#utsukushii kare spoilers
nongnaos · 2 years
Hira's lack of self worth vs Kiyoi's need to compliment his boyfriend vs Kiyoi's inability to be normal about complimenting his boyfriend: fight!
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agapintheskin · 1 year
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『劇場版 美しい彼~eternal~』 (My Beautiful Man ETERNAL)
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itmightrain · 2 years
My Beautiful Man showing us what a sequel can and should be!!!!
I'm so proud of Kiyoi and Hira ;-; the way Kiyoi came to terms with the fact that he can't just expect Hira to change without also changing himself. the way we got to see him learn that he has to explain himself and be explicit about what he wants instead of just waiting for Hira to understand him. Even just the way he went back to their house after their argument instead of waiting for Hira to reach out to him was such a huge act of emotional vulnerability from a character who has always been afraid to say what he truly feels. And he gave Hira so much grace in the aftermath of their fight while simultaneously making it clear that things need to change for him to be really happy
also, and i feel like i've rarely seen this done so empathically in tv before, but i love how when Hira said "I don't want to understand you" at the end of their fight, that that wasn't the sum total of what Hira is or is capable of. That moment wasn't the revealing of his whole truth, that was a bad day, and he's capable of better ones and hes capable of change and becoming less selfish and more understanding and getting out of his own way! he just needs a push and a little support in that. And we get to see him get those things and see him grow!
that kiss, with both of them sitting on the floor together, finally on the same level, and they're still them but they've grown so much and become closer and happier ;-; the perfect end to an incredible season
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In case you haven’t noticed, I am completely embracing the Utsukushii Kare: Eternal spoilers situation. From what I gather those of us who can’t travel to Japan (and a few other parts of Asia, it seems) probably won’t get a chance to see it until this fall if we’re lucky. Even if I could resist trying to look for spoilers for that long, I don’t know if I would succeed. So I’ve been ripping off the band-aid.
I would reblog some of these posts but while spoiler warnings abound, I don’t know, stuff happens sometimes when you’re scrolling through things and so forth. So here’s a rundown with links instead of reblogs. It should be obvious at this point but just in case: do not click through unless you want spoilers!
@anotherblblog went to Japan to see the movie (!) despite not speaking Japanese (!!). Now that is dedication! They really retained and seemingly comprehended a remarkable amount of the movie considering the language barrier. They wrote up their first impressions here and then did follow-up posts as reblogs answering some follow-up questions I asked. You can just find them in the reblogs for that first post or go directly to them here and here.
@firepony67 wrote up their first impressions followed by parts one and two of their favorite parts of the movie. Basically their account includes lots of detail on the parts that stood out for them rather than some kind of step-by-step summary, not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Thank you to everyone so far who has taken time out to post about the movie for those of us who can’t attend!
That’s all I’ve come across so far. If other posts come up I may reblog this with additions later or something. Also, if you know of any other worthwhile posts on this I’d love a heads up.
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I really enjoyed how they did both in the end have to break their personalities for the confrontation
Kiyoi had to vocalize his emotions, which will likely need to be more peppered into daily life
Hira had to look at Kiyoi, not hide away. He had to accept what he was being told which is against his grain
And the preview looks like them facing the results in a way that means moving forward again
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greatyme · 1 year
Finally watched utsukushii kare… hira & kiyoi are SO hualian book 2 coded ……
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rredcandle · 1 year
the bath scene still takes me out lmao its like they've combined their first time from the 1st novel with the mirror scene from the 2nd. and honestly, very smart of them !
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anotherblblog · 1 year
Ok, so I came to Japan to watch Utsukushii Kare Eternal and I saw it today. I don't speak Japanese and there weren't any subtitles but I wanna recap what I remembered in case other interfans want to know. I also haven’t read the novels so I only know seasons 1 and 2 of the story.
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Spoilers very much ahead.
The opening scene is like the last scene of S1 where HiraKiyo are naked with a fuckton of tulle. But way more tulle in the movie than season 1. They're both also literally blanketed by the tulle. They are also laying around Hira's camera, and Kiyoi's necklace, and the duck. Hira goes to kiss Kiyoi and Hira is woken up from his dream and he's at work. Hira and Kiyoi are both at work and they are talking to the mentor and Anna about the other and it's a lot of intercutting scenes of them in the present both reminiscing and flashing back to season 1. No scenes from s2 are in the movie as I immediate recall. A few s2 scenes are redone like Hira saying "Kiyoi (sans kun)" near the other fans but it's different than the s2 version.
