#uwo headcanon
orizukuin · 10 months
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Guess who listen to Candy hearts and Paper flowers and Day6's 'i like you' , 'I love you' repetitively before moving on to other music genre while working on this one while search in Google Korean Surname and looking up something that's sound good for these two dorks names-
If you're guessing that it's me then YES you are correct XD
I really like this, honestly I'm fun creating stuff like this like since we never really know anything about their friendship before the whole Eye stabbing incident happen. (It doesn't exist in this comic lmao.)
Also pointers :
So far in this thing I'm doing is all for hearts and joy, building a bond between Charlie and Mike being great friends.
I think Mike is no different to friends who joke/tease around alot, especially when they we're really close (and in this they're really close. Charlie just still don't know how response to Mike gesture's so sometimes they could be really get blushy and nervous)
Im keeping Charlie background like how they we're written in the game, I'm just adding a sprinkle of sweetness to their life to the point they'll experience alot of good things they never expected to experience
The Surname of Charlie and Mike is an headcanon of mine for them.
Charlie = Charlie Hyung-Seok
Mike = Mike Choi
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inkyu · 6 months
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Hey remember a few seconds ago how I said i'll doodle June Egbert? well here it is now because I'm impaient DFKGBDJHFGB
(this is my second time drawing June, my frist one is unpublished and will never see the light of day unless someone asks to see her X.X)
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void-speaks · 2 years
Everyone shut up and listen. Remember the three horror stories of the Underworld Office station? Yeah so the third one is Charlie. I bet my right arm the second one is River, because look at her
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That's pretty horror material to me.
But what if, what if the first one is Boss. Think about it. He's already a full on shadow and we know that you become an evil spirit when you loose your mind. And I bet you'd go insane after being completely alone, fighting monsters all by yourself and protecting the people who hurt and sacrificed you for god knows how long.
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callme-l · 2 years
I like Boss's HeadCanon he likes cats
Imagine if he LOVES cats but doesn't know how to interact with one
So every time he sees a cat he looks super happy (Because my God, a cat is here!), but he doesn't know what to do (Does he pet the cat? Catch him in his lap? ADOPT THE CUTE THING??? ) until the cat just leaves
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yallmakemyassitch · 7 months
L K J for the Andromeda bros!
For you, anon! //UwO//
yea I'm on hiatus but I had a rough week so I thought to do these to make me feel better :3
L - What does their laughter sound like when they are tickled?
Agoti's laughter is cackly, witch-like, and very high pitched and hysterical; being tickled takes him out almost immediately because of how sensitive he is and many compare him to a hyena. If you tickle him long enough, Agoti will begin to snort and wheeze, making the experience all the more adorable.
Aldryx doesn't really have a lot of things to smile or laugh about (excluding his friends and family of course), you'll usually get a soft smirk or a quiet chuckle. But tickling is a different story, it's warm yet throaty and very rough like his voice, once you hear it, you'll know what he's feeling is genuine.
K - As a ler, do they have special skills to use against their lees and drive them crazy with?
Agoti has long, sharp teeth perfect for nibbling away at your sides or neck, worst part about it, he knows how to add just enough pressure for it to feel gentle but overall unbearable. It just sets the nerves on fire!
Aldryx is similar but in a different department. He has claws. Yep the guitar strumming demon has long ass nails that can somehow plan the instrument perfectly without error. Well imagine that guitar is you, Aldryx is aware his nails can hurt someone so he'll be extra gentle and careful with you. He'll gently strum your sweet spots and reduce you to a giggly pile. Of course that's if he's feeling merciless today, he can do much worse.
J - Their absolute favorite thing about tickling?
For Agoti it's a goofy, fun activity he can whip out any day with his friends or family. He may never admit it but tickling gives himself a good laugh and it's a better excuse than asking for tickles himself (but he's bad at hiding his lee mood lmao).
Aldryx isn't much for physical contact and is a hard guy to get to know him on a personal level. Tickling is a fun way to connect with his loved ones. It's also a silly way to punish a friend if they get on his nerves without actually hurting them, more of a warning that he'll do something worse if they persist with their actions
Eek the Andromeda bros are so adorable (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+🌸💕 I'm in love with these fuckers and I like the headcanons I wrote for them, brings out more of their personalities, ones I headcanon specifically 🥹
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sang8262 · 1 year
On that topic about whether JP is good at hiding his Pscyho Power or not,
i just remembered that Cammy notices he uses it even before fighting him in her arcade mode. I'd say this is more due to her being a Doll and her familiarity with it/ Shadaloo.
