FUCK listening to "seasons - wave to earth" while tryong to not feel like im in love is HARD
My heart is in my throat right noew
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asexualstellar · 4 months
he got a sword.. from somewhere
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absentmoon · 7 months
if i was in fear & hungrr id simply win
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siglai · 1 year
uee i need to do homeowkr but i dont want to
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noisemachinedotcom · 2 months
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slimmestslime · 5 months
uurrg i should be uploading art. im so tired
like its right there. i can show it. but i’m just not getting up to go do it. cause my brain said No
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delusinaldreamer19 · 12 days
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I was today years old when I was reminded that Sebastian held up rCiel’s still warm corpse before oCiel in a fucking crucifix pose.
…Oh no. This wasn’t gonna be analytical but I feel it bubbling up within me. Damn it.
The context of this scene was that Sebastian had just told oCiel / oCiel had just realized that he’d summoned a demon through sacrificing his brothers soul. He is immediately in denial of this, understandably, that was not his intention.
So what does Sebastian do? Forces him to gaze upon the dead body of the very soul he was summoned with. Putting him into that very specific pose.
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He could have just held him up limply as we see in this part of the panel, but no. He raises rCiel’s arms to make a pose that quite literally symbolizes sacrifice.
Urrrgg make it stop.
I bet that Sebastian, having been summoned into a room full of English speaking white people, could easily deduce that he was in a country where the main religion is Christianity. And that, therefore, this (soon to be) new little master of his practiced that faith prior to the whole denouncing god thing.
I’d like to think that Sebastian, given that knowledge/assumption, chose to put rCiel in that pose very specifically. To take advantage of oCiel’s subconscious knowledge of its symbolism in order to emphasize that he was responsible for him being there. He was the one who sacrificed his brother, not the cult (In a sense).
Why? Cus he’s a fucking dick.
Now, if this scene had taken place BEFORE the reveal of rCiels bazar doll. I would be going on about how it was foreshadowing his resurrection. Cus, you know, rebirth of Christ. Maybe it still is? Alas…
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nxiispire · 1 year
so i saw that ur reqs were open and ever thought of corruption with xiao???? i just feel like it would work so well
|・ω・`)ノ a/n : hihi!!!! tyty nobu for your wise ideas hehe
✰ [ nxiispire ] .. ! Corrupting Xiao
cw : corruption k1nk, loss of v1rginity, sub!xiao
no cause i think about this way more then i should ( ˘・з・˘) he’s just so urrrgg
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Thinking about how for a majority of Xiao’s life he thought of himself as merely a weapon, his only purpose was to kill for the sake of others. So of course the idea of indulging in humanly pleasures was forbidden, it wasn’t even something he considered, seeing sex as just a method of reproducing.
Though of course when he eventually found himself looking over wangshu inn, he inadvertently became aware of humans habits to have sex, not for reproducing, but for pleasure.
Despite the curiosity, Xiao never thought such meaningless pleasures was meant for him. He didn’t even know if someone like him was even capable of feeling like that. That was until you came around.
Xiao had no idea that the touch of someone else could fee so good.
Admittedly it took him awhile to warm up to the idea of physical affection. It took him a ridiculously long time for him to not jump out of his skin at a mere hug. But he trusted you, and slowly he began to anticipate your embrace (only in private of course), even letting you kiss him from time to time.
But unlike the slow work up to hugging and kissing, in the heat of the moment you and Xiao took the next step in your relationship in a single night. Xiao didn’t quite understand the difference between innocent hugging and kissing, and full blown sex, so he wasn’t too  apprehensive when you asked if you could start undressing him during a heated make out session.
But by the time he realised how different these acts were, he was feeling way to good to stop.
You had your hand wrapped around his cock, slowly jerking him off while muttering praises into his ear, telling how good he was being and how pretty he was.
He almost sobbed at your praises, as the combination of this newfound pleasure and your words felt almost too much. He began bucking his hips up into your hand as he felt an unfamiliar feeling being to rise in his stomach.
“Ahhah- mhh shit i feel- i feel like- aAhh” he paused his efforts to express how he was feeling in order let out even more pornographic moans.
“i- i feel like i’m going ahh~ to explode!!” he whines out, finally finding the words to express this new feeling.
“it’s ok you can let it all out ok? just let go and cum for me” you reassured, feeling as though you could finish at the sight itself. And at your command he came with a loud moan, jerking as you rubbed him through his high.
Xiao didn’t have time to think about what just happened as his eyes began fluttering shut, purely exhausted from the intense orgasm he just had.
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bettertwin9000 · 2 days
Urrrgg... WHATEVER.
Anyways.. he doesn't taste like sweat anymore.. he just kind of tastes like.. idk. Skin.. but he smelled nice.. like Blueberries and Flowers.. I almost thought that's how he TASTED.. senses are such a strange thing. I gotta steal his bathscrubs too..
