#urk the turtle
seaquestions · 7 months
the superbowl is on at work tv so im seeing it for the first time ever and it really felt like. im intruding on a religious service.
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yorshie · 9 months
Ok because I thought it was Friday and i usually do fanart on friday
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Listen! We're not gonna talk about Dee, kay? I got jelly cuz I saw all these cool turtle teef art and I was like "I can draw em." and It Turns Out I Cannot. So we're just gonna *zip* that up and never mention it. Yorshie cannot draw bitey turtles without them turning weird. *stamp* that into the art catalogue of things I'll never master.
Happy Monday Everyone!
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Wahoo here's confession part 2! So grateful for the response to the first part thanks so much :3 Enjoy!
Part 1
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Kks: Yo, wobbleknees Gai: Very funy Kks: Here, let me see
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Gai: Since when can you-? Kks: Sakura was excited to show me. I can only manage scrapes, so don't trip and get impaled anytime soon
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Gai: Kakashi Kks: Yeah? Gai: Were you...
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Gai: Being serious before? Because regardless of reciprocation, I hold the deepest affection and care possible for you very much. As a rival, friend, but also in that way as well. Just to be clear. Kks: It wasn't a joke
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Kks: I'm sorry. I didnt plan on doing that but...What's the point of denying it now if you're staying anyways. I'm attracted to you, Gai. You're really the only person I can see myself trusting with that. I've regretted so much lately. I failed my team so miserably they fell apart. I wish I could have that time together back. I already regret wasting so much time avoiding you in the past. So, yeah... I know I'm a pain to deal with, but... If you want that too, th-
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Gai: Every single second we've spent together I truly cherish. To have this honor of being entrusted with your heart...
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Gai: I always want to be by your side, Kakashi, My man of destiny Kks: How can you say shit like that so easily?
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[kks' stomach gurgles] [gai chuckles] Kks: Sorry to ruin the emotional moment. Little nerve wracking [Gai laughs]
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Gai: I'll Let that go, but... May I take you on a date? Kks: ok. Gai: Really? Kks: I'm off for a few days, so why not? You'll make it interesting Gai: Excellent!
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Gai: Oo!! Nearly forgot. Rival, May I kiss you? Kks: Long as your kids don't pop out, go for it Gai: Are you ok? Why are you sweaty? Kks: Whatever. just get on with it
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Gai: Yosh! Turn your brain off for a moment, rival
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Gai: SO-! Tomorrow then! Kks: Mhm
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Gai: Night, 'Kashi! I could run 100 laps right now! Kks: Gai, your lip is bleeding Gai: HAHA! Always looking out for me!! That's my kakas-OOF![Gai falls] I'm ok! [gai's footfalls exit]
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[kks chuckling] Kks: URK! [strained] stomachache. [happy hum] What the fuck have I done, mr turtle.
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cuddlebugmonster · 9 months
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Here is the long awaited character sheet for my Usagi Yuichi !
Usagi is a samurai in training from another universe. He finds himself teleported to NY where he meets the turtles and asks for their help finding his friends whom he got separated with.
This AU happens after the movie, so the turtles are fresh out of a traumatic battle and have a hard time readjusting to everything, especially Leo who also has to deal with his new role as leader. Although he is the friendliest person you can meet, Usagi is also childish, rash and doesn’t think before he acts which urks Leo as it reminds him of himself, even the bad parts. Leo immediately does not like Usagi as he suspects ulterior motives, something just seems, off. This prompts Leo to act aggressive and even rude to Usagi, creating a hostile start to their relationship as Leo struggles to come to terms with himself and his past mistakes.
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bootyyyyshaker900 · 10 months
The afternoon had started as a family photo-scavenger-hunt. April had gathered you all up, including Draxum to your ceaseless delight, for a day of bonding and gaining familiarity and comfort with the city in which you now lived.
You had already begun stretching your touristic knowledge of the city and its landmarks, bouncing on your feet as you descended from the viewpoint when- New York wasn't usually this desolate, was it?
Donnie. What did you do?
You don't have time to exclaim in offence at the accusation before a familiar cackle fills the air, several large mystic screens alighting the streets with the human visage of Big Mama.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's the moment you've been waiting for - my long promised fantastic wizbang. Battle Nexus New York!
You blink.
Sorry. Wizbang New York what what what?
Smile, turtley-boos! My bloodthirsty audience is paying top didgeri-dollar to watch you get destroyed by my Battle Nexus champion.
Uh, we didn't sign up for this!
You see Leo shrug and lean over to ask Mikey a question, away from Big Mama's ears.
(Did April sign us up for this?)
April, did you-?
Michael turns to ask her, but he cuts himself off. You take the cue to look around, ice flooding your extremities at the realization. You hardly hear his next words.
Wait, what have you done with April? And Draxum?!?! And dad?!?!?!
You hadn't even noticed their disappearance. The three of them had vanished beneath your snout, somehow, and you hadn't even noticed!
Not to worry, dear! The people of New York are in the palm of my hand, all properly pacified inside this mystic thingamajig!
She holds up a glowing orange orb, slightly smaller than a bowling ball by your estimates. It's a containment sphere, one meant to keep occupants docile and unquestioning of their predicament through manufactured mental disorientation and generally pleasant stimulus. You know this, because you built it on commission for her in exchange for her assistance and transportation, back when you were still trying to resurrect the Shredder.
Your task is simple: defeat my champions, and you win your city back. Fail, and you lose it all.
Mama! You promised!
Mikey whines. You think you're going to throw up. How could you have forgotten all the trinkets you'd made her? How many other tricks does she have up her spidery sleeves that have just slipped your mind?
It's okay, guys, We got this. As long as the Mad Dogs are together, we can work through anything.
Big Mama laughs. You really think you're going to puke.
Well, of course you silly billies can work together, just not how you think!
She snaps, and one-by-one you're all whipped up by a transportation spell. You fling yourself at Raph, hoping to confuse the streams into taking you together, but you're gone before you can get close enough.
You yelp as you make contact with the ground, an electric weight making itself known as a tug on your wrist. You dry heave, and another familiar voice commentates.
Yeesh. That doesn't look good. You alright, mate? Donatello, was it?
You groan.
Hey, Ron. You get those-- urk-- those letters of recommendation I sent over?
Can't say that I did. Been a little bit occupied lately! Didn't you lot notice?
I thought you and worm-man just retired. No?
Oh. Sorry.
You lift your head and notice where you've landed. Central Park. The air is dim and dour - much different from the cool and crisp feeling it had when you'd gone for that walk with Neon. You get to your feet with the hippo mutant's help, and spot a pair of benches, one being occupied by some kind of kraken Yokai. He leers at you as you both take a seat across from him, and Big Mama's voice booms to life once again.
Cortex is the smartest yokai in the Hidden City, and the cruellest. Lose, and he keeps the turtle in his collection of game pieces!
You groan. You've only ever lost to Leo at chess, but the stakes are high. You crack your knuckles and throw on an uneasy grin.
Alright Hypno, I've got this!
At least, that's what you think before you're hit square in the plastron with a transformation spell. Your world shrinks and divides, and you find yourself taking the place of every white piece on the board.
Ah. I see.
If any of you somehow win your battley-bing, come to my hotel and set your people free. Do be sporting chaps and put on a fantastic show for us. My subscribers are paying me a fortune to watch you all suffer. Now, on with Battle Nexus New York!
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karlicartoons · 6 years
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I’ve been really loving @urktheturtle and @scottahemi ‘s webcomic Rainbow Fire, so I drew my favorite character Holly!!! Omg, she’s so wonderful and silly <3 http://www.future-bound-entertainment.com/rainbow-fire/
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aprilohneil · 2 years
unpopular opinion probably but I really don't like how they handled donnie being a softshell turtle in the movie!!
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urktheturtle · 3 years
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Hello, I am Urk the Turtle ant this is my first tumblr post... at least on this account.
I have been Blessed with what is known a “Star Wars Brain Rot” or more specifically “Dathomir Brain Rot. for quite some time. To the point where I hope to... one day soon, create some form of Dathomir based Fan Film.
A stepping stone to this? I want to gather other like-minded people like myself with Dathomir brain rot and begin a D&D Actual Play show called Children of Dathomir.
<defunct link would have gone here>
I have some pretty radical ideas for how Dathomir works, and have done more research into the lore of the planet than anyone alive. I have even gone as far as to discover a new clan that has gone entirely un-noticed (The Rancor Clan).
My first Dathomiri character I have drawn, is also the first LGBT character I have ever drawn... and also the first LGBT character I have made that I was passionate about in any way.
I am a Dungeon Master who runs a Star Wars D&D game, and when the players went to Dathomir... I found the world of Dathomir to be a good world for showing social issues in a natural and organic way.
When writing anything, I find there are two approaches to social issues... You can show a utopic ideal civilization, or you can show a world that faces similar issues to the real world. Both of these approaches have merits, and flaws...
