#uttara bhadrapada moon
numbersandstars · 7 days
Uttara Bhadrapada - The Deep Sea Snake
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Degrees: 3°20 Pisces to 16°40 Pisces Deities: Ahirbudhnya, the serpent of the deep sea; Lakshmi, Goddess of prosperity. Vimshottari Lord: Saturn Sounds: दू du, शा sha, झा jha, था tha The core meaning: you are the link between two worlds: the deepest abyss and the heaven realms. You have to choose one of them. Whatever your choice is, your sharp intuition saves you. It is hard to stand firm on middle ground because it is not part of your nature. Your nature is full of emotional ups and downs and your challenge is to transcend them, looking up at the sky, connecting yourself to wilderness, the rain, the sea. Spiritual knowledge is crucial and helps you even more. Qualities: imaginative thinking skills, passionate, intuitive, generous, selfless, wise, righteous. Affliction: angry, unstable, lazy, irresponsible, self-centered, secretive, overemotional. Interest in the occult, teaching, writing, medicine, history, spirituality.
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venussaidso · 2 years
Tupac was an Uttara Bhadrapada Moon and watching a lot of his interview videos, I can see it so clearly. He was a sensitive soul, and a good person. He was passionate, and very angry. And he contradicted himself a lot, because he was authentic all the time. He said what he felt like saying at that moment, even if it contradicted what he may have said before. But it always made sense.
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Regardless, there was always a consistent message in all these paradoxical videos. He spoke his mind 24/7, unfiltered. Which is usually the immature phase I see from young Uttara Bhadrapadas, even Purva Bhadrapadas. He died very young and we didn't get to see him transition to a more calmer Uttara Bhadrapada. Watching him just energizes me, he was bubbly asf.
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I believe he has inspired a lot of people by his interviews alone. He was a complex man, but he knows he was mostly a good guy. He was just surrounded by the wrong people and distractions. Kinda wish he was still alive. But it makes sense his life was cut short, he always predicated that (thus manifesting his demise).
Wish Claire Nakti touched on the activist and angry side of Uttara Bhadrapada, there's a lot of material there. They're exhausted. It feels like no one is really listening. These natives have got so much wisdom already in their younger years, but are misunderstood. He had his gangster/thug persona and a lot of people couldn't really see him. Pisces, unknowingly creating illusions/having perceivers project illusions onto them.
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This interview, you could tell the interviewer already has a skewed perception of Tupac but he never shuts her down. He knows that he's viewed a certain way and he shatters the illusion without taking it personally because he knows who he is. Reminder that he's in his early twenties and he sounds middle aged already; Uttara Bhadrapadas really are old ass souls.
Also, his style is very Uttara Bhadrapada. My Uttara Bhadrapada Moon guy friend loves sweaters. Tupac can wear grandpa vests and still look cool lmfaoo 😭
Ugh he makes me really really sad.
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cleopheanne · 13 days
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Vedic/ Sidereal observations
- If you have any proeminent Jyestha placement please go buy an evil eye protection, it can be any jewelry with eye imagerie on it not only the classic cristal one that we often see but make sure that it is very visible on you.
The evil eye that is often projected on jyestha is basically a curse, people see your potential even though you crawl in dirt like a scorpio you see. They observe your resilience evolving in a state without resources and fear what you may become once you acquire this abundance, so they manifest your failure DON'T EVER TELL ANYONE YOUR PLANS even if they are family idc
- If you are one of those that went through rahu/ketu antardasha as an adolescent/young adult saturn mahadasa don't got nothing on you , I would say that first the energy of Saturn is difficult because it requires you to actually put in the work: you can not escape it, however when you finally submit and accept it you will often harvest the fruits of your efforts.
Ketu does not work like that at all, your current actions don't actually matter in a ketu ruled period it is your past karma that is resurging, Ketu will take away everything that you actually have not only material possessions but also intellectual ones: opinions, your self-image relationships, everything that makes you appreciate the material world, you cannot truly try to girlboss your way out of a ketu dasa the best thing that you can do is SURRENDER, meditate, be introspective, journal, practice yoga and pick a solitary sport and allow yourself to contemplate life
- Saturn in the 4th house, conjunct moon, or in cancer will destroy the health of the mother
- Mercurials and Martians shouldn't expect empathy from anybody sadly, I don't know why but society seems to agree on the fact that they do not deserve to be understood, taken with softness and respect one thing I think it is due to is the fact that they often appear as very stoic, they keep their emotions often to themselves conserving a very cold even bitchy appearance so people often treat them badly based on this impression, they are often met with the 'you think you are better than us ?' anyway
-I've seen many western astrology post saying how many celebrities have scorpio moons right and it make so much more sense when you see that most of them have their moon in sidereal libra rashi, since saturn is exalted in libra, and saturn is the one who grant tangible material abundance, libras have a natural understanding of how to manifest that abundance: they know how to manipulate the material world, using Māyā.
- Ketuvians how about stoping to hide under the guise of disgust and admit that all you really want is to be included and cared about ?
-Purva Ashada men will have the most long, luscious hair ever beyond that they are often stunning and they conserve a kind of androgynous appearance if often they physique is very masculine with hard features they will have the softest voices, most delicate manners ever, it would be so cool to see them take care of a pet. On a darker side this nakshatra is very recurrent in cult leaders even fictional ones lol
-Dhanista and Revati would do great in bellydancing since both of these nakshatras have instruments associated with them, rhythm is innate to their functioning.
