#using Hermes other aspects as god of commerce and trickster
annie-also-draws · 4 months
Hades Charmes brain rot dump
Domestic Charmes Modern Au for my needs bc there’s not enough art of them HNNNNG (bless you AO3 writers)
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Some designs for Hermes. (Charon’s still in the backlog in my head rn). Hermes with glasses anyone??? 😭
I’m in the deep trenches of making my own Au where Hermes and Charon are finance bros (god of commerce and the god who collects gold, duh, ain’t no way they’re dirt poor).
There’s plenty of fics that display Hermes as the black sheep of the family who’s running his own life away from his family doing odd jobs and barely hangs on (no hate I love them!!!) but there’s not enough Rich! Hermes out there so I just gotta insert my own brain rot. Charon and Hermes working for rival finance companies (one deal with future investment and one deal with settlement money/clauses after one’s death (idk if it’s a real thing but meh)
Check the tags for the synopsis lol AO3 style
Bless Jen Zee for long hair Hermes bc all the hairstyle I can conjure from this 😩🙏
The glasses started as a goofy accessory and ended up staying. Longsighted-Hermes who can’t see things that are close to him and uses contact lenses at work 👁️👁️. Only wears glasses at home (with Charon). Grows very little beard and is perpetually tired bc overworked! Hermes is so canon.
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audreyscribes · 27 days
Author’s Note: Out of everyone, writing the Mercury kids was so hard. Not because of what to do but literally Mercury's aspects are so restricted in the sense of how New Rome and Camp Jupiter is run. ROMAN DEMIGODS H/CS MASTERLIST LINKS: [TUMBLR] // [AO3]
So unlike Hermes, where the Greeks saw him as crafty, cunning, and resourceful hence the whole trickster aspect, the Romans saw Mercury more of a god of commerce and trade. So as a legacy of Mercury and a child of Mercury himself, there’s more pressure for them to be good with finances and trades, then being a trickster. Especially in a Roman camp where they value discipline, they see tricksters as pranksters and aloof then cunning, therefore believing it is harmful to the integrity and structure of the Roman military and see it as a nonsense; which they will immediately double down anything trickster and doll out punishments to cut off any thought of joking around. If you have a joking personality and whatnot, you have to suppress that part of yourself because once your superiors know you have the blood of Mercury in you, they will be harder on you and the punishments will be unfair.
So don’t be surprised if you see a lot of children of Mercury being the opposite personalities then the children of Hermes. It’s not because it’s inherent, but their environment making them sour and serious. However, like Larry who was sceptical and judgemental and stern in the beginnings of the books, once given the opportunity to be free, he is goofy and lighthearted like their Greek counterparts. Don’t let yourself be squashed by others so you can fit the mould; you’re just as quick footed and free like Hermes and Mercury should be.
Otherwise, everything else seems pretty much the same with Mercury with Hermes. In terms of Roman use though, there’s more emphasis on Mercury children being communicators and on the battlefield, you’re either shouting orders to the legion or you’re running communication lines. If there’s ever a time to see a child of Hermes/Mercury running on the battlefield, it’s this. You’ll be zooming across the battlefield, bopping and weaving through your obstacles with letters and messages in hand. 
And in the senate, the trickster side of Mercury still shines through as your silver tongue allows you to have sway in the meetings, and you remember every meeting because after all, Mercury is still the god of Merchants, Thieves, and Messengers; you remember every transaction regardless its form and you know its value better than anyone.
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owl-writing · 8 months
Major Gods of Plantagenet and Byllapeze
There are many gods in both the kingdom of Plantagenet and the various city-states of Byllapeze, along with many miscellaneous spirits, daimones, ghosts, fair folk, and so forth. However, there are a handful of gods that are widely recognized and can be identified even by those who are not native to the area.
Herne the Hunter
Herne is the ghostly, antlered god-hunter leader of the Wild Hunt. He rides an equally-ghostly horse. He claims domain over the forests of Plantagenet, namely the Conrose Forest that takes up most of Plantagenet. He is a patron of the hunt and is also used as a way to warn children away from wandering into the forest. If you see his Wild Hunt, avert your eyes and hope he doesn't see you, or else you will be forced to join it for a full three days.
Lubber Hob
Lubber Hob is a fractured household god of the hearth, who claims domain over the home. It appears in every home as a small, hairy man with a tail, much like a small hobgoblin (of which it is the patron). It is made of the whole knowledge all of his fractured selves have gained.
It performs odd housework in exchange for a place in the home and the occasional saucer of milk, but only works when the family is asleep so they don't see it. It's mischievous and fond of practical jokes and slapstick routines. Legend has that it was born to a witch and a demon, though modern witches and academics alike enjoy arguing over this legend.
