#using the reddie tag for reach
merrock · 1 year
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Don't worry, we haven't forgotten activity checks! Lindsey and I have been working behind the scenes at ironing out some changes to how we do activity checks, to give you guys a little more leniency while allowing us to stay on top of things with less stress / guilt.
Starting on Monday, May 8th, our activity requirements will be changing. Any account inactive for two weeks will be automatically unfollowed. Accounts that are inactive for one week, display inconsistent activity and/or are not replying to open starters will be warned. Checks will be done twice a month -- once at the beginning/end, and once in the middle. That should give people plenty of time in between and also a little more structure. I will have a more detailed post on this on Monday, as well as adjusting our rules then, so if you have any questions, please ask!
Another thing that we are introducing at this point in time is our 'extended reserve for future use' section, in which players can now reserve one face that they plan on developing a character around. Only one, however! We don't want to encourage face hogging, and if a significant amount of time passes, we will reach out to check and see if you're still moving forward with said character. We know (from our own current experiences!) that it can sometimes take much, much longer than one week to properly research and develop a character, and want to extend that courtesy to our writers.
So! To get everyone on the same page and with a fresh, clean start, we are giving everyone this weekend to contact us and interact with this post. If you are good to go, just like it, we'll cross you off the list and your roles are yours. If you need to drop or swap, or pause anyone, or make any changes, let us know! Happy to help.
Anna -- Sylvia Cuenco-Burke, Reyna Delgadillo, Jayla Hopkins, Alec Jacobs, Wesley James, Corrine Khang, Cathy Pacheco, Esperanza Tamayo.
Bri - Cordelia Browning, Eliza Edelman, Fallon Harris, Spencer Lawrence, Emeline Newman, Marquis Owusu, Vivienne Quinn, Ramsey Salazar.
Chayya -- Marlow Newman.
Emily -- Veila Madison. -- @veilamadison
Erin -- Lara Marie Caruso, Miranda Hartman, Bryan Lawrence, Jamie Mariadaga-Evans, Vincent Matthews, Mekelah Reddy, Joella Suh, Alice Zhao.
Frankie -- Deacon Newman.
Janessa -- Mateo Fuentes, Zoey Lawrence, Chloe Nwokobia, Yesenia Rivera, Elizabeth Stewart, Alexander Stone, Jennifer Suh.
Jen -- Thomas Browning.
Katie -- Owen Anderson, Rafael Bardales, Estelle Carter, Nari Gim, Olivia Hartman, Joshua Lane, Cage Newman, Darrius Powell.
Lindsey -- Aleja Alverez, Chetan Gupta, Greyson McVey, Kellan Newman, Elise Quinn, Trey Wright, Iris Xanthe, Amina Zaidi.
Mags -- Cassidy Miller.
Maria -- Vitus Aydin.
Myr -- Amanda Howard.
Nikki -- September Grant. @sxpt-xmbxr
Steph -- Katherine Evans, Thalia Williams.
MOD NOTE: I will cross names off of this list as they like the post and/or reach out to us. Those on hiatus automatically get a pass for now, and have been exempted. If you have not responded by Friday morning, we will tag you, just to give you a little notice. Unfollows for those who have not interacted with and/or messaged us will be done on Monday.
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skinks · 1 year
Oh my god. You are a saviour!!!!!!!! Idk but after some what, 6 hours, im not the same person anymore?? The English. The English. Its so packed. Cant stop crying after the last ep i there is a hole inside my chest now it hurts so much idk what to tell more like yeah amazon produced silly western with white girl saviour moment haha how about feeling the well of every humanly possible emotions after some .... several hours? I... didnt expected that. Cornelia...
Cant say thank you enough for your ramblings in the tags!!!!!!!!! You are not a frequent media enjoyer so to hear from you in the tags was such a suprise that ive downloaded it like after i just came home from work and was so dumbfolded by the narrative ? one ep for one day so i... wasnt aware of... you know... last three eps direction (but it was always there, always!!!). the fucking Event of my life thank you so much for mentioning it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Idk im just speechless....
ANON!!!! I GET IT BRO I GET IT….. event of OUR lives
You’re right, it’s so incredibly packed it’s… idk where to begin replying to you but I agree, the plotting is so well-done and teased out with just enough detail that by the time you reach the last episode’s reveals you have to recontextualise every interaction you’ve seen so far.
It’s really a testament to the power of writing that doesn’t just blandly dump exposition out for an audience it doesn’t trust - the reason I keep going bonkers bananas about the dialogue is because, yes, it’s heightened, but it’s REAL. Real characters with painful motivations WOULD keep secrets and talk in arcs around the subjects they don’t want to really talk about. Then it’s those arcs that keep Eli and Cornelia intersecting and sharing and coming to the realisation that somehow, in the enormity of the endless prairie they’ve found one other person who understands them…. I can’t think about it too much I keep crying lmao I sympathise with the hole in your chest, like I have been GUTSHOT
Once again it’s the tragedy. The layers of parallels to figure out on a rewatch. I think this type of reaction in me to certain media only comes along every so often because it’s only the most weighty, tragic implications of narrative and characters with doomed love that get me this good. Brokeback Mountain, Baze & Chirrut from Rogue One, obviously Reddie post-itch2 and now this. It’s come along right at the sweet spot for me when I’ve really been craving Western stories and feeling the lack of emotionally-moving cinema this year. I’ve had a lot of disappointments in the theatre ngl, a lot of duds. So it was such a fucking horrible delightful treat to basically get a sweeping 6 hour western roadtrip movie where every decision has been carefully, deliberately made - from the acting to the costumes, production design, direction, music, everything - to tell THIS story. Their story. Revisionist and triumphant and tragic and romantic and violent all at once.
Maybe it’s an indictment of how few pieces of truly well-written visual storytelling I’m exposed to but it’s been such a breath of fresh air. Characters with very different stories and goals and arcs that still manage to see something of the same driving force (magic!!!) in each other? Themes of reclaiming that which was stolen from you, both literal and metaphysically? Identity, agency, land, history, family, a HOME??! My friend @benevolentbridgetroll likened it to Mad Max Fury Road in that sense, both works are using the grand visuals of wide open spaces to tell a story about momentum and desperate human connection and Never Being Able To Go Home Again but also that sometimes you have to try, because there are people along the way who need your help.
And on top of that it’s using only the SEXIEST of “golden hour sunsets shining through the clouds of Nebraska dust kicked up by our leading man silhouetted rearing on a stallion” visuals to tell the story like HELLOOOOOOO? I love imagery. The horror of the time is all the more real for being given the weight it deserves; saturated, slow-motion, the hyper-real intensity of traumatic memory without ever being grimdark or exploitative for grimdark’s sake.
Plus Chaske Spencer deserves an emmy or a bafta or SOME kind of award I’m dead serious. Not since Heath Ledger played Ennis del Mar in 2005 has a man imbued such rich inner heartbreak to tight little smiles and devastating, carefully chosen words and the meaning that comes from what you choose to Look at when you know certain Looking will get you killed.
Because that’s another thing I agree with you about - when I started the series my main worry was that it was going to result in another white saviour story, and with the caveat that obviously I’m both white and non-American, I think the show avoided that. Not only are both Cornelia and Eli’s arcs given equal importance to the entire theme of the story, but it literally couldn’t exist if it wasn’t specifically ABOUT how the experiences of women and Native peoples in the wild west differ from the typical White Cowboy Conquering New Unexplored Land narrative. Eli is given all the agency in the world to make a series of decisions FOR HIMSELF and what it means for him to be a Pawnee man in this place at this time. That’s literally what his arc is about, and it’s compelling! Also the series was made with a ton of consultation and approval from members of the Pawnee nation so overall I do think they were trying to tell as authentic a story as possible.
Anyway. I’m so so glad you watched it after my incoherent yelling in the tags, that makes me so happy! I would love for more people to enjoy it even just so I can read more fic or look at more gifs 😭 I have so much homework this week I can’t spend it all on photoshop. Also have to say that you calling me “not a frequent media enjoyer” REALLY tickled me and I’ve been laughing about it for two days now, I feel like all I do is enjoy media. It just takes some particularly good shit for me to get super-annoying about it on tumblr so for that I’m eternally grateful. 2022 media has been so bland for me besides The Locked Tomb series that I was beginning to think I’d lost the ability to feel shrimp emotions at movies any more, but here we are. I’m shrimping so so hard and I love it. Thank you for your message!!!
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tinyangryeddie · 1 year
One line any fic! Rules: pick ten of your fics, scroll to somewhere midpoint, pick a line chunk and share it, and then tag ten people.
I was tagged by @glorious-spoon and I am a Reddie slut through and through so that's what y'all are getting (with one or two exceptions)! I picked slightly at random as far as fics, so I hope you enjoy!
Some of these are vaguely NSFW, so be awareeeeee!
now let me at the truth (IT: Richie/Eddie)
“The man stabbed you first, so sounds to me like you did good there,” her hands shake but her voice is steady and light. “And Rich’ll be back. He wouldn’t leave us.” She nods, as if trying to convince herself, too. 
“You’d know, you’re his best friend,” Eddie says, hissing at the shock of pain as Bev applies the cream. Bev scoffs and lightens her touch.
“You’re kidding, right?” She gets the needle ready and takes a breath, all with a smile. Eddie thinks perhaps he abandoned his signature anger too soon. 
“Hmm?” he asks, the pain of speaking getting to be too much. Bev puts her hands up, a passive warning that the needle is coming. Eddie closes his eyes. 
“You’re Richie’s best friend, Eddie,” she says, sticking the needle into the skin of his cheek. Tears sting at the corner of Eddie’s eyes and he grips the bedspread tightly. “You don’t see the way he looks at you?”
2. High On You (IT: Richie/Eddie)
“We can take it down a notch, if you need. Want you to live the stoned night of your dreams, Eds.” 
Eddie snorts, climbing onto the bed, lube in hand. 
“Oh, don’t think you’re getting out of it that easy, Tozier.” He pours some on his hands, afraid the thick feel of Richie’s fingers could set him off. 
“Your idea of easy almost killed me. You just put a plug in me after eating me out for an eternity. I’m still not sure how I haven’t blacked out.” 
3. the night we met (take me back) (IT: Richie/Eddie)
“Y’okay, bud?” he says, and Eddie blinks once, giving his head a shake. Richie feels gradual breathing stretch out Eddie’s lungs, ribs expanding under his hand. 
“Yeah, just,” Eddie clears his throat, gesturing to the room where all the Losers are meandering about, “overwhelming at first. When we’re all together.” Richie nods, patting gently at his back. 
“Indeed, my good sir, these fellows are a lot—”
“Please don’t do the British one.”
“—but they’re some of the finest— ow!” Richie stops, hissing in pain when Eddie smacks his knee, hard.
