lovesickletters · 1 year
So i was looking at your edits again and it got me thinking, what if instead of their yandere behaviors being brought forth naturally, what if instead it was a perisat, this would explain their sudden change in behavior. The reason why it hasn't been detected as a disease among humans is because it's a parasite that only attaches itself to animal brains. But due to the demon's obscure nature of being an assortment of a bunch of deaforent creatchurs the parasite has made its home in them, however due to their human-like intellect they don't get fully taken over by it. On the other hand it enhances their primal senses and feelings toward those they really care about which results in them acting out on their instincts more often.
Usoly the animal that has been infected by the parasite would act violently, biting whatever other living thing in its vicinity. It's the parasitic way of trying to duplicate itself and infiltrate other animals, but because it was only meant for animals it can't fully take over the human mind. But what it does do is leave behind some interesting… side effects ~
Traditionally when it's time to “duplicate” the host produces more saliva in preparation for the transmission from one vessel to another. But as stated earlier it can't do that with humans and or lack of animal attributes, however when our lovely demons and demonesses realize how the saliva affects you they use it to their advantage.
When the Scorpion queen kisses you your mouth will start to feel numb, for a while you won't be able to taste and or feel anything with it, except her. The feeling of feeling nothing but her is addicting and when she's parted from you you will be craving more, more, more
Jin & Yin are like living energy drinks, they make you energetic and jittery along with leaving you with a smal portion of their adoration towards you. And if you kiss them long enough you'll eventually experience something akin to a sugar crash, making you slump in their arms unable to move from exhaustion.
Sun's frequent consumption of peaches has affected the way he tastes, he gives off the feeling of bliss and lightheadedness with his kisses. It's hard to leave him when your halfway passed out, not to mention the strange aroma you smell, it's so soothing ~
I love this idea! It’s very interesting and brings plenty of new ideas to the table, reminds me of a love!plague au from another fandom. The pure intoxication that comes from their addictive kiss being enough to get you hooked… Sickly sweet enough to keep you coming back for more is such an enchanting thing to think about💜
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yanyanderes · 2 years
This turned out to be a lot longer and kinda rushed but god damn, yandere Donnie oneshot:
Lately you have been more physical with your friends which hasn't gone unnoticed by Donnie, it enraged him watching you cuddle up to them through the hidden camera in your living room. Your friends haven't done anything to elicit any negative emotions from you so he can't get rid of them the old fashioned way, so he chooses to confront you instead. He had texted you the day prior that “ we need to talk”, even from the text alone you could feel something was wrong. He usoly write in long well throughout sentences that was borderline shakespearean at times so it was obvious that something was wrong.
When you entered his room Donnie was facing you on his chair with his legs crossed, an unamused expression plastered on his facial features, the tension already growing heavy. Donnie voiced his concerns straight up, no sugar coating whatsoever.
“why do you keep spending so much time with them”
His voice was monotune but cold, making you feel like you were being judged without a reason, it annoyed you.
“there just friends”
You retorted back.
Something within him snapped, he abruptly stood up from his chair almost knocking it over, stalking towards you with a dark look in his eyes, his hand on his belt. You suddenly regret your statement.
“what do they have that i don't?”
Even though his voice was brimming with anger there was a hint of sadness to it. You felt a twinge of guilt as you realized how much this took a toll on him, you took a deep breath trying to compose your emotions, mentally preparing yourself for what's to come. His scorching stare didn't help.
You confess how you didn't want to make him uncomfortable with your overbearing need to feel so close to someone, how you wanted to kiss his stupid face and cuddle him every night. You just wanted to show your love for him but didn't want to accidentally overstimulate him. So you tried to subdue those cravings via your friends but it never worked.
“because they were never you…”
You say in a hushed voice, almost ashamed of your basic human needs.
