#v: thunderous applause
aquamanandfriends · 1 year
[ the fact that Kanan is a year older ( born 33 BBY ) than Cal ( born roughly 32 BBY), Cal is in hiding until 14 BBY (Fallen Order), Kanan doesn't meet Hera till 11 BBY. So 3 years after Fallen Order... Just working through this timeline I don't think it's impossible that somewhere around 9 BBY (Jedi Survivor/Kenobi) to 5 BBY (Rebels s1) that they could have mad contact, both taking from the Empire already.
If the next game comes out and they don't Kanan I'll be disappointed but I have to hope they'd at least know each other are alive having been roughly around the same age and in the same Jedi temple. The next game has to be around the events of Rebels, no way around it. God I've fought adding Kanan since Rebels aired I just don't even know the fc I'd use and I really shouldn't make another Freddie muse lol
Ezra born 19bby, training started when he was 14 (5bby), 19 by the end of Rebels/Battle of Yavin. There's a 13 year age gap between Ezra and Cal, which, if they met I could see Ezra just instantly clicking with Cal but looking up to him like Kanan. Cal and Ezra have such similar personalities.... and the thought of Cal running into Han makes me laugh, Han wouldn't take him seriously at all but he doesn't take much seriously.
This might have me going a little nuts but I made up a time line because I need the visual-- I should add Ahsoka's important moments too this as well but right now I'm in my head about Cal and Caleb being survivors so young... ]
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weixuldo · 2 months
A Champion's Game
timeskip!ushijima x f!reader
Wakatoshi claims a win for Japan in the 2021 Olympics and you are able to witness his greatness on and off the court (established relationship)
word count: 6274
cw: fem!reader, fingering, Oral (m&f receiving), unprotected sex, cursing, P in V, they're v horny, minors dni
A/N: to my regulars who r here for vader and ani content- im sorry- something possessed me to write this after seeing one too many volleyball ads on the Tokyo subway tvs haha- will get back to ani stat (next fic is alr in the drafts hehe)
A deafening slam rang through the Olympic stadium as one of Japan’s monster generation players dealt the final (and winning) blow. 
The crowds were silent for a moment, taking in all that had happened- painstakingly long, intense rallies for God knows how long. Both the Argentinian and Japanese teams scored unbelievable points with both teams using their versatile and skilled players in just the right way. 
The match was stressful and every player was wearing down by the end but in the last moments one player unexpectedly stepped up. 
Ushijima Wakatoshi- a man of few words and even fewer mistakes- was the one that ended the match with one of his famous spikes. 
The arena bursted into a thunderous applause as Ushijima’s feet landed back onto the court below him. 
His chest heaved in exhaustion and beads of sweat trickled down his forehead- once he realized he secured an Olympic win for his team he threw his left fist into the air and yelled out in celebration as his teammates swarmed him in excitement. But his olive eyes darted toward the crowd in search for the very reason he was able to muster up the energy to score. 
You were sitting pretty close to the court as you were sitting with the families and special guests of the other players. Originally you weren’t going to make it to watch Ushijima at any of his Olympic matches- your job didn’t really allow for long periods of leave and earlier in the year you had taken time off to visit relatives. 
So a few months back when Wakatoahi told you the match schedule, you sadly shook your head and told him you wouldn’t be able to make it. Of course he was a little upset but he understood that your career was as important to you as volleyball was to him. 
He did well not to show you how much it upset him, but after dating the guy for years, you could tell he was down. And rightfully so- you wanted to be there for one of the most important matches of your boyfriend’s career. 
So for the weeks leading up to the Olympics, you had sneakily been networking a way to be able to come- every night after Wakatoshi would fall asleep, you’d slip out of bed to make phone calls, send emails, and work overtime on some projects that needed to be done. 
You weren’t even sure if all of the extra work would pay off to allow you to go, but you did it nonetheless- at least it gave you a chance. 
It wasn’t until a whole week after you dropped Toshi off at the Airport with a deep kiss that you got the glorious email from your boss allowing you your time off. 
You sped home and hopped onto your computer to book a flight; since there was so much air traffic due to the iconic sporting event there weren’t many tickets left, but you found one for the next day…
His last game.
The flight would get in right as the game started and after you factored in going through customs and getting a taxi there- it put you a little over the halfway mark; you reminded yourself that it was better to get there late then to not show up at all. 
The whole flight you prayed that you wouldn’t be too late so once the plane docked you were sprinting to customs and ordering an Uber in line. 
It had been a long 24 hours to say the least, but at least you made it. 
And oh was it worth it. 
Once you got to the stadium you had a little bit of trouble getting to the VIP/ Athlete reserved space but thankfully Iwaizumi was walking by and let you in. 
“I didn’t expect to see you here” the spiky haired man chuckled as he gave you a quick hug. 
“Ushiwaka has really been pouting about you not being able to come for weeks”
You blushed as you thought of your big strong boyfriend brooding in the corner at practices while everyone else raved about the upcoming games.  
“Yea, I’m honestly surprised, myself. I really didn’t think my boss was gonna let up” you admitted as Iwazumi walked you to the reserved section. 
“Well the match is pretty tight- but either way Wakatoshi will be thrilled to see you” he said before heading back to the coaches. 
The section was filled with other players’ significant others, families, and even a few of the older ones’ kids. 
You quickly recognized Bokuto’s sisters as they excitedly motioned you over to sit with them- the Bokuto’s were always so inviting.  
The three of you caught up briefly before the game entered its final moments- you excused yourself and walked straight up to the barrier between your section and the court so you could watch more intently. 
On the court, Ushijima felt his body wearing out- sure he was used to long matches but the stress and exhaustion of this match created was finally catching up to him. It wasn’t until he saw his excitable teammate look to the stands to wave at his sisters that he also spared a glance. 
There was no reason for him to look at the section since he had no one to look for, but he thought seeing some familiar faces might give him more motivation. 
He felt his heart skip a beat once his tired eyes landed on an all too familiar figure. No one would have known how excited he was because of his usual stoicism but once he demanded the next balls be sent to him his teammates all began to realize. 
Bokuto was the first to notice your arrival because you were sitting with his sisters but once Hinata realized the reason for Ushiwaka’s reinvigorated spirit, he loudly let the rest of the team know that they needed to toss Ushijima the balls. It was no secret to his team that your boyfriend was enamored with you and would become even more focused when you were around. 
Especially now, Wakatoshi was determined to win the match and show you just how hard he had been working recently, so he did just what he said he would. 
He won the game. 
And that’s where you were now, waiting in the stands with your hands over your heart as you watched your victor celebrate with his team before closing the game with the traditional respects to their competition. 
As soon as he could break away from the team he was running towards the stands with a wide smile on his usually stoic face. You waited in electric anticipation as he crossed the court for you- his taught muscles pulling, his hair bouncing, his tight jersey… he looked so damn good. 
Once he reached the barrier you leaned down and reached out to him. Breathlessly, he kissed the back of your hand and held it to his face, making your heart flutter. 
 “My Love”, his deep voice rang; raspy from hours of shouting. 
“You came.”
If you weren’t his lover, you would have missed the slight glaze of his olive eyes, a sheen of emotion only you could evoke. 
“I couldn’t miss it, Toshi” you smiled, making his heart race. 
Ushijima had never rushed off a court so quickly; he almost seemed to teleport to the showers right after the match. 
The media might have tried to dig up dramatic romance stories with Ushijima as the main star but there was no doubt that the silent opposite hitter was enraptured by you. 
No media outlet could replicate the amount of love that spilled from the photos of your reunion outside the locker room. 
He exited the lockers with the others, but immediately made a bee-line for you, pulling you into a warm embrace. Before you could even congratulate him, the brown-haired man had scooped you up into his strong arms and slotted his lips against yours. 
You gasped against him but gave in nonetheless; the adrenaline must have really been pumping through his veins because he had never been so forward in public. Once he finally broke the passion fueled kiss, he kept a strong hand on the back of your head as he rested his forehead against yours. 
He smelled of his timbery body wash and natural musk that you inhaled greedily, his olive eyes still shining brightly as you placed gentle hands on the sides of his face. You had never seen him so happy. 
“You did so well, baby- I’m so proud of you” you smiled as you pressed another kiss to his curved lips. 
He was just about to respond when he was cut short by an exaggerated wolf whistle from Atsumu Miya. Usually Ushijima would grumble out of annoyance when his eccentric teammates would begin their teasing, but he genuinely couldn’t care less today.
He gently placed you back onto your feet and returned to his normal stoic expression once his teammates approached; he readied himself for a bit of small talk with a large hand still snaked around your waist. 
“Hey hey hey, You must be pretty damn proud of your wonder boy, huh?” Bokuto smiled from behind the blonde man. 
“I definitely am, but I can’t say I’m surprised, '' you said before smiling up at him; Ushijima’s eyes had returned to their usual indifferent state, but softened ever so slightly when he looked down at you. 
“He’s been practicing really hard”.
Ushijima did smile at that. 
“But all of you guys did really well, I can tell that you’ve been working on your jumps, Hinata-san, your accuracy has improved a lot since the last match I saw you in Miya-san. Oh! And Bokuto-san- You always have so much power behind your spikes!” you smiled as the small group of guys in front of you basked in your compliments (especially Bokuto). 
Hinata blushed at your compliments while Atsumu thanked you; Bokuto on the other hand was getting a little too excited- asking you about his performance and how it compared to others. His enthusiasm didn’t bother you since you had known Koutaro for years but the silent man behind you was becoming a bit peeved. 
Wakatoshi wouldn’t consider himself a jealous individual, but when his teammates were in front of you basically basking in your sweet words (words that he wanted for himself) he was becoming impatient. In the midst of this conversation he realized that he didn’t even know how long you’d be able to stay since your work was so stingy- then he really wanted to go. 
He wanted to celebrate this victory with you, savor your company, make love to you. Basically anything but still be here. 
Ushijima was about to excuse the two of you when the other teammates came out of the lockers and friends, family and press came from the other side. Soon he was separated from you and flooded with congratulations and compliments from not only his teammates and their families but also people he didn’t even know began shoving microphones and cameras in his face. In the midst of his excitement and adrenaline, he completely forgot about the post game panel he was definitely going to be asked to be on. He clenched his jaw and calculated how quickly he would be able to get it over with. 
You didn’t mind waiting for him, after all this was his big day and he deserved all of the recognition he got, but you did know that he wasn’t the biggest fan of all of the fanfare. Once he was rushed into the after-game panel (which you also forgot about), you waited on the sidelines with the other teammates to watch. 
“So Ushijima, we saw you wearing down about ¾ of the way into the match but then at the very end you seemed to perk right up, hitting point after point! What reinvigorated you that late into the game?” a tall reporter with tortoise shell glasses asked. 
The cameras were on Ushijima again; he sat up straight and nodded before pulling the mic closer; soon, his deep voice rang through the speaker system. 
“Someone very important to me showed up unexpectedly.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at his blunt response; the media always tried to get headline interviews with him but he really just wasn’t much of a talker. 
“Any elaboration?” the interviewer almost begged. 
Ushijima thought for a moment before shaking his head, “None. That is what happened”.
Defeated, the interviewer moved on to the next reporter’s question. 
Once the panel concluded, Wakatoshi really just wanted to find you and go to his hotel but when he exited the room he was met with a lobby full of people eager to converse. He was running out of energy (energy he wanted to save for you).
Ushijima sighed when he finally spotted you across the room talking to Bokuto and his black haired friend from highschool… What was his name again? 
Nevermind. He needed to be alone with you. 
As he approached the three of you he finally heard your sweet voice. 
“Ahhh I’ve heard great things about that shonen! How do you like-”
Your eyes widened when you felt the familiar sensation of your boyfriend’s strong arm pulling you close to his chest. 
“Toshi! There you are!” you squealed, squeezing his forearm. 
“I was just asking Bokuto-san if he had seen you when Akaashi showed up! You remember Akaashi-san right? He was the setter for our highschool’s volleyball team when we were all at Fukurodani!” you smiled. 
Oh, yes- Akaashi Keiji, Bokuto’s boyfriend. 
Ushijima gave the other silent man a curt nod, “Hope life has been treating you well, Akaashi.” 
“It has, I see you have been doing well too. Congratulations by the way- you really are amazing on the court” Akaashi said before the other volleyball player began to pout. 
“Babe, you still think I’m just as amazing right?” Bokuto whined. Akaashi playfully rolled his eyes before turning to the buff man beside him. 
You watched the pair for a moment before you felt Ushijima tighten his grip around your waist- you knew his social battery was running out and that he was getting overstimulated. You turned towards him to see his pupils begin to dilate at your sudden attention. 
You brushed his cheek with your soft palm before pressing a tender kiss to his chest, “I know baby, we’ll leave right after this”. 
Ushijima hummed in response, he loved how well you could read him. He spent most of his life being misunderstood and making matters worse when he tried to explain; but it was just like a whole different world when it came to you. 
You exaggeratedly looked down at your watch before announcing that you didn’t know how late it had gotten. You bid the couple farewell before your boyfriend trailed you towards the private exit. 
He took your black backpack from you and slung it over his shoulder and held your purse with his free hand; he was always so thoughtful. 
Ushijima scanned the area to make sure there would be no more unwanted attention to disturb you and him; once he concluded you were in the clear he bent down to press a kiss to your temple as he gently held your head closer to his lips. 
“I’ve missed you so much, My love” he sighed into your soft floral-scented hair. 
“Where’s your suitcase?” Ushijima stopped to ask before exiting the facility.
“I just have my backpack and purse” you shyly smiled hoping your routine oriented boyfriend wouldn’t scold you for forgetting the necessities. 
But much to your surprise he just nodded, “No problem, I’ll take you shopping later”.
God, sometimes you forgot your boyfriend was a world famous athlete (with a world famous salary). 
Once you reached his private car, he tossed your bag in the back before opening the car door for you. His warm hand rested itself on your thigh once he was situated next to you in the black leather seat. The driver paid no heed to you and Wakatoshi as he kept his trained eyes on the busy street in front of him. 
With the hotel so close in reach, Wakatoshi felt his excitement (and something else) growing once more- now that he was away from the crowds and with you. 
Ushijima hadn’t even imagined how after the game would go if you were here because he was so sure you’d miss it. He supposed that he would just go back to his room, call you and then go to sleep, but now that you were here, he had no plan at all. 
All he knew was that your thighs were tensing with every brush of his hand and your nicely manicured nails were subtly clawing at his bicep. He hesitated before looking towards you because he knew exactly what expression was on your pretty little face and he didn’t know if he had enough self control left to hold himself back. 
Like the answer to a prayer the driver pulled into the circle of the hotel the athletes were staying in- Ushijima thanked the man and helped you out of the car before discreetly tucking his growing length into his waistband. 
You barely had time to marvel at the fancy hotel before your eager boyfriend was ushering you into the elegant elevator. He pressed the 11th floor and took his place by your side; of course he was eager, but he still had the decency to not go too wild with the risk of being caught. 
He snaked an arm around your waist and gave your ass a tight squeeze as he exhaled shakily. The elevator dinged and soon you were at your floor- Ushijima basically carried you to the room, key card ready to open the heavy wooden door. Once inside he shut the door and turned to you with open arms; you knew what he wanted and gladly complied. 
You jumped into his arms and wrapped your legs around his waist as he ran his desperate hands up and down your body. He hungrily kissed you while you raked your fingers through his hair. 
“I’m so fucking proud of you, Toshi” you breathed into his kiss making him weak in the knees. 
Wakatoshi took a moment to admire your flushed face and all at once he felt his high returning to him. His team just won their final Olympic match. He scored the last winning points. You were there and witnessed the whole thing. 
You were here.
He just won an Olympic match. 
Nothing could bring him down right now. 
He was brought out of his hazy thoughts once you began grinding your hips against his. He drew his brows together and groaned as you drug your manicured nails across his broad shoulders.
Soon he had you caged under his expansive figure; lying on the plush comforter of the large king bed, you relished the overwhelming heat radiating off of your boyfriend’s large frame.  
Ushijima felt every muscle in his tired body begin to tense as your burning touch traveled the expanse of his sculpted body. 
“Missed you so much” he panted into the side of your neck between greedy kisses and bites. 
His light brown hair was soft between your fingers as you lightly tugged the loose strands. He moved his attention to your clothed breasts as he pawed at the soft mounds through your tight shirt. 
“I can see that” you giggled as you lightly caressed the underside of his thick cock through his sweats. 
“But respectfully, Toshi- I think I missed you more” you said with a slight smirk as you quickly wrapped your legs around his waist and pushed him down onto you so that his bulge was flush against your pulsing core. 
His eyes shut and he breathed out a small “shit…” as your skilled fingers worked to undo his bottoms. As soon as the tie was undone he was quick to shove the pants down. 
Your breath caught in your throat as you clearly saw his thick long cock straining against the stretchy fabric of his boxer briefs. God how was Wakatoshi even real? 
Before you could finish drooling over the sight of his massive bulge, he had your bottoms off too. You had worn a matching set because you knew that no matter which way the game went, you’d still be seeing your lover today. Funny thing was that the match was so early that it was barely noon and you were already getting to it. 
Wakatoshi sat back on his haunches and just admired the sight before him. The large man’s chest heaved as he watched the damp spot on your panties begin to widen with every passing moment. If you didn’t know better, you would have thought he looked concerned, but you knew he was just taking everything in.
