#v; Boruto era
abyssaldespair · 1 year
A chunky cat starts meowing out loud while trying to get the attention of the man from the foodstand. Clearly the tabby cat was not starving, he just wanted his daily food from his food-walking-trip.
Halfway through his food, Obito stops to look down at his new visitor and oh boy... What a large cat... The poor feline's strides are short and large, the struggle of simply walking is evident. The poor thing's head looks so small on it's enormous body. Who could do this?
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"Really? You want my food? Have you not seen yourself?" The Uchiha asks the cat. Is it living here by the food stalls? People must feed it constantly. This isn't a life. Not hungry anymore, Obito pays for his plate and steps down from his stool.
"I'm not giving you my food, the ingredients aren't meant for cats." Before the feline could run away- not that it could run fast or far... Obito grabs it and lifts it to his chest. This cat is so heavy! What in the world...?
"I'm going to keep you until the day you manage to properly run away from me."
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7storm · 1 year
❛  what are you doing here?  ❜
⸻⸻⸻⸻ . . . ⸻⸻⸻⸻
⸻ @rasenlost
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something sinister threatens his tone , but he stays it with the will of change's desire . he's silent for a moment as he assesses the situation , placing many familiarities upon the boy , & their correlations with his beloathed & cherished rival . this path before him is treacherous , but he would walk it nonetheless . if he's anyone used to struggle , he's sure he's got a handle on it . he'd earn his worth , he'd make things right . . . but before all that , he'd commit to a road of making amends .
still , he wouldn't suspect it'd be interrupted before it even began by one so unfamiliar . he stops in his tracks , & takes the question quite literally when he responds in seriousness , ❛ i was just leaving . ❜
he'd had a dream he'd begun his journey already , & awoken back in konoha . the timelines have an interesting way of tying , & he hasn't quite figured it out yet .
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magmavox · 15 days
Summer Fic Reading Challenge
Spent my weekend using this fun event to make myself work through the huge backlog of my fic reading list. What an amazing way to encourage interaction in fandom! I don't have a bingo yet, but I'm hoping to get there by the time the event ends!
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Fix-It Fic: Two Lifetimes by KinomiAkai Naruto (SNS), Time-Travel Fix-It, Rated T, 11k words I don't read many Time Travel fics, but I really enjoyed the thought that was put into the impact of having Naruto go back in time, how he would interact with the world, and how his integration into the past timeline felt meaningful without having him OP all his problems. Plus, I'm a sucker for a good twist. 5+ Year Old Fic: Declaration by VickyVicarious (posted in 2011, finished in 2019) Naruto (SNS), Pre-Shippuden/Timeskip, Rated T, 40k words A rip-roaring take on early Team Seven. Sasuke's inner monologue is so perfectly pre-teen melodrama, and SNS are just the right amount of emotionally constipated to be both insanely precious and make you want to throttle them. Happy Ending: This Will Be Easy by TheGoldenOath (VoiidVagabond) Naruto (SNS), Canon Divergence, Rated E, 24k words An intense and titillating look at post-Ch 698, as Naruto struggles to understand his own feelings. Sasuke shows a lot of tenderness and even thoughtfulness in how he approaches Naruto's anxiety over the subject. In the end, they both loose their cool deliciously- as it should be.
Found Family: on the verge of things like truth, things like love by PurpleClouds_001 Naruto (SNS and NaruHina), Boruto Era, Rated M, 16k words Warning: Major Character Death A brutal look at how Hinata and Sasuke reckon with their respective relationships, and each other, in the wake of Naruto's death. Does an incredible job of fleshing out Hinata as a character in a way canon never figured out how. It's raw, and intense, and yet still a thoughtful and nuanced look at their characters, lives, and relationships. Re-Read An Old Fav: A Six Year Old Washes His Clothes by AuthorReinvented Naruto (Gen), Pre-Canon, Rated G, 3k words Warning: Child Neglect/Abuse One of my favorite fics I've ever read, despite the fact that I cry every time. A clear eyed look at Naruto's origin story and what it means for a kid to be so profoundly neglected and absolutely let down by nearly every adult in his life. Heartbreaking, but imo it should be mandatory reading for SNS/Team 7 fandom. No Powers AU: A Promise is a Promise by BlackSakura13 Naruto (SNS), Modern AU, Rated E, 9.5k ish words A very cute, smutty scenario of Modern Setting SNS, and a silly (or so they think) pact to lose their v-cards to one another.
Thank you for arranging this event @ficreadingchallenge - I hope I can pull out a bingo in time!
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karol-d-gomes · 7 months
Estava escrevendo isso a mais de meia hora e foi tudo deletado, antes que eu me esgane de raiva vamos tentar novamente !
Minha AU sobre o Clã Kazekage !
Antes de tudo vamos começar pelo um sobrenome, os irmãos da areia por volta da casa dos 20 (Temari já era recém casada) que sua mãe não era nativa sunan, era e seu irmão Yashamaru, eram de um clã relativamente pequeno em Tanigakure, a vila dos rios, é o Clã Tsukishima, Kankurou e Gaara quando descobriram isso decidiram começar a usar o sobrenome apenas por homenagem a sua mãe e tio, não teve problema pq o Clã já tava praticamente extinto então não tinha quem reclamar (um detalhe parecido com o assunto e engraçado, Kankurou sempre foi chamado a vida inteira pelo seu primeiro nome então ele nunca pensou que ele poderia ter um segundo nome, nessa mesma época vendo seus registros de nascimento, ele descobre pro choque de Kankurou que sim ele tinha um segundo nome, que é Lee) Agora que acabamos sobre a questão do sobrenome vamos pro que interessa !!!
Vamos começar pela mais velha : Temari !!
Pra ser justa não mudou muita coisa, é aquela coisa do canônico, Temari se casa com Shikamaru e se muda pra Konoha, e eles tiveram 2 filhos, Shikadai, de 13 anos e Yuna, de 11, Yuna tem um cabelo loiro claro que bate nos ombros, usa uma franjinha de um lado da testa, é muito fofo, ela é mais baixa que Shikadai desd sempre, é oficialmente a mais baixa de todos os primos, não a mais nova, ela tem suas vestes com um verde água muito fofo, seus olhos são iguais de seu pai, escuros e profundos. Seu estilo de luta é uma mistura de jutsu das sombras e o leque gigante, que nem Shikadai
Vamos continuando pelo Kankurou, o do meio !!
