#usagi x mamoru married
noisypeanutmoneyspy · 4 months
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crystalselene · 1 year
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Always My Life
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cerulane · 11 months
Usagi et Mamoru sont en froid. Ce dernier espère qu’Usagi fera au moins semblant de l’apprécier lors d’une soirée mondaine pour son travail.
C’est bien écrit mais j’ai eu un peu de mal avec cette histoire. J’ai du mal à imaginer Usagi et Mamoru au bord de la rupture.
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master-ray5 · 22 days
Twenty Questions for Fic WRiters
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @iwrestledavongonce for nominating me :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
31 (minus the 2 from other authors I used my account to repost)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
After I subtract the word count of the ones that weren't mine: 284, 848.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Sailor Moon and a Doom/Animal Crossing cross over.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Royal Affairs: It really is my most popular story.
Prison of Hair: A short little fluff piece that will give you cavities.
Date Night on Ice: My first gift exchange.
The Anguish of Chastity: My first fic.
Pralabhana: Written for Dark Endy Week 2022
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes and no. If it contains a question I always make sure to answer it or of they raise a good point I also respond. I don't give a thank you to every comment thought.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably "Slave Maid Witch Queen" I went right up to the moment where Beryl turned evil and attacked Silver Millenium.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I usually try for happy endings but happiest...I don't know Prison of Hair.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes. More so on FF.net than AO3 but some people didn't like how I ended "Ghosts of Yesterday."
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. M/F, usually with couples.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
My one and only crossover fic is "His Slice of Heaven" which features a crossover between the Doom Slayer and Isabel from Animal Crossing. When you think about it, the pairing is pretty crazy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Co-written? No but @iamcharlotte88 worked together for insert art for "Man in the red dress."
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Usagi x Mamoru forever! That being said, since Sailor Moon Crystal, I have fallen in love with the Senshi x Shitennou pairings.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a good feeling about being able to finish Choker of Love, Royal Affairs, and a few Innocent Royal Affairs. Dating a Married Couple though...I wonder.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. I personally think I come up with some witty bits of dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Honestly? Writing Smut. Yes, I know a lot of people have complimented me on my smut scenes but they are without a doubt the moments that take the longest for me to write. I want to make sure things aren't just over in a paragragh.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Well with translation through Google, I don't see the problem.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sailor Moon.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Probably Royal Affairs. It's my most popular and its my love letter to showing the sexy marriage adventures of the King and Queen of Crystal Tokyo.
As for who I recommend to give this a shot: How about @iamcharlotte88 and @danni-bunny.
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This is for couples who are canonically married within their series. All characters will be aged up (obviously, because they are married). Reblog for a larger sample size.
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random-mailbox · 1 year
Random-Mailbox's Favorite Sailor Moon Fics - Week 27 - 🍀St Patricks Day🍀
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Time for our next Holiday Post of the series - St Patricks Day! This one is basically all about bars and drinking and celebrating, in a more lighthearted way. 
As always, my apologies in advance for spoiling some of these for you (Fic Titles are linked to either FFN or AO3 entries).
the green unseen - @caelenath
This is @caelenath's Mamoru in College series ficlet, where Mamoru spends St Patrick’s day out with his American friends for the first time. We get the Ugly Green Jacket throwback and a very open-ended conclusion that lets you, the reader, decide for yourself what is actually real. Click on the hyperlinks within the story for tiny glimpses into this AU on Tumblr! 
then you showed up and I can't get enough - @daikon1
Mamoru gets dragged to a club by Motoki to meet his new girlfriend’s friend, something he does NOT want to do. While waiting at the bar, he notices a pretty blonde in a rainbow romper that he would much rather spend time with. This one-shot is a bit of a love-at-first-sight story but super well done (as all of Daikon’s pieces tend to be 😘)
Crossroads - Dejana Talis (Dejana)
Bartender Darien is seeing one set back after another in his quest to leave his tiny town in the middle of nowhere. On one of his worst days yet, he picks up a hopeful hitchhiker, trying to get to the big city and make things happen for herself. 
You and I Always: Chapter 1: Free Day - @cassraven
In this one-shot, we get a cute and confident bartender Usagi and a very drunk Mamoru, who repeatedly confesses his love for her. 