For Jenek, I wanted her to be a character who was having real difficulties in her society... Being trans is difficult in many places on Dathomir (this is not a culturally unified world), and especially among the nightsisters who believe in a strict gender binary.
The nightsisters however have been faced with a tumultuous era, they faced genocide and there is less than a hundred of them left (although there are many nightbrothers). They have had to re-evaluate everything about how their society functions.
And Jenek, for the first time, was allowed a level of self actualization and freedom.  But it is not perfect, Jenek hasn't been allowed to take slaves or a husband (and she REALLY wants a husband).
I hope I did a good job with her story, and the drawing,
Nightsister society, especially at this point in their history... is complicated, and it is not a positive society, it is getting “Better” though. Every year their numbers grow, and more survivors rejoin their people, more children are born... and the divide between men and women crumbles just a little more.
For other clans on Dathomir I have written different and diverse sets of cultural values. I try not to make any of the people of Dathomir reflective of my own ideology, I don't want my fan fiction to be entirely wish fulfillment.
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webrokethe4thwall · 4 years
(just got done reading the rules) can you write a one shot where raph gets sick with a stomach bug as a little turtle tot?
Caught a Bug
Raph woke up slowly but not in a good way. His stomach felt tight, too full and too empty at the same time. His mouth was dryer than Donnie’s sense of humor. It was hard for him to lift his head from his pillow, let alone the rest of him from bed. His body ached all over, and he felt hot and cold at the same time. Any movement at all made him feel dizzy and nauseated. All in all, the seven-year-old snapping turtle felt awful. He wanted to go back to sleep.
“Boys! Time for breakfast!” Splinter shout was loud enough to fully awaken Raph.
Not wanting to worry his family by skipping breakfast, Raph got up. When a chill ran up his shell, he pulled his thick red sweatshirt over his head then sluggishly made his way down to the kitchen. It was a miracle he didn’t tumble down the steps with how heavy his body felt! Taking a moment to regain his balance, the snapping turtle paused at the kitchen door to watch his younger run past him in a frenzy as their father set the table.
“Morning,” Raph mumbled, rubbing at his eyes and swaying on his feet.
“Good morning, Red,” Splinter greeted his eldest son. He glanced at the snapping turtle mutant and gave him a worried look. “Although, you do not look so good right now. Did you not sleep well last night?”
“I slept fine,” Raph said with a shrug. He actually wanted to go back to bed. However, he didn’t want to worry his family, even if he felt like absolute garbage with his stomach twisting in every direction.
Splinter hummed, giving Raph another once over and carefully sniffing the air around him. The rat mutant opened his mouth to say something, but Donnie started pounding on Leo for shoving him into the wall. It was enough to give anyone a headache with the way Leo was yelling “It was an accident!” the entire time. With Splinter’s attention drawn away by his brothers’ middle-child nonsense, Raph lifted himself up to the table next to Mikey. His stomach gurgled loudly and a wave of nausea hit that the snapping turtle found difficult to fight down.
Mikey gave Raph a concerned look and said, “Maybe you if to eat you’ll feel better.”
Mikey could be right, but with the way Raph’s stomach flip-flopped at the thought of food… The snapping turtle shrugged and glanced at what Splinter had made for breakfast. Scrambled eggs loaded with cheese and veggies, bacon piled high, bananas sliced up in a bowl, and a plate of toast sat upon the table. The sight and smells were overwhelming.
One a normal day, Raph would usually pile as much food onto his plate as he could get away with, but right now it was all too much. The way the cheese oozed around the eggs made his stomach churn. He could smell the grease that was starting to congeal on the bacon. The bananas were riper than his fear stink. The only thing Raph thought he could tolerate was the toast. It wasn’t fair! Pop’s scrambled eggs were the best!
Splinter successfully broke up Donnie and Leo and got them settled at the table. While they and Mikey eagerly plated their meal, Raph reluctantly grabbed a piece of toast. He stared at the lightly burnt slice of bread for longer than he truly needed to and carefully took a bite. It was a struggle to even swallow the toast with how dry his mouth was.
Splinter, Donnie, Leo, and Mikey stared at him in shock. Splinter rounded the table and felt his eldest son’s forehead and immediately pulled his hand back. Raph had a fever. Turtles were cold-blooded and not supposed to get fevers, but since his sons were mutated with human DNA, they didn’t follow that law of nature. His eldest son was sick.
“Raphael,” Splinter said softly, rubbing the snapping turtle’s cheek, “what is wrong?”
Raph wilted into Splinter’s hand. He didn’t want his dad to worry! But he couldn’t lie, not when Pops used his name like that.
“My belly just hurts a little is all…” he answered.
An acidic taste began to rise from his throat, and Raph knew what that meant. He snatched a cup of water from the table and took a gulp to keep the sensation at bay.
“You sure, Raph?” Donnie asked, pushing his glasses up to examine his older brother.
“Yeah,” Leo agreed. He leaned on top of Donnie to get closer. “You look greener than normal.”
Raph shook his head quickly and stuttered, “I’m o-o—urk!”
The snapping turtle slammed his hands over his nose and mouth. The smells were too much. He shouldn’t have shaken his head that fast. The acidic taste was getting worse. Raph couldn’t fight it any longer. He ran to the bathroom, vaguely aware of Splinter calling out to him.
Raph barely lifted the toilet seat up before his stomach finally gave the great lurch. Sharp, vile, and burning from the bottom of his throat to the tip of his nose, he retched as his stomach contents emptied into the bowl. Tears pricked at the poor child’s eyes from the pain and humiliation. The smell was more foul than any stink he’d given off in his life, and the I-just-puked-stink he was giving off now was awful. A hand rested on his shell as the vomiting eased to dry heaves. Raph looked up to see Splinter frowning in concern.
“Let’s brush your teeth and get you back to bed,” Splinter said, lifting his son to his feet.
Raph wiped at his mouth, grimacing at the sick that soaked into his sleeve. His mouth felt fresher after brushing his teeth, but his stomach still rebelled against his body and he was tired. Splinter carried the snapping turtle to his room, replaced his soiled sweatshirt with comfy pajamas, and tucked him into bed.
“I-I couldn’t hold it in anymore,” Raph said shakily. “Pops, why’m I sick?”
“It’s okay, Red,” Splinter placed a hand on the snapping turtle’s shoulder. “Sometimes we just get sick and need help getting better. And right now it looks like you have a stomach bug that needs to be taken care of.”
“I hate bugs!” Raph shuddered. Bugs were as bad as puppets!
“I know you do,” Splinter laughed. “I’ll find something that will help get rid of it. Just sit tight and rest.” He patted Raph’s head then left his son’s room. He saw the other three turtles loitering just outside the doorway. “Purple, Blue, Orange, I need you three to keep an eye on Red for a little while. He isn’t feeling well, and I’m going to get him something to help with his stomach. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
Donnie, Leo, and Mikey watched Splinter throw on his “Randall” disguise and slip out of the Lair. The three gave each other a nod before splitting up. Donnie headed to the living room, Leo went to the laundry room, and Mikey dove into the bedrooms. It wasn’t often that they got sick with anything beyond a cold, but the turtles knew how to help make their big brother feel better.
Raph rolled over in his bed with a groan. His belly felt awful! Every little movement made him want to—“Blergh!”—made him hurl. Why did he feel like this? He was just fine yesterday! Now he was puking, aching, dizzy, and tired. He couldn’t tell if the sharp odor in the air was vomit or his sick-stink. The snapping turtle closed his eyes, curling up in a ball and wanting Splinter to come back already.
When something soft thumped against his head, Raph cracked an eye open. Mikey was tossing stuffed animals and pillows onto his bed. Donnie tied the bag in his trashcan, replaced it, and carried the sick away with a pair of kitchen tongs. Leo stumbled in with his arms laden with blankets and sheets. Raph slowly pulled himself to sit upright and stared at his brothers with concern.
“Guys, Pops said I’ve got a stomach bug,” the eldest turtle warned. “You’re gonna get sick too if you’re here!” The last thing he wanted was his little brothers to catch what he had.
“Dad told us to keep an eye on you,” Donnie shrugged, booting up his secondhand laptop as he sat at Raph’s side. “So we’re making a blanket fort to watch movies in.”
“We’re not gonna watch you be sick and be bored at the same time,” Leo said from where he stood on the edge of Raph’s bed, hanging blankets and sheets in a tent overhead. “So pick a good movie before Donnie plays a documentary or something else lame.”
Donnie glared up at his younger twin but did nothing beyond that. It was very telling how concerned he was for their big brother that he didn’t start arguing with Leo that his documentaries weren’t lame.
“But I don’t want you guys puking up your spleens,” Raph countered.
His belly really hurt from all the retching, and his brothers didn’t need to go through that. Speaking of, Raph pitched forward as his stomach once again revolted against him. He dry-heaved into the waste bin Donnie shoved into his hands.
“Do you really want us to go?” Mikey asked sadly. His eyes shined from his best puppy-dog pout.
