#【 write it or lose it ❖ headcanon 】
arttsuka · 22 days
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The neurodivergent brothers 🔥
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Springtime Caresses
III. Angsty Dadstarion, but it's quite alright.
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“Here, papa, here! You have to lie down right here! Don’t move!” 
Warm grass tickles the back of Astarion’s neck. With his eyes closed to the bright sun above him, he listens to his surroundings, takes in the bird song and wind dancing through the trees. The static buzz of honey bees. Children’s play. 
He’s not asleep but pretends to be. It’s part of the game, or so he’s been told. 
“Sweet dreams, papa!” 
Most of his dreams are sweet these days, but he doesn’t mention that, just complies. 
The scents of sun-warmed soil and perfectly ripened strawberries carry a promise of summer to his nose, lulling Astarion into a twilight state of content drowsiness. Maybe he will allow himself to fall into reverie, after all. He’s tranced in worse places, and with worse company, too. 
But that was a long time ago.
Now, he enjoys ruining his silken shirts with grass stains. Fresh air filling his lungs all day long. The feeling of tiny hands weaving wildflowers into his silver curls. 
Even after all these years, this experience will never cease feeling novel to him—the warmth, the tranquillity. This deep sense of belonging.
It’s not a sweet dream, but reality. It’s as real as the wild shrieks and laughter sweeping across the meadow. Children jumping over and around him, eager to slay this or that imaginary fiend. The hem of a skirt he mended only last night brushing against his legs. A young boy humming a song his mother sang over breakfast close to his ear. 
Astarion smiles, or tries not to, since he’s promised to be fast asleep—even when there’s a sudden tug at his hair. 
The humming stops; the laughter fades into displeased groans all around him. Astarion doesn’t need to open his eyes to know that the face eclipsing the sun above him is a much younger version of his own. 
“Careful, Miri, that hurts papa!” The boy scolds as he gently untangles his little sister’s hand from their father’s locks.
“Uh-oh!” the toddler mumbles before she helps the boy pick stray sticks from Astarion’s hair. “Bad!”  
“Yes, Miri—bad.” 
Astarion suppresses the urge to take his daughter’s clumsy hand in his and press a soothing kiss to her small fingers, telling her it’s quite alright. That no harm was done. There never is. Not here. Not with them. 
But all he has to do today is feign sleep, so he will reassure the child later when it’s his turn to braid her hair in time for bed.
“Sorry, papa,” another girl calls from near the treeline. “Miri didn’t mean to hurt you! But don’t worry, we’ll protect you from the true beast!” 
This time, Astarion cannot help the faint smile tugging at his lips. 
It’s a lovely promise, lisped through missing front teeth. And it’s true—most of the time, at least. 
These children, this family he helped create with nothing but love and devotion, distract him from the beast prowling the everlasting darkness far in the back of his mind.
Yet, sometimes, distraction alone isn’t enough… 
Astarion doesn’t like to dwell on the rare occasions when the beast eventually does find its way to him. It’s tamer now, the years have made it lazy enough, but every now and then, it will probe him. It can still sniff out the weakness he’ll never be able to shed, knows whenever he’s at his lowest. 
The beast only lunges at easy prey—it always has.
So, sometimes, when Astarion’s nights are tense with endless whining, misplaced toys and sharp words, the beast breathes down his neck, whispers in his ear.
On your back, boy, right here. Do not move. It will not hurt unless you let it. Your screams have always sounded the sweetest. Are you hurting, yet? Good, it’s because I want you to. It’s what you deserve, you insolent fool. Have you no respect for yourself? That’s why they hate you so, that’s why you’re but a pathetic little boy who’s never amounted to anything that’s why you’re nothing that’s why—
Once the older children perform their duty to scold the youngest among them, the laughter returns. Their faceless fiend is fair game again and all Astarion has to do is sleep, trust in his family’s sweet promise that holds his cure. 
Because, as exhausting as it is, he has learned to ignore the beast, become numb to its poison. It’s a thing of the past and he won’t let it taint his future. 
Astarion lets out a deep breath. He can feel himself grow tired under the little hands stroking his hair.
“No worry, papa.”
No worry, no. Not here. Not with them. Never with them…
There’s a gust of wind coming from up north. It carries the scents of sickly sweet strawberries and petrichor and, ever so slowly, Astarion can feel his mind slipping. 
He doesn’t sleep; he hasn’t in a very long time. Sleep, true sleep, is vulgar and reminds him of death. Instead, Astarion drowns in memories, but even there he’s buried six feet under today. 
There are no strawberries in this freshly dug grave, only the stink of decay. The damp wood of his coffin presses uncomfortably into his back while worms and maggots tickle his neck. Eating at him. Consuming him. 
His broken fingernails hurt as he claws at the darkness surrounding him—this deep in the ground, all shades of grey are tainted black. Sometimes he wonders if his eyes are even open, but they must be because they burn with tears and blood and dust.
There’s laughter coming from somewhere above. It’s rumbling like far-away thunder; it hasn’t reached him, yet, but the threat of it is already stunning him with fear.
He cannot speak he cannot see he cannot be he cannot—
The laughter isn’t coming from above, nor is it coming from anywhere, really. It’s residing inside his head, this vile laughter that won’t let him in on the joke. And why would it? He is nothing, is he not? All he is is blood and screams and death. Bodies piled atop his aching shoulders, weighing him down.
So why is he moving? Why is he digging through wet soil until he can see moonlight illuminating his path to…
The beast eclipses the moon and the stars shining down on him. It has stopped laughing, though its maw is stretched into an unnatural grin, revealing a pair of sharp fangs—the key to the wounds on his neck. A promise of endless misery.
He cannot stop moving towards the beast. It holds its claws out to him, stroking his hair, scratching his scalp raw. There you are, boy, always crawling back to me. My good, prodigal son—look at you! Do you know why you’re here? With me? It’s because, after all these years, you’re still mine. And you will always be.
There’s a light drizzle soaking his skin. 
Astarion opens his eyes to a sun that’s crawled past its zenith, taking the music of children’s play with it. The silence feels oppressive, just like the calm before a great storm, and all he can feel are the small, warm bodies Astarion helped create press against him. They’re curled up against his side, lying draped over his legs, clutching his arm. Weighing him down.
Grounding him, always ever grounding him. 
He needs to shield his sleeping children from the rain, he thinks, but his arms are still caged somewhere between nightmare and reality. 
Fuck, how long had he been out?
Astarion inhales deeply. He just needs a moment to come to his senses.
He can smell rain-soaked cotton, crisp air and that faint scent of magic he would recognise even if he were buried deep in the ground.
Oh, of course…
He allows himself a relieved half-smile as the rain above him is coming to a sudden halt a moment later. 
“I hope you don’t mind me asking, my heart,” Tav says as she steps into the meadow, one eyebrow raised at the sight in front of her. “But what in the nine hells are you doing out here?”