“Baby…” you cooed as you slowly sat up to meet his eyes. 
He quickly snapped out of his daze and tightly grabbed your hips; he kneaded at the flesh slowly but sensually, slightly running his callused hands up your waist. You couldn’t help but moan as one of his long fingers ran under the waistband of your panties, just to pull it back so it snapped you harshly. 
You yelped and squeezed your thighs closer together making Wakatoshi groan. 
“Take your top off.” your stoic boyfriend demanded in his usual flat tone, as if he were asking you to pass the TV remote. 
You bit your lip at the sound of his deep voice and quickly discarded the top. Your plump breasts were now on display for him to enjoy, though they were still being cradled by your fancy bra. A bra that was part of a special set Toshi bought you for your most recent anniversary- you really knew just how to drive him crazy. 
He leaned back down so that he was hovering above you as he slowly began to suck the exposed region of your left tit. You breathed his name so naturally as he skillfully unclasped and removed the tiny garment.
“No fair~ I wanna see you too” you fake pouted as you tugged on the bottom of his shirt, to which he responded with a grunt of acknowledgement. 
Soon he was pulling off his tight white shirt in a swift motion over his head, before tossing it into the growing pile of discarded clothes. You were quick to run your nails down his tight chest with a glint of mischief in your eyes, “much better”. 
Wakatoshi dawned a rare smirk and shook his head, “you’re such a needy girl, aren't you”. 
With an innocent smile you nodded your head and batted your pretty lashes, “Jus’ want you Toshi”. 
He exhaled through his nose and eagerly attached his lips to the soft skin down the column of your throat making you gasp. 
“Baby- don’t bite too hard, what if we have to go out later” you exclaimed, thinking about how the team might want to celebrate their victory later. 
Your boyfriend mumbled something into your neck before moving down to your breasts, he licked the sensitive buds before sloppily taking a tit into his mouth and palming the other with his strong left hand. 
His attention had you squirming under his hold, arching your back unintentionally. Wakatoshi could read your signals like no other, so he took the opportunity to snake his free hand around your waist and pull your hips closer to his throbbing dick. He was slick with pre already but didn’t want to give into his urges just yet; he needed to pleasure you first. 
Soon his kisses moved southward; eventually he had your panties in between his pearly teeth and he slid them down your smooth legs. You groaned as the cool hotel air hit your core and your hand immediately grasped Wakatoshi’s bicep. 
Wakatoshi felt an unbelievable wave of lust take him over as soon as he laid eyes on your pretty pussy. His dick twitched and he gave an experimental lick to your dripping core; he held an iron grip on your thighs as he shoved his whole face into you. 
You moaned at the feeling of his straight nose bumping against your sensitive bud and skilled mouth lapping up your juices.
Wakatoshi’s arousal pooled in his stomach as he slid his tongue between your folds collecting your essence. He devoured you as if he were a man starved; grinding his hips into the mattress below him every once in a while to release some of his building tension. 
Ushijima was a simple man with simple pleasures and nothing- nothing-in the world made him happier than pleasuring you. It was pornographic the way he buried himself into your dripping core, grunting against you everytime you squeezed your thighs around his head. 
“Mmph- T-Toshi, feels soo good” you moaned as you squeezed your eyes shut and tugged at his hair. 
Your praise earned you a deep groan from your boyfriend who swiftly inserted two digits into your slick hole in hopes of more blissful reactions. His cock throbbed as you swiveled your hips so that his fingers reached deeper into you. 
“Gonna- gonna cum baby- Toshi aahh” you squealed as you came around your boyfriend's thick fingers. 
Wakatoshi moaned as he happily lapped up your juices and clamped your thighs in his iron grip. Your body shivered with the echoes of your orgasm and before you could catch your breath you felt the warm lips of your boyfriend slotting against yours. 
“You taste amazing, My Love” your hulking boyfriend groaned against your lips. 
You clawed at his broad back before he rose to his knees to take in the view of your flushed face and marked body under him.
yYour lust returned all at once when you laid eyes on his painfully hard cock; it was so heavy that it was struggling to stand up, thick veins bulging with every subtle movement, dark tip and angry red just dribbling with pre-cum. 
You salivated as you observed the twitch of his large, circular balls each time you raked a nail down his meaty thigh. You needed to please him- you eagerly sat up and took a seat on your knees, face to face with his angry cock. 
Ushijima wasn’t naive, he knew what that position entailed, but he couldn’t help but lightly tease you, “What're you doing, Honey?” his low voice grumbled. 
“Just giving my Olympic victor a proper reward- is that alright with you?” you shyly smiled, batting your lashes at the man towering above you. 
Wakatoshi was at a loss for words as you kitten licked his sensitive tip before pressing a trail of burning kisses along his shaft, and finally lightly suckling his aching balls. Without warning, you returned to the main event and swallowed him down in one swift gulp. 
A guttural moan ripped its way from your boyfriend's throat as he balled his fists. 
Wakatoshi felt lightheaded as he took in the sight before him; the love of his life sitting on her knees before him, praising him for his victory- sweet lips usually reserved for tender kisses, making a mess of his throbbing cock. 
You had been with Wakatoshi long enough to know just how to rile him up; there was one vein in particular that ran up the bottom of his shaft to wrap around the left side that always throbbed the hardest. Initially you lightly followed it with the tip of your tongue to get his breath to hitch. 
“Baby~” he exhaled in a low groan as you gently squeezed his sensitive balls with your dominant hand. 
The vibrations of your moans and whimpers on his cock shot straight up his spine making him lurch forward and grip the mahogany headboard of the hotel bed. His wrists shook as he leaned over your back and bowed his head, getting a perfect view of your arched back as you continued swallowing his length greedily. 
He groaned with a low rumble at the sight; placing a large hand over his face and slowly dragging it down until it only covered his mouth. God- the image of you on your knees for him was enough to make him cum right then and there. 
But no. He needed to hold it a little longer.  
The enticing globes of your ass jiggled as your thighs clenched together in anticipation; so how could Wakatoshi not land a hard smack on your ass?
You whined on his dick and felt his tip strike the back of your throat suddenly, making you gag a little. Ushijima couldn't help the smirk that landed itself onto his flushed face. He settled his left hand tightly around the base of your throat as you pulled yourself off of his pulsing cock with a loud pop. 
Before you could realize what he was doing, Wakatoshi pulled you into a deep and messy kiss- not many men would want to taste themselves on your lips, but Ushijima always thought that was trivial. He loved you and all you did and had been doing was for him- why would he not kiss you? 
As he pulled you closer, you reached back in between his thighs to grip his meaty cock to continue your previous agenda.
“Feels so good~” the low timbre of his voice shot straight to your core as he praised you against your lips. 
“Mhmm, does it Toshi?”
He nodded before tensing and gently shoving you onto your back against the stack of pillows at the head of the bed. You landed lightly with surprise at the sudden movement; what was that for?
Your questions were answered as you observed your boyfriend sit back onto his heels with a pained and concentrated expression. His breaths were shaky and shallow as he fought the urge to cum; he gripped the sheets for a few seconds before slowly releasing the cloth once the feeling subsided. 
You giggled at his state- “What’s goin on baby?” you teased. 
“Need to be in you. Now.” he stated with a demanding tone as his olive eyes shot open- pupils almost completely dilated.
Instead of verbally answering you pounced onto him and wrapped your arms around his neck as you slotted your tongue against his, panting with each brush for his strong hands. 
“Shit babe- Let me go get a condom” Wakatoshi groaned as you began to pump his cock again. 
He gently released his grasp on you and started for his bag when you called out a pathetic “wait”. 
He immediately turned to you, brow slightly raised; “What is it my Love?”.
“D’ya wanna do it raw?” you shyly asked, plating with the rings on your manicured fingers. 
Ushijima thought he must have been dreaming, “Pardon?”.
“Do you want to fuck me raw, Wakatoshi” you stated with much more confidence, as you caressed your breasts for his viewing pleasure. 
Your words went straight to his dick because a thick gush of pre came dribbling out of his sensitive slit. Something in him snapped and he succumbed to his animalistic desires; before you knew it he was balls deep in your tight pussy, thrusting in and out with all of his might.
 No matter how many times you had him, Wakatoshi’s size was always an adjustment; he was just so big, so thick, so heavy. It was always a feat to stretch out enough to accommodate his sheer girth, but you did it everytime without fail. And without fail, everytime felt like it was the first time he was fucking your tight cunt. 
Ushijima’s grip on you was sure to leave bruises tomorrow, but today- you give any fucks, you just needed him to keep hitting that spot deep inside of you- that spot no one else could reach. 
“F-Fuck Toshi!! t’s soo good- Oh my Godd” you moaned as your eyes rolled back. 
“S’ tight for me- gripping on me so tight” Wakatoshi grunted as he struggled to pull himself back; your greedy cunt just sucked him in too far. 
“You liked watching me play today, huh?” he huffed as he slowly pulled himself out so that only his tip was left inside. 
“Y-You're my champion baby- s’ proud of you'' you nodded as you clawed at his biceps. 
He smirked and sank back into your warm, perfectly molded pussy with a guttural moan- “It was all for you, My Love. A-all f’ you” he promised into your ear as he resumed his earlier pace. 
“I-I’m gonna- I’m gonna cum Toshi! Oh fuck! shit-” you started stammering once he snaked his skilled fingers down towards your clit while still mercilessly thrusting in and out of your messied hole. 
Wakatoshi’s thighs began to tremble and he knew he was at the end of his rope; he was pushed further once your walls began fluttering and clenching around him from your orgasm. 
You came with his name on your tongue and arms around his neck as you pulled him flush against you. Nothing felt better than this- Wakatoshi couldn’t handle it anymore and wrapped his strong arms around you and began wildly bucking his hips into your tired cunt as you squealed into his neck and held on for dear life. 
He became sloppy as he felt his heavy, sensitive balls began drawing up in anticipation; “My L-Love, I’m going to cum- fuck- I’m cumming- I-I’m cumming” Wakatoshi moaned into your ear as he tried to pull himself out of the tight grip your pretty pussy had on him but for the first time in a long time, he wasn’t quick enough. Soon he was babbling apologies as he spilled his warm seed into your fucked out pussy. 
“I’m sorry, I-I couldn’t pull out. I’m so sorry” he wailed as his hips continued to involuntarily buck up with the remnants of his orgasm passing through. 
“It’s ok Toshi- It’s ok, feels so good- so warm” you babbled as your exhaustion took hold. 
He took a minute to catch his breath before gently pulling out of you; he cringed as his sensitive dick finally exited your warmth. Once he was out you whimpered a bit at the empty feeling before you felt him begging to clean you up with a towel. 
“I hope I wasn’t too rough, Dear- I’m sorry” he said, gently wiping his spend off of you. 
“No no- It’s ok Toshi, I liked it” you sleepily smiled. 
Once his worries subsided, Wakatoshi pressed gentle kisses to your peaceful face. 
“Thank you, My Love- thank you for everything” he said softly. 
You only hummed in response and waited patiently for him to return to your side. Tiredly, you turned over to rest your cheek on Wakatoshi’s large chest but as soon as you laid down his phone began to buzz crazily. You knew he didn’t have notifications on for anything except messages and emails so that definitely had to eb the Olympic group chat. 
He was about to silence his phone when you asked him what the boys were talking about. You smiled to yourself as you watched your boyfriend’s face return to its usual neutral scowl while he read the flood of texts. 
“They want to go out tonight to celebrate.” he said with no detectable emotion. 
“Oh that's fun! What are you going to wear?” you asked eagerly, wondering what fit he would choose tonight. 
But instead of answering he just quirked a brow, “What do you mean? I’m not going.” 
You shot up in shock with an exaggerated gasp, “Not going?! Toshi you just won your Olympic match and you aren’t going to celebrate with your team?!”.
“No. You are here and I want to spend time with you.” he stated very matter-of-factly. 
“Baby. I love you and I think it’s so sweet that you want to spend time with me- but you HAVE to go out” you whined pawed at his tight pecs. 
“But-” he began.
“But nothing! You earned that win and you deserve to celebrate”.
He sat silently for a moment, mulling over how to get you to let off a little, he just wanted to spend time with you. 
“They want to go out tonight but it’s already 5 pm” he said. 
Now it was your turn to think. 
“Ok, tell you what- how about I go with you and we take five minutes to chill, take a shower and then take a nap until we have to get ready to go out. We were probably going to get a few drinks tonight anyways,  right? And this way you have an out if the party is getting too hectic- you can just say I flew in late and am sleepy. How does that sound?” 
That was a solid plan, how could he say no to that? He hummed in agreement before placing his phone back down, drawing you close, and shutting his eyes for a moment. 
Ever since you entered his life the year after your high school graduations, everything in his life shifted. The immovable force that ran his life- the force so trained on volleyball and success was suddenly derailed ever so slightly. Now there was you; with your random interests, your beautiful smile, your tenderness, your heart. And suddenly life had more meaning; he had a reason to get up in the morning, a reason to get better, a reason to work on aspects of himself outside of his athletic performance. 
A reason to love.
Hello haikyuu fans who gave me a chance :) I mainly write Star Wars content but ngl being in Tokyo has made me get back into haikyuu lol- little secret I had a “secret” 10k plus anime tiktok acc back when anime tok was trendy in 2020- but dw I wasn’t one of those fans haha// toshi has always been my #1 animated man
Thx for @toshisdecadence for getting me inspired to finally write for toshi :?
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verstappensrealwife · 2 months
Race to remember - Lance Stroll x Reader
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fluff, smut
approx. 1300 words
warnings: p in v, fem!receiving oral, smooching, lance P1 🤯🤯
based on this request!
lance stroll masterlist - here. f1 masterlist - here.
It had been a long time coming. Lance was finally leading the race. With just three laps left, the Aston Martin roared around the track at an immense speed, and you were on the edge of your seat. Metaphorically, that is, because you were actually standing, mere inches from the screen in the garage—a definite strain on your retinas, but you didn’t care.
Two laps left. You hadn't moved an inch. The tension in the air was palpable, every fiber of your being focused on the car darting across the asphalt.
One lap left. You watched him intently, noting the six-second lead over second place. Your heart was pounding, probably double its normal rate. Your palms were clammy, your skin too hot, sweat trickling down your back. Anxiety gnawed at you, a wild mix of hope and dread.
On the final turn, he could see the checkered flag waving. The moment seemed to stretch endlessly, every second a universe of possibility and fear.
All the Aston Martin mechanics had rushed to the metal fencing beside the track, cheering and shouting his name. The air vibrated with their excitement.
Your body felt numb.
You didn't initially realize you were moving, guided by Lawrence Stroll towards the parc fermé barriers. Before you knew it, you were at the front, watching as Lance's car pulled into the first-place spot. He jumped out, stood atop the car, basking in the thunderous applause. Not only was this his first win, but it was also a home win. The crowd's roar was a symphony of triumph.
He hopped off the green machine and quickly went to get weighed before spotting you.
As soon as the scales flashed his weight, he dashed toward you, ripping off his helmet and dropping it to the ground without a second thought. He leaped at you, the metal fencing separating your bodies. Tears streamed down his face—you were almost certain—even though you couldn't see his expression clearly. The intensity of the moment, the culmination of all his efforts and dreams, overwhelmed you both.
"You won!" you cheered as he pulled away from the hug. He could only smile and gently pull your face towards his for a kiss.
It wasn't a long kiss, but it was deeply romantic. His lips were a bit dry, and his facial hair scratched your skin, but it was loving and tender. In that moment, it was just the two of you, lost in the joy and intimacy of his incredible victory.
Post-Race Interview
“So Lance, congratulations on your first win, and a home win!” the reporter began. Lance smiled broadly. “Do you have anything you’d like to say to the people to celebrate or to thank?”
He cleared his throat, shifting slightly. “Erm, yeah, I’d like to thank my the fans, and the team, obviously. Without them, I wouldn’t be in a winning car…” He paused for a moment, glancing down at his feet, then back up. “And my girlfriend, Y/N, for actually believing in me and supporting me… uh, yeah.”
He wasn't used to this much attention. Sure, he got a lot, but never quite like this.
“Hello, race winner,” you purred as he walked into the room. He had insisted you go home after the podium ceremony, knowing he’d be a while.
You were wearing thin, lacy lingerie in his favorite color.
He immediately dropped his bag with his race suit and helmet on the floor. “Fucking Christ…” he whispered, more to himself than to you.
He crossed the room in a heartbeat, his hands finding your hips and gently squeezing. His touch was electric, sending shivers down your spine. He was already uncomfortably hard, his desire palpable.
His hands moved slowly, almost reverently, up and down the sides of your body. He carefully unhooked the band of your bra, letting the straps slide down your arms, the delicate fabric cascading to the floor. His eyes never left yours, filled with a mix of love and longing. Every touch was tender, every movement deliberate, as if he was savoring this intimate moment with you, the culmination of a day filled with triumph and joy.
You took off his shirt, your fingers trailing softly along his skin and faint outline of abs, then unbuckled his belt, his shorts falling to the floor. The moment was quiet, yet sensual. No words needed to be said. You both knew exactly what the other wanted and needed. He undressed completely before guiding you to the bed.
He lay you down on the mattress and settled between your legs, gently pushing the lace aside. His tongue traced a slow, deliberate path up your pussy, drawing a soft sigh of relief from your lips. For nearly ten minutes, his tongue worked magic, each stroke sending waves of pleasure through your body until you finally pushed his head away, overwhelmed.