Drunken Sailor Moon - Reader458
Fun little story about Sailor Moon accidentally stumbling across Dark Generals and managing to drink them under the table. We get Rei x Usagi in this one too!
A night you won't remember (I'll be the one you won't forget) - @idesofnovember
When Mamoru ran into Usagi at the hotel bar in Vegas, he vowed to help protect her. Apparently that included not letting her drunkenly get married to anyone but him.
The One With the Vegas Vacation - @she-dreams-in-pink
If I am going to include one Vegas story, I can’t skip out on the other! In this one, Minako drags drunk Mamoru and Usagi to a wedding chapel because she thinks it would be hilarious if those two had a fake wedding. I am really hoping we get the last chapter of this story one day, although it does leave off on enough of a clean break to not really need it. 
Luck of the Irish - @gossamerwillow
Minako (as Sailor V) and Artemis take on a Youma in a tiny Irish town while on a family vacation. (This totally fits with the St Patrick's Day theme, even if there is no drinking involved!)
That's it for this week. Next time we will cover the trope of "Fix-it Fics"
Here are the links to the previous Tumblr posts in these series to explore more amazing works based on different themes - make sure to check them out if you haven't had a chance! (Click on title name to go to the post) - I will keep updating the list every week as new posts come up:
Week 1 - Groundhog Day
Week 2 - Established Relationships
Week 3 - Sex Positivity
Week 4 - Unfinished Stories
Week 5 - Darker Stories
Week 6 - Potions 🧪
Week 7 - Reveals
Week 8 - 👻Halloween🎃
Week 9 - Wrong Perceptions
Week 10 - Non-Senshi AU
Week 11 - In-Progress Fics
Week 12 - Mutual Pining
Week 13 - Enemies to Lovers
Week 14 - Slow Burn
Week 15 - Christmas Part 1 - Ugly Christmas Sweaters and Santa!
Week 16 - Christmas Part 2
Week 17 - New Years
Week 18 - High School AU
Week 19 - Slice of Life
Week 20 - Coffee shop AU
Week 21 - Huddle for Warmth
Week 22 - Friends to Lovers
Week 23 - Valentines Day
Week 24 - Do a Grouch a Favour Day (or Cheer Up Fics)
Week 25 - Soulmate AU
Week 26 - Amnesia Fics (and resources)
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blurbry · 11 months
Queer/Gay/Lesbian(etc, you catch my drift) relationships are Obscure in Tomodachi life, I bet a lot of people are wondering how I did get a lot of the links, such as Blue and Green together.
Here’s the List of all the miis (with credits to who I got them from) the game the character originated from (some of them may actually be quiiiite familiar and obvious) And their Genders to show you how these bizarre Relationships are happening.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ _________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ _________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Animal Crossing:
*Ankha  Creator: Roseh, Gender: Female
* Celest  Creator: Casey(OhMyKawaii) Gender: Female
* Isabelle  Creator: Thomas, Gender: Female
Sailor Moon:
*Ami Mizuno -Sailor Mercury-  This Mii was Created by “mermaid”, Gender: Female
*Haruka Tenou -Sailor Uranus-  Creator: Mermaid Gender: Female
* Hotaru Tomoe -Sailor Saturn-  Creator: Mermaid, Gender: Female
* Makoto Kino -Sailor Jupiter-  Creator: Mermaid, Gender; Female
* Mamoru Chiba -Tuxedo Mask-  Creator: Mermaid, Gender: Male
* Michiru Kaiou -Sailor Neptune-  Creator: Mermaid Gender: Female
* Minako Aino -Sailor Venus- Creator: Mermaid Gender: Female
*Rei Hino -Sailor Mars- Creator: Mermaid Gender: Female
*Setsuna Meiou -Sailor Pluto- Creator: Mermaid Gender: Female
*Usagi Tsukino -Sailor Moon- Creator: Mermaid Gender: Female
* Princess Usagi Small Lady Serenity -Chibiusa- Creator: Mermaid Gender: Female
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords (Manga By Akira Himekawa)
 * Artura Creator: Me it more pertained to Kaeniths Headcanon of whom they think the four knights would fit! Gender: Male
*Blue Link Creator: Me Gender: Male
*Erune  Creator: Me, Gender; Female
* Green Link  Green is my “look alike” mii, the first mii i ever created and the first me to ever move into the apartment complex, Gender: Female. I did this gender choice so I COULD cause relationship drama, I didn’t expect one of my favorite ships to actually enact hahaah.
