#v; crowned.
howlsnteeth · 7 months
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don't wake me don't wake me don't wake me up
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cybersteal · 2 months
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beaniebby out here literally making dreams come true 😍😍😍
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theroyalsandi · 6 months
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Norwegian Royal Family - The Royal Family wishes everyone a really good Easter 🐣!
The King and Queen with the Crown Prince and Crown Princess, Princess Ingrid Alexandra and Prince Sverre Magnus have been gathered at Bygdø Kongsgård at the beginning of Easter week. (Photo by the Royal Court) | March 27, 2024
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21stcenturyroyals · 1 year
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INCORRECT ROYAL QUOTES | 21ST CENTURY ROYALS (2000-2099) | 9x23: “Dinner party conversations”
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sesamenom · 1 year
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Aragorn and Arwen taking a walk through Minas Tirith (she's venting about how maglor disappeared again right before el&el were going to drag him to valinor)
(Aragorn has a very good fashion sense, if he was a Noldorin ambassador living in Numenor during the Late Elros Era. Arwen is also very stylish for early Doriathrim royalty. The rest of Gondor got used to it eventually.)
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smolvenger · 4 months
The Little Princess (Henry V x fem! Reader Oneshot)
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Summary: As queen of the nation and wife to Henry the Fifth, all rejoice to discover you are pregnant with your first child with your beloved husband. Only to discover, the child is not the long awaited son, but a girl...
Word Count: 5K
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr @jijilaufeyson
@anukulee @herdetectivetheorist (from your request!)
A/N: hehehehe uploading this while listening to "The Man" by Taylor Swift
Warnings: Pregnancy and childbirth in the beginning, which I try to portray as realistically as I can. I changed up what would have happened in history per the request I was given for this. No way is it accurate. But also this is fanfic world and irl Henry V wouldn't have had the luscious curls and ass of Tom Hiddleston. Mentions of sex but no smut. Baby stuff. Some angst, but lots of fluff. Grammar and spelling mistakes that missed my radar.
“Her Majesty, the Queen of England, is with child, Your Highness,” the messenger announced.
Henry had slouched, relaxed on his wooden throne. He then shot up straight. The dominant grace he held cracked for a second. His blue eyes blinked, doing his best not to stagger in his posture.
“She…she is?” he asked, almost incredulously.
The messenger nodded his head.
“Yes. The physician just examined her. He asked me to inform you of these happy tidings. And we shall pray you shall soon be blessed with an heir apparent,” he reported with a smile.
Henry found a small half laugh escape him. He smiled so wide it showed his teeth. He lowered his head, feeling a little dizzy for a second. But he knew how to regain himself quickly after his time as the ruler of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
“Tell the physician we thank him for his swift and happy news,” he replied.
The messenger bowed his head and exited through the wooden doors.
Henry did his best to remain focused throughout the meetings today. But he found his head swam. You- his precious wife, beloved consort-was going to have a child- have his child. He was going to be a father, and you were going to be a mother. His entire world had changed in just a minute and he was supposed to act as normal.
Once they were declared finished, he shot up.
“I would like to visit her Majesty at once,” he declared.
“She is in her chambers, my lord,” one servant confirmed.
He hurried to where you were, the attendants right behind him. The hallways nearly spun as he walked with such a quick bounce. Not caring even if his crown was knocked out of his head.
Meanwhile, you were sitting down. Your stomach was already churning- for you had become more aware of it since this morning. You could only sit and embroider with your ladies in waiting- it was only a matter of time until-
“His majesty, the king,” a male attendant announced at the door.
 You shot up and curtsied as Henry the Fifth of Lancaster bounded in. The other ladies followed suit.
“My lord, and husband,” you replied dutifully, raising back up to face him.
Henry looked flushed, scattered even. He walked up to you and held both of your hands in his.
“My lady, do you confirm that what I heard was true? Are you…are you with child?” he asked softly. As if you were in private and not with a dozen eyes on you.
You nodded, smiling. You leaned in closer, your voice matching his quiet tone.
“Yes. Yes, I am. I know it in my heart, Harry. I’ve had no courses for months. The physician’s tests confirmed my suspicions….” you replied.
 You took his hand and moved it to your stomach. Even if it appeared normal, even if the baby was now small- it seemed even the king himself sensed the presence inside.
“Our first child is inside me now,” you said finally.
He picked you up and spun you around and kissed you. Bursting into laughter, you clutched him. He held your face and kissed you again. You, his wife, his queen, his beloved, now about to be mother to his child. Who cared if these people saw this intimacy from their lord? He was the maker of what was formal, not they. 
“We’ve prayed so long for this, my lord. You know how long we have asked God to bless us someday… and someday has arrived!!” you replied.
He held your face again, his eyes shining.
“I’ve never loved you more than this moment, Y/N,” he confessed. 
“I love you too, Harry,” you responded.
As the pregnancy passed, you dealt with each symptom with as much grace as you could. For you knew once you had a son, all would see you as more than just Henry’s pretty accessory and broodmare. You would be the mother to the next king. All would respect you and revere you far more. That brought you through the mornings of nausea and sudden, intense cravings for certain foods.
What was best was the nighttime before sleep. Henry defied court tradition and insisted he wanted to join you in your chambers. Even though there was the advice that he avoid his marital duties until after the baby arrived, to risk any lustful acts harming the child inside you. To have a misteress to pleasure him as you carried the child was out of the question for Harry of England. He would prefer to fall on his sword instead.
The truth was, you didn’t need to perform any act of lust with your husband to be with him. You both could sit in silence. Read books and play chess or little games. Discuss anything and everything. Even to lay in bed and to hold each other. And how your heart burst with love as you felt his hand on his stomach and heard him talk to the child.  Even placing little kisses on there. When the baby first kicked, you put his hand there to feel. You both grinned and kissed each other. That was as intimate as anything with your bodies entwining. Whispering names and hopes for the little child. Said little prayers for a safe delivery for you. For the baby in your stomach to survive past infancy. To survive to an adult. One that would always know how much their mother and father wanted and loved them.
When the time came for confinement, the time when you would stay only in your private chambers in the ninth month away from the court, including Henry, to help guarantee a safe delivery. Your heart beat fast. Your stomach was so large that you could only waddle rather than walk. Henry only kissed you, gently tracing your face. Promising that only if there was a crisis would he break down the doors and run to your side. 
For days you sat in your rooms. It became stuffy and dark as they closed the curtains, the priests carrying incense throughout and blessing what was going to be the birthing bed. You sat there, sweating, and feeling both the immense fear of your death and the fear of the pain.
 At last, one early morning, your water broke. Hyperventilating and crying, you awoke a lady in waiting to run to get the midwife. You were shaking, pain scorching as the baby was starting to get ready to emerge. You knew what would happen, and yet when it began, you felt thrown into the unknown. You were so frightened, you let out screams as the contractions began. They fetched the birthingThere was the delivery, you cried your way through the pain. 
“Harry- where is Harry? Where is my husband? I’m so frightened! Please! Where is he!?” you cried, your vision blurry with tears.
“This is not the place for your husband to be, your Majesty. The Lords thought it best he be kept away for now. But how proud he would be of you now- you’re doing well- the baby’s coming out fine!” the midwife encouraged you. “Keep pushing, my lady! I see the head!”
You were sweaty and disgusting and at your most primal, far from the elegant and regal woman they all saw in public. Blood and fluids, including some embarrassing ones, had come out during the labor which was all being cleaned up after it was spilled.
The hours dragged on in torture. The midwife yelling encouragements through your hot face full of tears. You felt sick, even faint, as you pushed the child out from between your legs. Sitting on the stool with the midwife over, every lady in waiting dabbed your burning forehead and squeezed your hand through each push.
Then, finally, a cry came out. But not from your voice. A baby’s cry. You let out a shaky breath of relief.
 Alive. The child was alive. As were you.
You caught your breath, panting hard. One lady in waiting grinned at you-
“Well done, Your Majesty!” she praised.
You let out a gasp as the afterbirth crawled out. But it was easy and painless compared to a child and slipped easily into the below pot placed for it. A maid grimaced but took it away. You heard the click of a knife as the cord on the child was cut. Another warm cloth went over the tiny, wrinkled newborn as it wailed and wailed. You felt dizzy, the red curtains of your chambers swimming around. Then you came to.
The heir. The heir apparent. Henry’s heir- Henry’s heir was here. The one purpose for which you were made wife to the king was now fulfilled-
“It’s a girl,” the midwife announced. 
The child was in the midwife’s arms. your eyes noticed the lower half of the baby’s body. She was correct. 