Still though, kinda interesting that to those who use Pscyho Power can sense others who use it too, or something like that.
Also curious is Juri's win quotes, since she hates Bison, and doesn't see JP as someone who supports him despite having history working under him. Sees him more as a fellow "Shadaloo survivor", which is a neat perspective. More questions as to what exactly JP is planning, or if he has a hand in Neo Shadaloo i think was it? with Ed and Falke.
adding that I love how most of the win quotes against JP comment on how absurdly strong and unsettling he is to fight:
Kimberly's arcade mode ending, shook despite defeating him.
Marisa's win quote: "I was hoping to have a fight that felt a little less... unnerving, but you do you"
E.Honda's win quote: " You've got some boundless power there, but for now, you're down for the count!"
Blanka's win quote: "Uwo? You, uh... You smell like trouble."
Lily's win quote: "The spirits urge me... to keep my distance from you."
Ryu's win quote: "Your strength defies explanation... But I am who I am. I will not waver."
Zangief's win quote: "If you mix devious evil with raw power, I'll have no choice but to bury your face in concrete!"
and my favorite, Manon the Menace, big hater energy:
"I usually live and let live, but you? You, I despise."
I'm adding a headcanon that it's actually only cause she hates his sense of fashion or something.
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uwowrites · 2 years
sorry if another request is just too much for your health, please take as much time as you want;
i had a weird but still cute dream about uwo, where the whole office wanted probably to kill someone, but they were hiding it from boss so he wouldnt be worried, he seemed so happy, everyone knew about the real rules about bright and dark but noone was mad, eugene and boss seemed like really happy father & son duo playing together and smiling on a swing, boss even put his hat on eugene and i want to cry from happiness since i saw all that and the whole office ended playing together
so after all that, could you do some headcanons with boss spending time with office members like nothing bad ever happened ☹️🙏🏻 living their best lives as ghosts and caring about each other, zero problems and bad thoughs,, please please please <3
im begging on my knees
Of course! Even I like to pretend CIU never happened.
Also, no need to apologize for the request.
So, along with headcanons I though of before CIU came out.
Good god someone help this man handle his chaotic family (Platonic headcanons)
Boss & River:-
They just radiate too much sibling energy.
The bickering, the way they care about each other (Boss scolding Eugene for calling River to a place she couldn't go).
Although they argue and fight, they are the most effective and scariest duo.
Legit, threaten Eugene and these two will throw hands. You have the silent and deadly one teaming up with a carefree and strong fighter.
They have solved the most number of cases together.
And they have competitions about who has solved the most cases in the month.
River has challenged him to flying competitions.
The two have talked about their pasts. Although it took Boss a long time to open up, he started to view her as family (she was the first person for him to see that way)
River has seen Boss get mad before. She has seen him rage to the point where he stopped caring about mortals. It wasn't as though he became a bad person, he was sick of fighting and defending people who did such sinful things. While that time was brief, she admits that she would much rather prefer seeing him care about mortals than not.
He pushes River to solve cases. Not because he wants to overwork her, but because he wants her to get rid of her misdeeds. (I came up with this headcanon before CIU came out. So I didn't know about the whole misdeeds are decided by you thing.)
River speeds him up to date about the world. Even though he knows plenty since he has been a ghost for a long time, there are things which he doesn't have knowledge about (He is a boomer)
Boss & Eugene:-
The best father-son duo.
Boss has trained Eugene to use his fan.
Boss and everyone in the office has attended Eugene's graduation day.
Eugene has definitely asked Boss (and Joan) for help in history.
Boss watched over Eugene for a while after the teen became an official member of the office.
Eugene would come to Boss for advice.
After a while of being in the office, Eugene cracked his first dark joke and Boss laughed, hard. Everyone was shooketh and thought 'Oh damn. World is definitely gonna end today.'
Boss & Joan:-
Boss views Joan as a mother figure. (Now we know the real reason being his mom was hot garbage)
Joan would share stories about her days.