* Link’s Dad  : Creator: Me Gender; Male
*Red Creator: Me Gender: Female
*Shadow Creator: Me Gender; Male
*Valenzuala Creator: Me Gender: Female (Was trying to get Rare pair: Artura x Val, I’m pretty sure it failed I don’t remember)
*Vio Creator: Me Gender: Male
*Purple Knight (Aka the one who held earth key and the one with the spikey mullet)(I Named him Kurin) Creator: Me Gender: Male
*Dotty -Princess Zelda- Creator: Me Gender: Female
The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
  *Vaati Creator: Me Gender: Male (I’d put him under the FS cat, however, I made him based of his Minish cap appearance)
The Legend of Zelda: OOT
*Shiek Creator: Me Gender: Male
  *Forever Alone (Forever Alone Meme) According to the Creator name, this one was made by Stu, but it also showed its face in OhMyKawaii’s Tomodachi Life Videos Three Years ago!, Gender: Male  
*Bob Ross (Gonna put a happy lil tree here.) Creator: Celery Gender: Male
* Gordon Ramsay (ITS FUCKING RAW) Creator: Casey(ohmykawaii)
* Aryn.....(ME IRL) Creator: Me Gender: Male, This was so i could hopefully pair with my girlfriend’s mii, unfortunately I ended up marrying sailor Mars....
* Haru Arcadia (Magnolia Valley) Magnolia valley is a Private story me, my girlfriend, and a few friends have thought up together, Gender; female, I did this hoping to pair haru with Rui: their husband in the AU however, Im scared that might not happen juding by how crazy things have been relationships wise on my island.
* Hatsune Miku (Hatsune Miku) Creator: Casey (OhMyKawaii) Gender: Female
* Hello Kitty (hello Kitty) Creator: Casey(OhMyKawaii) Gender: Female
* Jesus Christ (._.) No creator listed but I’m pretty sure I got him from Casey as well. I have him here for the memes. Gender; male
*Reggie Fils-aime (Nintendo) Creator: Unknown Gender: Male
*Rinichu (IRL) Creator: Me Gender: Female My girlfriend <3
*Rui Altare (Magnolia Valley) Creator: Me Gender; Male
*Seren Atlantis (Magnolia Valley) Creator: Me Gender: Male
*Tarter Sauce -Grumpy Cat- (Grumpy Cat meme, Rip tartar sauce <3) Creator: Unknown, Gender: Female
*Two Faced Creator: Stated to be unknown but I remember seeing her in Vinesauce’s tomodachi life: Gender: Female
Battle Angel Alita: 
*Gally (Battle Angel Alita Manga By Yukito Kishiro) I Created Gally, one of my co-workers gave me the full manga set to read (two manga books a week) It was pretty interesting! And so I put her on the island, Couldn’t just leave her behind now could i! Gender: Female
* Luigi Creator: Rachel Gender: Male
* Mario Creator: Rachel Gender: Male
*Peach Creator: Jennifer Gender: Female
*Daisy Creator: ~CTG~ Gender: Female
*Rosalina Creator: Unknown Gender: Female
*Toad Creator: Rachel Gender: Male
*Waluigi Creator: Unknown (Again i think another vinesauce one) Gender: Male
*Yoshi Creator: Rachel Gender; Male
      *Toy Bonnie (FNAF 2) Creator: Gina, Gender: Male, Everyone wants to date him, I don’t know why. He rejects them all with the most straight face known to man, he’s gone through three love confessions
*  Chica  Creator: Pichu ✩ ♪ ™ Gender: Female, Im not too sure if this is toy chica or not, She has a mouth like how toy chica has when beak is removed, but it could just be a design choice due to the fact that the Mii lips look weird.
