#update on Alex feelings - I still really dislike him
cambrioleur · 1 year
Random observations on this season (updating)
Episode 1
I don't think we've ever seen Assane do a genuine fourth-wall break before
OK so Claire has a last name now
Assane really expected that he could just show up and Claire would just fall at his feet
I'm surprised Benjamin is just allowed to continue working at his shop
This feels better-edited than Parts 1 & 2
Name a more iconic duo than Belkacem and failing constantly (she really doesn't listen, does she)
Episode 2
Philippe Courbet sighting
NEVER invite Guédira to a funeral lmaooo
Hang on I'm just now realizing that Juliette is at this funeral, too (she's standing in the second row behind Benjamin and Claire and honestly doesn't seem too upset about Assane's "death")
I like how in the flashback Babakar tells Assane that he reminds him of his mother and then it turns out she was a criminal
This seems to be around the time of Raoul's birthday again; he really can't catch a break on that
Episode 3
New shipping war just dropped: Guédira/Belkacem vs Guédira/Fleur
That bit where Claire was outright begging Benjamin to tell her Assane was alive and he couldn't...that was sad
But then it was followed by Benjamin doing the "uhh my FRIEND just died" act with Belkacem which was funny
This gang of thugs is trying a little too hard tbh
Assane's disguise in this episode is fucking terrible lol
The basketball coach disguise, on the other hand, is the only time I've genuinely thought he wasn't recognizable
Episode 4
Ironically that coach persona is probably the best parenting Assane has ever done
Claire? Doing things that are vaguely cool?? That feels illegal. Also, she looked so proud of herself for swiping that book, lol
Betraying Benjamin was certainly...a choice on Assane's part ("everyone disliked that")
This episode is going to devastate the show's Tumblr fandom
Episode 5
Assane trolling the shit out of Guédira will never not be funny
These 1998 flashbacks are pretty dark actually
Honestly the way Claire got that reveal out of Benjamin was very well-played on her part
Guédira out here looking like present-day Ringo Starr with that disguise
Aww look at Assane playing the matchmaker for Guédira and Belkacem, heh heh
This is easily one of the funniest episodes
Except Benjamin is straight up not having a good time -- it looks like he got beaten up in prison
Episode 6
Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not totally sure Benjamin knows that Assane betrayed him. It's possible he just thinks that he fucked up with the bracelet and then missed a cue in the maze
"Pasta with ketchup" jesus fucking christ Claire that sounds horrendous (although I'm guessing the only reason they did that was because of the ketchup-bottle reveal)
Assane really has Claire's number because he's now seduced her twice under two different identities
IDK whether or not Raoul has figured out that the coach is his dad but it's funny that he still seemed to be shipping it either way
It's nice that we get to see Claire's more playful side in this season, like her messing with Assane by acting really flirty with "Alex" after she realizes they're the same person
INCREDIBLE casting for the younger and older versions of Keller tbh; they easily look like they could be the same person
Episode 7
What a nice family reunion...it would be a shame if something happened to it...
The flashbacks are significantly darker than the present timeline this time around
Guédira finally got to arrest Assane, good for him!
The scene at the train station with the letter from Assane to Claire sort of reminds me of the ending to A Tale of Two Cities, which I had to read for AP prep a while back
Oh look, Hubert Pellegrini is back
So they're CLEARLY setting up another season with this ending
The choice of people to show on the montage there was interesting, lol
I could see a Juliette antagonist arc happening tbh
Maybe Assane's mom isn't all she seems either
And what about Benjamin? If he turns against Assane the viewers are going to lose their minds
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myckicade · 1 year
Mayans M.C. - 05x05
*pounds head on work desk*
Fuck. You. EZ.
While we're at it, fuck you, too, Sofia.
Conspiracies first. (Second? Third?).
Updated Guesses of Who's in the Coffin:
Heroin - I had this feeling after a good, long think, and... Yeah... It tracks. So to speak.
I genuinely loved a couple of things about this episode, and I would like to get right into those, if I may.
I have been loving the Big Brother Miguel vibes since the start of the season, and it's only getting better. (I mean, if I didn't know what I know, I would have almost thought that he was hitting on Angel, BUT. He must have studied that boy damn close if he knows his body from a security camera. Y'know what I mean?) *ahems* It might just be me, too, but I felt this sense of... reluctant longing in Miguel's tone, when he agreed that he didn't know Angel. Kinda' broke my heart, a little bit. Here's this guy who has family he clearly wants to protect, but also refuses to acknowledge beyond that. While he and EZ have some ugliness between them, he and Angel - minus the warehouse - don't have that much on-screen history to work with. ** This is why I firmly believe that something terrible will befall Angel, and Miguel will have to take it up with EZ. Something is going to tip Miguel's hand on this secret, either his or Filipe's. I just really kinda' hope I'm wrong about what that something is. **
I did enjoy that little Not-Fight-Club scene. I need to re-watch, because I want to know why Isaac said, "It really is you"?? Did I mishear that?? Because, if so, that sends me down a whole winding path of questions and conspiracies. (Again, I need to re-watch a few things, at least, because I have zero idea whether I missed something, and now look like an idiot for having these thoughts). Neeevermind. I found my answer. I just love JR Bourne, and while I haven't been... in love with Isaac, he's doing a fabulous job with the role.
Bishop holding a baby. Need I say more? I mean... C'mon. That was sweet as hell.
His storytelling, as well. The man may have the Short and Angry down, but he definitely knows how to play Big Fish.
Izzy laying down the law. Once she got out of the car, I was shouting, "YEAH, BITCH!! I love you, dude, but, YEAH, BITCH!!" It's about time Marcus hears the words. -_- . That he took Santi out for some Father-Son Time afterward? *sobs* MY HEART!!!! <3 <3 <3 . Marcus has been such a dick for so long, it was good to have him put in his place, and reminded that he has more to live for that the damned Club. P.S. Have they mentioned the baby's gender yet? I wanna' know. >XD.
Hank getting to help his Mom gets me. Every time. I don't care. Anything concerning that man is emotional. I swear.
Gotta' say... I kinda' loved that ending... Things - storylines - are FINALLY beginning to feel like they go together. I have a little bit of faith back.
Very briefly, there were a few things that I disliked, as well. (As usual).
Fuck you, Ez.
A supplementary 'Fuck You' to the following folks: Sofia Emily EZ Potter Katie Everybody Who Ignored Kevin's Widow EZ
I hope we get to see Elio again?? I like the dude, and I'm sad that he and Bottles got split up. :( .
Not enough Bottles. Damn. I didn't think I'd end up liking that kid so much. I can't help it. Alex Barone is adorable.
I could have done without Letty and Hope scream-singing for, what was it? Two, three minutes? It felt that way, anyhow.
While I'm glad we still have Nestor around, I'm pretty damned bothered by the lack of use of his character? If that makes sense? I mean, here's a dude that's capable, trustworthy, honest, dedicated, loyal, and he's tending the fucking bar?! Prospect was... just not where I expected him to land, I guess? And, for so damned long. In bed with the enemy, sure, I get that. He just feels like such an afterthought to the series, at times.
EZ's little speech to SAMDINO was a nightmare. It was like being on the phone with Xfinity's automated services. I felt for Isaac on that one. I would have lost my temper, too.
Consider this my Weekly Complaint about Emily, if filed a day or so late. Ugh. Her little speech about Motherhood - though valid - made me roll my eyes. While Miguel is certainly no prize in the marriage department, I wish he would have just cut bait a long, LONG time ago.
Beyond that? I pretty well enjoyed this episode. The preview for next week didn't thrill me to my core, but... We shall see.
Until next week, Y'all!
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f0xgl0v3 · 11 months
I live-!
It’s only been a day or two since I’ve posted; but that’s just because I’ve been doing school things and all that jazz; but I feel like there’s some cool things I should share; because really I think people just like having an unspoken community and support of other people who like writing for Octavian- and I love him too, but there’s only so much I can say about him without talking about my OC (who I love talking about, but no one really cares lol) however what I am going to do; seeing as I’m reading,
The Iliad; almost finished with it, and I’ll probably say some things (for any specifications I’m talking about the penguin deluxe version; translated by Robert Fagles)
The Odyssey; haven’t started yet, but I’ll do more update and post as I read versus the sort of retrospective I have to do with the Iliad
The Aeneid; I’ll read it after the Odyssey, and I’m excited because Rome is one of my special interests :] (it’s the best way I can put it, but Rome and the PJO franchise are my special interests) and I’m excited to just read a like good Segway into more older literary readings!
My class is also reading the first PJO book (tLT) and I’ve been annotating my personal copy (just sticky note flags) and I’ll probably talk about it (and just generally re-visit the OG series and see how my opinions have changed; if Luke still gets to be the favorite from the first series) so I’ll probably talk about that (Chapter 17 and Chapter 20 are my favorites and I get to read them!! Along with Chapter 21 which is rad too B])
TSOA; I’m holding off on reading The Song Of Achilles (mostly because I’m too scared to pick up my copy and actually read) but when I do work up my courage I’ll report back (just begging Thetis isn’t as bad as people tell me they interpreted her as)
ToA; wild I haven’t read Trials of Apollo I know; but I had to pause it to read the Iliad, Odyssey, and Aeneid- so I’ll get back to that and I’m really excited to, because of the Emperors and my (personal) favorite Emperor shows up (it feels weird to say I have a favorite Roman Emperor, but he’s really the one I like reading the most on, because I find him interesting; and no, I won’t be admitting it at the moment)
All of the companion books to PJO/HoO/ToA; not any of the spin-off series, but things like the guide books, Demigod Diaries/files, Greek Gods, Greek heroes, those ones :]
tKC(?); the Kane Chronicles, I’ll probably end up reading Magnus Archives first (because guys I heard Pansexual representation in Magnus and I need a new character to giggle about and I really wanna see Alex and TJ. Jr (feels like such a random and specific character but I’m just excited to see the silly)
Magnus Archives; as I said instead of talking about the Kane Chronicles (I might have to read the Graphic novels for those because the first chapter book could not hold my attention span but the first graphic novel did)
Also Sun and The Stars; I totally didn’t forget about this because I genuinely have an irrational dislike toward Nico; even though I love him I still disagree on a character level for him to kill off two characters I really like (one of which only gets like 2 pages of screen time) but I’ll try because I want more Bob content and I want it now! Also my friend marked all the Mr. D pages for me and that’s very nice
That’s all the books I can think of at the moment; then I have some projects too-
Lorica Hamanata(?); I’m too lazy currently to go look up the spelling, but I am working on making the Chestplate and I’ll probably fill people in while I do so
Cardboard Riptide; I’m making Riptide out of Cardboard! Haven’t worked on it in a while but I am :] I’ll show pics when I’m done
The Camp Jupiter/HoO/Maybe-just-Pjo/HoO/ToA re-imaging; uhhh, im working on it; I don’t know how many people want to see some random internet users re-imaginings of things like this- but I like having it down someplace
Probably more Octavian Sillies; I’ll probably write more on Octavian; he’s my favorite fictional character in general, I relate to him probably a little more than I should and I just like talking about my thoughts on him!
Calliope- my OC that got some posts that only my friend saw; she is probably a bad character but I love her and I think publicly showing her process is a good way to just improve my writing skills; which segways nicely to,
The Nine Au/HoO Au/ me and my friend arbitrarily shove our OCs into the seven and I try to make it make sense with their narrative arcs/ we also put a bunch of our different Ocs in there as background characters so there are minor characters; pretty much what I just said; my friend runs a mainly art-blog, but just know we both are working on this, and I do really want to talk about this because we put hard work into it and I want to share it
Okay; you (random audience I’ve decided that I apparently have) probably don’t care, and just like seeing me go ‘hehe this is Octavian, I like Rome :3’ and I also like doing that- but these are things I genuinely want to do and use my blog for!
(I’m also going to make a post about my headcanons on Camp Jupiter kids fatal flaws hc soon👀)
Anyway, byeeeeee!!
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I LOVE YOU RICKY CARUSO! (yet, I struggle, why must I get so attached)
(An updated version of a post on my main)
I didn't wanna fall for him, since that accent Nick used was... pretty bad! "But he's cute", I said after the first episode.
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Then... things changed, and the obsession took over.
It had been builiding since I watched "Two Confessions" (an epi from the first season that had Nick in it A LOT and is a favorite of mine, though not just 'cause of that) and reached "I want you in me" levels after I watched "Officer April" (another S1 epi that let's just say… had some elements that awoke those kind of thoughts-though other epis had them slightly too, usually out of his own pretty little mouth- and I've had them ever since).
There were some episodes I feel he shouldn't have been in/didn't add to any of the main mulitplots (for example, "The Witches Of Eastbridge", "Anti-Commish", and "Nothing To Fear"), but more screencap material never hurts right!
But... *I DON'T WANNA SHARE HIM...oh, Officer Adorable/Bulbtip (I actually recognized Nick in the first epi by his nose...remember that accent he used was JARRING) get in...NO I'M NOT FICTO POLYAM...Left My Heart In Eastbridge...* All through this I'm like "Okay Caruso, do/say something that'll make me hate/dislike you" but he never really did anything that bad. If the worst things he did/say were part of all of that, I can live with it. I was more or less using it as a way to end the obsession.
However, I put up with it 'cause I LOVE this show! So many other likeable charas and it's funny. The accent was actually inconsistantly used, offen times without it, Ricky sounded just like Alex (which actually happened during "Two Confessions"); but eventually I got used to it.
Last epi for Nick, but I still missed him. But I still had sexual related thoughts of him and stayed up late/woke up early with him on my mind.
*not wanna share...hey Caruso get over...ONLY ALEX GETS IN...Left My Heart In Eastbridge...*
Why must I get so attached? It's just my way I guess.
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evakuality · 3 years
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Mia, episode one
Okay, so as I have said numerous times and at length I haven’t seen Mia’s season before.  I can’t stand Noora’s season so I’ve never wanted to watch this one.  But I’m giving it a go because apparently it’s better than Noora’s.  I already really really dislike Alex, though.  He’s gross to the last moments of Hanna’s season so this may be an uphill battle getting me to like him.  Plus, this is likely more a live reaction thing since I really have no idea what’s coming (except that it’s based on Noora’s things)  We shall see.  Anyway, let's get to this:
1. The opening bits just reminds me how ridiculous kissing looks like up close and from the outside.  I don’t know what the point here is, but I’m vaguely uncomfortable rn, so if that’s the intention, then well done I guess!  These tongues are really bothering me for some reason.  Kiki really needs to have more self respect.  I mean, I know she gets there, but this is not it, child.  He’s really not great.
2.  Seeing a shot of the girls: wow I missed these people so much!!!! (It’s been a couple of days, self.  Chill out!!)  Again, this is super pretty.  The colours etc of this scene are lovely.  More cool and cold than Hanna’s (I guess because of the time of year????) but lovely anyway.  I do not like this swinging camera though; it’s making me queasy.  I am also seriously side-eyeing the ‘kissing’ thing between Hanna and Mia.  Like, I want to believe the creators were leaning into the gay vibes the two gave off last season, but... eh.  It feels off a bit.  Still.  Mia’s gaze when she says ‘why not?’ when asked if they should all be lesbians is... well, I think a case can be made that Mia is into Hanna at least.
3.  Oh.  Hans my love.  It seems this place is a mess and disgusting, but aww I do love him!! ‘I’m finished in a second’ - lol.  Poor Mia, but she knew he had a visitor and she pushed her way in anyway.  She deserved to cop what she saw.  But she’s right of course.  If they keep doing the gross clean ups for him, he really will never learn.  I love Hans, but ‘tomorrow’ is waaaaaaay too late in a situation like the one they have here.  He really needs to start thinking about other people!!