“No…,” Raph mumbled. He took one look at his baby brother, saw all the effort his siblings were putting into helping him feel better, and replaced the trashcan clutched to his chest with a teddy bear. The snapping turtle felt awful and scared and didn’t want to be alone. He wanted his brothers to stay.
Mikey immediately brightened. He climbed up onto the bed to rearrange the pillows and stuffed animals around the fort. What good was a blanket fort if it wasn’t comfy? Leo dropped a blanket over each of his brothers’ shoulders, and all four drew closer together as Donnie started a Jupiter Jim movie. Raph lay on a pillow incline, pulling his blanket up to cover everything but his eyes. Donnie and Leo lay on either side of him, and Mikey draped himself over the snapping turtle’s spikey shell. Raph finally felt warm.
It wasn’t until an hour later, when Jupiter Jim and Red Fox were separated by alien robot vampires, that Raph felt his stomach flop once again. He shot out of the pillow fort and tumbled out of bed for the trashcan set just by the edge. Mikey fell back with a shout, but Donnie caught him without hesitation. The snapping turtle retched and dry-heaved. He just wanted to be better already! A sob escape from the snapping turtle as he tightened his grip on the trashcan. Leo slipped down from the bed and rubbed Raph’s trembling shoulders.
That was the scene Splinter walked into when he returned to the Lair—Raph sobbing with Leo at his side, Mikey and Donnie fighting tears of their own as they clung to each other, and all of them turning to him as though he had the answer to end this suffering. It was true that the rat mutant’s arms were laden with plastic bags filled with bottles of ginger ale, a special rehydration drink, and liquid Pepto-Bismol. However, he wasn’t sure if any of them would work for a mutated snapping turtle, but he had to try for the sake of his ailing child. Splinter placed the bags on the ground then knelt by Raph’s side.
“Purple, Blue, Orange, go wash your hands,” Splinter ordered gently. “I’ll take over from here.” After watching Donnie and Mikey slip off of the bed and trudge slowly after Leo out of the room, Splinter focused completely on Raph and hefted the snapping turtle into his arms. “Alright, Little Red, back into bed. I’ve got some medicine and drinks that will help your belly feel better.”
“What is it?” Raph whimpered, balking at the thought of drinking anything regardless of how thirsty he felt. He’d just puke it back up again!
“The pharmacist said to take one capful of this medicine every hour to help manage the puking,” Splinter explained, laying Raph back inside the pillow fort, “and to drink some ginger ale and this special juice to help keep you hydrated.” He poured some ginger ale into a cup on the bedside table, handing it and a small medicine cup full of pink liquid to his son. “Take small sips.”
Raph held the medicine cup to his mouth, squeezed his eyes shut, and gulped it down. He gaged on the taste—like those heart candies they had found in the dumpsters after Valentine’s Day—and immediately sipped the ginger ale. The fizzy drink was welcomed, soothing his throat and dry mouth.
Now all Raph felt now was tired. His eyes grew heavier by the second, and with Splinter rubbing his head and humming, the snapping turtle didn’t stand a chance for staying awake. He sank into the pillows and stuffed animals that had remained from the emergency exit he made, and a blanket was tucked around his shoulders. It wasn’t long before Raph was fully asleep.
After he was sure his son was asleep, Splinter closed up the fort as best he could and left to check on Donnie, Leo, and Mikey. They had been worried about their brother when he had sent them out earlier, and they deserved an update. He didn’t need to search for them for very long. They were sitting across the atrium in Leo’s doorway, huddled together with their eyes glued on Raph’s room.
“You three did a very good job watching over Red while I was gone,” Splinter praised his children. He smiled at each of them. “He is sleeping now, so I want you all to be very quiet for him.”
“That should be easy enough,” Donnie said. It was easy enough for him to tinker quietly in his budding lab, and surely his younger brothers had some games in the arcade that wouldn’t cause disruption to Raph’s sleep.
“Is Raphie gonna be okay, Dad?” Mikey asked.
Leo followed up by asking, “And is what he has contagious?”
“He should be better in a day or two with plenty of rest,” Splinter said. “However, I don’t know how contagious he is at the moment. Don’t touch your eyes or mouths after being around Red without washing your hands. Did you all wash them like I told you?” He sighed in relief when he received three nods. “Good.”
Hours later, Raph woke up feeling better than he had that morning. His stomach was still cramping, and his body still ached; but the snapping turtle didn’t feel exhausted after just waking up. His mouth felt dry, though. He saw a bottle of the special juice Splinter got for him on his nightstand. Picking up the bottle, Raph read “Pedialyte Cherry Punch” on the label. He didn’t really care for cherries but, remembering his father’s advice, took small sips anyway. He still felt like puking, but he managed to get down a few mouthfuls before putting the bottle back on the nightstand.
A moment later, his father and little brothers peeked into his room. Mikey carried a plate with a slice of perfectly tanned plain toast and an unpeeled banana and placed it beside the bottle on the nightstand. Splinter gave the snapping turtle a once over.
“How are you feeling, Red?” Splinter asked.
“Still kinda puke-y,” Raph said slowly, “but I feel a little better.”
“It may take a day or two until that feeling goes away, son,” Splinter said. “Have some more medicine and try to eat some food.”
As Raph grimaced at the taste of Pepto-Bismol and slowly ate the toast to get rid of its flavor, Donnie, Leo, and Mikey crowded in front of him. They looked up at him with varying degrees of worry.
“Is there anything we can do for you, big brother?” Donnie asked.
Raph picked at the hem of the blanket pooling around his legs and shyly mumbled, “…Stay for a while?”
Splinter chuckled as his sons climbed onto Raph’s bed and reorganized the blanket fort so it would be more accommodating to the four turtle mutants and their rat-dad. Raph truly felt content when his father joined them and placed him on his lap, blanket wrapped over his head and teddy bear clutched to his chest. Donnie picked up the laptop from where it was tucked between the nightstand and bed and started up the Jupiter Jim movie from the beginning.
Raph felt lucky to have a family that cared so much about him. For the next two days, he had been sick. His brothers and Splinter were always checking in on him, making sure he was staying hydrated and eating, rubbing his shell or head when he did puke, and keeping him company when he asked. The snapping turtle got stir-crazy at times from how smothering his little brothers could be (He had to argue with Mikey to get out of bed to use the toilet!), but he knew it was all out of love. Raph usually did the same thing and coddled Donnie, Leo, and Mikey excessively if they so much as stubbed a toe. He was just happy that his brothers never caught what he had.
However, a few weeks after Raph recovered from his stomach bug, something weird happened with their dad. Splinter caught a fever, cranked the AC down to its lowest setting, and shaved off all of his fur. It was the most terrifying sight any of the young boys had ever borne witness to. Then he started attacking, cuddling, singing way off key, writing crossover fanfiction, and just freaking out all of the young turtles. It only stopped when they all yelled at Splinter to act normal again. He almost immediately complied! This sickness was later dubbed the rat-flu, and it would plague the five mutants more than any other sickness they would ever contract.
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zelgadis55 · 3 years
Chapters: 24/? Fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Michelangelo (TMNT), Mikey, Dogpound, Chris Bradford, Hamato Yoshi | Splinter, Leonardo (TMNT), Leo, Donatello (TMNT), Donnie, Raphael (TMNT), Raph, April O'Neil (TMNT) Additional Tags: Mikey is captured, Bradford wants revenge, and Shredder allows it, pet trope, Abuse, Rape/Non-con Elements, Violence, not graphic, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Hurt Michelangelo (TMNT), Michelangelo (TMNT)-centric, Turtles, TMNT, Mind Manipulation, Cruelty Summary:
Bradford has always blamed Michelangelo for his misfortunes and especially for his mutation so when he manages to capture the young ninja, he's going to make sure he knows exactly what it's like. 2k12 AU.
Warning: Warnings for physical and mental torture in this story abound, as well as for implied and highly disturbing situations. Trigger warnings may apply for some chapters. There will not, however, be gruesome details. Some things are best left up to the imagination.
               How Much is that Turtle in the Window                                                     ch 24
It was a number of hours before the human awoke and Mikey had been convinced to return to the mattress sometime after he was moved out of sight. However, despite the pleading of his brothers, he refused to sleep, instead keeping a constant fearful eye on the break in the wall of crates keeping the threat and the brother currently on watch duty from view.
A muffled cry of fright suddenly rang out and Mikey shuddered, wondering if that was how he'd sounded all those months back before his voice was taken from him forever.
"Good afternoon," Leonardo greeted coldly from behind the wall.
"The only reason you are still alive right now is because we have some questions for you and whether you continue to live or not will depend entirely on how much you cooperate with us. Do you understand me?"
More muffled cries sounded, prompting Leo to add, "Nod if you can understand me."
"He spoke Japanese earlier," Donnie called sleepily.
"Thank you, Donnie," Leo muttered drily. [Do you understand English?]