The HiraKiyo A plot as I think I understand it - Domestic happy life. Hira’s cousin is moving into the house so HiraKiyo look for an apartment together. (I'm not 100% on if she's moving in but she shows up and she and Hira have a talk and then soon thereafter HiraKiyo are looking for an apartment together). HiraKiyo take a bath together and ngl it’s really hot. Kiyoi does his shy look away thing after Hira kisses his hand but Hira keeps kissing his hands and shoulders. Kiyoi is turned away from Hira and facing a mirror and Hira keeps kissing and moving up on him and the camera gets in close as Hira is kissing Kiyoi all over. The camera moves away to the other side of the tub while they smash and you hear Kiyoi moaning Hira’s name. And Captain Duck is swept out of the tub by the fucking lmao. I think Hira feels guilty about losing the house so he cooks a lot of food (part of this scene was the bonus scene at the end of the Utsukare Season 1 special edit version). Kiyoi does get Hira to feed him shrimp croquettes. Kiyoi hugs Hira from behind while Hira is cooking. The under the blue cover scene has Hira mounting and starting to go to town on Kiyoi but he stops himself and walks out dejectedly. Kiyoi extricates himself from the covers is looks super flustered/turned on.
B plot is their jobs. Hira’s mentor takes some photos of Anna and later Kiyoi. Hira is an assistant for the Anna photo shoot (which honestly was fucking amazing. It was literally the expression “make love to the camera” it was in waterfall/pond and it was so hot and erotic and fun. Didn’t expect it but it was cool.) Hira doesn’t show up on the day Hira’s mentor shoots Kiyoi and Kiyoi is looking for him. Kiyoi continues to work with Anna but Anna gets pap’d with her secret bf and it seems like Anna having a secret bf is a big fucking deal. The fans outside the Anna Kiyoi set find out via twitter or something and then Anna cries alone a lot and the Kiyoi agency staff look very concerned and sad. Kiyoi and agent/manager/not as flamboyantly dressed one go secretly to Anna’s hotel and they have a talk. Then Kiyoi gets pap’d leaving Anna’s hotel so some people were speculating Anna and Kiyoi were together. Kiyoi is also facing some reprecussions from this speculation and he's super sad in his office perched on a windowsill reading twitter comments and posts about himself and Hira texts him and Kiyoi cries. Like the engine of the movie is the b plot after Anna gets pap'd with her secret dude and then people thinking she and Kiyoi are together.
That leads to the C plot/act 3 Hira’s stalker friend kidnaps Kiyoi. But for some reason he calls Hira to tell Hira he's kidnapped Kiyoi. (there was a lot of villanous monologuing while Kiyoi was bound and then the guy pushes him down and also kicks Kiyoi a few times before making the call). Hira goes full dark crazy Kira mode and shows up and beats the shit out of the dude. Kiyoi is pretty damseled in this scene and mostly just screams for Hira to stop and then Hira flips into cute "I live to serve you" mode and gets Kiyoi out of those ridiculously loose ribbons. Then the stalker dude is getting up and Hira is flipping back and forth really fast between Kira and Hira modes and ends up having to shove Kiyoi down and tells him to run while Hira and stalker dude fight. And Kira becomes like the terminator and is following the other stalker dude and beating him down but then he flips back into Hira and is walking back to Kiyoi while cutely saying Kiyoi over and over and other dude attacks Hira from behind and then stabs Hira in the stomach. Then Hira hallucinates Kiyoi coming to hug him (trailer scene) and it’s cut between that hallucination and Kiyoi literally screaming and crying cuz Hira is dying and then fade to black.