The tension in the air between you two could metaphorically be cut by a knife, it was suffocating almost to the point of making you cry. Donnie's face was unreadable as he stared into your averted eyes, like he was judging you, the thought made your stomach turn. You let out a sharp gasp as you felt yourself hit the wall behind you, your faces suddenly only a few inches from each other. His hands propped up beside your head, he was breathing heavily.
“show me how much you love me”
And there it was, the word you had been waiting for, it just felt so right to feel his lips against yours. Like puzzle pieces they fit perfectly together. You felt a shiver go down your spine when he tilted your head to deepen the kiss, guess you're not the only one who's been craving this kind of affection.
It's safe to say that you two became a lot more physically efficient after that, although Donnie would hold back the urge to kiss you in front of his brothers, he's still not a fan of pda. Though there were times where he genuinely couldn't stand being touched and you respected that, he couldn't be more happier with you. He sometimes thinks back on that day, the way you had opened up your heart to him. So honest, so unlike him, he's just glad you didn't notice the syringe on his belt.
i was reading the beginning about the hidden camera stuff and was like “oh! we’re getting straight into the yan stuff! nice!”
and then near the end i was like “awww they both communicated! i wonder how this will turn out!”
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redamoureux · 1 year
Your yandere spy thingy got me thinking, which of the mercs would be more likely to lie to there darling, so here's my take on it (i haven't read the comics so don't @ me if i get there personalities wrong, but that doesn't mean i wouldn't like to hear your take on it as well).
There's three categories here that i will put the individual mercs in, the first one is “lise in serten circumstances” and “lise regularly” and last but not leas “i have no fucking idea pleas help”
Medic has a tendency to lie to his patients when performing surgeries on them, mainly to put them at ease (like he did with Heavy in “Meat the Medic”). So it wouldn't come to such a surprise if he were to lie to his object of obsession throughout their whole relationship. Until he “lets himself go” and shows his true bloody colours. Although the amount this man is willing to lie also depends on your perception of him. I mean if you meet him before he had the opportunity to lie to you and actively support his activities then there's a fat chance he will grow delusional, more so than he would if you weren't aware of his practises.
Engineer is a chill guy, he (usoly) doesn't need to lie to sweep you off your feet, but if you prove to be difficult then he will sprinkle in some white lies to keep you safe. He knows what others are capable of, even if they don't know it themselves. He fears the day someone decides to do something really stupid and take their anger out on you. He's just looking out for you, so could you be so kind as to turn a blind eye from time to time? It would save both him and you a lot of trouble.
Pyro, Soldier and Scout can't lie to save their lives. While Scout tries to, and fails miserably, Soldier straight up doesn't know how to lie and therefore comes off rather blunt. Not to mention Pyro who's off in Pyroland 24/7 so the concept of lying would probably be nonexistent.
I think it's pretty established that Spy is a chronic liar, to a certain extent. He's willing to lie about a lot of things if it means you'll end up straight in his arms unharmed. The state of your health, your home, your family, all of it will become a lie for him to twist if it means he gets to have you.
Now Sniper I have a hard time deciphering what he'd do and to what extent, but I think he'd lie when it's most convenient or something I really can't tell, sorry.
Similar to Engineer, Heavy doesn't lie (much), unless it's to save your ass or to convince you of something. Demoman has a similar case but he's a lot more sentimental about it, he honestly doesn't want to be a dishonest man to you. Though he can't help but let a few things slip when he's drunk, so if you try to run oway after finding out what he's been lying about, he will beg you not to go and come clean. Assuming that you weren't aware of his job in the first place. But on the other hand, if you are aware and comfortable with it then you've got a pretty stable relationship in your hands, just dont worry too much about the missing people reports.
I like your interpretation! I feel like sniper deep down hates having to lie to you. Sure he'll tell you some hasty lies if he feels like his relationship with you is getting jeopardized, but it still couldn't stop the guilt from building up. While he may somewhat try to justify his actions, he just knows sooner or later his lies will be exposed.
