#v&a museum june 17
It’s been twenty years since my Microsoft DRM talk
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On THURSDAY (June 20) I'm live onstage in LOS ANGELES for a recording of the GO FACT YOURSELF podcast. On FRIDAY (June 21) I'm doing an ONLINE READING for the LOCUS AWARDS at 16hPT. On SATURDAY (June 22) I'll be in OAKLAND, CA for a panel and a keynote at the LOCUS AWARDS.
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This week on my podcast,This week on my podcast, I read my June 17, 2004 Microsoft Research speech about DRM, a talk that went viral two decades ago, and reassess its legacy:
It's been 20 years (and one day) since I gave that talk. It wasn't my first talk like that, but at the time, it was the most successful talk I'd ever given. I was still learning how to deliver a talk at the time, tinkering with different prose and delivery styles (to my eye, there's a lot of Bruce Sterling in that one, something that's still true today).
I learned to give talks by attending sf conventions and watching keynotes and panel presentations and taking mental notes. I was especially impressed with the oratory style of Harlan Ellison, whom I heard speak on numerous occasions, and by Judith Merril, who was a wonderful mentor to me and many other writers:
I was also influenced by the speakers I'd heard at the many political rallies I'd attended and helped organize; from the speakers at the annual Labour Day parade to the anti-nuclear proliferation and pro-abortion rights marches I was very involved with. I also have vivid memories of the speeches that Helen Caldicott gave in Toronto when I was growing up, where I volunteered as an usher:
When I helped found a dotcom startup in the late 1990s, my partners and I decided that I'd do the onstage talking; we paid for a couple hours of speaker training from an expensive consultant in San Francisco. The only thing I remember from that session was the advice to look into the audience as much as possible, rather than reading from notes with my head down. Good advice, but kinda obvious.
The impetus for that training was my onstage presentation at the first O'Reilly P2P conference in 2001. I don't quite remember what I said there, but I remember that it made an impression on Tim O'Reilly, which meant a lot to me then (and now):
I don't remember who invited me to give the talk at Microsoft Research that day, but I think it was probably Marc Smith, who was researching social media at the time by data-mining Usenet archives to understand social graphs. I think I timed the gig so that I could kill three birds with one stone: in addition to that talk, I attended (and maybe spoke at?) that year's Computers, Freedom and Privacy conference, and attended an early preview of the soon-to-launch Sci Fi Museum (now the Museum of Pop Culture). I got to meet Nichelle Nichols (and promptly embarrassed myself by getting tongue-tied and telling her how much I loved the vocals she did on her recording of the Star Wars theme, something I'm still hot around the ears over, though she was a pro and gently corrected me, "I think you mean Star *Trek"):
But the start of that trip was the talk at Microsoft Research; I'd been on the Microsoft campus before. That startup I did? Microsoft tried to buy us, which prompted our asshole VCs to cram the founders and steal our equity, which created so much acrimony that the Microsoft deal fell through. I was pretty bitter at the time, but in retrospect, I really dodged a bullet – for one thing, the deal involved my going to work for Microsoft as a DRM evangelist. I mean, talk about the road not taken!
This was my first time back at Microsoft as an EFF employee. There was some pre-show meet-and-greet-type stuff, and then I was shown into a packed conference room where I gave my talk and had a lively (and generally friendly) Q&A. MSR was – and is – the woolier side of Microsoft, where all kinds of interesting people did all kinds of great research.
Indeed, almost every Microsoft employee I've ever met was a good and talented person doing the best work they could. The fact that Microsoft produces such a consistent stream of garbage products and crooked business practices is an important testament to the way that a rotten organization can be so much less than the sum of its parts.
I'm a fully paid up subscriber to Ronald Coase's "Theory of the Firm" (not so much his other views):
Coase says the reason institutions exist is to enable people to work together with lowered "coordination costs." In other words, if you and I are going to knit a sweater together, we're going to need to figure out how to make sure that we're not both making the left sleeve. Creating an institution – the Mafia, the Catholic Church, Microsoft, a company, a co-op, a committee that puts on a regional science fiction con – is all about minimizing those costs.
As Yochai Benkler pointed out in 2002, the coolest and most transformative thing about the internet is that it let us do more complex collective work with smaller and less structured institutions:
That was the initial prompt for my novel Walkaway, which asked, "What if we could build luxury hotels and even space programs with the kind of (relatively) lightweight institutional overheads associated with Wikipedia and the Linux kernel?"
So the structure of institutions is really important. At the same time, I'm skeptical of the idea that there are "good companies" and "bad companies." Small businesses, family businesses, and other firms that aren't exposed to the finance sector can reflect their leaders' personalities, but it's a huge mistake to ascribe personalities to the companies themselves.
That's how you get foolish ideas like "Apple is a good company because they embrace paid service and Google is a bad company because they make money from surveillance." Apple will spy on you, too, if they can:
Disney and Fox weren't Romeo and Juliet, star-crossed lovers making goo-goo eyes at each other across the table at MPA meetings. They were two giant public companies, and any differences between them were irrelevancies and marketing myths:
I think senior management's personalities do matter (see, for example, the destruction of Boeing after it was colonized by sociopaths from McDonnell Douglas), but the influence of those personalities is much less important than the constraints that competition and regulation impose on companies. In other words, an asshole can run a company that delivers good products at fair prices under ethical conditions – provided that failing to do so will cost more in lost business and fines than they stand to make by cheating:
Microsoft is a company founded and run by colossal assholes. Bill Gates is a monster and he surrounded himself with monsters, and they hired monsters to fill out the courts of their corporate palaces:
To the extent that good things come out of Microsoft – some of its games products, the odd piece of hardware, important papers from MSR – it's in spite of the leadership; it's the result of constraints imposed by competition and regulation – and that's why Microsoft pursued such an aggressive program of extinguishing its competitors and capturing its regulators.
In retrospect, I think one of my goals in that talk was to convince those people doing good work for a rotten institution to go elsewhere and do other things. Certainly, that's one of the goals I pursue in the talks I give today. At the time, some of Microsoft's highest-profile technologists were publicly resigning over the company's war on free/open source software, so it wasn't an unrealistic goal:
What I did not expect what that publishing the talk on my site and blogging it on Boing Boing would spark a wave of public interest that would get its message in front of several orders of magnitude more people than I spoke to at Microsoft that day. Partly, that was because I released the talk into the public domain, using the brand-new Creative Commons Public Domain Declaration (which was later replaced with the CC0 mark, due to legal issues withBu its drafting):
Some mix of the content of the speech, the spirit of the moment, and the novelty of that wide open license sparked a ton of interest. Jason Kottke recorded an audio version that Andy Baio hosted:
My brutalist ASCII transcript was quickly converted to beautiful HTML by Matt Haughey and Anil Dash:
For people who needed a hardcopy, there was Patrick Berry's printer-friendly stylesheet:
Multiple people recorded (and sold!) audio versions, and then there were all the fan translations, into Danish, French, Finnish, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (both EU and Brazilian), Spanish and Swedish. I stayed in touch with some of those translators, and they helped me translate the position papers I wrote for UN WIPO meetings. Those papers were so effective that ratfuckers from the copyright lobby started to steal them and hide them in the UN toilets (!):
Re-reading the speech for my podcast on Sunday, I expected to be struck by the anachronisms in it, and there were a few of those to be sure. But far more clear was the common thread running from this talk to other talks I gave that took on a significant life of their own, like my 2011 "War On General Purpose Computing" talk for CCC:
And my work on Adversarial Interoperability:
And my most recent work, on enshittification:
In other words, I've been saying the same thing – in different ways – for more than 20 years. That could be depressing, but I actually found it uplifting. Two decades ago, I was radicalized by a fear that the internet would be seized by corporations and governments and transformed into a system of surveillance and control. I found my way into a job at EFF, where I worked with colleagues across multiple disciplines – coders, lawyers and activists – to fight this force.
At the time, this was a fringe cause. Most of the traditional activists I'd come up with in the feminist, antiwar, antiracist, environmental and labour movement viewed digital rights as a distraction and dismissed its partisans as sad, self-obsessed nerds who mistook fights over the management of Star Trek message boards for civil rights struggles:
I thought I was right then, and I think history has borne me out. The point of waging these fights – both in the wide public sphere and within political movements – is to get people activated before it's too late. Every day that goes by is a day when the internet becomes more inhospitable to political organizing for a better world – more surveillant, more controlling. I believed then – and believe today – that the internet isn't more important that the other fights I waged as a young activist, but I think that the internet is fundamental to those fights.
Saving the planet, smashing patriarchy, overthrowing tyranny and freeing labor are all fights that will be coordinated – Coase style – on the internet. Without a free, fair and open internet, those fights are infinitely harder to win.
The project of getting people to understand, care about, and fight for digital rights is a marathon, not a sprint. When I joined EFF, it was already 12 years old. There were six people in the org then (I was the seventh). Today, there's more than a hundred of us, and we're stretched so thin! The 30+ year old idea that internet policy will intersect with every part of every fight has been utterly vindicated.
Back in 2004, I asked Microsoft why they were willing to fight the US government to the death over antitrust enforcement, but were such wimps when confronted with the entertainment industry's demands for DRM. 20 years later, I think I know the answer: Microsoft understood that DRM would let them usurp the relationship between creative workers, entertainment industry companies, and audiences. Their perfect instincts for seeking out and capitalizing on opportunities to seize monopoly power drove them to make deliberately defective products, in the belief that their market power would let them cram those products down our throats:
Here's a link to the podcast episode:
And here's direct link to the MP3 (hosting courtesy of the Internet Archive; they'll host your stuff for free forever):
And here's the RSS feed for my podcast:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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thelibraryghost · 7 months
A Young Person's Introduction to Late 19th-Century Western Fashion
hello fellow youths
General information Banner, Bernadette. "Exposing Victorian Influencers Who 'Facetuned' Their Photos. (Photo Manipulation was EVERYWHERE)." YouTube. July 17, 2021. English Heritage. "Fashion Through History: Episode 1 – Victorians." YouTube. February 9, 2023. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "100 Years of Fashion // The Fashionable Plus Size Silhouette from 1820-1910." YouTube. June 5, 2021. Victoria and Albert Museum. "100 Years of Fashionable Womenswear: 1830s – 1930s | V&A." YouTube. July 18, 2023. Zebrowska, Karolina. "Victorian Fashion Is Not What You Think It Is." YouTube. March 19, 2019.
Accessories Banner, Bernadette. ""Afro-Victorian": Bringing Historical Black Women's Dress into the 21st Century w Cheyney McKnight." YouTube. October 20, 2021. Cox, Abby. "A Fashion Historian Explains the History of the Handbag." YouTube. January 26, 2023. Rudolph, Nicole. "Dangerous Things in Victorian Pockets : Mens Pocket History." YouTube. March 2, 2024. Rudolph, Nicole. "The Controversial History of Color Season Analysis." YouTube. November 4, 2023. Zebrowska, Karolina. "Disgusting and Creepy Victorian Fashion Trends." YouTube. October 17, 2018.
Bustles and hoopskirts Donner, Morgan. "Weirdest Victorian Invention: The Bustle-Chair (and we made one)." YouTube. November 20, 2020. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "100 Years of Underwear // The Changing Plus Size Shape from Regency to Victorian to Edwardian." YouTube. May 1, 2021. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "All About Bustles! A Deep Dive into 1870s Fashions." YouTube. December 26, 2023. Rudolph, Nicole. "Why were Victorian Hips Controversial?" YouTube. September 12, 2021.
Cosmetics Birchwood, Vasi. "1800s Makeup Is Not What You Think." YouTube. July 21, 2023. English Heritage. "Queen Victoria Makeup Tutorial | History Inspired | Feat. Amber Butchart and Rebecca Butterworth." YouTube. May 20, 2019. Zebrowska, Karolina. "I Used Only Victorian Cosmetics For a Week." YouTube. July 26, 2023.
Fabrics Rudolph, Nicole. "Did Silk Spontaneously Combust in the Victorian Era?" YouTube. August 8, 2021. Rudolph, Nicole. "The History of Elastic." YouTube. July 4, 2021. Rudolph, Nicole. "The Truth About Arsenic in the Victorian Era." YouTube. January 24, 2021.
Gowns Bullat, Samantha. "Dress Historian Analyzes Victorian Mourning Clothing of the Mid-19th Century." YouTube. March 14, 2021. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "All About 1860's Fashion // What did Civil War-era fashion look like?" YouTube. November 12, 2022. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "How did fashion evolve from 1850-1859? // 1850's Fashion Deep Dive." YouTube. October 1, 2022. Rudolph, Nicole. "Victorian Fast Fashion? The Truth about the History of Disposable Clothing." YouTube. February 6, 2022. SnappyDragon. "Were the Pre-Raphaelites painting accurate medieval dress . . . or Victorian fairtytalecore?" YouTube. April 26, 2024. Zebrowska, Karolina. "19th Century Fashion - How To Tell Different Decades Apart?" YouTube. November 17, 2017.
