onestepbackwards · 2 years
What’s All the Buzz About? Pt. 3
Hello! Welcome to part 3 of my Bee Hybrid Submas fic! ヾ(•ω•`)o Once again, this fic is inspired by @r0-boat‘s BeeGearStation Au! Please go check it out, their content is a must read! If you want to know what the bees look like, please check out @antidotesprout! They did some amazing art for the au, and their art is just amazing in general! I struggled a bit with this chapter, much like the last, but I still feel a bit better with this one than the last one. I apologize if it kinda feels like its everywhere, but I still hope you enjoy! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) Happy new year everyone!
Summary: Your first night seems to go well enough! However, you still have a lot to get used to with your new friends. The Kings decide what better way to ease your worries, than give you a small tour? CW: Description of leg injury, anxiety, nightmares, mentions of cave ins, mentions of coercion, Hybrid!Submas, bee hybrid Emmet, bee hybrid Ingo, Word Count: 6075 words! ->First: Link ->Previous: Link ->Next: Link ------
The bees were way more knowledgeable in human health care than you had expected. Sure, they didn’t have medical equipment like a hospital was equipped with, but within an hour, the Kings and several drones were able to quickly figure out all the issues with your leg. They determined where your leg was broken, and just how deep the breaks were. 
Somehow through some touching, and buzzing, and a few other things with equipment, they were able to figure it all out in an hour. Thankfully, much to your relief, the bees had determined the breaks weren’t as bad as you anticipated. Most were hairline fractures, scattered in a few spots on your leg. However, there were two areas that needed more attention, and a cast. Since you had walked for so long on these injuries, those two breaks had worsened.
Other than that, it was mostly bruising and scabbing. Nothing else internally appeared to be majorly damaged.
The Kings and drones laid it all out for you in a way you somewhat understood, before getting to work.
Less than an hour later, they had your leg cleaned and patched up, and wrapped in a makeshift cast. It appeared to be made from some sort of silk cloth, and was firmly held in place with the hive’s wax. Even if it wasn’t a cast by a normal hospital's standards, it still seemed to easily function as one. After that, a platter of different fruit was brought in, along with some water. “We want our guest to have the best possible recovery, yup!” Emmet had chimed in as you stared in wonder of all the fruit. Both Kings insisted you eat as much as you could, and drink as much water as possible. When you had protested that they needn't give you so much, they simply shook their heads at you. “We have plenty of supplies and food to go around from our reserves and greenhouses. Food is not an issue, and you are our guest and patient. We will not be sloppy when it comes to your care.” Ingo had told you, his eyes sharp and voice firm. You really didn’t want to argue with a King, and he told you in a tone that more or less said his word was final. After that, just as you had begun to eat, a drone brought you a cup of what you thought was honey. You could only stare at it, confused, until the drone’s wings buzzed, capturing your attention. “It’s for you! Our honey, this kind specifically, was made in order to heal wounds and help fight bacteria! We have high hopes it shall help with your injuries!”
He seemed rather excited, his grin wide as you took the cup.
“...Thank you.” You told him, genuinely sincere. You could hardly believe that the hive was offering you their own honey. You had heard online and from some other folks, bee hybrid hives kept most their honey for themselves, only giving the rest up for means of trade. It wasn’t like regular bee honey. What you had in your hand was way more valuable. You nearly couldn’t believe they were letting you have some. You had been holding what many humans would consider a treasure. Something some would consider more valuable than gold. Not only that, the food had been absolutely delicious. You swear you had never had fruit so fresh, or so tasty before. It made the pain in your leg a lot more bearable. That, and getting some food in your stomach after everything helped calm you down a bit. You didn’t realize how hungry you were until after the first bite. You didn’t see it, but both Kings were incredibly pleased. As you had eaten, Ingo and Emmet had gone over a recovery plan of sorts with you. “It would be best if you stayed off the leg as much as possible. Unfortunately, we don’t have any crutches at the moment, but we will soon fix that for you.” Ingo told you, going over a clip board. Emmet hummed, before piping up after him. “Until then, we will have help ready to carry you anywhere in the hive you should need to go.” He said with a nod, and you could only look at him with slight surprise. “I’m not just restricted to this room?” You asked for clarification. To be fair, you expected to just be put in this room or an infirmary until you were well. Maybe get some time outside if they felt generous, or even just drop you off in the city after giving you a cast. Both twins looked at you, slightly shocked. “No, of course not! We would be horrible hosts to keep you locked up! You are our guest! Not our prisoner!” Ingo assured you, looking somewhat disturbed at the very idea. Both twins shared a panicked look. “We won’t keep you restricted to one area! There are some places we’d prefer you not enter without supervision for safety, but we don’t wish to keep you in this room against your will!” Ingo quickly explained. Himself and Emmet did not want you thinking you were a prisoner. It was the last thing they wanted you to think. If you assumed you couldn’t leave, or had to stay in a room, you would hate being here. They didn’t want you to hate this place. If you hated this place, you would want to leave, they couldn’t have that. Both Kings wouldn’t keep you here against your will, of course. However, they were so desperate. They needed a Queen, and a Queen who wanted to be here. One who loved their hive. If you wanted to explore, they would happily let you! In fact, they wanted you to look around. Surely, if you liked it, you would be more enticed to stay? That, and if they got you used to the area, that would only be a bonus. How can you rule a hive if you don’t have a basic layout of your home? Meanwhile, different thoughts were going through your head. However, you were sure about one