For a second, your heart stopped. The world stopped. 
There was a slight silence in the room. It wasn’t like the eruptious joy that would have followed had it been the opposite.
The baby still cried heartily. They swaddled her- not the long-awaited him, her. For that was what the baby that was your constant companion inside you for months was. Not the long-awaited male heir for the Lancaster line. No- a daughter. And what is a daughter, but a disappointment?
In those seconds, your mind reeled. Your belly was empty now for the first time in over a year. You had disappointed the nation- there would be no heir to the Lancaster throne. Not yet. You had let down the court. Mothering a son brought special respect and privilege.
And, most of all, worst of all, you let down Henry. The one person you loved most of all. And that hurt the worst. 
The baby wailed. A high, piercing, harsh cry. Ladies in waiting gathered around and fussed. The midwife cleared out the mucus and fluids covering the newborn. Still, the crying rang through the room like harsh bells.
You wondered briefly if it would have been better if you didn’t recover and died from this than face the humiliation.
Wrapping some swaddling over the crying newborn, they handed her over to you.
“Here, hold her, your majesty. She seems a healthy, beautiful little girl,” the midwife announced.
The tiny, wrinkled babe at first didn’t seem beautiful. 
Then the bundle was placed in your arms and the baby stopped crying at once.
You looked down at her.
Something inside you broke.
She was….small. So small for your great pain. Her tiny face, the tiniest little hands, and hte tiniest head. She was fragile. Could you remember when you were brought to court to marry the king? You were just as fragile, as naive, as alone without protection- who knows what would have happened if Henry had been so gentle and patient with you, if you hadn’t grown to fall in love with him and he with you.
She nestled to you, her crying ceasing. Clinging to you. She didn’t know so many things…but she knew you were her mother.
And she trusted you to protect her. 
A new feeling burst on you. You were not afraid of facing humiliation from the men of court…you were afraid of failing her. She reached a hand and began to coo. Making tiny little noises like that of a mouse. You held up your hand and she held onto your finger- settling close to you. 
“Hello, my dear…hello…” you murmured. The pain seemed even more distant. 
Tears came down you again and you felt yourself smile. You loved her. This tiny, beautiful, and unwanted girl.
One lady in waiting reached for you and you barked at them.
“Get away from her! Don’t touch her!” you yelled out, the tears running down your face, your breasts heavy with milk that was not going to be used, and the hotness in your body flushing to anger. You held the bundle closer to yourself.
You understood the instincts of bears, how they would rip men into pieces if they dared tread near the den of their cubs. If anyone- anyone- haughty courtiers that were so stuck in their ways that they had nothing better to do with their time other than harm an innocent child- incapable of fighting, of proper speech, of defending herself- you would have murdered them. And you would have enjoyed it.
She cried only a little, startled by your voice. You rocked her and shushed her, kissing her forehead. 
“Hello, hello- I’m your mother, don’t be frightened, my dear, I’ve waited a while to meet you, shhhh. Mother is here, you’ll be safe. I’m sorry I surprised you, shhh,” you whispered.
The midwife approached you cautiously.
“Your majesty…the baby must be cleaned further. Do not worry- she will be safe…” she assured you. And your good sense one- for the midwife had delivered hundreds of babes and you knew the girl was in good hands.
You looked down again at your baby, still somewhat patched and bloody. For that, you handed her over.
Henry was tending to his stallion in the stables. The white one was his personal favorite. He often enjoyed being the one to hand the horse hay and feel it nibble form his hand. His attendants just beside him to see to anything, wanting to do anything to distract their lord and sovereign as he anxiously awaited news of his beloved wife.
 A lady in waiting arrived inside and their heads turned like deer. She took a few steps forward and curtsied low. Henry gestured for her to rise.
“How is the queen? It was early morn when the birthing began. Tell me- Does she live?” he asked anxiously.
“Her majesty lives. She is delivered of a…a princess,” reported the lady.
There was a slight silence. A greyness washed over the faces of the lords. Frowns remained on their faces, but their eyes were kept on Henry.
Henry took a moment. He was still, his face unreadable. He then replied.
“The babe is fine?” 
“Yes, the babe is fine, born healthy,” she answered.
He broke into a relieved half laugh and smile.
“May- may I see my them?” he asked.
The lady nodded. “Yes, the midwife said you may.”
Henry gave the lady a nod.
“We most heartily accept these joyous tidings, sweet lady. I shall see her anon,” he said.
At once, he broke into a jaunty walk. He burst from the stables, and up the stone steps, through the hallways into his wife’s chambers. He was far faster than some of the stuffier, older lords could keep up with They had a hand on their heads for their hats and puffed as their legs attempted to keep up with their lord.
 Confinement seemed like his sweet angel was torn from him to another world and not another part of the castle. But he bounced up the steps. The sweet temptation to burst through those doors for weeks was finally relieved. 
He at once raised a knuckle and knocked on the doors. There were feminine gasps and murmurs on the other side. 
And another sound, something light, a little voice- that of a baby. And his heart picked up.
There were no servants or lords, so he announced.
“It is his majesty, the king of England.”
One lady opened and they all bowed low. Even the few ladies in the corner trying to get rid of sheets full of blood discreetly. But Henry was a man who had seen battles and once killed the famed Hotspur himself- what was more blood to him?
You laid in your bed, holding the little babe. Your heart racing hard, fighting not to break and cry and yet you found yourself smiling at him. His curls swept back from the wind of his rush and his blue eyes wide as he saw you. 
He came forward and knelt next to the bed in a few short strides. He took your hand in his and kissed it.
“How is my lady?” he asked.
“I’m…I’m fine,” you replied in a choking voice. Glad to see him again, glad you were alive to experience all this.
You looked down at the swaddled child.
“Here is…here is your daughter, my lord…” you presented.
You waited for the stormy look on his face, hoping your smile would relieve it.  But Henry the Fifth merely loosened his shoulders. His jaw dropped then broke into a smile as he saw her.
“May I hold her?” he asked.
You brought her into his arms. She seemed ot know her father, for she settled easily. He rocked her, and kissed her forehead. Happiness beaming everywhere on his face. 
“Mary…that is what we agreed, my lady, if it was a girl…would you still like that to be her name?” he said sofly.
You nodded.
He looked around the crowd. The lord and attendants finally arrived inside, staring with wide eyes.
“Today is a special day- for we celebrate the birth of the Princess Mary. Named in memory of my mother. And we are all going to celebrate. I would like there to be a joust and a feast as well when she is christened, all for the safe arrival of Her Highness, the Princess of Wales- And please note, I want a portrait of the joust commissioned-”
Henry looked back at you sitting up on the bed.
“I want my queen in the center, on a seat- beautiful as she is and shining bright, as a testament of my love for her…”
Folding your hands, you smiled back up at him. Exhaustion and love warming your insides. Joy seeping through to where you thought you would float.
“And I ask for a second portrait be of all of us- for we are now the royal family,” Henry finished.
The courtiers nodded solemnly with plenty of “yes, my lord” repeating from their lips. For none would dare cross the king.
They departed, leaving you both alone for the first time in weeks. Mary wiggled a little in her father’s arms. He sat on the bed and smiled at you. You laid a hand on his arm.
“Harry, all of this fuss! Should you save such grand celebrations for when we have a son?” you asked.
“No, sweetling. Our child is born alive and healthy- and with her in my arms, I’m too overjoyed, that her sex does not matter right now,” he responded.
“But…your heir!” you cried.
He smiled and his eyes lowered to his baby.
“ I have three brothers. There’s more than enough heirs. There’s no need to panic…”
He leaned close.
“And with my lovely wife naked in my bed again… once she is better…how can I resist a night where we can create another beautiful child? Wouldn’t our little Mary be happy having a brother to play with and tease and scold over?”
You playfully shook your head with laughter and swatted his arm lightly.
“My lord, you are unappeasable!” you teased.
“And I have missed you too, my lady,” he replied.
Both of you kissed as May began to cry again.
How incredible a nursery they had built for her. The rockers- two people set up to stay awake all night to rock the baby to sleep- curtsied low. It seemed that despite the disappointment, they were charmed with the sweet little baby. Her little noises that cackled about. Her adorable squeaks that made won people over. How you loved to call her “my little mouse!” when you visited to hold and rock her. For Mary would always nestle and wish to be held. She had no thoughts of being a great Princess of the Sacred Isle yet. She was an infant who only wanted to be cared for and loved.
The joust came and went. The artists got right to work for their commissions. The christening was a holiday throughout the nation. Bells rang as the Bishop blessed Mary in the church with all the nation watching. 
