#ut x reader
hotpinkboots · 2 years
hi!! i just saw u write for undertale, do u happen to write for sans too? could u maybe give us some hcs on him and his s/o celebrating christmas together? wearing silly sweaters, watching christmas movies, drinking hot beverages, the whole “package” basically
~𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚜 x Reader (Celebrating Christmas)~
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OMGGG SANSY BOY!! Love the man so much 💜💞💜💞💜
~Bruh he loves it.
~He's already always dressing warm and cozy. And now he gets to dress warm and cozy but with cool Christmas colors :D
~Totally would wear matching ugly Christmas sweaters with you.
~Papyrus would get in on it, too, he'd love to be included in Christmas fun!
~The pet rock will now be fed red and green sprinkles, rather than regular sprinkles.
~Going for a nice little walk in the snow with hot cocoa would be so cute.
~He likes the funny Christmas movies, more, like Elf. Ones like It's a Wonderful Life make him feel a bit sad.
~Winter naps together in fluffy pajamas.
~Papyrus really loves to watch you two be lovebirds, he's very, very happy for his brother for finding somebody so cool!
~He doesn't understand what you see in him tho ngl
~"Seriously. What do you see in that guy??"
~"He makes me laugh."
~if you get that I'm marrying you
~If you think he'd laze about on getting you a gift, you're wrong. Sans knows what you like. He pays attention, and pretends he doesn't, purposely so that you're surprised when he buys you something you really love.
~But he might save the gift until like. The very last minute and pretend he forgot.
~He might break, though, and give it to you early, due to feeling a bit guilty when you do end up thinking that he forgot.
~Likes to decorate the Christmas tree with you!
~Looking at lights, too. A little light scavenger hunt might be fun for you!
~Here, have a thingy:
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~The loser has to buy dinner!
~Also. Mistletoe. You both love mistletoe.
~Sans will probably put it in the most random spot in the world, then randomly walk up behind you and reach up to give you a little bonk (skeleton smooch)
~You can get him back, but you'll have to be careful, because he probably already knows you're gonna plan to get him when he least expects it.
~So when you try surprising him he turns around to kiss you before you can kiss him, or to meet you half way.
~But if you can catch him off guard, he'll be surprised for a second, then congratulate you on actually surprising him. He looks like a blushing nerd.
~If you wear lipstick and it left a smooch mark, he's leaving it there for the rest of the day.
OH MY GODDDD I never realized how fun it is to write with Sans until now. He's such a funny dude, I love him a lot :D Thank you so very much for the request!
Also, for the Christmas Special thingy I was talking about doing, I'm probably going to have an Undertale Christmas Special! I'm still deciding, but it'll most likely happen. Stay tuned :D
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~Love, PinkBoots
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arottinghouse · 1 month
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glitchy-squidd · 2 months
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okay but imagine yn x error but yn is dating geno and he goes missing so yn assumes he's dead. until years later error is destroying their universe only to spot them and kidnap them into the antivoid claiming that he is yn's dead boyfriend.
and of course he is...
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majorpatheticcas · 4 months
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Squishy boy
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fudgelling-away · 6 months
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Don't panic, he's not attacking! He's saving your butt.
What is he looking at? Maybe you were just about to fall off a ladder or *insert something that makes sense*
Let me know how you freaked him out so much. Or better yet, draw what was going on a second ago!
In any case, you owe him a new coffee, that's for sure.