Kankurou e Kiba começaram a namorar na casa dos 20, Kankurou com 22 e Kiba com 20 pra ser exata, Kankurou tem um charme assustador que fez até Tsume gostar dele, ela nem esconde que é o genro favorito dela, não é necessário, com quase 1 ano de namoro quem entra no relacionamento é a Kanao, Kanao é uma mulher ruiva ondulada com uma franjinha tipo taylor swift que tem 1,68 de altura, ela é descrita pelo outros como gentil e atenciosa, e desde então os 3 estavam em um relacionamento, dps se alguns anos casaram e Kiba se mudou pra Suna pra morar com o moreno e a ruiva, e tiveram 3 filhos, Kioshi é o mais recente filho dos 3, não ironicamente ele é o mais velho, Kioshi tem 15 anos, tem pelo menos 1,70 de altura, cabelos castanhos não tão claro e nem tão escuros, totalmente bagunçados, olhos tão escuros, esticados e profundos que é fofo e assustador ao mesmo tempo, e temos a mais nova, Kaori, Kaori tem 11 anos e é mais nova que a Yuna por apenas 4 meses, ela é totalmente energética e direta, é um pouco mais alta que a Yuna, tem um cabelo castanho escuro, é liso e podem ser mt arrumados ou bem bagunçados, Kaori por algum milagre da genética conseguiu os olhos roxos de sua avó, Karura, que até então não tinha nem filhos e, até o nascimento dela, nem netos com esse olho, foi emocionante, suas vestes são baseadas em cores pastéis, mas na sua roupa de chunin de sempre é específicamente um macacão preto jardineira com uma blusa roxa com o simbolo de suna na parte do lado da blusa, como já foi mencionado ela é descrita como energética e totalmente impaciente com atitudes idiotas dos outros, e principalmente com alguém que não adimite os erros, pessoas que não admitem os erros nunca vão evoluir mentalmente, foi assim que eles foram criados e vai ser assim que eles vão acreditar (não que estivessem errados, Kank, Kibs e Nao estão certíssimos).
Vamos com o nosso mais novo agora, Gaara !!
Gaara passou a vida toda nunca pensando em sentimentos ou relacionamentos, até mesmo na vida adulta, foi uma coisa que nunca fez sentido pra ele, mas então, na época um pouco antes (tipo uns 2 anos antes) de Boruto de alguma forma que Gaara e Lee nunca ousaram a explicar apareceram namorando, agora eles tão acostumando a ideia de Shinki, filho adotado de Gaara e Metal, filho de Lee, se darem bem, virarem uma familia ( é claro que nenhum dls dois vão forçar seus filhos a se gostarem, mas seria bom se eles fossem amigos) que até que deu certo, Metal e Shinki se dão bem, é ainda uma familia diferenciada em trabalho, Shinki e Metal tem 13 anos.
Tenho tanto pra falar dessa família !!! Por hoje é só, estou orgulhosa que eu finalmente botei uma as AU que eu tenho em mente em um post, é gratificante, mesmo que não seja cheio de curtidas e essas merdas, só botar oq eu penso em palavras já é muito bom, espero que tenham gostado, até a próxima 👋👋👋
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irukasenseii · 1 year
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[Mobile friendly verse post] Feel free to specify for a specific verse if wanted when doing starters or sending in asks!
Canon verses: [v: prankster][v: teachers aide][v: pt 1][v: time skip][v: pt 2][v: blank space][next gen] These verses start from after the kyuubi attack when Iruka was still terrorizing people with pranks as a child, straight up to his promotion as vice-principal. They follow canon as closely as possible/are set during different periods of the show/manga. Next gen covers the boruto-esque era, but is inclusive for all the next generation oc babies (not just the canon ones). He's no longer a teacher and acts as headmaster.
Non-canon verses [v: papa-ruka] [Affiliated w/ @silverfaxg] Iruka takes in Kadia and cares for her as if she was his own, stepping in as an uncle/father figure when she needs it and providing a place for her to stay when she doesn't want to be home. He hopes to nurture her love for teaching and the path she wants to take as a medic-nin.
[v: traitors aide] // [v: forevermore] [Affiliated w/@thecopynin-kakashi] After his life is saved by Kakashi and he learns the reasons why the other went rogue, Iruka resolved to help him and stubbornly refused to take no as an answer until Kakashi agreed to let him help. He chose to secretly aide Kakashi in his endeavor until Kakashi could return to the village. Their partnership turned into a secret relationship and Iruka is now engaged to Kakashi; who is now the sixth hokage
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ninnekomata · 10 months
Verses - Basic Overview
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This is just an overview summary of the very bare-bones information on Ronin's verses; more detailed information will be put into individual write-ups later and things are liable to change as the blog and Ronin progress over time. Some of these verses need more specific sub-verses for certain media (ex. Marvel, Star Trek, etc.) that will be expanded on as needed down the line.
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v. main | do not speak of darker days. (pre-Naruto start)
takes place in the canon timeline of the manga / anime, prior to the events of the first chapter of the manga or episode of the show. This covers any events earlier in the timeline such as the prior Great Ninja Wars, the Warring Clans Era, and further back to the formation of the Bijuu and Summon Creature (as per my personal lore for Summons- X). generally speaking Ronin is either actively contracted to one of the prior Cat Contract Holders (X), or it may be a period between active signees. this period also extends back to when he was not the Boss Summon of the Contract, prior to when his father went missing and the title was passed down to him.
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v. main | and onwards we roam. (canon timeline through Shippuden)
the time period we see take place during the events of the manga and anime, beginning from chapter one to chapter 700. This also includes any relevant movies, OVAs, and novels / games that reasonably take place in this era. Ronin is the Boss of the Cat Contract by this point in the timeline and has been for decades, and most of his time is spent wandering the Elemental Nations and the continents beyond in search of his missing father. the status of the Cat Contract is considered Inactive (no current Summoners are signed to it) by default unless someone signs on during a thread; happy to plot this out, and can make a bespoke verse to cover this.
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v. main | for those that walk after. (Boruto and after)
anything that takes place in Boruto and in attached media to the series; I am not especially well versed in the Boruto segment of the timeline as the series has not held my interest, but am happy to research and do appropriate footwork to make plots work! unless otherwise stated or agreed upon prior, Ronin is still uncontracted.
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v. au | wicked creature. (generic magical familiar verse.)
the assumption of this base verse is that Ronin is some flavor of familiar or magical assistant creature; the exact type and lore can shift to better suit the other muses' canon or system of preference. if nothing concrete is given the assumption is that Ronin is a spirit given corporeal form by the person that has summoned / created him to act as a familiar - similar but not quit the same as the system in the Bartimaeus series if you are familiar with those books! his purpose here is simply to help whoever has called him forth, though he's very likely to be rather snarky about being awoken from his 'nap'.
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v. au | catching claws. (generic pokemon verse.)
generally speaking, Ronin is a bizarre sub-species of the Meowth / Persian line that never fully lost it's ability to walk upright. this subspecies is far darker than the rest in it's coloration, and tend to keep company in cemeteries and other places of quiet and shadow. the oldest among the species can rival Ninetales in longevity and spectral power - an effect of this having caused the subspecies to change type to Normal/Ghost as their connection to the afterlife became stronger over subsequent generations and time. Ronin himself is a Persian of considerable age, hailing from lands yet unnamed in the wilds beyond Orre. While he is certainly no legendary Pokemon, the few people that live and have explored this lands do have stories and legends to tell of an extraordinarily powerful cat-like Pokemon in the region.... this lore is of course malleable and Ronin can reasonably be made to be most cat-like Pokemon comfortably and moved to more established locations as needed for bespoke verses in threads.
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v. au | beast of yore. (generic mythos nekomata verse.)
Ronin is some form of mythological creature in this verse; he is assumed to be a form of yokai called a nekomata to match his main verse more closely unless a different lore or creature fits better and is specified for a sub-verse. nekomata have a number of powers depending on the source you look at; Ronin generally retains his shadow-based abilities, ability to transform, and skills with illusion.
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v. au | the void between stars. (generic space verse.)
travelling the stars on various ships that he has either wandered onto willfully or has been smuggled on-to as an assumed 'illicit pet' by crew or another passenger. a strange alien race, it's clear that he is far more than a mere cat but the similarities to the Earth animal are so apparent it has to be assumed to be done with a purpose, rather than a quirk of evolution. regardless of the reasons for why the similarities exist, the differences are marked; Ronin is capable of bipedal locomotion and object manipulation, and appears to possess some level of telepathy and other mental skills - making him skilled in deception and illusion.