Soldier isn't even trying, if anything he might just aswell tell you the disturbing things he'd do for you.
For pyro, i actually have yandere headcanons for them in my drafts but what you said certainly is on point like most of the mercs.
Demo is one of the few yan mercs who i actually feel kind of bad for here. Like, He really does love you with all his heart, really! But in his drunken state, he can't help but let a few words slip out of his mouth and would only realize it a little while later and would apologize to you copiously.
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year
In hindsight if I was brought into the madcom game I would die within three days. I would take like 50 psychic damage the moment one of the employers appeared before me, no cap just death.
And like, from what I've read if we were to go with the yandere salty route, it would still be to much, i'm an ambivert (leaning towards introvert but still) so I find joy in socializing with others depending on my mood, though i can only do it for a period of time. Sometimes I can spend a few hours, while others just a few minutes, and with how pushy some of the characters can be, it's safe to say that my battery would be at an all time low. And that's not to mention how sensitive I am to loud sounds and pain in general. I have a hard time filtering out noise and understanding whether they were directed at me or not due to apd. For example if someone were to shout out in a crowd of people, especially when the person shouting is angry, usoly im able to ignore it if it's crowded but not if im surrounded by a handful of people. So instead of understanding that the rage is directed at someone else all my brain registers is danger. Something happened and I'm the cause of it, and what do I do? I cry. And paired this with my autism it's a rollercoaster of an emotional trip.
In conclusion, I'm not built for that kind of world, minecraft suits me better.
I think any reasonable person wouldn't survive Nevada without their powers. I doubt many people are used to gunfire, without a background of using guns, and those things are LOUD. I also think that if they weren't the Player or gifted player abilities, it would be MUCH harder to survive. Not only from limited water, but limited food as well. There are certain foods that humans have to have to keep themselves alive, such as fruit to prevent onset scurvy and certain sugary levels and vitamins only available in fruits and veggies, which don't grow in Nevada. Also, humans have a very fragile immune system and would probably get sick more often. From microbes in the sand or ingesting food that has been sitting for unprecedented amounts of time. Without Player powers, a human is just a literal softie with no experienced in a post-apocalyptic hellscape. We would literally be just fodder for more experienced survivors or prey for the starving groups out in the wastes. Any human that would fall into Nevada that isn't blessed with Player powers is FUCKED.
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angelofpizza · 1 year
So, I made the playlist, it's still in its development stages so new songs might get added or taken out in the future (if the link doesn't work then know that the playlist is called “He loves you, He hunts you”). I tried picking songs that I don't usoly hear in other playlists so it's a bit scattered but I hope it's to your satisfaction.
Oh wow, that's amazing! It sounds very nice! These songs fit him very well! :D
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rumahzakat-cilegon · 10 months
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Serang,21 Nov.2023 *Mentoring/Pembinaan anak juara Taktakan. Materi : Hukum melafalkan lafadz Usoli Shalat. Alhamdulillah aj hadir semua sbnyak 11 anak dan kali ini mentoring dilaksanakan di MDTA Insan kamil yang anak juga alumni Insan kamil acara dimulai dari jm 09.00 s/d 11.30.
Sebelum pembinaan seperti biasa bersih-bersih tempat,masang spanduk pmbinaan dll.pembinaan dimulai dengan membaca Do'a dan mendo'akan untuk saudara kita di palestin.
Materi pembinaan membahas hukum usoli yang mana anak belum tahu dan dari sumber melafalkan lafadz usoli dan Alhamdulillah dengan mengikuti materi kini sudah mengetahui apa sebenarnya hukum judul materi tersebut dan anak sangat antusias untuk mengetahui dan samping tempat yg luas dengan udara alami yang sejuk apalagi yang udah lama tidk berkunjung dan sangat menyenangkan papar anak, dan sebelum mentoring ditutup anak2 setor hafalan Do'a harian dan mentoring selesai ditutup dengan Do'a. Wassalm.