“Stop it,” Eddie says, eyeing him. “Don’t pretend like you’re not also freaking out.” Richie fidgets in his seat. 
4. Suddenly You're Mine (IT: Bill Denbrough/Mike Hanlon)
The way Bill listens when Mike talks is so intent it’s like a warm hand holding tight around his heart. All Mike can offer back is a comforting hand on Bill’s shoulder while he talks right back. 
“I never stuck around in any place long enough to make friends,” Bill says, fidgeting fingers around a cooling cup of tea. Mike palms at his knee, bony and bare, peeking out from the blanket covering the both of them in bed. “Developed the stutter when we moved to Germany. It still pops up sometimes, even though my parents spent a fortune on speech therapy.” 
Mike shrugs. “I think it’s kinda cute.” 
“Oh my god.” Bill sprawls onto his back. It feels like an invitation, so Mike crawls over him. 
5. Lumber Jack Me Off (IT: Eddie/Richie)
He smooths fingers through the hair Richie’s arms and his face and it gets in Eddie’s mouth when they slide their tongues together and when they break apart to breath he reaches up to pull at the gorgeous gathering of it on Richie’s chest. It’s overwhelming and fucking sexy. 
Richie is a good kisser, but when his hands drag a path down Eddie’s own t-shirt to arrive at his belt, Eddie freezes. 
“I don’t have to,” Richie says, kindly, and that makes Eddie want it even more. Who the fuck is he? Is this what Bev meant when she said he might surprise himself? Because this is definitely surprising. 
Eddie nods. 
6. your beauty must be rubbing off (IT: Richie/Eddie/Ben)
"Can I throw something out there?” he asks. Ben and Eddie both grunt encouragingly. “Could we- could we make sure this doesn’t, like, fuck anything up?” 
Eddie hand quickly finds his other thigh. 
“Of course not, Richie,” Eddie says. Ben hums.
“Yeah, man, we’ll always be friends. And if it gets too weird, or if it starts too weird, we can always stop.” 
“Yeah,” Eddie says, fiercely. Richie kind of wants to cry. Classic mood-killer. He breathes through it and focuses on the feel of warm palms holding at his legs.
7. The One With the Prom Video (IT: Richie/Eddie)
“I don’t have a ticket, dad,” young Richie says. Went blows air through his teeth.
“Eddie’s got two tickets, who cares who uses them? He paid for them, right?” 
Maggie laughs from behind the camera. “Always the opportunist.” 
Everyone back in Bev and Ben’s living room are silently glancing around, clearly confused, but not wanting to alert Richie in the box. Eddie feels frozen. The young version of himself, if he remembers correctly, is still rocking back and forth in that chair, totally clueless that the boy he’s crushed on for, realistically, and unknowingly, years, is actually thinking about white-horsing it in a dusty old suit and saving the night.
8. Can't We Just Talk? (IT Miniseries: Richie/Eddie)
“That was much more pleasant than you made it out to be,” Eddie tells him as they climb into the car, and Richie stops to stare at the roof of his convertible.
“Damn that last glass of wine or I’d have us feeling the wind in our hair the whole way home.”
Eddie groans. “I can’t decide if that would be lovely or completely disastrous.” 
“Ah, my favorite spot: the gray area,” Richie snorts, nixing it to swing back into the car alongside Eddie. “But unless you’ve got a whole can of something in that gorgeous mop, it’d probably tend toward the latter.” He reaches out to tousle the hair in question, and it gives easily. Eddie does, too, swaying with the touch. 
9. Whipping It Out (IT: Richie/Eddie)
“Listen, Eddie,” Richie says, sitting up in his seat, “I’m really sorry I… I threw that on you, man. We can wait til we get back to your place to talk. I just didn’t expect the waterfall of dick pics, alright?”
“I’m into you too,” Eddie says, matter-of-factly. “I was going to tell you on this trip.” He looks down at the crumpled picture of his cock shoved between his seat and the console. “I didn’t plan the waterfall.”
Richie starts to smile, and Eddie wants to touch him so badly his fingers twitch.
“If this is your seduction technique, you should really try better quality pictures,” Richie says, twisting a picture to the side and squinting.
Eddie scoffs. “It worked.”
10. Praise For the Morning (Our Flag Means Death: Edward Teach | Blackbeard/Stede Bonnet)
Stede breaks off to strip them both of their clothes, his fingers nimble and quick, skilled and spreading apart fabric like he’s on a mission. Ed is breathless in the face of it, letting himself be led and liking it. He’s already hard before he’s fully naked, and then Stede is toppling them both onto the couch, the luxurious glide of their skin breaking a moan from each of them.
“You’re amazing,” Stede growls into his neck, kissing, biting, writhing their hips together until he beckons another shaking whine from Ed. He insinuates himself fully between Ed’s legs, and Ed takes the opportunity to wrap his legs around Stede’s middle, feeling like a blushing maiden but hardly caring. Stede’s kisses are all-encompassing. Stede’s touch is blisteringly hot. Fingers and thumbs and palms slide and push and press and they rock, pricks dripping onto their stomachs until Stede jolts up and fists both of them in his hand. “So hard,” he mumbles, as if he doesn’t know he’s saying it.
I'm tagging anyone who wants to do it, and @tthael, @tinyarmedtrex, @stitchyarts, @pineapplecrushface and @skeilig!!
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kadebronson · 11 months
but yes as more of my twitter friends follow me here, who are mostly ofmd friends i've made in the past year, i can actually offer helpful tips on how to deal with me being a huge horror nerd
like i know ofmd has some pretty intense moments but it is covered with humor and maybe y'all are not fans of seeing blood in other situations and i am unfortunately a gorehound and it's much more obvious here since i actively used tumblr for a whole decade before the purge and curated my experience
anywayyyyyyy long way of saying! tags to block if you need to!
some generic ones for stuff that isn't from something specific are #horror tag and #werewolf tag there's also #halloween tag but that's usually stuff like decorations, costumes, etc.
the two big horror fandoms that i reblog stuff from would be #reanimator and #it chapter 2 which is the tag that covers all IT media for me idk how i ended up on that one but i mean the second movie is the most important since i'm a reddie bitch
then the stuff i always try to warn for is #blood #gore #body horror #needles #knives (which is mostly used for all sharp instruments since you know slashers can get creative) #guns #eye trauma #clowns #drugs
the last two aren't just horror specific but like i obviously love horror clowns so there's a decent amount of them but if you dislike clowns in any way i'm also posting regular clown dolls and such because i also love them
and most of the drug use stuff i reblog is from horror movies so throwing that in there too
as much as horror is my one true love, i fully understand it's not for everyone so do not hesitate to reach out and ask if there's something else you need tagged! stay safe crew!
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beldaroot · 2 years
Hi I just need to say that when I first saw you in my notifs reblogging some old chihayafuru art of mine I was astounded. It’s always surprising enough when my chhyfr stuff gets noticed bc it’s sort of an obscure series… but then I saw your username……… William Byers……. And then I saw your haikyuu pfp……… and your pinned reddie fic masterlist….
You are absolutely the only person who has ever reached all my niches like holy crap like there’s another rarepair chihayafuru stan who’s ALSO A WILL BYERS STAN…..??????? WHAT??!!!! Gagged I was. Gagged I still am. Extremely positively. Like every day I am astounded that there’s another chihayafuru and Will stan. (As well as reddie and hq WHAT!!!) Have an AMAZING day pls… ur taste in everything is just so… so good
ahhhhh i'm just a puddle on the floor over this message holy shit you're everything!! ngl i also had a gagged moment bc i reblogged your chihayafuru art and then later i saw your reddie art in the tag and then i saw your stranger things art on my dash and i was like...... wait.... hold up.....? like i was trying to connect the dots bc your art style has changed a bit with each fandom but there are obvious similarities as well so when i realized you were the same person i got so excited!!! it and st have fairly large fandoms so i'm not surprised there was overlap there but to see that you also enjoy cf and you create content for it?!?! rare pair wlw content at that?!?! no words, i was simply in awe of your talent and range of taste! and now i'm learning you like hq too omg!!!! you get it, you get it!! :D
it's just lovely to find another person who enjoys so many of my interests like i'm seriously in shock another person like me exists haha! you are always always welcome to talk to me about our shared fandoms (obviously no pressure though!)! anyway, i'm so happy you reached out with this glorious and sweet message! thank you for creating such wonderful content and sharing it with us all - without it we wouldn't have realized our connection at all :') i hope you have a fantastic day as well and stay proud of your absolute exquisite taste in media <3
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sgsketchbook · 3 years
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the dead pessimists and richie
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buckhelped · 2 years
i was tagged by a couple people (i know @bebecas and @cowboydiaz for sure but i think there were some others? sorry if i missed you!) to do a couple different 2021 round-ups, so i decided to do my 21 favorite creations from last year! 2021 was the year i started giffing, so it was interesting (and embarrassing kakjsdf) to go back and look at how i've grown as a creator over the year.
not going to tag anyone in particular but if we're mutuals please feel free to throw yours in my tracking tag (#userbon), which seems to be working now!!
here are my 21 favorite creations, in chronological order, with some director's commentary:
happy birthday dean winchester (january) - this was my first edit to perform pretty well and i think it holds up. i'm still happy with the coloring i was able to achieve considering how little i knew at that time
dean + john the revelator (april) - my first attempt at multiple gifs per canvas and again, i still think it looks pretty good. it was also my first time really playing around with typography, which has become one of my favorite parts of editing
destiel + tgd (may) - i rewatched the get down (which i will be bitter over FOREVER but that's not what this post is about) with my sister and as soon as zeke said 'calm almost like how god must be calm' i was like WAIT and then this was born
the rest is under the cut cause this got pretty long
buddie + the terrifying possibility of both (july) - ngl i actually think this is very ugly now BUT i was galaxy-brained for using this quote for them, and i think this is still my most popular buddie edit
destiel x reddie parallels (july) - this was a pretty niche post and i had several near-breakdowns making it but it reached its target audience and i was called evil for it so. a success.
buck + badass smartass etc (july) - speaks for itself. i also added dumbass which is not in the original because well. he is <3
cas + killer queen (july) - this was not a super difficult or involved edit but i'm really happy with the final product, particularly the typography
destiel + famous movie couples (august) - i think this is my favorite thing i've made this year in terms of concept. it took forever but it was so worth it
buddie + just say yes (august) - i was like i wanna make an edit using as many gifs and techniques as possible just to see how it turns out and then i did and it's busy and gaudy but that's my brand and i love it
athena and maddie for 911ww (august) - another set of very busy gifs but again i think it turned out super well. i may be the only one who likes my kitschy gifs but by god i will keep making them.
