kyukins · 1 year
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this is so dumb but i couldn’t stop thinking abt it
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meowsydreams · 6 months
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she ura on my acca until i um.. until i... erm... errr... until i wonder egg?
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megane-boys · 1 year
Today's Megane is: Acca from Wonder Egg Priority
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mujimujidaruma · 1 year
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mushroomchoir · 8 months
i will never forgive wep for this they took a disabled gay man and made his husband cheat on him and THEN MADE HIM LIVE WITH HIS HUSBAND AND HIS MISTRESS FOR FOURTEEN YEARS
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apocalympdicks · 4 months
Getting into Wonder Egg Priority
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rolaplayor101 · 1 year
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Multiamory March day 20 + 27: Grief + Shadow @polyamships
Acca and Ura Acca grieve Acca's deceased wife Azusa and the child they all coparented together, Himari
Buy this on Redbubble!! My Commissions are always open! Pls don’t ignore my DNI! Reblogs are so so so so appreciated!
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tsukasageorge · 2 years
In such a madoka magica mood
#if u haven't watched it you should bc. its insane#i like never talk about it but holy shittttt#also go listen to symposium magarum bc. what the fuck#what if i wrote an essay in the tags about wonder egg vs madoka magica#pmmm is def better than wep but i still enjoyed wep#i prefer the witches in pmmm to the. whatever the fuck wep has#i get that the wep enemies are supposed to look ugly bc trauma is ugly#but it also doesn't read as creepy or dangerous or sad#there was an effort made but wonder killers just can't compare sorry#also how come every episode is ai getting beat up & then something happens and she goes Oh Now Im Really Mad and#one hit KOs the enemy#i love momoe though she's so real#but if we are comparing the characters. pmmm still wins#idk what yall think about ura acca & acca & frill but me personally#i feel like their motivations werent truly explored#maybe i missed something or maybe i just Forgot what happened but i don't really see the correlation between manipulating little girls#& being mad at frill#i think it could have been explained better#but again that part of the series is pretty foggy for me. so take my words with a grain of salt#i like the general artstyle of wep a lot#it's pretty#im not the biggest fan of the madoka magica artstyle#i dont dislike it but there isn't much special about it until the labyrinths come in#oh but the soundtrack goes to pmmm no hesitation#i realize now it sounds like im saying wep is Bad#it's not i enjoyed it lots & i'd def recommend if you can stomach the darker themes/like dark magical girl animes#madoka magica is just Really Really Good.#this not what this post was supposed to be about but ok#i didnt even touch on the story and this post is so long jfc#tldr: pmmm is better than wep but i enjoy them both
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onewholivesinloops · 1 year
people saying wonder egg priority’s momoe is good trans rep offends me on a personal level because i STILL can’t grasp what her deal is even supposed to be. the trans boy isn’t either imo btw. he gets the most brutal backstory and his inclusion is very questionable when the whole egg thing is about girls so there’s nothing that justifies that other than the fact that he’s afab which IS blatantly transphobic. momoe’s thing is made even more confusing with all of the trans imagery (her bra literally being the flag and revealing itself when she comes to terms with herself had to have meant something) so is the egg system transphobic or not?? i feel like it only makes sense to read her as cis considering afab people are what count going by the track record, and she struggles with femininity and girls flirting with her (which is lowkey homophobic to me bc it implies sapphics will jump on any gnc girl) but this makes the trans imagery with her very weird. it’s like they associate her with specifically the trans colors several times during pivotal scenes only to throw in the trans boy counting as an egg so it's VERY muddled what they wanna go for...
being a cis woman who’s mistaken for a boy due to being gnc isn't a bad idea for a character concept, and i like the idea of her finding comfort and genuine love with a trans man who can relate to her experience. it's just SO dumb they go out of their way to code her as trans in the process of this, and not to mention the misery porn that ends up being the boy's storyline (the suffering in the show lowkey feels very fetishy especially when you look at the writers’ background i found out the main writer wrote a bunch of torture porn soap operas featuring teenage girls from this video and while i don’t think this subject matter is something that can’t ever be discussed and explored the show is so set on being miserable especially with him in particular), the aforementioned weird undertones of how girls treated momoe and the system just casually being transphobic with no real focus put on that. the system in general is miserable and fucked up and as much as i’d like to give it the benefit of doubt in that it’s the intent i don’t think the narrative thinks the gender essentalism and transphobia parts of it are actual flaws because there’s no real focus on that.