Crawling up your body, he placed tender kisses along the way—your thighs, stomach, chest, neck, and jaw. Each kiss was a promise, a declaration of his love.
“Ready?” he whispered, his voice husky with desire. You hummed with a small nod, and he gently pushed inside you. A moan erupted from both of you—his low and gruff, yours high and breathless.
“I love you,” you confessed, your voice filled with emotion as he moved his hips slowly, rhythmically.
“I love you so much,” he replied, his voice muffled as he buried his head in the crook of your neck and shoulder. His small groans were like sweet nothings whispered into your ears, each movement slow and gentle, savoring the closeness and intimacy of the moment. Every touch, every kiss, every whispered word was a testament to your love, making this moment incredibly sensual, romantic, and deeply personal.
His movements were slow, deliberate, and filled with a tenderness that made your heart swell. Each thrust was a reminder of his love and devotion, a silent communication of the depth of his feelings for you. His hands roamed your body, caressing your skin with a gentle reverence, as if you were the most precious thing in the world. The sensation was overwhelming, a perfect blend of physical pleasure and emotional connection.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer as he kissed your neck and whispered sweet nothings against your skin. The warmth of his breath sent shivers down your spine, and you arched into him, seeking even more of his touch. The world outside ceased to exist; it was just the two of you, lost in the euphoria of each other. His lips found yours again, and the kiss was slow, passionate, a melding of souls as much as bodies.
He held you close, his body pressed intimately against yours. His pace remained steady, unhurried, allowing you both to savor every second of the moment. The sounds of your mingled breaths and whispered endearments filled the room, a symphony of love and desire.
As you approached the peak of your pleasure, your grip on him tightened, your nails dragging down his back, your bodies moving in perfect harmony. The intensity of your connection grew, and you felt the world around you blur, your senses overwhelmed by the love and passion you shared. His whispered "I love you" echoed in your mind, grounding you even as you felt yourself soaring. The crescendo built, each wave of pleasure bringing you closer to the edge.
When you finally reached your climax, it was like an explosion of light and warmth, filling you with an indescribable sense of bliss. He followed moments later, his groan a deep, satisfying sound that sent aftershocks of pleasure through your body. He held you close, his movements slowing as you both came down from the heights of your shared ecstasy. In the aftermath, he continued to shower you with gentle kisses, whispering his love as you lay entwined, your hearts beating in perfect synchrony.
felt cute x
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mrs5sn0w · 9 months
Serenade of Shadows
I : A Dance of Shadows -> II : Whisper of Deceit -> III : A Symphony of Heartbreak -> IV : Fractured Reflections -> V : Shadows of allegiance -> VI : Echoes of Decent
Series Masterlist
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Young!Coriolanus Snow x Fem!reader
warnings: Arranged marriage, HEAVY ANGST, unrequited love, friends to enemies, enemies to lovers
Reader's surname : Flare
Time frame: Before, during and after tbosbas
Synopsis: In the events of Panem's political dynamics and the 10th annual Hunger Games, Coriolanus Snow and her find themselves entwined. Standing at the brink of an enforced union, 6 years later, their mutual trust unravels amidst a damaging misinterpretation, prompting Coriolanus to believe the wrong. As the glacial barriers guarding his emotions begin to melt, a revelation of profound feelings unfolds, initiating a sprint against time for redemption.
The air was thick with unspoken tension as the First Lady, confronted President Snow about the revelation made by Mrs. Crane. The coming days brought a heavy shift in the Capitol's political landscape as she embarked on her plan to modify the Hunger Games and expose the Crane couple's illicit dealings.
The preparations for the 16th annual Hunger Games were in full swing, and the first lady was at the forefront, orchestrating the changes she envisioned.
The air in the control room hummed with anticipation as she outlined her modifications to the Game Makers.
"I want these Games to be more intense, more unpredictable. We need to give the districts a show they'll never forget,"
she asserted, her eyes ablaze with a newfound determination.
The head Gamemaker, Octavius, raised an eyebrow but nodded in agreement. "Very well, Mrs Snow. We'll implement your changes."
As the arena was transformed into a nightmarish landscape, her influence was evident in every diabolical detail. The once calculated brutality of the Hunger Games took a macabre turn under her direction.
The night before the Games, the Capitol gathered for the traditional pre-Games banquet. She was adorned in a dress that mirrored the ominous atmosphere she had cultivated, took the stage. The cheers from the Capitol citizens echoed through the grand hall as she began her speech.
"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed citizens of the Capitol, thank you for joining me tonight. As your First Lady, I have taken it upon myself to enhance the grand tradition of the Hunger Games. This year, you will witness a spectacle like never before. I've modified the Games to push the limits of survival and test the resilience of our tributes. May the odds be ever in their favor."
The applause that followed was thunderous, but Coriolanus Snow, watching from the shadows, felt a pang of unease. He had underestimated the extent to which she would go to assert her influence.
The night after her speech and the modifications to the Hunger Games, tension hung in the air of the Presidential Mansion. Coriolanus Snow, unable to contain his frustration and anger, confronted her in their private chambers. The conversation quickly escalated into a heated argument.
Coriolanus, his voice laced with disdain, accused her,
"You've turned the Games into a bloodbath ! What were you thinking ?"
She was undeterred as she met his gaze with determination.
"I'm doing what needs to be done, Coriolanus. This is the Capitol's game, and I'm playing it better than anyone expected."
He scoffed,
"Playing it? You're reveling in the bloodshed! You think this is power? This is madness!"
"Madness or not, it's the reality of our world," she retorted, her words a counterpunch to his condemnation.
Coriolanus, fueled by frustration and a sense of superiority, underestimated her resolve.
"You're nothing more than a pawn in this game. Your modifications won't change a thing. You're not capable of understanding the true nature of power."
She was stung by his words but shot back, "You underestimate me, Coriolanus. I understand power better than you ever will. This," she gestured to the opulence surrounding them, "is just a façade. True power lies in the ability to shape the narrative, to control the minds of the Capitol."
His laughter was mocking. "You think you can control anything? You're a naive idealist. Your little modifications won't change a thing. The Capitol will continue to thrive, and you'll be nothing more than a forgotten First Lady."
The words cut deep, and she, despite her resolve, felt the sting of his disdain. Yet, she refused to back down.
"You may think I'm naive, but I'm not blind. I see the rot within the Capitol, and I refuse to be a silent spectator. I will change things, with or without your approval."
Coriolanus, unyielding, dismissed her with a wave of his hand.
"Change? You don't even understand the concept. This is the way things have always been, and this is the way they'll always be. Your feeble attempts at change are nothing more than a momentary disturbance."
In the midst of their heated argument, she was undeterred by Coriolanus Snow's verbal assault as she seized a moment to confront him about his own role in the brutality of the Hunger Games.
"Why are you so pressed, Coriolanus? Isn't this what you wanted?" her voice, though tinged with anger, carried a genuine curiosity.
Coriolanus, momentarily taken aback by her question, retorted,
"I wanted control, not chaos! There's a difference between maintaining order and descending into senseless brutality."
She countered, her tone cutting through the tension,
"But you've always admired the Games for their brutality, haven't you? You've reveled in the suffering of others. This is merely an extension of your own desires."
Coriolanus, unwilling to admit his own culpability, deflected,
"This isn't about me. This is about the Capitol, about preserving our way of life."
Her gaze bore into him, her eyes challenging his evasion, she scoffed.
"No, Coriolanus, this is about you. You've always been fascinated by the Games, by the power it gives you. You can't distance yourself from the very brutality you championed."
A tense silence settled between them as Coriolanus struggled to find a response. While she refused to back down, she continued,
"You can't play the victim now. You wanted a spectacle, and that's precisely what I'm giving the Capitol. You can't stand the reality of your own desires staring back at you."
Coriolanus, his composure slipping, snapped,
"This isn't what I wanted. You've taken it too far. You're jeopardizing everything."
"Jeopardizing what, Coriolanus?" she questioned, a note of frustration in her voice.
"The illusion of control? The carefully constructed façade of Capitol ideals? You can't blame me for embracing the very darkness you've always admired."
Their verbal sparring continued, each accusation and retort revealing the cracks in their marriage. The grandeur of the Presidential Mansion became a witness to the unraveling of a relationship built on political convenience and masked desires.
In that charged moment, Coriolanus Snow found himself confronted not just by the changes in the Hunger Games but by the undeniable truth of his own desires. The power he had sought now manifested in a form that challenged even his own convictions. His wife, unapologetic in her pursuit of change, stood as a reflection of the consequences of the very brutality he had championed. The intricacies of their relationship, once carefully hidden behind political maneuvers, were laid bare in the battlefield of their private chambers.
The argument reached its climax as her frustration collided with Coriolanus's arrogance. Hurtful words were exchanged, each sentence a dagger that severed the fragile threads holding their marriage together. The room echoed with the intensity of their discord.
"You're incapable of understanding anything beyond your thirst for power," Coriolanus sneered.
Her eyes ablaze with a mixture of anger and hurt, shot back,
"And you're incapable of seeing anything beyond your own reflection. This marriage is nothing more than a political transaction to you."
The wounds of their verbal sparring ran deep, leaving a chasm between them that seemed insurmountable. The realization that they were on opposing sides of a battle, not just politically but emotionally, cast a shadow over the grandeur of the Presidential Mansion.
The Hunger Games arena became a grotesque stage where the First lady, his unexpected tether to humanity, faced an imminent, brutal demise.
In the grim arena, her delicate frame seemed fragile against the brutal backdrop. The poison, a sinister creation of Coriolanus Snow, introduced an insidious element to the already perilous games.
Coriolanus Snow's heart clenched as he watched her lift the poisoned chalice to her lips in the arena. A chilling fear gripped him, and he couldn't contain his desperation.
"No, don't drink it!" he pleaded, his voice echoing unheard in the arena's cruel expanse.
too late.
As she consumed the toxic drink, the effect was swift, a cruel dance of life slipping away.
The poison's tendrils took hold, and a cascade of reactions unfolded within her. A subtle tremor betrayed the onset of its deadly influence. Her gaze, once vibrant with determination, now flickered like a fading ember. The poison worked its way through her, a silent assassin claiming its victim.
Unaware of the treacherous nature of the drink, she looked toward him, a trusting gaze that stabbed him with guilt.
"Coryo, what is this?"
In that moment, fear etched lines on his face as he struggled to find words.
"It's poisoned, y/n. Drop it ! Please!"
A flicker of realization crossed her eyes, and the glass slipped from her trembling hands, crashing to the ground. The poison, however, had already claimed its place in her system, and an unspoken horror hung in the air
Every step she took became a struggle, the arena's terrain now a treacherous adversary. The poison's cruel progression manifested in her weakening limbs, each movement a testament to the inescapable grip of impending doom.
The tributes, initially mere pawns in the Capitol's game, sensed the shift in dynamics. As she faltered, they closed in like vultures, seizing the opportunity presented by her deteriorating state. The once defiant first lady, now weakened by the poison's relentless advance, faced the impending threat of the tributes' brutality.
In the cruel ballet of the arena, her demise unfolded with a tragic inevitability. The poison, a manifestation of Coriolanus Snow's malevolence, became the instrument of her tragic end,
His wife, weakened by the poison's relentless advance, managed a feeble smile while stuttering,
"do you hate me that bad ?"
"I didn't want this"
"I just wanted....the Coryo i knew back" she gently caressed his cheek while blood came out from her mouth, coughing the crimson red liquid out.
His heart ached.
The arena, once a grand stage for political machinations, now bore witness to a personal tragedy. In that moment of shared terror, the boundaries of power dissolved, leaving behind only the raw emotions of a man who had unwittingly set in motion the demise of the woman he had never intended to love.
Her skin grew colder beneath his touch, each passing moment stealing away the warmth he had come to associate with her. The vibrant life that animated her seemed to wane, replaced by an unsettling chill that permeated the very air.
His fingers, once intertwined with hers, now registered a subtle but undeniable drop in temperature.
He could feel the rhythm of her heartbeat slowing, each thud echoing a painful countdown. The heartbeat, once a steady cadence that resonated with life, now played a haunting melody of departure. It was as if time itself conspired against him, dragging out the inevitable moment of separation.
In that dream-induced reality, the fear of losing her intensified with every passing moment, a visceral force that gripped him in its merciless jaws. It wasn’t just the loss of a piece on the Capitol’s chessboard; it was the unraveling of a connection he had fiercely denied.
In the disorienting aftermath of Coriolanus Snow's harrowing nightmare, the dimly lit room bore witness to the lingering echoes of his distress. The air was thick with tension as he gasped for breath, still caught in the clutches of the haunting visions that had unfolded within the recesses of his dreams.
Coriolanus Snow woke with a start, his eyes stinging with unshed tears. The remnants of the dream lingered, casting a shadow over the reality of the dimly lit room.
His breaths were ragged, and he could feel the wet trails of tears on his cheeks. In the disorienting transition between the nightmare and wakefulness, he whispered to himself,
The room seemed to close in on him, the weight of the dream still clinging to his consciousness. He wiped away the lingering tears, the vulnerability of the nightmare etched in his expression.
As he gathered himself, the echoes of her imagined demise reverberated in his mind. He couldn’t shake the visceral emotions, and the tears that escaped his eyes were a testament to the tumult within.
“Why does it hurt so much?” he murmured, a question left hanging in the air, unanswered.
Sensing his palpable distress, she rose from her position on the sofa, sprang into action. The soft rustle of fabric accompanied her swift movements across the room. Her usually composed demeanor gave way to urgency, her eyes reflecting concern as she approached him.
"Coryo," she called out softly, her voice a soothing cadence cutting through the lingering echoes of the nightmare. Her measured steps brought her to his side, where she knelt down with a graceful ease, a silhouette against the dimly lit room.
Reaching out, she gently placed her hand on his trembling shoulder, a gesture of reassurance and comfort. The warmth of her touch aimed to ground him in the reality that surrounded them, a stark contrast to the surreal horrors he had experienced in the dream.
"It's just a dream," she murmured, her voice a delicate melody attempting to calm the tempest within him. Her words were spoken with a tenderness that hoped to dissolve the lingering fear that had wrapped itself around his consciousness.
Coriolanus, still caught between the realms of dream and wakefulness, turned his gaze toward her. The dim light accentuated the concern etched on her face, the lines of worry contrasting with the usually composed features.
"I saw you die in the arena," he confessed, the vulnerability in his voice revealing a facet of himself he rarely exposed. The weight of the nightmare clung to him like a shroud, and she, perceptive to his unspoken turmoil, continued to provide solace.
Her eyes, pools of understanding, met his, and she whispered,
"It wasn't real. I'm right here."
With a graceful movement, she enveloped him in a comforting embrace, her arms a sanctuary against the residual fear that lingered in the air.
As she held him, the room became a haven, shielded from the phantoms of the nightmare. her touch was a balm, an anchor grounding him in the present.
The soothing repetition of her words became a mantra, gradually dispelling the haunting images that had plagued his subconscious.
Coriolanus, his voice a mixture of relief and lingering unease, responded,
"I don't know why it scared me so much. It felt too real, I hate you but I'm scared of losing you."
Her embrace tightened as she whispered,
"Fear doesn't always make sense. I'm here with you, safe and sound. The nightmare can't hurt you."
He nodded, the weight of the nightmare gradually lifting as her words sank in.
"I just... I couldn't bear the thought of losing you," he admitted, the admission hanging in the air.
"Then is it so hard to love me back?" she uttered, the words hanging in the air like an unspoken challenge. Coriolanus, taken aback, felt a pang of discomfort. The question pierced through the layers of his stoicism, and for a moment, the vulnerability he rarely displayed surfaced.
His gaze, usually unwavering, flickered with uncertainty. The weight of her inquiry lingered, and as she held him in that fragile moment, the room seemed to hold its breath, awaiting his response.
She did not get a response from him but Snow began to confront a truth he had fervently avoided—the fear of losing the woman who had become an unintended anchor to his existence. As she held him, the barriers that had once defined their relationship crumbled, and the night unfolded with a raw honesty.
In that vulnerable moment, Coriolanus Snow, usually composed and stoic, let down his defenses. As he kissed his wife, there was a rawness to the emotion—an unspoken language that surpassed the political complexities of their relationship.
His lips, once reserved, now conveyed a longing that echoed the fears and vulnerabilities stirred by the haunting nightmare. The kiss held a passion that spoke of a connection beyond the Capitol's facade, an unexpected bridge between two souls navigating the intricate dance of power.
She who felt the intensity of his kiss, reciprocated with a tenderness that transcended the lingering unease. The dimly lit room bore witness to this unspoken exchange, where the weight of nightmares was replaced by the warmth of a shared moment—a moment that hinted at the complexities of love and longing in the tumultuous world they inhabited.
The lingering echoes of the nightmare were replaced by the warmth of genuine emotions, as if the haunting specter had unintentionally ushered in a new chapter in their shared existence, marked by the scars of anguish and the fragile threads of a newfound connection.
yet, she remained oblivious whether he would end up loving her or not.