Hair care and styling Banner, Bernadette. "Following a Victorian Home Made Hair Care Routine (1889)." YouTube. September 11, 2021. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "Getting Dressed in an 1888 Daisy Costume // Easy Bustle-Era Hair Tutorial." YouTube. November 13, 2020. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "Getting Dressed in the 1870s & 1874 Hairstyle Tutorial." YouTube. February 23, 2020. Rudolph, Nicole. "Why did Victorian Women Cut their Hair Short?" YouTube. December 18, 2022. Laundry and housekeeping English Heritage. "A Tour of the Laundry - The Victorian Way." YouTube. September 6, 2019. English Heritage. "How to Wash Up - The Victorian Way." YouTube. March 18, 2021. English Heritage. "Laying the Table at Christmas – The Victorian Way." YouTube. December 14, 2022. Walkley, Christina, and Vanda Foster. Crinolines and Crimping Irons: Victorian Clothes: How They Were Cleaned and Cared for. Peter Owen Limited: London, 1978.
Outerwear and working wear Birchwood, Vasi. "What Irish Working Women Wore in the Late 19th Century | I Made the Clothing of My Irish Ancestors." YouTube. June 23, 2023. English Heritage. "The Real Mrs Crocombe | Part Four: A Victorian Cook's Outfit." YouTube. July 5, 2018. Stowell, Lauren. "It's Hot: Let's Look At Some Bathing Suits." American Duchess. August 18, 2023. Rudolph, Nicole. "The History of Jeans, T-shirts, and Hoodies: Time Travel 101." YouTube. March 20, 2022. Zebrowska, Karolina. "The 1851 Women's Pants That Made The Victorians Go Crazy." YouTube. March 2, 2020.
Shoes Rudolph, Nicole. "100 years of Antique Boots." YouTube. February 10, 2024. Rudolph, Nicole. "How to Make Regency & Victorian Shoes: Beginner Shoemaking." YouTube. June 27, 2021. Rudolph, Nicole. "The Myth of Tiny Feet "Back Then"." YouTube. September 26, 2021.
Undergarments Banner, Bernadette. "I Wore a (Medical) Corset for 5 Years. How do Victorian Corsets Compare?" YouTube. November 7, 2020. Banner, Bernadette. "Making Some Frilly Victorian Underwear || 1890s Combinations." YouTube. February 9, 2019. Birchwood, Vasi. "What Victorians Wore to Bed." YouTube. May 5, 2023. Cox, Abby. "I made weird Victorian underwear (it's a knit onesie) & a pretty 1890s corset || historical sewing." YouTube. March 21, 2021. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "How 8 Different Historical Corsets Affect the Same Plus Size Body." YouTube. December 12, 2020. Rudolph, Nicole. "100 Years of Corset History: How 8 Corsets affect the same body." YouTube. November 29, 2020. Zebrowska, Karolina. "How Did Victorian Ladies Stay Warm in Winter? || THE EXPERIMENT." YouTube. January 22, 2021. Zebrowska, Karolina. "How Did Victorian Women Deal With Their Periods?" YouTube. October 17, 2019.
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blindrapture · 4 months
While this book has many names and many people in it, all the events and opinions portrayed are fictitious. Some real names were used, with permission, but only for aesthetics’s sake. People often express confusion over some of the emoticons in the story. Most are self-explanatory, but just bear in mind that every one has eyes and a mouth. .w. has the periods as the eyes and the w is related to the "kittyface" of :3, with the former emoticon intended as an expression of humble happiness (something like "Aw, shucks!"). The < in <:D is intended as eyebrows, not a party hat, no matter who tells you otherwise. This story is long. The first draft was started in 2011 and continued until 2013, the second draft finished the story in 2013, the third and fourth drafts were refinements of the whole and came around 2014. The fifth draft added a lot more content, introducing an element you'll see as the "Attacheds," and this came in 2015. This formed the basis for the sixth draft in 2016, which was published on Amazon as the First Edition. That draft saw refinement and tweaking for several years (the seventh draft). What you are looking at now is the Second Edition, the eighth and final draft. The point of all this is: I have had many opportunities to change this story. I have taken many things out. The content and how it is treated will make you uneasy, somewhere, somewhen. It is best to read this story by yourself, where you can feel your emotions rawly and give them space. Privacy is a theme here. There are many more themes for you to discover. Good luck.
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OVERTURE May 20 (Modern Invocation) May 21 (Title Drop From Red Sky)
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ACT I May 23 (Donnie) May 24 (The Pillar) May 25 ("world with empty eye sockets") May 26 (Aubade feat. Mistress Dread) May 27 (In Blackpool) May 28 (Cipher for a Million Years) May 29 (Everyone's Benefit) May 30 ("Cakes mean the party funds") May 31 (Tropes) June 1 (Kissing a Corpse) June 2 ("le bouffon blanc") June 3 (Great Dodongo of the Congo) June 4 (SLCEM) June 5 (Womp Womp) June 6 ("Doppelganger") June 7 (The Minotaur of Lloret de Mar) June 8 (Vorke, the Face Stealer) June 9 (Systematic Chaos) June 10 (Clearly Exaggerated) June 11 ("Promise you'll never?") June 12 (Donnie Goes to London) June 13 (missing) June 14 (There Were Strangers at the Birth of the Earth) June 15 ("How are human minds biggest") June 16 ("I'll kneel.") June 17 (Going Brazilian) June 18 (In the Name of Comcast...) June 19 ("ENGLAND'S THEIRS NOW") June 20 (Tally Marks) June 21 (Bad Jokes) June 22 (Classic Jokes) June 23 (Ten Years in Jail) June 24 (Tell Us Yourself) June 25 (Liverpool) June 26 ("Fears. There's the rub.") June 27 (Secret Friend) June 28 (The Fourth Rake of the Apocalypse) June 29 (Rael's Exodus, I: Start with the Pronouns) June 30 (Rael's Exodus, II: Indisen) July 1 (Rael's Exodus, III: Fear the Day) July 2 (Rael's Exodus, IV: EAT) July 3 (Rael's Exodus, V: The Anatomy of Everything) July 4 (Rael's Exodus, VI: Wishful Thinking)
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ACT II July 5 (Duck and Cover) July 6 (American Anxiety) July 7 (Ciphers of the Blind Man's Book) July 8 (The God Machine) July 9 (School Bus) July 10 (Family Expression) July 11 (Sempiternity) July 12 (Grimaldi's Mad Language) July 13 ("Operation: Rise Against Fear") July 14 (Guy Fawkes) July 15 ("yes, quite nice") July 16 (Infinite Series) July 17 (The Grand Gtheru) July 18 (A Conversation with Tiresias) July 19 (More Tally Marks) July 20 ("red ochre corridors") July 21 (Who Once Ruled the Streetlights) July 22 (Walking) July 23 (Goodbye, Swamp Queen) July 24 (Sanctuary Francisco) July 25 (Avoidance) July 26 (See, the Thing is...) July 27 (Maybes and Mysteries) July 28 (Synecdoche) July 29 (Crotch Museum) July 30 (King Real) July 31 (Ground and Pound) August 1 (Don't Speak Its True Name, I: Peace) August 2 (Don't Speak Its True Name, II: Mirrors) August 3 (Don't Speak Its True Name, III: Colors) August 4 (Don't Speak Its True Name, IV: Music) August 5 (Don't Speak Its True Name, V: Dominiere) August 6 (Don't Speak Its True Name, VI: The Ghost) August 7 (Don't Speak Its True Name, VII: Friend)
(and for bonus rambles talking about the creation of the story, see here)
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Top Gun Scenario Game - Valentines Day Addition
(Link to Scenario Games Masterlist)
Rules/What you do: Just match the month/day/letter to yourself and you got yourself a cute little scenario to imagine lol. I know these come off as a data farming thing, but I don't want your data lol. So don't even bother reblogging with your own info if you don't want to, but reblogs are still appreciated, so others can play along as well.
A/N: I also take these scenarios as writing requests as well (only when requests are open obviously- and it depends on the character). Also, there are only like 4 female characters in these movies, so I just put them in randomly lol.
*words in (parentheses) are alternate options/additions.
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Your Birth Month:
January: Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
February: Your Choice
March: Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw /or/ Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace
April: Ron 'Slider' Kerner
May: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
June: Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia /or/ Penny Benjamin
July: Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky
August: Javy 'Coyote' Machado /or/ Callie 'Halo' Bassett
September: Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell
October: Robert 'Bob' Floyd
November: Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson /or/ Charlie Blackwood
December: Reuben 'Payback' Fitch
Your Date of Birth:
1: Takes you on a picnic. 2: Buys you your favorite flowers. 3: Surprises you after being gone. 4: Takes you to a fair. 5: Makes you dinner. 6: Buys you a giant stuffed animal. 7: Gets you your favorite chocolates/candy. 8: Gives you hand-picked flowers. 9: Takes you to mini golf (or bowling) 10: Writes you a love letter. 11: Takes you to a fancy restaurant. 12: Takes you stargazing. 13: Sets up a pillow fort for a movie night. 14: Gives you random gifts throughout the day. 15: Dances with you around the house /or/ takes you out dancing 16: Takes you to a museum. 17: Gives you a handmade gift. 18: Takes you to the beach (or takes you sailing) 19: Takes you to the (drive-in) movies. 20: Gives you a promise ring. 21: Takes you on a trip. 22: Gives you homemade chocolates/cookies/etc. 23: Writes you an anonymous love letter. 24: Takes you to an arcade. 25: Gives you a necklace/ring/bracelet/earrings. 26: Cooks dinner with you. 27: Takes you to an aquarium. 28: Surprises you with breakfast. 29: Takes you to an observatory. 30: Leaves you cute notes randomly throughout the day. 31: Surprises you with a weekend away.
First Letter of Your Username (Or Name):
Bonus: 'And...''
A-G: It is your first Valentines Day as a couple.
H-M: They ask you to be their s/o
O-U: It is also your anniversary.
V-Z: They propose to you
I apologize if your combo/matchup does not make sense, it is hard to make sure that every single combination does.
I know these come off as a data farming thing, but I don't want your data lol. So don't even bother reblogging with your own info if you don't want to, but reblogs are still appreciated, so other can play along.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Top Gun Taglist: @malindacath, @hotch-meeeeeuppppp, @sarcastic-sourwolf, @stargirl-05, @persephonesportal, @springflwer07, @pockyandme, @iceman-kazansky, @soultrysworld, @averyhotchner, @linkxneptune, @creativitybeware, @callsignmaverick5, @phoenix1389, @writerfulltime,
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The Princess of Wales’ Stats - Second Quarter
In the second three months of 2023, the Princess of Wales completed 45 engagements, averaging around 15 engagements a month. Her work rate saw a small jump after the coronation, completing 10 engagements in April and 17/18 in May and June respectively. She also appeared in nine released photos, videos, or statements, and was spotted five times - twice in April and three times in May. In April, a photograph that was taken by the Princess of Wales released. While none of these months have been her "busiest", they are notable for being consistent - this was her busiest June without a Jubilee and busiest May without a tour.
Of her 27 patronages, she has visited or completed work for 8, totalling 23 engagements in total. In April, Catherine completed four engagements on behalf of the Royal Foundation of the Prince and Princess of Wales. In May, three of Catherine’s six patronage related engagements were for the Royal Foundation, while she also completed one apiece for the Scouts, the Foundling Museum, and the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families. In June, nine of her engagements were related to the Royal Foundation, while she completed one for Polar Preet, the National Portrait Gallery, the Rugby Football Union and the V&A.
Of her 45 engagements, 25 have been solo while another 8 were when she was accompanied by her husband, the Prince of Wales. Eight engagements took place with the wider British Royal Family, while two took place with large numbers of both British and foreign royals present. One engagement took place with predominantly foreign royals - the wedding of Crown Prince Hussein to the now-Princess Rajwa.
All of her engagements - bar the Jordanian wedding - have taken place in the UK, in England (42) and Wales (3). More specifically, 22 of her engagements took place in Windsor, while 14 took place in London. She also halso undertaken engagements in Southampton, Warwickshire, Aberfan, Methyr Tydfil, Birmingham, and Slough.
Many of her engagements have linked to the Early Years, with seventeen engagements falling in that area specifically, with another one engagement linked to mental health and two further related to children and young people. 10 of her engagements were specifically linked to the Coronation, which took place in May. 2 of her engagements have linked to the military, while 3 engagements have been focused on both cultural and diplomatic natures. She also undertook one engagement specifically linked to the outdoors. Six of her engagements did not fit into the theme headings I have created.
Clotheswise, her most worn identified designer has once again been Alexander McQueen, followed by LK Bennett. Her most carried bag designer was Mulberry, followed by Prada. Her most-worn shoe designer is, again, Gianvito Rossi, although she has worn Aquazzura four times. In terms of jewellery, she has been dipping into the royal vault! She has also worn four pieces inherited from the late Princess of Wales, as well as from Orelia London. A further four pieces were unidentified. When it comes to hats, Catherine was seen in eight hats or headpieces, four made by different milliners/brands - Lock and Co, ASOS, Jess Collett X Alexander McQueen, and Queen Mary's Lovers Knot Tiara - while four were made by Philip Treacy.