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shipwreckguy · 7 years
Photo: twitter
The 225 meter long, 68789 dwt bulk carrier Usolie collided with the 188 meter long, 40600 dwt tanker Seatrout on the Western Scheldt near Bath, Netherlands.  Both vessels were headed downstream from Antwerp in ballast with the Seatrout headed for Ust-Luga while the Usolie was bound for Klaipeda. The Usolie had not maintained enough distance where the channel narrowed and tapped the stern of the Seatrout.  The Usolie sustained only minor damage and was allowed to continue on its voyage. The Seatrout was nudged out of the fairway and went aground on a mud bank. The vessel requested assistance with 4 tugs responding. The tugs waited until high tide before pulling the Seatrout free. Traffic was halted for vessels over 200 meters long and fishing was prohibited during the incident.
The Seatrout was towed to Vlissingen for inspection for damage.  No reports of injuries on either vessel.
#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Photo: twitter
Photo: twitter
Photo: twitter
Photo: twitter
Photo: omroepzeeland.nl
Photo: ad.nl
Collision on Western Scheldt #seatrout #usolie #maritime #nl #scheldt The 225 meter long, 68789 dwt bulk carrier Usolie collided with the 188 meter long, 40600 dwt tanker Seatrout on the Western Scheldt near Bath, Netherlands.  
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
Some more headcanons based off if the sibling also ended up in hisui, btw the sibling is a Gengar here because it's my favorite pokemon.
Out of the three of you you are regarded as the more benevolent sibling, mainly because you saved a child that one time and now people don't just bring you gifts out of fear but out of gratitude.
The gifts usoly consists of food or clothes, and on the rare occasion medesun.
You like sticking it to the mountains and making homes there due to there not being many pokemon that could handle the harsh weather conditions. Although you have created some homes here and there throughout the land.
Charm almost lost her precious Gengar if it wasn't for you, being a Gengar yourself made it hard to witness one of your kind being mishandled by your brothers. So you intervened and saved their lives, Charm would've definitely been next if you hadn't done anything. The bandit sisters found themselves respecting you after that.
Sometimes you and your brothers go to the hot springs and take a well deserved bath, every other pokemon there is kinda intimidated by your presence.
You know in the snowy mountain there is this passive Lucario that just kinda stands there? Yah you meet him and although you can't understand each other he seans no hostility coming from you so he lets you meditate with him.
Just like your brothers you become protective of people/pokemon you like, that pokemon being Lucario when he's up against the main protagonist. Although instead of just capturing the Lucario he bows and admits defeat, he was admired by the protags' strategies and decided to join their team.
The protag realized that you can't capture a pokemon hybrid the hard way.
Once you tried to keep up with Warden Gaeric squats but failed, he congratulated you for your effort however.
Something that iv had on my mind is that if you didn't have any legs as a Haunter then you would have to learn how to walk when you evolve into a Gengar.
These are so cute 😭😭🥺 Thank you for sending this! Sorry it took so long to answer. But i love this, its cute! I love the idea of this Gengar hybrid just,, liking this Lucario, and meditating with it. Idk why but that is adorable to me. I really do love these. Thank you!
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yanderegrizzsworld · 3 years
I just made some more headcanons for your enjoyment in one day aegean lets gooooo
I like the whole opposites attract kinda thing so i find great enjoyment of thinking about Shadow wearing a leather jacket and shades while his companion is decked out in pastels and cute food related jewelry. Although the reader looks like an easy target they aren't, it is not something they talk about much but they use to train self defense a lot. Even if the reader can sometimes seem dim-witted, Shadow has seen them fight and just how much work they put into their crafts.
Another thing that I think would be a cute scenario between Shadow and the reader is if the reader had a tendency to make hand crafted presents for their friends, like a small wooden model of a plane for Tails or a pink heart patch for Amy. Shadow would cherish every item that you make for him and he makes sure that they're polished and clean, this can also be said for Metal Sonic.