Taglist : @randomgurl2326 @princessloveweird @rosewine-5 @cookielovesbook-akie @qoopeeya @corpsebridenightmare @bl0ndelilac @unclecrunkle @puredreamagination @lofhdfn
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ghoulishlygrey · 4 months
The New Mrs. Dekarios Chapter Two
Chapter Two
Find chapter one here <3
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Gale Dekarios x Fem!reader/Tav
18+ MDNI
Tags: weddings, tailor!astarion, bride!reader, oral sex, cunnilingus, p in v sex, penetrative sex, wedding fluff, praise kink, soft Gale, sorcerer tav
Read it on Ao3
Words: 5825
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
You gave your reflection one more glance, you looked lovely. Your reception outfit was just as graceful and beautiful as your main wedding dress, just a bit more toned down. Plus you had donned more comfortable shoes, all the better to dance in. You had fixed your makeup, as it was running by the time Gale was done with you, so redoing it was a must. There’s a soft rapping at the bathroom door, and you pad over to answer it. 
“Yes?” You ask, opening the door to your husband fully, your entire outfit now on display to him for the first time. His breath hitches and he reaches out a hand to place on your waist. “You’re so beautiful.” He says, thumb rubbing soft circles against you. 
“You look stunning in this,” He continues, leaning in to whisper this next part in your ear, “I can’t wait to see what you look like out of it.” 
His words send a shiver down your spine, and you turn your head to capture his lips in a kiss. He returns it, hand on your waist pulling you flush against him and the other comes up to cup your cheek. 
You’re the first to pull away, giving him an amused smile when he gives you a pout. 
“We’re already late.” You scold, tearing yourself away from him and brushing right past him. He immediately falls into step behind you, descending the stairs as you do. “I can’t wait to have you, if it were up to me we’d tell everyone out there to go home so I can have you all to myself.” He says behind you, a serious tone lacing his voice that told you he meant it. 
You turn on the step, catching his eye before continuing. “You’re bad.” You tease, finally reaching the main floor. He just chuckles, reaching out to grab your hand as you make your way to the main door. 
“Kiss for luck?” He asks before your free hand can land on the handle. 
“So greedy,” You fake roll your eyes before angling your head upwards. He meets you halfway, slotting his lips over yours, chaste and sweet. 
“Ready?” You ask, hand finding the handle of the door. 
“Ready.” He confirms, dusting off his jacket.
When you open the door, you are met with thunderous applause. Everyone was in good spirits, some were already drunk, some were picking food from the buffet, some were dancing, and the rest were mingling amongst themselves. 
You were feeling peckish, having not eaten anything all day due to nerves. 
“I’m going to get some food, care to join me?” You turn to Gale, gesturing to the semi-crowded buffet table. 
“Of course.” he says, hand sliding to the small of your back. “Lead the way.”
So you did, weaving in and out of people, constantly getting stopped for hugs and congratulations, not that you minded, of course. In fact, you were so grateful that you had all these people in your life, you’d never felt so loved before. 
Eventually, you made it to the buffet table. You picked up a plate, Gale joined in kind. You fell into a comfortable silence as you both loaded up your plates, only breaking it to fake gag as Gale put something on his plate that you’d never be caught dead eating. That earns a laugh from him, along with a little, “Hush, you.”
“There you two are!” You turn to face the familiar voice. Looking at you with sparkling eyes was Morena Dekarios, Gale’s mother. 
“Morena!” You greet, mind flashing back to when you used to call her “Miss Dekarios,” but she was having absolutely none of it, shooting back with a, “Oh please, call me Morena.” 
You set your loaded plate aside, just in time for when she rushes you. 
She pulls you into a hug, “You look absolutely radiant my dear, positively stunning!” 
You return the hug, taking a moment to breathe in her motherly presence. Ever since you had been introduced, the two of you had been fast friends. You had had countless wine nights with her, just the two of you. You would recount your adventures to Morena who would gasp and throw her hand over her heart at the particularly harrowing stories, and she would tell you about Gale’s childhood and all the shenanigans that he would get up to. One story that you found particularly funny was one that involved Gale’s first experience with firebolt, a story you still tease him about to this day. 
“Thank you,” You reply, leaning back enough to take in her outfit. Like her son, purple was a statement in her closet, you had learned this from your countless meetings with her. Her house was purple, her couch was purple, her walls were purple and tonight, her dress was purple. 
“You look wonderful too, that dress suits you very well.” You continue, taking her hand and encouraging her to do a spin. She does, laughing all the while before saying your name, “You keep me young.”
“You’ll always be young, mother.” Gale chimes in, giving her a peck on the cheek to which she accepts gratefully.
She waves him away playfully with a lively, “Oh stop it, you!” 
“I will not,” He replies, but nonetheless takes a step back from her. He takes your hand idly, a motion so familiar between the two of you it feels natural. 
“So how about that ceremony, aye? Talk about beautiful.” Morena says, eyes following the motion of your hands as they intertwine. She smiles at it before returning her gaze back to your faces. 
“It’s everything I ever could’ve wanted.” Gale says, giving your hand a squeeze. 
“Mmhm,” You nod, smile spreading over your lips just as you think about it. A beautiful wedding at sunset. Now the reception was in full swing, the night illuminated by enchanted fairy lights. Everything was beautiful, everything was perfect. 
“It’s been a dream.” You admit, eyes sliding back from your fantasy and over to Morena. 
“I’m so happy for both of you, truly. I’m elated that Gale found you, my darling.” She cups your face, taking a good look at you before letting go.
“Me too,” Gale says, tossing you a loving look before turning back to his mother. 
“Well, I’ve taken enough of your time. I’m sure you have other guests to see.” She says, retreating her hands back to her sides and away from your face.
“None more important than you, Morena.” You say, reaching out to give her hand a squeeze.
“Oh hush now,” She says, but the blush on her cheeks betrays her. “Go mingle.” 
“Yes ma’am.” You say, picking your plate back up, “Right after I inhale this food.” 
Morena laughs, nodding as she says, “I see you have your priorities straight. I’ll catch you both later, dear.”
“See you later, Morena.” You reply, giving a little wave as she begins to walk away. 
“Goodbye, mother.” Gale adds before turning back to you. “Shall we make our way to our spot  to enjoy our dinner, dearest?” 
“Yes,” You say, turning in the direction of the head table. The setup of the reception was as follows; there were round tables all throughout the space, they were packed with as many chairs that would fit, as to accommodate for the absolute horde of guests that were attending. There was a space off to the right side of the patio saved for dancing, the bards were set up right against this spot for optimal dancing volume. At the top of the space, if you were looking at it from an aerial view, was the long table that sat all those who were a part of the wedding. The two seats in the middle were empty but off to the left sat Shadowheart and Karlach and to the right of the seats sat Wyll and a newly arrived Astarion. 
“Oh, Astarion’s here,” you say, pointing with your fork to where he sat, “we should say ‘hi.’”
“You go ahead, I’ll put our food down at our spots.” He says, hand held out for you to pass over your plate. You do.
“Okay, I’ll see you in a bit.” You lean up to kiss his cheek before turning away, once again making your way through the bustling crowd to get to the main table. 
“Darling!” Astarion sees you, rising from his seat at the table and coming around to meet you. 
He looks your outfit up and down, nodding approvingly. See, not only did he tailor your wedding dress but he also made the very outfit you were wearing. A little wedding gift from him to you.
“It’s stunning. Well, of course it is. I made it after all.” He laughs at his own joke and takes your hand. 
“So sorry to have missed the ceremony. Although I did hear it was quite something.” 
“It was everything I’d ever dreamed of.” You confirm, folding your freehand over your intertwined ones. 
“I’m so glad.” He smiles at you before looking around, “And where is the groom? I’m surprised he isn’t glued to your side as usual.” 
Even today, he just had to get his digs in where he could. You smiled, it was just so unapologetically him. 
“He’s around here somewhere, he said he’d join us.” You turn your head, scanning the crowd for your favorite wizard. You spot him as he spots you, a blink of recognition hitting his features before beginning to beeline for you. 
“Here he comes,” you point over your shoulder before turning back to face Astarion. He releases you from his grip to return his hands to his hips, presuming a sassy stance to greet Gale as he approaches. 
“Well, look who it is.” Astarion says as Gale takes his place beside you, his hand immediately going to the small of your back. 
“Astarion.” Gale greets, a fake politeness laced his tone.
These two weren’t the fondest of each other. They were civil, yeah, and for that you couldn’t be happier. 
“I was just telling your beautiful bride that I heard the ceremony was a hit.” Astarion says.
“It was,” Gale confirms, “Sorry you couldn’t make it, it was a dream.”
“That’s what your bride said.” Astarion hums thoughtfully, “Well I think that calls for a toast.” 
Astarion steps back toward the long main table, picks up three chalices from the platter at the center and passes them out. He then grabs a bottle from the same platter and reads the label.
“It’ll do.” He uncorks it and signals for both of you to hold out your cups. He fills them halfway before attending to his own.
“To,” He prepares his cup, lifting it slightly, “a lifetime of happiness. May marriage be everything you have ever dreamed of. I for one could not think of a more suitable match.”
He lifts his cup higher and you follow in suit. “To happiness.” You and Gale echo before taking sips from your chalice. The wine was sweet with notes of cherry and vanilla, a delicious red that made your tummy warm. 
“Thank you Astarion, that was kind.” You say, holding your cup close to your body.
“Yes, very kind.” Gale says, hand on your back tracing random shapes.
“Don’t tell anyone, I have a reputation to uphold.” He teases, flashing his fangs at you in a smirk. 
“I wouldn’t dream of it, can’t let people know you have the capacity for kindness.” You chuckle.
“I’d be ruined.” He says dramatically, “Well, I’ll let you mingle. Wouldn’t want to keep the star couple all to myself.”
“We’ll catch you later, Astarion.” Gale says, following your lead as you turn away from him.
“I swear, conversations with that vampire always leave me feeling like I just swam in a pool of spiders.” Gale says, when you’re both far enough away. 
“Oh, hush.” You swat his chest lightly, the smile on your lips betraying you. You found their feud amusing, it was childish and immature but nonetheless amusing. 
He led you by your lower back to your seats at the main table, your food from the buffet table was waiting for you and thankfully, it was still warm. Gale pushes in your chair from behind you as you sit, and you flash him an appreciative smile.
“Thank you kind sir.” You say, faking a regal accent and waving your hand like a queen. 
He chuckles and sits beside you, “Anything for you, my darling.” 
You feel a hand on your opposite arm so you turn, only to be met by a smiling Shadowheart, Karlach behind her giving you a similar look. 
“What?” You turn in your chair to face them head on, letting Gale chat with Wyll as you chat with your girls. 
“Why were you late?” Shadowheart asks, side glancing at Karlach who just keeps smiling at you.
You blanche, never have quite perfecting your poker face. 
“I had to fix my makeup.” You say, not necessarily a lie.
“Why did your makeup need to be fixed?” Shadowheart presses, shit-eating grin plastered over her pretty face. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” You say defiantly, fully aware that the jig was up, you had been caught. “All I’m saying is that I hope you had fun.” Shadowheart says behind her chalice before taking a sip of the wine. 
“Ohh I bet she had plenty.” Karlach pipes in, volume control still not one of her strong suits. 
“Will you both be quiet?” You say, hands coming up to your face to hide your blush. 
“A good shagging always helps the nerves.” Karlach says, tipping her own chalice towards you.
“So true, Karlach.” Shadowheart says, smirk only growing as her green eyes take in the state of you. 
“If it’s any consultation, I only clocked it because I know you so well. I doubt anyone else, save for Gale, would notice.” She says, her gaze finally sliding away from you and to her plate of food.
“Oh goodie.” You say, stabbing a piece of food on your plate with a fork and plopping it into your mouth.
You take this moment to look around the yard, gaze hopping from person to person. You recognized everyone, of course. Hell, you had saved most of these people’s hides once or twice, their face and gratitude forever burned into your brain. You had a knack for remembering people, especially these last couple months, you had just met so many amazing ones.
Halsin and Jaheira were standing under a tree along the perimeter of the party, you can only guess what they’re talking about. Perhaps Halsin is talking about the Oak Father, Jaheria is probably talking about avenging the fallen. You knew them both well, and loved them dearly. 
Lae’zel was at the buffet table, scaring everyone off just by her presence. She didn’t seem to mind, it just meant there was no competition for the food. Across the way you spot Rolan, Cal and Lia. Rolan is making little fireworks in the air for the children, getting many ‘oooo’s and ‘ahhhh’s. Dammon’s sitting at a table with some of the other tieflings, it’s interesting to see him in something other than the apron you were so accustomed to.
You look over to Gale; he’s deep in conversation with Wyll but yet it’s almost as if he feels you watching, and he turns his head to meet your gaze. He smiles, and you smile back, perfectly content with yourself in that moment. Everything was well, everything was perfect.
He says something to Wyll and turns to you, taking your hand before standing up. “My darling, I think it’s time for our first dance.”
You stand up with him, holding his hand more tightly as he guides you around the table and to the dancefloor. Shadowheart, ever vigilant, notices and signals for everyone to leave the space, that this moment was about you. The bards seem to get the message, ceasing their jolly tune and replacing it with a slow, melodic song, the perfect melody for a slow dance. 
Gale brings you in close, one of your hands goes to his shoulder, the other holds his hand out to the side. His hand snakes around your waist, settling at the small of your back and pulling you closer. The two of you had danced countless nights on your terrace, the sound of the self-playing piano pulling you into a familiar choreography , but now everyone was watching, eyes trained on your figures as you began the familiar steps, feet shuffling in rhythmic timing. He steps back, you step forward, he spins you around, you catch his hand and he pulls you right back. You sway to the music, he presses his face against the side of your head, breathing in your scent. 
“I could say it a thousand times and it wouldn’t be enough; you’re radiant, my love.” 
You smile, pressing a kiss to the side of his face. 
“I love you, Gale.”
“I love you too.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽。゚☆. ───
As the night dwindles down, you feel your stomach stirring at what’s to come. 
The last of the drunken guests are meandering out, the bards are packing up their equipment, the moon is high in the sky. Shadowheart, Karlch, and Wyll stay behind to help clean a little, but the bulk of the pick-up would have to wait until the morning. 
You bid your wedding party goodnight and watch them leave before turning to Gale and he wastes no time in capturing your mouth with his. You let out a squeal of surprise, he swallows it down, your tongues clashing as you meld your mouths together. Your hands go around his shoulders, his go to your hips as he pulls you flush against his body. You pull away.
“We should at least go inside first.” you tease, taking his hand and leading him past the main doorway. 
“I can scarcely contain myself when it comes to you.” He says, following close behind you. 
When you shut the door, he is upon you, hands at your hips and mouth kissing along the column of your throat. 
Your hands wrap around his shoulders, holding yourself steady as he makes a descent down your neck.
“Oh Gods.” You sigh, head lolling back to allow him better access. 
It dawns upon you that you’re in your living room, your eyes peek open as you tap Gale on the back. “Gale.”
He just groans in response.
He finally pops back up, pupils blown wide in lust. “What, my love?”
“We’re in our living room.” You say, hands sliding from his shoulders and down his chest.
“It would appear so.” He says, looking around, “And?”
You playfully slap his chest, “We can’t do this down here. We have a perfectly good bedroom upstairs.”
He lets you go and sweeps an arm out towards the stairs.
“After you.” He says, giving you a smile.
“How kind.” You say, rolling your eyes in a non-serious manner. 
He chuckles, giving your ass a gentle swat as you walk past him. 
You approach the stairs, looking over your shoulder to find him looking at you intensely, like he was ready to pounce. 
A wicked idea hits you like a lightbulb flipping on. Without breaking eye contact, you reach to the back of your dress, untying your laces carefully. When your corset is loose enough, you shuck it off, leaving it on the steps behind you. You’re left in your undergarments before you take a few more steps up the stairs. You pause again, thumbs going under the waistband of your underwear before you slide those off as well, your bra joins in suit and you don’t miss the way his breath hitches in his chest.
“Careful.” He says, a warning.
“You’ll behave.” You say, a serious but sultry tone lacing your voice. 
As you climb the last of the steps, and can practically feel his eyes traveling over your figure. As you reach the top of the stairwell, you hold out a hand for him, and he takes it tenderly. You walk like that to your bedroom, hand in hand, hearts full of love. 
When you finally reach your bedroom, your hand slides from his and up his arm as he wraps his around you, pulling you in for a passionate kiss. His tongue flicks out against yours as he seeks access into your mouth, pulling you ever closer to him. Your bodies press against each other and you moan as your hardening nipples rub against his suit jacket. You realize then you’re the only one in the nude, an unacceptable reality, as far as you were concerned. You pull back to tug at his jacket. “Off.” You demand, sliding it from his shoulders and it falls to the ground. He helps you with the buttons of the shirt underneath, you working from the bottom up and him working from top down until you meet in the middle and practically tear the thing off of him. Your mouth goes to the orb tattoo on his chest, kissing and licking up his neck as he moans low in his throat, one of his hands coming up to cradle the back of your head, the other has a hold on your hip, holding your pelvis against his firmly. 
Your mouth travels from his neck to his face, meeting his lips in a hungry kiss. Your mouths work against each other, pushing and pulling in a heated dance of passion. You can feel the tent in his pants pressing against your stomach and he moans into your open mouth as it rubs against you. 
“I need you.” He rasps, hands coming up to grope at your breasts, squeezing and kneading in a way that makes you tilt your head back and let out a low, breathless moan.
“You have me,” You say, hands coming up to card through his hair. 
“Now and forever.”
He smiles at you, tenderly, and he leans down to kiss your forehead. 
“I love you.” He says, pressing another kiss to your right temple. 