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drowningindango · 2 years
If I remember riiiight... I think they had a short moment where they acknowledged each other during the war arc. Sasuke is nearly dead, Team Taka + Orochimaru run to where he is to help, Kabuto got there first and is healing Sasuke just as the others arrive. Here, I can put a link for the gist of the scene, I hope it helps! 😊: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=522hcpixvRk
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Haha, yeah, I already know about that scene. But to be honest, I slightly forgot about it when making my post. So thanks for pointing that out!
You're right, they are aware of how the other has changed. That scene basically has some of what I imagined. 🤔 still would be interesting to see a later, second reunion in Blank era or Boruto era, but it probably wouldn't have the impact it would have had if it was truly the first time seeing each other.
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primnroses · 2 years
If it okay to ask my friend want to read Naruto so they want to know the order to read all the light novel, Naruto gaiden and boruto light novel.
This is the official order of the entire franchise according to VIZ Media and V-Jump.
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If you can't read it, I'll explain it with the names of the novels:
Pre story:
Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light and Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night by Takashi Yano.
Original story:
Naruto from chapter 1 to chapter 699 by Masashi Kishimoto.
The Blank Period takes place:
Kakashi Hiden: Lightning in the Icy Sky by Akira Higashiyama.
Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness by Takashi Yano.
The Last: Naruto the Movie by Tsundeo Kobayashi and novel by Maruo Kyōzuka.
Sakura Hiden: Thoughts of Love, Riding Upon a Spring Breeze by Tomohito Ōsaki.
Konoha Hiden: The Perfect Day for a Wedding by Shō Hinata.
Gaara Hiden: A Sandstorm Mirage by Ukyō Kodachi.
Akatsuki Hiden: Evil Flowers in Full Bloom by Shin towada.
Sasuke Shinden: Book of Sunrise by Shin Towada.
The new era takes place:
Naruto chapter 700 by Masashi Kishimoto.
Konoha Shinden: Steam Ninja Scrolls by Shō Hinata.
The New Leaves Soaring Through the Blue Sky! by anime studio.
A Call from the Shadows! by anime studio.
Those Who Illuminate the Night of Shinobi! by anime studio.
Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring by Masashi Kishimoto.
School Trip Bloodwind Records by anime studio.
The Last Day at the Ninja Academy! by anime studio.
Boruto: Naruto the Movie by Masashi Kishimoto and novel by Ukyō Kodachi.
Current events in the manga and anime after Boruto the Movie:
Naruto Shinden: Parent and Child Day by Mirei Miyamoto.
Sasuke Shinden: The Teacher's Star Pupil by Jun Esaka.
Shikamaru Shinden: A Cloud Dancing in Forlorn Falling Petals by Takashi Yano.
Kakashi Retsuden: The Sixth Hokage and the Failure Boy by Jun Esaka.
Sasuke Retsuden: The Uchiha Descendants and the Heavenly Stardust by Jun Esaka.
Naruto Retsuden: Naruto Uzumaki and the Spiral Destiny by Jun Esaka.
Notes: Both Itachi Shinden novels, Kakashi Hiden, Shikamaru Hiden, Sakura Hiden and Sasuke Shinden have official English translations published by VIZ Media. The Last: Naruto the Movie (movie available in English dub), Konoha Hiden, Gaara Hiden and Akatsuki Hiden don't have an official English translation.
Konoha Shinden and the anime written Boruto novels are only available in Japanese and both have anime adaptations.
Naruto Shinden, Sasuke Shinden and Shikamaru Shinden have official English translations published by VIZ Media. The Retsuden Saga's (Kakashi, Sasuke and Naruto) official English versions have been announced and Sasuke Retsuden's official English translation will release in November of 2022.
Sasuke Retsuden will get a manga adaptation by Shingo Kimura set to release in 2022, as well as Konoha Shinden by Sai Natsuo.
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tgirlhawkins · 2 years
many people have noted that boruto feels like it belongs to a different franchise than naruto. after much thought i have decided this franchise is yugioh, being most similar to zexal but taking from several other installments
(this is a shitpost please don’t kill me)
1. both contain a main character with a special necklace (tsunade’s necklace and the gold key) they received from a parent
2. both necklaced main characters are being haunted by a white-themed alien who kind of comes and goes as they please but are inextricably linked to the mc (astral and momoshiki)
3. the ratcheting up of technology from series to series--DM and naruto had at most 90s era tech outside of specific things (duel disks, that robot naruto) while subsequent serieses feature TV, video games, robots with specific jobs, bullet trains, alternative energy sources that are questionably possible even within the realm of the show
4. the random appearance of aliens as a main antagonist (and only 1 alien involved in the original plot and there are suddenly a bunch more in the second installment, if u consider zexal I the original and II the continuation)
5. this is where stuff stops being specifically about zexal. there’s a main antagonist who’s very old and has a parasitic relationship to some slut (marik/yami marik, jigen/isshiki) and the actual evil guy looks really fucked up
6. sora arc v and daemon are kind of the same boy, right down to both having blue hair with high bangs and a long sleeved jacket paired with shorts. daemon would love sora’s little beasts
uhhhh i could get into more fashion choices and cults and how kawaki should get a motorcycle and shark should get more piercings but i think that’s where i’m going to end it tonight
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abyssaldespair · 1 year
@bibibooks asked:
Bijin knocked with a closed book on Obito's head, "Hellooo, is anyone in there? No intelligent life forms at all? None? Seriously?" //Slap her!
Obito tiredly looks over Bijin, the white of his eyes slightly red and his eyelids dropping. “Wha-?” He brings a hand to his hair where the book hit him. 
“Are you trying to.. Hm...” He grins stupidly, “Knock the information in the book into my head? Don’t think that’s how it works, you’ll have to read it aloud to me instead.”
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hclariblog · 3 years
Quando os filhos saem, os pais aproveitam! +18
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_ Vocês vão ficar bem? - Naruto pergunta olhando para os filhos na porta.
_ Claro mãe! - responde Boruto revirando os olhos.
_ Não se preocupe, eu vou cuidar do Boruto, nenhum alfa vai mecher com ele! - disse Menma, seu filho mais velho.
Boruto e Menma, filhos de Naruto e Sasuke, estavam indo passar as férias na casa dos pais de Naruto, Kushina e Minato. Tanto Boruto quanto Menma já se descobriram, Boruto um ômega e Menma um alfa, desse dia em diante Naruto começou a se preocupar mais com Boruto, sabia como os ômegas eram tratados pela sociedadee não queria que o filho fosse tratado assim. Mesmo os dois indo pra casa de seus pais e lá sendo um lugar até que seguro ainda se preocupava, até porque não tem como não se preocupar, era o pai/mãe deles.
_ Tudo bem, não dem trabalho para seus avós, se comportem, Menma não deixe nenhum alfa chegar perto do Boruto e se cuidem! - disse por fim abraçando os dois mais novos.
_ Eles ficaram bem Naruto! - diz Sasuke se aproximando dos filhos e do marido com mochilas nas mãos.
_ E mãe, sabemos nos cuidar! - diz Boruto pegando uma das mochilas das mãos do pai e Menma fazendo o mesmo logo em seguida.
