#valentine ephraim
bananabraiined · 4 months
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Give him more. More gifted battles!
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sorasaurus · 3 months
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Finally after 31 pulls of pain, he has shit IVs but at least he’s home.
I still want duo Lyon/Eirika, but I can’t be bothered anymore.
0 notes
Inside William’s Next Act: Tatler’s May issue goes behind the scenes as the Prince of Wales is rising above the noise — and playing the long game
The burden of leadership is falling upon Prince William, but as former BBC Royal Correspondent, Wesley Kerr OBE, explains in Tatler’s May cover story, the future king is taking charge
By Wesley Kerr OBE
21 March 2024
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When I first met Prince William in 2009, he asked me if I could tell him how he could win the National Lottery.
It was a jokey quip from someone who has since become the Prince of Wales, the holder of three dukedoms, three earldoms, two baronies and two knighthoods, and heir to the most prestigious throne on earth.
He was, of course, being relatable; I was representing the organisation that had allocated Lottery funding towards the Whitechapel Gallery and he wanted to put me at ease.
William is grand but different, royal but real.
At 6ft 3in, he has the bearing and looks great in uniform after a distinguished, gallant military career.
He will be one of the tallest of Britain’s kings since Edward Longshanks in the 14th century and should one day be crowned sitting above the Stone of Scone that Edward ‘borrowed.’
William, by contrast, has a deep affinity with Scotland and Wales, having lived in both nations and gained solace from the Scottish landscape after his mother died.
He’s popular in America and understands that the Crown’s relationship to the Commonwealth must evolve.
The Prince of Wales has long believed that ‘the Royal Family has to modernise and develop as it goes along, and it has to stay relevant’, as he once said in an interview.
He seeks his own way of being relatable, of benefitting everybody, in the context of an ancient institution undergoing significant challenge and upheaval, as the head of a nation divided by hard times, conflicts abroad, and social and political uncertainty.
We might recognise Shakespeare’s powerful line spoken by Claudius in Hamlet: ‘When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.’
With the triple announcement in January and February of the Princess of Wales’s abdominal surgery and long convalescence, of King Charles’s prostate procedure and then of his cancer diagnosis, the burden of leadership has fallen on 76-year-old Queen Camilla and, crucially, on William.
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The Prince of Wales’s time has come to step up; and so he has deftly done.
In recent months, we have seen a fully-fledged deputy head of state putting into practice his long-held ideas, speaking out on the most contentious issue of the day and taking direct action on homelessness.
Last June, he unveiled the multi-agency Homewards initiative with the huge aspiration of ending homelessness, backed with £3 million from his Foundation to spearhead action across the UK.
He is consolidating Heads Together, the long-standing campaign on mental health, and fundraises for charities like London’s Air Ambulance Charity.
He was, of course, once a pilot for the East Anglian Air Ambulance services – a profession that had its downside: seeing people in extremis or at death’s door, he found himself ‘taking home people’s trauma, people’s sadness.’
Tom Cruise was a guest at the recent London’s Air Ambulance Charity fundraiser, William’s first gala event after Kate’s operation.
And more stardust followed when William showed that, even without his wife by his side, he could outclass any movie star at the Baftas.
There’s also his immense aim of helping to ‘repair the planet’ itself with his Earthshot Prize: five annual awards of £1 million for transformative environmental projects with worldwide application.
This project has a laser focus on biodiversity, better air quality, cleaner seas, reducing waste and combating climate change. Similar aims to his father; different means to achieve the goal.
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On the issue which has caused huge convulsions – the Middle East conflict – William’s 20 February statement from Kensington Palace grabbed attention.
He said he was ‘deeply concerned about the terrible human cost of the conflict since the Hamas terrorist attack on 7 October. Too many have been killed.’
There were criticisms – along the lines of ‘the late Queen would have never spoken out like this’ or ‘what right does he have to meddle in politics?’ – but it was hard to disagree with his carefully calibrated words.
His call for peace, the ‘desperate need’ for humanitarian aid, the return of the hostages.
The statement was approved by His Majesty’s Government, likely cleared with the King himself at Sandringham the previous weekend and also backed by the chief rabbi of Great Britain, Sir Ephraim Mirvis.
Indeed, William and Catherine had immediately spoken out on the horrors of 7 October.
