#uraraka bhna
taeuphoricsz · 3 years
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## 𝗼𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗰𝗼 𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗸𝗮 𝗽𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀 !! and layouts.
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my twitter: @arlerttkyo
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
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Yandere: Dekusquad
Plot: How they reacted to you doing something sweet/Surprising to them. Before they get together with you.
Note: Individually but can be pictured as poly if you want, they aren’t too crazy but they have the traits but dialed down. Froppy is not included in this so I apologize!
Yandere type: Soft-Medium.
More like this.
First yandere writing! Also if you want to request more like this(Yandere or not-) Please do! 
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He has done everything he can to make sure you are happy, every second of every day. Makes sure you know he is there for you, makes you laugh.
So when you come up to him and hand him a present? Looking so adorable-Oh, boy was he so ecstatic. You thought of him?
Just that thought alone is enough for him. He feels like crying on the spot.
“I thought you might like this, it was a project for another class and I thought of you”
But when he pulls out a figure of himself like ones allmight has, HE DIES! His darling made that for him. He hugs you and thinks about never letting you go.
He will then step up his actions because this is a clear sign you like him back, right? 
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Iida really loves you, he does anything to make sure you’re well. Making sure you do your homework, eat, sleep and anything else. He also likes to spoil you with his money, Fully believes that it’s the gentleman thing to do for his loved ones.
The point is he does everything he can for you.
So, you two have been training together, and when you come to a stop his glasses are all fogged up. He reaches in his bag to get his glasses wipe but it’s not in there, and he can’t clean it with his clothes now because they are all wet and mess.
You reach out a hand with a glasses wipe and hand it to him, he swears he sees lights flash on you like a angle.
“I keep a extra one for you” (Extra meaning you can have glasses, or you just keep a “extra one of his” or both)
He is blushing and can only think about how you are too pure for this world and he will stop at nothing to protect you, his love.
Gives you a gift to repay you for helping him.
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Just like deku, she makes sure you are happy at all times. She’s more of a caregiver and will protect you. Like a mama bear to it’s cubs.
But we all know she’s a little (That’s a lie) broke
You guys hang out a lot and she tells you almost everything about herself, like what she wants but doesn’t have the extra money to get.
You buy it for her and surprise it to her, like it’s all wrapped in a pretty box. She quickly hugs you without knowing what’s inside, she loves you. You got her a gift, not her getting you one. So she quickly opens it to see what cute you thing you got her.
She stops as soon as she realizes it is the earrings she talked about.
“You said you really wanted them, I came across them on a website and I knew I had to get them…Do you like it?”
She grabbed you and holds onto you for dear life and cries saying she loves them and how good you are to her.
She stays like that for a long time and you didn’t want to rude so you let her.
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Like iida he likes to spoil you, he also loves hangs around you a lot. Just being around you makes him feel happy inside. He also makes sure you’re okay all all times.
But he isn’t a very touchy person but he does want to hold you, or any touch that he can get. But doesn’t know how to ask.
You’ve been trying to finish the last math question on your homework sheet but couldn’t get it right. Shoto takes notice and helps you immediately, but he loves the face you make when you’re frustrated. It’s so adorable.
So when he tells you and you finally get it you’re so happy that you hug him. He is stunned and freezes up, he’s never really done this before and what if he does it wrong. You take notice of him not moving and pull back.
“Sorry, did I push your boundaries? I shouldn’t have done that without asking first, I just got overly-”
He quickly hugs you and holds you close in his arms, he loves the warm embrace. And hearing that chuckle you let out as your buried in his shoulder makes him all the more happy.
Now he knows you like him hugging you. He does it all that time, no matter when and where he will ask you for a hug. He is like a leech now, happy with your choices? 