End phase/finale - Hira survives lol. Hira and Kiyoi help Anna out of her situation by having Hira’s mentor do a photo shoot with this random j-pop idol looking guy who ends up being Anna’s secret boo thing. Cougar fr. Then the end scene is a wedding themed photo shoot for Anna and idol guy. Then they ask Kiyoi to join them. Then mentor guy tells Hira to shoot Kiyoi and at first Hira can’t but then Kiyoi tells/commands Hira in Kiyoi's Dom voice and then Hira does and then they have a long photo shooting sequence and that’s where Kiyoi shows off his body. Hira graduates and he and Koyama (who is barely in the movie) have a "I'll see you around" kind of goodbye and then Hira goes to the riverside where Kiyoi is, a cherry blossom petal falls on Kiyoi and he picks it off like s1e1 and Hira is taking pictures of him and Kiyoi calls Hira stalker and they chat and then Hira leads them back to the school. And Hira confesses/declares/has a lengthy monologue at Kiyoi - he definitely tells Kiyoi directly that he likes him, while Kiyoi is like crying but smiling and facing Hira's confession directly. And then they’re about to kiss (all of their mouth to mouth kisses are interrupted or offscreen) and the teacher from season 1 is there at the school (for some reason at this unspecified date and time) and he is chastising them and then chasing them and Hira leads Kiyoi through a long series of slow-mo runs through the school while they switch/flashback into their old wardrobes - their full formal blue uniforms and their causal white/beige school clothes. And then they end up outside and have another water hose fight and that transitions into then hooking up at home? mouth kissing for the only time in the movie in a lot of tulle again. The ending sequence is their most high heat scene. Hira is kissing Kiyoi's chest a lot and a lot of mouth and neck kisses.
other blurbs
all Hira narration
No Kiyoi narration but Kiyoi did have a handful of scenes without Hira
Hira had a lot of scenes with him at work with his mentor and the other guy
Hira and Kiyoi I think re-have their season 2 fight about Hira thinking himself more as a fan than a boyfriend. Hira sleeps on the roof of his work building and then cooks ramen for mentor guy.
I think mentor guy might have had a thing for Anna and was maybe sad she has a boo thang and maybe Hira tells mentor he's dating Kiyoi so Kiyoi for sure isn't dating Anna.
I don't know if Kiyoi or Hira told other stalker guy they're dating. But both Kiyoi alone and Hira and Kiyoi exchanged words with him during the kidnapping scene.
the scene where Hira gets the "I kidnapped your boyfriend call" was really fucking well done. Hira is walking up stairs away from the camera when he gets the call and they drop the lights and make it super dark and that pans up into Hira's bangs and his Kira expression/kubric stare-esque and it was super cool
I think Yusei wears a shirt for Kiyoi that he also wears in his other series. The cloudy white and blue dress shirt.
The end sequence of Hira shooting Kiyoi was really fun and hot. Kiyoi takes off his tie and has it in his mouth with his shirt unbuttoned but tucked in so it's framing his abs. Apparently Riku directed that scene and I would personally like to thank him for his contribution to the arts
Kiyoi's theme wasn't in the movie a lot. The movie has its own OST and the movie songs share some melodies with the s1 ost but it was a lot of new music
the color grading was blue af. A lot of blue in the lights, glass, wardrobe, sheets, etc etc
I think Hira has told his cousin that he and Kiyoi are dating.
Hira, Kiyoi, cousin, and nephew all welcome and greet Anna after her scandal and Anna might hide out at Hira's place for a bit until Hira and Kiyoi do their surprise with bringing the idol into Mentor's studio
Kiyoi looks hella fond and proud when Hira interacts with Anna at Hira's house. And right in front of Hira. Later when Kiyoi and Anna are alone, Kiyoi says something including that Hira is gross and Anna agrees and Kiyoi blusters at her and she fondly apologizes
Ok that's the majority of what I remember. I am gonna see the movie again, so I'll update if I remember or see a scene I didn't recap here
Updated: the family member that comes to visit is Hira’s cousin, not sister. Thank you @ltrllynbdy
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bl-bracket · 28 days
Poorest Little Meow Meow - Loser's Bracket Round 5: Hira (Utsukushii Kare) vs Way (Pit Babe)
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[Submitted Reasons Under Cut]
Hira: none submitted
Way: This man has never made a solid good choice in his life. The man he loves has zero interest in him. And spoilers he’s been brainwashing the guy all along.
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firepony67 · 1 year
Ayy part two of my favorite utsukushii kare: eternal moments cause I remembered more!
Again, SPOILERS!!! This movie came out like two days ago and I know most people haven’t seen it so proceed at your own risk!
Tho, as I acknowledged last time, nobody sees my posts anyways, but still 😅.
Okay favorite scenes part 2 let’s go:
5. Kiyoi and Hira scheming with Noguchi to get Anna and her boyfriend back together. What can I say, I had no idea who the guy was, but Anna deserves everything she wants and the reunion was super sweet, so I was happy.