thing. You were relieved. Even though you had resigned yourself to possibly being stuck into one room, the fact that they would let you wander around was a huge relief. By the looks of it, if you even wanted to leave, they wouldn’t hold you hostage. It was a weight off of your shoulders. After they finished patching you up, and your leg felt even a little better, you could just leave. But you couldn’t help but pause. Did you even want to leave that soon? Your eyes went back to your injured leg, which lightly throbbed against the pillow it was elevated on. Thoughts from earlier popped in your head briefly, though not so much in a wave like they had before. If no one was looking for you… Why not stay? At least until you could fully walk? You wouldn’t outstay your welcome, of course. If they asked you to leave tomorrow, you’d do so, thankful they at least did this much for you. But you’d let them take care of you. Why would it matter anyway, if you were missing for a while longer in the city? Call yourself petty, but if your boss and coworkers were sitting on their thumbs, terrified they had killed you, why not let them stew a little bit. As much as it hurt to think, you didn’t exactly have people waiting for you at home, anyway. What would your work even do? Sue you for getting trapped in a cave and not showing up for work? Hah. As if. The moment you were out of here, you were most definitely putting in a letter of resignation. You didn’t care if you had to live a bit more strictly with your money. What you had gone through was horrible, and you were not going to stay at a company that may not have even alerted authorities that you may or may not be dead. So your mind was made. Unless they asked you to leave sooner, you would let them take care of you until you could at least walk on your own again. That was your last thought as you later went to bed that night. The Kings and drones eventually left you be, assuring you they would bring you more things later on. They knew though you needed to rest, and keeping you up would only stall your healing process. So after you had finished your food, they bid you farewell, and left you to your thoughts. Though the Kings told you should you need them, they will leave some drones outside your door. “If you need anything, anything at all, please call for them! They will be ready to help you all through the night.” You wanted to tell Ingo they didn’t have to do that, but you got the feeling that would be another argument you wouldn’t be winning. However, you were kind of grateful for the drones outside your door. If you had to get up and use the restroom, or were hungry, you would at least have some help. They were already helping you more than any help you would have had if you had made it back home. Thankfully, after the Kings had left, it didn’t take as long to fall asleep as you had assumed it would. 
You only laid in the bed for a while, partially covered by the soft blanket. The bed was incredibly comfortable. Much to your relief, you didn’t have to be alone with your thoughts for too long. Perhaps it was the fatigue and exhaustion, or the adrenaline crash. Or maybe it could be the faint sound of rumbling and buzzing that helped you relax. When you weren’t fearing for your life, the sounds were a bit more comforting. Maybe it was a bit of everything, but you were able to fall asleep with relative ease. Sleep itself though, was not as great as you had hoped it would be. You were restless most the night, and the dull ache of your leg did little to help with your comfort. Not to mention you couldn’t exactly move around in your sleep with the pain, and the giant cast on your leg. There were also a few times you would wake up in a panic, unsure where you were. When it finally hit you what had all happened, unease settled back in your gut as you fell asleep. Then there were the dreams. More like nightmares, really. In some, you didn’t move in time, and ended up painfully crushed. Sometimes you died instantly, others, you were stuck, and died slowly underneath some rubble. In other dreams, you saw your coworkers laughing at you as you struggled to crawl out from the cave in. “You should have just died. Do us all a favor.” “You would have made an excellent write off. Why can’t you stay dead?” “Maybe if you had been more enthusiastic, you wouldn’t have been stuck here in the first place, idiot.” “Why didn’t you come right back to work? How disappointing. I’m afraid we can’t keep you here if you can’t prioritize your job over trivial matters. We’re going to have to let you go.” Safe to say, you didn’t get much rest that night. 
You later woke up around 9 in the morning. Thankfully, your phone had not died yet, though it was certainly low on battery. Having used its flashlight for so long last night definitely took its toll on the remaining charge. The phone had roughly 15% left. A weight settled in your stomach as everything came back to you the more you woke up. You were still in a bee hybrid hive, with a broken leg, and a phone that was nearly dead. Taking a deep breath, you counted to five, and exhaled. You were safe. You weren’t alone in the tunnel. The Kings and the drones wanted to help you, they didn’t want you dead. That familiar spike of anxiety tried to bubble up in your chest, but you took another deep breath. It was okay. You were okay. 
Suddenly, the sound of your stomach growling filled the room. …You were also quite hungry.
You then looked at your leg, which you had to slightly readjust on the pillow that was supposed to be elevating your leg. 
It wasn’t in as much pain as it had been yesterday, but it now had a very painful ache. You could feel nearly every throb of your pulse, just from how your nerves seemed to light up with each pump of your heart. The pain could be worse, you supposed. It certainly felt a lot better than what it had last night, that was for sure. You fiddled with your phone for a while, trying to come to terms with everything. You weren’t as much of an emotional mess as last night, but you were still certainly a bit of a wreck. But you were safe. And the Bees were very kind. That was something you couldn’t get out of your head. They took the time and effort for you to be comfortable, and help you out. 
It made you feel… kind of special, if you were being honest. You couldn’t remember the last time of someone, or multiple someones taking care of you, and so seriously as well. Your stomach growled again, and you winced, and looked towards the door across the room. Should you call out for the drones who were said to be just outside?