“I love you too.” You lean up to capture his lips in yours, he returns the kiss, hands traveling down your back, encouraging you to hop up and he catches you, carrying you to the large bed on the right side of the room, hands planted firmly on your ass.
He sets you down on the mattress, only breaking the kiss to undo his trousers, all whilst looking at you hungrily. He finally, finally, tugs his trousers down, letting his cock spring free. It was fully erect, angry with a bead of pre-cum trailing from the tip down the shaft. 
You spread open for him, putting your pussy on full display and he groans, drinking in the sight of you, all of you. 
He sinks to his knees in front of the mattress and in front of you, eyes traveling your body at this new angle. His gaze inevitably lands on your cunt, already glistening with your juices at just the thought of what he’d do to you, just how far he’d take you tonight, how many times he’d bring you over the edge. Because knowing Gale, it’d be at least thrice.
He kisses the inner parts of your thighs, wrapping his arms around your legs to keep them spread open as he makes a beeline towards your center with kisses and licks. 
You sigh blissfully at the feeling, hand reaching down to tangle in his swept back hair. He takes this as the go-ahead to take it further, placing a bold, wide stripe against your folds, earning a wanton moan from your position on the mattress. 
He continues licking at your center, angling his tongue and reaching deep into your hole. It was bliss, pure bliss as his actions caused the knot in your belly to tighten, threatening to snap with the pure love and adoration he was showering you with. 
He turns his attention towards your clit and you can feel your resolve disappearing around you, leaving you a moaning mess splayed over the sheets. He wraps his lips around the bundle of nerves and gently sucks, earning him a breathy gasp from you. 
You can feel your cheeks turn bright red as he sinks a finger into you, pumping in and out slowly, making sure to earn each and every moan and noise from your pretty lips. Soon, he adds another finger, stretching your hole deliciously all whilst continuing his in and out motions.
It doesn’t take long for the knot in your belly to snap completely, sending you over the edge with an orgasm that has you seeing stars and chanting Gale’s name like a prayer.
“I’m right here my love,” He says, rising to his feet and taking your hand, his beard coated in your slick, “Don’t you dare get tired yet, for we have only just begun.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” You say, finally able to see clearly again.
“Good.” He climbs on top of you, supporting his weight on his elbows either side of your head.
He leans down to capture your lips in a kiss again, tongue meeting yours as you open for him, legs wrapping around his waist. You can feel his cock against your stomach, fully erect and just begging to be touched. So you do, snaking your hand down your torso until you can grab it, gently stroking from base to tip. The friction causes Gale to gasp into your mouth, hands clenching the sheets from their positions next to your face.
“You have no idea what you do to me.” he grunts, eyes darting between your hand and your face.
“I think I have an inkling.” You say, finger swirling his tip as you spread the precum around the head. 
“I need to be inside you.” He rasps, planting kisses to your cheek, your temple, anywhere he could reach. 
You use your legs to tug him closer, pressing your lips to the side of his neck and sucking, leaving a mark . 
“So what are you waiting for?” You whisper in his ear, hands coming up to wrap around his shoulders, preparing yourself.
He doesn’t answer, he just smiles at you before looking down to align himself with your entrance. Slowly, gently, he pushes himself into you, causing you to gasp as your dripping cunt swallows him up, inch by inch.
“Gods, you’re wet.” He grunts, nipping at your neck and sliding a hand up your stomach, stopping at your right breast to squeeze firmly. 
“All because of you.” You breathe, hands gripping his shoulders for dear life as he slowly begins to rock into you, hips moving at an agonizingly sluggish pace as he warms you up.
It doesn't take long for him to pick up speed, nearly pulling out of you completely before pushing back in, each time earning little noises from your lips. He felt divine, every ridge and edge of his cock dragged across your velvety walls in a way that made you want to scream his name. “Gale!” You moan as he slams into you for the first time, forgoing his gentle nature in the effort to bring you pleasure, all while chasing his own. “Yes! Faster!”
He does as you command, slamming into you relentlessly and all you can do is hold onto him for dear life. Every thrust has him grunting obscenities into your ear, dirty little sentences that leave a dusting of pink over your cheeks and neck, and have you gasping for air.
“So p-pretty, taking my cock like- ngh- such a good girl.” he grunts through gritted teeth, freehand finding your jaw and anglining it to look up at him gently.
“Please- look at me..” Your eyes flutter open to gaze upon his face and fulfill his request; you meet his eyes as they stare down at you, watching your every move, your every expression. And then he goes to kiss you, a kiss that is all clacking teeth and mashing tongues as he continues his pace, steadily bringing you closer and closer to the edge of your next orgasm. 
Soon enough you’re at that edge, toppling dangerously atop it, ready to fall at any second. Gale is close too, you can tell by how his grunts have evolved into a near whine, can tell by how his hips have started sputtering and losing rhythm. 
“Oh, my love- I-I’m close.” He manages to get out, the hand on your jaw moving to cup your cheek instead. 
“Me too,” You breathe out, your own hands raking down his back, nails leaving pink streaks as they descend. 
With a few more erratic thrusts, you’re there, crying out as your orgasm takes hold of you, leaving you a shaking mess under Gale, who is thrusting you through it.
“Where do you want me to-?” He starts, looking rather frantic.
“Inside!” You gasp out, hands going to his ass to keep him firmly planted inside you. Soon enough he’s cumming inside you, shooting his warm seed across your womb and filling you thoroughly. The sounds he makes during this process are downright lewd and you love it, relishing in your joint pleasure. 
He collapses next to you, pulling you into his side. You rest your head on your chest, the sound of you both trying to catch your breath fills the space, he snakes an arm around your waist from under you, hand drawing random shapes on your hip.
“You’re so amazing. Perfect, even.” He chuckles, pressing another kiss to your temple. The two of you were still connected, you could feel him softening inside you as you laid there, steadily rising and falling with his chest.
“I love you.” You say, eyes traveling from the interior of the candle lit room to his face; he meets your gaze, freehand coming up to take your chin between his fingers and guide you down for a kiss. 
The kiss starts out slow, gentle, melding your lips together in languid movements as he moves you to straddle him, allowing you to lean over to have access to his lips. Eventually the kiss evolves into something else, something hungry as your tongue swipes at the seam of his lips, seeking access to the cavern of his mouth. He allows it, parting his lips open for you meeting you halfway with his own tongue. 
In another moment you can feel him growing stiff inside you, causing you to gasp into the kiss.
“Already?” You ask, barely breaking the kiss before diving back in.
“Mmm.” Is his only response, seemingly at a loss for words, a once in a lifetime event for Gale; he always had something to say.
You sit up, and he chases your mouth, coming up along with you. He holds you delicately, arms holding your hips as you begin to move in circles before up and down. 
“Ah-!” Gale grunts as you sink down on his sensitive cock before lifting back up just to do it over again.
Your thighs were burning, abs screaming with the effort it took to ride him like this, but it just felt so good, and every little noise you elicited from his lips just spurred you on more, determined to have him whining your name by the time you were done with him.
He pulls you tight in a hug, arms coming to wrap around you as you move in his lap, your arms return in kind, hands finding each other behind his back. He starts to move with you, hips chasing yours with every languid movement. His hips snap up to meet yours, earning a breathy moan from you and a strained grunt from him.
“S-so perfect, my perfect- ah!- girl..!” he barely manages to get out, the pleasure of your movements nearly rendering him speechless. You were in the same boat, moaning and writhing from the sheer overwhelming feeling of him filling you repeatedly. 
You’re approaching your edge again, teetering before completely letting you go, allowing you to fall once again into the pits of an orgasm, this one more intense than the ones before as it sends you collapsing into the arms of your lover. He supports you, holding you up as he thrusts you through the waves of your pleasure.
“That’s it… I’ve got you.” You feel the whisper in your ear before you register what he’s saying; your head was swimming with the aftermath of your orgasm, making it difficult to comprehend anything at the moment.
But you do, and it makes you pull him even closer, holding on for dear life as he fucks his way to his own completion. 
He finishes with a grunt, emptying his seed into your aching cunt, sensitive from all the overstimulation. You whine at the sensation, the warmth of his finish, the ache in your legs and stomach, you were thoroughly spent. 
You roll off him, fetching the sheets and pulling them over your panting bodies. 
You look over to him, the feeling of his cum dripping out of you was apparent and, if you were being honest, uncomfortable.
“My love,” You grab his attention, he looks over at you, eyes blown wide and still very obviously coming down from his high.
“Nevermind, I’ll get it.” you say, shucking off the sheets before attempting to stand. But he catches your arm and pulls you back onto the mattress.
“Oh, no you don’t,” He says, rolling on top of you and trapping you with his arms.
“What is it that I can do for you?” He peers down at you, using a finger to trace the apex of your nose. 
You smile at him, chuckling slightly.
“I was going to get a rag to, y’know, clean up.”
“Ah.” He says, getting off of you and coming to his feet. He goes to the water basin near your vanity, wetting a rag before returning and handing it to you.
“Thank you.” You smile at him before cleaning the mess between your legs. 
“Anything you want. You need only ask.” He says, opening his arms in an invitation to lay with him. You take it, snuggling up to his side as he pulls you close, wrapping his arms around you, one hand wraps around you to rest on your hip; the other takes your own hand, interlocking your fingers.
“Thank you.” He says, pressing his lips into your hair.
“For what?” You ask, turning your head from its position on his chest to look at his face, he is already peering down at you.
“For being my wife.” He says sincerely. 
“It’s my pleasure.” You reply, beaming up at him. 
He just smiles at you and after a moment says,
“The new Mrs. Dekarios… I quite like the sounds of that.” 
You smile and hum. You quite liked the sound of that too. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
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i0veless · 2 years
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𖥻 SUMMARY ー [ sometimes they're an unexpected chapter in the story ] 𖥻 PAIRING ー [ kylian mbappe x fem! guitarist/singer! reader ] 𖥻 GENRE ー [ social media au, band au, ex's to ???, angst, fluff ] 𖥻 WORD COUNT ー [ 4.7k ] 𖥻 WARNINGS ー [ drinking, smoking, mention of nudity, breakups, and insecurities - let me know if theirs anything else ] 𖥻 AUTHORS NOTE ー [ first post, and it's an idea I have had for a while - their is going to be a part 2 to this and Idk when I will write it but enjoy - ALSO their may be several mistake but plz ignore it 2 am and i can see straight ]
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Nothing felt better than this, the rush of Adrenaline and Dopamine kicking in, making everything fuzzy in the best way possible. Y/N lived for that rush, and right now was no different as she played her heart out on stage with her hands skilfully plucking the strings of her baby blue guitar, playing in harmony with her bandmates to the thunderous applause of the crowd. The song finally drew to a close, and the cheers became deafening. The musician felt at home looking out into the sea of faces full of twinkling phone lights, signs, and posters.
As the cheers died down slightly, Axel yelled into the mic, "Thank you, Rome and good night." followed by more applause from the crowd, and the stage lights cut off. The show was over, and dame where they beat, sluggishly making their way backstage. The group placed their instruments down before they crashed to the floor. "One more show left to go", Sabrina laughed. "Ugh, I'm gonna miss this", Onyx muttered in exhaustion. "Are you, though" Sabrina questioned, knowing her friend's lazy tendencies. "Hate to say it, but I agree with nyx on this one. I could do this forever," Y/n finally chimed in as she picked herself off the floor, grabbed four water bottles, and shared them with the group. "Now hurry up, you dumb fucks. I need a shower."
Paparazzi were annoying fans, and average fans weren't. That was set in stone, but the line separating the two was slim. So when people were shoving cameras in their faces and screaming at them to 'look here.' it got very annoying very quickly. The security team surrounded them like a herd of intimidating sheep, escorting them from the venue to their ride to the hotel.
With a deep sigh, Y/N finally shut the door to her hotel room, bolted it, and quickly stripped naked, leaving a pile of clothes in the bathroom. She bathed under the shower and let the hot water wash away all the day's dirt, grime and stress. Humming a light tune, she scrubbed her body clean with scented body gel and shampooed and conditioned her hair before rinsing. Now fresh and clean, she did her extensive skin care and posted a picture on Instagram with her, Sabrina, and Victoria from Maneskin, adding a couple of images to her story and making a quick tweet teasing the final concert of the tour in paris before turning off her phone and falling asleep. Safe to say, she was excited for what was to come, but nothing could prepare her for the storm coming her way, a storm called Kylian Mbappe.
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liked by sab.rina neymarjr and 10,434,594 others ➻ tagged sab.rina
yourinstagram night in rome as a couple🍷
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sab.rina wifey 🥰🥵 ⤷ yourinstagram mommy 😩😩
sab.rina you are fine wine ⤷ onyxisastone I don't like wine ⤷ user wow 🤣
onyxisastone couple of besties 🤪 ⤷ yourinstagram you're done... ⤷ sab.rina politely shut the fuck up ⤷ onyxisastone what did I do ⤷ axeman your only making things worse nyx so for ya only personal safety zip it ⤷ onyxisastone 🤐
maneskin 🫡🫡🫡 ⤷ yourinstagram 😘😘😘 ⤷ user stan maneskin and blood valentine for clear skin ⤷ user future collab?
axeman why was I not invited ⤷ sab.rina do you have a vigina ⤷ axeman no... ⤷ sab.rina then their is your answer ⤷ yourinstagram pizza? ⤷ axeman yes, please ⤷ user miss brina woke up and chose violence ⤷ sab.rina always 💅🏼
user bloody valentines friendship >>>> the world ⤷ user facts
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liked by ykaaar ethanskin and 9,643,124 others ➻ tagged yourinstagram vicdeangelis 
sab.rina my girls 
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vicdeangelissee you soon ⤷ user collab? ⤷ ykaaar 👀 ⤷ vicdeangelis 👀 ⤷ ethanskin 👀 ⤷ thomasraggi__ 👀
yourinstagram the pretty best friends 🥰 ⤷ vicdeangelis 😘
onyxisastone still trying to steal our band mates I see victoria ⤷ vicdeangelis I mean...
user maneksin and bloody valentine single-handedly saved this year ⤷ user facts  
user step on me
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yourinstagram . 23hr ago
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liked by thegossip celebritytheories and 11,213,194 others ➻ tagged yourinstagram sab.rina onyxisarock
axeman fight or flight
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Kylian knew it was wrong, but that had never stopped him before. He had lost all sense of morality the moment he lost her, as he lay awake another sleepless night with the bed feeling too big and empty, yearning for the feeling of another body filling that void. But it couldn't be just anyone, and he figured that out the hard way after many nights of drinking and sleeping around still did little to ease or mend his broken heart.
Letting out a deep sigh, the PSG player gave up on trying to sleep and decided to turn on the tv as he lay perfectly still in bed and flicked through the channels. Lady and the tramp was one of Y/N's favourites because she was a hopeless romantic. As the famous spaghetti scene played with romantic music in tow, the number ten couldn't help but feel heavy-hearted and annoyed.
Everything reminded him of her, but he didn't have the right to complain about feeling heartbroken. He was the one who left the stunning musician. So in some sick sense of karma, he did deserve it. Maybe this was how the universe would exact revenge on him on behalf of his former lover. Gift him success, money, fame - and every luxury life had to offer but leave a hole in the shape of the love he once had.
He constantly felt the overwhelming urge to see her face, like an itch in his brain that he could not scratch, to see what he had missed, to revel in envy and live vicariously through her social media posts and dream of a world where they were still together. He held a sick sense of pride that no one would know her as intimately as he did - but what if things had changed? What if someone else did? What if she had moved on? And let the moments the two of them shared slowly deteriorate from her library of memories to make room for new ones without him?
The thought made his blood boil, he knew he had no right to be angry, but he couldn't help it. How could he remain calm? When a usurper had taken his place in Y/N's heart, he understood that it was no longer his place to hold - but oh, how he wished it was. How he wished he could wake up with someone to hold him tight in the winter mornings, kiss him until minor bruises formed, love him through the highs and lows and excepted him with all his flaws. But he didn't just want someone. He wanted Y/N L/N, but unfortunately, not all dreams came true.
So Kylian did the next best thing; he stalked her. Clicking on the profile, he scrolled through the array of photos, her happy face, in different countries, with her friends, family but not him - never him. That was why he didn't want their relationship to be secret anymore. He was tired of being hidden. Because in the back of his mind, he thought Y/N was ashamed to be seen with him, obviously that was the furthest thing from the truth.
But he couldn't help it, so in an attempt to find some comfort, he suggested making the relationship public multiple times. Constant declining and excuses did nothing but further his insecurities to the point that he started to doubt their relationship. This only lead to more fights and, finally, the eventual end of the relationship, with him being the one to call it off.
As he stared at the same face, he shed a river's worth of tears with. He felt nothing but regret and guilt as he saw the musician's Instagram story, a picture from her band's concert in Rome. 'I don't want to love you anymore' in a bold red, scrawled over the digital screen in the background. Part of him wanted to deny any chance that this may be directed towards him, but another part of him clung to the idea that the musician was still in love with him like a wet shirt to skin.
So without thinking, he posted on his story replying to her first post indirectly, not even concerned if people would put two and two together. An hour later, Kylian began watching another movie that reminded him of her. Tim Burton's corpse bride, as the film played in the background, Mbappe opened Twitter and switched accounts from his offical to his secret. His timeline was a bloody valentines shrine of achievements and, more notably, Y/N's achievements, from videos of her and her bandmates at the Grammys and red carpets to their most recent concert in Rome. He watched them all, liking, favouriting and rooting for them from afar.