Astarion can only watch as little droplets of rain run down the magic dome enclosing him and the children, tear drops that can never reach them now. 
“I’m a sleeping princess, or so I’ve been told. But I’m rather afraid my knights in shining armour fell asleep before they got to wake me…” 
Tav joins her family under her shield of magic, strokes the head of the child closest to her as she smiles at her husband.
“I see. May I kiss you awake instead, then?” 
“You already have, darling,” Astarion whispers. “But do it again, yes? Just to be on the safe side…?” 
His hand brushes the swell of Tav’s stomach as she’s trying to settle comfortably against him. It’s getting rather crowded—the house, life, moments like this—but there’s always room for one more, Astarion thinks.
Tav grins as she sweetly kisses her way from his cheek to his mouth, where she finally lingers. 
To Astarion, Tav’s lips taste of freedom, of nightmares swiftly broken. Of home—the best distraction he never dared to hope for. One he never wants to end.
In the distance, there’s a gentle thunder rolling towards the meadow, but that’s quite alright. Astarion knows that it can’t do any harm. Not here. Not with them.
Never with his family around him.
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@seaofdaydreams , my dear, I hope you do not mind me borrowing Miri's name for this one ♡
more Dadstarion content
tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @bardic-inspo @kawaiiusagichansan @darlingxdragon @herautumnmorningelegance
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
i don’t know if this is something Jojo is doing on purpose, or if it was an intentional detail but i grabbed and ran away with it, or if I’ve just completely read far to into things and entered the realm of just making shit up, but Warriors and his little crooked smile are so GODDAMN important to me and I am shaking him like a squeak toy (gently)
(big yap/analysis under the cut)
disclaimer, i just have a lot of thoughts, probably way too many thoughts, and 97% of them are about Wars so I might be insane, and what you’re about to read provided you’ve stuck around so far might be the equivalent of your high school english teacher yelling with tears in their eyes about how the curtains were blue to “symbolize her sadness”. also my apologies for weird spelling mistakes or oddly misspelled words, i am dyslexic 💔 but with that being said:
Warriors to me comes off as someone who’s constantly acting larger than life. He masks a LOT in front of the chain, he acts overdramatic and a bit ridiculous on purpose, and to an extent he just is a bit ridiculous, but his reactions to things are sometimes blow way out of proportion or are just larger than life in a comedic way where it just seems like he’s doing it intentionally. He comes across as a very extroverted, talkative person, and he seems like he’d honestly be a bit loud too (whether that’s who is REALLY is or what he’s REALLY like is a yap for another post). His (physical) image and the way his character/personality is perceived by others both seem like things that are not his CORE values or the things that mean the most to him, but they do seem to be at least a LITTLE bit important to him just based on how he presents himself and the way he acts. And to an extent, the whole thing with him caring so much about his looks is canon in LU, with that one sketch of him and Legend where he’s looking at his eye in a reflection of a shield and Legend says “alright break it up you two” being the first thing that comes to mind (which is in the post “Mirror Shield”, click the name for the link)
To me, from what I’ve seen and from my perspective, there are very few times we see an actual genuine smile from Warriors, and when we do it tends to be in moments where he’s not in the spotlight, he’s not trying to command the center of attention, and/or the focus is NOT on him. It tends to be moments where he just seems genuinely happy or at peace, and those seem pretty rare. He smiles a LOT, but the majority of his smiles seem big and flashy and performative, and not that that means he’s not happy AT ALL in any of those moments, but those smiles seem a lot more controlled and closely managed because he’s aware of the attention on him and therefore thinking about how he’s perceived. (I’ve made some posts in the past and I’ll probably make others in the future about how I think Warriors puts on this “Captain” or “Hero of Hyrule” persona because of how an entire war was started because a sorceress found him beautiful, and how he feels like him being just him isn’t really good enough for that and how he feels like he needs to fit in and look/act/seem like the legendary heroes he’s being compared to. He’s created this idea of what he COULD be and that’s what he presents to others, fake it till you make it and all that, but thats another yap for another day)
However there are these little moments where we see him smile, and the same one side of his mouth is pretty consistently always just a little bit higher no matter which way his head is facing (here’s a few examples):
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@/linkeduniverse, from the 2023 monthly art, “January- Cold Sunrise”
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@/linkeduniverse, both from “Dawn pt. 2”
And the thing that really started this whole headcanon of mine that his REAL smile is crooked was this specific part of Dawn pt. 2 where Warriors sees that Twilight is gonna be find for the first time after most likely worrying about him and being up all night:
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That middle panel, to me at least, is probably the most genuine expression of a positive emotion we’ve seen from him this entire time. No one’s focus is on him, no one’s really looking at him, he doesn’t have the pressure of being the center of attention on him, and honestly even if that WERE the case, the genuine relief that hit him once he was Twilight was gonna be okay probably would’ve been enough to get a genuine smile out of him anyways. But the second he walks into the room officially, he kinda, for lack of a better way to put it, announces his presence and starts “acting” again (also from Dawn pt 2):
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And while that same one side of his mouth does seem a bit higher and not very straight, it’s definitely more even than it was just five seconds previously
Now, acknowledging there is an art style, and that I also just might be insane, but Warriors’s smiles for the most part (when they seem controlled) appear to be a Lot straighter and more even to me than when it’s a more genuine moment and he doesn’t seem like he’s “acting” so much (and just a note: it certainly isn’t EVERY time, but in general, in moments like these his smile seems consistently straighter unless he’s just flat out smirking. and im not saying it’s PERFECTLY straight either, just noticeably more even). When he’s being more dramatic or intentionally obnoxious or the attention is on him, it really does feel like his smile is more controlled: here are just a few examples, obviously this isn’t every single time he’s smiled in all of LU
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@/linkeduniverse, from “Swords”
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@/linkeduniverse, from “Shady Escape pt 2”
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@/linkeduniverse, from “Divine Dark Reflections pt. 8”
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@/linkeduniverse, both from “Magic Sword”
am i looking too far into a little thing? probably. am i insane? yeah. but i just really love the idea that when Warriors is truly, genuinely happy, the part of himself that he tries to hide, the sweet and caring person he hides underneath all the dramatics, that true self he’s probably kept hidden away since the start of the war who’s been buried under insecurity and hidden because of the fear that who he is just isnt ENOUGH peaks through, and that person comes out through his happiness in the form of his smile. and yeah it does probably mean nothing and Jojo might not have done any of this on purpose, but i’m crazy, and Warriors’s crooked little smile is so so important to me *insert image of a guy crying face down on the floor because unfortunately i’ve hit the image limit*
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kosije · 11 months
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c/w ★ ׂ established relationship, light smut (oral fem!receiving), unedited, love this man sm
atsumu is a messy kisser.
hair damp with sweat, hands heavy and eager, lips swollen and hungry—messy. he'll kiss you anywhere, anytime. you're out shopping? let's go hide behind an aisle. at dinner with friends? let's "go to the bathroom." after one of his matches? no one will see you guys behind the bus, cmon! he calls you irresistible, and you call him insatiable. but it multiplies 10 fold when you guys are alone.
he'll start slow, taste your day on your lips with his hands on your lips. you melt into him so easily like you're one person, like you couldn't pull away if it was life or death.