happy birthday supernatural (september) - if you're at all familiar with my editing style you know that i'm nearly incapable of just doing basic gifs because by god if i'm not putting myself through photoshop hell is it even worth it. so i decided for this ep that i was gonna play around with colors and typography and i liked it so much that that's just how i do episode edits now
on the head of a pin (september) - this one was pure experimentation (based on this incredible edit by cristina) and was super fun to make
buddie + jolene (september) - not to be too obnoxious but i really went off with that broken glass panel. AND i had to recolor m*gan w*st's eyes in the second one. AND it's just really well composed. this is one of my favorite edits i've ever made actually
buddie + can't fight this feeling pt. 2 (october) - the first panel is def my favorite of this one but i like all of it a lot (i'm also holding out on making the final part of this mini series for if when they go canon)
nov 5 edit (november) - this was not the vision i had for this edit and i was pretty frustrated with it by the time it was posted but the response to it was so positive that it really changed my opinion on it so thanks y'all!
buddie + hooked on a feeling (november) - similar to the killer queen edit this one isn't super complicated but i just think it turned out really pretty
merlin, the dragon's call (december) - i'm pretty sure this was my first edit for something other than spn or 9-1-1 and i really really love the last gif in particular
buck + the calendar amv (december) - my first amv! it took ages but was so satisfying and honestly i think it's fucking awesome. one of my favorite things i've ever done
buddie + paper rings amv (december) - so i had the idea to do this amv for my 9-1-1 secret santa gift back in early dec, which is why i made the calendar one in the first place, so i could learn how to make one with lower stakes. i think this one's just as good if not better and was arguably more fun to make since it didn't make me sad aksdjfkj
marvel x spn (december) - my last edit of 2021! i made like three different versions of all these gifs because i felt like nothing was working but i the finished product was worth it and the response has been very gratifying! a good edit to end the year on :)
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oikawaplssteponme · 3 years
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PART 13 | previously: part 12 | masterlist
pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem! reader
ratings/warnings: swearing, angst (?)
synopsis: When UA’s hot heads, Katsuki Bakugou and you, are forced to put your hatred for each other aside and plan the third year Prom, things end up getting a little heated...
a/n: hello friends💕 very sad to say that things will be coming to an end soon :(( BUT we’ve still got two more parts after this so don’t worry 😌 ANYWAYS i shared with you all a playlist that goes with this fic, so if you want to check that out, it will be linked in the masterlist✨ okay enough from me, enjoy xx
Thirteen: say something
“Alright smile for the picture everyone,” ordered Mr. Aizawa. You were all gathered together as a class, talking pictures outside the dorms.
“Wait, take another I think I blinked,” said Kaminari.
“No.” Mr. Aizawa handed back the phone he was holding and went back inside.
“Girls picture, Y/N come here.” Mina waved you over.
“Say cheese!” smiled Deku as he snapped the picture.
“Aw, it's so cute!” gushed Mina, looking at the candid.
“Mind if we take that picture now Y/N?” asked Deku. In the corner of your eye, you saw Bakugou and Kirishima. This time it was Kirishima dragging Bakugou away from starting a scene.
“Sure thing. Uh Shoto, do you mind?” You handed Todoroki your phone. You placed your hand on your hip as Deku rested his in the middle of your back.
“Thanks Todoroki. Uh, I’ll text you the picture later.” Deku nodded.
“Alright guys I’m starving. Can we please go eat?” groaned Sero. You laughed.
“Lead the way tape boy.”
To ensure safety, students wouldn’t be allowed to venture off to different restaurants before Prom. Instead, a buffet style dinner was offered in the dining hall. Any and all food imaginable was there, which honestly seemed better than some over-priced restaurant.
“Gosh everything looks so good!” drooled Deku as he stared at the array of food before him.
“I think I’ll end up getting one of everything,” you joked.
“It will make good fuel for dancing!” said Iida. You laughed.
“Iida I can’t wait to see what kind of moves you bust out.”
You sat down and began to enjoy your meal with the rest of your classmates. The worries that consumed you earlier seemed to be gone. Your focus was on your friends. The laughs you all were sharing, the silly memories you were making, and the night was still so young.
“I’m stuffed,” Deku said, pushing his plate of food.
“Same here. I’m gonna head over to the theatre really quick just to double check everything before you all start flooding in.” You got up from your seat and cleaned up your spot.
“We’ll meet you there in a bit,” smiled Iida. You nodded and began to make your way to the theatre.
You grabbed the keys to the entrance and let yourself inside. Everything looked just as good as you left it. You really had transformed the theatre into something magical. The decorations, the lights, the vibrant colors, it really was a beautiful explosion of emotions. You walked over to the punch station and started to set up cups. You soon heard slow footsteps enter the theatre.
“Hey uh, the dance hasn’t started yet so I’m gonna need you to wait outside…” You looked up to see who was in front of you. Your face turned hot.
“Mind giving me a hand?” Bakugou handed you his black and white rose boutonniere. You sighed and went around the table to stand in front of him. You took the boutonniere with your shaky hands and began to pin it onto his suit. He looked devilishly handsome, wearing the classic suit and tie you had suggested to him weeks ago.
“You look beautiful,” he whispered. You didn’t look up at him, keeping your eyes on the flowers.
“Thank you,” you said plainly. Bakugou sighed.
“Can we talk?” he asked. You finished pinning the flowers to his suit and looked up at him, crossing your arms.
“What’s there to talk about?”
“Y/N please I just need to explain-”
“Explain what? A-are you embarrassed of me? Is that it?” Bakugou attempted to take your hand but you didn’t let him.
“No that’s not it at all. Please-”
“Listen Katsuki. You know how I feel. That hasn’t changed. But if you are gonna act one way around me and then turn around and tell everyone else that I’m meaningless to you, that just isn’t gonna work. Your actions are telling me one thing but the shit that comes out of your mouth says another. You should know that I am not one to be pushed around and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna waste my time on someone who couldn’t give less of a fuck about me. So please Katsuki...”
You had to take a deep breath to keep yourself from just bawling your eyes out in front of him. Bakugou’s eyes began to water a little as well.
“God damnit Katsuki fucking say something!” You cried. You turned around, your back facing him. No way you were going to cry in front of him. You fanned your eyes with your hands.
“The dance starts in 5 minutes. Make yourself useful and stand by the door, collecting tickets. I’m gonna finish setting up here,” you mumbled.
“Go!” You pointed to the door. Bakugou sniffled, but went over by the entrance. You sighed and continued to set up the punch station.
“WELCOME TO UA’S THIRD YEAR PROM! ARE YOU READY TO PARTYYY?!” Present Mic seemed to be enjoying the dance more than anyone. People began to flood inside the theatre, rushing straight onto the dance floor. Music blaring, people dancing, your friends smiling. All those agonizing months of planning seemed to be more than worth it. You stood by the punch station, pouring drinks for your fellow classmates.
“I’ve got this,” said a voice behind you. You turned around to see Mr. Aizawa.
“Oh, thank you sir.”
“I knew you’d be able to pull this off,” he said. You smiled.
“Does that mean I’m not getting expelled?” you laughed.
“Don’t push it. You’ve still got a few months before graduation.” You sighed.
“But You and Bakugou certainly make a good team. That’s a bond you better cherish when you become a Pro-Hero,” explained AIzawa. You looked down.
“I guess so…”
“I think you two just needed a push in the right direction.”
“What do you mean?” Mr. Aizawa took a deep breath.
“Bakugou was never your greatest enemy, but since you fought with him all the time, that’s all you could see him as. Now, he can be your greatest ally.”
“I wouldn’t go that far…”
“I’m not the only one who noticed it but you and Bakugou do work well together. Both of you have grown a lot these past months. You have each other to thank for that.”
“Now go enjoy the dance. That’s part of your punishment as well.”
“You’re forcing me to have fun?”
“Yes. Now go.” Aizawa shooed you away. You chuckled to yourself.
“Y/N everything looks amazing!” shouted Mina over the music. You smiled.
“I’m glad you like it.”
“Come dance, you deserve it!”
Mina grabbed your hand and led you to the dance floor. You bounced around carelessly with your friends. You laughed as you watch Deku and Iida attempt to stay on the beat. Denki spun Jirou around and Todoroki swayed a little to the music.
Maybe dances aren’t so bad after all.
The nominees for Prom Queen included Hatsume, Kendou, Momo, Mina, and Uraraka. Nominees for King included Sero, Aoyama, Monoma, Tetustetsu, and Todoroki (he lost a bet with Deku). Everyone lined up on stage and the crowd gathered on the floor.
“Oh my gosh Todoroki looks like he’s gonna off himself,” you laughed.
“He shouldn’t have lost to me in trivia,” said Deku.
“The tie breaker question was about All Might, obviously he was gonna lose,” huffed Iida.
“Whatever he lost fair and square. I hope he wins King though, I voted for him like a hundred times.”
“You are cruel Deku.”
“ALRIGHT LET'S GET TO THE RESULTS!” shouted Present Mic. He reached for the first envelope.
You clapped your hand over your mouth in awe. Running onto the stage was none other than Katsuki Bakugou, snatching a microphone off of the DJ booth. He stood in the middle of the stage. Whispers and murmurs filled the room.
“QUIET EXTRAS!” he shouted, “I, uh, I’ve got something to say...”
You began to get really nervous, looking up at Bakugou.
Katsuki Bakugou what the hell are you doing?
[taglist CLOSED: @vangoghpoets @vangoghmusings @bokutory @complimentaryhugsgirl @cloudswriting @kriswu46 @neodnyl @evivn1 @jazzylove @mileven-reddie @whalerus @misssugarless @random-fandom-girl-24 @fanfiction-and-stress @ushiwakatrash @minhoswife @addictofsupernatural @the-shota-king-masayuki @freyafolkvangr @fourteenow @tamaguchi @lalayy @athenarosaline @blxck-coffee @katsukibabe @thatonegeekchick @that-chick212 @bibly @nxynxy @theunknownrandom @flustered-blue-eyed-sex-muffin @94potterhead @moonlightaangel @katusukisbitch2000 @secondchoicealwaysandforever @salsaedx @ukaisgratefulwhore @lucyheartfilias-wife @lanaxians-2 if your name is bold I couldn’t tag you]
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justqueerstuff · 2 years
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I posted 89 times in 2021
82 posts created (92%)
7 posts reblogged (8%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.1 posts.
I added 192 tags in 2021
#lgbtq+ - 24 posts
#byler - 21 posts
#reddie - 21 posts
#richie tozier - 21 posts
#it 2017 - 20 posts
#it 1990 - 18 posts
#mike wheeler - 18 posts
#it novel - 17 posts
#sapnap - 16 posts
#dream smp/d smp/ dsmp - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 61 characters
#i think bad would ask if he won after he knew sap was alright
My Top Posts in 2021
MCYT High School AU
Teachers: Bad(22), Skeppy(21) and George(18)
Students: Sapnap(15) and Dream(17)
TW: Cursing
*In class*
Bad: *Handing Sap a paper* Here you go Sapnap
Sapnap: Thanks dad.