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hooked-on-elvis · 9 months
🎸Scotty Moore's guitars⚡
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Scotty Moore with his '54 Gibson L-5 CESN, originally purchased by him in July 7, 1955.
Besides how it was recording with Elvis and other amazing stories such as one incident involving the three rock and roll pioneers (Elvis, Bill and Scotty) and Bill Black's bass later owned by Paul McCartney, on this interview Scotty talks a bit about his early music instruments' history, such as amplifiers and guitars. He mentions the✨Gibson L-5 CES✨, which we'll know about a bit more from now on:
Much of the RCA 50's recordings of Elvis Presley feature the sound of Scotty Moore's L-5.
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Scotty (with Gibson L-5), D.J. Fontana (drums), Elvis (with 1951 Epiphone FT-79*) and Bill Black (bass) in Texarkana, AR, 1955. * The 1951 Epiphone Elvis is playing belonged to Charline Arthur, a female American singer of boogie-woogie, blues, and early rockabilly.
Scotty traded his ES-295 in on July 7, 1955 at the O.K. Houck Piano Co. located on 121 Union Avenue in Memphis, for this Gibson L5 "mainly because the workmanship was just so much better in the L5, of course it cost more too" ($565.00).
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L5 CES ad, and Scotty's original receipt for the 1954 L5 CESN.
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Much of the RCA fifties recordings of Elvis Presley feature the sound of Scotty Moore's L-5. Scotty (with L5) and Elvis rehearse for the Milton Berle show, June 1956.
Scotty's Gibson L-5 was first used to record "Mystery Train" and on most of the subsequent RCA recordings until January of 57 (though it was apparently used on stage at least in Buffalo, NY on April 1, and Toronto on April 2, 1957). Scotty used it extensively with a custom--built Echosonic amplifier by Ray Butts acquired around April of 55 (which allowed the ability to perform live with the signature slap-back echo sound of the recordings).
The Gibson L5 CES features a single rounded cutaway 17" wide bound hollow body, solid carved spruce top, layered tortoise pickguard, single bound f-holes, maple back/sides/neck, 20 fret bound pointed ebony fingerboard with pearl block inlay, adjustable rosewood bridge, model name engraved trapeze tailpiece with chrome insert, multibound blackface peghead with pearl flame/logo inlay, 3 per side tuners, gold hardware, 2 pickups (P90 single coil in 51, Alnico V in 54 and Humbucker in 57) , 2 volume/2 tone controls, 3 position switch. Available in Natural (Scotty's) and Sunburst finish. Mfd. 1951 to date.
Source: http://www.scottymoore.net/54L5CES.html
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Scotty' L5 The guitar when displayed at the Memphis Rock 'N' Soul Museum.
This guitar was owned by Robert A. Johnson for many years and had been on loan for display at the Memphis Rock 'N' Soul Museum. It was sold in 2004 and expected to be on display at the Elvis-A-Rama museum in Las Vegas, NV. In September of 2005 CKX, Inc (the parent company to EPE, Inc.) announced that it had agreed to acquire the assets of Elvis-A-Rama with the intent of closing it with an overall plan to bring a world class Elvis-themed attraction to the Las Vegas strip. Prior to that though this L5 was sold to a private collector in the UK and is no longer on display. Scotty's L5 was purchased from the UK collector in February of 2005 by Heather Mozart shortly after the auction and along with Scotty's 1956 Super 400, Elvis' 1968 Ebony J200 and many other items remains part of her collection.
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Scotty's original 1956 Super 400, 1954 L5 and Elvis' 1968 J200 (Elvis' record awards in rear).
MUCH MORE ABOUT ALL SCOOTY MOORE'S GUITARS, HERE (http://www.scottymoore.net/guitars.html) - Website created and managed by James V. Roy for Scotty Moore with the sole intent to help promote the arts and history of American popular music and Scotty's major role in it.
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amnottrak-official · 7 months
New South Wales U set
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The U sets were a type of electric multiple unit (EMU) operated by the New South Wales Government Railways and its successors between September 1958 and November 1996. They were nicknamed U-boats.
Quick Facts U set, In service ...
U set
Preserved driving car CF 5003 at
Junee Roundhouse Railway Museum
In service
15 September 1958 – 1 November 1996
Commonwealth Engineering
Built at
Entered service
September 1958 – March 1960
Number built
40 motor cars
20 trailer cars
20 non-smoking trailer cars
Number in service
Number preserved
12 motor cars, 18 trailer cars (as at 2018)
4 car sets
Fleet numbers
CF 5001-40
TF 6001-20
ETB 6021-40
New South Wales Government Railways
Public Transport Commission
State Rail Authority
Flemington Maintenance Depot
Lines served
Blue Mountains
Car length
20.57 m (67 ft 5+7⁄8 in)
2,950 mm (9 ft 8+1⁄8 in)
3,920 mm (12 ft 10+3⁄8 in)
Maximum speed
70 mph (113 km/h)
49 long tons 8 cwt (110,700 lb or 50.2 t)
Traction system
4 Metropolitan-Vickers MV222 series-wound DC traction motors per motor coach, each rated at 180 hp, semi-automatic electro-pneumatic resistance control.
74:17 Gear ratio. Helical gears. Wheel diameter 36 inch (914mm)
Power supply
Electric system(s)
1,500 V DC catenary
Current collector(s)
Single-pan diamond pantograph
Braking system(s)
Westinghouse Brake & Signal Co electro-pneumatic and automatic air brakes, brake blocks active on all wheels
Coupling system
automatic coupling
Multiple working
MU capable in various formations
Track gauge
1,435 mm (4 ft 8+1⁄2 in) standard gauge
The New South Wales Government Railways began planning the electrification of the Main Western line over the Blue Mountains from 1949, and with that plan in full swing by the early 1950s, called tenders for 80 cars (40 motor, 20 trailer and 20 first with buffet trailer), with the contract was awarded to Commonwealth Engineering, Granville, in 1954. Electric traction equipment was supplied by the Metropolitan-Vickers, Manchester. However, before construction began the order was amended with the 20 planned first with buffet cars built as full first class seating cars, after a review of the New South Wales Government Railways conducted by American firm Ebasco Services Incorporated in the mid-1950s recommended the change.
The U sets were a bit different compared to the suburban single decked trains that were delivered at the same time. They were the first EMUs in NSW to feature stainless-steel construction using technology from the Budd Company, improving train acceleration and giving the trains lower maintenance costs and a longer usable life.
The U Sets started to be delivered from June 1957, and the first sets made their first public appearances that same year. The first appearance took place on 22 June 1957 when they were hauled by electric locomotive 4625 as part of the first official electric train to travel on the newly electrified Blue Mountains line. Normal services began on 15 September 1958, and all were in service by March 1960.
The cars were numbered as:
Second-class motor cars: CF 5001-40
Second-class trailer cars: TF 6001-20
First-class (non-smoking) trailer cars: ETB 6021-40
First class travel was abolished on 1 September 1974. This saw the removal of the word "Second" on all carriages and also allowed non-first class passengers to enjoy the benefits of non-smoking carriages for the first time.
In service
The U sets initially entered revenue service on 15 September 1958 this being a Sydney Terminal to Mount Victoria service which was then known as "The Fish". The U sets initially operated on the Main Western line as far as Bowenfels which was the limit of the electrified system at the time. This was cut back to Lithgow in 1974. As the electrified network expanded they began to operate to Gosford (23 January 1960), Wyong (April 1982), Newcastle (June 1984), Port Kembla (February 1986) and Dapto (January 1993). The U sets were supplemented by V set double deck sets from 1970.
From the mid-1970s many had their original lift-up windows replaced by Beclawat sliding windows.
Withdrawal and preservation
Withdrawal of the sets began in 1994 as new Tangara G sets began replacing them. The first Tangara G sets entered service in June 1994 and as they were progressively put into service through to late 1995 the U sets were progressively withdrawn. The final run of the U sets on the Main Western Line for Blue Mountains services was in late February 1996 after which they only performed revenue services on the Northern Line between Sydney and Newcastle. The very last U Sets were withdrawn in early November 1996. The final revenue service performed by a U set was on Friday afternoon 1 November 1996 – a four car set operating a Newcastle to Sydney service. The cars on the final passenger service were CF5008 TF6004 TF6020 CF5008.
The final U set to run under its own power was a Sydney Electric Train Society Farewell tour two days later on the Sunday 3 November 1996 performed by an eight car set.
A number of U Set carriages have been preserved.:. Most of the cars allocated to the Hunter Valley Railway Trust were scrapped in 2013, excepting CF 5001. Richmond Vale Railway lost cars TF 6001/02 and ETB 6026 in a bushfire in 2017.
A preserved U set appeared in Guy Sebastian's "Standing with You" music video in 2020.
The NSW State-Owned Heritage Collection, managed by Transport Heritage NSW, has five U set carriages (CF5015, CF5017, CF5035, TF6013 & ETB6029) preserved and in custody of Historic Electric Traction who are currently restoring heritage U set "U2" to operational condition at Redfern.
Sydney Electric Train Society has CF5003 & CF5021 (stored at Lithgow) and CF5001, CF5022, TF6010 & ETB6037 (stored on a private property).
Valley Heights Rail Museum has ETB6039 on static display.
Dorrigo Steam Railway & Museum has CF5004 & CF5024 on static display.
Richmond Vale Railway Museum has TF6008, TF6009, TF6011, TF6012 & TF6019 stored.
-girl who sent the t and k sets
some more interesting reading from the train girl! I love these
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stocklivemarket · 2 years
If you are thinking of traveling to Torshavn, Faroe Islands, you are in the right place. Torshavn is the capital of the Faroe Islands, an autonomous administrative unit of Denmark located between Iceland and Norway. It has the largest population in the region with approximately 13,000 indigenous people. It is located southeast of Streymoy Island. Torshavn has been a settlement for over 1000 years, ever since the Vikings arrived in the area. Although it has been modernized in many ways, it still continues to give that historic and cozy feel to travelers. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ch4PkSzH3rE[/embed] The Vikings established their parliament on the Tingane peninsula in 850 AD. Thus Tórshavn became the capital of the Faroe Islands and has remained so ever since. Tórshavn became the center of the islands' trade monopoly, making it the only legal place for islanders to sell and buy goods. In 1856 the trade monopoly was abolished and the islands were opened to free trade. Never say you are in Denmark when you are in the Faroe Islands because the Islanders say they are not Danes and are very angry with those who claim otherwise. The media outlets in Denmark, which say that the Faroese natives are immature and reactionary, further inflame this conflict. Where Is Torshavn? Let us share with you some of the things you need to know when traveling to Torshavn. Torshavn is located in the Faroe Islands, located between Iceland and Norway in an east-west direction, 320 km north-west of Great Britain. When To Go To Torshavn? Torshavn is a geography that receives heavy rainfall throughout the year and temperatures are stable throughout the year. The average temperature does not go above 20 degrees, nor does it go below 0 degrees. During the summer months (July-August), the temperature is around 14-15 degrees on average. Even in the driest months of June, July and August, there are 5-6 days without rain in total. From October to March there are only a few days without precipitation. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Therefore, we recommend that you arrange the dates that suit you or coincide with the festivals in Torshavn. Because Torshavn's climate and weather will not help you much in arranging the date. Best Places To Visit In Torshavn Torshavn generously welcomes its visitors with its unique Faroes nature and history. It does a very good job of reflecting its own culture and northern culture with its museum, art centers, theaters and historical buildings. It offers a beautiful northern experience with not only places to visit, but also activities you can do besides eating with your friends and drinking delicious northern wines. The Nordic House It is the largest and most important institution in the Faroes Islands, where art exhibitions are held. Various activities are organized in this center to strengthen the cultural bond between Scandinavian and Faroes ethnicities. Opened in 1983, Nordic House was designed by Norwegian architect Ola Steen and Icelandic architect Kolbrún Ragnarsdóttir. Considered one of the best examples of modern Scandinavian architecture, Nordic House regularly hosts art festivals. Run by a committee of 8, 3 Faroese and 5 Scandinavian, Nordic House is a fine example of Scandinavian architecture. There is a large lobby, cafe and an amphitheater inside this building, which impresses those who see it with its wind and hurricane-resistant structure and natural grass roof. The Nordic House, which hosts concerts, exhibitions, theaters and countless other artistic activities, is open between 10 and 17 on weekdays and between 14 and 17 on Sundays. Faroe Islands Parliament Føroya Løgting, ie Parliament of the Faroe Islands, in Faroese; It means Faroese Law-Thing in English. The Parliament still continues its function of governing the Faroe Islands, and today it constitutes a 7-party parliament with 33 deputies. From the day the Vikings arrived in
Torshavn, the Parliament building has been used by the Vikings, Norway, Denmark and today the Faroes Self-Government. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); The Troshavnians closed the Viking Age, but lived as a self-governing community for about 150 years, when the Vikings who settled on the island in about 850 AD came under the rule of the Kingdom of Norway as a result of the death of the famous Viking Tróndur í Gøtu, who brought Christianity to the Faroes Islands in 1035. . With the entry of approximately 1380 Faroese under the rule of the Danish Throne with Norway; The island was found to come under Danish Administration, which would last until 1946. This building, which was used as the parliament building during all these management changes, is still standing and used as before, although it has undergone maintenance and repair work many times. It is one of the must-see places in Torshavn to witness the real Faroese and Torshavn history. Torshavn Cathedral Torshavn Cathedral, located in Tinganes, the ancient city of Torshavn – also the seat of the Faroes Parliament – is the second oldest church in the Faroes Islands. The white colored church was built in 1788. It is located in the north of the Tinganes peninsula and is one of the city's most important tourist attractions. Like many churches of the country, it is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran national church of the Faroe Islands. It is the residence of the Bishop of the Faroes since 1990 and is therefore known as the cathedral. The distant history of the church is rather complex and unknown. As a result of all the research, there is no other church in Torshavn in the Middle Ages and before, but a small place of worship. However, in 1609 a neat church was built on top of a steep slope. The construction of this church was also done by King IV. “Give the Faroese people some timber to build their own church,” Christian said. started by order. In 1780, after Rasmus Jørgen Winther Torshavn became president, he decided to have a new church built on the island. After the completion and consecration of the new church in 1788, some of the items in the 4th Christian Church were auctioned and some were placed in the new church. Faroe Islands National Museum The Faroe Islands National Museum is located a little outside Torshavn City Centre. Today, the museum is divided into the Cultural History Museum and the Natural History Museum. The Cultural History Museum was established in 1952. The Natural History Museum was founded in 1955. In 2013, a new permanent exhibition was set up in the exhibition area; Nature and Culture – National Museum. This permanent exhibition deals with the geological, botanical, zoological, archaeological and folk and historical life of the Faroe Islands. The museum is working on a project to preserve and restore the original buildings and tools of a whaling station north of Torshavn. This whaling station is the only living Norwegian whaling station in the northern hemisphere. This land station features a whaling museum and a historic maritime heritage site. RIB62 Tour This tour takes you around Torshavn in fast speedboats, giving you a perspective on the Faroe Islands and Torshavn that you wouldn't be able to look at otherwise. The boat, which leaves the pier quickly, carries you to landscapes that you will never witness again in your life. Except for the tours organized during the summer season between May 1 and September 1, special reservations are required for out-of-season tours. You will be informed by evaluating the weather and sea conditions on the dates you want to make the tour. During the boat tour, you will see the islands of Hestur and Koltur, observe the Torshavn Lighthouse and various sea caves. Not only as a boat tour, you can organize many activities such as outdoor dining, cave diving, nature walks, and you can witness the unlimited Torshavn and Faroes nature with your group.