- Rohini women are so funny to be around when they get over their insecurities, they are sometimes so insecure it's just hurtful for me to see that, they will break off their bonds with people especially other women over jealousy and not realize that they are the problem, acting like pick mes, making subtle diss and wonder why they are left alone at the end ! If everybody as a problem (as in you are in an argument ) with you and you are not nodal (ketuvian or rahuvian) you are probably the problem 🤷🏾‍♀️. A little introspection shouldn't scare you 😙 that's how you grow as a person
- I strongly admire Anuradha people, their resilience is unmatched like their bone structure, the most gorgeous faces like they were sculpted by Michael Angelo himself
- Mars and Jupiter are bestfriends so you will notice that in real life most bestfriends have this combination of placements or they can have Venus/Saturn too as these two planets are also best friends
- Purva Phalguni/ leo men are so vulgar lol, they scare the hell out of me, Venusian men in general they act like they will eat you alive 🥲
- Rahuvians deal with a lot of mental issues I've seen mostly chronic depression that can lead to suicide in some cases 😕 if you have proeminent rahu placement, try get more in touch with you ketu placement it has helped me a lot, for example ketu in the first house: self-care, protect your energy and your space do not allow anybody to enter it, take extra care of your body exercise, meditate. Ketu in the 6th house: put yourself at the service of other people, in the 11th house: force yourself to join a community, an organization etc
- I've recently saw an interview of Mia Khalifa and she talked about her childhood and her struggles with her weight and turns out she has a Virgo moon in hasta, it made realize how much Virgo women often struggles with their alimentation in general, they have many toxic behaviors regarding the consumption of food and many many of them have had ED or still have it. It's crazy to see that when the constellation of Virgo symbol is an ear of wheat so it associated with bread and eating in general and the natives of this sign have abnormal behaviors towards food.
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donotaskusername · 1 year
This is my first astrology observation post, so bear with me
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• Uttara Bhadrapada natives can have foot fetish. Quentin Tarantino is the biggest example of it.
• Revati natives can be perceived as mean girls. Example - Rihanna, Ellen DeGeneres
• Moon in 2nd house in D1 is too protective of his/ her things or people. They should never tell the people about how much money then own.
• Moon in 2nd in D1 might enjoy oral sex the most, if moon is the lord of 8th or 12th house.
• Poorva Shada natives can have a widow's peak hairline. Example - Aishwarya Rai.
• Rohini Ascendant girls may prefer tomboyish clothing.
• Ketu in 3rd from Arudha Lagna can give a cut or burn mark on hands.
• Rahu in 9th from Arudha Lagna may give interest in learning new languages.
• Mars in 11th house in D1 chart is good for finance for maternal uncles but bad for their health.
• Mula natives especially lagna can be perceived as perfect students in their school as it is the birth star of Saraswati, the Goddess of Knowledge, Wisdom and creativity.
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cardboardheartss · 7 months
Teo Yoo x Jaehyun Vedic Astrology Analysis
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I remember watching Tae Yoo’s interviews and thinking, “DAMN… ain’t this Jaehyuns long lost brother?!” And guess I wasn’t the only one thinking that lol… I mean look at these comments!
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and sooooo… me being the Astro girlie I am… I decided to pull out their birth charts, Teo Yoo has no official birth chart online nor his time of birth clarification so… I had to work with that I had.
I used Vedic astrology btw
Teo Yoo has a Pisces stellium, and his Pisces stellium falls right onto Jaehyuns Pisces Cusp in his 1H. (Uttara Bhadra Mercury & Saturn)
Teo Yoo’s Pisces stellium also falls in the 1H, the house of self and physical appearance, falls right on top of Jaehyuns Saturn.
This is why people always talk about how Teo Yoo looks and sound like Jaehyun but with Jaehyuns Saturn (Time Lord) being on top of Teo Yoo’s mercury (planet of communication/voice) people mention the age! EVERY SINGLE TIME!
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IMO I genuinely believe that Teo Yoo has to have his Capricorn Cusp in his 10H or 11H, because of Jaehyun’s stellium being in Teo’s cusp. Jaehyun’s Capricorn Stellium including his Venus, Mercury, Sun ANDD Uranus definitely summarizes thee whole thing. People say they have the same personality, same looks, voice and lastly, this is always spoken about on social media and once again Tae Yoo and Jaehyun’s age gap always have to be brought up lol!!😭
It’s so cute how they both have that little accent when they speak, andd how they both say “ummm 😐🤔” mid sentence lol!!
look at the similarities lol!!😩🫶🏽
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rabiosantologia · 2 days
Mariah Carey
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♓ Uttara Bhadrapada Sun in the 12H
♈ Bharani ASC + Ashwini Venus (Rx) in conjunction with Saturn in the 1H
♏ Jyestha Mars in the 8H (lagnesha)
♊ Punarvasu Moon in the 3H (atmakaraka)
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sunisglowing · 2 years
New Moon in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra- Pick a Card
(sidereal pisces)
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First of all, I would say you might be leaving your home and moving to a new city. You are leaving your sense of comfort and security. It seems that you might have been the person who has always relied on your family or a group of people, that have always had your back.
But, on the other side, you are might be getting overly emotionally dependant on those people.
It's time to get into your own power. You should embrace your independence and explore your freedom to grow as a person. Relying on these people to get things done won't teach you the necessary skills you should need to know.
You should dive deeper into how you can use your power, where you have power and take control over your life and game. It only comes with time and putting your out there in the field.
Also, you might not be someone who is very good at distinguishing who is using you or is toxic for you. Protect your energy. Be careful and don't trust others too easily.
Stand in your own feet and trust yourself and rely on your more. With all this much, don't let life make you gloomy and serious. Have fun out there!! You should explore your independence and freedom in the best possible way!!❤️
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I'm seeing that you might have been nostalgic and just been reminiscing what happened over the past. Some of you have been letting your past control you. You may be in the sadness which is hindering your present opportunities to be recognized by you.
You might have been very indecisive and unsatisfied with what have right now. It is because your focus is the past, which can be a great thing but not here. Allow what happened with you to motivate you to do or be better, stopping staying bitter.
Let the past go. You can't control what happened but you can control your future with the choices you make right now.
I'm getting you should spend your energy in following your passions and dreams. You should spend time alone thinking about your next passion project and what you should explore next. Do something spontaneous.
Don't expect momentum to magically enter your life. Stop waiting for when the next ride will come to take you off on a new journey. Initiate that new adventure. You don't have to be sure and know about everything. That's the point of it.
Starting indulging or exploring something that you don't know much about. Take time alone to think what all exites you and invokes your free-spirited nature. What are the things that inspire you the most??
For some of you, you may want to start a new course or learn something new. Read and research more. Become a student again and embrace that curiosity.
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I'm seeing that you are leaving something that you had grown and cultivated since a very long time. You might have been around a lot of people. And the noise of so many people and crowds have been draining your energy.
For a long period of time, you might have thought that this thing that you were very proud of for a while made you happy. This particular thing got a lot of praise, attention and appreciation from people.
But over time, it became more of a pressure. To you, it feels like you are doing it for everybody else rather than for yourself. Maybe it makes everybody else happy but not you. It has been pressuring you a lot.