4.  Aww I do love Mia and Hanna, and I’m glad we still have their friendship here.  But is this sort of awkward not-quite-hug thing normal in Germany?  None of these people look like they want to hug each other and are just doing it out of some sort of obligation.  I get that between Hanna and the boys (there’s some history there after all), but Mia and them?  Still, it’s nice to see these storylines continuing from season one so fluidly.  Like there’s very little awkward ‘so let’s summarise the previous season in stilted dialogue for you’ and yet new viewers should be able to pick up on what’s going on through context and in the ways they have integrated and alluded to it all.
5.  Alex comes on screen and I’m all ‘ugh’ and then sadly he says some stupid stuff.  Mia is super pretty in this scene, though, and I’m a bit baffled about why they chose to film her in such a gorgeous way and then to put Alex in pale colours against a pale background.  He doesn’t stand out at all.  ‘He’s insecure, he just wants his parents’ attention’ - I kind of like that this is coming from Kiki because she sees him with rose-tinted glasses and so it can be seen as biased and excusing him for no reason.  But since I assume this is heading in the direction that Noora’s did, where William didn’t ever have to change but we were expected to excuse him because we found out bits about his background, I’m also assuming that this is going to be a case of ‘Kiki, while being obsessive and too naïve about him in some ways, was right all along about him’ but I guess we’ll see.  Also, he’s basically with Kiki and yet he’s still looking at Mia like that?  He’s clearly not changed at all since last season.  
6.  I just realised we haven’t had any moments with Mia alone yet and we’re already more than halfway through the episode.  I don’t know where I’m going with that but it’s just interesting.  Hanna was so in her head and by herself so often, and it was really nice to be so tight in with her.  It’s a bit odd to not have that anymore.  I know that the two characters are different but I miss that getting-to-know-you stuff of the main character.
7.  The stuff with Kiki is really good, though.  I like the way her issues are being highlighted but in a way where it’s clear that her thought processes aren’t immediately obvious as toxic.  It’s really good that what she says and does is logical and can be seen as ‘healthy’ and so dismantling that thought process is really important to teach.  Now, I only saw Noora’s season once so I don’t know how much is coming from the original but even if this is coming through from there, I like the way it’s going.
8.  Alex again.  I do not like him.  His attitude to girls is so shitty.  I mean I know this is William’s fault but I still really really do not enjoy this type of guy.  Again he’s shot in faded out and pale colours vs her darker and stronger ones.  I don’t know what the point is, but I assume there is one.  Maybe that she doesn’t really know him and so she’s only seeing a pale and washed out version of him.
9.  Hanna, darling, I’m with you.  I too hate volleyball and when I was at school our PE teachers were obsessed with it and we had to play it FAR too often for my liking.  Also these looks they are giving each other are super gay.  I don’t make the rules!
10.  This Christmas scene is so super cute!!  The colours etc are glorious.  Hans’s little festoon of lights is adorable.  This little hug with Carlos and Kiki; it’s nice to know where that’s going.  She definitely deserves someone like him (someone who is a bit messy and has some faults but who grows and is under it all a loving friend, and above all is someone who genuinely cares about her).  I know 50 billion people have pointed it out, but I love that Matteo is off to the side and away from the group and that although he’s sort of joining in, he’s not a full part of it.  It’s nice the little hints of how his season is going to go.
11.  Boo Alex.  Blackmail isn’t cool.  It wasn’t cool in Hanna’s season and it’s not cool now.  
And we’re at the end.  We still have very little time just with Mia, just this little moment right at the very very end.  I miss that tight PoV and I hope we see more of it soon.  I still really really dislike this type of love interest and this type of romance.  Alex may not be as bad as William (mostly because he’s better acted) but he’s still a few million miles away from any guy I’d want anything to do with romantically.  Let’s see if that changes as we go on.
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vicea · 3 years
dream merch discord recap (june 12, 2021) - disclaimer: i may have missed some things or mistakenly heard other things, apologies in advanced for that!
he has not played the new minecraft update
dream “knows” the date george is coming to florida but he’s not saying it :p
dream doesn’t have anyone muted on twitter
dream guesses his favorite disney princess is belle
sapnap has seen dream’s feet before
he’s not actually connor’s dad in the dsmp lore
dreamnap do not have nicknames for each other D:
dream likes olives but especially black olives
his mother makes homemade pickles
he doesn’t have a phone case
he has dropped his phone from his ear onto concrete in the parking lot before and the screen didn’t crack
dream has six fingers /j
he pours cereal first not milk when making cereal
dream calls sapnap nick most of the time :D
what’s your dream car? “idk the one that gets me to point A to point B consistently”
he finally fixed his sleep schedule, woke up at 8 am today
mrbeast owes dream a tesla because he never sent dream the audio file
dream is a very analytical person - he thinks with numbers/data
creativity is one his strengths that he is the most proud of
3 to 4 years ago, dream used to say george looks like shawn mendes a lot, now he doesn’t resemble him as much
patches is currently sleeping <3
swimming is very relaxing to dream, he swam the other day!
many houses in florida have pools than other places, even the cheapest houses in orlando have pools
dream has merchendise defects (misprints on merch) + milestone merch and he wants to give them away to those who live in orlando (probably to anyone but the event will be held in orlando) though he doesn’t want it to be a covid super-spreader thing so once you pick up your item you gotta dip. just all an idea though
he has been donating them to charity too though :)
dream has likely read Heroes of Olympus before a long time ago
he says that he’ll do a give away of his childhood books with his signature on it
he was obsessed with the series (Percy Jackson) 
he really liked the Alex Rider series
has all of Maximum Ride books, 39 clues books
has read the legend series, the twilight series, and the maze runner
has all/read of the harry potter books, divergent, eragon
he would read all the time, to the point he would read more than one book a day (a book worm he says)
dream had a goal to read 200 books in a year and he wind up reading about 150
he doesn’t want to call it a library but- growing up he had something like that that had 600 or 700 or more books in it (privileged he admits it)
he has not read a book since he started youtube (about 2 years)
dream has a folder called Book that has his own writing in it
word count: 76000 words for one of his stories 
another one he wrote 5 chapters of
he sounds very excited/embarrassed talking about the stories he wrote he’s so endearing
the very first paragraph of one of his stories (he was young when he wrote this) “What exactly is darkness? is it the lack of light? is it a pit of nothingness? ... your mind is full of darkness...” then he couldn’t continue.
the story is about a kid who wakes up in a cell and has no idea where he is with other people who are in the same situation
dream has a world building document
he has a sequel to the first book he has ever written
he found a query letter that he wrote because he wanted to get his book published- he finds it very funny
he’s calling himself a nerd but idk it’s kind of endearing
“as you can tell i’ve always been incredibly cool and not a nerd at all! ever.”
he cringes at his own old videos
dream took a lot of inspiration from witches and wizards by james patterson for writing
the story is written in a way where the main character is actually writing the story so you’re getting input from the main character during it. there’s a lot of sarcasm in it and it’s making dream laugh
very first person narrator
he feels like it’d be very cool if he were to publish his works he wrote when he was 16 on amazon or something but he probably never would because he’d have to read through all of it and it’s just embarrassing for him
dream used to video call sapnap fairly frequently- even before youtube
he strictly remembers, a very long time (at least 7 to 9 years) ago he was at his old childhood house he video called sapnap. he was wearing a (technically) suit and he remembers specifically that he was giving sap a tour... 
“snazzy in a suit”
he had no reason to put on the suit (wow time is a flat circle huh)
drista is pretty close to sapnap’s height, she’s like 5′7″ but sap is still taller than her
dream filmed the whole thing when he and sapnap met but... it’s... gone because when he was clipping that one clip for twitter... it edited the whole video
he’s sure when they meet up with george they will film that too :D
DREAM IS PRETTY SURE THAT HE AND GEORGE WILL MEET THIS YEAR-- HE SAYS A 95% CERTAINTITY the five percent is like either restrictions or visa issues
dream does not play any instruments but he had a guitar hanging on his wall when he was younger...
dream is convinced they’re the same height but also sapnap is probably taller??
they had george compare his height to a door frame and dreamnap were googling for any doorframes to find any possible chance that george is taller than 5′8″ ... nothing came up
there’s a chance they’re both lying about being 5′8″
sap and george will literally just show up in stilts to prove they’re taller than each other /j
dream without shoes is between 6′2″ and 6′3″ with shoes he’s 6′3.5″
dream is talking about awesamdude’s fake height arc again LOL
dreamnap are very private people so they don’t bother each other but george doesn’t care and would just barge into their rooms and start bothering them- they were all joking about that over a voice call
he will visit europe
he thinks that greece would be a cool place to visit because sapnap’s family is from there :) so it’ll be like a nice “treat” to go back with sap :D
dream isn’t entirely sure that the dream team meet up will happen this year but he’s working out the details because he wants to make sure it’s safe
he’s talking to youtube about his face reveal
it’s up to george if he wants to eat healthy when they finally move in
dream just has a lot of meat and vegetables in his house
spinach with chicken is good
not much fruit (only apples and tomatoes)
“DRISTA IS 5″ is trending on twitter LOL (her height got cut off)
dream doesn’t want people flying to different places because he doesn’t want to encourage travel so he wants to do all of the meet ups with a two day heads up at most
he thinks that it’s awesome that ranboo and tubbo are meeting soon !! :D
it’s very cool to dream to see how far everyone’s has come since the beginning of the dsmp. everyone has done so much
dream finalized his youtube plan a couple weeks before he uploaded his video and he was talking to drista about how he was gonna be a big youtuber in a parking lot :”)
she was the first person he really ever talked to about it
dream would love to teach george how to drive it’d be really funny :D (a very good video or a livestream idea) 
dream knows how to ride a bike, he used to have to bike to school
he can’t explain dnf.gay he has no clue he is not responsible. sapnap was the one who found it LOL. he is adamantly exclaiming that it was not him
dream doesn’t worry about views/likes/dislikes a lot- mainly views but that’s for the new uploads
he hasn’t uploaded in like a month and a half (*cries*)
he wants to stream at some point but he doesn’t know when 
he wants to play geoguessr but not now... he doesn’t want to alt stream rn- maybe tomorrow!
he is insisting that the splash text on his minecraft home screen is by callahan
he asked callahan to send him bunch of text files that are dream team related so that the splash can rotate through it but callahan thought it was funny (it is) to put only dreamnotfound <3 so it doesn’t ever change at all and dream doesn’t even know how to change and he has asked callahan to change it but he said no (even though dream pays him LMAO)
the video referenced in the padilla’s video is still in the works, it might be handed over to sapnap though !
he has no idea if he will be in MCC pride yet
padilla got dream’s input for the video, dream found him to be a very nice guy ! :) it’s the first interview that dream did that wasn’t by a person with a negative opinion of dream
dream felt relaxed doing the interview with padilla 
?????? he’s blaming callahan for his “dnfisreal” nickname in bedwars 
he’s blaming callahan for a lot of dnf-related stuff
callahan runs the dream fanart account thus the liking of dnf content
he’s so insistent that it was callahan
dream admits that he was lying about the twitter and other stuff but for sure callahan did code the splash text in LOL
dream liking that tweet “the chances of george doing a hot tub stream is the same of dnf dating” was “funny” he wasnt trying to do any commentary...
the inside joke of “oh it’s all just a joke to you” originates from george and sapnap actually always fighting (like them yelling and shouting at each other) and george said something really mean and sapnap was hurt then geroge said “it was just a joke” and sapnap replied with that line and ever since then it’s been a meme LOL
he says that everyone does the hand-on-the-passenger-seat-while-reversing thing
dream is offline raiding with his chat with 6k people
dream appreciates us and will talk to us soon! 
302 notes · View notes
nriacc · 3 years
nothing against you/the other anons but I cannot for the life of me feel any sort of sympathy for matty like I know cheating twice is wrong and horrible, he has every right to dislike alex and wheels deserves SO much better but that better is definitely not the guy that cheated on her four times, ignored her when she told her his friends made her uncomfortable, got high without her knowing, got her in a car crash, ignored her when she was in the hospital, dated idk how many girls to shove the relationships in her face, can't stand to see her happy when she's dating someone else, won't leave her alone when she begs her to and ruins such a milestone in her career like ily and the story but the choice is kinda easy on this one lmao (just imo ofc)
Nah I completely get it honestly. Definitely a lot of shit with Matty that can’t be excused. Fuck knows how or why Wheels wanted to get back with him after that shit. If this queen wasn’t so forgiving they would both be out of her life for good, she’s just too nice. No excuse for Matty at all being high but the accident defo wasn’t his fault (this is the time that I wish this was a film or a tv show because I know exactly what happened but explaining it is really difficult. Like it was some dickhead who pulled out on them and he would have had no time to react anyway whether he was high or not). Not excusing him at the hospital that was just a dick move too. Ditto is just a twat and Matty did cut him out and sort the situation out for her without a second though (as he should)
But I will say that I think because there’s not an update each week anymore that I think the hate for Matty can fester more because you can focus on it for longer. Like it’s been a LONG while since Alex has been a dickhead in this. Not excusing Matty because he’s made some questionable decisions but her feelings obviously run deep. But Al is still not squeaky clean either (and the fic is equally balanced so if Matty is weighing down rn then things are gunna balance out at some pointttt🙃)
I do love chatting about this fic thoooo, might just fuck it and make an ending where she gets with someone else entirely 😂 believe me, there’s many options 😂
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shinahbee · 4 years
February Favs 2021
March 6. 2021
Another month has passed by really quickly, maybe because February had only 28 days.
This month also was lunar new years or Chinese New Year, so happy new year to all of you who celebrate it! Our household celebrated safely with just my family, in previous years we would celebrate with extended families, but of course every one’s safety is important.
There was also Valentine’s Day, which I helped my sister make some cheese tarts for her boyfriend as a gift. I’ve been working on a few things, including art for more of my manhwa recommendations, but I’ll put that on hold for now and work on a few for some recent anime that I have been watching. I feel like I’m winding down when it comes to filtering the shounen ai manhwa, there really isn’t much that I have read currently that I want to really want to share.
There are some of the ones that are popular that I dropped, I named two of them in my last favorites, but there have been a lot more since then, if you’d like I could add another segment under the hell segment that talk about the ones I dropped and why I dropped them, I feel like if someone had similar thoughts to a certain manhwa and why they dislike the content , It would honestly help me filter out a lot of the ones I never really should have read, if that makes any sense.
Not instagram though...it keeps showing me the pictures of manhwa that I dropped ...I’m like omg instagram your algorithm is screwed...I don’t even like these.lol. Thus this is how it thought of the new segment idea. I feel like I’m adding a lot to this segment alone.lol.
So how is everything going for all of you? Anything exciting happening? I’ll keep you guys updated when something good happens, but there is nothing currently. Thank you for taking the time to read my nonsense blabbering.
Enjoy reading!
No dramas this month to talk about.lol.
1) Whose baby is it? (ongoing)
2) Social temperature (ongoing)
3) Salad days (ongoing)
4) To be or not to be (ongoing)
5) Path to you (Completed)
6) Here u are (Completed)
7) BJ Alex (Completed)
8) No way, vampires don't exist (ongoing)
9) Unintentional love story (ongoing)
10) Karasugoka don’t be shy! (Completed)
11) Semantic Error (ongoing)
12) Tied up in Twins (Completed)
13) My Suha (ongoing)
14) Crash into me (Completed)
15) Dine with a vampire (ongoing)
16) Inner beauty (Completed)
17) False memories (Completed)
18) Hand in Hand (Completed)
19) Stanning 101 (ongoing)
20) Private lessons (Completed)
21) Behind the scenes (Completed)
22) Turn off the camera (Ongoing)
Updates on ongoing titles:
So I thought I would start off with some updates on some of the titles in the recap section since it has been a while since I last talked about them.
