rabiddogjournal · 2 months
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vainnes my beloved
original painting by leyendecker under the cut!
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dingoat · 2 years
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Just a little bunch of surprise bothans! Featuring @mimabeann's stunning Vair, @shahfla's lovely Kovar (gather ye 'round, and he'll tell you a tale!) and @kunoichi-ume's powerhouse wrestler Emah.
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francepittoresque · 1 year
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ÉTYMOLOGIE | Pantoufles de Cendrillon : de verre ou de vair ? ➽ https://bit.ly/Cendrillon-Pantoufles-Verre-Vair Dans le conte « Cendrillon » prenant vie en 1697 dans sa version la plus connue grâce à Charles Perrault, l'auteur mentionnait une pantoufle « de verre » et non « de vair »
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heraldrydiculous · 1 year
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355 Tinctureless
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waterdroplet02 · 2 years
did i SERIOUSLY never post these before? i swear i have! either way, it's an excuse to post these again
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also, gess was meant to have some weird speech gimmick, but i forgot about it lmao
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twoshotsoffandom · 2 years
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Ehehehehehehehehehe I have moooooore
@waterdroplet02 hope I did Vair justice
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reticent-fate · 9 months
there's something really annoying about not just being a fictive...
but a fictive based on someone's ask blog interpretation of your character (because there was no character in the source, like literally no lines of dialogue)...
and from a series that's so small that that's the most non-body-made content there ever was in one place...
and that also being a point of contention with the system because we were severely fucked up by everything social about that archipelago of the fandom
like, come on. i can count the number of people that have drawn my source with less than one hand. especially considering two pieces of art of my source that we saved on our computer a decade ago can no longer be found on the internet apparently.
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valerietheriaultd · 1 year
La pantoufle de verre (ou de vair?) de Cendrillon
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D'après Charles Perrault, le célèbre auteur de Cendrillon, elle portait des pantoufles de verre. Perrault, qui était d'ailleurs membre de l'Académie française, a utilisé cette orthographe plusieurs fois. Par contre, elle a soulevé beaucoup de questionnements.
Ainsi, Balzac, dans son roman Le Martyr calviniste, a émis l'hypothèse qu'il s'agissait plutôt de «vair», soit la fourrure d'une espèce d'écureuil nommée le petit-gris. Plusieurs écrivains sont intervenus dans le débat, et on a cru à une erreur d'orthographe d'un imprimeur.
Mais qu'en est-il vraiment? Des recherches nous apprennent qu'on se servait du vair pour décorer des vêtements au Moyen-Âge. Il était réservé à la grande noblesse. Ainsi, dans le cas de la princesse Cendrillon, l'emploi du vair avait peut-être plus de sens qu'une pantoufle en verre! Gageons que c'était également plus confortable!
Par contre, il faut garder à l'esprit qu'il s'agit d'un conte merveilleux: une pantoufle de cristal ajouterait à la magie de l'histoire. D'autant plus qu'à l'époque où ce texte a été écrit, le verre, précieux, était en vogue. Bref, c'est un débat loin d'être terminé!
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velvet4510 · 5 months
Headcanon that all that juicy stuff such as the hug, the acorn moment, “to me he was…” etc. all happened in book canon too because who says it didn’t, Bilbo just wanted to keep and treasure those moments to himself and leave them out of his memoir.
SO when Thorin went to Aulë’s corner in the Halls of Mandos, he watched Bilbo and Balin’s “to me he was” talk via Vairë’s tapestries. And he wondered what the rest of that sentence was, especially as the rest of the company insisted Bilbo’s use of “friend” to the house thieves was an oversimplification and not the real truth.
When Bilbo finally arrived in the Halls, though the Gift of Men could not be taken from him, he was allowed a few hours in Aulë’s corner to reconnect with the Dwarves one last time before leaving Arda. Once everyone had caught up on Bilbo’s life, and he’d said his last farewells to most of them, he and Thorin went to Aulë’s gates alone.