Students that are unimportant in this story: *le gasp*
Bad: .…
Sapnap: *POV* Oh f*ck
*In the bathroom stalls*
Dream: Pandas, you can’t stay in there forever.
Sapnap, hiding in the bathroom stall: TRY ME!
*In the teachers room or whatever idk*
Bad, happily sobbing: H-he*sob*c-c-called me d-d-d-da-ad *sob*.
Skeppy: *Hugging Bad* I know Bad, it’s a lot to take in.
George: *Just sipping coffee in the background*
105 notes • Posted 2021-10-24 01:14:32 GMT
I just love so many things about the latest sanders sides video. Like Janus hitting Remus with the spoiler spray so he would shut up, Roman saying Virgil’s name so softly, Patton calling himself the Dad and Logan the Mom, Logan being confused as to why he’s the “Mom” of the family while looking like a ‘Wine Mom’, Virgil being the emo gay cousin and Janus and Remus being his parents AKA Remus being the uncle of the family and Janus being the mean aunt who talks sh*t about everyone and Roman being the son of the family AKA Patton and Logan’s son lmao. Virgil teasing Janus about the Lies song video, Logan’s wine glass growing bigger and bigger each time we see him. Roman saying that Nico and Thomas should be on the millionth base already and Virgil being sarcastic and asking if the millionth base would be getting married in space and gandalf and dumbledore would be there and Roman just says “ thats exactly what it is… wow he got that right on the money”
141 notes • Posted 2021-11-17 01:41:07 GMT
Dream: Hey, guys. Weren’t you supposed to buy some stuff on the way home?
George: *Mumbles*
Dream: What?
Sapnap: The stuff was on the top shelf and neither of us could reach it…
Dream: …
Dream: *Wheezes*
189 notes • Posted 2021-12-05 01:08:09 GMT
Eddie: When I first met you I thought you were weird and annoying.
Richie: And…….?
Eddie: And you are.
259 notes • Posted 2021-11-13 01:11:08 GMT
Me whenever I find new people to ship:
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Edit: It’s not letting me tag more things TwT
542 notes • Posted 2021-11-22 01:21:01 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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ricksbowen · 4 years
Could you write an imagine where Ricky and y/n “hate each other” but actually have feelings for each other and it comes out because at a cast party they’re playing truth or dare or 7 minutes in heaven or something? Sorry if that’s confusing 😂
few more minutes | r.b
IN WHICH: ricky and y/n’s minutes in heaven needs a bit more than seven minutes.
INSPIRATION: feel good inc. — gorillaz
WARNING: this is pretty heated and there’s underage drinking.
A/N: trust me babe, your request wasn’t annoying at all <3 also, idk if i’m even allowed to write smut for ricky so i just wrote a make-out scene.
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“Truth or dare? What are we, 12?”
“Apparently,” you heard Gina hum from beside you, leaning back on her elbows as she eyed the others situate themselves in a circle.
“It’ll be fun! Promise,” Carlos encouraged, clapping his hands excitedly as he placed an empty beer bottle in the middle of the circle.
“Yeah, stop being so pessimistic, bubbles,” Ricky remarked from across you, the scowl that appeared on your face enough to make him grin.
It was both your’s and Ricky’s fault why the whole cast was together on a Saturday night with alcohol, karaoke, and movies.
Miss Jenn’s suggestion of ‘hanging out to get to know each other better’ didn’t go as innocent as she might’ve thought. You were the designer for all of the sets, for Miss Jenn had found you walking out of detention for spray painting a mural in one of East High’s many empty staircases.
She made you her artist, as long as you promised her to never vandalize the school again — and you made that promise.
Already, you were known as a trouble maker. You didn’t fit in with any of the ‘theatre nerds’ ( a name you gave them before you fully knew them ) at first, but you all got along.
The only person that was never fond of you was Ricky Bowen.
You had met him due to your job in the play, and it was obvious since the beginning that you both couldn’t stand each other. You went out of your way to piss him off, whether it was by saying little remarks or giving him stupidly lovey-dovey nicknames that made him flush red. Whether it was with anger or surprise, you didn’t know, but he did the same thing to you. His favorite nickname for you was ‘bubbles,’ for he had caught you getting sidetracked from painting by blowing bubbles.
“Carlos, hurry and spin it before Y/N and Ricky start making out,” Ej commented with a laugh, his arm around Nini as she smiled at his joke from behind her red solo cup.
“Fuck off,” you groaned, the group erupting in laughs at your words. They always teased you and Ricky about the sexual tension that was almost suffocating at this point.
“Okay, I’m spinning!” Carlos announced, reaching towards the bottle and spinning it with one flick.
In a span of twenty minutes, Carlos had given you a lap dance, Ej’s hair was tied into little buns on top of his head, Big Red had done a handstand for five minutes straight, Ricky had to kiss Ej for specifically 23 seconds, and you had pulled your bra out from under your shirt and put it back on in a quick move. You were all giggly at this point, just a group of teens laughing at each other as they drank.
Big Red grinned as his spin landed on you— he had something up his sleeve. “Y/N!” Big Red sing-songed, making you roll your eyes with a smile. “Your turn! Truth or dare?” he asked dramatically, leaning back and nearly falling over as he did.
“Better give me something good, Redonovich.” You smirked, bringing the beer bottle back up to your lips and taking a swig. “Give me a dare, Reddie.”
Seb clapped excitedly, motioning for Big Red to move closer to him. “Oh my God! Big Red—“ His words were cut off as he whispered into Big Red’s ear, everyone else leaning in to try and listen. Seb moved away from Big Red, a crazy grin on his face that Big Red matched.
Clearing his throat dramatically ( he was a dramatic drunk ), Big Red pointed between you and Ricky, who had been quiet ever since you pulled the bra trick in front of him. “You and Ricky. Seven minutes in heaven in Ej’s room.”
“Wait— What?” Ej protested, Gina shushing him. Even she couldn’t help the growing smile on her face.
“Are you serious?” you asked with a laugh, looking at Big Red to see if there was a hint of teasing or joking in his face. Nothing; he was dead serious.
“Are you chickening out, Y/N?” Ricky snarked, making you glare at him as you cocked a brow.
Gina nudged you gently. “If you don’t wanna do it, we’re not forcing you.”
You looked at her for a moment, muttering a small, ‘fuck it,’ under you breath before nodding. You had nothing to lose, and life was too short.
Cheers of agreement rang through the group as you stood up, walking up to Ricky and offering a hand. He took it with an annoyed sigh, and you tightened your grip on his hand as a way to tell him, ‘stop being a dick.’
The both of you walked to Ej’s room, grumbles of, ‘This is stupid,’ and ‘If you breathe near me, I swear,’ being shared between you both. The group followed you, Ej’s strict rules of, ‘Don’t do anything on my bed or I swear—“
“Seven minutes in the room, babes! Unless you need more later,” Carlos said with a laugh, leaning against Ej’s door as you both stepped in.
“Don’t forget to pull out!” Was the last thing you heard before they closed the door on you, their laughs and remarks muffled by the door.
“This is bullshit.” You sat next to the door, legs criss-crossed as you ran a hand through your hair.
“You’re telling me. I’d rather be with anyone other than,” Ricky scrunched his nose for extra effect, “you.” He sat on Ej’s bed, letting himself fall back onto the neatly made bed.
“Holy shit,” you laughed humorlessly to yourself, standing up and walking closer to him. “Why do you hate me so much? I haven’t done shit to you!”
“Says you!” Ricky used his elbows to prop himself up, glaring at you as he did. “Ever since the day we met, you’ve been on my ass for every little thing! It’s just, ‘Wow Ricky, sing better!’ or ‘Holy shit, your dance moves suck!’”
“You’re not any better! How many times have you purposely scared me while I was painting so that I could mess up? Or those stupid little nicknames you gave me— what’s up with that?” you questioned, watching as he stood up from the bed with a scowl.
“Shut up.”
“Or what?” you challenged, chest touching his as you looked at him. Your eyebrow cocked up, a mocking smirk on your mouth “Aw, did I strike a—“
Ricky pressed his mouth to yours, his hands holding the sides of your face. You kissed back with the same amount of fervor, lips moving quick against his as all the sexual frustration you had towards him was let out. You moved closer, leading him backwards until he fell back onto the bed.
Ricky’s chest heaved, and you straddled him with a triumphant smile. You leaned back down, kissing him gently ( which totally caught him off guard ) before trailing kisses down his neck and leaving marks.
“Never thought you’d be the dominant type.”
“Shut up, Ricky.”
Ricky let out a breathless laugh that immediately stopped when he felt you grind down, his teeth catching his bottom lip to stop the moan that threatened to escape.
“What— cat got your tongue?” you remarked, moving down harder against him to try and get a reaction out, to no avail. He was keeping his noises back, trying to avoid giving you the satisfaction of hearing him.
So that was the game he wanted to play.
Before you could continue to be on top, you felt him pull you down, switching the positions in an instant as he hovered over you. His lips met yours once again, and you tugged at the bottom of his shirt to remove it. The clothing was soon thrown somewhere in the room, long forgotten and quickly joined by your own shirt.
Ricky swore he forgot to breathe when he saw you toss your shirt over your shoulder.
“Ricky?” you asked, suddenly nervous as you looked up at him. He shook his head, pressing his lips to yours quickly.
“You’re so beautiful.”
Your cheeks bloomed red, making Ricky grin sheepishly as he brought your lips back up to his. Ricky’s lips trailed down, down, down, leaving a mark right above your breast and listening to the panting moan you let out before he moved back up to your face.
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” he asked softly.
“Never been more sure,” you replied, looking him in the eyes before kissing him again.
Your hands reached down to his jeans, the need taking over the both of you as you tried to get his clothes off. You giggled softly when he cursed his jeans, his hands reaching down to try and pull them off of him until—
“Do you guys need extra minutes?”
Big Red’s voice broke you both apart for just a second, chests heaving and breaths fanning over each other as Ricky gave you a wide-eyed look.
“Give us like, an hour!” you replied, hearing Ricky snort and try not to let out a laugh. From behind the door, you heard the groans of your cast.
“Pay up, Seb,” said Gina’s voice, victory evident in her voice. “I told you that they were gonna need more time.”
“I can’t believe they’re gonna have sex on my bed,” followed Ej’s voice.
“I’m gonna need new sheets.”
TAGS: @tomshufflepuff, @myrandom-fandomlife, @softpeteparker, @sarcarstic-space-weirdo
1K notes · View notes
lluvguts · 3 years
extra sugar // reddie
pairing: modern! richie tozier / eddie kaspbrak
warnings: none!
word count: 1964
summary:  Richie has been going to the same coffee shop for a week now but the barista still won't get his name right.