6. Kiyoi giving Hira a back hug as he does the dishes and they chat 😭. Domestic fluff! I wanted more of it! But I’m happy with what we got.
7. The combined present day/past/dream sequence/montage thing of them running through the school and reliving some stuff we saw in the first season while making new memories. This may have been entirely for nostalgia’s sake, but I feel like it was a really beautiful way of ending to remind us of the beginning, and the scene itself was very pretty. Plus it was one of the few scenes with Kiyoi and Hira full on grinning- we got completely genuine smiles of pure happiness from both of them and it brought me so much joy 🥺.
8. Lastly, Hira finally getting to photograph Kiyoi in a professional context! The hesitation from Hira when Noguchi hands him the camera that fades to single minded drive as soon as Kiyoi tells him to take the pictures was so intense. And it was just amazing to see them basically achieve the goal Hira set in the second season. Also! This scene was so well shot, I feel like it perfectly captured their relationship, and the way they interact and convey emotions through Hira’s camera. It honestly felt more intimate than any of the actually steamy scenes, I seriously felt like I was intruding on something private and almost covered my eyes while watching lol.
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neuroticbookworm · 11 months
Current Tag Game
Tagged by my dear friends/mutuals/incoherent scream sesh partners @twig-tea (here), @colourme-feral (here), @blmpff (here), @telomeke (here) and @waitmyturtles (here)
Current Time: nearly 5:00 PM
Current activity: Doomscrolling on social media (not recommended), writing this post (highly recommended, please interact on Tumblr, that's what makes this hellsite fun!)
Currently thinking about: Just watched the IFYLITA finale this morning with my bestie @lurkingshan, so my brain is currently ??????-ing all the different iterations of Yai we got to see (I like that Commander Yai looks more self-assured and confident than our widdle-20-something-lost-and-confused-baby Yai, but, DEAR LORD, The Mustache has to go. Just.. nope. Get that man a razor, STAT). Oh, and also, thinking about dinner.
Current favourite song: I recently watched Utsukushii Kare / My Beautiful Man (Season 1) a few days ago and I have the song from the opening credits stuck in my head on repeat: Caramel / カラメル by Mosawo / もさを。(Original MV with English captions)
(I'm also gonna link the Utsukushii Kare Lyric MV from MBS because I want Kiyoi's pretty face on my post)
I've also been feeling nostalgic lately and listening to some decade-old bangers from my teen years (ah time, thou art a cruel wench)
Patakha Guddi lyrics, translated from Hindi, here
Mogathirai lyrics, translated from Tamil, here
Currently reading: Nothin' but meta posts from the lovely big-brained folks of Tumblrville
Currently watching: Oooooh. I actually wrapped up a lot of live watches and caught up on some incredible shows last week, so lemme do 3 mini-lists:
Recently Watched: Only Friends, Utsukushii Kare / My Beautiful Man, If It's With You / Kimi to Nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo, I Feel You Linger In The Air
Currently Watching: Midnight Diner / Shinya Shokudo, endless reruns of Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Community
Next-Up on the Watchlist: I Cannot Reach You / Kimi ni wa Todokanai, Shadow, Dark Blue Kiss, Middleman's Love, Last Twilight, Playboyy, The Whisperer
Current favourite character: Ryuji from If It's With You.
< mild spoilers ahead for If It's With You >
This show did an incredible job portraying two people who have different levels/intensities of desire for one another and I was *floored* when Ryuji responded to Amane's confession in episode 4 with so much care, thoughtfulness and respect for both Amane's desire and his own boundaries. "Please make it one sided for a while" will live in my head rent free for the foreseeable future.
And Amane and Ryuji's conversation at the beach in the finale was another heartfelt and expertly written moment. I deeply adore how Ryuji basically went "I miss you and want to meet you whenever I feel like it, and if that means being a lover, then so be it. Let's date".
So yeah, I'm in love with this highly articulate, fictional, Japanese teenage boy
Current WIP: Ohhhhh man, SO MANY. The most pressing one is a retrospective meta on the Only Friends finale, which I must release into the wild before people move on from the show
Tags: I'm epically late to this one, so I might tag folks who have already done this, so if I do, apologies, friends!
@bengiyo, @italianpersonwithashippersheart, @sunshinechay, @syrena-del-mar, @ranchthoughts, @troubled-mind, @sorry-bonebag, @so-much-yet-to-learn and anyone else who wants to participate. No presh!