_ Tudo bem, fiquem com os celulares ligados qualquer problema liguem que buscaremos os dois! - deu um beijo na testa dos dois.
_ Não somos mais crianças! - Menma cruzou os braços.
_ Mais são meus bebês! - apertou as bochechas do filho.
_ Nossos bebês! - Sasuke o corrige apertando as bochechas de Menma.
_ Parem, vocês vão arrancar minhas bochechas fora! - reclamou o moreno mais novo acariciando as bochechas enquanto seu irmão mais novo ria de si.
_ Vão antes que o motorista pense que não vão mais! - diz o mais velho da casa.
_ Tabom, tchau pai! - Boruto deu um beijo na bochecha de Sasuke. - Tchau mãe! - e logo na de Naruto.
_ Tchau! - Menma de um beijo na bochecha de ambos.
Os dois saíram de casa com suas mochilas, vão até o carro que os esperava e entraram, acenaram pela janela do carro enquanto os pais acenavam de volta. O motorista deu partida e começaram viagem, enquanto Sasuke e Naruto ficaram em casa.
Naruto fechou a porta e quando se virou, foi surpreendido por Sasuke agarrando sua cintura e o prendendo contra a parede atacando seus lábios com um beijo sedento, que foi retribuído no mesmo instante.
Sasuke pediu passagem com a lingua que foi concebida quase que de imediato. Suas línguas brigavam por espaço e dominação enquanto exploravam a boca do outro.
No meio do beijo Sasuke pressionou seu joelho no meio das pernas de Naruto o fazendo arfar no meio do beijo.
Quando a falta de ar se fez presente, Sasuke separou o beijo mais em seguida atacou o pescoço do loiro deu um beijo na marca no pescoço do outro e foi dando mordidas e chupões, sua mão que antes estava na parede foi de encontro a bunda do Uzumaki a apertando arrancando um gemido do mais baixo.
_ Ahh Sa-sasuke - gemeu Naruto.
Quando o pescoço do loiro estava bem marcado, Sasuke voltou a atacar os lábios do loiro.
Sasuke separou o beijo e jogou o Uzumaki no sofá ficando por cima do mesmo, tirando a camisa do loiro e a jogando em um canto qualquer da sala.
Levou sua boca até o mamilo esquerdo de seu marido e deu uma fraca mordida antes de começar a chupa-lo enquanto sua mão dava atenção ao outro.
Os gemidos de Naruto eram presentes pela sala, o loiro estava perto do cio então estava mais sensível, Sasuke sabia muito bem disso e iria aproveitar ao máximo.
Tirou a boca do mamilo esquerdo de Naruto assim que percebeu que ele já estava bem vermelhinho e foi dar atenção com a boca ao direito enquanto a mão dava carinho ao mamilo esquerdo.
Assim que a mesma também estava bem vermelhinha, subiu os beijo dos ombros, pescoço, clavícula até a orelha.
_ Quer ir pro quarto? - perguntou sussurrando no ouvido do ômega com sua voz rouca arrancando arrepios no Uzumaki.
_ Hai Daddy! - respondeu arfando.
Sasuke não perdeu tempo e pegou o loiro no colo o levando pro segundo andar, pelo caminha ele e Naruto trocavam beijos quentes.
Assim que chegaram no quarto, o alfa distrancou e abriu a porta, entrou carregando Naruto e o jogou na cama assim que fechou a porta.
Foi até uma gaveta a abrindo e tirando de lá uma par de algemas, foi até a cama ficando por cima do ômega o beijando, pegou os braços do loiro e separou o beijo, prendeu os pulsos do outro e os algemou na cabeceira da cama os deixando presos.
Naruto sorriu sacana com o ato e Sasuke tirou a calça do Uzumaki o deixando apenas de box. Se levantou pegando uma venda e uma taça com gelo, os deixando nos pés da cama.
Ficou por cima do loiro atacando seus lábios, uma de suas mãos foi descendo pelo corpo do menor até que chegou na box do ômega, apertou o membro dele por cima de tecido arrancando gemidos do loiro abaixo de si que gemeu entre o beijo.
_ Como eu amo seus gemidos baby! - sussurrou no ouvido do outro, tirou a box do Uzumaki o deixando completamente exposto.
Abaixou até o membro ereto do marido, Naruto fechou os olhos esperando o ato do moreno, mais só esperou mesmo, quando abriu os olhos Sasuke olhava pra ele com um sorriso sacana e a venta em mãos.
Se aproximou do rosto do loiro e amarrou o tecido delicadamente.
Agora com Naruto apenas podendo sentir, a diversão começaria.
Sasuke pegou a taça com gelo retirando um gelo de dentro dela, colocou o gelo na boca deixando um pouco pra fora e fico por cima de Naruto, chegou com o rosto perto do mamilo do loiro e começou a passar o gelo naquela região. O gelo com o contado da pele quente de Naruto fazia o Uzumaki sentir arrepios e muito prazer.
De um mamilo Sasuke foi ao outro, trazendo a mesma sensação a Naruto, o loiro não podia ver aonde Sasuke colocaria o gelo, fazendo assim a surpresa se misturar com o prazer, assim tendo uma sensação maravilhosa.
O moreno parou de brincar com os mamilos do marido, descendo pelo abdômen do loiro fazendo uma trilha até chegar no umbigo do loiro deixando o gelo lá, pegou outro gelo da taça e a colocou na glande do loiro, Naruto soltou um gemido pelo contado do gelo em um lugar tão sensível como aquele.
Sasuke para continuar maltratando Naruto, foi passando o gelo por toda a extensão do membro do ômega, chegou aos testículos do Uzumaki e ficou brincando com eles enquanto o gelo ia encostando nos dois. Naruto tentou fechar as pernas pelo contato repentino, o alfa percebendo se pois em meio as pernas de Naruto não o deixando fechá-las
Sasuke continuou brinco com o gelo no corpo do loiro até o gelo todo quase derreter por completo.
Pegou uma camisinha, tirou completamente suas roupas, abriu a camisinha e a colocou, pegou o subrificante e passou em seu membro. Tirou a venda do loiro a jogando em um lugar qualquer do quarto.
_ Posso? - perguntou se posicionando na entrada do ômega.
_ Hai! - respondeu.
Sasuke começou a penetrar lentamente, sentia seu membro ser apertado pelas parede de Naruto, parou de penetralo quando o ômega gemeu mais alto de dor.
Aproximou-se do rosto alheio começando a depositar beijos na testa, nas finas lágrimas que escorriam por conta da dor, bochechas até chegar na boca, aonde começou um calmo beijo tentando destrair Naruto da dor.
Assim que não era mais tanto apertado, continuou a precionar seu membro para dentro do Uzumaki, quando estava dentro por completo, ficou parado esperando a confirmação que poderia se mecher. E ela veio rápido, Naruto começou a rebolar em busca de mais contato.
Sasuke então começou penetrando lentamente para não machucar o loiro, mais os gemidos que Naruto começou a soltar em seu ouvido estavam o deixando louco.
As estocadas comecaram a ir mais rápido e mais forte, cada vez mais Naruto gemia pedindo por mais e mais.
_ Ahh Daddy m-mais humm mais! - pediu o Uzumaki gemendo no ouvido do Uchiha, assim não conseguiria andar amanhã.
Sasuke concebeu o pedido de Naruto indo mais rápido e mais fundo, quando mais rápido e forte Sasuke ia, mais a cama balançava, tinham sorte dela não já ter quebrado.