William followed up the week after his Kensington Palace statement by visiting a synagogue and sending a ‘powerful message’, according to the chief rabbi, by meeting a Holocaust survivor and condemning anti-Semitism.
This is rooted in deep personal conviction following William’s 2018 visit to Israel and the West Bank, says Valentine Low, the distinguished author of Courtiers and The Times’s royal correspondent of 15 years, who was on that 2018 trip.
‘William was so moved by his visit to Israel and the West Bank, he found it very affecting, and he was not going to drop this issue – he was going to pay attention to it for the rest of his life,’ says Low.
‘He must feel that… not to say something on the most important issue in the world [at that moment] would be a bit odd if you feel so strongly about it.’
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There was concern from some commentators about politicising the monarchy, but this rose above the particulars of party politics.
As Prince of Wales, like his father before him, there is perhaps space to speak out sparingly on carefully chosen issues.
On this occasion, his views were in line with majority public opinion.
On homelessness, news came that same week that William was planning to build 24 homes for the homeless on his Duchy of Cornwall estate.
‘William’s impact is very personal,’ says Mick Clarke, chief executive of The Passage, a charity providing emergency accommodation for London’s homeless.
‘Two weeks before Christmas, the prince came to our Resource Centre in Victoria for a Christmas lunch for 150 people.
He was scheduled to stay for an hour, to help serve, wash up, and talk to people.
He ended up staying for two and a quarter hours, during which time he went from table to table and spoke to every single person.’
Clarke continues:
‘William has an ability to listen, talk and to put people at ease. During the November 2020 lockdown, he came on three separate occasions to help.
It gave the team a boost that he took the time; it was his way of saying: “I support you; you’re doing a great job.”’
Seyi Obakin, chief executive of Centrepoint, one of the prince’s best-known causes, adds:
‘People associate his patronage with the big moments like the time he and I slept under Blackfriars Bridge.
The things that stick with me are smaller in scale and the more profound for it – in quieter moments, away from the cameras, where he has volunteered his time.’
It is a different approach from the King’s.
As Prince of Wales, he was involved in the minutiae of dozens of issues at any one time, working into the night to follow up on emails, crafting his speeches, writing or dictating notes.
Add to that much nationwide touring over 40 years (after he left active military service in 1976), fitting in multiple engagements, often being greeted formally by lord lieutenants.
This is not William’s style. He has commended his father’s model, but he does things his own way.
Although patronages are under review, William has up till now far fewer than either his father or his grandparents.
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Charles is sympathetic to William’s approach and his desire to make time with his young family sacrosanct.
They are confidantes, attested by the night of Queen Elizabeth’s death.
They were both at Birkhall with Camilla, reviewing funeral arrangements while the rest of the grieving family were nearby at Balmoral, hosted by the Princess Royal.
Charles has had almost six decades in public life and is the senior statesman of our time, with even longer in the spotlight than Joe Biden.
After Eton and St Andrew’s University, where he met Catherine, William served in three branches of the military between 2006 and 2013, finishing as a seasoned and skilled helicopter rescue pilot.
His later employment as an air ambulance pilot stopped in 2017, when he became a full-time working royal.
At that time, not so long ago – with Harry unmarried, Andrew undisgraced, and Philip and Elizabeth still active – William shared the spotlight.
Now, after the King, he’s the key man.
He can look back on the success of his first big campaign initially launched with his wife and brother in 2016: Heads Together.
‘We are delighted that Prince William should have become such a positive and sympathetic advocate for mental health through his Heads Together initiative and now well-established text service, Shout, among other projects,’ says the longtime CEO and founder of Sane, the remarkable Marjorie Wallace CBE.
‘It is not always known that he follows in the footsteps of his father, the King, whose inspiration and vision were vital in the creation of our mental health charity Sane.
As founding patron, he was instrumental in establishing our 365-days-a-year helpline and was a remarkable and selfless support to me in setting up the Prince of Wales International Centre for Sane Research.’
'Indeed,' says Wallace, 'this is where Prince William echoes the work of his father, showing the same ‘understanding and compassion for people struggling through dark and difficult times of their lives and has done much to raise awareness and encourage those affected to speak out and seek help.
We owe a huge debt to His Majesty and the Prince of Wales for their involvement in this still-neglected area.’