Thankfully, as you were mulling over what to do, there was a knock on the door to your room. You stared at it a moment, taken a bit off guard, before answering. “Come in…?” Much to your surprise, Emmet poked his head through the door. When his eyes landed on you, his already present smile widened. The King entered the room, two drones trailing behind him. He clapped his hands together as he approached your bed. “Good morning!” Behind him the drone on the right walked up to you, carrying a platter with a plate of fruit, and what looked like honey on the side. He happily held it next to you, while the other drone stood next to your leg. Emmet stood next to you beside the drone with food. “Did you sleep well?” He asked, leaning towards you, his antennae twitching this way and that. You blinked. “Um… I slept okay? Kind of restless, I guess.” You told him. Emmet’s smile twitched for a moment, and he tilted his head. You could have sworn his face turned into one of concern and panic for a split second. “Ah, were there any issues? How can we help?” he asked, his face a bit more serious than before. Even the drones seemed a bit curious and serious about the issue. You shook your head quickly. “Oh, no, it was nothing any of you did. I think the stress and the mild pain from my leg… It was a bit hard to stay asleep for long periods of time. It was all me!” you told them. The King shared a look with the drones, before looking back at you. His smile was still on his face, though he seemed less upset than before. Unknown to you, he was a lot more relieved than you would have thought. If anything had gone wrong, and had been because of his hive, he would have had some choice words with those who may have caused you discomfort. No doubt Ingo would have been very upset as well. A lot was riding on keeping you happy and comfortable. That, and…. Well… Emmet watched you closely as you spoke, and he held his wings back from twitching. You were so kind. From the moment he met you, he knew you were something special, and you have been nothing but friendly to him. Even if this didn’t work out, he didn’t want you to be uncomfortable. 
If anything, he at least wanted to be your friend. It’s not everyday they meet a nice human, after all. It was another reason why he wanted you to be comfortable. Still, he stood up straight, and snapped his fingers. The drone next to your leg stood up immediately, and he waved for him to follow
The two shared some words that you couldn’t quite hear or make out. Though after a moment, the drone stood up, saluted, and quickly headed out the door. 
You could only watch in slight confusion, until the drone next to you held out the platter.
“Here! The Kings made sure to go over the list of things you could and could not eat, before we prepared this for you!” 
He gently sat the platter in your lap, and you could only look in amazement. 
Different fruit was set out on a few bowls and plates, some that were even out of season were right here for you to eat. On the side were a few smaller bowls of honey, and it once again reminded you of how you were more or less holding something that many would find highly valuable.
“This looks delicious!” You couldn’t help but comment in awe. The fruit all looked fresh, and if the honey was anything like it had been last night, you had no doubts it would be tasty. “Sorry for the lack of variety. We are currently working on that.” He told you, though you just shook your head again. As you took a bite, you could only moan at the delicious taste. You swore, it tasted even better than the meal you had last night. Though you missed the dark look the King sent the drone. He hadn’t exactly wanted you to worry about that. “Mm! It’s no issue at all, it’s amazing!” The drone happily drank in your praises, though nearly jumped when Emmet tightly put a hand on his shoulder. “The fruit is grown right here at the hive. I hope you find it to meet your expectations.” You hummed as you ate, pouring some more honey on to some of the fruit you planned to eat. It truly was delicious. 
Taking a few more bites, you were surprised to hear knocking at your door again. Quickly swallowing back some food, you glanced at the door, then back at the bee hybrids in the room. Emmet simply gave you a smile.
“Um… Come in?” You called out, though a bit unsure. You weren’t sure why, but it felt odd being the one to let others in when the King was standing right next to you. 
Perhaps they were taking your privacy seriously as well? Not entering unless you gave permission? …The thought was incredibly sweet. The door opening brought you out of your thoughts for a moment, and you were slightly surprised to see Ingo walk in. The moment he entered, his eyes landed on you. He looked you over, and seemed rather pleased. “Good morning! How are you feeling? Did you rest well?” He spoke. His voice was a bit loud, but not enough to bother you. In fact, he seemed rather excited and curious to see you, if the tone of his voice was anything to go by. “Oh… I was just telling Emmet and the drone I slept okay. Was kind of restless, and my leg woke me up a time or two from the pain. Everything else though has been very nice.” You quickly explained, catching the other King up. Emmet quickly walked over to the other King, and whispered something in his ear. His eyes widened in understanding, and he gave Emmet a nod. When Ingo turned back to you, he stood up a bit straighter. “I see. We shall do our best to help with your comfort. If there is anything you need, please, do not hesitate to let us know. We can help if you need something for the pain. Anything else, we will do our best to assist.” You simply stared at him, trying to grasp what he had said. It was still a bit early, after all. How did you get so lucky? You had nearly died in the abandoned subway tunnels just yesterday, and now you were being treated like some esteemed guest in a royal bee hybrid hive? Even you wouldn’t believe yourself if you heard you say it. It sounded so outlandish. It was something you were still coming to terms with. It didn’t quite feel real.
As you dwelled on your situation a little more, you almost missed how there was more knocking at your door. Ingo answered it this time, talking to a cute little drone who popped his head in through the doorway. Both whispered something to the other, before the drone handed Ingo something. A few more words were exchanged, and Ingo closed the door. Heading back to you, you were surprised when he handed you an unopened bottle of pain medication, and some water. “How did you-” You began to ask, before Emmet cut in. “We have our ways! No need to worry.” Him saying that only made you want to worry, but hey, who were you to argue with something like this? They were helping you feel better, so you really had no means to ask or judge how they got medicine for you to take. You were more or less finished with your delicious meal, and put the tray to the side. The drone nearby happily took it off your bed as you grabbed the bottle of medication and water. It was surprisingly good quality stuff that would no doubt be strong. Thankfully it was stuff you could handle. 