*    Foxy (Fnaf 1) Creator: ҽιιxʋҽɳƚυʂ Gender: Male
* Mangle (Fnaf 2) Creator: Gina, Gender: Female (I headcanon them nonbinary but that obviously can’t happen in the nature of this game)
  *  Freddy (Fnaf1) Creator: Sean Gender: Male
 * Coraline (Coraline) Creator: Casey(OhMyKawaii) Gender: Female, This Design has hollow black eyes, so im sure this is Doll coraline
Genshin Impact: 
  *Nahida -Buer God of Wisdom- Creator: Me, Gender; Female
Stranger Things:
  *Steve Harrington Creator: Casey(ohmykawaii) Gender: Male
Spirited Away: 
  *Troubled Spirit -No Face- Creator: Zach Z. Gender; Male
Scooby Doo: 
  *Velma Creator: Casey (OhMyKawaii) Gender Female
Obviously not everyone from a fandom is included, I plan to add more if I can either Find more QR codes or figure out how to make em myself, but for now this is the list, Again, It may be updated in the future.
I’m so sorry for how many tags this post is going to clutter, but it has to be tagged respectfully v-v. 
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Ten Years - Naru x Nephrite - Sailor Moon
Summary: It had been ten years since his death, a lot had changed but she still visited him
Pairing: Naru x Nephrite
Chapter One
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Naru stood in the graveyard, flowers in hand besides a small stone, balanced against the outer wall. The wind blowing through her now hip length red hair.
It had been ten years. Ten years since she had lost him since he had tragically died.
She was happy, she was in love again, spending the last nine years with her now husband, Umino. She still met with her best friend, Usagi, often, meeting with her and Mamoru regularly for double dates, looking forward to her future child being friends with their Usagi’s own child, Chibiusa.
She smiled, absently brushing her hand over her now swollen belly. She had spent many years coming to this graveyard. Many of them with regrets that there wasn’t anything for her to visit. She had bought him a headstone five years ago, and made sure to bring him flowers as often as she could.
‘Nephrite.’ She placed the flowers by his stone, lingering a hand to the carved name upon it. She often wondered if things would have been different if he had lived. If they had gone for that chocolate parfait. Would she have married him, perhaps it would have been his child she carried now.
She often felt guilty for these thoughts, she loved Umino but he wasn’t her first love. No, there would always be a place in her heart for Nephrite, her love for him had never wavered. She liked to think he would be happy for her, often thinking about him from afar.
Umino could never understand if he knew. But it didn’t stop her, she felt close to him this way, smiling again at the headstone. ‘Goodbye Nephrite, I’ll see you soon.’
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tonkipics · 2 years
Oni x sailor moon
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Oni x sailor moon how to#
Oni x sailor moon series#
The ring represents a promise to Usagi that they will eventually marry. In the anime adaptation, Mamoru gives Usagi a heart-shaped promise ring just before he leaves for America.
Oni x sailor moon series#
Mamoru and Usagi date for a long time in the series and the love they share helps her through many challenges. Mamoru and Usagi's relationship is a significant part of Usagi's personal life, as well as the series as a whole. Usagi has a boyfriend named Mamoru Chiba (also known as Tuxedo Mask). Out of all the Sailor Guardians, only Usagi and Minako Aino live in a conventional nuclear family, and Usagi is the only one known to have a sibling. These names reflect those of Naoko Takeuchi's real-life family members. Usagi lives in Azabu Jūban with her mother, Ikuko Tsukino her father, Kenji Tsukino and her brother, Shingo Tsukino. Usagi in her school uniform, as drawn by Naoko Takeuchi This provides most of the conflict and drama in both the manga and the anime. As Sailor Moon, she sets out to fight the villains from her past life and to protect the Earth using the legendary Silver Crystal. Usagi is a reluctant heroine at first, she grows more confident and mature over time.