Marianne the Threefold
Marianne is the three-aspected god of change and history who claims domain over civilization, especially the kingdom's capital, Goldmere. She can appear as one woman, three women, or one three-faced woman, and is a protectress of humans. Her church (also based in Goldmere) bears three clergyfolk at the highest ranks, one for each of her faces, and she's been known to appear to lost travelers to direct them back to civilization.
Her first face is Meiri the Mother, patron of families and lovers. Her second face is Marie the Shield, patron of warriors and guards. Her third face is Merry the Witch, patron of magic and study.
Robin the Widower
Robin is the trickster god of empathy and equity. They appear as an implike being, is often small, and carries a bow and arrows. They claim domain over the grasslands and hills between Herne's forests and Marianne's towns and cities. They are the protector of the poor and meek, makes sure everyone gets what they need, and is a beloved household god alongside Lubber Hob in hamlets and smaller towns. Their primary myth relates to the loss of their partner from something preventable, which fuelled their desire to make sure no one else felt that loss and led to their cementing in the Plantagenet pantheon as a god.
Agoraios the Traveler
Agoraios is the winged god of commerce and agriculture, patron of the city-state Katestias and its connected town of Phaistia. She appears as a winged female human surrounded by feathers who carries a herald's wand or cornucopia. She is depicted on the coins of all city-states in Byllapeze and the herms along the roads between them. She's prayed to for wealth, patronage to shops, safe travel, and agricultural health.
Epidotes the Merciful
Epidotes is the household god of defense and purification. He is the patron of no city-state but is beloved in all. He appears as a sleepy human with an aura that causes others around him to become calm. He carries a bucket or vase of water, which he uses to wash away the spiritual stains of mortals.
Gaiekhos the Wild
Gaiekhos is the eternally youthful hunting god of nature and the world, the patron of wild places. Their gender presentation is fluid depending on the genders of those around them, and they're always surrounded by animals and hunters. They notably do not appear often in myths.
Kataibates the Storm-Tosser
Kataibates is the ever-shifting god of weather, natural disaster, and sailing, along with being the patron of the port city-state of Eberkaum. He appears as a man surrounded by rain clouds or ocean waves, and she is prayed to to avert natural disaster and sailing accidents. Their mood is often temperamental and mercurial. He has domain over water, wind, lightning, and fire.
Her primary myth involves Agoraios calming them down after a mortal slighted him, so the two are often depicted together.
Lamia the Bereaved
Lamia is the serpentine goddess of mourning and love, patron of the controversial city-state Halegea. She is depicted as a female human with varying serpentine qualities - sometimes lower body, sometimes entire body, sometimes face, and so on. She blesses relationships, marriages, and families, and helps with mourning the loss of a loved one.
Her myths involve the loss of her children thanks to Phobona, along with her taking care of a mortal royal child afterwards to cope but failing to turn the royal child immortal by fire (instead just making the child into a great hero).
Phobona the Terrifying
Phobona is the horrific goddess of fear and monsters, who is the patron of no cities but claims domain over monsters instead. She is depicted as an ambiguous figure surrounded by star-studded darkness like a cloak. She's primarily prayed against to keep her at bay.
She often appears in mythology as an enemy figure, such as causing the loss of Lamia's children.
Soteira the Savior
Soteira is the ever-shifting goddess of protection and hospitality, patron of the city-state of Aytox and its connected town of Telos. She appears as a soldier bearing a spear and shield, but otherwise her appearances are never consistent.
The reason for this is that she often tests mortals to ensure they're following the laws of hospitality - being a good host, not murdering your guests, providing food and a roof over someone's head, and so on.
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hermeticimp · 5 years
Firefly - Chasing After The Fleet-Footed Messenger
Hey guys! So the next asteroid that I wanted to talk about was is named after our dear Greek trickster Hermes. As my patron, this was the first asteroid I started looking at, at least with this particular project. I’ve spoken about my relationship with him a lot on this blog before, but this time we’ll get to say what my birth chart has to say about our connection. I’m excited! Let’s jump in! 
Hermes - god of travelers, communication, commerce, shepherds, thieves, psychopomps, adventurers, boundaries, messengers, and about a thousand other things. However, most important is this case is that he’s the god astrology. As such, this is great devotional act that I will be taking full advantage of. 
Hermes (69230) is located in Capricorn in the 11th house. It is conjunct Aquarius Uranus and Capricorn Neptune, which are also in the 11th, and trine my Virgo Mercury in the 7th. I’ll break down the individual components before synthesizing them together. 