i also think the trans boy shouldn’t have been an egg character in the first place. he should’ve been a real world one. i can see the idea of a corrupt sexist and transphobic system that exploits the mental health of little girls using a trans boy for their experiments done well if it’s called out for what it is, but that’s never the case in the show at any point and it’s not something i trust these writers to tackle well. also don’t get me started on that suicide thing in episode 4 where acca and ura-acca go “women and men’s suicides mean different things; men are goal-oriented and women are emotion-oriented, and women are impulsive and easily influenced”. this misogyny and gender essentialism is, again, never called out or addressed so it’s hard to read this as anything but what the narrative and the writers believe/don’t think is an issue lol...
don’t even get me started on frill because idek what that robot girl’s point is even supposed to be. she’s even more nonsensical than momoe’s thing. the suicide disease or whatever the hell it was is the cherry on top that makes the show even more offensive because on top of condemning the girls for their suffering it feels like it’s also taking away their agency which is very dehumanizing.
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cure-icy-writes · 1 year
It’s been two years and I am STILL mad at the ending of Wonder Egg Priority. Maybe enough to brainstorm a better ending for them.
-Starting with episode 10, Kaoru’s trauma is shown in much less graphic detail. Rather than outright assault, his trauma consisted of realizing that a trusted mentor just viewed him as Girl Lite after he made that person his only support system, and his mentor's romantic/sexual intentions towards him aren't made explicit. It tones down the graphic abuse, while also creating a character foil to Momoe, who feels like girls see her as Boy Lite and constrain her to their fantasies and gender roles. Momoe is more explicitly trans, and the episode makes a point that Acca and Ura-acca don’t actually know shit. Kaoru’s suicide wasn’t a “feminine” one, it just got lumped in with the rest because he wasn’t openly out and was buried under his deadname.
-the friends that frill created, rather than. You know. Brutally murdering and traumatizing anyone? They just show up as vaguely unsettling messengers who aren’t supposed to be there. And they start asking pointed questions. Why was Kaoru in the egg? Can the suicides of boys and girls really be separated so easily? Momoe is a gnc trans girl. She experiences gender differently than her cis friends. And the experience leaves her shaken in her faith of the Accas. She’s completed the game, but it’s bittersweet. She has closure, but the dead cannot truly be brought back to life. All that can be done is to create a parallel world, another chance for them to live in, and to say goodbye.
-Rika completes her game, and gets to say she’s sorry. She realizes that eating food in public without being mocked? That’s basically thin privilege. Her arc ends with her asking her mom to make her some comfort food. Frill’s friend asks why, exactly, Rika said what she did, abused her position of power. We see her manager, a grown ass adult man, and the silhouette of her father.
-Neiru isn’t a robot AI because that makes no fucking sense. Instead, she parallels Frill, as a “created girl” who was born to fulfill expectations. It’s revealed that her sister stabbed her and committed suicide because the expectations made her snap, because she wanted to destroy the image of the “perfect girl” as a final act of spite. She apologizes to Neiru, for not seeing her as a person but a tool.
-Ai completes her game, and gets closure with Koito— their friendship was kind of fucked up and gay in the way that repressed thirteen year old girls with codependence issues tend to be, and they actually talk about that. Koito reveals that their teacher strung her along, pushed them apart, and she committed suicide because of the guilt that she’d been complicit in Ai’s grooming.
-Ai tells her mom that she doesn’t feel safe around her teacher. Her mom believes her, and Momoe slowly comes to terms with the realization that she’s been putting her uncle on a pedestal because he was supportive of her transition, but she needs to believe her fellow women. The dude doesn’t go to jail but there’s a marked difference in how the girls talk about him.
-Frill and Himari get to take back their narratives. Frill is literally just a baby created by misogynists, and she decides to crawl out of the basement fridge and tell her dads “yeah I didn’t kill your daughter. She realized that she was just a replacement, that you people saw a daughter as a replaceable toy to make for fun, and she couldn’t take it. Anyways have a nice life lol” and chops off her hair, leaving it in a pile on their doorstep.
-The series ends with the girls taking control of the magical egg gacha— something thematic about girls supporting girls and taking back control from the institutions run by men who exploit their pain and grief for money. There’s a timeskip where Ai graduates school and starts working from home, Momoe gets gayer and starts building up a transgender support network, Rika moves away from home into her own apartment and starts rebuilding her fraught relationship with her mother, and Neiru is shown running the egg gacha for free, and with explicit warnings to the girls who come looking for closure.
-The temptation of death is posited as a human urge, something that exists at rock bottom, but one that teenage girls are especially vulnerable to in a society that will take advantage of them. And warriors of Eros? Those are the ones who choose love. Ai.
anyways. I think that ties up all the character arcs and plot threads? It would be nice if canon had given us this but ah well. I can dream
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brokenladee · 5 months
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Acca and Ura-Acca, the founders?!