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itmightrain · 2 years
The photographer looked at Hira's work and went "I can fix him"
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BL meta master post
I've had an Utsukushii Kare master post as my pinned post for a while now, since I've posted so much about it. But I think it's time I do a general BL meta post instead. All of the links and information from the Utsukare post are here, too, but so are links to my other BL meta posts.
It's going to take a while to get everything in here so I'm going to go ahead and publish it even though it isn't entirely complete. I'll continue updating it until it is complete, and I'll add newer posts as they come.
Posts covering multiple BLs
The pursuer-distancer dyad & how it applies to the world of BL - a primer on this psychological concept and how it applies to BL generally, touching on how it applies to Utsukushii Kare, Semantic Error, and To My Star 2
BL ask game: Long-term pining and grumpy/sunshine
My top 5 rewatched BL scenes, responding to an ask by @wen-kexing-apologist (Spoiler: it's still mostly Utsukare)
Zettai BL season 3
What's different about Hatano, part 1 - In short, Hatano isn't fucking around.
What's different about Hatano, part 2 - Hatano's awareness of Mob's fourth wall-breaking and other ways he sometimes senses Mob's reality in a way no one else has
25 ji Akasaka de
Prying off the shell - In episode 7, Hayama's friend Mihara makes a an interesting observation. He says that Shirasaki doesn't seem to have a "shell"--his way of talking about a social self, a persona that a person experiences as separate from their core self. Then he points out that Hayama not only has a "shell," he has multiple layers of shell, so many that it's essentially impenetrable, like a neverending set of matryoshka dolls. I wrote here about what these shell metaphors really mean psychologicaly, how Hayama's family of origin played into his multilayered shell, and the implications of both their personalities on how they relate to each other.
Nominating a runner for 25 ji - If someone has to do the traditional JBL thing of running through the streets to get to the other person, who should run? That's a question @my-rose-tinted-glasses and @lurkingshan discussed, and it got me thinking.
Hayama's mask finally slips - Looking closely at Hayama's affect in the opening scene of episode 9--and trying to process the level of blorbo distress that entails
Over-analyzing the finale trailer in a vain attempt to try to manage my pre-finale angst
The Eighth Sense
The Eighth Sense e5 & e6: Portraying trauma with nuance
On The Eighth Sense episodes 7 & 8
The Eighth Sense episodes 9 and 10: All we can do is try
Bokura no Shokutaku/Our Dining Table
Thoughts on the "spinoff" (bonus episode) and how it's a logical extension of the leads' character arcs
Old Fashion Cupcake
I had a realization about Nozue's constant, somewhat inappropriate complimenting of Togawa while looking at a gifset and reblogged it with my thoughts
To My Star
Notes on a gifset by @jimmysea - Nerding out big time on that one season 2 kiss
Only Friends
Sand, compulsive caregiver - On Sand's documented history of parentification and how it relates to his relationship with Ray
Minato's Laundromat
About that Minato's Laundromat season 2 storyline... - Commenting on a certain character's traumatic brain injury and its effects from a psychology perspective
Kiseki: Dear to Me
Chu chu chu; or, intimate scene tips from the Kiseki cast
Brief commentary on a reblog of some behind-the-scenes footage
HIStory 3: Trapped
A reblog of the "chu chu chu" post about Kiseki that adds similar information about how intimacy was handled on the set of HIStory 3: Trapped - featuring a helpful linguistic note from @nibupei
and, last but not least...
Utsukushii Kare meta
The psychological paradoxes of Utsukushii Kare
This is a series of posts (the current plan is to write three installments) about what it says on the tin: paradoxical psychological dynamics in Utsukushii Kare. These are things about the characters that may seem contradictory at first but can be accounted for by digging deeper into some psychological concepts. These posts are focused on the series (both seasons) but will draw from the movie and from the novel and related stories when they illustrate points about the series.
Part 1: Covert grandiosity and finding status through idealization - A pretty deep dive into 1) the subtle ways Hira shows that while his self-image can be highly negative in some ways, in other respects he feels superior to others and 2) how by elevating Kiyoi’s status and humbling himself in comparison, Hira attains a different kind of status.
An addendum of sorts to part 1: Hira's parents and his self-defeating tendencies - Some guesswork about how Hira's parents could have contributed to his self-defeating personality, with some further discussion of specific self-defeating strategies he uses in his relationship with Kiyoi and elsewhere.