"ya look so pretty, baby. did ya do all of this f'me?"
and when you nod and whine he'll speed up. lips leaving your own to decorate your chin and neck in pretty shades of love that he can look at later and make again when they fade. his hands slide under your clothes and massage you, feeling the heat from your body on his hand.
"gonna let me have ya? 'm dyin fer it, can't ya feel it?" he'll coo, and lead your hand to the hard bulge in him pants. he smiles when you say yes with that cute look in your eyes. it drives him crazy just to look at you, especially when you're as lightheaded with lust as he is.
quickly undressing, his lips find yours again. tongue running over your lips and tangling with your tongue until you're both moaning into each other's mouth. he pants as he pulls away, leaving a string of spit between you two to split, and kisses down your body until he's in between your thighs. you shake with anticipation, tangling your hand into his hair when his tongue dips between your folds, licking and sucking you feverishly. arching into the pressure, you moan praises of his name. he's so good at hitting all the spots you couldn't find with anyone else. and so when you come, just as messy, you ask for more, more, and more. and he'll give it to you. fucking you and filling you up as many times as he can, because it feels so good he refuses to stop until his body forces him to.
after he does, he'll kiss you again. smiling into it, because no matter how many times you may tease him for it, you are just as insatiable.
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turtleblogatlast · 5 months
[ cw: dismemberment / ]
I think a lot about how Leo’s rescue could have easily ended in him losing a leg as the portal snaps shut on the Krang still clutching the limb, or, alternatively, only having Leo’s right arm make it out, still held dearly in his brother’s hand as the rest of Leo is left behind. (The latter hits even harder, as it directly parallels his future self in the worst of ways.)
I think a lot about how so many things could have gone wrong during the course of the movie with even a little bit of a change, but it really is harrowing how much of a coin-flip the entirety of the Prison Dimension rescue was.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rottmnt headcanons#rise leo#dismemberment /#if literally any part of the prison dimension rescue was different it would have ended Very Badly#mikey came in clutch for doing the impossible in the first place#raph grabbing leo and not once letting go was vital#and donnie directly hitting the krang was essential#hell leo having the ability to reach out at all in the state he was in was a miracle#listen I think about the prison dimension a lot if you couldn’t tell#for the next tags:#strangulation mention /#physical trauma induced mutism /#potential death mention /#potential sibling death mention /#barely it mainly focuses on if he lives but /#I also think about how Leo’s trachea could have easilyyy given out as Raph (krangified) was choking him#can you imagine the last words raph hearing from his little brother being I’m sorry?#he’d likely live as the hamato bros are built different but imagine if he straight up can’t talk again after#the bros having no idea what Leo’s plan is but they suddenly feel him disappear with the portal#or also#imagine all he gets out in his hoarse voice is to beg Casey to close the portal before his family HEARS the sudden silence like a knife#even if he gets saved his voice may be wrecked or even gone for good#what am I writing wait-#also for my point on leo losing his arm paralleling his future self#imagine fate being a thing in this world but a VERY situational thing#imagine it makes it so that leo has to lose a limb#but not just that - it also ties his presence directly with the Krang’s - so if the Krang’s somewhere else…so is he
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thekittyokat · 5 months
you ever just have a lot, a LOT of feelings all at once about a character and not even remotely enough words or brainpower to FORM the words to describe everything you're feeling. so it feels like you may explode. yeah
#sorry i got really into my feelings about mark hoffman again#the very specific version of him in my brain that i really really wish i had the time and energy to properly share with you guys#saw#well until i muster the energy to explode all of my feelings out into a fic. if you want to TRY and understand#know that my three biggest hoffman fic insps right now are as follows#your best kept secret hoffman. a series of mistakes hoffman. and rushed like a dreadful wind hoffman.#there is a very clear throughline just know i am extremely emotionally compromised rn#thinking about theee fics vs the canon path hoffman spirals down#something something the absolute tragedy of watching a man's descent into madness#the transformation of a man into a monster#and what could have saved him from himself and kramer's corruption#sorry i'm rambling so much oh my god i was just having such a crying fit out of nowhere about this#do you think he could feel it happening. do you think he was aware he was losing his mind.#the script version of him fucks with me so bad. the crazed rankings and the longer hair and him not being well kept anymore#it's impossible to think he didn't know he was deteriorating#fuuuck okay i need to either chill or write a whole longfic rn#i project on that guy so much i truly don't know if i could properly write my vision of him#until i do something more substantial the full extent of my hoffman exists for me and my boyfriend only. they get me like no one else#well ginny and jenna also get me. please read best kept secret and a series of mistakes Oh My God#where am i going with this. i like tag rambling actually this is a nice way to do it without forcing EVERYONE to read my delirium#anyways if you've read all of this i think i love you? feel free to dm me about hoffman and my very specific headcanons and aus#maybe soon i'll try and start writing my fics about this tragic man#i could never say any of this on twitter btw they'd string me up for my opinions on him as a sad wet beast who could have been fixed#if only he hadn't been weaponized first#god i'm too tired to even be as embarrassed about this as i should be. thought i unlearned cringe already#but i've been spending way too much time on twitter and they HAAATE hoffman there#rip. i know it's not that serious but i'm sensitive rn and hate feeling lonely in my thoughts#ok bye for real otherwise i'll never shut up. i might tag ramble more often bc this was therapeutic in a way i needed badly#cat chat
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kazutora-kurokawa · 6 months
Hankisa hankisa yes I'm back at it again anything 4 you girl I'll give u every head canon I have but ≧﹏≦ anyways hanma smoking while brutally fucking fem reader till she's crying and moaning but like kisaki is watching and filming it
HanKisa x Reader: On Camera
♡ NSFW, fem reader, rough sex, smoking, crying, overstimulation, unprotected sex/creampie, voyeurism, filming, hair pulling, degradation ♡
note: Kat...my legs almost gave out on me when I read this request 😭 who gave you the right to come up with such an idea???
Hanma had been buried in your cunt for hours, brutally pounding into you even after you came multiple times. His rough hand gripped your hair tightly, while his free hand sparked a lighter and lit the cigarette dangling from his mouth. You were overstimulated, crying and whining for him to slow down or give you a break, but that just spurred him on to be rougher. He knew how sensitive you were and loved that he was the one who made you feel that way. Kisaki was sitting in a chair right next to the bed, getting the best angle of your fucked out face on video. The smug look on his face made it obvious he was enjoying the show.