No way vampires don’t exist:
This is almost done soon so I’m glad that the manhwa updates are consistent, what I didn’t know is that there were extra chapters of side stories for this manhwa, and I discovered them through a Chinese manga site, I really hope the licensed site will be able to translate these as well cause it goes into the later lives of all the housemates and of course an in depth development of juwon and dongha’s relationship which I am living for since they are so cute. Lol.
I really hope these get translated since my Chinese is lacking, I’ve just seen the raws and thought I may be able to read them but of course my 8 years of Chinese school has failed me once again.
Dine with a vampire:
This manhwa is giving me so much gripe when discussing the story so far, the recent update of course was a little better in showing the relationship between chi hwan and sooin, so i’m happy they got their feelings across to each other and sooin was able to really begin to trust people again. BUT....I was spoiled by the raws for this week’s update, and let me give a big F*CK you to that harry potter asshole...I still don’t know his name, i think my memory did me a favor and selectively removed it for my mind. I obviously can’t spoil all of  it for you but stuff happens and harry potter has found his way to sooin and basically kidnapped him while he was vulnerable and he’s trying to make him his partner...I’m like...great...In all honesty let’s look at this situation in modern society, think about a person who had made your life living hell, who then dies and you think that’s the end of it , but this asshole still haunts you even after death and still tormenting you...i’m not going to lie, I honestly think I would just kill myself at this point.
I feel like when I first read this manhwa , I thought it was disgusting but I still read it thinking that it will be better, it’s like watching season one of a show and being annoyed hoping that it will get better later and then finding out in season two is just...I need anger management.
I really hope what I think might happen will not but the author seems to be a sadist, so it might end up that way. Props to the creator for making one of the most detestable characters i’ve seen so far. I will watch out for people like this in my actual life.
Semantic Error:
This is updating a little slow and again I tried reading the raws, but of course that didn’t go too well, from what i’ve seen there is a bit of character development between the two main leads so far. Also I’ve seen on twitter that semantic error is going to get a mini anime adaptation, in Korean of course but that is so awesome either way! This is one of the manhwa’s I would like to see an anime of because it’s really good.
In terms of Japanese anime seiyuu who would play these roles I wonder? Sungwoo I feel like anyone can since he’s very ambiguous, but for jaeyoung, I think I’d like to hear sakurai takahiro ( cloud from ff7, miyuki kazuya from daiya no ace) play him, in all honesty it’s because of his role as miyuki in daiya no ace, jaeyoung is basically the same character but more intense.lol.
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Turn off the Camera:
Oh this piece of work, i’m glad this is completely satire because if I were to take this story seriously I would have an aneurysm thinking about all the bad choices these people have been making. So recently, our boy jihoon who wanted to protect his virginity from the two co-stars has finally lost it to yoojin, one of the co-stars. I’ve heard a lot of people say they don’t know about him because his intentions are still very unknown, and I agree that I don’t know what his intentions are but from what I've seen, it’s not like he treats jihoon badly, he won’t do anything that jihoon would not like so i’m not opposed to it, but I really would like to see romantic development between jihoon and yohan because of how straight forward yohan is, he isn’t hiding his intentions and says whatever is on his mind, it’s reassuring knowing that there’s nothing he would hide.
Jihoon doesn’t really seem interested but it’s more like that push and pull relationship, where despite him not seeming interested he still had a wet dream about having sex with him...lol. Where as with yoojin, Jihoon does not oppose to having intimacy with him. So we’ll see how this dumpster fire plays out as it continues. I absolutely HATE love triangles cause this whole concept alone is so unrealistic, it’s hard enough to get ONE person interested in me, this dude has like 2 without really doing anything. Also it’s just really messy and annoying to read and I always want to route for the guy who never wins.lol.
This is merely a suggestion, but I feel like authors should make alternative endings with different characters, if you think about this in a realistic perspective, you can end up with different people depending on the decisions you make, which is why harems exist in this genre, because there is not just one person you can love, and how alternative timelines can exist. So if the author would consider this idea and make alternative endings for the main character, then I would feel more satisfied with the story overall, because i’m always wondering what if...he ends up with this person ? What would that be like? This only applies to love triangles where abuse doesn’t happen, because there’s no way I would be happy with an abuse victim ending up with their abuser...
Anyways, that is all the updates that I have for you, in this heaven segment I’m going to talk about some titles that I don’t really think is that popular but I decided to read them after reading the summary and they turned out better than I thought.
In the hell segment, I’m going to be discussing some manhwa titles that are a bit “ quirky” you know in my hero academia where these kids were each born with a super power, seem like some of these manhwa characters also have unique abilities, which I will refer to as “ quirks” in this segment. Let me tell you...there are some interesting ones out there.
So let’s begin.
Welcome to heaven
Murderous Lewellyn Candelit Dinner:
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“Shevon is a writer who lives in a run-down apartment in the streets of the slums. One day, strange memos start showing up at his front door. Before he can uncover the mystery behind them, he encounters a beautiful young man that keeps peeling onions on the staircase next to his unit. After accepting a dinner invitation from the young man, Shevon discovers a dead body in his host’s bedroom...”
Okay so starting off with this one, it’s very different than the usual types that I would read. This story is more of a mystery drama with implied romance, but I have yet to see that happening in the story so far. It is fairly new so I suppose it will be a slow development. Like the summary for the manhwa says, it is a about a guy named Shevon, who I believe is a writer that is trying to get a job at a writing firm, but he ended up free lancing for a while with no luck of getting a paid job. He was being harassed by an ex boyfriend when he encounters his neighbor that is sitting on the stairs peeling onions. Since that day, Shevon would always run into his neighbor peeling onions while exchanging small talk with him, which makes him curious about why he does this at the same time each day, one day his neighbor wanted to invite him over for dinner and Shevon obliged due to being curious and other advances the neighbor has made to get his attention. As he went up to his neighbor's apartment he noticed that he had a bunch of candles lining every inch of his apartment and there was a very strong smell coming from here. Lewellyn (neighbor) just says that it was the onions that he had been peeling, he wanted to use them for tonight's dinner. Shevon didn’t want to just eat onions...I mean who does. So he told him that he will make him a proper meal instead. So he was in the kitchen making food when the door bell rang and Lewellyn went to check who it was. Shevon didn’t see him for a while and decided to just head back to the dining area, but before he could head there the smell from earlier was getting stronger and he noticed it coming from a certain room, he opened it and there lays a dead corpse surrounded by candles covered in blood. Being shocked accidentally took the candle he used to light up the room and left the room; just as Lewellyn entered he said he had to leave for the day.
After that incident there were suspicious activities involving Shevon’s apartment, such as the name plate on his door being moved, the feeling of being watched when he was alone in the room, and some creepy mail he had been receiving, which all points to the fact that he had a stalker.
Shevon starts to suspect Lewellyn as a murderer because of the obvious corpse found in his apartment, but there was no evidence he could find to report him, meanwhile the stalking had been getting worse he found himself getting more entangled with Lewellyn than he’d like to be.
So yeah, it was really creepy when you read those letters, so far we knew Lewellyn is involved in some sort of murder and although he has been helping Shevon find the suspect he himself is also one as well. It’s still too early to make judgments as to what actually is going on, there’s a lot of mystery behind Lewellyn that isn’t explained yet.
So if you like murder mysteries you might like this manhwa, I don’t see any romance involving them yet, but maybe curiosity will lead to something eventually.
Unripened Expression:
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“Jaewon has known that he likes males since he confessed his feelings to a boy named Yoonsung in elementary school, but when Yoonsung tells him that liking other boys is weird, Jaewon tries to hide his "weird" feelings and push them away. Now in high school, he's developed a strong crush on his kind, handsome classmate Karam, and Jaewon decides it's time to finally confront the reality that he might be gay. He asks for advice over the internet and befriends another gay student named Junseo, who becomes Jaewon's emotional support in his quest to win Karam's heart.”
So for this one it was not listed as a harem but it actually is, all the guys you see on the cover is related to the main character so how. I usually don’t like harems in any genre, but this one wasn’t as bad as I thought. Actually every guy in here was a good contender and I was not upset with who he chose in the end even though it would be obvious in the first chapter who he would end up with...lol. and you know me, always picking the “ other guy” in these situations, I really do have bad second lead syndrome.
They guy I wanted him the end up with is named “ junseo ” he’s the gay friend that jaewon the main character met on an online forum while asking questions about his sexuality, they felt comfortable enough to exchange numbers but not give their identity away to each other. Jaewon realizes that from talking to Junseo that he went to the same school he did, coincidently, and found out his identity through his friend. Junseo didn’t want to associate with jaewon but he was really persistent. Junseo then gave up and decided to listen to jaewon whenever he wanted to talk.
Junseo had some trauma in the past involving a ex boyfriend and getting bullied at school when someone found him kissing his boyfriend in a room and started spreading rumors of them together, but instead of just denying it, his ex boyfriend accused junseo of leading him on and that’s why junseo ended up being bullied and shut himself off from people, even though he forced to leave school cause of all the bullying he endured he still understood why his ex boyfriend did that, everyone had to protect themselves first after all.
After opening up to jaewon and telling him his story, jaewon cried because he was sorry he had to go through that. Junseo was happy that someone would cry for him, who had just accepted everything until now. Their time together lead to some feelings developing between jaewon and him but although jaewon is aware he has feelings for junseo, it doesn’t compare to the feelings he had for karam..Which is the guy he ended up with.
Okay. Compared to karam who didn’t have much development, junseo had a much better chance to be perfectly honest. It’s not that I don’t like karam, he just didn’t have much back up story to convince me that his feelings for jaewon is real. Lol
But I guess that’s the trope in these types of manhwa right? The Main character always ends up with the guy that he meets first...OMG. Come on authors ...work with me here and try something different for once. Anyways, it’s all good it’s not like any of them were sexually harassing and/or abusing jaewon so I’m happy with whoever he chose.
If you are into harems with good characters, you might like this one.
Oh! My Assistant: (18 +)
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“Naive comic artist Seonho, who draws R-19 series, hires beauty(?)-and-brains Muyoung with outstanding skills to be his assistant. However, working with Muyoung who is too task-oriented and has a prickly temperament, turns out to be a little difficult. Seonho asks Muyoung to pose for him one day to help with a sexy scene, but when he sees how erotic Muyoung's pose is, Seonho's "junior"... that hasn't stood in 2 years, got up. It's hard! It got hard! It finally got hard! This is an unpredictable, comical and chest-tickling BL story brought to you by Milla and Yalgae!”
The first thing that came to my mind was Oh! My goddess... LOL let me know if you guys have ever watched that anime, i’m really showing my age with that comment.
Anyways, so this is about an adult mahwa artist named Seonho and he was getting really popular and needed an assistant to help with his busy scheduled serialization. He held an interview with a couple of selected candidates after viewing their portfolio, and of course muyoung was chosen out of all for his pristine work. Of course there was several conditions that muyoung had listed in exchange to work here, most of which applies to a 9 to 5 job, but of course artists out there know that we make our own time...we don’t have a scheduled work hours, but of course seonho needed a person soon and he liked muyoung’s work so he hired him under those conditions.
Muyoung was actually the heir to a prosperous kimchi making firm and did not need money because he was already wealthy, but his grandmother wanted him to have some independence and so muyoung wanted to look for a normal job to get his grandma off his back. He quickly learns that not everything that you ask for will be complied there are times where you will need to work late for a dead line and such.
This made muyoung wonder if he should just quit, the only reason he doesn’t is because he liked seonho. He liked seonho since he first laid eyes on him as he is exactly his type.
Without realizing it seonho also thought muyoung is attractive and ended up in situations with him that are presumed romantic. In the end, the two of them ended up together, but of course there’s always an inconvenience that disrupts this romantic development, and this came in the form of his best friend, who is by the way married to a woman, but as you know in BL...that doesn’t matter...
His best friend was actually in love with him for a very long time and the marriage was just a family arrangement that he had no say in. He tried to separate muyoung and his seonho by trying to convince muyoung to quit several times and even got into an accident and used this as an opportunity to guilt trip muyoung to stay by his side.
He basically just said that he would die if muyoung left him alone...now, here is some advice from me, if anyone says that to you don’t believe them, you have no control over what a person does and you are not responsible for any of their actions, so call their bluff on it.
This incident caused some strife between muyoung and seonho’s relationship to the point where it was getting pointless for seonho to keep up something that not working, he wanted to break up with muyoung but after talking to muyoung’s grandmother he decided not to since what muyoung needs is his support at this moment. So they overcame it and muyoung made it clear to his best friend that he had no feelings towards him and that he only loves seonho, which made the friend only, had to accept it. So in the end muyoung and seonho moved in together and continued working as a mahwa company, and even hired a new assistant who strikingly had the same conditions as muyoung when he was first hired.
Lol. In the end this story worked out great, and it was really good read, the drama was minimal though that friend of his was an inconvenience. It was an overall a good story and the relationship development was really cute since muyoung was in love with seonho first, I’ve never seen that happened before actually, so if you like all of my recommendations so far you will like this one as well.
The Good Teacher: (18 +)
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“Hojun’s recent breakup was pretty rough. His partner told him it wasn’t him, per say… Hojun just wasn’t good in bed. But it turns out Drunk Hojun is surprisingly resourceful; singlehandedly managing to find and set himself up with a sex tutor by the name of Mr. Ahn. Ahn Seunghyun was only half serious when he posted the sex tutor ad, but he quickly finds himself in too deep to call the lessons off. And the more he sees Hojun, the more he can’t help but notice how much attractive he is. Seunghyun is making it up as he goes along, so what will the final exam look like?”
This is basically “Sex for dummies” .LOL. I don’t know how your sex education went in school, but for me all I remember is that the teachers would leave he girls in classroom where they took the guys out and talked to them about masturbation. So needless to say I didn’t have much of a sex education until later in life. Or you can read this manhwa which basically taught me more that my sex ed teacher ever did.lol.
So basically Ahn seunghyun ( Mr. Ahn) was drinking with his friends and thought that they would pull a prank by posting an ad for a sex tutor, not thinking that anyone would fall for it. But Hojun found the ad and took his chances to reach out to seunghyun, so he decided to play along for the first meeting to see who he was dealing with, he made fake lesson plans and prepare a lot in order to make him sound convincing as a teacher. What started off as a joke became very educational for hojun whom had very little sexual experience and how his previous partners would claim him being very bad in bed. Seunghyun had a lot of patience and taught him from the ground up. I’m not going to lie, this was pretty educational and I think Mr. Ahn looking really fine does not help either.
So as the lessons progress they began to have feelings for each other, one thing that doesn’t add up is the fact the seunghyun is not a n actual teacher to begin with, although he did his research before every lesson he was not a an educator in trade, so he didn’t tell hojun the truth until the end and they had a fight, but made up quickly right after when they both realized their feelings for each other.
Now you’re probably wondering if there is a third wheel in this relationship, well there is a guy who is seunghyun’s ex boyfriend, he was a little bit of an inconvenience but not really causing too much trouble, just enough to make hojun a little jealous, the only thing he was out of line for saying was that three of them should have a threesome...LMAO not with you f*cker you look like Tarzan...lol. Hell no!