Utsukushii Kare through the lens of pursuer-distancer dynamics and related psychological concepts:
The pursuer-distancer dyad & how it applies to the world of BL - a primer on this psychological concept and how it applies to BL generally, with a brief reference to how this concept applies to Utsukare (also touches on Semantic Error and talks in detail about an example from To My Star 2). This one isn't super focused on Utsukushii Kare but is pretty de rigeur for understanding my UK posts on this topic.
Paradoxical roles; or, I think I finally figured out the pursuer-distancer dynamic in Utsukushii Kare - This post comes after some of the posts listed below but I recommend reading it first as this is really where (I think) I cracked the code on this aspect of the story.
Pursuer-distancer roles & attachment style in Utsukushii Kare, Part 1: Hira - In-depth discussion of Hira's role in the pursuer-distancer dyad, his attachment style, and his personality
Pursuer-distancer roles and attachment style in Utsukushii Kare Part 2: Kiyoi - In-depth discussion of Kiyoi's role in the pursuer-distancer dyad, his attachment style, and his personality
Re-evaluating pursuing & distancing in Utsukushii Kare season 1 - super detailed post working out my thoughts about pursuing and distancing in season 1
On the way Sakai Mai (the series' director) uses seme left, uke right framing and its significance in BL and other Japanese media:
Using an example from the s2e1 with the girl who hits on Hira at a party (via a reblog of a gifset from @nanons)
On the way Sakai flips Hira's and Kiyoi's position in the frame in two versions of the same scene and what it tells us about its significance
How the persistent/cute trope plays out in Utsukushii Kare season 2, plus related overanalyses of the big season 2 finale kiss:
The persistent and the cute (how "persistent" and "cute" are code words with specific meanings in BL/yaoi/other drama and manga genres/Japanese culture more broadly)
Analyzing the season 2 finale kiss in light of seme left/uke right framing and the persistent/cute trope (in a reblog of a gif post by @nanons)
Reblogging @bl-bracket to lobby for the season 2 finale kiss, with more overanalysis
Fragrance nerd discussion:
This bittersweet fragrance - on the significance of osmanthus/tea olive in Utsukushii Kare season 2, with additional information on the possible significance of the fragrance of osmanthus and perfumes that are either osmanthus soliflores or feature prominent osmanthus notes
Posts on specific season 2 episodes:
initial thoughts about S2e1
Additional (informal) thoughts on s2e1
S2e1 rundown
Hira's incongruous/misaligned affect at the end of s2e1
S2e2 rundown
on S2e2, including pursuer-distancer dynamics and seme left, uke right
Utsukushii Kare S2E4: “face me straight on” (mostly discussing relationship dynamics pointed out in topic-specific metas)
on Utsukushii Kare: Eternal:
Kiyoi and Anna: on Kiyoi’s friendship with Anna and its significance for his personal growth
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myadhdbot · 1 year
that one spoiler vid for utsukushii kare making rounds on twitter I'm gonna cry 😭😭 I wanna watch tooo.
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nongnaos · 1 year
Does anyone have the utsukushii kare movie with eng subs?? I keep seeing spoilers and I've tried looking for the movie but i cant find it with subs 😫
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Currently Watching - February
Because I love a good little list - in alphabetical order! 😊
Regularly updated during the month, latest update 28.02.2023
This may contain spoilers!
1. Bed Friend (2/8 on iQiyi)
The trauma is strong in this one! As is the tension and longing looks of King. Do you have feelings for me? Should ask yourself, buddy. But it is interesting and the first episode was promising.
2. Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu aka The End Of the World With You (5/8 on Gaga or Viki)
This feels depressing and heartbreaking and I love it! Done right this can become a little sad gem. This is way more explicit than I thought...and there are so many plot twists! Now we have the supernatural element and the boy can influence the weather? What else is there to come?
3. Boyband (1/6 on Youtube)
And so they decided it is no longer free with subs on youtube...why starting with the first epsiode, when you can't keep up with it?
4. Chains of Heart (2/10 on iQiyi)
Cinematography and scenery - stunning! Really pretty and dark and atmospheric. The plot - I don't get it yet? I really have no clue who some of those people are and what is going on. The acting? Everything between okay and cringy. And there are some scenes which are so damn fucking long! Unnecessary long!
5. History 5 (9/10 on Viki)
I hate it here.