Ashes from the cigarette dropped onto your lower back, making your body even warmer in its already overheated state. Smoke filled the room, the scent of it mixed with Hanma and Kisaki's different colognes was overwhelming. Your legs trembled as Hanma came in you for the umpteenth time that night. You were exhausted and just wanted to sleep, but the pleasure coursing through your body was too strong to let you drift off. Hanma gently wiped the cigarette ashes off your back, probably the nicest he's been all night. He leaned over, pushing your hair out of your face and kissed your forehead.
"Think you can give us another one darling~"
It seemed like a question, but was phrased as more of a command. Kisaki got up from his chair and stood closer to the bed, phone camera zooming in on your pussy as Hanma slowly pulled out and pushed back in.
"God you look like such a slut."
Kisaki spewed, prompting a short chuckle from Hanma.
"She's a pretty little slut though ♡"
Hanma pulled out entirely, watching as his cum dripped from your pussy. His thumb slid over your entrance before he pushed his cum back inside you, smirking at the way your body squirmed under his touch.
"She's been crying this whole time, bet she won't be able to walk in the morning."
Kisaki handed Hanma his phone as he unbuckled his pants. Hanma happily took the phone, focusing the camera on your ass before taking Kisaki's spot on the chair. He watched intently as Kisaki rammed his dick inside you, causing you to let out a small squeak.
"Aww, she's squeaking like a little mouse~"
Kisaki rolled his eyes at Hanma's comment, focused entirely on filling your cunt. Hanma could only sit back and laugh, knowing you'd be sore and embarrassed in the morning, especially once you see the video they took of you.
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkusuo @happy-trenchcoated-impala @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies
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minniiaa · 4 months
If Law ends up reuniting with the Strawhats, I hc that both he and Bepo would spend a lot of time in the aquarium bar because it’s the closest thing they have to being under the sea in the Tang again.
The Strawhats would understand this and would allow them to use the space as their own, even turning it into a temporary bedroom for them. They figure it would be easier for them to fall asleep and feel safe there because they feel more at home in the low light with the fish lazily swimming around. They remember when Law travelled with them before he would often take naps there when he thought no one was looking, clearly a bit homesick.
Their hearts ache for their allies, remembering how difficult it was to adjust after losing the Merry. The Sunny had done an amazing job of making them feel at home again and mend their broken hearts, and they hope she will be able to do the same for them.
Franky, ever the softie, cries to Robin one night about how he’s so glad he his decision for fresh food storage could give the two guys a bit of comfort. Robin nods in agreement with a soft smile and a far off look, knowing all too well what it feels like to have your home ripped away from you so suddenly and struggling to find a place that feels like it again.
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peridots-pixiwolf · 1 year
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in honor of TF2's sweet sixteen and repostober, one Pyro from just about six months ago 👍
@friendlyengie since i heavily referenced off your pyro here! Hope you don't mind me tagging you, your stuff is cool and I'm a big fan of your femfortress designs especially :]
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spirk-trek · 3 months
headcanon: chekov gets jim to play him in chess and quickly loses despite being a decent player, but he somehow convinces him to let him keep trying until he wins
fast forward a year or so, jim is stuck in sickbay with 84 broken bones or whatever and in comes chekov, board tucked under his arm for their weekly match because "you did not think i would be letting you off ze hook, did you keptin? a promise ees a promise"
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jacenbren · 1 year
Deeply fucking unsettling things about the Honored One himself, Satoru Gojo
Thanks to his ability to fuck with gravity, you put him in a blank, empty room with identical walls, floor, and ceiling with no doors or windows, he'll quickly lose track of which way is up. Realistically this situation would probably never happen, but the concept freaks him out ever since Geto made a joke about it once.
Gojo's body maintains a perfect thermodynamic equilibrium, making his skin creepily cool to the touch. He can go out in a blizzard with shorts on, and between that and Infinity, he'd be perfectly fine. It makes for a cool party trick, because he can stick his hand in a candle flame or put cigarettes out on his arms with no ill effects.
He's unsettlingly clean at all times, because dirt can't touch him. Gojo hasn't needed to use stain remover on his uniform in years.
He quite literally has six eyes. He keeps four of them shut and all of them hidden most of the time, though, because a) looking into all six at once would liquefy the brain of your average human, and b) his Six Eyes are constantly feeding unfathomable amounts of information into his brain every second. Even with his tolerance to his powers and mastery of the reverse curse technique, there's only so much stimuli a human brain can process without completely shutting down, and Gojo doesn't want to find out what that'll do to him--in a nutshell, just because he can see things that mankind can't even hope to comprehend doesn't mean he wants to.
He can perceive the entire electromagnetic spectrum, meaning he can see shrimp colors. Everyone else desperately wants him to describe the shrimp colors. Gojo continues to smugly refuse.
Because of his reverse curse technique constantly refreshing and regenerating his body, he just. doesn't really need to eat anymore. or drink. or even breathe. His body is basically frozen at peak physical condition, and it's very likely that he is functionally immortal.
Sometimes, Gojo forgets what pain feels like, because nothing can touch him. Pain feels almost like pleasure to him, because nothing can hurt him. Nothing can even touch him, and Gojo has secretly developed a perverted interest in seeing how badly he can mutilate himself before he's forced to reengage his technique and heal.
Gojo can bend and contort himself in ways that aren't humanly possible, run faster and farther and lift heavier objects than anyone alive, because his body can repair itself almost as fast as it's damaged, depending on how severe the injury. Basically, he has permanent hysterical strength, letting him push his body past its limits to perform feats that would kill a normal human with no ill effects.
Gojo doesn't sleep. He literally can't unless he releases his technique, because his body is constantly being refreshed and doesn't need to shut down. Oh well, it's for the better. He's most vulnerable while he's sleeping anyway, and it opens up his schedule by a lot.
His teeth grow now, almost like a rodent's. He has to file them down to be able to open and close his mouth properly, along with much more frequent trimming of his hair and nails.
His skin is oddly smooth, and unnaturally pristine. Gojo hasn't recieved a single scar since Toji sliced him open, and all the ones he'd recieved before are healed flawlessly at this point. His hands are so soft they make it look like he hasn't fought a day in his life, because calluses aren't able to form anymore.
Gojo's been around the world countless times now. He can go wherever he wants with a thought; the only cost is his sanity. Warping himself across the Pacific for lunch in San Francisco is fun, but he can only do it a few times a week if he doesn't want to have another... ah, episode.
These episodes involve blackouts, gaps in his memory where his powers manage to slip their leashes from overuse and literally short-circuit his brain. He's only had a few so far, and every time, he wakes up in the infirmary completely unscathed, with blood all over his clothes and an awful fucking migraine. Nobody knows what happens or where he goes, and all Shoko's been able to tell him is that when it happens, he seems to go into a giddy fugue before blasting his way out of the compound and vanishing for anywhere from days to weeks. Gojo's absolutely terrified of these episodes, because he's wholly aware that if he lost it for real, nobody would be able to stop him.