At the feast afterward, many gathered around to glimpse at their new princess, cloaks and hats and long skirts crowding around the official cradle made for state events. It was decorated with the arms of the Lancaster house. Plush red fabrics draped the inside- the colors considered traditional for her father. It measured seven and a half feet long and two and a half feet wide. The guests invited could look at the infant from a safe distance. You couldn’t help but awe at the creation-  all for one tiny baby inside! How small she looked compared to the great size of the thing! They must have thought her a giant child, not a human one!
There was no better, no more doting father than Henry the Fifth. It seemed that the only concern about a male heir came from his courtiers. And their protests and reminders fell deaf on his majesty’s ears. Even in public events where she was placed in the state cradle, Henry would stay to stand guard near it. He was not too much of a man that he was beneath wishing to hold her. He would bend up and use one arm to hold her crimson swaddling. 
“I am the Father of the Nation. Of my subjects, as much as she.” he would declare, one hand up to gently touch his little daughter.
How often you stayed in that nursery, amazed at her. The nursemaids tell you everything about what a baby did and why they did it. For even if she was not yours to raise, your curiosity would get to you- and how much every day she would grow and change! Just a month later and she was big enough you wondered how she got out of you!
One night later at dinner, Henry wished to have her cradle nearby so you could eat with her. Little Mary let out a hearty cry out of nowhere.
You jumped- for it was loud and sharp. She did not wail often in her father’s presence.  But Henry merely tilted his head.
“Now, what is the matter, lambkin?” he asked the baby.
She continued to cry. He picked her up. A hand over her head and her bum, placing her on his arm.
“What troubles you so, Fair little chuck-hm? Would you like a kiss from your father? Would it cheer you?”
He gave her a kiss on her warm cheek. She calmed down a little. Then she began to cry again. Your husband shot up his eyebrows in confusion. But you listened carefully to the quality of the sound of her wailing- this one was low-pitched, repeating its rhythms.
“My lord, the nurses tell me that kind of cry means she is hungry.”
With a smile on your face, you asked a servant to send for the wet nurse. Henry only widened his eyes in awe. 
“Well, my lady, tell me…what have you learned from them about the crying of babes?” he asked in curiosity. 
One day- after certain parliament sessions, you returned to the nursery. You heard her crying again- the sort she did when fussing. For you only wished to…to be with her, see her- for her childhood to be as good a one as you could afford for her.
Once inside, you saw one maid trying to ring her rattle. The other maid held her up to see it. But it was doing no good for little Mary who kept crying.
You walked inside and the little girl paused. She began to smile and kick her feet, her crying ceasing. She was even reaching two chubby arms towards you. 
How could you have hated that she wasn’t a son when she was born? What were you even thinking with such joy and such love this little girl had for you?
Reaching over, you brought her up.
“Hello, my lovely girl, how are you?” you asked. You brought her up to yourself.
 Smelling how well they bathed her. How she was indeed a sweet girl who only wished to be held and loved! You kissed her forehead.
The maids smiled.
“She does that when she misses you,” one reported.
But you never forgot the day you heard her laugh for the first time. It was the fourth month after the birth. Returning inside after strolling the gardens with the ladies, his majesty not being present. You assumed he was discussing something with the Prussian ambassador or shooting his arrows. You passed by the hallway with the nursery. You heard a small sound. Like the tinkling of bells-
It was Mary- her first laugh- you felt a gasp. And another followed- a masculine one right after- a certain laugh you knew like your hand.
Could it be… was it…?
Curiosity overcame you and you opened the door, Henry was sitting on the floor, holding her up above him and she was laughing, clapping her chubby hands. He laughed too.
You burst with love and put a hand over your mouth. The servants watching were flabbergasted. Seeing the sovereign himself playing with her, lifting her in the air and moving her about as she wriggled. You walked in and Henry still held her and leaned up.
“I believe you are enjoying yourself, my lord?” you asked.
“Mary loves it when her father makes her fly like a bird, I discovered,” he said. “You should have seen her with the ambassador's son. So used is she to men with beards, that when the shaven youth stepped forward, she stared at him like a wonder of the world!” he recalled. “Oh, and the little dear is rolling over. She can roll over to one side, but cannot roll back. And when she does, she can only cry in frustration!” he reported excitedly.
You grinned and kissed his cheek. Both of you admiring the new gown on the princess. When there was money left over in the budget, Henry would find ways to spoil her with toys and dresses. 
Months passed. You and Henry waited until the time was right, when you were ready for his bed, for acts that would put his seed inside you... But…you were having trouble conceiving again.
You took advice from the physician, recalling every embarrassing martial act out loud to the old man. You devoured certain herbs prescribed to you like a rabbit. Even mixing them into drinks when you could.
Yet…your courses returned as normal.
But you began to wonder…perhaps Mary was the only child you would have. And part of you mourned. Wishing for the large, happy family you both whispered to each other at night early on in your marriage. Secretly envious of women who boasted of their broods so easily conceived. 
One evening, you sat by the fire with your husband and child after dinner. Mary was asleep in the cradle in your private room. You rocked it gently, hoping she would stay asleep when the servants would come to fetch her to her nursery. Already she was big and big, more fussy from the teeth she grew.
Henry walked by you and placed an arm around you.
“What ails you, darling?” he asked.
You looked up at him.
“I am just worried, Harry… if…what if…what if she is the only one I will have…” you mourned.
 Henry looked into it and said. “I think it would be wise if Mary was made my heir.”
You blinked, your jaw dropped.
“What- but husband-I have not a problem with it, but others will! But the parliament, the lords…they will refuse. They will hate her…even hurt her!” you replied.
He remained still, resolute. But his voice was soft. 
“I am their king. My word is law and final. The lords, no matter what they think, must follow as I say…and if she is the one of my line, she is the one of my line…Mary will be queen. A good queen. A queen who will lead England to prosperity.”
The fire cracked more. Both of you looked at the peaceful, sleeping baby. So lovingly tucked into her soft nightdress and snuggled into blankets.
“She can barely talk yet.”
He smiled.
“She has your blood. And if that is the case, then there is no one I trust more than her…”
There was a grand announcement. Shock ran like a storm through the country. Though yes, the lords all complained and bemoaned a female heir, Henry made sure the ceremony was grand. It didn’t matter if they liked it or not, England had its heir. 
There was a grand ceremony. The stony throne room decorated with grand emblems. A crowd gathered as you and Henry dressed in red velvets. Though she was getting a little heavier, you still held her high. Your face raised as every icon of another Mary with Her Child, and just as dignified, perhaps as important.
“I now announce her grace, The Princess Mary of Wales, is the heir to the throne. She shall succeed me- and all of you must honor my wife, Her Majesty, as the mother to your next ruler and honor her highness as the queen to follow,” Henry announced, his beard neatly trimmed and his golden crown beaming on his head.
“Her majesty-Princess Mary. And one day, Queen Mary of England. Long live the queen!” he declared.
“Long live the queen.” the crowd repeated.
It was the day the artist said he would show the works he painted. The small, dark-haired, bearded man went up to the first one, covered in a cloth. He pulled it off with a flourish as all took it in.
The first in the joust showed you sitting on your throne as Henry rode his white stallion to defeat his opponent. You seemed to be glowing. In bright colors that shone when light caught it. Placed in the center where all would see, decorated and beautiful.
The artist went to a second painting covered in a cloth. He removed it.
There stood the three of you standing in the church in bright,  The child in your arms and Henry by your side. The three of you appeared just as grand, even Immortal. 
You had not failed your husband. You had not failed the nation. You had provided an heir after all. And all would be well.
You looked over little Mary, leaning close to press a kiss to her temple and whisper to her.
“Long may you reign, my little dove.”
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royal-confessions · 1 month
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“Not the late Princess Raghnild being right about Martha Louise, Haakon, Mette Marit, AND Marius!!!! Like that woman was able to predict that her brother's children and spouses would embarrass the monarchy and that Harald is weak. SMH.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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pixlokita · 8 months
Does anyone else gotta resist the urge to give all your blorbos sharp teeth
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iqxys · 1 year
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A Shadowscale, Mercenary, Swordsman, and Ex-Thalmor walk into a bar…
I finally expanded and made a non-elf oc lol
Kajin-Ja is my first Argonian character across any Elder Scrolls game and I’m actually really happy with how he turned out 🫶 (I will have to find a mod that makes argonian tails bigger tho) (why are they so small in skyrim???)