Transportation In Torshavn When you travel to Torshavn, you should also know how to get there. Since most of the places to see, restaurants, hotels and nightclubs in Torshavn are very close to each other in the center, there is no need for public transportation. However, the times of the local buses (red buses) covering Torshavn's center and surrounding areas can be followed from the tourist offices, bus stops or on the schedules inside the buses. These buses are free. Torshavn Cuisine Your trip to Torshavn continues, if you can't decide what to eat, then it's time to talk about what to eat in Torshavn. Seafood is the main element of Torshavn Cuisine, as the ocean is no farther than 1 kilometer from anywhere in Torshavn. The majority of the locals prefer to buy their dinner supplies from fishing boats rather than from markets. Being away from the mainland due to weather conditions and being in touch with the sea has greatly affected the cuisine. Meats and cheeses other than lamb and sheep are imported. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Most of the good restaurants in the area specialize in local delicacies. However, there are of course dishes from different cultures. Torshavn chefs often compete to use the most local and fresh produce. This competition greatly increases the quality and taste of the food you will eat in Torshavn. Popular Restaurants Barbara Fish House: Barbara Fish House is the most popular restaurant in the region, which includes local Faroese cuisine on its menu. It has a quality and expensive wine menu. There is also a vegetarian and vegan menu. Etika: Etika, Torshavn's best sushi restaurant. It is a popular restaurant in Torshavn with its sushi made with fresh fish of the region and the prompt service of its staff. Aarstova: With large portions and unique lamb dishes, you can find good examples of traditional meat dishes you can eat in Torshavn in Aarstova. Other restaurants Cafe Natur SMAKKA Raest Restaurant 11 Koks Shopping In Torshavn Wouldn't you like to beautify your Torshavn trip with shopping? Famous for its goats, Torshavn's sweaters made from the wool of these goats are just as famous. The white wool sweaters that you can find in the shops in the center and that will be familiar to you from Northern European movies and TV series are among the most special, local products you can buy from Torshavn. You can find jewelry, handcrafted design products and souvenirs from the stores selling designer products in the center. Torshavn Nightlife There are State Monopoly Shops in Torshavn where you can find cheap alcohol, and the beer prices in these shops are lower than the price you would drink in any bar. However, alcohol prices are generally high in Torshavn, as in all Faroe Islands, including in the State Monopoly Shops. Therefore, before going to any bar, we recommend that you stop by these shops and have a few beers and cocktails and then start the fun. Remember that locals do it too. Nightlife in Torshavn generally gets lively on Fridays and Saturdays after 12 o'clock. You can experience the nightclubs, which are generally gathered in the center, by visiting each of them in one night. Luux Nightclub One of Torshavn's popular entertainment venues, they don't take anyone under the age of 25 and usually plays electronic music. In places called Mojo Club and Rex, it is usually possible to come across live music. When you travel to Torshavn, do not leave without tasting the nightlife! Torshavn Festivals Torshavn Jazz Festival (August): Held every year in August, the festival is considered one of the most important festivals that brings together the best jazz bands in Europe. Ólavsøka Festival (June) Voxbotn (June) Torsfest (June) Torshavn Public Holidays New Year (January 1) Holy Thursday (April 2) Good Friday (April 3) Monday Easter (April 5) National Flag Day (April 25) Prayer Day (May 1)
Ascension of Jesus (May 14) st. Night of Olav (July 28) st. Olav's Day (29 July) Christmas (25 December) Useful Information For Torshavn Emergency help: 112 Fire Brigade:112 Police: 114
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world-of-wales · 2 years
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29 JUNE 2017 || The Duchess of Cambridge paid an official visit to the V&A exhibition road quarter at Victoria & Albert Museum in London.
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ichigopanhpff · 2 years
Someday... Chapter 1: Beginning of the Past
[Masterlist]-- [Next Chapter]
This story takes place in 2018 and will reflect on some events leading up to the Bonten arc in the series.
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🎵 BGM from "When the Past Was Around."
The humidity brought by the rainy season in April clung onto the air and human skin as the heat of the sun warmed the concrete streets of Tokyo, slowly welcoming the upcoming sweltering summer.
“It’s starting to get hot,” a long haired man with blond streaks noted and fixed his loose, messy bun before rolling up the sleeves of his black long sleeve cotton v-neck shirt. “We should stock up on some cooling packs for the shop.”
“Already did. Shipment’s comin’ in next week,” a short raven haired man with turquoise eyes answered.
Finishing the last bite of his onigiri, Chifuyu scrolled through his phone to catch up on social media updates on his lunch break; his hand now freed to tickle the belly of a kitten on the checkout counter of his pet shop. Gulping down the ice cold tea he got from the vending machine, he suddenly spat out the contents of his mouth the moment he laid eyes on a headline, his hand frozen from playing with the small animal.
“Dude, gross much?!” Kazutora exclaimed with disgust and promptly grabbed a napkin to wipe off the excess droplets and chewed rice kernels that landed on his shirt and apron.
“S-Sorry…” he muttered and cleaned himself off as well before sending the link to Draken on LINE. His phone immediately chimed back.
Draken 13:15 Is this for real?
Chifuyu 13:15 It’s legit. I just saw a few others report it too
Draken 13:16 … Does Mitsuya know?
Chifuyu 13:16 Should he know?
Draken 13:17 I’ll send it to him
Reading the headline again with knitted brows, he was wondering whether or not he did the right thing.
(Y/FN) to Hold a Limited Time Photo Installation of “Wander” in Shibuya’s ES Gallery
Clicking on the story, he scanned through the article.
Based off of her popular photo essay book, “Wander”, the installation will walk the viewer through a journey though the photographer mending her broken heart and maelstrom of emotions as she navigates through the world. A project that took nearly three years to complete, photographer (Y F/N) decided to document this raw and unfiltered look in her personal life in hope of connecting to her fans and those who have experienced heart break in various forms. The limited print book has won critical acclaim in Japan and overseas.
The exhibition will also have a rare in-person interview with the photographer and curator of the series on May 18th at 7pm.
“Wander” will run from May 15th until June 8th. Tickets go on sale May 3rd. Please visit the gallery’s website for pricing and gallery hours.
“Didn’t know you were into photography,” Kazutora peeked over his shoulder and glanced at the screen.
“It’s a friend of mine…” He placed his phone back in his trouser pocket and stood up with the kitten in hand. The tiny creature made an attempt in scaling his chest to reach his broad shoulder, letting out high pitched mews. “And Mitsuya’s ex.”
“Did they end of bad terms?”
“It’s… complicated.” The short haired man ruffled the backside of his hair in hopes of easing some tension.
“You thinking of going?” Kazutora asked.
“I’m aimin’ for the 18th… Been a while since we’ve seen each other.”
The blond streaked man pulled his phone out and did a quick search. “Your friend’s popular,” he remarked while scrolling through a webpage. “Scalpers are already posting tickets up on auction sites for her exhibition.”
“Wh—Seriously?!” The store owner carefully put the tiny beast back into its holding pen before looking at his phone screen.
“Highest price right now is 25,000 yen. And it’s not even for the one on the 18th.”
Chifuyu groaned and rested his head on the register desk. Clicking on the museum link, Kazutora’s golden hued eyes perked up, followed with a smirk. “You’re in luck: turns out tix for that day’s gonna be a raffle. Only 50 people will be able to get it.”
With a few taps of his phone, his friend entered him into it.
Soft music played in the background with filtered sunlight coming in through the windows. A lone man with lilac and black streaked hair sat at his work station, running a long strip of fabric through the sewing machine. Pushing his falling black framed spectacles back up onto his face, his exhausted lavender orbs blinked a few times to refocus. Taking the sleeve off of the presser foot, he examined the shape before finishing the delicate hem stitching by hand. The notification buzz of his smartphone sought his attention and sighed, realizing he was long overdue for a break. Unlocking his screen, he saw a message from Draken.
His gaze immediately widened.
All it read was “(Y/N)’s back” with a link attached in the message.
Sucking in a soft breath, Mitsuya’s throat suddenly went dry and let out a slow, shaky exhale as he stared down at the device. Deciding against clicking on it, he put his phone down and went back to work to distract himself. Continuing to fiddle with the sleeve, flashes of her smiling face appeared in his mind and ended up pricking himself with the sewing needle. Letting out quick a hiss of pain and profanity, he brought the finger to his lips to suck on the small wound while looking for a bandage around his work space.
“Damn it,” he seethed to himself.
They’d been through so much together from his childhood to the Toman days.
Every part of his studio reminded him of her.
He looked up to see his girlfriend’s radiant smile, the sunlight filtering through the windows at the perfect angle, bathing her in a warm orange glow. It was as if she was a messenger from the heavens sent down for him.
“Is this the new piece for the store?” she asked quizzically, her eyes beaming with curiosity at the finished product worn by one of his busts. It was a tartan and stripe patterned two piece jacket and waist tiered pleated skirt with black lace trimmings. Dangling chains and shiny beads adorned around the breast pocket of the jacket.
“Yeah… what do you think?”
“It’s flashy and the style looks good for a high schooler,” she noted and circled around the bust, analyzing each detail. “Think it’ll do well with the Harajuku crowd.”
“You should try it on,” Mitsuya encouraged with a light chuckle.
“No way!” she belly laughed. “I’ll look like I’m trying too hard to be stylish!”
Setting his pencil down, he walked from behind his work station to hug her. A soft giggle erupted from her throat when he kissed her tenderly on the lips and repeated this a few more times.
“Then I’ll make a whole line just for you,” he proposed with a soft smile.
“Don’t think they’ll sell too well.”
“Who says I’ll be selling those?” he pointed out.
“If you have the luxury to do that one day, then maybe I’ll wear it,” (Y/N) jested and pecked Mitsuya on the lips. “If it’s dresses or skirts, they gotta have pockets.”
“You have no idea how many female clienteles request that from me,” he replied in half-seriousness.
“Classic problems require modern solutions, Mr. Designer,” she pointed out playfully.
“Yes, yes.”
Taking his girlfriend by the hand, he brought her to the work station to showcase his sketches. His serious lavender eyes glanced over at the detail of his work.
“One day, I’ll have a line that’s only sold exclusively in Ginza and a more casual one in Harajuku,” he firmly declared and looked up at (Y/N) lovingly. “And I’ll have you photograph ‘em all.”
“Let’s do our best then.”
She was there with him every step of the way when worked part-time at a retail shop in Shinjuku while freelancing as a designer to earn more money for his family and still going to school. (Y/N) was the one who encouraged him to sell his clothes through consignments in Shibuya and Shinjuku boutiques to get his name out there. She was there when he made his first sale and first collaboration with one of the shops.
