacha MUNGU, unajifariji kwa sababu unaenda kwenye eneo la ibada?
Why should the nations say, “Where, now, is their GOD?”
.....Psalms 115:2.....
Ev. Erasmus Pascrates Kakiza
(WhatsApp: +255 782 546 914)
@2024 The year of my shining.
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mateoshija · 10 months
...Mungu ni nuru, wala giza lo lote hamna ndani yake.
Na hii ndiyo habari tuliyoisikia kwake, na kuihubiri kwenu, ya kwamba Mungu ni nuru, wala giza lo lote hamna ndani yake. Tukisema ya kwamba twashirikiana naye, tena tukienenda gizani, twasema uongo, wala hatuifanyi iliyo kweli; bali tukienenda nuruni, kama yeye alivyo katika nuru, twashirikiana sisi kwa sisi, na damu yake Yesu, Mwana wake, yatusafisha dhambi yote. 1Yohane 1:5-7
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fornowkenya · 2 years
AUDIO | Rolex Ft Baddest 47 - Uongo (Mp3) Download
  AUDIO | Rolex Ft Baddest 47 – Uongo  fornow.co.ke
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linguario · 2 years
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🇨🇳 2️⃣1️⃣ 21 Chino - 中文 - Chinese #真相 比#一起 更好,你可以用 #位於 來治愈以致病 🇭🇺 2️⃣2️⃣ 22 Húngaro - magyar - Hungarian #pravda je lepší než #klam, s pravdou se uzdravíte s #leží, abyste onemocněli 🇮🇸 2️⃣3️⃣ 23 Islandés - íslenska - Icelandic #sannleikur er betri en #blekking, með sannleikanum færðu að lækna með #lyginni til að verða veikur 🇮🇳 2️⃣4️⃣ 24 Hindú - हिन्दी - Hindi एक #सच्चाई #धोखे से बेहतर है, सच्चाई से आपको बीमार होने के लिए #झूठ से ठीक हो जाता है 🇮🇩 2️⃣5️⃣ 25 Indonesio - bahasa Indonesia - Indonesian #kebenaran lebih baik dari #kebohongan, dengan kebenaran kamu bisa sembuh dengan #kebohongan menjadi sakit 🇮🇱 2️⃣6️⃣ 26 Hebreo - עִבְרִית‎, Ivrit - Hebrew #אמת עדיפה על #רמאות, עם האמת אתה יכול לרפא עם #שקר כדי לחלות 🇮🇹 2️⃣7️⃣ 27 Italiano - italiano - Italian una #verità è meglio di un #inganno, con la verità si arriva a guarire con la #bugia ad ammalarsi 🇯🇵 2️⃣8️⃣ 28 Japones - 日本語, Nihongo - Japanese #真実は #欺瞞に勝る 真実があれば 病むのは #嘘 で治る 🇰🇿 2️⃣9️⃣ 29 Kazajo - қазақ - Kazakh #өтіріктен #шындық артық, шындықпен #өтірікпен #ауырып жазыласыз 🇰🇪 🇹🇿 🇺🇬 3️⃣0️⃣ 30 Suajili - Kiswahili - Swahili #ukweli ni bora kuliko #udanganyifu, ukiwa na ukweli utapata uponyaji kwa #uongo ili kuugua (en Rathdowney) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoaszFVvrLm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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swahili-bible · 2 years
“Bwana Mungu akapanda bustani upande wa mashariki wa Edeni”
Ni kuonyesha nini kilitokea baada ya Adamu na Hawa kutomtii Mungu.