Ficaram nas estocadas rápidas por um tempo até Naruto apertar Sasuke de novo.
_ E-eu v-vou... Ahhhm - Naruto nem pode terminar pois gozou em seguida sugando ambos os abdômens, Sasuke começou a dar estocadas devagares mas fortes, cerca de sete estocadas foram o suficiente para se desmanchar dentro da camisinha.
Continuou dentro do loiro esperando sua glande desinchar, assim que pode, saio do loiro, tirou as algemas e se jogando ao lado do marido na cama tirando a camisinha.
_ Vamos tomar banho amor, não podemos dormir assim! - disse o Uchiha se levantando olhando pro marido que mantinha os olhos fechados. - Amor? - o chamou e nada.
Viu que o loiro dormir pelo cansaço, sorrio e pegou o outro no colo, o colevou até o banheiro dando banho dele em seguida tomando o próprio banho.
Foi para o quarto carregando o loiro, o secou e colocou uma cueca nele, deitou Naruto na cama então se secou e colocou uma cueca, se deitou ao lado de Naruto os cobriu e o abraçou por trás.
_ Te amo meu amor! - disse dando um beijo na marca no pescoço do loiro, fechou os olhos começando a ficar sonolento.
_ Também te amo querido! - respondeu Naruto sonolento, Sasuke sorriu então foi para a terra dos sonhos.
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soliavenne · 4 years
Hi babeee I don't know if anyone ever asked this before, but who is/are your favourite character(s) in Naruto aside from Gaara? and why you love them? *) i'm curious ;v
NADA, have you even gotten a wink of sleep just yet! Baby go to bed!! 😭😂😂😂😭
AAAAAH shoot this is hard!! How do I rank them, hmm... 🤔🤔 Gaara's sparkling bright on top and then everybody's okay??? That's kinda like how I see it?? 😂😭😂😭 If I were to rank it though it'll probably look like:
0. Gaara
1. Gaara
2. Gaara
3. Gaara
Reasons why I like Gaara:
• This blog is the literal manifestation of everything I fancy about this man.
4. Mitsuki
Reasons why I like Mitsuki:
• Too precious for this world. :(
• His character feels fresh and new in its own, doesn't feel bootlegged kind of ish.
• He's unbothered 24/7, but at the same time he's genuinely always there for people he cares about.
• How he adopted a stray cat and the overall effects it had on him and the interesting dynamics of their owner-cat relationship.
• Really interesting character.
5. Kakashi Hatake
Reasons why I like Kakashi:
• Very strong morale to stay in the right path.
• Complex character, has a lot of layers in how he was written.
6. The entire Sand family: Temari, Kankuro, Shikamaru, Shikadai, Shinki + Yodo and Araya (Hoping I'll get to know these two better)
7. I love Sai and Ino, but I love them even moreeee in Boruto era. I think they matured nicely as amazing parents. Inojin is included here!
Reasons why I like Sai:
• Rocks a crop top like no another.
• Doesn't give shit, doesn't take shit.
• Love for art.
• How he stood up for Naruto + how blatantly harsh yet still caring he was when he talked to Sakura about Naruto carrying the burden of taking back Sasuke to the village.
• This man would bitchslap sense in you even if it hurts your feelings at first if in the end you'll benefit more from it in the long run.
• He is such, such a great Dad. He's up there with Gaara without a doubt.
Reasons why I like Ino:
• Rocks a crop top like no other.
• Not afraid to speak up her mind.
• Very supportive of her friends.
• Places high importance and utmost respect for her clan.
• Seems like she would be your coolest friend.
• How she's leading the sensory division now but still running the Yamanaka flower shop at the same time.
• With everything above, he still manages to be an amazing mom.
Reasons why I like Inojin:
• His snappy, sarcastic, witty remarks is funny as hell.
• Very talented kid. Has managed to be the perfect combination of his mom and dad's distinct talents.
8. Sasuke in Boruto
Reasons why I like Sasuke:
• I understand why his character in classic and Shippuden did what he did, but I still like him more as a Dad. It's both funny, warm, comforting and interesting to see him as a Dad. I love his genuine smile whenever he's with his family.
9. Sarada
Reasons why I like Sarada:
• Smart, perceptive, logical but still caring, respectful and loving. It's hard to maintain both in a well-balanced manner.
• Much more well-written heroine.
• Perfect middle of Sasuke and Sakura.
10. Naruto and Boruto
Reasons why I like the two:
• For all the reasons they are loved by almost all of the fandom. I just happen to lean towards side characters more compared to the protagonists themselves.
11. Rock Lee and Might Guy
AAAAAA THIS GOT LONGER THAN I EXPECTED. 😂😭😂😂😭 I enjoyed this way too much haha.
That's very nice of you to ask me a question like this!! ☺☺❤❤ It's my first!! ❤❤ Thank you soooo so much Nada!! 😘😘❤❤ Love you babe! ❤❤
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Also, now that I have looked the new Boruto episode, I am v thrown by this image of this young man who looks like Shippuden-era Yamato in lounge wear
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zerochanges · 4 years
2020 Favorite Anime
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I am sure I don’t have to exactly spell it out that 2020 was a different year, we all know the spiel now. It was in particular a bad year for me for a lot of personal reasons on top of the whole world wide pandemic thing killing millions and shutting down business and and all our hobbies--so I really was straight up not having a good time. It’s because of that I honestly didn’t really keep up with a lot of my hobbies this year so when it comes to choosing my favorite anime and games of 2020, I don’t have as much as I usually would. 
So this year I decided to just say screw it, there are no rules. I usually try to impose some on myself every year for my lists: rules like no sequels, no long running shows, no shows that technically started last year, only new content from this year and not older stuff I watched/played this year but came out from a prior one. This time, there are no holds barred. I am just going to list my top whatever the hell I feel like listing. So starting with anime and in my usual alphabetical order; here we go.
The 8th Son? Are You Kidding Me?
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Maybe a guilty pleasure? Maybe I just enjoy some trashier shows? It’s hard to say. There is nothing that great about 8th Son, it’s very bland and doesn’t stick out amongst the million other isekai (another world) power fantasy series that are all the rage now and yet there is a strange draw to it. Perhaps it’s because almost all the isekai elements in the series feel more forced than anything else, like they are just tacked on to appeal to modern audiences. 
8th Son honestly feels more like a good old fashion fantasy series from the 90’s that just had to add isekai elements in it to appeal to kids today. I really enjoyed it for that aspect. The power fantasy isn’t too out of control (although the protagonist is quite strong), and there is no real end goal or attempt to return to your previous life. The protagonist Wendelin is more or less just cool with how things are now. Instead it focuses on his growth as a mage and how he tries to navigate the political intrigue of this feudal world being one of the youngest born in a noble family with no clear line of succession to take over yet being the most talented and magically gifted child of said family. 
Ascendance of a Bookworm
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Proving that not all isekai series have to be a power fantasy, Ascendance of a Bookworm plays out more like an educational take on medieval times, think something among the lines of Spice and Wolf, if you will. One day Motosu Urano wakes up in the body of the small child Myne in a fantasy world much like medieval Europe but with a few other elements like magic and sorcery. While at first that may sound like a high flying adventure it really isn’t. The series is more about following the average life of a peasant in this world and how far out of reach literature is to them, given the lack of printing press and the like. Urano now Myne tries her best to create books for the common people and spread literature, a herculean task considering the insane douchebaggery of the higher caste in this world. But armed with modern day knowledge of the 21st century Myne is able to create modern conveniences and wow most people around her.