Kajin-Ja and his ESO counterpart! he lost his precious feathers and I made him way too light ;(
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
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by Clément Morin
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theroyalsandi · 9 months
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Norwegian Royal Family - The Norwegian Royal Court released the official Christmas photo of the Royal Family. The photo was taken on December 20, 2023. Crown Princess Mette - Marit was absent with Covid. | December 21, 2023
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wonder-worker · 6 months
Here’s the thing I need people to understand:
Even if we believe that the (entirely unproven and far too politically convenient) pre-contract story between Edward IV and Eleanor Talbot was true, it doesn’t actually matter. Even if it was hypothetically true, there was still no reason why Edward V – who was already King at that point and was referred to as such – couldn’t have been able to succeed his father regardless.
David Horspool (Richard's own historian) summarizes it better than I could, so I’m just quoting him here:
"[Richard also made] no allowance for any potential solution to the problem that might have re-legitimized Edward V and his siblings. These included securing a retrospective canonical or papal judgement of the invalidity of the pre-contract; an Act of Parliament legitimizing the children of Edward and Elizabeth Woodville’s marriage, as happened to Henry VIII’s variously tainted offspring; or even ignoring the issue and proceeding to the coronation of Edward V, which would legitimize him by making him the Lord’s anointed, and render allegations of his bastardy as newer versions of the old tittle-tattle about his father."
In short, even if Edward IV truly had a pre-contract with Eleanor Talbot, and even if all of his children with Elizabeth Woodville were supposedly illegitimate, it should by no means prevent Edward V from succeeding his father to the throne. If Richard truly wanted to support his nephew, he had a variety of useful and entirely workeable options to choose from. Instead, he officially declared his nieces and nephews (including a literal 3-year-old) illegitimate, kept Edward V and his even younger brother confined in the Tower of London, and declared himself King.
Why didn't Richard take these actions, all of which he would have been well aware of? As Horspool says simply: "that Richard took none of these courses was because he had no interest in doing so."
The ONLY conclusion we can come to based on Richard's actions is summarized most succinctly by A.J Pollard:
"The truth of the matter is that Richard III did not want Edward V to be legitimate because he did not want him to be king."
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imminent-danger-came · 2 months
do you think the writers are being too slow revealing what happened with wukong and macaque? like should the full story been revealed in s4
That's very subjective!
For me personally, I'm totally fine with how it's played out. We get enough tidbits every season/developments with their dynamic that I'm pretty content. I also just think that when the time comes, how they choose to reveal that information to us (and especially to MK) will have optimal impact!
Idk, I just think it's going to work out you know
#but maybe it's not pacing that works for you and that's fine#the experience of pacing is subjective by nature#alright *puts on conspiracy cap*#to me it seems like they're wanting to throw another wrench into MK and Wukong's relationship next season#s4 was so heavily focused on Wukong's flawed past and there was a lot of buildup about his and mac's relationship in the s4 special#and then s5 had a lot of weird hints/info#specially with the stone/nine or whatever#and that weird wukong nuwa framing in 5x08#And 5x01 kinda lampshading Wukong knowing about MK + his reincarnated friends#Like feels weird don't it#(WHICH. He could totally have not known about MK. But I still wanna learn more about why he wanted a student in the first place)#There are so many directions next season could go#But the direction I hope for most is really continuing 5x04 stuff#Like idk I personally feel like we didn't fully unpack Monkey MK. In certain aspects anyhow#And it's like omg 2 seasons later and we finally resolved the to pain scene!!!#But we haven't really resolved like. ''Hurting the people who care about you the most'' aspect of it. The 3x10 and 4x08 parallel#So like the hurting each other angle. The nature of 5x04's resolution is that you have to work at it every day *twirls hair*#Kinda like how at the end of the s4 special ''leaving things a little better than you found it'' hadn't resolved everything being to pain#So now ''even if it all leads to pain that pain is ours!'' hasn't resolved how you hurt the people you love#And with MK using the crown on Wukong#And now that Mac V SWK backstory seems close at hand#Seems all very set up for that theme you know#I'm a believer#this has been imp's tag rant#lmk#lego monkie kid#shadowpeach#asks#anon#lmk theme: hurt
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smolvenger · 9 months
The Twelfth Night Ball, A Cinderella Story (Henry V x fem! Reader one-shot)
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Summary: As a lady turned servant, every day you survive under immense cruelty. Then one day, it is declared the King of England, Henry V, is throwing a ball, looking for a potential bride...
Word Count: 7535 (have snackies)
Warnings: Physical and verbal abuse from the "stepfamily" (this is a Cinderella story after all). Some curse words here and there. Grammar and spelling mistakes that slip past my radar. LOTS of angst, but it becomes tooth-rotting fluff.
A/N: Happy Holiday Season! This was gonna be a Christmas ball but things got busy, so it's Twelfth Night (that was a bigger deal back then, anyway, ehehhe) but I hope you enjoy this any time of the year! Comments, dms, reblogs, and comments about my work are always appreciated!
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Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr @loz-3 @muddyorbsblr
Once upon a time, you were a little child delivered to a house of strangers. Your dear parents, an established lord and lady, both died of a deadly illness that spread. You were separated from them- sparing your life. But without even a final goodbye. 
It the Lord and Lady Brentford who took you in, for they were distant relatives. You could still feel the guard's hand, much bigger than your own, support you when the carriage door opened before the Brentford Manor. You stepped out of the carriage and onto their grounds. They looked at you with polite smiles…but nothing warm behind their eyes as they led you in.
It began small. At first, they were merely strict in their lessons with you. As any daughter of a lord. You tried to adapt, to please them. As much as your little eight-year-old self could allow. Even at your best behavior, they always reminded you of one thing: you were mere charity. Their one daughter you had never met. She was sent off to stay in a convent for her education.
It was when you were thirteen that one day, they requested you to move into a shabbier room. The one you slept in had to be used for guests.
Then they kept insisting the servants needed help with things. Mending, cracking eggs, a stone on the floor that needed scrubbing. You wanted to help, to please them. So you said yes.
Then, you realized one day your pretty dresses were gone. They said that what was left of your family's fortune had been spent already. You had to make ends meet, they said, by selling what nice ones you had. Leaving you with only servants' clothes.
Then, finally, when you were fourteen, you went down after helping cook breakfast. To eat with them…and there were only two chairs at the table.
“Where may I…I sit?” you asked.
The Lord glared up at you.
“You do not eat with us.”
“But…you are my guardians,” you replied.
He snorted. “You. Family?”
His eyes were cold.
“You were never our family, girl,” Lady Brentford agreed.
The stomach within you dropped. Hot tears welled up.
“Bring us our bread, girl.” she ordered.
“If…If my father was alive, he-”
Lord Brentford stood up.
“He is dead. Are you going to keep talking or should I get the horsewhip to get you to shut up? Bring. Us. Our. Meal.”
You went back, sobbing hot tears. Then delivered their meal to them. Banished. No longer as a member of the family. Or of any family that wanted you, loved you. You were unloved. Unwanted.
The Lord and Lady threatened to throw you out if you ran away resisted, or fought back. To beg on the streets. Or whore to survive. So you were stuck as a servant.
And so your life as a servant began for years here. Some of them gaped at first- the Lady Y/L/N turned into a drudgery maid.  They pitied you. They did not laugh at you for not knowing initially how to cook an egg but would show you how. They let you hug them and cry and rage. Only in private. For all knew how the Lord and Lady reacted to defiance. You got to know them and talk to them, It was Miss Anne who would give you oranges when they were in season to bite into. It was Mr. Page who would show you the secret bird's nest when you had to gather the apples in the orchard. Their kindness was appreciated. 
There was one other consolation in your life- the Brentford’s only daughter, Jane. The time arrived when her long stay at the convent for her education was done. She was considered of age to be married and she moved back. A woman of your age, your very height and size but with pale skin, long chestnut hair, and bright green eyes.
After Jane got home, you brought her some food to her room but found she wasn’t there. You saw her outside in the garden climbing an apple tree in bloom to gather the fruit and flowers. As she stepped on one branch, it broke beneath her weight. With a scream she fell a great distance, breaking her leg. At once, you alerted the servants and helped her in. It was you who stayed by her side, nursing her until she healed. 
Since then, a friendship began between you both. 
Lady Jane was the sort who became a very different person than her parents. She was kind.  If you brought something a little late, she gave you no chiding. Jane was always getting into some sort of mischief, for sometimes she would scrape her hand or burn something, and you would patch her up.