Another muffled cry sounded and Leo repeated his instructions in Japanese. Moments later, a hoarse voice whispered, [Please don't kill me, I will tell you whatever you want to know!]
[Why did you come here?]
[To see if Bradford-sama was alright.]
Mikey scowled, baring his teeth in a silent snarl.
[And why would you do that?] Leonardo asked flatly.
[We had an arrangement for meeting at midnight each night,] the guy answered, his voice aquiver with fear.
[And you didn't come to find him sooner?] Leo asked in disgust.
[N-no. Bradford-sama can be quite... bad-tempered when disturbed and in the past has not always turned up every night but only every second or third night.]
[It's been a week,] Leonardo accused darkly.
[I-I have been busy with my duties and could not make the time before tonight,] the man answered shakily.
[And what are your duties? Who do you really work for?] Leo immediately demanded.
[I am the Umi Ryuu's purser. I am responsible for ship's administration, including ship's supplies and the cargo manifest.]
[And that is how you knew of Dogpound's and Mikey's presence onboard?] Leo asked in a low tone that had Mikey shivering.
[I do not know who those... people are?] the human questioned in confusion.
[Dogpound is what we called Bradford after he mutated and Mikey was his prisoner.]
[Ah, the strange turtle-dog creature I heard so much about, Spot. Urk!]
Unable to help himself, the air rushed from Mikey's throat in his best attempt at a growl yet.
[Never refer to our brother by that name again!] Leonardo snarled furiously, angrier than Mikey had ever heard him, [or I will not be responsible for what happens to you!]
Raphael suddenly pushed his way past Mikey and stormed furiously to join Leo as Donnie moved to sit in front of Mikey, blocking his view of the crates. He reached out to embrace him but hesitated as Mikey shifted to see around him.
"Don't pay any attention to him, Mikey," Donnie murmured gently. "He doesn't know you. He only knows what he's been told about you by dubious sources."
And that was supposed to make it better? Mikey looked plaintively at Donnie who sighed miserably.
"I wish you'd talk to me. You haven't said anything since Leo and Raph returned and that was hours ago."
Unable to meet Donnie's gaze, Mikey turned away.
"Don't let them beat you," Donnie pleaded to him desperately. "You're stronger than that."
But he wasn't.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24382507/chapters/76193657   or   https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13593827/24/How-Much-is-that-Turtle-in-the-Window
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witchsblackfox · 5 years
Escape to The Circus
  ~The Stunt She Pulled~
Mari escapes with the miraculous box to the circus after Hawkmoth was defeated. Hiding as the seamstress and performer, she makes friends with Cole, a Greek non-binary individual(they, them, ze, or zir). The circus takes them to Gotham where she takes a risk on her heart.
AN: ~in thought~ ‘sign language' 
Marinette and Cole have been practicing for months to perfect their routine for Gotham. The dance and aerial trapeze that Mari choreographed was important, more steps than there used to be. Once they finally took a break, there was only two hours before the show begins so Marinette walked out of the main tent to walk and the circus grounds full of people. She wore a black and red cloak hiding her costume and features as she watched families play the rigged games with their children. She walks over to the games, debating on playing but she chooses to watch. Two kids, one was tall wearing a red and green shirt that says “Insomniac is Power” across it and the other was short, wearing a grey plain turtle neck, played the shooting game. She walks over and stands on the corner of the game watching them shoot each clown and knocking them over. She smiles happily as they both fought about who hit the most. The skinny red head game host pointed to the top of the area full of stuff animals and form swords. The smaller boy points to the sword as the taller one points to the big red bat . The host climbs up on his latter and grab the items. The smaller one laughs at the taller one, causing his ears to turn red from embarrassment. They walk off to do another game as she follows for a little longer to watch, Mari was intrigued by the two.
After an hour of watching them she walks off with the red bat, watching more people wander to the rides none of which was of interest to her. The fun house is what caught Mari’s attention, it was always one of her favorite places to escape. She lines up with the other kids and waits. Behind her the sound of excited men stood, practically jumping with excitement, startling the petite girl. She looked over her shoulder, looking passed her hood, catching their height, both of them tower over the short girl. As the line decreased and she got closer to the entrance, the rugid looking guy, who knows her, refuses to let her through. She gave a small whine in response but was cut off when one of the guys leaned over and handed the “gate keeper” two tickets to let her in. He gave a satisfied grunt and motioned of her to move forward. Instead Mari turns around to say thank you, only to be pushed past by a bunch of kids leaving the fun house and land into the tallest guy’s hands. She looked up slightly, but quickly turned around by the man and gently pushed to the entrance. She walked in still with the man’s hands on her shoulders. Once he removed his hands, possibly from distraction, she escaped into the maze of mirrors finding it bigger than it used to be. A giggle escaped her lips as she walked past a variety of mirrors changing her proportions. The loud men were getting near, Marinette decided to hide behind one of the mirrors watching as both men stood before her. The tall one has shaggy black hair styled back a bit, the other just slightly shorter has a broader and muscular tone in his upper portion of his body with a white streak from the front of his hair. The one thing they both had in common was those sparkling blue eyes, they were the most beautiful blue she had ever seen.
A bell rang, drawing the attention of the entire circus ground, telling them the show is about to begin. Mari quickly ran to the main tent diving into the back and put on her costume. Cole was in the dressing room already dressed in zir blue and purple leotard, dark blue shorts beaded in white gemstones, and a complimentary peacock broach that sat just center of zir chest. Marinette ran into the room panting, her costume was a red and black beaded with the same white gemstones outlining the black spots of her hips and check.
“You can’t keep running around. Where did you go?” Cole asked in a serious tone, but a smile escaping zir as she began to sign what she did. She turned around to let Cole tie her corset into place, making her gasp lightly. “We will be up in a few minutes, are you ready?” She nods. Cole and Marinette moved to the available slit of the back stage revealing the entire audience. The stands were almost filled leaving just enough room for the vendors to sell their popcorn and merchandises. Soon the ring leader steps out into the center of the ring and clears his throat, removing his hat to a bow.
“Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen of Gotham, for joining our Once in a life time event!” He begins. “I hope you all will enjoy seeing out Kings and Queens of the night! Now with further adue! May the Mystry Circus open your mind!” He steps back of the center as the ring goes dark. Drums begin the fill the tent followed by a series of roars. Fire dancers’ step from behind the slit, lighting up the ring with their fire breathe. Throwing batons into the air, they blow fire from between their lips, catching the oiled ends of the batons on fire. They twirled them around with their dances. Soon lions entered the ring circling them climbing up on the stone clocks and hopped from one to the other following the flames as they get thrown into the air. The audience all gasped and oohed as they watched. Marinette watched until the music came to a stop. The pyro dancers held their now burned up batons giving a dramatic bow and signaled the lions back behind the curtains. Cole held onto Marinette’s hand assuring her everything will be good, she smiled softly as she kissed zir hand, then slipped out from behind the curtain to one of the dark sides of the arena. Cole follows moving across from her and nods.
“Magnificent! Our pyro dancers away know how to light up the night!” The ring leader exclaimed in the stands making the crowd beside him jump and squeal excitedly. “Next you shall be enchanted by this dance. Choreographed with aerobatics by our very own Lady Luck! Coccinella and Peacock!” Series of claps fill the stands as the spot lights move around to locate the two. Cole begins zir dace moving to the center of the ring with a silk rope handing there. Ze moves in a small ballet routine, chassé and begins to flip into the air. The white on the leotard shimmer against the light as a small red blurr suddenly appears flipping to the beat of the drum landing on one of the stone blocks close to the center of the stands. The lights move to the Lady of Luck exposing her bending backwards until her hands touch the stone. Peacock wraps the silk rope around his wrist and begin to dance with it, making the rope pull against him, causing it to begin to rotate and move around Coccinelle. She kicks herself up onto her hands the rope swings and wraps around her left leg then pulls her completely free from gravity. The dancers begin to move in a series of sequences as the rope leaves the group moving up to the platforms. Marinette moves once more wrapping the fabric around her leg and spreads out her arms, feeling the sensation of flight and freedom take over.
Cole decides to allow zirself to roll down, making Marinette to jump over him then grab the silk fabric and snap it to wrap around his body. She bounced the fabric rolling him up to zir small platform at the tip causing the audience once again gasp with excitement, then goes quiet. Cole yanks the bottom of the silk ze held on zir platform and smiled, ze yanks once more and Marinette is rolling down the silk fabric and lands on the platform giving a small wave to the crowd, receiving whistles and cheers. The ring leaders moves to the center of the ring under them.