Mungu alikuwa ametayarisha bustani nzuri kwa ajili ya kuishi mwanaume na mwanamke ili waishi ndani yake. Iliitwa busani ya Edeni. Likiwa na maana ya “furahia”. Ilikuwa na miti mingi ya kupendeza kwa kuiangalia na pia mizuri kwa chakula. Mto ukiimwagilia bustani na Adamu aliilima na kuitunza wala hapakuwa na magugu au miiba ya kuiharibu ardhi. Adamu na Hawa waliweza kufurahia vitu vyema ambavyo muumba mwenye upendo aliwapatia. Mungu aliamua kupima upendo wao kwake Mwanzo 2:15-17;3
Katikati ya bustani ya Edeni Mungu alikuwa amepanda aina mbili za miti maalum “mti wa uzima” na “mti wa kujua mema na mabaya” Adamu na Hawa waliruhusiwa kula matunda ya miti mingine yote isipokuwa matunda ya mti huu wa pili. Mungu alisema, “Walakini matunda ya mti wa ujuzi wa mema na mabaya usile, kwa maana siku utakapo kula matunda ya mti huo utakufa hakika. Walikuwa hawaruhusiwi hata kuugusa” (3:3)
Amri hii hakika ilikuwa rahisi ambayo Mungu aliwaonya kwamba ikiwa hawataizingatia watakufa hakika. Kutokutii sheria ya Mungu ni dhambi na “mshahara wa dhambi ni mauti” (Warumi 6:23)
Kwa muda mambo yaliendelea kuwa mazuri, lakini katika bustani hii ya Edeni kulikuwa na mnyama mwelevu aliyeitwa “nyoka” ambaye Mungu alimpa nguvu za kusema Mwanzo 3:15 hueleza jinsi nyoka aivyomwambia uongo na mwanamke alimwamini nyoka badala ya kumwamini Mungu. Nyoka kama walivyo wanyama wengine hakuwa na ufahamu wa kupambanua mazuri na mabaya kwani Mungu hakumpa akili kama alivyompa mwanadamu hata hivyo aliweza kusikia maagizo ya Mungu kwa Adamu na Hawa, lakini akidhani kwamba ikiwa watakula matunda ya mti wa kujua mema na mabaya, bila shaka wangekuwa na ufahamu kama malaika. Hivyo alimwambia Hawa kuwa hakika “hamtakufa”.
Mara baada ya mawazo haya kumwingia Hawa akilini alianza kuushangaa mti ule. Aligundua kuwa ulikuwa ni “mti mzuri kwa chakula” na “unatamanika kwa maarifa”; na kadri alivyoyangalia matunda yake ndivyo alivyozidi kutamani mti ule. Na kuwa ungemwezesha kuwa mwerevu kama malaika, kama nyoka alivyokuwa amemshauri……. ghafla, Hawa alinyoosha mkono wake na kuchuma tunda na kula. Hatimaye alimpatia Adamu “ambaye pia alikula”.
Hawa alidanganywa na nyoka na hakutii amri ya Mungu. Adamu alitenda dhambi kwa kuchagua kumpendeza mkewe kuliko kumpendeza Mungu.
Mara baada ya Adamu na Eva kula tunda walijitambua kuwa wametenda dhambi. Ghafla walijukuta wanaona aibu na kuogopa. Kwa hiyo walishona majani ya mtini kuwa nguo za kujifunika. Walijificha katika bustani wakijua kuwa Mungu angekasirika. Na hivi ndivyo hutokea kwetu pia mara tutendapo dhambi. Mara tu tunapogundua kwamba tumekosea njia ya Mungu tunaona aibu na kujiona kuwa tu wenye hatia kwa Mungu.Wakati Mungu alipomwita Adamu, mkosaji Adamu alimlaumu Hawa na Hawa alipulizwa na Mungu naye alimlaumu nyoka. Lakini walikuwa wao wenyewe ndiyo waloijua sheria ya Mungu na ni wao walikuwa hawakuitii.
Kwa Nyoka: Kwa kuwa nyoka alisema uongo na kumdanganya Hawa, Mungu alimlaani. Atakwenda kwa tumbo na kula mavumbi katika siku zote za maisha yake.
Kwa Adamu: Mungu alimwambia Adamu kwamba badala ya kuishi katika bustani nzuri ambamo kila kitu kilikuwepo kwa kusudi la Mungu, watafukuzwa katika bustani hiyo. Tangu wakati huo na kuendelea ikamlazimu kufanya kazi kuwa ngumu ili kumwezesha kupata chakula chake na Hawa. Nchi sasa itaotesha miiba na magugu na kuifanya kazi kuwa ngumu zaidi. Mwishowe Adamu atafariki na kurudi tena katika mavumbi ya ardhi ambayo katika hayo aliumbwa kwa maana Mungu alisema, “kwa maana u mavumbi wewe, nawe mavumbini utarudi” (mstari 19). Mtu kwa hiyo akawa kiumbe cha kufa kwa sababu ya dhambi kwa maana “mshahara wa dhambi ni mauti” (Warumi 6:23) kwa kuwa sisi sote tunatokana na ukoo wa Adamu tunashiriki pia katika namna moja ya asili na hivyo tunakufa.