He looks human enough, but if you look closer, he quickly starts to set off the uncanny valley effect. It's like a wolf in sheep's clothing--because you know how dangerous he is, even though he appears relatively harmless at first. Everyone who meets him has the same fear response clawing at the back of their mind as their hindbrain screams at them to fucking run, because Gojo is an apex predator in the body of a prey animal. His very presence awakens primal fear that's been entrenched in every human since the dawn of time--the fear of things that go bump in the night, of cosmic horrors beyond what mankind can even hope to comprehend.
His eyes glow all the time now, and the energy crackling in the air around him feels like the static that comes before a lightning strike. Satoru Gojo is insistent that he's still human even though he's the strongest, but... is he, really?
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Springtime Caresses
IV. Dadstarion, but he's only just figuring that one out.
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Good things were happening to Astarion, at least on occasion. It had taken him years to accept that, to trust that his luck wasn’t about to run out at any given moment; to believe that he was worthy of whatever goodness came his way. And things were good, so very good—the Elven woman trancing in his arms was all the proof he needed, was she not? It was thanks to her magic woven into the protective canvas of their tent that he could feel the late morning sun warm his skin. It was her graceful body entangled with his that anchored him to a present worth living, having him excited for the future. It was her heartbeat echoing through his hollow bones that called him back from unwanted dreams, filling the refuge that was their worn tent with the only sound of life that truly mattered to him. It was his favourite melody in all the realms, one he could pick out in the densest of crowds; a tune he knew by his undead heart. And that was why he was still lying awake long past dawn today, holding his breath, listening. Wondering.
What was this faint, fluttering sound rippling through him where Tav’s bare chest pressed against his own?
For nearly half a century Tav’s heart had been singing for Astarion by now, and he took great pride and care in memorising each of her songs. Every piece in his collection was a personal favourite: the steady hum accompanying peaceful nights spent in each other's arms. The giddy pulsing of excitement whenever they were run out of town for a misdeed they might or might not have committed. The urgent pounding of her heart racing him through the throes of passion…But this strange off-tune beat disturbing his rest now, that one was odd—that one was new.
Astarion couldn’t say when he’d first noticed the unfamiliar sound. It might have been there all night, perhaps even longer; it mingled so subtly with his beloved’s heartbeat that it was easy enough to miss—especially when he’d been distracted by all those divine seductions Tav’s body offered him well into the early morning hours. She had tasted so intoxicatingly sweet with his fangs and cock buried deep inside her; the heels of her feet digging into the small of his back, greedily drawing him closer—deeper—as her blood rushed through him, and her legs and cunt had made the framework that was his entire world. It was ridiculously easy for him to lose himself in Tav. She was the one constant in his existence, the dance to which he could anticipate every next move. But now that his hunger for her was sated for the night, and Tav’s heartbeat had calmed into the gentle whisper of slumber, this novel symphony was deafening in Astarion’s sensitive ears. He wet his lips that still tasted of sweet, darling Tav.
Once, Astarion had been very good at ignoring things. It had been a skill long honed, perfected over centuries—how easily had he been able to just close his eyes, turn his back on the ignorant fools sleeping next to him? It had been such a well-rehearsed dance; him knowing what horrors were about to unfold, how irrevocably a life would change. But, night after night, it hadn’t been his life-changing, and so it had been of no consequence to him. Now, though, it was Tav he watched over as she tranced; whom he’d embraced for so many nights and yet not nearly enough. It was her soft, warm breath caressing his skin, making it impossible for him to unhear, let alone ignore, that ominous sound entrancing him. The moment Astarion had acknowledged the lingering change, it had settled in the thus far unoccupied space between him and his beloved. Already, Astarion could feel it deep in his bones—a shift in his world—and for the first time in many many years, he did not quite know what beat he was to dance to. And so the vampire spawn did what he was wont to do: He watched the even rise and fall of Tav’s bosom, filling his empty lungs with air. Slowly, he breathed in and out, tried and failed imitating that melody that was undeniably Tav and yet, somehow, more.
Very slowly it dawned on Astarion, then. How hadn’t it occurred to him before? It would be impossible for him to fall into that familiar, steady rhythm of Tav’s heartbeat this morning because where there had been one heart beating against his chest for all these years, there were now undeniably two.
Astarion’s useless breath caught in his throat. They’d known it was possible; it had been the probability of it all they’d doubted. And yet, here they were. The vampire spawn stared at the elf in his arms. There had been signs, Astarion realised as he reached for the small hand resting on his ribcage, grounding himself. Now that his world was shaking, he could see all the pieces fall into place. Didn’t Tav tire untypically fast lately, while her trances kept her from him well into the evening hours? And didn’t she smell different, too; taste even sweeter? She’d been changing right under his nose, had she not? He couldn’t even recall when he’d last indulged in her moonblood as he watched a well of memories flutter behind Tav’s eyelids. Her pink lips were slightly parted, brushing the gentlest of kisses against his skin as loose strands of her lustrous hair tickled his chin. She was glowing with life, and Astarion couldn’t help but wonder: did she know? Because, to him, it was suddenly clear as day that something had come alive between them—or rather half-alive, Astarion supposed.
Or half-dead, a mean little voice countered inside his head. 
Careful not to rouse his beloved from her trance, Astarion slowly untangled himself from Tav’s embrace, feeling at once cold at the absence of her touch. Kneeling next to her, Astarion gently placed Tav’s head on the pillow, brushed a stray lock from the face he could recognise blind. Crimson eyes wandered over Tav’s slight form—lean limbs and restless hands; a traveller’s body that rarely saw the sun. A body that could be better fed and more well rested. A body that could be stronger—a vessel that needed to be stronger for the unnatural presence it held. Deep within him, in a place that had lain dormant for many blissful years, Astarion could feel fear and shame settle. Nothing good tended to come of a union made flesh between mortals and monsters. There was a reason dhampirs were this rare; there was a reason mothers to dhampir children were even rarer. The strain of bearing life from death was too great—and it was entirely Astarion’s fault. But what was he to do? Could anything be done about this…predicament, now? All Astarion knew was that he couldn’t bear seeing Tav suffer; wasn’t she paying such a high price for his affliction already?
But Tav didn’t look like she was suffering, not now and not ever. Astarion scoffed at the discontented frown carved between her eyebrows as her hand searched blindly for his, only relaxing when he laced his cold fingers with hers. It was true, Tav was a little pale and her body bore all the signs of a future that had thus far been unwritten. And yet, now that Astarion bent over her, he could see the slight swell of her belly, the firmness of her breasts and recognise them for what they were. Tav was nothing if not resilient, always believing—knowing—that good things came their way. Had she ever given him reason to doubt her?