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juniemunie · 6 months
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was playing deltarune and thinking about sansnomaly,,,
rip kris having to deal with this delulu
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starmonsterrr · 7 days
[ * Fun new game: what did you do to fluster them ]
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[ * OK SO it started out as a little doodle on ms paint because i wanted to draw Ink blushing, but then i wanted to properly line it on krita, but then I added the tail and thought "why not animate it?" and this happened ]
[ * they're... they so cute.... RAHHHH 💥💥💥💥💥 i love him a lot , , , ]
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jgracie · 2 months
leo!! with 💄
send me a character + an emoji for a surprise! on the radio . . . apocalypse (cigarettes after sex)
"babe, there's this trend on tiktok i really wanna do with you." when you heard those words come out of leo's mouth and looked up from where you were sitting to find him coming your way with a tube of lipstick in his hand, you tried hard to hide your smile
you see, the apocalypse trend was one you'd stumbled upon a week ago and have been desperate to do with leo ever since. however, you were too shy to ask - you knew he'd tease you about it relentlessly for many days to come. so, you simply reposted all the tiktoks under the sound and hoped one of them would end up on leo's for you page
you did your job too well. the audio seemed to follow leo wherever he went. every other video on his for you page was the apocalypse trend. the more he saw it, the more he had to fight the urge to beg you to do it with him. after getting three of them in a row first thing in the morning, leo decided it was a sign from the universe and headed to the living room to ask you - a tube of his favourite lipstick of yours in hand
"yeah, what is it?" you asked, already knowing what video he'd show you as he turned his phone towards you. giggling, you put a hand on leo's warm cheeks as he looked away, a sheepish expression on his face, before taking the lipstick from grasp and applying it. instantly, you could see the heart-eyes form on leo's face and his body got even hotter - just a couple more degrees in temperature and he'd fully light on fire
looking him in the eyes, noses brushing, you whispered, "okay, lee, let's do this." you kissed him then, everywhere. first on his lips, of course, he wouldn't accept anything else, then on his nose and his forehead and his cheeks and all over his face. eventually, you decided you'd covered enough of his face and made your way down to his neck
that's when little laughs began to erupt from his lips. a thing not too many people knew about your boyfriend was that he was incredibly ticklish almost everywhere. you let laughs of your own leave your mouth as you continued, despite his clawing at your face. when you were done, you leaned backwards and admired the results - a job well done, in your opinion
wiping a stray tear from his eyes, leo said, "okay, amor, do you wanna do it on my account or yours? or both, i don't mind," you heard his question but didn't reply as you randomly got up to get something from your room: a polaroid camera jason had gifted the two of you
leo smiled when he saw what you held in your hand, already knowing the two of you were going to take an obscene amount of pictures before even thinking about filming the trend you'd done this for
by the end of your impromptu photography session, you each had about 10 polaroids, keeping them in your wallets, phone cases, memory boxes, walls of your bedroom and other odd places
you did end up filming the trend, of course. you also ended up going viral and becoming the top posters under that sound <3
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mellybabbles · 2 months
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"Killer snapped back to reality as he heard footsteps traveling his way, his death grip on the broom in his hand loosening. What was he thinking about again?"
Art for the latest chapter of Misplaced Royalty!!
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centipedelightning · 8 months
Hi there I was wondering how you think the skeleboys (especially the papyrus's) would fel about a really tall S/O like I'm talking like just a little under 8 feet tall (they could be a monster if that helps). Established romantic relationship.
(Underfell, undertale, underswap plus dealers' choice again if you want :D)
PS: Love your work. You're totally underrated
skdjgdskj This is so fun. and thank you!! I'm glad you like my stuff!! tbh I think I'm average rated when you consider the fact that I never fucking post dkfghkg. I don't want to talk about how old this request is...
| UT/UF/US x Super Tall!gn!Reader || Romantic || fluff |
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He's already a pretty short guy.
So he's used to being towered over.
But eight feet?? Yeah, you aren't getting away with it.
Sans is standing on Everything to be at eye level with you.
I hope you like being big spoon because that is what you will be for the rest of forever.
Damn near every time he wants to kiss you, he will make a joke about climbing a tree/mountain/skyscraper.
The only way to shut him up is to lean down and kiss him. Please do he's not afraid to reuse old material and that's when it gets super painful to listen to.
The lazybones is never going to reach for anything again. Ever.
He's already used to being shorter than a number of other Monsters, so he doesn't think too much of it.
If you were a human he would make a surprised comment about how he didn't know humans could get so tall, but that would be the extent of it.
He actually likes when you have to lean down to kiss him. It makes him fluttery because he is the one that usually has to stoop down.
He loves dancing around with you! For similar reasons to the kissing thing, he's usually the one to lead because he's usually taller, so your relationship is a welcome change.
If you ever dare to rest your arm on his head or noogie him he will a) complain loudly and b) go apologize to Sans because he's "NEVER REALIZED THE STRUGGLES OF BEING SO SHORT".
This guy has a complex okay.