Just as I saw all those years ago at that early solo engagement in Whitechapel, William still approaches his public duties with humour and fun.
‘He defuses the formality with jocularity,’ says Valentine Low, citing two public events in 2023 that he witnessed.
In April last year, while on a visit to Birmingham, William randomly answered the phone in an Indian restaurant he was being shown around and took a table booking from a customer – an endearing act of spontaneity.
On his arrival later that day, the unsuspecting diner was surprised to be told exactly whom he had been talking to.
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In October, Low reported, William ‘unleashed his inner flirt as he hugged his way through a visit with Caribbean elders [in Cardiff] to mark Black History Month.
As he gave one woman a hug – for longer than she expected – he joked: “I draw the line at kissing.”
And while posing for a group photograph, he prompted gales of laughter when he quipped: “Who is pinching my bottom?”’
Low believes that when William eventually becomes king, he will be more ‘radical’ than his father but wonders if people will respond to ‘call me William’ when ‘the whole point of the Royal Family is mystique and being different.’
However, William has thought deeply about his current role and is prepared for whatever his future holds.
For now, there is a decision to be made on Prince George’s secondary schooling. It’s said that five public schools are being considered, all fee-paying.
Eton is single-sex and boarding but close to home. Marlborough (Catherine’s alma mater) is co-ed and full boarding. And Oundle, St Edward’s Oxford and Bradfield College (close to Kate’s parents) are co-ed with a mix of boarding and day.
As parents, William and Catherine aspire to raise their children ‘as good people with the idea of service and duty to others as very important’, William said in an interview with the BBC in 2016.
‘Within our family unit, we are a normal family.’ Which may be one reason why he is so resistant to their privacy being compromised either by the media or close family members.
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The 19th-century author Walter Bagehot wrote:
‘A family on the throne is an interesting idea also. It brings down the pride of sovereignty to the level of petty life… a princely marriage is the brilliant edition of a universal fact, and, as such, it rivets mankind.’
If hereditary monarchy is to survive, it must beguile us but also demonstrate its utility, that it is a force for good.
William said in that 2016 interview, ‘I’m going to get plenty of criticism over my lifetime,’ echoing Queen Elizabeth II’s famous Guildhall speech in 1992 ‘that criticism is good for people and institutions that are part of public life. No institution – city, monarchy, whatever – should expect to be free from the scrutiny of those who give it their loyalty and support, not to mention those who don’t.’
William saw close up his mother’s ability to bring public focus and her own personal magnetism to any subject or cause she focused on.
He admires his father’s work ethic, the way he ‘really digs down,’ sometimes literally (I understand that gardening is giving the King solace during his cancer treatment).
But the biggest influence for William was Her late Majesty, as he said on her 90th birthday.
As an Eton schoolboy, William made weekend visits to the big house on the hill, being mentored by Granny rather as she had been tutored in the Second World War by the then vice-provost of Eton, Sir Henry Marten.
William said in 2016:
‘In the Queen, I have an extraordinary example of somebody who’s done an enormous amount of good and she’s probably the best role model I could have.’
That said, his aim was ‘finding your own path but with very good examples and guidance around you to support you.'
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Queen Elizabeth II had a brilliant way of rising above the fray and usually being either a step ahead of public opinion or in tune with it.
If you are at the helm of affairs in a privileged hereditary position, your duty is to serve and use your pulpit for the benefit of others.
In a democracy, monarchy is accountable.
The scrutiny is intense, with an army of commentators paid for wisdom and hot air about each no-show, parsing each announcement, interpreting each image.
William takes the long view. He has ‘wide horizons,’ says Mick Clarke.
‘There are so many causes that are more palatable and easier to achieve than ending homelessness, but his commitment and drive are 100 per cent.’
The prince seeks a different way of being royal in an ancient institution that must move with the times. His task? To develop something modern in an ever-changing world.
He faces all sorts of new issues – or old issues in new guises.
Noises off from within the family don’t help – Andrew’s difficulties, or the suggestions of prejudice from Montecito a couple of years ago (now seemingly withdrawn), which prompted William’s most vehement soundbite: ‘We’re very much not a racist family.’
William is maybe a new kind of leader who can keep the monarchy relevant and resonant in the coming decades.