All the late nights at the studio and networking he did, she was there every step of the way pushing him to where he is now. Already knowing the sacrifices they had to make for their respective careers, neither had complained once.
And it was that lack of complaint that slowly drifted them apart; they gradually went from days to weeks without contacting one another. The chasm in their relationship grew and the passion cooled. Soon, (Y/N) stopped coming by the studio due to her increased workload as a rookie photographer. The loneliness in him started budding and he consulted with a work associate whom he worked closely with during a store collaboration. Next thing he knew, she wiggled into that space inside his heart and wedged him further away from his girlfriend.
He started wondering if she’d simply fallen out of love with him. Before he could conclude to that, he wanted to have a proper talk and sent her a text about it. Mitsuya planned on leaving early that day, but ended up staying late due to a last minute change by one of his clients and was willing to pay a generous rush fee. As annoyed as he was, work was work and he could use the extra yen for their planned vacation.
Just as he was about to wrap up, his work associate stopped by unexpectedly with a bento from the convenience store. They were casually chatting and just as she was about to make her move, he saw (Y/N) at the door, shocked at what was in front of her.
She ran off before he could call for her. Making his way down, he searched around the twilight streets of Harajuku to no avail. Kicking his associate out, he rushed home so he could explain what happened; all he found was their shared drawers were half empty. She’d taken all she owned and left.
All that remained of her were the spare apartment key, the gunmetal ring he gave her when they were 15 and a handwritten note on the dining table.
You were my everything but you’re happier with her.
He’s tried contacting her to talk things out on many occasions to the point of obsession, only to get her voicemail and his texts were left on read; hell, he even tried to email her, only to get a return to sender. When he tried her phone again, he’d gotten a caller of this number didn’t exist.
He reached out to his friends to get in contact with her to no avail.
(Y/N) made herself disappear.
Draken gave him a few good slugs to the face after learning they broke up the way they did; it also didn’t help they were both shitfaced drunk. Dealing with the hangover on top of his bruised and throbbing injuries the following day was extremely unpleasant. Compared to the hits he took during Toman fights, this hurt the most.
He was heartbroken and devastated. To fill the void she left, he started a relationship with his work associate, only to get dumped 3 months after when Mitsuya caught her cheating on him with another designer in the back room of the boutique where his clothes were being sold, nonetheless.
He learned after the fact she had a reputation for going after popular designers in the industry.
If there was one word he could describe himself at that moment, it was idiot.
And that was the tame version.
He thought he and (Y/N) could weather any storm together.
After all these years apart, he’s left wondering how their relationship withered like this.
By some stroke of a miracle, Chifuyu won two tickets from the raffle Kazutora entered him in. To prevent (Y/N) from recognizing them immediately out of fear of her misunderstanding, Toman’s former first division vice captain came up with the genius idea of going in with a disguise. Draken thought it was dumb and hesitantly went along.
“Dude, you seriously have some luck,” his tall friend noted and fiddled with his now chin length black hair. The usual utility jumpsuit he wore for work at his bike shop was swapped out for a casual suit jacket, dress shirt and slacks made by Mitsuya.
“It's Kazutora, not me.” Chifuyu looked at himself through a glass pane adjusted the fake glasses on his face. “Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket for him.”
Showing their tickets to the attendant, the two entered the gallery and looked around like lost children.
“First time to a place like this?”
“Do I look like I go to galleries?” Draken flatly pointed out. “Mitsuya should be here instead.”
“I asked him, but he’s in the weeds right now,” the short raven haired boy huffed in frustration.
“Still think we should’ve ditched the disguises,” the tall dragon tattooed man said. “She’d be able to tell it’s us.”
“No way she can!” Chifuyu defended. “These are perfect!”
“… Seriously?” He pointed to his dragon tattoo. “How many people do you know have this on the side of their heads?”
“I doubt her eyes are that good nowadays.”
“Bet you 1,000 yen.”
“You’re on!”
Making their way to the exhibition, several rows of chairs were arranged in the large space; the two chose to sit in the last row to avoid detection. Not long after, they were all filled and excitement filled the air as they waited for the talk session to start. A few more minutes pass and the curator appeared from behind a wall, welcoming everyone to the event before introducing (Y/N).
And there she was, dressed in an all black pantsuit with a pair of low heels while the crowd exploded in cheers and applause. It’d been three years since they last saw her and immediately noticed how much she’s physically changed. The lively glow she once had was replaced with an ennui of solitude, her smiles only reaching the corner of her lips. She almost looked like a shell of her former self and took her seat on the makeshift stage with a microphone handed to her by one of the crew members.
The curator asked her various types of questions regarding the exhibition, the photo book and dug into some of the criticism she drew after it published.
“As popular as your work is, some critics called out how self-centered Wander is. What do you think about that?” the curator asked.
(Y/N) paused to construct her answer, using the silence to her advantage.
“You’re can’t be an artist without being a little self-centered, no matter what medium you’re working with,” she briskly replied with a neutral smile. “You can also say that answer is self-centered in its own right and I wouldn’t disagree. At the end of the day, if you can’t create something you’re not proud of, then why are you even in this field?”
“And what do you have to say about those who criticized your work as a way in painting yourself as a victim?”
“They’re welcome to think and feel that way,” she answered without hesitation. “They’re merely a third party looking into the scope of what the depths of my pain was. People are quick to throw judgment on things they don’t have the full story of, right?”
“Speaking of full story,” the curator changed topics. “There’s been a lot of guesses and requests from various people to know who this person was in your life.”
“I heard the guestbook here had messages asking about this too; some even ventured guesses. The most outlandish one I read so far was one of the Kano Sisters*.” The crowd broke into a light fit of laughter. “As I’ve said before, protecting their privacy is my priority and I have no intention in revealing who they are. If I did, I’d be no better than those who said my work was egotistical and shifts the victim mentality on anyone who’ve been emotionally hurt,” she reasoned. “This would be considered a revenge exhibition instead of a journey.”
“Your fans have even tried searching online, you know.”
“Social media wasn’t as popular as it is now when we were together. We were still sending SMS messages through flip phones back then,” she lightly chuckled with a tired, apologetic look. “Sorry to say, your sleuthing efforts have been moot.”
“Since we’re nearing time, would you like to leave some final words for your attendees tonight, (Y L/N)-san?”
“Even though this installation is filled with heavy and dark subject matters, some of which may even trigger your own personal feelings, I would still ask you to please open your heart in hopes of finding answers of your own. Overall, please enjoy my work and the rest of the evening.”
Thanking the curator, staff and the museum for putting everything together, the talk session ended with a smattering applause from attendees and workers alike. Making small talk with some of the museum workers, (Y/N) excused herself and made her way to the green room for some social reprieve. After taking a fifteen minute break, she was found by one of her agency people and forced her back out to talk with patrons, much to her chagrin. The two hour event felt like an eternity and once the last of the guests were escorted out of the gallery, she let out an audible sigh of relief and removed the first two buttons on her suit top for some air. She threw herself onto the white leather couch and slumped in it like all the bones left her body.
“This is tougher than the book release,” she groaned out. “Never let me do this again.”
“What do you mean?” Ryota, her work associate remarked in disbelief and handed her a glass of water. “The show was a hit! I’m sure the agency’s gonna want you to release more stuff now.”
“Can I not?” she whined and sipped the clear liquid, lubricating her throat. “Can I just go back to being a nobody photog? I miss the anonymity.”
“Complain all you want, but deep down inside that black heart of yours, you’re actually happy,” her coworker pointed out.
“I take offense to that: my heart’s not that black.”
With the gallery closing up for the night, the two gathered their belongings and left from the back entrance. Saying their good nights, they went their separate ways. Just as she turned the corner, she was met with two familiar faces standing on the main road.
“Yo, been a while, (Y/N)-chan,” Draken greeted with a toothy grin. “Let’s go grab a drink."
*Kano Sisters are sibling celebrities known for their outrageous sense of style, expensive taste and lifestyle. Think of them as a flashier version of the Hilton sisters. They've modeled, done TV appearances and one of the sisters penned an autobiography.
Taglist: @mor-pheus @netzukochannn @moodyhuesworld2
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todaysdocument · 3 years
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Caulfield v. Warhol, filed 11/9/1966.
“. . .  Warhol infringed upon [Caulfield’s] copyright by publishing and placing upon the market no less than thirty paintings entitled "Flowers, 1964", which were copied and reproduced from plaintiff's copyrighted illustration.” 
Series: Civil Case Files, 1938 - 1995
Record Group 21: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685 - 2009
[page 1]
-against-    COMPLAINT
[date stamp]
NOV 9 1966
S. D. OF N. Y.
Plaintiff, by her attorney, ARTHUR STEPHEN PENN, complaining of defendants, alleges as follows:
1.  The action arises under the copyright laws of the United States, more particularly 17 U. S. C. Secs. 1-116, as herein after more fully appears.
2.  Prior to June, 1964, plaintiff, who resides at 115 West 86th Street, New York, N. Y., and who then was and ever since has been a citizen of the United States, photographed and created an original photograph which appeared in whole and in part as illustrations on pages 85, 86, 87 and 88 of Vol. 28, No. 6 of Modern Photography Magazine, more specifically the June, 1964 issue thereof.
3.  This photograph is an entirely original photograph by plaintiff, and the illustration thereof, as aforesaid, is copyrightable subject matter under the laws of the United States.
[page 2]
4.  The Billboard Publishing Company of 2160 Patterson Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, and 165 West 46th Street, New York, N. Y., publishers of Modern Photography Magazine, complied in all respects with the provisions of Title 17 of the United States Code and all other laws governing copyright and secured the exclusive rights and privileges in and to the copyright of said illustration and received from the Register of Copyrights a Certificate of Registration dated and identified as follows:  Class B, Registration Number B118545, 1964.
5.  Since June 10, 1964, said magazine has been published by Billboard Publishing Co., Inc. and all copies have been printed, bound and published in strict conformity with the provisions of Title 17 of the United States Code and all other laws governing copyright.
6.  Pursuant to an assignment in writing thereof plaintiff has been and still is the sole proprietor of all rights, title and interest in and to the copyright in the aforesaid illustration and all causes of action whatsoever arising out of any infringement thereof.
7.  On a date subsequent to June, 1964, and prior to January, 1965, defendant Warhol called the offices of Modern Photography Magazine at 165 West 46th Street, New York, N. Y. and made inquiries of plaintiff and other employees of Modern Photography Magazine as to the availability for sale of plaintiff's copyrighted illustration and the photographic transparencies from which the illustration was made.  Defendant Warhol stated that the price requested by the magazine was too high
[page 3]
and declined to purchase.
8.  Thereafter, on information and belief, on a date subsequent to June, 1964, and prior to January, 1965, defendant Warhol caused to be made, from photostatic reproductions of plaintiff's copyrighted illustration, a number of silk screens of varying sizes, and by a technique of forcing paint through such screens "mass produced" not less than thirty copies of plaintiff's copyrighted illustration.
9.  On information and belief, defendant Warhol applied by hand, at most, mere dabs of paint as highlights, since it was his intention to make all of the aforesaid paintings as similar to the others as was possible.
10.  On information and belief, on or about January, 1965, defendant Warhol infringed upon the aforesaid copyright by publishing and placing upon the market no less than thirty paintings entitled "Flowers, 1964", which were copied and reproduced from plaintiff's copyrighted illustration.
11.  A copy of plaintiff's copyrighted illustration is hereto attached as Exhibit 1;  a photograph of many of defendant Warhol's infringing paintings is hereto annexed as Exhibit 2.
12.  Plaintiff has notified defendant Warhol in writing that he has infringed the aforesaid copyright, and defendant Warhol has continued to infringe the aforesaid copyright.
13.  Since January, 1965, and continuously thereafter, defendant Warhol has been publishing, selling and otherwise
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mybeingthere · 3 years
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Fantastic art by Frantz Zephirin (b 1968, Haiti).
“Frantz Zephirin was born in Cap Haitien, Haiti on December 17, 1968. By his reckoning, he is the 24th of 48 children sired by his architect father (with 19 different women). As a toddler he sat and watched his uncle, the Haitian painter Antoine Obin, as he worked. By the age of seven, Frantz was filching paint in bottlecaps to do his own paintings.
Within a year he was selling paintings to the tourists from cruise ships that docked in Le Cap in those days and by age thirteen, lying about his age, he was selling work to galleries. Eventually he moved to Port-au-Prince and became associated with the Galerie Monnin. His style is unique among the painters of the Northern School. He describes himself as a "Historic Animalist”. He is entirely self-taught. Unlike many Haitian painters, he usually titles his paintings.
Zephirin counts among his influences Leonardo da Vinci, James Darwin and the Lost Continent of Atlantis. His work is shown internationally. In October 1996 he was awarded the Gold medal in the Third Biennal of Caribbean and Central American Painting, sponsored the The Museum of Modern Art of the Dominican Republic. This competition featured 144 artists from 37 countries in the region. He was one of five Haitians to be included in the V Biennal in Cuenca, Ecuador in 1996. Two of his paintings are featured in the wonderful show “Sacred Arts of Haitian Vodou” that toured the USA in 1997 and 1998. One of his paintings is featured on the cover of the bestseller “The Immaculate Invasion” by Bob Shacochis. His work was shown by the American Visionary Art Museum (Baltiimore) in the exhibits, “Holy H20” in 2005 and “Home & Beast” in 2006-7. Zephirin lives outside of Port-au-Prince, but travels extensively. (biographical notes courtesy of Bill Bollendorf - Galerie Macondo).