Alfred had mentioned there would be a circus this Saturday. Dick was close to talking everyone to go. As long as everyone was prepared for anything that could happen, they would go. The whole week went by eventful, every possible villain rounded up in Arkham by Saturday afternoon. The batfam walked through the ticket booth with only two hours to kill before the show begins. Dick grabs Jason by his torn sleeve and tug him to the rides; Tim and Damian challenged each against the rigged games; as Selina, Bruce, Cass, and Alfred walked around. Tim wore his “Insomniac is Power” across it and Damian is wearing a grey plain turtle neck, played the shooting game. They betted twenty dollars on who can get the most clowns down. A small female walks over and stands on the corner of the game watching them play. She wore a black and red cloak hiding her just a bit of her body. Exposed was her petite body. She smiles happily as they both fought about who hit the most. The skinny red head game host pointed to the top of the area full of stuff animals and form swords. Damian points to the sword as Tim points to the big red bat. They move on to the ring toss game betting another ten dollars, the cloaked female followed them, but they didn’t care at the moment. Tim had difficulty holding the red bat when he threw so he handed the stuff animal to Marinette. He smiled to her catching her smile with a light blush to her cheeks. ~Wow what beautiful eyes.~ Tim thought briefly, then he went back to the game, winning another prize. He turns to give it to the female only to find her gone.
Jason spotted a cloaked female in the line of the fun house. Dick had dragged him over obviously excited to be here. ~Is it that cold here?~ Jason thought to himself. Jason missed parts of what Dick had said but laughed anyways, startling the female in front of them. The funny looking guy held up his hands refusing to let the girl in without a ticket. A sweet small whine escaped the girl’s lips urking Jason’s nerves, about to give the man a piece of his mind when Dick handed the guy two tickets, and he waved them inside. Dick thought the person was about to say something when a bunch of kids pushed passed the female knocking her into him. He gently took her shoulders turned her around, leading her to the entrance. She felt so light from in his hands. Jason said something which made Dick forget what he was doing and turned to look at him. Jason repeated challenging him to a race out. Dick nodded then turned around finding the small female gone; unbeknownst to him, she had slipped behind the mirror. Hearing the bells of the thirty minutes until show time, Jason thought he caught sight of the cloaked girl before she disappeared; all he remembers were her bluebell eyes.
As Jason and Dick meet at the exit at the same time, everyone was waiting for them to head to the main tent. They filled the third row of seats in the center of the arena, closet to the open ring. The only barrier between the people and the show were only stone blocks no more than 2 feet tall. The seats around them filled up fast, Jason and Damian ordered popcorn, and the lights go dark. When the lions came out with the dancers Cass moved to sit in Alfred’s lap to see. Dick was entranced with the second performance with Coccinelle and Peacock. The dance was breathe taking, when it was finished even Damian was on his feet clapping. The ring leader stepped back to the center grabbing everyone’s attention. 
“Wasn’t that amazing folks!” Everyone cheered. “For this next act I will need to request everyone to be as quiet as possible.” He placed his pointer finger over his mustached covered lip and waited as everyone go really quiet. “Above me are Coccinelle and Peacock. They will be their trapeze act just over two hundred feet high with no net.” He threw his hand into the air then backed up. Lights focused mainly on the two above as the music began to play. The drums created a suspense song after a set of eight counts, Coccinelle did a little dance throwing her beaded red and white foot into the air then ran to the edge giving a grande jeté with the swinging bar in hand. Dick gasps with his brothers when she swings across air and flips herself into the air catching next bar successfully. Selina gave a small chuckle at the boys, loving that they are all entertained. She flips herself back to the first bar and pushes herself onto her pelvis spreading her arms back out flying freely once more.
Peacock does a dance move, kicking his beaded blue and white foot into the air, then jumped to his bar, flipping into the air and catches Coccinelle’s hands. Her body didn’t move an inch from the catch, her body remaining in her flight position. Peacock moves the swing they are on, giving Coccinelle enough momentum to throw him to the second swing. Once he caught it, he made the act of falling, causing everyone in the audience to yelp, but he pulls himself back up and waves with a smile. He swings over to the third swing and flips once more in the air, doing a double flip landing in the swing on his feet. Tim, who normally doesn’t have interest in much, was hypnotized by the scene in front of him. Coccinelle shifted her body, moving her body in a dance like motion, flipping her body backwards, hooking her feet on the rope around the bar as the back of her knees press the bar, and bends up waving at the audience. Peacock made it to his main swing and caught a set of rings from the side helpers. He throws the rings into the air, catching each one as he swung. Cass clapped happily then quickly held onto Alfred’s arm watching closely to the rings. Coccinelle shifted her body to reach the rings from her side of the air, catching them from the helper and swings to throw them at Peacock. Just as they were about to do their last routine, Peacock stood on his plat form ready to throw it to the woman. Coccinelle, grabs the second swing, letting go of the the bar with her feet, then did a quad flip in the air grabbing the third swing effortlessly. This caused the everyone, the Waynes, to jump in their seats, catching their breathes.
A tug was felt on Marinette’s arm, she flung herself toward the fourth swing, just as Cole thrown it to her, not feeling anything this time. ~Maybe it was just my imagination.~ She shook her head and smiled, she begun to swing back jumping backwards to the third swing, feeling the tug again. Fear crossed her face, she started to sweat, losing her grip. Quickly she swung herself over to the second swing, when a stronger tug pulled on her. She quickly looked up hearing the rope begin to snap. She looked over to Cole and mouthed to zir; Ze panicked internally. Ze grabbed the bar ready to jump when she waved zir off, pointing to the ceiling. She didn’t realize she was signaling to a certain Wayne who began to panic in his seat. She takes a big gulp then looked around; the silk rope was close still. ~If I could just swing to that I’ll be safe.~ She processes her decision and lifted her body up, making the swing move, and as she was about to let go, the swing snapped.
A scream left the woman’s lips. Alfred quickly but unsuccessfully covered Cass’s eyes as Dick stood up ready to run to safe her. Todd held him down by his arm before he panics the entire tent. The batfam were all amped up ready to jump in if it wasn’t for the fact that Coccinelle had grabbed the silk rope just within one hundred feet from the ground. Her little body rolled into the fabric like a cocoon, and stopped just ten feet. The rope unrolled dropping the woman on her feet panting, she quickly calmed herself down, and threw her right up in the air giving a Salut. The audience cheers happily as the Waynes exhale the held breathes. Dick collapsed in his seat holding his head trying to call himself down.
Cass looked up to Alfred and signed to him. ‘I think she dislocated and broke her arm.’ He gave her a small nod turning her attention back to the show. Selina and Bruce were frozen in place but looked over at each other with their eyes having another private conversation. As the show came to a close, everyone had left the tent, Jason and Tim had to pick Dick up, carrying him on their shoulders as they walked out.
“That wasn’t planned.” Dick spoke Jason and Tim both nodded but they had to catch up to the family.
Cole ran to Mari who held her left arm to her side.
“Oh my god Mari! are you okay?!” She nodded with a weak smile and but ze obviously didn’t believe her. The ring leader walked up behind her and with a subtle pat on her left shoulder praising her performance. Missing the fact that she flinched heavily as she nodded with a smile.
“That was absolutely wonderful Cocco! You should do that again in the next town.” He chuckled and walked off. Cole grabbed Mari gently on her good arm and forced her out of the tent to look for the physician
To be continued…
Thank you @starry-bi-sky and @zebrabaker to run off their AU and use their character Cole for this. I did accidently rewrite theirs, but I hope I didn’t disappoint.
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Brand New Urk the Turtle comic, that's right my comic is getting a new name! Please like and share so I can get more followers, so I can keep doing this. http://www.future-bound-entertainment.com/insanity-turtle/comic/bananas/
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karlicartoons · 7 years
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CHECK OUT THIS BAD ASS COMMISSION I GOT OF MY DND CHARACTER, THROCKMORTON, FROM @urktheturtle !!!! Good ol’ Throcky <3333 Thanks so much Eric!
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facets-and-rainbows · 7 years
Blue Exorcist: Home Sweet Home (Part 3)
Part 3 of the translation. Come watch tiny Rin be adorably incompetent at caring for the sick!
[Part 1] [Part 2]
Part 3
I’ve been given a really important mission…
As he watched his father leave, Rin’s heart was pounding with excitement. He balled his hands into fists in front of his chest.
Normally, even for simple errands, Yukio would be handed the money and the shopping list, because “If I give them to you, Rin, you’ll buy things we don’t need.” It was totally unfair treatment and it hurt Rin’s pride as the big brother.
This was the first big job he had ever been trusted with. There was no way he wouldn’t give it his all.
Okay, this is my chance to clean my name, he decided, with a half-learned grownup-sounding phrase in his heart. If his father had been there, he probably would have said “You mean clear your name. What good would it do to clean it?”
Rin looked over at his brother and the monks, all of them red-faced and completely wiped out, and tried to remember what his father usually did when Yukio had a fever.
He was pretty sure his dad soaked a cloth in ice water and put it on Yukio’s forehead. When he did that, Yukio’s fever would go down so fast you could almost see it. That cloth was magic.
“First, I have to cool down their heads.”
Rin headed for the monastery’s kitchen. He looked around for a big bowl to put some cold water in, but he could only find small ones, so he grabbed a handy bucket that was sitting right there. He filled it up with cold water.