Kwa Hawa: Hawa aliambiwa atakuwa na uchungu mno na kutawaliwa ma mmewe.
Adamu na Hawa walikuwa wamejifunika majani ya mtini kujaribu kuficha aibu yao, lakini jambo hili halikukubaliwa na Mungu. Badala yake aliwapatia wote vazi lililotengenezwa kwa ngozi ya mnyama. Mungu alikuwa na sababu nzuri sana kwa ajili ya hili maana ilimfundisha Adamu na Hawa kuhusu dhambi. Kwa kuwapatia ngozi ni sharti kuwa mnyama lazima achinjwe na damu yake kumwagika. Yote haya yanatuelekeza mbele kwenye kifo chake Bwana Yesu Kristo ambaye kwa ajili ya kifo chake yetu Mungu alitutengenezea njia yetu ili dhambi zetu ziweze kufutwa au kusamehewa. Wakati mtu anapobatizawa, Biblia inasema kuwa mtu huyu anakuwa “amemvaa Kristo” (Wagalatia 3:27), kama vile Adamu alipojifunika vazi alilopewa na Mungu.
Baada ya Mungu kuwaambia Adamu na Hawa kuhusu adhabu watakayopata kutokana na dhambi yao, Aliwafukuza kutoka katika bustani ya Edeni. “Ili wasije wakala matunda ya mti wa uzima ambapo wataishi milele”, kwa hiyo Mungu aliwafukuza kutoka katika bustani na akawaweka makerubi upande wa mashariki ya Bustani wakiwa na upanga wa moto uliogeuka huku na huko kulinda njia ya uzima (mistari 22-24).
Nirahisi sana kujaribiwa kutenda mabaya. Kosa la kwanza la Hawa lilikuwa kusikiliza maneno ya nyoka. Ikiwa tunasikiliza ushauri wa wale wasioipeda Kweli,na sisi pia tutamkosea Mungu. Njia pekee ya kuhakikisha kuwa tunamtii Mungu ni kuyaweka maneno yake akili mwetu “moyoni mwangu nimeliweka neno lako nisije nikakutenda dhambi” (Zaburi 119:11).
Dhambi ililetwa duniani kutokana na kosa la mtu mmoja kukosa utii, na kwa kuwa sisi ni watoto wa Adamu, ni lazima na sisi tufe pia. Lakini Mungu hataki watu wote wafe milele, kwa huruma yake, Aliiweka njia ya kusamehewa dhambi zetu kupitia ubatizo katika Bwana Yesu Kristo.
Jifunze kupenda sheria za Mungu na kuziweka ndani ya moyo wako, ili uweze kukua hadi kubatizwa hatimaye kupata karama ya Mungu ya uzima wa milele (Warumi 6:23).
Katika Mwanzo 3:15 Mungu anasema juu ya uadui, ambo daima utakuwepo kati ya uzao wa nyoka na uzao wa Mwanamke. Uzao wa nyoka ni wale wote ambo hawajui njia za Mungu na hawapendi Kweli. Uzao wa mwanamke ni wale wote wanaosema Kweli (kama Hawa alivyofanya kwanza. Mwanzo 3:2-3).
Kuna mmoja tu ambaye ametii kwa ukamilifu kwa kuitii Kweli; naye huyo ni Bwana Yesu Kristo. Tunaambiwa kwamba uzao wa nyoka “utamponda kisigino” (Mwanzo 3.15). Hili lilitimiaa wakati maadui wa Kweli (wayahudi waovu na Warumi) walipomwua msalabani. Kwa ajili ya utiifu wake mkamilifu kwa Mungu hakubaki kaburini, lakini Mungu alimfufua baada ya siku tatu.
“Mashambulizi ya” nyoka kwa Yesu yalikuwa ni “majeraha” aliyopata ambayo yalipona. Hata hivyo “Uzao wa mwanamke” hata hivyo “ungeponda kichwa” cha uzao wa nyoka (Mwa 3:15). Haya yangekuwa mashambulizi ya kifo kwa sababu Bwana Yesu Kristo alifufuka kutoka kaburini ili asife tena, dhambi na kifo vimepoteza nguvu. Ameviharibu na kufungua njia ya uzima wa milele kwa wale wote wanoipenda Kweli na kuweka tumaini katika yeye.