Black Clover
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So I am going to include long running shows now this year, get over it. Black Clover has been a favorite of mine in recent years. Out of the modern Jump battle series I find myself more and more drawn into Clover (and also my one true love, the ever underappreciated World Trigger) than the other more popular ones that seem to rule all the anime conversations today. Since I was following the series dubbed as it aired on Toonami this year brought me the end of the first part of the series; finally seeing the epic conclusion of Clover Kingdom’s long standing battle with the Eye of the Midnight Sun and revealing some pretty great and shocking twists behind the war of elves and humans along the way. 
This finale was fantastic and honestly while I am glad to see the series continue on and grow from there, and look forward to seeing more of this new second part of Clover that focuses on a war with the Spade Kingdom, I absolutely would not have complained if the whole thing ended right here with this story arc. It wraps up so beautifully and is a compilation of three great years of episodes. 
BOFURI: I Don’t Want to Get Hurt so I’ll Max Out My Defense
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Bofuri is not a series I thought I would enjoy as much as I did but it really won me over. Essentially just a ‘cute girls do cute things’ kind of show but with a twist of it being in an MMO game, there is something about it that made it so comfy and easy to watch. There’s always something enjoyable about watching the protagonist Maple, an absolutely clueless newbie at video games continue to be the bane of existence to the developers and admins of the game as she constantly breaks it and becomes insanely overpowered on a regular basis all from her own cluelessness. 
As the title suggests she is the only person in the world to get scared of taking damage in a video game and puts all her stats into defense and literally nothing else entirely. After so much grinding the girl is such a tank she can just walk through enemies to kill them. It’s fun little things like this that make the show always worth a chuckle as her legendary player status continues to rise while in reality she just has no clue how to play RPGs whatsoever. 
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations
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If you think Black Clover had a great run of episodes this year in 2020 just wait until you see what Boruto had to offer. While not a perfect year, the series did take off for about 2 months thanks to a pandemic hiatus, once it came back it was stronger than ever. We came out of the gates running and kicked off the return of Boruto with a fantastic 20+ episode long story arc centered on introducing the main group of villains in the series, the Kara. The world of Boruto became much bigger and much darker, and the series in the last year has started to bring in a lot more manga content and moving at a brisker and faster pace, changing the status quo up quite a lot. Watching the New Team 7 grow so much and rise to these challenges was rewarding and I am so excited for the vessel story arc teased at the latest Jump Festa this December. 
Ultimately though their first encounter, crushing defeat, and subsequent rematch with Deepa; a new anime only member of Kara meant to introduce the organization to anime viewers was an insane show de force of animation and one of the best battles in 2020 anime, dare I say. These kids are growing into great warriors and the stakes have been raised so much.
Cardfight!! Vanguard Gaiden IF
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The 2018 reboot of the Vanguard series saw not only the card game get refreshed but the television anime as well. Dubbed the V Series by fans thanks to all the new card serial numbers starting with a V post reboot, these last two years have been fun and full of fan service for long time viewers of the anime. Gaiden IF is the final season of this reboot before the fourth entry of the franchise Overdress begins in 2021, and was a very strange and experimental one at that. Gaiden IF holding true to its name was a gaiden, or spinoff of the series that wasn’t necessary in the same canon as the regular show and more fascinating had zero card fights during the entire show--instead being one huge parody of card game animes in general and the beloved cast of characters the series has built over its ten year run. 
It’s quite hilarious and a great round of fun, especially since there isn’t a main character in sight. Gaiden IF is carried entirely by a cast of side characters and former villains now taking over the role of protagonist. I’ve never seen a show go for an entire season with such minor characters playing such a huge role and that is one of the best aspects of it. Every week watching Ibuki Kouji, one of the most feared and powerful villains in the series being tormented and kicked around as a would-be hero now honestly carries the entire show. 
But really, this was one of the first anime to air post pandemic hiatus and it was so refreshing to have Vanguard back. Every week it reminded me how much I loved the franchise and anime in general, it was such a delight to finally have something enjoyable back in my life after such a grueling pandemic hiatus of nothing. 
Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (2020)
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Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think there would be a modern adaptation of Dai no Daibouken, or The Adventures of Dai as it is being called in English now. This was one of my all time favorite Jump manga growing up and I always thought the original unfinished 1991 anime was the best we were ever going to get as far as animation goes, so to see this beautiful new series with its fantastic storyboarding and animation, great use of CG mixed in with hand drawn, and what seems like an outright declaration from the series itself that it will adapt the series in its entirety this time, it’s all too much. 
This new Dai adaptation is like a dream anime that was made just for me. Every Saturday morning I giddily log on to watch the new episode just like being a kid again with Saturday morning cartoons. If you are sleeping on this show, don’t! You won’t regret watching it, Dai was one of the all time great Shonen Jump properties of the 90’s and is ready to show kids today what that era has to offer!
Gundam Build Divers Re:rise Season 2
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Rerise was hands down one of my favorite shows last year when the first cour aired, and this year is no different either, dare I say once again this was probably my favorite show of the whole year. It’s hard to really go into what made this second cour so good without flat out spoiling all the best parts, and all the character development, and all the amazing battles, but suffice to say, this may be one of the best Gundam shows of the entire decade, Build series or not. Hell I ain’t afraid to say this kicked G-Tekketsu (Iron Blooded Orphans) ass this way to Sunday, I don’t care that this is a toy commercial for a much younger audience. Basically, watch Rerise, it’s going to be a great time. 
If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die
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This was another series that I expected very little from but ended up really enjoying each week. The basic premise is pretty simple, a super fan obsessed with an idol (singer) goes to insane lengths to support her and thinks her love will never be reciprocated but maybe it just might be. It’s kinda strange and an unusual romance series that isn’t really all that big on romance. In fact it seems to be much bigger on being informative about idol fan culture and nerd culture in general and poking fun at that while never being too mean spirited. 
I think that’s the charm of this one. These are by all extent weird kinda creepy people that are obsessed over young girl singers but it never demonizes its cast for that nor does it ever go too far in the power fantasy of them ‘getting the girl’. It’s about the struggle of fan life and the tightknit and utterly bizarre groups of friends you can make in a fandom--and also maybe some love might happen along the way.
Jujutsu Kaisen
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Another big modern shonen jump battle manga got its chance to be animated this year, and this time courtesy of studio Mappa who are the real stars of this party. Everything about Jujutsu Kaisen feels like Mappa throwing down the gauntlet and trying to one-up the highly praised and beloved Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba from last year that wowed everyone with UFOtable’s signature beautiful animation. It’s very fascinating to see the insane levels of gorgeous jaw dropping action set pieces between these two series, both raising the bar to ridiculous levels in their own ways. On top of the animation front though are some very easily lovable characters, a much darker feeling supernatural story than one may expect, and probably Crunchyroll’s best dub produced in 2020. 
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!