Queen Elizabeth II is a powerful exemplar and memory, but she was of her time. William is his own man.
He must overcome and think beyond ‘the unforgiving minute.’
Indeed, he could seek inspiration in Rudyard Kipling’s poem, If.
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch[…]
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
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This article was first published in the May 2024 issue, on sale Thursday, 28 March.
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houseofbrat · 2 months
Timeline of events, Part 2
[part 1]
01 MARCH 2024: Prince William ignores a “How’s Catherine?” question from someone at Wrexham during his St. David’s Day visit to Wales.
Thomas Kingston’s death revealed to be “catastrophic head injury” due to gunshot, i.e. suicide.
Victoria Murphy writes in Town & Countryabout the UK’s Editor’s Code of Practice prohibiting writing about the lack of information available to the public regarding The Princess of Wales’s condition.
02 MARCH 2024: Roya Nikkhah reports Queen Camilla’s annual March time-off as a sudden vacation instead of a regularly scheduled annual break she always takes at this time of year.
04 MARCH 2024: TMZ & Backgrid establish proof of life of The Princess of Wales and her mother.
UK media is pressured by Kensington Palace to *NOT* publish the photographs in the UK, even though everyone else in the world can see them online.
05 MARCH 2024: Richard Palmer notes that there is no legal reason why the pictures of Carole and Kate cannot be published due to them being on a public road.
The British Army is forced by Kensington Palace to amend their Trooping the Colour once the UK media started circulating stories about Kate’s appearance in June, which is two months after Easter.
Dominic Ponsford in the (UK) Press Gazette wrote about the media blackout regarding Carole & Kate’s driving pictures.
Kate’s uncle Gary Goldsmith briefly comments on the lack of Kate information on Celebrity Big Brother.
06 MARCH 2024: King Charles has a meeting with the Canadian PM and officially greets two ambassadors.
Kensington Palace “spokesman” to (US) People magazine: “His focus is on his work and not on social media,” a spokesman says.
Normal people on reddit notice this bullshit and comment on it.
Emily Andrews comments on the “invisible contract” between UK media and Kensington Palace, e.g. the "huge pressure" to not publish the photo of Kate & Carole.
London’s Air Ambulance Charity, whose gala benefit William attended on 07 February 2024, announced they did not receive enough government support.
08 MARCH 2024: King Charles photographed in a car on Windsor Castle grounds.
Prince William demonstrates proof of life when he visits The Oval in support of for-profit company, Notpla, and seaweed.
10 MARCH 2024: A Mother's Day photo is published and released to news agencies of Kate with George, Charlotte, and Louis.
Later that day, the Associated Press (AP), Agence-France Presse (AFP), Reuters, and Getty all "killed" the photo due to "manipulation."
11 MARCH 2024: Kate "apologized" for the photo manipulation on Twitter saying: "Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing. I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused. I hope everyone celebrating had a very happy Mother’s Day. C"
Kate is photographed next to William in a car leaving Windsor Castle.
Prince William attends The Commonwealth Day service with Queen Camilla and other members of the BRF while King Charles spoke to the service via pre-recorded video message.
International media goes wild with the revelation that Kensington Palace released a photo that was "manipulated" and rejected by major, international news outlets.
12 MARCH 2024: William attends the private funeral service for Thomas Kingston at the Chapel Royal, St James’s Palace.
14 MARCH 2024: William visits WEST Youth Zone in White City, London.
Meghan Markle launches a lifestyle brand, American Orchard Riviera," on Instagram.
AFP Global News Director, Phil Chetwynd, states that Kensington Palace is no longer a "trusted" news source.
William attends The Diana Legacy Awards in London in the evening.
Jessica Reed Kraus, aka HouseInHabit, publishes a "source" saying Kate had "surgery on her bowel," yet the "source" did not know that that kind of surgery could be classified as "abdominal."
17 MARCH 2024: Forbes publishes an article with the rumor that the BBC has been told to be on alert for an announcement from the Royal Family regarding Kate's health.
Roya Nikkhah for The Sunday Times published an article whereupon a "royal source" said, "I can see a world in which the princess might discuss her recovery out on engagements. If she was going to do it, that’s how she would do it.”
Matt Wilkinson of The Sun publishes an exclusive that Kate was seen "out and about" in Windsor.