 You became each other’s confidantes…and then she considered you not as a servant, but an equal. You were sometimes tasked to be with her, and those were the easiest- delivering her correspondence two and fro, brushing her hair, and dressing her. Even picking flowers for her room to cheer her. Jane loved animals and her pride and joy was her mare, Psyche, who you would be tasked to feed and brush. 
It was only a shame she had no interest in marriage or even romance. If only she got married so you could become her chambermaid and live far away from this place! But no. She refused to be forced into a marriage. You were amazed at her bravery to refuse her parents boldly. However, she was their natural daughter and a Lady. She had the privilege to rebel. You did not.
Sometimes you wished you were her, you had to admit. Jane was something of a recluse, not wanting to go to balls and parties and be out in society. Her beautiful dresses only caught her mild interest, preferring riding her mare, her books, climbing trees, and talking with the servants despite her parent's protests. 
You wished she’d say yes to one ball- how beautiful it must be to wear a gown and dance the dances you were taught when your parents lived! And to maybe have men show interest in you and show up to see you- to be considered and wanted for marriage by some good-looking, nice lord!
But…what money your family left for your dowry was left to the Brentfords….who naturally spent it for their desires until you had none left. Without even a dowry, you would be considered useless for any Lord’s bride. 
Maybe not marriage…but perhaps, as you looked at the married couple kept as servants here- Mr. and Mrs. Kent. Saw them hold hands and exchange small kisses in hallways and smile…love. To be loved. To fall in love. To find romance. Somehow. Something you had never heard, experienced, and could only yearn for in your deepest heart…perhaps there was someone out there who could love you…
But perhaps that was only for daydreams and for sad romances with Knights pining for already married ladies. Much less a scullery maid. 
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
One December morning, you spent one of the few hours you had alone walking in the woods. You reached the clearing of a field not far away. The Natural spot was so peaceful. No Lord or Lady Brentford. No threats. No names. Just the early winter morning. 
You shivered in your dress. It was all you had on you.
That morning, you awoke to see the Lady Brentford. You did not mend her skirts to her liking. So she went to your room and in revenge, ripped apart your only cloak. She tossed it at you.
“There. Until you learn how to mend clothes the right way, stupid girl.”
You only held the torn cloak, tears pouring down over it. 
The sun was bright, and the grass frosted. The world was brisk and cold, but it got warm after exercise. The sun was bright. Your breath comes out in puffs of smoke.
Suddenly, you heard horse hooves. Turning your head, you jumped to see a great white stallion galloping and on top of it was a man in a red cloak. You took a few steps in retreat.
Before you could have a good look at the rider, the horse suddenly stopped and bucked, his front hooves in the air with a whinny. It was so sudden, that with a masculine shout, his rider fell off of his horse onto the grass.
You let out a gasp-was he injured? Yes, this was a stranger. And a man. And you were alone. But he could use the help! And if he was injured, he couldn’t hurt you!
“Sir, sir, are you hurt?” you cried, picking up your skirt to go there to see him.
Up got the man with a small grunt. 
You finally saw his face and you felt yourself stiffen. 
He was incredibly handsome. Young with high cheekbones and a high forehead. Auburn curls and trim facial hair with soft blue eyes and ivory skin. Tall and lean yet muscular and broad. Virile and powerful, but an air of charm, and elegance to him, though you could not name why you could tell.
 He managed to get up and wipe off his dirt on him, looking at you. He smiled, hands up in pace.
“I am alright! I’ve suffered worse!” he assured you. 
“Are you sure?” you asked.
“Of course, my lady!” he replied, bowing his head.
You felt yourself go warm. You had not been called “my lady” in years. Much less by a handsome man!
You then saw the horse a small distance away. Trotting off. The man whistled, but the horse did not respond.
You knew you had to feed Psyche later today. Her carrots were in your pocket. You pulled one out and lured it over. Surely, the white stallion walked over. Once you fed him the carrot, you pulled him by the reigns over to the man.
“Thank you- he’s not used to me. A rather naughty fellow, but he shall be my good friend long enough,” the man laughed.
“If you give him enough treats, I’m sure he will be your friend quickly.”
 “Thank you, my lady, you’re very kind. Do you need assistance getting home?” he asked.
For you to go home with a man?! They would think something less than chaste was happening out there. Especially since you were both a woman and a servant. Whores and thieves, that was what all thought maids to be.
“No thank you, I do not live too far,” you explained.
The sun went behind a cloud, giving it a slight chill. Though there was concern on his handsome face. 
“But without a cloak?” he asked, tilting his head.
“I…I have no cloak I may use and I wanted to walk. I could brave the cold. Once one moves about, it does get warm,” you told him. 
“Here, my lady…”
He took off his red cloak and put it over you You let out a small gasp. Feeling his hands brush past your shoulders as he sealed the clasp. It was so large it felt warm on you- the heat of his body and his scent still on it.
“Sir- this is too much!” you gasped.
“No, you may have it. I have a dozen others and you have none,” he refused, a kind smile on his face.
It was like an embrace. You touched the material, feeling it in your hands. It was high-quality cloth, likely expensive from the bright red. He must be some great lord who happened to ride by.
In his nice red leather jacket (it hugged his lean but broad form very nicely, you noted, feeling a sudden heat in you) he swung himself back up on the white stallion.
“Thank you, dear lady. For your concern to me.”
“And thank you, my lord, for your generous gift,” you replied. 
“Farewell for now.”
He smiled at you, nodding his head, and then he rode off. You couldn’t help but watch him as he left.
You burst into giggles as you walked through the forest, feeling as if you could float from such an encounter with such a handsome man. For one brief moment, the love story you craved had happened. You drew the cloak around you. Your mind racing with fantasies of an actual embrace from him. Or even more- if he kissed you!
You returned very warm. You folded the cloak and set it down among your things, even the torn-up cloak. You smiled- always keeping that memory in your heart. You would make sure to guard it carefully. But even if the Brentfords tore it up, they could never tear up your memory, your moment, your encounter with this dream of a man. Or your hope that you would someday see him again. 
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
The next day, amidst the fasting and preparations for the Christmastide season, there was a messenger who arrived at the door. He was dressed in fine reds and handed one male servant the letter. Up the servant came as you attended to the Brentfords. Eating their breakfast of simpler fare than they would like.
The servant looked flushed and wide-eyed. He held up the letter, declaring “My lord- it is an invitation from the king!” 
There were gasps around the table. From none other than the king! The newly crowned Henry the Fifth. Lady Brentford grabbed it and opened it, reading it aloud.
“We do cordially invite all eligible, unmarried ladies of this household to attend the ball hosted by the king on Twelfth Night. Each lady shall be introduced to his majesty the king in addition to a night of dancing, feasting, and frivolity.” 
Eyes went wide. You felt your heart begin to pound in your chest. 
“Oh! A ball! How wonderful!” cried the Lady Brentford.
“To have him write us alone is an honor!” agreed the Lord. Though their eyes turned greedily to their daughter. Lady Jane stopped eating her bread, it nearly dropped on her plate. 
You looked up from where you poured more drink into Jane’s cup.
“If he is asking to be introduced to eligible maidens...it means only one thing…” Jane began. Her face turned white, her appetite gone. 
“He is looking for a bride! Oh, could you imagine? Our Jane- Wife to the King and Queen of England?”
Jane gripped the edges of the table.
“Mother, father, please- I don’t want to go. Please. There are plenty of other women who would be more happy to be there than me!  I don’t want to be sold like cattle to a man I don’t know, please! And I hear he was a drunkard and a thief- I don’t want to marry a man like that, please!” Jane pleaded.
“And risk losing the chance to become queen? Besides, we hear he’s a young, comely man, it could be worse! There are lots of old men we could consider marrying you off to! You must go!” argued Lord Brentford
You stepped forward.
“What if…I went instead of Jane?” you asked meekly.
Eyes turned to you, but you stood your ground. 
“It said all eligible, unmarried ladies. I shall go in Jane’s place, so she doesn’t have to,” you said, a sudden rush of boldness in you. Perhaps it was the incident with the man the other day. You always wanted to go to a ball. And to go to a royal one was an honor.
Their heads turned.
“It shall break sumptuary laws for a maid to dress in finery. They could fine you. Or worse.” sneered Lord Brentworth.
“But I am Lady Y/L/N, like my mother was before me,” you blurted.
The Lord Brentford got up and slapped you hard across the face. 
Your eyes brimmed with tears, feeling the sting of the impact. 
“You are our servant and you will remember your place! And will hold your tongue and stay where you are, impertinent, foolish girl!”
You held your cheek, keeping your eyes down. The Lord continued.