You might have built and maintained this thing by so much of your hard work, time and patience. That's why you may be hesitant to leave. You might be hesitant because of the traditional views of your family or society.
You may feel that you have to continue yo tolerate or keep this thing, behavior, expectation or relationship because of other people, your family, peers, or society, but love, this is YOUR life. You can't act like a stranger to your own inner and deepest desires any longer. You want to escape this situation or end this thing.
There's a change or ending coming in your life and you will be the one doing it. You should or will detach from all this burden that is stopping you to live without any fear or pressure. Think logically and sometimes keeping your emotions aside to stand up for your rights is a good thing. Honestly this phase might make you sour but who cares?? specially in such a situation that is eating you up!
Go back to your childhood, what made you so happy?? Go to your childhood place, connect with your childhood friends. What makes you feel like a kid again?? happy and exited?? what makes you wonder and curious?? Go seek your inner light and joy.
listen to set me free by jimin. very on brand.
choose your happiness first!! 🌞🧡
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I'm seeing that you might have been betrayed by a group of people. They could be your co workers or people who you worked with on some project. This group might have bullied you or stabbed you in the back, or accused you of something you didn't do.
Anyway, if you are still in this group, know that they are very toxic. They don't have the best intentions for you and they will only ruin your hardwork and job.
They truth about these people will be coming to light. Some people might have been bad mouthing and spreading lies about you. They aren't loyal and they will get caught in doing so.
It might cause you a lot of heartbreak. You will be spending time alone and isolating because of all the drama that has happened in the past. You want to leave all this mess and chaos.
And I think it's good for you to reflect on it alone and away from these people. With all the drama, you aren't able to see things clearly so moving away from these people and spending time alone will be a good thing. That way, they won't be able to manipulate you anymore if you are out of reach. This period of isolation will bring a lot of clarity in work and relationships.
You will be leaving and breaking all ties with these people who have wronged you for the good. You will see the patterns more clearly of how you had been manipulated and be more wiser and cautious next time!
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lapoetisa · 5 months
Moneky man was so much. Dev patel was… hot. Also there’s smth so explicit & raw about ketu/ashwini violence. It reminded me a bit of american psycho at times.
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starzalign · 11 months
Rema being a Venus-Saturn man that is constantly singing about how much he loves and indulges in women is so on point.
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rambite6 · 6 months
The Silent Hill film released in 2006 incorporates numerous Ketuvian elements, especially among the cast and crew particularly Ashwini, moon nakshatras, Bhadrapadas, and the Scorpio-Taurus, Sagittarius -Gemini, and Pisces-Virgo axis
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sherkirti · 2 years
1899 & DARK Main Characters Astrology (Western & Vedic) Life, Death & Rebirth BHARANI & UTTARA BHADRAPADA [Part 1]
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The actors who play Daniel & Maura both have Taurus Sun (Bharani [Aries] Sun), and the captain, Eyk, played by Andres Pietschmann, who also plays one of the main characters of 'Dark' has a Taurus Moon (Bharani [Aries] Moon)
Their sun/moon placements all land within 6 degrees of one another.
Bharani Nakshaktra is in 13:20-26:40 degrees Aries.
Bharani derives from the Sanskrit word "भार (load or burden)"
The ruling deity of Bharani is Yamaraja—the lord of death & the underworld, also the lord of dharma. If you've seen the shows, you know how deep the exploration into the psyche, death & karma/dharma goes.
Bharani's power is also associated with transporting the soul from one body to the next. The characters are all in pursuit of fulfilling a desire, impulsive and determined, sometimes taking things to extremes.
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Personal Note: I may be projecting, and I know the show is going for this as an overall vibe, but I notice that they all have this intense and somewhat dreary look, but more so in the eyes, they look like people who have seen into the depths of darkness, and not much could shock them.
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Bharani is also connected to the womb, with its symbol being the female reproductive organs. Cycle of life, death and rebirth. There's a huge emphasis on this theme in both 'Dark' & '1899'
"The dark side of Bharani is a feeling of struggle and suffering. Much of this suffering may come from your own mind. Like many artists you are a deep thinker, and it sometimes feels like your mind is tormenting you."
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Other similarities are Aries North Node & Libra South Node (Western) with both Andres (Eyk/Stranger) & Aneurin (Daniel) having Uttara Bhadrapada Rahu, Andres having it as his Sun placement too. (the two creators of the show have theirs in reverse—see below)
The director & the actor who plans Jonas share the same NN & SN, Rahu & Ketu. (They're about ~20yrs apart in age) Uttara Phalguni Rahu, Uttara Bhadrapada Ketu
Symbol: Snake
Deity: Ananta—"an expansion of God in the form of a great serpent who holds the unlimited universes upon his hoods."
Planetary Ruler: Saturn
"You may wish to isolate yourself and withdraw from the world if you cannot see a favorable path forward."
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The main writer Jantje Friese & the actress who plays Maura both have HASTA MOON (Virgo). [Will explore in Part 2 soon]
I'll definitely go deeper with these themes and nakshaktras, explore other characters and the overall storyline in connection to its astrology, but this is just a quick observation for now!
Andres Pietschmann - “Eyk”
Western: 1’ Aries Sun, 16’ Taurus Moon, 
0’ Aries NN & Libra SN  
Vedic:  7’ Pisces Uttara Bhadrapada Sun, 22’ Aries Bharani Moon, 
Uttara Bhadrapada Rahu, Uttara Phalguni Ketu
Aneurin Barnard - “Daniel”
Western: 17’ Taurus Sun, 13’ Virgo Moon, 
9’ Aries NN, & Libra SN
Vedic: 23’ Aries Bharani Sun, 19’ Leo Purva Phalguni Moon, 
Uttara Bhadrapada Rahu, Hasta Ketu
Emily Beecham - “Maura”
Western: 12’ Taurus Sun, 15’ Libra Moon
6’ Gemini NN & Sagittarius SN
Vedic: 18’ Aries Bharani Sun, 21’ Virgo Hasta Moon
Rohini Rahu, Anuradha Ketu
Louis Hofmann - “Jonas”
Western: 12’ Gemini Sun, 19’ Taurus Moon
4’ Libra NN, & Aries SN
Vedic: Rohini Sun, Bharani Moon
Uttara Phalguni Rahu, Uttara Bhadrapada Ketu
Jantje Friese - Writer/Creator
Western: 14’ Scorpio Sun, 23’ Virgo - 5’ Libra Moon
13’ Libra NN & Aries SN
Vedic: 20’ Libra Vishakha Sun, Hasta Moon
Hasta Rahu, Revathi Ketu
Baran bo Odar - Director/Creator
Western: 28’ Aries Sun, 24’ Leo - 6’ Virgo
4’ Libra NN & Aries SN 
Vedic: 4’ Aries Ashwini Sun, Magha Moon
Uttara Phalguni Rahu, Uttara Bhadrapada Ketu
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venussaidso · 1 year
Saturn nakshatra women with Rahu/Moon nakshatra men
(shit was made by incels btw)
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(literally water sign women with air/earth sign men if you wanna be precise because those are literally the elements in this dynamic).