Richie’s stomach did a little flip when he opened the cool glass door into the coffee shop. Not because of the menu, showcasing their outrageously priced drinks, but at the young barista behind the counter. Richie couldn’t seem to shake that jittery feeling, he got his coffee from the same place every morning and still that kind face smiling back at him sent a new shiver of want every time.
The first time they’d met was a week before. A Friday, filled with Richie scrambling to get his stand-up act written on time in the early hours in that secluded coffee shop before his theatre class started. Richie had noticed between sips of a sugary mocha latte that the barista was sneaking careful glances at his hunched, furiously typing frame from behind the bakery display case. An older woman had taken Richie’s order before he sat down, but that didn’t stop the younger boy from hiding behind the large glass of pastries so Richie might be led to believe he wasn’t staring. But today, it was him taking Richie’s order, like it had been ever since he’d decided to return for some good coffee over the weekend—and to see those warm brown eyes again.
The barista did a small wave, inviting Richie into the comforting blanket of coffee smells and churning espresso machines that he’d grown to appreciate. Richie’s wallet, however, was not as happy. Each drink was eight dollars or more.
When he’d stepped up to the register his heart did that annoying jumpstart again, almost surprised to see the familiar face. The name Eddie was written with a practiced hand on one of the pins tied to his apron, among other buttons and colorful patches. Of course he knew his name , but he’d never stopped to examine the array of shiny pins across his chest. Richie took note of the newest addition to Eddie’s pin collection: a rainbow pride flag nested under his name tag, its colors glinting bright and well, happily in the golden house light.
“What can I get you?” Eddie’s voice brought him out of his head. He flashed a grin, making Richie’s heart lose it. “The usual?”
“If by ‘usual’ you mean whatever sends me into heart failure the quickest, then yes ,” Riche replied, gaining enough of that on-stage confidence to smirk back, earning a blush from Eddie.
“How about I surprise you?” Eddie turned to the screen in front of him, punching in a few details to the order, giving Richie the perfect amount of time to realize how many freckles spanned across Eddie’s softened features. And maybe even imagine how delicate his fingers would have to be if he’d let his hands brush across those flushed cheeks. Or what else his long fingers could brush over...
Nope. He saved those thoughts for when his classes were over and for nights spent in bed alone, after rehearsing his lines while inhaling microwaved instant ramen. Not right now when he was standing in front of him.
They’d only made small talk at the register, and every time Richie’s hands touched Eddie’s to get his coffee (knowing now was really the only time to say something) his mouth wouldn’t open. He’d remain frozen in place, the only sign of life chugging through his sleepy system being his wide eyes as he read the name on the cup. Or rather, the misspelled name . He had been keeping track of Eddie’s butchered attempts at writing Richie Tozier, finding it to be a constructive use of his free time—and a wonderful reason to flirt back.
Just Rich. Chee. Mr. Toziér. Richi Tozeer.
At that point he wanted to yank the coffee cup from Eddie’s hands and write his own damn name for him. Just to have an excuse to see if his palms were calloused and weathered, or warm and plush like he fantasized them to be.
Richie dug into a pocket of his skinny jeans for his wallet. “Go ahead, surprise me. But extra sugar .” Eddie nodded at this but was still focused on the register.
“Roger that. I’ll bring it to your table,” Eddie said with a wink.
“Thanks Eds,” Richie said back and handed over the money. Eddie lost all of the teasing glint he’d had before, instead he fell into his repertoire of shy little smiles. He was flustered and Richie found it very adorable.
“Oh, it’s just Eddie.”
“I know, I just like seeing that look on your face.”
Eddie stiffened, ignoring the other customers waiting behind Richie. “ What look?”
He chuckled and went over to an empty couch. He plopped down with his backpack while Eddie scooped a shaky cup of coffee beans into a grinder, trying not to blush and look his way.
Richie watched Eddie make his drink, peering down the edge of the counter to see that despite the growing overcast outside he was wearing shorts—ones that hugged his upper thighs and made Richie curse him to the depths of hell for even thinking of wearing them. His mind started to go south so he quickly slipped his backpack over his lap to hide his excitement at the sight of Eddie crouching down to rummage for new coffee syrup in a low cupboard—it was a serious effort to tear his longing gaze away from those painfully visible legs. He got out his phone instead, opening up some mindless puzzle game with a pounding heart so he’d stop thinking about the stupid barista with the cute ass only a few feet away. But that stupid barista was all he could think about ever since he saw him...
A to-go cup was set before him on the little rustic table, followed by a voice. “Mind if I join you? I’m on my break.”
Richie stopped sorting bright, pixelated candies and looked up at Eddie’s hopeful smile and the waft of steam peeking out of the plastic coffee lid. Before he said anything back he turned the coffee cup around until he could see the name scrawled in sharpie.
“‘ Riche Tisher ?’ How are you further off than yesterday?” Richie laughed, then nearly choked. Written after this was a phone number. Eddie’s phone number.
Eddie shifted on his toes, blinking nervously at the floor. “I know your name. I just liked seeing your reaction every time. It was um, kinda cute.”
Richie cleared his throat and hoped his next words didn’t sound too idiotic. “ Oh . Well, thanks, I guess.” Richie made room on the couch then hesitantly lifted his backpack off his jeans to set it on the floor. He kept his eyes level with the table so he wasn’t too tempted to glance down at Eddie’s bare legs dangerously close to his. He screamed at himself to say something other than his default of: a flirty insult or half-heard blubbering, but Eddie pointed to the cup.
Richie almost visibly sighed in relief and reached for his drink. “What‘s in it?”
Eddie smirked. “Surprise, remember? You tell me.”
Richie stared at that shiny rainbow pin on Eddie’s apron as he took a sip, consumed with the sweetness of honey and lavender.
“It’s my favorite thing on our menu. And the least pricey,” Eddie said.
“Well that’s good, cause I’m going to go broke after all these coffees.”
Eddie pondered over this. “You do come here often. Do you live in the area?”
“Actually, I go to the college a few blocks down. But the dorms suck.”
Eddie’s brown eyes livened at that information. “What’s your major?”
“Performing Arts. I wanna do comedy, but for now I’m stuck doing acting.” Richie said and returned that interested stare.
“Yeah, the dorms really do suck.”
Suck was an understatement. Half the time Richie’s roommates only showed up at the crack of dawn, tripping over themselves they were so wasted, to collapse onto—usually—Richie’s available bed and wouldn’t move for the rest of the morning. Even if Richie was still under the covers, fighting to breathe under their immense weight.
“You go there too? How come I never see you?” Richie tried not to sound overly eager.
“I take night classes...So I can still work,” He said with a tentative smile.
His face fell. “Oh. Sorry, I don’t know why I didn’t realize that.”
“You know, to be a great comedian you have to be able to pay attention,” Eddie teased.
Richie had been paying attention, but maybe not to all the right things.
He exposed the side of the coffee cup with Eddie’s number on it. “Well, if I’ve been reading my audience, it looks like someone is trying to get me to call them.”
Eddie let his eyes wander to Richie’s backpack, where he too had a rainbow pride flag pinned to its front. His eyes widened and the color faithfully returned to his cheeks.
If Richie thought he had it bad, Eddie outshone his awkward attempts at conversation in the very attractive, breathless, asking-a-guy-out category. “Yeah, you definitely hit the mark on that one. Maybe, if you want to, of course...We could um, get dinner sometime? If you’re not busy— or if you aren’t seeing anyone! I totally didn’t realize. Well, if you want to?...”
Richie hadn’t really been listening, ironically enough. He was too caught up in that warmth on Eddie’s face, almost able to feel the heat of his embarrassment from across the couch. Eddie sat waiting for a reply, and in place of one Richie leaned forward with a delicate hand, just to let his fingertips touch the curve of Eddie’s jawbone. Only briefly, the slightest feel of his cheek, his racing heart, trailing a finger down to his chin, then hesitantly returning to his lap. Though bold, it was the only way to communicate with his actions what his stammered words had failed to say for the last week. Hey, I think I like you. You’ve got a cute face, too. See how soft it is?
Eddie’s breathing was reduced to a short little stutter in his throat, eyeing Richie’s hand with surprise as it was no longer against his cheek.
“Y-You certainly a put on a good show,” Eddie said when he could use his lungs again, shifting to stare at Richie’s dark eyes. It was like the rest of the coffee shop fell away, and Richie found himself stuck in a scene he didn’t know the lines to, with no stage directions to rely on. There were no wings, no gaping audience—only his own feelings to drive him forward. Only Eddie next to him.
Richie took the empty cup, swirling around the last dregs of honeyed coffee before examining the number so he could type it into his contacts. “This is only the first act, Eds. You could come by my dorm before your classes start? We’ve got pizza. A five star meal, of course.”
He grinned. “It’s Eddie . So is this... play, a comedy or a tragedy?”
Richie pretended to be deep in thought. “I was thinking something along the lines of a romance , but it’s totally your call. We could Romeo and Juliet this bitch and both die in the end.”
Eddie playfully bumped Richie’s shoulder, then glanced at his phone for the time.
“I gotta get back to work, but...dinner? Around seven?”
“And, if this is only the first act, ” Eddie toyed with one of the bracelets on Richie’s wrist. For a shy little barista of a man, he sure could flirt. “How many scenes are we talking here?”
Richie gave him a knowing smile. “You’ll have to wait and see. And thanks for the coffee, Eds.”
He frowned at Richie’s expectant grin, fighting the urge to smile through his irritation. “That’s not my name.”
“‘Riche’ isn’t mine either!”
19 notes · View notes
Kiara Carrera x reader
Requested by anon // Summary: You and Kie’s first official date. 
A/N: I hope this is full of fluff like you wanted and I hope you like it!! I was really proud of this one.
If anyone else has a Kie x reader request, please send it in. I want to add more to my list and want to write what people want to read!! 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: OPEN {CLOSED}
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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You and Kie have been best friends for forever. However, only recently had new feelings emerged from both of you. No one knew of your relationship, except both of your families. Both of your homes were safe havens for your relationship where you two could be yourselves and be together without being judged. Not even the pogues expected a thing.
It was a day on the boat when your relationship was almost not a secret anymore. It was your fault, you hadn’t even thought about what you were doing.
 You were putting sunscreen on Kie’s shoulders and back when you’d kissed her on the cheek, “There you go babe.”
Everyone on the boat had froze, their eyes wide, including Kie’s. She’d glanced over her shoulder at you, an eyebrow raised.
You’d cleared your throat, “What?” Looking around at the pogues, “You’ve never seen a girl kiss her best friend on the cheek?”
The boys exchanged glances all shaking their heads, “No. Never.” JJ says.
Kie turns around and wraps her arm around your shoulder, kissing your cheek, “She’s my best friend. Come on guys, get your head out of the gutter.”