I say that but there is a special chapter at the end where hojun was having a nightmare where the three of them did have a three some and it was gross...i’m like wtf he’s so ugly...I can’t imagine anyone thinking this is hot.
Yeah take this as you will, if you lack sexual education I recommend this mahwa to educate yourself cause lord knows when that will be when you get proper education for that. If you liked reading BJ Alex, you may like this one because of the similar art style, if not then just read it for Mr. Ahn..cause he is so fine...lol.
Welcome to hell
*Warning *
These titles are suitable for 18+ audiences, because of the mature content in discussion, you have been warned.
So finally onto the hell segment for this month! This month we will be discussing some of the quirky titles, people born with unusual abilities, I have come across a few of them and from that I chose these three to talk about since their stories alone are interesting in many ways.
Whether these stories are satiric or serious, I enjoyed finding out by reading these more hellish stories. So here we go...starting off with...
My purrfect boss:
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“Sunwoo is thrilled to be starting his new job! Full of energy and enthusiasm, he’s eager to please Manager Kang. The problem is, he keeps making dumb mistakes and getting in trouble. Things come to a head one night after work when he pours soju all over his boss. Typical! But hang on… Why is Manager Kang blushing like that? And what are those cat ears sprouting from his head?! After discovering his boss’ secret, it isn’t long before Sunwoo has him purring with pleasure.”
Let me start by saying that the funniest thing in this manhwa is that Mr. kang has both cat ears and human ears...lol. How is that possible?
So basically in this story manager kang is an anthromorph, which are humans with animal characteristics, they only make up of the minority of the population. He is basically a human with cat characteristics and has hidden his identity until sunwoo spooked him and his ears popped up from being surprised. This seems to be his “quirk” and of sunwoo being really innocent only wanted to find out what he was, then was caught by Mr. Kang having his heat cycle and sunwoo was dragged into the meeting room where he and the manager had jerked each other off.
Mr kang needs the cone of shame after the next day realizing what he and sunwoo had done. He started to avoid him until they were set up on a business trip together, in which they had to spend the night in the same hotel room. Manager kang looked apologetic for having sex with him just cause he was in heat but sunwoo said that he wasn’t repulsed by it and actually enjoyed it, therefore manager kang proposed they do it again...and so they did...lol. Many times after that too.
And sunwoo became a furry. The end. lol. I’m kidding, but sunwoo really liked manager kang and decided to make it official with him, they decided to see each other but not make it public since he was scared. Later there was another manager from another department who participated in a joint project and that other manager is also an anthromorph and knows manager kang as well. This manager cha was like an ex boyfriend but he calls himself his “owner”. He tried to force manager kang into this abusive play and now he’s scared of him. But even knowing that sunwoo didn’t really give up on manager kang but instead gave him courage to confront his fears and stand up for himself, and if anything it made him love him even more. Even if sunwoo didn’t know much about manager kang the way the other manager did, manager kang listed out all of his favorite things to him so that he does know now.
I really like this part of the story, just because a person’s past partners know more about the person you are dating doesn’t mean they know everything, people’s preferences can change over time and all you have to do is ask. So i’m glad they communicated with each other.
So in the end, sunwoo and manager kang was able to be together and he was thankful for having sunwoo in his life. There’s a lot that happens in between but you’ll have to figure that out on your own by reading it.lol. Can’t say that this story is relatable since I don’t have feline features but it was an interesting read in the end.
The Sales Departments Cupid:
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“'Taejun', who has the ability to see auras from people who have been in contact with him since childhood, connects with people with similar auras, and at his company he is known as 'the Cupid of the Sales Department'. Then, Hongyeon, a new employee with a rainbow-colored aura, approaches Taejun...”
In this manhwa, Taejun’s quirk is that he has the ability to see people's auras in the form of colours and that way he matches people by the compatibility from complimentary colours between two people’s auras. This is why he is the match maker of the sales department, because anyone who he consults ends up married happily with their partner. The only thing taejun can’t see is his own aura which made him feel like he will be forever alone, Until the new employee Hongyeon showed up and started a conversation with taejun at a drinking party. There was a slight issue though...taejun also has this uncanny ability to kiss anyone who is in close proximity to him when he drinks, and hongyeon was told to sit next to him by his supervisor, basically they wanted to sacrifice him.lol.
But this development made hongyeon very happy and they kissed and did other things after wards. Taejun didn’t really notice it when he was drunk but took notice that hongyeon had a rainbow like aura emitting from him. Which he had never seen before.
I find it really cute to see people’s auras but not your own, which means nothing can be predicted in terms of who you end up with, but why was he able to see hongyeon with a rainbow aura?
Makes me think that is an indication that he is the “one” for him. This concept is really cute and the relationship between hongyeon and taejun started off really romantic for just having a first encounter, after things progressed they started to catch feelings for each other.
This manhwa is still ongoing so I’m not sure how and when it will end, but really liking it so far, even with the crazy amount of sex scenes, I can still feel the intimacy between to two characters and it’s not just showing sex for the sake of it. This is a really cute story so please read it if you are curious!
Pearl Boy:
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“ Do shik is a host who ran away with a large sum of money and has a bunch of people chasing him down, he fled to the country side to lay low for a while and noticed that he was essentially running out of funds to survive. He tried to pick up a few men in hopes of getting some money for his services, but none have been taking the bait. He noticed a clam grilling restaurant and thought he would try his luck in getting a free meal, the boss of the restaurant over heard doshik’s plans and told his worker to pay attention to him in case he runs away. the restaurant’s worker jin juha was aware of his schemes and stopped him from eating and running at the very last minute, saying that he should make it up by paying with his “ body” doshik thought that meant sexual favors and began to touch juha inappropriately. Before juha says that wasn’t what he meant, there was a bunch of men coming towards the restaurant, which made juha panic and forced doshik to leave and forget about paying. After doshik left he was loitering around the restaurant and noticed the back alley had an entry way to the back of the restaurant, there he saw something that he should not have seen.....”
Shameless plug before we begin here, I did draw a fanart of juha from pearl boy if you would like to see it please do so, I explained in the summary that I would write my own synopsis since the one i found was really bad.lol.
I wrote a little summary of the plot up till now below:
so it goes Boss  sexual abuse juha by making him work as a sex toy for old ugly bastards -> juha has ability to produce pearls from cuming after sex lol. i’m sorry this seems so absurd, but it is how the story goes, which the boss monopolizes him -> juha can’t run away because he is scared and owes boss money  juha was about to be assaulted by the ugly bastards-> doshik shows up and saves him a couple times and ends up working at the shop as a co worker-> juha and doshik get to know each other after doshik saves him a couple times juha asks doshik to have sex with him ( in order to produce pearls for debt payment) -> doshik discovers juha’s ability but thought it was beads coming out of his body...LOL. he actually thought he had kidney stones and was genuinely concerned ->  doshik had a pearl that he found at the beach earlier on and used it to compare to the bead that came out of juha and found out it as an actual pearl after getting it appraised by the bank person ->juha met up with doshik and wanted to tell him he wanted him to come over again cause he liked doing it with him -> juha and boss confront each other and boss is angry he didn't show up meet his business partners that night that juha and doshik were together -> juha says that he’s only going to pay it off by himself with his one partner, he didn't tell boss it was doshik, but i think he found out later -> juha and doshik became roommates ->Boss goes to doshik’s old work place to find out more about him
And that is the summary until the official licensed chapters, so I have a lot to say about this manhwa, since this one has been on my mind for a while, but juha’s “quirk” is to make pearls by cuming after sex.lol. Firstly that must hurt, it really would feel like having kidney stones wouldn’t it? It sounds so absurd to say “my ability is to cum pearls” although it’s quite unique, not really sure if you’d save any one with that power.
So the reason why I couldn’t tell if this manhwa is satirical or serious because the whole plot started off with juha being used as a sex toy for crusty old men, these people were getting paid by the boss to basically have sex with juha in order for him to produce pearls, it’s sounds so far-fetched when you explain this to someone, it sounds like some hentai plot line with ugly ass b*stards...but it’s not just one, it’s like 10 of them...so imagine the ugliest being you’ve ever seen in anime/manga but x10...
That freaken boss, I get that some of you would see him and simp over him cause he looks hot but he’s a terrible person, looks can’t begin to compromise for his actions, he’s involved with sex trafficking and sexual abuse, that alone is enough for me to hate this person. So just keep that in mind if you decided to read this.
That aside, he complains and hurts juha because he does not produce quality pearls after having sex with all those men...and i’m like can you blame him? Satirical point of view speaking, you only gave him crusty old ugly ass men to work with, i’m surprised he produced any at all, if you want quality then get better looking men, look at how much he made with doshik...doesn’t that tell you anything?...ugh. the idiocy...
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Speaking of doshik, I really like his ballsy character, when one of the crusty ass men was assaulting juha he literally grabbed the ugly ass’s balls and says he will take care of it for him, since he’s good at this stuff. Lol. He is an awesome character and he cares so much for juha, even in the beginning when they were not close and always ended up arguing, he would be genuinely worried for him. Fast forward when juha and doshik were getting close and juha wanted to have sex with doshik instead of the dudes he was supposed to meet that night, doshik really showed how much he liked him and handled him gently and sweetly, I honestly blush every time they have any sort of intimacy, I could feel their affection projecting off of my screen, it’s really sweet. If you can’t tell I simp so hard for this couple and will probably continue to do so. You’ll need to read the manhwa to know what I’m saying but their love scenes are really passionate and affectionate. This of course makes me believe that juha was a person who only knew what pain and suffering was due to his situation and that led to his cold and indifferent expressions early in the manhwa, but after meeting doshik his expressions begin to soften and you can tell as a reader that he starting to develop feelings for doshik. The author actually drew an illustration on her twitter that was quite symbolic to the recent chapters and where the story was going, and I decided to write an entire tumblr post, breaking down the symbolism and foreshadowing in her art. If you’d like to read that post I’ll link it down below.
This manhwa is fairly new and currently is still ongoing so there is very much a lot of stuff to unravel as it continues down the line. Please read this if you have not you won’t be disappointed, I thought this was going to be some satire bull shit and I was proven so wrong... lol.
Alright, that is it for the manga and webtoons section this week, we ended off with the theme of “quirks” in time for spring when My hero academia season 5 will be starting again in the spring.
I hope you all are enjoying reading this since I don’t have any feed back after doing this every month. I do enjoy sharing these since not many people talk about manga/webtoons and I feel like this topic should be more popular. Like I said in the beginning please let me know if you’d like to see the titles of manhwa that I dropped and why I dropped it, in case there are some you are not sure whether or not to read it and would like some feedback, I don’t beat around the bush when I don’t like something so you can be sure that my opinions are 100% genuine.
Kemono Jihen:
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“When a series of animal bodies that rot away after a single night begin appearing in a remote mountain village, Inugami, a detective from Tokyo who specializes in the occult, is called to investigate.
While working the case, he befriends a strange boy who works in the field every day instead of going to school. Shunned by his peers and nicknamed "Dorota-bou" after a yokai that lives in the mud, he helps Inugami uncover the truth behind the killings but supernatural forces are at work, and while Dorota-bou is just a nickname, it might not be the only thing about the boy that isn't human.”
- Summary from my anime list
I started watching this because it reminded me of old series like inuyasha, and I thought I would try it out. I think it’s interesting so far, half demons living among-st the humans and a group of them are solving cases together, this is only my understanding so far. I think that main character is in need of some development because I can’t really read his expressions very well so he doesn’t have much of a personality. I’m not really getting the whole plot as of yet, but maybe when this show is over I’ll have a better understanding.
I’m not going to lie, there is nothing that is intriguing me in terms of new anime series, I have watched the same ones I talked about last month, plus this one. I am waiting for attack on titan to finish before watching it all at once. I don’t think waiting every week for a new episode is something I can do for this series.
I am also waiting for shaman king to show in the spring, I loved shaman king when I was younger and I really want to revisit this series since it was one of my favorites. Also my hero academia season 5 is in the spring as well, so looking forward to seeing that.
Music for this month is mainly a playlist called dandelions playlist, this YouTube channel has a plethora of indie k-pop music and I love listening to this while painting and drawing, it really relaxes the mind.
I did say in the last months’ favorites that would maybe include some podcasts that I have been listening to and it’s also on YouTube as well
This one is not a podcast, but she may as well have one since she has really interesting takes on bad movies, her channel name is KennieJD, and she talks about bad movies in her series called “bad movies in a beat” I watched a lot of them and I really like the one she did on the “death note” live action movie, this is why I avoided watching that movie, being a huge fan of death note back in the day. All the things she said in her video are valid and I whole heartedly agree with all of it.
So you have reached the end! Congrats!
I hope everything was informative and if you decided to read/watch any of the things mentioned in my favorites for this month, please let me know down below what you thought about it,
I also am doing a draw 6 characters challenge so if you’d like to participate please see that post on my tumblr page for details!
With that being said, please take care of your selves, we are still in the mist of this pandemic and I hope you are all well and taking care of your selves and your loved ones.
I’ll see you in the next monthly favorites.Thank you for reading,
Instagram: shinb_art
Tumblr: shinahbee
Deviantart: she-be.deviantart.com
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Eternal Flame- Kol Mikaelson 8/?
If You Can't Rely on One Another Who Can You
Summary: 'You never know whats in a persons heart until you truly know them' - Belle French, Once Upon a Time
Singing. Thats all what Alexandra Gilbert has cared about since she was young and all she would care about until she met him.
With Alexandra fighting vampires, werewolves and all between she may do a thing she vowed never to do, fall in love.
And to think it all started with a walk in the woods...
Bonnie was in tears and rightfully so. She hasn't seen her grandmother for a year now due to her unfortunate passing unintentionally caused by the Salvatores, learning the real reason of how Grams died from Bonnie was even more heart wrenching and how much sympathy I felt for one of my good friends.
We can't believe our eyes that one of the most loved people in our childhood was right in front of us after death.
"I can't believe you're here!" Bonnie exclaimed crying.
"Now stop crying, we don't have time for tears" definitely Miss Sheila, straight to business no time to wait. She just then seemed to remember that her blonde vampire and boringly normal human friend were still in the room with the two Bennett witches. "Nice to see you two girls again."
"Hi miss Sheila." Caroline greeted while smiling.
"Good to see you again" I told the deceased witch a ghost of a smile on my face. Grams looks back over to Bonnie hopefully going to tell her granddaughter how to stop ghosts appearing out of nowhere and everywhere.
"A fine mess you've made, honey." Sheila told her granddaughter relating to the problem we're having with ghosts "The witches told you there'd be consequences bringing Jeremy back and you did it anyway."
"I didn't have a choice. I love him... I couldn't just let him go." Bonnie defended using her love for my brother as a reason to bring him back to life like any couple in love would do if they had the means.
"I understand. But you cracked open the door to the other side. There's an old witch over here. she took advantage of it. she took advantage of you honey." Grams told bonnie being understanding of how the young witch wished to save her beloved but still warning her of the consequence by being took advantage of an old witch. "When you did that spell to send Vicki Donovan away, she wedged the door wide open, giving a free pass to anybody with unfinished business." oh my days this is beyond not good. What is this witch's game? Her goal seems to be create as much havoc as possible.
"How do you know this?" Bonnie questions her grandmother after all she has been dead, how does she know the scary old witch's plan?
"Witches talk. Even on the other side. Who do you think makes the rules?" She smiles at Bonnie making me give a little smile at the two family members interacting at Grams little joke about witches.
"What does the witch want?" Bonnie questioned wondering the same as me, what's this witch's end game?