Carefully, Astarion rested his cheek below Tav’s navel, and there it was—the epicentre of their future, fluttering against his ear as if Tav had swallowed a little bird. He listened closely to the two heartbeats and tried to learn the intricacies of this new song. The sharp ends of Astarion’s fangs pierced his lower lip as he smiled widely against Tav’s belly. For nearly fifty years he and Tav had made love, and now love had eventually made something in return. But it had only just begun, hadn’t it? There was much to consider. They would have to settle down somewhere; being out in the wilderness, going town to town—it wouldn’t do any longer. They needed a safe place where Tav could gather as much strength as possible, a place where their child could thrive. They needed a home. Everything else would fall into place, surely…
There was another change in Tav’s heartbeat, signalling that she’d woken. It only took a second for her free hand to ghost over Astarion’s arm, his shoulders and the nape of his neck before it found its way into his dishevelled curls.
“What are you smiling about?” Tav asked, a sleepy curiosity laced in her voice that made Astarion look up at her face. He wondered again whether she knew of that second heart beating inside her or not, but Tav was a shit liar, and worse at keeping secrets—unlike Astarion.
He considered her a moment longer before he lifted his head off her middle and laid back beside her. Tav hummed contently as he pulled her against him, resuming their earlier position as if nothing had changed. “Just about how pathetically in love I am with you, and how my love for you only grows each day.” 
“Oh, just the usual then,” Tav yawned against his chest, mirroring his smile. “Nothing grand.”
She didn’t know, Astarion was sure of it. And he wouldn’t say anything, not at all. Tav would notice the change in herself soon enough, but for now, it was their secret—Astarion and the little life’s he’d discovered within her. “Nothing grand at all, my dear. Nothing grand at all.”
A good thing was happening to him; he could hear and taste it, feel it grow right there where Tav’s bare chest pressed against his—but who was he to keep that to himself?
“Darling,” Astarion blurted out. “How do you like Baldur’s Gate around…let’s say early Spring, I suppose?”
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tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @bardic-inspo @kawaiiusagichansan @darlingxdragon @herautumnmorningelegance  
@ayselluna @chonkercatto  @anukulee  @roguishcat @littlejuicebox
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sunlovessapphics · 3 months
my favourite flavour of radioapple toxicity is codependency. Them starting out as enemies and then becoming insufferably and obnoxiously attached at the hip for no apparent reason.
Charlie asks Alastor to go to the monthly overlord meeting and he’s like can I bring Lucifer and she does a long hard sigh before being like fine whatever okay. Charlie and Lucifer do a father’s daughter bonding activity and he’s like you know what would be great . If alastor was here.
And while all of this is going on they’re still pretending to hate each other like Fuck you and your stupid fuckass haircut! Anyway do you want to watch me cook dinner for the hotel today. Of course Alastor would end up saying yes ( in the most roundabout pointless old timey way possible ) and of course they’ll end up spending the next fourty eight hours in the same room as one another.
For Lucifer this means that he’d start distancing from all his other relationships, becoming more and more obsessed with Alastor’s attention / presence. People start getting worried but they can’t approach him because he’s always around Alastor. For Alastor I’d imagine he thinks that he’s got lucifer wrapped around his finger - that he’s the one in control of the situation - when he’s actually just as enamoured and obsessed with the other. He’d get so used to lucifer being around him all the time that he would actually be offended if Lucifer wasn’t around, developing that specific flavour of possessiveness and passive aggression that has him being like “Well of course I thought we would be making breakfast together, why else would I be here? Unless you think I should leave.”
Of course this is not sustainable and will end up blowing up in their faces. They know that. But they still spend all their time together - as if that’s a form of consumption in itself. As if they’re consuming the other whole bit by bit.
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 6 months
Now why none of you crusty... I mean loving and beautiful people ain't tell me about that "Thast not my neighbor" game.
Tell me why my heart racing after spending 20 minutes looking at vids and Fanart of him?
The Milkman so fine, now I gotta go look into the game just to write stories 🤭
Like here's one scenario right?:
(keep in mind I haven't seen much of the game but oh lord am I ready)
You run into bros doppelganger and he gets obsessed with you. Takes his time with it and everything, will play the role of actually being human but just greeting you gives him a rush.
It's hard not going right to you but oh it's like edging him. Tempting him in all the worse ways and really bro wants to eat you but there's also a hunger that comes from wanting to get close enough just once.
For some reason the idea that he's so close every time to losing it be getting to me (😔😩) bro definitely plays nice just to see if you'll let em in.
And if you do and he actually manages to get his claws- hands on you bro's gonna definitely do things like taste you, hold you down and all types of unsavory stuff.
It's like you'd purposely had been driving him nuts and bro is mad about it.
Even KNOWING he's a doppelganger and still testing your luck. Imagine something fucked like the electricity goes out and your are the very first target.
It's definitely giving primal and I'm loving it.
I'mma fr write this bruh.. what y'all think? 🫣
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rosenbergamot · 7 months
Everyone is Trans???? (REAL NOT CLICKBAIT!!!)
Grian is the only trans person on Hermitcraft.
He knows this as a complete and utter fact. He’s not lying about this, no matter how much he wishes he was-- and goodness, does he wish he was every damn day of his life. It’s lonely to be the only trans person on a server full of your dearest companions. 
It’s not even a horrible thing. He doesn’t trust them any less, doesn’t love them any less, but he sure is peeved about being surrounded by cis people all the time. When he wants to talk about his hips looking too wide today, or his top surgery scars not sitting right enough for him, or the way he’s so happy he can finally grow something of a beard, or how having long hair has gone from something dysphoric to something euphoric for him-- he just can’t! 
Because they won’t understand! And, sure, of course he can just tell them because they’re his friends and they care about him, but sometimes he doesn’t want to just be cared about. Sometimes he wants to be understood. Sometimes he doesn’t want to have to explain everything, going through the same tiring motions he’s gone over time and time again in his life. 
Can a guy not just want another trans person to complain to? Is it really so hard for that to be his reality? Is it really so much to ask?
He’s having a particularly annoying day today. His stupid jeans aren’t fitting correctly on his hips. Usually he’s not too angry about it. On days where he feels more feminine he likes that he has these hips, revels in the way clothes hug his curves, but right now he’s feeling just about as Man as one possibly could, and it’s making him want to rip apart his clothes because none of them fit right. 
He ends up in a pair of sweatpants that hide enough of himself so that he’s able to leave his base. The day outside is warmer than expected, beautiful and sunny, and he immediately regrets the large sweater and comfy sweatpants he had chosen to wear. The light glints off of the ocean, teasing him with its deep secrets that he will never be able to decipher. 
In the distance he can see the newest addition to Scar’s train-- the big snail that those pesky snails had built. It worries him that they can build things all of a sudden. Still, it’s not like he can do anything about it. You just have to accept that they’re going to do whatever they please and then they’ll tone it down. It seems they like to cause mayhem. He can’t really knock them for that. 