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ofallthingsnasty · 6 months
Urrrgg im such a wuss about physical pain but something about punctured wounds specifically makes me scared more than cuts or bruises. I think it’s something about the “intrusion” that a sharp object does when it stabs you that it doesn’t do when merely cutting you
Suffice to say Crocodile even threatening to give me a “piercing” will scare me into submission. Suddenly I’m throwing out my escape plans because I do not want to be hurt like that 😓 Sir you can spank me however you want but PLS don’t put that hook anywhere near my face
oh goodness anon, you're way too cute 😭💕 he would never ever hurt you because i say so.... but this also made me think...
tw. yandere, violence, a little over-the-top gore (facial), references this post
Now that you mention it - there are two ways he could harm you with his hook in that specific scenario, one more planned and one more impulsive. (To pierce your tongue, he’d need a forceps or at the very least a very steady hand or else he’s going not only cut into your tongue but the floor of your mouth as well - which could lead to severe bleeding and neurological damage, oh my. Your cheeks are a different story - he might still injure a tiny branch of the facial nerve but you’re not going to lose some motor functions.) 
But to be honest - if he does this to you, it’s going to be entirely impulsive because he’d have to be exceptionally mad. Angry beyond belief or reason, so precision and thought aren’t going to be present. (Even if I really want him to get my tongue, ugh 😔) He isn’t even going to threaten it, he’ll just launch forward like a man possessed and puncture your cheek, force his hook through the fat of your face until he hits your teeth, just lashing out, just senselessly hurting you to shut you and your horrid mouth up.  And god help you if you react on instinct and pull away, because that is going to net you an open cheek and a nasty scar.
Will he feel guilty just moments later, as rare as that emotion is for him? Yes. Will it stop your incessant  babbling and shock you into submission? Also yes. Like you said, I can only see this happening once, maybe twice? You’d have to do something so outrageous and disrespectful and keep at it to get this rather calm man to that point - but it’s achievable and a serious escape attempt could do it.  But you being feisty plays a big part in this - because if you aren’t (if you grovel and cry and beg for forgiveness, kiss his feet to soothe that anger, worship him like you’re supposed to), he won’t end up that mad. You’re still going to regret it, no doubt, but he has this pesky little soft spot for you that, if pressed, can mellow him out rather quickly. It really depends on you and your actions.
But if it happens? If the meat of your right cheek suddenly loses tension and flaps around because his hook is too big to control and you instinctively pulled back, away from the pain, the hurt? All that anger is going to evaporate in an instant. He just needs to see your stunned face, pain barely registering because of the adrenaline that is running through you, just needs to see all that exposed fat and muscle to immediately regret it. It’s a grotesque sight; yellow, pink, stark red mixing as your teeth gnash in horror and your thoughts are going a mile a minute trying to register what just happened. Of course, he wastes no time and takes you in for the best care he can find in that moment, intent on keeping both the functional and aesthetic damage to a minimum - but his hook is big and brutish and the wound leaves you with a gnarly scar, no matter how skilled the hands of your surgeon are.
When it’s all said and done, he’ll still feel that little pang of guilt from time to time when he traces the scar with his thumb - but it’s more that feeling of regret a little boy gets when he scratches up a brand new toy, that disappointment that it isn’t shiny and new anymore and not genuine remorse because he inflicted so much pain on you. He can’t feel bad about it for too long when he remembers that you see what disobedience gets you every time you look into the mirror. It might have marred your looks - but it has made you so wonderfully pliant as well, has earned him your respect. 
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queering-the-chain · 1 month
I cannot wait for prompt list i’m grrr i’m gonna use my trans beam on these punks urrrgg i cannot wait to spread non-cis chain propaganda
looks like i saw this ask 2 minutes too late! go nuts!
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of-mutts-and-men · 9 months
Im so bad at doing my t shots it stung a little this time and I’m literally gonna be fine but I’m sitting here like what if it’s spreading to the rest of my body n I’m gonna die. And I can’t do the right amount to save my life it goes so slow I can’t hold my hand still that long so I pull it out when its only 1/4 done. Some is better than none i guess urrrgg😣
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tobiarts · 2 years
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Day 6 of Aphtober - Dearly Departed
Urrrgg oh god this work. I was NOT in a good mood making it. It turned out!!! Okay! Anyway, I think Zianna is a tragic character who never really gets touched on. For fifteen+ years she believed she lost ALL of her sons, and eventually, Okhasis is taken over and she is imprisoned. And then dropped and never mentioned again. RIP.
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qyburn · 8 months
urrrgg illithid-from-the-beginning tav covering their body with bandages & clothing themself so only their eyes are visible, just barely; killing the mindflayer on the ship that was fighting the cambions before it can reveal what they are; having to lie to everyone they meet & say the mindflayers burned them beyond recognition during their torture, even though its technically not a lie; struggling to walk on two feet instead of float even though they were a human longer than they were a mindflayer; their dark urge manifesting through their hunger & eventually getting too sick of feeding on animals bc its heightened psychic power tunes it in to the animals' suffering; the party is fully ready to kill tav once they figure out what they are but its wyll & karlach who come forward with clemency, bc they above everyone know what tav is going through
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citrusitonit · 10 months
urrrgg fuck im hungy mmm hungy i hope thers still some food int he frisdge its so COLD GYAT
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rosiehrs · 1 year
the only ones i feel bad for is the 18yo and their families. imagine wanting not actually wanting to go on that thing and just doing it to please your dad since it's around father's day and passing away 😕 it's so sad, he was terrified of going on but he didn't wanna upset his dad like 😕
broo i read abt that somewhere and its genuinely rly sad, idk the whole thing is js kinda urrrgg tbh
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