You’d blushed a little and rolled your eyes at the boys. Kie did the same. The boys nodded, not necessarily fully convinced, and turned around to face the water so they could fish.
You looked at Kie, mouthing I’m sorry.
She laughed and shook her head. She’d leaned in close and whispered quietly, “No, it was cute.” She stole another kiss really quick, this time on your lips and went to the boys, grabbing a fishing pole herself and leaving you a blushing mess.
“So, do you girls want to hang out?” Pope asked when the boat arrived back at the Chateau.
“No, we have plans. We’re going to the mainland this evening.” Kie answers, stepping off the dock.
You do the same, “girls night. Sorry boys.”
JJ pouts, “Why do you guys always have girls night without us? I swear you two have one every other day.”
You and Kie both exchanged a glance. It was true. Your girls nights were between just the two of you either at her house or yours, cuddling on the couch watching movie or spending the evening by the pool. This is where the best friends thing comes in handy. It’s an excuse for the two of you to hang out all the time and them not expect a thing.
“We’re best friends, JJ.” Kie says.
“Yeah plus, we need a break from you goons.” You add, laughing.
“And you guys aren’t girls last time we checked.” Kie also adds, laughing.
John B pouts, “we aren’t goons.”
The two of you walk hand and hand down main street at a small town on the mainland. The two of you caught the attention of a few people, giving you disgusting looks but you ignored them. “So where is this place you’re taking me?”
“Well, that is a surprise.�� She gives your hand a squeeze and flashes a smile. “I wanted to plan tonight out all myself and surprise you with it.”
You hum in response, “Okay..”
“We’ve never had a first real date and well I wanted to make this one special, so we can say this is our first official date if anyone asks.”
The two of you walk along the sidewalk by the water, leading to a beautiful restaurant overlooking the harbor. You could tell by the outside it was expensive. “kie, no.” You shook your head, “This place looks too fancy and expensive.” You stopped walking.
She sighs, facing you, “Well, it’s a good thing I have my dad’s credit card.” She tugs on your arm a little, “Come on, I told you I wanted today to be perfect.”
You frown, “Kie…”
“girl I swear.” She huffs, taking your head in her hands, and making you look at her, “We are going in that fancy restaurant. We’re going to order whatever we want. No matter the cost and we are going to have a damn good time. Okay?” She presses a kiss to your pout.
“Okay fine.” You take her hand in yours, following you into the restaurant.
The dinner was fabulous and delicious. There was an ice cream place next door, so you two headed that way. Ordering your ice creams and then taking it back outside where there was a picnic table overlooking the water.
“Here will be perfect.” She steps up on the picnic table, sitting on the table. You take a seat on the bench and lean back between her legs, watching the sunset over the water. It was the perfect amount of orange glow, the golden hour.
“Here.. try this. It’s delicious.” She reaches around you, a spoonful of ice cream.
You take the bite and hum in response, “Oh that’s good.”
“you got a little..” She gently runs her thumb over your lip, wiping the excess ice cream. “You’re so beautiful..”
You blush, taking a bite of your ice cream, “You’re gorgeous.” You lean up and press a kiss to her lips, “I love you.”
“I love you too..” She smiles.
You pull out your phone, “picture please?”
She rolls her eyes. You were always wanting to take pictures of the two of you or of just her. “Smile baby.” You lean away to capture the photo of her.
She gives you a smile as you snap the photo. “Okay your turn.” She motions with her hand and you hand over the phone. You smile and she captures the photo.
“And now one of the two of us.” You lean back comfortably in between her legs and she leans in close as you put the phone in selfie mode. Both of you smile as you snap the photo. You take another sharing a kiss and then her kissing your cheek. “We’re pretty cute.” You comment looking at the photos
She glances over the photos as you swipe through them, taking a bite of the ice cream. “We do. You should post them.”
You look up at her, “yeah I mean I was going to post the ones of you and then the one of me.”
She shakes her head, “No. post them all.”
“But.. people..”
She nods, “People would know about us. Yeah I know. That’s the whole point. I want people to know. I want to be able to show you off.”
Your eyes light up, “Wait really?”
She laughs, nodding, “yes, really. Post that shit! Let people know you’re taken.” She leans in and kisses your lips, “That you’re mine.”
You bite your lip and kiss her again, “I love you kie.”
She smiles into the kiss, “I love you too..”
Obx taglist: @tregua-oca , @weirdbiwitch , @losers-club6 , @treestarrrrrrrr , @omgwhattheeven , @normatural , @lreincarnationl , @laurenron , @junkiemuppettxx , @beth-winchester21 , @divcrdown , @timotaychalabae , @moose-squirrel-asstiel , @tangledinsparkles , @prejudic3 , @lanarichards5  @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch , @fratboystark , @nas-marie-loves-u , @sunwardsss , @annedub , @jellyfishbeansontoast , @turtlee-says-rawr, @fanficscuziranout , @wellthathappened2 , @write-from-the-heart , @louisolos , @outrbank , @sunset-d-rive , @family-buisnes , @traumaflavouredjuulpod , @http-cherries , @k-k0129 , @mileven-reddie , @eclecticpuppyhollywoodhumanoid , @cinnamon-roll-seth , @teamnick , @rockyyc77 , @ellojustafangirlhere , @sataninsatin , @lordsagittarius , @helplessquotess , @katerosexx , @kiarasgold , @thee-sex , @carefreecowrie , @ceruleanjj , @colie-babi , @ilovejjmaybank , @laubluered , @lcil123 , @notmcchkn , @ceruleanjj , @fangirlvoice , @maybebanks , @lolitstiana , @danicarosaline , @obx-beach , @katiaw2 , @hardyxlove , @kaelyn-lobrutto24 , @obxmxybxnk , @lasnaro , @thedarkqueenofavalon , @you-got-me-starry-eyed , @poguestyleskye , @poguesnobx , @godspeedlover , @coni-martina , @kaylinfayezink , @loveylangdon , @blossombxby13 , @thelovelydreamer17 , @chasefreakinstokes , @daddydobrockk , @you-got-me-starry-eyed​ , @kkmikayla​ , @thatweirdblonde​ , @bananasfromtarget​ , @popcrone818​ , @fanficsrmylife , @alexa-playafricabytoto​
*if your name is crossed out, tumblr won’t let me tag you
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​
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eddieeatsass · 4 years
Leave Me Breathless
Summary: "Eddie had been standing in his foyer for over twenty minutes trying to leave. As per usual, his mother was trying to find any excuse to keep him home. She'd reluctantly agreed to let him go to today's festivities, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to fight him every step of the way. A car honked outside, signaling his ride and his savior. He breathed a sigh of relief at his torment finally being over." Pairing: Reddie Rating: M Read On AO3
"Do you have your inhaler?"
"Yes mom."
"And your pills?"
"Yes mom."
"And you have my number? And the number for poison control? And the one for the hospital? And-"
Eddie had been standing in his foyer for over twenty minutes trying to leave. As per usual, his mother was trying to find any excuse to keep him home. She'd reluctantly agreed to let him go to the wedding today, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to fight him every step of the way.
A car honked outside, signaling his ride and his savior. He breathed a sigh of relief at his torment finally being over.
"Sorry mom, Bill's here, gotta go!" Eddie rushed out of his house before Sonia could get another word in, bounding down the walkway towards the red Ford Fiesta.
Bill let out a slow whistle at the sight of Eddie's attire. Eddie simply rolled his eyes, getting into the front seat and trying to ignore the buzzing anxiety that laid just under his skin.
Bill noted Eddie's apprehension and reached over with a reassuring pat to his leg.
"Don't worry, Sonia suspects nothing."
"Yeah Eds, don't sweat it sweet cheeks." Richie's voice projected from the backseat.
It was slightly muffled from where he laid under a blanket, completely covered up in case Sonia had decided to follow Eddie out to the car.
 When Eddie had asked his mom if he could go to a wedding, he hadn't been entirely honest about its whereabouts. As far as Sonia was concerned, Eddie was just tagging along as a friend to Bill's aunt's wedding. But in reality, Eddie was Richie's date to his cousin's nuptial.
Given that Sonia hated Richie more than any of Eddie's other friends, he'd figured using Bill as a scapegoat was his best bet.
 Bill was silent as he pulled out of Eddie's driveway, waiting until he got around the corner to finally erupt into victorious laughter.
"We did it! We fooled the troll!"
"Oooh what's on the other side of the bridge!?" Richie cheered, flinging the blanket off himself and straightening up. He finally got a look at Eddie for the first time and his eyes widened like saucers.
“A beautiful maiden, apparently.” Richie answered himself.
“Call me a maiden one more time, Trashmouth, I swear to god-”
Eddie was cut off as Richie grabbed his tie to pull him forward, kissing him with enough force to send all complaints out the window. If Richie was gonna kiss him like that, he could call Eddie whatever he wanted.
Bill cleared his throat, reminding the two of them that they weren’t alone.
Eddie pulled away blushingly, shooting an apologetic look to Bill who just smiled.
Their friends had been infinitely supportive of their relationship, even going as far as to help Eddie lie to his mom so he could spend time with Richie. However, the losers had sat them down a couple weeks ago to have a discussion about ‘PDA amongst friends’, and since then Eddie had been making a concise effort to keep things toned down around everyone else.
“So how long did it take you to get out of the house this time?” Richie asked, buckling his seatbelt and settling into the backseat.
Eddie let his eyes roll back into his head as he let out an exhausted groan.
“She’s getting worse.” Bill winced.
“I think she suspects something.” Eddie sighed, slumping down in defeat.
“Do you think she knows we’re dating?” Richie inquired worriedly.
“I don’t think so.”
“Thank god. If Miss K. catches on, that could make it real awkward between us in the bedroom.”
Bill laughed at their antics, making a right turn and slowing to a stop in front of the library.
 Bill hopped out of the car, rounding it to meet Richie where he exited.
“Don’t crash my car.” Bill warned.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Richie promised.
“Don’t have sex in it either.” Bill added as an afterthought.
“Now that, I already dream of.”
“I promise! I promise! No fucking in your car!” Richie raised his hands in surrender.
“Thank you. What time will you be back?” Bill asked as he began climbing the steps to the library doors.
“Wedding ends at 9:00.” Eddie answered from his open window.
“Alright, have fun you rascals.” Bill disappeared through the double doors and Richie leaped into the front seat.
“Okay now that Bill is gone can I please kiss the life out of you?” Richie pleaded. He barely waited for Eddie’s response before pulling him in for a searing kiss, drawing it out until Eddie was completely pliant.
Eddie made a noise of contempt when Richie pulled away, but Richie just patted his cheek.
“We don’t wanna be late for the wedding, Eds.” Richie teased.
With a final defeated sigh, Eddie resigned himself to sitting back in his seat as Richie pulled away from the curb, starting towards their destination.