Now Knuckles is interesting, for starters he lives on an island with the sole duty of protecting the master emerald, now imagine if that level of devotion and need to protect was brought onto you. He would constantly be with but it wasn't always like this, his obsession started off slow and barely noticeable. The first weeks into your relationship he's had this need to protect you, mainly from Eggman or any of his robot henchmen but also just from anyone in general. Knuckles isn't a big fan of PDA but if it keeps the douchebags away from you then it's worth it, so when you're out on the town he will have his hand(s) somewear on you, it's either on your hip or your shoulder. Maybe even your hand “gasps”. It calms him down knowing that you're there at arm's length if something were to happen. Like i said earlier he's not very big on PDA but when you're alone he's a cuddle bug, kinda. At first he asks if he can hold your hand but after a few months he just picks you up and leaves to go to a private place to cuddle in. Or on bad days he will crawl into your lap and just kinda stay there without saying anything as you brush your fingers through his fur? hair?? quills??? Whatever they are and he's content once again. But the slope to insanity soon chases Knuckles into his nightmares the longer you are apart, and that's when things start to get ridiculous. He would start asking if you can hang out at his island more often but after a while those questions would become demands.
Infinet is the kind of yandere that would make you watch your parents die along with everything you hold dear too, you see that painting that you made gone, oh look at that pretty family heirloom demolished, is that yo- vapourized within seconds. Now Mephiles is a heartless monster and he shows that by making you relive your friend's death over and over again. I personally wouldn't be too surprised if Mephiles accidentally or intentionally killed you at several points, he just finds your reactions so amusing and so dues Infinet. Although Mephiles usoly works alone he tolerates Infants presence if it means geting a chanse to see someone else torture you. Even though Infinite can have his lesser tough moments don't be fooled by it because in another timeline he gauged your eye out at Mephiles request. Mephiles lives for your screams and hopelessness, that emptiness in your eyes as he lifts your chin up to look at him. It's only then that he considers reversing time and doing it all over again, and that dues mean he gets to see Infinet paresh within his grasp, as his body contorts into ways it shouldn't. Pieces of bones stick out of open wounds as he screams in pain right before your eyes.
Werehog Sonic is a feral yandere that usually acts on his senses, he's still his old self but with less impulse control which leads to some unwanted scenarios, like the time he barked at the neighbor because they were playing music too loud and that woke you up. Just like a dog Sonic is loyal and won't let you get kidnapped anytime soon which means Metal is going to have difficulties. And if Metal won't stop harassing you two then… murder isn't often on his mind but Sonic might consider it just this once. Like Metal hadn't considered it already but he held back because you were there. Sonic in this form is really fluffy and will curl around you whenever you're cuddling or sleeping, he sometimes uses his tail to playfully slap you or tickle you. He likes making you giggle.
Now that we're on the topic of supernatural beings, how about a yandere vampire Shadow, now as a being of darkness Shadow only has the time to hangout when it's night. Shadow hates the thought of using or even asking if he could take some of your blood by biting you, he would make sure that he was well fed the night before visiting you but sometimes that neck of yours locks really enticing. Maybe if he's hungry enough and with your gentle voice encourages this action he might oblige, but not without making sure that you're comfortable and that you feel safe, you even create a safeword (consent is the sexies thing on earth, howl if you agree). You would think that you would be entranced by him but he's entranced by you. You're just so warm and he's not, you make his dead heart thump with just your words, he feels chills go down his spine with your touch like it's a defibrillator bringing him back to life one hug at a time. And he would be damned if something were to happen to you.
Now these headcanons are fun and all but consider how they would react if you became a monster *eyes emoji*
You my dear with your ideas are just
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Let's get on to each section.