“Ice, Ice…” He picked up the heavy bucket in both hands and dragged it over to the refrigerator.
The all-male household had an industrial fridge. It had a lot of years under its belt, and it constantly made a low noise and vibrated. The noise was especially bad at night, almost like the fridge was moaning.
Yukio had been deathly afraid of the noise all the way up until they entered kindergarten.
Yukio was afraid of everything. Until just recently, he hadn’t even been able to walk to the bathroom by himself—he said there were ghosts and demons hiding in the darkness.
“I have to protect Yukio. I’m his big brother,” Rin said to himself, a dutiful look on his face. He stared up at the towering refrigerator.
The old-style fridge didn’t have a freezer drawer—the freezer was way up above his head. Poor short Rin had to get a chair, stand on top of it, and stretch as far as he could just to open the freezer door.
When Rin pulled on the handle, a rush of cold air whooshed past his nose. He winced at the cold, but he didn’t let it stop him from dropping the ice into the bucket from way up on the chair. A lot of water splashed onto the floor around him when he did that, but at least he had his ice water.
The bucket was even heavier now. He lugged it over to the bathroom with both hands. The towels were too thick for him to ring out, so instead he grabbed five thin rags that had been placed on the windowsill to keep the condensation from collecting there. He tossed them into the bucket.
The bucket was so heavy now that he was whispering “heave-ho” to himself as he carried it, and he stopped to take a break in the middle of the hallway.
“Being a doctor is hard,” he muttered, wiping the sweat from his brow.
But he looked a lot happier than those words would seem to suggest.
Yukio had been tossing and turning with the fever when he felt something cool on his forehead.
The coolness felt good on his feverish face. But for some reason there was also an unnamable smell, sort of like mildew and sort of like sour milk.
Frankly, it stank.
Yukio opened his eyes and saw his twin brother’s face. He blinked blearily.
“? Nii-san?”
“Oh, Yukio. Are you awake?”
Rin grinned. When he pulled his hands away from Yukio’s forehead, his fingertips looked red with cold.
“How is it? The cold feels good, right?”
“Huh? Y-Yeah…”
Yukio nodded, trying to endure the smell. He turned his eyes upward to look at his own forehead, and saw an old rag. It was obviously the source of the stench.
No wonder it stinks…
Even worse, when he looked off to the side there was a bucket sitting there for some reason. Yukio was pretty sure it was the bucket they threw away kitchen scraps in.
But Rin looked really proud of himself, and Yukio couldn’t quite bring himself to give his honest opinion.
Yukio turned to his brother and gave him a (slightly forced) smile.
But it probably would’ve been better if it wasn’t a dirty rag, he added in his mind.
“Heh heh heh. No problem.”
Rin scratched the bottom of his nose, happy at his brother’s words of gratitude, and then went around to put dirty rags on his other four patients.
A pained whimper escaped the lips of Maruta, who was sleeping next to Yukio. Looking at his tortured sleeping face, Yukio felt sorry for him.
Izumi, Kyoudou, and Nagatomo seemed to be awake and struggling with the same dilemma as Yukio.
“Rin…thank you. You’ve done more than enough—you should go watch TV or something. Right, that battle anime you like! Isn’t that on right now?”
Nagatomo made a valiant attempt to get Rin to stop of his own accord, but—
“I can’t! Taking care of you guys is my mission, so I don’t have time to watch TV!”
Rin flatly refused him with uncharacteristic earnestness; he dashed out of the room, out of breath, saying “Okay, next is…” He was like a tiny runaway train. He had no brakes, and he would just keep going until he ran out of steam.
“’Next’? What’s he planning now?”
“So…I guess it’d be bad if we took these things off of our heads?”
“I…guess…urgh, it stinks…”
They all lay in their sickbeds trembling with fear until Rin returned some ten or fifteen minutes later. For some reason, he was carrying five leeks and a brown jar. He had, tucked under his right arm, a book of home remedies that his father the doctor had bought at a used bookstore in the True Cross Shopping District.
Home remedies—it was more like a book of superstitions. One time Yukio had looked over his father’s shoulder at a page that said to “apply a well-cooked leek to the affected area” as a treatment for hemorrhoids.
Yukio had a bad feeling. In fact, he had nothing but bad feelings.
Nagatomo, Kyoudou, and Izumi had sensed danger too. They pulled their heads under the covers like baby turtles and started dramatically pretending to sleep. The sounds of high-pitched fake snoring echoed from each of their futons.
Yukio was about to join them, but he was too slow—his brother was already crouched down next to his futon.
Rin set his bundle of leeks down on the floor and took a bright red pickled plum out of the jar. It was a big one, and so bright that Yukio could almost taste how sour it was just looking at the color. The bits of purple-red shiso leaves stuck to it only accentuated the sourness.
Yukio’s mouth folded into a pucker automatically. Rin’s mouth was doing the same as he held the plum.
“Everything’s gonna be okay, Yukio. It said if I wrap a leek around your neck and stick this pickled plum on your forehead, your cold will get better super fast! Pretty amazing, huh?
“Y-yeah, that’s amazing. But don’t worry about it, Nii-san. I’m actually already feeling better.”
Yukio shook his head side to side.
But that kind of indirect refusal would never get through to his brother. Rin, wearing a completely flawless innocent smile, just said “Don’t be shy!” and wrapped a leek around Yukio’s neck. He’d even gotten a cooked leek. The outer layer stuck right to Yukio’s skin.
“Urk…” Yukio squawked like a frog again as the leek tightened around his neck.
Next, Rin went to stick the pickled plum to Yukio’s forehead, but his hand stopped in midair. He frowned and went “hmmm,” his momentum fading.
Now that the leek had been added to the sour milk smell, Yukio had given up on breathing through his nose and switched to his mouth—though it still smelled a little even then. But he noticed his brother acting strange. And even with the fever and the awful smell, he was smart enough to know why right away.
There was no room.
I get it. The rag is already taking up my whole forehead.
Rin wouldn’t have a spot to put the plum on. Yukio breathed a sigh of relief, hoping that he might at least get the rag taken off. The pickled plum would be better than the rag. At least it wouldn’t stink.
“I know!”
But of course, his brother had to be maddeningly clever just this one time.
Rin’s face lit up and he snapped his fingers—unsuccessfully. He folded up the rag smaller and set it right in the middle of Yukio’s forehead, with a pickled plum on either side.
“Good!” he said, exhaling contentedly.
What do you mean good? Nothing about this is good, Yukio would have thought, had he been maybe ten years older. As it was, he was still young and innocent, and all he did was look terribly sad.
“You sleep tight, okay?”
Poor Yukio just nodded silently at Rin’s big-brother attitude.
He had been sleeping—maybe not too comfortably, but sleeping nonetheless—before his brother came and put a dirty rag on his forehead. But now he couldn’t sleep if he tried, not while he was being tortured like this.
Meanwhile, the three adults who had hurriedly pretended to sleep, plus Maruta who really was asleep, all had their futons forcibly yanked off so they could face the same fate as Yukio.
And then, to make things worse, Rin rolled up his sleeves and said “Okay, what should I do next?”
The monks paled.
“Please, please just sit still!”
“That’ll help us rest the most (mentally)!”
“I’m begging you, Rin! Have mercy!”
“Dad gave me a mission. I have to take good care of you!” Rin declared, shrill and defensive. He yelled “Ou!” to pump himself up and dashed out of the room. Everyone sighed deeply in their futons. They looked even more worn out than they had that morning.
In the following hours, the patients in their beds were assaulted by all sorts of trials and tribulations. All the windows were opened wide to the freezing cold, turning the whole room into an icebox. They each had to take their medicine with a suspicious cup of hot water that seemed to have dandelions from the yard floating in it. Beethoven’s ninth symphony was blasted at full volume, on the theory that “clasicle” music (Rin couldn’t spell “classical”) was good for colds. Their mouths were stuffed full of jaw-bendingly sour mikans…
But they didn’t resent Rin, who was a little ball of good intentions and responsibility. No, all their resentment was pointed squarely at Shirou, for telling him all this good-for-nothing information for fun.
“…Let’s slip something Fujimoto-sensei hates into his bowl at every meal.”
“Oden is off the menu for the rest of the year! And don’t even think about daikon!”
“I’m going to hang his futon out to dry in the shade from now on.”
“Fill his hot water bottle with cold water!”
The grown men were getting all wrapped up in planning their childish revenge. Yukio didn’t even have the strength left to try to defend his father. All he could do was endure the stench, which was growing worse by the minute, and the plums, which tumbled annoyingly off of his forehead every time he moved a muscle.
His father’s smiling face flashed across his mind. Even though he hadn’t been away for long. Even though he had Rin and everyone else right by his side…
Maybe the cold had weakened him mentally too?
I wish I could have some of Dad’s hot ojiya… he thought, keeping it to himself so as not to worry everyone.