“To think. You. A king’s bride- a queen? Yes, women like you were offered to him as whores, but I doubt he’d even want your filth in his bed, much less as his wife. You’d be lucky to polish his boots.”
They sat down, glaring at you.
“Now, there is laundry to be finished. And we have a ball to prepare Jane for- you must do it.”
You turned away, so they wouldn’t see you. You reached the smaller room for laundry. Where you could finally crumple to the ground and sob. 
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
Jane’s dress purchased for the ball was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. 
It was a creamy white with pearl embellishments. Richly made, beautiful. It shimmered in the light and seemed to glow when it became dark. Everyone smiled big at it as it was brought up. But the envy and greed in your heart stirred, making you feel heavy and bitter. Sometimes, You forced your eyes away from it. 
Christmastide arrived. With it numerous feasts. Some drinking and exchanging of gifts. The Lord and Lady were in sour moods but only softened when discussing their ambitions for their reluctant daughter. 
Before you knew it, the new year arrived and the fifth of January. The day before the ball. 
Jane looked at the dress laid out on her bed. You had merely sat on a chair behind her, mending her stockings. Everything in you not to cry.
“It is beautiful, I will admit. But…I have met cats more pleasant to talk to than some of the lords that will be there,” she sighed. “I love gossip and a nice meal as much as anyone else, but…how horrid I am at dancing! I know I will step on all of my poor partner's toes tomorrow night!”
Finally overcome, you set the stockings down.
“Jane, how can you say such things? Don’t you realize how fortunate you are?! Just merely go and enjoy yourself and think of your blessings!” you blurted out. 
She turned to you. You were tearing up.
“I’m so sorry, I’ll be quiet now-” you apologized.
“Y/N, you know I’m not my parents. I won’t punish you for being honest. What is it? You’re crying, tell me!” she asked. She walked away from you and knelt as you sat.
She gave you a handkerchief and you began to wipe away your tears. Her eyes looked concerned. 
“You’ll laugh at me,” you mused.
“I will not. Tell me what troubles you,” she offered. 
You gripped the handkerchief in your hands, squeezing it for support as you began to confess.
“I wish I could be you. To go to a ball and to meet a king and dance. To feel equal to the other ladies who get to be introduced to him. Yes, becoming queen does sound like a nice dream. But, it’s not just that…I just…always wanted to try a pretty dress and not have to spend my nights working. If my parents lived, I would have experienced one. If the Lord and Lady weren’t who they are, I would have, but now……”
She hugged you in comfort.
“Oh, I’m a selfish being, I am! I am so sorry, poor Y/N! I’ll be more careful, I swear it!”
You hugged her back. Then she looked at the dress, then you. There was a look in her face- a light in her eyes. One that could only be when she had an idea.
“Jane…what are you thinking of?” you asked.
“What if…you were the one to go? Wear the dress and attend the party? ” she asked.
“What! What if- what if they catch us? We’ll get in trouble! There will be other balls!" you cried.
“There won’t be other royal balls. And I know how every servant hates my parent and they love you! Please, we can trust them!”
“But…will they watch?”
“My mother and father are rather fond of strong wine on Twelfth Night….”
You felt your heart race.
“You said you always wanted to. And you should go. We’ll switch clothes in case they wake up! They’ll be too drunk anyway. And you know it is a royal carriage they are lending us with a royal driver and footman- they won’t know you! Would you like that?” she continued.
You paused, your heart racing. 
“You are a lady- you must accept it. Here- we shall keep it between us. We shall ask only a few servants…you will go to accompany me and wait- then we shall switch clothes. I shall be the maid to attend on you and you the lady! That way, if Mother and Father arrive in my room, they’ll see me gone and won’t suspect a thing!”
She was getting more excited, pacing about and talking. But then she turned to you.
“But…that is only if you want. It’s just an idea," Jane offered.
Your heart beat hard. A chance. It made you scared. You could get in trouble…but you never wanted to so badly to do it. You would go. Or die trying. At least once, you would fight for something you wanted.
“Jane, I accept your plan. Let’s make it happen.”
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
At last, it was Twelfth Night finally arrived. You and the other servants managed to get the Lord and Lady Brentford so drunk, they were laughing and red-faced. Jane was presented in her pretty dress and curtsied for their applause. Then they had to go to bed to sleep it off. It would be minutes until the carriage arrived.
Jane grabbed your hand. 
“Now, haste!” she hissed.
You raced to her room. She took off the dress, the servants all helping. She got into your plain dress and apron easily. You were given her fine necklace and her rings. Her little silvery slippers fit your feet perfectly. Then, at last, the dress was slipped over your head and sealed. It adjusts perfectly to your body. There was a soft gasp from one servant as they looked at you. Their eyes were made big and there were smiles.
“Is it…bad?” you asked.
“No…look,” Jabe offered, gesturing to the mirror in her room.
You hardly recognized the reflection. 
You were radiant- the way its color complimented you. It brought out your eyes and your skin seemed to glow almost. The gems sparkled as if they were stars adorned on your chest and fingers. 
“I…I look…” you muttered.
“I’ll say it- you look beautiful,” Jane said.
“Fie, Lady Y/L/N looks quite like a princess! They’ll think she’s sailed from France and my, won’t that be something!” agreed one servant. 
The carriage arrived. You both stepped forward. A footman in his finest gave came forth and helped you both into the carriage- the Lady and her maid. Then off it went. There was snow on the ground that shone in the darkness as it went forth. 
The stone castle arrived. You both were helped off. You could hardly believe it. It was at least three times the size of the Brentford Manor! Picking up your skirt, you went with Jane behind you.
There was already laughter and music. You could smell spices that made your mouth water.
You entered forth, seeing the torches lit around. There was a warm orange light. Part of the hall was cleared so couples could dance. Chatter erupted and wine flowed. You even felt eyes on you, admiring you in your dress. Though, you saw a line of women before one end of the room. The women to be introduced to the king.
“Lie to him, tell him you’re Lady Brentford!” advised Jane.
“I cannot lie to the king. Not without getting into trouble. I’ll only tell him my family name.” you said.
“S’blood, you are right there…best of luck!” she wished as she headed to help herself to the feast.
So all came forward to be introduced. Each lady. You all were smiling. You managed to chat with several by you. All excited and trying to suppress giggling. But it was brief, as there were many women. Apparently, according to them, you just told him your name, curtsied, and perhaps exchanged a sentence or two. Then you were dismissed for the next woman. Nothing more, nothing less.  The line went lower- you were happy to chat with them all. But all stilled as they got closer to the curtsy.
Then, before you knew it, it was down to the last three ladies before you. Then two. Then the last one turned and you faced the King of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. 
There, on the throne, sat the man who fell from his horse.
The king?! The king!? The entire time it was the king! Oh God’s blood! He was the king! Harry of England! I have a cloak from none other than the king!  You panicked internally. Though your body tightened.
 Your skin tingled and a coldness hit your stomach when you saw him. Your hands were suddenly clammy. The wind was out of you.
Henry the Fifth of England sat rigid. You saw his jaw drop a little and his face go pale. He too was in surprise. 
Then he let out a small half laugh, a shaky smile growing on his face.
You gathered yourself together. Then, taking in a breath to ground yourself, you announced.
“I am Lady Y/F/N Y/L/N, your highness,” you introduced. Dipping into a curtsy.
He gestured his hand up to stop you from leaving. Your eyes fluttered down, folding your hands properly. Your heart hammered as he walked up, taking your chin and tilting it up. Your heart beat even harder. It was a miracle you were still standing.
He smiled, almost ironically. 
“How are you, Lady Y/L/N?” he asked. 
“Well, your grace.” you replied.
“Do you have a partner for the next dance?” he asked.
“No, your grace.”
“I believe I have sat long enough. I would like a dance with you, my lady, if you will have me, ” he offered. He extended his hand to you.
“You may, my lord,” you replied. Despite the slight trepidation, you accepted it.
He smiled at you, leading you down to the floor. You heard gasps, whispers, and saw many eyes staring. Some of the women from the line turning red as strawberries, fumes practically blaring out at them. You kept your eyes away from it all. Only at the floor, then up to him.
“I must warn you, I have no strength in dancing,” he warned you.
“Then perhaps this is only a practice dance, your grace,” you replied.
The couples went into lines. You curtsied and bowed. Took hands, walking back and forth. You realized Henry sometimes mixed up counts, but he was definitely not the worst. You smiled at him.
“How is your stallion, my lord?” you asked.
“He listens to me more. Would you like to know why?” he asked.
He turned to you in the dance.
“He cannot resist being given food. And that I learned from a certain lady I met,” he answered.