Shadow with cute pastel reader
The opposites attract, I eat that shit up. Shadow being the cool "edgy" hedgehog who doesn't take shit from anyone & anyone who tries gets a bullet to the head while to his side y/n is just covered in pastel outfits with colorful food-related accessories that'll just make anyone nauseous by looking at you from how bright you look but keep their mouths shut unless they want to deal with the ultimate life form. I can imagine Shadow is extremely soft with you like this & even buys you more bright outfits & accessories.
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But others shouldn't underestimate y/n, bitch will fuck em up. Though Shadow is happy & admires that you can defend yourself from danger, he likes the idea more of being your personal guard.
This are the types of weapons y/n most likely uses as self defense
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Shadow/Metal Sonic & Gifts
Shadow would definitely cherish each item you make for him, his heart swells since it reminds him that you think of him! & he would 110% throws hands with anyone who tried to touch them, the smallest speck. Metal Sonic would be 20x more protective of them since I'm sure he's never been given a gift in his life. Any bot who lay a finger on your gift ends up with an arm ripped & Metal Sonic gives you something in return (by sneaking to you without alerting the others, especially Sonic).
Yandere Knuckles the Echidna
He'd be the perfect protective platonic yandere. I always imagined that since Knuckles lived most of his life on Angel Island alone, he'd be very socially awkward cause, who has he been chatting with on the island? Zilch. & since he is very protective with the Master Emerald he would undoubtedly be protective of his obsession, y/n. The concept of him being secretly a cuddle bug just- it gives me serotonin, like you have this tough, red echidna with such power that he's able to halt Sonic in his movements with his bare hands, a creature of honor, who can read & understand ancient languages & an expert of surviving the wilderness– who just wants to nuzzle into y/n to feel their warmth & feel a connection he never got back on Angel Island. I just-
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Yandere Infinite & Mephiles
Like stated before here there would be little to no fluff with this two. They both can also technically be categorized as sadistic yanderes as well, but out of the two Infinite would be better but not by much. Infinite is that one cat that's just an asshole for no reason, destroying your shit & making your day/life more difficult. Terrifying would be an understatement with Mephiles, he thrives for your fear & hopelessness. He wants to be the reason you cry, the reason you tremble with horror, the reason you're in despair. Infinite would dangle some hope infront of you, like your freedom, only for Mephiles to take it away from you & bring you back into the void of despair.
Yandere Werehog Sonic (w/ Metal Sonic)
Werehog Sonic is a mixture of a golden retriever & a husky, but thankfully he doesn't shed much. Privacy ceases to exist with him, he's the type of dog that would try & follow you to the bathroom wagging his tail & is hands down a cuddle bug as well, gently putting his tail in your fair. But it could also be him trying to cover you in his scent (to let other werehogs/people in general know that you're taken). Metal Sonic definitely is going to have trouble since Sonic just doesn't leave you be. Like, the moment Metal sees you without Sonic he's taking the opportunity.
Yandere Vampire Shadow
Imma say that I live for the fact that you write yandere Shadow as soft & that's gorgeous mmmmwah. But yeah, he makes sure to be well fed before visiting you, hell he might even some extra just to be safe. You have to hide all the garlic in your home or make sure the scent of it is gone else he won't go in. Fuck, you encouraging him that he can take a sip out of your neck as you wrap your arms around him, letting him feel your natural warmth makes him go weak in the knees, you truly have this man around your finger. He would a thousand times if you're still okay with this.
& yes, consent is the sexiest thing on earth
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If Y/N became a monster
Let's say for this post, y/n turns into a werehog/werewolf. Also this are the characters that I immediately thought of.
Excited cause you look so fluffy & so cuddle-material & are openly sad when you return to normal: Silver, Amy, Charmy, Tangle & Rouge
Excited cause you look so fluffy & so cuddle-material & are secretly sad when you return to normal: Sonic, Shadow, Knuckles, Cream, Espio, Vector & Whisper
Excited but help look for a way to turn you back to normal: Tails, Amy, Blaze, Whisper, Sonic, Shadow, Knuckles, Espio
Again, you & your ideas
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stephheise · 4 years
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“The lick” - Steph Heise IG: Usolys
I can’t believe I forgot to post this one here???? OG artist Gustav Klimt! 