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rekibae · 2 years
no need to ship izuku and ochaco when they can just be two chaotic bisexual best friends
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Switch Masterlist
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Alright I felt like I needed a Switch Masterlist so everyone can find my one claim to fanfiction fame. This is for my My Hero Academia fanfic starring Deku and featuring my OC, Kaminaga Bakugo. Aged up, Pro Hero!Deku + Kami
If you want to read Katsuki’s side, Switch: The Other side Masterlist 
Genre: Romance, fluff, +smut 18+ content ahead.
Synopsis: Even though they're both married with the lives they've always wanted, everything is not as great as it seems. Kami and Deku find comfort in each other and much more.
Warnings: smut, swearing, cheating, bit of danger, bit of angst, sex everywhere
Pt 1:  Bakugo’s wife is unhappy and Deku saves the night.
Pt 2:  Bakugou is taking a trip and Kami wants company
Pt 3:  Kami and Deku find the guest bedroom and Deku makes good on his promise
Pt 4: Deku finds a good way to leave.
Pt 5:  Kami and Deku have a meeting at the agency
Pt 6: Kami and Katsuki go on their date.
Pt 7:  Deku picks Kami up and takes her home.
Pt 8:  Deku takes Kami to a little concert.
Pt 9: Deku tries to make peace with Kami’s decision. 
Pt 10: The truth comes out.
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altrice · 2 years
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its so fun to draw them floating
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berrysblueheart · 2 years
Gorgeous gorgeous girls:
Mina: Are muscular!
Uraraka: Have scars.
Momo: Eat what they want, when they want.
Hagakure: Are beautiful even when nobody sees.
Tsu: Know their worth doesn’t stem from society’s standards for women.
Jirou: Are attracted to women.
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Class 1A friendships
Anyways so ik people love the whole Bakusquad n Dekusquad thing, BUT I also love the rest of class 1A, so other friendships include:
Kirishima and Ochako. Gym buddies who constantly hype each other up! Kirishima is super respectful and very willing to ward off creeps when they go to they gym even though Ochako can handle herself. Plus, I can see them sparring a lot as Kirishima helps Ochako get better at close combat and Ochako helps him figure out how to fight in a way that’s not just ‘CHARGE’. Plus, they both have insecurities about their abilities - and I can 100% see them just being like ‘HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY FRIEND!!’ and just being super wholesome and helping each other with their weaknesses.
Jiro, Tokoyami, and Shinsou. Yeah he’s not 1A but whatever. Anyway, Tokoyami also knows what it’s like to have a ‘villainous’ quirk people are scared of, so one day when he and Jiro run into Shinsou who starts angsting about his life and how easy Class 1A has it he’s just like ‘alas it seems all over the nation people refuse to see past their own misconceptions’, and Shinsou somehow understands this and is Shocked (TM) that someone from the hero course gets it. Jiro doesn’t exactly, but she bonds with them anyway because they all have anxiety and listen to similar music. Jiro will listen to anything from any genre if she likes it but loves emo and punk especially, you KNOW the only two genres Tokoyami listens to are emo and classical to be Dramatic (TM), and Shinou loves the angrier emo and punk stuff so he can release his Pent Up Rage (TM). Also purple gang.
Momo and Sato! They both find themselves in the kitchen a lot - Momo for her tea and Sato for baking. They’re both quiet but friendly, are generally pleasant to be around, yet have a lot of insecurities about how useful they are and that they don’t deserve to be in the hero course - imposter syndrome buddies! I can see them talking while baking/making tea which is relaxing for them and helping each other with their insecurities - like, I can also see Momo teaching Satou more about strategy, and them learning to think under pressure together.
Momo and Iida also - and plus Shouto. The former two are both Class Reps, so they probably work together a lot, and they’re all from hero families, so even though Shouto doesn’t they probably know each other. They might have sort of gravitated towards each other at times when they didn’t know anyone, or when they were feeling that pressure to match entire legacies of hero families and no one else really understood it. Plus Shouto feels like the type of person who’s just kind of hang around wherever, so I can see him just chilling while Momo and Iida do class rep stuff. Also study groups!