Boss learnt how to knit from her. She nagged at him for not having a life outside the office and he had no idea what to do besides stopping monsters. So she taught him how to knit.
They have visited her children together. She has even remarked how Boss felt like 'one of her own'.
Boss relies on her from time to time when it comes to making plans. Since she has experience in the military and war.
He sometimes asks her for advice.
She ensures he doesn't overwork himself.
Joan has taught him how to use her gun.
Boss & Hayden:-
After Hayden met Eugene, the kid became even more curious about school. So, Boss took him to a small one at night. He smiled fondly as Hayden swung on the swings and wrote on the board with chalk.
Boss would tell stories about kings and queens.
Other than Eugene, Hayden is the only one who Boss compliments openly.
Boss has sung to hayden.
He visits Hayden's parents with Hayden. There will be times where the kid cries and Boss holds him.
He has taught Hayden a few tricks about his fan. Not too much though.
He takes Hayden to the park to have fun in the kid's play area every weekday in the night. Less chances of running into mortals.
Boss would play with the cats Hayden befriends. He is particularly close with one kitten which he nicknamed '어린이' (Pronunciation eolin-i) which translates to little one in korean.
He takes Hayden to cat cafes.
Boss and Everyone:-
Movie nights. At first, Boss objected but he eventually did join them.
He remembers everyone's birthday. And tries celebrating it too.
Overprotective over every single one of them.
Once Eugene introduced them to monopoly, their family nearly tore apart. With Hayden pointing out the unfairness of the game, Boss quietly planning what places to buy, River chaotically buying all of them to piss him off and Joan trying to control her kids while trying to not land in Jail for the umpteenth time.
UNO was even worse. Boss would keep the best cards for last, River would try to trick her way to victory, Joan grumbling about how the game doesn't have proper rules and Hayden just winning without even trying.
Eugene is the poor spectator for both games.
If you think Wii is something they can play peacefully, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG. Let's just say, the last time they played it, the TV had a controller in just stabbed in the middle.
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holyguardian · 2 years
💕 for either aerav, or aerxem uwo
MEME → Send 💕 (or “hearts!” if the symbol doesn’t show up) and I’ll fill out the following SHIPPING INTEREST CHECK for our muses.
I choose to fill this out for AerXem @kingichor, considering Ravus was my first ever ship for Aerith and established so many headcanons about what she's like in a relationship. I don't need to fill one out for him. He's the first husband.
Have we discussed shipping before?: yes || no
My interest level overall: I’ve wanted this for so long || can’t wait || I think it’ll be fun || kinda feeling it || maybe with a lot of plotting || I need to think about it || not interested, sorry
How we should do this: jump right in || slow burn || pre-established || build up to it in a thread || anything goes
Dynamics I want to try out with our ship: friends to lovers || rivals to lovers || enemies to lovers || mutual pining || battle couple || childhood friends || high school sweethearts || star crossed lovers || long time lovers || old married couple || newlyweds || sickeningly sweet couple || secret lovers || fake dating/marriage || best friends hiding their feelings || arranged marriage || soulmates || other
Additional comments because I cannot help myself: You know, I realise I selected "no" that we hadn't discussed shipping before, and I truly don't think we ever did. Xemos and Aerith have known each other a long, LONG time through roleplay. They're fast friends and they click. And they're not afraid of being friends who love each other and have a sexual relationship, but still consider each other friends. Of course it isn't all about the bedroom. I personally love that they fit into such a weird box and in the case of witching a relationship there would be all the more complicated with their power dynamic. You Have My Attention.
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underworldfanblog · 3 years
eugene has adhd.
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starrim · 4 years
UWO thoughts
am I the only one that feels like Luke treats Eugene like a cat at times?
he’s treating eugene like an anti-social cat
and he gets sad when eugene doesn’t open up to him
like there’s this one time in later chapters where Luke is like “hey, how’d it go?” and then Eugene says something i don’t remember and then Luke asks “so are you gonna tell me about it?” and you have the choice to tell him or not
If you tell him, he gets super excited and practically makes you walk home with him to talk about it bc he’s just so damn happy that his friend is finally opening up to him
but if you choose not to tell him, he says something along the lines of “oh okay... not yet...” and then a bit of time will pass and his character will pop up again still saying “not yet...huh...”