This is a funny stereotype.
"Saturnian women's cool queenly strength can have an emasculating effect on many men, just like her consort (Sun men) tend to have this effect on other male types as well." — Claire Nakti in her Uttara Bhadrapada video.
No, I don't think Saturn nakshatra women are particularly one way. But I do find it true that they are very misunderstood and can come off unapproachable/intimidating to others. Whether that's a conscious act on their part or not. For some people, they may find them out of reach or out of 'their league'. It's just the vibes Saturnian women give off, like they're inaccessible to most people.
Rahu and sometimes moon nakshatra men can be more receptive to them because they're also cold in nature. But it makes it seem like they're submissive to Saturn women when that's not actually the case. They just have less of an ego to put on this masculine front that other men put on. They love being around strong, 'colder' women because they don't like women feeding off of them or women who are dependent on them or incompetent. These men admire Saturn nakshatra women for their strength, competence and even their demanding nature that can be off putting to other men. Saturnian women's standards can make other men feel insecure in general, but Rahu men can find this very admirable as they have a similar mindset towards life (especially Swati). I think the same can apply to Mercury nakshatra men. And sometimes Venus.
I do think that Solar nakshatra men would feel incompetent or useless around Saturnian nakshatra women because Saturnian women are very self efficient and have high standards. Saturn nakshatra women are not impressed by the casual nature that Sun nakshatra men have, and Sun nakshatra men can feel like he can't keep up with her. Jupiter nakshatra men can also feel this way.
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duskyvenus · 11 months
Sun : cancer -aslesha
Moon : pisces -uttarabhadrapada
Rising : Libra -visakha
Hello! Thank you for joining the game 😊
Here's your moodboard:
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Ashlesha (Cancer) Sun
Uttara Bhadrapada (Pisces) Moon
Vishakha (Libra) Rising
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amtalchemy · 1 year
Hey hope you’re having a good day. I love your posts so much🫶🏻 I just wanted to know your take on DK being my moon in 7H Aries Aswini, but DK in D9 is MercuryRx in Pisces Uttara Bhadra.
Thank you!
In connection to your 7H Moon in Ashwini of Aries, your partner or one of your potential partners may be of fair / light-skinned complexion with a youthful look or personality. Could be younger than you as well and have reddish complexion or hair. May meet through a social event or at a business.
I’m not sure if we consider the degrees in the D9 chart as DK. Could represent partner in the second half of life. For D9 R Mercury in Uttara Bhadrapada of Pisces, one of your potential partners may have green eyes or come from an Asian descent with dark hair and youthful skin. May have a hard time communicating or expressing themselves or could just be a very introspective, intuitive thinker.
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curatorofvibes · 3 months
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Photograph from Stefan & Audrey Photography
Don’t let astrology limit you, you can be who dream you are and have the relationship you dream of!
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༄ Solar Return ༄
These observations are based on both personal experience and the experiences of those in my life.
ᥫ᭡ Scorpio Rising in the Solar Return Chart
-Becoming aware of what’s holding you back and taking steps towards shedding that skin
-Wanting to grow and move on from the past
-Wanting to evolve
-Focused on self-improvement and development
-Wanting to ”glow-up” in every way, mentally, physically, and spiritually
-Keeping this process and journey of self to self, not really sharing with others what you’re going through internally
-Forming better habits in life
-Holding yourself accountable
-Wanting your actions to reflect your words
-Feeling a sense of maturity, as if you’re letting go of who you once were to welcome the being under the shedded skin, a rebirth
ᥫ᭡ Moon in the 7th house in the Solar Return Chart
-Wanting to keep the peace and be more diplomatic
-Realizing that sometimes it’s best to not say the first thing that comes to mind, but to be more kind and considerate of other peoples feelings and emotions
-Learning that everything you think, doesn’t have to be said
-Wanting to please others and make them feel good about themselves through the way you express your thoughts and emotions
-Putting more effort in your grooming and appearance
-Feeling an urge to be romantically involved or emotionally closer to others
ᥫ᭡ Mercury in the 11th house in the Solar Return Chart
-Urge to connect to people and socialize more
-Wanting to go out and meet new people
-Wanting to improve social and conversational skills
-Wanting to make friends with others, even those completely different from who you are
-Not wanting to be around an echo-chamber
ᥫ᭡ Uranus in the 10th house in the Solar Return Chart
-Unexpected career change
-Being sort of forced to make a career move
-Finally quitting an undesirable work environment
ᥫ᭡ Pluto in the 3rd house in the Solar Return Chart
-Meeting people who unintentionally encourage you to stand up for yourself and speak up more. For example, people can say things that you don’t agree with and normally you would ignore it, but for some reason you just can’t, you have to say something
ᥫ᭡ Mars in the 12th house in the Solar Return Chart
-Hiding and concealing your anger
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༄ Numerology ༄
Through the information on numerology provided by @lilithgreye and @astrosky33 Tumblr accounts I was able to make these observations based on both personal experience and the experiences of those in my life.