 The venue was breath taking, covered head to toe in periwinkle decor. Guests crowded just about every inch of the floor, so it was a miracle they even spotted Richie's parents.
Maggie waved them over with a grin, her warmth always a comfort to Eddie.
Richie's parents had been extremely supportive of the shift in their relationship. Maggie had made sure that Eddie knew he was always welcome in their home, no matter what came of him and Richie's future. Wentworth had been a little less overt about his support, but he had made a comment over dinner one night about how Eddie was a good influence on Richie, so he counted that as a win.
"Don't you both look handsome!" Maggie greeted them as they walked up.
"Glad you could make it, Eddie." Wentworth commented with a curt nod and a smile that seemed genuine.
"I'm glad too." Eddie responded, squeezing Richie's hand where they were connected.
"Richie, dear, why didn't you wear the shirt I picked out for you?" Maggie tsked, adjusting the collar on the shirt he was wearing. Richie swatted her hands away.
"I like this one better." He grumbled, fixing it himself.
Truthfully, Richie would have looked good in any shirt, but Eddie knew he picked this one because Eddie had once mentioned liking it.
The notion that Richie would dress specifically for Eddie did little to relax his racing heartbeat.
 The ceremony started not long after they'd arrived. They filed into a room lined with fancy white chairs and claimed seats in the back, separating from Richie's parents who sat a couple rows from the front.
Eddie had been to a few weddings, and they were always the same. He'd prepared himself to sit through an hour of biblical references and awkward vows, so he was surprised when things didn't unfold as usual.
The bride walked down the isle sporting the biggest smile Eddie had ever seen in his life, and she was wearing a pantsuit. She was also covered in tattoos, and half of her head was shaved like Cyndi Lauper, (who was Eddie’s favorite singer despite the fact that Sonia had forbidden him to listen to her). Eddie thought she might be the coolest woman he'd ever seen, next to Beverly, of course.
The groom was a big man, probably tall enough that he needed to duck under doorways. As the bride joined him at the altar, they shared a chaste kiss, which Eddie wasn't even sure was allowed. It made him like them even more.
 The ceremony commenced and Eddie could already tell that the man officiating the wedding wasn't a pastor, or at least not like any pastor he'd ever met. The man cracked jokes, went off script, and teased the bride and groom when they fumbled over their words. It gave the entire room a welcoming aura that Eddie sank himself into.
When they began exchanging vows, Eddie found himself getting choked up. They seemed so in love with each other, so happy to be getting married, it made something that had long been frozen in Eddie's heart begin to defrost.
No one in his family had seemed to marry for love. It was usually the product of two lonely people choosing to be lonely together, he’d never seen a wedding that had actual emotion behind it.
He felt Richie squeeze his hand, and when he looked up, he found him already watching Eddie with matching tears in his eyes. Richie didn't cry often, in fact, Eddie could count on his hand the amount of times he'd seen him shed tears. Wordlessly, Richie brought their conjoined hands up to his face and placed a kiss on the back of Eddie's hand.
"I love you." He mouthed, lips brushing against Eddie's hand.
The rest of the room fell away until it was just the two of them, and for the first time since they'd gotten together, Eddie allowed himself to visualize a future with Richie. A future where they could have their own wedding, where Richie's family could become his family, where Eddie didn't have to hide who he was.
"I love you." Eddie mouthed back, completely breathless.
He knew that the moment would pass soon, that they’d fall back into light-heartedness and pretend this never happened, but for the moment Eddie relished in it.
 They didn’t even notice the ceremony was over until everyone began cheering, rising from their seats and blocking the view of the altar.
Richie leaned in close, resting his forehead against Eddie’s, and suddenly the energy shifted. There was a mischievousness in Richie’s eyes that hadn’t been there a moment ago.
“Now that we’re done with the compulsory part of being here, wanna see if we can find a coat room to sneak off to?”
Eddie’s responding grin felt almost feral, his pulse beating loudly in his ears.
“Follow my lead.”
 They filed out of the ceremony room with everyone else, back into the lobby where guests would wait until the room was rearranged into a dining area, but Richie and Eddie didn’t wait with the others.
Eddie followed Richie as he weaseled his way through the crowd anonymously, all the way to a tiny door that was labelled ‘basement’. They slipped inside unnoticed and bounded down the stairs until they came upon several open rooms. Some contained guests’ coats, some contained extra furniture, and some seemed to be washrooms at the far end of the hall. They chose the room closest to them and tumbled inside, already connected at the lips.
“Fuck this god damn shirt.” Eddie huffed, beginning to unbutton Richie’s offending garment.
Richie laughed deeply and Eddie felt it in his bones. He pulled Richie closer by his lapels.
“I’m gonna marry you some day.” Eddie said mindlessly, kissing down Richie’s exposed neck.
“Not if I marry you first.” Richie shot back without missing a beat. He was making quick work on Eddie’s belt, trying to get his pants down as quick as possible, but Eddie stilled him with a hand against his chest.
Richie looked up at him with wild eyes.
“You know I’m serious, right?” Eddie asked a bit timidly.
Richie brought his hands up to cup Eddie’s cheeks.
“Edward.” He said, unfaltering. “I would marry you today if I could.”
The statement was so genuine it took Eddie’s breath away, leaving him completely speechless. With nothing else to say, and too much love in his heart, he made it his mission to take Richie’s breath away too.
Eddie got to his knees, looking up at Richie through hooded eyes as his shaky hands undid Richie’s pants.
And with more determination than Eddie had ever had in his life, he promised himself two things.
He was going to marry this man one day, and right now, he was going to make this man lose his mind.
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kmcarras · 4 years
Part 4 only got 4 notes!? That's nuts! For the record, I did find your reddie storyboard here on tumblr first, but now I follow you on twitter and instagram too (and youtube) so I ended up seeing it in my youtube subscription box first and then liking it on twitter and instagram and I didn't check tumblr until now. Maybe there's less notes here because people tend to see it/share it on the other sites first? idk but I want you to feel appreciated, you're doing God's work (I'm atheist but u know)
haha yeah i think it’s up to 17 now. i posted it both in the master thread with all four parts thus far and on its own, so it got a few more in the master thread, but in general i think because the master thread is considered just a reblog of part 1, it doesn’t show up high in the tags or whatnot. part 4 never got a whole ton of notes, even when i posted it on here without sound. like the one that got the most notes was when i posted part 1&2 as a combo the first time without sound, and they’ve all kinda gone downhill from there. i’ve chalked it up to that the reddie fandom has mostly died down and that it’s really noticeable on tumblr because tumblr has also mostly died??? but yeah i’ve gotten decent feedback on instagram. i’ve literally taken out ads on instagram so that it gets seen because it getting seen is what motivates me to keep working. because it takes so long for me to make one part, i don’t post often between those, and the instagram algorithm favors those who post frequently, like practically everyday. unfortunately, instagram has not been approving my ads lately, my guess is because of the cussing, but i have a decent number of followers now on there who are really nice and vocal. i honestly haven’t been coming on tumblr as much because it kind of depresses me, so i mostly stick to instagram. that being said, the people who do reach out are so incredibly kind, and the people who reblog with comments really brighten my day. and thank u! i’m agnostic and i use that phrase sometimes too. i hope i’m not coming across as whining. i just know myself and i know that this is a long story and an ambitious endeavor- we are only about a third of the way through it— and im very scared of losing my motivation and not finishing it. edit: but yes i’ve considered that too, that maybe it’s just being shared on other sites. i’m trying to just have tunnel vision for instagram where it’s doing well unless it picks up steam on the other sites.
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northcarolinanative · 4 years
𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 (𝟽)
Chapter 7: I’m Not Giving Up 
Description: John B’s Sister comes home from staying with their mom, only to find out that her brother is missing and her dad was murdered. JJ may have just lost his best friend. Her and JJ have to figure out what to do and how to pick up the pieces.
A/N: This is going to have like 100 chapters probably jk maybe, anyway… Tell me what you think, I love hearing feedback from you guys. Also, my requests are open and so are my messages:( pls message me!! Hope y’all enjoy :) 
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Need to catch up? Ch.1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4 / Ch. 5 / Ch.6
I woke up and fluttered my eyes open. I heard rustling and all I saw was darkness. I realized that JJ and I were still intertwined from the position we were in the night before. I was faced with his chest, his head resting on mine, and his arm wrapped to cover my face. He was warm and I could feel a sudden draft of wind, making me move closer to him. I started to doze back off in the warmth of the bed. Things we’re black, but I heard people walking, and then an “Shhhh,” followed by papers rustling. “What is all this?” I felt JJ move his head from mine. I wasn’t dreaming, was I? 
“I see you’re coping by throwing yourself at the tourist girls per usual.” l definitely wasn’t dreaming someone was in the house. I jumped at the sound of the voice, not sure why it had scared me so much. I felt JJ wrap his arms around me a little tighter. 
“It’s just Pope and Kie,” JJ said to me. I slowly sat up in the bed looking at both of them. I knew they were hurting, but throwing that insult at JJ, uncalled for. I moved my hair behind my ear, my face turning red from the position that they had found JJ and I in. I just smiled as both of them looked between JJ and me with a stunning glance on their face.  
“Y/N?” Kie was the first to speak, before running up to me and giving me a soft hug. “What the hell? When did you-” She stopped, taking in that I was here, in front of her. 
“I got back a few days ago” I said shortly, looking over to JJ who was looking at Pope giving each other glances. 
Pope finally looked my way. “Honestly didn’t think we’d ever see you again.” He chuckled at his own statement. 
“Y’all can’t get rid of me that easily now,” I said trying to lighten the mood. “What are y’all doing here?” I asked getting up from the bed, pushing JJ off in the meantime so I could fold it up. He let out an annoyed groan but ended up helping me as we listened to Kie and Pope. 
“We thought we would come by, see if everything was alright over here. You know, maybe clean the place up.” Nothing about seeing if JJ was staying here, maybe that’s why they were here, just didn't say it. 
“Yea, somehow Y/N got me to clean the house up her first night back.” JJ joked as he put the last cushion on the couch, flopping down on it. 
“How did you manage that Y/N?” Pope laughed with him. The air was thick, now it was Pope and Kie sharing glances, and I remembered what JJ told me about their maybe relationship. That wasn’t the only reason the air was thick. 
We all were at a loss for words without John B. No one knew if it was okay to joke and laugh, or if we should all be crying. The air in the room was so thick it was almost hard to breathe. We all sat around, JJ pulling out his Juul and taking a few puffs, relieving his own feeling of tension. 
I broke the silence, moving toward the maps. “What have you guys been up to?” It was a simple question but asked much more than just that. I wanted to know how they were doing after losing John B, but more importantly why that had not reached out to JJ. Maybe I was being too hard on them, it had only been a few days, but until now they did not know that JJ wasn’t alone. 