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buiremppuncnon1974 · 4 years
metlife insurance change of beneficiary form
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :insurancequotesonline.xyz
metlife insurance change of beneficiary form
metlife insurance change of beneficiary form. This form will be in effect for 1 year period in a particular state. The beneficiary should email their complete information to the insurance company. The application will also ask if the insured is an active party in an activity of an open participation in a profession like an apprentice, associate, or professor, and if they are not. The insurance company will also need proof of their knowledge of the job. The insured must be someone who has been certified in a recognized industry of life insurance underwritten and certified in a recognised organization like the US Department of Labor (USOLI) as an apprentice and can hold an individual’s license as a professor, supervisor, teaching assistant, or otherwise, in one of those professions. They may also carry a total of $30K in total assets. If an adult child with serious mental health issues who is 12 months old or younger is willing to be the new custodian of a child who is not even eighteen years of age, then this should be a possibility. metlife insurance change of beneficiary form to your policy. There are a few common scenarios where something to no longer be covered. If you are the policyholder and need to make a change to the life insurance that is being held with a certain company, it is important to make the right call. This is one of the many reasons that can help prevent the loss of your beneficiary. A. You can save money on life insurance (and you may save money on your life insurance policies if you have any), but it probably depends on your company and other factors. I’ve done the study on each company in terms of costs and life insurance plans and this can help you identify the best companies for you: The following are the most common insurance providers (I’ve seen) for life insurance policies but we’ll also review other companies as well. It’s common to be under the care of one of these companies to have no-one to ask about it. If you are in a position where you are. metlife insurance change of beneficiary form to the beneficiary of the life insurance policy because of the life insurance policy contract, and when the insured dies, the beneficiary will remain the full time living expenses of the life insurance policy. After the insured passes away, the beneficiary benefits. The amount of life benefits received may vary from an individual-to-individual life insurance policy to a group plan that also allows some people to obtain life insurance from an employer. The life insurance policy contract provides a benefit transfer to the death of a loved one as defined in the policy and a benefit transfer to the beneficiary with respect to: The beneficiary of the life insurance policy, or the beneficiary’s dependents are the beneficiary of the life insurance policy, but, under the policyholder’s actions and circumstances, if anyone is listed as a policyowner or beneficiary, the policyowner or beneficiary will remain the policyowner’s insurance beneficiary and be allowed to receive the policy’s death proceeds (if any) even if the insured’.
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seanews11 · 7 years
Tanker and Bulk Carrier Collide Near Netherlands
Tanker and Bulk Carrier Collide Near Netherlands
On September 20, a bulk carrier and tanker collided near Netherlands. The bulk carrier, Usolie, and tanker, Seatrout, were sailing in the same direction. The former was en route from Antwerp to Klaipeda while the latter was on her way to Ust-Luga in Russia. The incident occurred on Western Scheldt off Bath, Netherlands. According to reports, the 2006- built 40,600 dwt Seatrout ran aground but…
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year
Ok but that one post where you described the madcoms reaction to there being more than one player has been stuck in my mind for like a week so let me indulge you in my madness (warning, i haven't played any of the madcom games)
So in this scenario I imagine that player 1 and 3 are siblings, 3 being younger and 2 is their friend that got dragged in. Their strings all have different colors and give off different types of warmths.
1 strings are a strong amber orange that gives off the heat of a fier.
3 are a slight transparent string reminiscent of a spider's web, it gives you the feeling of being submerged in newly dried clothes.
And 2 has a golden glow to their strings that's hard to see, they radiate the kind of warmth you'd only get on a sunny day.