➷ Personal Year #3
-Feeling like everything is going right in life, can’t lose
-Letting the inner child free
-Simply joyful
-So many new and fun memories with family and friends
-Traveling A LOT or after yeaarrrssss since the last trip
-Positive impact on confidence in a way that the effects can still be felt years down the line due to how unforgettable the year was
➷ Personal Year #5
-Long travels
-Finally doing fun activities always wanted to try
-A change in schools
-Overall, enjoyable year
➷ Personal Year #7
-Confidence and self-esteem skyrocketed
-Spending a lot of time alone, more than usual and not by choice
-Using the alone time to pour love into self and take care of self
-On the other hand, feeling very loved and receiving a lot of people expressing their love and appreciation during this time
➷ Personal Year #8
-Getting a job leading to financial stability
➷ Personal Year #9
-Going back to school
-Feeling very insecure and filled with anxiety
-Confusing and frustrating time
➷ Personal Year #1
-Feeling very liberated, like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon
-New experiences, emotions, just feeling very open-minded to new ways of life and living
-Definitely happy, blissful and new beginnings welcomed with open arms
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༄ Random ༄
These observations are based on what I noticed tend to be prominent placements in the charts of professional wrestlers.
✿ North Node/Rahu - Mars Aspects
✿ Mars - Jupiter Aspects
✿ Serpent Yoni Nakshatra Placements (Rohini & Mrigashira, especially Mrigashira Mars)
✿ Mercury Nakshatra Placements (Ashlesha, Jyestha, Revati)
✿ Ketu Nakshatra Placements (Ashwini, Magha, Mula)
✿ 1, 3, 5, 8, 9 numerology (according to numerologists, 1 is associated with leadership and athletes, 3 is associated with communication and comedy, 5 is associated with conventional beauty and entertaining, 8 is associated with karma and money, 9 is associated with adaptability and completion). I can see this making sense because in wrestling you have to have some form of athletic ability and be able to talk on the microphone, providing comedy when it is called for. A big part of being a wrestler has to do with your looks, so remaining fit, healthy, and attractive in some way, shape, or form to the audience, always providing entertainment. Seeing as plans can change within the blink of an eye or anything can happen, you have to have the ability to seamlessly adapt on the spot without making it obvious to the audience that it wasn’t in the original plans. With 8 numerology, I noticed wrestlers who have it tend to be very well-regarded and/or see success outside of the wrestling business.
✴︎ In regards to 8 numerology, in letterology the capital letter R is 44 (4 + 4 = 8). I noticed wrestlers with this letter capitalized in their names tend to be known outside of the wrestling business (For example: The Rock, Rhea Ripley, Roman Reigns, etc.)
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (Mula Moon, Revati Mercury atmakaraka, Mrigashira Venus & Mars, Rohini Saturn | 8 numerology)
Trish Stratus (Mula Sun, Mrigashira Mars, Revati Jupiter | 9 numerology)
Steve “Sting” Borden (North Node/Rahu trine Mars; Revati Mercury & Ketu, Ashwini Venus, Mrigashira Mars, Mula Saturn)
Adam “Edge” Copeland (Mars square Jupiter, North Node/Rahu trine Mars; Mula Moon & Rahu, Jyestha Venus atmakaraka, Ashwini Mars | 3 numerology)
Amy “Lita” Dumas (North Node/Rahu square Mars; Ashwini Sun, Revati Mercury atmakaraka, Mrigashira ASC | 5 numerology)
Rey Mysterio (Jyestha Sun atmakaraka & Mercury, Mula Venus, Ketu in Rohini | 8 numerology)
Kenny Omega (Mars square Jupiter; Ketu in Jyestha, Rahu in Mrigashira)
Christian Cage (North Node/Rahu trine Mars; Ashwini Mars, Ketu in Mrigashira, Rahu in Mula | 3 numerology)
Bianca Belair (Revati Sun & Venus, Ashwini Mercury, Mrigashira Mars, Rohini Jupiter, Ketu in Magha | 9 numerology)
Kurt Angle (Mars Trine Jupiter; Jyestha Sun, Mula Mercury, Ashwini Saturn | 1, 9 numerology)
These observations are based on a pattern that I noticed in Saturn Atmakaraka Natives which mainly is that they tend to have success longevity, beginning from around the ages of 30-35+.
Miley Cyrus (19° Shravana pada 3, 10th house)
notes: released her song flowers at the age of 30 which led to her winning her first Grammy Award at the age of 31. Maybe hers being in the 10th house shows themes of her career success or longevity in her career (?) since shes been working since she was a child and is still receiving accolades and royalties.
Vanessa Williams (25° Dhanishtha pada 1, 8th house)
notes: recently released a music video with choreography at the age of 61.
Mike White (25° Bharani pada 4, 8th house)
notes: season one of the white lotus released when he was at the age of 51 and is currently his biggest success in his career (based off of how well-acclaimed it is) since he released school of rock in 2003 at the age of 33.
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༄ Vedic Astrology ༄
Through the information on vedic astrology provided by @youremyheaven and @venussaidso Tumblr accounts, along with Claire Nakti’s and The Hidden Octave’s @thehiddenoctave YouTube channels, I was able to make these observations. They’re not in-depth, they’re based off of random things I noticed in some of my sources of entertainment that I felt connected to things others have observed in these placements.
ೃ༄ Actors ೃ༄
H. Jon Benjamin (Krittika Sun, Mercury, Mars & Rahu)
Is the voice actor of Sterling Archer In the show “Archer”.
✴︎ Says : “I’m not really much of a planner.” (connects to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Sun-Ruled nakshatra natives being people who don’t really plan for things and who rely on improvisation)
Jason Sudeikis (Sun in Uttara Phalguni and Ketu in Krittika)
Plays Ted Lasso in the show “Ted Lasso”.
✴︎ A manager/coach with carefree energy, improvisation and not really planning anything (connects to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Sun-Ruled nakshatra natives being people who don’t really plan for things and who rely on improvisation)
Leo Woodall (Uttara Phalguni Sun)
Plays Jack in the show “The White Lotus”.
✴︎ Came across as pretending to be a “himbo”
✴︎ Bad boy charm with undertones of sadness and inner conflict
Alan Ritchson (Anuradha Sun)
Plays Jack Reacher in the show “Reacher”.
✴︎ Says : “That takes time, which is something I have in great quantity.” Can relate to Saturn’s connection to time (?)
✴︎ Skillful and rebellious character
Juno Temple (Pushya Sun)
Plays Keeley Jones in the show “Ted Lasso”.
✴︎ Her character was highly sought after by men and sexualized (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Pushya nakshatra natives)
✴︎ Her character was kickass in a male dominated field (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Saturn-Ruled nakshatras natives being in male dominated fields in films)
(Magha Venus & Ketu)
Plays Keeley Jones in the show “Ted Lasso”.