*increase the confusion*
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Wonder Egg Priority is completely mystifying to me because we aren’t supposed to see Acca and Ura-Acca as the villains by the end of it.
When the situation with Frill is very literally a sci-fi reskin of Frankenstein’s monster, but even stupider on Acca and Ura-Acca’s parts.
At least Victor Frankenstein didn’t go out of his way to make sure that his creation was capable of selfishness and capable of jealousy, and then not bother to try and make sure it was capable of basic human empathy and compassion.
Instead of the two grown men playing god and getting bitten in the ass, or the shitty society the girls are forced to contend with in the waking world, we are instead supposed to blame all teen suicide on a being that was created to be selfish, jealous, and forever at the maturity of a 14 year old girl.
Who was created to be the adorable human-child pet/toy of two grown men and then pushed to the side when they found something better and “more real” with other humans.
They picked adolescence as Frill’s age because they found that age to be the most “charming”. They made her hyper intelligent because deep down they didn’t want to have to bother to actually have to teach her things like a real child.
They wanted a tween girl shaped pet they could play house with, and when she reacted to them replacing her with something new the way they programmed her to, they got angry. When they programmed her to seek their attention and affection above all else. When they didn’t stop to even have a passing thought of giving their precious little doll morals to go along with her sentience.
Like no you dumb fucks this is your fault. Your stupid ass programmed her to be like that, you literally went out of your way to create her. No one made you create her, and if you didn’t Azusa at the very least wouldn’t be dead right now.
If there’s ever a season two the only way they could ever salvage the good part of season 1 if they end up making Frill a red herring.
No Frill isn’t the cause of all suicide among teen girls, she didn’t even directly cause Himari’s suicide.
Oh she definitely killed Azusa and tried to kill Himari right along with her when Azusa was pregnant. Don’t get it twisted, she did that, she’s not even shy about admitting she did that.
Acca and Ura-Acca didn’t notice Frill’s shift from harmless but pettily jealous to outright murderous until Azusa was already dead. What are the chances they didn’t notice Himari’s unhappiness, especially if the girl went out of her way to hide it from them.
How much did Acca and Ura-Acca even tell Himari about Azusa and her death? Did Himari even know about Frill’s existance? Frill was around to see Azusa and Acca get married, and for Azusa’s pregnancy, so Frill had to be in a number of photographs with Azusa, along with Acca and Ura-Acca.
Like what would be worse? Knowing your mom died because your dads created an Ai endowed with jealousy but not empathy? Or having no idea how your mom died and having so few pictures of her (because Acca and Ura-Acca hid/got rid of all the pictures with Frill in them)?
What if Himari discovered the story of Frill and Azusa on her own? Maybe she found a picture in some far off part of the house where they store old things, and she found a picture with Frill in it. Maybe she found an entire album of old pictures with her mother, and fathers, all along side a strange red haired girl referred to as Frill.
The pictures show that the girl, Frill, lived with them. She had a room in the house, a room that now belongs to Himari. The girl seems to have occupied a space in her fathers’ lives that now belongs to Himari. Just like the room.
So she digs and digs, and she keeps finding more and more information. Photographs, old notes, videos. Tiny threads of information that is all too quickly coming together to make a complete picture. An ugly picture.
Eventually she takes her search online. Careful to use the computers at the library to better hide her investigation from her dads. She searches and searches for that girl named Frill. The girl who didn’t seem to exist outside of the old pictures and videos.
But Himari knows information about who Frill was has to be out there somewhere. Little girls don’t just spring into the world fully formed and then vanish just as suddenly. Right? All she has to do is find it.
Eventually, Frill, having been without a body for 13 or so years now is curious about this random human trying to find information on her. To satisfy herself, she reaches out, makes contact with the clumsy investigator.
Only to find that it’s her. That stupid baby of Azusa’s that lead to her being pushed out of Acca and Ura-Acca’s lives. Locked away and forgotten. The one that took her place. The girl seems quiet, wary... nervous. Almost like she’s hiding something.
Frill decides to tell the girl everything more or less on a whim. She’s already been locked away because of her and her mother. It’s not like telling the girl the truth will do anything worse. Frill has nothing to hide after all.
Himari is disturbed by what she learns from Frill. About Frill... and about her dads. After all if art is the reflection of it’s creator... what exactly did it say about the men who raised her.
They’d created a girl from scratch. From appearance, to intelligence, to personality, they’d made a life like toy of their perfect ideal daughter. With cherry picked flaws included, for realism. Then they threw her away when their toy perfect daughter turned out to be a monster. Because they programmed her that way.