You grinned up at him. The dance continued. You found your eyes could not lower from his. Yet you knew the steps, knew every one. You were almost floating. As he touched your hand and would lead you, it seemed he was getting better with each other count of the music. You could feel how soft his hands were, how warm. Sense his presence, his steps. Feel the tingles from his touch, from when he looked at you. For a while, it was as if you were the only ones dancing. 
Before you knew it, your dance with the king ended. He bowed and you curtsied. He then turned to line of women.
“I shall meet all of you, and shall spare a few dances, sweet, fair ladies,” he promised.
That seemed to appease them- you couldn’t blame them in the slightest.
Jane was already there to fetch you food and drinks now that she was satiated. To make sure all in your attire was well and good, ever the one to accompany a lady to make sure nothing less than chaste was occurring.
As the line shortened, you did notice Henry dancing with a few other ladies. Though there was a slight pang of jealousy, you did your best to ignore it for the other delights of the party- the rich decorations, the sumptuous food, the sweet sips of wine.  Besides, as you got to know plenty of people here, men and women, young and old, married or unmarried, you found them all kind and friendly to you. Your fellow eligible ladies befriended you as one among them, not as a rival to be torn apart. None even suspecting you were a servant- only a fellow and equal guest of this ball. Even seeing if you could come to this dinner or this ball in the future or visit. You were making friends outside of your small circle. Friends who wanted you to be with them. 
Though you found that since the king had danced with you, you got attention from several other men. And there were more dances you had with them. They were handsome and some were lovely dancers in all. Though one gentleman with scruffy red hair and boyish freckles seemed stiff as a board as you danced with him.
“What is it, my lord?” you asked.
“His grace, the king, is staring-” he whispered.
“He watches everything that goes on,” you dismissed as you took and retook hands in the dance.
“Not at me. He’s stared at you the entire night,” he grumbled.
As your eyes flashed, you saw it was true. Henry’s eyes were on you. Floating up to meet yours again. Recatching your breath, you made yourself focus again on the dance until it ended.
As soon it ended, the king approached you.
“May I have another dance, my lady?” he asked.
After you accepted, he did not hesitate to lead you on the floor. This time, not a single word passed. You felt his eyes, and noticed his touch more. You felt very warm all over all of a sudden.  His dancing was better, no counts or steps missed at all. You had to catch your breath from his quiet intensity. Before you knew it, it ended.
The king allowed the party to go on, but asked to speak to you in private. Jane was there to chaperone in the back. Her eyes big as you knew it was everything in her not to say or react to something. She merely folded her hands and watched in awe and suppressed laughter. 
“I know you…we met before, Lady Y/L/N” he said.
“We have, my lord.”
“And you truly did not have a cloak at all, my lady?” he asked, noticing your fine gown.
“If I may be honest…it was destroyed by someone in an act of cruelty,” you replied.
His brow furrowed a little in response.
“But I am grateful his majesty was generous to give me his, I am,” you assured him.
“You are…and you live with this cruel person?”
You let out a slight sigh.
“I only wish I could…I could be like you in your wars and fight as you do with France. I’m not a brave person, your grace.” you replied.
His blue eyes softened.
“I wish it hadn’t happened to you. You do not deserve it."
“She would disagree,” you mused.
“No! You are a good lady-you have been nothing but the sweetest maid I have met, even that morning!” he cried.
You felt yourself get a little dizzy at his words. He even blushed, then he looked at you.
“ Perhaps, like my dancing, you may practice being brave.”
“I…I believe I could, my lord,” you replied.
He offered his hand again. How lovely the garden looked with the snow, cooling you from all the exercise with dancing. Already it was late-the ball was winding down.
 “I enjoyed my time with you, my lady Y/L/N.”
“As have I, my lord…”
There was the pealing of a bell. The time was winding down. A servant went up and whispered to Jane. She hurried up.
“Our carriage is about to leave, my lady,” she said.
She turned back to the corner, watching the party guests begin to leave. But…Henry’s hand in yours…nothing ever felt so…so right. You hadn’t the heart to flee him. Not with the sad look on his face.
“The Y/L/N family…that is a house that is of good repute, but small. Where is your father, my lady? Is he here tonight?” he asked.
You only eyed back at the vanishing crowd. “He…he is not here,” you finally answered.
You felt emotions bubbling in you. He let go and you began to increase your steps from him. But then he grabbed your hand and you turned.
“My lord!” you cried. 
“Please, tell me one thing- where can I call on you? Invite you? Find you? See you again?” he asked, almost pleading.
The look in his eyes was almost heartbreaking. Though Jane was getting huffy and impatient, you went up to him, your voice a whisper.
“I live in the Brentford Manor, with the Lord and Lady there.” you replied.
His jaw hung a little loose. Then his hand let you go. They both hung in the air until they fell.
“I shall see you anon then, my lady.”
“I shall see you anon then, my lord.”
With that, you left, picking up your skirts to hurry to the carriage.
 As soon as  you got into the carriage with Jane and closed the door, she laughed  and applauded.
“Not one but two dances with the king?! Oh fie! How incredible! And you met him already?!”
The carriage jerked into motion as it headed back to the manor. Breathlessly, you explained everything to her.
“Am I in danger?” you asked.
“In danger of making him fall for you! But at least one day you’ll have the most incredible story to tell your children! How glad I am it all worked!” she laughed.
When you returned at the ungodly hour, you hurried to her room and switched clothes. Yet your head was still ringing and your heart beating fast, your mind and body still reeling until it could shut down for a little sleep. You wished you could write it all down- of your one night where you danced with the king.
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
It was four days since Twelfth Night and the Tenth day of the new year.  You had to content yourself with your life as a servant. The Lord and Lady were of a milder temper. As far as they knew, Jane introduced herself and curtsied before the king and that was it.  
That morning, you were serving their breakfast. You cut the bread into slices and brought it up to the table to the family. They placed it down, the knife still on there with the other cutlery.
There was a knock. Heads turned. A servant ran over in.. Red cheeked and breathless, his voice a high cry.
“His Majesty, the king, is here!” he yelled.
There was half a scream and Lady Jane nearly dropped her plate out of her hands. There was a flutter like no other, making sure all was clean and presentable. 
“He’s here for you- I know it! He’s here for you!” cried the Lady Brentford. 
She began  pinching her daughters cheeks to make them redder and prettier in her eyes and fussing and whispering. One heard the marching of boots. Your own heart beat harder than it ever had and you shook as you tried with the other servants to dress the place up.
Finally, a servant announced his presence and all stood up. In, sure enough, walked King Henry in his beautiful red leathers and his crown. Your breath stopped as you noticed a little bouquet of flowers in his hands.
 All bowed and curtsied respectfully, then returned to await what he would say.
Henry took off his crown and handed it to a servant. Then he looked around the crowd. You didn’t know if you wanted to shrink or run or both.
“I am here for the Lady Y/L/N. Does she reside here?” he asked.
Their lips curled. They gasped.
“Her-her??” Lady Brentford cried.
The Lord Brentford turned her head to you, his nose flaring. His hands reaching forward, ready to grab you, drag you by the ear to be beaten, box an answer out of you.
“What have you done with the king, you little slut?!”
There was a shift in that second, some of Henry’s guards, even Henry himself was ready to intervene.
Acting quickly, quicker than you ever had, You reached for the table and got the knife, pointing it to Lord Brentford. 
“Do not lay a hand on me or you won’t have one!” you rebuked.
Henry stepped forward, his voice angry.
“Lord Brentford, Are you going to deny the King an answer to his question?” he asked.
Heads turned over to you. Jane was smiling seeing the knife still in your hand. Then the Lord Brentford relented and gestured to you.
“She lives here, your majesty.”
Setting the knife back down on the table, you were gestured to step forward and curtsy. He looked at you in your servant's clothes which made your stomach twist in shame. But you held your own ground, poised with folded hands and kept your eyes up at him.
“May I have a word with her in private, Lord Brentford?” he asked.
They all bowed and relented- his servants to accompany you.
He stepped forth and seemed to blush as he handed you the flowers.
“These are for you, my lady” he said.
“They’re beautiful, thank you,” you replied. You took the bouquet in your hands, feeling it’s sweet scent.
His hands free, you saw him clench and unclench his fists nervously.
“Fair lady-I do not know how to say this. I’m not good with words, or speaking with women…” he began.
That itself made you smile.