Ooh, Mina and Aoyama. Like, I personally hc Mina herself as having some trouble making friends growing up and having a bit of an unstable home life, and we all know what’s up with Aoyama... so them just kind of being loud theatre kids together but also bonding, because they both have so many insecurities they’re afraid of people seeing, but there’s finally someone else who gets it now. Also, they 100% have self care/spa sessions when they just trash talk people (bot not in a mean way ofc) and judge people’s fashion sense (despite that Mina’s is also wild), because they are THE gossip queens of 1A.
Idk, I feel like Izuku and Hagakure would also be really cute. Like, I hc Hagakure as having a lot of issues feeling like no one even notices she exists so having self worth issues, and then we have Izuku I-will-break-my-bones-and-die-because-I-have-been-conditioned-into-believing-I-have-no-value Midoriya. Like maybe Izuku can rant to Hagakure about all the uses he sees for her quirk and helps her realize that she’s actually NOT just there, and I can def see Hagakure being the type to yell at Izuku everything awesome he’s done and how they’d all be dead without him. Also someone needs to tell Izuku how toxic Bakugo is and idk Hagakure seems the type.
Ooh, Shouto and Sero would be a fun one. Sero seems pretty friendly, so I can see him trying to talk to awkward-seeming Shouto even if he gets rebuffed, while Shouto is like how?? Talk?? People?? Idk it would be super fucking funny for Sero to make some joke about whatever and Shouto just deadpan responds to him entirely seriously. Also, Fuyumi gives me incense and candle vibes, so maybe Sero’s hobby reminding him of his sister is just... nice for Shouto. Sero probably does most of the talking but that works for both of them.
Omg, Kaminari and Iida! Like I hc Kaminari as having ADHD and dyslexia, and Iida is A) the Class rep who takes his position VERY seriously, and B) just a genuinely wholesome person who wants to make sure all his classmates are comfortable and happy. Like I can bet Iida would spend a long time looking at study strategies that work with ADHD and showing it to him (and no hes not anxious because he Does Not Know how people work either wdym-) and Kaminari just crying because he’s genuinely touched and Iida Panicking (TM). Super wholesome stuff.
Tokoyami, Tsuyu, and Shouji would be nice. They’re all quiet and level headed who tend to lead with their heads and think things through, so I can see them drifting together under the cover of the more boisterous, loud members of the class, and them bonding over being the literal sole braincells lol. Maybe they meditate together? I can see them all enjoying that. Hanging out with them is probably a lot more peaceful given all the shit this class gets up to tbh.
OOH. Tokoyami, Ojirou, Tsuyu, Mina, and Shouji - Mutant gang! Maybe they can all bond over how looking ‘different’, even in a society where everyone has superpowers, can lead to people seeing you differently and even being scared - like maybe Mina does have insecurities over people being scared of how she looks and Shouji, Tokoyami and her can bond over it. Her and Tsuyu just talking about how female heroes are expected to be conventionally pretty and they might not be considered so. Maybe Ojirou and Tsuyu can talk about how their quirks are considered ‘boring’ but still get them looked at weird sometimes.
Ojrou and Ochako would be fun. Ochako, we know, has martial arts training from Gunhead, and Ojirou is a martial artist too I believe? Maybe they spar together and give each other tips - like Ochako can suggest more ways for Ojiro to incorporate his tail when he fights and Ojirou could point out areas she can use her quirk to her advantage, to help them combine their hand to hand combat and quirks. Also, Ojirou seems like a chill dude who’d just sort of talk to Ochako about her insecurities in an objective manner.
Also: the girls of 1A are all BFFs who paint each other’s nails, braid each other’s hair, punt M*neta into the sun, and rant about how mysoginistic hero society is and how they’re sexualized without wanting to be. They train together and eat snacks and do not give a fuck.