Indigo Arts Gallery and art dealer Frank Giannetta presented “Frantz Zephirin: Art and Resilience”, the first US exhibit by Haitian master painter Frantz Zephirin since the January 12th, 2010 earthquake. Exhibit dates: Thursday, May 13 through Saturday, June 19.  Frantz Zephirin is one of the leading contemporary artists working in Haiti today. A self-taught artist born in Cap Haitien in 1968, Zephirin has variously been described as a visionary, a surrealist, a visual satirist and an “historic animalist”. His work has been featured in museums and galleries around the world.After a very close call with the earthquake Zephirin immediately went back to work recording his visions of a violently transformed world.
His painting, “The Resurrection of the Dead “ was the arresting image chosen for the January 25th cover of the New Yorker magazine. Since the earthquake Zephirin has been featured in stories in the New York Times, Le Monde, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the Times of London, the Guardian and the BBC - website and broadcast. During March through May, 2010, Zephirin has been exhibiting his work in the exhibit Haiti Art Naif: Memories of Paradise? at the art center Denkmalschmiede Hofgen in Gimma, Saxony, Germany. A portion of the sales of Zephirin’s work will be donated to Haitian earthquake relief.Zephirin only barely escaped death in the January 12, 2010 earthquake. According to an article in Le Monde, (“Haïti, les peintres de l’espoir” (Haiti, Painters of Hope), by Annick Cojean, Feb. 13, 2010) he responded to the quake, as to other calamities, by painting: Some of these artists, like Frantz Zéphirin and Henri Jean-Louis, began painting feverishly, immediately after the quake, as a way to process the horror they had just witnessed. In the aftermath of the January 12 disaster, Zéphirin took a painting to Pétionville to gallery owner, Michel Monnin; undoubtedly, the article underlines, the first painting to be produced after the earthquake. The painting, full of eyes—eyes of horses, zebras, giraffes, birds, mermaids, specters, and winged creatures—is “magnetic and inspired.” And it is not the only one; there are five or six more in the making.
As Zéphirin says, it is impossible for him to do otherwise: “I can only think of this. The earthquake. I walk in the devastated streets, I drink, I think, and I go back to paint. I do not sleep. I paint. I paint like I breathe.” Also a vodou priest, many mythological aspects are present in his work. In his paintings “leaning over the disaster, spirits and gods, struck [by the event], meet, connect, and merge to find a solution to the problem of Haiti.” Zéphirin feels that the earthquake can act as a catalyst to produce deep and positive change. He also wants to convey a message about treasuring ecological wealth and fighting deforestattion. He wants to point out through his paintings that while houses and buildings were crumbling, the trees remained in tact and resisted.”
Shortly after surviving the January 12th 2010 earthquake, Zephirin was honored with the selection of one of his paintings for the cover of the New Yorker magazine. The January 18th story  gave New Yorker readers some background on the painting.“
Links: New Yorker Cover story (1/15/2010)
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Scenario Match Up Game: Top Gun
(Link to Scenario Games Masterlist)
Rules/What you do: Just match the month/day/letter to yourself and you got yourself a cute little scenario to imagine lol. Let me know in the comments or reblogs what you get~
A/N: I also take these scenarios as writing requests as well (only when requests are open obviously- and it depends on the character). Also, there are only like 4 female characters in these movies, so I just put them in randomly lol.
*words in (parentheses) are alternate options/additions.
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Your Birth Month:
January: Ron 'Slider' Kerner /or/ Charlie Blackwood
February: Robert 'Bob' Floyd
March: Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell
April: Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia /or/ Penny Benjamin
May: Your Choice
June: Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
July: Javy ' Coyote' Machado
August: Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson /or/ Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace
September: Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw
October: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
November: Reuben 'Payback' Fitch /or/ Callie 'Halo' Bassett
December: Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky
Your Date of Birth:
1: Gives you a token of their affection... 2: Sets up a romantic date night... 3: Takes you to a festival/fair... 4: Surprises you with a cat/dog.... 5: Brings you hand picked flowers... 6: Surprises you after being gone... 7: Takes you on a trip... 8: Leaves you a (anonymous) love letter... 9: Takes you flying... 10: Takes you dancing... 11: Leaves you (anonymous) random gifts throughout the day... 12: Takes you to an aquarium (or museum)... 13: Surprises you with random kisses (lips, hand, cheek, etc)... 14: Takes you on a picnic... 15: Surprises you with your favorite food... 16: Brings you flowers... 17: Gives you a bear hug... 18: Asks you to move in with them... 19: Gives you a promise ring... 20: Takes you on a surprise date... 21: Asks you to marry them (or to be their s/o) 22: Takes you to the (drive-in) movies.... 23: Brings you your favorite food/snack... 24: Asks you on a date... 25: Brings you breakfast... 26: Dances with you around the living room... 27: Gives you a custom helmet... 28: Takes you cloud/star gazing. 29: Makes you dinner... 30: Tells you how much they love you... 31: Builds you a pillow fort...
First Letter of Your Name (Or Username):
A-E: Because it is your anniversary.
F-J: Just to make you smile.
K-P: Because they are in love with you (or as a confession)
Q-U: Because it is your birthday.
V-Z: To cheer you up (Or to Apologize)
*words in (parentheses) are alternate options/additions.
A/N: I apologize if your combo/match up does not make sense, it is hard to make sure that every single combination does.  *Please consider reblogging or tagging your friends/mutuals to share this around!
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Top Gun Taglist: @malindacath, @hotch-meeeeeuppppp, @sarcastic-sourwolf, @persephonesportal,
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satoshi-mochida · 4 years
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Samurai Shodown NeoGeo Collection will launch for PC via the Epic Games Store on June 11 and Steam on June 18, and for PlayStation 4 and Switch digitally on July 28 for $39.99, publisher SNK and developer Digital Eclipse announced. A physical edition will follow for PlayStation 4 and Switch this summer. The PC version will be completely free via the Epic Games Store from June 11 to June 18.
In Japan, the PlayStation 4 and Switch versions will launch both physically and digitally on July 30 for 4,980 yen.
While an Xbox One version of the collection was initially announced back in March 2019, today’s announcement makes no mention of an Xbox One version. (Update 10:57 p.m.: While the press release and official website make no mention of the Xbox One version, Digital Eclipse studio head Mike Mika said on Twitter that the Xbox One version will be available at the same time as the PlayStation 4 and Switch versions, saying its absence from the announcement is “not as intended.” He added, “Xbox has been always in the plan and everything, weirdly not in the press release. Weird mix up someplace. It is definitely coming out and we finished it alongside the other SKUs.”)
Here is an overview of the collection, via its official website:
■ About
It all began in ‘94. And now, the weapon-based fighting game series that swept the world is ready to be taken home as a stellar collection! Six NeoGeo titles as well as one mysterious, unreleased game are featured! What is more is that each game features online battle modes as well as a Museum Mode and music player! This collection is a must-have for all Samurai Shodown fans across the globe!
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■ Collection
Samurai Shodown released on the NeoGeo in 1993, followed by its sequel Samurai Shodown II in 1994, and the series became a trilogy in 1995 with Samurai Shodown III. Soon after Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa’s Revenge came in 1996, and seven years later Samurai Shodown V was released in 2003, with Samurai Shodown V Special releasing the following year in 2004. Never before released to the public, Samurai Shodown V Perfect is a mysterious final version of Samurai Shodown V that is the stuff of legends to SNK fans. Players can select between either Japanese or English MVS arcade versions for each title. Additionally, there are features such as scanlines for that retro flair, save functions, and arcade mode can even be set to “Free Mode” meaning no more game overs!
Samurai Shodown (1993)
In a world dominated by fighters where opponents duked it out with their fists and kicks, Samurai Shodown sliced into the scene with their brand-new take on the genre. Not only does each attack hit like a truck normally, but damage actually increases further due to the implementation of a POW meter that fills up upon taking damage. This, coupled with its unique setting and boastful roster of 12 peerless warriors made this game a phenomenon that everyone was talking about. Do you have what it takes to take down Shiro Tokisada Amakusa?
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Samurai Shodown II (1994)
This game further expanded the thrill of the fight by adding forward and back rolls, a low-attack dodge, and an attack that breaks the opponent’s weapon! These additions to the game brought it into a-whole-nother level of skill and precision unlike any fighter at the time. Haohmaru goes up against his long-standing rival, Kibagami Genjuro, as well as three other additional characters—bringing the roster to a total of 15 warriors.
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Samurai Shodown III (1995)
This title took the Samurai Shodown series onto a different path with an overhaul to the button and system settings. Players can now choose between two different fighting styles for each character, named Slash and Bust. Additionally, players can now choose between three grades when choosing a character. These are Beginner Class, Medium Grade, and Upper Grade, which add a lot of depth and complexity to an already complex game. 12 warriors set out to bring Zankuro Minazuki’s reign of terror to an end. Will they succeed?
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Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa’s Revenge (1996)
Following after the previous installment comes new additions in the form of a CD 14-multislash combo and Rage Explosion (w/ Fatal Flash and Link Slashes to boot!). Additionally, the single player campaign features a timer and the ending received changes on the time finished. Warriors from past titles join up with new faces to form a hearty 17-character roster. As the name implies, Shiro Tokisada Amakusa is back again but is weak as his spirit was split in two. If he succeeds in his quest of joining both halves, the world will be plunged into darkness forevermore.
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Samurai Shodown V (2003)
Seven years would follow until the series saw another sequel on the NeoGeo. Four new characters including Majikina Mina and Tokugawa Yoshitora join the roster bringing it to an explosive 24 characters. The system has been updated with new features such as a Sword Gauge and a state of meditation called Concentration One. The series was back on track with its game balance being focused on devastating blows and quick dodges.
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Samurai Shodown V Special (2004)
The final game sold on the NeoGeo. Every character is now equipped with a devastating Overkill attack. This title brought balance changes that truly gave players the thrill and excitement expected out of Samurai Shodown. Now, with the inclusion of previous boss characters, the roster stood at a girthy 28 bloodthirsty warriors.
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Samurai Shodown V Perfect (Previously Unreleased)
The gameplay of Samurai Shodown V Special has been left untouched, but this previously unreleased title features a brand-new story and ending. This is the true and final game made for the NeoGeo.
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■ Online
Spirited duels with swordsmen all over the world!
Get paired up with warriors of a similar level with Ranked Match, or just blow some steam off on Casual Match. Invite your friends (or foes) for a beat-down in Challenge Friend. Take on Samurai Shodown fans across the world with the push of a button.
(Note: Online battle modes are only available for English versions of Samurai Shodown titles.)
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■ Museum
Over 2,000 files ranging from illustrations to classic tracks! Get ready to dive into the museum that’s overflowing with history.
The museum within this collection is packed with over 2,000 precious development documents and images; it is everything a fan would want! There are even candid videotaped interviews with the developers as they discuss what happened during development. Prepare to dive straight into the world of Samurai Shodown with this collection!
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The music player boasts an impressive 200-plus track list.
Relive the excitement of the Samurai Shodown series by listening to its wonderful soundtracks. There are over 200 tracks to choose from spanning six titles in the Music Player found inside the museum.
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Watch a new trailer below.