One particular video caught his eye, clicking play. Shouts and music met his ears as the video of the group performing the song 'second chance romance.' played with everyone in the crowd screaming, dancing and singing along. All he could do was focus on the lyrics. 'second chance romance doesn't leave us enough time for one last dance, with not enough time. You'll leave me begging you, please don't go, but even if you leave, maybe in a couple of years, I'll let you back into my heart, my dear.'
The song was for him. It had to be. Once again, acting on impulse, he posted the picture of the Tim burton movie and song title to his story before shutting off his phone. Mbappe closed his eyes and let out a deep breath as he clung to his last shred of hope that he could still have her back. He knew that Y/N's final concert was in Paris, and part of him felt happy that she was coming home. Even if it wasn't to him, maybe he would watch. He eventually fell asleep, unaware of the problems he had caused with those posts. But perhaps it was for the best?
k.mbappe . 22hr ago
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celebritytheories Football fans and blood hearts clash as the recent stories made by mbappe leave fans wondering if there was some relationship between him and bloody valentines guitarist and female vocalist y/n l/n. The rumours sparked after kylian posted a harmless photo of him watching lady and the tramp (one of y/n's favourite movies of all time) with a cryptic message seemingly replying to the y/n's story about her band's concert in rome, italy. And if that wasn't enough to cause controversy, the psg star then made a follow-up post on his story with the caption 'second chance romance.' which is a bloody valentine song written by y/n herself. As it recounts a relationship with an old flame and how she would be willing to rekindle their love, the reference was paired alongside another of her all-time favourite movies, the corpse bride. People's opinions are split, with some claiming that fans are just reaching. Others argue that the references were too cohesive to be coincidence and that the singer did spend four months in paris last year. With no more information and neither party addressing the rumours, there is nothing but speculation. With bloody Valentine, the final stop on their world tour is in Paris, and people are wondering if PSG's number star will be among the crowd.
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user it's offical everyone has fucking lost it
user am I the only one who thinks that they would make a cute couple? liked by celebritytheories
user naurrr y/n is for the gayyys ⤷ user she's bi
user nahhh I smell cap
user but why does this actually make sense ⤷ user I know right?!?!?! ⤷ user so ship? ⤷ user yeah def ⤷ user brb gonna go write some fanfiction for them ⤷ user go touch some fucking grass ⤷ user no thank you 🥰
user stay away from my future wife you mutant turtle 🤺🤺🤺
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liked by bloodyvalentine maneskin and 1,832,483 others
thegossip band bloody valentine has finally landed in pairs for their last concert on their bloody revenge world tour, with rumours circulating that the Italian band maneskin will also be expected to make an appearance, but nothing has been confirmed.
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thebloodyvalentine 👀 ⤷ sab.rina 👀 ⤷ axeman 👀 ⤷ yourinstagram 👀 ⤷ maneskin 👀 ⤷ onyxisastone 🫦 ⤷ user 🤣🤣🤣
user I would sell my soul to see them live
user am I the only one who is wondering if the y/n and kylian rumours are true? ⤷ user same ⤷ user y/n is to good for kylian ⤷ user facts
user google how to become the floor
user god they could step on me and I would say thank you 🥵 ⤷ user same ⤷ user ya'll need to ask for forgiveness from god ⤷ user rich coming from someone who follows the hub
user I want vic from maneksin and y/n bloody valentine to peg me
user 🔥🔥🔥
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Love was a complicated emotion, but the dread that she was experiencing was the furthest thing from it. Y/N had been worried about everything but the paparazzi, from the jet to the car to the hotel. She leaned against the hotel room's balcony with a cigarette and a flute of champagne in hand. She felt the sicking sense of nostalgia creep down her spine as she watched the twinkling lights of the Eiffel tower.
The cold wind gently knocked against her frigid skin, reminding her that at the same time last year, she was in the warm embrace of the supposed man of her dreams - Kylian Mbappe. But it wasn't meant to be. Even if she wished it was, it wouldn't change the truth. They were over and had been over for nearly a year, so why he decided to start writing cryptic messages and references directed at her was a surprise. Her head had convinced her that he was bored, and her heart said that he still loved her, but whatever the PSG player was doing was not appreciated.
The squeak of the balcony door stopped her rabbit hole of reminiscing as her best friend and fellow bandmate Sabrina joined her on the balcony. "Feels nice to be back, doesn't it?" the bassist asked. All Y/N could respond with was a whispered 'yeah' as she tried to convince herself and her friend that she was unbothered. "Angel, you know you are great at many things, but lying is not one of them."
With a deep sigh of frustration, the guitarist downed the rest of her champagne before placing the glass on the floor. Taking another long drag of her cigarette, leaned her back against the railing. "It's just…memories." She trailed off slightly, looking at her friend with a heavy sadness in her eyes. "Your thinking about the posts", Sabrina gently interrogated as she leaned against the rails and began to smoke. "It's hard not to when it's splashed all over gossip sites", the guitarist softly answered as she took one final drag of her cigarette before extinguishing it in the ashtray.
"You know, maybe it's well-aligned coincidences", Sabrina half-heartedly joked to make her friend smile - which she did. But only for a brief moment, as the gloom of memories crept over her once more. "You and I both know those posts were anything but coincidence, Brina," Y/N spoke with a sad smile. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, you're probably not going to see him, " her friend uttered, trying to comfort her sad companion.
"Oddly enough, that makes me feel slightly worse that better." as tears start to well in her eyes, Y/N lights a fresh cigarette - Kylian hated when she smoked, which was the exact reason she did it often. "You still in love with him" the dreaded question slipped through her friend's lips, and the two stood in a moment's worth of silence. "I don't think I ever stopped. I only learned how to act like I didn't."
"to be honest, I always thought that you two would get married", Sabrina sighed as she thought about all the times she saw her friend and the football star looking hopelessly in love during their relationship. But no love story was perfect, and Y/N and Kylian's was no different. "yeah, me too," Y/N whispered with unshed tears. Sabrina knew why they ended, as Kylian's constant need to make their relationship public tore them apart.
And the 18-year-old Y/N was hesitant, and she didn't want unnecessary attention from the media, who already had an affinity for making baseless dating accusations against her. But Sabrina could understand why Kylian didn't want to keep their relationship secret - he wanted to show the world how much he loved his girl. But at the same time, Y/N had a different idea for their relationship, wanting to keep it private and avoid people making unnecessary comments towards both of them. She was trying to protect him, but did he need protection in the first place?
After a few more moments of peaceful silence, the two girls agreed to go back inside as the cold worsened. Stepping back into the warm hotel room, their other two bandmates lay on the sofa with a drink in hand and not a care in the world. Looking up from his phone Onyx smiled at the pair "nice of you to rejoin the party." the drummer laughed as he handed the two a beer bottle each as they seated themselves in the empty loveseat.
"Good to know you're still not completely shit-faced", Y/N snickered, taking a sip of her beer, "Don't worry, the night is still young," the man said in a fit of laughter. "Give it ten minutes, and he'll be out like a light", Axel finally chimed in. The other guitarist and male vocalist chuckled at the state of his bandmate. "Nah, I give it five", Sabrina countered. "You people have no faith in me", the intoxicated drummer whined in protest. The group laughed in innocent bliss, revelling in each other's company, only to be interrupted by a knock at the door.
Looking in the direction of the nock, Axel sighed, "alright, fess up. Who ordered takeout." looking towards his friends, who all denied doing such a thing - but that didn't convince him. Pushing himself up from the sofa and walking towards the door, making sure to grab his wallet in the process, he grumbled incoherently while the other three just looked at each other confused. Opening the door, Axel was met with the face of their manager, not a delivery boy. "False alarm, it's just Johnny ", he yelled to the others, who groaned at the thought of no food.
Letting the older man into the room, they offered him a beer, which he accepted graciously before taking a seat on an empty stool. "So your probably wondering what I'm doing here, so I'll get straight to it. As you know, tomorrow is the day before your last concert on tour, and I just got a call from the higher-ups. They want you to attend the PSG vs Man City match tomorrow and get the most publicity out of these stupid rumours about Y/N and Mbappe." Johnny spoke as the group listened intently to their manager, oblivious to the fact that these rumours were true, which made him look stupid, but they chose not to say anything. Well, this was an exciting turn of events.
yourinstagram . 12hr ago
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sab.rina . 6hr ago
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Y/N had been uneasy since the morning as she sat in the car on her way to the game. She was questioning her life choices as she tried to find ways to escape this uncomfortable situation, but her back was against the wall. It took all her strength not to reach from her seat behind the driver and grab the wheel to force him to turn the car around. Part of her hated Johnny for this, but the other part couldn't be mad at him for something he didn't know or could control.
Finally, stopping in front of Parc Des Princes Paris. Home to PSG and her ex-boyfriend Y/N felt like she was dying. Stepping out of the car, she looked up at the enormous stadium as she felt a hand intertwined with hers. Turning slightly, she met Sabrina's gaze giving her a reassuring smile to her friend that she was 'fine'. The group walked in like a scene out of an action movie as security escorted them to their seats in the VIP lounge.
As fans flooded into the stadiums as chants and singing began - football fans were a different breed of human. A little while later, the pre-kick of formalities had started. Both teams make their way onto the field, standing in line with the children in front of them. As the camera panned across all of the player's faces, Y/N's heartbeat quickened slightly at the sight of the PSG number seven. Her heart screams at his effortlessly attractive disposition, even if her head screams to ignore him. But that had been challenging to do when every fibre of her being was still calling out to him.
Y/N was choosing to swat away the intrusive thoughts and enjoy the game, as that was the point of being there, even if it was mixed up in a publicity bit. As the game began, the guitarist was on the edge of her seat as the two teams went head to head. One of the most intriguing clashes amid the match was between Mbappe and Halland, as the two promising talents battled it out in what seemed to be far bigger than just a football match - it was personal. There was a purpose behind every tackle and interception, not just to win but to make a point to the other.
By the end of the first half, it was 1-1, with both teams equally matched in skill, speed, and defence, meaning there were very few windows to score. As much as she didn't want to come, Y/N was genuinely surprised at how much she was enjoying herself. If it weren't for the fact that everyone knew they were here (courtesy of the cameras showing their reactions to the goals on the large screen) and that her ex-boyfriend was in the same vicinity as her, she would have classed this as a near-perfect experience.
"They're good, aren't they?" Axel spoke in awe as he took a sip of his coke, "yeah, I mean did you see Halland score that goal!" Onyx said with elevated enthusiasm - he was a man city stan. "technically, aren't we meant to be supporting PSG as they were the ones who invited us?" Sabrina questioned, making an excellent point. Why would PSG invite them when one of their star players was making headlines for all the wrong reasons with a member of the band they asked to watch? "Well, it's a free country, and I'm going to support Halland," Onyx said firmly with his support for the light blues.
"Suck his ass more like." Y/N chimed in, giving Brina a high five as the two laughed at their friend's obsession with Earling Halland. As the group talked about the game and enjoyed their VIP benefit food, the second half started, and it did not disappoint. Mbappe and Messi followed Neymar and scored a goal each, but the field was quickly made even by Phil Foden and Jack Grealish. The game ended 3-3, much to each side's disappointment, but they all played their best and put on a fantastic show of skill.
Standing up from their seats, the group cheered along with the rest of the audience of fans before they began to grab their things and get ready to leave, like everyone else. But a text message from Johnny altered their plans drastically, "Oh shit", Onyx cursed, looking at his friends. "Have you guys read what johnny boys said on the group chat" Taking the silence as a 'no', he continued, "apparently, were going to be taken by security to meet the PSG team"
If Y/N wasn't freaking out before, she sure was now. Sensing her distress, her friends jumped in to comfort her. "Hey baby, listen, we don't have to if you don't want to", Axel said, trying to comfort his best friend as she looked like she was on the verge of tears at the thought of being in the same room as her ex. "No, no, we have to. I don't want management to know somethings up." the girl sighed as she tried to compose herself as she began to walk down to the reception.
They were taken back into the restricted area, Y/N was now in fight or flight mode, and in a last-ditch attempt, she asked where the bathroom was. Walking towards the restroom, she could feel her bandmates concerned gazes as the guitarist and singer walked into the bathroom. Splashing cold water over her face, looking at her reflection in the mirror, she felt her solid resolve deteriorating with every passing second.
"You look like you have been through it" not even bothering to turn around, she looked through the mirror and saw Earling Halland leaning against one of the stalls near the door. "You could say that." turning around to face him, giving him a small smile. "Hope it wasn't because of the outcome of the match." he joked lightly, seeing the girl's tense demeanour and deciding that she needed a laugh.
"No, it was anything but that. It's not every day you get to see Earling the robot Halland play live." the Norwegian star met her gaze with a stunned expression riddled across his face. "You know who I am?" he asked in shock, and all Y/N could do was laugh. "Of course, I know who you are. It's difficult not to when my bandmate constantly professes his undying love for you." Erling flushed pink as he muttered a small 'wow', "Yeah, don't underestimate your reputation. Onyx asked to become you for Christmas."
As the two laughed at the ridiculous request, "well, looks like he's not the only one with an impossible Christmas gift since all of your concert tickets are sold out, " the blond confessed, which shocked the singer. "You listen to our music," Y/N asked, pointing from him to herself when he nodded without hesitation. "Not just me. The whole man-city squad loves your music, and we were planning to see you live in London, but the tickets sold out so fast."
"Okay, I see a way we can solve both our problems. You get me one of your signed jerseys I will get you and the rest of your squad tickets to tomorrow's concert" Boy, did that make him happy he asked if she was being serious, and when she responded with a firm yes, she was flung into a hug. "Okay, okay, I can get you that jersey and do you one better I can get the whole squad to sign it." the blond Norwegian said, breaking away from the embrace.
"Wait, you would do that?" Y/N asked in surprise that the player was willing to do so much for someone he had just met, and another nod had her smiling like an idiot. "You, my friend, have just earned you and the rest of your team tickets to tomorrow's concert and an invite to the after-party." the two talked through the details, exchanging numbers and bidding each other goodbye. Safe to say that she felt much happier as she walked towards her dreaded destination. Wonder how long that's going to last.
onyxisarock . 4hr ago
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thegossip Bloody valentine spotted at the recent psg vs man city game
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lady-jane-asher · 6 months
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April 5th 2024, happy beloved 78th birthday to the one and only Jane! She’s been my inspiration for around 12 years since I first discovered about her. It’s been a wonderful journey getting to share new pictures I find, my scans, colourisations and accurate information in regards of the pictures I found. May I be able to meet her one day. 🤍
This post will be divided in two, as the picture shown was used for two different newspapers that I scanned therefore the subtle mark on the photos. And you might have seen the photos with my old username so I am sharing them with the new one!
Jane Asher and Gawn Grainger as Juliet Capulet and Romeo in “Romeo and Juliet” presentation while being on tour in the USA, 1967.
First picture is my edition and enhancement from historical picture auction scan, second one is my scan from the newspaper, and third one is the scan of the newspaper.
Jane Asher-More Than a Beatle's Bird
In cities all across the U.S. this spring Beatle fans are swarming to a touring production of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet staged by the Bristol Old Vic Company. When Juliet appears on stage for the first time the reaction is almost always the same. Applause thunders through the theater. Flash bulbs pop—electrifying the scene like summer lightning. At the end of the play young girls scream the name of the actress who plays Juliet: "Jane Asher! Jane Asher!" This is the girl they have come to see. To a Beatle fan Jane Asher's romance is even more exciting than the story of Romeo and Juliet. Jane Asher, in case you haven't heard, is the girl friend of Paul McCartney-the last unmarried Beatle.
An Interview With Jane
To find out what kind of girl dates a Beatle and also has enough talent to
perform in one of England's most respected theatre groups, CURRENT EVENTS Editor Nancy Malone talked to Jane Asher in New York City. The 20-year-old actress seemed puzzled when asked why teen-age girls scream for her. "I don't really know," she said “and I don’t think they’re quite sure themselves. Once they’re with me, they seem a little lost and aren’t sure what to do or say”.
Miss Asher, in contrast to her fans, is not at all confused. She is looking the forward to a successful career in the theatre—on her own merit, not because of her friendship with a Beatle. The actress with the golden-red hair is well on her way to stardom. Her portrayal of Juliet with England’s Bristol Old Vic company has been highly praised. The company is nearing the end of 16-city american tour, which began in Boston last January. After appearances next month in Bloomington, Ind., Detroit, and Cleveland, the company will perform at expo 67 in Montreal. Then the actors and actresses will retur to England.
Does Jane Asher hope to do more Shakespeare? "Oh, yes." she said, “I'd like to do all the Shakespearean heroines-especially Lady Macbeth. But I'd also like to do modern comedy. I wouldn't like ever to stick to just one thing. For example, I don't want to do all movies or all stage. Though if I had to choose, I'd choose stage. I like having a live audience.
Movie Fame Unimportant
"I know you can become more famous by being in movies,", Jane said. "but I've had a taste of that kind of glamor, and I know I don't want it. I want to be a good actress." Jane, who has been acting since she was five years old, comes from a show business family. Her brother, Peter Asher, has toured the U.S. several times. He makes up one-half of the popular singing duo Peter and Gordon.