She’d found out the hows and whys of her mother’s death after a lifetime of not knowing. There was a girl who in another life might have been her sister buried but still conscious under the house. And the men who raised her weren’t anywhere near who the people she thought they were.
So she spirals. She hides it well, but at the end of everything she wakes up on her 14th birthday and she looks into the mirror to realize she really has become Frill’s replacement.
She was raised to be smart, and funny, to always have a charming happy smile, because that’s what makes her dads happy. And now, now she’s 14 years old. Finally the “most charming age” that Frill had originally been created to forever remain.
But it wasn’t real. Not really. Not with Frill and not with her.
She’d been in a dark place since discovering the truth about her fathers, about her mother, about a girl who lies awake in her grave even after 14 long years.
It’s impulse mostly that leads her to actually going through with it. Of climbing into the bath at the end of the day on her birthday and deciding to end her life there.
Maybe she couldn’t stand the inkling notion in the back of her mind that she was just the replacement for a failed experiment in her fathers’ lives. Maybe she couldn’t stand the idea of her father’s not being who they portray themselves to be.
Maybe she just couldn’t stand the creeping realization... that if she was Frill she would have made the same choices. After all, Frill was just following what her programming told her was the right thing to do. How could she do anything else.
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valravn72 · 2 years
The best way I can describe the later section of Wonder Egg Priority is that it reads exactly as if the main character and her best friend’s groomer somehow managed to hijack the script and take over the show so that he could blame all the results of the things him and people like him did on a tiny robot girl who seems like a shitty (and ableist) personality disorder allegory.
It’s fascinating that the story somehow took this turn but if you are there because you are genuinely excited for representation of mentally ill people and abuse victims, I don’t recommend it.
The show also claims that the main character’s best friend is somehow at fault for being groomed, a narrative that they condemn in an earlier episode.
Overall, it feels like some warped psychological horror that’s supposed to be commentary on creators using mentally ill characters to push their own agendas, and like there’s a meta narrative where the script is being rewritten and the characters are going to have to fight it once they realize that something is wrong and reality is trying to manipulate them into blaming what happened to them on people who are victims of the same things that they are, but in the end that’s not what happens and the show is actually genuine about the message of its ending.
I really hope someone gets inspiration from the things it did right and creates something out of it that does not suffer from these flaws.
TLDR; The latter section of Wonder Egg Priority feels like Sawaki, Acca and Ura-Acca censored it and then rewrote it to be propaganda and it makes me uncomfortable.
(DISCLAIMER: I’m not condemning the team that worked on that show, from what I know about them I doubt they did any of this with any malevolent intentions.)
Edit: It’s also okay to be a fan of this show, what it does do right is very impressive and groundbreaking and I think that there’s a lot of value in that.
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maletofujoshi · 8 months
I feel like it is incredibly rude to say someone “didn’t get” a show if they dislike it but I think if ur someone who Liked all of what wonder egg was doing up until episode 11 and the special I kind of think you just didn’t get those episodes… ur supposed to be skeptical of and offended by the explanation ura-acca gives. Because it is obviously untrustworthy and neglectful of like. Reason. His narrative overwrites the feelings and reality of the girls and Guy we’ve seen throughout the show
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quibbs126 · 1 year
Frill is a character from the anime “wonder egg priority”.
The girl (or whatever you can call her but she is referred to by all female pronouns and titles so yeah) was created by 2 men. Acca and Ura-acca. They modeled her after a daughter. She was supposed to be energetic, smart, and other positive traits but also had bad traits (aka they didn’t want to make a Mary Sue) like selfishness. But one thing they forgot to add was…empathy.
One of the Acca’s (I forgot which one) gets married to a woman and she at some point becomes pregnant. Slowly starting to neglect the child and just starting to treat her like a robot like if they didn’t raise her like a normal child before , Frill out of jealousy and selfishness murders the woman when she was bathing by throwing a hairdryer to the bathtub. The baby barely manages to survive. Meanwhile one of the scientists just puts her in a cabin for like 15 years. The end:D
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Also no one gets frill even now i believe like thats literally just whatll happen if you make an ai of a 14 year old girl with mental illness nothing overtly evil there ura acca and accas treatment of her are 100% what led to her snapping especially when they started ignoring her and treating her more and more like an ai once they both moved on and tried to start “real” families like whatd you think would happen seriously it doesnt help that the episode is framed in ura accas perspective and shows only his recollection of the events that took place he is effectively an unreliable narrator in how he portrays frill viewing her as incapable of real emotions and fully dehumanizing her which from a logical perspective doesnt seem that bad but its all too similar to real cases of child abuse and neglect and thats on purpose if frill was a real human she’d still be treated with that same coldness because ura acca is a misogynistic pieceof shit
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