5. Island Part 2 (2/6)
It starts where part one ended and I really appreciate we got to see something from their past! There was so much to explain and they finally did it. Great first two episodes.
6. Moonlight Chicken (6/8 on Youtube)
I love EarthMix so much and I missed them and now I am just so happy they are back and damn they are fine! I felt so shy watching the first episode. Let me just sit here with a huge grin on my face. I won't be normal for the next few weeks...and GeminiFourth are so lovely too and took over the whole show for me! Oh this series is so good.
7. Tin Tem Jai (1/10 on Gaga)
I don't know when I am going to drop it, but the first episode was...not that good. I have no idea what is happening and why this little girl is everywhere...I just...I don't know...And Park looks annoyed like everytime he is on screen...
8. Utsukushii Kare Season 2 (3/4 on Gaga and Viki)
Yeah, I like it. And today my heart broke together with Kiyoi's.
Finished in February
1. The New Employee (7/7 on Viki)
I thought it would be 8 episodes, but apparently there are only 7. Fine by me. I liked this one a lot. It felt mature and they did great with the communication. It is Woo Seung Hyun's first relationship, so of course he is sometimes a little bit overwhelmed and shy, but he learns and trusts and Kim Jong Chan helps him and also learns so much in the progress and they both are just so perfect for each other. It is a 8,5 out of 10 for me.
2. Love at the End of the World (9/9 on Gaga)
What the actual fuck have I just watched...I left my best friend 20!!! voice messages while watching this. Some scenes left me speechless, some depressed and some I couldn't take serious. I don't know why it had to be this graphic, but okay. The end of the world is near and we accompany four different couples through their last days on earth. And those last days are fucked up, just as this movie and its plot twists are. It is a 6,5 out of 10 for me, because sometimes I just like a fucked up story.
3. It's okay not to be okay (16/16 on Netflix - no bl)
I am not okay and that is totally okay...the moment Kim Soo-hyun smiled it blew me away and the acting and the story hit me with all its force and I am in love with this series. I love it so fucking much! I don't know how to get on from it right now. This series has such powerful messages and I love all the characters and all the ups and downs and all my painful tears and happy tears I shed, I love every moment, every single emotion I felt while watching it. So fucking good. If I could, I would give this 100/10, and yes, this is my blog and I can do what I want, but let's keep it real, I'll stick to my rating: This is clearly a 10 out of 10 for me.
4. Work from heart (7/7 on Youtube)
Well, this one was...cringy and boring? And the pacing was something else. I liked the chemistry between the main, but everything felt a little bit rushed. The ending was unexpected heated. The ex was a big red flag and really annoying at some point. 5,5 out of 10 for me
5. Individual Circumstances (8/8 on Viki)
After years spending their lives apart from each other an almost worn out movie director and a famous writer meet again. The past has to be processed and the writer deals with their history and present in one of his stories. It started strong and overall I like it, but what was that kiss in the end? Korea you can do better, we know that! It is a 7 out of 10 for me.
6. Ameiro Paradox (8/8 on Gaga)
Well it had its moments, but sometimes there was just no progress. It started in a good way, but I just lost interest halfway through. But it is not a bad series, just a little bit boring from time to time. A 6 out of 10 for me.
7. I Will Knock You (12/12 on Gaga)
Not gonna lie, I had my problems with this one. I can understand where people come from when they say it is good, because I get the message and that is a really beautiful one. Don't judge people without knowing anything about them. To change is not always bad. Some people can bring out the best in you and love doesn't judge and I guess some more, I can't think of right now. I enjoyed the second half of the series. But till the end, I didn't like the characters that much. So for me this is a 7 out of 10.
8. Sh**ting Stars (16/16 on Viki - no bl)
This is one of those dramas that put a huge smile on my face. I really liked it! It is funny and cute and Gong Tae Sung is the biggest, softest puppy in love out there! He is just so awwww! It is a good 9,5 out of 10 for me.
9. Lonely Connections (6/6 on Gaga)
This series left a feeling of solitude in my soul. I have to let you go, so you can be with the one who loves you. This series shows different kinds of romantic and sexual relationships, the different types of love and desire. Does it mean I love you when I have sex with you? Can I love someone and still desire someone else? At some point it is very explicit, so not for everyone. I liked the tone of the series. It is very artsy. Overall 7,5 out of 10 for me.