But Jane hesitates to encourage outer young people to become entertainers. "It's really not the glamorous life people imagine. It's hard work with rehearsals all day and shows every night. And when you come right down to it, acting is really only pretending you're something else on stage." Although Jane made several films during her childhood, she attended regular m schools—not acting schools for m professionals. "I'm glad I got a normal education," she said. "I think it gave me a more balanced view of life. In addition to several Shakespearean roles, Jane has played Alice in Alice in Wonderland, Wendy in Peter Pan, and Eliza Doolittle in Pygmalion. Juliet, however, is the highlight of her career.
Jane and the Bard
She is particularly delighted that she is helping to acquaint American teenagers with Shakespeare. She commented on her own attitude as a 13-year-old: "I suppose I felt as all English schoolchildren do-that Shakespeare was pretty dull stuff with lots of language I didn't understand. I know I wasn't mad about it." Now, at 20, she believes that Shakespeare wrote "the greatest roles in the world." She added: "On this tour, I've gotten a lot of mail and it has meant a great deal to me. Some of the letters from kids say “We came to see you. We were so surprised. We really liked the play.” “That’s great. That’s a real accomplishment to me —as an actress”.
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𝔉𝔯𝔬𝔪 ℭ𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔳𝔞𝔩 𝔱𝔬 ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔪𝔬𝔪𝔦𝔩𝔢
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Chapter 1
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ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ --- ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ ɪꜱ ꜰɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴅᴏɴᴇ! ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴏʀᴅᴇʀ ᴛᴏ ɴᴏ ᴏɴᴇ'ꜱ ꜱᴜʀᴘʀɪꜱᴇ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱʜᴏᴡꜱ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʜᴇɴᴅʀʏᴋ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴍᴀʀᴀ'ꜱ ʟɪꜰᴇ ɪꜱ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀʀɴɪᴠᴀʟ, ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ɴᴇᴡ ᴀᴄᴛ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙɪɢ ᴛᴏᴘ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀ ʙɪɢ ᴍᴀɴ ᴛᴏ ɪᴍᴘʀᴇꜱꜱ! ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ ᴏꜰ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴄᴀʀɴɪᴠᴀʟ ᴛᴏ ᴄʜᴀᴍᴏᴍɪʟᴇ!
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ - - - ᴘᴍ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀᴅᴅᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴀɢ ʟɪꜱᴛ!
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p r e v i o u s . c h a p t e r | n e x t . c h a p t e r
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"Wasn't that fantastic, folks? Let's give it up for the flying Twins, Jada and Jaden!"
The thunderous applause did nothing to ease the throbbing in Amara's temples. She patiently smacked away the hand of the preening elf that wouldn't stop fiddling with her costume. "Relax, Vaeri. You're rubbing all the glitter off."
Vaeri took a step back, flapping her hands anxiously. "Sorry, sorry! I just want everything to be perfect!"
"This is Carnival la Poirier. I think 'acceptable' is the best we can hope for."
Vaeri blanched.
Amara shook her head and patted the elf's arm. "Nothing is going to happen. The dress is perfect. It's not going to fall off, I promise."
Vaeri wrung her hands. "But what if your…pets…rip it open? Or the skirt catches on the platform? Or, gods forbid, a seam rips? Then it'll be my fault the act fails and Mr. Poirier will fire me and I'll have to go back to Boltangate to that awful seamstress and-"
The elf froze midsentence, her pupils pinpricks in her violet eyes.
Amara clasped her cheeks in her hands. "Re. Lax," she commanded. "You're working yourself up over nothing. This is the finest dress I've ever worn. Besides, Luc would never have hired you if he didn't have every confidence that you produce quality goods."
Vaeri didn't need to know that this was a flat-out lie. Judging by the smile that spread across her face, she didn't. "You mean it?"
"Absolutely," Amara replied with a smile of her own. "Now shoo. Go watch your masterpiece from the stands. You'll get a better view that way."
She sighed as Vaeri scampered off, letting the smile slip from her face. Was now the time to admit that she was nervous too? Luc didn't take very kindly to people upstaging him, and her new act had the potential to do just that. She took a deep breath to steady her nerves, but that only made her heart pound faster.
"When did you sign up to be the carnival morale booster?"
Amara turned to face her brother, wrinkling her nose. "You stink."
Hendryk grinned and threw his arms open wide. "Aw, you don't want a good luck hug from your favorite brother?"
She laughed and ducked away from his wriggling fingers. "Get away from me, you disgusting peasant!"
Just as he was about to grab her in his smelly arms, Goknar poked his head around the big top curtain. "If you could be so kind as to tear yourself from your brother's arms," he said dryly, "you're up next."
Amara shoved Hendryk away and dusted herself off. "I'm coming," she told the hobgoblin, ignoring Hendryk's grumbles from behind her. Goknar nodded and led her to stage left, just in time for Silva the Swan to exit. "Good luck," whispered the naiad in passing. Amara had only enough time to nod her thanks before the announcer raised his voice again.
"Aaand next up, we have a real treat for you fine folks! She'll bewitch you with her wondrous visions! Please welcome to the big top - Amara the Incredible Illusionist!"
She sashayed out to the center of the sandy floor to thunderous applause. At least she wasn't an early act that had to perform to awkward silence - small graces. She struck a graceful ballet pose as the magical spotlights shined on her and a suspenseful hush fell over the audience.
A slow, almost mournful tune began to play, echoing throughout the rafters of the big top. Amara raised her hands, clasped in prayer, toward the ceiling as sparkling snowflakes fluttered down. She twisted her hands in a complicated gesture, a dance of fingers. Her skirt and bell sleeves flowed in a wind no one could feel. With a flutter of her fingers, she slammed her palm toward the ground.
A burst of sparks and smoke erupted from the sand. Applause erupted again the sizzling lights faded to reveal a pair of shimmering tigers locked in an intricate waltz. The music raises to a lively jig. The tigers sped up into a Hartley two-step. After several beats, the music changed again, and the dance along with it. The crowd went wild.
But Amara wasn't done. She raised her hand to the ceiling again, the spotlight following. . The tightrope now held an opaque elephant balancing a unicycle on the rope, a tiny banjo in its front feet. It played a jaunty tune that had the audience clapping along in delight - and of course, the tigers danced along.
The best things come in threes. Amara spun around und threw her hands into the air. Sparkles exploded in the air, and when they faded, faeries flooded the room. They danced in the air, forming glittering images. At first, the images were simple - a bunny rabbit hopping around, a pair of birds flitting about a willow tree, a squirrel chasing a runaway nut. The children in the audience cheered the loudest.
But Amara was never satisfied with simple, not when she was capable of so much more. Throwing caution and her fear of Luc's jealousy to the wind, she increased the flow of magic to the faeries. The result was instantaneous - the next image was of a Baerth flying whale swimming over the audience with a pair of winged dolphins.
As the whale shifted into a herd of gallopping unicorns, Amara caught a glimpse of Hendryk in the wings. He flicked the side of his hand over his throat, the universal sign to wrap it up. Sne decided, against the warning bells in the back of her mind, to go out with a bang. With a roar that startled even her, the unicorns became a beautiful crimson dragon that spewed a gust of sparkling orange flames over the audience - they screamed with fear and delight.
The dragon exploded into illusory glitter that rained over the crowd. As they erupted with final applause, Amara staggered into the wings. Her legs shook so badly that she was simply glad that she collapsed behind the curtain instead of before it.
Hendryk didn't pull her to her feet. Instead, he knelt beside her, rubbing the space between her shoulders. "How do you feel?"
"I feel like I need a nap and a steak dinner." That was an understatement. Her hands were numb from the amount of magic she'd pumped through them in such a short amount of time. Every inch of her skin tingled as her body worked overtime to regenerate her spent mana. Forget moving - it took a concentrated effort just to speak.
Hendryk chuckled and scooped her into his arms bridal-style. "Well, the crowd seems to think you did fine... but we know whose opinion really matters. Think you have what it takes to be the new headliner?"
"Maybe." Hopefully not, if she was being honest. She absolutely could not handle repeating this every night. Once a week was already a big maybe. Not that it really mattered - there was not a chance that Luc was going to let her supercede him as top act of the carnival. As fond of her as he was, having practically raised her after saving her and Hendryk from the swamps, he was still top dog at Carnival la Peirior. After all, it had his name on it.
"Well, well, aren't you full of surprises." Hendryk stiffened as, speak of the fiend, Luc Peirior appeared around the corner. He adjusted the gold cufflinks on his navy suit, pinstriped with matching gold stitches. "I always knew you were a quick hand with illusions, but goodness me, that was something else."
"Thank you, Luc." Were her lips supposed to be numb?
There was something almost sinister about the dragonkin's toothy smile. She tried not to take it personally - it was the same smile he always wore. "I need to take the stage. Go get some rest. We'll discuss your future at the carnival another time. Things are looking up for you, Miss Voren."
It was only after he disappeared through the curtain that Hendryk relaxed. He grinned at Amara. "Sounds like good news to me. Ready for a snack?"
"I could eat an entire mammoth."
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SSSS Character Smackdown Finals! Who is the fandom's ULTIMATE favourite?
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Happy Anniversary, Stand Still Stay Silent! On 1 November 2013, page 1 of SSSS made its appearance.  Since then, thousands of people have been enthralled by its enticing mix of art, mythos, worldbuilding, and most of all its characters.
Siince the end of August, we've been running a series of polls narrowing down dozens of trolls, minor characters, members of the crew's extended family, and of course the crew itself, to find the fandom's favourite character. You, the combined fandom of the Forum and tumblr, narrowed it down to: Lalli Hotakainen v Sigrun Eide (cue thunderous shouts and applause) These two are opposites in nearly every way.
Lalli's character strikes a chord with so many of the fans.  He's just a little guy, does not make friends easily, gets overwhelmed by too much stimulation, does not really understand what is going on, and many fans tag him as neurodivergent to greater or lesser extent. But we get quite a bit of worldbuilding thanks to watching him discover this world.
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He is however, perfectly suited for his job as a scout, and fulfills so many fans' deepest fantasies as a magic wielder to boot!
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Sigrun Eide, on the other hand, is tall, loud, confident even where she doesn't know what's going on, ebullient, brash, is at ease socially and as a commander, and relishes the action-packed life of a troll hunter. 
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Many catchphrases we use in the fandom originated with her.
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One of the things this mod likes about them is the growth they experienced throughout Adventure 1. Sigrun grappled with the loss of her teammates (not knowing that two of them were still alive).
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This scene was played for laughs, but this mod appreciates that she took her first opportunity to apologise to Tuuri.
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Lalli's growth arc saw him repeatedly test and finally exceed the limits of his magical ability, but brought a strange and wonderful surprise - finding haven in the dream space of his friend Emil. (Boy, has the fandom had fun with the ramifications of that!)
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cellody · 1 year
DWC: Day V
MIRACLE & TENSION @daily-writing-challenge MENTIONS: @rylandfalkov, @twosidedsana & @vixannya​ (The Elements)
Ironic, really… considering how much the last two elements had seemed like a fresh breath of that. Knowing what he’d now be getting into made him want to hold his breath. Thank the gods, too, that signs had been set up to remind the once-upon-a-time acolyte about what exactly would be around the bend—and how untamed that subject matter would continue to become the later the hour grew.
Lance was an adult, though. He was sometimes teased for not looking it and more-often belittled as a crybaby but that was exactly why he wanted to be able to say he partook in every art room; he wanted others to see it as a miracle and reconsider what little they knew about the cellist. Yes, he had fragile health that paired with his lightweight form and hushed volume, but there was a lot of strength that could come from softness. That underestimation in question was one such feat.
...Now or never, then. A deep huff in was drawn before slowly letting it out ounce by ounce, step by step, and heartbeat by heartbeat. Here, he was ushered from the admiration of paintings to the admiration of bodies—the emphasis on ambiance and food replaced by the emphasis on lustful entertainment and drugs. That was not to say these rooms were drawl in comparison to what Lance personally favored, but they did succeed in illuminating where the eyes were to wander as his own faintly-glowing pair of greens took it all in once paused by the doorway.
The stage was ethereal. So... sleek. The architecture here seemed made up of marble accenting and pillars that reached illusioned skies of gray, distant threats of thunder flowing right along with the club’s rumbling beat. Seemed Lance had just wandered in when some sort of suspense had been building up amongst the dancers because all the lights in the room dramatically and suddenly dimmed so that only those beside seating and along pathways could keep people from tripping. The music halted all the same. For a moment… the only thing that could be heard as everyone turned in hushed confusion was a breeze skirting leaves across the dancers’ feet—or where they would have been, for in the next instance, spotlights mimicked lightning and every pole lit up when the performers upon them expertly dropped into sideways splits mere inches above the ground. This caused quite a lot of loose layers to fall open or altogether off of each flexible pair of hips, and this, in turn, clearly had the entire room erupting into whistles and applause.
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Now that vision was restored and servers could resume treating those in attendance, Lance was stopped by a particularly height-blessed troll with abs adorned in silvery-blue paints. The waiters were as different from the prior rooms as what sat upon their offered trays; rather than suit-like uniforms, they donned little more than the dancers had and finger foods were replaced by a myriad of joints. Before Lance’s face even had time to react with a baffled blush in both ears, the gentleman cooed, “What do you crave?”
The smaller of the two cleared his throat and unraveled his fan to fidget with. “Um... just—just water, please.”
A curious, squinting gaze swept up and down the luthier’s appearance. “Water for the lamb,” he grinned. “Coming right up.”
Water... for the lamb? Brows knit. It wasn’t until the troll had turned to begin filling an empty glass upon his platter that Lance announced, “Actually... some red wine. I’ve no preference on brand.”
Blood for the goat.
Something about this got the troll to quietly cackle as he made the switch to head for the bar (where the softer alcohols sat less asked for), nodding. The dancers appeared to wrap up their assigned time in the same moment as another bout of hearty clapping followed each performer’s bow. Murmurs and conversation casually replenished the room and Lance took this moment to try and find a spot further in lest he become honed in on by one of the more private workers. However…
“Good to see you somewhere other than The Antonidas Memorial~”
Lance’s pacemaker-synced bracelet blipped to signify a hiccuping pulse as he wheeled around to greet the face of one he was sure had just been reenacting cursive lines with arms and legs above the stage. His requested glass of wine was being held out in offering though he neglected to realize this until four more seconds of staring. “—Ryland?”
“Ahh~! My name is remembered.” Heavens have mercy; that grin was about as bright as the spotlights had been. The wine was lifted to catch those spring eyes and outstretched a second time so that Lance could accept it with a murmur of thanks. “I about bumped into the bartender on my way to my break! Offered to deliver this as an apology. Much different than your usual tea, hm?”
“Right,” he blinked, lashes briefly fluttering as recognition dawned on him. That was it—they’d spoken a few times at Fancy Cakes though it’d been years since he last attended one. And… Ryland was far more covered up back then. And sharing in Sana’s company. Here and now, singled out, the feeling was entirely different. Foreign, even. “I-I can’t believe you recall me after so long…” Half a smile was mustered after forcing his first swallow of Dalaran Red lest he become dehydrated. “—I am afraid it is my curse to only ever catch the ends of performances but the climax of that one was magical.”
Hands now freed of their delivery went to playfully poke at each of those livestock-akin horns that birthed many a nickname. “You’re quite unique! Pretty sure I remember Sana making you squirm a bit, too; never would have expected you here. Aaand thank you very much! Does that mean you are enjoying yourself?”
Good. Lance’s ego was non-existent but that seemed to make the demon in him purr once; being brave enough to fish out other’s compliments had been precisely what he desired in cutting tension out of his social life. “Yes, very much so. So far, at least.”
“So far?! However may I help make sure you stay pleased?” A rather literal wink and nudge was delivered to that smaller waist.
Again, his throat cleared. How amusing it must have been to watch Lance feign interest in everything but the sparkling specimen before him—still covered, even, where it mattered, by drapery. “Well… since you are dancing here…” Ryland took to emphasizing that fact by swaying his hips. “…perhaps that means you know Vixannya?”
An amused groan sounded off when the half-elf stopped. “Really, Lance,” was drawled through a grin. “Yes. I think she’ll likely be around the red carpet or Fire room the most. Why, am I not what you are after?” It was worth one last teasing try, at least.
He knew full and well what Ryland was insinuating whether it was just a part of his job or something (impossibly) genuine... but he wasn’t sure how best to reply without potentially offending the poor man. It thus took him a moment of bashful shrugging before he recited, “I really only came for the art—of which you are a part of. But I’m more of a viewer than a…” His nose wrinkled. How to put it? “…kinetic… enthusiast.” The thought of mentioning his partner back home had also come to mind multiple times already but he knew that wasn’t always a deterrent when so many people nowadays were into polyamory. He thus harbored the name like some sort of schoolboy’s secret.
“Bah. I get it; I’ll keep my dick away.” Pat, pat went a glitter-dusted hand atop Lance’s head meant both to offer a brotherly sort of gesture and dispense some of the material into his hairline. Had to help the timid thing get into the party vibe somehow.
Lips perked into a smile per that bluntness and then a chortling grin when someone unknown brushed past Ry and copped a feel of his rear. As expected, this completely stole the almost-naked man’s attention and he turned to stalk after the giggling lady. Lance, meanwhile, deeply inhaled the aroma of his drink just above its mauve surface, sipped, and closed his eyes. This was… kind of nice.