"That's Original vampire business, not yours. I don't want any of you getting in the middle of that." she told not only Bonnie but me as well making me confused about how I fit into witch or vampire business. Maybe because I'm getting close with Rebekah? "I'm here because you upset the balance of nature. And it's your duty to set it right. You need to close that door." She told Bonnie focusing her whole attention onto her.
"The witch is drawing power from this side from an old talisman, this talisman is important to the witch and holds supernatural powers. if you destroy the talisman bonnie the door to the other side will close." She informed her granddaughter.
"Talisman? What Talisman?" Bonnie asked the older Bennett.
"The necklace." I said "Elenas necklace could be the talisman." Looking at Grams I assume that my unusual guess was correct.
"Looks like perhaps it has its perks" Sheila said looking impressed with a look in her eye that she knows more than she's letting on. It makes no sense. What perks? It was a guess? But why would I guess Elena's necklace out of everything? I furrowed my eyebrows confused about to ask but before I could she looked back at Bonnie.
"Keep everyone safe my little witch." Giving us time to rush out of the room to get the Elenas necklace to destroy the only thing keeping the ghosts here. Caroline phoned Elena to keep her updated informing her of everything we just earned but as she was doing so mines went also. Unknown number. I answered wondering who could be phoning me.
"Hello?" I greeted hoping it was just a prank caller and not some stalker.
"Alex? is that you?" A familiar voice asked back as if they were still unsure if they had the right number. The sound of their voice nearly made me drop my phone altogether.
"Jenna? You're here! You came through the other side?" I said shocked beyond belief that my aunt who died in a ritual months ago was talking to me through the phone.
"Yeah. I'm really confused right now, Alex. What do I do?" Jenna replied sounding partly scared partly confused.
"Where are you, Jenna?" Wanting the location of my dead aunt so I can speak to her one last time.
"You know that pay phone across from the field me and your mom used to take you and Elena when you were little? There." She informed me making me nod even though she can't see me do so.
"I'll be there in 15 minutes don't move." I instructed her to do while walking over to the girls who were waiting on me in the car. "I love you." Which she replied the same.
Bonnie began to drive away from the creepy witches house towards the center of town quickly trying to find Elena while I asked her to stop at the junction where the field was down.
"What is it, Alex?" She asked obviously in a rush especially if it involves getting rid of her boyfriends dead ex. I shook my head.
"I need to do something don't worry about me. Get to that necklace." I told her being as vague as possible, both her and Caroline looked unsure of whether they should let me go on my own. I reassured them telling them to go and I'll be fine. When they finally drove away, I ran to the payphone about half mile away from the junction.
"Alex!" I heard a yell come from that direction before getting up close and seeing my blonde aunt for the first time in months.
"Jenna!" I embraced my aunt not wanting to let go in case she disappears in a puff of smoke "What are you doing here? How did you not find peace?" I asked in her ear before slowly pulling back from the hug.
"How could I when I had you and your sister to worry about?" she questioned with a slight smile on her face. I cocked my head confused. Sure, Elena gets into trouble, but I stay out of it most of the time, trouble and mischief being more my siblings thing than mines "I can't move on knowing you hate her." She told me making me realize that she was talking about our relationship.
"I don't hate her!" I defended which she gave me a look at like 'you sure about that?' "I dislike her intensely." I admitted which she nodded at "Its cause of the two idiots who dote on her every move that makes me so annoyed at her. And she just can't help but get us all into trouble even if she doesn't mean it. It's just confusing with the Salvatores being there every moment of every day." I told my dead aunt who looked at me like she understood.
"She's your sister, you should have moments when you hate her and her boyfriend. There should be times when you're jealous or annoyed at her. You should have seen me and your mom at your age. The fights about boys, makeup, parties and sneaking out, they were harsh. But at the end of the day, I knew I could go and confined in her about anything and had her as a shoulder to cry on about a boy or a fight with a friend and she would be there." She told me about the past with her mother, I knew how unalike the two were. They were chalk and cheese just like me and Elena. "You need to make up with her, love her, comfort her just like she should do with you. You're sisters." She continued making me think of how maybe I have been a bit harsh on her, I mean she can be annoying and indecisive, but she always tries to help others even when plans backfire.
I looked at my aunt then down at my fingers playing with them feeling bad at how she couldn't move on because of the grudge I held against her which stemmed from the accident. I looked at her then nodded.
"I'll try to" My brown eyes watering up at the sight of my aunt. "I miss you, Jenna. I miss our movie nights, when you'd come and watch my shows, cooking together or attempting to." Making both her and I laugh a bit with tears streaming down my face as well as hers
"I miss you too. And Elena and Jer. I miss Ric. I loved you all so much." I smiled at her declaration before an idea popped into my head. voice recordings. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and tapped on the video section on my camera app.
"What do you want to say to them, and I'll record it. I'll give it to the three of them, make sure your memory stays alive forever." I told her never wanting her to leave but knowing its inevitable. She nodded for me to press play and we recorded three messages for the three most important people in Jennas life.
The sun was beginning to set, and I had a feeling that soon the talisman will be destroyed.
"I love you, Jenna."
"I love you too Alexandra. Please love your sister like I loved mine. You need to have each other because if you can't rely on one another who can you." A great big smile across her face which I mirrored. I gave he the hugest hug I could possibly give before I couldn't feel anything. I was sitting on a broken down wooden bench in the middle of nowhere with high probability of dying yet I still curled into a ball and cried knowing that it was foolish of me to cry after she has been dead for months but the grief of her gave flooding back. my eyes drooping from the tiredness of the day I've had which was not just physically but emotionally draining.
Then all of a sudden, I heard my phone ring making me jump becoming more alert of my surroundings and situation. what idiot would fall asleep on a park bench in the field I essentially grew up on.
I looked to see who was calling and saw the photo of my favorite guitarist, I wiped my face, cleared my throat before answering.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked as cheerily as I could considering the circumstance I was in only a few minutes ago.
"Where are you?" he replied hurriedly "You need to get here now." he urged
"Mark calm down what happened?" I asked hoping it would shed some light on the way he was talking.
"You don't know? Sam's Uncle Toby, the head of the historical society, He's dead." This makes me freeze at the words, my mind going straight to Sam and how heart broken he will be.
"I'll be at Sams place as soon as I can." I told him getting up from the bench walking into the direction of town.
"Good. Hurry." I was about to call a cab, but I saw a pair of headlights coming that direction. I realized it was Bonnie's car. She pulled over when I rand on the middle of the road telling her to stop.
"Alex? What's wrong? Why are you still in the middle of nowhere?" She questioned as I got into the back as my brother was in the passenger seat.
"Later. Do you know where the Fell family live?" she nods slowly starting to move the vehicle "Can you take me there?"
"Sure. What happened to Mr. Fell was horrible." All I could think about was the times he came to the concerts and boasted that 'that bassist is going to be bigger than Paul McCartney' making Sam blush many times.
"Yeah, Mark just called me to let me know. I need to see Sam." Both my brother and his girlfriend? nodded. After about ten minutes Bonnie pulled over in front of Sams house, "Thanks for the ride Bon. Jer, I won't be home tonight. I'll be staying here."
"Yeah, don't worry about it I'll let Elena and Ric know." Jeremy told me while Bonnie waved me off saying it was fine and to go and see Sam. I thanked them both again before exiting her car and rushing to the house.
I knocked in the door three times to see a crying Meredith Fell, Sams cousin answer the door.
"He's in his room with James and Mark." She informed letting me in before I opened my mouth. I smiled as a thanks before rushing into his room to see him crying into James's sweater.
"Sam..." I for once didn't know what to say, he looked up at me, I rushed over and gave him a huge hug which he reciprocated now instead of crying into James's sweater he was crying into my tank top as I felt the wetness of his tears through the fabric but nevertheless hugged him tighter closing my eyes as I try to comfort my best friend on his loss. Feeling the two boys hugging us also creating a huge group hug, I tried to reassure my crying best friend.
"Sh, sh, sh. Everything will be okay." Comforting him hopefully.
But little did I know that the death of Tobias Fell was going to cause much more problems than anticipated.  
A/N: Hey readers, hope you enjoyed the chapter and how I incorporated my own little twist about Alex and Elena but don't worry the Salavtore brothers still have to live up to her expectations. 
Next chapter your going to see the start of the next episode like the very beginning and Sam will be in it a lot more. 
If there are any spelling, grammar mistakes or British slang let me know.
And please like or comment something so I know if I'm doing at least a decent job at writing. 
Thanks for reading lovelies xxx 
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leondaltons · 4 years
I finally got around writing the main points of my murderverse OCs! I might update this later to add Chantal, I mean she is dead and used as a plot device but I did give her a little of background and personality hahaah
Sienna Myung (fc: Jisoo): 
Sienna comes from an old money family, they have been running multiple and diverse businesses around the world for decades now, becoming one of the wealthiest families in Roseon; and she has an older twin sister, Chantal. Despite running with the popular crowd Sienna is much more laid back than her sister, she is friendly and naturally charms people with her gentleness; she is trustworthy and easy to talk to, genuinely enjoying helping others. Don’t let her kindness foul you tho, she would fight with nails and teeth for the people & things she cares about and her passionate personality means she doesn’t give up easily.
Sienna has been going to the institute since she was around ten and is extremely active in the school life and its organizations. She is a member of the student council and part of the tutoring program,  while is also a member of the arts club, having a natural talent and passion for painting and drawing. Sienna used to be a member of the athletics team too before an accident last semester left her unable to keep training to the required level. 
After Chantal is murdered by someone confusing her with Sienna (so like, everyone thinks Sienna is dead lol), Sienna pretends to be her twin and promises to find the person who not only wanted her dead but also killed her sister.
Giving her parents wealth, status and friendship with the royal family Sienna has known the royal siblings since an early age but her closest relationship has always been with Prince Seon, becoming best friends. With time, that friendship developed into something more for Sienna but she refused to accept those feelings, because no matter how rich her family was she wasn’t nobility and would never be enough for him
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Lady Olivia Adtaz (fc: Lucy Boynton): 
Olivia is the only daughter of a marquess and a countess. She was raised by nannies until she was old enough to be sent to the boarding school, so her relationship with her parents is non-existent. They just send her expensive gifts for her birthdays, usually picked by their personal secretaries.
The way she was raised made Olivia snobby, selfish and egocentric but also manipulative enough to get away with it. She is also a drama queen, perhaps as a way of externalising some of her emotions without getting too deep into how she really feels. Despite all of these things, on the inside Olivia feels lonely and insecure, usually acting mean as a way of self-preservation and because she doesn't know how to be any other way. For Olivia showing her true feelings would be a sign of weakness, and she can’t do that because then she would have nothing else; at least by being mean there would be a reason why people would stay away.
Olivia is part of the athletics team and sometimes takes part in equestrian activities (although as a hobby and not as a member of the team). Despite not showing it much her biggest passion is dancing, especially ballet. No one has really taken interest in her extra-curricular activities, so she pretends she does it because it’s an obligation, and not because she loves it.
Although she hangs out with the popular crowd, Olivia doesn’t have someone she is extremely really close to, having problems to form any meaningful friendship given all the walls she has built around herself. When “Sienna” gets murdered, Olivia is also accused of being the killer, especially when people start remembering last year rumours about an “accident” between the two that left Sienna injured and out of the athletics team. (Olivia had nothing to do with it, but you know how much rich people love gossip lol) 
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Alex Montgomery (fc: Drew Ray Tanner): 
Alex has come to work as the newest groundskeeper after the previous one suddenly left in suspicious circumstances. Alex's arrival has brought a lot of rumours, which only grow stronger given his mysterious and bad boy look. However Alex also has a charming and flirty personality, while still being respectful. He knows how he looks and takes advantage of it, using it as an armor. Under his exterior Alex is extremely passionate and caring regarding the people and things he cares about.
Alex didn't have an easy childhood, growing up in a complicated neighborhood and his mother trying to support both of them, he got in a lot of problems but always knew how to get out of trouble with his charming personality.
Unknown to the people in the institute, Alex is the bastard son of the school director (who never recognized him because of his mother not being part of the elite world). After he ends up in a problem with gangs back home, his mother calls the director threatening to go public about everything she knows about him if he doesn't help Alex get out of his problems
Alex feels extremely frustrated because he doesn't want to be working on the institute at first, but he knows that it would make his mother happy and avoid her getting into trouble with his father (although he does enjoy chopping trees in the woods surrounding the school)
He is smart but has a hard time concentrating and actually studying. He also loves playing the guitar.
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Prince Hyeon of Redrana (fc: Taehyung):
Prince Hyeon is the heir prince of the neighboring kingdom of Redrana. Hyeon has a hard time dealing with actual feelings, he is aloof, cold and sometimes can be a little egocentric. 
He has a lot of responsibilities over his shoulders especially because of his parents' pressure over him, but never had someone to lean in. All his life Hyeon's parents have only yelled or ignored him and then the rest of the world just feel at his feet for just being a prince. No one has ever treated him like a normal person before, never liking or disliking for who he is behind his title
Given his up birth he has been trained in multiple areas but he especially stands out in music, having a passion for the piano (despite not openly showing it)
His parents are trying to push him into a marriage with Princess Helena of Roseon but he isn't interested in entering an arranged marriage and is sometimes cold or indifferent towards her
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stop-yanderedev · 5 years
Mods? Mods? Please tell us you're alive. I miss you alls hilarious hijinks & sweet well-meaning presence, with or without that bastard Yanderedev.
Of course we are! I have a couple things to say in relation to this.
On top of personal life getting in the way, I’m gonna be honest. We’ve sorta…done what we wanted to do. There are videos calling Alex out with hundreds of thousands of views and almost no dislikes. The majority of Yansim fans have the mentality of “I like the game, but the dev sucks.” I think it’s mostly because of his awful development process and showing his true colors through his videos ever since the whole gremlin thing, but in the least, people are staying away from him.
Are there still people who defend him to the ends of earth? Yes. But for every one of those people there are three who absolutely do not. 
I have college. I’m becoming an adult soon. No, the blog is not dead, but we’re also not going to become an echo chamber. A lot of things that needed to be said have been said. Of course we’ll still interact with you guys when we can, but in my case specifically, I have a whooooole slew of things going on that I won’t get into here, and on top of not having time, we’ve said what needed to be said, or others have already said it for us. We’ll update you guys on new stuff as much as we can, but Tori and I both have our own lives to take care of, and considering the state of our progress, it isn’t really a priority.
I am so, so proud of us. I haven’t been here since the beginning, but I was still here when the people who believed sisefs and thought Alex was both a scammer and dangerous were a small minority, and we really got nothing but anon hate with a few encouraging messages in between. I haven’t seen a single hate message in forever. And I’m glad we got it done before he started monetizing the game’s development and his server. 
We were one of the first, and we’re not the most popular, but I feel like we helped people. We get tons of messages thanking us for helping someone out of a dark place or dangerous situation or for just making people aware.
If you’re a child or a teenager and you still disagree with us, if you send us hate, if you hate me with every inch of your being for being against Alex, I still love you, that’s never changed. And I wish you the best. I hope from the bottom of my heart that you stay safe.
Please don’t hang on to something because it’s all you know and you don’t want to believe that Alex isn’t a good person. It’s okay to let go and move on. You don’t need to keep denying the things he’s done. I understand why you guys feel that way, but I hope for your own good you’re able to move on from it. Alex will not protect you. You do not need to feel obligated to protect him- he is a grown man and frankly only cares about himself. I mean this completely sincerely. Do not waste the best years of your life defending someone who isn’t worth your time.