That was the only way to differentiate which one was controlling who, though overtime they could hear voices, the obscurity of the situation couldn't hold a candle to what the disembodied voices were discussing while they hacked and slashed through waves of grunts and zeds. They laughed, screamed, made fun of the unfortunate souls that got in their way, and that's coming from them, their mercenaries, wanted killers. They shouldn't feel pity because they do this for a living, but it was something about hearing someone with so much power over them be so nonchalant about having someone's else's blood on their hands that put them off. Would these beings be as merciless if they were in their way?... They didn't like thinking about it.
Though the things controlling them were all brutal in their own way they had “some” morals, supposedly and seemed displeased with having them challenged. Like how 3 would make an audible discontent sound when accidentally killing a defenseless grunt, same goes for 1 but they can brush it off more easily. Or how 2 would grumble in annoyance accompanied with an apology when they accidentally harmed their teammates.
From what they have gathered it seems that 1 is kinda the de facto leader to a fault with 3 being the local firecracker who can flip on a dime, while 2 is the tryhard. Otherwise they acted like friends but consciously or unconsciously held these principles in battle.
Despite this it was all manageable, they could distance themselves from the puppeteers while at their base because they didn't follow the trio there. That was until the entities took forms and one of the just so happen to manifested itself in their living room.
Besides from what Doc had heard from the trio the grunt sitting before him acted rather civilized and calm, he's heard of them cursing themself out for the smallest mistake though never taking out their anger on their vessels. Something that he found rather surprising considering their otherworldly status.
They referred to themself as player 2 but that Doc could also just call them *insert steam player name here* if he wanted something more “formal” (lets face it, no one's name on steam is formal).
The disgruntled doctor observed the grunt opposite of him. They were just about below average height and wore a black tank top and darkish gray pants combo with a red plaid jacket tied around their waist.
Doc inquired why they were here and 2 explained plain and simply, they just wanted to have fun but not to worry, they did give themselves some rules to go by that ensured that nothing would break. Doc didn't like the implications of that so he changed the subjects to the other two, where were they and should he be worried. 2 explained that they wanted to explore the world outside of where they usoly are, by their vessels' sides.
A smal stature resides atop of a building, their attire rather simple, only sporting a white bunny hoodie along with a black mask that was pulled down showing off their wide gleeful smile. A pair of razor sharp teeth peaked through their lips as they parted, satisfied with their work. The brush in their hand dotted across the canvas as their masterpiece appeared into the night sky above all of Nevada to see.
1 was making themselves at home in Phobos office chair, a mug in their hand as they skimmed through some papers they found, something about expanding the city, nothing to their interest. What appeared to be eyes visible behind their half dark red rimmed glasses darted across the paper. They wore light brown baggy pants accompanied with a leather jacket and a dark gray t-shirt underneath. They chuckled to themselves as they brought out a lighter, flicked it to life and lit the edge of the paper. Examining how the flames ate up the thin material and singed the edges.
I mean, to each their own. If you wanna make an OC story centered around Salty's AU, you can freely do so! From what you have put here, it's pretty interesting!
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sergepoznanski-blog · 7 years
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@tradingview : $USOIL - [USOLI] POTENTIAL CORRECTIVE STRUCTURE - https://t.co/HkXBZQjOCZ (via Twitter http://twitter.com/tradingview/status/882360872470855680)
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stephheise · 5 years
Please support me on my social media!
I’m so paranoid with everything right now.
My Instagram and Twitter is USOLYS
My Facebook is Steph Heise Art
I’ll be at upcoming conventions but due to certain situations I will wait to say where I’ll be .
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axtiz · 8 years
Очаровательная Алиса @leelaboo дает #мастеркласс 😻 #АлисаДоценко #BaikalDanceCamp #Baikal #Байкал #ВечноМолодой #Усолье #Иркутск #Россия #Usolie #Irkutsk #Russia #Сибирь #Siberia #EasternSiberia #ВосточнаяСибирь #танцы #dance
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