AND HE HAS THE SADDEST SMILE LIKE “oh okay...maybe tomorrow...maybe...”
idk i just feel like
Luke loves cats so much
and Eugene kind of reminds him of a cat
So his solution is to use the methods that work with cats
Not in a mean way, he just genuinely thinks that’s what he’s supposed to do and i think that’s adorable
ALSO depending on your choices, it actually works
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orizukuin · 8 months
This one took forever to do- but overall I'm honestly happy for it's outcome :>
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I did say we'll be starting with the Q&A once I upload the Character sheet in my style- (? At this time I'm still not sure if it's acceptable to call this one as a Character sheet- I tried my best...)
----- :
The Q&A is just for funsies/entertainment. ( Have a question for Charlie and Mike? Ask anyways! I'm sure they'll answer )
Please do keep in mind that the Character's surname is just an Headcanon of mine since they don't got a canon surnames. I search in the web for Korean surnames since the game was created by Korean Artists and Writers. Then landed with "Hyung-Seok" (for Charlie) and "Choi" (For Mike)
Charlie's personality is pretty much like in the game but with a side of candy sprinkles. Instead of avoidant,distancing themselves and pushing people away. Charlie's slowly opening themselves up and accepting to appreciate the little things that comes in their way. (Which sometimes make them feel weird since it's like a new feeling.)
We know very little of Mike's information in the game but we can see enough how understanding and caring he is. I think He got that light and warm energy around him that make others think instantly that Mike is a person that's a friend to everyone.
I don't own the characters, both characters were belong to Miltteok, Jiwoo, Team_344 and the people that worked behind the production/foundation of UWO/CIU
!!! : if you have played the game, I suggest you to try and check it out :DD !!!
((→ feel free to save/use for Reference purposes ONLY))
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Under-Queer Office headcanons!!
River is Lesbian
Luke and Eugene are gay.
Boss is Bi
Charlie is genderfluid, non-binary or agender
Sean is Asexual Aromantic
Joan is closeted lesbian
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bitchapalooza · 4 years
Trans man Germany trans man Germany trans man Germany trans man Ger--
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viisiond · 4 years
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Gold Headcanons- PAST
He grew up an indentured servant within Khaenri’ah despite being raised there, during his servitude, Gold began studying and learning Alchemy in his spare time- he had always been a quick learner and an intelligent man. The more he grew the more he began to indulge in, the more he began to toy with Alchemy. This WAS life... but how far could he push it? Could he create human life from it? Those were thoughts he’d put to the side until the future.
Around the age of 20, Gold found himself under the rulers of Khaenri’ah, not as a servant but as their Alchemist, beginning to learn under Rhinedottir all while granting him the things he needed to continue his studies and further their kingdom.
Together, Rhine and Gold created Albedo years into Gold’s teachings with Rhinedottir, Albedo being a homunculus of their design- a lesson Rhine taught Gold in creating new life, new birth. (And answering his own questions on if he could create human life from Alchemy.) Yet Gold never saw their creation as new life- he saw it as a weapon, something that could help defend them when the time came.
Though his research led him to further the kingdom, Gold became... distant, cold and only focused on his studies- traveling about to learn more and within his travels he came across the Abyss, and in turn- became the creator of the Abyss order, the creator of the “Shadow monsters” that destroyed Khaenri’ah and roam Teyvat to this day.
Gold was locked away a month (maybe longer) before the fall of Khaenri'ah, and the entire time he STILL studied- wrote on the walls and everything and when the fall happened- Gold remained calm, he had expected this and he wanted it to happen.
Despite the Kingdom being lost to time, Gold is still alive- his whereabouts are unknown however but he is working closely with the Abyss order.
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faemytho · 5 years
Ink is definitely autistic and adhd. I didnt even think about it despite my own first hand experience with both. You're really clever
i only actually realized it after i heard it from my datemate tobin, and idk where they heard it but like
it CLICKED so hard for me so like
hes definitely adhd autistic person ùwú
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quackspot · 6 years
hey guys what if millennial tree is wearin some kinda like,,, toga or something bc GODS 
also wind archer got the lashes from him 
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