He closed his eyes, and the darkness he hated so much closed in. The dark world where demons lurked. And all he could do was be scared, so scared…
Hot tears started to well up in the corners of his eyes.
He felt like a weak pathetic crybaby next to his strong brother, and it made him sadder.
[Go to part 4]
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jainarepellista · 7 years
Tower of God S2ch268 Rough Translations
This is The Bards' Village, a place where we greet our newcomers and help them out into a greater world
We welcome you.
You heroes who shall battle the demons within the "Forbidden Fruit", [T/N: previously translated as Fruit of Good and Evil; too long -zumi]
and who, upon victory, shall drag them to hell.
..... // Who are you..?
I am the Head of this village, C~
Village Head "C" [T/N: There are weird names in this chapter, in that they are characters from the Korean alphabet (ㄷ and ㅁ). These two are what would be called Di-geud, and Mi-eum if you try to pronounce in Korean. Instead of the literal pronunciations, we are going to use "C" and "D", which are the corresponding characters of the same position in the English Alphabet, for reading convenience-  Suu]
Did they just smash the keyboard to come up with the names of the people in this town..
After finishing your perilous journey in the Train~
You great heroes, will banish the demons of the Forbidden Fruit and bring peace to this stage!!
For the peace of this village~ // Will you heeelp us~?
She was talking to us like that too // It seems suspicious, so we said we'd never do it.
You should reject them too.
(She seems like a mental patient. She can't even sing.)
..This has to be the condition to clear this stage..
I don't really get it but
Let's give it a shot.
Alright. We'll help you.
We give you our thaaanks~
(Oi Koon!!)
??F Hell Train - Hidden Floor - 05
So would you like to accept this quest first?
Yes. There are quests for each stage.
When warriors take on and complete quests // we call it a good deed.
The practice quest for this is
E-rank quest, hunting the "reed monsters".
Reed..? What's that?
They are boisterous monsters that disturb the peace of this village.
When you open this scroll, you will see a "quest code"
And if you illuminate upon the code with your "sin meter" // the quest will begin.
Once it begins, a "villain" will be summoned in a specific place
If you defeat the "villain", you will complete the quest and receive "goodness points".
Which means, you'll have to complete quests to collect "goodness points".
Once you've collected enough goodness points and your "sin meter" is filled with white light
You will receive the scroll for the "main quest" from "Big Breeder-nim", which will drop the forbidden fruit to hell!
...Are you really doing it, Koon?
..Of course.
It looks like you guys are the only ones in this village.. // The others might be in different stages, so we have to act quickly.
(Because we're "intruders"-)
Something like that.
By the way- // where did you get those clothes?
(Oh my)
(They're the heroooeess!!)
Come again, heroes~!
All the clothes were for free.
(And this is more comfortable than I thought)
Not only the clothes. All the food and drinks are free too! // We're welcome everywhere we go saying it's because we're heroes.
(Even the flowers here are delicious.)
(Booze is free too.)
(Aren't you changing your clothes?)
(This is more comfortable, turtle)
(These guys haven't come on the train multiple times to try and get here right....)
Well then // Let's open the quest!!
..You're doing it so soon?
Well, it's a quest with low level difficulty.
(It's not dangerous.)
It'll be good practice.
Illuminate it with your sin meter, Boro.
Something came out!!
It's on the mountain-side!!
At the same time // Quarantine Area inside the "Forbidden Fruit"
Y..ou met.. th..em // wh..ile taking... a.. sho...rt cut?
(Who is he..?)
(I don't know..)
They blew up the road.. // It was really terrible.
I've never seen such a big soldier before.
I'm gl...ad. That you're ali..ve.
Yeah. // We were lucky you appeared in such a moment of crisis, Batis-nim.
If.. that giant soldier.. // is.. their "chief.."
then.. it came.. be..cause of.. that guy
You.. must b..e a dang..erous.. existence... to them.
What is that huge and unpleasant sounding person talking about. // No matter how you look at it, he looks more dangerous than you. Don't you think so too, Baam?
A..Androssi-ssi, that's rude.
What do you mean I'm talking rudely.
Batis-nim may not look like it but he's a really nice person.
You guys will be safe with us. // I "guarantee" it.
(Trust me!)
........... // But aren't you the most suspicious person here?
Beep- // Beep- // Beep-
Inside the Quarantine Area
Shelter (General name for seed)
Who are those people?
T..he "h..eroes"..
th..at.. we've been.. waiting for..
Open.. the door.
Ppa.. Ppappa!! // Ppappa!!
Hello, Medley!
(Who are those?! They're suspicious!!)
H.. // Hello?
(W-we're not suspicious people)
Co..me in..
We.. have to escape from this.. "forbidden.. fruit" // before the.. "he..roes outs..ide" clear.. this stage.
..? // Forbidden Fruit?
They're pretty noisy!!
Fire!! Gator!!
Wow!! You warriors are awesome!! // You subdued the reed monsters in an instant!!
Will the black gauge really diminish by doing this?
(It's much simpler than I thought)
It is!! // Your evil gauge will drop when you clear quests!
Fyi, you got 50 goodness points just now!!
Look. // Haven't you noticed that the dark parts in your sin meter have diminished?
This stage's "evil energy" has lessened by that much!!
The gauge really did go down. // Although just by a bit.
If all your "evil" gauge disappears // and clear this stage, you'll get a chance to play the "Grand Quest"!
Alright. Come on, let's go.
(A puddle..!)
Why are we doing this..
What..!? // We'll be dragged into the underground forever?!
That's.. right. // A..nother name for this.. Quarantine Area is the "Forbi..dden Fruit"
This place.. appears as.. a huge ball.. from the outside.
If..  the "heroes" outside.. cl..ear this stage.. // The giant will bury us underground.
And.. even if they fail to cl..ear it, the giant.. will still eat the.. fruit. // W..e don't.. ha..ve much.. time.
So we have to escape this place before that happens. // Otherwise, we'll be trapped in darkness until the next heroes arrive.
Is that so...
We.. have repeat..ed this sta..ge.. a lot.. of times.. already.
N..no matter ho..w many times.. we've tried // we..'ve a..always faile..d to escape.
Why were you quarantined here..
Everyone.. has their.. own.. story. Some.. were guilty of a crime.. and got imprisoned. // I.. was originally a "da..ta human".. of a "ba..rd"
..Bard..s wait for.. heroes.. like y..ou
to.. tell and sing.. about.. this.. world and.. guide them..
A..nd.. w..e // worship.. the Big.. Breeder.. who is the.. ruler of.. this Floor.
"Big Breeder.."?
"Big Breeder" is like the guardian of this Floor.
He decides the rules and setting of this data world // A god-like being that mediates to right the wrong.
W..we were made.. to worship.. // the Bi..g Breed..er.
B..ut.. one.. day..
I.. saw the.. "truth".
Big.. Bree..der and.. the sol..diers // were.. mercilessly.. beating the.. civilians
I.. saw them.. laughing and.. smil..ing as they.. do it.
They.. erase.. and manipu..late their me..mories. // And.. with..out knowi..ng anyth..ing, they sing.. songs of prai..ses to Big.. Breeder.. again.
I.. was fur..ious.
S..o I..
Wr..ote a song re..vealing.. the tr..uth..
An..d sang that.. song in.. front of.. the people..
The..y did not.. be..lieve my.. song at.. first.. // but.. as they list..ened to my.. song
From the.. depths of.. their me..mories, Big.. Breeder's evil.. deeds
My.. song.. started to spread.. to the peo..ple.
It.. finally.. lit a fire.. in their.. hearts..
And.. many.. of the.. resi..dents.. start..ed to fight back aga..inst Big.. Breeder..
Big.. Breeder was upset
and soon.. became.. angry.
He.. had his.. so..ldiers raze.. through the to..wn.. / and tram..ple its peo..ple..
They.. reset their.. me..mories.
All.. the songs.. were burned.. away // Until in.. the end.. the only one who.. remembered the truth.. was me..
Only a few people.. stayed by my side.. and I was.. ostracized..
A..n..d one day.. // B..big Breeder came to me.. and said.
To you.. who hu..miliated me.. with that.. filthy song..
You.. will suff..er never.. ending.. pain.
A..nd.. he.. took me.. here..
The.. place where.. warr..iors who were.. quaran..tined // were kept.. frozen un..derground
An..d in.. here.. we will.. continue to..
face.. and repeat.. nume..rous deaths.. and failures.
Big.. Breeder.. also..
ma..de sure.. that I.. can ne..ver sing.. again..
And.. ripped apart.. // my.. mouth.
M..y daugh..ter..
was cursed.. to never.. // learn.. how.. to speak..
I.. want to escape.. from this place..
and get.. revenge on.. Big Breeder.
Where.. // are they right now?
So what's the villain // for the "Grand Quest" like?
Yes. For the "Grand Quest", "Big Breeder"-nim will directly summon // a "champion-rank villain" for you to defeat.