“Lady Y/L/N, I am a king…and I am a man too. And I speak to you as one now. Should you refuse, I shall never bother you again. But if you shall, would you allow a hardened soldier to speak of tenderness and affection? To spend time to know this lady and plead his cause to her heart? I offer my friendship at least. At most, as your suitor. Only if you shall have me, Harry of England, as yours. To pursue you, ask for you, care for you. To court you, not as king and subject, but as a man and a woman, only if you accept me. What say you, dearest, fairest lady?”
You brimmed with joy. You felt a free hand clutch your chest, wondering if this was even real. But you knew who was the one in fine leather and who was the one in simple cloth. 
“My lord, I must tell you something…”
He nodded, listening. You took in a breath and began.
“I am the Lady Y/L/N. My parents died and their fortune dwindled. Leaving me with nothing but the title and what dignity we had left. As you can see, the house of Brentford took me in. But other than the kindness shown by their daughter, the Lord and Lady…do not consider me family. They have made me a servant here and I have worked as one since I was very young. If you are willing to court a lady with nothing but an empty title and a heart full of affection for you, you may. If not, I shall let you go. I shall not begrudge or ask you to change your ways. I understand them. I have nothing to offer to you that you may benefit- no lands, no armies, no alliances, and most of all, no dowry.” 
“My lady, you yourself are a dowry,” Henry replied.
A gasp escaped you and you felt everything inside you become warm.
He offered your hand. And you placed yours in it.
“Then…I Accept you as my suitor, my lord.” you said.
He smiled even wider, putting his other hand over yours.
“We have a special dinner prepared in the palace. Would you dine with me?” he asked.
“I shall be glad to…I only ask one thing and one thing in turn in our courtship. This and nothing else…I only ask for shelter. For an escape from this place. To stay in a different home far from Lord and Lady Brentford. You saw what happened-this has been my life for many long years. I want to leave this place, to no longer be under their power. But give only the dearest blessing to their daughter, the lady Jane, and their servants, for without their help the years would have been unbearable…and we would not have crossed paths again. If you cannot grant me shelter from the Lord and Lady, then protection from them,” you requested.
He clutched your hands a little tighter, almost shaking them.
“I shall my lady, you need not be afraid of the Lord and Lady anymore. I will fulfill your wish…and you shall be safe. I shall do everything in my power…may I kiss your hand?”
He took your hand and kissed it gently, and sweetly. His goatee tickling a little of your skin and his lips soft.
He asked his servants to gather your things, quickly. Much to the astonishment of the whole house. But none dare resist the orders of the king.
 “You shall stay as a guest of the palace until a family, a new one, may take you in. I promise, there are plenty who shall not treat you as they have,” he vowed.
He looked at you with a smile. You then went to your room and wrapped the warm red cloak over you. Then, right before the door, stood the family. You embraced each servant as they congratulated you. Then you went to you hugged Jane with a smile.
“Oh, I feel like I am abandoning you!” you sighed.
“Oh no! Do not fret! I can handle my parents, I will not let my them break me. I will fight them every step of the way. Just write to me often, promise.”
“This wouldn’t have happened without you, I am forever in your debt, Jane.” you replied.
“You already helped heal my leg back then. Then your friendship is the only credit I shall ask for.” she replied.
You hugged again as a goodbye.
You then turned to the Lord and Lady Brentford. They did not speak, but you did.
“I shall never forget your cruelty. Your harshness. I held my tongue to survive-but now I can speak. I do not love either of you. I dislike you both more than any person in the world. If anyone asks me of you, I shall tell them everything you said and did to me, for it is the truth. Of the names you called me, the things of mine you destroyed, and of the times you beat me and broke me. And do not think, should the day ever come that God makes me queen, that you shall receive any help from me. I shall never step foot in this place again or call on you.From this day on, I do not know who either of you are. You are both cruel, heartless, selfish miscreants. May you answer to God and only He may show you any mercy He deigns you both to deserve. You shall have none from me.” 
King Henry offered you his arm and you took it. How warm it felt-you could feel his muscles beneath his leathers, but how smooth it was and how pleasant he even smelled!
“Now…are you ready my lady?” he asked.
You only looked back at the place, and the people standing there. Then back at the handsome, kind face of your regal suitor.
“I am, my most gracious Lord.”
He walked you to outside the door where the carriage awaited. The snow falling gently, blanketing the world in soft, white blankets.
“When we are alone…would you call me Harry? Henry perhaps, too,” he replied.
“Yes, Henry,” you replied.
He blushed a little to hear his name. He were helped into the carriage next to him.
Henry smiled at you kindly as he sat next to you.
“Thank you. For everything” you wished him.
 “Of course, Y/F/N.”
You could have melted how he said your first name. He then held up your hand again and gave it another peck from his lips.
“My, you like to hold and kiss my hand, Henry!” you teased.
“If only it wasn’t so easy to hold and dear to kiss!” he replied with a smile.
 Your eyes forward, not daring to look back. Only forward as the carriage moved away. One part of your life ending and another beginning. To live a new life from now on.
A life where you were finally loved.
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royal-confessions · 1 month
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“Harald and Sonja and Haakon and Mette Marit are not good parents IMO, they are enablers. I'm not blaming them for anything Martha Louise and Marius has done, but tough love is part of being a parent if you know that they are straying. Every young person will do the most stupid things if you let them. The measure of a good parent to me is having children who are self-reliant. Notice how not one in the family seems interested in having jobs other than becoming influencers? They don't even bother with university studies despite having all the means in the world. Yes, Spain has Victoria Federica and Netherlands has Eloise, but Infanta Cristina's sons have jobs, even Froilan who used to be a trouble maker has a job, Eloise's siblings and other cousins also look like they have no interest in following her footsteps, Nikolai and Felix model but Nikolai just graduated from university, and in Belgium all of Astrid's older kids have jobs and lives far from the spotlight.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“I have a soft spot for Harald and Sonja but they might be too forgiving with their children and grandchildren and it's not helping any of them. Martha Louise was trouble before she got married the first time and had kids. She was accused of having an affair with a married man and Harald decided to use her diplomatic immunity so she would not have to testify in court. Now she's marrying a scammer and none of her kids have a proper job (the only reason they are getting attention is because of who they are, the eldest might be talented but she never had to struggle to get her artwork seen). I was happy that they let Haakon marry whoever he wanted, but now their granddaughter who is set to be a queen is haunted by her mother's past and her half brother's antics, I can't forget the jokes people were making about her sniffing cocaine on her 18th birthday.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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etruatcaelum · 7 months
[ @nothingbutthenight \\ for cinder]
Cinder isn’t altogether sure what brought her back to the convoluted ramble of Mistral’s lowest slums. Maybe a vague impulse to recapture the clear, burning sense of purpose she’d felt the last time she found herself stranded here, alone. It had been raining then; it’s sleet now, pelting down in miserable formless globs of slush.
Prowling through the deluge with nowhere to go and nothing to do is not how Cinder imagined this would go.
She’d planned to run.
Salem would come after her, and the unsettling mask of magnanimity would end. There would be pain enough to make what happened on the whale seem like a kindness, and Cinder would endure it all. No more pretending. No more games. Just the unvarnished truth Salem thinks she’s too stupid to realize, that Cinder is nothing more to her than a pawn, dredged up and laid bare.
Exactly none of that has happened. The dark glint of connection through her arm has lain quiet and still for eighteen days. Cinder made it to Forever-Fall like she’d planned—and there had been no chase, no hunt, no vindicating struggle against her fate.
Several tense, sleepless, uneventful nights led her to conclude that Salem believes she’s bluffing, and even worse was the uncomfortable realization that she might be. Alone in the wild dark of that forest, Cinder found that she could think of nothing she wanted that wouldn’t lead her right back to Salem. In pursuit of a new world…
Fuck her.
Cinder scowls, kicking disconsolately at a loose paving stone. Slush splatters everywhere. She’s not going to give Salem the satisfaction of crawling back empty-handed. She won’t.
She can’t. She won’t.
The problem is that Salem has the lamp and the staff, Cinder can’t retrieve the crown for her without first going back to Beacon, and with the whole world forewarned and rallying to Vacuo’s defense, she doesn’t like her odds there alone. And all Salem cares about, the only thing she wants, is those damned relics.
Snarling under her breath, Cinder whips around a corner. There has to be something–
Cinder never gets cold, but few other people are willing to brave the slum’s tangled byways in such foul weather; so her eye narrows when she sees another person coming her way, bent against the driving wind.
No one down here is worth robbing, and the stranger doesn’t have the bearing of a huntress. Still, Cinder draws an obsidian knife out of thin air to hold in her palm as they pass. Talons on the one hand, a blade in the other: if the woman recognizes her, she won’t have time to scream for help.
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