Instead of joking with your height, he'll joke against it.
i.e. he will do whatever he can to jokingly treat you like you are short.
If you are sitting down anywhere, Red is gonna drag a stool or chair over, get up on it, and joke about you being short.
Don't you dare hit your head on a doorframe you will never hear the end of it.
Shameless in just dragging you down to his level when he wants a kiss.
You two can go to bed in any cuddling position you want, you're more than likely going to wake up with Red koala bear-ed to your side.
Good luck getting out of there by the way; his grip strength is surprisingly intense.
In a similar vein to Papyrus, Edge is used to people being taller than him. He's just also whiny about it.
He'll try to "prove himself" in every little way he can regardless of how annoying it might be. Tall shelf? Prepare to get shoved out of the way so Edge can get it for you despite the fact that you are significantly taller.
He won't say it but he does appreciate not needing to hunch over to talk to people.
He will say that he doesn't like looking up so far. He'll say it constantly.
Lovesss clothing shopping with you. The man has taste and money. You will never struggle for well-fitted, good-looking clothes.
He has his besties at the tailors that will soon become your besties as well. The hottest power couple ever truly.
Dogamy and Dogaressa look out.
So fine. So, so fine.
On his best behaviour really!
Blue pulls the same "prove he's capable by doing tall things for you" shtick Edge does but he's completely unaware he's doing it.
If you say you're gonna get up and get a glass of water, he's already in the kitchen telling you he's got it. Not a setup if you're more lazily-inclined.
Do you treasure your teeth? I hope not.
He will jump up to kiss you and by god can that man put some oomph into a jump.
If he starts looking at you with a suspicious glint in his eyelight do yourself a favour and just lean down.
Little spoons. That's his number one activity with you.
Due to his height, Stretch can't usually be the person who gets cuddled vs. does the cuddling so you are very exciting for him.
Love love loves rotting on the couch with you.
If you're a human, his favorite spot is to lay on your chest and doze while listening to your heartbeat.
If you're a Monster, it's more in the center of your sternum to listen to the magical buzz of your soul.
You will experience more pranks than you think you can bear. You know the plastic wrap across a doorframe prank? Yeah.
You have been lured into a false sense of confidence because if Stretch is tall, he wouldn't possibly pull that kind of bullshit on you right? He would have to trip his own trap right?
Don't underestimate Monster building codes. Those doorways are Tall. He has room.
After a certain point, you learn to just duck through every doorway.
It doesn't help.
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ffsg0jo · 1 month
also gojo's internet famous but not because of his looks or anything. it's because he's does asmr food reviews. he mainly films himself eating desserts from small, local businesses, but occasionally, he does some street stalls and food chains too. his comments mainly consist of 'it's all yours dawg it ain't going anywhere' and he's been dubbed 'the throat goat'.
there's one clip of his that went viral where he's filming a video in his classroom whilst he's supposed to be teaching. it's not even him that goes viral, it's megumi who's in the background getting pestered by nobara and yuuji and it just gets progressively worse and worse until megumi snaps and the video ends with him making fists and screaming "with this treasure i summon".
gojo's eyes widen, and he picks up his phone, mouth full of food, and starts running whilst trying to end the video.
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asteroiidx · 1 year
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sans fanfics w/ this trio 🥹
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angelbitezzz · 3 months
Chapter 9 of The State of Things has been posted!
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Check it out here! Hope you enjoy!
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majorpatheticcas · 2 months
May I have this dance? 🌹
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"I gotta be honest with you, kid. I'm not the smoothest dancer, but hey, at least we're dancing, right?"
Anon design by: @htsan
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fudgelling-away · 6 months
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Sans fell asleep while waiting for you to come to bed. Now why would you keep him waiting for so long? Shame on you. He's getting cold, what will you do?
*Wrap him in a blanket, nice and fluffy. *Cuddle your poor skelly. Kiss kiss. *Pounce on him like a starving beast tsk tsk, be nice, he's asleep!
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juniemunie · 5 months
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Broskis ts!underswap is so fun. every single part of it is *chefs kiss*
I went in completely blind and honestly i think it was the best move i could have made
i love how its just swapped roles but not personalities so it leads to stuff like this its so creative
Anyways have some more self insert sansnomaly (and chara)
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