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ofthesea9513 · 2 years
No Matter How Long It Takes
She looks over at Kirishima to comment on the over blown display of dominance their classmate is showing, but the words die on her lips the second her eyes land on her sparring partner. The absolute fondness in the boy’s eyes stops her dead in her tracks. He’s looking at Bakugou as if his best friend were doing something sweet and endearing instead of, you know, unnecessarily aggressive and obnoxious.
Oh my God.
“Oh my God!”
During sparring, Uraraka learns some new things about Kirisima, including how much she has in common with the sturdy hero.
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pereiralia · 3 years
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They are so cute 🥰
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eunchancorner · 2 years
Hi! If you're comfortable, can I request a Fic where todoroki is getting gang tickled by bunch of students from 1A? (Todo is my favorite character, and I prefer lers male if possible :3)! Have a great day~
Thanks for the request! This one actually came while I was asleep so I wasn’t able to get to it until the morning. I’m sorry if any of this makes no sense, I’m still waking up as I write this. Also, I couldn’t think of any fitting lers beyond the DekuSquad, sorry!
Ler DekuSquad, Lee Todoroki
Warning: none
Word count: 797 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Todoroki was always a good, but stoic student. He did his best, he rarely got in trouble, and he showed few emotions. So imagine everyone’s surprise when he started pulling tickle pranks.
It had all started innocently enough; he was trying to help Izuku reach a high shelf, and, having a momentary brain fart, tried to lift him up instead of just grabbing it for him. However, he wasn’t prepared for when Izuku squeaked when he had grabbed his sides. At first he thought he had hurt his green-haired friend, but he quickly explained that he, much like a lot of the other students, was very ticklish. He had expected Todoroki to just shrug it off, so he hadn’t expected to feel another sudden squeeze, this time, to his hips. He had practically squealed, and that’s when Todoroki had gone crazy with ler energy, tickling anywhere he could reach, which, when the greenette had fallen onto the floor, ended up being just about anywhere.
After describing the event to his friends (not without blushing and fumbling over the words, of course), they were a bit surprised, to say the least, but they all had figured it was just a fluke.
But, over the course of the past week, Todoroki had been pulling more and more tickle-related pranks. Ranging from poking Iida in the stomach while they were studying together to squeezing Uraraka’s sides as they passed in the hall. Not even Tsuyu was safe as he managed to get a good poke to her ribs from time to time.
Currently, the squad was hanging out in Izuku’s room. Uraraka and Izuku were chatting on his bed, Tsu and Iida were discussing an upcoming test, and Todoroki was occupying himself with one of Deku’s many All Might comics.
Or at least, that’s what they thought he was doing. Until he came up behind Izuku (somehow) and got a well-aimed squeeze just above his hips, earning a loud squeak from the greenette. This drew everyone’s attention, moments before Uraraka grabbed his wrists and pulled him completely onto the bed.
“And just what do you think you’re doing, sir?” she asked, trying to keep the slight amusement from showing in her voice. “Oh, just things,” he answered vaguely. “Now can I please have my hands back?”
Iida stood up. “I think that since you’ve been going after us all week, it’s only fair we do the same to you. Don’t you agree?” he asked the rest of the squad, who nodded or muttered in agreement.
Todoroki felt anticipatory giggles build up inside of him. “W-wait, y-you guys dohon’t have to do this!”
“I think we do, especially after what you just did!” Izuku said, before digging into Todo’s belly with no hesitation.
Uraraka kept her hold on his wrists while Iida dug into his underarms, and Todoroki was using every bit of strength he could muster to keep from laughing. Of course, that meant he could barely struggle, trying to focus on keeping his mouth shut.
All that came to an end, however, when he felt a raspberry being blown on his palms by the only person who hadn’t gotten up yet. “TSUHUHUHU! NOHOHOHO!!” he cackled as she traced his palms, unable to keep himself from laughing as three really bad spots were attacked by three of his closest friends. With a sudden burst of renewed energy and no longer focusing on keeping his laughter at bay, he began twisting and turning, “trying” to get away. He managed to flip himself onto his side before,
“Oh, how nice of you to let us tickle your back, too, Todoroki-kun!” Izuku chirped before he suddenly felt his green-haired friend scribbling on both his back and his belly.