✴︎ Her character had a sex tape leaked which can connect to the Magha yoni animal being exploited (?)
✴︎ The character is open about her sexual curiosities (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Magha natives being open about their sexual curiosities)
Hannah Waddingham (Pushya Sun)
Plays Rebecca Welton in the show “Ted Lasso”.
✴︎ Her character was kickass with a masculine edge in a male dominated field as the owner of a football club (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Saturn-Ruled nakshatras natives being in male dominated fields in films)
✴︎ Her & Keeley’s character (both Pushya Suns) had respect for each other and their strengths
✴︎ Her character could easily destroy the male ego (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Saturn-Ruled nakshatras)
✴︎ Very disciplined character with a sharp and stern personality (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Saturn-Ruled nakshatras natives)
Vanessa Williams (Uttara Bhadrapada Sun)
Plays Renee Perry in the show “Desperate Housewives”.
✴︎ Her character was described as having a, “style seems to be more like chrome and glass and teeth” teeth being apart of the description of Saturn
Marcia Cross (Uttara Bhadrapada Sun)
Plays Bree Van de Kamp in the show “Desperate Housewives”.
✴︎ Her character described as suppressing emotions, stoic, cold, and tightly wound. (In relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Saturn-Ruled nakshatra leading to being emotionally hardened)
✴︎ Her character described as courteous, elegant, graceful, never letting people know what she’s thinking
✴︎ Her character described as an “ice princess”
✴︎ Her character described as too resilient, always bouncing back (In relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of having Saturn-Ruled nakshatras allowing one to naturally adapt by building upon virtues such as personal restraint and composure)
✴︎Said about her character : “No matter what the circumstances, Bree Van de Kamp always found a way to stay in control. She curbed her impulses. She enforced a strict dress code. She maintained a strong moral center. Yes, Bree was always in control, so when it came to handling a crisis… It made perfect sense that she was in the driver’s seat.”
Marcia Gay Harden (Ketu in Uttara Bhadrapada & Pushya Mercury)
Plays Margaret Wright in the show “So Help Me Todd”.
✴︎ Her character described as a controlling mother
✴︎ Says : “I’m not judgmental, I’m a realist.”
Emmanuelle Beart (Ashlesha Sun atmakaraka, Venus & ASC)
Plays Claire Phelps in the movie “Mission Impossible”.
✴︎ Her character is meant to manipulate Ethan through seduction into believing he can trust her after her and her husband fake his death in order to frame Ethan for being a mole. Like a snake, connected to the Naga Diety of this nakshatra, she had to be secretive and stealthy.
Cillian Murphy (Rohini Sun)
Plays Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow in the movie “Batman Begins”.
✴︎ His character is a psychologist who studies peoples fears in particular and uses it against them as a way to gain control over them. Can connect to observation made by those who study Vedic saying that Moon-Ruled nakshatra people study other people
✴︎ The actor himself has Intoxicating eyes and is a private person, not on social media (serpent yoni)
Paul Johansson (Shravana Sun & Mars)
Plays Dan Scott in the show “One Tree Hill”.
✴︎ His character killed his own brother then framed it on someone who committed suicide
✴︎ His character likes to tell elaborate manipulative lies that are hard to disprove (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras)
✴︎ His character manipulates his own son into doing what he wants (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras)
✴︎ If you wrong his character, he WILL get revenge and try to one-up you (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras)
Chad Michael Murray (Magha Sun)
Plays Lucas Scott in in the show “One Tree Hill”.
✴︎ His character wanted to change his last name due to a dilemma on who fathered him. His Uncle Keith was more of a father figure than his actual dad who basically disowned him (in connection to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Magha Nakshatra being associated with ancestry roots and the origins of oneself)
✴︎ Says : “For the longest time I’ve been an outsider.”
✴︎ His character was romantically connected to a Punaravasu woman in the show and chased after her despite her wanting to be “non-exclusive” at first. Despite his connection with the Punarvasu woman, his attraction for the Ardra woman (can connect to observation made by Vedic astrologers of nodal placements being attracted to each other) that he was attracted to from the very first episode never waned
✴︎ Says to the Ardra woman : “I kind of have this habit of crawling into my shell.” (Can maybe connect to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Ketu-Ruled nakshatra natives being inwardly drawn?)
Anthony Head (Ketu in Punarvasu)
Plays Rupert Mannion in the show “Ted Lasso”.
✴︎ Although a villainous character, he had a story of being a poor boy when young and sneaking into the stadium to watch matches, getting kicked out by a security guard (who he eventually repaid with a raise in the future), to eventually becoming a billionaire and owning his boyhood football club. (This is in connection to the Vasutva Prapana Shakti of this nakshatra which is, “the power to gain wealth or substance”)
✴︎ His character struggled with commitment, but towards the end of the show it did seem like he was on the path to becoming a better person (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Punarvasu natives who tend to struggle with commitment)
Sophia Bush (Punarvasu Sun)
Plays Brooke Davis in the show “One Tree Hill”.
✴︎ Her character was once referred to as “Miss Sunshine” (in relation to to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Punarvasu nakshatra natives being able to easily bring light and optimism to situations)
✴︎ Her character is very optimistic and playful, yet aloof and cold to ppl who try to befriend her friends
✴︎ Her character was romantically connected to a Magha man in the show and he chased after her (in connection to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Jupiter nakshatras natives being emotionally spacious with the ability to hold a lot within them and Ketu nakshatra natives being attracted to them because they’re pulled in by that expansiveness)
✴︎ Her character is a social butterfly
✴︎ By the time her character graduates high school, it was brought up how much she had grown as a person for the better within those 4 years (in connection to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Punarvasu nakshatras boundless nature that leaves a lot of room for growth)
✴︎ Her character’s parents were never around during her high school years, she basically lived alone or with friends
✴︎ Her character created her own fashion line called “clothes over bros” while in high school (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Punarvasu Nakshatra natives who tend to contribute a lot to the fashion world and in the show her clothing line brought her a lot of opportunities in the fashion industry)
Hilarie Burton (Ardra Sun)
Plays Peyton Sawyer in the show “One Tree Hill”.