Though you briefly wondered just how they got their hands on this stuff. You needed an ID to purchase this, and it was a brand new bottle, still completely sealed. You opened your mouth to ask, but the words fell flat on your tongue. Again, you were being treated for free. Perhaps it was best if you don’t ask questions. As you screwed the bottle open, you missed the shared look between the twin Kings. They may or may not have had a drone or two break into a pharmacy after doing some research, taking different medications they normally wouldn’t be able to provide for you. They didn’t just take it without leaving anything though! Just because they hardly dealt with humans, didn’t mean they didn’t have a concept of their trade. They did their research, and left behind enough cash they had accumulated over the decade behind. Cash they had saved in case they had to deal with humans in the future. It was a decision Ingo was glad he made, back when they had first become Kings. The former Queen despised humans, and didn’t take care to learn about them. Ingo and Emmet wanted to, at least to have some sort of knowledge in case they ever had to deal with them. Saving any money they came across proved to be beneficial. The idea of stealing needlessly didn’t sit right with either King. Both watched you take a small pill, relieved you didn’t ask questions. What you didn’t know wouldn’t hurt you. 
After you quickly finished up the glass of water you had been given, Ingo cleared his throat once again. “If you would like, we can take you out to some parts of the hive! I’m sure you’d like to see the greenhouses, and a few other places of note!” Your eyes widened slightly. Sure, they gave you permission earlier to walk around and such, but it sounded as if they were offering you a tour of sorts. If you were being honest with yourself… It sounded kind of fun.
Then you looked at your leg, which throbbed in a painful reminder that again, you couldn’t exactly use it. “I’d love to, but… Do you have a wheelchair, or a cane I may use?” You asked. Emmet’s head tilted as he hummed in thought. His wings buzzed for a moment, before he shook his head. “I do not believe we have any on the premises at the moment.” You felt your excitement drop, though Ingo caught your attention with a gentle clap of his hands.
“However! We would be happy to carry you, if you are comfortable with that!” Recalling them carrying you last night, you felt your hand tug on the fabric of your shirt. Surely they wouldn’t offer if they really weren’t comfortable with it, right? …Plus, you kinda liked being carried. They held you so easily, like you were as light as a feather. Not to mention, they were very handsome King Bees. And you were still somewhat riding on the high that you were probably one of the only humans in a long time that was willingly being carried by a King bee hybrid. You felt very special indeed. It wasn’t like you were taking advantage, either. They were offering, and it's not like you could currently walk anyway. 
Mind made up, you looked up at the two Kings, and nodded. 
“I don’t mind! I would love to see the hive.” Every hybrid in the room stood up straight in excitement, including the drone. They all buzzed their wings, almost in an interesting rhythm. 
Before you could dwell on it, you let out a squeak when Emmet was suddenly in front of you, oh so gently scooping you up in his arms. Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around his neck, holding yourself close to him as he easily adjusted you in his grip. 
Emmet’s antennae twitched eagerly, and he let out a small hum as you held yourself close to him. He was quickly learning he liked holding and carrying you. You were just so cute and tiny, he can’t help but enjoy it! He also purposely ignored the jealous glint in his twin’s eyes, and the needy sounding buzz from the drone. If they wanted to hold you, they should have been faster. 
Not his fault they were too slow to hold cute little ‘ol you. 
“Come! Let us depart!” He spoke cheerfully, heading towards the door. He may or may not have thrown a smug look to the others in the room as he walked by.
Emmet confidently walked through your doorway, and several drones scattered at the sudden appearance of the King. It seems they were caught listening in. Emmet paid them no mind. They had mentioned something about drones being outside your door for assistance, but you couldn’t help but feel those ones had been just curious about what had been going on. It was almost cute to see them all scatter away. Ingo followed you both out the door, his frown a bit deeper than normal, though he covered his face with his hat. He wouldn’t let you see him upset over something so silly. But it was a bit irritating. He also wanted to get close and impress you! Emmet also sticking his tongue out at him and throwing him smug looks from over his shoulder was not helping Ingo’s mood.
Regardless, he stepped beside you and Emmet, drawing your attention. 
“First, let us take you to the gardens, and the greenhouses! It would be our honor to have you see something we pride ourselves in!”
You cutely tilted your head as they both began walking down the hall.
“Say, if you don’t mind me asking, why do you guys have gardens and greenhouses?” 
It was something that you had been wondering in the back of your mind. They brought up these places several times, but you were unsure of their use. 
Sure, it sounds obvious, probably for food supply and such. However, you had been under the impression bee hybrids also went out and found giant plants for pollen and food, which existed around Unova from the sheer amount of other hybrids out there. Giant plants started evolving when other large insect hybrids came into existence, if you remembered correctly. If there was a tiny version, it was a 50-50 shot of having a giant counterpart in select parts of the region. They were kept under close observation, but it’s been something scientists have been studying for decades. You know, details. Still, it was something you were curious about. Thankfully, both seemed eager to explain. 