North America
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xmasqoo-haineke · 4 years
Per aspera ad astra (phrase meaning) … Not to be confused with "Per ardua ad astra." … * *  * "Ad astra per aspera" redirects here. For other uses, see Per aspera ad astra (disambiguation). Disclosure: This article may need additional citations for verification.  Find sources: "Per aspera ad astra" – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (June 2020)  "Per aspera ad astra", from Finland in the Nineteenth Century, 1894 Per aspera ad astra (or, less commonly, ad astra per aspera) is a popular Latin phrase meaning "through hardships to the stars". The phrase is one of the many Latin sayings that use the expression ad astra, meaning "to the stars". Contents 1 Uses 1.1 Governmental entities 1.2 Military and government 1.3 Literature 1.4 Music 1.5 Anime 1.6 Educational and research institutions 1.6.1 Australia 1.6.2 Austria 1.6.3 Botswana 1.6.4 Ecuador 1.6.5 Estonia 1.6.6 Honduras 1.6.7 India 1.6.8 Jamaica 1.6.9 Japan 1.6.10 Macau 1.6.11 Maldives 1.6.12 New Zealand 1.6.13 Nigeria 1.6.14 Norway 1.6.15 Pakistan 1.6.16 Paraguay 1.6.17 Philippines 1.6.18 Romania 1.6.19 Russia 1.6.20 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1.6.21 Slovakia 1.6.22 Slovenia 1.6.23 South Africa 1.6.24 Sri Lanka 1.6.25 Sweden 1.6.26 Tajikistan 1.6.27 Ukraine 1.6.28 United Kingdom 1.6.29 United States 1.7 Fraternities and sororities 1.8 Popular culture 1.9 Others 2 See also 3 References 4 External link Uses[edit] Various organizations and groups use this expression and its variants. Governmental entities[edit] Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin[1] State of Kansas (Ad astra per aspera)[2] Municipality of Cheribon, Netherlands East Indies[3] City of Gouda, The Netherlands[4] Honored Scientist of Armenia[5] Military and government[edit] Department of Civil Aviation, Thailand[6] Military Technical Academy in Bucharest, Romania[7] National Defence Academy of Latvia[8] South African Air Force[9] Spanish Air Force Hon. Julie Payette, 29th Governor General of Canada[10] Royal Life Guards (Denmark) Literature[edit] In Kenta Shinohara's Astra Lost in Space, it is inscribed on a plaque on the bridge of the ship that the crew subsequently decided to name the Astra.[11] In Kurt Vonnegut's The Sirens of Titan, it was quoted as both the motto of Martian Imperial Commandos, a unit within the larger Martian Army, in addition to being the motto of Kansas, U.S.A., Earth, Solar System, Milky Way. In Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird", it was quoted as the motto of Maycomb, during the school play. In James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man"[12] In Pierce Brown's "Red Rising" book series it is a common phrase used by the Golds of The Society. In M.L.Rio's "If We Were Villains" it is the motto of the Dellecher Academy. Music[edit] The subtitle of Moritz Moszkowski's set of fifteen Études de Virtuosité for piano, op. 72 (published 1903). The subtitle of Charles Villiers Stanford's Piano Trio No. 3, Op. 158 (1918). The title of the fourth album by ambient music duo Stars of the Lid (1998). The subtitle of Sergei Bortkiewicz's 3rd piano concerto (1927). The title of a song by Spiritual Beggars from their album Ad Astra (2000). The title of a song by Haggard (band) from their album "Eppur Si Muove" (2004). Acceptance has an instrumental track on their Phantoms album titled "Ad Astra Per Aspera" (2005). The title of the second album (2011) by Abandon Kansas. Per Aspera Ad Aspera, the name of a best-of album by the band ASP (2014). The title of a march by Ernst Urbach op. 4 (1906). The title of an album of marches by the Royal Norwegian Air Force Band. The title of a composition by Hasaan Ibn Ali from his second Atlantic recording, never released, the master tapes of which were destroyed in the Atlantic warehouse fire of 1978.[13] The subtitle of an instrumental song by the symphonic metal band Nightwish (2020). Anime[edit] Mentioned in anime Astra Lost in Space on the Ark Series Spaceship which is later named as ASTRA. Educational and research institutions[edit] Australia[edit] Queenwood School for Girls, Mosman NSW Woodville High School, Adelaide Albury High School, Albury, New South Wales[14] Girton Grammar School, Bendigo, Victoria Austria[edit] Universität Klagenfurt Botswana[edit] St. Joseph's College, Kgale Ecuador[edit] Instituto Nacional Mejía,Quito, Ecuador Estonia[edit] Keila-Joa Boarding School, Türisalu[15] Jakob Westholm Secondary School, Tallinn[16] Honduras[edit] Escuela Nacional de Música, Tegucigalpa Instituto Salesiano San Miguel, Tegucigalpa India[edit] Clarence High School, Bangalore, Karnataka, India - Motto of Redwood House (Ad Astra) St. Augustine's High School, kalimpong, District:Darjeeling, India Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC), New Delhi, India The Frank Anthony Public School,Kolkata,India The Frank Anthony Public School, Delhi, India - Motto of Ranger House St Joseph's High School, Dharwad, Karnataka, India Antonio D'souza High School, Mumbai, India Technology Research and Incubation Centre, Dimapur, Nagaland Jamaica[edit] Immaculate Conception High School, St. Andrew Mount Alvernia High School, Montego Bay Japan[edit] St. Francis Church, Tokyo, West-Hachioji, Gnosis Essene (HP) Macau[edit] Postgraduate Association of University of Macau, Macau Maldives[edit] MNDF Fire and Rescue Services Training School, K.Viligili New Zealand[edit] Rotorua Boys' High School, Rotorua Nigeria[edit] Ilupeju College, Ilupeju, Lagos Lagos Secondary Commercial Academy, LASCA Kalabari National College, Buguma, Rivers State Oriwu Model College, Igbogbo, Ikorodu Norway[edit] Stavanger Cathedral School, Stavanger Sortland videregående skole, Nordland Lillehammer videregående skole Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Pakistan[edit] St Patrick's High School, Karachi St. Patrick's College, Karachi Paraguay[edit] Universidad Autónoma de Asunción Philippines[edit] Far Eastern University - Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation, Quezon City St. John Paul II College of Davao, Davao City Rosevale School, Cagayan de Oro City Juan R. Liwag Memorial High School, Gapan City Cagayan State University, Tuguegarao City Romania[edit] Mihai Eminescu High School,[17] Suceava Colegiul National "Andrei Saguna" Brasov[18] Colegiul National "Doamna Stanca" Fagaras[19] Alexandru Papiu Ilarian High School,[20] Targu-Mures Andrei Mureşanu High School,[21] Bistrița Márton Áron Főgimnázium [ro], Csíkszereda (Liceul Teoretic "Márton Áron", Miercurea-Ciuc) Ovidius High School,[22] Constanta Military Technical Academy,[23] Bucharest Russia[edit] School no. 1259, Moscow Saint Vincent and the Grenadines[edit] Saint Vincent Grammar School, Kingstown Slovakia[edit] Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Slovak Organisation for Space Activities Slovenia[edit] Prva gimnazija Maribor, Maribor Gimnazija Jesenice, Jesenice Gimnazija Škofja Loka, Škofja Loka South Africa[edit] Pietersburg Hoërskool[24] Tembisa Secondary School South African Air Force[25][circular reference] Ribane-Laka Secondary School Chistlehurst Academics and Arts School Sri Lanka[edit] St. Paul's Girls' School, Milagiriya, Colombo District, Western Province Sweden[edit] Västmanland Air Force Wing[26] Tajikistan[edit] Gymnasium #1 after V. Chkalov, Buston, Khujand, Sugd region Ukraine[edit] Space Museum dedicated to Korolyov in Zhytomyr Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Bucha Ukrainian gymnasium United Kingdom[edit] The Royal School, Haslemere, Surrey Colfe's School, Greenwich, London Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend, Kent Dr. Challoner's Grammar School, Amersham, Buckinghamshire British Lawn Mower Racing Association United States[edit] California State University East Bay, Hayward, California[27] Campbell University, Buies Creek, North Carolina[28] Cornelia Strong College, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, North Carolina Coventry High School, Coventry, Rhode Island East Hampton High School, East Hampton, Connecticut Greenhill School, Dallas, Texas[29] Irvington Union Free School District, Irvington, New York Saint Joseph Academy, Brownsville, Texas Lake View High School, Chicago, Illinois Lyndon Institute, Lyndon Center, Vermont Macopin Middle School, West Milford, New Jersey Miami Central High School, Miami, Florida Midwood High School, Brooklyn, New York Mirman School, Los Angeles, California Morristown-Beard School, Morristown, New Jersey Mount Saint Michael Academy, Bronx, New York Satellite High School, Satellite Beach, Florida Seven Lakes High School, Katy, Texas Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey[30] Trinity Prep, Winter Park, Florida[31] Townsend Harris High School, Queens, New York University High School, Fresno, California University of Tennessee Space Institute, Tullahoma, Tennessee Oak Harbor Academy Private School, Lemoore, California Fraternities and sororities[edit] Beta Sigma Psi National Lutheran Fraternity[32] Sigma Gamma Phi – Arethusa Sorority[33] Korp! Amicitia – Estonian student sorority. Freemasons-Knight's Templar, 32nd Degree K.Ö.St.V. Almgau Salzburg - Austrian Catholic Student Association[34] K.a.V. Danubia Wien-Korneuburg im ÖCV - Austrian Catholic Student Association Popular culture[edit] Appears on the hull of the ship 'Searcher' in the second season of Buck Rogers. Garrison Keillor routinely references the phrase as the only Latin phrase he cared to remember on A Prairie Home Companion.[35][36] Per Aspera Ad Astra is a Soviet Russian science fiction film by Richard Viktorov, written by Kir Bulychov. Rip Torn says this phrase to David Bowie in the film The Man Who Fell to Earth. Tomo Milicevic of the band 30 Seconds to Mars has a tattoo on his right forearm reading 'per aspera et astra', with the band's logo in the background in red. Aspera! Per aspera! Per ardua! Ad astra! is the refrain of the song "Aspera" by Erin McKeown on the album We Will Become Like Birds. American singer, rapper, dancer, actress, and songwriter Kiely Williams has "Per aspera ad astra" tattooed on her right forearm. Title of a play depicting the history of the fictional Maycomb County in To Kill a Mockingbird, in which the translation is given as from the mud to the stars. Title of a song by Haggard, from the album Eppur Si Muove. The name of an album by Abandon Kansas. It is one of many hidden messages in the 2009 video game The Conduit. Motto of the Martian Imperial Commandos in Kurt Vonnegut novel, The Sirens of Titan. Title of a song by Seattle-based band Acceptance. Title of a song by Goasia, appearing on the album From Other Spaces (Suntrip Records, 2007) Appears on right side shoulder patch in Star Trek Enterprise, on the "newer" uniform style shown on the series finale. In Star Trek The Next Generation it is shown to be the motto of Starfleet. The official motto of Solforce in the videogame Sword of the Stars. The phrase is used as the name of the tenth track on the score for the film Underworld: Rise of the Lycans by Paul Haslinger. Title of a song by the band Spiritual Beggars from their album Ad Astra. Title of a song by the band Die Apokalyptischen Reiter from their album Samurai. The final mission (Chapter 15) in the Mafia II video game In a tattoo piece in The Raven The phrase has been spoofed slightly by the band Ghost in the song "Per Aspera Ad Inferi" from their album Infestissumam[37] literally meaning "Through hardships to hell".[38] Title of a background music from the Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire video games which plays during a voyage into space. In the 2015 film The Martian, at the end of the film astronaut Mark Watney is giving his first lecture to the Astronaut Candidate Program and the phrase appears embedded in the central floor area of the lecture hall around a logo In Bioware's Mass Effect 3, this phrase is set in the middle of the wall of names dedicated to the fallen crew members of the main ship, the SSV Normandy SR2. Title of character leveling achievements in Mistwalker's mobile game Terra Battle Found in the Gravity Falls Journal #3, penned on the title page. Appears on the journal both in the show and on the real-life replica.[39] The title of a Pee Wee Gaskins album (2010). The title character in Ottessa Moshfegh's novel Eileen accepts and smokes a Pall Mall and refers to the motto on the package translated as "Through the thorns to the stars." On the ship the students find in Astra Lost in Space, there is a plaque with this saying on it. The motto of the Golds in Pierce Brown's Red Rising Series. Ad Astra is a 2019 American science fiction film by James Gray. Appears in the logo of the Universal Paperclips Advanced AI Research Group. Others[edit] As part of the official team crest of Arendal Football As part of the team crest of the former Collingwood Cricket Club. A plaque honoring the astronauts of Apollo 1 at the launch site where they perished. A tribute exhibit to the Apollo 1 Astronauts "Ad Astra Per Aspera - A Rough Road Leads to the Stars" opened on January 27, 2017, the 50th anniversary of the loss of the crew, at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. Inscribed on the crest of Pall Mall cigarettes packages[40] The theme of "POR CC XXI" by Kolese Kanisius Jakarta Part of a custom paint job in World Of Tanks Tradewinds Swiss[41] Space Development Network[42] Part three of the book Jepp who Defied the Stars by Katherine Marsh has the phrase as its title.[43] Appears in Morse code on the track titled "Sounds of Earth" on the Voyager Golden Record that has copies aboard the Voyager 1 & 2 spacecraft that are currently in interstellar space. [44] See also[edit] Per ardua ad astra ("Through adversity to the stars") Per ardua ad astra, additional uses with reference to above article Ad astra per aspera, additional uses Per aspera ad astra, references this article References[edit] ^ "Decorations of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin". Archived from the original on 2008-08-29. ^ "Seal of Kansas". Kansapedia. Kansas Historical Society. March 2014. Archived from the original on 2020-07-06. Retrieved 2020-07-06. ^ "Nederlandsch-Indische Gemeentewapens" (PDF). NV Mij Vorkink. September 1933. Retrieved 2019-07-23. ^ "Gouda in the official Dutch heraldic records". High Council of the Nobility (Hoge Raad van Adel), The Hague. Retrieved 2019-10-28. ^ "Honored Scientist of Armenia" (PDF). Retrieved Sep 24, 2020. ^ Department of Civil Aviation Emblems Archived April 27, 2009, at the Wayback Machine ^ "Academia Tehnica Militara". Mta.ro. Archived from the original on 2007-07-03. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ http://www.naa.mil.lv/en.aspx ^ "The South African Air Force Emblems". Saairforce.co.za. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "OSGG/BSGG @RideauHall Twitter". twitter.com. Retrieved 2017-10-04. ^ Kenta Shinohara (w, a). Astra Lost in Space 2: 24/4 (2016-08-23), Viz Media ^ Joyce, James. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. p. 222. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2014-07-18. Retrieved 2014-07-18. ^ "Albury High School". Albury-h.schools.nsw.edu.au. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Keila-Joa Boarding School". Keila-joa.edu.ee. Archived from the original on 2013-12-24. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Jakob Westholm Secondary School". westholm.ee. Retrieved 2014-11-05. ^ "Colegiul Național Mihai Eminescu". cn-eminescu.ro. Retrieved 2014-02-23. ^ "Colegiul Naţional "Andrei Şaguna", Braşov". Saguna.ro. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Colegiul Naţional "Doamna Stanca", Braşov". Doamnastanca.ro. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Colegiul Naţional Alexandru Papiu Ilarian". Papiu.ro. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Colegiul Național Andrei Mureșanu". Cnam.ro. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Liceul Teoretic Ovidius". liceulovidius.ro. Retrieved 2014-07-01. ^ "Military Technical Academy Bucharest". www.mta.ro/. Retrieved 2017-11-08. ^ "Pietersburg Hoerskool". Pieties.co.za. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ South African Air Force ^ Braunstein, Christian (2005). Svenska flygvapnets förband och skolor under 1900-talet (PDF). Skrift / Statens försvarshistoriska museer, 1101-7023 ; 8 [dvs 9] (in Swedish). Stockholm: Statens försvarshistoriska museer. p. 44. ISBN 9197158488. SELIBR 9845891. ^ "California State University East Bay". Csueastbay.edu. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ Campbell University: General Information Archived July 26, 2008, at the Wayback Machine ^ Greenhill School: Statement of Philosophy Archived 2009-01-06 at Archive.today ^ "Stevens Institute of Technology: About Stevens". Stevens.edu. Archived from the original on 2013-10-12. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Trinity Prep School: myTPS Portal". Trinityprep.org. Archived from the original on 2012-06-07. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Beta Sigma Psi 2006 National Convention, see page header". Convention.betasigmapsi.org. 2009-12-27. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Sigma Gamma Phi at SUNY Oneonta". Oneonta.edu. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ Almgau, 2014 (7 May 2011). "Startseite - ALMGAU". K.ö.St.V. Almgau Salzburg im MKV. ^ "transcript from the September 17, 2011 episode of A Prairie Home Companion". ^ Rev. Andy Ferguson. "Church Street United Methodist Church: February 20, 2001". churchstreetumc.blogspot.com. ^ "Ghost B.C. Store". Myplaydirect.com. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "A Nameless Ghoul From Ghost B.C. Speaks About 'Infestissumam', the Devil + More". Loudwire. Retrieved 2013-08-04. ^ Noble, Barnes &. "Gravity Falls: Journal 3|Hardcover". Barnes & Noble. Retrieved 2020-02-25. ^ "Pall Mall". History of Cigarette Brands. Archived from the original on 2011-08-17. Retrieved 2013-12-21. ^ "Test Tradewinds Swiss". ^ "(CA) Who owns the phone number? - Identify the Owner of a Phone Number 123". ownerphonenumber.online. Retrieved Sep 24, 2020. ^ Jepp who Defied the Stars, p. 225, at Google Books ^ "Voyager - Sounds on the Golden Record". voyager.jpl.nasa.gov. Retrieved Sep 24, 2020.