Oni x sailor moon how to#
Luna gives Usagi a magical brooch and explains how to use it to transform into Sailor Moon (the Guardian of Love and Justice) she tells Usagi that she is a Sailor Guardian who must fight for peace and find the rest of the Sailor Guardians, as well as their princess. One day, Usagi encounters a mysterious cat with a crescent moon on its forehead, who later reveals herself to be Luna, a mentor archetype who introduces Usagi to her new heroic role. Although well-meaning, she is an underachieving, accident-prone crybaby. Usagi is first introduced as living the life of a normal teenage schoolgirl in 20th-century Tokyo. Usagi's critical reception has been largely positive and she is recognized as one of the most important and popular female superheroes of all time. Most Western audiences were introduced to Usagi appearing in the Sailor Moon anime, which is an adaptation of the manga series. She has been the subject of parodies and has appeared in special events. She also cameos in the sister series Codename: Sailor V. Usagi is depicted as usually carefree and cheerful, but with cry-baby tendencies that show themselves when things do not go her way.Īs the protagonist, Usagi appears in every episode, film, video game, and television special of the anime adaptations, Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon Crystal as well as the live action adaptation, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon. As Usagi matures, she becomes a powerful warrior and protects her adopted home planet, Earth, from villains who wish to harm it. She asks Usagi to form the Sailor Guardians, find their princess and protect the " Silver Crystal". Luna reveals that Usagi is destined to save Earth from the forces of evil and gives her a brooch to transform into Sailor Moon. In Sailor Moon, Usagi meets Luna, a magical talking black cat that is searching for the Moon Princess. Initially believing herself to be an ordinary girl, she is later revealed to be the reincarnated form of the Princess of the Moon Kingdom, and she subsequently discovers her original name, Princess Serenity ( プリンセス・セレニティ, Purinsesu Sereniti). She is introduced in chapter #1, "Usagi – Sailor Moon" (originally published in Japan's Nakayoshi magazine on December 28, 1991), as a carefree Japanese schoolgirl who can transform into Sailor Moon. Usagi Tsukino ( 月野 うさぎ, Tsukino Usagi, renamed "Serena Tsukino" or "Bunny Tsukino" in some foreign adaptations), better known as Sailor Moon ( セーラームーン, Sērā Mūn), is a Japanese superheroine and the main protagonist and title character of the Sailor Moon manga series written by Naoko Takeuchi. Teleportation (with fellow Sailor Guardians) Kousagi Tsukino (Parallel Universe daughter) Neo-Queen Serenity (30th century future self) Terri Hawkes (12–14, 16–20, and 22–82, and movies, DiC and Pioneer dubs) Sailor Moon chapter #1: Usagi - Sailor Moon (1991) Usagi in her Super Sailor Moon form as seen in the SuperS series of the 1990s anime
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caelenath · 3 years
Random headcanon: Usagi loves the movie "Enchanted" and Mamoru thinks it's ridiculous.
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ellephedre · 4 years
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Thanks to @floraone​ for hosting the challenge! AO3 version here Translated for week 3 and 4 of the Smutember 2020 challenge, tropes #mutual masturbation and #established relationship
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kakyuuu · 4 years
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I got married!
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cassraven · 6 years
Here’s my Date Night challenge piece for @mamousaweek at last!
It’s a little short but still was fun to write up. It’s an AU future setting after the Sailor Stars reason, so AU life for Usagi and Mamoru, who have an interesting Date Night with a few surprises. XO
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lost-in-yujikiri · 3 years
even if Yujikiri is not canon, people are allowed to ship it, people ship Drarry from HP even though it's not canon too and Harry got married to Ginny.
Yes that's true that's what I mean! I know a lot of series where people still ship non-canon ships even though they are already canon with someone else. In Sailormoon Usagi x Mamoru is already canon since the 1st arc and there are still people who think Usagi has a lot more chemistry with Seiya, a character who appeared very late in the series and ship them hard.
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shnuggletea · 4 years
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Another WIP Wednesday! Chapter One is now LIVE on Patreon! 
Synopsis: Everyone has stories in their family. Ones of love, pain, happiness, and struggles. With these four families so close, blood has little to do with their stories since they share their lives anyway. And these stories show how Mamoru x Usagi, Ami x Zoi, Mina x Kun, Mako x Neph, and Rei x Jed fall in love despite conflict and promises not to ever fall in love with each other.
Chapter 23 of Love Lost is also live on my Patreon. Chapter 24 (the finale) will be live soon. Probably first week of December. The first chapter of this fic in there as well as many others for your consideration and access to the Kissing Booth where you can create your perfect kiss between your fave OTP. Subscribe today!!
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They had rented this house every year for as long as the oldest of the horde of nieces and nephews could remember, so they knew exactly how to get to the game room at the back of the house. Soon, they were deeply engrossed in a game of Uno.
“I say we up the stakes!”