“The greenhouses are for personal food supplies, and special for trades. The gardens are similar, but are for seasonal luxuries and other miscellaneous plants.” Emmet chirped, his wings eagerly twitching behind him. “Some plants can only be grown and harvested in our gardens, so we use seasonal ones. The greenhouses have less variety, but are consistent all year.” Ingo piped in from beside you as he led the group into another large room. It made sense. With the amount of local large plants in the area, or lack thereof, seeing as it was the subway under the city, they probably needed to be self-sustained somehow. Though your thoughts shifted as you idly looked at each room you passed. Both twins would give you a brief description of each area. The first area had been another hub, the hive apparently needed several to keep up with upkeep of honey and drones. It had been huge, with walls covered in honeycombs, much like the first hub you had seen. There were also drones flying and running around, each trying to complete their own tasks, or talking with others for work. You were just as fascinated as you had been when you saw the other hub last night. Neither King seemed as interested as you, but still gave you another description of what was going on. Truth be told, this was business as usual to them. Especially since they had been drones themselves at one point. The hub area, as interesting as it might be to a human, was nothing more than an everyday sight. Even as Kings, they spent a lot of time here overseeing storage and trades. Though a thought did run through Ingo’s mind. If you were interested, that was a good sign. The older King was sure himself and his brother could handle business aspects of the hive, but if you were interested… That was an incredible plus, especially if anything were to happen to either King. Both would handle the work like this, but you needed to have an idea, if you were to become a Queen. Perhaps they should double down on their explanations on areas that interest you? Emmet had to hold in his excitement. The very thought of teaching you these things was incredibly exciting to him. If you were interested, surely you would be less likely to leave? Or at the very least, maybe come back and visit if you had to go back up into the city? Emmet couldn’t help but daydream a bit as he carried you, Ingo droning on beside him about how the drones did different jobs, and had different occupations. You probably would still want to go back to your home after all of this. That was something they couldn’t stop. But surely you would want to come back! And Emmet couldn’t help but wonder what your home looked like. Would you let him see it? Let one of them take you home? Would you invite them in, and show them all your cute human things? Emmet felt his antennae twitch as his excitement grew, and Ingo gave him an odd look, but continued on as you all exited the huge area. The younger King couldn’t help but continue to let his mind wander. Would you be willing to teach them different human things? Show them your more personal belongings? He had to keep himself from buzzing in excitement. Both Kings were wary of humans, sure, but that didn’t mean they weren’t curious. You were so kind and nice, the idea of learning these things from you made him all the more eager. Emmet had been so lost in his head, he nearly stumbled when Ingo elbowed him. As he had been lost in his thoughts, he hardly noticed how far they had walked, and how they were approaching the first set of greenhouses. As much as he wanted to give Ingo a glare, he was glad his twin had regained his attention. Seeing your reaction to the large buildings hidden underground was nothing short of a fuzzy feeling. …And a bit of an ego boost. Your eyes were wide as you took everything in. These ‘buildings’ underground vaguely looked like greenhouses you were accustomed to, but still so incredibly different. They had windows, but were still vaguely made of wood, steel, and wax. They had large lights above head, supplying light to the large plants you could see through the windows. “...How?” You couldn't help but ask, nearly at a loss for words as Emmet brought you into the closest building. “We built it, of course! Through the help of trade, and some knowledge from a neighboring ant hybrid colony, we were able to build something like this.” Ingo explained briefly to you, his eyes shining in excitement at your interest. 
“Woah…” You mumbled, looking over the various rows of plants.
There were a few drones in the room, flying or walking here and there. Some were picking from some plants, others were taking care of said plants.
Some curiously peeked at you from behind flowers and pots, others were too engrossed in their work to notice you three had arrived. Some walked by, giving the Kings a small greeting before continuing on their way. Taking a deep breath, you happily took it in. When was the last time you had smelt such seemingly clean, floral air? Not to mention how much it was enhanced by the smell of honey lingering in the air.
Emmet hummed, a bright smile on his face as he watched your face light up. You seemed so relaxed!
Ingo couldn’t help but feel some tension leave his body, seeing you so excited. The greenhouses were what some in the hive considered dull work, since it’s all work and care underground. Most preferred the wilds outside Nimbasa city, and the wild areas beyond that across all of Unova. “I take it you like it?” Ingo couldn’t help but tease, the edges of his mouth almost twitching upwards in a smile when you looked back at him.
“I do! It’s beautiful here! And there is a… I dunno how to put it… A freshness here? The air is so clear here, it’s not something you can traditionally find in Nimbasa…” Both Kings seemed to stand up straighter at the praise. Even the drones who overheard seemed to buzz slightly at your kind words.
“Thank you! We appreciate your praise verrry much!” You took the moment to look at Ingo and Emmet, who seemed to bask in your words. They seemed so happy that some human appreciated their work. Did no one ever tell them good job? Or were they just unused to humans complimenting their hard work and their hive?
Both Kings, and even the drones, looked kinda cute as they soaked in your compliments. The way they seemed to stand up higher, and wiggle their wings a bit… It was incredibly endearing.
Not to mention how handsome they all looked when they were all so happy. It made your heart want to skip a beat.
Before those thoughts could go any further, you let out a small noise of surprise when you were lifted from Emmet’s grasp.
Ever so gently, Ingo adjusted you in his own grasp, gleefully ignoring the glare from his younger twin.
Emmet had gotten to hold you for long enough. It was his turn.
He had wanted to show you these areas himself after all. Emmet may have beaten him to the punch earlier, but now was his time to shine.
Even if his brother’s look was promising an argument later.
“Now, shall we head to the gardens, my dear?” He asked, his eyes shining brightly.