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Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken is another series from beloved auteur Masaaki Yuasa. Bringing with it his signature style and wonderful animation, his hardworking compatriots at studio Science Saro deliver something truly special, an anime about why anime is great and just how the heck it is made to begin with. I think one of my favorite aspects of Yuasa’s work is just how sincere almost his entire output is, and how you can really feel a certain kind of emotion and vision behind each work that is unique to it. For Eizouken it is definitely the joy of creation and what it means to pursue something creative. Easily one of the best watches of 2020 for both its visuals, sound design, characters with great chemistry that have to deliver very heavy and technical dialogue but do so in a really natural and enjoyable way--and hey the shows within the show that the girls make are also usually pretty interesting and good too.
MAJOR 2nd Season 2
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I think my favorite aspect of this new middle school arc of MAJOR 2nd was seeing just how much Daigo has changed over the years since we last saw him in elementary school in the first season. No longer in little league and now trying to save his school’s baseball club, Daigo has grown into a strong leader and really feels natural with everyone he talks to. It’s a huge departure from the bullied and reclusive selfish kid he was in the first season. Seeing the kid grow up into somebody reliable and caring like this almost brings a tear to my eye. 
It’s an old cliché but saving the falling apart club in your school is a classic underdog story and the fact that Daigo built his own team from the ground up really sells it. The team is largely made up of girls too which brings a really great girl power aspect to it as well. With just 3 boys and the rest of the positions being filled with females, the haphazard team Daigo put together not only has to show that nobodies can make it but that girls are just as good as the boys.
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I love trashy romcom harem anime, I will be the first to admit it. I am not even their target audience, in fact I am probably the exact opposite of their target audience yet I can’t get enough of this kind of garbage, and Rent-a-Girlfriend brings in the garbagest of garbage it can! The name says it all right there, our hero is literally so pathetic he has to pay girls money to go on dates with him. And he just continues to ruin everything around him with his constant lying and all around patheticness. He is like a blackhole of suck that will drag down any and all that go near him. What more can you even want?! 
I am half facetious here of course, but to an extent what I said about Kazuya isn’t wrong. He’s the biggest loser around, and I love him. It’s fun to watch him squirm, and it’s nice to learn more about him and see he has a good side deep down too. In a lot of ways he’s probably one of the more relatable leads in these kinds of shows as he’s just as pathetic as all the rest of us who watch these kinds of shows are. But besides Kazuya there are plenty of nice leading ladies too and probably most surprisingly a fairly well fleshed out circle of friends that he hangs out with. Usually these kinds of shows will sideline the male friends of the leads and only focus on time between the lead and the girls, so it’s refreshing to see so much time spent with other boys in the show too. 
Also as an addendum to anyone who watches the series dubbed, Aleks Le‘s performance as the lead role is maybe some of the best casting in modern anime dubbing I have ever heard. He kills it in this show. It’s a performance that carries the entire show. 
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You might say, I saved the best for last, but honestly this was a coincidence. Shadowverse is a by-the-numbers card game anime. It starts very slow and very bland, and offers nothing new to the genre instead sticking entirely to the classic tropes and clichés of sports anime and Yu-Gi-Oh clones alike. That is for the first 12 episodes or so. It begins to evolve and gets a little more interesting from there, then something happens. Something I cannot explain. Something that makes no sense. Something that the production committee probably should not have allowed to occur. The show just goes absolutely, positively, certifiably, fucking insane. 
Out of nowhere, the plot suddenly turns into a straight Neon Genesis Evangelion knock-off, complete with plugsuits, random nonsense mysticism from exotic religions, and soul crushing nightmarishly harsh treatment of the child protagonists. Suddenly time freezes for everyone but the main characters, and the totally original not Kabbalah, Tree of Woe, begins to end the world. Now armed with their new psychic powers (that they just have now out of nowhere!) the kids have to fight brain washed former enemies and loved ones alike that seek to destroy the world via assimilation into the darkness. 
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Suddenly we have moments like the above where Luca, the coldhearted and cool Shadowverse player who only ever began fighting in tournaments to earn money for his younger sick sister’s treatment has to face off against a possessed evil version of his sister who bemoans all the isolation he put her through, never being there with her, always away trying to earn money. She berates and destroys the young man’s heart for his well intentions. Luca with no other options has to put her down for the good of the world. 
You know, for the 12 year old kids in the audience that signed up for a show about a cellphone app.
I haven't even gotten to the best part yet, the show isn’t over! There’s still 12 episodes left in the series and do you wanna know the best part?! The heroes already failed! The world blew up and everyone got sucked into a blackhole and died! That’s not a joke. The bad guys won. And there’s still another season worth of episodes to go! I am not kidding, this is how the show ended the year 2020! This is legendary, no fucks given status if I ever saw it. The best way to end 2020 if ever there was one:
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Every week I anxiously log on to watch Shadowverse after it jumped the shark just to see what insanity happens next. This is Tommy Wiseau The Room energy levels of pure insane dribble. Shadowverse might be the biggest disaster of a card game anime of all time, and I simply cannot get enough of it now.  
Random Anime Collecting: This year saw Discotek release three Case Closed/Detective Conan movies on blu-ray. Detective Conan is a series near and dear to my heart, and one I spent a lot of my college days obsessed over. This is a franchise I really went to great lengths to collect after Funimation reprinted many of the long time out of print volumes of the series back in 2013, and I bought them all back then. Buying new Detective Conan movies in 2020 felt super surreal, and also wonderful. I really hope I can keep buying more in 2021.
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Hidive for these hard times: I didn’t include anything really from Sentai, I am not sure why, maybe none of what I watched this year would count as a favorite of mine, maybe I was just lazy and didn’t want to add to my list anymore. Honestly though I watched a lot of series this year on Hidive. I think my favorite has been the new dub of Pet Girl of Sakurasou. 
A Lost Classic: Nobody is talking about God Mazinger finally getting released in English from Discotek and that kind of bums me out. The series was one I obsessed over when younger, especially because it was rare to find even raw footage of it lead alone subtitled. It was never subtitled in fact, so Discotek’s release is the first time it has ever been in English. 
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gunnerpalace · 5 years
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And I’m 💯 sure that you’re blocked and you can eat it.
But I would like to talk about this idea a little, actually. So, here are a couple of points:
The thing that a lot of modern-day “Bleach fans” don’t get is that as far as Japan is concerned, the only thing that really sells Bleach to the mass-market general audience is Ichigo and Rukia interacting. The hard truth those “Bleach fans” refuse to accept is that most of fights sucked, most of the mysteries sucked, and other than the two of them (and maybe Toushirou and Byakuya) most of the characters aren’t interesting to the average person. If you liked Bleach for any of those three reasons (or any other minor reasons), then you are in the absolute minority of nerds.
The cold, iron truth of economics is that you sell media properties in one of two ways: either by drilling down to a highly dedicated fanbase (e.g., moe-blob anime with extremely jacked-up Blu-ray prices) or by appealing to as wide and shallow an audience as possible (e.g., the Marvel Cinematic Universe). The interesting thing with Bleach is that those two audiences, by the numbers, are actually interested in the same thing: Ichigo and Rukia, and more particularly, IchiRuki.
Bold claim, I know. But you don’t have to look hard to see it. This is why the musicals were focused on them. This is why the LA movie was focused on them. And this is why both of those deemphasized other ancillary characters, especially Ichigo’s human friends like Chad—or Orihime: because they are essentially irrelevant to that largely singular fixture of the series and are forgettable other than to some hardcore nerd. (The only other thing that comes remotely close to being as iconic are the Soul Society fights, especially Ichigo vs. Byakuya.)