“Yes, Izuku!” the greenette countered. 
“Are you going to stop tickling us all the time?” Iida asked, moving his hands to Todo’s ribs.
Hearing the pleading in his voice, the three backed off, but not before Deku and Tsu planted one last raspberry; Deku on Todoroki’s belly, and Tsu on his palms.
As Uraraka released his wrists, he curled into a giggling ball, hugging his sides. “Youhuhu four ahare soho mehehehean…” he complained.
“You were practically asking for it all week,” Tsu stated bluntly, as though she wasn’t aware how teasy it sounded (but she totally was).
“Shuhuhut uhuhup…” he whined, covering his face with his hands.
Izuku let out a tiny giggle before pulling Todoroki and Uraraka into a snuggle pile, followed by Iida, and, finally, Tsu joined, rolling her eyes a little at it, but smiling all the same. 
And, as they settled in for a night of cuddles, chatting, and even a few more laughs, Todoroki couldn’t help but feel closer to his friends than ever before.
Again, thank you so much for the request, these fics help fill so much time that I would otherwise be so bored in, and I have fun writing them for you guys! Feel free to send more prompts for fics you guys would like to read in the future!
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galacticidiott · 3 years
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happy kacchako day <3
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
Yandere Dekusquad HC’s
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Plot: What are they like as Yanderes?
Note: I tried to keep them soft but that kinda flew out the window…Anyway, you can picture them as individually or together. Froopy is not included.
Yandere: Medium-soft.
More like this.
If you want to request more like this (yandere or not) Please do!
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He is a mix of things.
He’s a sweetheart, caring and kind. So soft with you because he’s afraid if he makes the wrong move he will break you.
He likes to make you laugh and be the best friend anyone could ask for, waiting for the perfect time to make you his darling. Which you’ll be his soon enough.
Will do anything you ever want. Waits on you hand a foot if you need anything.
But he uses his sweet and pure looks to make sure to draw you in. 
He’s also very different from most of what you know, yeah he’s sweet but other times he’s not.
If he ever sees someone else looking at you, made you cry, or hurt you. If they cross the line, if he doesn’t know them, he will break them. Will track them down and make sure to hurt them beyond repair and threatens them. He has to protect his darling.
But is right back by your side as the sweet deku you know and love, never wants to show you his rougher side because it’s to dangerous for a precious thing like you.
He’s just very protective.
Dating Him
You thought he was protective? Now it’s worse then when you were just friends.
Clings to you all the time, arm linked with yours or around your waist is where his hand stays.
Never lets you out of his sight and when it does happen he will leave anything to go and find you.
You remember when I said he would hurt anyone for you? Yeah, well he will always to stop himself from killing them. Like he enjoys it now but he doesn’t want to become a monster so he doesn’t. Unless it’s a villain then he will try to kill him and wouldn’t hold back.
Confidence grows when he is with you. Like will flirt and try to make you flustered because he can now. He got someone like you? He must be the coolest guy in the world, he also believing he has to step up his game to keep you in love with him. Though he will never left you go even if you did.
If you ever try and leave him he will never force you into doing things you isn’t want to do. Will go back to being a platonic yandere if that’s what you want.
Still never hurts you, not even if you every try and leave him. Manipulates you into stay with him. 
Still does everything you need, any needs you have he will do it! Makes you feel like your the best person to walk the earth and will always show his love.
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Tenya Iida:
Strict all the way, he acts like a very concerned mom friend. 
He has a plan for you to follow(Wether you know or not) and has you follow it.
Also very protective over you but never shows it in front of you, like he will track someone down and give them a lecture.
Spoils you so much, he has to buy you one thing every day. You see something you like? Way not getting you four? He loves you so nothing is to bad.