He unhooks Pluto from the post. He runs his hands through his mane, reveling in the coarse feeling. It takes his mind away from his body for a few seconds, lets him be completely and utterly still in a way that he often isn’t. Being so detail oriented and such a perfectionist can be hard on the psyche sometimes, especially when that energy is directed towards your body. 
You might as well roll his boulder and call him Sisyphus because he’s… uh…
He’s having a rough go at it. 
Pluto whinnies as he stops petting him, nudges his hand with his snout. It’s time to go check the shopping district. Maybe do permit things. Ugh. 
The ride is uneventful. He smashes the glass to the permit office with his pickaxe, picks it back up and replaces it so that nobody gets any funny ideas. Don’t want them bothering him or anything of the sorts when he’s here. Having to work is his worst nightmare.
The office is as quiet as it is dark. He sighs so loud it fills up the space. He freshens up the light, makes sure that the sign telling people the door is out of order is in place, and then moves behind the filing cabinets, taking a look at his uniform that sits there.
Usually he likes how it fits. It’s tight, accentuating his flat chest and his curves. He likes it that way. Not today though. 
Today he’ll forgo the outfit. It’s not like anyone is going to come in, anyways.
Twenty minutes later and he was very wrong. Someone is digging underneath the building, muttering to themselves, and Grian guesses who it is before he even pops his head in. 
Of course Scar of all people needs help with permits today. He’s always looking for any chance he gets to bother Grian into doing work. He puts down his book, eyes him with an anger that he knows feels inappropriate even for him. Sue him, he’s having a bad day.
“Grian!” Scar’s voice is louder than he remembered. He’s got specks of dirt on his face. 
He shoves his shovel into the dirt, leans on it, falls over a little bit as it teeters, tries to right himself, ends up just knocking the shovel over instead, stands up straight, puts his hands behind his back. Stops. Coughs. Smiles. Continues yapping.
“It’s so lovely to see you here! It’s such a coinkidink that fate would put the both of us here! In the permit office! At the same time! Almost as if we’re destined to meet here and do paperwork together and-- and help me with my permit so that I can actually do something as a zoo keeper…” His voice is quieter at the end. Grian pretends not to hear it. 
“Scar.” He greets flatly. “What do you want?” 
Disregarding his ire, Scar saunters up to him. “Oh, well, nothing too bad, G, nothing at all! I wouldn’t dream of making you work or anything-- um…” He stops suddenly. He opens his mouth. He closes it, looking him up and down. If a visual question mark could appear over a person’s head, it absolutely would in this moment. “You’re not dressed up in your-- your little… office uniform! Your little suit! Where’s your clip-on tie, Grian?”
Ugh. “Office Grian is out of the building today.”
That does not do anything to quell Scar’s confusion. His big ol’ eyes look wet and pathetic as he stares at him. “B-B-B-B-But… how am I supposed to get help with my form if office Grian isn’t here?”
“You’re just gonna have to deal with good ol’ regular Grian today.” 
He loves Scar beyond words-- really, it drains him how much he loves this man-- but today is not the day for him. He can feel his energy departing out of his body already. He was going to try and stick it out for a while today. It looks like plans are changing swiftly.
“Is regular Grian as know-- legible. Knoll… knowledge…” He hums, goes down a different path. “Do you know how to do the form? Because I need some serious help, G.” 
He drags a hand down his face. It’s sweaty. “Office Grian doesn’t even know how to do the form, Scar.” 
“What?!” This is genuine surprise from him. “So you’re tellin’ me that this form is all… all…”
“Bullshit?” He finishes the sentence for him. “Yeah. Pretty much.” His head is starting to hurt. “Ugh. Look, Scar, I’m not feeling good today, so maybe we can leave this for another day?”
The humour drops from Scar’s face. It leaves genuine concern. “Yeah-- I mean, no worries. Of course. Of course! Do you… uh, do you need-- need anything? Want to… talk about it?” 
It’s tentative. An olive branch. Scar is a very kind guy. A genuinely nice person. He thinks he’s perhaps caught him off guard with how open he’s being right now. It leaves him quiet and thoughtful. 
When the smile is off of Scar’s face one can really appreciate the way he looks. It’s not like his smile isn’t beautiful-- because it is, it’s moreso that this stillness is rare for him, moments of calm few and far between his cheesy one-liners and fake grins, and so when one is awarded this sight it feels disarming. 
He often forgets how beautiful Scar is. He thinks about how handsome he is on the daily, a fact which he divulges to nobody but himself, achingly aware of it everytime he sees him. Yet he misses how pretty he is. It makes his heart hurt.  
“Um.” He says as he snaps himself out of his… state. With nothing else to say, he just goes, “okay?” Y’know, like someone who wasn’t just staring deep into their friend’s eyes and remarking on how gorgeous they are. Like a smart and normal person. He grins to try and make it look extra convincing.
Scar’s face immediately screws up into worry. It was not convincing. 
“Ohhhh, god. Who are you and what have you done with Grian? I-I-I-I’m scared! You actually want to talk about it? What kind of sorcery is this?”
The bit of humour grounds him. He snorts. “Scar, don’t make me regret my choice.”
That shocks him into movement. His friend’s head whips around, eyes looking for something. He runs around the office wildly, tripping over his untied shoelaces, ignoring his squawk of “tie your shoes Scar!”, and comes back with two chairs. He sets them down in front of the desk, patting the other one. When Grian doesn’t move he pats it again, more insistent. Finally he acquiesces, leaving the comfort of the desk and sitting across from Scar. 
“So!” His voice is far too cheery. His smile is straining at the edges. He’s out of his element right now, Grian realizes. And it’s because he always has to fight to get these talks out of Grian. It’s like pulling tooth and nail sometimes. And here he is, just ready to… to bare it all. 
Oh, god. He’s going to talk to him. About his problems. And his body. 
He suddenly feels sick.
“I think I may throw up.” 
Scar’s smile falls. “What?” 
He splays his upper body across the desk. His stomach is doing flips. “This. This is going to kill me, Scar. Do you understand?” 
“I am going to die a painful death, Scar, and it’s all because you made me talk about my… my feelings!” He makes a throwing up sound. 
“Now you-- you just wait a second, mister!” Scar leans forward so that he can poke him in the shoulder. “I didn’t make you do anything-- in fact you agreed to it! So let me hear it, Gri, or I-I swear I’m gonna… I’m gonna! I’m gonna send those stupid snails back over to you and make them eat your mending book right in front of your eyes!”
He gasps. “You wouldn’t.”
An mhm. A nod. “Ohhh, I would. Don’t you test me now!” 
He’s seen enough fish in the short span they’ve been in this season to know that, in his shock, his mouth is opening and closing like one. It takes all his resolve to not run out of the building and leave this stupid place behind. Sure, Scar may try and follow him, but he’s fast-- surely he can outrun him! It… it wouldn’t be too hard! He can do it!