“Uh. Not too much. We went to the tent to see Shoope a few times, other than that, trying to figure out where to go from there, how to move forward.” Move forward. Ouch.
“Yea. I mean we’ve been at the Wreck almost all day with my dad, he doesn’t really want us to leave with all this still going on. He thinks they’ll pin it on us.” 
I quickly looked at JJ, giving him a questioning look. Why would they pin anything on the other pogues? JJ made it seem like everyone knew by now that Rafe was guilty. “He’s probably looking out for us. You know Mr. C, Y/N always looking out for us.” 
I mumbled a “right” making a mental note to ask him about it later. I moved to start cleaning up the maps. I had no plans to tell the other two what JJ and I were up to, as they were trying to “move forward.” John B had told me that they believed our dad was dead, even when we didn’t, but I thought maybe since it was their friend this time they would think differently. 
“So what is all this?” Pope asked, moving to look at the maps scattering the counter in front of us. 
“Nothing,” I said. 
At the same time JJ spoke up “Wild goose chase, part 2.” I shot JJ a look. If looks could kill he would have been dead. 
Kie looked between the two of us and then grabbed the last map on the table that I hadn’t folded up yet. She looked over it and then back at me. “Are you really trying to find them?” She looked at JJ. “You both still think they're out there?” 
I took the map out of her hand and quickly folded it up to move it into the bin with the others. “Of course I do Kiara.” I used her full name, something I tend to do when I am mad. I was shocked that she expected anything different. “I am not giving up on my brother, not now! It’s only been a few days, and you both are ready to salute him goodbye!” I motioned between her and Pope. 
“Y/N, if they were there don’t you think the police would have found them by now, huh?” She asked moving closer to me. I didn’t like this, the pogues were normally supportive, but something had changed. 
“Yea, because their top priority is finding some fugitive from the cut that's been lost at sea.” Sarcasm dripping from my words “If we don’t stick up for them, who will, huh?” I fired back, mimicking her tone. 
“You know, your brother said the same thing, look where that got him. You would think after what happened to your dad and your brother chasing things lost at sea, you would learn not to.” 
I stopped what I was doing. I froze. I could not believe that she said that. “Kie what the hell?” Pope said to her. He looked at me with pity in his eyes. 
“Yea what the fuck Kie?” JJ stood up and walked in my direction. 
She looked around and quickly walked out of the house, Pope nodded at JJ and quickly followed her. It wasn’t a few seconds after the door shut that JJ wrapped his arms around me in a hug. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. 
I pulled away from JJ. “I’m gonna go sit by the water for a bit. I need to clear my head.” I said before starting towards the back door. 
“You sure you’ll be okay by yourself?” I smiled back and just nodded before turning back to the dock. 
I sat down letting my bare feet rest in the water. The water was cool, as it was still the morning. Kie really gave up on John B, so did Pope. It hurt me to think like that, but what if they were right? What if all this work was just JJ and I trying not to process our emotions, something neither of us handled well. I did not want to think about John B or even the way that my heart sped up around JJ. My mind shifted to JJ, the new relationship that had seemed to form the past few days. It wasn’t anything I should be thinking about, but it helped me from thinking about John B. JJ and I had always been friends, but recently, with the constant comforting touches and the nights that we had shared, made things feel different. 
As if on cue JJ came walking down the dock, and like that my alone time was over. JJ never was one for being alone anyway. When he reached me, he leaned down and handed me an open beer. “Thought you could use this.” He said as I grabbed it. “Do you need more time?” He asked. 
“Nah. I just need to cool off after that…” I paused as I watched him sit down, “heated discussion.” I laughed. 
“She shouldn’t have said any of that, it was uncalled for.” There it was, those constant, reassuring touches, as he put his arm lazily around my shoulders. “I’m sorry.” 
“We aren’t being crazy are we?” I asked looking up at him. “I mean she is right isn’t she? In some respect at least? I mean I’m literally doing what I was complaining about both of them doing, hunting a shipwreck.” 
“We aren't hunting a shipwreck Y/N” He paused and looked at me. “We’re hunting our friend, your brother, we’re looking for someone, not something. It’ll be worth it in the end, Promise.”
We sat like that on the dock in silence for a while the breeze came off the ocean. “Kie really thought I was just some tourist you were macking to help you cope?” I laughed nudging JJ slightly. 
“I know. She really has no faith in me.” He shook his head but I could hear the sarcastic tone in his voice. “Plus, you have changed since last summer. Your hair is longer and it’s all light and sunny. Plus you’ve grown up, I mean we all have. I don’t blame her for not recognizing you” I just looked back down at the water, a blush creeping up to my cheeks at his sudden affections. “Plus we could be macking, I’m not objecting” I turned quickly to look at him after his sudden statement. He had a huge smile on his face. 
“What?” I nervously laughed. 
“What?” He laughed back. 
Tag List: @nikki082489 @lovelymaybankk @dolanfivsosxox​ @alexa-playafricabytoto @downbytheouterbanks @heyhargrove​ @kayln021 @readysteadygo23 @im-a-stranger-thing @thatsonobx @dumbxgurl @ameeraaa21 @zehnuhrfunf @imagines-and-preferences1216 @mileven-reddie If you wanna be added to a tag list just reply below or message me:) if your user is crossed out it wouldn’t let me tag you? 
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You should do reddie with hey! Hoave you seen the... Oh
"Hey Eds, are you ready to go?"
"Almost ready!" Eddie replied from their bedroom while trying to find his cufflinks⎯ the only thing missing from his outfit. He had placed them next to his suit and his shoes last night, before Richie and him went to bed but now he couldn't find them.
Maybe Richie had seen them and put them away, worried that they would fall to the ground and be lost forever. “Richie, did you see my cufflinks?” Eddie asked but he got no answer. He walked over to their dresser, pulling open one of Richie’s drawers and wrinkling his nose at the mess inside. “Rich! Hey, have you seen the⎯ oh.”
He cut himself off when his eyes landed on a small velvet box that he'd never seen before. 
Eddie forgot about the cufflinks completely and was about to open the box, his heart fluttering wildly in his chest when Richie walked into the room. 
“We gotta go now Eds. Bev texted and everyone is already there except for us. Stan is already throwing a fit and⎯ oh shit.” 
Eddie had turned around the moment Richie walked in, forgetting to hide what he was holding in his hands. Richie was staring straight at the box, looking torn between grabbing it or running out of the room. And the house. And the state. 
Eddie turned the small box over in his hands. “Richie⎯”
“It’s not what it looks like.” He hurried to say.
Eddie stared down at the box with a frown. “It’s not an engagement ring?”
“I mean, it is.” Richie stammered out, wringing his hands nervously. “But it’s not⎯ It’s not mine. I'm⎯ I'm holding it for Ben. He asked me to keep it here."
Eddie's eyebrows knitted and he gave Richie a pointed look. "Ben? You mean already-engaged-to-Beverly Ben?" 
"Uh." Richie faltered, biting the inside of his cheek. "Did I say Ben? I meant Bill."
He let out a groan, running a hand through his hair. "Fine, it's mine. Well, yours. If you want it, that is." 
Eddie's heart skipped a beat, eyes darting between the box and Richie’s nervous face. He opened the box to reveal a beautiful golden band. 
“This,” he paused, clearing his throat when his voice came out a little shaky. “This is the worst proposal ever.” He finished with a laugh.
Richie let out a strangled sound. “Fuck you, Eds. This is your fault. You botched it by finding the goddamn ring!” He said, arms flailing and pointing at Eddie and the ring and the dresser. 
“Well you just left it there!”
“Yes. In my drawer. I didn’t think you would go through my stuff.”
“I wasn’t going through your stuff, I was looking for my cufflinks!”
“Your cufflinks are in the⎯” Richie paused, reaching up to adjust his glasses, eyebrows knitted in a frown. “Wait. Stop. Why are we fighting right now? You didn't even give me an answer.”
“Technically, you didn’t ask me the question.”
Richie slapped his hand against his forehead. “We fucking suck at this.”
Eddie bit down a smile, flipped the box closed and handed it to Richie. “Here.”
He accepted it and moved closer to Eddie. “I had a whole thing planned out, you know and it didn’t involve proposing to you in our bedroom on the day of Stan’s wedding⎯ mostly because he'd kill me for it but I love you and I’ve been holding back from asking you to marry me since I had enough money to buy a ring, so I might as well just do it.”
“How romantic.” Eddie teased, but he was grinning at him.
“Shut up.” Richie said with a laugh. He dropped to one knee, holding the box up to Eddie. “I love you, you little angry gremlin. And I want to spend the rest of my life annoying you and loving you. And being loved and annoyed by you." He said, voice thick with emotion. “So, lame proposal aside, will you please marry me?”
Eddie shook his head before his face broke into the biggest grin. “Yes. Yeah. Fucking yes.”
Richie grinned back at him, removing the gold band from the box and slipping it on Eddie’s finger before springing to his feet and pulling Eddie in for a kiss.
When they pulled apart Eddie looked down at the ring with a smile. 
"Do you still think this was the worst proposal ever?" Richie asked, forehead pressed against Eddie's. 
He snorted a laugh. "No. But we're totally making something else up to tell everyone."
"Oh yeah, especially since Stan will kill us if we dare to steal his spotlight." 
They kissed again and Eddie carefully slid the ring off his finger, admiring it with a smile before returning it to the box. Then he put it in one of his drawers, where he found the cufflinks he had been looking for. 
"Ready to go?" Richie asked after helping Eddie put them on, he nodded. "Alright, let's get this wedding over with, so we can start planning ours." 
Eddie laced their fingers together and let Richie guide him to the door. He thought back to the ring in the drawer and the proposal that just happened and said, "Okay but I think it's best if you leave all the planning to me, Rich."
Tag list: @daddyphantomtbh @yes-dillman-yes @richietoaster @beepbeeprichiellc @its-stranger-than-you-think @lemonaayyee @losers-gotta-stick-together @tinyarmedtrex @richiefuckfacetozier @sam-i-am2468 @stylesmelon  @s-s-georgie @reddie-for-anything @eddiefuckinkaspbrak @constantreaderfool @hammockrichie @jesuschristsupruvestar @mirandonsky @reddie4diaster @alargedepresso @purplepoisonedgem @pan-ini @reddie-to-cryy @reddieforlove @trashmouthnick @multi-fandom-wby @wheezyeds @nancynwheeler @reddieslashgeneralhorror @madi-personal @reddie-tozibrak @lover-mouth   @that-weird-girls-blog @appojoos @castielwinovak @a-gay-treee @twoidiotsinl0ve  @spirited-marvel @typewrxter @rebecca-the-queen @juhavs @thegoshdiddlydangdoor @soooobr @purebloodqueen  @call-me-bread @wickedlyweasley @derpyanimatesstuff @braverthanyathink (if you want to be added, let me know!)
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