He studies with you to make sure you know everything. Carries water, first aid, anything to prepare if something happens.
He mostly watches from afar if he can, he doesn’t want to come off as a creep.
So over all he just acts like a mom to you, he isn’t to bad but watch out because he will  manipulate you into anything.
Dating him.
Dates every week, and it’s planned out.
But he is very sweet and it’s so cute. He looks up “Romantic Date ideas” And takes notes.
Holds your hand when going out so he make sure not to lose you.
Gets more strict, doesn’t let you go out alone and if you go with out him he has you text him every second.
He never wants to hurt someone so he always gives them a talk, but if they keep bothering you he will step it up a notch. Threatening them and being very scary when doing it.
But if it’s a villain you know he is going to do anything to save you, almost lose his brother and he will not lose you.
But he does let you have your space when asked because is he a gentleman, never touches you if you say no. Gives you free times if asked to not see him, he is willing to work around anything you need.
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Touchy, very touchy.
She loves to be touching you anyway she can, wether it be by your waist, or just your knees touching, shoulders or anything. She will do it.
But she also does it in ways to make you not question her, like saying things like:
“This is what best friends acted, and we are best friends right?
Gaslight, gatekeep, girl boss.
She will manipulate you anyway she can to get what she wants, but she loves you so it isn’t bad.
But she’s also sweet with you. Makes you laugh, does your hair/makeup, anything you need she will be there.
But if anyone ever harms you, they will end up badly hurt. She wouldn’t kill anyone but if their body gives up it’s their own fault. It’s not her fault.
Dating her
Dating her isn’t that much different from before.
But her touching is stepped up a bit and doesn’t try and cover it up. Hand holding, waist holding, kissing, cuddling.
If you ever try and stop she will hit you with manipulation again.
“But it’s what couples do. Do you not liking holding my hand?” Ext.
And you’re right back where you started
She still is a sweetheart but you’re hers now, and she can do what she wants with you.
Nothing to far, she would never want to hurt you or go far, unless you go to far.
But you’re her sweetie so you wouldn’t do anything.
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He’s also a mix. (Not a pun)
Likes to be your side and hang out with you, makes him feel at home and he’s never had that before. But that’s the thing, he’s always by your side.
He also watches from afar, like when you’re hanging out with friends he will just be watching you, following you around. Kinda of a stalker. (He is-)
He isn’t afraid to hurt someone with his power for you at any giving moment. Will pull them aside and freeze their arm. But he doesn’t often only if they cross a line. So he usually just keeps it in. If he’s jealous he pulls you aside after to get your attention.
Like iida he spoils you. He likes to know you have everything you want, and the way you smile at him. He needs that smile.
Treats you like a angel because you are his  angel. Tries to protect you from anything that can harm it.
Dating him:
Arm around your waist at all times to protect you if need, speaking of protecting you. Goes ape shit if he thinks you’re in danger. You remember what he did at the sports festival? Ten times that, if not more. Don’t mess with his angel.
Don’t worry if you’re worried about him hurting you because he would never dream of it even you want to leave him. Again not like you could if you really wanted.
Glued to your side and only lets you go out without him if he knows the person good and if not he will follow you.
Gets you jewelry with his face/name graved into it. Like a heart locked with a picture of you two or a bracelet with his name. Likes everyone to know that you’re taken.
Treats you like a helpless baby sometimes but knows you need to do things yourself, try’s not to be so over the top. If you tell him he tries stops. 
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kyldiiee · 3 years
Icons manga 'MHA'
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— Uraraka Ochako, Toga Himiko, Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya, Denki Kaminari
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sapphic activities
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altrice · 2 years
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the pink devils in my fic ! i actually like how mina turned out for the first time in ever
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chixxly · 3 years
Somebody pointed this out on Twitter... @fountaindeku
So Hori has been doing Batman parallels a lot and look at this  
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Reminder that Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are you know...
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