This is also why every time the property has been reinvented for a new market (again, e.g., the musical and the LA movie) the focus has always been on early Bleach: because it most showcases their interactions and establishes their foundational emotional connection. This is in large part why arcs that more and more deemphasized their interactions suffered increasingly worse sales, to the point that Bleach was consistently ranked 20th out of 20 in Weekly Shounen Jump’s ratings on a week-to-week basis. Less Ichigo and Rukia, and especially less Ichigo and Rukia together, means less sales. This is why TYBW and WDKALY sold abysmally, and I’m willing to bet that CFYOW’s numbers aren’t too great either considering it features neither of them at all.
This is furthermore why Studio Pierrot gave them so many moments, like the ice-skating and fireworks date that they used to send off the anime: because IchiRuki sells. And not much else does.
So, having established that, let’s talk about your idea.
Ichika and Kazui don’t make sense, because their existence in TYBW isn’t established. They simply appear, like the rest of the ending, with no buildup or explanation. In other words, there is no reason to invest in them as characters; they are simply designs walking and talking on a page. (And surprise, the only people who cared “about” them at all were people like you who were pleased as punch that it was evidence that Ichigo and Orihime, and Rukia and Renji, fucked. And even you lot don’t care about them, because there is nothing about them to possibly care about. You care about them as symbols and nothing more.)
However, what would make even less sense is to introduce them without having TYBW at all. For the anime to jump from Ichigo and Rukia having an ice rink not-date to having Ichika and Kazui running around in their places would be a bit like jumping from Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back in 1980, to Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens in 1983, instead of having Return of the Jedi. It really isn’t possible to overstate how much that big of a leap would lose an audience, whose reactions would be, “What the fuck is this? What happened?”
As I have previously calculated, animating TYBW would take about 4–5 seasons and about 3–4 years of production. So, unless you wanted to pull one of the strangest continuations ever in media history, you’d be waiting for that to wrap first, and presuming its financial success (which is dubious, for the above outlined reasons, and its relative historical print failure which got the manga cancelled).
Setting all that aside, Ichika and Kazui are not photocopies of Rukia and Ichigo; they are genderflipped photocopies of Renji and Orihime. There is a reason why, despite the best efforts of IH here on Tumblr Dot Com, the IR community has never warmed up to them: why would you take a cheap clone knockoff that can’t even trace the original properly when you could just have the original? This will likewise hold true for a general audience. If a random-ass person in Japan knows anything at all about Bleach, it’ll be Ichigo and Rukia. Going, “This isn’t them, but here’s the same great taste but less filling!” is going to get you a response of, “No thanks.”
Setting that aside, what exactly would be the premise? The Espada were retconned in from the aether and people were fine with them, since they were basically just the inverse and mirror of the Shinigami. But people didn’t much care when Xcution were retconned in from the aether. And they didn’t like it when Yhwach and the Sternritter were retconned in from the aether. And they really don’t care now that Tokinada, Hikone, and Aura were retconned in from the aether. Are you really going to have a fifth group of baddies we never even vaguely heard of before showing up? Or are you going to just recycle a set? “Oh, no, Aizen has escaped Muken and has made the Super Fullbringer Espada…” Please. The concept is tapped out: it either has to keep inventing new bullshit and pretending it was always around, or it has to recycle the same ideas but in a less exciting way. Or it has to be rebooted.
It is clear that something or other is happening with regard to Bleach for this “anniversary” event, but the evidence, in my eyes, doesn’t match what you would see for TYBW being animated, let alone for some kind of Boruto-style series.
The event has been marketed in a rather low-key fashion, which is weird considering the 2020 Olympics are a once-in-a-generation event which provide the perfect hype vehicle (and which Shueisha has been using to push other WSJ properties). If you were working on a large or risky project, you’d want a lot of hype—either to prepare the audience, or to maximize your initial buy-in and returns if it’s going to flop (e.g., Anthem). Being cautious indicates both the scale and risk are small.
The emphasis on the voice actors who are appearing at the event are all for classic and popular characters: Ichigo, Byakuya, and now Rukia. You know what fans don’t like? Having a bait-and-switch pulled on them where their classic faves are affiliated with something, only for them to be radically deemphasized in the actual final product. (Just look at the three recent Star Wars movies for some proof of that one.) It is far more likely to be something focused around them.
MegaHouse is making new Bleach figurines this year. But the designs they’ve chosen so far are… Fake Karakura battle Armored Yoruichi (who I’m excited for), and Hueco Mundo style unreleased Grimmjow. If you were going to make merchandise for TYBW or a next-generation show, it’d make a lot more sense for that merch to be… actually related to those events, rather than “classic” designs, now wouldn’t it? To go to the Star Wars well again, they weren’t trying to sell Qui-Gon Jinn or Lando Calrissian toys with The Last Jedi.
To me, all the evidence indicates that whatever it is will be some sort of “Greatest Hits” OVA or something like that, with a focus on the Aizen era of the series. Maybe a lot of the “best” battles redone in really high quality. Maybe a video game. Maybe a reboot of the series from the start. Hard to say. But it doesn’t look an awful lot like TYBW, let alone a next-generation effort.
Now, I’m not saying that either of those things are impossible. I’ve been wrong before in this life (for example, I didn’t think Putin would invade Crimea), and I will be wrong again. I could be wrong about this too. I can only speak in probabilities.
But what I will say with confidence is that committing to TYBW would be fairly dumb as a business decision given everything that is evident about what makes Bleach sell.
And committing to a next-generation series at this stage before doing TYBW would be even dumber.
And doing a next-generation series without doing TYBW would be even dumber still.
Now, stupid people are in ascendancy worldwide in all kinds of endeavors, so it’s not outside the realm of possibility that someone greenlit something so dumb. But if they did, I don’t think it’s going to do so hot.
So, good luck, I guess.
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stalkerkyoko · 6 years
Later see ya at new years or if shit breaks discord
liamnaruto#8515 - discord
@liamkin65377982  - twitter.
yeah I’m still here cause su is this week.
going to  st augustine florida for 4 days
3 h 49m
start a noon
Back thursday
“Child PYschogoly with a minor in PAIN!”
MHA: oooooooooooh a climax
“Heheheeh CLIMAX Staiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyy
Toga not yet girl in 3 week new year
“BUT BUT You’d reach me without right... You’ll call me?
///Sure will
Stain is beaten which as you can read leads to her
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Shippuden: Mistreating the shadow clones is bad and they  dream... Do clones dream - yes
Boruto: SO close and so far in prolonging this arc (damn internet spoiled me)
dbs: BUU’s asleep post spoilers in new year hint you chill icecream in this.
SO MOb’s bro is power by shame and guilt and karma kinds happend to prick,.
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Srs DJT getting punched would be  “that’s all I NEED Megalbox: establish sports rival... huh first sports anmie on toonami in modern era.
Rocky jokes 
Yeah I guess 70′s was Boxing time and still IS Payer view fights or now shows boxing matches Fanthom events live stream.
Canelo vs. GGG 2  OKAY it happened Sept but  point stands.
JOJO:  Rats killer rats and ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww dats groooooooooooooosss
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Black clover: Land sweet land see ya later   Kahono And not like filler later never they do mean later on
HXH:  IKaglo and wolfen more squick with bugs in his brains and  “Sure death is fine as long goal is complete ... the fuck
AOt skiiiiiiiiip most of it
Pte: ALl that gundam dancing
Jack: AKu tells fairy tales that make him the hero
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