You smiled back, nearly taking his breath away. A small blush on your face at the nickname.
“I would love to!”
Oh yes, stealing you away for now was definitely worth the pain Emmet would no doubt give him.
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alolantikibar · 14 days
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I was pondering birds (as one does) and decided that Ingo is very owl-coded. I'm a big fan of Submas hybrid AUs, so I decided to design a Decidueye hybrid of Ingo. :> (cue the loudest hoot you've ever heard)
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jo-gakky · 7 months
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traumatized older twin brother core <3 (Slowly developing lore for this stupid little submas au, and my ass CANNOT resist just a LITTLE angst) Chandelure!Ingo my beloved <33
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xowlhousex · 1 year
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Fox submas 🚄🦊
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squidthesquidd · 1 year
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local subway boss gets fucking held
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dragonanon · 4 months
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@leggerefiore In honor of MerMay, I bring thee Primarina hybrid reader! She’s beautiful and it’s easy to see how much Popplio Erin takes after his mother appearance wise.
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rudeboimonster · 11 days
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Eterna Forest's peace was one rarely intruded upon, one that would be often sought after by wary traveler time and again. Sinnoh was home to many legends, but there was one wanderers may stumble upon that, despite his appearances, would greet them quite kindly. (This is from when I was experimenting more with The Liar Princess and The Blind Prince art style from June 2023 but I'm constantly nervous about posting my art but I wanna share this damnit)
Please go check out my pal @subway-boss-jericho 's AUS with info about Spiritkeeper here!
I love him very very much ;^;
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blaiddraws · 2 years
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a doodle from a while ago of a sorta chandelure hybrid ingo. i kept on seeing various people do hybrid stuff and was like. Hey But What If
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yanban-san · 1 year
Okay but what if I wore a pair of these for the Hydreigon!Submas Twins
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Imagine them napping and I use these to kees them on the nose/cheek/forehead
Or just to be a lil menace with them and tickle them with these
You'd probably short circuit their poor dragon brains- Emmet is looking at them in confusion. They look like Deinos. Pups. Baby to take care of. But it's. On your hand.
Are you a Hydreigon hybrid? Maybe a half-hybrid? Emmet's head is tilting so far he might as well be upside down.
You boop him on the nose. He tries to hiss, and chirps instead- And hisses again, in confusion. Ingo looks shocked- Why do you have children on your hands? He certainly wishes he had real pups... ...Do you want pups? He wonders. He'll certainly give them to you if you want.
Heaven forbid you remove the gloves. The boys are distraught. Holding up the plushies. Ingo has tears in his eyes, looking at the weirdly deflated Deino. He lights up if you put the puppets back on. Emmet gets antsy- He wants to get rid of them, but- Looking at them, feeling how soft they are under his hands... He hisses at them. Weird fake babies.
But also...
The boys are chirping at your hands wantonly. Somehow, you've managed to make them suppress their normally violent tendencies. They're accepting your boops and keeses, while also being unusually tender and sweet. If you tickle them, they won't be vicious- Hollering and growling at you touching them, but not biting or fighting back- The moment they try to, you just pretend to make lil Deino noises with the gloves and the boys can't help but coo at the puppets on your hands.
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ciderwitch · 2 years
Imagine Chandelure Hybrid Ingo that's taken a liking to you! Features 18+ towards the end!
You're the first person who hasn't been petrified of him or his brother in a long time.
You find a house in Nimbasa City that has super cheap rent because it's haunted. With these prices? Yeah, a little haunting is not enough to scare you off. Sure, things move around on their own and the knobs rattle at night, but you can afford coffee and better food now so it's a sacrifice you're willing to make.
When you find out it's a ghost-type pokemon, you relax. Chandelure's don't actually consume human souls, right? Right. When you tried to greet the Chandelure floating around in the hallway it dematerialized in an instead. Poor thing was probably petrified of people!
Well, Ingo wouldn't say he was petrified.
He was initially attracted to the residual spiritual energy of the place that went along with people thinking it was haunted and was just trying to recharge. It was a good place to rest after holding himself in full human form at the gear station all day.
When you start leaving out ghost-type treats for him, though, it makes him laugh. He likes the way you smile when you find them gone in the morning and ends up giving them to his own Chandelure.
He tried avoiding the place when you weren't home for a while, but he found it much lonelier without your presence. He knows most people would panic if he showed them his true form.
Also, you would probably balk at the idea of a grown man hanging onto your ceiling when you were home alone.
His choice was made for him when you slipped on the stairs one day. Suddenly you found yourself in the arms of a handsome ghostly subway master.
Not the weirdest thing you've experienced in Nimbasa, honestly.
He tells you why he hangs around and apologizes profusely.
Hybrids are rare, but everyone knows they tend to be more instinctual. It would make sense that he's drawn here and it's not like he's done anything other than haunt the downstairs area, so you're not particularly bothered. Plus, he is the reason this place is so affordable.
You thank him for saving you and tell him he can stick around. You work out the details so you know when he'll be around and agree that it would be both funny and useful to keep the haunted rumors alive and well.
From there an easy friendship grows until Ingo (and his Galvantula brother Emmet) are there almost all the time because it's one of the few places they don't have to mask or hide.
Cue Ingo (and maybe also Emmet) and you falling in love. Ingo is shy, but Emmet is not and you will know how they feel mere minutes after they figure things out themselves.
So now you have a boyfriend (or two). Cue shenanigans.