✴︎ Her character’s mom died when she was young
✴︎ Her character wasn’t addicted, but was sucked into doing cocaine a few times
✴︎ Her character identified with loneliness and being a talented artist, expresses how she feels internally through her art (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Ardra being a Rahu-Ruled nakshatra and being internally spacious, trying to find ways to fill up that emptiness through external sources)
✴︎ Says : “You don’t know anything about my pain.”
✴︎ Wants to be immersed by her love for Jake and went above and beyond for him and his daughter Jenny, he left her in the end to find his daughter and she was broken by this love (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Nodal nakshatra natives tending to be obsessive in romance to feel more stable)
✴︎ Her biological mom that she did not know about comes back into her life at 17 and says she left because she liked drugs more than she liked her child. Went through a lot of life changes for a 17 year old (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Ardra nakshatras natives often going through traumatic events in life that they have to deal with alone)
✴︎ Hides behind her sadness and art
✴︎ Her character loses her biological mother to cancer and her adopted mother to a car crash, her adopted father is always traveling for work so he is hardly ever around and she never knew her biological father (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Ardra nakshatras natives often going through traumatic events in life that they have to deal with alone)
✴︎ Had an obsessed stalker who pretended to be her long lost brother (in relation to the observation, are by Vedic astrologers of Rahu Nakshatra natives being often seen in the charts of people who can be the source of other people’s obsessions and unwanted attention)
✴︎ Painted a dog on her bedroom wall as a “watchdog” for protection after her stalker situation (which can maybe connect to the Dog Yoni of this nakshatra?)
ೃ༄ Football Managers/Coaches ೃ༄
José Mourinho (Shravana Sun, Moon & Saturn)
Outcast Nakshatra native and a popular/well-regarded football manager/coach.
✴︎ Started out as a translator for FC Barcelona before becoming “one of the world’s greatest managers” (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Shravana nakshatra being a common placement in the charts of polyglots)
✴︎ Calls himself “A Special One” which can be connected to Shravana being labeled “The Chosen One” (?)
✴︎ Said about Mourinho : “He could see the future, what the opposition would do… what substitutions the opposition’s coach would make.” (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Shravana nakshatra being a common placement in the charts of mind-readers and psychics)
✴︎ Said about Mourinho : “He told us he wasn’t interested in fair play or a positive image. Only in winning. He managed to bring qualities out of me that I didn’t even know I had.” (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Shravana natives having the ability to open the qualities of others that they have trouble accessing)
Carlo Ancelotti (Uttara Phalguni ASC)
Outcast Nakshatra native and a popular/well-regarded Italian football manager/coach.
✴︎ Nicknamed “Don Carlo”
✴︎ Said about Ancelotti after Real Madrid beat Manchester City in the 2024 quarterfinals of the Champions League : “As a man, Carlo just fills you with calmness and confidence. Before the game, I caught him yawning and asked him: ‘Boss, are you tired?’ He said you need to go and excite me out there. That’s the calmness and confidence he brings.” Which can be an example of his carefree energy as a Sun nakshatra native, observed by Vedic astrologers
✴︎ It is said that as a manager/coach, he doesn’t really have specific instructions and allows his players to have freedom and creativity on the field and in how they adapt and approach the game. Also, described as a very versatile and creative manager/coach. This all connects to Sun nakshatra natives being described as people who don’t really plan for things and relying on improvisation
✴︎ This praise can also relate to the criticism that he receives, a lot of people say that his tactics are “just vibes” which can relate again to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of the carefree energy and improvisation that Sun nakshatra natives tend to have and rely on in life
ೃ༄ Musicians ೃ༄
Edgar Varèse (Rahu in Swati & Ardra ASC)
French Composer.
✴︎ Created music with a futuristic focus conceived of as “bodies of sound in space”
✴︎ Focus on merging science and music together
Avril Lavigne (Hasta Sun & ASC)
✴︎ song “Girlfriend” asking someone to break up with their girlfriend to get with her
Ariana Grande (Hasta Moon)
✴︎ song “break up with you girlfriend, I’m bored”
(this one is my observation, I just thought it was interesting)
Melanie Martinez (Bharani Sun)
✴︎ Her song “DEATH” starts out by saying “death is life”, and talks about being back from the dead (in relation to this nakshatras Diety being, Yama, aka “God of Death”/“Catcher of Souls”/“The Final Judge”)
ೃ༄ Wrestlers ೃ༄
Drew McIntyre (Rohini Sun & Mercury and Mrigashira Mars)
✴︎ Intoxicating eyes (serpent yoni)
✴︎ Long hair (in connection to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of it being common for Moon-Ruled Nakshatra men to grow out their hair and leave it long. His Rohini placements, he also has a Shravana Jupiter)
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Mike “The Miz” Mizanin (Hasta Sun atmakaraka & Moon)
✴︎ A wrestler who is known for his good wrestler impersonations (in relation to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Hasta natives being linked to impersonation)
Toni Storm (Chitra Sun & Rahu)
✴︎ Wrestler with an Old Hollywood Starlet gimmick as “Timeless” Toni Storm inspired by the movies “All About Eve (1950)” and “Sunset Boulevard (1950)” (connecting to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Chitra/Mars-ruled nakshatras being common in the charts of old Hollywood starlets)
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Roman Reigns (Rohini Sun, Mrigashira Mars, and Shravana Jupiter)
✴︎ Plays a wrestling character who is incapable of seeing his flaws
✴︎ Doesn’t see how his actions hurt others or is wrong
✴︎ Doesn’t feel guilt or remorse
✴︎ Difficult for him to trust others (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras. His Rohini & Shravana placements)
✴︎ Makes you question your own motives. Manipulator (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras. His Rohini & Shravana placements)
✴︎ Compensates for his bruised ego by finding a way to one-up you (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras. His Rohini & Shravana placements)
✴︎ Concerned with how others perceive him… wanting them to “acknowledge” him (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras. His Rohini & Shravana placements)
✴︎ Does not like appearing weak or being vulnerable (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras. His Rohini & Shravana placements)
✴︎ Uses his opponents vulnerabilities against them (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras. His Rohini & Shravana placements)
✴︎ As a heel character he says and does terrible things, but still enjoys a good reputation by the audience (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras. His Rohini & Shravana placements)
✴︎ Obsessed with power (in relation to the observations made by Vedic astrologers of Moon-Ruled nakshatras. His Rohini & Shravana placements)
✴︎ Long hair (in connection to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of it being common for Moon-Ruled Nakshatra men to grow out their hair and leave it long. His Rohini & Shravana placements)
✴︎ In connection to the serpent yoni of the Rohini and Mrigashira nakshatra placements, his private life off camera is typically kept under wraps and hidden (snakes being great at hiding), not much is known about who and what he does outside of the “Roman Reigns” character he plays on television
Randy Orton (Revati Sun)
✴︎ Elephant yoni which is the largest yoni animal (?) and Randy is known for being a HUGE man in person
✴︎ He also has double Mercury-Ruled nakshatras in his big 3, his wrestling character is charismatic and manipulative in the sense that he’ll convince you that you’re allies, but ultimately you should never trust “the viper”
(Ashlesha ASC)
✴︎ Comes across as intimidating which can be in connection to the feline yoni of this nakshatra (?)