Majibu Mafupi
Ni amri ipi moja ambayo Mungu aliwapa Adamu na Hawa?
Ni nani alimsahwishi Hawa kuvunja amri hii?
Dhambi ni nini?
Mungu alisema jambo gani lingetokea ikiwa Adamu na Hawa watatenda dhambi?
Ni jambo gani linalowatokea watu wote kwa sababu ya dhambi ya Adamu na Eva?
Ni aina gani ya vazi ambalo Mungu aliwapatia Adamu na Eva?
Mungu alifanya nini baada ya Adamu na Hawa kutenda dhambi?
Majibu ya Kina.
1. Ni kwa jinsi gani Adamu na Eva hawakuitii amri ya Mungu katika bustani ya Edeni?
2. Ni kwa jinsi Mungu alivyowaadhibu Adamu na Eva Kutokana na kosa lao?
3. (a) Ni vazi gani kwa ajili ya dhambi ambalo Mungu aliwapatia Adamu na Eva?
(b) Je, tendo hili linamwonyesha nani?
Majibu ya Ziada
4. Eleza nini kilitokea baada ya Adamu na Hawa kula tunda la mti?
5. “Mshahara wa dhambi ni mauti,bali karama ya Mungu ni uzima wa milele”. Hii ina maana gani?
6. Eleza maana ya yafuatayo:
(a) Uzao wa nyoka
(b) Uzao wa mwanamke
(c) Huo utaponda kisigino chake; na
(d) wewe utakiponda kichwa chake
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zephilinecom · 2 years
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shadedfantasy · 5 years
I think it’s hilarious that when I started playing Lioden, I was like “>:( >:( >:( !! That’s not realistic! Lions don’t look like that! Spots??? On my lions?? No thank you sir, lions only have spots when they’re cubs! And they certainly don’t have black or red fur!! Ugh these ~unrealistic~ fantasy lions!” and now I’m like “💖💖💖 These are my beautiful kings. This one is red with white spots and this one is blue with black spots. :) :) :) They’re my beautiful perfect babies 💖. One wears flowers because he’s a very good boi and the other wears a sparkly black cape because he’s a dramatic bitch. Also they’re both bi and in love.” Honestly probably the best turnaround I could ask for
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mask-of-prime · 1 year
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VG: A Snake in the Grass
Ever since she'd heard of the legend of the Mark of Evil through Kiara's stories of Kion and Scar, Vitani grew to fear obtaining the Mark of Evil, herself, being a successor to two victims in a row. She hadn't told anyone for months, but she'd grown vigilant of the very fields she walked throughout her entire leadership so far. When talks of the Mark of Evil made its way back to Vitani's mind, her paranoia eventually manifested to a noticeable level, and Tazama picked it up... Tazama greatly disliked Vitani's sudden prejudice towards snakes. It didn't make sense for Vitani -- known for her fierce protection of carnivores' places in the Circle of Life -- to pick on a particular one. Tazama sympathized for commonly marginalized creatures, and saw nuance in all animals. The Keenest of Sight felt she couldn't voice her concern, however, for fear of admonishment from her especially stubborn leader. Years under the leadership of Zira had greatly affected Tazama's perception of authority, even though she knew Vitani had too much of a heart to never grow as cold and merciless as her mother, her leader's paranoid state made her unpredictable, and almost unstable, a behavior that triggered Tazama's own fear response. ____ While on their usual patrol across the territory, Vitani commanded her Guard to split up and watch over landmarks assigned to them, when suddenly... HISS!