18 MARCH 2024: Video of Will & Kate shopping at the Windsor Farm Shop circulates on TMZ and The Sun. Kensington Palace doesn't complain about it publicly.
Russell Myers of The Mirror publishes an "exclusive" report regarding Kate's "return to public life."
The royal.uk website has some minor changes regarding The Duke of York and The Duke & Duchess of Sussex.
19 MARCH 2024: William visits Sheffield, England, as part of his Homewards program.
Russell Myers of The Mirror publishes an "exclusive" regarding allegations of Kate's medical records being breached at The London Clinic.
Kate Mansey of The Times publishes an article about how William does not collaborate or work with his father.
20 MARCH 2024: The London Clinic responds to the allegations of Kate's medical records being breached after 29 January 2024.
Daily Mail's Ephraim Hardcastle: Kate was unable to attend the Irish Guards' St Patrick's Day parade... But put £2,000 behind the bar for them instead
Daily Mail's Rebecca English's EXCLUSIVE: What William really thinks about the Kate conspiracy theories. And why it's been so heartbreaking for him to see her reputation trashed in the same way as Diana's
Prince William visits the Welsh Guards at Combermere Barracks, Windsor, where the photos were taken by the Ministry of Defence/Welsh Guards.
21 MARCH 2024: Hannah Furness of The Telegraph publishes an article stating: "The Princess of Wales has been working from home on her early years project to improve the lives of babies, as she eases back into normal life after her abdominal surgery. Kensington Palace confirmed that she had been kept up to date with her campaign and the “overwhelmingly positive” results of a study she inspired."
Tatler magazine publishes a cover story on Prince William by Wesley Kerr. "The burden of leadership is falling upon Prince William - but as former BBC Royal Correspondent, Wesley Kerr OBE, explains in Tatler’s May cover story, the future king is taking charge."
Daily Mail: Kate Middleton has been working from home on her early years project considered her 'life's work' as she recovers from abdominal surgery - amid hopes she will return to public life by Easter
People magazine repeats the Kate paid the bar tab story.
Jackie Annett, The Mirror: "Kate Middleton spotted out in Windsor again - this time with George, Charlotte and Louis" “…[Kate] comes here quite a lot, it’s on her doorstep and Adelaide Cottage is a couple of 100 yrds away. They were at the tennis on Sunday-my friend plays there & Kate was watching the children, they’re there all the time”
22 MARCH 2024: Kate announces she is undergoing "preventative chemotherapy" for cancer.
Lambrook's Lent 2024 term ends. School on break until summer term starts on 17 April 2024.
24 MARCH 2024: People magazine: Kate "wrote every word herself,” a palace source confirms to PEOPLE of the Princess of Wales' video speech, which was released on Friday and filmed two days prior in the gardens of Windsor Castle. A family friend adds, “She wrote the words herself, delivered it personally and wanted to decide when the time was right to hit the world with this news.”
28 MARCH 2024: Valentine Low says it's not clear when William pulled out of Constantine's memorial service--some say day of, others say two weeks prior to the service.
31 MARCH 2024: King Charles & Queen Camilla attended the Easter Mattins service at St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.
01 APRIL 2024: Daily Mail: "Princess of Wales was FORCED to reveal her cancer diagnosis after news threatened to leak: Sources reveal Kensington Palace was contacted about Kate's illness and needed to get ahead of the story… so who revealed her secrets?"
02 APRIL 2024: Natasha Anderson & Emily Jane Davies's story about Kate being "FORCED to reveal her cancer diagnosis" is deleted from the Daily Mail website.