Love you guys! See you soon.
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peachpeachtea · 5 years
Region base leaders/apprentices
I briefly mentioned the leaders and their kiddos on the last post so we’re gonna get into them now here we goooo (excuse the old art on my part i dont have time to make new refs--also all artists/contributors will be tagged accordingly) 
Lark Base--Base Leader, Cadi--Apprentice, Marna  Cadi: She’s the youngest of the 6 base leaders stationed in Asnia (At 20), and the most temperamental. She values hard work and independence, and despises it when people try to coddle or underestimate her abilities. While she runs a tight ship, she tends to be brash, LOUD, and impatient overall,--she’s self assured and very much carries her pride for everyone to see. Her partner is a Dubwool, Clementine, and in her spare time, Cadi has a herd of Wooloo that she takes care off and is v e ry protective over--she often spends nights taking care of them and making sure no trespassers startle the sheepies (and if she catches anyone they get whacked with her staff at BEST--her neighbors aren’t unaccustomed to hearing loud, Galarian swearing in the middle of the night). On that note: she has a really bad sailor mouth. 
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Marna: Similar to how Cadi is the youngest of the leaders, Marna is the youngest of the current apprentices in the region. She has a curious nature, and is a bit of an energetic busy bee, who rarely has time or patience to sit down/relax--she’s constantly working on something or another, whether it’s helping Cadi do paperwork (see: doing it for her because Cadi is incapable of filing decent paperwork and Marna cannot stand disorganization), or working in her normal duties. Her work ethic is, in a word, unreal, and that’s one of the reasons why Cadi values her so much as an apprentice and friend. Marna tends to be a bit picky and stuffy, but she thrives in her work and loves helping people. She’s the one to ask the most questions/the one to have the most answers. She’s also loves birds!! Swablu, Cirrus, is a testament to that. She loves him and he can usually be seen perched on her head sleeping. 
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-------- Cypress Base--Base Leader, Hades--Apprentice, Lethe  Hades: The leader of the north mountain base, Hades is a confident transman who leads with a rather cool head. In his past he was a very feared individual known as "Hel, ruler of hell" due to his grip on the gang life of the region. He's done things he's not proud of and would likely never talk about. A skilled climber and dedicated to his job and training of his partner Drednaw Cerberus-- he's just a supportive dad figure. Has known Russell for many years, and as mentioned, is a sort of father figure to Lethe. 
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(Hades and his art belongs to @edwardsbraid btw!)  Lethe: The least energetic of the apprentices, Lethe is a troubled but soft hearted boy who didn’t intend to become a Ranger at all--he was living by himself with no income for years, on account of having no parents to speak of (abandonment issues ahoy)--his recommendation to the academy was a complete accident, but the school had free boarding and it gave him a purpose, so he took the opportunity while he had it. While he loves what he does, and has made two good friends out of this, he’s struggling to come to terms with his issues and struggles to keep up with his peers.  He tends to be a trouble magnet, so the plot hammer will not be kind to him umu. He’s a bit indecisive, timid and an easy crier, but he genuinely loves pokemon/people and wants to be of use to everyone somehow. He’s not much of a logistical thinker but he’s definitely not a push over physically, which comes in handy--he has no partner pokemon for plot reasons that i will reveal later. 
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---------- Red Oak Base (Base is still in development so this portion is likely to be updated in the future)--Base Leader, Bridget--Apprentice, Alex
Bridget: Bridget- A senior base leader with a strong sense of morality and an attitude to back it, she has no trouble rearing in even the most stubborn of rangers. Only the most confident and worthy are able to perform an apprenticeship under her and are expected to take over all Union duties alongside the Base Leader role. In times of peace and outside of work, she enjoys quiet days in her cottage with her trusted Luxray (Queenie) and looking after her Granddaughter Fraise. Her base is integral to communications between the south and north sides of Asnia Rangers, because geographically it’s in the exact center of the region (and her area has the best weather of the two sides). This is typically where all the leaders and apprentices meet up for important meetings and such. 
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  Alex: Bridget’s apprentice and a stubborn lad--he and Bridget are often bickering with each other. He’s a dumb little hothead who likes to challenge people and bicker with his mentor. He and her fight like siblings and poke fun at each other’s age (he calls her Granny). Will do things just because someone says he can’t (IE try to lift a log twice his size just because someone said he couldn’t), eagerly and affectionately combative. Possibly has a crush on one of the other apprentices but umu thats a topic for later. 
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(Both Alex and Bridget belong to @humanblt​!)
--------- Willow Base--Leader, Russell, Apprentice-- Hestia  Russell:  A former violent tempered and loud mouthed delinquent, used to be Hades literal partner in crime and has been his close friend for many years--eventually, after some personal events that i’ll get into later, Russell got tired of his crime sprees. He has since turned over a new leaf and is a quiet, amicable young man who wouldn't hurt a fly--he’s determined to get as far away from his past as possible, to the point where he dropped his real name and decided to go by Russell. He refuses to hurt people if the need isn't dire, and has been labeled as a weenie for his pacifistic behavior/even temper. While soft hearted, he can be stern, and isn’t afraid to be tough when needed. Dearly loves his town and his new life as a peacekeeper. Terrified of ghosts/creepy places (ironic because he works in the spooky part of Asnia--the local ghost types like to pick on him). Usually seen helping old ladies across the street and chopping fire wood--very sensitive about his age and scarred face, and cries when someone points out a gray hair. Has a Corviknight, Cobalt, who is usually perched at the top of the base. In charge of keeping people out of the deeper part of the woods behind his town. Has a long term crush on Carys and clams up when she's around.
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(art done as a collaborative by me and  roseheart-exe)  Hestia: Hestia is a cryptic but very sweet and dedicated girl from regions unknown. She often gives off the vibes that she knows more than she lets on, and often speak in riddles or vague non sequiturs. Locals tend to be unnerved by her general disposition, comparing her to a “ghost, at best”. She hates fire, is creeped out by dolls of any sort, and is easy to startle, despite her best efforts to appear calm and collected. Hestia tries to be kind and amiable, and loves her few friends very deeply, but she’s incredibly stubborn and refuses help when she needs it. Her upbringing made her a firm believer in self reliance. She dislikes people who pry or ask too many questions, and worries over others constantly. She looks up to Russell as a mentor and is especially close to him. Her Pokemon is a Lampent, Chandelle (Chandy). She’s never seen without her hat or her lantern, which glows very dimly--she’s very possessive of them and avoids questions regarding either. Incredibly difficult to make her cry: some people are convinced she can’t. Very sensitive, feelings hurt easily--May or may not be pining after one of her base colleagues, who we will get to in another post. Tends to go “Teehee” when dodging questions or lying. Cadi’s current greatest enemy, because Hestia wanders at night and has accidentally startled her sheep on multiple occasions. 
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------- Seabream Base--Leader, Ripley--Apprentice, Melanie  Ripley: Ripley: A beachside base leader!! Very beautiful, but also very terrifying to many. She broke a man’s arm once, and while the context has been lost to time, the reputation she got from it remains strong. Isn’t afraid to flex her reputation when it suits her. Has a mermaid-esque beauty that has earned her a fan club. Her base members are her family, and she is a fierce mama bear when it comes to protecting them. Has a Sharpedo, Shin. Became close with Hestia after a few plot related happenings. 
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(Ripley and her art belong to @nimikyu​!)  Melanie: A bright and upbeat former lounge singer working under Ripley, loves nothing more than making people smile and smiling in return. Incredibly patient and impossible to piss off, and loves writing letters to her friend in Pinnate base and sending her little gifts. Tends to be a bit oblivious when not working, often described as having her head in the clouds. Takes her job more seriously than she lets on, and works incredibly hard to meet her Leader’s standards--she admires Ripley more than anyone--Melanie also is incredibly popular because of her former status as a singer so she gets way more attention that she bargained form--but she’s an entertainer at heart and tourists love her, which is why she’s in charge of them/in charge of making sure they don’t wander places they shouldn’t. Has a Wingull, Rio, who sometimes delivers her letters. Makes necklaces as a hobby. 
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------- Pinnate Base--Leader, Carys--Apprentice, Rudy  Carys: Cadi’s older sister--A mild mannered, surprisingly strong young woman from Galar. Much calmer and levelheaded than her baby sister, although, sometimes she's too calm, and can come off as overly-relaxed and airheaded. An incredible swimmer, she also works part time as a life guard in her spare time. Cheerful and smiley, eager to help, spends alot of time with the local kids/local elders. (Not to say that she doesnt have a temper, because if you set her off you'll be subjected to Cadi 2.0). Tries to offer help to her sister often, only to be vehemently refused over and over. Can beat all the sailors in her town at arm wrestling, wears sunscreen on her face to encourage others to do the same. Runs a very tight ship and values teamwork and bonding. Has a Swampert, Johanna, who helps keep an eye on the weather/preform water rescues. Vocally skeptic about the supernatural, as an important side note. 
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(Fantastic art done by @bastart13​ !! check their art out its gorgeous)
Rudy (bio will be updated periodically)!: A bit of a no nonsense, kind of moody boy--He has alot of respect for Carys in particular because he tends to be blunt and she's the only one who isn’t phased by it and doesnt let it affect her opinion of him. He reminds her alot of Cadi, so she's used to it and knows how to handle the teenage angst. Has a Sandyghast, Gobi! Sometimes Gobi loses their shovel and has a little flag instead. 
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(This little man belongs to @liimonpriince​)!  And that’s the gist for all the major protags--supporting cast will come next, and then we’ll get to the bad guys :) 
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azaleapaths · 5 years
wanted plots masterlist: test muses
here’s a list of my wanted plots, sorted by muses (again, not all are included but this will get updated!)
lita (sophie turner fc)
someone who falls for her despite the fact that she cons them out of a tonne of money, etc. someone who still wants her despite the fact that she’s a terrible person and she’s just like haha what is this? genuine feelings? and she’s really freaked out by it but she can’t stay away
someone she sees in her day to day life who has caught on to what she does but doesn’t mind as long as they don’t con them... except they start sleeping together and that makes some problems 
jana (emilija baranac fc)
one of her big brother’s friends, it’s a cliche but who cares it’s fucking fun.
this bc it’s cute as fuck.
cheyenne (vanessa morgan fc)
i’m here to beg for a madelaine petsch fc you guessed it but also...
rich girl x poor girl, cheyenne has no money and works hard to support her mother and younger siblings, but here comes this girl willing to give her everything. she’s scared to fully let her in. 
stealing the gf of someone she works with or some rich asshole please.. she has to interact with shady people bc of her boss and bc it gives her extra cash so it could happen
she’s never wanted to be a parent really, but she’s finally gotten your muse who she’s been in love with forever... who has just found out that she’s pregnant and she wants to keep it. cheyenne decides to stick around and be there for her, but it’s scary as hell. 
ginny (josephine langford fc)
something inspired by this photoset please. she goes to a catholic school, it can be set in aus or it can be set in the us. 
catholic boarding school thread anyone? it can be all-girls or co-ed i just know it’s going to be a) hot and b) totally not allowed
archie (noah centineo fc)
a girl who absolutely ruins his life but he loves her so damn much. it’s absolutely not healthy, but he’s so devoted he thinks maybe one day she’ll stop breaking his heart. 
alternatively something sweet where he’s being tutored for one of his classes and he asks her out and she’s just like??? this himbo wants to date me???
corrie (gina gershon fc)
corrie gives the kid of one of her friends a job in her bar, but she quickly realises it was a dangerous decision because she’s a little flirt who apparently wants more than just a job.
a new, younger wife that she can spoil the hell out of bc she’s into some shady shit. 
theo (nick robinson fc)
theo gets approached by his half-brother’s ex girlfriend who asks him to fake date her to piss amos off. theo doesn’t dislike his brother, but maybe something happens that prompts him to it (plus if she dated amos she’s probably rich, so maybe she offers to get him a new camera or pay for something that helps him with film school). things go awry, of course. 
the second plot on this post, as muse b.
callie (maude apatow fc)
this is weirdly fucked up but i almost want something where callie is for some reason... kidnapped? maybe she spoke out against something and they wanted to send a message but she forms this complicated, weird relationship with one of the kidnappers (who was hired to do so). and it’s like not right but it’s just inexplicable and she writes music about it after she’s free and they’re just like... unable to escape her and it’s this weird obsession. 
also, this energy, this plot. this is very callie. 
rafaela (ester exposito fc) 
raf getting a little jealous and angry about someone who is working in a trapeze show with her and putting together a chain of events that ends with them in a coma. not that anyone knows it was her, though. she pretends she cares enough to be at their beside and steal their s/o in the process. 
someone who is very, very devoted to her, to the point of being willing to murder for her when she asks them to. 
rowan (laura dreyfuss fc)
office rivalry that becomes a romance either in her main verse where she’s an intern or when she’s working for real
something angsty where rowan kind of fucks over someone she’s in a relationship with for a story 
luis (jorge lopez fc)
something with a fellow nursing student - did they meet at college? are they highschool sweethearts? study sessions and being tired as hell but figuring it out together.
exes who are still roommates and cue the tension... sexual and otherwise
luis helps your muse when they fall and hit their head at a party and it leads to a night of them hanging out and doing dumb stuff together. where we go from there is up to us!
mack (remy hii fc)
mack dating or having a fwb thing with one of the actors on the show he writes for. it can’t get out bc then people will speculate that he favours her but keeping it secret is as fun as it is stressful. 
something inspired by this photoset - mack and the woman who became his stepsister when he was already basically an adult end up trying to date as messy and difficult as it is. she also preferably curses him out a lot and sometimes has walls that go up too easily. 
franklin (bill hader fc)
very reluctantly i’d be down for a student/teacher thing but only if she’s like in her last 2 years of college (or maybe even she’s doing a postgrad degree). they have chemistry they didn’t foresee having and they dance around it until they can’t anymore. 
heather (lili reinhart fc)
someone who causes issues at her job with their jealousy but she loves them too much to let them go. maybe they’ve started a fight when a customer was rude or too handsy (bonus if that was how they first got together).
a new co-worker who she starts to develop a sexual relationship with but is it just sex? are there feelings? maybe they don’t take her seriously bc she’s a girl and it’s full of drama. 
alternatively, she starts to develop a weird, competitive relationship with one of the older women who she works with that leads into something sexual. 
the dancer/waitress and the bartender who has fallen in love watching her... tale as old as time
harvey (leo howard fc)
we’re way too young and we just had a baby what the fuck are we doing, the plot. harvey would be an excellent dad, if i’m honest, but it’s far from easy and they’re just barely getting their lives together. 
youtuber or long distance or meeting online stuff bc harvey would. 
sawyer (leah lewis fc)
sawyer does paranormal investigating so she could be helping her boss investigate a weird occurrence in your muse’s home, maybe she’s interviewing them and recording stuff and they end up getting along really well. alternatively, they could he an enemy she had in high school or even an ex. 
opposites attract! someone who meshes well with her doom and gloom and glaring bc they’re so happy go lucky and sweet and she melts around them
flip (alex saxon fc)
another teacher he meets at a school where he takes a long term sub job and he really wants to date her, so he acts like a total fucking idiot 
alternatively, another substitute teacher that he’s in competition with who he also has dumb sexual tension with
something josh/cher inspired!!! he’s her ex-step sibling, he’s living with them bc his mother is pissed at him and he’s avoiding her, meaning he’s bothering his ex-step sis all the time 
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jazy3 · 5 years
Thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy: 15X24
I love this episode! It felt like the old Grey’s! I got to see so many things that I love about my favourite characters and I found that the characters that I dislike were not nearly as annoying this episode. It really sets the finale up well! The big exception to this is Teddy. Prior to this season I really liked her. But her actions in this episode really made me lose respect for her.