Aquarius is the sign of individuality, rebellion, and revolution
The 11th house deals with themes of purpose, friendships, groups, societal structures, finding one’s tribe, and resonance
Uranus is the planet of individuation, freedom, epiphanies, and sudden change
Capricorn is the sign of hard work, power, integrity, and self-control
Neptune is the planet of intuition, the unconscious, spirituality, illusions, and transcendence
Virgo is the sign of self-analysis, service, growth, and perfectionism
Mercury is the planet of information, thought, communication, the mind, and observation
The 7th house is about intimate relationships, equality, interdependence, healthy relationships, rapport, support
Conjunctions indicate that the energy of two or more planets blend together and are hard to tell apart
Trines point to two or more planets having a easy-going relationship that can indicate talents and gifts
My initial analysis is that Hermes is a guiding light of sorts for me. He’s inspires me to go after my dreams and aspirations, regardless of how out there they may be. As long as they resonate with and express my inner most desires, he encourages me to pursue them. He sees the potential that I struggle to see myself. He reminds me to have faith in the work that I’ve already done. With that, there’s no expectation that I have to follow any rules of interaction with him that don’t vibe with me. It’s important that I do what feels right for me and not anyone else. Otherwise, I put myself at risk for being led astray, which is a topic that preoccupies my mind already. When I find myself doubting things, he leads me to epiphanies, people, and opportunities that reaffirm my belief in the powers that be. 
Beyond that, I can feel his energy rather easily. Though it is most noticeable when working with others and being authentic to myself, it’s something I’m nearly always rather conscious of. There’s a close bond between the two of us. Communication, information, and intuitive knowledge flow naturally in our relationship. Even when my conscious mind may deny things, my intuitive side doesn’t and he helps bridge the gap between the two. However, he won’t tell me everything. There are times where he challenges me to figure things out on my own as they will make more sense and easier to accept. Some things just won’t sink in without personal experience. Even then, the option to bounce ideas off of him is there. Clues and hints are communicated, but it’s still for me to analyze and piece together. 
One final note is that I find it interesting that this asteroid is trine Mercury. In mythology, Mercury is the Roman counterpart of Hermes. They are both deities of travel, communication, messengers, merchants, wit, thieves, psychopomps, and tricksters. Out of most of the Greco-Roman deities, these two are the most conflated. I admittedly haven’t worked with the Roman pantheon. I just thought it was an intriguing placement. It could indicate that working with both deities could work well. Only time will tell.  All of that being said, how does this compare to my personal relationship with Hermes? Honestly... it fits to a T. Hermes has helped me through a lot. Even when I doubted the existence of deities, I always felt a pull towards him. I have a firm trust in him, much like I would a close friend (11th and 7th houses). When I’ve talked to him, he’s advised me to be more authentic and true to who I am rather than sticking to what others may expect of me (Aquarius Uranus and Capricorn Neptune conjunction). I’ve struggled with how to interact with him on many an occasion because I let what other polytheists said dictate what I did. Never once did that feel right until I saw a post from @underworldariel about approaching relationships with the gods the way it feels right for you (fitting that Ariel herself has some Aquarius placements). That opened up the path that has led me to where I am now - a person who works with and is devoted to the God of Messengers. @lands-end-ada once told me that where Uranus lies is where you’re most prone to get bad advice. Neptune has themes of spirituality. With the close ties between Hermes and these planets in the 11th (resonance, friendships, societal expectations), I think that suits this situation perfectly. 
I do feel closest to him when I’m being of service to others (Virgo) and honoring myself (Aquarius), which allows me to align my professional interests with my personal ones (Capricorn). However, I do see his influence in my more personal relationships. With my friends and family, I’m often the communicator. People come to me with their problems, I mediate (which is admittedly my 7th house Libra Sun too), I pass along messages and information, I give advice, I get people together, and I’m the one who keeps up with what everyone is doing and how they’re feeling. Even though I’m an introvert, it’s a role I’ve fallen into rather naturally. It just feels right to maintain those connections. All of this points to the trine between Hermes and my 7th house Virgo Mercury. Sure, it also indicates the fact that Hermes and I understand each other with perfect ease and comfort, but I’ve been recognizing this aspect playing out more and more recently. With the quarantine and global pandemic, I’ve been keeping up with my loved ones and updating them on each other more often: I’ve arranged a weekly video chat with my friends, talk to family members regularly, entertain my siblings, and relay any info I get on social media about those I don’t talk to as much. I have always related to Hermes’ messenger aspect, but this whole situation just made it stand out all the more. 