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sieglinde-freud · 4 months
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various things I love so much in the new Meet Some of the Heroes posts include:
Ephraim's boyfriend and sister teaming up to figure out what to get him for valentine's day. the wholesome vibes are immaculate
Vigarde loves his son so much and I am so so so glad we have non-possessed Vigarde coming. let Lyon see his dad he deserves it after everything he's been through
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@ponyoisms // Supernatural 4x18 - "The Monster at the End of This Book" // quote by Julian K. Jarboe // Pomegranate Jews, by Esther Rosen // "Closer to Fine" by the Indigo Girls // poem by Yehuda Amichai (taken from the "Mishkan T'filah for Travelers: A Reform Siddur") // "Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch" by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchet // "Cleopatra and Frankenstein" by Coco Mellors // "The Naval Treaty" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle // photo of La Piccola Gerusalemme, taken by my parents // "JEWISH LESBIANS" Gay Freedom Day Parade, San Francisco, California c. 1978 // "The Two Towers" directed by Peter Jackson // YEHUDIT, by Pinchas EL Segal // Mi Chamochah (taken from the "Mishkan T'filah for Travelers: A Reform Siddur") // Supernatural 8x16 - "Remember the Titans" // Supernatural 5x14 - "My Bloody Valentine" // Fantasy High 1x17 - "Prompocalypse Pt. 2" // "Seven Brief Lessons on Physics" by Carlo Rovelli // "K.-4-1976," by Peter Krasnow // "The Death of Adam: Essays on Modern Thought" by Marilynne Robinson // Pirkei Avot, quote by Rabbi Tarfon // Jacob Wrestling With The Angel, by Ephraim Moses Lilien // photo of Judaica from La Piccola Gerusalemme, taken by my parents // "The Fellowship of the Ring" by J.R.R. Tolkein // Supernatural 6x15 - "Live Free or Twihard" // Kneading Dough, by Katherine Hartel // Neverafter 1x17 - "The Last Wish" // Mirjam, by Ephraim Moses Lilien // "Rosh Hashanah Postcards." Hidden Treasures: Celebrating Jewish Archives in Britain
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rainbowdonkee · 4 months
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Full art for Valentine's Ephraim - Ardent Prince!
Artist: ayuko
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a-pale-azure-moon · 4 months
I'm sorry, but this Valentine's banner is creatively bankrupt. It's apparently impossible for a seasonal FE8 banner to not feature Ephraim, Eirika & Lyon, and then one or more of Myrrh, Tana or L'Arachel. I like all of these characters, but this is BORING. BORING BORING BORING.
(To quote a friend of mine describing what he assumed was IS's logic: "oh we gotta do Sacred Stones uhhhhh use the same four characters we always use and tag on Selena as a profitable Camus and then throw the F2P crowd someone no one gives a shit about.")
What about Gerick? Tethys? Marisa? Innes? Natasha? SETH?? Hell, it's been two years since Joshua got an alt, why not him? Or what about throwing a bone to Franz, Forde, Kyle or Garcia who aren't even in the game yet?
I'd celebrate a new alt for Vigarde, but he's the free unit....when his base form is a free unit!
Well, it's an easy skip for me at least. Good luck to those who are going to pull on it.
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emblemxeno · 3 months
I grinded up some orbs from chain challenge that I had saved cuz I wanted a Valentine's Ephraim, and halfway through my stock I got two of him in the same pool 🥰🥰🥰
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yvesdot · 1 year
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Friday, June 30th, 2023 @ 10:00 AM PST on Twitch
Please join me for a homotranssexual (+Constantine) battle royale, sponsored by OHHOW's monthly theme of Interactive Fiction and (consequently) everyone's favorite Hunger Games simulator. Root for your favorites! Boo the losers! We're having the top LGBT yves. characters fight for our amusement, because why pit two queens against each other when you could pit twenty-three? (+Constantine.) No prior yves. reading experience required.
Support the author: all posted writing | book | ko-fi | Patreon
Further info & stream spoilers below cut:
Final character list used for the stream:
Kay and Atlas (KAY RAINIER) Constantine (KAY RAINIER) and Bren (Sometimes it Happens) Ephraim and Elle (Sometimes it Happens) Eliza and Red (Forest Castles) Avner and Ahava (Forest Castles) Dana and Flor (Tell Me About the Nonbeliever) Mel and Jenny (Something's Not Right) The Father and The Daughter (Exhaustively) Vidalia and Brayden (Tragic Accident) Charlie and Scarlett (World Got Smaller) Rebecca (Something Weird I Heard About Rebecca) & Traveler Wife (The Traveler Wife) Beck & Annalise (Long Line) (NSFW)
All the unused characters I considered using:
KAY RAINIER: Constantine's fruity brother Ariel, mysterygf, Leah, Bode, Elizabeth
Sometimes it Happens: Lilith Giselle, Michael, Alyosha
Dressage protagonist, Tragic Accident protagonist, Thomasina and Katie from The Summer of Katie, Percique and Annet from A Fruit Platter of Unintended Consequences, Violet from codename: violet, Ocean, Mr. Tanner, and Tim from Practical Applications, Will from HOMECOMING, Starling and Westenra from IF YOU ARE MADE OF LIGHT., the women of Galactic April, đào and titania from as you were, Home Wife from The Traveler Wife, The Groom from Bride & Groom, Graecen and Rosauro from The Hands and the Mouth, the protagonist and Gale from Six Reasons I Have To Do This, Nishie and Juliana from the magic number.