Meredith’s in the OR. It’s nice to have her back. She’s wearing her purple scrub cap today. This further supports my theory that DeLuca is not the one and when she finds the person that will be the next great love of her life, she will switch to wearing one scrub cap all the time like she did before. Gives me hope. We find out that it’s a dream sequence! And a really dark one at that. There’s a really dark call back to the shooting episode and CeCe is there! This got dark really fast. Meredith wakes up in bed next to Jo. She’s crashing there and refusing to leave until Jo talks to her about what’s going on. This is what I love about Meredith. She’s a good friend and won’t give up on the people in her life no matter what.
We cut to Amelia and Link in bed. She’s awoken by the sounds of Mer’s kids and freaks out that Link is still there because they fell asleep accidentally. Now he has to stay there until the kids leave for school. Meanwhile Maggie and Jackson are camping. Maggie hates it. This storyline is dumb. Jackson’s being an idiot. Alex is at Mer’s place while she’s at his. He’s making Zola breakfast when Amelia walks in. He’s found a blood donor for Gus! She’s flying in from London, England.
Zola wants to know how long her Mom is going to be staying with Aunt Jo. Alex tells her she’ll be there until she helps Aunt Jo feel better. Zola asks what’s wrong with Aunt Jo. Alex’s face is heartbreaking. Amelia tells him to go take a shower and that she’s got this. “Alex if anyone can help it’s Meredith.” This is heartbreaking! Back at the hospital Gabby is throwing stuffed animals at a sleeping DeLuca. It’s very cute. Catherine arrives in the lobby in a stunning black and white dress. I love her outfits! The wardrobe department always does a stunning job with her. She’s there on Foundation business. Richard didn’t know she was coming. They briefly talk before going into a meeting in one of the conference rooms.
Tom and Teddy talk items for the baby’s nursery. I love them!  Amelia and Link talk and he tells her he left the house, and no one saw him because no one was home. He makes a joke and Amelia is not amused. They all visit their quadriplegic stem cell patient. No progress so far. Tom makes a joke that cheers them up slightly. Alex visits Gus and his parents. They get an update on the blood donor from Schmitt. Her agoraphobia is so bad she’s barely functioning. Luckily her therapist is with her. Until some a*holes from customs take him away because of a visa problem. Now they’re screwed. She gets back on the plane. Alex has to tell the family.
Gus’ Mom is pissed. I would be too. She’s done waiting. Gus keeps getting sicker and this woman won’t get off the stupid plane. She’s had enough. She pushes Gus’ latest LEGO building over in frustration. Gus’ Dad is super loving and understanding. He says he feels the same way. He goes to help and slips and falls on the LEGO’s and breaks his ass! This is the Grey’s Anatomy I love! Alex takes him for treatment. Nico for some reason is a jerk to Alex. He’s really getting on my nerves. Owen and Teddy ask what happened. Alex tells him and Owen says he’ll go and get the blood and runs out at lightning speed.
Schmitt and the blood donor Francis are on the plane. She’s refusing to get off and she’s singing Wham! songs. Schmitt’s at his limit. Back at the hospital Tom and Amelia walk up to Richard and ask what’s going on in the conference room. Richard says he doesn’t know but they’ve been in there for over an hour and that can’t be good. Richard wonders out loud if Catherine is selling the hospital. To which Amelia replies, “Don’t you think you’d know if your wife was selling the hospital?” in a joking way. Richard just stares at her. Considering he didn’t know she had cancer I wouldn’t put it past her.
Nico is now being a jerk to Teddy. I really hate this guy. He killed a man, refused to take responsibility for it and is now being a jerk to his superiors for not trusting him for obvious reasons. Richard and Teddy share some hilarious banter! Meanwhile Mer is still in bed with Jo. They talk about Mer’s crap instead. She admits that a small part of her may be hiding out here because DeLuca SAID he loved her not because she believes he actually does. She tells Jo it’s terrifying but that she’s mostly here for her. She refuses to leave because she promised Alex she wouldn’t go until she got Jo to talk to her. I love their friendship.
Jo tells her that listening to her complain about love is not helping. Mer counters and says her husband died and that the ‘I love you’ scares her because the last person she said it to was Derek. She tells Jo that her and Alex are not delicate flowers, that they understand pain and there’s nothing Jo could tell them that they can’t handle. In response Jo finally tells her what happened and it’s heartbreaking.
Meanwhile Maggie and Jackson are hiking. She gets stun by something and twists her ankle and they have to head back to camp. Back at the hospital DeLuca is showing Gabby how the MRI machine works by doing a scan of her toy cat. Alex walks in and DeLuca asks how Jo is. He says he doesn’t know and that Mer’s still over there and that he’s probably heard more than him. DeLuca says he actually hasn’t heard from Mer in a while. Yes! Let this be the final break up! Come on! Let it end!
Back at the loft Jo shares a story from her childhood. She says she feels all the abuse she’s suffered is her birth right and her inheritance and she can’t move past it. Mer sits there and compassionately listens. Owen arrives at the hanger. He talks to Francis who explains her therapy and how she came to be where she is. It turns out she also has a fear of needles. Good lord this woman. She’s also a hypochondriac. Schmitt is losing it. She starts singing again.
Alex is with Gus’ Mom. He tells her they’re taking her husband up to the OR. It looks like she’s crying only she’s not. She laughing! Alex and her have a good laugh! And then Gus goes into distress! Nico and Richard operate on Gus’ Dad. Helm comes in to update Nico on his other patients. She asks if she can scrub in and is chatting about the humorous injury when Nico cuts her off and is a complete ungrateful jerk to her! I get that Nico is hurting but he’s taking it out on both superiors and insubordinates like a complete asshole. In real life that would get you fired. He’s also not teaching her anything and this is a teaching hospital! Richard gives Nico a talking to about the BS he just pulled. He makes reference to the Judy Doll episode. There’s a lot of great throwbacks for long-time fans in this episode.
Meanwhile Owen is still trying to get Francis off the plane. He suggests she put the blanket over her head between there and the car, but she says she can’t. Schmitt is livid. After talking some more Owen has an idea. He video chats Alex and says Francis wants to meet Gus. Gus’ Mom speaks to Francis because Gus can’t because he had a heart attack. He talks Francis into trying. She puts the blanket over her head. They’re on their way. Owen’s speech visibly moves Teddy. Owen lifts a covered Francis and carries her to the car.
Back at the loft Meredith is reminding Jo of all of the wonderful things she’s done and made happen. All of the people she’s saved. She tells her that violence isn’t her inheritance. It’s something she survived. She tells her she’s taken the darkness life gave her and used it to help others and turned it into light. If her birth mother can’t see that well that’s her problem not Jo’s. Jo’s still not buying it, so Mer shares her story about the time she almost drowned years ago. Another great throwback for long time viewers.
Hearing that Meredith stopped fighting and almost died because of it is what gets through to Jo. Mer asks her if she needs a few more days or if this is her telling her she wants to stop and quit. Jo considers it and says doesn’t wanna stop and she does need a few more days. Yeah Jo! Mer says they need to talk to Alex and Bailey in order to get her the right kind of help and a proper leave of absence so that her career is waiting for her when she comes back. She convinces her to take a shower and makes her laugh for the first time in ages!
Meanwhile Owen, Francis and Schmitt are stuck in major bumper to bumper traffic on the freeway as fog rolls into Seattle. Dun dun duh!!! Francis is singing again, and Schmitt finally cracks and joins in! If you can’t beat em join em! Owen is not amused! Back at the hospital Gus is oxygen deficient. Alex decides to move him to the hyperbaric chamber until the blood arrives. Teddy gets called to another patient. Meanwhile Maggie and Jackson have arrived back at camp. Jackson is treating her injuries when he looks at his phone and realizes Alex needs her for Gus’ care. They have to go now. Just then thunder rolls in!
Carey the quadriplegic patient’s labs are back. They’re not good. She needs surgery. Her adult child Toby starts freaking out. Her Mom gives a speech about eschewing a safe life for one of adventure and bravery.  Teddy is moved and starts to tear up. Carey decides to do the surgery with Toby’s blessing. Link tells Amelia who’s with Leo whose now sick. Since Owen’s on a rescue mission she’s taking him home. Link asks if this her past or her future since she called Owen’s Place home. Hesays this is starting to be real for him, but he’s upset that Amelia hides him from her family and is playing house with Owen.
He asks her what she wants. If what they have is real for her too ‘cause if not he needs to know. I really hope they end up together. He says she doesn’t need to tell him right this minute, but soon. Which I think is fair. Meredith brings Jo to the hospital. They run into DeLuca and Mer says they need to talk to Bailey. He says that’s not a good idea because she’s been in the conference room all day. Jo says she can wait until Bailey’s done if Mer can talk to Alex for her. Mer asks DeLuca to stay with Jo and not to leave her side and that it’s important.
Once she leaves Jo asks him if he loves her. He says who wouldn’t? Which is not the proper response to that question! What an idiot. I hate this guy. Bailey needs to speak DeLuca. Jo says she’ll stay there and to go. He enters the conference room. They have questions about Gabby’s treatment. We find out the people at the meeting are inspectors from the insurance company and they’ve found out about what Meredith did. They want him to rat everybody out. To be honest I really thought he was going to. He always has in the past.
Tom runs into Teddy. He tells he’s going to put together an Ikea baby changing table for her.  She says she has to do something at work. He says no problem he’ll meet her home and order some food for them. I feel so bad for Tom! He’s such a sweetheart and so good to Teddy. He doesn’t deserve this crap. Owen and Teddy just need to go and stop hurting people like assholes. Alex is putting Gus into the hyperbaric chamber. Mer comes to talk to him. She decides to come into the chamber with him.
Teddy goes to Owen’s house. Amelia is there with a sick Leo. Amelia makes it clear she’s just there for Leo and that her and Owen are finished. She welcomes Teddy in. There’s some real growth from Amelia here which I love. Teddy tells her that she loves Owen and it’s scary and they hurt each other, and it is not easy. In this moment I lost all respect for Teddy. Sigh. Amelia says these are all things she already knows. Teddy says she doesn’t want safe and she wants her daughter to see love and that Tom makes her feel, but Owen is the only one who makes her feel passion and a bunch of others things.
She says she has to tell him now before her daughter is born. Her water has broken, but she wanted to say all that before she went into labour. They leave to go to the hospital. Meanwhile Maggie gets a text. Teddy’s water just broke so she can’t cover her service anymore. Her and Jackson decide to leave some equipment behind and go immediately. As they are about to leave a heavy down pour starts and they see heavy fog has rolled in. Yikes! Back at the hospital Meredith is about tell Alex what happened with Jo when someone calls her name outside the chamber.
It’s DeLuca and Catherine’s behind him. Mer tells him it’s not a good time, but he says it can’t wait. He tells her it was him who put Ellis’ name on Gabby’s paperwork and takes the fall for it. Mer tells him no but there’s only so much she can say with Catherine standing behind him. He says he’s going to the police but that he wanted to speak to her first. He says it’s not fair to her or her kids. That they need her. She tells him not to. He says he committed felony and that he’ll likely go to jail. He mouths ‘I love you’ before Catherine escorts him out. She yells at him not to go to the police. He doesn’t listen.
I’ve never liked DeLuca but that was a bold move. I’m surprised he took the fall. I think it’s the only time he’s done that and one of the only times he’s done the right thing for that matter. I’m not sure how they’re going to end this one. Will he go to jail? Will he work out some kind of deal? Will he leave the country? I’m guessing this is going to involve him being written off the series. Meanwhile Owen, Francis and Schmitt are still stuck in traffic and now it’s raining. The fog is now thick it’s a wall. It’s pea soup at this point! Francis asks if they can keep the window open as it reminds her of home. She’s just started to relax when there’s a crashing sound behind them and they all lurch forward! There’s a massive multi car pile up on the freeway they’re on because of the fog! Things are about to get so much worse!
Until next time.
Au revoir!
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zeldabeldauwu · 5 years
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Hi meet Alex
At this point she has a:
a talkative and cheery disposition. She is very clumsy, noted for finding ways to accidentally hurt herself or to drop things. Regardless, she is shown to be a cunning individual who can trick others to get food. She is usually shown to break up arguments,, Ali is usually better when it comes to dealing with people, notably at mediations. She tries her best to help everyone be happy and dislikes attention directed at her well-being because she feels unworthy of anything that others have to offer her.she also doesn't seem to think highly of herself. Her relationship with the star Marco Tom Addison’s and other people's happiness are her main coping mechanisms since she believes that if she makes everyone else happy, she will not have a reason whatsoever to be unhappy. Oki!
I dunno if this part is important to the story itself but it’s kinda important to Alex’s character
She’s the only one of my oc x canon characters that’s self aware
No she doesn’t know she’s just in a drawing/animation but she’s fully aware she’s in an alternate universe and that there are an infinite amount more with infinite possibilities (like how there’s universes where even tho one thing is canon like Starco, people still ship tomstar tomco you get the gist ^^) and she’s perfectly fine with that because she’s happy with the life she has now and other possibilities wouldn’t usually be anything that would involve her although she does wonder what goes on in those universes other than she already knows this part kinda helps people understand that Alex isn’t apart of the canon storyline and I’m not trying to make her apart of it! Anyway there is one downside to this revelation for Alex
It really affects her relationships with other people Knowing there are infinite possibilities in that area scares her She’s not secluded or anything
She’s a very bubbly and social bb (unlike her creator quq) But it takes a while for her to really warm up to you She also never really showed interest in having a lover either so it’s easier She never really wants to settle down and wanted to put her adventures and kingdom first so love was a last priority for her tbh But she always spread her love and affection
She and her twin Addison use to be friends with star since they were 2
Seeing as their mothers were good friends as well Her father would never join them tho
In dragon culture of this universe dragons are basically taught “dragons are better than any other species and crush everyone beneath you�� This was mainly taught by the elemental court run by the Solar family which was the top of the rank dragons who were all siblings
The only one who didn’t agree was the youngest of the court which was the magic branch ran by the youngest of the Solar family who was Alex’s mother, Novella She thought that all species were equal and that we should all be treated with love and care and that hurting and fighting eachother would only lead to chaos She tried to tell her siblings time and time again but they just claimed she was just a silly child and would brush it off So she started sneaking off into different dimensions and actually made a lot of friends and that made her devotion of wanting to protect other species even stronger But one day it was found that she fell in love with a human (which were just considered pets to them) And they locked her in a dark room until they were able to find suitable dragon men for her to marry
And since she was the youngest she couldn’t really fight back against her siblings So she was forced to marry a light sorcerer dragon who would eventually be the twin’s father But he unfortunately did not have the same mindset as her when it came to other species Soon Novella left the court and cut all ties with her siblings She turned her planet into a safe haven for all species although her husband didn’t agree
He didn’t technically have a say But when Alex and her twin Addison turned 10 both her mother and father just disappeared
The king’s body was found dead in his dragon from on a planet he was trying to take over and Novella wasn’t any where to be found They searched for months but soon just had to label her dead as well even though there was technically no evidence that she was harmed or killed But because of that the only one left for the girls was eachother and Novella’s right hand man and royal guard leader Okami Meaning the girls had to grow up early and learn to run the kingdom themselves with the help of Okami and because of that they lost contact with Star Fast forward 6 years (I bumped the ages up
A bit) in this universe Tom and star never broke up officially btw They broke off for like 3 months before getting back together
Alex and Addie always have a small festival on the day they started running the festival It’s call the sun and moon festival Because when the twins were born Alex took after her mom so they named her the moon princess
And Addison took after her dad so they named her the sun princess Alex was incharge of making sure the word got out since she was the social one
And she found an old photo of her and star and started to really miss her so
She sent an invite to her personally in hopes she’d come
And she happily did along with Tom (they’re still together in this universe) Marco and ofcourse comet ((my friend’s oc))
When they met up the quickly caught up and star introduced her to Tom and Marco
And Alex thought he was cute
But that’s really it As I said she showed no interest in a boyfriend at the time After the festival they all started to hang out except Addison who literally said to Star’s face she had better things to do She hated how close her sister was getting to Marco She had the same beliefs as her mother’s family so she was
1- jealous on the fact that he was getting so close to his sister
2-that she’d waste her time with a human I also should point out that Alex didn’t know anything about their family
Their mother and Okami refused to tell them anything
Basically at this point star Marco and Tom offered to help Alex find out more about her family and her mother’s past for her own sake
Also Alex and Marco have become great friends and Alex has only started to have the feels for him
But she doesn’t know it because she never had a crush before and is really really scared of love because of the infinite possibilities so first
She’s trying to get to know him more and be better friends than him before trusting him with her heart because for all she knows the feeling could disappear in a week
But during that time Addison called her a disappointment for getting so close to a human and since she’s the only family she’s aware of it stuck to her so she started dating a dragon boy named Damien just to make her happy This was when Marco and Alex first became friends and had more of a BFF relationship But Marco and star noticed how Damien changed Alex in a negative way She became more quiet and distant and when they asked she’d fake a smile and say she was just sleepy They could tell Damien was draining the life out of her and they tried to talk to Addison about it but she brushed it off saying “first relationships can be tiring she’ll get better” It was the last straw when Marco heard Damian say he’s only with Alex to get control of her kingdom and call her “an air headed dunce” that he talked to star and they decided they had to convince her to dump him and she finally did after 7 months into the relationship
It took 1 and a half years for her to realized that she had feelings for Marco Alex was afraid of love and she was so scared of being inlove with Marco because of her fear of the infinite universes she tried to date another dragon to get over her feelings but after 5 months she realized she wasn’t happy And she broke up with him
He was upset because he loved her but he wanted her to be happy so he gave her a hug and said they were cool
And now they’re best friends!