10. The Love that Dare Not Speak Its Name (6/6 on Gaga)
Well this was a quick one with a runtime of round about 15 minutes in total! But it told a whole story. The acting was a bit stiff and the dialogues were not that good. It is the story of two roommates who become friends and best friends and one day, out of the blue, one of them confesses. Well yeah...I really like the titel! 5,5 out of 10 for me.
11. Move to Heaven (10/10 on Netflix - non bl)
This is such a little gem. I have cried for like 8 hours straight. Such a fucking good and touching story! I want a second season! Now! But it is really a beautiful drama about growth and family and love and grief. One of the easiest 10 out of 10 ever!
12. Physical: 100 (9/9 on Netflix, non bl)
Well this was fun. Most of the fun came from watching with my best friend, but still. My last favorite came in third, so I am not that dissappointed 😅 and damn all of the contestens were strong af! I won't rate it, because, I don't know how 😅
13. Red Balloon (8/8 on Gaga)
Gaga is going to kick out a bunch of movies and series, among others also this series, so I took time today to watch it. It was sweet and heartbreaking and brutal and sad. It deals with a bunch of homophobia and mobbing and that was difficult to watch, especially because non of the teachers would really help...that was so frustrating. 7,5 out of 10 for me.
14. My School President (12/12 on Youtube)
It hurts so much to put it in my completed folder. This was such a wholesome series. There were no unnecessary cliffhangers, no unnecessary drama. The communication was superb! The characters were so well written and the character growth is just chef's kiss. I love every singel second of this series and I will come back to it, if I need something to comfort me. Because it is just wholesme and lovely and healing. And Tinn is the biggest, cutest green flag walking in bl-land. I adore him. I give it 20 out of 10, because that is what its deserve.
15. Never let me go (12/12 on Youtube)
I like this one. Yes, there were plotlines I don't understand. Palm, why did you have to leave, again? Just stay together, because alone both of you are unhappy! The best part of this one was definitive the chemistry between Pond and Phuwin. Those two did a really great job! 8 out of 10 for me
Short Film
1. Table Manner (on Gaga)
This one...I don't like it that much. It was a little bis boring. There was a sweet kiss, but the story was just not that interesting. 5,5 out of 10 for me
2. Plus Minus (on Gaga)
Not to be msitaken with the taiwanese Plus & Minus, this one is a Pinoy short film with a confusing plot. The time line is not linear and most of the times I didn't know when the scene took place. 5 out of 10 for me.
3. Firsts (on Gaga)
For everything there is a first time. Problems occure when you can't deny your desires anymore, when there is no going back for you. Then you have to be true to yourself. You can't pretend forever and you have to make a choice. A great short film that displays the intimacy and vulnerability really good through words and actions. 8 out of 10 for me
4. Pure Vanilla (on Youtube)
Such a sweet short film, just as the titel promised. Two coworkers who have feelings for each other, but don't know if the other person feels the same. Really cute. 9 out of 10 for me
5. One Afternoon (on Gaga)
It is a quiet short film with not much talking, but nevertheless is it quite intense. It is a different point of view than we usually get. We see most of the film through the eyes of the younger brother and how he deals with discovering that his brother loves another man. 7 out of 10 points.
1. Tinted with you (Viki)
A historical drama with time travelling and some really nice scenery. It is always difficult to tell a good time travel story. At some point I just had to stop thinking about all the problems which could come with the things they did, but okay. It is not a bad bl, but a little bit boring. For me it is a 6,5 out of 10.
Dropped/On Hold in February
1. Cutie Pie 2: You (2/4 on Youtube)
Oh this is so boring! I couldn't bring myself to watch any further, even though it only has four episodes and I watched with double speed...I was in love with the first season, before it lost me on the way with its sugary, lovey dovey washed story and this second one is just...no. I can do so much more with my time...
Looking forward to in February
Moonlight Chicken (Feb 8th)
Utsukushii Kare Season 2 (Feb 8th)
Marry My Dead Body (Feb 10th)
Egoist (Feb 10th)
Moments of Love (Feb 14th)
Boyband (Feb 16th)
Jack Frost (Feb 17th)
Bed Friend (Feb 18th)
Chains Of Heart (Feb 18th)
Island Season 2 (Feb 24th)
Tin Tem Jai (Feb 27th)
Café in Love
A Shoulder To Cry On (-Viki and Youtube page were created)
The Luminous Solution
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