What followed was akin to the WandaVision finale. Though they knew they could not stay like this, Thorin’s last request was to know the rest of that one unfinished sentence he once overheard. “…What am I to you?” Bilbo’s answer was a parallel to, if not word for word, “You are my sadness and my hope, but mostly you’re my love.” One last hug and kiss, a promise to reunite when the world is remade, and Bilbo departed from Arda.
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Yo I've got another for my by now mixed Tolkien survey series:
(yes, I over-simplified stuff, and had to exclude Tulkas, Melkor & Mandos for lack of answer-options, just comment if you'd have picked them)
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rabiddogjournal · 1 month
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the world was never meant for someone as beautiful as you, as beautiful as you, my melancholy man
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kudriaken · 1 year
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Vaire - The Weaver. The one responsible for weaving the stories of Arda and wife of Mandos. Made her design in pair with Mandos`s one, so they would look like a couple living in the same location - Halls of Mandos.
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dinrelsanddragons · 3 months
What injury has impacted you the most?
(Not as many responses this time, but that's because they're longer. Still a long post; responses are by Alexander; Armok; Gwyn and Raven; Vair and Shanz. Also, tw: suicide for Shanz's response.)
Alexander looked to the side. "It's... not a story I like to tell. It isn't even a big one, either." His shoulders rose up, in shame. "When my sister and I were small, our father Vair was watching us spar after giving us a lesson in fighting. My sister..." He sighed. "She jabbed me in the crotch with her practice spear and laughed when I doubled over. Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, Elise, you'll never know that pain, so it's funny to you. But Father immediately came over and asked how bad it was. I'm glad he understands, at least. But it hurt like hell, I'm sure everyone understands. Father scolded her something nasty for doing that, said it was fighting dirty. But when you consider that monsters fight dirty all the time... I wonder if I'd be in for hell if I picked up fighting to protect the kingdom." He shuddered. "I guess that makes me a coward. So be it. I just don't want to suffer. I'm not my sister, I'm not the best fighter and I don't enjoy it. So why put myself through that when there are others who are stronger and better at handling it?"
"Impacted, but in a good way," Armok chortled. He pointed at his head, rapping his knuckles against his cap. "I wrestled a Hinox once. I was in my dragon form when it happened, I didn't have my scale of Sirredes yet. But I was in town, and the town watch said a Hinox was coming, so I decided to help out. Lo and behold, it turns out having four legs and two arms really gives you an edge against those things!" He laughed. "I knocked it down and punched it in the face until it got dizzy, and the militia finished it from there. Some of 'em were a bit frightened by me for taking it down, but most of them were grateful for my help. I didn't win that without getting headbutted, and the town doc said it was probably a concussion. So I was a bit slow for a month, but it healed pretty well."
At the question, Gwyn was silent. She looked to the side, then drew inward, sitting and hugging her legs. Raven decided to speak for her, after checking that their son wasn't in earshot. "... My dear Gwyn was... are you all right with me speaking of this?" He waited for her nod, only deciding to continue after he saw it. "She was captured by... certain enemies of the crown, during her career as a spy. Thank heavens she was found and broken out by other royal agents, but not before suffering some amount of torture. I'm proud to say she never broke, never yielded information. But that sort of experience scarred her. I don't blame her for doubting her employment afterwards. I was not yet a royal guard when she was retrieved, so I was asked to follow her and... keep an eye on her. Not only to ensure her safety, but... no one was sure how she would act after that. I'm sorry, my love." Gwyn shook her head at Raven's apology– nothing to apologize for. "She was in such pain, she would lash out at anyone and everyone. Even and especially me." "And you didn't understand, but you tried anyways," Gwyn's voice shook with sobbing at the recollection. "You were so kind... compassionate.. gentle." She wiped tears from her eyes. "How could I not fall in love with you?" A small smile quirked her lips. "I had many reasons to retire at that point.. but I was certain I had to do it then because of you. I knew I wanted to be with you, and if I died for my kingdom, then I would never know that bliss."