✴︎ The Visasleshana Shakti of this nakshatra is “the power to inflict poison” and he is known as “the viper” which is a venomous snake
✴︎ In connection to “the viper” nickname and this nakshatra is the Diety being, Naga, which is a serpent God. When he goes to the place where he hears voices in his head (can also connect to the observation made by Vedic astrologers of Ashlesha nakshatra natives being buried in their own subconscious minds and having inner conversations and narrations), he sort of moves like a snake that relies on its intuition in those moments
✴︎ His character is also one that you can’t trust, he’s sneaky and methodical and if you turn your back on him, he can attack you (with an RKO) out of nowhere… even if you’ve been led to believe that you’re friends or have formed an alliance
✴︎ Honestly, everything about him reminds me of a snake, from his appearance (especially in the year 2009 when his character derived pleasure in hurting others) to the way he moves, he’s so fast yet lethal at the same time and if you look into his eyes you can see that he’s probably thinking in his head what’s the best way to attack his opponent and catch them off guard for the win. Another nickname of his that can connect to these actions is, the “Apex Predator”
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( I was really excited to share the Randy Orton observation ◡̈ )
I would like to state that I’m not an astrologer, so I hope that I wasn’t disrespectful to any astrologers with these observations in any way whatsoever (especially with the Vedic observations seeing as how there’s Hindu roots involved). This tumblr account has been fun, but I’ve reached the point where my pinned post is relatable to how I feel in real life, so I don’t plan on making anymore posts related to astrology or along those lines. If you would like to check out some of my previous astrology related content, they can be found under the tag #curatorofvibes. These observations were things I had written down over the years and I thought it best to share it with whomever comes across this post instead of just deleting them. Wishing everyone more life and more genuine love! ♡ ~ curatorofvibes
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rose-maidenn · 1 month
Astro observations 1
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Tropical + Sidereal
If you have mercury sextile venus as a women your voice gives you an upper hand in your career , example Sofia Vergara being famous for her acting as well as her unique voice , lana del rey for her vocal range , Rihanna , Kim Kardashian memes lol .
If as a man you have mercury sextile venus it shows up as an upper hand in your thoughts and creativity , often times men with this placement are very soft spoken and understanding , in a dark way they could be manipulative as well . They mostly create a world of wonders for themselves and have distinct contributions towards art or way of life . Eg : Walt Disney , Ewan Mcgregor in big fish
Scorpio men give high school bad boy vibes , their upper body might be larger then their lower body , fellas don't skip leg day
Wanna start content creation or wanna be a singer , check your moon sign , a popstar might become popular based on the emphasis on either vocal range, lyricism, performance (credits to the instagram reel i watched lol i lost the link ) eg : scorpio women embody the performer persona most strongly , for example: Beyonce , Miley Cyrus , Lady gaga etc (vedic - Vishakha)
Cancer sun women mostly embody the trashy girl aesthetic.
Though widely considered meek , the cancer sun embodies a badass feministic yet kind vibe to them eg : Princess Diana , Selena Gomez , MIA, Frida Kahlo , often turn out to be revolutionaries and make changes in their own fields .
Pluto in the 5th is an amazing placement for fashion designers or in the field of marketing in the field , eg: Coco chanel , Miuccia Prada , Donatella Versace etc . 5th is the house of creativity and pluto being in it bring something out of the ordinary to make the person famous.
Pluto in 5th might also suffer from a turbulent childhood often with home relocation or absent parents
Mercury in 9th might be forced to grow up earlier , these people embody wisdom beyond years, often time resulting in void eg : Drew Barrymore, Mila Kunis lying about her age to get roles , Brooke shields .
Mercury in 9th is also a good placement for writers, eg : Sylvia plath , Agatha Christie, Emily Bronte .
Purva Bhadrapada women are very activist and stand for what they believe in , they make really good points in an debate👏
Punarvasu sun will give you fuller lips . Mostly downturned
Gemini men often have a wild chemistry with Sagittarius men 😭😂 the gemini man either admires the Sagittarius or hates them , like a frenemy vibe .
Libra men have the rake energy they flirt with everyone but they also make you feel like you're the only girl 😭 tf
Moon conjunct Saturn is said to give a bad relationship with mother but I have observed that if it is in the 12 th house it actually gives a good relationship, as there's more understanding .
As a jupiterian myself I won't advise to dye your hair blonde if you have prominent jupiter ,it makes me even more delusional. I would recommend brown for grounding and inviting creativity in your life .
Idk mars dom men are too good to me I like them so much, I've seen that in other cases as well so I will say jup dom 🤝 mars dom.
Rahu doms are underdogs yall , mostly people underestimate them until one day they put all their energy into something and prove themselves .
Uttara Ashadha girls act as they're stupid but they're observing so much , they might have really captivating eyes , puppy eyes if I say .
If two people have asc-moon synastry , they love each other and loathe each other because of their similarities , their is also a tendency of copying the others gestures or fashion .
Ketu doms push people away and then say they're lonely , it takes a lot to understand the inner rich world of ketu doms , which I think venus doms get to a degree.
Rohini people have a certain liking towards the metal of gold , and it will bring you auspiciousness if you buy them gold.
That's all for today hope yall enjoyed , I think you can read both observations interchangeably hehe I tried a new format hope yall like it . Dm me if you want to book a chart reading or an astrology reading 🫶
Thank you for reading
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