(If I missed anyone, you should tell me!)
Round 1: Bloodbath
Ephraim Sokolov and Dana Singh fight for a bag. Dana Singh strangles Ephraim Sokolov with the straps and runs. Bren stabs Annalise in the back with a trident. Brayden shoots a poisonous blow dart into Jenny's neck, slowly killing her. Red kills Vidalia with her own weapon.
Round 2: Day
Constantine Rainier severely slices Avner Ivory with a sword. Beck silently snaps The Girl's neck. Red taints Scarlett's food, killing them. Ahava severely injures Atlas and leaves him to die.
Round 3: Night
Constantine Rainier falls into a frozen lake and drowns. Traveler Wife kills Flor while he is sleeping. Mel bashes Red's head in with a mace.
Round 4: Day
Mel poisons Brayden's drink. he drinks it and dies. Kay Rainier dies trying to escape the arena.
Round 5: Night
Ahava accidentally steps on a landmine.
Round 6: Day
Rebecca taints Mel's food, killing him. Traveler Wife forces The Golem to kill Beck or Bren. he decides to kill Bren.
Round 7: Night
The Golem severely injures Charlie, but puts Charlie out of Charlie’s misery. Rebecca overpowers Elle Valentin, killing them.
Round 8: Feast
No-one died
Round 9: Day
Rebecca kills Dana Singh with a sickle.
Round 10: Night
No-one died
Round 11: Day
Beck stabs Rebecca with a tree branch. Eliza Feldman begs for Traveler Wife to kill her. she reluctantly obliges, killing Eliza Feldman.
Round 12: Night
No-one died
Round 13: Day
The Golem attempts to climb a tree, but falls on Traveler Wife, killing them both.
MOST KILLS: Rebecca (3)
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braveryhearted · 25 days
Boyfriend / Husband Material
( some of these are subjective )
100 percent:
Tamaki Suoh Tenya Iida Johnathan Joestar Yuuki Sohma Death the Kid Gintoki Sakata ( lol but I have my reasons ) Shigeo / Mob Kageyama Izumi Miyamura Kaien Shiba Asta Zen Wisteria Noctis Lucis Caelum Clive Rosfield Alcryst Diamant Ephraim Akihiko Sanada Aogami Jude Mathis Alphen Law Ethan Winters Haseo ( lol ) Link ( Twilight Princess )
Needs work but can improve:
L Lawliet / Ryugazaki Kyon Kyoya Ootori Tamaki Amajiki Diego Brando ( I mean he canonically married someone lol ) Rei Ryugazaki Lau Ronald Knox Ling Yao Edward Elric Roy Mustang Hijikata Toshiro Reigen Arataka ( lol ) Ritsu Kageyama Zelgadiss Greywords Ren Tsugura Langa Hasegawa Tadashi Kikuchi Byakuya Kuchiki Barnaby Brooks Jr. Ryan Goldsmith / Golden Ryan Gray Fullbuster Jellal Fernandez Heiji Hattori Saguru Hakuba Vash ( Saverem ) Stampede Itachi Uchiha Abel Knightlord Ion Fortuna Kento Nanami Synchro Control Suzaku Kururugi Zidane Cidolfus Telamon Ferdinand von Aegir Gregory Phoenix Wright Simon Blackquill Toshiro Kasukabe Dante Sparda Nero de Angelo Rindo Kanade Hishima Sakazuki Leon Kennedy Ovan Astarion Ancunín Mike Schmitt
No chance in hell / Run:
Light Yagami Jotaro Kujo ( sorry Jotaro but yeah you are here ) Sebastian Michaelis Sougo Okita Kamui Takasugi Shinsuke Xelloss Reino Ainosuke Shindo / Adam Knives Millions Cain Knightlord Satoru Gojo ( lol ) Suguru Geto ( lol ) Lelouch vi Britannia / Zero Sephiroth Vincent Valentine ( lol ) Niles / Zero Griss Sho Minazuki Tohru Adachi Byakuya Togami V & Vergil Sparda Sho Minamimoto Karl Heisenburg Albert Wesker
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fehtism · 4 months
I love Alfred but can’t seem to get him to work well. Do you have any ideas to make him the best unit he can be? :)
hiii thanks for your ask
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here's what i would consider the ideal alfred build :3
i'd recommend pairing him with a good far save unit (i.e duo byleth, brave corrin, valentines myrrh) due to his low res stat
since arcane qiang is inheritable rather than prf it can be refined to increase a stat, i showed it here refined for increased mt but you can refine it to increase def if you would prefer.