Click here to read more ==> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Per_aspera_ad_astra
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bccity · 4 years
Members may earn 3 points each (up to 6 points) for writing, by the end of June 7 KST:
A solo para of 400+ words based on their monthly schedule (does not count toward your monthly limit).
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) based on the monthly schedule.
Threads and solos do not have to take place directly during an important date listed on the schedule, but must be related to what the muse is mentioned to be doing in the paragraph explaining their schedule/the company’s schedule for the month and/or their thoughts on the mentioned activities or lack thereof.
These schedules may be updated throughout the month if new information needs to be added.
Reminder: April schedule posts are due by the end of May 7 KST. Please do not post schedule posts in the fmdschedule tag.
Overall Company
food tw // Though founder Kim Byungchul’s 52nd birthday falls this month, it’s one event he’s decided not to throw a party to force invite all of his artists to attend. Heads of various company departments have chosen to celebrate to honor their CEO anyway and cake and ice cream will be available at BC headquarters on May 2 for anyone who happens to drop by that day, no stiff dress code, social obligations, or mandatory attendance attached. It’s more a reason to raise lowering employee morale than a genuine show of appreciation for their boss, but it keeps up appearances, something BC Entertainment is notorious for caring deeply about.
Important dates:
BC Soloist 1
It’s her second college festival season since debut (with her first being last fall) and she’s in even higher demand now than she was last time. BC has booked her for two festivals this month and her set list will include ‘Why Don’t You Know”, “Roller Coaster”, and a cover of “Bang Bang”. That isn’t all she has to juggle this month, as she also continues comeback preparations. This month, the focus is on fittings and choreography for both the title track and b-side “BB”.
Important dates:
May 12: Performance at Kyunghee University Global Campus Festival.
May 14: Comeback MV and stage outfit fittings.
May 27: Performance at Keimyung University Festival (also performing: Dimensions Soloist 1).
At the beginning of the month, Decipher finishes recording their comeback album and then they jump into learning the choreography for “Love Paint”, as well as b-sides “R.L.T.L. (Real Love True Love) (One Morning)” and “Look (A Starlight Night)”. That will be their main workload until the end of the month when they celebrate their twelfth debut anniversary with a special group VLive to connect with fans and thank them for standing by their side, and then, a university festival performance the following day. Twelve year veterans or not, they can’t escape being sent out by BC to earn all the money they can by being one of the more acceptable boy group choices for university festivals.
Important dates:
May 25: Twelfth debut anniversary VLive.
May 26: Performance at Daejin University festival (also performing: 7ROPHY).
            ↳ Decipher R & V
No schedules for the month.
Important dates:
            ↳ CHAMPION
The official announcement of CHAMPION is made on the 5th and the reaction seems to be more negative than positive at first with some passionate fans of all three groups raising objections out of concern for group or solo schedules for their favorite idols. Dimensions and BC may not have anticipated the exact level of backlash the news gets, but their only choice is to operate on the idea that all publicity is good publicity. The goal this month is to get fans used to seeing everyone together by beginning to release content of them and even having an Instagram live as the first official live event with all six sub-unit members together before they make their debut next month. In preparation for the sub-unit’s tour, the members will be recording and learning the choreography for two new songs (”Dangerous Woman” and “With You”) this month, too. Furthermore, all members of the sub-unit who have made a solo debut as of the end of May 2020 will be informed they will be given a solo stage of their latest promoted solo single to pad out the tour set list. 
Important dates:
May 6: Album unboxing video filming.
May 13: Instagram live.
May 30: Release of performance video.
The fact that they only wrapped promotions for their comeback last month and 2BEE will be busy with promotions until the end of June means nothing when money and brand deals are on the line, so BEE is already in concept meetings for their next comeback at the beginning of the month. It’s a requirement to squeeze in a full group summer comeback, and this time BC is leaning a little cuter, or “more refreshing” in management’s words, than they have for their past few comebacks to avoid wearing out BEE’s image and making the general public tired of them. They’ll be in the studio to record their new mini-album up until the end of the month, which a few university festival performances in between.
Important dates:
May 13: Performance at Wonkwang University Festival (also performing: Lucid, Aria, and Gold Star Soloist 2).
May 22: Performance at Sogang University festival (also performing: 7ROPHY).
            ↳ 2BEE
The sub-unit has practice to do to perfect their debut stages throughout the month, but for the most part, they’re ready to go and BC trusts their abilities as members of a senior group within the company. To BC’s credit, they’re spot on, as the song does well. Though it doesn’t live up to BEE’s digital performance entirely, it does do well with the public amid some strong competition, and that’s a good sign.
Important dates:
May 28: Release of “Ma Boy” & showcase, promotions continue through June 28.
As ignored as their anniversary may have seemed last month, the members of Knight are granted a company gift after the end of their tour in the form of a vacation from May 6 to May 19. During this time, the members (excluding those in CHAMPION, who have work to do for their sub-unit debut) will be freed from any group schedules and will be permitted to travel abroad as long as they are accompanied by a manager. 
Important dates:
May 3: UNLIMITED tour concert at KSPO Dome in Seoul, South Korea.
May 4: UNLIMITED tour concert at KSPO Dome in Seoul, South Korea.
May 5: UNLIMITED tour concert at KSPO Dome in Seoul, South Korea. 
            ↳ White Knight
No schedules for the month.
Important dates:
            ↳ CHAMPION
The official announcement of CHAMPION is made on the 5th and the reaction seems to be more negative than positive at first with some passionate fans of all three groups raising objections out of concern for group or solo schedules for their favorite idols. Dimensions and BC may not have anticipated the exact level of backlash the news gets, but their only choice is to operate on the idea that all publicity is good publicity. The goal this month is to get fans used to seeing everyone together by beginning to release content of them and even having an Instagram live as the first official live event with all six sub-unit members together before they make their debut next month. In preparation for the sub-unit’s tour, the members will be recording and learning the choreography for two new songs (”Dangerous Woman” and “With You”) this month, too. Furthermore, all members of the sub-unit who have made a solo debut as of the end of May 2020 will be informed they will be given a solo stage of their latest promoted solo single to pad out the tour set list. 
Important dates:
May 6: Album unboxing video filming.
May 13: Instagram live.
May 30: Release of performance video.
           ↳ Knight Light
The pair will be called back in to do some additional recording for their debut mini-album after returning from Knight’s vacation break, but that’s all the sub-unit has on the schedule this month other than the company strongly encouraging them to spend some time together to strengthen their bond as a sub-unit.
Important dates:
In May, Lipstick will hold their Dress To Shine Japanese tour. For this, they’ll be in Tokyo from May 7 to May 10 and May 14 to May 17, as well as Osaka from May 18 to May 20. After they return from their tour, their performing isn’t done for the month as they go through the rounds of university festivals they should be used to after years of being one of the more in-demand groups at such festivities. Time will be dedicated to comeback preparation as well, namely fittings and choreography practice for "Wild” and “Action”, ahead of their comeback next month.
Important dates:
May 8: Dress To Shine Japanese Tour concert at Laforet Museum Roppongi in Tokyo, Japan.
May 9: Dress To Shine Japanese Tour concert at Laforet Museum Roppongi in Tokyo, Japan.
May 15: Dress To Shine Japanese Tour concert at Laforet Museum Roppongi in Tokyo, Japan.
May 16: Dress To Shine Japanese Tour concert at Laforet Museum Roppongi in Tokyo, Japan.
May 18: Dress To Shine Japanese Tour concert at Dojima River Forum in Osaka, Japan.
May 19: Dress To Shine Japanese Tour concert at Dojima River Forum in Osaka, Japan.
May 22: Performance at Hanyang University festival (also performing: Lucid).
May 23: Performance at Digital Seoul Culture Arts University Festival (also performing: Gold Star Soloist 2).
May 24: Comeback MV and stage outfit fittings.
May 29: Performance at Hongik University festival (also performing: Gold Star Soloist 3).
            ↳ Lip Gloss
Lip Gloss will be performing “Catellena” and “My Copycat” as part of Lipstick’s Japanese tour dates (see above).
Important dates:
CHARM's tour continues with dates in Indonesia and Thailand that will have them in Jakarta from May 8 to May 10 and Bangkok from May 15 to May 18. Their fifth anniversary is happening this month as well, so the members will meet fans through a VLive on the date of their anniversary. BC has also managed to book them for a university festival, something they’re not used to doing many of, as a boy group without an overly broad audience among the college-aged general public.
Important dates:
May 9: Ode To You tour concert at Istora Senayan in Jakarta, Indonesia.
May 16: Ode To You tour concert at Thunder Dome in Bangkok, Thailand.
May 17: Ode To You tour concert at Thunder Dome in Bangkok, Thailand.
May 24: Release of A-Teen 2 OST “9-Teen”.
May 26: Fifth anniversary VLive.
May 28: Performance at Korea University festival (also performing: 7ROPHY and Aria)
            ↳ CHARM U
The end of music show promotions come and promotions weren’t the event full group comebacks usually are, but management doesn’t seem too displeased with them either despite not having much public impact with the sub-unit debut. It doesn’t seem a comeback is being considered yet, but they were a useful experiment for the company.
Important dates:
May 8: End of music show promotions.
Schedules this month mostly consist of public performances: one university festival and two Japanese fanmeeting dates. The fanmeetings are to promote the single they’re release in Japan on the 22nd and to hype fans up for the full album release next month. WISH is back to touring next month, so the members should appreciate having only their flights to and from Japan this month while they can.
Important dates:
May 15: Performance at Yonsei University Akaraka Festival (also performing: Dimensions Soloist 1, Gold Star Soloist 1, and Fuse).
May 22: Release of “Fake & True” Japanese single.
May 23: &WISH Fanmeeting at Tokyo Dome City Prism Hall in Tokyo, Japan.
May 24: &WISH Fanmeeting at Tokyo Dome City Prism Hall in Tokyo, Japan.
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