"The destruction of my hometown," Vair answered bluntly. "Losing everything when you're only six tends to 'impact' you harder than most people can imagine." A small, soft hand held his shoulder at that as Shanz stepped up. "It's okay. It's not a question meant to hurt you." While Vair huffed just a bit, Shanz explained in his place. "I'm told my husband had something of a death wish for a bit after that– I wasn't here for it, so this is secondhand knowledge. He wanted vengeance against the dragon that did it, at first, but then he heard the royal guardsmen had taken it down shortly after that tragedy happened. So you felt like you had no purpose, huh." At the query put to him, Vair only grunted. "But friends... friends can give you a new purpose. A six-year-old boy with a thousand-yard stare scares away most of his peers, but Prince Jacinto– as he was back then– approached despite the discomfort he gave everyone else. That's how they're so close, and why Vair took up the path of a knight. Sure, his uncle being a knight himself gave him a leg up, but he did it for his friend." "And you, my love?" Vair looked at Shanz. Shanz cast his gaze downward and away. "... It's not a day I like to remember. When I was eighteen, my world at the time came crashing down on me... and I barely had the power to mitigate it. One day, I was tired of it, sore about everything to do with it, and my mother– who I trusted to be kind and compassionate... she prodded me a just a bit too hard about my responsibilities, and I lashed out in agony. I spent a good hour wallowing in that pain... as if pain is an intense enough word... and I don't know what drove me to contact my friends. But I did. And they talked me out of the unthinkable. They didn't even talk, just listened until I got it all out. That... that was all I needed. So yes, I understand how big friendship can be in someone's life. I owe my own existence to those bonds. And no matter how far I travel... no matter how far behind I leave those friends... those bonds can never be cut."
(As a note: King Jacinto is a muse from @reginalucem; he's her Zelda's dad!)
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atane-is-here · 21 days
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Mandos and Vaire / Friendship and Romance
Namo often seems intimidating to the children of Illuvatar. Not so much to the other Valar. And Vaire especially knows the kindness of his heart. Their relationship has always felt a little different from the passion of other couples. But it is founded in great harmony and understanding that will last until the world is remade and beyond.
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jbtbas · 7 months
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Or my last post alternatively as Sansa! At Joffrey's wedding
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waterdroplet02 · 2 years
To make sure, how do the appendages floating around Vair work?
i'm... not sure about the logistics or the anatomy! vair's an abstract being from an even more abstract dimension, full of creatures and objects that don't seem to make sense! ...actually, most of the things there are various imported items from various worlds that found their way through portals opened via instability, and Vair lived by one such area of Aresact where most of the portals opened to Earth...
aaaaanyway! it could just be magic! or telekinesis! he can move them around *just* about freely around him, up to a short distance of a few meters away from the vague center of his body, in which it gets increasingly uncomfortable to distance further. he positions his little Line appendages into arms and antennas, because that happens to be the most casually comfortable to him, but he can use them to form blasters that draw from his own energy to fire focused blasts! depending on how he arranges his limbs, each weapon form varies in blast size, speed, and energy usage.
also, although nearly all of the lines function similarly in that they're seemingly rigid and relatively physical, only four of them can bend {which he uses to form his hands, to grab things!}, two of them can sense sound and vibrations, like ears would {which forms his antennas atop his head!}, and two of them see {forming his eyes, but he rarely ever moves them away from his face}.
...despite the seemingly stark differences, he still mixes up the limbs sometimes! he'll find his 'antennas' don't seem to hear very well {those are actually his arm limbs. his antennas are on his left arm and he got them mixed up after a groggy morning.} or he'll have trouble looking for his eyes after losing them bumping into something haphazardly {they're usually properly stuck to his face, but he was caught very off-guard this time around!}
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