Champion..? Are they specially strong?
Only Big Breeder-nim holds the scroll that contains champion-class villains. // It's different for every stage but they're strong!!
..Who is this Big Breeder you're talking about?
"Big Breeder", so to speak, is like the guardian from outside!! // How should I put it..? A god?!
Yes!! He controls us, our birth and our death // The only data human in this world who is capable of "altering" (alt. tuning/mediating) other data-
A transcendental being that rules over data!! // The great god of this world, "Big Breeder"-nim!!
Aaah~ They were also like us at first~ // Just mere data~ // But one day, they were able to get over their limitations by their own will~
"Big Breeder", huh..
If it's that person..
Maybe he knows where the "data of Young Zahard" is..?
Once we take on a quest with high difficulty // If we call that "Big Breeder" person
we can ask him where the "data of Young Zahard".
(That cunning look on turtle's face makes me uneasy..)
I'm a bit motivated now.
Those who are trapped.. in quarantine..
It looks like.. they have not been eliminated yet.. // That damn mirror spread out their companions.. in different stage..s.
Watch.. over the..m
There is.. something suspicious.. about them.
Oh Great "Big Breeder"-nim-
..I’ll continue watching over all of them.
There is no need to worry. // I will take care of them.
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cutegirlmayra · 8 years
Ayyye hoppin on dis train! I want a large order combo of #5 Shadamy, please ma'am. I know that seems like a complicated order but can ya manage? I need mah shadamy fix just as much as my sonamy and you've gotten plenty of those lol keep em comin tho, there's never too sonamy 😌💕
Tumblr media
Would you like extra fluffs with that? *swoosh…, swoosh*
The combo meal with shadamy? Odd choice of flavorings but…
I will try my best to serve you as soon as possible… ^^; (This is gonna be so AU… forgive me!!! ///m///)
“You left me there! You said you wouldn’t leave me!” Amy looked so hurt, so torn up, as Shadow just glared back at her, looking like he didn’t want to put up with this.
“If your idiotic friend would have moved sooner I would have-!”
“Don’t blame Sonic on this!” Amy stomped her foot down, leaning forward. “This has nothing to do with-!”
“It has everything to do with it.”
His tone and harsh glare made her stagger back a moment.
“He’s the one you call hero. Why are you pushing so much of his tasks upon me? I agreed to look after you, but that wasn’t a biding agreement.” he stepped at an angle backwards, facing her to the side.
“I refuse to be apart of your little gang of merry men. I work alone. I’m no hero. Save your whining for someone who cares!”
“S…Shadow, you can’t mean that! Not after everything we’ve-!” Amy hopped forward, bending down and gesturing out behind her, looking desperate to keep Shadow around.
“Why are you so persistent!?” he was losing patience with her. “Listen.. Amy,.. You nothing more than a pawn.”
She froze.
“Sonic could do all this on his own, so why drag you along with him? Or the whole lot of you for that matter.”
“…Shadow… stop.”
“Stop what? Or is the truth that hard to swallow?” he leaned forward, as her head dipped down.
“I thought so.” he leaned back up. “Do yourself a favor. Find someone who won’t turn his back and just needlessly leave you in the hands of another man.” Shadow quickly turned to walk ahead.
“…Like you?”
His foot fell and felt like a magnet had struck the soles of his feet.
No matter how much he willed himself forward, his body slightly trembled, and his eyes widened.
He… he couldn’t move…
Why couldn’t he move!?
“You may hate me, Shadow! But.. But I’ve never found a reason to hate you!”
His eyes grew wider, stretching.
“You’re not a monster like you think you are! I don’t believe a word you said about Sonic.. but..” she looked away… before gripping her hands together and pushing herself forward to say it.
“But I know you wouldn’t have freely helped me if you were one!”
He stood straight, frowning…
A sweat dropped dripped down the side of his face.
“You may despise my hope… my faith in my friends… and my trust in Sonic…”
He slowly turned around.
“But I won’t stop believing in the good in you, Shadow! If you really set your mind to it, I know you could be a hero too!.. no… you are a hero, Shadow! To me! And to this whole world!”
As she spread her arms out wide, she suddenly withdrew them as he grew closer.
“…No…” he lightly lifted a hand up to her front quill, making her freeze and her eyes shake.
“Wha… what’s…”
He gently rubbed his thumb against it, and continued to stare down at it…
“…I don’t hate you.” he then leaned up and put his nose close to her headband, making her tense up seem afraid… more so confused though, however.
“…I don’t care about this undeserving world. Or your friends. And most definitely Sonic.” he closed his eyes, and then narrowed his eyebrows at mentioning Sonic’s name.
He then leaned away, and looked directly at Amy, both hands to his side now.
“But you… on the other hand…”
She blinked up at him, not sure what this was, or what was going on.
He just stared down… and she couldn’t read him.
His eyelids were drooped heavily down, before…
He swiped a hand around her.
He pulled her in close.
His mouth was inches from hers, as she was literally lifted off the ground.
“I can tolerate you.”
“Shad-! EMmm!!”
He cut her off and started to press a forced kiss against her.
She fought him, trying to push away but he was too strong, keeping her tightly against him as he started to walk backwards.
She kept struggling, until she noticed something start to unfade, as if there was invisible, liquid metal behind him.
“EMM!” she widened her eyes, as it revealed itself.
“PAH!” she finally got her mouth free to look up, and realize he was leading her into a hidden robot.
“W…What is this!? What are you doing!? L-let me go!”
“For your own safety, I’m bringing you in here.”
“What!?” Amy turned forward, her terror now fully evident. “Shadow…”
Shadow didn’t seem to care about her resistance, and looked up.
“Eggman’s going to blow this zone sky high. If you want to live, I suggest you play along.” he looked down at her again.
“W…what? Play along? What do you mean?”
He gestured back to the robot.
“That robot won’t attack if it thinks your on good terms with me.”
“You’re… you’re working with Eggman!?” Amy leaned back, but he pulled her against him again. “Ah!”
“The more you fight…”
The robot’s eyes suddenly turned on, revealing it to look like a giant turtle, as it’s eyes narrowed a red beam on her forehead.
“Ah…ah…” her jaw dropped, seeing it targeting her.
“…Now watch this.” he suddenly went back to kissing her, seeing the opportune moment when her mouth would be open instead of closed…
“EMEMMMMM…NMM!!” she fought him again, before opening an eye to see the robots beam turn off, and it power down.
He pulled away this time, “If you keep it up, he’ll let you crawl inside. Then you can tell me how much hate me.” He thrust himself right back at her.
“A-MM!!” she hit him away.
“AWgh!” he swung his head back, but noticed the robot begin to charge up a blast.
“Urk!” he turned back to Amy, her slap still at it’s end point as she trembled in fear.
“Sonic would kill me if you got hurt.”
Her eyes suddenly stopped shaking.
“…I’m not lying to you..” Shadow narrowed his eyes. “I’m playing a double agent… but keep down about it. Trust me… Amy.” he looked more serious now, but his voice definitely came off sincere.
She lost tension in her body.
“Sonic… Sonic said you could..?”
“No.” Shadow admitted, “But he did say do everything in my power to protect you… or else.” He lowered his head, before seeing the targets increase around them and he quickly moved his head in front of hers again, inviting her to kiss him again.
“We don’t have much time.” he glanced up, and then back to her, showing the object in the sky, a giant yellow beam forming around it, creating a second sun.
“It’s now or never. And if you won’t willingly do it.” he stepped forward.
“N-no!” Amy pushed him back.. looking down…
She then scanned left and right, before up to his face…
She decided to trust him.
Before the canons went off on the turtletanks back, she gently pulled herself up to his face, and put her arms around his neck.
He enjoyed every second of it.
Though he’d never admit it, to anyone… or himself.
He slowly lead her into the robot, and glanced up only once while passing the turtletank’s eye, and then pulled Amy deeper into safety.
The turtle than started digging in the ground, so fast so, that the blast didn’t harm it at all.
Shadow held on to Amy, feeling the vibrations of digging and a powerful blast above them, hearing the rock give way.
Amy gripped his chest and arm, as he comforted her subtly by just keeping her close.
After the shock was done, he turned back to her, “You’re safe now-AH!” he was thrust back by a hammer, and bent to his knee as he gripped his stomach. “Grrk…”
“T..T-that’s for making me kiss you!” Amy’s arms shook, still shaken up about that whole experience.
She then threw an arm over her face, and fell to her knees, slipping down. “MY FIRST KISS WAS MEANT TO BE SONIC’S-IC-IC-IC’S!!!” she whined and cried, as he rolled his eyes.
‘He’ll be lucky if he even survived that blast…’ Shadow thought.
‘… And if he doesn’t..?’
He turned to Amy, and held a stare while she cried.
He quickly turned away, shaking his head and smirking.
“Heh.” ‘He’d never let me get away with it…’
(is it just me? Or did that feel like Boom!Shadow and Modern Amy? lol)
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