Currently in the story Alex is battling with her feelings and her anxiety while also Trying to deal with her family
This story will continue to be updated!
HEY READ THIS BEFORE COMMENTING My account along with my oc x canon work is strictly used for fun and as my coping mechanism so please don’t take it too seriously. All of the characters and Oc x Canon ships are placed in an alternate universe called OCXC-1879 which is separated from canon story lines so if one or more of the canon characters are already have a canon ship please remember that it’s in an alternate universe and i am not trying to force my characters in the canon storyline thanks for the understanding
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shinahbee · 3 years
October favorites 2021!
Nov. 11/ 2021
Hello it’s Remembrance day!
It’s weird that I would chose today of all days to write the November favorites, I’m kidding it’s actually because I have a snow day tomorrow, I was supposed to have a midterm but it was cancelled earlier today. So I dropped the studying and decided to write this instead.
School has been hectic and it’s only going to get worse from here since I found out all my finals are crammed together for two weeks one after the other....and I have 9 of them...I’m going to die
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At least I’ll have to make sure to buy booze for after I’m done because I’ll need it. Anyway, it’s been a month, how have all you been doing? Good I hope. I was going to actually dedicate this month’s favorites to just the updated titles, but I feel like there are some manhwas that I have not yet shared and should do so since I don’t have time to read anything new anymore.
I’ll also do some updates for the ongoing titles; it was what I was planning to do anyways.
Alright, let’s get going shall we?
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Okay i’m going to start to rearrange this by status instead of just a list.
December rain
Hold me tight
Dine with a vampire
Karasugoka don’t be shy!
Inner beauty
My purrfect boss
Oh! My assistant
no secrets between us
Private lessons
No way, vampires don't exist
Stanning 101
Path to you
Tied up in Twins
Hand in Hand
The good teacher
Behind the scenes
The sales department’s cupid
BJ Alex
Unintentional love story
Crash into me
Unrippened expression
Smurf’s world (s1)
False memories
Here u are
whose baby is it?
Social temperature
Salad days
To be or not to be
Semantic Error
My Suha
Turn off the camera
Murderous lewellyn candlelit dinner
Pearl boy
The third ending
Mr. Miss
Secret relationships
Kings Maker (S2)
Back to work
Updates on ongoing titles:
To be or not to be:
Okay well this is still going and I thought it ended, but it looks like the protagonists got together in then end only to have one of them die again and get reincarnated into another body...I’m like ok...what is the point anymore? I might end up dropping this cause I just don’t know where the story is going anymore. Lol.
My suha:
Yes i think the author is dragging this on for a while now and I wish it gotten to the point, but it looks like it’s going into the meat of the story and could finish up soon. What I like about this so far is the fact that the red head is an a*hole and deserves to be in prison for life, but he’s not the real enemy. Suha very much dislikes him and it’s clearly shown that he will not leave jiwoon because of this prick, nor does he have feelings for the red head like he did in the past. I think the real villain of this story is the grandmother, everything jiwoon went through and emotional trauma was done by her..and of course suha respects her from how she supported his family since they were young. So unless suha can see that she is the one who has a hold on jiwoon, they can never really understand each other. No matter how many times suha expresses his love to jiwoon it would mean nothing because jiwoon believes that suha can leave him at any moment.
Which in all honestly he could if he wanted to, and probably should because of the situation. Jiwoon now has become too scared to let go and that is really frightening, but I read a similar story to this which has the same plot line and I remember that couple suffered a lot too but in the end one of them was able to let go and they met again a couple years later and they both were in a better place. I feel like it will go down the same way, so I’ll just have to wait and see. I still keep hearing people hating on jiwoon for being obsessive and sh*t and I just roll my eyes...as if you didn’t see this coming.
Whose baby is it?
This is going down in a really weird alley, i wonder if it is because the author is running out of ideas, but now yiyun and jinyao can see each other in dreams and they are able to see what goes on in other people’s dreams, I think it’s because of rou rou’s power which we still don’t know about yet. But there’s this baby that magically appeared and his aunt claimed that he is hers but it was revealed as yi yun’s egg that was lost, in the beginning. So this baby is actually yiyun’s child. So I wonder how the aunt is going to get out of this one.
I don't know what is going on anymore, so i'll just wait to see how it ends.
Pearl boy:
Can you believe it’s been like 3 months since I last talked about this, but it’s due to the author being on hiatus. The series is going to come back on November 20th so I’m obviously happy about that but very much anxious from where it left off. I guess this wasn’t as bad as when season 1 ended and I just wanted to scream. Lol. Speaking of which I also mentioned that although I partly read some of the spoilers for chapter 28-30 I didn’t actually read the chapters...cause I didn’t want to see juha being abused by pinworm....I’m mean pilwon..LMAO no joke that’s how I was able to remember “pinworm” in my parasitology class...It sounds like pilwon, comes out of an animal’s ass....easy to remember. Lol but I finally got myself to read it and you know...maybe it was because I waited and I already know that juha was going to be okay, I thought I would react badly, but I didn’t. Though it was still mortifying to read I’m glad  I did cause it honestly made me realize that even if you avoid these chapters, something will be missing, now that I’m finally caught up I can see the story through without making assumptions.
Pilwons’s an ass, my opinion of him has not changed, I remember some person was saying that he liked juha in the past and I read it and I did not feel the same way...I didn’t feel any type of affection coming from him, he was a bored adult looking for something exiting and made both the lives of juha and his mother his entertainment. Sick and disgusting, I know and I don’t want to admit that he’s written well but the creator is doing a fantastic job in making her characters realistic, despite the situation being very unrealistic. I remember watching this Chinese drama when I was younger and I hated the girl in there cause she was despicable, I just kept saying how I hated her and my dad was like...why do you feel that way? I was like...I don’t know because she’s bad? He like she made you feel that way because the actor played her well and made you believe that she’s bad. Lol. Thanks to my dad I know what good and bad acting is now. So basically a character isn’t a “bad character” just because you hate them, in fact they are good characters because they made you feel like they are despicable. The bad ones are the ones you feel nothing towards..lol. So all of my trash segment picks.
Needless to say, you guys should read this series if you have not yet, this is the only series other than kingdom hearts that I actually want merchandise from...if that tells you anything.
Welcome to Heaven (21+)
Love tractor:
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“Seonyul went to the countryside to escape the troubles in his life, but he doesn’t know the first thing about living there. Suddenly, Yechan, a hot-blooded youth with a love for farming appears in front of him?! As he learns to adapt to the rural lifestyle and help on the farm, Seonyul’s gaze is drawn towards the honest and passionate Yechan...”
So I’ve never talked about this title, I was actually saving it for a theme related segment, but that idea was scratched. Instead I’ll share it this month since i’m sure some of you who are into reading bl manhwa will know of this title.
It’s about a guy who is forced to go into law school cause of his parents, well mainly his father because in Asian culture if you aren’t a doctor or lawyer you are worthless...lmao relatable...
But the main protagonist sunyeol really enjoyed producing music and was talented in it, but of course his father had threatened him with something which i’ll discuss later on and that’s why he decided to go to law school. Things were not going well for him and his father and him got into a fight and his mother sent him to the country side to spend time there to figure things out. His gradfather was in the hospital and so they needed someone to look after the house and his dog.
Sunyeol wanted to get away from everything so he decided to do that. When he got near the house there was a storm that he was driving into and his car got stuck. Luckly someone was there to help him get out, that is when he meets out second protagonist yechann.
Yechann was not your conventional skinny pretty boy, he was the opposite of sunyeol, big and buff but a soft teddy bear like personality. He was a country boy so he was obviously interested in sunyeol and why he was here, and wanted to be close with him. The neighbours explained that yechann despite looking like a big dude is only 20 and he doesn’t have anyone his age around the country side to call friend. As gratitude to yechann’s family for looking out for his grandfather he decided to get along with yechann. Sunyeol was invited out every time yechann had farming to do and so he slowly learned the way of agriculture and its importance.  Sunyeol really respected yechann in that aspect, being the youngest and choosing what he wanted to do at such an early age. Some kids from another school in the city took a field trip to the country side where yechann had to make a presentation for them about farming.
Here comes my favorite part, some kid who obviously seemed well off started to mock yechann for saying that he and yechann are the same age but he didn’t go to college and became a farmer instead, it’s must be because it’s easy. Sun yeol stepped in and said that “ if it was so easy could you wake up at 5 am and start work?” you see a flash back of yechann waking up at 5 am sharp and go through the crops and check the animals and plow the fields...it’s very labour intensive, and I don’t know about you all but I personally cant wake up at 5 am every single day and be ready to work until the evening...so yeah, I’m glad that they showed this part in the story since I feel like people undermine a farmer’s job just because they think it’s not high paying, you need to have extensive knowledge to know about crops and production from an economic standpoint..so saying that it is easy is disrespectful.
Sorry had to put that out there because I am aware that some of the hardest jobs out there are labour intensive and people don’t get paid much for that...and it makes me angry. Any ways, back to the story, yechann was happy sunyeol thought that way and started to think of him as more than just an older brother “ hyung”  type. He started to catch feelings for sun yeol and even went as far as to see a doctor because he thought he had heart disease lol.
I’m like no buddy you are just in love.
Of course no story is complete without the third wheel and that’s always the protagonist already being in a relationship. Sun yeol had a boyfriend in highs school when he was studying music, and that’s when his dad had found out and made him quit music in exchange to keep his relationship with his boyfriend. It was a sacrifice sun yeol made because he thought he loved his boyfriend, but they had never talked about his problems with him and even avoided him at times.
His boyfriend had actually come here to end everything but not before making yechann a little nervous. At first I thought he was going to be one of those obscene a*holes who just won’t go away, but in fact after he talked to sun yeol, they actually cleared up their relationship and the things that went wrong and had a nice clean break...which is SO Refreshing!!!
It was an honest conversation between two people and it was portrayed nicely, this is what other stories should have instead of dancing around the problem. Lol.
After that break up sunyeol was free to find himself and start writing music again, he wanted to truly find what he had lost and try again to pursue his passion while still doing law. Yechann slowly was able to assist sun yeol in helping him get over the initial step of playing the piano when he had dropped those years ago. It was really cute. Sun yeol had started to catch feelings for yechann at some point but obviously denied them because of his recent break up, he wasn’t ready to look for another relationship. But in the end the heart wants what it wants and they ended up confessing to each other they were interested, but sun yeol needed to go back to Seoul, one to continue his law studies and graduate and the other to pursue  music again. It was time to say good bye, and that’s when season 1 ended.  I really like this story, it’s one of my favorites and it really shows how to reconnect with something that you had lost and really discover the things you truly want. This was an awesome read and I recommend it to anyone.
This is BL but it honestly doesn’t matter, it’s not the main point of the story and I appreciate that it just told a good story without the usual bl themes that I’m sick and tired of. You can read this on tappytoon.
Trash segment (21+)
a.k.a the part of the series where I shit on your favorite manhwa/manga/webtoon etc. Joking but not really, you have been warned.
This is the new section where you’re going to find titles that I dropped and the reasons why I discontinued the series all together, fair warning if you triggered by people criticizing your favorite series then you may want to skip this section all together. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and not every series that is “popular” or well liked by others will be like by all...therefore if there is content that makes a person uncomfortable enough to stop the series, that is on them and please don’t judge them for their morals.
So to recap, the series that I mentioned dropping so far are
Love or Hate
Yours to claim
Wistful summer
The sound of fire
Kiss damnation
Cherry blossoms after the winter
Chasing Mr. CEO
I’m going to save you all from hearing my trash rant this month, I have other things to complain about that isn’t BL...lol.
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Senpai ga uzai kouhai no hanashi:
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“At a certain trading company, saleswoman Futaba Igarashi has managed to hold her respectable job for almost two years thanks to the guidance of her senior coworker—Harumi Takeda. However, due to Igarashi's short stature, Takeda often teases her and treats her like a kid, leaving Igarashi constantly annoyed by his antics. Despite this, Igarashi notices Takeda's reliability as he is always ready to help whenever something at their workplace goes awry. As Igarashi and Takeda spend more time together, their relationship soon develops further than simply being coworkers at the office.”
It’s about a small office worker lady that falls in love with her tall and well –built looking  co worker, he’s not like the conventional skinny boy, this man is thick and built like brick house, but she found him charming and kind and he has helped her out many times. I don’t know why, but this romantic comedy is really cute, maybe because I’ve been deprived of good romance anime lately but I really like the plot line so far. The girl of course is a tiny girl so she acts like a tsundare...which I hate, but it wasn’t too bad. I’ll have to keep watching to really give it a review but its good so far, and it’s about adults not teenagers for once!
the other characters are interesting as well and you get to see how they all connect through the main character.
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Ending note:
Yay! You made it to the end, sorry this month’s is short and sweet, but like I said I don’t have as much time as I used to. It was just so happens that I finally was able to write this up cause my exam was cancelled.lol.
Honestly I need a break, and writing this has been helping because I don’t need to think about things that will make me anxious. I will probably have more time once my final exams are over in mid December...I can’t wait till then.
thanks for always reading these posts, i'll continue to improve them in the future so I would like your suggestions as to what segments I should feature! please leave it in the comments below!
other than that stay safe and warm,
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