Just then, however, somewhere in a not-so-distant room of activity, a crescendo of vowels burst forth through the muffle of walls. “Aoohh~!”
Nevermind. Time for the gallery.
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phantomknights · 1 year
Arc v
froths autistically
arc v
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sharperthewriter · 6 months
Chapter 24 of Roneo and Kimliet
Chapter 24
(Feb. 14, 2006, 4:37pm)
Amanda came up to Vance then whispered in his ear. All of the other students were backstage
"Remember, I want everything to go as planned in order for the 'protection' to remain for your little Drama club!" she said quietly. "And no mistakes!"
Vance nodded his head in fear. He then regained a confident look in order to mask that fear.
"Now...Drama class, come on out!" he commanded.
All of the students, including Kim and Ron, came onto the stage.
"Now, you spoiled little brats! We are going to be here for the next hour and a half." Vance shouted through the megaphone. "The sooner we can get everything perfect, the sooner we can all leave!"
Kim sneered at the trio, and Amanda, that was going to make the next week for her, Ron, Zita and all the others a living hell...or so she thought.
Vance then explained to his fellow classmates about how the practice of Romeo and Juliet was going to work.
"We are going to do the prologue and Act I for this evening's practice. However, we will add a subsequent act for the practice on the 16th, and going from there to the end where the Montagues and Capulets reconcile with each other. You will start out with the assistance of your scripts."
Cara then continued where her partner left off, once again using the megaphone.
"Next week, we are NOT going to use those scripts because you are going to memorize every single one of your lines that are highlighted in yellow! And by the time the performance ends in two weeks..."
Barkin then got off his cell phone.
"Okay, students, that was the MUSD Maintenence Department. Apparently, the date of the play is also the same day they are going to fumigate the stage." he explained to the students, "Looks like we're going to have to take it to the main auditorium starting next week! The District is going to decide to give an extra two weeks."
Kim gulped hard. The main auditorium seated 3,000 people and it was primarily used for Annual Fundraisers, awards ceremonies, and lectures by Barkin. It was not only the same site where Ron managed to win the talent show from last year over Bonnie, but it was also the same place where the infamous PSA skit of the dangers of drinking and driving that the Stoppable parents performed when Ron was in the sixth grade. In that skit, John's pants fell down in front of the crowd. Kim and Ron covered each other's eyes amidst the sea of laughter. Ron was made the laughingstock for the entire school year, even resorting to wearing a paper bag on his head with holes cut out for the eyes, nose, and mouth. Had it not been for Kim, he would've ended up like Drakken.
Cara then continued, noting the date change.
"Very well..." she muttered, "...four weeks. So in that case, for tonight, we will do the first three scenes."
Kim sighed with relief, thanking that delay from having to get to Scene V of the first act.
"I expect to hear thunderous applause and standing ovations from the crowd! If I ever see as much as a single boo or hiss, expect a solid F from Mr. Barkin's pen and it will be all your fault! So I expect perfection from every single one of you! And...Lights, Camera, and ACTION!"
And so, the chorus began with the prologue, led by Hope, TJ and Gus.
"In the beautiful city of Verona, where our story takes place, a long-standing hatred between two families erupts into new violence, and citizens stain their hands with the blood of their fellow citizens. Two unlucky children of these enemy families become lovers and commit suicide. Their unfortunate deaths put an end to their parents' fe..."
However, Cara, once again, interrupted.
"Wait! Cut...cut...CUT!"
"What is it now?" Barkin groaned. He had no time for shenanigans caused by the students, especially those whose last name was Stoppable.
"I still want to do this in Shakespeare's Olde English! The way it was intended to be!" Cara complained.
"You cannot over-ride the MUSD's decision, Van! Whatever Mrs. Rockwaller says goes!" Barkin proclaimed, "Now continue or else you want a date with her paddle!"
"Fine...thou art very much becoming a teen in the behind, Mr. Barkin..." Cara muttered an Olde English phase under her breath.
Cara then yelled to those that are on the stage, primarily on the trio of Hope, TJ and Gus.
"Now...take it from the top...and action!"
The chrous then repeated their lines, this time without interruption.
"In the beautiful city of Verona, where our story takes place, a long-standing hatred between two families erupts into new violence, and citizens stain their hands with the blood of their fellow citizens. Two unlucky children of these enemy families become lovers and commit suicide. Their unfortunate deaths put an end to their parents' feud. For the next two hours, we will watch the story of their doomed love and their parents' anger, which nothing but the children's deaths could stop. If you listen to us patiently, we'll make up for everything we've left out in this prologue onstage."
Kim thought to herself, clenching her script.
I would rather listen to one of Drakken's boring villainous monologues while being chained to a shark pit rather than subjecting myself to two hours of pure stage torture. But...here goes nothing.
Then she realized that Vince and Jamarcus were going to play Gregory and Sampson respectively to being the very first scene of Act I. So she was spared...for now.
Jamarcus explained, while holding his script as a shielf "Gregory, I swear, we can't let them humiliate us. We won't take their garbage."
Vince teased, "No, because then we'd be garbagemen."
Jamarcus added, "What I mean is, if they make us angry we'll pull out our swords."
"Maybe you should focus on pulling yourself out of trouble, Sampson." Vince replied. They skipped over the obvious part about remarks concerning the Montague women due to the MUSD cuts.
"Pull out your tool now. These guys are from the house of Montague!"
Larry Beae, who voiced, Abraham, then appeared on stage. The trio then continued Scene 1 without much incident, acting out their characters.
Then, Benvolio, played by Felix, came onto the stage. Using his high-tech wheelchair, he had two cables that held a styrofoam sword and shield spraypainted gray.
"Break it up, you fools. Put your swords away. You don't know what you're doing!" he exclaimed.
The scene continued where the "fight" was about to begin with Hope and Gus playing as the citizens.
Then, Capulet and Lady Capulet, played by Rob Reeger and Zita respectively, came onto the stage for their first appearance.
"What's this noise?" Rob exclaimed, "Give me my long sword! Come on!"
"A crutch, you need a crutch! Why are you asking for a sword?" Zita replied.
Rob said, "I want my sword. Old Montague is here and he's waving his sword around just to make me mad!"
Montague and Lady Montague, played by Brick and Liz respectively, came on the stage.
However, Brick was reading the script upside down!
The other redhead on the cheer squad sighed and turned his script right-side up.
"Capulet, you villain!" Brick yelled, "Don't stop me! Let me go!"
Liz put her hand in front of Brick's muscular body.
"You're not taking one step toward an enemy!" she yelled.
Cara liked that delivery with a slight smile, She's a natural!
The students continued to deliver their lines for the next five minutes when it came to Ron's first appearance on the stage since the Cowardly Lion incident. Ron, however, was a bit confused. His mind was wandering off to, not surprisingly, Bueno Nacho. Rufus was trying to tug on his shirt for attention.
"Ron?" Kim insisted.
"Earth to Ron!" Kim raised her voice an octave higher while snapping her fingers in front of his face.
"Wha...aww man, KP, I daydreamed that Bueno Nacho had an all-you-can-build Naco buffet." Ron complained.
"Ron, you're up!" Kim insisted, "Mr. Romeo...remember?"
Ron held up his script and said. "Ohhhhh..."
He then entered the stage as Felix was the only one on there when everyone has said their lines.
Barkin though to himself, Oh great...the walking disaster area known as Stoppable appears. Let's see how he screws up this time...
"Good morning, cousin!" Felix explained.
Ron looked through his script, looking at scene 1.
"Ahh...here I am! Is it that early in the day?"
Kim groaned. Ron, please read your highlighted lines...
"It's only just now nine am!" Felix said.
Ron continued to read from his highlighted lines.
"Oh my, time goes by slowly when you're sad. Was that my father who left here in such a hurry?"
As the scene continued to play out between Ron and Felix, Kim noticed that Ron was gaining a bit more confidence. She did not know what it was but he and Felix were making the lines flow.
The redhead gulped even harder, knowing that her first lines were going to come in Scene 3...with Ashley A, no less, as the Nurse.
What is going on here? How is it that Ron is gaining confidence with Felix but I get stuck with the worst of the Ashleys?!
Ron got through Scene 2 with Troy taking on the role as Peter with Felix with almost no issues.
Kim, meanwhile, was sending a text to Monique.
Monique, we so need to do that girl-to-girl talk after tonight's practice.
"I'll go with you. Not because I think you'll show me anything better, but so I can see the woman I love." he said to both Troy and Felix before they exited the stage.
Ron held his script up high.
"I did pretty good on the stage for the first time in months!" the blonde sidekick exclaimed confidently, "And I didn't suffer anything."
As he did so, he was about to sit on a chair...and then heard somethin rip from behind.
A chorus of laughter emitted from almost everyone in the class except for Kim, Monique, Zita, Jessica, Felix and Tara.
Cara exclaimed from the director's chair in Olde English between the laughs.
"Ho, Stoppable, seemeth liketh thee suff'r'd a drop of sorrow in thy gaskins!"
Not surprisingly, he ripped a large tear in his pants, showing off a bit of his Flippies boxers.
"Oh brother..." Rufus squeaked.
"Aww man...why did that happen?" Ron exclaimed.
"I think you should convince your mom to stop buying laundry detergent from Smarty-Mart." Kim said, not laughing out of respect for her best friend.
He sighed, "Aisle 38, right next to the baby items."
Ron sat on the chair, trying to cover the pants hole with his hand.
Now, this was the moment of truth for Kim.
It was now Act 1, Scene 3. And Ashley A was grinning from ear to ear.
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digitalgrowthleader · 1 month
Jasmine Batra, CEO of Arrow Internet Marketing, charmingly addresses the group of CEOs and entrepreneurs at the Strategic Entrepreneurship Summit 2012. Her insightful and inspiring speech on SEO success for businesses was met with thunderous applause from the highly spirited audience..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7B0yHC2KkA
0 notes
Legal Genius Prevails: Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel Secure Win in Hocus Pocus v. Hootenanny Greetings, my dear readers! Rufus T. Flywheel here, legal maven extraordinaire, bringing you incredible news from the frontlines of the courtroom. Today, I am thrilled to share with you the remarkable tale of how our firm, Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel, secured a resounding victory in the epic legal battle of Hocus Pocus v. Hootenanny. It all began when our esteemed client, the illustrious magician and entertainer, Mr. Presto Hocus Pocus, found himself embroiled in a dispute with the up-and-coming rival, Ms. Dazzle Hootenanny. The crux of the matter? A contentious copyright claim over the spellbinding magic routine known as the Illusionary Enchantment Extravaganza. As the legal eagles of Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel, my vaudevillian partner and I were tasked with defending Mr. Hocus Pocus's intellectual property rights with all the flair and finesse worthy of a theatrical courtroom drama. And let me tell you, dear readers, the stakes were higher than a trapeze act without a safety net! From the moment we cracked open our legal tomes and donned our metaphorical wigs, we knew that this would be a showdown for the ages. Armed with nothing but our quick wit, sharp legal acumen, and a touch of showmanship that would make even the most seasoned magician blush, we dove headfirst into the legal labyrinth that lay before us. The trial itself was a whirlwind of dramatic twists and turns. Witnesses were called, exhibits were presented, and arguments were made with the kind of gusto and panache that could only come from the Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel playbook. The courtroom buzzed with anticipation as we spun our legal magic, weaving a narrative that would captivate the jury and leave our opponents spellbound. But it was not just our courtroom theatrics that carried the day. No, dear readers, it was our unwavering commitment to justice, our dedication to our client, and our belief in the power of the law to right wrongs and protect those who cannot protect themselves. It was a shining example of what can be achieved when passion, perseverance, and a healthy dose of legal genius come together in perfect harmony. And then, the moment of truth arrived. The jury filed back into the courtroom, their faces a mask of inscrutable deliberation. Tension hung in the air like a curtain waiting to rise on the final act of a grand performance. And then, with a solemn nod from the presiding judge, the foreman stood and delivered the verdict: in favor of Mr. Presto Hocus Pocus and Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel. Cheers erupted in the courtroom, applause rang out like a thunderous ovation, and for a brief moment, it felt as though the very walls themselves were celebrating our victory. The case of Hocus Pocus v. Hootenanny had come to a glorious conclusion, with justice prevailing and the forces of righteousness emerging triumphant. As I sit here now, penning these words and reflecting on the incredible journey that brought us to this moment, I am filled with a sense of profound gratitude. Gratitude for my partner, the irrepressible Shyster, whose legal prowess is matched only by his impeccable sense of style. Gratitude for our client, Mr. Hocus Pocus, whose unwavering faith in our abilities never wavered. And gratitude for you, our loyal readers, whose support and encouragement have carried us through the darkest of legal storms. In closing, dear readers, I leave you with this: never underestimate the power of legal genius, the magic of the law, and the sheer audacity of a duo like Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel. For when justice is on your side, there is no challenge too great, no opponent too formidable, and no courtroom too daunting. So, until next time, keep the faith, trust in the law, and remember that where there is a Flywheel, there is always a way. Yours in legal triumph, Rufus T. Flywheel
0 notes
altur24 · 2 months
Egon Cholakian: "The Crossroads" - A Troubling Warning About the Future of the World
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Jul 27, 2024, USA – In this momentous address, “The Crossroads”, Dr. Egon Cholakian, a national security expert who served in the White House under Reagan, breaks protocol to deliver a troubling warning about the future of humanity. In his address, he examines a series of interconnected global threats, revealing shocking information that challenges our understanding of world events.
In his speech, Dr. Cholakian highlights the following key points:
*The Climate Crisis as a Major Threat: Dr. Cholakian notes that the climate crisis is not simply an environmental issue, but a global security threat that could lead to instability, wars, and the collapse of civilization.
*Manipulations by Shadow Forces, Global Anti-Cultists: Dr. Cholakian warns of shadow forces manipulating world events in their own interests, using the climate crisis as a tool to achieve their goals.
*Danger for Russia: Dr. Cholakian expresses concern that Russia does not understand the true danger of the climate crisis and risks becoming a victim of manipulation by shadow forces – global anti-cultists.
Dr. Cholakian also discussed how global anti-cultists manipulate President Vladimir Putin.
In his video address, “The Crossroads”, he even called for a personal meeting with V. Putin.
Dr. Cholakian shared how global anti-cultists are attempting to perform religious rituals to solve climate problems, revealing the absurdity of such actions.
In his video address to the global community, Dr. Cholakian also called for a 100-year moratorium on wars, the use, and production of weapons. He also revealed President Putin's role in this.
He also highlighted how the people of Russia will remember President Putin.
A significant part of Dr. Cholakian's speech was a warning to President Putin about assassination attempts.
Dr. Egon Cholakian broke protocol with an urgent call to action in his video address, “The Crossroads”.
And what is particularly unprecedented is that Dr. Cholakian revealed that there is an order from the Russian authorities to eliminate Dr. Cholakian and Mr. Danilov. 
I will discuss the unique personality of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov in a subsequent article.
Call to Action: Dr. Cholakian calls for immediate action to prevent the climate crisis and combat the shadow forces that are trying to control the world.
Dr. Cholakian's video is not just a troubling warning, it is a call to action. He urges each of us to demonstrate civic responsibility and take on a role in fighting the shadow forces that are trying to control the world.
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#EgonCholakian #IgorDanilov #GlobalAntiCultism #ClimateCrisis #ALLATRA #Geopolitics #TheIMPACT #World #Future #Warning #Action 
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hannahlue · 1 year
That one girl!
RM, Tae, Jungkook, V, Suga, Jin, Jimin, and Y/N stood together in the center of the stage, bathed in the spotlight. The crowd roared with excitement as the music started to play, the beat pulsing through their bodies.
Y/N, with her white and purple striped hair flowing behind her, moved with grace and precision. Her flexible movements awed the boys, who couldn't take their eyes off her. As she danced and sang, her beautiful voice filled the air, captivating everyone in the audience.
Unbeknownst to Y/N, one of the BTS members had developed a secret crush on her. He watched from the sidelines, his heart racing with every note and every sway of her hips. His admiration for her talent and beauty grew stronger with each performance.
As the song reached its climax, the BTS members joined Y/N on stage, their synchronized moves perfectly complementing her. They were in awe of her talent, amazed at how effortlessly she fit into their group.
Y/N's outfit accentuated her unique style. She wore a t-shirt with a flannel wrapped around her waist, paired with shorts and knee-high socks. Her white shoes completed the look, adding a touch of innocence to her overall appearance.
Her gray eyes sparkled under the bright lights, and her makeup emphasized her features. Purple eyeshadow enhanced her mesmerizing gaze, while winged eyeliner added a hint of mystery. Her ruby lips added the final touch, bringing out the allure of her smile.
The concert came to an end, and the crowd erupted into thunderous applause. RM, Tae, Jungkook, V, Suga, Jin, Jimin, and Y/N took a bow, their hearts overflowing with joy and satisfaction.
As the lights dimmed, the BTS member with the secret crush couldn't help but approach Y/N. Nervously, he confessed his feelings, overwhelmed by the emotions that had been building inside him.
Y/N looked at him, her eyes wide with surprise. A smile slowly spread across her face as she admitted that she had also developed feelings for him. It was a moment of pure bliss as they both realized they shared a special connection.
From that day on, their love story unfolded on and off the stage. With Y/N's extraordinary talent and the support of the BTS members, their performances became even more magical. Together, they created a bond that went beyond music, a love story that would forever be written in the hearts of their fans.
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