The last thing Tazama saw before stinging pain that boiled like the caldera of a volcano, was a cobra with unusual markings and abilities. Rather than bite her, the cobra had sprayed her right in the eyes with venom. Groaning, yowling, and squeezing her eyes shut, Tazama repeated "Sh-She was just scared... she was just scared... she..." over and over, in an attempt to reassure the others, as well as herself, that the cobra didn't hate anyone, and therefore, was not evil. The miraculous timing haunted Vitani. The cobra had entered their lives right when Vitani's mind was overwhelmed with fears of being bitten. She had to wonder it had been a cruel joke from the Lions of the Past, themselves... ____ After a difficult decision to have Tazama sit several missions out until her eyes recovered... if they recovered... a certain someone showed up with a 'get well' gift of sweet-smelling flowers. It was the cobra, who'd introduced herself as 'Fukiza'. She'd snuck into the healing area of the Lair from under the Lion Guard's detection, and explained to Tazama that she did not mean to temporarily blind her. She simply had poor control of her venom and was truly a nice snake. She was native to the Tree of Life, and came to the Pridelands to sample fragrances from East African flower species to add to her collection, until Tazama startled her, believing she would be attacked first. Tazama had an open mind and understood Fukiza, and soon befriended her. The Keenest of Sight would eventually introduce Fukiza to the Lion Guard, who'd hesitantly warmed up to her. Tazama's friendship with Fukiza made Vitani realize how irrational and rather self-centered she'd been acting. She'd put her fears as Leader of the Guard over listening to a friend she'd often misunderstood, and she'd lost her way in looking out for overlooked animals who deserved their place in the Circle of Life as much as the animals Kion's Guard often saved. ____ Meanwhile, it appears an alliance is forming between evil forces in the barren Prideland-Outland border... Upon hearing the Rogue Trio's intentions to take over the Pridelands -- thanks to Uongo delivering a message in the form of mimicked voices -- Ngurumo took the rogues under his wing. Ngurumo, though not too pleased to work with a predator, managed to fit them perfectly into his plan. He feigned sympathy over the lions' banishment as he'd been banished too, and promised them a way to gain the land, without telling them his own intentions on obtaining the land for himself... The Rogue Trio eventually obliged, still confused as to why their potential dinner was overseeing the plans to take over. While they took their time perfecting their plan, they were not the only threat that awaited the Lion Guard... ____ ((Author's Notes: I know I didn't have a proper fanfic for this episode, but it's still in chronological order. I kinda just wanted to try just writing summaries about my art/headcanons like in older installments of VG because I feel like I can't come up with strong dialogue all the time After some research, I realized I'd actually modeled Fukiza after an Indian Monocled cobra, and wrongfully identified her as an Egyptian cobra in her initial reference/bio. To make sense of this geographical mix-up without changing her appearance because I consider her eye marking a nice connection to the plot, I decided she would originate from the Tree of Life, which I presume occupies India or Pakistan. This wouldn't be the first time an Indian cobra was wrongfully called an Egyptian cobra (see: Ushari) I know spitting cobra venom has a chance of blinding a target, but after researching its potency, I found that that doesn't always happen, but the results are still horrific. I figure Tazama will heal, but not without altered eyesight and chronic flare-ups of symptoms This episode was a great opportunity to play with the Brush Settings in Photoshop. Instead of relying on using a transparent image of real patches of grass as a brush in GIMP (which is I believe is plagiarism, big booboo in my past art), I decided to draw my own blades of grass and use the scattering feature to lessen the work of drawing individual blades each time Fun Fact: This episode was first being worked on in October until I lost time to work on it. It was originally going to fit the whole 'fear' theme I had going on, along with the episode that I did manage to release then. I found time now to work on it now that it's Spring Break. And yeah I know it's April 1st, but this is not joke art lol. It is actually part of the timeline and was being made to be released yesterday))
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imungy-blog · 3 years
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Ubaya Una mwisho. Ukifanya ubaya iko siku itakuridia. Karma kweli anaishi. Asante kwa mafua kunilaza kitandani, leo nimebahatika kuangalia movie RIO 1 & 2. Movie Hii ni maisha halisi ya wanadamu. Ukiishi kwa nia ya kuumiza na kuwaharibia wengine, kuna siku na wewe yatakufika. Ni wakati wako! Kinachoshangaza ni pale ambapo wakati unafanyia wengine unaona ni sawa! Ikifikia kwako unaona unaonewa. Watu waliymia sana na ulikuwa unawabeza na kuwaambia “unajitahidi kuwapatanisha” Kumbe si chochote. Na unajua hawakuwa na makosa. Wengine maisha yameharibika kabisa. #uongo #ukorofi #walionewa Ikifika wakati na zamu yako, linda lindo lako vizuri. Kaa kimya na vumilia. Tulivumilia na hatukulalamika. Kama Una haki Mungu atasimama Na wewe. La, tulia. That’s how it feels. #sixdowntwotogo #mtotowanesi #karmahasnodeadline #niwakatiwako #tuliadawaikuingie #haihusianinamtu tafadhali! (at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) https://www.instagram.com/imungy/p/CXoEKI8MHSi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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