Now for the NSFW 🔞
Maybe one day you have to invite a work friend or classmate over. This guy is just laying it on thick despite you telling him you weren't interested. You both have to get this project done in a few days so you're ignoring him.
"Nah, this place isn't haunted. It's just old and ugly. Next time you'll have to study at my place, Y/N. It's much more comfortable."
"I like my house just fine, thanks."
The dude is totally oblivious and not noticing Ingo's attempts to frighten him off at all. He misses the floating objects in the hallway, doesn't catch his evil reflection in the bathroom mirror, and grabs his mug off the table before Ingo can finish knocking it down.
Then the guy makes a crass joke about you guys having sex instead of working. At this point you were one comment away from kicking him out and doing the damned thing by yourself.
Ingo watches the guy eye you up and just snaps. As if his Y/n would stoop so low! He can do things that jerk can't even dream about!
He lets his body sink into the floor and float back up over by you, ghosting his head through the form of your legs to rest his head there. He can feel his pulse raise at the excitement of being this close to you. You and Ingo hadn't done anything yet, but just the thought of your taste had his mouth watering. That, and the knowledge that he could have you in all the ways that loser couldn't.
The jerk shudders and asks if you felt the temperature suddenly drop.
You say no, you didn't, even as you feel a cool touch across your legs. You glance down and see Ingo's form passing through your body to where your shorts cover your sex without even having to open your legs. You have to fight not to gasp as Ingo presses a pale hand there, as if asking for permission.
His violet-white eyes are beautiful, full of want and need, and who are you to say no to that?
With the subtlest of nods, you look back up.
As they guy carries on his single-handed conversation, Ingo's eyes are on you up as he presses a first firm lick to your sex.
Suddenly, without even moving your clothes aside, he's got his mouth on you and all you can do is try not to react.
The man across from you is completely unaware of the man underneath the table kissing into your sensitive sex. Your legs are frozen as he holds you still with his powers. Just the movement of his tongue alone is making it hard to speak.
You reach down to grab his hair but your hands just phase through him, powerless to push him away or ease his pace. You don't know which you need more: to slow the onslaught against your hole, or to hold him closer and push your hips against him more.
He decides for you when you feel his invisible strength quickly but gently pull your body forward.
The lights start to dim as the man finally notices something is going on, as papers and pens around you start to float while your lover's mouth is taking you apart. You bite your cheek to keep from moaning at the slick slide of your lover's tongue between your thighs. No matter how you squeeze your legs together, it just feels like you're getting completely devoured. You can feel the sticky mess spread even as Ingo works diligently to lick up every drop from you.
Finally, something crashes and the guy flees, calling you possessed and running out of the house like a madman. Ingo quickly pins you down on the couch and presses deeper, and you can't stop the sounds that are finally allowed to escape from your throat as he moans against you like a whore, praising you and begging for you to come on his face.
He holds your body tightly as you gush and writhe against him, spasming as he continues kissing and sucking your sex until you have to beg him to give you a break.
It doesn't last long before he's diving in again, addicted to your taste and the pretty sounds of your begging.
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jumpingjoltiks · 1 year
Some thoughts about Chandelure Hybrid!Ingo x GN!Reader
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Below the cut for length. Fluff in the first half. NSFT will be past the divide halfway through. Specific warnings for that portion will be there.
Ingo usually floats a half inch or so above the floor. It feels natural for him to float, but he knows most humans find it uncomfortable, so he compromises.
Music, and especially dancing is a big part of Chandelure hybrid culture.
He would looove to dance with you
The "courting" dances of chandelure hybrids typically come in two flavors-
Upbeat and bouncy: These dances can be both platonic or romantic. Samba, Swing, and Foxtrot are all common.
They're mostly just meant to be fun, and to encourage compatibility and cooperation.
Because they aren't necessarily romantic, this kind of dance can be used to "test the waters" of a relationship without any expectation, sort of like subtly flirting.
Ingo is especially playful during these dances. He'll swing with you about and around until you're both falling into each others arms and giddy laughing so hard you can't stop. He feels like this is right where he belongs when he's dancing with you.
Romantic dances are slower and more serious, like a waltz, tango, or bachata.
The steely fire in his eyes when you dance a waltz with him sends shivers of excitement down your spine. You get the feeling he's looking right into your soul - and maybe he is!
He's an exceptionally graceful dancer. When you move together, the whole world fades away until its just the two of you, hearts beating as one.
Ingo is always warm, but he tempers his flames when you're near so you don't burn up.
He's your personal space heater. Cuddles after a winter walk are so so very warm and cozy! He likes to be near your heart because it's the closest he can get to feeling your spirit. Listening to your heartbeat is very soothing.
Hide under his coat for extra warm snuggles when Gear Station gets chilly!
Be prepared. Litwicks naturally flock to him so you might have a small gaggle that shows up from time to time.
He'll be over the moon if you show them affection. He loves to see them. It makes him think about having a family one day.
Nsft below this point. Warnings for: Massaging, temperature play, warm oils, wax play, non-penetrative sex, and one (1) singular spank
Those firm hands run over your arms, down your back and legs, massaging a warm and musky, floral-scented oil into your muscles.
His hands are big and firm, calloused from hard work and pokemon training, and they feel so nice along the sides of your body, kneading into your muscles and rubbing out the tension that builds up each day.
By the time he's done, you're relaxed and pliant in his arms, ready to melt away for him.