The energy leaves him in one fell swoop as the silence drags on and Scar only seems to get more worried about him. Finally, he looks away.
“I feel alone…” he bites out. It’s like chewing glass. 
“Oh?” Scar is interested. That’s him telling him to continue. 
The proverbial glass on his tongue and teeth cut up his mouth and bleed the truth out of him. “I have… a particular problem that nobody else on the server can relate to.”
“Is it an avian thing?” He scratches his head. “Y’know, I know that Pearl isn’t exactly an avian herself, but she may be able to help you out. Or-- hey! Jimmy is an avian! We can message him?” 
He’s earnest. So earnest. He grits his teeth. “It’s not. An avian thing.” 
That makes Scar stop. “Is it… is it a them thing?”
Them. Neither of them need to say their names to know. 
“God-- no. No. Thank goodness.” In his stress, he begins to pull at his hair, his wings ruffling. “I just. God. Scar, I can’t believe you don’t know. We’ve spent…” lives together. Lived and died together. Stuck by each other’s sides when no one else would. Hurt each other but mostly just loved each other. “We’ve spent time together.” 
“We sure have! I-- I, uh… I don’t know what you’re talking about, though.” 
“Have you ever looked at me when I’m shirtless?” He just decides to bite the bullet. 
Scar’s jaw drops. His face begins to turn a shade of red he didn’t think was possible. He looks away, fiddling with the brim of his hat. “No, no-- no! No way. Noooo way. Never, G-- never! I would. Never.” 
“Why are you so--? Look, nevermind! Scar, I-I’m different from everyone else and it’s not because of them and it’s not because I’m an avian.”
“You’re gonna have to spell it out for me.” He’s still not looking at him. Did that really embarrass him so much? That… that means many things that he just does not have the brain to dissect right now. 
“I’m not cis.” Is all he can really say. 
It’s so silent you can hear a pin drop. 
“You’re…” Scar’s finger wobbles as he points at him. His jaw is back to being on the fucking floor. 
For a second, Grian thinks he’s just fucked up the entire thing they have going on. Scar is going to leave him. He’s going to hate him and he’s going to tell everyone and it’s going to ruin his life. Poppies and lilacs will mean nothing to them anymore. 
But then Scar starts to smile. He wiggles his fingers, bouncing in his seat. “Ooooh, Grian! Grian, I had no idea! What the heck?” His laugh is a little intense considering the information just given. Dread leaks out of his body and is replaced by confusion. Scar is still laughing. “What the heck?! You mean to tell me we could have been bondin’ even more? How-- how the heck did I not notice that?”
“What…?” His voice cracks. 
Firmly, Scar points at him. “Hold on, how the heck did you not notice this?!” He points to his own chest.
“Scar, what on Earth are you talking about?” 
With little care for much of… anything, really, Scar rips his own shirt open, the buttons flying off and skittering across the floor. He points aggressively at two thick scars underneath his pecs. They pucker at the end, pulling skin taut against his ribs. He’d recognize something like that anywhere. 
It’s Grian’s turn for his jaw to drop. “W-What? You… wait-- what? You… I-- Scar, put your shirt back on!” 
“The shirt is gone, Grian,” he says with faux seriousness. “You’re just gonna have to deal with this right now.”
He’s trying very hard not to stare at Scar’s chest. He is fighting a losing battle. 
“Nevermind that, though-- how the heck did you not notice these scars? They’re gigantic, Grian! Biggest ones I’ve got on my-- my whole… whole area!” He gestures vaguely to his body.
“Your torso?” He sighs. “I don’t know, Scar, I guess I don’t make it a habit to look at your pecs?”
That answer seems to displease him greatly. “Well, I can’t see why not, my pecs are amayzin’.” 
You know what… “Sure, Scar. Sure they are.” 
He beams at him. “You’re welcome to stare at them anytime, Grian!”
His ears are getting warm. Stupid Scar. “It’s nice to know I’m not alone on here.”
To Scar this seems like a joke. He laughs. When Grian doesn’t laugh too, he stops. Stares at him. Squints at him. “You-- you weren’t ever alone, Grian.”
“I didn’t know that you were also trans!” He argues, feeling his back start to rise. 
“No-- no, I mean… jeez, Grian, I don’t think I know a single cis person on this server. In fact, MIster, I thought you were the only one we had-- until now, of course!” 
“Actually I think Skizzy Wizzy is cis! Or-- or maybe he’s not…” He furrows his brows. “Ah, whatever, point is: you’re surrounded by trans people whether you like it or not, mister!”
“Why would I dislike it?” It still doesn’t feel real to him. If he weren’t sitting down he would have to sit down again. As it stands (or sits, he supposes) he just sinks lower into his chair. “I can’t believe this. I’ve been-- I’ve been stewing for years! Wait-- Mumbo?!”
“Yep!” He pops the ‘p’, grinning wildly. It makes Grian start to laugh. That makes Scar start to laugh. In a very sweet moment that turns very sobering very quickly, Scar takes his hand, squeezes it as if he’s squeezing one of those grip testing machines-- ow! “Now you don’t have to hide it, G. Isn’t that amayzin’?” 
The contact makes his head start to spin. “You’re crushing my hand, Scar.”
“Whoops!” He lets go, blushing. “Sorry, sometimes I don’t even know my own strength!” 
“Yeah, yeah… anyways, what was that about you definitely not staring at my chest earlier?”
Scar runs out of the building so fast you would swear he had somewhere to be. 
Which is good enough for Grian, because that means he doesn’t have to put an ounce of work in today! He puts down his ‘Gone Fishin’ sign, repairs the hole left by Scar, and then leaves the building. He feels lighter than he’s ever felt before.
So it turns out he was wrong. He’s never been so glad to be so wrong. 
(read it on ao3 here! <3)
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compressedrage · 3 months
So I've been thinking about how Dark's mission code would register Orange
It's up for debate how much of Dark's actions during AvA "Season 2" (still weird to be calling it that) were purely Dark and how much were influenced by the code. I wouldn't say the code was completely absent– I think it was heavily influencing Dark's actions and how he responded to Chosen's attacks. Dark is violent person, and that is only heightened by his mission– Destroy The Chosen One.
Now Orange is The Second Coming; The Chosen One's Return. I've said before that they share code and likely act similarly because of this. But if that's the case, how would Dark's mission code react to him?
I'm not saying Dark tried to kill Orange simply because his mission code maybe made a mistake; he definitely saw Orange and his friends as obstacles to be eliminated. But I just wonder if for a split second his code made him pause because that kid looks familiar why does he look familiar I've never seen him before in my life–
Maybe it clicked as he was suspended in midair, staring into the eyes of a child, an avenging angel, and his mind is torn between oh he's like us and fearfearfear we're going to die
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