Outside than that, there’s been constant reminders to rest before I delve into spiritual topics (Neptune) and work (Capricorn). Part of this has manifested as literal rest, but it’s also about clearly communicating my needs so I don’t end up overwhelmed by others (7th house Mercury). I been having all sorts of “Aha!” moments (Uranus) when it comes to talking about how I feel and how I process things (the latter also pertaining to Mercury). It has shown itself through a desire to roleplay, act, and do creative things (Neptune) as a means to express myself. I’ve even been experimenting with my dance style (hip-hop & latin to interpretive influences). This is how I’ve been learning to cope with my mental and physical health (Virgo & Mercury) through this outbreak. Hermes is lingering around and pushing me towards what I need even if I have trouble sensing him around (11H Neptune). The asteroid is about to start transiting (moving through) my 1st house (personality, outlook, sense of self, self-confidence) in Pisces (spirituality, mysticism, dream, consciousness). It’s very likely that Hermes will start playing an even bigger part in my practice and I’ll be following him further down the rabbit hole (according to Ada’s post here). I’m excited for the adventure! Always am with him.  Thank you so much for reading! Please let me know if you have any questions! ^_^
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wiccan-succulento · 5 years
Deities and Correspondences
Thought I’d share some information I found regarding deities. Some lists are longer than others since some origins are harder to look for or research. 
British & English Deities
Herne (British)- God of vegetation, vine, & the wild hunt
Holly King (English)- God of winter
Oak King (English)- God of summer
Celtic Deities
Aengus/Angus/Aonghus- God of Love, Youth, and Beauty
Ana/Danu/Dana- Goddess of Nature, Fertility, Prosperity, and Comfort
Arawn- God of the Underworld, Revenge, and War
Arianrhod- Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess, Goddess of Beauty, Fertility, and Reincarnation
Badb- Mother aspect of Triple Goddess in Ireland, Goddess of Life, Wisdom, Inspiration and Enlightenment
Belenus- Sun God, God of Healing, Science, Success, Prosperity, Purification, Crops, and Fertility
Blodeuwedd/Blodwin/Blancheflor- Maiden aspect of the Triple Goddess, Goddess of Flowers, Wisdom, Lunar Mysteries, and Initiations
Brigid- Triple Goddess of Healing, Physicians, Agriculture, Inspiration, Poetry, Divination, Prophecy, Smithcraft, Love, Witchcraft, Occult Knowledge, Fire, Fertility, the Hearth and all Feminine Arts
Camulos- God of War
Cernunnos- God of the Wild Hunt, Fertility & Masculine Energy
Dagda- Chief of Gods
Epona- Protector Goddess of Horses, Donkeys, & Mules, Fertility
Eriu/Eire- Goddess of Ireland
Grannus- God of Hot Springs and Healing
Lugh- Sun God, God of Smiths & Artisans, the Harvest
Morrigan- Goddess of Fate
Ogmuios/Ogma- God of Eloquence
Taranis- God of Thunder
Toutatis- God of the People
Egyptian Deities
Anubis- God of the Dead
Aten- Supreme Solar God
Horus- Sky God, sun, moon, war & the hunt
Osiris- God of the Underworld & the Harvest
Ra- Solar God
Set/Seth- God of chaos, war, storms, desert
Tammuz- Green God
Thoth- God of magick, wisdom, poetry, writing
First Nations Deities
Coyote- Trickster God
Great Spirit- Supreme Deity, Creator, Source
Greek/Roman Deities
Apollo- Solar God. God of light, truth & prophecy. Archery, medicine & healing. Music, poetry & arts
Dionysus- God of wine & ritual ecstasy. Agriculture, music, arts and sciences. Intelligence & wisdom
Eros- God of sexuality and fertility
Hades- God of the Underworld and Death
Hephaestus- God of the Forge, technology, craftsmen, sculptors, fire, and volcanoes
Hermes- God of boundaries & travelers, shepherds, cowherds, orators, writers & poets, invention, commerce & thieves. Messenger & Trickster God
Mercury- God of commerce, messenger, speed & travel
Pan- God of nature, Horned God, shepherds & flocks, wild forests, fields, virility, fertility, spring
Zeus- Father God, Sky God
Hindu Deities
Brahm Creator God
Ganesh- God of beginnings, patron of arts and sciences. Intelligence and Wisdom
Gopala- Child God
Krishna- Supreme God, essence of all creation
Rama- God representing the perfect human man & husband
Shiva- God, Destroyer of Obstacles, Transformer
Vishnu- God, Sustainer
Norse Deities
Loki- Trickster God, shape-shifter and gender-changer
Odin- Father God, wisdom, wealth, inspiration, poetry, battle, hunting, magick, prophecy
Sunna- Sun God
Sources I used/found if you want to learn more or about deities I don’t have on the list (there’s a lot!)
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