The scent is so relaxing - and he likes smelling it on you after. It's a nice memory of being together (it also helps others of his kind know you're taken)
On tamer nights, he'll slide in behind you and run his hand down your body, between your legs, and rub you so gently until you release in the softest orgasm of your life, the world fading to a mist of white - leaving only you and him.
When you look up at him with those eyes, still hazy from orgasm but so full of adoration, he falls even deeper in love with you.
He loves wax play, though that's an admittedly more common kink among chandelure hybrids.
He's always very careful with material choice and temperature. Unlike fire-type hybrids, humans can't have wax too hot without getting hurt.
Ingo is very choosy with his candles - he likes those with extra smooth wax that he can run his fingers through.
It looks so pretty, dripping onto your skin in all those colors. He likes to observe the patterns it makes on you. He especially likes the red marks it leaves once its all over.
He loves to make trails of wax that his hands or tongue will dutifully follow.
The heat is nice, but never too overwhelming unless you want it to be. Because he's a fire type, he has some control over how warm it burns.
Each drop that hits your skin stings with a hot flash of pain that feels so nice. The heat radiates against your skin, lingering even as the wax cools.
It seems to pierce right through you, sending waves of heat straight down to your core.
If you think you're done once the candle is gone, you're wrong. He can remelt the wax with just a touch, sending rivulets down your bare chest and stomach.
Better still down over the curve of your ass, where he'll give your round cheeks a firm smack to shatter them.
As it cools on your skin, he'll blow on it to send shivers up your body. If your back isn't arching and you're not shaking from just his breath on you, he won't be satisfied.
Checks in with you periodically throughout to make sure you're doing okay.
"Is it too hot, my dear? Does it feel nice? Tell me where you want me to drip it..."
After your session is done, count on him to take care of you. He'll peel away any remaining wax, offer you a soothing shower or bath, and smooth healing aloe and lotions over your skin. He wants you to be in good shape for next time, after all.
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alolantikibar · 13 days
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*offers you this silly owl Ingo doodle from my sketch page WIP*
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smallestapplin · 1 year
But I am intrigued on how the fight between naga Volo and naga Warden Ingo would go- a continuation of a prompt I saw you write for here a while ago-
-Zorua anon ❤️🖤🦊
I hope you like this! ^^ (I apologize I’m not very good at fighting scenes.)
Based off this
“Ingo please, let’s just go home.” The tension is thick, almost suffocating.
You know Ingo is strong, but Volo is venomous, and in a time without anti-venom one bite could mean death. But the fierce look on Ingo’s face tells you he’s already thought of that, yet he won’t back down.
“If he wants to try and lay a claim on you, then he already knows he must get through me first. I’m not going to turn away a challenger.”
The viper before you two smirks, showing off the very long fangs you’re worried about. The two snake men stare at each other, glaring, and waiting for the other to make the first move.
Ingo was never one for violence, but he can’t shake the feeling this was much needed and a long time coming.
But he knows he must be careful, Volo will not go down easy nor fight fair.
And he was right, the moment his eyes flickered behind him to make sure you were out of the way, Volo lunged.
Ingo barely dodges the attack, ducking under to slam into Volo’s chest and tossing him to a spot further away from you. The blonde rag dolls for a moment before righting himself and doing it again.
This time the golden snake goes low to the ground, and while Ingo dodges, Volo is quick to slam his tail into his chest, knocking the air from the warden.
Yet Ingo sinks his claws into Volo’s tail, taking him with him. The yellow snake hybrid whips around just as the warden grabs a stick near him and lifts it between them, making Volo bite the stick instead of Ingo.
Venom leaking and glistening in the light.
It doesn’t last long as the merchant is grabbed and lifted by a wave of psychic energy, one which he struggles against. Your Alakazam holding him in place and further away from him, as you rush over to Ingo making sure he’s okay.
“Did he bite you? Are you okay!?”
Ingo grunts, sitting up and coiling the end of his tail around your waist, before swiftly moving you behind him.
“I’m fine, dear. Please, let me handle this.”
In a flash of a pokeball, the constrictor hybrid is lifted by his own Tangrowth.
“I’m sick and tired of this, I don’t want anyone hurt. So stop this useless fighting, we are going home.”
You ask Tangrowth to start the trek to the highlands, and once it does you’re left with a still floating Volo.
As Ingo's shouts start growing fainter, you stare at the blonde.
“Anything to say for yourself?” You figured you’d be polite.
But he huffs.
“He’s a useless mate, he can’t even fight for your hand properly.”
“I don’t want or need that, it’s pointless to fight. I can make my own choices, what makes you so sure I would’ve picked you anyway?”
Your words cut through him like a dagger.
He’s speechless, for once he can’t think of anything to say. He can only watch as you toss the scarf he made and scented in front of him.
“I’m taking my leave, if you try anything again you’ll be answering to me.”
He can only stare at your retreating form, calling for Braviary to catch up with your lover.
Alakazam drops him once you’re out of sight, and teleports back to you.
Leaving the hybrid alone.
Just as he has always been.
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xowlhousex · 1 year
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Silther wing submas plushies
The au belong to @leggerefiore
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squidthesquidd · 1 year
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finally made lil ref sheets for all the fish boy’s evolutions!!
i love!!!!! drawing fish!!!!!
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dragonanon · 3 months
Today I learned that apparently sea lions CAN indeed stand upright like humans… @leggerefiore I would like to submit this as physical proof that Primarina hybrid S/O can absolutely stand up to give spoopy train husband a kiss.
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