no quarter is highly contested fodder which makes alfred the perfect candidate for it. as a rearmed unit he can duplicate no quarter and other units can inherit no quarter and arcane qiang at the same time. reminder than when you merge arcane units they regain the ability to be foddered again. no quarter is the only way for a cav unit to get damage reduction piercing without it being outsourced from either legendary alear or legendary camilla.
no quarter is currently only on winter dimitri however it will most definitely be released on other units at some point soon. winter dimitri will be rerun soon on one of the 7th anniversary special heroes banners so you can try to get him then. until you get no quarter he can run bonfire which is in his kit.
self improver is his prf skill which gives him a hefty visible atk and def increase with the drawback of -5 res (similar to solid ground)
flow desperation is an upgrade from the flow n trace he has in his kit. it has the same half null follow up effect but he loses the canto rem+1 effect. however, in return he gains the desperation effect (follow up occurs before foe can counter). with the extra special charges from arcane qiang alfred is able to trigger no quarter on his follow up before the foe can counter which will most likely kill them : )
flow desperation can be inherited from tea ayra who similar to winter dimitri should be rerunning soon on a 7th anniversary special heroes banner
alarm atk/def gives him extra stats as well as providing him with the canto 1 effect since he lost canto by replacing flow n trace with flow desperation. the condition is pretty easy to meet and if he starts the turn with 2 adjacent allies he gains a visible +6 atk/def buff and the canto 1 effect and if he starts the turn with 1 or 0 adjacent allies he will get the previous effect as well as an addition +3 atk/def in combat.
alarm atk/def is only available on summer ephraim who similarly to winter dimitri and tea ayra will be rerunning soon
if you cannot get alarm atk/def you can run a tier 4 smoke skill
hope this helps !
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casualstarowl · 1 year
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Love Letters in London Pt. 1: The City
Another book to create in class. Valentines themed and of course starring the twins, Jackie and Ephraim 💕 (also posted on my Insta)
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valorandheat · 1 year
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“Of course, if anyone wants some extra special company for Valentine’s Day tomorrow, I’m always available, and the way I hear it, Tiki’s in another one of her heat cycles, which should make for a very fun Valentine’s Day with her.”
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“S-Silence, witch...”
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“I’m certain my dearest ‘nephew’ and ‘niece’ would like someone to pass the time with, especially if you’re into submissive types.”
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“A-Aunt Aversa, w-would you stop trying to hook me up with women like this?”
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“Please, Momo, you know you like all the attention you get-...but hey! I am not always that submissive! Only some of the time...most of the time, but still!”
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“On the subject of submissives, I would be remiss to forget Nate as well, though if someone with dominance is more your style and you’re in the Pokemon world, Karen would be right up your alley.
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“...w-why do I get the weird feeling like I’m being watched...? And by Rosa of all people? Or is it someone else I’m familiar with...?”
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“Well, you know how alluring darkness can be, Aversa. I can’t say I would be against indulging those whose interests bring them to me, for the most part.”
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“I hear Ephraim is also the dominant sort, but do be careful. I also hear he’s rather...fierce.”
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“FIerce doesn’t even begin to cover how aggressive I can be.”
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“Who knows? Maybe if you press that heart thing over there and be specific about who you want and what you want from them, good things might just come to you for Valentine’s Day”
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atticusbriggs · 4 months
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Valentine's Day Scrapbook: Atticus & Ephraim
"Crying only because I'm happy Hold me across every state line" - "Western Nights", Ethel Cain @ephraimbriggs
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