“Oh yeah?” She teased the eldest boy, Ren, “And just how do you suppose we do that?”
“Losers have to do whatever the winner says!”
The other four children groaned so Usagi compromised. “How about we just tell a secret?”
“Yeah!” They all cheered.
Usagi had little to fear, the four of them weren’t the best of players. Still young, they didn’t quite get how to ration their cards to work to their advantage. She tried not to beat them too badly, but it was hard not to!
“Uno.” She said softly but strong. 
They all groaned again, this time in defeat. She pointed to cue them, starting at the youngest and going upwards in age. Little Sora twisted her fingers in fear above her belly. “I peeked at my presents this year.”
Usagi mocked shock and disappointment at the small girl but really that was an impressive feat. “You shouldn’t do that, Sora!”
Nagomi went next. “I put on Mommy’s lipstick when she’s not around.”
Usagi only clucked her tongue at that one, moving on to Youta and his fidgeting. “I hate my Math tutor. She’s just mean!”
“I think you do like her, Youta!” Ren teased and they all giggled at the red-faced boy.
“Your turn, Asahi,” Usagi recalled.
Twisting a little finger in her hair, Asahi blushed heavily. “I don’t have a secret.”
“Come on! Everyone has a secret!!” Ren pushed.
She shook her head and Usagi gave her a break. “Ren, why don’t you go then?”
“Fine! I’m not scared!! I’m in love with….” He stopped as if he lost his courage in a breath but then suddenly found it again. “With Auntie Usagi!”
Mocking surprise, she gave the little boy a show. But Usagi had known for a while now that the kid had a crush on her. It was clear. And his mother Rei kept telling her that he had one. It would be more embarrassing for him if she knew before he confessed. So instead she gave him a big hug.
“Thank you, Ren. I love you too.”
“Are you and Ren going to get married?” Asahi asked with a sad look on her face.
Usagi had a good feeling Asahi’s secret was that she liked Ren but she would wait and let the girl tell him herself. “Well, Ren is too young.”
“Do you love someone else?” 
Busy giving Ren some comfort for refusing him, Usagi popped her attention to Youta and his question. “I do.”
“So you have a boyfriend?” Sora asked.
Nagomi reprimanded her, “Hey, she won remember!! She doesn’t have to tell a secret!” 
“It’s fine, I’ll go in Asahi’s place. I do have...a someone...”
“Go wash your hands, dinner is ready.”
They all flinched, the cool tone of his voice and startling appearance had them all fearing Mamoru as he stood in the doorway, looking pissed. She offered the kids a warm smile, helping a few to their feet from the circle they made on the floor. They still coward a little when passing by the eerie demon at the door. While it made Usagi feel annoyed. 
“This is a Christmas party. Don’t take out your issues on us.”
“My issues? You're the one talking about boyfriends with young and impressionable children.”
She made sure he saw her eyes roll as she passed him. “Yeah, my degree in education didn’t prepare me at all for talking to kids about such things.”
“You shouldn’t be talking to them at all about it since it’s not true.”
Spinning on her heel, she glared at him and he glared back. “What do you know? Huh? How dare you say it’s not true!”
“If it’s true then why didn’t you say anything about it last week?!”
Glancing around, she found them alone. Everyone else was already at the table or making their plates in the kitchen, where the two of them should be. “Like we tell one another everything at those stupid lunches!”
“I told you about Saori!”
How much of her cringe at the mention of his girlfriend he caught, she didn’t know. But she thought it best to move on quickly from it before it became an issue. “You told us you were bringing her to this only so Makoto would make enough food. It’s not like you told us to share anything.”
“Are you going to tell the family tonight?!”
He had his arms folded across his chest but she could still see him shaking a little. “Why does it matter?? And why do you care?! Shingo and Toki are my brothers, not you!!”
Even with the reminder, she was sure he would never see her as anything more than that little girl who’s pigtails he used to tie to the chair. No matter what she did, how she grew and changed, she would never be free of him unless she broke free herself.
@master-ray5​ @sailorsilverladybug​ @knowall7k​ @astraearose93​ @fandomartlover​ @egosolivagant​ @fawn-eyed-girl​ @neutronstarchild​ @ruddcatha​ @sapphirestarxx​ @orientaldancegirl222​
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